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THE DAILY PENNY PRESS FRANCISCO- CAIDWEIX PB0PRIETQB8. 14 WesB;fc Fourthstreeti TDK PENNY PRESS il delivered to subscribers la Cincinnati, Covington end Newport, and nor ' rounding cities mid towns, at the ex tremely low prlco of 1 1 XME N'TS'A Wit K,r ! ; ( Payable to the carrier. ''"""' FBICI OT MAILING: ' ' '" Single Copies, l cti.; On, Month, 40 eta.: Three Months, II to; On Iu, 4 00, .. AMUSEMENTS.-! WOOD' S T II E ATE R. SeBNBI SIXTH 1MB TIKI-ITHItTa, loan A.. Kujlib, Ji.. Sols Lessee and Manager. Farewell Benefit of tho favorite Tragedian , MR. JAMES AHDBRSON. " DAMON AND PTTttlASi ,1 H 0,TiitTK)tor FRii:NDSip. Ilanmti Mr. Anderson Pythias .... ....Mr. Latigdon. IHnnysitte : Mr. Ilann. Phlltotlus Mr. Head. Damocles r.....i..i..f j...,. M r, Fisher. lanthc - ....Lr..,.Blr. Ellaler. llcrmion - Miss Waito. Senorita Maria m two graceful dances. .. To conclude with Shsgapeare'sconnHlyofa, ' CATHERINE AND FGTUUOUIO. Petruchio Mr. Anderion. (Jriiinio ; Mr. Kllsler. t'athtirlue Mrs. Kllsler. SHTTlie new scenic drama will abort); be produced. MTDoors open at '4; Curtain rises at o'clock, Prioss or AnMtnsioN Dress Circle and Farquette. SOceuts; Gallery, 2oanta. - tttTNo free list. . QINCINNATI TROTTING PARK, GREAT -TROTTING RACE.. Flora JwiIe,Piac wand Ike Cook. PEOPRIETOR'S PURSE $1,000. : AlU.E DEATH, BUST 3 IN 5 TO HAH- REUS, to come off oo I EIDAT, October 7, law, at three o'clock V. il. Jim. L, Koff enters b. m. Princess, ofOallfnrnla. .Us. McMahon . b. ui.FlorsuTesBple.of New Verk. Mr. ,i '" Ug. Ike Cook, of Chicago. .' ' (are will leave the Hamilton and Dayton lTatlrnari Depot for the Couth at half paat two o'clock. sctt-lt -.1. h. HTEFJtHNS, Frsprletor. CINCINNATI . TROTTING PARK. The following piiraoa will be Klrou for Trottlra Borase, to eomeotroTertheafove ileuraa rommencliigTUKHIIy, Oc- ioirori0V; . . . . First Dnf-Tucednr, October 18. Purse (rO-mile heals, beat three In five, to liar, aeaa. Fri-o forall trotting liors. . . ... Second Oar Wednesday, October 19.7 Purse S2fi0-mlle heats, beat three in Ate, to har ness. For horaes that serer trotted for money ever a imblle race-couino. . ,. Third Day-Thursday, Oeteber 90. Futae SaM) mile heati, beat three la Ave, to har neaa. For horses that uorer trotted In 2:50 in publio, Foai'th Day-Friday, October 31. . Purse J-MXI-two-mlle beats, to barnosi. Fra for all trotting; honea "Flora Teuipla" and "Prlaoeia" . are azoepttd for these purees. for the ahOTS purses there must three entrira and two to start. Entrance 10 per cent. V r the Urat ace entry aiuat ha made on or before Saturday, Oc tober Ifl, at U o'clock M. For the other purses, the entrloato be made on or before the day previous to each rsce, at 13o clock M. Entries t be made at 71 West Third-street, Cincin nati, O. . The prdmletcr flatten, htnaelf tbav Clnoln'nati Trotting Park Is aa fast and good a Course as anjr in the Union, and will do ttll In hli power to aoeommo late all persons bringing horse to his Course, (jood, omfortiibu stablea will be at theservlce of turfmen, free of chnrge, and they are Invited to come early and do their training over the Course, whloh will be kepi at all timee in good condition. Liberal purses will be given for trotting and pac ing horsee during the aeason. ocatt T. Ii. STEPHENS. Proprietor. Great Western museum-North-east corner of Hyoamore and Third atreeUi. ABUAM PALMKR.Proprietor.rospectfully announce that he boa engaged Big. DUVALL.I to exbibit bis Learned Canary Birds in the Ladles' Ho-eeptlon-room of the Museum, commencing on MON DAY MO KNING, at 9 o'clock, and continuing until o'clock in the evening. The wonderful porform xnoea of theao birds bare been witnessed by thou sands, In England, Canada and the United States, with admiration. Admission to tha Museum and Bird performance, 23e.; Children 10o. ocSaw JJ At ACE GARDEN A VARIETIES. MONDAY, SEPTEMBER " EXTRA ATTRACTION! : i -" 'i il :.i;U.MOKB KOfKVtmH NEW FEATURES t : ! t . SO TAL.BNTBD FBaFOAMERS. Captain Menter's Cornet Sand, MUSICAL TABLEAUX. rUBATIC BOKLBSQTJH, TIMB CH ANOID. ;.' . ' .1 Preateaads Cencsrta, frost 7 until I o'aleck, is the ardea. ' Tarlety anterlainueat, ton I until II e'llock, In the feucert Saloon. . :'t AdmUdon Ten Cents, ' ' THE OYSTER TRADE. FRESn OYSTERS. OAVAGNA'S Oyster Importing House. NO. I WEST FIFTH-STREKT. rpHB SUBSCRIBER IS HOW EECEIV- - IKS daily, per Express, his splendid Oysters. Having completed arrangements in Baltimore, on the moat extensive soale, I will stall times dnrlng Ihesesson be prepared to furnish my friends, "and the rest of mankind," with the most DELICIOUS BIVALVES imported to the Queen City. None but the very best Imported. Great inducements offered Rl this Importlng-house. rder loliclted and promptly filled. Terms cash. PBTKR CAVAUNA, , aepldt . Bole Importer and Proprietor. ' XAtll in .. i. . &(7) FRESH CAN SfiOYSTEJIS. iti T!i rnirp. . . ?1S ' y jvw K mj ' upicea uysteri. FIl'KtED OT8TERS rpHE 'SUBSCEIBEa 18 NOW EECEIV--R.INO DAILY, by tha Adams Express, MALT BY 5. world-renowned Baltimore Fresh Can, Keg and Shell Oysters. I i - ALSO EOBEUT 0SRr Agent. , wpr-tr 'i ;;:. i Depot, 11 West Fifth-street. OYSTERS! FRESH OYSTERS ..jr B3S VTalnat-atreet, CTBOINNATT. T HAVE COMMENCED FOR THB SEA u i j wviuutAiAi w aj v & x xi Am DA A . MOX thai mI f J II V iVR A l1A ,w liven vjmwm. Tlrk.l-..i. J A It a A u ' n r J. B. Mann A ( Ofatra oookod im a opjrUr ityl at our uiuaI nrd WAR I WAR 1 l-WB ARB RE0EIVINO daily, by Lightning Bxpreaa,s f through la 19 hours, William T. Smith A Co?s celebrated Planted Oysters. 2jLV which we are selling at unprecedented li 'sV low prices, by Case or Cans. Dealers and families wanting a very large Oyster and fresh from the water, win geis l tueir oraers. JOHN NAIRN. Agent, sepM-ea Ke.WeJliU.strset, tTlnsfaasfl, 4 i',3 rt L; TOL. 2., NO. 41. w 4w i n .aim , ' .!i,iii. : , l LV''': .( ft 1 A V4A4 .Xlia i ft J $ i 1 rBMwM.;, ts 'is ii ii-'Sis I' .1. ii r .i . , i ira. ' --I' CINCINNATI, FRIDAY MOBNING, OCTOBER , 7, 1859. ! Jl ' I ... . 1.71.'-. "l! fl yansa ' ' 'I i ' '' :f - ' PRICE ONE CENT. Rates of Domestic Postage. .fitTTF.aa-For each half ounce, under ,000 niiies, re-Baidt 3 cents: overs,) miljs, pre-paid, III cents. All lettera must be pre-paid bvsiantps, or Inclosed in stamped envelopes, or they will not be forwarded, Transismt MKwjiPAnsM, PaaiostrAisv CiacCMinv Ac, to any purl of the United tjtates, not weighing over 3 ounces, 1 ovaf, and 1 cent for each additional ounce; pr-avniunt required. , i Books, pre-said, not weighing over 4 pounds, 1 cent per ounce, for any distance In the United States nn. der .1,0110 miles, and i cents per ounce over .1,000 miles, pre-paymeut required. All fractious over the ounce So be counted a an additional ounce. . NcwsPAPKBs sjtn PMioiiitlu, not exceeding i.H ounces In weight, when paid quarterly In advance, and circulated in the State where published-rilally.. per quarter BH.elx times perwork 'HJs; tri-weeklr OH; .eml-weekly,X; weekly,.1Mi semi-monthly, 1H; monthly, Ji. Newaptipirs and periodicals whon weighing I ii oitnoei, double tho above rates. , Small Nkwspapkbm, published monthly or oftener, and pamphlots not containing morn than IK ociavo pagos, in paokanjes. of ej ounces or over, X pant pes otiure. C , . ' i - i I 1 1 II Wkxklt Np.wmpapers, within the county where publialied. Free. .... r Quarterly payments, In advance, may be made either whero published or received. Rates of Domestic Postage. Law of Newspapers. FmrRiiriscribbrs who dtrnot give express notice to the contrary, are considered as wishing to con tinne their subscriptions to the paper. Second. If subscribers order the dlfcontlnuance or their periodicals, the publisher may continue to send them until arrearages are paid. TuiRn.-IfsulMcrlberH neglect or rfiuie to take their periodicals from the oRke to which tbeyararilreoted, they are bold responsible till they have settled tho bill and ordered them discontinued. Fourth. -If subscribers removs to other places Without informing the publishers, and thepapnrsare aent to the former direction, they are held roepon eible. . Fifths-Tub Courts have decided that refining to take periodicals front the office, er removing and leaving them uncalled for, la prima rAciEovldenceof lutootlonal fraud. Arrivals of Trains. iNDiAWAPiats A CrscisNATi-e:40 A. n.; 8:M . .; :39 p.m.. , Oinoibrati, Hamilton and Dattok 7:8a. h.; 10:47 A. it.; S:W p.m.; 10:10 p. n. Littlb Miahi-7:30 A. M.i lB r. .; 7:18 P. at.; 10:45 p.m. Mabibtta and OnraiUNATi IOiSO a. m.; fclft p. m. - Ohio An Mississippi 7:16 A. x.t 2:0O p.m.i lot r, a OOVINOTOM AKO LSXIKOTON 10:20 A. M.i 7:04 t, H. Departures of Trains. iRDlAlfArOMS ASD CmciNBATI J;50 A. U. 12:00 H.S 6:0OP. M. CrsoiNHATr, TTAMttfov ivxi TiAVron Indianapolis and Cleveland, :i)o a.m.; Sandusky Mail, i:W a. M.i Sandusky, 4:30 r. at.: Accommodation, 6:00 i. x. IitTTi.a Miami Cleveland and Plttsbug, 6:00 A. M.i Cleveland, PittHburg and Bellair,8:30A. Colum bus AcconiuiodatioD,4:40 r. M.i Cleveland, Pitts bnrg and Bellair, ll;30 P. M Ohio and Mississippi St. Lords. 9:00 A. M.i Lonls ville, 8:00 P. M.i St. Louis, 8:30 P.M. ' PlTTSBUBO, COLtTMSCB AND OhNCINNATI (StenDOUVille - Short Line) East Front-street Depot 4:00 A.M.; 8:00 A. M.i 11:30 P. vf. Olbveland, Columbus and Cincinnati East Front streot :00a. m.-,8,.Wa. M.; 11:30 p. h. Cincinnati and Marietta :1B a. m.;8:30f. m. Central Ohio From East Front-street Depot 8:10 A. M,i 11:30 P.M. OovmoToa and IiXXiNovron-e:3S a. m.i 2:80 r. M, NEWS AND GOSSIP. aTTho Faoiflo. annual oonforenoe wag to oommense In San Francisco on the 28th of September, Bishop Pierce to preside. LTlba Irish citizen) of Sacramento, Cali fornia, propose presenting a iword to Marshal Neil, of the French army. JEnT-Hon. Samuel A. Smith, of Tennessee, baa acoeptei the appointment of Commissioner of the General Land-office, recently tendered, him by the President. pSrt papers of Prussia complain that great numbers of young men leave that country clandestinely for the United States to avoid military serrioe. Advices from St. Martin's of September 15 state that very heavy raini had taken place there, destroying 300,000 bushels of salt at the Great Bend. - SSJTOn the 15th of August the corner-stone of the First Wesleyan Methodist Churoh was laid atViotorla, in British Columbia, by Gov ernor Douglass. f2Brk statement was made at a late Con vention of the Congregatiojl obrgymen of New Hampshire, that "not one pastor In the w noie convention useu looaooo. "Mr. P. Rnhhina. latnlv ominonta1 wtft. the Joflerson Savings Institution, has been appointed teller in the Northern Bank of Kentucky. Thn firorwl Trnnlr l!,illmj f rn.1- - vl-i- VA VUUtHItt is discarding all wooden bridges and substi tuting iron ones of the most durable char acter. gyTbe Cambridge City Bulletin says that the Whitowater Canal is now in ex cellent boating condition, and tho boatti run ning are receiving a good supply of freight. rMr. George Vandenhoff has a volume In press, entitled "Leaves from an A o tor's Note-Book, with Rominisoences and Chit-Chat of the Green-Room and the Stage in England and America." 9The Rev. Or. Cutnmings, of London, whose varied writings are well-known in this country, has written a work, which is to be published immediately, entitled The Great Tribulation Comity on the Earth. ffiSFIhv New Haven Regutcr relates that an actor at one of the theaters was called oat four timesln one evening, not long ago twice by a sheriff, once by a tailor, and once by an irro sistible desire to imbibe. : : 2The inhabitants of Paris havo recently presented the Empress Eugenie two superb vases of gold,weighiDg one hundred and eighty ounces. Tbey contain flowers of gold, each emitting an odor similar to the natural one of the flower which its form represents. "There's two ways of doine it," said rat to himself, as he stood musing and wait ing for a job on the State-street corner. "If I save me 54,000, 1 must lay up $200 a year fur , twenty years, or I can put away $20 a year for two hundred years. Now which way will I do?". iEstimallng the present population of Cin oinbatt at two hundred and thirty thousand; tbo annual increase at ton per cent., in ten years the population will be lire hundred and ninety-six thousand, five hundred and fifty nine. During the last ten years, the ratio of Inarease was elevon per cent. 'jrThe Austrian expedition around the globe, at the bead of which was Dr. Scherier, is at longth completed. The Hovara, with all the) aolentiflo collections on board, has safely arrived at Trieste, and the Austrian Govern ment will soon publish the results of this im portant olroamnavigation. Several savang took part in the expedition. -,; jfSS-Tbe trade carried on between the Terri tory of New Mexico, and the Northern States of the Mexican Republic, and the United States, through Kansas, is now very large, amounting to nearly ten millions annually and Is yearly increasing. Formerly that trade was exclusively confined to Indepen dence, Missouri. j-Mr. Calvin Adams, of Pittsburg, Penn.. hoe recently discovered that an important electrical change takes place when molten iron solidifies in cooling, By insulating the molds, and the man pouring in the liquid metal, the castings from common iron came out as white as silver and aa hard as steel. This is another evidence of tho universality of this subtle force, and though . it is not as yot applied to any practical purpose, suoh Sbenomena can not fail eventually to pro uce useful effects, A Strange Romance—A Father Finds His Daughter after a Search of Twenty-five Years. t . . Years ago, a young man, Mr. T., resident of this town, went to Albany to s &om,b friends, nd while there made the 'aequafntance of a jonog lady, a dress-maker in the . family he was visiting. During his stay In tuatclty he won the affections of the dress-maker, and under the promise of marriage accomplished her rntn; Mr. .T. Jaft for bis home after assur ing the young lady that he would return and fulfill his engagement; bat, alas, his promise" was not ful fJllod- thoy never met again. After months of anxiety; and telf-upbraidings, Mr. 1. returned to Albany to see the objeet of his affections and marry her; he loved her, though if bad so cruelly deceived her. The dress maker had left the city, and no traces of her could b found. " Her ascertained, however, that she had given birth to a daughter, and, after waiting months for bis return, had left the city of her shame. After a fruitless effort in An1 In- ..J !.! -MM k- -. , . . 1 i. i hdate. Many long years have intervened; the young man nas become a wealthy farmer and Is surrounded by a happy and interesting family. He has been blessed with everything to make him happy, but the reeolleetioa of that wronged one has embittered his existence and made life most miserable, and year after year he hu been untiring in his efforts to dis cover her or the offspring of their unhallowed love. ; . . . t Tho mother, after leaving Albany, married, in one of tha river cenntlos, a mechanic The daughter remained with her mothor until she had reached the age of fifteen, when, in con sequence of the Ill-treatment of her step father, she left her home and obtained a situ ation as a servant in the family of Mr. B., of Troy that gentleman having formerly been a resident of this village. Soon after, the young girl's mother died, and having no relatives to whom she oould look for sympathy or aid, the was persuaded to come to this villsge and reside in . the family of Mr. B.'s father. She accordingly arrived here about nine . years since, and five years ago was married to a young mun, a mason by trade. Last winter tho lady's husband was employed to do some work for Mr. T. After the work was com pleted, .Mr. T. visited the mason's house several times for tho purpose of carrying produoe In payment of his labor. . Mr. T. was impressed with the appearance of the young man's wife, and on inquiry asaertalned where she was from, what her. mother's name was before she was married, Ac, (the daughter had been christened the name of her step father,) and, altera most thorough Investiga tion, he became convinced that she was bis long loitdavgkttr I T.'s wife bad never known of his orlmiual love, and he dared notreyeal It to her. For several months he wrapt the secret in his own breast, till at last paternal affection would no longer allow him to remain silent, and he made himself known to his daughter, told his wife all, who wisely forgave him, and consented to, reoeive her as ono of the family. The daughter is happy in the possession of a father's; love, and will be joint heir of his property. Truly, . v, . ;. ,;, : "Truth Is strangor than notion (" j , . , : Was it stance that directed his daughter's footsteps Into the house of Mr. B., afterward brought her to this place, and finally restored her to a father's love, or was it that "Divinity which shapes our ends, rough how them . aswamayt" Homer (Cortland County, N. Y.,) Republican. 1 tf&Vo have already announced the death of the distinguished engineer, Isamy bard Kingdom Brunei. His fathor, Mark Isambard Brunei, came from the vicinity of Rouen, And his architecural achievements exist both in his native country and the United States. In 1793 helled for political reason) from France to New York, where he undertook the exploration and surrey of some lands for a French land company, and in 1794 commenced the surrev of the Cham- plain Canal. He sent in a design for the nouses of Congress, and was much employed as an engineer and Architect in Now York, both by the State and by private individuals. After a stay of a few years he returned to Europe, and visited England. , In London, the famous Thames Tunnel remains an en during monument of his engineering skill. The son appears to have inherited the genius of his parent. Born at Portsmouth, Eng land, and educated at Caen, in Normandy, he early embraced his father's profession, and when but little over twenty years of age, was resident engineer of the Thames Tunnel. Here he had several narrow escapes from drowning, from the breaking in of the water. After . the tunnel was - finished, "Brunei planned the Great Western Railway of Eng land, and superintended- its construction. He also built the Great Western steamer, which at one time created such a sensation, though in every respect it was as far sur passed by subsequently built steamers, as they are by the builder's last work the Grca Eaitern. Later, Mr. Brunei conducted the works of tho Tuscan portion of the Sar dinian railways, and other foreign railways, and during tho Crimean war he nad the en tire charge of the establishment and organ izing tho Renkioi hospitals on the Dar danelles. He was, at the time of his death, Vico-Presidentof the Institution of Engineers and of tho Society of Art, fellow and mem ber of the Council of the Uoyal Society, and member of many other learned ' societies. He also received tho Cross of the Legion of Honor from Louis Philippe THE CALORIC ENGINE IN PRINTING.-- Northampton (Mass.) G untie thus records the triumphs of its new caloric engine: It goes "like a clock." Puffing and blow ing, it tugs away at its work like a boy at his stant. Hundreds of people have been to soo it. "What makes it go?" asks one. "Where is the watorf" asks another. "What the deuce won't tho'y get up next?" And on it go! "WhRt's that blowing off?" That is tho escape of hot air. AVhou mora heat is gonoratcd than is needed to drive tha press, it is pnsscd oir through tho escape pipe. 1 No water ia used. A lire is built in the little furnace and the wheol set in motion, and away it goes. It needs no attention any fur ther than to keop the Are burniri2. Anybov can manage it. And besides driving the press, it gives an trio neat necessary to warm the room in the coldest weather. It oan con sume but little fuel, and therefore can not cost much to run it. It is the cheapest power in the world. , When first set up, the draft was not good, and it lauea to snow its power, but that difficult has been oTorcoine,'and now it "goes like a top."t Three cheers for wv vctiunu piiuwii , I. 0, 0. F. The Grand Lodge of the United States, at its recent annual session in Balti more, eonaisted of. one hundred and eight officers and member). It is probably the best legislative body in the world, as all of its mem' bers'must necessarily have presided over sub ordinate lodges, and a large proportion having been the presiding officers of State Grand Lodges. . The material of the late Grand Ledge was as follows:. Meohanios and manu facturers, 20: lawyers, 17: merchants, IS; officers of private corporations, 14; publio officials, 0; physloians, druggists and dentist), 7; private bankers and olerks, 7; farmer) and planters, 4; editors, s; oiergymen, a; no occu pation. 1. Among; the above were Judges Postmasters. Railroad and Bank Presidents, Generals, and so on, and what is odd, not single publio or private defaulter. Editing a Newspaper. In the""6rawer" of that excellent porlodioal, the Soulier Tpacher, yiy. ,the Coiuinbs('a:) Sun, we find the following, ia which Is oonoen trated volnme of truth ; j .,: Editing a newspaper 1, a good deal like making a fire. Everybody supposes that he oan do it A little belter than anybody else. We have heard people doubt their fitness forvarlous employments; but In all our experience, we have never met with that individual who did not think be could double the circulation of any paper in two months. We might add that there are as many and various opinio) concerning the' duties and qualifications of the editor, as there are men themselves, and perhaps no one error is more prevalent than that with regard to original and selected matter, i Some imagine that the oolumns of a newspaper should be filled with article's of the editor's own originating; while few, a very few, concur -in opinion- that that paper is best oonductod which oonstitutos a faithful reflection or panorama of the world as it is each day. Ia either caee, the oolumns of a paper may reflect the views of the editor, upon "matters and things" as they oocur. - The experience of that Nestor of the Press, the National Intelligencer, as well as others that have bad a successful oareor, Is decidedly in favor of the latter of the above methods. The secret which all aoknowlsdge, but few practice, is not knowing what to write, but in what not to write. While many papers have proved failure) becaubo of what has filled their col umns, others have suoceedod on account of what bos been excluded. The secret of succoss then lies more in judicious selections; in for rstting out news; in discovering what is rich and valuable in tbe thoughts of others than in distilled dullness of original articles, from the pen of mere political essayists who preside over the fortunes of a daily, or that lejs freqnent hebdomadal, a weekly,. , Of. oourae these views mast be modified according to tbe purpose for whloh a paper mey be established, or the prin ciples to whioh it may be dovotcd, in which case it is better even then to exhibit by a happy seleotion the oonourrent and corroborating opinions of others to fortify a position than to rely principally upon the power and force of a single pen.'" : Liko any other profession, we' oonfess, it is easier by far to theorise upon the duties of the editor, than to carry the conclusions of theory into effect. ' Steam from Antwerp to Baltimore and Charleston. A Brussels correspondent of the New York Herald, Bay):,,,.., ,. ; I think I may now reporr, with certainty, that the basis for the line of steamers between Antwerp and tbe South is fully deoided upon this side. . The steamer) will depart once a week from Antwerp, with alternate arrivals at Baltimore (or the Chesepeake) and Charleston, South Carolina. Tbe line Is mostly intonded for carrying freight. Falmouth, in England, may be made a port of call going and coming. There are some negotiations now going on to that effect. The great railroad companies hav ing a direct interest in this steam service are: tbe London and South-western, England; the Cologne and Antwerp, Belgium; the great Luembourg, Belgium; the Baltimore and Ohio, America, and ths Charleston and Memphis, and Charleston and Tennessee Railroads, America, rne Virginia railroad interest, con centrating at Norfolk, would, of course, be come (like Falmouth, in England,) a port of call. It is believed on this side that in less than two years this service will justify semi weekly departures from Antwerp direct for America, touching at Falmouth, England. A Smii for a Bbdvellow, About two weeks ago Mr. John Elder, of this town, had an under-sack for a bed, filled with straw, at "Keninore," by a negro man. It was brought home and placed under a feather-bed which was slept on by a daughter of Mr. E's. The young lady complained on a number of occa sions of having ner slumbers disturbed by dis tinct thumps from' underneath, but examina tions revealed nothing. On Thursday morning- while Miss E. was sitting down stairs, facing the steps wbioh led up to her room, she was startled by a curious noise, and looking up discovered a moccasin snake descending, blow ing and hissing in a style peouliar to the rep tile. An examination oi ine premises was made at once, when a small hole was discovered in the under-saoking, and on ripping the bed open, the full longth of a snake was found at the hole, whioh his snakeshlp bad shed before Fredericksbury (Va.) Herald. Ravages op the Bears in Wisconsin. Our Wisconsin exchanges continues, to be filled with startling aooonnts of the ravages of the bears. Tbe whole State appears to be swarm ing with these - ferooious animals, and the inhabitants are becoming alarmed for their safety.. The bears no longer confine their visits to iarmor's pig-pens, but boldly ap proach their dwellings and apply for admit tance at kitonen-aoors and bed-room windows. Publio bear-hunts are got up in various parts of the State, for the purpose of driving away the varmints and protecting ths inhabitants. The Manitouwoc trbime thinks the theory that 'they have been driven from the North. by scarcity of food, into the settlements, is a piausiDie one. "liong continued drought and extonsive fires have prevented the usnal sunnlv . L J Tl ! t . 1 . . . . ..V 01 must, auu .Drum uvea not urjjeoi w a uisn 01 porn, a nip of veal, a rasher or bacon, or evon a fat baby, when acorns are source." RuHiBKAni.K Risccr. On Friday morning, as the freight train on the Camden and Atlan tic Railroad, bound east, was approaching Hammonton, N. .T., an object was seen on the track ahead, wbioh was soon ascertained to bo a child. Tho brakes were instantly Rpplied and the engine reversed, but the great mo mentum of fourteen burthen cars it ww soon evident would carry the train far beyond the point where tbe little innocent had fallen across the track, when the fireman, Edward Mackey, a Ind of eighteen yoars, ran oat upon the cow-catoher and lifting the child from the very jaws of death soon placed it in safety, amid the cheers of the spectators of his gallant conduot. Tho child belonged to a Mr. Robin son, a resident of Hammonton, and had rambled upon the railroad track without the knowledge Philadelphia Ledger. ' Elicteioitt ik Cats. The extraordinary eleotrioal character of the cat is well-known. On a cold, bright day, if a oat be stroked, the eleotrioal spark) issue therefrom, acoomanied by a slight eraokling. It appear), too, that the animal may be so surcharged with eleotrioity, that it will give a severe shook to the beholder, Ia order to obtain this result, the cat should be placed on the knees and one band applied to the breast while the other is employed in stroking its fur. Crackling and sparkles soon make their appearanoe,-and, in a short time, the party continues to stroke the animal, he will reoeive a shary eleotrioal shock that may be felt above the wrists. The eat seems to gaffer as muoh as tha experimenter, for on giv ing forth the shock, she springs to the ground in terror, and seldom will permit a repetition of the same proees). Mabriaoi Nonces. The Cleveland lUrahl publishes the names of bridesmaids and grooms men as well as the "happy couple." It says: "We see no impropriety in our so doing, and assuredly next to the fact that a friend has been married come the questions, 'Who stood np with them? Who gave the bride away?' LATEST BY TELEGRAPH REPORTED FOR THE PENNY PRESS. Noon Dispatches. Washington Correspondence. NEW YORK, October 8. The Tiw' Washington correspondent says: '' ."Lord Lyoni' the British plenipotentiary, bad a protracted interviow with Soorelary Cass, to-day, in r'dgafd to the departure oi the Nicaragua expedition; he announced the determination of bis government to protect Nicaragua by forte against invasion. The right and propriety of this course is recog nized by the government of the United States, and, therefore, a telegraphic dispatch was at once oxpedited to the commander ol the British squadron directing him to land such force aa may be required for the expul sion of tho iillibustors should tbey succeed in eilecllng a landing. From Washington. WASHINGTON, October 6. The President has recognized Henry A. Fierce as Consul for tho Kingdom of Hawaiin Islands for Boston, New Bedford, Ports mouth nnd Portland, to reside at Boston. While it is aulhoratively stated that it may be that the Minister of War did sot out for Pekin, and is, thoro now, after having ex changed ratifications of the treaty, but no official advices to that effect have been re ceived at the State Department. " It may bo mentioned that Capt. Talnall, In a letter dated the 4th of July, says that by invitation of tho Governor of theProvinco, Mr. "Ward had designated tho 8th of that month for a conference with him. . , , From New York. NEW YORK, October 6. Only iwo of tbe three steamers advertised to suil for California yesterday left this port the Baltie and Northern Liyht Mr. D. H. Johnson, the contractor to carry the Cal ifornia mails by the Nicaragua routo, having notified the Postmaster-General that owing to circumstances bo could not fulfill his contract The provisional contract for nine months to carry mails m'u Panama, was completed with Mr. Vanderbilt, end all tho mails went by the JVorrViern Light. ... Failure of an Ohio Bank. STEUBENVILLE, O., October 6. The Citizens' Bank, of this city, of which Daniel Moody, an old and well-known finan cier, is Cashier, has closed its doors. It is supposed that the bank, which' is hut two or three years old, has sunk its capital; but as it issues no notes, the loss will not be large to tho community. Some persons here believe its indebtedness will be fully mot by the stockholders. The Fillibusters. NEW ORLEANS, October 5. Tho Iillibustors' did not leave Berwick's Bay, but went down the rivo? in the tow-boat itaiiAer without a sufficient supply of provi sions, and were unable to await better ac commodations. The men have since landed at South "West Pass. CoOleotor Hatch still refuses a clearance to the steamship Philadel phia. Mr. Hatch's great precaution has douulIW imsiraiea tne cxjieumon. J ... -L-L i-SP- i i&fi-The ' Boston Herald .gives an hecount of tho death of Henry Black, of Newport, Penn., who undertook to sever the had of hen, aiid was attacked by a rooster, which spurred him on tho hand into an artery. Aoout two weeaa niter mo auoiuent oe was attacked with intense pain, a sen sfttion of the heart, aid his sufferings lcame insupportable. At mis date a rema."kablo occurrence took place. Ho drew his entire, frame together, as though to gain strength for an act, and his voice broke forth liko the crowing of a rooster. This was repeated froni time to tiino, and such Was tho similarity of voices, that the outside listeners asaerted thoir belief that it wat a rooster. After four days of indescribable sufferine he died, and crowed no more. , Kus OvER.-Yeatorday morning the down train en tiie D. M. Road, when going at a round rate of spt'ed this side ol lroy, ran over a eouple of horses,. The animals were on a narrow strip of ground between tbe track and a fence, and as the locomotive approached thorn they ran into tbe corner whore the fence joined to a cattle guard, and attempted to cross over the track. The locomotive struck them, knooking ono of them np into the air about ton feet, and : tbe wheels passing over the neok of the other, and nearly severing it from the body. No damage was dons to the train, except that the horse which was "'seat up" whirled around and fell between the. first and seoond oars, tearing off the step) on one side of tho rear car. Both Dayton Empire. WriT av Dr.erEnitST Wonna. The follnoin- is set down as the relative heating valuos of different kindii of Amerioan wood: Shellbark hickory being taken as the highest standard, 100. : - n-. . 1.1.1m OS- 1U- 1- 04. I. I . AUU, .-ui.v uiuaviji vv, .uin una, Olj WUlie ash, 77; dog wood, 7 j; scrub oak, 73; white hasel, 72; apple tree, 70; red oak, 69; white boeoh, 65; black walnut, 66; black birch, b3; yellow oak, 60; hard maple, 59; white elm, $8; rod oedar, 60; wild eherry, 55; yellow pine, 44; ohestnut, 62; yellow poplar, 62; butternut, 82; whito birob, 40; white pine, 42. STA colony of Dam-s have m axle arrange ments to settle iu Butler County, Missouri, next spring. Thoy have, through an agent, purchased large tracts of swamp lauds that county, and have sent out twenty active young men, who are now engaged in clear ing nnd fencing the ground preparatory to full crop next year, when about one hun dred families will move in. A colony quakers has, we learn, made purchases near Leavenworth, Kansas. SeT-The Berlin Volktteitung denies the statement made by many German and Eng lish newspapers ot the library of Alexander Von Humboldt having been sold to Lord Bloomfielrl on account of the trustees of the British Museum. Tho paper adds that sev eral gentlemen are still busy making a cata logue of tho library, which will not be fin ished before the end of December, the books turning out to be muoh more numerous than was at first believed. ar-A sanguinary and fatal duel was re cently fought in the new diggings on the Colorado, betweon E. Warren, of Indiana, and G. "W. Harrison, of Virginia. Both were can didates for Justice of the Peace, And Harrison was eleoted, from which arose the difficulty. They fought with Colt's navy revolvers, fifteen paces. At the seoond fire Warren was killed, tbe ball penetrating hi) heart. . . : i jA gentleman traveling on horseback out West, came upon an Irishman who was fencing in a most barren and desolate piece' of land. "What are you fencing in thatland for, Pal?" said he, "a herd of cows would starve to death on that land." "And sure, your honor, wasn't 1 fencing it in to kape the poor basts out iv it'" Abusikg His Family. Hugh MoEIrey wag " arraigned in the Police Court, yesterday, oharged with abusing hi) family, and was fined $S and costs of prosecution. RATES? OF ADVERTISING. . TEftMS-iCASH. I'lV IM 1 . Advert liftiiif nlsnot cNceedln; five' lines (Agate.) irfiiu.f.7. 1 Ono week, ...i,..,,...frt : PzciiisnrlioV.,?.: Two wet hi l a I one month. Larger iadtsrtlaemrnt inserted, at tun rollowtajrra 0 1 Hi rates tor square of ten lines or less t - - - One insortlon 4 I Two weeks...-.,.-..!! e ,. .- Eachaddi'nal Ins.." 2i Thrrt wiksr.!.!!I!r. " U One week am, l.7l Ona mpnth.,..,..,. AM, ... Job .Printings 1 1 In All it ljpinir-i, don with Mtnciii M 4liptc,rv a -or MISCELLANEOUS. ' - a - in a of at i j FALL AND "WINTER ' - li " ',! ''. tlMlnIflu Ol ill - -!." ; DRY:;aOOpS;;;;;;:'; .Ml I.'., t '! Hi .i i i ,'iav ; nr.'. i.ll . I DAY & 3IATIACH, ' Pcarl-slreet,-1 " ... ,. ; :.i .! iU oii) . :t i ...1 .1 Have new la store a. largt aid seleei sleek f 1TA. , Pit and FANOT OKI 0.QOP8. whisk, tor eaten 1 1 . and variety, lanniartfunea. vli: '" '' ' .: i- ": A large and general stock ef Domestic . . Woolen and Cotton Goods. A splendid line of very rich PreseOeed,' '. In pJUks, Delaines, Merineew, an efher ' ' ' fabrics of netteet styles.' '''." ," ''h "" Cloths, Caasimeres sad fcslugi, I , large agsortsaent. ' . .' A complete steek of White ot.e, JBist broideries tad Linen. Heed.,, el' eur "(", OWN inspertatleBe , ..;,;,.!,; m A very entonslve stoeli of Fajt' and Variety Goods, Shawls,1 Heslery, ' QIev,tCe" '' ',-. ""' AV We shall be in aailr reeeipt ef U-w (tndile- ,:; slrable Goods during tin saaaoo, ana d rre ta he' placed In competition with any hens, thurt er Wen,' by an examination of enrstoetr. aMaja'- WM. A. KING'S I- j ' Coisunereiai Scliopl HEBRON'S SEMINARtvBUILDIJIvl, taventh.atreer..bdtWBonWHlnutund Vine. CLa- clunatl, Ohio. Eveuing Ulaes commencing Monday. attninsr. .uoox-seopiog laugm se appiira to ewy department ol trade, BuaiuessandOtnauiental Pen manship. Call atid examine sptoimonsw aspjlaiaf ; A WONDERFUL CltlLtr. 'MISS TENNESSEE CLAFLIN, - J W1 HOIS ONLY THIRTEEN YEARS OF " ' ase. hue been endowed from her birth wHh :" supernatural gift of such no ait on tilling degree, that, . . ahe convinces the most skeptical of bor wonderful J ' powers. . . ; t " i'j ," 'ii'j i.'.it j" j.-. She gives Informntlou of absent friends, whether living or deed, together with the past, present and i t . future ovcutaof lilo; abtoof lost money or property, identifying tbe perron or persona concerned, with a t ' ranch certainty as scarcely o leare a doubt l their 7. guilt, . Rhe also pmerlbee for diseases, telling the! censes; , . and locallou, with so much satisfaction as to merit and reoeive the confidence of allwko have, eoael ted. ( ; her.andniauy difficult complaints have been com pletely banished bv ' tier wonderful nlniatratioas, " ' fhe cau also aee and point out the medkiua to, our .. . the moBt obstinate diseases even thoee that have for " years battled our licet phyiclans.and ican dirjctsalves., j ; : . nnd 1 1 11 1 menu to be made nud uaedthut will cure olu tores. fever-sores, cancers, sprains, weakness lathe; back and limbs, anil other complaints of long stand ing, and has performed nstoniibwg cures upon thoee who bail long since lost thir tight ud hearing, or nearly so, by disease. In short, Ihroujih the as-Bialaut-e ot eome sunerior poser, the is endowed with ths healing art. .... . , bhe wlllelsu potitcnut to ladles aad gehllMiaa1 their fonuor, piesont nnd future partners, telling . raaetlr those that are dead nnd living, their treat-'' raout, dinposltiun andeharaoter ru life, and when re- , iiuirod will go into Hit unconscious atate and travel to any part of the woild, hunt up absent friends. whothei doad or living, and through her, they will tell the lntiulrlnj friend theh situation and where-, abouts. witfl all tbe events ol life nines tbey last nael. ,, She tlso wihea rings ou ladles' aad .genlemen's '- ' fingers with great succraa. ,., ,,,, , i , Lawyern, Doctors, Ministers, and may -nthsr' ' ' scientillo men have consulted ber upon mattera 0 ', high iniporlame, and given evidence ot their satire setbwetloa. : - . .':,'. . . . . Khomay bo consulted at her rooms, at Ne. 40:t . Went Sixth-street, between Mound and Cutter, frotii - the hours of night o'clock A. il., to nine o'clock P.M. Her residence iscontinualy thronged with visitor" who go away perfectly aatiefied with her woadertal . .. , powers. She Intends locating permanently lu Cin cinnati. ; -: .-- .' Frlce of Consultation 5100. coolawJ. MADAME ELLIS, M. D., HAS FOUND at last mat w kit the Ladles have long needed and looked for in vain, tine Uterine Bllxir. ' ' i 1 Tha Uterine Hlixir il warranted to cure all dl- ,., easea of a Uterine IMure; Inflammation ot tha Womb, tha Kldeeys, the irvaries, and the Urethra, Prolapensor railing of tlr Womb. Painful Henatrw ation, Chlorosis, Amenorrhea; in fact, a porfeet crura ' ' is guaranteed by t hawse of from two to Ava bettlea . . of the Kltilts of any diaeaso whatever of the Oener- ' ' alive and Urinary Organs, of male or female, a , -matter of how long; standing. Price l per Bottle. Madams ELLIS calls particular attention to the following Card ef one of the meat prominent Drag gists of Cincinnati. "To ths Frjsuc Axn ths Ladim ii Faxtiovlab. "." We, tho undersigned, are not in the habit ef giving ournmne toPataat Medicines; bat knowing well tha Lady Physician, end the medicine called the pterin Elixir, we cheerfully recommend it to all females suffering from female Diseases of any kind; li is , purely vegetable, and in no case can do Injnryi wa aa to all try, and our word tor It, yon wilt And re- . lief V. D. HILL, Drngglat, ea27 "Cerasr of Fifth and Bace-streers,' '' '.; . ALIO ' i , I M4,DHW Spanish nmv. 1. 1. .k nATO,nBA.I'!,l '"res, withrmt faU, pains in the Btwtk.BWeerldmbs: Oonhs, 'Jelds. J ?L7,ffJi5 iL ?F ' J Mtui. Only Rents' will... -r '.' lTmn can pel It, Either of the above medicines to be hsd of i. . fnd K'nwttn Knft'f Pi 5,D4 rini-treb! and EDWAKI) bU ANLAN CO., V. It. iNOTIC'iJ TO CONTRACTORS. 'pTiB UNDBRSIttNED ARE PREPARED 1, "';llylr. n Cincinnati, In any ejantitles. U'.MHIJTONE of thebest gnality, front Vo i.rhM ' VbtwoleetlhUk, We have the . Best i Limestone Quarries In th West, and will make !' to the 'interest ef ' parties using Curb-itene, Flag-atone. Cross. Walk anil Getter-atone, Capsand sills, WaterTable, Bangs- ' stone, Monument Baaee.Ao., to correspond with a ' at.d learn our prices. RtJCKKR, HUNLAP A OO.. apXbw Qreeafteld, Highland County, Ohio. .''' FRONT-STREET FACTORY " AMI ' ' LUMBER DEPOT'; , Ho. 167 East Front Street, bet. Pike aad Bntler-et'a. ' H, South-side.. ,1 ; .-... n AVINO PITTED UP THB PREMISES . with the moet improved kind of machinery, I " am Breparcd to furnish, at sheet notice, ail kinds of gouae iind Steamboat, Carpenter and Joiner'a work. Sash, Blinds, Doors, Frames and Moldings, of alt "- ng, Shingles, Siding, Flooring, Ac, kept constantly on hand. Partlonlar attention paid to planing, tia lnr and scroll sawing. Heavy franiing lumber cam l Hl.n. A - lJ i n t..t I 1 - . . . " ' Perseus about to build, will ha v ...., u u .. ii t xv . luni.ino . nrn in. a ii a sneir aa advaar tagoiogive me a can, an32-bm ' WM, JON KB. I Preprlster .... V, 1 , , ' Jtnenuiatiam, a 1 1 inns Oholio, Cramp Choi 10, Or I ping Pains el the Bowel.. in Painful Menstrnatw a it Is a certain enre and givea mmediate relief. Tn any of the above diseases It will civs relief iu vn,t. M , "- At the Old Estaulis&ed Standi; " 7 U KAST FIFTH, BIT. MAIN ASD STOAlioBI'. ' ' "? I "AVH AiLAHOR AND ' DE8IBABLK ": tock of BoBMhobi and Offlee Famirurs. bath - new and second handreonsislinVor 5is TOlis. SPdotb4 Ttf&SW l.iToar .- pii-olotu, cutlery, etc. A fine aaaortjuent ol coaa- , i. .-?f.b"i.rS, ubleP taV U marbls-top couuterejind tables on band and for sale low. jMnfloamt WMl ABTBHTl-roprietor. lOAL OIL LAMPS--THBSUi'SCRIBBR has just received, from Boston, aa entire new ""."""Jl OoelUII Lansps.fad lnjpwp7D" ' preventing the smoke, so mnea of an annovaaoa ta . .1 eoneuners - Also, tka bast article o bnlVr Oil ever otfered In thts aearket, free fiomsmokear sataU,-, -iv sepM-aaa WaJaat-st.. bet. Fourth and FITlb. WILLIAM H-BaLDWIBLAIXORNKT , .JJ V02""'lf,'-.M.,J"r' Onaee's Building Thlrdatreet, I doers Cast ef Mala. 17 1 v.i 1 0:l,-1 . O.i'.u... ; ,1 5 j , , idiir,