OCR Interpretation

The penny press. [volume] (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1859-1860, October 20, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025750/1859-10-20/ed-1/seq-1/

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la published dilly, (Sunday exeepUd.) bv '
IIIKI'IO. M f II! IDIITI-lflllt.
TH1 PKNKT rBISSli dellrerad to subscriber la
Olnolnnatl, Covington and Newport, and aw.,
rounding altlaa and towni, at tha as- - -Iremely
low prlae of. -'" ,
raicxsor auuiua. .
Blagl aoptat .; 1 month 40o.; month tli 1 year ft.
aBNn aaam mo tcti-iiii 1. .
Um A. luauaa, Jn..3ola Iiaaaaa aad
Last night but two af tha celebrate Irish Oeae.
dial aid Voealiit,
Mr. COLLINS, ....
TItl (Thurday) avBNINO. 0t. M, the per
romance will commence with tha comedy entitled
Oa, A Biaooi roa Diplomatists. " '
Sir Patrick O'Pleulpo Mr. Oolllna'
(Jount Morlnos.', ....... ,.....Hr, Ellaler
Prince Kudolph . Mr. Head
Same If abulia ...............Mra. Ellsler
lad; Emily De Lary...... .Mlaa Walt
La Manola, by Miss Kata Pennoysr. k
To be followed wltb tba comedietta oalled
Teddy Mullowny, with long u.Mr. Oolllna.
Flora .... Mist Penbam.
To eonelud with
P. P.
Ob, Thi Mar and ihrTiorb. . .
Mr. Slasher Mr. Langdon.
Bob Buckekln m ......... ...............Mr. Adams.
Suian Hurtle..................,.. -...-...Mias Julia Irving.
WFrlday Ivenlnf, Beneflt of Mr, Oolllna,
W Aaother new aeanla play will shortly be. pre-
fmti. Alio, on of the most witty, plf and ajl
rloiu bnrlMquea vr written. :-. :- ; '. :: u r.
aWDoort open at 6X1 Curtail Haas it TM 'alaek.
Puna or Adhibiioi DTetw fliraU and rarajMita,
BOeenfj Oallary,oaato, ... . , . .
A DiiiNo mmwA
National Hall, Vine-street, above Fifth.
Leader of Orthestra
...0. H. Holcamb.
LASSES Thursday, from 2 to I P.M., for Ladles.
Saturday. V to 12 A. M., and 3 to a P. M., for Misete
!i Oaiitlemen Wednesday, and Saturday, at 7 P.M.
1 Waltzing Ulaaa, for Ladles and tlenueuuen, Friday
I.EauoNa roa Gintlemen. In order to meet tha
Icouvenlcnce of gentlemen wboao business or aoolal
iiaanamiint, ifn lntarfAM wlrh tliall mini-tll-l at.
tendance, our arrangement -is, that tickets ar pur
chased, one of which la delivered at eaoh leaaon, and
an be uaed during the whole season of seven months.
The lesion are ao arranged that bealnners oan
(Commence atany time. , , . ocM-bm-W48
& II
At" y' ; ;,
Saturday Erening JJd Init,,
, ftntlieoeenslon of tha WB8HHTATI0W 0 THI
( rVKK t'OHNET to OarUIn A. AlENIIB,. Leader
j ! tho Ainerlean Oornat Baud. . . .
V Tlie Independent (Juthrle Orar Battalion and the
ri wui niiu win nuuua m mu-uiaia uuhviui.
A rich ml varied programnt, embraolng tha
nnnmnaof wnll kuown iroluciioual and aatatour mn-
i.iiletona, will bo preennted. , . -. . .' . cn t
Smith & Nixon's Hall.
Positively one Wek only, Commeno.
Lng Monday, Ootobor JM.'. ; . :.
(-TROUPI. and tba only Campbell'
inowlnexlatenoe; allotbaraaaauming
he name are notblcs mora than
mmmtAlianka and Imnoatera. not to be trnatefLTWa
ThondvnntugM the UAMPBKLL3 enjoy abore any
other M Imtrel organiaatloi-, ariee from tbelr win
tering the lent twalToyeara In the Sonthorn oonntry.
Tbelr deliaeatlone of Negri) characters are taken
from natural econee and Incident In Afrioan life,
and ulm at presenting the Musical and Comical peon
liarltlcs of tho Southern Nogro, and elerating him to
bis proper standard of natural wit and mnsTcal tal
ent, presenting the phasee of Me'gro Life on the Plan-'
union, uii'l represeniluif the mluieal capabllltleaof
the more reilued Negrom of eitlea and village. In
representing truthfully the ihadea and peculiarities
ofNearu Life, tha unlvertar acooriTfiai itampecT
the Campbell Arilata mapproaebabla and defying,
mw Free Balcony Sarin ada nightlyby the CAMP
BULL BlUSti BANP, lad by the Wlaard Bugler,
August Aehl. " '-'r.'.- -
Doors open at a quarter to T o'clock ; aommenae at
atiwrter toe'elok. Admlaalon Woentg. :.a "i.
oil'k Ageatand Baliiea Direetor.
The following puraea will be
Ivan for Trotting Horass. to .
piven for Trottlog Horass, to .
; anmmenclngTUJI.IIDAY, Qe:ffilT5t7,
toberlo. Tli C"'
wim olf over the abovirOoiKaa.
Third DaT-Thnridnr.Oetober!I0.
Puree Jano-nifle heal, beat three In five, to bar
Bona. JTor borsea that nefor trotted In S in publle.
Fourth Dny-Krllny,0otober91-Furie
jAou-two-mtla beurt, to harnwa. re (hr
all trotting horaos. t: - ; . - -
"Florn Totuple"ind "Prinoeai" are excepted for
Ibeiepursea. .i . , : - . .i
..Fortho above pnneather Boat tkraaanlrlw ami
"-. to start. Entrance 10 per oent. F.ir the flrat
aaoe entry must ba ma4 on or before Saturday, qo.
tabor 1, at 12 o'clock II. For the other purees, tka
entrlea to be mads on or before tke day previous to
each race, at 12 o'clock M. .
Eutrlei to be made at 71 WaatTklrd-itraet, Olnetn
att.O. wij
Tho proprietor flatters himself the Cincinnati
Trotting Park la a fast and-good a Course aa any In
the Union, and will do an in hi power to aocommo
dat all noranna brlnflini? horses to his Course. Good.
eomforrnbla atables will be at-theeTrhof turfuienr
free oicnarge, ana iney are raviiaq aoooaueariy
and do their training over the Courae, which will be
kept at all time in good condition.
Liberal purse will be given for trotting aid pao
lng horses during thaaeason.i ''i''""!
bc3tt T. L. STBPHirSll. ftwprlotor.' '
-All- ,1' i':;y.x
Vc. W tut Froat Stmt, bet. Pike and Bnllar-it'i,
Sonth-eide. '
with the most imaraved klnrl nf nuhlam: Y
am prepared to furnish, at abort notice, all kind! of
House ind Steamboat, Carpenter and Joiner's work.
ali, tunas, uoors, iTames ana molding, otaU
descriptions. Steamboat Lumber, Weather-board-
Persoas about to build, will Had It to tbelr advan-
tage to give ma a call,
vrn. jvnasi.
Commercial School
sevsnth4treat.batwaen Walnntand Yiaa. Ola
yCuatl, Ohio. Evanlng Vlaas oommenalng Moaday,
5oth liBt. Book-keeping taaght aa applied to every
deparanent of trad. Bsaincss ana Oraamantal Poa.
mansHp. OaU and anamtai ptaapa. . , aaailaaat
lOUlfDBY. B. ALLISON. narlntandaA
IT V .Ufa, HW-1MI. V. WW . RVW , WW I ,
.l.hU.,ul.l..ll hl.A UlVL..ta-
TOL 2. NO. 52.
a-tkeahortngJ,ndlQ fhtavet and
goat fcsaioaable ity ie, ail httiOa of
Job Printing:,
CHSCKI; . . . , fTBOCLABi!
BONDSi ,',h' ,,'r . ' fJOaPONBi . .
DMM( r POLIClli;
, f RANCIS00 & CAIDWElt.
TXTe -w St o r
II.. .71
8outh-84t Cor, Fourth and Vino,
... .Ml' . ,. . '.:
PBBTT1IST stock of Oooda for HBN'I
WKAB aver fferd In (Jinalnnatl. -
p i eob door) s,
To makj p la Maarar, win k Ursa aad raritd.
yr biTas - .
New Corps of Gutters,
From Saw York and Philadelphia, who iron to
understand tha art of Cutting Stylish Carmen to
" For past favon wa rsturn many thank, and
hop to msrlt future patronage. Truly,
' ' ' ' aep7-tf
ha Inst raoelred. from Boston, an entlro new
aaeortment of Coal Oil Lamp and Improved Uuruera,
preventing the smoke, to much of an annoyanoa to
consumer!. Also, the best article of liurning Oil
avr ofered In thi market, fre fromamoke or smell.
..... v. A. o nii M,
.... No. 1 College Building,
aepzi-an . . Walna t-it., bet. Fourth and I'lUt . .
xSAAgenoy for th sale of Hatch, Mann & Co 'i
Shell, Kw, and Can Oyiters Also, Ereen Core and
SpiOed Uyston, Ao. Mr many frienda and patrons
will find only choice articles, and at a low price ai
those onorged for inferior elsewhere.
Ovatar onoked In Eastern stsleat our usiul mod
erate charges. '.
Kenemoer, x3 w amuv-siri, nun ooor aeovt
Sixth, Oiacinnatl, Ohio. , - ol3-
11 lain a-n ti . . i a. tAKnt.ul
- aniiy, nuwi.Bi.uuaj a'uu. a www,.
f'lantod U) atar,whloh tarn sailing at unprecedented
ow prices by case or down. Dealora and Familiea
warning a very large, jrean, uystor, will Please sona
their orders. Attached to thia establishment is a
nlc, Quiet, rsspectnble Saloon, where you oan bave
Orstara Cooked in evarji atvlai. and aervad no in a
oloa i and superior manner. , Charges leas than at any
other place. ocliij JOHN MA1BM.
O .! Li A fT A TL "VT A O
J W rf X3. VX A". A Kj ;
Oyster Importing House.
INO dally, per Expresa, his splendid Oysters.
Having completed arrangements In Baltimore, ea
the moit extensive scale, I will kt all times during
the season be prepared to furnish my friends, "and
thereat of mankind," with the most DELICIOUS
BIVALVES Imported to the Queen City. None but
tbe very best imported, Great Inducement offered
at this Importing-hoiiae.
' )rdr slollclted and promptly filled. ' Term oaih.
seplDt Sole Importer and Proprietor.
f 91ALI1 IK 1
!uv cover
1NO DAILY, by the Adams Exnreai, MALT
BI'8 world-renonrned Baltimore-; r -.-;ir
Fresh' Can,' Keg and Shell Oyiteri.
)-( I ALSO-- ' .
aOBBET OEB; Agent.
sepT-tf Depot, 11 West Wfth-atreet.
L No. SOS Vlae.al bet. Flflrt Rnd Sixth.
that he ha established a regular depot for th
sale of all kind of lalt-water Fish, fresh from New
York; alao Lake Flab from Cleveland and Handusky;
together . with Clama and Uysteraln theihell, Lob
stare, Crabs, Kelt (allvi), and all kinds or aeasonabla
6am. and Can Oysters. Ha will furnish the above-
nimederllel UHCAPEli THAH aNI OTHK
PLaOB In THI CifT. family order protngtly
ittended to aad Mat horn free af eaarge. Flease
aall aad laer year ordtra, ' lt-tf
i.i .it PI ; iff .1, j
"Lieutenant Maury li dellrerloj a oouri
of lectutei la Nnhvllle.
pfTbt majority for Wm. Dennlion, Jr.,
for Governor of this State, at the rtoent elta
Hon, li eitimatecl t 14,067'. . , (. . .
JiS'Z. J. GambU, hu realgnid th
loperlntendenoy of tha LoalivtlU and Nah
Tllld Railroad. . - :; ;
f&Ur. Broderick'a Urmw Senator Tfould
have expired in 1863.. Mr. Qwin'i term ex
pires Id 1861. .',
pS"',". the Jeril In onr printing of
fice, bag diaoovered a new peoiei of female
the Santa 1 mall. ;
jsfk Hit of itatlitlot how that tht nnmbw
of laloidei thronghout tht United Statei rr
ge about nine per week.
JBrPorty-elght Indian ' iquawi ware ar
ret ted on Sunday evening lait in a house of
ill-fami in Montreal. '
"Th crop of Hiokory NaUii unuiually
large thia year. - They oan be bought for
from twenty-fire to thirty eenta perbuihel.
Good news for Young America. , . .
The Albany JTntcroooir oantioai
fonr blaok oati that are oontinnally lerenading
in tha beak ihed that there ii a lauiage itore
two door to the right.
Governor Waller seemi to be the
itrongeit candidate for the teat in the United
States Senate, made vacant by the death of
conaior JMoaenog, ot uauiornia. ;' ? s
"Jupiter I) at creaent in Cancer, and
ninety degrees apart from' the aan. The old
god will hare to oall in a doctor If he doem't
get out of hli oanoerout affection. " 't
JfSrVkt. Henry James, the author, who
took hie departure for Europe, Saturday, in
the Vanitrbilt, intends remaining soma years
in Switzerland, to educate hii children. :
arThe new stamp sd envelop! adopted by
the Government are out. Only a fraotion of a
mill is charged for eaoh above, tho price paid
for the old stamped envelojis. ' .
, J&t"Tho Buffalo Com.mrcial tells of an
official of that city who lost thirteen hundred
dollars by betting on Australian Kelly, the
used-up prise fighter. ! .
SYBarrow, the Chinese traveler, oompale
that there is more material in the great wall
of China than in all the houses of England
and Sootland together. r ' ;' , ,
"An exchange paper " says: i The best
safety -Yalve to a boiler is a sober engineer.
Congress may legislate till doomsday, but aa
long as the officers carry too much steam, the
boats will follow their example."
' 8sT An old fashioned English oioak was
sold at auction for $10, a few days slnoe In New
York, in which the owner, after getting it
home, found $3,000, in good English bank
notes, Good purobase. ' . . ;
Tha consumption of snails la steadily
increasing in Paris. ' More than a million
franos worth of this exquisite, generous and
nutritious animal is brought to market
during tha year. . 1 ;
ar-ilr. Charles French, aa old and re
speoted eitiien, and for many years a distin
guished lawyer in Lexington,-Mo., committed
suiolde on the 14th inst, by cutting his throat
with a rasor. 1 ....,;.
fiB'Aa exohange says that Bishop Sonle,
of the Methodist i flpitoopal Church, South,
Dr. Lyman Beeoher and the Rev. Dr. Brlggs,
of Cinoinnatl, are! now the only survivor of
the founders of the American Bible Soolety
in 1816. : r ... ,
fifTha value of the New York Central
Railroad, its stook, &o., aceording to the re
cent report of the Direotori, is something over
thirty millions, seven hundred and forty-two
thousand dollars; exoeeding, by over two
millions, Its estimated value in 1865, -
rr A chap up in'Dearborn County, Ind.,
recently wedded a pretty girl and a plum at
0U08, and feeling rejoiced in the possession of
a wife and a fortune, got drunk, fell out of a
wagon, was run over and killed before he
had time to enjoy either. ,.v. , . , -, . .,
r &The JUississippi, at St. Louis, Sunday,
was slowly .falling, with the departure of the
Hiawatha and the, heavy John WaUk for New
Orleans each drawing fully isix feet water,
which wat all there was in the ohannel, and
they would assuredly touoh bottom before they
reaohed Cairo.' :, "' "
' "Capt. Simpson, who baa just reached
Leavenworth ; from , California, via . Camp
Floyd, reports' that hia return route vras bet
ter Uian bis outward one, - and that both are
260 miles shorter than the route, by way of
Humboldt River,and of greatly superior grade
for a railroad; '" ; .." ., ; .,
9Mins Charlotte Cushman and 'Mist
CtoKKlna tiovA lflft PoriB nn tliAir nav trt 1Am.
via Switzerland. : Miss Stebbins has received
some nattering oraera irom name, ana
also been offered a handsome sum by a large
porcelain manufacturer in England, for the
orivileee of copyintt her "Minor" on their
work. '''' ;" "' "( i "'
There is a project on foot to make the Big
Bandy River navigable during all seasons of
the year by locks and dams. ; This is a scheme
of vast Importance to the people of the Sandy
Valley, if it succeeds they will become the
most formidable rivals to Pittsburg, in the
cool trado, as they are 350 miles tearer Cin
cinnati. -" 'r. v'1 :..': ..
Pir HadI Lit Mountain and-Haddock ro?
mained in their balloon ten hours, ane gone
due north, aa they did for the short time
they were up, or until the following morning,
at tie same rate of speed they .had traveled,
they would have found -themselves near
Hudson's Strait or Baffin's Bay, where they
might bave descended among the Esquimaux
in igeuerga. . p,,. y rrr .. , ..
" iMajor Robti El'lisJ' formerly of Wash
ington City, was found dead in bed at New
Orl .cans on the 8th Inst... He was engaged
with Lopes in Cuba, nnd received a wound
iharl engagement that prevented hiii escape.
He was pardoned by Genoral Concha. When
Walker was in such a straight in Nicaragua
he attempted to reach him with' CoL Lock
ridge's party, and led the assault on' FoiV
Castillion, where he wm itruok in tbe head
by a Minuie ball,' which made tho circuit of
his head and came out near the spine,'
' ''' v) n't '
- A Fart WoiiAif About a week ago, a wo
man who rejoices In tbe oognomea of "Dano
ing Sail," stole a horse near. Rochester, New
York. A reward of $100 being offered for her
arrest, she was pursued by a constable, who
overtook her, and, for safe-keeping, . confined
her in tha third-story of a hotel, from whonoe
she escaped during the night by the aid Of her
bed-cord, and finding the offloer's horse was
superior to her own,, exchanged steeds, and
made her escape. ' ' " -
-.ii, .i-i.. ''''" ""
Tri Naw York OavalsI The tolli' on all
the oanslk ;ln this Statei from the opening of
navigation to tha 1st of October is,,) 847,
amounted to f 2,657,257. During, the same
ferlcd this year tha. tolls amount only to $1,
40,521, which shots 4 falling off $1,626,736.
A few years more wll finish the New York
oaaals. ' i . 'v'"' , V ' " '
Noon Dispatches.
Brown Avows His Object.
A Portion of His Equipage Captured.
BALTIMORE, October 19.
Several slaves were found In the room with
the insurrectionists, but it is not Ulleved they
were there willingly; indeed, Brown's expecta
tlonsjas to the slarea rushing to him were en
tirely disappointed. None seemed to come to
him willingly, and In most casea were forced
to desert their muter. . But one Initanee In
whloh -the slaves made a public 'pearanoe
with arms In their hands Is relate''.
A negro who bad been sharply used by one
of the town-people, when be found that he had
a pike in bis hand, used his brfef authority to
arrest the citisen and have him ''taken to the
Armory. - ' i '- '
The cltlssni imprisoned by the lasnrreotlon
ista all testify to their lenient treatment; they
were neither tied nor Insulted, and beyond the
outrage of restricting their liberty, were not
ill-used. Captain Brown was always courteous
to them, and at all times assured them that
they should not be injured. He explained bis
purpose to them, and, while he had the work
men la confinement, made a,n abolition speech
to them. i ' , i
During the previous' night he spoke freely
to Col. Washington, and referred to his sons.
He said he had lost one in Kansas, and two
here. He had not pressed them to join him
iu the expedition, but did not regret thoir
loss they had died In a glorious cause.
' The position of Jie prisoners in the engine
house (luring the firing on Monday, and at
the moment of the finai attack, was a very
trying one. ' Witliout any of the incentives
of combat, they had to riek tbe balls of their
friends, but happily they all escaped. -
During Tuesday morning, one of Colonel
Washington's negroes came in and reported
that Captain' Cook .was in the mountains,
only three ' miles1 off.' Tho Indepeudont
Grays, of Baltimore, immediately started on
a scouting expedition, and in two hours re
turned .with two wagons loaded with arms
and ammunition, found at Captain Brown's
house. , The arms consist of boxes filled with
Sharpc's rifles, pistols, &a,, boaring . the
stamp of the Massachusetts Manufacturing
Company, Chicopee, Mass.
There were, found a quantity of United
State ammunition, a large number of spears,
sharp iron, bowie-knives fixed upon poles, a
terrible looking weapon intended for the use
of the negroes, with spades, pick-axes, shov
els, and every thing that might be needed,
thus proving that the expedition was well
provided for, that ft large party of, men
were expected to be armed, and that abun
dant means had ,beon, provided to meet all
expenses.: How All these -.supplies yvurogot
up to tbls farm without attracting attention
is strange. ' ; .
They are supposed to have been brought
through Pennsvlvaniai The Grays pursued
Cook so fast thatthty secured part of bin arms,
but with his more perfect knowledge of looall
tlos he was enabled to evade them. On their
arrival at the Ferry with their spoils they were
greeted with hearty obeeri, The wagons were
driven into' the custody of the Government.
At everybody else helped i themselves, why
should not the Grays have a olaim to the spoils?
The insurrectionists did not attempt to rob the
Pay-master's department at the Armory.,,- - .
A large amount of money was there, but It
was not diet , irbed. A short time after Captain
Brown was brought out, he revived and talked
earnestly to those about him, defending his
course, and avowing he bad only dona what
was right. He replied to the questions put to
him substantially as follows:
"Are yon Captain Brown, of Kansas V
' "I am sometimes called so." -, ,
"Are yon Ossawattomie Brown?"
1 "I tried to do my duty there,". .
: "What was your present object ?" ..
" "To free the slaves from bondage.'' ..
. "Were any other persons but those with you
now connected with the movemsnt?" i
" "No." . .
"Did you expect aid from the North ?"
' "No. There was no one eonneotedwithth
movements but those who cam with me."
.. "Did you expeot to kill people in order to
osrry your point 7" , .,, '., .,
"I did hot wish to do so, but you forced us
to doit."
'Various questions of this kind were put to
Captain Brown, whloh he answered clearly and
freely, and seemed anxious to vindicate him
self. He, urged 'that he bad the town at his
mercy, that he could have bamed it; and mur
dered the Inhabitants, but did not. . He bad
treated the prisoners with courtesy, and com
plained that he .was hunted down like a beast.
He spoke of the killing of hia son, which be
alleged was done while bearing a flag of truce,
and seemed anxious for. tbe . safety, of his
wounded son. His conversation bore the im
press of aoonviot ion, that whatever he has done
to free tbe slaves was right, and that the war
fare in whloh he was engaged entitled him to
be treated wltb all respect as a prisoner of war.
He seemed fully oonvinoed that he was badly
treated, and had a right to oomplain., , ..
Although thought a dying man on examina
tion, his wounds have proved to be not neces
sarily fatal. . He expressed a desire to live and
to be tried by his country. In his pockets
were nearly $300 in gold, and several import
ant papers found in bis possession were taken
in charge by Col. Leo, and on behalf of th
WASHINGTON, October 19.
. ; The President and Secretary of War were
together several hours yesterday on matters
connected with tbe proceedings at Harper's
Ferry,, Tba result ol which conference was
the eondiug of U, S. .District Attorney Ould
thither to superintend tha legal proceedings
in the promises. .... , , ,.
The excitement which last night oxisted at
Washington and vicinity-has subsided, and
the extraordinary forco relieved., It is Baid
that tbe affair at Harper's , Forry is tho first
case of the kind which has ever occurred in
the country, tnvolviug at the same time both
State and Federal jurisdiction.,. ..
While the State Is affected as to slavery
and locality, " the General . Government is
interested with regard to the public property,
it having exclusive control over the arsenal
grounds, . Independently ; of the State; also
with regard to the mails. Already, . iu dis
tinguished quarters, the question of jurisdic
tion is discussed, as Gov.,Wisewill, it is said,
claim the prisoners now beld by the United
States troop, to be dealt with according to
the laws of Virginia. , ,
- In this case, the, question of jurisdiction
will have to be determined by Judiciary.
Convention of Evangelical Christians.
CHICAGO, October 19.
The Convention of Western Evangelical
Christians opposed to tbe poliey of the A med
ian Tract Society and the subject of Slavery,
: Mi),
met la this olty yesterday. The attendance
was large, embracing delegates from Ohio, In
diana, Illinois, Wisconsin, Iowa and Min
nesota. i The Convention permanently organised by
tbe election of Henry D. Kltcbell, of Michi
gan, as President, and a committee was ap
pointed to report business for action of th
Convention. '
A set of resolutions was reported that the
tract agenoy Is tbe most vital means for the
promotion of tbe cause of Christ; that the ef
forts to revive th African slave trade demand
renewed testimony from the Church against its
abomination; that Evangelical Christianity
oondemns slaveholding aa one of the highest
crimes against God and man; that In view of
the refusal of the American Traot Society of
New York to apply the Gospel to the sin of
slaveholding, the time has come for a reorgan
isation of tbe system of tract operations, with
the view to meet the present exlgenoiss of our
common Christianity.
Addresses were made by members of ths
Boston and Cinoinnatl Societies. A strong
feeling In opposition to slavery and the action
of the American Tract Soolety on that subject
pervades the Assembly.
The Convention will probably remain la
session some davi.
FatoHirtri, Accmgiti Explosion op a Looo
koTiv Two Miit Killrd. We are informed
by Mr. Samuel Ross, Mail Agent on the
Columbus, Piqua and Indiana Railroad, that
a terrible) ratastronlia
- . -j. vuvwiw, UO. , TTODV
union, Indiana, yesterday, by which two
men lost their lives. The boiler of a locomo
tive belonging 'to the Bellefontaine and
Indiana JEailroad Company exploded at a
4 a IS.-, an jioIIaJ Vj 'fir . i vt a
Dutftntvu liouBu At-'r&iyuwiiy near wen union,
at seven o'clock yesterday morniri dashing
notlearn.topiecefl.and mutilating the fireman
tn that ha fi iaA mftam 1!nA.;nei v
w.iw uuuu iwur uuurn, m
LnA TYirtUt ATfl-lini fin biywit- rTkMA.!..
must have heen terrifin, as the locomotive
was wreucnea irom its couplings and thrown
tin on An Atrihanlrmonf tahi hj .
considerable distance from the) track. The
train was a mixed passenger and freight,
and ' was somewhat damaged, though no
persons but tbe fireman and engineer were
' "J ' w.nvn Yiaa wiu Ull 1U1 I UX L V QT
filtir Aulf. ar,A nil ... 1 : 11 . j i.
.w-, iiniu. nolo UUUJIfUllua lo
Btob and chnngo passengers during the day.
uiuuo " , iwug lua H.UUVO we are imormea
by telegraph that the name of the unfortu
nate engineer was James Wood, and that the
tiremau was a young man namoi Griffin.
(O.) Statesman, 19th.
A WiBwa to Wives. Mr. nonry Joha
Masters, of Cambridge, England, recently
committed suicide, leaving behind him a
note stating in reproachful terms to his wife,
that she was tha ririmAl pmiaa nf lita 1.1,;.,
off; and offering a great deal of pity for
anvoouy who snouia wen nis inconsolable
widow. The , Coroner's jury roturned the
following verdict: "That thn ln,-oorl A.
stroyed himsolf while in a fit of insanitv.
I ..1.L ii 1 , 1 1 1 , . . .
uruugut uu turuugn tiio Daa conauct ol hie
wife, and they thought sho ought to be called
beforo the jury and soveroly censured by tbe
-------- vmvukuv t nuuiu ui
hotter that the censure should be conveyod
to the wife in writing by him, and the jury
A Church Brawl Thore has been a tre
mendous uproar raging in London for two or
three months, owing to riotous demonstrations
taking place every Sunday In a church, iu the
east end of the oily, known as "St. George's in
the East." Tho rector, It appears, Is a Puseyite,
of the most advanced type. who. besides dlvnn
innovations in costume, manner of conducting
the service, io., finally raisod the altar to the
standard Roman Oatholio sight, and lighted
wax candles upon it. The result was that the
congregation booted him every Sunday, and
the church wardens in vain protested againet
his doings. As a last resource, to end the
soandal, tbe Bishop of London has closed the
church for the present.
Nrw Way to Mordrr a Wipr. The latest
pleco of sensational literature from Africa is
the following:
An Arab of Vallee, near fPhllllppcvllle, in
Algeria, recently made an extraordinary at
tempt to murder his wife. While she was
asleep be tied her by the legs by a stout oord
to his horse, and then made the animal gallop
off at a rapid rate, dragging the poor woman
after him. Her piercing dies soon attracted
some neighbors, and they released her; but
she was in a pitiable plight, her flesh hanging
in shreds from parts of her person, and that of
her arms being entirely stripped off. The hus
band was arrested, i j
Sad Acoidkht at tbi STRtiisa Crsscrwt
City Four Mrs FallOvrbboard and Two or
Tbru arr Drowrrd. Yesterday evening,' as
the Craemt City wns effecting a landing at the
lower wharf-boat, four men, who were passen
gers on her, accidentally foil overboard between
the wharf-boat and the steamer. Every effort
was immediately made to save them; and two
were rescued alive; but the others tank beneath
the waves and were never seen afterward. We
could not learn the names of either of the un
fortunate men. One of them had a wife and
two children on board tbe Oracnt City, who,
by this melancholy event, are deprived of the
Argus, Oct. 15.
rA Wrddiko Card, The bachelor editor of
the Fredericksburg jWwi ha received from a
brother "bach" an invitation te his weddintr.
The editor consents to attend as a "mourner,''
dui not as a "pan-txarer." . ,
"Dtar Sir: Lord willing and . the woman
don't back out, 1 shall marry en the , I
should be glad to have yon present to profit by
the example My prospect of married
blessedness may not be so bright, but my ex
perience of single tuutdna has insured me
ngainst regret. In short I long for the ohain,
and expeot to hug it with inoloiurea with
everlasting satisfaction. . : Yours, Ao."
Actios or Sugar on tub Trrth M. Lares,
ofFranoe, in the course of his investigations
on tbe teeth, has arrived at the following con
clusions 1st, That reflnsd sugar, from either
eitne or beets, is injurious to healthy teeth,
either by immediate oontaot with these organs
or by the gas developed, owing to its stoppage
in the stomach, 2d, That if a tooth is mace
rated in a saturated solution of sugar, it is so
much altered in tbe chemical composition tbat
it becomes gelatinous, and its enamel opaque,
spongy, and easily broken; this modification U
due not to free acid, but to a tendency of augar
to eombin with the oaloareous basis of tbe
tooth. ' .
.i t. 1 1 - .iii a
Mubdrr in Cuillioothr. A man named
Thomas Melvin killed his wife In Chillioothe
on Mondsy afternoon, In an altercation, by
stabbing her In the side with a sharp poker.
The poker entered under the shoulder blade,
piercing her heart. She ran into the street a
short distance ana fell dead. Melvin was ar
rested and lodged In jail. He is about thirty
years of age, has lived In Chillioothe about
three years, and is notorious for his vicious
disposition, having .been frequently arrested
for beating his wife. '
t Taa Grrit Eastrrn as a Cotton Cabrmr.
The oapaolty of the (Treat t'cutern is 27,000
bales, heno this vessel, clearing once in eaoh
month, would, in 1820, have oarried the whole
crop, bat would now tarry kutone-foartk of it.
tcrms.-caVh'. rcI i i
AdvorthMnients not eicdlng lire Bat (Agatf.
One Insertion.........; J I One k-...,.ae, a
Taa warks............ i to I One month..,....., i g
Largor advertlaementa Inserted at th (allrwtag
. rata for nuare of tea llnseerkaaii
On Insertion 60 1 Two vaek .i ea
Itach addi'ual In... to Tbra weak. ,..- tai
Cas week... 1 ?i I On month.. ... i ie
Job Pi intin k;
" i f ) j
III 11 IU brAndiM. dofi with iMtntM aotl dis(yh(
Rates of Domestic Postage.
LiTTtaa Yor each half ounce, under I.00O mil,
pre-paid, S eenta: ovr S,0il miles, pre-paid, 10 eenta.
All letters muat ryt nra.hi.jri livai&ninfl. or tncloal la
stamped envelopes, or they will aot be forwarded. ,
iaxjiBiaNT nawarApaaa, 1'i;biouioal, uiacoLiis,
., to any part ol th United Stats, aot wettaln:
over 1 ounaee, I cent; and 1 cent lr eaoh additional
onnoe; pre-payment required.
Boon, pn-ald, not washing over 1 ponnds, 1 eeatt
Sir ounoe.foranydiatanca lathe United State nn
ar 8,000 mile, and 2 aenla per onnoe over 00p milea, .
pre-payment required. Alf fraction over the oiaoa
to be eonnted aa an additional ounce.
KawsPApaas ano PaaiomcAU, not exceedlnf H
ounces In weight, when paid quarterly In advance,
and oirenlated in the Mtate where published dally,
per quarter 22,1, six times peraerk ICS: tri-weekfy
04; aeml-weekly,e.ii wwkfy.JMj semi monthly, lifi
laontbly, H. Xewapapers and periodicals wheat ,
weighing ouuoea, double the above rata.
Bmali Nr.wsrAPiaa, publlibed monthly or oftener,
and pauplileta not coutsining more than 16 oeiavo
page, sn'iaaokeaTea of ounce or over, X oant per
Wiikxt rTtWBPAnai, within th smntv whtra
pnbliahed, Free.
Quarterly payment, In advance, auy be mad .
ntker where publlibed or received.
,? i
i; :
Arrivals of Trains.
tantAaaruus A Carol miATi-f.tO a. .; hSS p. a.)
S:S. a.
OnioiiniAn,BAHn.Toa A Pattoi Till A. H.i !S:tT
a. at.; .ior. u.i 10:1 p. a.
lartna Miai-7:S0 A.m. 1M p.m.; Till P. B. VHU
IfAiianA AaroOiiiciiirirATi HhKA. si.;tiUp.st. '
i)mo ar Misaiasippi 7:1S A. .; 100 r. a.; 10-1 p.
OoviHoroa Aa Laxiaoroaj 10:JO a. .; 7:0 p, m.
Departures of Trains.
(aniANirous A CisKinAn-S:N A, MA Ittit UA
S:0OP. ..
Jinojnnati. Hahtltor awd Wattow Indlaiaaolis
and Cleveland, S:00 A. m. Sanduaky Mail, S:O0 A. a.; ,
Sandusky, 4:80 . M.t Accommodation, :0O r. a.
Ciiiria JIiami Cleveland and Pittsbug, SK A. W.J
Cleveland, Pittsburg and Bellslr.S: JOi. a.; Oolnm-.
bu Accommodation, 4:40 p. a.; Cleveland, PltU-
burgand Bellair, 11;30p. a. -
Ohio and Missumifpi Bt. Loaii, SiOO a. B.t LooJa
ville, J:00 r. m.; St. Louis, 8:M r. m.
PirriBoao.OoLCiiBos aan OmoiNMAn (Stenbeavfll
: Short Lin) East Front-street Depot :00 A. a.;
S:MA. a.;li:9or. a.
OLivetAMD, CoLUMsi'a amd Cixoimiati Cast Front
atreet :0OA. n.;S,3)A. .; ll:SOP. a.
Oinoimrati and Mabitta-:1 a. v.; 1:80 P. a.
OaavaAL Ohio From Xaat Front-Street Depot 8J0
a. a;ll:WP. a.
OOViaSTOH AND LlXIS:aTON-0:i6 A. B.t ISO t. W.
5 i-
Omnibus Stands.
' Yast Walnvt Hills. From corner Sycamore aad
Fifth street every half hour.
Win Walnut Uills ( Lane temlnary.)-Yrom Ko.
13 Hycamore atrcot every honr. , .
Wesvrrn Bow and Buiohton. From Main aid
Fourth atreets every ten miuuto.
Waal End Line. From corner Fourth and Mala
to Freeman and Hopkins streets. . . . ,
Uivbr JtoAD and Skdamsvillii. From corner '
Broadway and Pearl. and corner Fifth and Sycamore
street every ten mlnutt.
Fulton, Ppndlston, and OoiutrMAi From corner
Broadway and Lower Market-every ten minutes,
Thibd . Bthekt Lini. From Newport Ferry to
Fifth atroet Ferry. . .
Mookt Auburn. From corner Main and Fonrth
atreeta every hour.
Vine Stucet lllLI. AND C'LirroN. From nnntT
Main and Fourth atreeta every half hour. -CuNHiNtiviLLa.
From corner Sixth and Main
atreeta every half hour, i-' , - . : or -
Covington. From cornerFiftliand Walnut streets ,
-evury hour . '
Poa Orrici, WaeTEiN Bow and Cuxton Stirit. .... -,
From corner Fourth and Vine-every ten tnlnnte.
Nbabon, Jlf aron, Lebanon, and JUoMaeR. Dally, at
i. M. frotu 16 Walnut itreet.
UAaaisoN.-Dally, at S A. hi., and 1 P. M.4 (Saba :
bath eicep tod) from 169 Waluut street.
BaooaviiLic Dally, (Sabbath excepted,) at I A.
M. from 1W Waluut atreet, - . . ,( . . ,
Bataviaand Geohoetown, Dally, (Sabbath ex
icpted,) at a1, 1'. 11. from Broadway and Lower , .
Venice and New LoNDox-Paily, (Sabbath eti' ' .
cepted,)nt 'i P. M. from 169 Waluut itreet.
AloNTOOMEftr. From corner Ninth and Hycamore' ':
st rent Dailyjclftlibath excepted,; at 2H, P. M,- . .
. AvojiBALE. From 171 Walnut street, 8, 19, 11, A. M
a,4-'.6,P.M, "in 'Mil r-
Church Directory.
' Baptist. FlrstBantltChurch,iSorthldCcurt,'4' ' '
botween Mound and Cuttr. ,. .
High Street Duptiit Church, Xaat of City Water
Worka. , s ; ; j.
' Kintli Street Baptist Church, South side -Ninth,
betwoon Vine and Race.
Freeman Street Baptist Church, Freeman, near .
fot of Fifth stroot.
Welsh Baptist Church, North side Harrison.
Baker Street Baptist Church, (colored,) Bonth side
Burnet, between Walunt and Vine. . t ..
Third Street Baptist Church, (colored,) Couth side
Third, between Jlace and Elm. ' ' '!
Chrlmian. First Christian Church, Loogworth, , , t
between Western Row and John.
JontTreantional, First Orthodox Conarega- ' ,
tlonal Chnrch, Korth side Seventh, between Western
Row and John. '
Second Orthodox Congregational Charch.Eaattlde
Vino, between iiighth and Ninth.
Wolsh Congregational Church, Weataide Lawrtnce, .
botween Third and Fourth.
Uiaclplen of (Jhrlnt,-Christian Church, Bonth
weal corner Walnut aud Eighth.
. ChriatianChnrch,t3lNth,betweenSmlthaidBlonnd, ' '
Christian Church, between I. P. IS and 14, Fulton.
' Chriatian Church, (colored,) North side Harrison.
. Frlenila.-Flrat Friends (Orthodox,) Fifth, be-.
tween Western Bow and John.
Flrat Friends (Hicksite,) Fifth, between Western, .
Bow aud John. ,
dren of larael, tiouth-eaat corner tiUth and Broad
way. Holy Congregation, Children of Jeskurun, Lodge,
botwoen Filth and Blxth.
Holy Oonerrexation of United Brethren, Baoe, b. ,,
tweeu Fourteenth and Fifteenth.
Polish ComgreffaUon of the K. K. Adat. Israel. '
corner Walnut and Fifth.
Hhearltli Israel, corner of Seventh and Walnut. '
Metliodias jKplacopal. Ktar Cinomnati Dis
trict. Wesley Ciiapel, North aide Fifth, between "" ' '"
Sycamore and Broadway, , .,,,
- Ninth Street Chapel la now called Trinity.
AaburyChapeLjSouth aide Webster, between Alain : ' i
and Sycamore,
HcKendrie Chapel,' (Seventeenth Ward,) Front
atreet. . ' i .
West Cincinnati DiSTttict. Morris Chapel, West '
side Plum-street, between Front and Columbia.
UhridtieiChapel, North aide Court, between Mound
and Cutter. . ......
I. arr-atreet Chapel, west side of Carr-atreet, be
tween Kighth-street and Hamilton and Dayton ' 1
Ballroad Depot.
, Kaper Chapel. West side Elm, North of Findlay. ' " '
' Park Street Chapel, Bouth-weet corner Park and
. lfork street Chapel, Sonth-weat corner Barariller
and York. ' ,
Fln.lluy Chapel, South aid Clinton, between Cutter
and Linn."
Union Chanel, North side Seventh, between Plum
and Weate rn How.
UlrthodlHt Froteetant. First Methodist Pret- !.,...
estant Church, Blxth, between Vine and Bace,
Second Method 1st Protestant Church, Kim, ba .
tirnen Flfrennth and Liberty.
Goorga Street Churoh,Corg, between Cotter aud '
New Jevnsalem.-Temple.Longworth, between ' ' 1 T'
BaceandKlm. ,. . , ..
- Frewbyterian Old Scitoot. First Prerbyterlan
Church. Fourth, between Main and Walnnt. '
Foiirtn Presbyterian Church, North side High
ttreet. near Fulton line. ' ' ' ... .
Fifth Proabyteriun Church, South-east corner Sev
enth and Elm. i t '
Seventh PresbyterianCharoh, Westaid Broadway, ,
between Fonrth and Fifth.
Central Presbyterian Church, North-west corner . i :
Barr andMonnil.
Ninth Presbyterian Church, Cutter, between Clla- '
ton and Belt.-
Preebyterlaa New Hcnooi,.-Second Preebyt
rlan Church, South aids Fonrll, brtwen .Vine and . i
Third Presbyterian Chunk, Sonth-weat oorator
Fonrth and John.
Eighth Presbyterian OhtuTth, sMVekth, between ';
Linn and Baymiller...! ,. , ,.
Tabernacle Presbyterian Cknrch, corner John and -Clark.
' ; .... . . .,. ,,
PratestnotKpiacopnl.-brtit'sChnrch, North
tide Fourth, betweea Hycamere and Broadway. . ..Va.nt c!
Bt. Paul's Obnrcb, South tide Fourth, between
Main and Walnut, !l" , .. . i: .. j'.
Bt. John't Church, Soutb-aast to roar Plant aa4
Seventh, v . -
Trinity Church, corner Pendleton and Liberty.
Church of the Advent, (no building,) Walnut Hllla.
Church of the Atonement, eoner Elchmotid and r ! '
Cutter. , -1
Ohnrchofthe Htdemptlon, Ollntoh.betwoen Wett.1''1 1 '''
ern Bow and John. ,, . ,;..r
Koman Cnthollo.-fit. AuguiHnes, Bank arreet.
St. Feter'tUatheural.tjouth-wist corner fluaa anil ! ..; .'
St. Francis Xavler', Weat iidSyoamoraktvr '
Sixth and Seventh. , .
Bt. Patrick 'a, Northeast corner Th Inl and Mill. '" ' '" '
' Oh.iat '"
Holy Trinity, Bouts, aid Fifth, between Smith aad
Park. ,
Bt. Mai7, South-east corner Jacksoa and tklf
teenth. Bt. l'aHl,8onth.stcomer8prlnf,fnAblair "
1st. John Baptist, corner Bremen aud Oreen, ,,,
St. Joseph, Bouth-eaiit corner Linn and Laure
Ht. Phllomona, North aide Pearl, between Plk.. ... ,v . ,.
Dutler. . ....
Bt.Thothai, Watt (Id Sycamore, betwe' -" " '
and Sixth. ') ., ,
UnltBrlaa.-Flret 0nitarlaB Chnrch, Soul. ' '"' '
corner Fourth and Kara. . . . . n--Ci turn.
rnlvenanllat.-Klrst Dnlvertallat Church,.
liuiiiujHii.i.na . uiiriii .uu j, iiiu. '
Becona VMrtrsaual caarca, ooraerlxtb aadtd.LS1i
aaoaatl.'.:. a
,,.,i u.it oiV'i'i'' i . i'l I.:; t .,; :1 .:; j oirtr,

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