OCR Interpretation

The penny press. [volume] (Cincinnati [Ohio]) 1859-1860, January 16, 1860, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025750/1860-01-16/ed-1/seq-3/

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"WAHT8,""0B BAIi,"",TO LIT," "LOST,"
"FOUND," Ac., In this oolumn; occupying Bra IIdm
orlM,twolnserUons,swenty-aveeBtf. 1 ;"v
'ANTED T 0 RENT By a prompt
rooma and kitchen, In Rood condition, with
.Z. k WSTOCK-Anf psYaon baring any of
DS.0TS;,"?e1;tocjE for u ""I plua eddreM
. X x "S- 73, Potoffloe, stating name, plac
of residence and amount of stock and price asked
for I he lame, . ' jalec
'ANTED 0d or two Clerki in an or-
J a
- - w. misty lunio iuu lUIIIBlB MnMH iur Y-
i tons situation Id city tad country. Apply at the
JdH ABBA I I n b j 1 1 1 A a . k 1 . . - n WD 1 .
uvuviw .ut.uiaeuve agenor, no, western-row
WANTS D By a gentleman and his
daughter, three or four furnished or unfur
nlshed Rooms, in the middle part of the oily. Ad.
drew C. B Penny Prow. . . Jab
WANTED A imall House, or Bait of
Booms, within ten minatee' walk of the
Fostoffioe. Kent not to exceed 111 per month. Ad
drew HOUBtt, this offloe. jaiSb
ANTED Two or three light-carriage
and buggy-body makers. Apply to J. B.
S,K,.U,.'.B?1'I""7 M- lnd M- Exchange, Mo. 74
West Third-street. jal4d
family, immediately. Liberal wages paid.
Apply at So. 186 Sycamore-street, eajit ride, near
1th- jaltb'
WANTED A GIRL To do general
. homework. Inquire at M Lawrenoestreet.
WANTED AGENTS A rare ohanoe for
business. Active and energetic men ean ob
tain a pleasant and profitable business, by calling
soon on J H. lES&NDJCN A CO.,o. 1H West
Tbiri-street, between Vine and Bace. jal4b
Xr ANTED DRY GOODS An assorted
II stock of dry goods suitable for country store
to the amount of 110,000, for whioh one-third cash
and the balance in desirable improved, productive
ral estate will be given Id payment. SAMUKI, &
SABGKNT, No. 2 Apollo BoMug, cor. of Fifth .end
Walnut-streets, lalta
WAITED A young lady withes toen
Rage in teaching In or near Cincinnati. A
situation as Ooyerness in a prlrate family, or assist
ant In a school, would be preferred. She haa had
considerable experience aa a teacher, and will give
the best of references. Address L. K. J at this
ufflce- Jallaw'
VyANTED Rellablo help for situation)
. ?' nT, k.,nd enlways be had at a moment's
notice, by applying at No. 60 East Thlrd-itreet, base
ment story, next to Adams' Express offloe. No
charge to senrants. . . de2lam
yANTED-eierk, book-keepers, sales-
V men. bar-keepers, porters, coopers, careen,
tera, mechanics, laborers and others, can find situa
tions at the Merchants' Clerks Registry Office, 128
Walnut-street. jaBawl HALE A CO.
entirely new th re-story brick houses of eight
room' "'ll furnished throughout, and lotion south
side or Hathaway, near Jane-street, will be sold low.
Two entirely new two-story brick houses of six
rooms, each on Mound, near Olark-atreet,
A three-story brick house of twelve rooms, on Mil-ton-street,
near Broadway, will be sold for (3,000.
Two entirely new three-story brick houses of seren
noma, each on York, near Baymiller-street, will be
sold as to pay 10 per cent, income on the Investment.
A frame cottage house of four rooms on John-street,
between Court and Elisabeth-streets, for tl.foo
terms made easy. '
A two-siory brick home of six rootrsand basement,
on the north side of Eighth-street, between Linn
and Baymlller. Lot S3 feet 3 inohes, by 101 feet deep;
will be sold low. -
A three-story brick house of nine rooms, hall, gas,
bath-room, Ac., on the north side of Bichmond
street, near Hound. Lot H by 100 feet.
A three-story brick house of eight rooms, and lot
22 feet front by 87 feet deep, on Hughes-street, for
SJ00; rents for $360 per year.
Two entirely new two-story brick honsts of six
rooms and Basement, each on the south side of
Wade-street, near Freeman, for 13,750 each.
A three-Btory brick house of nine rooma, well fin
ished throughout, on the south side of Longworth.
street, near Bace, for $4,1100; rents for $460 per year,
A two story frame hoose on north side of Eighth
street, near John, for 12,800,
A two story brick house of seren rooms, on south
side ot Beventh-street,near Linn; lot 26 by 86 feet deep,
will be sold for $3,300.
,f wo-"'0')' frame house 0f fire rooms, on north
aide of Bolts-street, near Linn; lot 26 feet front by
feet deep to an alley, will be sold at a bargain.
A two-story brick house of nine rooms, on north
side of Court-street, near Linn; lot 26 feet front by
100 feet deep, will be sold for 84,000
A two-story brick house of five rooms and kitchen,
on Eighth-street near Linn; lot 26 feet front by 106
leet deep to Tan Horn -street.
A two and a-halt-story brick house of fire rooma
and kitchen, north side of George-street, near Bay.
miller; lot 20 feet front by 86 feet deep, will be sold
A three-story brick house of nine rooms, well fin
ished throughout, on the north side of Ninth-street,
near Baymlller, for $4,01)0.
A three-story brick house of nine rooms and base
ment, well finished throughout, on Fourth-street,
near Mill; lot 23 feet front by 87 feet deep.
A two-story brick house of eight rooms, well fln
lehed throughout, on north side of Bichmond-sl reet,
near Cutter; lot 26 feet front by 138 feet deep to an
alley, with a brick stable.
A. three-story brick house of ten rooms, well fin
ished throughout, on north aide of Court-street,
near Mound; let 21 feet front by 100 feet sleep; will be
sold low.
ALSO A rariety of parcels of vacant city property,
some excellent bargains.
. '. ., SAMUEL A. 8ABGENT.
No. 2 Apollo Buildings, corner of Filth and Wal-nut-streets.
FOR SALE Will be sold iTHIS DAT,
Janaary 16, at o'clock, at No. 293 West Fifth
street, the entire Furniture of a Boarding-house.
ilOR SALE A fine GUITAR and CA8E,
M. of Martin's make ; in good order ; a rery good
toned instrument. Will be sold cheap at W. CAB
TCB'S House-furnishing Depot, No, 34 East Fifth
street, between Main and Sycamore. jaUb
EjOR SALE -"-H 0USE A two-story frame
house with six rooms, front and back yard, on
Longworth-street, between Plum and western-row.
Lot 19 by 80 to a 10 Ifoot alley, and in a good neigh
borhood. For terms inquire at 179 Plum-street,
between Fifth and Longworth. ja!2aw
FOR SALE APPLES A lot of choice.
sound, good sized apples, not frosted, at No. 60
Mc Farlan d -street. ' jaizd
0R SALE A LEASE On the store and
- dwelling attached, in a central part of the city.
The lease has ten years to run from the 1st of Jan
uary, I860, This is an excellent business stand for
an en terprising person. For particulars, address T,
At,, Cincinnati JPostoffloe. Possession giren immn-
BALE-Dress-makers' Establishment, No. 136
West Hlxth-strtet, bt tween Bace and Elm. ja!6d
FOR RENT A rery convenient three -story
Brick Dwelling, having all modern Im
provements gas and water throughout on Long-werth-street,
west of Park. Price, $460. Apply to
CAMPBELL, ELLISON ft CO., No. Is East Third
street. - Jal4h
IilOR. RENT STABLE -With fonr tails
and good loft, on Vaokorn-street, in rear or
No. 361 Eighth-street. Applyon the premises. jal4b
FOR RENT TWO ROOMS Second story.
No. 67 West Sixth-street, suitable for offices op
a small family. jal4b
BOARDING A few gentlemen can obtain,
first-class boarding at 163 Plnm-street, near
Fourth. Railroad cars pass every Ave minutes. Two
or three day-boarders wanted. jaltd I
BOARDING Furnished and unfurnished
rooms with board, for famlles, at 177 Sycamore
street, west side, between Fifth and Sixth. Board,
and lodging for single gentlemen. T.A. liOWB. ,
UalSaw ' i
JL4 afternoon, January 14. in bank-notes. A In
W? t( ffPSKiii0 -"e Bnder ox lu return to
W ILLIAM S. TBETOB, at John Shllllte ft Co. 'it.
Noa. 101, 103 aad IW West Fonrthtnet. jaWb
.B. Bloat A Go's. Family Sewing Machines haa
. been removed to No. 30 West Fourth-street, over
L Bontelllers. (jaeam) B. H. COOK, Agent.
Jt Js BUTLER'8 -"
- Eicelaior . Fluid Inks. :
Nanolmetorr. S Vfn 8t M
CHA, and very superior old Bio Coffees, at ,
jiMt ,u?i iU ,i. Cerasr Ninth and Tiae-strests,
ing Or
bVE j " . I. . I 7. uu yera; cistern
and hydrant. Mint be aituated la a respectable
neighbprhool. Bent not to sioeed f x per month,
mid Id advance, If required. Address Po.ufnV
Haw 1M llatlna 1. ,1
js Don't forget that the Penny
Preaa la the medium through which to
make known your wants 1 Advertise
ments of five Hue amf less, Inserted
twice for twenty-live eeutsl . "
Hthkil. During the week ending on
Saturday last fifty marriage lioenses were
issued by the clerk of the Probate Court,
sgainat forty-four during the week previous.
MiiiigTsaraL. Rev. Mr. Brank, of Lexing
ton, Kentucky, has declined the call recently
tendered him by the Broadsay Presbyterian
Church, of this city.
PaooixoiRos ok th Codstt Couhibbionirs.
At their Saturday morning session the County
Commissioners passed orders amounting in
the avcpnumta in QR Ml t,nh w a .11 tk.
business of importance transacted at that time.
AoKiowLiDoiiBHTa. The Treasurer of St.
Peter's Orphan Asylum begs leave to acknowl
edge the receipt of $97 41 from the Franklin
Fire Engine and Hoie Company, for which he
returns his sinoere thanks.
Polioi Court. Judge Lowe examined
thirty-four oases at the Polioe Court on Satur
day morning; but they were quite ordinary
in their obnraoter, and almost wholly without
interest. One or two cases were deserving of
notice, and these are related in another part of
the paper, Fines were assessed to the amount
of $122. . , ,
man, whose name we were unable to learn,
slipped day before yesterday and fell, at the
corner of Jane-nniirt anH fltr.h.--t in.
jurlng himself so badly that ho had to be
ouuveyeu m uis restaence in an express
wagon. Mir RoBBin or a Coat ard Caspbt-saok.
A man named William Hughes was arrested
night before last, and committed to the Hammond-street
Station-house, upon the charge of
stealing a coat end oarpet-eaok, belonging to
J. W. Arnot, from the Little Miami Railroad
Depot. He will have a hearing this morning
before Judge Lowe.
Child Imjorid bt a Fall prom a Porch,
A child about four years of age, daughter of
a Mrs. Holman, residing on Third-street, near
Western-row, fell, yesterday morning from a
porch, in the rear of the house, te the yard
below, a distance of twelve or fifteen feet, and
was injured so seriously that her recovery is
regarded as a matter of great doubt.
Hild to Bail for Malicious Assault.
Richard Steinhaus, the fellow arrested some
days ago for a malicious assault upon John
Ballard, committed at the Jefferson House, on
the corner of Ludlow-street and the river, some
time in Ootober last, was held to bail by Judge
Lowe, in the Polioe Court, day before yester
day, In the sum of $500, for his appearance to
answer the oharge before the next term OT the
Court of Common Pleas.
Benbpit of ihi FiBucnra' Bmrvoleht As
sociation. This association, as has already
been announced, give an eneertainment this
evening, at the Opera-house, the entire pro
ceeds to be used for the benefit of disabled
firemen. An address will be read by one of
our oitiiens, and "The Tempest" and "The
Toodles" will be performed by the dramatie
oompany. The object for whioh the perform
ance is given should and will, doubtless, be
sufficient to orowd the house from parquette to
Pirsokal. Mr. George V. Rutherford, for
some time past editorially conneoted with the
Enquirer of this city, has, we learn, resigned
his' position upon that paper, to assume the
financial management of Spalding & Rogers'
Amphitheater in New Orleans. Mr. R. is uni
formly amiable, oourteous and obliging, and
while we congratulate him upon his escape
from the Sicyphian toil inseparably connected
with journalistic duties, we heartily wish him,
in the new position he is about to oocupy, the
fullest suooess.
Highway Robbsbt. A man named Samuel
Woodworth, who resides some place in the
Seventeenth Ward, was discovered about
twelve o'olook Saturday night on the side
walk in the naiffhbnrhnnH nf Ilia W.ta-,.n.b.
dreadfully bruised and in a semi-insensible
1 ! , . TT - . , . . .
uvuuiuvu. no was tasien up ana removed to
his residence, when medical aid was oalled,
by whioh he was partially restored. He says
he was knooked down with a slung-shot by
some neraona whn m.4: him .... tL. -I-
where he was found, and afterward robbed of
oie porie-monnate containing about $20.
Frarkli Fbstival. The printers' festival,
to take place to-morrow evening at the Burnet
House, In honor of the anniversary of the
birth-day of Franklin, the printer, poet, phil
osopher and philanthropist, promises to be a
brilliant affair. Every arrangement has been
made that could add In any way to the agree
ableness of. the oocasion, and those who bave
the matter in oharge seem determined that it
shall pass off finely. Any who desire to pass
an evening devoted to dancing and enjoyment
should not fall to attend.
Hobribli Affair A Child Tobh to Piiors
st Hogs. We have just heard of one of the
most horrible deaths we have ever been called
upon to record. It appears that upon Friday
last, a little girl about three years of age,
daughter of Robert G. Tan.
raln Township, was attacked by a oouple of
nfnarlatAtrl Kamsi kl1a la V.J L J t
buiuswiwv Mvgsj, wuivu lb I1BU reo ariTIuK
about the yard with a stick, and torn literately
to pieces. Its screams reached the ears of the
mother, but she was unable to rescue it until
after their rage had been spent; but when
thev Were driven awav tha nMM
lifeless. It lingered, suffering the intensest
i r i , i .... . .
psiu, lur ueari v live nours, wnen it aiea from
the effect of its wounds.
Pbibof, Jail ard Hospital. In the City
Prison, at the olose of the week, there were 153
prisoners, (02 of them females,) against 147
the previous week. Daring the week 68 pris
oners were discharged. -
In the County Jail there were 7 lunatics;
27 females; 5 on bread and water; 27 on chain
gang; 77 in main jail 143 In all, against 121
the week previous.
At the Commercial Hospital 31 persons were
admitted during lrh m-uk- Hi a
born, and 2 died William Adams and Annie
AtopVe .v .
In the Hospital last evening 147 patients
were under, treatment, against 163 the previ
vlous week. ,
At the close of the week there was one case
of small-pox at the Pest-house.
Psrsoral Collision Bitwri ths Citt
Pbibom Phtsioiah aid a Mbmbbb of thb Citt
Couhotl. The Chairman of the Council Com
mittee on the City Prison, and the regular
physician of that institution, from some cause
which we have been unable to learn, became
Involved In a personal difficulty yesterday
afternoon about one o'clock, and, after some
harsh words, they dealt in harsher blows.
The dlsoiple of jEscelapius used his teeth
Instead of the scalpel, and with them almost
amputated one of the fingers ef the Council
man; but be in return was bled to a consid
erable extent, and carried away from theseene
of the conflict with a countenance somewhat
like that of Hamlet's father, as aeen by
Horatio "More la sorrow than In anger."
The diffloultv nrlffinalml In th. nffiaa f k.
City Prison, and is to be generally regretted;
mumu vi uii ima, nowever just tne
cease of both the parties, is, to a oertaln
degree, at least, disgrecefol.
Fire Last Evening—Loss Fifty Thousand
About ten o'clock last night a fire broke out
in the) candle manufactory of J. H. Rogers ft
Co., located on the corner of Harriet and
Front-streets. The building was Quite a large
one, being four stories high, and contained
quite a heavy stock of candles of various
kinds, together with ths nsnsl appnrtenanoM of
suoh an establishment. . . . .
The origin of the fire could not be definitely
ascertained, bnt it is supposed to have caught
from the furnace. - The flames spread with
great rapidity to every part of the building,
owing to the inflammable nature of the con
tents, and In a few minutes it appeared to be
enveloped in a single blaze. The lurid light
east upon the snow-clad, bills of Kentuoky,
against the sky, and reflected from the river.
seemed for a while to dim the stars, and gave
the landscape and the scene a beauty almost
sublime. -
The flames, several times, were communi
cated to the adjoining buildings, but the
promptness and the exertions of the firemen
preserved them entirely from any serious
damage. The loss to Messrs. Rogers A Co.,
wnose nuiimng, stock ana machinery were
wholly consumed, can sot be less than $50,000.
upon which, we believe, there was only a par-
ti at msuranoe. ;
Simons ard Probiilt FiT.r. fl-imama
Affrat A Mar Daroiboublt Irjubid rt
am Odtraoid Hdbrard. A difficulty oaourred
on Saturday morning last, a few miles from
tne city, on the Heading Road, between two
men named John Rairley and William Spokes,
In whioh the latter was seriously, if not fatally
slabbed. We eould not learn the entire par
ticulars, but as related to u, they assume
somewhat the following form:
Some months sgo Rairley, who is a farmer,
employed Spokes to perform some labor for
him, taking him to board in the family. For
a considerable length of time their relationship
was quite pleasant, but the fiend, jealousy, at
last disturbed It, and it became as disagreea
ble as it had before been harmonious. No
words had pasted between them; butS. seemed
Intuitively to feel that his employer regarded
him with suspicion, and probably having given
him some cause, the repelling power daily be
came greater.
The feeling in the mind of Rairley, how
ever, had no basis, save "trifles light as air,"
until day before vesteruay, when be oame Into
the houee and found his wife and Spokes In
suoh a condition as to leave little room for
doubt. Enraged beyond control, he seized a
butcher-knife, rushed upon 8., and inflioted
upon him several wounds, from which it is
feared he can not recover. What has been
the result of the affair we have not been able
to learn, but, under the ciroumstanoes, we
presume that if the wounded man should be
restored to health, no legal oognlzance what
ever will be taken of it; for from what little
we hare been able to gather of the affair, pub
lic opinion is deoidedly in favor of the action
of the husband, whose honor without doubt
has been dealt with foully.
Mistiro or thr Cimcirkati Horticultural
Sociitt. The Cincinnati Horticultural So
ciety met at the nsual hour on Saturday last,
in Bacon Building. The minutes of the last
meeting were resd and approved. The Treas
urer, Mr. William Stoms, submitted his report,
showing a balance of $52 03 in favor of the
Sooiety. Mr. Stoms also stated that the ao
oonnts of the Recording Secretary, E. J.
Hooper, and those of the Treasurer, agreed,
leaving fifty-four cents In favor of the Secre
tary's statements and vouchers.
The retiring President of the sooiety deliv
ered his valediotory address, after whioh the
President elsot delivered his inaugural. Both
of these were well received, being listened to
with interest and attention to the close.
The question of the appointment of commit
tees, severally , on entomology, on all domestio
wines, on sorghum, sirups, preserving of
fruits and vegetables with or without sugar,
then oame np, when a committee of five was
ordered on entomology, the names of whom
are to be submitted at the next meeting.
After some debate, in whioh the moral,
as well ss ths economical, and, by the
charter, unconstitutional, principles of the
subject were somewhat discussed, the matter
of the formation of a oommittse on wines,
sorghum, Ac, was, on motion of Mr. W.
Addis, unanimously laid upon the table. On
motion of Mr. Heaver, the question of the dig
ouselon of the profitableness of the pear in this
locality, was laid over till next Saturday.
The following gentlemen, presented by S,
W. Haseltine, were unanimously elected to
membership; John Blaokburn and Henry F.
West. Adjourned.
Ssrious Stabbiro ArrRAT oh Fboht
strrrt. About nine o'clock on Saturday
night, an affray ocourred on Front-street,
between Main and Walnut, in whioh a man
named Gibbons was severely stabbed bv
another named David Boyle. It appears that
B. had been out to some place, in company
with the wife of G., and when they returned
some harsh words arose In regard to the
matter, which soon led to blows. During the
melee that ensued, Boyle drew a knife and
inflioted several wounds upon his antagonist,
one in tne siae ana enotner in the neok. '
The locality is one of the worst in the oltv.
and is a general resort for all of the lower
classes. The cognomen "Hell's Half-acre"
has been fixed upon it, and, without doubt, it
deserves ths name. It is quite probable the
habits of the persons engaged in the above
anatr were suon as lead directly to jealousy,
and thence, particularly when drunkenness
ocours, to homicide. -
The wounded man is said to be in a very
dangerous oondition, either of the wonnds
under unfavorable cironmstanoes. being suffi
cient to produoe death; and, although alive at
tne latest accounts, there seems to be but little
hope of bis ultimate recovery. . Boyle was ar
rested shortly after the affair, and committed
to the Pearl-street Station-house.
Burglary or Fbort-stbirt Fiendish As
sault cfor ar Urprotrctrd Girl. The res
idence of a man named William Haggerty,
located on Front-street, between Mill nd
Park, was entered, on Saturday morning last,
aoout two o'oioox, oy a villainous looking mu
latto named William Fitzhush. Mr. H. is an
tmplou at the gas-works, and had just left
the house of whioh F. must bave been
aware when the thief effected an entrance
through a back window to the room of a vouni
woman named Mary O'Brien, who, seeing a
man oy ner siae, soreemea at tne top of her
voice. The negro then struck her violently,
threw her upon the floor, repeating his blows,
and finally lumped noon -her with hla feat.
stamping and beating her in the most horrible
Officer Fletcher and Mitchell, hearing the
disturbance, hastened to the spot, bat the
soonnarei naa maae nis escape. They tnen
Instituted a vigorous search, which, after some
time, was successful. The villain was com
mitted to the Pearl-street Station-house, and
a few hours later arrianged before the Polioe
Court on two separate charges burglary and
assault with intent to kill. The Injured girl
was unable to appear against him, and he was
accordingly oommitted.in default of $1,000 ball,
w an examination on luesaay.
MsmoRO logical Ossbbtatiors For the
Thmy Prtu, by Henry Ware, Optician, No. f
West Fourth-street, January 14:
. Aboveero 3t
. Above aero St
Above aero so
Janaary 19.
, Above aero SS
Above aero 88
Above aero 17
7. M.
11 M...
P. at.
MM..W 34 .
leteeeeMeeee 29.83
M ..39.a7
O'cJocj. v Barometer.
7 A. M,,, MM
II M -.,. M.2Z
F. M.- mJ)M
Williams's Nsw Citt Dirrotort. The new
Dirtelory, Oity Quid and Buntm Uimr for
1800, has just been issued by O. S. Williams.
It is more nearly eomplete than anything ef
the kind ever published In this eity, and eon
taint, In addition to the matter of which it has
been made np heretofore, a Newport and Cov
ington Directory, and a list of the postoffloet
in the United States aad Territories. Typo
graphioally, it is quite neat, and will be found,
In every respect, admirably adapted to its
purpose. 5; . .
Another Murderous Assault—A Man
Beats His Wife Almost to Death.
one of thnsa atvnl.ri
domestio qusrrels whioh, when they ocour
amont Deraoaa whnllv wlthnnt .Atr.liu-inii-i
are too apt to end in exnrcide, took plane yes
terday afternoon, someplace in the Thirteenth
Ward. We were nnable to learn the entire
clrcumstanoes of the case, but are 'informed
that it arose while the husband was under the
influenoa of liquor a demon that, rousing
every evil passion in man's nature, renders
mm, wnue in Its power,wbolly uncontrollable.
John Sullivan, had been drinking quite freely
tor some aays past, ana during this time had
abused his wife past all forbearance. Yetter-
rlav aftarnrvnn Ka torn ),nm. nn(. :MA.t.
j v-a.uw mv.uv hin lUWAKa-
ted and renewed his threats and cruelty, ear-
r-iug uuiu ro anon an extent mat sne retalia
ted, whereupon be seized a large stick of wood
and beat bar so harllv thai It
ble for her to recover.
Some policemen who heard of the affair ar
rested Sullivan and confined him in the Ham-
mond-atraat Station. hnnu. tn mil
limlnary examination before Judge Lowe,
wuioa wm vane piece mis morning at the
Polioe Court. The half-murdered woman was
attended to hv tfi n.ttvfckA,.. M.nAj
medical assistance.by which ske was rendered
quite as comionaoie as the oircumstances
would permit.
Rrport of ths Citt Auditor fob a Prriod
of Trn Months. To the courtesy of Herman
a. enuits, jssq., tne obliging Deputy City
Auditor, we are Indebted for the followinir
exhibit of the receipts at the City Treasury,
exclusive of School, Water, Infirmary and
House of Refuge Taxes, for the tea months
ending with the 31st of December:
Interest Fund.. 1159,373 02
Watch Fund .. 97,441 26
Superior Court Fnnd ........ lo,A80 41
Fire Department fund (9,973 44
McHlcken Fund,,.,....'.....,.., 3,sio 00
'end.... J3,M IS
Sinking Fiind.........,...,... 47,483 59
Htreet Ballroada........,M.M....., 8,444 04
General Fund.... 174,401 94
Receiptatfnoe March 1, I84....Ssia,1S3 88
Bal. in Trees. March 1, l8&o, 342,97s S3
Total receipts and balance.... $898,703 64
Expended sinoe March 1, 1849...$974,26fl 00
Reduoed warrants of prev.yeara. 7,472 41
Total payments
Balanoe in Treas.Jannary 1,180
$581,738 40
1276,978 24
"B&11 A Thomas, on Fourth, near Race
street, are taking excellent piotures of every
description at low rates. Call and see.
Masonic Eliotion. At the annual mooting
of Covington Enoampment No. 7, Knights
Templar, held at their Asylum in Covington,
January 12, 1860, the following officers were
eleoted to serve for the ensuing twelve months:
M. B. Theodore N. Wise, G. O.j M. E. Napo
leon B. Stephens, C. G ; M. E. John F. Hun
ter, Genfralissimo; Sir Peter A. Jeffries, Pre
late: Sir H. If. Mavo. R. W Rip A . TT T.m..
son, J. W.; Sir Wm. R. Evans, Treasurer; Sir
u. u. uroninger, neooraor; sir irrea. W. Huron),
Warder; Sir A. L. Greer, Standard Bearer;
Sir J. H. Barlow. Sword Bearer- SirTT. Ifoii.,-
Appointmrrt or Notorirb. J. E. Hamil
ton, R. A. Atley and R. X. Summerwell, ap-
Sointed by Governor Magoffin, have been con
rmed as notaries for Kenton County.
School Board. The old Sohool Board held
its last regular meeting at the oity hall, on
Friday evening, and transacted considerable
business, preparatory to the organization of
the Board elect
The resignations of J. R. Ricke, Miss Anna
MoDermott, recently appointed to a situation
in the Cincinnati sohools, and Wm. J. Wolfey,
of the Central Sohool, were received and ac
cepted. J. M. Bodine was appointed in the
place of Mr. Ricke, Mlas Nolan in the place
of Miss MoDermott, while that of Wm. J.
Wolfey was not supplied.
Resolutions were.offored proposing to dis
pense with the payment of sorip, in favor of
the revision of tne palaries of teaohers, and in
relation to the appointment of a Superintend
ent, all of whioh were referred.
The new Board then organized by the ap
pointment of Mr. Leuba, of the First Ward,
as President, after whioh the meeting ad
journed. Covirotor ard Lbxington Railroad. As
a great deal of interest is manifested in the
final disposition of this road, It may not be
improper to note the fact that an appeal has
been taken in the case of Winslow vs. Coving
ton and Lexington Railroad Company. The
appeal was taken by an individual stockholder
of Harrison County. Subsequently the new
Board of Directors assumed the responsibility
of the proceeding. The oause has been
docketed for the summer term of the Court of
Appeals. In the meantime, the Committee of
Investigation is prosecuting its labors.
Strrrt Railroads. Newport is determined
not to be behind its neighbors in ambition,
although its population be much smaller.
Street railroads are the order of the day; the
evidenoe to the world at large that a town has
thrown off its swaddling clothes and assumed
the habit of a city, and it is important that
Newport bave them, otherwise its true posi
tion and importance might be misapprehended.
Beside, it has an important suburb some
distance above, It is true; but nevertheless, in
'every respect a suburb, for if Newport does
not extend to it the reason it simply because
it is not large enough, and that suburb is called
Jamestown, or more familiarly Jlmtown. It
so happens that between the aforesaid oity and
suburb there is no land communication, ex
cept by means of a road near the river bank,
and during a portion of the year it is some
what doubtful whether this communication be
by land or water; but the general impression
is that It is somewhat mixed, and at times a
cart, at others, a skiff, ia the more appropri
ate method of travel.
The disadvantage is mutual. To our metro-
Eolitan merchants, because they find the in
abitants of Jlmtown exoellent customers to
our suburb neighbors themselves, because
they are oompelled to resort to this place for
the luxuries and necessaries of life, suoh as
sugar, tea, eoffee, dry-goods, lard, whisky, As.
These grievances are no longer to be borne.
The Metropolis and the village most have a
constant, reliable, and aooeeiable connection,
and street railroads are just the neoessary
In view of this. Johnson A Co.. of Cincln.
nati, have proposed to construct a line of
street railroads rrom tne Newport Ferry to
Jamestown, the ears to be placed on the track
within two months from the laying of the first
rail. They propose to oommence work as
soon as a charter is procured and the weather
win permit. .
We believe the investment will be a good
one, ana it certainly win ne a great aooommo
datlon to the people of both places.
Mastrb Cohmisbiorrb's Sals. The tot on
the corner of Taylor and1 East Row-streets,
was sold on Saturday last, by T. M. Winston,
Esq., Master Commissioner, for $1,000, Messrs.
rearons aeim were tne purchasers. .
Carada Banks. In Canada, banks are of
two kinds one of the olose charter, and ths
other the free banks. The former are not as
sured, the latter are. The total circulation of
tne close charter banks In Canada is $9,821,
000, whioh Is far beyond, the wants of the pro
vince, ana which is of course intended, ii
groat part, tor tne united states. j
Fatal Strrrt Brawl if Nrw Orlrars.
In an affray in New Orleans, recently, grow
ing out of the gotslp of several vulgar women.
Augusta Droze, a youth, was klUed, and an
elderly man, Reed, severely stabbed by Her
mogere Perl, who made his escape. .. ,
Urivbrsitt of Bsrli. The University of
Berlin has 1,475 matrioulated students 327
In Theology, 423 In Law, 313 in Mediolne,
and 412 In Philosophy. Add 059 students
who attend lectures, but are not matrioulated,
sad it gives a total of 2,434.
Civil Side. Abtgal Sbeppard vs. The
Widow and Helrsof her son Stephen Shenpard. Case
disposed of by Judge Collins. Thia waa an action to
recover land in Green I'owuabip, purchased during
the minority of Stephen hheppard, son of the plain
tiir, in 1837 thedscd UiUi xwuUni in 139, when he
bad attained the age of twenty-one years. When
ati?ijn at pr cre' 11 new valued
The Court held, upon the testimony that the land
waa purchased chisdy with the money of plaintiff,
that she waa a tenant In common with her son, and
renderedjudgment in her favor for one-half the land,
raaran vs. Moore. In this cue heretofore reported
the jury rendered a verdict for defendant.
i,P?r0, ?Bn" HoADLr.-John Balllle vs. William
Hlatt. Suit on a note. Defense, that H iatt put his
name on the note only aa surety, and waa released by
the plaintiff grantlug an extension of time to the
principal. Jury, unable to agree, were discharged,
John Gerke Alio. va. Bennett ft Hendrickson, to
recover for breach of contract to deliver 3,M) bush
els or corn. Tbedefendaut had partially complied.
About 8600 waa claimed. The Jury found a verdlot
for tISO.
BsrouE Jrjnoi Stoieb.-N. W. Thomas A Oo. vs.
Tho Bakers' Union Association. This case waa re
ported in our last. The Jury were unable to agree
and were discharged.
J. L. fJlark vs. Gandolpho A Oo. To recover $3,500
for the breach of e contract to deliver 200 tuna of Ice.
Hffcndante deny the breach, and olaim there iaan
imkutednea due by plaintiff under the contract.
The Ohio has continued to rise rapidly since
our last, the swell increasing with every hour, and
nil of yesterday the water was rapidly ascending the
banks. Last evening there were not leas than twenty
lire feet of water between here and Louisville. The
river waa rising at Inst accounts at Pittsburg, and
at Wheeling aud below It waa swelling aa far aa
Louisville. The Ice was running freely and awiftly
on AUimUy, but yesterday the quantity waa some
what diminished, although the Newport and Coving,
ton ferriee were not running after nightfall.
The weather on Saturday waa vailed enough, be
ing rainy, snowy and aleety; but yesterday It was
more settled, though moderate In temperature even
warm for the season.
The Wharf was in aucb a wretched condition on
8 tturday that shipping was somewhat curtailed; but
still business waa tolerably active, and freights in
good supply, particularly for the South. The rates
were as follows:
PittabargXJotton, 75o.: Molasses, 74c.; Whisky,
Mc.: flour, 30c.; Pork and Lard, 42c.; found
Freights, loo. per 1110 lbs.
NashvilleWhisky, per brl. ,50c.; Ale, 40c.; Pound
Freights, 3930c. per 100 lbs.
8t. Louis Heavy Pound Freights, 26c. per 100 lbs.;
Whisky and 011,79c. per brl.; Stoves, 35c.; Ale, Mo.
per brl.
Evanavllle-Wblsky and 011,75c. per brl.
Cairo-whisky and Oil, 75o. per brl.; Pound
Freights, 26c. per 100 lbs.
New Orleans-Whisky and Oil $1; Flour, 600.; Pork
goo.; Bacon, Butter, Uhecae, Ac, 36o. per 100 lbs.;
Keg Lard, 20c.; Hnraea, 110 per head.
At Louisville the river was rising rather slowly on
Friday evening, with nine feet one inch water In the
Canal. During the previous twenty-four hours the
river had risen six inches at the head of the falls.
Saturday's Louisville Courier remarks:
The Falls are navigable for descending boats, bnt
at noon yesterday there wore only three feet water
up the middle chute for ascending boats. From the
indications we think the river will continue to swell
to-day, and we think thenlwill be four feet water up
the middle chute. That will enable the PaciHo and
others to ascend the Falls and load at the city wharf.
Haturday'a St. Louis papers say:
The river at thia point Is at praaent stationary, but
on Thursday night fell threomchee. The ice flows
freely past us, and the stream nine fast, giving every
Indication that the passage ia clear below. Business
on our levee yesterday was very lively, and its genial
appearance was very consoling.
stNiiNOOrTHi CAMBBtnoa. The Cumbridee met
with an accident at Hut Island on the loth. She left
Cairo on December 29, and lay np for ten days at
Grand Tower; when the gorge gave wuv, ahe started
up the river on the 10th, ana all went vk'H on board
on the 11th, when she suddenly struck a rock on the
Missouri shore while olose In. She is badly wrecked,
and sunk Inninofeetof water, being enreened to one
side. Her cargo is nearly all damage , I. The Cam
bridge was built at Pittsburg, and owned there by
Dean A Brother, valued at $12,000; insured for some
Sl.oot, and was commanded by Oapt, Bam. Dean.
Abbtvals. Melrose, Hayprllle: Telegraph, Louis
ville; Prioress, Madison; A. 0. Tyler, New Orleans;
Decotab, PittsLurg. ,
I'BP.UiTUaiw.-ilelrose, Uayivllle; Telegraph, Lou
isville; Prioress, Madison; Saint 01" ud. New Or-
Monetary and Commercial.
Business in Third-street was rather quiet
than otherwise on Saturday, but the demand for
Money oontlnued far In excess of I lie supply, and
the market very stringent, more so than two weeks
before. The Belecting-houses are an ll".t home all
the notes they can spare, and In this v. ay keep their
supply of Currency short. At present rates they are
enabled to make a very fair profit by their selections,
and they do not spare any effort to make it pay.
The Discount-houses were londiug moderately to
their best customors at 10W12 per cent., but they have
not the means to favor them even at muoli higher
Eastern Exchange was still steady, though In leaa
demand than on Friday, at Hmii butins. and U
telling rate.
Missouri paper was aavancea to i. ana lowa, Illi
nois and Wfsoonsin to 3'A discount. No other change
worthy of mention occurred during the day in the
Banking quarter.
The Produce market on Saturday was gulet, few
alterations having occurred in any of the staples.
The Imports and Exports ot various articiea dur
ing the twenty-four hours, ending Saturday noon,
lMPOBTS.-Flonr. 1,508 brls.; Whisky, 952 barrels;
Corn, 8,31 bushels; Wheat, 196 bushels; Oats, 1,247
bushels; Barley, 150 bushels; Hogs, 1,201 head; Pork
and Bacon, 170 brls., 38,466 lbs.; Molasses, 6 brls.;
Coffee, 226 bags; Apples, 1,333 brls.; Butter, 70 kegs;
Cheese, 932 boxes; Potatoes, 473 brls.; Hay, 174 bales;
Lard, 280 brls., 4 kegs.
KxroBTS.-Flour, 718 brie.; Whisky, 1,149 brls.,
Oats, 24 bushels, Pork and Bacon, 9 hhds., 80 tierces,
529 brls., 69 bo, en; Sugar, 14e hints ; Molasses, 487
brls.; Coffee, 421 bags; Apples, 64 brls.; Butter, 12
kegs; Cheese, 155 boxes; Salt, lOObrls.; Lard, 603 brls.,
1,149 kegs.
Friday's New York Times thus refers to Thursday
The State of the market for Money ia something
less disquieting to-day, although the freedom of ne
gotiations is still restricted. A number of new pri
vate leaders, on call, brought their balances Into the
street, in sums of $10,000 to 120,000, and there was,
also, a fair inquiry for prime lists 01 paper, anil, sin
gular to say, with lees apparent discrimination
against the long dates. We hear of '4(36 months'
approved bills being done at t9 per cent., and tbe
leading Discount Brokers report that this class ol
paper is by no means pressed, showing that, so far as
the regular trade is concerned, most ef the mer
chants are content with their 7 per cent. Bank facili
ties, whatever these may be for the moment. At th.
same time we hear of some very good 46A0 day ac
ceptances, sold from second bauds, after being hypo
thecated for money at call, at from 8 to 9X per cent.,
though choice namea are quoted at from 7 to 7H per
cent, of the eaine dates. From the Stock Brokers
the Inquiry for Money Is still active at 7 per cent.
The Foreign Exchanges, this forenoon, pointed to
the furthercheapening of ratos for Saturday's mail,
and a leading drawer dropped his sight bills on
London to 109 per cent.; thus placing, by comparison,
fair sixty-day bills at lOSXioB, aud the very beat
at 1083a percent. No change in Francs; the range
continues wide, f.3.22Kf.S.lK.
Saturday's St. Louis Demoorat observes concern
ing Friday!
Business It quite stacnaht nothing doing, except
that the Exchange market Is brisk at 1 per cent, on
the East, some being bought by brokers aa high at
2h premium for bankable tunds. This extreme rate
of eichange causes the assorting business to be gen
erally resorted to. Currency waa scarce as ever
to-day, some dealers refusing to allow any difference
between it and bankable funds, and others making
only H per cent, difference against Illinois and Wis
consin. CINCINNATI MABKBT-Jaioart 14.
FLO TJ ft The demand continues quite limited,
and the market dull. The only sale of Importance
was 600 barrels extra, delivered tt Lawrenoeburg, at
6 60. The receipts a" lkht.
WHISK T A good u, -o.uid, and the market firmer:
sales of 1,100 barrels at Wi20Ho., ths latter rate
for wagon.
HOGS The receipts during the last twenty-four
hours were 1.600 head. The market ia dull and prices
drooping. The sales were:
71 bead averaging 230 Iba. at Rft 40
350 head averaging 240 lha. (last evening) at.., 6 40
300 head averaging 180 lbs. (last evening) at,. S i
300 head averaging 176 Ins. s.. 00
ISO head averaging 180 iba. il,,.. 3 911
100 head averaging 200 Iba. at..................... t 26
PROVISIONS A general dullness prevailed to
day, but holders remained firm at extreme rates.
The demand fell off. The sales were confined to 200
barrels mess Pork at $16 60. ISO barrels Lard at lOo.,
and 10 hhds. bulk Shoulders at 60. paoked. Nothing
done in bulk Meat for future delivery.
GROCERIES) No ohange: sales of 300 barrels Mo-
lasses at 4txjntto., ana 211 nnas. sugar at stto.
demand, at $1 2601 24 lor prime white, and
w 11 a Ax Tne marxet continues nrm, witn a
I 20
1 22 for pi
inme rea.
6556o., In bulk: aalea of 300 bushels, In bulk, at 66c.;
600 do. at 660., and 300 do. white at 680., delivered.
OATS The market fa dull, and prioes a shade
lower. We quota them at 40., in bulk: sales of 606
bushels, In bulk, at tsXc; 1,200 do. in sacks, at 49c ;
BY B The market is doll, and prices are drooping.
The millers have withdrawn from the market, and
CORN The market is firm, with a good demand at
distillers are unwilling to pay more than ll per
uuim; Miee ui mo uuaueui at pi un, irom store.
BARLEY There la a ntlv demand, and Drleea
steady at 733700. for prime fall, and 638c for fair
HAT The demand continue active, with light re
ceipt., and prices firm at 124 per tua for prime Timo
thy, on anfval.
OHEESK The market is flrn, with an active de
mand at last quotations: sales of 300 boxes selected
fall-made Western Beaerve at 9)fo.; 76 do. uneeleoted
do. at 840., and 160 do. summer-cured do. at 9Ho.
BDTTKR There la a fair demand for Central Ohio
at 16o., and Western Reserve at 17o.
A DBt N mi - . I - . J.l. J
nrruao-101 maraud in jirui wivu m suuu iudikuu
at 12 353 2ft per barrel for fair to oholoe, from store.
POTATOES There Is a good demand, and price,
flrnpat last quotations.
CLOVER SEED There Is a good demand, and
prioes have advaneed 60. per bushel. We now quote
it at 4 664 70 ror sacks and barrels: aalea or 10 brls,
at 14 701 if sacks at 4 M, and 25 barrels at 14 66.
New ' ttLBAis Mabrbt, January 14. Cotten
easier, but quotattona unchanged: aalee of S.SU0
saiee. vera at fut&voo. vfaiuyainc,
: I't-'i
, Ofsra-housr. This evening the
beautiful spectacular play of Tmb Tmpbst will be
presented for the sixth time at the Opera-house. aud .
those who bate not aeen it should witness it this
. . n"ebfresaid,TH Txhpb.it is mag
plSceutly put upon tbe etage: the scenes being
highly artistic and eflectlte, and the properties and
uoetumea rich and costly.
Mrs. Conway's "Miranda" Is particularly agreea
ble, and we never look In ner sweet end Interesting
t r without exorcising tbe tender emotions up.
tsed to animate "Ferdinand's" sympalhettc bosom.
ins iim-aa? is really an artuttc treat, and we hope
10 see tbe large and discriminating audiences of last
week continued at Ibe Opera-house.
Wood's Th bat sr. The Queen City favorite
and the most classio actress in tbe country, Ellw
Logan, begins her farewell engagement at thia thea- -ter
thia evening, appearing in "Evedne," in Shiel'a
tragedy of that name one of hea best parte. Kllia
Logan haa alwaya been regarded ae a Glncicnati
h.M at,. h.un h,- L. 1- I
hore received the encouragement aad obtained the
appreciation that enabled ner to win the first poel
I ion ob the American boarda.
We have watched thia estimable and gifted lady's "
progress for rears, and have shared the gratification
"I all her triumphs in tbe mimetic world of art.: We
hope she will be greeted during this engagement by
crowded and intelleotual audiences, suih aa she
usually attracts In all the leading cities of ths
Natioral Thratrb. This is the first night
nf the grand pantomime of tbe Habliquir Aa?n
u.iQtn, which will be given, we are informed, with
decided effect. Extensive preparations have been
making for some time past, and the pantomime will
be produced In flrat-elaaa style. It is full ot incident
and life, and will repay the seeing. .
Smith A Nixok's Hall. Professor Jacobs
has concluded to remain In the city another week,
unil will, this evening, give an exhibition of his ne
rmninniiuakill, in which he ia not surpassed by any
ouev ho has visited ua for years. Hia feats are ao
excellentlr done that the delusion is comnlete. and
many of hit tricks are not only beautiful and sur
prising, but altogether new.
A CO. Sales-rooma No. 61 Main-street
Groceries, Window Glass, Liquors, Ac. at Auction.
n TUESDAY MORNING, January 17, we will sell,
at nine o'clock, 40 bags Bio Coffee, 30 mats Java
Virginia and Kentucky Tobacco, 46 half-obesta
Green and Black Teas, 100 boxea Pearl Starch, 40
packages Brandy, Gin, wine and Bourbon Whisky.
ALSO Indigo. Nutmeg., Saleratua, Blacking, To
bacco, Cigars, Cloves, Ground Spioes, Bed Cords,
Twine, Ac. jalS
JOHNSTON, in Sales-rooms. No. 93 Main street.
next 10 irusi uompany nana i.arge aiocc 01 nry
Goods, Hats, Cans, Boots, Shoes, Ac , at Auction.
TUESDAY MORNINO, January 17, commencing at
ii'i-pii. uiue v viuca, wiu ua euiu, vudwi reeerve, .
a large atock of Dry Goods, Shawls, Blankets, '
Hosiery, Teller's Goods, Ao.
aiiou 7 cases Booie, ouoes ana nrogans, uats,
Caps, Ac,
A, fill .Vn,nllnM .nn.lAn Ulll h.
THIS (Monday) MORNING, Jan. 16, at 9 o'clock.
at nnr mtsir. Na IA tut TnnrthaioAi A Ati.l,w nf .
Furniture, consisting in part of three aofas, 1 doaen
hall -cloth parlor chairs, six do. Windsor chairs, one
do. dining-room arm-chairs, Elisabeth rockers, two
half-canopy bedsteads, cherry bedsteads, thirteen
round and square do., eight tables, ten washstands.
eight mattresses, pillows and bolsters, comforts, car.
pots, looking-glasses, two writing-desks, oooklng
and otber stoves, crockery, Ao.
jal4 JACOB GRAFF, Auctioneer. '
JL Durable Machine extant.
Call and see them. '
jaOtf 80 Weat Fourth-street.
Coal Cooking Stove-!
Has been pronoun oed by competent Judges to be the
Patented Dec. 1, .868. ..; .
For sale by the Inventors and Manufacturers,
No. 333 FourtIi-stret, Cincinnatf.
s respectfully refer to the following oertiSoatee
for evidence of the above i '
dual Cooking Stove. Utfauperlor cooking qualities,
combined with its cJiuTtiiwa, must eventually secure
to tbe owners a large share ef public patronage.
1 have been naine qnei Mfe "I- Adams A Peek,
over's Alligator Cloak SfMefftrV.rtp months, which
gives entire aatisfacUoD.TOSfeepect, and lean
cheerfully recommend it flioSiWho are in want of
a superior cook stove. H. H. LSAV1TT.
For the last year 1 have boon using the Alligator
Goal Oooklng Stove, manufactured by Messrs. Adam
I'eckover, which I consider a auperlor atove, and
gives tbe utmost satisfaction. It is the only stove I
ave funnd that cooks perfectly with coal. ,
For sometime past I have been on Ing oneof Messrs.
Adams A Peckover's Alligator Oval Oooklng Stoves,
and can recommend them as being a superior stove,
giving entire satisfaction in every reepect.
JOS. BCSHNKtib, Goal Merchant.
I cheerfully Indorse th above.
, dels . : JOHN KEBLER.
iiirfln iin mr nini nitTB ueou usiuk iub biiikbivi
Manufactory, Covlnfrton, Ky.
Ne. SO fleet t olembla-etreet.
trade at the moat reasonable prices and 00 ths
most accommodating terms wita ...
For Oil, Fluid or Coal Oil,
, N. B. Jones's Improved Lamps and Burners fr
sal by our agent, J. SBLLXRS, Covington, Ky. .
Coal Cooking Stove,
. '..-. . s . ... .Vi i:VM,e
' It ,'l.J .- I "V . . ; ;u , .
Held.! Zautesvllie, Oeteker, lSSO. .
Noi. 51 and 53 Vine-it.,
'(Seeoid door Below olanbta,) .
ci;n qiHiu ati. omoe'
' , ' . fnetcml '.. -
HAVANA CIGARS Of the eaoleest
braada-alse iaest etsalltta rCTetog To.

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