Newspaper Page Text
ME DAILY STAR Tirri.3DAY AUGUAT 24 FROM -POINTS AROUND., jRPORTED MnU4ALLY FOR VIZ STAR1 WINCIIRsTER, RY..A successful coneert was given at the Court-house on , last Saturday evening by Bubank's Cornet Baa. The attendanawas quite jarge. , The 8TAR is now delivered here on the 'Sante day of its publication. although t Winchester is 120 miles by rail from Clu rcinhati. , DAYTON, RY,The Baptist cengrega Men, last evening. celebrated the sol emn, yet peautifully impressive occasion of the "Annual Re 11-call.'.' It was noted as a remarkable pireumstancti tnat out of a membership ol nearly two hundred land Say not h single death occurred iwithin the past year. At We close of the Iregultir exercises the ladies served the ;congregation With refreshments, after which all present went up one -by one, , 'shook the hand of and said a "good-by" - to the poster, Rev. MIN Spillman, who goes away to recruit his health and strength. The wishes for his epeedy and lull restoration were as earnest as they 'were numerous. Tnoi, 0.---Two well-dressed young ' ?women 'were taken into cuetody here by . .In obedience to telegrams from Dayton. 'They were lodged in jail until called for by- detectives and taken ' away. "Stealing dry -goods" was the charge agaiust them. The Camp at Piqua begins to-day, and. lasts three days. Troy sends two com panies of infantry and a battery of two guns. The boys anticipate a lively time. There will be probably six companies in ' - the canin. and a regiment will be organ. tdeap will no on the grounds of the Western Ohio Fair Association, hd. kilning Pipe. Business is looking up a little now, 'and workmen are agaiu boding employ ment. -, 1,,EXINGTON, KY. --Sheriff Thomas ettys,'"that he Sad his sureties are in a fair way of being prosecuted it the tax payers keep away from his office with , the State tax money in their pockets." We have succeeded in teaching the falters ht the Dispatch a little modesty in causing them to print their names in smaller type. Two little children of Mr..Huglies, re siding on proadway, were run over by a spring wagon on Saturday evening. The local papers are printing the ad. dress of Brother Webtfolk, delivered at the Baptist Association last week. They should also praise his inventive pull's. , Rev. W. Feliff, of Covingtou,'and ' Rev. Skillman, of Missouri, occupied the pulpit, moreing and evening, in tl& ' ' Baptist. church last Sunday. The at teddance was larger than ueusi. - A new banner, costing 9175, wa re ceived last week by the St. Deter and St. Pahl Total Abstinence Society ol Lexington. This society, and the first iff its kind in this city, was organized March 5, 1872, aud now numbers eiguty Members. ,- A new club was formed last week for - pleasure and paetime. It is called the L Star Quoit Club. If the gentlemen Mein-- - bers prove themselves as popu;rxas the bTAR in this city is they will be success , ful indeed la their orgaeizatiOn. local ,- paper apealtiug lila club says: "it is composed, mostly of gentlemen on - the shady side of dill." Tido is a mistake; most of them are on :the sunny side of Atty. , The cause of temperance is brighten. Ing in this city. On Monday evening ot last week Great Worthy Commander G. W. Bain lectured in the hill-street ' Church on the evils of intemporunce. . On last Sunday morning Rev. Father - 'Cook seconded him by a sermon on drunkenness in St. PauPs Church. , He , argued that "intemperance was the Most debasing of all the sins enumerated by Mt. Paul." la the evening of the same. ' ' day Rev. Brother Skillman held forth in Brother Woollolk's pulpit on "the Beset ' ling Sin." watch he said was "very cum ' mon among men." To this force must be added the St. Peter and St. Paul Total ' Abstinence Society, now numberiug over eighty metabers. This array ol re. - formers is backed upt by 'the vigilant police ofileers aud the city Grand Jnry, who h uut dovin liquor eellers. ' H. Morris, lately of this city; committed suicide at tne St. Cloud . Hotel in Louisville, at a late hour on last Saturday night, by takiug ounees of janclanum.. , - - ' .11AMILTON, 0.A dog supposed to - be mad was the cause of some trople - Du Ludlow street last night. " The Columbia Bridge Company, pi , Dayton, O., was awarded the contract to .. build a new iron bridge over Zeigler's Run, near Millville, by the Roseville and Midvale Turnpike Corapaay. There was died. in the Clerk's' office ' - yesterday a transcript and -attachment certified up from the docket of R. B. , : pavidson, Justice of 00.1'0m:ie. of St. Viair 'fownship. ; Quite a number of e.migrants, with , item wagons, Westward bound, passed , ' through the city yesterday. They hailed from Tennessee. -Robert Davidson, nominated on the Republican lick5t for Probate Judge, in a letter to the Centeal Committee de. nes the proffered honer-. - . aession of Common Pleas Court ls !being, with Judge Biume on , Mut beuch.- , - Michael Quinn was arrested yesterday And tried before 'Squire 'Spencer of , 'Wayne Tp., on a charge ot assault with . Intent to kill. It appears, on Saturday , ' last he entered the house of a, Mr. Witherow in said township, and Made a , ,,demapd for some bread. ,A few words , passed between the parties, when Quinn drew a revolver and but for the inter. , , Terence of a third party would have shot Mx. Witherow. He was bound over to await the action of the grand jtiry. Toe Miami Base-ball Club will play the return game with.the Osceolas next ' Saturday afternoon, ou the grounds di the latter in the Third ward. John Corcoran, a well-known eltisen '' -if Butler county and tor many years a resident et quite sod . denly SuudaY alternoon, at his latexes. lama) in the Fourth ward. - Mr. Corco ran was a pative ot Irelaud, and .eighty ',, two. years of age at the time of his death. Ile was the tamer ofa large family,' all .of wnom are grown and new living, with ' " the exceptioa of one son. ,Fatner Cor r aeoran for a number of years was the - beloved pastor Of she St. Mary's Church .ef this city. His luneral will take place , to-morrow (Weduesday) morning at 9 ' .pcloqk from the St. Mary's Chiffon. t. The Board, ef County Commissioners - met yesterday and resolved to receive proposals for 2,000 buehels of screened ! Xoughloghevsy 'coal tor tke.Ueertitothe - fail and county edifies. bide to be- re " :delved te noon August 28th. -Martin Mason, wuo was attacked with -- ...apoplexy Sunday afternoon, was last ,' might -reported bY his' 142Plielees te be ..3111prifYing. , - , - : , ,,N.4 The following wait passed iby .CO1111011 last night: : , "Resolved, That the Committee on Police. together with the Committee on Pub lio Improvements, be appointed a Committee to secure a proper building looation for a statieb-house, lock-up and city .building, and that they wait upon Joan M. Long aud ascertarn u pon w net terms the 'old Academy Building' or machine-shop can be bad tor on lease or purchase; luso, any other bailding that may be offered fox the purpose by other parties, and report same at the next meeting of this idouncil. . Common Pleas Courtmet in adjourned session to-day for the hearing of motions, demurrers, etc., and will meet Again on Menday next for general businese. The following are the assignments for the first three days: Monday, August 80-- L. Solingen vs.. H. Zimmerman; IL A. Dilg vs. Peter Schwab; B. Jenifer vs. tir.' T.., Bali; C. Saint ot al. vs. F. G. Gertilg et al.; H. r. Douscher vs. IL WiMame et al.; Crane & McQuaid vs. W. A. Vogue; J. M. Symmes vs. D. Lingler.; C. G. Curtis vs.4 Buttner et ai.'; Scaruub vs. J. M. Merrisk, Trustees Iluiversalist Church vs. J. VV. Sohn et al.; Marina E. Potter vs. W. O. Potter; W. T. Gebhart Ye. C4. tr. Garr; H. MoDill ve. IV'. Wallace et Litera A:. Uerwig vs. Caroline ,E. Diiiisworth; P. H. Cone vs. J. J. 11. Tiffany; B. Fall vs. D. Shartlef J. B. 'Plodder vs. A. Beata et al.; B. and S. Association, of Middletown, vs. Ellen F. Wails4 C. Morgenthaler vs. J. E. Lind ley et al.; Kemper Bros. vs. W. Grismer et al. G. IV. Agnew vs. Rebecca Agnew; J. D. 'Brown vs. Friuli aud Moore W. B. Wilson vs. J. Ideyers et al.; F. leeck vs. R. ileedergrass; Cole,. Georman & Hen ning vs. J. fluil et al.; Michael limier vs. Henrietta Scbertz; D. K. Dick vs. M. N. Magi nolo J. T. Earlier& vs. M. b. Ear hart; W. W.1Lane butpuin et al. Tuesd,ay-7-f. Wooley vs., Mary. Ogden et al.; U. IV. Leitch vs. F. Van Derveei.; Elizabeth Dabois vs. tieerge Duboll; J. it. Merrill vs.' S. Burritt et J01311 Maas vs. Jacob Alumni; State ye. k Kurz et al.; M. H. Stevens vs.J. Mortou el al.; State vs. J. Ulmer et al.; State vs. C. MuClung et al.; W. IV. Suepuerds ve. J. O. Itursoll; A.M. Miller vs. Stevens , et al.; J. W. Doty vs. A. Doty; B. Putter vs. F. Eiser; Cypress Silby Crout; James Wood ye. Jane Sullivan et al.; Rosa fletri vs. A. Betri; C. H. flicks etl al. vs. Caleb Clark et Wein Lialuil-1 ton Land and Building .Association vs. J. Hull; A. J. Remo .0. S. Tay-lor; Miry Brannaban .vs. City of Haluitten; W. if.' Straub et al..ysi M. Sheets; P. Hannegan vs. IlIddielown Gas-lignt C. Co.; H. B. IV. Koff et al. vs. T. Reed et al.; J. Buck 38. R. Cummins et al.; R. Harper ve. A. Kepler et al. A. Kemp vs. , George Keinti et al.; Calm:hie Moyer vs. Fred. Shaffer. ' Wedneeday--G. IV. Sadler vs. J.' Flaherty et al.; G. H. Buck ner vs. L., Harmon ; Martindell Vs. L.1 Solingen; Gliff, Gray & Gordon vs. L.1 Soangee; P. McCue vs. C., H. & R. it.1 Co.; E. Henderson vs. J. Warxeutter 81.; J. Mathias, guardiaii, vs. A. Son et P. Weise vb. C., II. D. R. Co.; Lt. F. bledee vs. 0. H. Rey inIlde; D. D.' Diuk vs. G. IV. Dick sadmiuistra ter; T.-Marehall ye. J. B: Rose; Miry Lemon vs..illoritz Schenck et al. MARYSVILLE, 0.--A : colored wan named Mayne Was ehot through the breaskby a colored eau named Jewell a few evenings since. Maybe is recover ing. Gen. R. B. Hayes and others addrea a mass riveting neve on the 3dth inst. Tae Teacherte Institute was held last week at the Union sobool-bouse. Pro lessors Williams, of pelavaa, v. Hartz ler, of Newark, 0., Williams, a Dela ware, O., and Prof. Smart, State Super, intendent, were present. " Tile Eagles, of this place, have defeat ed the Ligatfoo6 Club of Idecaauleshurg by a score el 39 to 19. CALIFORNIA, picnic of ,Gr8enwood Lodge, Nti, 252, 0.0. F., which was postponed ou accouut of tho high water, will be held at Parker Grove Friday, August 25th. pauorama of Bible scenes will be ex hibited at tit M. E. Church on the 13tit Of September by. Li. J. Wymans. It is said to be a splendid thing. The business of the J. M. ilicArthuy Is gradually increasing. ÇA111)INGTON, p.Tbose who went on ,the trip to Cleveland on Saturday eirjoyed themselves chit,. The trip on the lake, however, did not agree with Come of the boys. as they imagined themselves on boar6t tue boat afterward anti were unable to walk straight. , The Cardington Tnespians contem plate giving a dramatio entertainineut for the lietwilt of the baud. - , COVINGTON.--ReV. Wm. Tappert, of St. Julta's Church, lyiug very at his house. In the ,Crimival Court the following cases were disposed oft 'George Miller, stealing pantaloons, etc., from A. D. Holden, three years in tbe Penitentiary; M. 'Donahue, etealing pocket-book and money from Mrs. Margaret Williatue, corner ot Sixta and Sandlord streets, discharged; Herman tiontid, liquor to a minor, judgment tor $50 and , costs, aud replevied, witli H. Wenzel ab ourety.. The Grand Jury reported indictments as follows; ,Edward Wallace, forgery, forging au order 'tor $2 from Mrs. Frauces Rickert to Max jill000; Joan Daly, petit larceny, stealing ted trom Jacob Meyer; John IV. Clark aud wife, continuing a ience aoross a publielsread. - Attachments were. ordered against ,Mitihael O'Brien anti P. F. Maley, wit neeses subiapuaed and lentil; to appear Def0E8110 Grand Jury. The w alio at tne mouth of the Licking, whioll were damaged by Vie high water, are being repaired. A brass band will be In attendance at the game of base-bail tail afternoon, be tween the Eagles, ot Loufsville, and the Stars. J. P. McLaughlin bad three fingers ot his right nitud ' badly ,burt, yesterday, among some cog-wheels that were in motion at the boott-street -'Squire Duveuick again continued' the case of Valuer Wm. Mitchell, of Cincin nati,' yesterday. Miteheit 'charged with au assault upon hie majesty, the Marshal ot Covington. - committeii of Council and citizens appointed le visit Forest Hill, went to that piaee yesterday atternoon aud ex amined it with care. It was deciired to have a meeting for the discussion of tile reservoir project to-an:grow night, tu the Council Guenther. , John Boyce, -a carpenter residing at No. 25 Bette street, Cincinnati. feHirom a scaffold In front of the building knowu as Wade's Row, and received severe in juries in the Wont. , , United Statee Marshal Harrington .has talien possession Willow-run Distil lery, welch had been cloeed tor vicdation of 1,88 InternalHeyenue law; - - In the County Court tho wills of Henry Alexander, .1Simen Vela , and Edward Morgan, were admitted to probate. A. rule was leaned agalust the Bank Lick Turnpike Compaey lequiring its semi-annual itatement. - . E: W. altirphy was allowed .$25 for making a pew plat et the lIaptist.Theo. logieal sub-division. r ' A cow yesterday. created; quite an ex:. eitement on ktreet, liy the stairway of the old building 'former. ly occupied by the late Marshal Butts. A four.mouths old child of Mr. John Rucker, who reside, at tbe corner of Steven0 and Powell streets, aceidentally bad a n'eedle driven into its abdomens The needle broke otr, leaving about an HIM' of it in the flash... Dr. Hearne ad. ministered chloroform, and out to the depth of half an inch, without any sue.' case. The needle had worked itsolt iu and could not be found. The child is not In imminent danger. Jobe Decker, a hod-earriev, supposed to be a son of Mr. Frank Wolter, a coal merchant of this city, committed suicide. by drowning 'Hallett in White river, Iudiana. , , About, ball-past five o'clock yesterday afternoou a lire was discovered in the root' ot a ' kitehen, No. 49 East Freut street. No loss. - - Miss Ella Pendleton, step-daughter of Alletill Morris, Bog., left this ,morning on a trip tirlinoxville, Team ' , Mr. Jalues Herbert has gone into bus'. nese again; - , , - In the Mayor's Court this morning Pat O'Donnell, Jamee Ward awl, James Woodlock were this morning charged $4 each for a night's lodging in one el the cars on the K. C. raitroad. George Schneider, for not giving full weight and measure in market, was fined $5.' .Ellen Beattie, disorderirconduct, wee lined $1. and coate. ' The Stars wore beaten yesterday. They had not yet sthileieutly reuovered from Weir Legingtou vietery. : :N,EWPORT.--The game of base-ball played Saturday ou the Barracks 1 grounds between the Masons and West. eras, resulted in favor ót the latter by a score of l3 to 10. " A. buggy, lu which was seated Mr.. George White; his wife and child, was overturned yesterday on Lae Reservoir road and the persons thrown out, but, fortunately no one was lujured.. Miss Anna Clemens died very sudden. ly yesterday at her yebidenee on Madi son street of erysipelas. ' " A horse attached to a spring wagon ,bettame frightened 1, a passing railroad tihin on Saratoga etreet yesterday and ran away, but was captured before auy damage was Atte Mr. David Vowler returned from the East this moruing. James Flygn. who wasTeported killed on the Newport bridge, ,was ,seen you. terday alive and well. The Campbell Ceanty.Teachers',Asao. efittion meets to-morrow at Alexandria. -The row on Germau street Bentley had the abut of bringing to the- street a:. most every man, wehniu and Mid tor squares around. Barracks NewsOne bundrectmen are to be sent to join the l'itn Infantry at Dakota a private letter to one of the soldiers it is stated that of the detirchinent of 139 recruits seta to join the harlotry in Dtkota, a large number were massacred ay the Indians while en route iu charge of twelve aimed men, they themselves being unarmed. Thirty-turee white and two more colored recruits have been accepted.By speoial order of Major E.C. Mason, no peroon can leave tee.Garrisou aiter tattoo with out a special pen-ult.The Paymaster arrived yesterday at twelve o'clock and inaoe the boye happy. There still re mains two months' pay due them, which they vvould like to have paid up. Tbe greenback w heel must turn faster to tiring ownfert to hearts of the new re ci nits. 'rile Garrison Band, under the leader ship of Prof. Horne, executed the follow ing programme lastevening. The crowds that nightly visit the esplanade is proof sullicieut tuat the band ia, ad it always has been, the m9st ptpular in the W eot .(21teen of England 51ar3hrtiettlo. ' Tao W oat ttr' Ovartureitoaecke. ..5iew 'Vienna WaltzStrauss. ' &leagued from "Les kluguenota"Aleyer. , Selection., from "Martha"Flotow. Jolty 1;roeherd lietiOnal Air. - , We are under obligations ta-Mr. Gdo. Morton, at the Barracks printing chide, for many favors extended. John Britton who was before Judge Geisier y'estertl'ay, is not Our John. Ottr John never gelds into auy scrapes. Two small children wsare this morning brought into tho Marshal'e office. They bad etrayed away from bow and were unable to give any account of thein selves. Deputy Tay took pity ou the little wandtvers and soon succeeded in restoring..thein to their propa home, which he lound by meeting a brother who wale ill bearch of them. Harry Smith, Esti., returned frOm "Kiney'r last night. kie reports fishiug in that vicinity,. and recommends it, as it-good place tor recreation. - On last Sunday, while Mr. White, ac-, companied by hie wife, wore driving out the Reservoir road, they met With an accident which might have' resulted se! riously. , Tue so oadly cut up as to render it alino,itimptissab.e. "le the City Court tuts morning, N. L; Russell, for carrying concealed weapons, wtus behl over in the sum of .$200 to ap pear at the next term of tne Criminal Court. N. L. Russell was lined. $1 and coets for being diaorderly. WA; EKLY Ali kie IF Ole A HE CZN CIA N 4 1,i ht ItICA Z. ' CINCINNATI. AtigliSt 21-2 P. M. FLOURIs quiet and easy. ramilYis Worth tli 644 2.1, vita sales of old family to-ttay at mart' sold to-day at 51i 35Liti 5j; 'Alper. fine, 2585 03; tow grades 14 Oa4 te per brt Suring wheat neer bola to-Ua7 alp la 51I. mid chotoe brands are held at MI 15. Ryu hour is worrii 50a -16 per bri. ' WHEATQurm, Had moderate demand. Red, is wortu di 40aJ 50 for good kr -prime obi, SI 25a 85 for good now; old'white is worth ;I Val 511 for fairto choice; new wmte is deli and nominal; it ranges from slat de per ha, cording to quality.. , DA SAre quiet and steady. , The offerings of old are light mitt they are tirm at Slottrie r No. 2 mixed anti taa'aie, for white per lat. Re jeoted oid are worth titatIle per bu for new. oats are held at 85a Oci par .ba, according 'to kind aud quail, y. ' COLINSteady and in moderate demand for mixed, with sides uf ear at Tin; 5o, anti shelled is quoted at Matte. .White is worth nominally Wade for prime to choice sample. ItYY1The marker is eteady, with fair de-, maul. No. 2 sold to-dity at itee per bm Infe rior sample is quoted Siudge, aud rejected 7da 1de per cu. - , LAitDThe market is quiet., Primo winter steam is worth Deto, and, current make 123da ide per ib,, Best eiry kettle la held at ltixitidge per lb. BULK MEATSThe market remains easy and quiet. Shoulders alp held at aud buyers cher NO per lb; clear rib sides are quoted 11Nel2o, awl, it is wauted at less; clear 14108 12ga12,0 per lb spot, all loose. ME PORKThe market to Still quiet at t21 it21 25 per bri for prime city. BACiANThe demaad is light, but- holder& are h. m. Shoulders are held at ante. clear rib sides and cloar aides 13alegc per spot, aLl packed. Sugar-cured name, 14a14)ic per lb. - COTTON-4faritet steady, with .sales to day of 275 bales. .klo reeeipt to-day. Shipments, 120 hales. Stook, 1,610 balea No change prices. We quote; terdmary. ilkic; good Or dinary, l'230-; low middling, iteget mating, loge; roue middling, ,14.3se; huddling Puri Rims; fair.10)de , . , , WilidliltThere is a good demand and a stead4markets with Idea CI 40 per gallon. ALCOliot--The market Is firm , with fair demand at IS 43 per 'gallon -levy; per Gem. above proof; BAGGINGThe demand is moderate and there Is a steady market at iaalte per yard tor Ws, lb Am - , , r BAL48The demand is limited, but prices continue steady at previous rates. We (pima: Barlapiu $ be, do, d'but 14tdio; gum . r - 4. . . ides, bu,'. Mlle; do, 4 be, Patici iotten seamless, Kaaba. BARKThere is a better demand and the market is firmer. Prime eheatout oak is worth fit 50 per cord afloat. B EANSMarket is still drill, and there are light offerings at SI itte I 90 for choice nays and mediums Seal 60, per btu DICES W AXThe market is stonily, with fair demand at 27a2sc per lu tor prime eample.. 11110011 COIINlo in moderate request Mid Steady. We quote: Common rod, Seed; green stalk, 100. and fancy green hurl, 12e, per lb. BROOMSThe demand is light, with prices steady and unchanged. We quote: Cotumen, St Waft; Shaker, le leal; hurl, ill 110at 50, and steamboat, $5a6 Der dozen. 11UPTEtThe market is mita and easy. The receipts are in excess of the demand, es pecially of inferior grades. Best table butter it in good loeal demand, with oaten and retieipts about equal. We ouote: Chute Westera Re serve, Wattle; prime Southern aud Central Ohio, Wattle per lb, and lielc More caa be bad for extra eeleetious of single packages. Me dium gradett are Worth Patine, and oommon Ita 14.43 per lb. CANNED FRUITELThe demand to light. with a steadysmarket, and prices are un changed. We quote: Peaches, per doien, SI 76 a2 215; Anne apples, 05a1 90; strawberries, SI 75at 00; raspberries, 82 50a2 75; pears, Ste 2 50; whortieberries, Stet 25: plums, per doz, ti 75a2; green corn, 2150a2 50: green peas, SI 50 a2 7i; condensed milk. $2 75a7 UO; oysters, wee, liatt 50; tomatoes. SI Seal 60. CAIVILESThe demand is maderate and there us a quiet market at Nal for star can dles, and ai2v3 for Mullion tallow, per lb. LHEESEThere is a fair dementi with ample supply. Prime to home factory la worth 10),,e lie por lb. COALIs firm .with an upward tendency. Receut purchases of Youghiogheny are hold for better priced. Cue' Had undoubte.ily toucned its lowest ligures for the season. Those who have not laid In their wiuter suoply had better secure lb at present priees. Sales afloat are made at 81ie per bu for Youghiogheny; Se for Raymond City and Campbell crook; 'No for Ashiend; for Ohio river. Muskingum Valley in cars is Worth ite per bu; .1locaing Valley at elevator lUe per ha. We quote, de livered to oonsitmere: Youztiogheny Milk; Raymond City,. Campbell ereett. itocking Val ley and Muskingum at ite; Ashland, ilo and Ohio river, luc per bu. COFFEEcouttuues firm though quiet, and prices are unchanged. tie is worm Matte for econnuom24023me for lair to good, and. 24a2be for prime to choice, per lb. 1 COltDAGEMarket steady and no change in prices. We quote: Manilla, Itsimille; ilibattc, and .o ute IMMO per lb. LOOPERSTUFFThe supply is large, with moderate demand, anti tee market is easy. 1Ve quote: Ewer bri poles. $10; Own brl do, Mato; nogattead do, $80a40 per 1.0tel. Staves Rough bri ablate; dressed do, 3188,20; head. $20a25; tight tio. 480;0 per 1.000. COOPERAGETite market is steady,. and there geuerally a moderate demand at previdus price& We quote: Half brie, 61 10; perk brie. si Mat 15; stack halt brut, 3 60a4; Ugly, half iron-bound bris. Slat 10: lard tierces. SI e5; flour brie, Maim; whisky brie. Iron bound, :01 seal 85; petroleum bad, It 2bal b5; flytight hnds, SI '30a1 I10; oil brie, St 15111. coTTO s YARNSThere has been no ma terial change- The uemand is metieraw at previous prices. -AV e quote; Aesorted Nos.,. 'per lb, 27e; carpet warp, white, per ib. Mc; carpet warp, witored, per 114 lAc; wicking, per le, zee; cover et yarns, 29.4 cotton twine, per lb, 22,a2to; eotton rope, per lb, 22ette; 50 is, per doz, 600A per doz, 32e; trot lines, pit' lb, zUe; stagiug, per ib, SW; some twine, per lb, ate. DRIED FRCITSDomeitie is steady with tient demand, Apple's are worth Wialtic; peaches Sloe tor quarters and Waite for halves pee lb. Foreigu tireja moderate demand at pro rated prices. We quote: Citron, per lb, u8a BUe; figs, 140,18c; prunes, let100; matte, tiia 80; currants. 7lta8e per lb. Layer raisins, per box. el tett tai. EGGSThe receipts are littoral with lair de.' mad t, end the market rematue ;dowdy at 13aitis per (totem - PEA e ERSThe market is quiet and steady at 52c per tor prune. GiNSENGThe merket is firm and quiet, prilue is held tit $1 lit per lb. GR eEat FIIIHT8Thore is a moderate de mand for apples., with a fair supply, end good to prime are worth Stitt per bri. Peaches are in good request. MI tile receipts are not largo. They sell litst 50a3 per bu, in boxes, aucord to quality. Lemons are wortli Malt, and or an.res 50a8 50 per box. II AYThe market remains about as last re ported, New ha, is arriving quantities be yond the aud it la generally of inter ior Omit ty. Prnue old hay is lu goo demand, and the eupply No matorbd change in prices. We quote: No. I timothy Stelle ior leOse, and SAit,4 tor tight-pressed per ton, on arrival. Inferior gradoe are worth ti5a18 ner ten, ou arrival., la store dealers requite Slat More per ton. HEAPContinues dull, and prices are nomi nally unehangtal. We quote: Rough Kentucky,. sit.M15u per L011, abLi dressed I I yoll lie per le. II IDEsAre steady and quiet. No materiat variation in prices We quote: Green, eal ds; Wilt Sahel:. SaSet dry Ital5e. pez lb; blitidP pelts are worth 75cati 25 for good w choice. and 20attle for inferior. HOPSThe tharket rules cutlet, with mod ' Mote demand at tialltle per for prime to choice sample. litoN Tile market remains a Mot and steady. There is a fair demand for best quality pig iron. Malleahle la in moderate requeet We quote the billowing as tho range of tile market tor all gra les of ing irOn at 4 months pertou: Charcoal. hot blast 11. it.No. 1 $25327; No. 2, $2.1425; do. mill, tait24,t Alabama. Geor gia and Teanessee, No. 1, Ste u0a-6 lite No. 2, $21 000.25 00; mill, $2300. Stoite-ecial anti coke irotiNo. 1, $26; No. 2, $23a2t; $21a23. Charcoal, cold-blastIL IL, $10a50; Alabama, Georgia and Tennesseo. warm aud .cold blest, $351itd MAOM& WW1 Wrought Scrap per lb. lel lie: do, cast, per lb, hale; manufite cured net, rouna emu square bar, boiled, 2Itti 2,,e; do, charcoal. Nato per lb; sheet iron, toiled. Nes. 10all, tatVie: do. eltareoal 5a5Sio pet. lb; horse 1311006, $5 75a6 Oil per keg; mule shoes. Sli 75a7 Ott per keg; meet. Americau twit, 17alliet Automata cast spring stool, 12e: I inporkitt mot steel. 20a22c; Dorman steel. 9a100 uer lb. LEADMarket steativi with moderate de mand. Pig Matt Averth7aijie;. bar, Igietic. Street lead 8 to. LEATH EitThe market remains $teady and , in tairdietuaad at previoue We quow; 1 American kip. per lb, tiaelket French kip, f I 10a1 50: bridle, per dozen, $55a(10; upper. per foot, 2042.5e; ssirtiug, tOatte; AillbrItlan calf-emus. Si teal 35; French calf-skins, al 75a 2 oaa soh.. 47100e; helliloCk,. db, 28a35c; R. harness. 23a27c: harness. &Mahe. MILL e'EEDThe market is easy under heavier receipts, arid there ,is still a fair de mand. Bran 'Is worth $17 50a18 150, ehipetuirs ;Mate, and Mid dings Stlat per ton, ail on arrival, mid, dealeris require more per ton tu stele. " r .0do LASSESNo change. There is a moder ate Mariana at 110a70e for New Orleans anti 45o tell per gallon for retitled. sirups, stecordtng to quality. N AILSThere is a moderate demand and , the mareet rules Steady with no chauge prices. We quote: le to tied, $3 10a8 20;b 10 3.5alt tit 0 to 7u. Sa 60113 75,. 4 to tel. 8 850: 54 COWL 75: hi. $6 60a5 7601d, t. 10. Watt 25; cut spikes, S3 85a3 rtit ' NAVAL STORESThe market baa under gone no material vitriation. The demand is tam We quote: Resin, 2.5a5 25; No. I ordinary, $3; pitch, st fie; spirits of turpen tine, Sta36e; No. I pale, Stet 150; No. oral miry, $2 65; tar, tt. OILSThere is a light demand for linseed, which is qttoted 7Oe per gallon for prime: Lard oh is steady, with fair request at Si Wel 05 per gallon. Reflued.petroleein is worth per gatLion anti is in moderate damped. ,POTATOES-4,re quiet aud steady, with lib eral receipts and moderate dentatui: at $1. 00a I 25 per bid, in store. Sweet potatoes are Sell ing at Sta5 per bid. POULTRYLive chickens continue in fair request, with ample receipts at Sa Ulna 50 for ana el Athrt AU for young per doz. PAINTS, Ao.---Demand moderate and we ob serve no material ekango in prices. , We quote: White lead, per lb, lisialOc; Labarge, per lb, 10halle; patented dryer, per le, 13a1.5e; Prus 1 shin blue, .per 10, 65a75o; chrome yellow. 16a , lite; chrome green, itialee; Paris white, reds green, , StiaMot Spanieli brown,' 203; 1 yellow ochre, 2)00:eitampbtault, 9M00; put ty, taklic per lb. , . POWDERThe market Is !steady .with fair dimmed. Rine powder is, worth 26 2545 75,,and miuldg SIMS 50 perakem RAGSAre steady with fair demand for mixed cotton at 2,Siale der lb. 'Common woolen are dull at and soft wooltm sell at -Sate RICEThere NM quiet and steady 'market at .7)iitUe for Louislaua, and tal)le for Itanegoon per lb.' Carolina Is oearee Mat quoted Belie per lb. SALTThere has been no change. Domestic is in moderate deuntati at t6e per hu autl SI 45 per Ine on arrival.. and dtayag,e added when delivered. Liverpoot coarse is quiet and steady at SI iltal lib per saint. Turks' butted hi dull and held &SlitLeto oar . . . 810EDTiniethy is steady, with fair demand at $11 90a8 10 per ba in store. Clover is quiet et 1830 per lb ta store tor prime. Flag atted Vatted DO per bit, OA tolz (lemma& AITOTThe market is firm with fairdeinand.1 We quote: Buekshota.11811449, and assorted kbatil per keg. 80A1--Tbe market continues Steady and quiet, - We quote: Go Minot' yellow, bkallx0; olive, etittittic, and Germitn,7altic per lb - ITAItClfThe market is steady for refined Pearl with lair demand at 4tt3c per lb. 'SUGARThe market isIbasier, under a more moderate 'domain'. WO quote; New Orieans. 81catimc; yeriow relined, 9x,alOct extra "C." leg alit tfic: lOtialue;"A!, white. IONa10303, antniard,lkitalloto per lb. TALL. W There is a steady market, the demand and receipts being about equal, at 8sc per lb for prime country, and IVO fur city rendered. tt TICA-46 steedv and there to a moderate 113- mend at previous priees. We quote: Black is worth 40a90e, and green 40aa41 93 per lb. VVINDLoW GLAtisThe demand is light but the market is steady itt previous prices. We quote: 7x9 to 8210, $7 73; tix!2, $8 25; 8x14 to 8'18, $8 75; !axis, $8 73; 19x18 to 14X18: lucid to 10218, COI 102.9.0 to lea). 811,, a WOODElo WAREThe deinauti is still only moderate but prtoes are steady and unchanged. W:e quote: Tuus nests, 8s, 62; tubs, netts, 8s, $375; Bo. I, 60 SO; tuns. No 2, 67 50; tubs ' 68 50; nuekets. teat 00; onurns. ki0. 1, Siol churns, kt 0.2. Se; cisurns. I40.8, 68; wean-boards, 4282 75. WOOLThe receipts are liberal. and with ! only a moderate demand. The market remains steady and quiet. Unwasho 2 math; fleece Washed. 38350c' tub-washed, 40448e per lb, ac cutding to qual'ity. , , I ; ,,,,, 11410. Cincinnati Live Stock Itiarket. CINCINNATI. Aug. 24-2 P, M. The following are tne receipts andslitputents of live stock lor the past 24 hours: - - - - itecetuts. Shipments Cattle-9 flog 224 liogs 469 - 1:10 bheep 103il 1470 110451SMarket quiet and steady. Stockers, la 76a1; common light and rougof S7 Wel lb; good light, 41 elM7 lie; good to extra butchers, 47 25ab le per ßeiltait grubs. . CAL"I'LEMaraot arm, though quiet. We quote total range for common to extfa, 2 24a ea, per Ceatiti. till WEe-Ar0 In moderate demand and steadg at SS oua4 SO per imolai for fair US good ....a.......ow. 110- mÄRKiers liZ l'E LFRAP PxourA. 'August 24.-Corn7 036;067e. Oats, Oat. Ityia 7.7a7813,. , , Toidcno. August 24.-Wheat a shadelower: No.;1 u bite Michigan, $1 86; No. 2 red whiter, 8141. , - IIILIVIUKER. August 24.-Wheat firm: No. 1 Milwaukee. $1 2634; Nei 2? M. liti)fii August $1, lb; aceptembert 81 16. Osweno, Y.,. August 24.-.-Wheat firm: ex tra white Michigan I 573i, now betel at 00; No. 2 Miiwaukce,..81 44, Lora firm. at Mufti. , PITTSBURG,. Aug. 24.-Wheat unchanged: Cora quiet:: ear, 83a85c; shelled. Winne. Pe troleum quiet but stew ly; crude, SI 131. at Par kers; retitled, Mc, Philadelphia delivery. CLIWEL AND. IL, August 24.-W heat: No.I red is held at SI 48, and- No. do at 81 43. Corn steady: shelled la held at 81a810: ear, 7 a7843. Oats lower: now No. State. 47e; No..2 do, 45c.. Petroieum quiet anti uuchanged.- BUFFALO, N. Y August24,-Wheat dull and unsettled at $1 45 for No. 1 Milwaukee; $1 55 , for white blinnesaota. Corn dull and heavy 1 at lle for No. S. Oats in retail lots only.. itye and barley: none here. Canal freight for wheat, 8e; uorn, 7i4e. , INDiANAPOLIS, August 24. -Ftfittr, 86 210. Wheat: new red, 50cati 05; old amber, 41 411a 4.'4 Corn: ear, 65c; shelled, filliAi8c. Oats: new, tionl5e. Clover-seed, 6,30fic: timothy. 82 6.,a2 76. Bulk meats, tfy,, 11i, 1230. Bacon ituai Pic. lianas, 14c. Lard: steam,,13Xe;' kettle, 14V3. BosTos, Aug. 2C-flour strong and higher: Wisconsin and Minnesota extra family, 85 25 a635; white wheat Ohio, Indiana and Michi gan, nab 25; Illinois. 87 2-43; St Louis, 87 25a 95o: fancy Alinuesota, $7 25a9 50.. Corn quiet: mixed and yellow, tillatt3o. Oats in moAerate demand: mixed and white, 744180c. , DETROIT, Anglist 24.-Flpur steady and un changed. Wheat firmer: ektra,li 47a1 60; No. I whiuf Alichigaa, 21 88a1 49: No. I amber, ' new, 81 Mai 41. Corn in fair demand: No. I , mixed, 'inc. Oats firmer and held higher: wane WesternMichigan, 43.i. No.1, 41c. Bar-, ley nominally unchanged. Pork stA3ady and unchanged. Lard steady anti firm. alkurtr, Aug. 2A--Flour dull and nominal? Cora inactive: yellow, Waage; white, igni-Ale. Oats dull and nominal. Lard steady and un changed. Bacon steady and unehanged. Eggs dull but Unchanged, Butter firm and un a:tweed. Apples in good doinand at full prices: 7ficaSiba. Potatoes dull and nominal. BALTIMOUR, August 24. - Flour, quiet but firm. Wheat dull: No. 2 amber, $1 43; mixed do, 81 40; No. 2 Western, red, 21 40. Corn weal!: Western mixed, 806. Oats steady and un changed. Rye :tun 9,M06c.; Hay firm and unchanged, but active. Provisions stead; un changed 'and quiet. Butter quiet anti un Changed. Petroleum quiet and unchanged. Coffee firm and. unchanged. - Whisky dull at 81 24. Nstiumt.X. Aug. 24,-Flonr quiet and firm at $ft WWI 5'0. Wheat quiet and weak at 81 Ma 1 li6. Corn qiiiet Mid firm at 83c. Oats quiet and firm at 75o. PrOVISiOnS In fair demand and advanced all around. Amrd. 16c. Bulk meats in fair demand at ilitalal3i4c. Bacon in fair demand and higher at 10iial4a14lic. Sugar-mired hauls, all packed. Whisky (pivot and firm at 81 23. Coffea quiet and firm: 213ia3.33ita. LOUISVILLE. August U.-Flour quiet and un changed. Wheat quiet and unchanged at 81 26 al 11. Corn quiet and unchauged at b2a85c. Oats in fair demand and firut at 45a75c. itye nominal. Hay quiet but firm at ;Wag. Pr.,- visions dull- and firm. Pork nominal at 122a 23 50. Bulk meats. tili2,012 c. Bacon, 934a 13alkc. bugar-cured hams. 14a143(03. Lard dull and a shade lower: tierce. 14.3ic; keel. 1630. Whisky quiet but firm at 81 19. Bag ging quiet but firm at 14alOic. NEw ORLEANS, August 24.-Sugar firm, with lobbing demana: good common, Oc; yellow clarified, 100.Mulasses dull; common to cnoice. 4040e. Flour dull with jobbing demand: XX, 85 41136; XXX, $6a6 75; ChOICO and fain ty, $8.tb 10. cornmeal dult at 83 623i. Oaui dull and lower at litatille. Corn dull at 86a923. Brad lower at 81 123g. liay quiet: prinie, s2t,a2; Pork dull anti Waver nt 822 924. Dry' salt meats dull:, shoulders, W0. B110011 dull at 103?a141,,e. Bruns: (Mon sugar-curd limier at 1610.6303; ordinary. 14,014gc. Lard quiet: tierce, 10.4c; keg, WO. , . PHILADELPHIA. Augast 24-Floqr steady, with little doing: extra, $525a6 75; Iowa, Wis consin and Miunesota extra fatuity. $6 25a 7 26' Ohio :tad Indiana, do, 86 76a7 25; high grades, $7 76103 Mk Wheat dull, and prices tending downward: Ohl red,,41 Oat 46: amber, $1 60; white, 81 ilt; white apiling, $1 41 Bye. tha92e for new. Corn slow: yellow, 83484c; mixed, E2s810; tin tunged. 70a80c. Ands unsettled aad decitaiug at 70112e .for etti white, sail 65:3 for new. Provisions steady. Mess pork, $22. Beef hams, 14a15e; hams, smoked de. 14a15c; shoulders, 1030.0i4e. Lard, 14a1.1.10. Nl'hisky, M. 24 for Western. Butter firm: New "f (Ark State and Bradford County extra. 82a84e; firsts, 28a300; Western. extras. 27stbet firsts, 248,25,4 rolls, extra, 24:0613; Ursts.20a213. 'Cheese quiht and unenquged. ,Eggs are litat Weetern, freali, 21M21c. - Nsw YORK, August 24-1flour duit and in buy ers' laver: Superfine Western, 14 85a5 45; coin mon to gond extra. $6 20a6, 80; 'coalmen tó choice white wheat extra. 86 6 aT 50; 130M MAR to good exti a OhiA $6 65a7 20; COM111011 to choice extra ;,t. Loule,Miab 50.- Bye flour dull and heavy at $4 85a6. Corn-meal unchanged. Wheat ,very dull, with onlY a limited export inquiry: Soft to prime. $1 28a1 82; No. 2 North west, al 22; No. Si Milwaukee, 61 84: No. I 'Vilna. al Seat 4e; I 411 asked tor prime amber M.chigan. Rye quiet and nommal.111Barley dull aud nominal. Barley malt heavy, with some demand at 3:4513 under askiug figures. Corn fairly active: Western mixed, 1:10a82 steam; 8fiatlic, sail; 774790 for heated steam; do, in stare, 110c. Oats fairly !salve, ,closing dull: Western mixed, alatl5o; white Western, 66alfic. Hay firma at SM8.313 for old shipping. Collee Orin: Rio cargoes, 18a20303, gold; jobbing, 1841)4e, , gold. Sugar firm: fair to good relining, 8a8,140; prime, 8,0; Moo-. cavado, 8a810. Moiasses quiet and uucuanged. itiOe quiet and steady.Petrolutim heavy: crude. ago; reamed,. -Basin quiet aud un changed. Spirits turpentine qutet and un changed. Eggs heavy: Westere,18A19301 Pork firmer: new mess, 821 25 spot; alittel 10 bop timber. Beef unchanged. Cut -meats dull: middlos firm; long clear, age. Lord firmer: prime ateara.1310; old, )3Xe; new, 1314aill,103, bentember. Butter Unchanged.. Cheese qutott 1111(414c. 'W hiaky quiet and firm at 8121. , amosomb IP-o . FINANCIAL. , - eitiotaNATI August 24-1 P.M. Gold opened in New York to-day at 113lit arAnow stands at UN. It is wenn bare Hs baying, and' usg soiling. Silver is quiet and ateady at lei buying, mut 108 tut halves aud quarters. , - . kilistern Ssehange Is Arm with fair demand m previous ravs. .1t us wertli 1-10 WOW UM , ' Sterling Excbangis la qidet itt CB Sight, 4 gold. . Southern IL B.11-800 are in steady dentand at 104 and interest. Other local securities are: - quiet. C., it. & D. stock is worth It. R. stock, ow. " , There is only a moderate demand for intiner to-day, and Dimness is quiet. Government bonds are generally quiertd. ,.; day both here and in New York there la Ai lign't local demand los 'Ma at ilak. The fol lowing are the kateat 'Wall-street quotationsi. bold. Whited. Bid. " 81 Bonds.. .... .111, 4 02 Bonds 84 Bonds 05 Boutis 05 New Bonds ... : 1181g - Bonds DON SS Bond 120h; ' 10-40.. Now res CY. 8s. ... .. ' Ile ' The following the1:80 P, lit. report Of New , York Stook Market, as received bY Leas btu rott & 28 West Third Street,: , f , Offered : Bid ' W. Telegraph Pacific) bleu Adams Express Wells, Fargo Eg 8U , American U. N. Central A. 1k P. prei'd krie t.. :5 flariem ...... . .4 , Lake Shore Clot, & Pitts N. Western com 6421 N. Wiatern pre'd Rook St. Paul, coin St. Paul, pref'd , Wabash Ohio & 1910 , Union 783t S'ort Wayne liannibal & St. Joe ' 24 M lob igen Central Illinois eentral Canton Chicago Alton Atlau tic & Pacific Tel Quicksilver ' , Panama A tiantio & Money , Erie in London ' Mortuary Record:7 :1 Geo. A. Schmitt, 18 months, city. Chas. etiser, 9 months, city. , , , Geo. C. Werner, 21 months, city. . , - Infant Ronson brink. city. ' Geo. A. Gunther. 28 yeara, city. , Sam. Johnston, 33 years, Virginia. ' Henry 112 t ler, 84 years, Germany. Jolm Parker, 80 years, Ann Keyley. 80 yeara, Ireland. - ' 4 ,' Carrie M. Wells, 9 motAths, city. ' Leopold Wamnekl, years, (serraanys , . Henry Kordee, 46 years. city. , , , , , ' , I hint Kinsey, city. , , : Deno, Unnerdor, city. Civil. Steffan', 13 months. Ur", Henry Schaeffer. au months. city. - s Aloyalue hookers, 18 months. city. - 4- Building rorissits- : , , Me foltowing permits were issued linen last report: John Nolan, two-story frame, on dprini Grove avenue, near Addison street; estimated cost, sets, , James Burgess. one-story frame, on Central 4, avenue, near Charles street; estimated coat, di,100. a. Dias. two-story frame, on maduco street, Corryville; ( atimeted cost, 12,826.- Ernest Ozer whit; at 400 Court street; esti.. mated cost, 010. George Arppel, one-story frame, on Central avenue, near Mollawk bridge& estimated emit, ' SAL H. McKale, one-story frame, corner Mash ington avenue and Warsaw pike; estimate( cost, 001 , , i MEDICAL. Deathinouthe Steele of Every limit tureð,reamen. , to 01 : aageo af,..10111 , j The above cut represents the Eon.' Daniel L.' Dickinson, former Attorney General of the United Stat,es, as seen when attacked with STRANGULATED EUPTURE Mr. Dickinson suffered Intensely, notWith.. stauding tie had the best surgicel aid. Every. , thing was doue that science could suggest, and : - as the last remedy tue knife used, and yet Its, died in greet anguish on the third eay. Tele iti a featful warning to those whe are ruptared RUPTURE---ILOW CITREL GEORGIC E. EAKINGS, OF PUILADELPUtiL. W4ITICI VIM FULLOWING INTRIPISTLNG FA. T101514118: To the Editor of the New York Sent' i : lita--For several years I wu afflicted with riipture and suffered from the use of trusses. ,,, Casually noticing in your paper a recommend- ation of Dr. Sherman of your city, and about - the same time meeting Mr. J. W. A3rres, et Camden, N. J., who informed that he had bees a victlin to rupture and was cured by Dr. Sher- - maii's treatment, I felt animated and went ' ' straightway to New York, consulted Dr. Sher. man, and had him adapt his remedies to my- ' ease. It was to me a happy occurrenee, end ' shall ever feel grateful to you and Mr. Ayres for having directed my attention to Dr. Shu.. , man. as well as to flintier the safe and tioas..,, fortable manner in whielt he treated my case. My mind was greatly oppressed, and my future ' ' was' shadowed-, as I was trying various trueses , for help with no other result than vexation amt.,. injury. Dut now bein,r, sound gate, awl real- , iting its felicity, lea it any imperative detg! to add my testimony in favor of Dr. Ehermen's., , remedies. and to recommend the ruptured to go , to him with the fullest confidence of being ben pitted. GEO. E. EAKINGS, haat Palmer . Philadelphia, March-24,-Itait. , : ) We cheerfully publish the foregoing comma. nication, believing it nifty result tit belied& te some one. Eakings is a subscriber to Telt 7 SUN and a relialde gentleman. His statement - will doubtless react' many sufferers wha , with our..vouching for its truthfulness. have 'cause to feet as grateful tetviud him as he nose' - tüttiS toward Dr. Sherman. t , . . The foregoing remarks from the New York -, Sun must ye cheering to those who are ma.. j. tured. , lbe cure Is effected by Dr. SHERMarli ,- method without aneoperation, simply by ektm-nal local apPlications, both mechanicsamt. ' medicinal, made daily. by She patient, whe.. : , , while under treatment, can perform any kindl , of labor, or take the most calve exereure with- - perfect security from dangers or inflamed latl; strangulated rupture,without the suffering , injury caused by the use of trusses, and WA- - out interfrriug with the progress of cure. ' Dr. She) pilau's nikee, Park flow, corner' Ann New York City. Consultation, free.! Ti'terermets' mouerate. Persons from the coentryi' I can receive treatment and return for horse IMMO day.. betiOriptiVO book mailed for 10 cents. - ' , lau2-d&w-ttl , 11. NORTII . " BALTILIOltE MARYLAND'S TEMPERANCE JOURNAL. he spiciest Temperance Newspaper of the ' Time,1 Avery issue brimful, of Spark.. , ling Humor and Brilliant Sayings Lonutins Temperbnee News from mil sea. Cons of the Unttea Stet, a. vrifrimal autlehoune Selected Stories, Poetry, etc., etas ' Monthly only fatty cents a year. Spec bum free! Addreis Lafayette newer Editor, 164 El MOM, MAN T BALI 4LÝUitv imalttiftwttl - 1 ' , might reported by his physiontus to bo 1 A cow yesterday created, quite an oxli :t sou.m.--di siiidi-s-i-p-tivi-ous---ra-t-ei: Wi tidere-: rix-0 por iii-m -sat-rofor -prims. Flax (mad tx 1M previous lava. it is avrtil par ba) lug, and lidfit-or, 164 SI kiONI SLANT BT., BALI h ' . i - Improving. , - - N4 joitemont on ,Filtit street, by blimblux Burlaps. II bu, LOMA(); do, 4 bd, 14alioi gum- govaidii DO ner,ba, widt Atir demotic', 1-te Pitillitilla 4011'14. MÝUlio NA , aull-difiwid , , , . ... , , , , . ,. . . !' ' ' . . , . , . . -71 , ,,...),, .4, , , -- 4s5)- . ip,,- ,...,444,- a 4, '', ,,.' ' -. .,, ,.. , s. , ., . 8A141:Tnere nae been nO mange. .momestie -. .: , - c so tot t A. t ui-p. 14 'the spiciest 'temperance x . ' . preposals for 2,000 buiihels. of screened A. rule was isaued against the Bank ALC01101.--'The market la firm,. with fair Is in moderate demand at tee Our -On aud 51 45 , 1 ; AT . ages Times; avery issue 'brim - .. r Ioughlogberty 'coal tor .tlte . aim ,. pt.t.lie lolok Turnpike ComPelly -requiring Its demand at 11 0 per 'gallon --for.pd per sent. per bri On arrival.. and drayage added when Gout opened In New York to-day at 113K, ling HIIIIMOIr and Urilli, -.. -,-. fail and county . elliees. Bide to ber re- arml.annual Statement. , . above proof.; delivered. Liverpooi coarse is quiet and steady ansknow stands at 1133i. It is werth here HS contains Temperance New . ? cceived tO noon Aukust 2811. " ' ' . E: W. Iddrphy Wail allowed .$25 for flaG011ia.--'rbe demand ill moderate and at Si eta; ah oer saes. !Narks' Mount hi dolt and baring, 'anti' liMi selling. Sliveris quiet and ti01111 ot the uniteq stabs. rn ' -. -.Martin Mason, woo was attacked with making a new plat Ot the Ilaptlat Tao. there Is a steady market At lealte per yard tor nald at.SOLIA0 Der nu.- -- - . eteady at lei buying, ead 108 selling tor halves Seleoted Stories, -Poeti - , . .. . lalb, lb Sax. - ' , ' sic6DTimothy is steady, with fair demand aod quarter& .. , '..- , Monthly only freely' cents a -- - . -, apoplexy banday afternoon, was last logleal sub-division. . ..- r - - ., BlueThe demand ls limited, but prices at u boas le per ba in store. &User is quiet at Limern Stanek .la firm with fair demand tree! Addrom Lataye ,, , vigil& -reported by his- OvaMaws t.e be ' A cow yesterday ereatetiAtlits ait XI eoutinue ateadY at Previous rate& We eitotet llixo per lb in store tor prime.- Flax good is M previout revs. It la worth pa:, Inqiiik, aad Editor, 164. SI 210..)iL lilt ' ' AllIPteling. - - --, - ' - : ' ' N4 eltament -oa Fittli street, by -blImbilig Burlaps. $ buf lealiot dos 4 14 lealio; gum- guotedil 5.0 per but whS too Somas& . - 1-10 kettilittla 4011ilig . , tilUillt, hi.D. , - . - - , , , , mmemmommonwiloolgOommmihmomomonnomwm,immonmak , ' ' THE DAILY STAR , 1 The following wal passed by gounoll the stairway of the old building 'former.. nips, 1 Mlle; do, 4 bui, Patel e:otton SHOTThe markotistirm,with fair.deinand. ' Sterling ExchanicS qtdei at 441 Sight, , last night: , ly occupied by the late Marshal Butts. 1101111-11nas,STaTto. we quote: Buoludiot,.seildt2, and assorted gold. - Southern R. R.11-80s are in steady demand at , tqlosolvecl. That the Committeis on A four.mouths old child of Air. John ItAlliiThere is a better demand anti the WAN por keg'. . , , ,, , , , , , - , . ' ad since eel ' on flortni ' , I estimated