Newspaper Page Text
T t 1. v 1 , ; 1 44 T -411 ,,.. T ,,, A 4 ) 1. ' ';' k 0 ., - , I '1-- , :;ali - - Iv" VOL 10 1 TEN CENTS if PER WEEK. FRIDAY EVENING. SEPTEMBER 29. 1876. WOOLF& COP NO. 7 7 TWO CENTS. T AMUSEIVIENTS. GRAND OPERA-HOUSE. BENEFIT and last night but one of El Us GEOUGE FAWCETT BOWE, Waitton Stray." in his most auocosistuk ear, DRASS BaturdayOnly BRASS Matinee. Monday evening, Out. 9Mrs. D. P. BOW INS gild Mr. J. 1.4 Mut;OLLUM In Lady And isy's Secret. I t WOOD'S TIMATER. TIIIS FRIDAY EVENING. September 29, JOHN E. OWENS. In two of Ma favorite playa, FOOlt GENTLEMAN, ----A nit SOLON SIIINGLE. Matinee SaturtlaySEI.F. It SAVINGS BANK. MIAMI VALLEY SAVINGS BANK. SS Weal Third S4.9 On Masonic Temple.) riliARTERED BY THE STATE OF 01110 kJ hi 180a Ðop 081LEI Of ON: DOLLAR andup Eroarturnicroemdpeoluidultersoosmi,atatuhuealtlyi orpealift A snit ()pen daily from 9 A. M. to 8 P. M.. and pa the dm ventenoe of workingmen) on MON DAYS and SATURDAYS until Biz P. 51. President.W. B. DODDS. Vice Presidente..101111 ROLLAND. SAM DEL C. Tkrum. Treasurer.--W. B. DODDS. Ja. de8-1y-FdTu PREMBRRED SPVCIALS. 1:51r Dyeing and scouring at Walker's, 61 f EOR RENT. you It if,NT HOUSES Two bricks of 8 rooms. with yards. gas and water. H. Cutter streot. seVi-dt WW1 R ENTHOUSEA 2-story brick house of live rooms anti good ceilar, front au I sale entrance. Also, a wttage et three rooms en East Sixth street. inquire at 55 East Seventh street. oL,28-30 FOR SAL111. iy1D11 SA LE--SEW MU MACIIINEA NEW No. 0 heeler & Wilson sewing machine. . neuire at this office. sen-tt . f0110 Families or groceries in want of good Flour warranted to give sslishiction can be supplied by going IA) the WEsT-END MILLS. qour orders are solicited. Delivery free. "TAMES IC. MAIN. Sixth street, between haymiller aud Freeman. eVT-am TOR RENT-ROOMO. Iloll, RICHTROOMSNicely furnished, to gentlemen only, with reference, at 138 W. glib street. 28-2t 14101i, RUNT ROOMS Three nice clean I: rooms, with water, hall and side entrance, at Pei Lightil 61.684 te-St yo. RENT RoOMS Handsomely fur ' nished, bath, tO one or two gentlemen. 1O8 roadway. Reference required. 2S-at WANTED-SITUATIONS. WANTED SITUATION As steward. storekeeper or carver. Address Box 814 Isionil tan, Ohio. 27-St WANTED SITUATION As engineer, machinist or pipe fitter: good reference. Address M. RINSCDMILT, 23 W. Providence street. 27-3 FANTED SITBAT;ONC By a young woman, to ðo up staiti work and help th we:shine and ironing, or plain sewing. Call at 48 E. Fifth treet. 28-2t WANTED SITUATIONSBy two Ger man girls, one at cook; No. 1 laundress, louse girl and seamstress; employer's free ot, (barge. 80 Ludlow street. 28-st WANTEDSITUATIONBy a first -class cOachinfin, who is able to give good ref erence; Will wort in city or colt.. try. Address Cip..oRED DOACfiblAN, Covington. 282t WA NTE DBITUATIONAs book-keeper; has had 10 years, experience as book keeper and financier in whomsale buiness in this city. Address r. MORRIS, care Box N, city. 28-8t WANTii1D-81TUATIONAS booakeep er, by a young Mati Can furnish per tautly satts:actory references. Desires a per manent situation. Address S. B. K., tins wince. seai-et, WANTIWBOYSTwo or three boys et this office. Apply le the counting-room. WANTEDMISCELLÅNEours. utT ANTEDROOMSA suite unfurnished. V in a pleasant location convonient to res.. Isurant or good boarding' house: references riven and required. Address R00116081 W. Vann street. )28-3t LIWANTED BUY YOUR HAYS OF MARTIN. at 44 W. Fifth at. ly15-tt WANTEDADDRESs Of a responAble manufacturing firm who will make a slowly patmted article which is to be m:tdo en tarely of wire. Autiresit J. .lit)VV.Hhat, Lou. don, Uhl. MI-St FOR SALE-REAL ESTATE. ICOR SALEFARMGood farm in Chum paigu County, Ohio, of 81 acres, one of 180 acres in Scioto Cminty, and a good lot in Ur bana, Ohio. Addrese B. F. MARTZ, Urbana, 21-5t -IPOI SALE FARM 01 132 acres, two J2 houses, orchard, woo Ilend. &a.; six miles irom railroad station, and sixty miles from Vinoinnati. Address MARGARET U0OPER, Lock Springs, Ripley County. Ind. 27.3t 141OR SALEFARM-01 113 acres, situated j2 in Jennings County, Indiana, four miles Mom Ohio and- Mississippi Railroad: will be sold cheap or exchanged for a stock of dry goods or groceries. For particulars inquire of rt. ISCOOPMIRE, Colton, Indiana. 27-4t tOR SALELAND-184,00J worth of im proved and vacant property in a most de I able suburb, for 510,00i, on 5 years' time', tea, betulea tWo railroads. Aderins NON ki,ZlIPENT,eare of hal, Krouse do Co., corner , Race awl hI'd street& UtT AN1 V V in a laurant o given and Vront sire I:1 WA! MA ----- WA N1 . V V Man mow ly pat trely of v don, Ohio. , ---- FOR - ICOR SA r paigu Ames in St bana, Obi, Ohio. -- -1,101t SJ J2 houses Arom raill - Vinoinnati Look Sprit -1410R SA r In Jet Mom Ohio sold heal goods or a 4. ti. ItIC0( tOR SA proved I able au tea. betwZ u;o:1,(IPMN Maim and '. - OR SA alcohol rom the i, p-- her aa gr he sold al Irish valuo Yabucoa ot 4t,ttireas 1 . .- VO it 8A i acres, in Clernoo in potatot pasultre at Will fail I term& A ie. get Milne, 380 ----- ..... ro s s s irc, eCortneo , piton, f ILoatnot ) 0 irioirod. to will hew , ooo, zw . , . OR SALELAND-1,000 acres for sale or p-- exchange; in Lewis County, Ky.,slx miles rom the i)lifo River; covered with as fine tint. kr ne grows in the State; this property will lie sold at a very low price or exchanged at Irish VAILUIti011 tOr unilnproved property in the whorl's of cincienati. 0 hio, or Coring..on, Ky. Auticas lion 1,k9d, Cluoinnati Postollion. 01-5t -- von SALE FARM Good farm of 97 r acres. situated ig miles front the railroad,. in Clermont County; Si acres in corn, a acres in potatoes. SO acres iu meadow, balanoe in pasture sod small mop. Farm in good order. Will sail farm anti crop together on MT itAtIr terms. A good chance tor any one desirfng til le get good Immo. Address B. it. a. btu office, alti Walnut street, Cincinnati, O. ---- jyastiOdyglw-tf yort SALE OR EXCIIANOE FARM A good farm ol bit acres of land, on the oCoinsor Pike, about live miles south of Coy. , inston, Ky., and flour DeOLITSey Station, KAtittocky COntratt RailM3Vi; about 46 acres olaired. K004 orchard, log house and barn. It Will lie sold cheap. or exelieugeti for city. prop ', logiire lit Sa Walnut Monts Cinvinnati. ,',;tt , , , , , . , STEAMBOATS. For Wheeling. FRIDAY. Stith. at 5 P. M. rosrrivELY, ANDES, Chas. Muhleman. Master. Apply On board, or to Royse & Mos set, Matt. McGuire, Agents. For Kanawha. SATURDAY, BOth at 5 P. AL POSITIVELY, matVIEGIR LEE. J. V. Reynolds. Mas ter. Appl OD board or to Geo. Uhartor. G. Dorman & Um, Agents. For Huntington. THIS DAY, 20th, at 5 P. M., POSITIVELY, azdtho TELEGRAPH, B. S. Morgan, Master. Freight received at all hours on Wharf-boat, foot of Broad way. W. Houlihan, Superintendent,. . For Chi lo. DAILY. at 4 P. M., ItEACITY OF PORTSMOUTH, Samuel Morgau. Master. Freight received at ail hours on Whart-boat, toot ot Walnut street. For Carrollton. MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and FRIDAY, at 8 13. M., BANNOCK CITY, J. W. Kirby, jartaston Apply on board, or to W. r. Walker, 811 Walnut stmt. For Carrollton. MONDAY, WEDItEsDAY anti FRIDAY, at 8 P. 31., akaLOUIS A. SHIRLEY, Samuel Hil - itollreth. Master. Apply on board. or to (I W. tiorriuge, Agent, 20 Vide street. For Louisville. THIS DAY, 29th, at 5 P. M., POSITIVELY, latthe 8, Mail Line Steamer GEN. LYTLE, Mem M. Merrmiees, Mas ter. Freight received at all hours on Wharf-boat, toot et Vine street. IL M. Wade, Superintendent. For Memphis. SATURDAY, Seth, at 5 P. M., POSITIVELY, JAS. W. GAFF, k W. Wise, Was Zip ter. Appiy on board, or ta Reyes & Mossett, Agents on IL O. Wharf bout. bout. For New Orleans. SATURDAY, 801,11. at 5 P. M. POSITIVELY, itzliCHAS. B. CHURCH, J. S. Patter. son, Master. Apply on board. or to Royee & 'Vessel. Agents. POLITICAL. rip WENTY-FOURTII WARD, ATTENTION The Hayes and Wheeler Club of the Twenty. fourth Wan, First Precinct, WIL1 meet TO. MORROW (Saturdly) EVENING at 7 o'clock, sharp. Uniforms and torches ready. ISAAC C. WILTSEE, President. FREDERICE HOLDER, nec'y. It Thiri Edition For ths next twenty-four hours, clear or fair, and cooler weather. . tido. NEWS FROM THE METRONLIS Obituary. By American Press Association to the STAN. NEW YORK, Sept. 29.Luclus Hop kins, an old and esteemed merchant, died of heart disease last night. He was a native of Hartford, Connecticut, was formerly President of the Importers and Traders' Bank, and was prominently interested in several leading insurance companies. The American Milling Boards will open for regular business in all branches of mining stocks next Monday. The Board room is corner of Nassau and Pine streets. The Protestant Episcopal Calvet'. lion yesterday discussed the report from Committee on Incorporation and Ad mission of Churches, atter the annual address wa9 delivered by Bishop Potter. The Court ot Inquiry appointed by the Secretary of the Navy to try Commander Alexander A. Semmes, of the United States steamer of war Alaska, on the charge of inca pacity and cruelty to crew, preferred against him by Surgeon Bradley, met yesterday with citified door's at the Brooklyn Navy-yard. It appears that counter charges have been preferred by the captain against Surgeon Bradley for not being on board the ship upon the expiration of his leave ot absence. The surgeon was yes terday suspended from duty. The ail. cers of the Alaska will be detained as witnesses. It is also understood that W. B. Brown, captain of the marines, has been suspended for disrespect to Capt. Semmes. It is reported that the Alaska is going outer commission. Is Judge Taft About to Itesigni A Hereld special from Washington says it is rumored that Attorney Gen eral Tait has resigned or is about to re sign. This can not be officially denied, as neither the President nor Judge Tait are in Washington, but there are reas enable grounds for asserting that Um re port has no toundation whatever. The President and Mrs. Grant. A special from Elmira, New York, says the President and Mrs. Grant passed through here yesterday on the Northern Central Railway to Pittsburg. There was a publio reception at the Rathburn House, and the President's party were entertained at the residence of Judge H. Boardman Smith. Tney re mained in Elm:ra two hours. Tweed and Extradition. On the subject of the history and mys tery col Tweed's surrender the Herald, etittorially assuming that his return is the result oi arrangoineuts made by the Department ot State, suggests that there should be no longer any official concealments; but that Beare tary Fish should permit all Mots relating to Tweed's arrest to be made public. It considers that the request wee proper, and its being granted Is an occasion for congratulations. The Herald also dis cusses the subject of an extradition treaty with Spain, and the worthless ness or the existing treaty with Great Britain, and expresses the hope that be fore Mr. Fish retires from ciliee he will crown his career with efficient extratil. thin treaties. The Australian Champion. NEW YORK, Sept. 29.--Edward Trick ett, of Australia, who recently defeated Joseph Li. Sadler, the Bogdan Cham pion, has arrived hero from England., agti rowle sým - - , FOREIGN. By American Press Association to the STA& STILL FIIRTHSIt COAIrLICATIONIL Lo NtIoN, Sept. 29.The six European Powers, Germany, France, Russia, AIN. tria, Italy and Great Britain, have united in demanding from Prince Milan an unequivocal disavowal of the procla mation lately issued declaring him King. The Russian Consul as Bolgrade has advised General Tobernayeff to resign to prevent nom' lic ttions, but Tcherna yeff has absolutely refused to do so. 41. ANOTHER HANGING. Eptt of Coshocton, This Time the Victim. - By American Press Association to the STA& CoLumnus, Sept. 29--Ept, the Coshoc ton murderer, was hanged at that place a little after 1 o'clock to-day. Ills parents and a brother live in this city, but seem to have taken little Inter est in their unfortunate relative. He says he has uo friends, and it seems to be about true. Be was hanged on the gallows brought from Cleveland, and was the thirteenth viotim that has suffered death by it. He last night desired to see the gal lows, and in company with the Sheriff wont out aud took took at It. Political. By.American Press Association to tile STAn. LOUIBVILLB, Sept. 19. Hon. A. It, Boone has been unanimously renomi nated by the Detnoorats, to represent the First District of Kentucky in Con gress. CBICAGo, Sept. 29.The Republicans of the Third Congressional District nominated Lorenz Brentano for 'Oen gress. William Aldrich was nominated by the Bopublicaus of the First District. He is a prohninent business tozn, and was one el the leaders In the reform movement last spring which worked a revolution in the city government. LoiCOlag, Nita., Sept. 29.A. O. Ab bott, ot Hell County, is nominated for Lieutenant Governor. Bruno Tzschucli, of Sarpy County, the present Secretary of State, was renominated for that peel lion. J. B. 'Weston, of Gage County,was renominAted tor Auditor of State. J. C. McBride, of Colfax County, was also ranOnii !tilted for State Treas urer. Ali the State officers were nom inated by acclamation. Professor S. B. Thompson, el Pawnee County, was nom inated tor Superintendent ot Public) Ia. struction. HursoN, N. Y., Sept. 29.A large Demooratic mass meeting and torch light procession took place here last night. NEWARK,, N. J., Sept. 29.T. B. Ped dle, of the firm of T. B. 'Peddle & Co., was nominated tore to-day for Congress from the Sixth Distriet. , Against the Indians-Black Hills Richness. By American Press Association to the STAB, ST. PAUL., MINN., Sept. 29.A Bis marck special dispatch reports prepa ratious at Fort Lincoln for an expedi tion of the Seventh cavalry and a detachment under the command of Ma jor Reno. The destination is not stated, but the preparations indicate an absence ot a month or more. It is supposed that the movement is for tne Cheyenue Agency, where appre hensions of an Indian outbreak are en tertained. CuicAo0, Sept. 29.A train belonging to the Evans Horneok's transportation line, which runs betweeu Fort Pierre and the Black Hills, arrived at Pierre yesterday trom Deadwood, bringiug $30,000 lu gold.which is the result of two men's mining on a claim at that place the paetthree mouths. The Season of Fairs. By American Press to the Association STAB. ST. Lotus, Sept. 29.The great Fair next week promises to excel in every respect all previous exhibitions of the Association. The grounds have been greatly improved, and many new build ings erected. The zoological depart ment has been made a special feature, and made exceedingly attractive by the purohase of a large number of wild ani tnals, for which splendid dens and cages have been built. The number of exhibitors will be very large, and immense crowds ot people will throng the city throughout the week. HurisoN, N. Y., Sept. 29.The annual meeting of the Columbus County Agri cultural and Horticultural Association denied yesterday, after a three-days sea skin. The attendance was very large, and the exhibitiou a success in every respect. Fearful Accident Averted. By American Press Association to the STari SARATOGA, N.Y., Sept. 29.The Staren Guards, of aratoga, a Republican Club, went to Ballston Spa last night to at tend a R4publican demonstration. When the speolal train started on its return it was thrown from the tr.tok near a higli embankment and a fearful casualty nar rowly escaped. On examination it was discovered that switch had been opened by some person. The train was almost certain to plunge down the batik. Fortunately it had not got undies fall headway and the locomotive stopped on the very verge ot a high bank. n im pression prevails that the deed was per petrated by some roughs. There is great indignation here Red at Ballstou among the respectable citizens. Fire In Albany. By American Press Association In the IVA& 4 ALBANY, N. Y., Sept. 29.A Are oc curred in Churoh street last evening, destroying a brick building The -to 1 lowing are the losses: Juba Thompson, MO, insured; Jas. Cooley, POO, fully insured; floury Anthony, WOO, no haul aim. Steamer Foundered. By American Press Association to the STAB. flunsoN, N. Y., Sept. 29.The steamer Walter Brett fouudered on .a rook last night about 11:80 o'clock, In the vicinity of-Newburg. All the passengers were rescued. She belongs le the Catskill creek Line, zniining en the fiudIon "Or Minor IS litiOneo , By American Press Associeuve Lo STAB.' BOSTON, Sept. 29.--A prominent house In this city has exported thirty thou sand pieces of priut cloth to South America. Co famous, O., Sept. 29..John Kent, a bar-teuder, was knocked down by Win. Hardy and so badly injured that he died a few minutes afterwards. LONDON, Sept. 29.--A dispatch from Nish, dated yesterday. says, sinoe 4 o'clock of that morning there hail been a continuous and heavy canaonade In the direction of Alexinata. MILWAUKEE, Sept. 29.Sparta, in this State was vietted by a serious fire late last n'ight, which destroyed the Tremot t House, Lee & Paliner's livery stable, lieller's store and other buildings. Loss estimated at 825,000. , LOtlistruzz, Sept. 29.,T. Westman, an employe in L. Kreigees tannery on Seventh street, was caught la the ma chinery this morning and instantly killed. The deceased came here from cincinnnati some time ago. New YORK, Sept. 29.---A special to the Graphie from Trentou, N. J., says that a bill In chancery bas beeu tiled askiag tor the appointment of a Receiver for the Central Railroad of New Jersey. The bill deolares the sompany to be insol vent. SAN FRANCISCO, Sept. 29.--The Valle jo Savings and Commercial Bank sus pended yesterday, caused by the finan cial embarrassment ot the President, Gen. J. B. Priebe, who has been unfor tunate in stock speculations. The as sets of the bank are stated to be up wards of 009,000; indebtedness, $325,000. The suspeusion is expected to be tem porary. WASHING MN, Sept. 29.The Treasury Department has received through the Department of State, from the United State Consul at Copenhagen. intorma lion to the effect that the ship Ellen Dyer, of Now York. laden with relined petroleum, took lire and was totally destroyed near the Island of Thane, in the Cattegate. Officers and crew took to the boat and landed on the island, from which they were takea to Aarhus by a Danish revenue cutter and then sent to Copenhagen. FLASHIta. -- Ernest Betide', German sculptor. died at Donauwerth, Bavaria. yesterday. Chas. F. Fowler, managing agent of the Savannah Theater, died yesterday. John Day. a lite convict, was shot and killed yesterday at Little Book, Ark., while attempting to escape from tbe Penitentiary brick-yard. , The Hanoverian Pray incial Diet has unanimously adopted a resolution re questing Prussia to remove the seques tration placed oa the property of Ex. king Gtorge. John Corcoran Rnd J. McGrath, of Chi cago, for whose arrest in connection with the Au Sable crooked whisky case warrants were issued OU Wednesday, gave themselves up yestardity aud were admitted to bail in f3,600each. Edward Mohan, St. Joseph, Ho., whisky "crook," who has been hiding in New Jersey iii008 his indictment a year ago appeared yesterday, plesied pithy, and' was sentenoed to ono year la the Penitentiary and a line of $1,000. A shooting affray occurred at Norton vine, Kansas, yesterday, between two mon named Ward Terry aild L. Robin son, during which the latter reoeived a bullet in the side, which passed (Iowa into the hip. Robinson died from the wound, and his murderer is now in jail. There was a grand illumination of the Centennial Grounds last night by means of magnesium lights, and colored fires, and a grand display ot fireworks QC Gearge's Hill, an eminence to the north of ttie Exhibition. Filty-cent stone, 217,678; twenty-five-cent admis sions (children ), 33,783; to the live stock 5,824 total cash admiseions, 257,- 286. LOCAL NE WS. -- EDWARD, Mc Car, a little boy fourteen years old, who lives on New street, was taken to the Hammond-street Station on a charge of incorrigibility. J. C. FII1DICLDICY and Adana A. Kramer were appointed administrators, with the will annexed, of Joseph Symonds. Per sonalty, $5,000; realty. 410,001 Tux new Methodist Cburch, at Co tumble,. will. be dedicated next Sunday. Bishop Haven will preach in the morn ing, and VV. L. Hypes in the evening. Wrare requested by Colonel Guthrie to announce that the tickets for the Mur doch entertainment to-night are all given out..and boldiers aud senora de siring to attend must come to the Gib son House this evening and Mateil around with the body. DIARY CATLIN, proprietor of the Mint Saloon on Kau street. was out in the hand with. a knife by his termer bar-. keeper, James Ditty, early thts morning. Catlin was endeavoring to get the crowd out of hie place in order to close up, when Ditty, being refused admittance, slaelled away with his knife. A looking glass valued at POO was destroyed by a bottle thrown by Ditty. The wound of CallinPs le not serious. Ditty was arii. rested and taken to the Third-street Siation-hcluse. THIC Crispin Organizationiof Cincin nati is making strong headway. Their meetings are largely attended by tbe soi ber men of the (waft. Thar motto seems to be moral and not pbys esti Wroth; Tbat they intend to deal with fetich towards ilt the manufacturer is e ident bY tbeir eirculare and their adtione regarding Mr. Kileheineer, placing uo obstaeles ic his way of obtaining help, but giving permission to Socilety men to work tor hint. This augurs well tor their future interests. . Court Cu flings. The State against Edjak Coleman. The defendant, who was indloted for burglary. was found guilty. Leon H. Houston and Ace Gregg, ai assignees In bankruptcy of M. B. Wright, yesterday filed a petition in the United States Distriot Court against Wm. T. Howard and Rienard Brook, to recover the sum of S8,020. Marriage Licenses. The following marriage licensei were issued since our last rdbort: Wm. F. Schmidt and Lena Miller. E.C.Muddeman and Christine Burgess. Ed. Jackson and Seraphine Moss. John Mannink add Belie Howtird. nabob's Blettger add Katie Henn. 4 Eugene Wafters and Carrie Hider. 1010049,'-'1",Aiati Ro . POSTAL RAILWAY COMMISSION. !Advantages et the Fast Mall tea.. glittered. This morning at half past II o'clock at the Grand Hotel, the above Compri:I I sten, appointed under i an act of Con grebe approved I July 12, 1876, to "ex amine into the subjeot of transportation of the malls by railroad companies, and 1 report to Congress suck rules and reg ulations for such transportation and rates of compensation therefor, as shall, in their opinion, be just and expedieut, and enable the Department to fulfill the required and necessary sorvioe for the public"met in the gentlemen's parlor for the transaction of the busi ness pertaining to this locality. The commiesion is composed of Hon. Gard ner ;J. Hubbard, of Cambridge, Mass., Chairman; lion. Frank. W. Palmer, of Chicago, and Ex-Mayor Daniel M. Fox, of Philadelphia. Secretary, George A. Bassett, of Jamestown, New York. The Commission has already visited Philadelphia, Washington ana Chicago, and will go from here to Louisviile, Nashville and St. Louis, and ultimately to the Pacific Slope, and when through with the priucipal cities of the country, will assemble in Waehington to prepare their report and recommendations for presentation to Congrees. POSTMASTER WAHLR'S REPORT. Mr. Gustav Wable, Postmaster, who, with other gentlemen, met tee Commis sion by appolutment this morning, pre sented a report as follows: "The advantage derived from the fast mall to the thrifty manufacturing &owes el Oaio has not been fully appreciated by the general public. The great trunk linos leading to tne East term the ellen net through which the wonderful com merce of this section passes to the sea board. On the witbdrawal of the fast mall tho loss was felt by the small as well as the large operator, and to learn of , the extent thereof it le only necessary to come in contact with the many, when almost invariably their expreaslon is that a great advantage has been lost to them. It is believed that a loud protest would have gone out upon its with drawal had it not been believed that the &Won of Congress made such a course an imperative neceseity. "The fast mall enouLd be reetered for the following reasons: "1. The quickest possible transmis sion ot mail matter is deeired by all alike. "2. It is of the greatest importance to the business man, saving money that must be expended in telegraphing, if the present slow toratem remelt's. "3. The ilelay is telt not only in the large cities, but in every town and eounty seat throughout the State, as all smaller railway lines arrange their time oards so as to conuect with the lastest trains on the truuk lines; and in this way twenty-tour hours is frequently gained tor delivery of matter at import ant towns and oities located on roes lines. Also is tile postal-car system desired, as matter distributed in transit is not subjected to delays incident to dietribution at D. P. oilices. For instauce, the postal oar arriving bere at 5. A. M. would britig mails from Pittsburg, Philadelphia and New York and trout the following towns and cities in blot Steubenville, Zanes ville, Newark, Mt. Veruon, Coshocton, , Cad Columbus, Xenia, London and a hundred emaller places. In this wall there would be at least Ilye buttered letters ler the Ohio & Miseissippi Road aloue, all of which would be delayed twenty-four hours- if not distributed while on the cars. The same is true of mail matter belonging on the Kentucky Ceutral Road, Indianapolis. Cincinnati & Lafayette and all lines out of this city. A letter now put into the New York office On Monday afternoon at 5 o'clock, leaves on the Paeitio express at 8 o'clock. It runs through to Pitts burg and is there held until Wednesday morning at 1:50 A..M., for there is no mail ou the train that leaves Pitteburg for this city at an early hour. It is due in this oity on train No. 0, which should arrive here at 2:50; it takes twenty miuutes to bring the mall to the Post-ofilce, and,1 a few minutes more for the distribution. It the train is on time, the letter will be in the box of the man for whom it is des tined at a littie after 8:30 o'clock. But the bauks close at 3, and if the train bappened to be delayed, as is frequently the case, it may be 3 o'clock beiore tlie letter is delivered, and of course the business man does not receive it until. the next morningthe third day cut irom geW York. "This levery slow work as compared with that which waif done before the fast mail service was interrupted. Under that service letters were delivered wlth a promptness turd diepatoh that was ex. ceedingly gratirylug to tile business men otthis - 11. Naturalized. The followlog parties were natural ized yesterday: - Frank. Arms, from Garmany, on affi davit of &B. A inshoir; Jon Marriot front England, on affidavit ot Otte Frey; Peter BOOkOt trom Germany, on affidavit of Jona 'Weil; Albert Bergeniziy, from Germaay, (la affidavit of John Weil; Barney Flattenback, irom Germany, on affidavit of J. H. Balmer; Louis Muri)hy, from Ireland, on affidavit of Thomas Powers; Gottlieb Whitt moyers from Germany, on affidavit of of J. Pi. Thiese; Alexander Wood, from Ireland, on affidavit, of Charles Boyle; Matbias Schmitt, from Germany, on affidavit of A. J. Jessup; Thos. Conroy, from Ireland, on affidavitof P. McCarty; Henry Daniel, from Germany, on affida vit of A. J. Titus; Thos. Phillips, trom Ireland, on affidavit of Jas. Flannery; Bernard Kain, from Ireland, on affidavit of Thimas A. Dun , Frank. O'Donnell, trom Ireland, on affidavit of John Miller; August Rutinnau. from Germany. on affi davit of A. H. Klornee; floury Suer mayor, trona Gerinany, on all lavit of Henry Bruman Jos. Sohmerber, from GOlinnnV, on a'ililavit of John Well; Louis Sliinerber, from France, on affi davit of John Weil; Adolph Adler. Itom Germany, on rffidavit ot David Graaf; John McManus, from Great Britain, ou affidavit of J. McVey; Peter Conroy, from Ireland, on affidavit ot P. F. Ma lel; Morris Cassel, from Ireland, on af fidavit of J. Whelan; Mich. Koelch, from France, on affidavit of id. Fischer; John Horn from Germsay, on affidavit of H. Guenther; Hama Kahn. from Germany. on alfi-- davit of D. Wertbeituor; Con ner, from Great Britain, on affidavit of Thomas Cassidey; Mat. groin Germany, on affidavit of H. liemmer VALI WoRe.111.19.t. 4.901 Ifelitads oft afie. davit oi Thos. Fallen; H. Koebutkant from Hanover, ou affidavit ot Tone sail; John Maley, from Great Brit Isto on affidavit of A. J. Cunningham . .04 BOARD OF FIJOILIV Weall 1.11. ' - Business Tratteacted try tits Hoard This Morning. The Board met in regular session, sill the members present exoept Mr. Maker, and President Bell lu the chair. Tim following was presented 8.nd re torrid to a Special Committee of two: "Resol yed, Tn at permission be granted to the L. M. and C. L Railroad oomph. nies to unload cars on Water street, be tween Central avenue and John 'tree the same to be subject to the withdrawn ot the same on the vote of the Board Pubilo Works, and to allow no empty care to be left standing." A communication from J. M. Loden sou, in regard to the condition of the bridge au Knowlton owlet, betwesa Dane avenue and Dane street, was no. fereed to Mr. Gessert. On motion, the Superintendent of tbe was instructed to plane water meters in the Johnston Building, corner of Fifth and Walnut streets. The following was adopted: "Resolved, That Geo. Barton be endive is hereby notilled to appear in the oldes of tho Board oi Public, Works and ONO' OU le the contract in acooedanoe with bel bid, and the award of this Board for the grading and paving ot Findlay street between Freeman street and Westenit avenue, on or before 10 o'clock,Bept.30; otherwise this Board wilt. declare Um same void." Uri motion the Clerk wits ordered In prepare and transmit to Council an or. dinance appropriating to the Board ni rublie Works the sum ol ti1,733 fiZt Water-works purposes. The following was adopted: "Raeolvad, That the salaries of Win, Thorpe, Thos. Davies and T. H.-Mars. be fiscil at $1,350 per year." Adjourned. ,.41.0 AMUSE Eni rSe Grand Operahou.s. Mr. Geo. Etwoett it,Jvre, the across plished actor and scholar, takes a bents Lit to-night. "Braes," which has sash. fished its popularity beyond question,. will be the attraction. There should a rousiug house. Only "Brass" matinee tomorrow (We-. urday) afternoon. Monday next, Mrs. D. P. Bowers atil Mr. J. C. McCollum in "Lady Angler's. Seoret." Wood's Theater. Mr. John E. Oweus bad another goi house last night. No matter how fall of politics people are, they must sal Owens. This evening he appears Intim of his favorite plays,"PoorGentleznas," and "Solon Shingie." atiaedtiaturday--"Self." Saturday, last night ot Mr. Owes Next week. Miss Genevieve Boger. la "Maud Muller." Cincinnatian. in the Black Kith A private letter, Just received true the Black Dills,gives SOM6 intereetiwr accounts of members of the Cincinnell Expedition that remain there. It sp. pearls, so far as the writer is able le learn, that but five members et Col. is. P. Stone's Expedition are still In Mir Blot Bille country. All tbe Whose have either returned, or have gone In other points West. Colonel Stone himself is in Use turn pike business. having with ethers ze. cured the building of a road trom Dina-- wood to Custer, a distance of eigat miles, and has charge of one section Of forty miles in length. Tbe road le said to be doing a good business. Lalleiteaux and Armstrong are with. telegraph company superintending Use buildiug of a Hue from Fort Laramie to Custer,thence to Deadwood. They see interested lu the work, end both repertnil doing well. Mr. Kelley, of New York, anoteer member of the seine party, to running an express from Gayville Deadwood. The remaining member is Mr.Wbeleek. kle bad not been seen by the wriVir for some Wee, but was understood to be eso gaged in the boot and shoe business either at Custer or Deadwood. The Gauntry is reported In a thrillag oondition and settlers comipg despite: all that has been said and done to die; courage them At Deadwood they have a theater with performance every nigbt, and a maiistev: has arrived and 'Readies twice every; Suudity. Police Cour& MiscellaneousC. F. Anderson, lbw charges embezzlement, contiuued to Oe.- tot er 5; Samuel Jones, loitering, Mei missed; Edward Norton, assault WWI intent to kill, continued to November:IN Jas. White, bribing witness, by Pr! this afternoon ; k' urray, assiankt with intent to kili, 0013111110th tO Septem ber 80; M. Spauley, careless driving, bail forfeited; E. fiteveus, loitering, dismissed; Otte Marmet, Aug. Froei. king and F. Manuel, obstructirtg street, continued to September 94 Samuel T. Barris, refusing to obey rc. der of Police Commissiou, optioned Iss October 6; D. F. Goodhue, abstructkig sidewalk, diamissed; C. Moister pero mitting nuisance. coutiuued to Otkobee 7; James Ditty, malicious cutting sad destruction ot property, ()instituted le Oetober 8; Pat. Biter, D. Niles, 8-Jo Meeker, Itichard T. Wenke, obstructing street, costs; Chas. Kennedy, common Wet, 80days, excoution issued. Assault and BatteryChas. Sehoppill, jr.. Chas. Schoppel, sr. jury, Oatcher2, 2 P. M.; B. Reiter, costs. Drunk and DisorderlyP. Michaels, $5 and costs; Win. Benites, dismiseel; Thomas Dudley, Lawrence Whalen, David Jarrell, Wm. McIntyre, $10 eactit Jointuna hicNitariara, T. Cunniagaain, 80 days; Deunis O'Connor, 10 days. Petit LarceuyNellie Suter, coati ued to Oct. 4. Li rand Larcenychimes Newton, son Slimed to Oct. 4. OM gloritsort Records Mary Ward. 4 years, city. Catherine Plaher, 4 Week city, Mary Vuanemann, 10 years. city. Charles Bina, 51 years, Germetty. Bernhard Gaissmann, 6) yrs , Carassy. . ---..,s A gentleman rode up to a publi4 house in the country, the other day. am) asked: "Who is , the master of tht bruiser, 1 am, it r, replittAbAnItt lord; eimy wife bits bah tkree wvtlau" ,-