OCR Interpretation

The Cincinnati daily star. [volume] ([Cincinnati, Ohio]) 1875-1880, December 08, 1876, Third Edition, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85025759/1876-12-08/ed-1/seq-1/

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AMUSEMENTS. I HATS, FURS, Ike. i gill the members ot the Canvassing Board,1FROM THE NATIONAL CAPITAL Th On 'Change. i -.
111.1001 as olopen. es ' tilling! Vidohotan o n
afire! the order ranttleiFd rneasntvrit.i.n.littntehT ..,,e following was read on amigo led
COM nlot.ign at
VOL. 10
And Last Night but Ono ot
Tho intensely interestnig play,
kAum CRE.
Only Murphy Matinee Saturday,
" There's Mil li0114 It."
EVerý Evening during the week. MR. JOHN
T. HAY i)? in hid great role of Col. hi
WRY 80,1,1,11, its.
Next weekIIEN iti ETTA ClIANIeltAll.
kr Dyeing attti asourinr at W al ker's, 61
Au ANTEDBOYSTo soli the Irish Cid
V V zoo; also apents to E4olielt aðvvrtise
moots. Apply tit Wilco. No. 4 11011i0 groat. It
MARTIN. at 49 W. Fifths& jyla-tt
WANTF,DBOLLERAbout 4 feet by 18
ineiteg, fur a eozine; mu,t be In
good order. Addreso Post-olliee Box 434.
VITANTEDSUAIASocond-hand six tou
V stock setae; must be chimp. Address
1,1tOirk.'3, Four-mile, Clitysvitle, Ky.
AATAN FED SACQUE Second-hand seal
V V skin saeque; must be cheap. us the ad
vertiser will pay case. Address kith. KEN
tilE SMALL IT, ro,t-olllea. 0-3
IliTANTEDHolt8hm TO For
,11, the winter in the unary. Terms cheap.
Iròr information apply to O. L. et
Snook Nieoll's titanic, southwodt corner
of Finn anti Sycamore. no' 5..tr
A NTE D TO ADOPT A childless
Christian couple want a little girl rrom
10 yours old to adopt tool editeato as their
own; must be of good familv. For parideliws
liddrose Mild. E UUMU'ON,.311 tieing met.
'V, boots end shoes from T. IL 1)0it
Central avenue, near Richmond street.
lianie0 custom made side-lace pebble goat
and kid boos SI 00, men's calf anti kip boots
and bebt rubbers Pee.
News job press and printing nuiteriat for
a country newspaper and job Mee; terms
suust be cosy atid material good. Addms
PRINTER, Box Vaneeburg9 Lewis t;outity9
IQ! 6-4t
NVANTED TRAIN Eat A. first-class
trainer can exure a stable of i10,801,1 the
pouting season to train, on Rush County Fair
Wounds, by a idresAnk Box 3, Rushville,
Indiana; none but those who can bring st
class references need answer. 6-4t
-, -
Near alItford; price2, per month; le acres.
leuire of JOS. R.. PEBBLE& sON.i, leitth
awl Race streets. 8-3t
TOR RENTSTOREAnd dweliipg, south.
side of Sixth street, between Faun and
ntral avenue; a very desirable loc.Ltion for
any retail business. Apply to IL 1.1.LACK
WELL 418 West Fifth tumid. 7-4t
f-VOlt RENTSTORE- Fire story store. 54
.12 West Second street, 3i feet front by WO
feet deep; hydraulic elevator and every con.
blame; possession given January 1.
Appiy to JOHN rteAFF, 6W Central aVC11110
.1: and desirabiti lot, 50 by 200 foot, with im
provements, on tho north side ot Gest, MO feet
r4 of Freeman street, the la lumber vard of
. fl. Story & Co.; Will rout or leaso for a term
f Years, with privilege of purctlasing, on tho
twist firtotable terms. Apply at 26 Clinton
latreet. 8-5t
t ',
r$ OR RENTHOTELThe Broadway Llo
telThis ii011(40 is situated on the corner of
lepond and Broadway, conve,iient to tho
4sitroad alai steambirits, mid IVai for a long
time the intst popular hotel in Cincinnati. In
the haloes of a live mon it could be made to
pay handsomely, Will rout it furnished itt a
price k) Skit Oki limos. k'or full information
tail Ill, the hotel. h-tt
N.4 6 IV hooter it Itt -awn sowing 'liftable.
. Ai litho at this office. se9-tt
. .
f Pauli lies or gr000riod In WI kat of
'' rit!illsfatal,t)lirl -fev.iatirri;teletiol ottlefl';;
going to tno IV eeir-ENI, AllIA.,$.
Tog orderd aro soliktitel. Dotivorv free.
JAMICi li. fILIALN, Sixth streo,, tietweolt
,litiyiniller and Frooina:i. sel-tha
ITOR SA I,8Olt l.D.; STORIIIOn account of
r the.ibdtth of the proprietor, a 111.st-class
stock of unto, till new and, clean; will invoice
about WO; vett stand for business in a town
al Ltliti inhabitants: will be sold ou reasmable
L.rins. Apply soon by per,on or letter to F.
. MOLAUG all Sl, Adin'r, Purtlau d, Jayi;d..
abb. S-4t
OR S.,k LE Olt RENt --AilLI,,--1 he It right
l'i . sal oanv,Fularliaoun,lin ba'let tsalt ,AR.1 ILI, lattittentl.tentio oi, lay aunt:
liAeil with tuolorn linprov,miants; steam en
tine, boiler's, grinding-4unes, and everything
appertaioing bi, the brWnads, and is for imme
diate posse.sien; ositvely in the beet run
ming rev. Ingture nt GEO. hi. RERAN
CU leda'S Brewery, IlarrLoo ay., Fairmount.
FOR RE...NTROO NI.S.Furoisno,1 rooma tor
trent!, men at 246 Phan street, that door
Iraqi or Set'on!th.
won. itENTROOM:i -Five roma at 408
itroauway to rout. Ca:i at 402 Alain
and meal ttplicts for sato; 91 1110313, $; 50';
xigiukt 2.!., and Au; inJals at all hours. 193 W.
k111611 wool. no18-1m-11,1VAIP
.100it SALIFARMMedium size, fruit of
! .0 ali varieties, eight miles from city; good
, house of six 100Me 1.1.irn and out buildings in
cood oandit'dn; will sell on easy tern,s as the
Owner is going West. Inquire at drug-store,
'corner Finn and :Smith streets. 6-5t
VOR SALE FA Int Ewer farm of NO
ac; RöJ in cultivation; balance virgin
forests; g'ood dwelling; ten rooms; good out
bitildings water, Sid.; locatimi heal-11y; fri
Mite." wes9t of At:alitt, Ga. Address WM.
Istram Ell, Calhoun. Georgia. 6-6t
sA FA Fin Good farm of 97
112 acres, Situated 1.4 mil. s from Williams
burg, Lit Clermont çonuty. 'Varna in gooq
fartver. salt nValW PAM tettIM' A gro 1
Culotte for any one tieslrinv it le get a good
, Address II. E. 64 star glue. 2da wm
mut oireet, Unsizinati, O.
i137r0Å IV) fooNg 9-: Oconnen IT nOor. thholTaern,:cof 1117:tik iti)lahlti
Atig filn,et f3Milý board, 1,0 best location in
tag. III Broadway, near k ow tb streqt. W ill
Ittrikisti tr desired. Also ploo,sant sbagie room;
grozmiMit or simautint socommaiktiuna.
HATS, FURS, tito.
Announcement Extraordinary I
OS West Fifth Street,
Will offer for thirty dayft tho greatest bar.
gains in
(Ever known to the trade.) Read the follow
ing prices; it will doubly repay you:
Men's Fine Stiff Hats, only SI 50;
regular retail price, St 50.
MOWS Fine Stiff Hats, St, regular
price, $3
Metes Fine Stiff Hats, SO, regu
Jar price SO.
Metes Extra Fine Stiff Illats, S3,
regular price St.
Plenis Fine Soft Hats, latest style,
at SI reguiar retail price
112 50.
Itlen9s Eine Soft flats at St, worth
Stett9s Fine Soft flats at St 50,worth
St SO.
Itten9s k int, Soft Hats at 83, worth
Monis Extra Fine Soft Hats at SO 50i
worth Si.
Wo are confident that the above prices aro
the very lowest ever offered to the people of
gt)'". We retail Hats at wholesale prices.
Ladies', Misses' and Children's FURS in
great variety. Alt kinds of FUR TRIM
98 W. Fifth St., Cincinnati.
kir Principal House, 842 Broadway, New
York, Wallacii'a l'hoater Building it
Importing them direct we are en.
a bled to seli them at the Lowest
200 Beaver Shawls at $5, worth 8 50,
In New Styles opened this day.
104 & 106 W. Fourth St.
Ask attention to the offering of
Ali New Coods at Reduced
104 & 106 West Fourth St.
For Wheelin g.
ANDES, ChM. blutikonon, blaster.
A pply on board, or to Royse .$t Mos.,
set, blatt. bloGuire, Agents.
For Pomeroy.
tho TEI,EuitAPII, E. S. Mniran,
sitE4Mastor. Freight received at ail
houraou Whorl- bgat, tout of Broad
way.. W. Iloosholi, :.,.uperintendent.
For Kanawha.
eKt.: v inc bEhl. J. V. Reynolds. Alas.
sia,..4.444.1,!-1. Apply ou aoard or to brft(h
uharter. J. U. Dorman a Co.,
For Huntington.
1..The C. ,s.t O. R. It. packet FLEE V
for,if,,,tAri,,,5" W001), T. Campbell. Ala,ter.
Emziamicollirreight recap5,1 at all houra on
IN hart -Nou r, loot of Broadway. W.11011611011.
For Chilo.
DAILY, at 4 P. M.,
iegau, Macor. Freatlit roeivod at
noun ou hart-bout, toot of.
WUtlitli; street,.
For Vevay.
8 P. M.,
.3,11,BANNOCK CITY, J. W. Kirby,
Master. Apply on board. or at A.
Kennett's, eornor Main awl Water
For Louisville.
THIS p4y, Eth, at 5 P. M.. POSITIVELY.
tho U. S. Mail Lino Steamer.
1,GRNERAL LYNX, U. Dufour.
igitia Master. Fr....ight reeeivea at ail
.loirra Whart-buat, toot of Vino
stroot. tt. Waao, Superiuteationt.
For St. Louis.
FRIDAY, thh, at 5 P. M., POSITIVELY,
MARY MILLER, John N. Shnnk,
akatit,i Master. Apply on board, or to W.
S. Getty, Agent, NO. 8 Sycamore
For Memphis.
ANDY BAUM, FL .1. Vinton. Man
zi: ..F:Ltitr. Api) you board, or to Ruyan
ilicti,ott, torts., on N. O. yinart
boat. For New Orleans.
lfr., CALUMET, Dan. Moore. Master.
.4):j.l'é! ANA), on beam or to Rosso & Moo
se', Aati. McGuire, J. Cunningham,
J. C. Dol man it Ca., A (Into.
l' rimmed euillit trimmer. call at
63 Barr atteet. 8.2t
NVItTurte'Dork,IloroiA.tyTioorNeolio.!ylo, efoa.1
spat:Labia girt. Lail at 'a Richaltinti great.
T AN TEDSI ruperroxIty a drug clerk
V V of Six years' eneerlooce, ih Own or city.
Address C. 1.01'ir, Journal Building, In
dianapolis. Ind Coonl retorChOet.i. T-St
I C19011 retoredoelL 1-0- tallied ea behalf 01 Gov. Drew avelett112oeed LA be tee work of at! lotetAtary: ope-t; 1 "Il;v"telliikuiluubligts,u,117,Fit.TsigNm
Third Edith
a-IMO Arr3ES'r
From All the Points of Interest.
The Governor of Oregon Makes a
National Associated Press to the Star.
SALEm, OREGON, Dee. 8.--The pro
' ceedings at the meeting of Electors was
as follows: All the Republican and
Democratic Electors assembled in the
1room of the Senate Chamber. The Sec
retary of State pairsed an evelope
through the door to Cronin, who read it
as a certificate of the vote given to Odell,
Cartwright and himself. lie then put it
in his pocket, relmang tO bhOW it to the
it3publicans. Odell, Cartwright and
()Min seated themselves at, a table and
organized by electing Odell Chairman.
Watts offired to leave the room, but OS
the other Democrats (Klipell and Las
well) refu,ed to leave, ho remained at
the requeet of the Hier Republicans.
Watts tuen tendered his resignation as
Elector. Odell and Cartwright sever
ally demanded their certificates of
Cronin who repeatedly relused to sun.
render them. After seine tilue Cronin
asked if they refused to act with him.
Odell and Cartwright said no, very
emphatically, bUt demanded that their
authority to act Should be shown.
Cronin then left tue table, the Republi.
can Electors having made no otjection
to co.operate with him, and after
in Maier and Parker organized bis
Electoral College is b'efore reported.
Secretary Chadwick claims to have
simply acted under Governor Grover's
NEW YORK, Dec. 8.The Commercial
Advertiser's special says that the Demo
crate claim that the Irregularity in Ore
gon wia bring the whole question of
frauds in the Electoral College before
Congress, and that Cronin, Vie Demo
ratio Elector, has a prima facie case,
and that the- Republicaue lutist accept
the vote ergo behind it, which would
give tue House the right to inquire lute
and exclude the vote oi Louisiana.
The Governor Makes a Statement.
NEw Yoftli, Dec. it --Tao Herald pub
liabes a dispatch from Governor Grover,
of Oregon, givlog the grenade of his
action in granting certificatel to the
Electors in Oregou. He says, In refer
ence to the ease of Watts, that the fact
of his disqualification was well known.
A protest was entered against the iseu
ance of a certificate to Watts. To this
a reply was filed objecting to anything
but a count of the votes and certificate
4)u the count. making no denial of the
disqualifying facto. It was ruled in the
case that the Governor had a right to
determine the question. It was also
held that the votes east for an inel.
ligible candidate can not be couuted for
any purpose, and the eligible candidate
having the next higheet number of
votes was duly elected. This ruling he
says was eased upon standard authori
ties, such as Cushing and Grant, the
decisions of many courte, the later uni
form practice in the U. S. House of Rep
resentatives, and the great weight of
English autilorities. The law of Oregon
providiag tor vacaucies
Electorat college recognizes a vacaucy
nor la cases wnere there has been an
incumbent and such incuiribetit has
died, refused to act, neglected to at
tend, or is otherwise absent. In this
ciiie there wee no incumbent, UtileSki
the next highest caudidate should take
the potation, and there was no vacancy
which could be filled by the other mem
bers of the Coilege. he next hig;iest
candidate eligible under the Conatitu.
Won of the Uulted States was therefore
entitled to be duly elected.
South Carolina.
National Associated Press to the Star.
Co Lumina, S. C., Dee. S.Governor
Chamberlain,i took the oath ot office air
Goveruor, in the State-house before
Probate Judge Boone, a joint resolution
repealing the law that the oath should
be taken before the ChietJustice As
sociate Justice haviug Deed passed pre.
viously. The inauguratiou was over be
fore it was known in the city, ana only
parties admitted by the authorities wit
nessed the ceremony. A compauy of
troops Werik stationed in tbe lower cor
ridor, turd constabulary guarded the en.
The ceremony over, Governor Cham
, berlain deliveled his inaugural.
CoLumnia, S. C., Dec. 8.Genoral
Wade Hampton has Issued the following
The following paragraph appears in
the address of 0- II. Caninnerlain deliv
erda in the Capitol to-day:
l'The gentleman who was my oppouent
tor this office in the late election has
recently declared, as I am credibly in
formed, that he bolds not only the peace
ot this city and State, but my lite in hie
hand. I don't doubt the truth of bis
statement. Neither the puelle peace
nor the lire of any man who uow opposes
the consummation ot this policy of fraud
and violence is safe from the assaults of
those who have enforced tbat
I pronounce this etattement laiamously
raise. I, by my renewed exertions, have
endeavored to preserve the peace of this
State, and Dave thus contributed to
shield from popular indienation one who
nee preyed himself a disgrace to bac:
rank and a traitor to his trust. His coo
science may make him treinbie, but '
neither I nor the meu with whom act,
countenance tile hand ot the Iltiafilin
1Signetil WADit HAstrros.
National Associated Press to the Star.
TALLAHASSEE, Dec. 8.A quo war
rant was issued and served on the
flayes Electors before they cast their
votes; also a bill of Injunction was ob.
tallied on behalf ol Gov. Prey( asralutt
DECEMBER 8, 1876.
the members ot the Canvassing Board,
and the order granted restraining them
nfront completing the canvass on the
boats of the vote as canvassed by the
majority of the Blard for Electors. At- ,
torney General 'W. A. Cooke, a momber 1
of the Canvassing Board. proteated
against the actiou ot the Board in
certifying to tbe majority et votes
-2-.1 in Mvot et the Hayea Electors,
-I- and denounced the same as a crim.
inal ana gross falsification of the returns
on tile In tbe officio of Lite Seoretary of
6,4tel lie flise gnyl eeqiiiinAes gi eieo
St twit to the Tilden Electori, stating
therein the returns on tile canvassed by
the Board showed a clear majority tor
the Tilden and Hendricks Electors.
'llE Tbe Deinooratio Electors met at the
Capitol, in the eine of the Attorney
General, cast the vote of the State, and
signed a petition to the Senate and
House of It!presentatives of the United
a States, stating their legal election, and
praying that they might be recoguized as
Eleutors of t'ue State.
against the action ot the Board in
certifying to te inalorifr ti votes
in Mvot fit the Hayes Electors,
and denounnad tha Rama am a erim.
National Associated Prt3S8 tO the Star.
Baotiltixis, Dec. 8.--Tue dieaster at
tbe. Brooklyn Theater continues to be
the theme of conversatiou among all
classes. Firemen, polleemon and oth
ers are still busy with picks and shoV
els, and all exhumations made are at
once sent to the neighboring police sta
tions and to the old market. the morgue
being already full. Police guard the ru
Ins. Nearly three hundred and fifty
bodies have been recovered front the
Great heaps of debris at either corner
of what once was the stage, have not
yet been removed, and pieces of wearing
apparel protrude from the mass of
crooked gas-pipe and piles of rubbish In
every direction.
Numbers of bodies have been identi
fled by relativeti. In all cases where
identificatiou is complete the Coroner
delivers the remains to the fatuities of
the dead. The police are exhausted by
tbeir hard labor, and Gm Jordan has
accepted the oft9r of one hundred men
of the Twelfth Ikglineut of National
Guards to stand guard as special police
men. There is great indignation at attempts
at the morgue of avaricious wretches to
gain possession of bodies upon whom
Watchee or other jewelry are toned.
Several such attempts have been made.
In one case two men claimed to recog
nize a corpse as that of a relative; the
body waS Wet of a boy, and the father
bad already claimed it and was stand
iug near, plunged in the deepest grief,
when the two rascals, attracted hy the
sight of a valuable gold watell and chain,
made application for a permit to remove
the body. 5o far as known small at
tempts have not proved successful.
A Coroner's jury was impaneled, and
held a private ilession the Station
Haouse adj.lining the burned theater,
They took no evidence, and at neoli ad
journed to meet at the Coronet's ofiLe
Saturday evening.
A.M. Palmer, one of the lessees of the
theater, gives the followiug statement
ot the number of persons iu the theater
Tuesday :
ets1 persons in the Upper gallery. 800
persons in the dress 01E010, 260 persons
lu the parquet, 21 actora and speaking
people, 20 supernumeraries, 10 stage.
bandit, i2 total, 1,018, or,
including dressers and other sub
ordinates, in all ahem 1,050 per
sons. A fault in the construc
tion of the burned building, and one to
which there is reasou to believe the
dreadtul loss ot lire ta the gallery is in a
taiga measure attributable, was tee use
ot paluttal c:oilt for the ceiling. The
canvas caught easily and burned rap.
idly. Of course tae flames tollowed it
to the ventilator at the tup, making the
dome a tunnei ot fire right over the
heads of the people in the gallery. It
seems more than probable that the
smoke and lire, in midst ot which
they were thus placed, destroyed the
lives ot many.persous who might else
hate escaped, even by the luadequate
stairway provided tor them.
A list is phblished of tifty-nine who
have been identified.
NEW YORK, Dec- 8-11 A. M..The full
extent of the Brooklyn disaster has been
approxiinately ascertained, but it is
probable that the total loss of life will
never be known'. Thus tar LWO hundred
and ninety bodies haVe been recovered
froth tbe ruins. One hundred and thirty
frie bodies Still remain unideniified. and
the city will probably have to bury the
larger portion of these at the public ex
pense. Memorial services for tbe dead
will be held Sunday. The offer ol Green
wood Cemetery authorities nos been ac
copied, and the victims not identified
vOil be buried in it large plot. The in
terment will probably be made to-morrow
atteimoon. The ex Induation ol the
ruine, it is expected, will be completed
BROOKLYN, N. Y., Dec. 8.--Two more
bodice nave been recovered front the
ruius of the theater fire. In the present
state of excitement it Is impossible to
arrive at a correct conclusion as to the
precise number who pecislied in the lire.
Police Captain Smith says two hun
dred and forty-sight box loaos
were carried out up to last night, but
that some boxes contained two or three
bodies and some fragments of bodies;
another Metal reperts two hundred
nod eighty-two bodies recovered,
and still another official of the
Coroner's office reports the whole num.
ber of betties taken out up to 10
o'clock last night as reaching three bun
tired and ten.
The total number of bodies identified
is one hundred and titty.five, and the
number of persons now reported tilibielbg 1
iS LW hundred and twelve. Tilts would
indicate that three hundred and sixty
seven persons were lost. The morgue
prelleHIS a fearlul spectacle. Many,
fragments have been gathered together
in piles that will never be recognized.
and all are horribly charred. Tile un
dertasers are busily engaged preparing
the ittherals of those wile are to he bor;eil
to-day. Workmen are still eng.igeri
searuning the ruins tor bodies.
Another Theater Burned.
A LBAN Y, N. r., Dec. 8.The Adelphia
Theater, oi this city, situated on Davi
son street, between Pearl and Green
streets. was totally destroyed by fire at
8 o'clock this morning. - The fire le sup.
pined .u be the work of ati iptet:wliary.
Towdars Congressional Business.
National Atoociated Press to tile Star.
WASHINGTON, Deo. 8.The Hotta
Judiciary Committee had a meeting th la
mornlug and agreed to report the reso
lution introducel in the House yester
day by Mr. McCreary, of Iowa, provid
ing for a committee of five members
to. act with lint similar cone.
mittee that may be appointed by the
Solidi to prepare and report without
delay such a measure, either legislative
or conetitutional, as may in their judg
ment be best caloulated to accoinplish
the end, that the Electoral voted into, be
counted, and the result be declared by a
tribunal whose antbority none eau clues
tion. and whuse deeisiou all will aceept
as final.
The subject of the status of Colorado
waft informally discussed, but final ac
tion was degerreJ untii Monday, in or
der to allow Mr. Kuott to look up prece
dents and prepare au Anjou la the
Mr. Whitehorne then introduced a
bill for the relief of officers ot the navy,
whode Day was reetteed by order of the
Secretary of the Navy, and repealing so
much of the revised statutes as author
ized tbe Secretary of the Navy to ter
lough ellicers in certain mime. Referred
to tee Committee on Naval Affeird.
Mr. Piper, of Calliorula, introduced a
bill to reestablieh the Territory ot the
Black Hills and to provide for a govern
ment theretor. Referred to the Com
mittee on Territories.
Mr. Cutler, of New Jersey, introduced
a bill to continue the puelication ot the
monthly reports of the Commissioner of
Agriculture. Referred to the Committee
on Appropriations.
Mr. Bakeer, of Indiana, introduced a
joint resolution proposing au amend
ment to the Constitution of the United
States prohibiting the asdumption or
paymeut by the United States of any
claims growing out of toes or use and
occupation ot property in the Southern
States during the late war by the U.lited
States. R.iferred to Judiciary Commit
tee. This being Friday the Speaker called
the committees for hills of a private na
ture, but the call waa soon conoluded,
aud but few bills were reported. The
Speaker thee proceeded with the call of
Stetes for resolutioas which would have
to lie on the table it debate should
Mr. Lemoyn, of Illinois, offered a res
olution reciting that differenees of opin
lou m ght arise between members of the
two Houses as to counting tee Electoral
vote, and authorizing the appointment
co. a joint committee of live Souutors and
five Representatives to present the whole
matter to the Supreme Court and get the
views of that tribunal.
Debate easing the resolution was laid
over under the rule.
Mr. Hewitt's resolution calling upon
the President for information regarding
Utilaratrang.tifl ha ki.1h.su 04W.111
was passed; aud tbe House adjourned
to Monday.
The Annual Appropriations.
The House Committee on Appropria
tions wet this lorouoon, and referred
the Post-ollice Bill to a sub-committee, 1
consisting of Mews. Holman, Blount
and Waldron, who Wili meet at 10 A. M.
to-morrow to consider the details of the
bill. The General Committee will meet,
again on Monday for a general assign
meet ot work to a sub-committee. Tile
next bill to bellow the roste,filee bill will
be the Naval Bill, and alter that the
Legislative Appropriation BILL
In the Senate.
After ;he reading of the journal, the
Chair aid before the Satiate a number
of House bills, which were referred.
Mr. Cameron presented a petition of
certain pereons in Wisconsiu tor the re
demptiou ot greenback curreney. Re
Terred. Mr. Mitchell moved to take up the
reaolution to restrain persona from act
ing as Etectors and refer it to the Com
mittee on Privileges and Elections. So
Mr. Edmunds moved to take up the
Senate resolution No. 10 of last session.
Mr. Merrenon raised the point of order
that the Twenty-first Joint Rule prattle.
ited the taking up of unfinielied busi
ness within six days of the opening of
another session.
Tile President pro tem. oVerruled the
point et order on the ground that the
Pilot Rubio were not in levee, aud this
resolutiou came up under the Fifty
esecond. which was read. Air. McMillen
appealed from the deuision of the Cbair,
and asked that the vole on tbe appeal
be taken by yeas and uays. The yeas
and nays were ordered, aud Mr. Merri
man took the floor to discuss the clues
11011 LAT6sT LOCAL.
Joint RYAN was appointed adminis
trator of Sarah Ryan. Real estate, $3.0.
NOTHING Or plibile interest transpired
in tile board oi Public Works this morn
ing. SD our report ot yesterday but one
tnarriagu license has been issiled, viz.:
to William Scott and Carrie Jenkins.
AN alarm of tire was given at 1:30
P. M. front Box 67. The the was
on the root ot a brick building
on the corner of an alley on Cutter
street, between Richmond and Court
streets. The Mimes w hich were
owing to - a detective - fine,
were extinguished before the en
gines had time to throw water.
A GOSPEL Temperance. Meeting will
be held under the auspices ol the Men's
Reform at 11001:11.1 200 anti 202Vate street, :
this (Friday) evening al, 7:30 e'cipok.
These meetings. are tinusuallY Well at
tended, and much interest is manifested,
and many have beeh rescued from it lite
of intemperance.
ANDREW JACKSON, colored man, who
lives at 17 lints street, was arrested by
Officer ilennekes, ot Bremen-street Sta
tion, anti locked up in Bremen-street
Station on a charge of petit larceny. lie
is alleged to have stolen a Bating ma
chine and a clothes-wringor valued at
$13. The property belongs to MU. Ells.
Lewis, of 134 (Anal Street.
United States Court.
aii,,bby Larkin pleaded guilty to a
charge of illegal vottng. He was sent to
Alexander Hanks was arraigned be
fore Commissioner Hooper on a charize
ot illegal voting, and sent to jail In de.
tault of bonds. HAtics testified le the
Larkip ease tor the defense, and his ar
;est was due to see teetiniattr.
81"" "PY1 NO 135
On 'Change.
The following was read on nano trod
"CINCINNATI, Dec. 8, 1S11. .
ace!. Maxwell, ticeertuteullent el the MM.
her of (Alcmene:
"Please announce the following W
members or the Chamber:
'At a meeting of the Cincionad
Freight Agents Association, held this
day, it was agreed by all Eastern lies
that twentyfi Ye thousand pounds would
hereafter be considered as a car load so
bulk meats.
"Shippers ate requested to notify
their c wrespondents and consignees or
this action, and as far as possible make
their orders correspond with the sumo. -
"Yeurs, tte.,
Secretary pro tuoi.
--,,,,-.,,--.- o- 1
Police Court.
bilscellaneousLeopold Palo, abusin$
family, $25, under bonds; Thomas Mao
Carty, burglary, bound over; F. B. Dyei
loitering, coutinued to Dec. 12; Barney
Kunkciniller, selling adulterated mild
$25; B. B. Sergeant, false pretense, SW
and 10 days; same, usurpation ol tau
Drunk and DisorderlyJas. Dolan,S4
John 31urphy, $25; George Brenuer. St;
J tin Green, $2; G. S. (phut, $1; Lou
logger, $2,5; Chas. Walker,l1; B. O'Coa.
nor, $25; Arthur Hughes, 30 days; Chas.'
Roth, $1; Mary Mayberry, costs; A. Ws'
Pickett, $3.
VagrancyJames Moore. continued 111'
Dec. 11; Miehael Crea, 80 days; Floret ,
Johnson, costs; Mary Farrell, 90 daya- i
Petit LarcenyWm. Sampson mil
John Maloney, contiuued to Dec. i
Aesault and BatteryBarney Bag.
gerty, TlioDI LS !Vaal, $10.1
Joseph Crotty, diemissed; DAtt
and John Welsh, $5 each.
.E.,-,,t 4.
Boardiughouve Fiend!.
E. B. Sergeant, alias llayes, Ileum
is a boardiug-house swindle. HA!
au ex-agent of the Singer Bowing itta-.
chine Company and a base-bail plater.
Uas played with several gooil 04.11111
In different parts of the country. Tat'
Chief of Pollee has letters in his pee-.
session which show that be aat
his rather bandsome wile have bee
playiug it line ea boarding-house keep
ers in every city aimmt in the counter.
Ills victims in this city are Mrs.lielsol
No. 223 West Fourth street, Mrs. Boo
worth at 209 Longworte etreet, klrag
MeCreary at 221 West Fourth etreMs
and several wards yet to hear front. ,
All the aboYe parties tarnished Mat
with tho ceinforts and necessaries of
life, but none of whom ever saw thp
color of his money. Some days Itiett
he attempted to extort money front
a Mrs. Dresua, who lives at the corner
of John and David streets, by a Wok el
black -mail, showing an officer's bads
to give the illapred81011 that he was
detective. "
Being arrested by Detectives Mewl
rtnd NI pro v. at No 209 Lonewftet,
street,last evening, on Ina cutup or nose
pretenses and usurpation of odic Ise ,
appeared in tile Police Court this more
lug, and pleading guilty to both harem.
was sentenced to pay a due oi
ten days in the Work-house.
No charge being preferred against ille
wife, she was taken trona bee cell at the
Ninth-street Cation-house anti M
liberty this morning.
pew NATHAIPSuRPPARD Will14301firli
next on tixondu Euvr.
Maucus B. Marra, agent of Rini
ROSE EYTINGE, is in tbe city.
CITY AuDITOR tiortmaN i oft duly
consequence of art ulcerated sore Waist(
H. B. alBsolir, ESQ., Of the Whealera
Wilson. Company, left for Iudieuapolte
this afternoon.
MOSES KRAmma and family bail) Wm"
a suite ot rooms tor the whiter a& the
Burnet, 110U83.
D. TURNEY, proririelor of the Bourbon
lionset in Paris, Kentucky, is stopping
at the Walnut-street Howie. -..
Riot. J. EMBRY has been chosen ModA
erator of tbe City Mission Wo'ricerti,1
vice Rev. DE. Fld EIER, removed treat
the city. ,
GEORGE E. FEE and CliARLE$ lt. Fr;
connected with leading vrnolesale clean
ing houses of this city, have returnet
from a long trip througb the North WI
South. 'I
Ma. LEVI GOODALE, of tbe i'Moula
Grande Gold Milling Company of c4ltP,
chiliad, bas been clothed with tad
powers to represnut the company Itt
PEYTON WOODWARD, Omnibus Colleil'
tor of the Cincinnati, ilainilton As Dart
ton Raltroad, had a gold watch and
chain stolen front htm recently, wilds
sleeping in the depot.
lieu LOUrt Clerk Joan BENDER Will ilik
tend the shooting match at liartwell tO.
morrow. Dick says that when Bele.
dei's turn OulliOs to ith00t, he ( Diok) in
tends to drop back to Carthage, as Li
wouldn't be safe to linger in the neigni
J. B. BOuritt, M. D., Profeseor a
Chemistry anti ToxicolOgy in the Miami
Medical College of tAncinnati, Wel
wrongly representect in our o luMbls
yesteruay as "Teacher in the P arifeb;
ceutical College of blioAlgan." Pro essoi
Houout is not now, but was formerly, ils
teacher in the Pharmaceutical BepatO
went of the University of Michigan.
Messrs. Martin, Hughes, apitOti led
Titus. who have lieen ojourni hi In put,
nain County, Gale, for the last Menthes
a deer hunt, heve returned crowae4
with suctess. They report, the hunting
line, though they have wet too want
competitors in the Woods, so as to rea
der tlie 'Waimea less frequent to bag the
aame. Mr. Ti:us, of the company, was
toe luckiest, be having brought down
live bucks.
DUSSELL BLAIR, our msmmoth los
king, mid Paul. Wii.uamsoN, the Re.
corder, can be properly denominate&
the Nimrods of the West. They can
detect more good points in a dog and
gun than any other two devotees sinos .
the days of Boone. Taey can give liner
instructions in the art of shooting (44
missing) than auy school, Frank. rep.
ester not excepted, and can bag worn
quail on a single hunt, and shot OA
shot) than would stocit a game storn.
They are now down In Itpley Cotinty,
Indiana, Bowing shot on P.trwer Crone '
plautation; and if asked to skew the ,
rabbit on their return, wilt undoubtedit
give the same anewer OA BO, gill
alien bia dot stopped pursuing the itate.
o Just put In one more oimei el shots
bald illiuto Bleit to t'qui; .
gIf we notivt Osage ugr ti)clibs too;
We'll kill liti tante et all."

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