Newspaper Page Text
.0-:.......d.,- , 4...amopokoes i mmomummomm.i.ii ' - to. lg:Ot i if nig PAIt4Y T,Lk...4. TIIE DAILIT STAR Conway, a distance col one hundred and it. F r .. . lorty-three fillies. , , . . Otie's mind can revel in delight over Price per silt c-le copy .. I n the probable advamtages to be derived ,, Ine front this tuventlea by society At large Delivered by Carrier, per week ...-: when the eloquout divine shall sit in . . By mall, postpaid, per month 50c his study and lecture through By mail, postpaid, per annum so 00 the magnet to listening au dienc'es gathered in many a 'city; Publiehed Every Day Except Seeley. when the sweet-vo.ced prima (lomat shall . -- . from Ler own parlor pour rich music The Cincinnati Weekly Star, into a hutidrA opera-houses thre4hout A Large EIghtpage Paper, eapecially adapted the land; when the Congressman shall sip hie royal sangaree the while be de to the Family Circle, one year for $L Price per sin .le cepy 2c I r" A WOMAN,. -- Upon the hill she stood, and BOOlned The hill- top's every grace to wear: 1, looking, listening, inuteiy dreamed Inat then niiiisuininer taut me there. For richness of the season's heart 18011 her lips and in her eyes, In all its glow she has a pars, And all its peace anent her lies. Henceforth, for one WI10111 fatanp-breught, The summer mom fair, And womanhood a dear.,r tnotignt BOCILIL813 the two so inet tiltire the land; when the Congressmen shall Tr.Z;icor's Proclamation. -- sip his royal eangsree the while be de-, They wPro young people just .startins a Amrite mairt,pmo wper, ospoctally 11..1,1.). . sip his royal sangaree the while be dee I They were young people just starting to the Fatally Circle, one yesr for $L livers an oration to his beloved con- in lifeEdward Dale and but wife Mary their home one of the snuggest stituents at home, and when the abseut , THE STAR PUBLISHING CO., lover shall take up the magic wire which tittle neste in the populous town of W--. Balt mildern, hal' quaint in Its No. 230 Walnut Street, links him to his dateinea and breathe oild conibivation ot easy chairs and useidall.Tebory En,' ' CINCINNATI, O. solt words Into her eager ear, there vat lounges awl book laden tables, with here and there a high-back chair anti es...ea ,........-emese be no limit to its usefulness, and we can settee teat belonged Lo a bygone goner New ORLEANS Democrats speak of It anticipate the time when a telephone mien. as the "Overturning Board." WI li be establishee beneath every roof; Mrs. Dale was indefatigable in nor or "relics." She came of a good wheu wires tit ill stretch like cobwebs ,, and family; so, by the riget IT IS tO be hoped that whoever un- from house to house; when men shall of inheritance, her taste Mr these "bits dertakes to run the Southern Railroad argue politics fled women shall gossip ot tee past" was wine warranted. will not run it in the ground. wite tee neighbors, all through the me- But inougli lino was well satisfied with -tese- her posseseions, one desire sue had un dim of tele wonderiul machine. fulfilled. "A ii old clock Ia veritatile GENERAL GRANT, having now so short old clock that counted time for our lure s Gine to occupy the Presidential chair, PERSONAL. tattier& On! noW I want one," the feels himself able to occupy that seat -- bright little woman would say, its sae without his Cushing. Sitting Bull is too wide.awake to be voluted out to her smiling husband the claseed as a butt-dozer. --ee very alcuve tuat seemed made tor a tall, Tun St. LOUIS Globe is utgent in its Jean lugelow, who writes about but. great, round, triendiv.laceti clock; "met wen, its loud tick," Mary Delo was 'lieges-Lion that if Gov. Hayes becomes tereups, is fat and torty. wont to add, "would be such companiy our Chid Magietrate President Grant Prot. Swing says that a bat won on a in tile house, wheu you are away, El bet "comes (town over tile eyes et the be made Secretary of War nutter him. Wititier'S soul." ward," awl careesingly see pleaded: "Do let us buy a dear old Meek to ring eee, Georee Rgnold has sailed for Eno.. l'ux Brooklyn horror enUtililleS t land. '"ii el appears at Bootat'e Illeater tu ,, , in for us the Lours that are making up these nappy days el our lives;" and grow more terrible as the details de tee spring, eowever. gaily the young wife repeatee: whip. It now appears that about one. lirs. Bayard Taylor is making the eteli precious hours, 0 golden prima, , third ol the whole audience perished. transtatione for her busbauti's "Book And unlaence of love sod tithe, .- for "toys," which will be puulielled in Eveu its a Mitier COUritti 1118 gold, nose hours Lim ancient timepieCe tehl." TintSeall of Persia now proposes, in Gem-1mq. he never Imitation of Dont Pedro, to make a tour Mrs. Stilliane, the wife ot a physician thAou"d,i'l I, htageYe dlitiLylise vs; :. o 8ti Oa 8 ftser.part of of Europe as a private gentletuan. He lelevilia.egesitao pC1,10aereitat" l'"V3. h" fall" the 1)1'00.'8 song. Well, it was better so i y world' $3,000, left bv Will Veit the Paris Expoisition in 181'S, a limply le England. better that, le tue morning et lite as in the morning , el, tee day, .suitee 'iuti and be known as "Beiglorbeigi i Iree." Antonie Tamburinl. the tb t Pea alli 1'0 should rule. ....i.i.. and last of the lamed quartet consisting It wa ft s a er one of these talks that Tim Goveruor of Oregon, in accord. of Grisi, Rebini, Laulacile and Tam. Edward Dale told Me wile, if, for a mod semi with tue order of tbe day, makes a buriiii, died at Nice le tee early part of orate sum bile could find an old cioce, statement. It will be found in our news tae Pm" lauaLh she might' make the purchase without camel's, and vigil be classed by Dente- a 111) rr 0. aJoil he'd di leitlit sy, esroyn o loofs oGi y3 nt .o ell lot nt ok es 1 : clo()laes"uloLloaigi ortheTluoutsloiet.inagalacy"stibr'39-. crate under tile head of "very luterest, aay when au immense neweeet ot tee Dale's graceful little figure was flitting lug reading." Sitar Tunnel, litile Virginia City, buret, le and out like a bird from furniture into email piece,. waretiouses and seound.eand dealere. Tuit New Orleaus Republican thinks Aline Millet, the French sculptor, is Isaac Prindle's was the last place she the invitatiou to distinguished members untiring in his ludustry. He has already m saoutgellyrt'caolideciltlgju soa4sa'luCilt.ablwe"adnAlittilluea of bete political parties to go South catizoluestetdo teloig y diletrietille.araksc' oilleasistalisLavfeely1 les', articles; and lot in the darkest of ehould have been promptly accepted by ette tor the Butted States. - . all the dark corners, covered wall dust, Charles Francis Adains, as be can be President Grant has botight a house in les toontehtleswtitutit cdorbt N.vvi.e.rhasi, mii ivilsf ill)illiodniobav 'properly clabsilled as a distieguished Washington. It is one which has j 1st ateleiTee.tee peebeeei.' I been erected at tee interaeution or Ver. citizen of both political partied. eOldl Yes, I reekon it's been e count. meet and Beetle Island avenues, oppo- II 11 h d d " mg time we ulg a un to years, site the Tierteentuestreet circie. Aeritot:Gli the burning of the Broolt- Iseac reptied, to eire. Dale's eager in. Prof. Boyesen, who bite emu sta leg i -y "Is it very bid. anti do 'ou know lyn Theater occurred about II o'clock at, a few davit le this New York Git 133;ent (i-Ltillilis.t rv ?" aildine; '"TdOrti ii)t, a uisto night, not a single morning paper in the Saturday evenitig at the Center,: Leis rys, tilall't ; a fact. feat 'er timepiece be country the next day gave an about to pubtisn in eel-Diner a serial ele; ye bee, I coined oy it in Leis taellion: intimation of what -had occurred. story coultnuing Nurse tine American When old require Ilitter's hou,e wat, life. pulled down, a coup,e ot years back, Tile ' New York Times "feared Mr. Carlyle said to Prof. Huxley not said tee Squire's 8011-10in that's Sqa ire several people were killed," h tee long ago: "You Darwleiiins are spend- newsays he to me, ,Teere's lous et Tribune announced "many persons in. we your lives in trying to prove teat, rubbish etowed aWay in the garret, I 'tired," the World headed its accouut men are descended from epeeand it receon; take it, leitac, for whet 'twill che Ho never had no notion, the Ieeeveral persons slightly injured," and ivi :lel dt 6 tililieotruti tbatiitinigoour,rcetiv,i,lizatiou to pre. (Segtuire's son, to enter teat old mansion. Vie Sun, with its recognized enterprise, Ye see there was trouble when lie Went Ladv Sebeght, of London, an erne. published a double sheet that morning, tear actress te consideraule reputation, out of itsore, tredueb,,loo.00Tilwe asstooryh waads in whicli the great catastrophe within has declared her intention te go on the ibetsrto iiih 'I.:a tit h e:11(tuu high Words Was Ili e in fifteen minutea' walk of the office wee- stitge., Her friende are struck WW1 COO- that pgmened atwixt tee Squire and bun, , WA.... Up aso ..... WI lit a 0011111111 headed -1,-ene eel. ilae-Uielill's'Veuilli'gh'eval7errede 'arc- b tell words itild hit Lor, WitAi wheel tee y &Brooklyn Theater on tirenarrow es. parted Enueivker dto ameteoteastrionicion toildie 'ttlir Sir John Lubbotk, speaking with the cape of the audience." If some calm prudence of a banker and a man of rerlidre.'e WS lief) 8 ?!orgavel thea tiela one of these enterprising papere had affairs, 'says teat, ae tar as England's algid there was some talk of a let routed a foreign (?) correspondent from itill"i: IX vt se raurill31 e ea 't!itiveealli attOdi'miyt t wit: awieds t.Pe arnY ter that was writ Lt-biddeu1 hen 'come bis comfortable quarters at the Astor provinces of Asia Minor trout Turkey. an ,,! my esi! aa awao ritl to :Tonle si obteLebry .liodnetso,0 blautti Dense, or gene into the reportorial room Mrs. Marion Ward, a wealthy lady of receive, accordue to hie owe account; and bouuced the "Head of our Paris Milton, Vt., lately received a threaten- Lied never did Ild put toet in that 're Bureau," or enlisted the services of the iillig letter, termed' to extort money. Sho tiouse, never la tins 'er town, for that Commissioner that Is acconipanying the pw laictee dr 1 twious titer reei teutdo Lo fttrili (ez lai cost; ofte elle uwi oaltot e;ro, toial la tee no I de ibe go tudilrieo. iauti dt h oh i ag gtovood Servian army and sent Min to Brooklyn tenced to live yeara lu the Panitentiery. yard tor more than tette.), yeats; and at an expense of tourteen cents, and Dr. Hopkins, son of the late Bishop Olen, tile Preeout Squirehe tal Wad youug and gayne a iark Alen last the given. ita readers next morning an ac. Hopkins, of Vermont, hae beeu oomph. count ef the terrible disaster, a journal- :,--- , niented by the Church Goneress reeen . t townsfolk's see elmcome back all of a ' ' - eudde 1. d thouee teat wee a dozen ty held in Doeton, as a man el Mead and -- -I ' au istiC achievement would have been Male a strong, keen writer. Dr. Hopkins is years aeone, his hair was aii gray, far exceediug most of their buncombe the editor ot Dr. Milo 3lithan'e works, als step aa slow, aud the' weele !cape and the author of a iiteife or Dieu, look of the man ae gloomy as ye Hopkins." see it now,"aud old Isaac peused -011,e. la his narrative to take breath, but THE TELEPHONE. Disraeli advises the Churoh to make only for a minute, I or stralgetway ha heterodox clergymen into Bishops as Time was, years aud years ago, when hegan again: elend teat 'er timepieee soou as poesthle. "Look at Bishop astonishment and surpi-ise were regard- Temple," he bays. "When he was plain yk,ou'ovwe ?et sutgeb ootti g lilt iitv es :entre rtoo be:I:tout:me ed as just attributes of the Americao Di Temple he was troublesome, bat, goings ou I have bin a telling yo ol. I suind, but It is proper enough to observe dnooxislottoreilliathilootmore harmlessly ortho- lead to stop its pia' arter I letched it hurch." time to the saop, for its tick bounded for that we experience them no more. No Risiori ha 9 been taking lessons in En. all the world like a huinau voice, a say Matter how remarkable an event may Oise. A correspondent who hae heard ing over aud over: ForgetForgive transpire it arouees within us no emo- her recite scenes from Lady Macbeth in ForgetForgive. It well niga crazed Mon ot amazement, and whatsoever new the new tongue, saye that !tor pronun- me; I could uo wise stand it; and eays I ',aloe is faultless in the ini tassioited to m old woman I must let ut a ate or veeinderful Is presented to us we regard scilte b I Y ' ' 3 P P echos, ut betrays some foreign pe. to teat thing. Then, ye bee, too, most with ás niece coolness and fortitude as culiarities in quieter passages. iolks that CUMEI a-trading along with me Menge it, were a matter of course, and Dr. Chatining was wanting on the Wive many a thing to lorget, aud torgive, nothing more than we expected. This beach at Newport with a lady. 'tweet, ur leuetways to be forgiven or torgotten; I look," said she, "at the sweep of the so says 1, It'll never tie to have taut 'er national sang frold prObably arises from ocean and its power, and think er the ie. old week a dinning ever in their ears an ever coutidence in that Yankee ge- finite range beyond, I feel myself so teem words, tor that's a duty folks fillet, nine which we believe is capable el any. small as to be all insignificant. -Do not over.particular to be minded on." thing in the way of invention, and which you?" "My dear friend," side ile, "When After Isaao's story, Mr& Dale was I look at um Infinite ocean I do not think doubly delighted with her purchase, , seems to be gradually overcoming all of myself at all." and with no delay her little hand, spark the eiowers of the elements, and Inas. ling with jewels, placed three prisp, new Mr. -Wm. Id. Everts has a patent proo tering all the secrets of median- cis for solving the Presidential, prob. bank 'totes in leaac's browie labor les. The Keely Motor may be, and loin. Ile says there is no use in making :1 taullue eidnutitithi a' tealayYlMagr: 1111lluatiVies lit ra eta l' tio doubt is, a humbug, but there is es tdi cy II ins 1 tiller iltoboo:1 yt t totters e ;atoll: t tilled tr etmh e morrow le Thauksgiving Day, and a; bardly an American who would be sur- court are constantly applying it. The surely Want It to tick its first tick, ring prised if it should prove a genuine sue. thing to do is to put the Presidency into its first hour for usdear old CIOCii I that Gess. Tile flying machine and the nevi. the bands of a receiver, vita power to tate ttcked so many initiates. rung out rtin the concern and collect the debts. so many hours for other peopleon tee lation of balloons would occasion a - - first Thanksgiving eve we eave celebre . Dr. Arinitaee, a Baotistpastor in New wonderful stir among the inhabitants ted in our jowl' bottle:" and she was so York, untlertZoli, in -his Thatikag' happy, that little Woihan, elle forgot she of the Old World, but the air might be sermon, to propoee a preventive ofivillulg -- was talking to old leauc Priudle,the man black with aerial shipa before the Yane two political crises seen as the one reputated elirewd to arive a eargain, Xee would admit to its beiug anything which .now agitates the country. Ile iterd and close, for she added, "I taie k eviore'thy erdinasy. e- , g14.1 411,Y9 VIP g.4L4 (,4-.4 10014' 1.91' every day el our ihred is a Thauksgiving riesAiðent, and leditectay throege Elec. ' ii . day, we are so happy. Aud boinetineg tl' 1111 -so it is 'Hint when a system of tors. In case of a popular majerit y- tor in the words strangely,. touched, old antograph telegrapby is produced, a didate, he would be de .larcil (' -- id- Isaacchi Isaacthe man, the gossipe ailleYcteeda- otherwise, the El etni ,Whereby a merchant can sit in his te summoned to choose ea. Ptsestlan-t- said, had no lieart, except for bargaitz etteBntroom and sign a check by elec. The plea is perhaps more novel thee dittiigd; ill000teetýirtietogleept for money , making rdiug, torjutit , for a lefty in a Ltant City, leobody looks Mashies. - . .. moineete--ii dininees (fame over hie eyes, en in amaiement. That's nothing to ltilitip p9ane, oabe Protestant Epis. welie he gave it Lew oeucitio, teat west cephl Dieergé JI" Alb:hell, aC a rate sek- moll rilitl i bige than a detighe Why Was brag abottl Nor do 'gaping crowds , vice, beverety criticised moderu tinted' it? Ilad that old men, with the "tend back in aft when Prof. Bell steps music. Be think& that it is given over wrinkled face and labor-marked hands. , 10 the trent With hie Telephone and con- to the bands of men and women who are kuown days L'hat were so happy? TheY 1 veys the human voice, with all Ite ill- "IY inueekltil ill !"'All'Irilso, atiel, Who were eel eimukegielel dayee twee -God areeueete avotiVe le, to drew ti nia'titud-e' sends suoillidse ruto ainteA every life, elections and intonations, for hundreds , ot listeners who prefer the kind of music though they may be iew, Giotto teey of miles over a metallic wire. This, we they have learned to love iu operae aud may come hut seldom. . - - say, Is Very clever, but it does not as. concert halls. Be considers the church' Old isaao hiinselt superintended the tonish the natives. . . mueic of to-uay not only a bill of ex- moving and plaeleg of tile clock, baying pense, but a bone of contention whieu to Mrs. Dale, when all . wee luorder t3ome interesting experiments were re- the Rectors ol parielles are unitele to eNow, all ye've got to do is to touell ii, Cent!), Made with Prof. Bell's invention cheek or ountrol. off." Aud ait beer later, bailee awee at Boston, With most encouraging Yee- half in play, E :ward Dale set the old sufts. . Conversation was carried on An exchange says: "It is not genet.. peneulum moving aud terouge the betide ti elm gently between that city and Se. ally known ',eat boiled carrots, when teetotal tee clock's loud Weis. - properly prepared, form an excellent " -Did LIMO g0 bloVer in those old km, in Lich the voices of the speakers buestitute for puddings. They must, daller t110 young wife asked; . and , .were readily distinguished and recog- tor this purpose, be InitShed. anti passed titillUdt LIS tuougii the 11010113 it likULIOL011 througli a coarse cloth or hair n eL ous sound irigateued her, elle nestled wizedi 'Whispering was discovered to striation Tee pulp is then introditoode closer to her hue-baud, as sue wide tiered : .lie perfectly audible, but from want of amoug the other iugredieuts of the putt. "It does really deem to have a voice, as roper magnets, waa not intelligible. dinit9dtSithe total omission of tee eggs. oid Liana said. Surely it says, Forgot lbe magnate used were those only In- it'll tuer tell nalwandee rue Pe gi lei tittiraewuale di s aalti trills Itir'ailwlai vrtc31 DlaulergoelLily Pat'irugiliveV RS b e le d ,Sended . for a twenty mile circuit, but much moreemlatable. On the principle her batik into their cheertul library; and - even witit these the Wes of the voice oteconomy Lbw feet is worthy ot wee thee aliment beiore Weir own Imitate lire Were subeecluelitly earrkid te Nerth prtitielet beittleOWlfire eteehtleta, , Alm Dale repeated ilietee'e tale, 411 - .... -f .1 she ended, saying: "Hark! It is Mind for the clock to strike," but the tick went ou and on and yet no note ot the passing hour the clock ring out. "On, will it never striker' asked Mrs. Dale, anxiously, "is something wrong about it, after all?" And, manlike, Ed Ward Dale, at lonce proceeded to investi. gate. add the "something wrong', was straigntway founii--a wisp of paper that. hail become entangled anout the cora Oat held the heavy weight that had to do with its striking. Etta ard tint,witt iid it In a minute, aud before the'. neXE tieur all was right, so rigbt, that seven sharp strokes oi ite tattle hammer-bell rang out Lue hours so loudly, IL could be heard Irmo cellar to garret. Mrs. Dale, like careful nousewite, picked up the papet whiek her husband let tall, aud Watt abuuL tossing Uinta the tire, bac exclaimed: "See, there is writing ou it;" and then eagerly the two youn4 people bent over tate time-stained paper --and all the time the otd clock went on witii its monotonous tick, ForgetFpr giveForgetForgive. It was but a Mei story the paper told, held in the following words: "Conn; home, tny boy, come home; we wilt lorget all, vve will lorgive alt." it was a wonattu's hand taut had traced tiro lines, a tremulous hand, itlid L110 lille8 were blurred as il ify tearstears Diet had falleu hill years ago---Iiity years ago! Then 'followed in a bolder hand: "Come back, my lad, 1 forgive you; 1 will torget ail," and Mut and clear was the signature: -"Your tattier, Jam is Hitter." "It the lost, lost. letter!'" cried Mrs. Dale, all 0.410w with excite meat. "Oti, Edward, let us take it this very Thauksgiving eve to tee &Loire. Let it Ue our Timuirsgiving celebratioa Before taie old ciock struck agaiu Ed ward Dale and his wife were hastening towards tue &Loire's nisw noose ou thu Bill, a dreary-Looking house, as it stood snarply deliiied tau inouniigtit of that Noveinber evening. But no inought ol the dreariness disturbed teem, so elad were Limy ou their Tuanksgiving er rand. "1 do believe," said Mary, in a low voice;as EdWard pu,led the dook-beli, "there never was such a blessed Tuanksgiving celebration as this grant ed us. 'Think, we are bringing a -lather aild mother's forgivenese to an erring (mild!'" And then the door opened, but what came alter belongs to those many Wing, in Itiereal litetint., are too sacred, tuertender, to be framed io these lorinal printed wows. But is tuere not, a blessed, beautiful hiut in it ler us litianitSgiving hint? Old Ticker's Prochimatiou: k'or. give and Voile. t &tall we pass lightly by? Alit if all our broad laud over IL onould be heeded on the Thanksgiving what a Thauksgiving it would make!. Think of tili3 weary hearts for giveness wijuld restforgetiouless coin tort! Think of the hearts sinning, and tile tioarts sinueu agalustdivided now, and yet Jolting stall, that would be brought togetner! Anti, above all, let us ponder and accept that lorgiveness we all so need linter and ' freer, than any man grantthough the Man be. a tatherOod's giftimgiveiress of n - Lbroug 11 Christ, waose Jove not wily par. dons, but "Inottetu out our illitplitied," "mentioning them no more, remeinber ing knew no more." "Keep a reliable Blend always at hand," such Dr. BUIt'd t.lotigh Syrup has eminently proven ascii to bc. Thou. sands of 1.estimunials. Try Price 25e. . The picturebqueness ot itailan life, with its dirty brown lazzaroni, it is leered, is to receive a severe blow. Large quantities of B. T. Babbitt's Best Soap threaten to banish dirt from those chosen examples of Ilith, and the urtibt4 will lose their models. Lut the gain in one direction will compeneate; anti rumor has it that the King ot Italy is to toruiti any other soap being sold. The Grand Central MAW. New York, has adopted the railroad plan of "out rates," and announces a reduetion from $4 to $250 and $3 per day. True Merit Wilt Win. A few years since the proprietors of Dr. Morrie' Syrup of Tar, Wild Cherr y and Horehound introduced it here. It was not pulled but sold on its merits. Our people soon found it to be reliable, and already it has become the most sta ple and popular pulmonary remedy in the market. it quickly oures the worst coughs, colds, croup, bronchitis, asthma and consumption. Nothing acts so nicely in wbooping cough, and it is so pleasant that children readily take it.' Contain ing no opium, or other dangerous drug, it is as sale as it is eure. Trial size, 10e; large sizes, No anti $1. Sold by JOI1N KEESHAN, Sixth and Walnut streets,and W. Id. Adderly Sixth and Mound streets. Also agents for Proi. Parker's Pieasant Worm Syrup, which never fails. Pleas ant to take, aud requires no phyelc. Price 23e. , Important to Persons Visiting New York or the Centennial. Grand Union Hotel, opposite Grand Central Depot. Baggage taken from this depot to Hotel free. 350 elegant rooms. Elevator. European plan Restaurant, eupplied with the best. Prices moder ate. Care and stages pass this Hotel for all parts of the city, and to Phila delphia Depot for Centennial., ROBACK'S PILLS.- Why are they the best Pills in the market? Because they are reliabid, eale aud efficient- Pu rify the blood, regril4te the liver and di gestive organs, relleve the painful headaches caused by indjgestion. For sale by Druggists) everywhere;i NERVOUS DEBILITY. A depressed, irritable state of mind; a weak, nervous,. ex hausted feeling; no energy or animatiOU confused head, weak memory, of. ten with debilitating, involun. tary discharges. The consequence .of eiCesses, mental overwork, or indiscretions. This NERVOUS DEBILITY finds a soy.. ereign cure in HUNPIIREYS,110. MEOPATHIC SPECIFIC, No. .2S. It tones flp tte system, aerate discharges, dis pels the mental gloom and despondency, and rejuvenates the entire system. It is perfectly harmless and always efficient. Price 85 for a package of live boxes and a largo 12 vial of powder, Which is important in old, serious cases; or Si per single box. Sold by ALL Drug gists, or sent by mail on receipt of price. Address HUMPHREYS! SPECIFIC HOMEO PATHIC MEDICINE CO, No. 562 Broadway, New York. fity'See large advertisement.' SAVINGS BANK. MIAMI, VALLEY SAVINGS BANK. 313 West Third St., (in Masonic Temple.) ellIARTERED BY THE STATE OP odic) In 1868. Dep9sits ot ONB DOLLAR and up wards receive(' and interest al, tito rate of six per cent. (compounded semi-annually) paid thereon. Bank open daily from 9 A. 1K. to 8 P. 8f, and (for the conitenience of workingmen) on MOS DAIS and bAtUltDAYS mitt" six P. 14. Presitiont.W. B. DODDS. Vibe Presidents JOHN HOLLAND. SAM., ILEL C. TATUM. Troittlerr,W, Be DODD5 CURATIVE PADS. SEEDS. !SEEGER, WILLIAMS & 00 i Snyder's Curative i COMMISSION MERCHANTS in v WORN OVERPAR FP EC rER, AlisOltn ALI, M A LAW A FROM THE SY !A:EA. THEY rosrrivELy CURE UTE WORST eases or Itver, Wag, heart, kiiinov. 801110. bliutior ntid dyspeoia, itostivenes-i, soronoss of nit of stoat. itch or bowols. Fenian) weakness, sick end nervous hoseinehe, chills zing f,ver, dumb ogne. r stlessuess, OW., May be entirely mad WAIL, d by wearing one of our Pads. Many of our best citizens can attest to their merit. The Liver and Lung Pad 62 00 Kidney and Spinal - 3 00 Womb rad for Female Weak news 3 00 rty' Ask your druggist for Snyder7a Curative Pad, and take no oilitv, Or in. tne price in a letter to 118, IWO WO Witt Wild them by mil. address E. F. SN V DEB it CO.. Manufacturers and Proprietors, Indianapolis, Indiana. .For BOW JOILN D. l'Altlt tt SONS. and tiruggists generally. nial-iyil.kaoiiib.lyw A''TOANEY5. G. B. HOLLISTER. W. G ROBERTS. HOLLISTER & ROBERTS, ATTORNEYSATAAVY. No. U:30 Walnut Street, Between Fifth and Sixth Streets, VINCI MINKEL Q1110 Mee hours from 8:03 A. M. to 0:00 P. MISCELLANEOUS. 11AllINS OF CINCINNATIAwful funny Cowie Monthly, lo cm, at any news stand. fell AI QTAN UMW SCROLL BOOK. Just out, h.te 0 4400 designs and ideas intaluable to all Painters, &e. Just the ihing wanted and must be seen to he appreelatod. t)nly It. Examine at auy book store or paintere' supply store. Iny:25-tt T IQUOR snit OPIUM Habits Self Cured New ism of vital valuo, also eX00.teli fal lacious trcatineut mud nostruaN, 75c. J EbSEl HANEY & LO.,1t9 Nasliku sired, New lurk. (7111,DERs' MANUALA complete 'moat cal trial& adltpted to all trades using INC; SILVEltiNti, and othor valuable mutter. ust out. b0e. Of anybook BOHOL Inv2.1-tt CIENTENNIAL COMIC l'ICTORIAL...-1111- 1j liners of the great show, profusely illustra ted, awful funny, mammoth size. only leo. of any newsdealer lake a look at it awl laugh a hundred years. inv25-0 01(ETCIIING FROM NATURE-1n pencil 0 and water colors, and drawing and paint ing in colored cr.tynns; a practical instructor, illustrat ed. CO cts. Of any Issikscl ter OE JitltSitt; HANEY a CO..119 Nassau st.. N.Y. fell-tt trUNTER'S AND TnArrErvs Illustrated Si Practical thuds. Gunning and rifle sheeting; making and using trapt, snares and nets; baits and baiting': preserving. stretch. ing, dressing. tanning and dyeing skins and furs, fishing, itli MI engraving's, 2 ie. 'taxidermist's Manual, 50e. Dog Training, lc. limners of Ventrilo'ulisin. 15e. Improve ment of Memory, 150. Of book sellers or by Inuit. .1 ESSE 11.1,NEY & CO., 119 Nassau strot, Nest' York. not8-tt MANUFACTURING CHEMISTS. Powers & Weightman, MANUFACTURING fQ It 10 3I I S , AND 50 MAIDEN LANE, N Ei -1( 0 IZ, -OFFER TO THE Wholesale Drug Trade, To those Who Buy in Similar ilnantities, A GENERAL ASSORTMENT OF CHEMICALS, MEDICINAL, PHOTOGRAPHIC, AND rOn THE ARTS. NERVOUS DEBILITY. niUMPTIBEYSt 110111EOPATILIO srEerrics Been in wenernt uRe for twenty years. rvilriv7Vre---Firred lite most RAFITI , , ,an TIFITRENT e vvalTERTUITITrtiiiri avererniMirt-iess ant sit er n atTharIiriqtrerliFTre,--Trrye r et premeriTs 1Ersratim. Vas. urea res. Curet. Cents. 1. IreverS, Congestion, Intbtromations, 26 2. Worms, Worm Fever, Worm Colic, 25 3. Crying-Collo, or a'eething of Infants, 22 4, plarrhma, of Children or Adults, 25 5. Oysentory, tariping, Bilious Colic, 25 6. CholerG-Iilorhus, Vymiting, 25 2. Coughs, Col4 Bronchitis, 25 13. Neuralgia, Toothache Facesclut, .rr. 22 9. Headaches, Sick Headache, Vertigo, 25 10. Dyspepsia, Bilious Stomach, 25 Suppressed, or PaiRfel tenods, 25 12. Whites, too Profuse Period, 25 13. Croup, Cough, Difficult Breathing, 25 It Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Erupuons, 25 15. lithenmatism, Rheumatic Pains, . 25 16. 1r6veit and Ague, Chill Fever, Agues, 50 IL Piles, blind or bleeding, . SO 10.Ophthalmy, agtIQ'9reorWeak iyes, 60 19. Catarrh, 'acute or-eli-Mnie, Infidenta, 60 20. Whooping-Coughoiolent oougin, 60 21. Asthma, oppressed. Brtathing, e 60 22. Ear Discharges, impaired hearing, 60 23. Scrofula, enlarged glands, Swellings, 50 24. General Debility, BbyslealWeaknese. 60 25. Dropsy and scanty Secretions . 50 26. Seit-itiohness, sickness trora'riding, 60 Ridney-Disease, Gravel, , 60 28. Nervous Debility, Seminal Weakness or involuntary discharges, .1 00 29. Sore Month, Cludter, 20 30. 'Urinary Weaktbissoretting thebed, 60 31. Painful Periods, Mill Spasms, 50 WI Disease of Heart, palpitetions, etc.,. 1 00 81. lEpilepsey, Spasms, St. Vitus' Dance, 1 00 84. Diphtheria, ulcerated sore throat, 50 85. Chronic) Congestions and Eruptions, 00 FAMILY CASES. ,, , Cate (Moroceo) With above 33 Dirge vials mid ' Mannal of directions, $10 00 Case (Mormeolot 20 large ;leis and. Book, 6 00 27p These remedies are sent by' the Mule or single box to any part of tho sountry, free of charge, ou receipt of price. Addre, Humphreys Homeopathic Medicine Co" Moo and Depot, No. 662 Bananwae, Nun Iwo. Neff Salo hy all Druggist. 40114yrd-dt SEEGER, WILLIAMS & 00 it COMMISSION MERCHANTS in Grain, Country Produce P' SEEDS, .to. Agents for the De flame Egg errier, hoidieg dome, the beat known. NoatlWeest1Pront Street, CINCINNATI. 01110. 1001 LUMBER. . WING HANNA ,,LIc CIL9 TARALERS IN POPLAR, PINE, WALNUT. X, and all other kindo of TIATID ZATJMI3E11. OMee and Yard, Northwost corner CLINTOIC and IAN N. Cincinnati. 4). ' RAILIt04.D TIALE-TABLE. Depot, Pearl anu Plum. City time. Cambridge t,ity Ac 4:00 P it 10:30 A M ' ' Hagerstown AG 4:00 r it 10:80 A M B airmen Ac 6:15 r m 7:45 A ME KENTUCKY CENTRAL. . Depot, Eighth and Washington, Covington. . Citý Tune. Nieholasville Ex 7:00 A M 6:00P it Nleholasvitle Ac 2:00 P m 11:11t) A m Nieholasville Mixed 7:30P M 4:20 A M Falmouth Ac 4:0,1P il S:dk A LITTLE MIAMI, PAN-DANDLE, EAST. , Depot, Front and Kilgour. Time, 7 min. fast; I New York tar. daily 8:35 A it 10:55 A x, New York Ex. daily 8;30 r 31 8:0) P la Columbus Ac 4:00 P M 8:10 P le Zanesville Ac 6:45 A M 4:15P m Morrow Ac 5:2 i P M 8:50 A II LoYeland AC 13:05 P m 6:35 A M kgYklanq AG . 0 49 ? m 7:45 A it veland Ito - 11:30 P it LIM P 11 The 8:85 A, M. and 4 P. M. trains connect for YelloW Springs aud Springfield. The Church t Train leaves Loveland Sundays at 9:10 A. M.,, , and returning,,leaves Cincinnati at 2P. IL ; . CINCINNATI b MUSKINGUM VALLEY; , ,' . Depot, Front and Kilgour.' Time, 7 Min. fast Zanesville Ex 6:45 A M 4:15 P M Circleville Ao 4:00 r X . 10:',5 A X , COLUMBUS, MT. VERNON A CLEvEtAND; , Depot, Front anti Kilgour. Time', 7 min. WY. Cleveland Ex 8:85 A it 8:00 P x CINCINNATI a EASTERN BATAVIA NARROW.. , GAUGE. Depot, Front and Iiiigtiur. Time. 7 min. fait! Batavia Ao 8:35 A X 8:50 A M ', Batavia Ao 4:01.1 P II 8:15 r X , , CHESAPEAKE OHIO. , Boat, foot of Broadway, to Huntington. C.10 .- time. . Richmond Ex 4:00 P X 6:01 À X'. COLLEGE HILL NARROW-GAUGE RAILWAY Depot, Sixth and Homily. Time, 7 minjast.! College fill Ae 7:05 A X 8:011 A II: College Hill AG 9:0t A lif 8:00 A I ; College Hill Ao 2:30 r it 4:00r IC College Hid Ac 4:8) P If 1:40 P 11 College Hill AG 5:30 P M 6:Wit Iii . College Hill Ac 6:3o r it 1:26 p ?AI CINCINNATI A WESTWOOD (twolow-flAvdM . Depot. Sixth and Hoadly. Time, I min. feet,' Weitwood AG, 2:80 P X 4:15 r M Westwood Ao r.:10 r m clo Á te Westwood Ac 6:15 P X 8:00 A X , Arrive and depart from Brighton Station. , Westwood Ac. 6:86 A X 6:811 i Westwood Ao 81011Å X 7:40 A . Westwood .A.c 0:25 r X 010 A IV eatwoO AA eity I 4:o k .: ATLANTIC ði OREAT WESTERN. Depot, Fifth mid Deadly. Time, 7 min. fast. I Depart, Arrive. C.n'ti. Cin'ti. Local Mail 7:15 A M 5:00 P X 14133V Yors Ex. daily 9:40 P M 5:25 A it 11 . LOUISVILLE b CINCINNATI SHORT-LINE. ! Depot, Front and Kil gout'. Time, 4 min. fast. . LutlisVille Ex. daily. 6:00 A M 11:00 P AC i Louisville 3:00 P M 12:55 P lit LOUISVille daily 8:10P bi 8 aki A X MARIETTA k CINCINNATI. Depot, Plum and Pearl. Time. 7 min. Mat. Parkel'sburg Ex 6:01) A M 6:05 P X Parkersburg Ex. daily lo:20 A m 0:50 P PC ... . Parkersburg Ex. daily 10:30 P M 6:30 A X I Lid" icothe Ac 3:30 P M 9:15 A m 1111sboro Ao 8.30 P m 9 330 A X Loveland Ao 9:20 A M 2:25 A X Loveland Ae, 4:45 r m 6:55 A At 1,velaud Ao 6;20 P ii iliJO r ki BALTIMORE & 01110, VIA PARKEIISBURO. Depot, Pearl and Plum. Time. 7 nun. fast. Graltou Mail 6:00 A At 6:C5 P X idAltiniore Ex. daily 10.20 A M 6:50 P X iiiiiiilDeie LE. daily 1J:30 P M BM A iii BALTDIORE & 01110, VIA COLUMBUS. Depot, Kilgour and Front. Time. T min. bat. Baltimore Ex. daily 8:35 A M 10:55 A hi Wheeling Ex 8:30 r si 8:0J 1, it 1 01110 & MISSISSIPPI. Depot, Mill and Front. Thne 12 min. slow. , St. Lon Fast Line 7 :00' A M 8:rgi P X 1st. Louis EX 7:,0 r m 8:45 A M Cid' o Mali 7:1V A 31 8:55 P hi EVODIVille Ex 7:thIP M 8:15 A it Kansas City Ex 7 8,0 A M 8:55 r it Kansas Citv Ex MO r m 8:45 A 'X LotilsVillo Ex 7:00 A M 8:55 P it Louisville Ex 2.5t)P M 12:10 P X Louisville Ex. daily 7:00 P M 8:55 Cochran Ao 5:0,1P M 8:23 A X Horillhillele Ex 7:00 P M 8:45 A it i sbattneetowa Ex 7 MI A li 0:55 P M Sunday Trains: St. Louis Ex 7:00 P id 8:45 4 it Louisville Ex 2:00 P hi 8.55 CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & DAYTON. . Depot, Fifth and lividly. Time 7 rain. fast . Dayton Ex. daily 9:40 r 'm 5:25 A if DaytAln Ac 0:45 A X Toledo Ex 7:05 A M 10:p P At Toledo Ex. daily . 9:4U r At 5:25 A it Toledo AG. 2:30 r m 3:5i r hi i Indianapolis Mail 7:3J A 31 II:10 P if Indianapolis Ex 1:45 P hi 4:45 P hi ' ludian'p's Ex.(ex. Sat.) 6:50 P M 0:45 A m Chicago Ex ' ' 7;30 A it 9:5'J P it ri Chicago Ex. daily 0:53 r if 8:55 A M Hamilton Au. daily 9:00 A M 5::0 P It , liamiltAm Ao 4:15 r m 7:15 p if I Hamilton Ao 6:15 P M 8:0D A hi Hamilton Ac 11:00 A it 1:4J P X Hamilton Ao 11:80 P hi 8.45 A it 1 Middletown A o 5:15 r M ...'. CINCINNATI, BICHMÜND & CHICAGO. . Depot, Fifth and Homily. Time, 7 min. fast. 1 ' Chicago Mail 7:30 A M S:50 P id lilvlielullil Ac 2:30 r m 1:40 P ht Chicago Ex. daily 6:50 P it 8:55 A m I CINCINNATI, HAMILTON & INDIANAVOLIS. Depot, Fifth anti 'loudly. Time. 7 min. fast. Indianapolis Mail 7:30 A st 4:4)P X Muncie Au 7:30 A 3I 11:10 P X Peoria Ex 1:45 p m 11:10 r X , Peoria Ex. (ex. Sat ) 0:5) r m 9:4.5 A 34 ' k t. Wayne Ao 1:45 P hi 4:45 P It GRAND RAPIDS I; INDIANA. . ' Depot, Fifth and Homily. Time, 7 min. fast. Ctrand Itapids 7:30 A M 9:50 r it Wand liaphis . 6:0U P M 8:50 A it DAYTON SHORT-LINE Nt CLEVELAND. Depot, Sixth and 'loudly. Thum 7 min. fa,,t. Clevelami tx 11:30 A Al 4:1,0 P ift 1Sew York Ex. daily 9:41 P hi 5:2 ,, A & Dayton Ao 9:30 A M 7:45 A X Springfield Ae 4:20 P M 9:45 A M M IWO'S A c 0:30 P 31 6:41 A X Mittle'll .313 ' 13:10 A it 10:45 A X DAYTON 13111MIT-LINE & COLUXIIIIIC Depot, Sixth and Madly. Time, 7 min. fast., i.oluininis Ex 7:15 A M ILUD P hi . Ceittillellti AV, .. . U 4:20 P . Crn P X CINCINNATI is SANDUSKY. ' r Depot, Sixth ant Homilý. Time, 7 min. fast. Sandusky Ex 7:1') A 31 II:00 P It Sandusky Ex 11:30 A M 4:50 P X Bellefontaine Ac. 4:20 P M 7:45 A kt INUIANAPOLIS, CINCINNA.T1 I LAFAYETTE. ., Depot, Pearl mut Plum. City tape. ' Indianapolis Mail. 7:45 A m 4;50 P if Lafayette Mail 7:45 A hi 4:50 P it t (Alfonso Ex 7:45 A at 10:30 r m St. Lows Mad 7:45Am 1,:30Pit, Mal tinsvdie Ao 1:3 ) P M 10:30 P it Incitanapolis Ex 1:30 P hi II:SO P it Lafayette Ex 1:3i r m 10:30 P M Indianapolis Ex. tinily 7:00 P M 8:55 A M . Lafayette Ex. daily 7:00 P la 8:55 A it ' Cult:ago Ex. diti:y MO r m 8:55 A it St. Louis Ex. daily 7:00 P M 8:55 A m Peoria Ex 7:0J P M 8:55 A X ' Quincy Ex 7:03 P hi 4:59 P X Kansas City daily 7:00 r M i3;; AM; Peoria Maii 1:34 P it ,fib,l r it Harrison Ae 6:15 P M 7i4 A it Lawrenceburg Ao 9:30 A M 1:40 r m V alley J unction Ao 5:03 P M 6: 0 A it Valley J unction A 11:15 P M 10:81 A m . Tne Ulundi Trains leave Vaiiey Junction at 9:30 A. M, anti Harrison at 5:55 P. M., and re turning, leave Cincinnati at 1 r. M. bundaya , . only. , WHITEWATER VALLEY. , I133 MILD POWER , r k -3 S