Newspaper Page Text
, , . , ...,....-. ..,...,............-.....,... t ' ' 1 1 ... . . , . - , - o i . , . . i - , , ' e , , 6 o t - , . . . . . ,, . .... 1 . . , 1 1 , T Ir. ; Li .'" Al $ ' i ' i' C I .. N IC I - st :fi, ,, It. . it R . T I 4, , 1 IDN t P 1:51, t 1 , ;),. Y Stril 1 I 1 I . . . . , . , , . , . . , , . , , . . . 1 . I. . ................. t . - li t . . . e t VOL. 10 erNire1 PLII WILLK SATURDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 9. 1876. SINOLE COPY' 1 36 Two cENts I 1,- WANTEDMISCELLANEOUS, . ANT Tauireloyutrjewo;y011)terst 8(111c; 112 !PS'Ivt I INT ANTEDBoston Gallery makes 4 Ferro 1, types for 600. 211 tAluiral 1111122-SU itWANTEDBUY YOUR. HATS OF MAU-1'1N. at 42 W. Fat list. jy15-LI 'WAN FED-6CA LESoeoini-hatal six ton stock scale; must lie cneap. Address Four-mile, Claysviilo, Ky. 6 It NIT ANTItO WAN IS TO BOX it For V the winter in the country. Tenni cheap. For information apply to O. L. srzlit h. at itnook & ticNicoll'. stank!, istuthweit, coruor ut Fiat' mai Sycamoro. in.15-11 . T ANTED PRINTING M ATEIllAb V News job pITSS 1)11'0111g material for country nowspitimu anti job face; t011118 must bo easy unit witleulat goott. PRINTAIL, 'lox ter, V onetburz, LOW16 Onitity, II-lt ANTE LI TRAIN A nue-040n V trainer can s Amee a stable of 111).110i the wining 801k3011 traii., ou Rash Cimihy Fair kiretnels, by a blues IAA' le, flux 3, It401)11'.110, none but those who eau bring .11, st,- . ttilw roferelle,,s n,Jed 0-1t FOR RENT. yolt RENT colINT ItEsi i)KNcle, Near liford ; pifee , 8or num til ; aorcs. ;Attire ot JoS Halt itt81 !Wee Rtrects, 8-3G Ion.:( Olt ItEN 1;--STORKAnd ilwefling, sonta side ot Sixth street, between Pima alt.t ' Mad AVentie; a very destralPe locAtic.i for any retalt busintss. Apply to II. IlLA Ch.- VI NI,L, :JII3 Weal, fifth 1E rect. 7-it ..... 'Olt REN T--ri VORE-- l'ive awry store, bi West Seecnd strol. '4, loot front bv 104 cet deep; hydraulic Olevatur anti every eon- reitioncei pcsacesion given Joetiarv li ria. Apply LO J Oil N l'FAEk', Oa Central avenue. 'Olt It EN l'--S L'O It E-- l'ive story store, 5.1 WeA 6eer)nd streil. 11, feet Irtint bv 104 vet deep; bydriinllo i!levatur anti every con rentennei posacinoun given Jae liarv ii Ff. Apply to JOUN .1!FAFk', IOU Central nventioi ? ',Olt BENT Olt LLAS:il LOT A large and dosirable lot, 5'r by 200 feet, -,ni,h i in roveinents, on the moth side of tit-st, Mu feet ast of Freeman street, the filo Wham vont of il. H. Storv a Um; will mat or least) for a terni ot years. With privilege of poromts,ne, on the faust favetaine terno. Apply at i.t1 Limbo) Rivet. 841, 5--"----- FOR SALE-V.EAL STATE. 101t SALEFAR:IIMedium size, fruit of 14 all vitrietide, eight tulles from city; good ouso of six rooms, barn end out imiatinto in IMO,' oonditon; will 6eli on easy terms as the Owner is going lo'e3t. Inquire tit drug-st,re, 1,orner Fifth and Smith streets. 6-rd tlOtt SALE FARM, River form of 93l) itees; 40 in eultivaiion, nalance vir., in rein; good dwelling; ten rooms; out nildings, water, aJ ; location houlAty; 8; foiloS west ot Atlanta, Ga. Address Ar.kl. If. BOHM...At, Calhoun, tioorgia. 6-ilt -- rOlt SA mr, -. FARM i;ool tarot of ll-,?i acres, situated IX mil,' front Williams urg, in Clermont, Count:, Farm in gouo OroJr. W il vil . nirXitY mksol toms. A gJo,i blianee for ally oi,e ,,,eitritor a ,o get a good S0100. Adores& i!. 1.1. S., Star office, 4.0 Val. hut street, Calcionati, O. iy4,,L,4jyllfw-tf WANTED-SITUATIONS. WANTED SITU AVON By au expe rienced cairn trimmer. call a 13 Barr Wed. 8-1A NVANTED-SITUATION( To do geileral hou6owork. cuy or country. by re vecuble girl. Call nt 'a Richmond si root. NITANTEDSÍTUATIONIly ,Irtig clerk V of six years' exnerleoce, in town or city. Address lg. t..:. LOA', Journv.1 Building, In dianapolis, Icri. Goo.t references. LOST. OSTPOCKET boOK-On street or jU ttral avolue, contaituoir 41 10. 11! ward to finder if telt at A. WILLEKE':4.110i Control tivonuo, b.21, 1.-- to.!erneao. Deceinba 7, a pair of gobt spaetadies. ourtable mound will be paid by returuino to Mtn street. 8 -IA OST 11011s it AND BUGG IrYestertay 1, wooing, during the stariii, it way mare WWI buigY and harno,38! ((Cacti 0( tier CIO Wad looping !Iowa Vioe n14'00,, Finder teaVU ber Jaiin O'Lriau, Walkir XIII Road, oppeditc Liberty !Arcot, and rc ,,seive reward. FOR S A LB. , ,r----- !Li 10.11. tti ING liA(.,ritAti--.A. NEW No. 0 W ileekt ,vt, W awe dewing machine. nattire at tillE 01110.1 . be.J-LE fi ; f'.:0,ati'7,',Iiii,g1,31.,',':u''''.;-,''',:tittri,i1,:rio:Iiiiivr,': VOUr Ortien are soliele L. Delivery free. iablits K. 11.1;11,1.,i, sixth stree, beLwoll Paymillee and Fretni.te. 00-0iji r-----r------ BOARDING. T-19ARDINGOno, two or threu untnr niEhed JO !runt 0DIII., D41C01(1 unit finest ly tylaril. in bust gaty. 117 Brnailway, near Foto th stre,t. ill lurnish ii desired. Ahiu pleasant single MOID grandiellt or permanent icLioniutodations. eIt I, IVIISCELLANL'OUS. tl)ABIES OF CENUINNATIAwfui funny-- Unnie Monthly, in cis., at any pews stall. full OTAN UMW SCROLL jiti'D out, Uat 0 20J dosigus and ideas invaluable t..) all Painters, Ste,. Just ttie Liking wanted and bo soon to lie appreelate,i. )111), $1. Exatula : at filly twok bLore or pitiotar3' supply store. y:25-te .1- IQUOrt and OPIUM Habit; Self Cured A New trout; of viLal valuo, also cxpo,os f al-, Unions trottmost and uosteinas, 75,;. J ESSL kabl LY SD LO., 1 i9 Nns4ttit iiireet, Now lurk. nol'-tf . . t-IENTNNIA CONIC L.--11u ludra Ith3 great saow, profwely illustra ted, awful funny, ulaminota only We. ot ady 'fake a look at it aud laugh thundrod yeara. mv15-tr F11011 NATURSin 0 and water 0010CA, awl drawing and paint . tug lit colored crayon-1i a practical lustiroctor. ilittstratett. ets. Of any bookscii9cor it'.3 LONEY a CO..110 Naaitan st., N.1. toll-tt UNTRIV3 AND TRIPPER'S lilustrateit Pructionl Guido. owl ride shooting; making and using trai)4, snairos auil uota; baits nail buil.ingt presofving. stroloh big, dressing. tanning and dyeing skins auit - Witti Arty eograviags, 2 ie. Maitual, Dog Tritinid4. irk!. linniors ot Ventriloquism. Ric. Improve ment of Memory, 15c. Of book sellers or JESSg tiANSX ås CO., 110 Nassa t Meet, New York. no18-ti: EDUCATIONAL. 011E1111,1N COI,LEGE. irrin EO LOG IC A Collegiate and Prepara 1 tory Depb"tillelliti EIUMP13 EAU US$. Ad. mite both sexes. So 6E11001 temptations. II2st of religious ItifillenCeSo Therou.fh arm eilo,tio. !Vuitton. ineidentais an.' library feel only 121 a yunr. Over 1,200 students annually. For fill le:- InIormation address IL. t'aitteUmn, Presi id Of J. B. hisasif. Seeratary, Oberlin, Itu3-d111Y04 AMUSEIVrENTS. GRAND OPEitA-HOUSE. Farewell Porformanen Ot JOS. MURPHY. Grand blatinee at 2 o'clock, KEItItY MR. MURPHY as....1)AN This Evening at 8 o'clock, MAIIM (ALE. Moli.Viext 1,S ROSE EYVNOE. WOOD'S THEITER. " There's Millions in IL" Erny Eveniug tittriNg tile week, MR. JOHN T. RA YM0 tit his great rolo of Col. HUI,- HEM Next weekHENRIETTA CH ANFILAIT. SPECI A.,EJ Lir Dyeing ail,' Scoltrin; WalkWa, 61 .6. 3.1. CLOTHES HIEN G1E11049 And step hullers f or sale aad rOilairta F. TEN TEN twtt:i. ;'..) W. FilLb 1101:SEItEEPENCiG404MS A gijilenit as3ortinent of housekeeping and woo,i,r1w:tio wo),is et prices LO lit the DILua F. lEf BuitN, MO V. Fifth sueet. apti-Sti RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY. PAUL M. E. C111111,01, corner Sdve nth au,1 street6.Pyeaciling ToInorrow itt 11 A. Mil .1 Al. by we l'astor, IteY httlgawity, I). D. Sunday-school at 21i kJ alui 61111111 streets.I'yeaching 'Tc-incrrow At it A. Al. all'i '1's; r. M. by toe l'astor, ItcY IL li, hulgowity, 1..). Li. Sunday-schoul at gli l'i illi NT' N E - S 'I' it E E T CONGREGATIONAL V Cll l; ItCH.---M,Aming subject: "S.,cred (Amiens." EveionLa., scine words to those lliltilv bcrnave.i. Tile ileo.t; Life between death alai 1110 resurrection; The resurrection ant toe lif., boycott; ;leaven Ulla i8 ellipioy- J111,111.6. Ocala free. All cordially itivited. raid Efition .. ,,., iThe severe storm last night inter ruptod telcisraphic communication in all directions. The lines East are in many places compietAy down and cow munmation entirely cut off .1 ABour TIIE LATE ELECTION. South Carolina. Nat fOnat A isociateti Prass to thg:qar. COLUMBIA, S. C., Dec. 0.The Con gressional. Investigating Cominitiee ar rived, mut and organizod, and drove to the State-house. The Republean House and Senate are in session, but have ta ken no important notion. The COMItlittee appointed by the Dem. erotic House, yesterday, is now in the discharge of its Bliaal011, which is to call upon the officer commanding the United States troops, inform hint the House is legaliy constituted, ask the withdrawal ot troops from ',hitt building. and it re - fused, to demand by wrist authority the troops are detained there. 'Fite Doino- cattle House has also instructed the Ju- , ,itelarv Committee to employ council 1 and to proceed against, D. lb Chamber-1 ;ain tiTas011atil0 Beta in usurping tile Government of the State; also, di-1 'acting the Committee to ascertiiin and rcport what counties ure not repre- I !wilted in the I kali. Judge Carpenter, ol the Judicial Cir cuit Ciurt, last evening. issued a tem porary injunction ou complaint of tax payers, enjoining two banks in this city, which are State depositories or public, 'tinitti, from pitying out any moneys or checks signed by F. L. Carlioz , Ala- to act as Ptil):10 'treasurer. Car .i.zo is tilQ 101)111)liCall Treasurer acting ease,. Ciiiimberloin. It is claimed by ' the plaintiffs tout his term of office un aer tint Constitution expired on tile at of Deck:1110er, and bis successor has not et been qualified. It tile injunction is sustained the IL:publican Government will he left without funds. l'he Congressional Committee have put clerks to work to obtain a copy of the ftturns of the cleetion as snout to by ihe managers or tile precinuts. Florida. Ninional Associated Press to the itar. TALLAtiksskx, Dec. is.--The Canvass ing Board concluded the canvass for Governor and members of Congress with the follow indg' result. the Attorney Gen eral refusing to sign the canvass: For GovernorStearns, 458 Majority; Lieu tenant Governorlioutgoincry, 304 ma jority. For Congress-1,44.11ton, 21k5 ma jority; Ileasbee, 111 majority. All De publieatis. National Associated Press to the Slat ST. Louis, Dec. official vote tor Phelps tor Governor is 199,580; for Finkelnburg 147.691; Phelps's niajorlty, 51,814 TIIE CITY OF MOURNING hives Lost by the Erooklyn Thoaier Fire Put at Three Hundred awl Fifty. National Associated Press to the star. lino,;KLYN, Dec. 0.The doors of the StatiourJett-,43 aro besieged by a score of people, among WilOin are many woinen Now discoveries ot bottles have been made, the larger number from tea work ing classes, but many are itoni the nigher walks of life. Those predent ask (or admAtance to view bodies; and tire permitted. Three more bodies, or rather ot bodies, have beea Mum:. rwo et. them ore so consumed that there ig no hope of itientideation. All three timid be placed in a box two met square. There W1113 found near one of the bodies a pleca of coat on which re mained a pocket containing the photo 4raph of voung lady a blank warrant tor a non-connuissiotie'd officer in a mili tary compauv, and badge. The 09th regiment believed these articles will .ead to the ideatification of one of the three persons found this morning. The Alioere in charge say they have uo idea Jen, many boiles remain boueath wine. Itier 001410 altlyekto be weed will be mutilated beyond recognition, as the debrie to be removed is closely peeked. From calculations It is thought that tin number of bodies still missing is be tween eixty and seventy, but it is hoped that some of theee may be hoard !rem alive. From the number of tickets sold on the night ot tile casualty at tile boxoface of the theater, and from the fact tbat many emit parts ot bodies bad been found, showing that the remainder had lien entirely consumed, it, is certain that there were 1301110 strangers in the city trom a distance whose triends have not yet communicated with the authori ties. All the public buildings ore draped ill IliOtifilillg Funeral services wilt be bold at the Academy col Mualc Sunday. The live members of the Solotnou,s ifunily--three men and two women-- were buried. There were live hearses and a long line of carrlagea. Tne burial took place at the Jewish graveyard. The brothers Duitz, also Hebrews, were buried. Those bodies which have not been identified, as aa ail of those at the temporary morgue,are dreadful and har rowiug beyond descriptiou. Parts of some corpoes cruinbled. Carbolic acid was poured over them hourly, by order of the Board el Health. Chloride of .ime is scattered about the liJor, anti the cleeomposition oi limbs anti trunks increased tile offeusiveness of the plaee. The acme, lu almost every instauce where they were preserved, are thrown up and backward, us death had come while the poor creatures were strug gling for life. The impossibility of ever identifying most of the betties is evident to every visitor. Supervisor Sextou, of the Com tnittee on Funeral Services, estimates that at least one hundred and fifty bodies would prove uurecognizable. From all sources at hie commaud he thought the total number of victims couid not bo leas thati three hundred and fifty. This opinion is based on tbe number of persons applying for permits to enter the morgue for the purpoeu ot recognizing missing friends which have not beea removed by relatives. Murdoch's Body Recovered. NEw Yonic, Dec. 9.--Tue Evening Post soya the body of Murdoch, the actor, was discovered this morning in the ruins ot the Brooklyn Theater, and Wily identified by the costume. The body that was thought to be his because, it was near that of Burrows, must now be placed among the unkuown. . FOREIGN. National Associated Bross to the Star. bTRONG INDICATIONS OF PEACE, LONDON, Dec. Ignatielf, dur ing an interview with the Marquis of Salisbury at Constantinople, communi cated the detailed Rasa Ian pilau for Bul garian autonomy, and stated that Rus sia was anxiouti .for a peaceable Bola thin of the Turkish 'petition. Alt the tuivices are more favorable for peace. A cessation has been ordered an the vigor of Russian armaments. Itaitroad Acckdont-Osto Man Burned to Death,. National .A.,sociateil Press to the Star. ATTLCA, N. Y., Dec. 9..The engine of a traiu going on the switch, before day light tilla morning, at Dale Station, Erie Railroad, gut otr the track, and the train was ruii lute by the one following, a furiou4 gale, with snow, preventing the siguals Mon being seen. Tao bag gage, smoking and one passenger car outlaw, lire aud burned. Oati man, name unknown, went bank to tlie car for smile forgotteu article and was burned to death. Navigation Suspended. National Press Association to the Star. LOUISVILLE, Dec. 0 Navigation is al. most entirely suspended by ice, which is running very heavy. The Henderson packets have laid up, Vita the Morning Star, which started out last evening, at the head of the canal, and the Grey Eagle at Portland. The Thbnipson Dean ,rozc up in the canal between the tirst and second locks. The South3rn Hotel on Fire. National Agiociated Press to the Star. LOuis, Dec. 9 .The Southern Ho. tpl took tire abou'. 9:30 o'clock last night. It Vag promptly got under control. If it bud not received immediate aitention, the whole center of the city would have Leen burned. zagie remand. Tile Tnompson Dean tioners for a sewer la Goose alley eel is ,l'ez0 the ellen' hetwell nrdt k'ourteenth street, was grantA in ao and second locks. cordance With the recommendation of titd Chiel Engineer, that the work be The South3ru Hotel on Fire. done without unneceseary delay, awl National Atiociateil Press to the Star. vita the least incouvenience to UM put). sT, LOutS, Dec. 9..The Southern Ho The toilowliw was adopted: tcl took tire abed'. 9:30 o'clock last night. lie ieterests. '"Resolved, That tbe Supervisor of It Vas promptly got under control. If Stteets be authorized to put gutter it bad not received immediate attention, plates on Evans street at Eittlith, High tee whole center of the city would have aud 'Main sirreeLs'" A communication front the Chief En been burned. gineer to LID) Dad D011iitti011 Of tile Carthage Pike trent Hammon.' tweet to Disastrous Fire. St. Clair etreet, was reterred to the Coot N at;onal As dietated Piess tu the Star. wittee on. Street lt NEWARK, 0., D, c. 9.--EleVec build Oil MOtioll Eligilleer was directed lige were burned at t: h cago Junction, to prepare the neuessary papere tor the improvement of Sou. h Peart street front 011;o. Logs, MAW; insurance about Central avenue to John street. $10,000, Cause of lire not known. A petition signed by a 'dilator of prop erty nolders of tee Second Prectuct of One ot tbe London reviews under- the Twenty-fourth Ward, idrreville, taAes to demolish thorougbly a book on asking that South avenue be lit with was and the Malay Penin- or gasoline, waz referred to tile ()outwit sula; and, to accomplish its purpose, tee on Light. brings data to bear to prove that the Tile wilowing resolution, offerel by writer could not have been in those Mr. Caldwell, was reterred: couutries at the time ho alleges. The "Resolved, That.the services of the As teviewer seems to have written to Slain sistaut Supeivisols of Streets be dot for information, to bave examined the pelletal wan Don and utter the 15tia inst. registere of voasola, to have compared untti mailer ortiors; also, ttio serVioes the almanac Nvital Luis in the book tat Sitioaraiit that, for tor discrepalleies in stateineuts concern- the winier, the superiatentient ot Sewer ing toe condition of the moon on a cer- Itepaire, tit addition Lu bis present du. tain thy; and generally to have adapted ties, discharge seen duties Di to side tee inuthods of a police dicer in pursuit walk supei v. mdy bo required by o; criminal rattier than thoee of a pa- Lae Boa' il, also, to aid the superyieur ot tient and diligent judge. Streets." . Adjourned. Mrs. Mary G. Gale, of Mancuester, N. .- left 50.katti found a home for aged LOCAL rciaSOA ALS. and incheent wuteen. W. J. POLLARD, of the Atlanta - orgio) ileid,u is in the eity. Tile New York Commercial Advertiser - - ' - hopes taat an article ou eggs will not Jouli littINKMAN, ode Deputy Sheriff, be "poached" by scissors editors withoui stilt minis ou Ludt grocery, Ilion he credit, as the writer "scrambled" around lutelY Purchased. considerably to get tlie mots tor it. C. F. CitiosvENott, ESQ editor or the Airs. Nary u. Date, or Diancuester. Is. .... I., left S50.600' to found a home for aged LOCAL iicJaso5.11..S. .nd tudicent women. -- . W. J. POLLARD, or the . Atlanta ...---- ak iiraia) itoi,,,,o, is in Las city. The New York Couimercial Advertiser s - - noes that an article on eggs will not JouN IIIONEMAN, our Deputy Sheriff, e "poached" by scissors editors wilhen, stilt nuols ou ,u teat grocery, wilted he redii, as the writer "scrambled" arouud lutelY Purcha6e(1. ,thsiderabiy to get the mots tor it. C. F. GROSVENCCI, ESQ , editor or the ...---...... Troy (0.o..) Fre, efes, made uS 5 brief , LATEST LOCAL. visit, yestei kiiii, evening. DR. W. S. JoNEs. ot the Gazette. od Trunt5 is a stray ithrse reported at the last Thursday eel biw.e.i u,s oirtedity 'int District Police tattoo. among a cookie circle of friends. CORONER PATRICK F. MALEY IS 001I THE petit jury or the Unite(' States L ulICI.11.0 bib home by illness contracted Mart has heed dosinissed until next while out, in tue liesil boot stain of Watley. 4, ' the preceding uights , AN overcoat was stolen, last evening. WALTER E. toimx, a well known rum the corner o: Third and limn youbg newspaper man. formerly. ot this treets. from Joan IL Woodyard. No city, is lying dangerously iii orconsump rres,Z1 tiou at Si,. Peter's Hospital, BrooSlyn. . , ANTON IltiliTTOKR. Whe was &riveted J. II. tiMNixotlitm. 01 Middletown, ti, . l'incitx is a stray ithrse reported at the First District Police btatioa. 'fits petit jury of the United States Court has been dosulissed until next Monday. Am overcoat was stolen. last evening. frt,m the corner o: Thitd and limn street4. from Joan IL Woodyard. No arres,Z1 en Thursday ter pasqin4 a n0 counter.. felt bill, and Wil0-fil default el ball bad been committed, will be examined ibis evening in Commissioner ilooper's Court. A swum mtitic and a dray, belonging to Peter Farrington, of No. 45 Ritten house street, while standLig at the 001 nor of Second and Park streets, disap peared Friday evening, anti have not been heard of since. Mortuitry Hagedoon, 8 years, city. Mary S. Murphy,23 years, N ewport,Ky. Lizzie Geelso, 5 niontlis, city. Li,zabeth Bike'', 0 years, city. Mrs. Johanna Flock, la yrs., Germany. Heim Helmet', 9 hours, city. Geo. Greathouse, 8) years, Kentucky. Theresa Scrag, 20 years, France. Moccasin John Taken In tor Steal; ilf an Orercoat John Porter, alias John Marshall, alias Moccasin John, was taken by Officera Mead and Murray and locked up in the llamtnond-street Station. Murray says be took John in to prevent him from stealing overcoats. Shortly after the arrest Officer Mead went to a second-hand store on Fourth street, near Sycainere where he toned an overcoat which he'd been stolen by "Moccasin Joint., The latter ao knowledged that he had stolen it front a New Orleans steamboat about ten days ago. Thu coat eau be easily identitied, as the pockets are made ol velvet, and was made by John Wanamator Co., Chestnut street, Palladelphia. The Hamilton County Teachers. The attendance of teachers at their meeting In the Council Chamber this morning was not as well attended as usual. The wintry blasts, no doubt, had its ellect Keeping them away. The programme was as follows: 1. Au Address by Alfred Holbrook. of the Normal Sehool, Lebanon, O. Sub ject: "W ork. 2. A Paper by S. Kyle Stephens, of Cleves. Subjoin,: ',Tear:tiers. 3. An Essay by Miss Fannie Bolles, of Lockland. The discussion on Pilot() Teaohlug,o, winoa was to be reopened by mt.. F. E. ol Riverside, was postponed until the 9,h of next month. The Glee Llub of Wyoming was to have been on hand. but they tailed to put in au ap pearance. Police coils-1r MiscellaneousThos. L. Smith, aiding and abetting prisoners to escape, dis missed; Pat. Mullaney, Jas. Carey, murder, continued to Deo. 17; Benjamin Litman, Moses Dixon, John Hamilton, common tuieves, 80 days, executiou sus pended; Chas. Smith, Genrge Jas. Hopkins, loiteriag, 30 days, exeeu. Wm suspended; chits practicitio trick game, two charges, con tinued to.Deo. 13, aud a jury demanded; Alex. Cole, exhiolting gamine devices, aphis Issued; Auton &Memel,. refusing to obey order of the Board of Inspector of Insecure Building, continued to lith inst.; Frank. Dyer, street. begging, clis missA; Jas. Reagaa, sante, dimmissed; Jae. Hugues, malicious destruction, dis missed; Aug. Vaguer, committing nuis ance, $25. VagranoyChas. Smith, continued to Deu. ID; Win. &Mtn, tiO days; Win. Tay lor, 30days. Drunk and DisorderlyChas. D lick, dismissed; Jacib Lehman, dis missed; Jos. Hass, 30 days; Miehael Givens, dismissed. Petit LarcenyAndrew Jackson and Eilzabeth Lewis, dismigsed; Geo. Camp, 30-$100; Jeff. Le tv is, 80-$50. Assault and BatteryPeter and Ada line Roach, costs. 0-4 6,1.. BOARD OF PUBLIC WORKS. Bustuess Traneiteted by the Board Title itiorniug The Board met .in regular session, all members present, aud President Bell in the chair. Oti motion, the application of peti ,...-.... 11. J. Stall' New Carlisle, and Sample, of Portsmouth, were- allittlig the prominent arrivals at the Galt Mouse last evenieg. BILL KLICRSTED, of the Recorder's of fice, OXI)L01.11 60011' to retire Irmo his ar dwelt( labers, t13 he feels conttlent of gaining his libel etilt agailiet ," of the Saturday night. 50.009 is the amount, which sum, Bill thinksovill no more than repair lejurect reputation as a man ot virtue and tellipantilee JAcK Diteettisir, ot tiny liming Grove Avenue R iiiroad, ponders much over the petition' situatioa in the country. lie has never been motioned since the result lu the Second District. lie was semi standing belore the grocery door, tbe other eveuing, gazing longinety at a huge turkey, and on pue,ming his way down the etreet. he broke forth in the following strain: "Clirliattats gitt awl turkey pie, Itgatotog kotkett out Atttheate eye; Quad. tua,t, Witn uppor crust-- It I boi again thou Pit be cussed." Board Of Aldermen. The Board el Alitermea mat in regu lar session yesterday evening, thirteen members present at second roll call,and Vice P.etsident Wells in the chair. Atter the transaotion or leen routine business the theater ordiaance, WhiCh provides that the managere ehail not ad mit more persons Loan the stationary beats of the theater will accommodate, was called up on Be time as a special or der and was paseed. Tile full text of the ordinance is given, as tee Brooelyn calm:nay gives the subject interest. AN ORDINANCIO Regelating.tbe Sale or Tiekets and tlie Adelleeton oi Perilous to Theaters and Places oi Amusement. SacTios 1. Be it ordained by the Com mon Council of the City of Cincinnati, That the fixed seats in aeon hall, and every publie ball, theater, opera-house. Otte() of auluseineut, or eaferiainment whieli a priee of ndmission is charged, shall be enumerated Of tae owner or manager thereof, and the weele number of the same, together with the uumber in emelt cumpartment or subdivielou (if the house, shall be stated by such owner or mauager le an tit be made and tiled with the Mayor at the time of the upplication of euch owner or maim ger tor license, aud no licenee shall be grauted to any euen weer or manager uotil tile said affidavit jellied. ISEc. 2. That no manager, owner, or otuer persou la charge of any theater, opera-botise, pu bite hail, place of am tide meet or entertainment, shall sell tickets or admit persens to any public meeting, entertatuaient or pertormance of any twit or descrietion ia such room or building more in number thee there are fixed seats in the same. and in case wuere there le a divistoo of the house Or mem Bite comeartmeute, as parquet, dress-cirele, balcony or galieriee, then no more tickets shall oe sold, and no wore persons admitted to each or any of much compartments than there are fixed beau( in the eame; end ler each and every ticKet sold or person aclititted to any slice house, building, room'or emu partment contrary to toe provisions of this section, the OW ner or umaager guiliy of the same shall, upon ceuviction Merc er, be tilled any ICSS watt te20 nor more thee 00. bEc. 3. No person shall place any chair, stool, bench or titer obetruction in any aisle, corryior, passway or other open space in ot ebout any theater, opera-house, public hall, place of ItillUde meat or entertainment, or upon ally elairway or laudibg place pertaining thereto. during the flours that tbe same may be open to the public, and any per euu convicted of ewe( utfense shall be tined in auy emu net less than $20 nor ann.() Lime $50. OLD DOItEAS. 'Eno Winter AVindo Are Blowing. It was very sudden. At 4 o'clock yes teziay afteruoott a slight 600NY WAS fall ing, and the air was anything but raw. In less than an hour afterward old Boreas blew stteh a blast that the oldest inhabitant dads it impossible to remora.' btu-suet, another. A perfect burricaue, alai so cold that the breath froze in one's Pedestrians were caught as in a Si01000i Etild whirlod in ail directions. Tile lino snow was dashed in their faces, , almost blinding them. Latlies who had been shopping were almost overpow-1 ered by the liercenese of the storm, anti sought shelter wheie 1. was first to be had; some almost tainted with cold and 1 frigat, but were rescued bv paesing stiangers. All who could get ou the street cars did so, and the poor boast's that drew theta staggered as. though 610ittell with the chili et death. Signs creaked and SW ung in the blast,' and some ot them fell whit a erase. The lamps on the street corners were extin. 211ished by the wind, and darkness added lerrtr to the semi. The storm lasted abeut forty minutes, when the sky cleared, but Lite wind still kept up, constautly grew colder. At 10:30 P. M. the mercury had descended to bht live degrees Irma zero. All night the, wind raged, and tins morning fouad no ' Improvement. Signal service Officer Bassler, of this ' station, mimes the following observa tion: The snow storm last evening was pre ceded dttriug the day by rather pleasant winter weatiter. Tile barometer felt rap. idly curing niLlday, which WaS lolowed bv a ruisulug, shrieking wind and blind. ing see w squall, a rapidly rising bar. meter and remarkable and sudden lall in temperatu. e. At 4 P. M. the mot mometer stood at 84 dew ees above zero. and ttt midnight. tue mercury tell to zero. The vvind--a cold, biting blast from the west and none Wear-- was blowing at the average rate of thirty-two miles per hour, anti was periectyr demoralizing in its effect. The storm rapidly moved sitistward, tue temperature steadily decreasing. The 7 A. M. weather report this morning shows an extraerdinary low t.:nipera ture in the Nunn aott Northwest, Chica go being 12. Davenpo L 17, La Crosse 20, and Si. Patti 24 deurees below zero. The .0west temperatule at Cinciunali wus 6 degrees b,Aow zero, within one degree of tue lowest, temperature of last winter. The high wind which prevailed last night had the effect ot 1 seven hundred and thirty-tive gas lamps awl one hundred and nieety-six gasoline iamps, in nine districts.- Tile Oliver street District is yet te hear from. GREENCASTLE, IND., Dec. 9.A blind. itig enow storm commenoed here aboût 8 o'clock yesterday afternoon, and razed witti eNat fore- Thig Di0t0in it it is clear, with thermometer 0 degreen below keine ,Z4mtsvitut, O., Dec. 0.A very se. vere snow storm struck here aboat o'c;ock last evening, and tor several hours was very severe. The weathet then turned colder, and thie morniug a stinger. DAYTON, O., Deo. 9.The most severe show and wind storm experienced here within the recollection of the cutlest habitants occurred last night. The wind b'ew a burricime from about 4:33 o'clock. accompanied tit, Utiles With hoavy 11110W- Several carriage4 and covered wagons; were overturned by the high wind. Pe destrians at times could not preeeed ea the streets. Horses ta some instances fen to the street, suffocated by the dogs snow and wind. -0 e Origin of the Military salute. A correspondent of the Army end Navy Gazette gives the following atis count or tue origm of the mililtry salute: "Within tha last few years, opting the many otianges which have been iutrodueed inte the army is that of the salute. Why the tied time.boaored salute WaS abolished no one kuows; but it is au interesting fact, and oue prob ably huknown to most of uur readers,. that the old salute which consieted of this baud being brought to a horizontal position over the eyebrows. has a very old origin, datitig, faut, from tee very confineneemout of the history of the gag bah army. "Its origin is found in the tournammte of the Middle Ages, and was as fOilOWEC After the Queen of Beauty wad enthroned, the knights who were to take part in the spurts of the day marched past the dais on winch she sat, aua as they passed, they shiehled their eyes 'rem Lite rays of tier beauty. "duch vas the very interesting origin of the old salute, aud it ie a question, wortuy tne attention of our imlitary authorities, why should not the oid salute, possessiug whoa au origin, and assuelatett witu our army from the very earliest, times. berestored? It is dilh. (mit to diecover lor veto. purpose it was ever aboliehed. 66rLe principal part of the Macre' salutekissing the hilt of the s words dates also from the middle ages. Whed the crusaders wore ou their mime, towards tLelioly City, the knights were In the daily custom of plauting their tong, two.banded swords upright in the ground, thereby forming a moss, aud belore these they performed their mortis i;g devotions. On ali military ocoasisu they kiseed the hitts or their swords la token of tbeir devotion to the cause el the cross, aud dim custom was portiere tutted atter the crusatiere were ewe. tiered among the thinge 'Attie past, and whim the religious erigin of the malute was forgettea." .,,..... -4O I. Mr. Richard A. Proctor has lywn ing, in The English Mechanic, some ie. tercsting notes on his American Jour. neyings. lie says that a generous esti. 11111W of the value of a lecturer's tune and labor and of the extent of his prob able traveliog expenses seents always lig be 'made. lie adds: "It is rather re, warkable that in America, where, es already mentioned, lectures are oriels arranged by persons not literary or set entitle at ali in their tastes, and regarding the whole matter as one of del;ars anti colas, one so seldom hears of any dia cuity er even tiemtabout vouniary matters. 1 have igiV .!.04 NO hundred forty-lour lectures iu all in America. and there Is but onC ol those (a lecture given at the Public Library Hall of Des Moines Iowa) tor Much paytnent wae eat well and duiy made." Mr. Proctor does not entirely approve of tna Alneriean custom of giviag "recep., dolls" to "emineut guests." Hs says that the kilidness of the ntotive is manifest, 110 never yeL knew au En,glielituan who was not reads su premely uncomfortable by thew. us adds: "I am told that the proper thing at a reception la not (as Engtislimeic would be apt to do) to simply bow Lia each person introeuced, and shake heeds (after once learning that pleas, uut American custom). hut to lotit as though yea long luta knowu 'from atat' Mr. Titus Ifiyases Mealier. were uurning to hear his viJws about negro suffrage aeriai navigation, or the waist-. coat bueton ot the tui ure and were Girl), preveute,1 from bearken'ing to lain for nours by the outstretched band of Mr. Washineton Lee Sorubbins, which must be grasped with enth,v,iasin, the Boaker tilde of your taco waling a look ot noartleit aneuish, while the Screbbine side is lit up with the glow el tervent de. The following advertlseinint, takee from tbe tiles of a Lmidon (Canada) pa per, is copied gratuitously: "WiioA. dride Wanted.--A. preaoner, thirty years of age, wuo has traveled six yenta in the ivird's vineyard with an eye single to His glorywell recommeuded for his faithluiness and truthdesires to marry a good lady, who has talent and ability to assist the cause, a gift to sinit, able to weigh an argunieut, anti some skill in presenting it by talking and writing, and worth $2,0J0. None need apuly without reciprocating frank ness and sincerity, and giving sufficient guarantee ot the above qualiti2s; photo graph, age, etc., stating whether settled or unsettled iu religious belief. Bat doctrinal ideas nor perfection will not be a test, though candor, amiability, and opportutities, influences and cirouna stances of past life will 'be considered. Also, it will be qtrfessary to give Some reason of the OW that is within, and show hereafter to unite wholo soul in the work ol righteousness. , with resignation to the will of God. stiovi a ,eeking to walk accord ng to tits Word, and a Li Lie desire to know what God requires. Any who would fill the bill, ptease address," SL t., Sbe. A Detroit inatt was run demi at a railroad crossing in that city. Mut hia wagon shattered, lost his horse, claims damages, alleging to the ot Police that. he could prove by three men that he hollered and mitioned alid honoree enou411 to stop sixteen trains. Ile said that the rail.oad fellers laughed and grinned Rod toot on as if iL was the j9ke they ever beard of, and when he demanded damages they laughed louder time ever.--IDJtreit Free P,ess. Mrs. Webster, widow of Daniel Web. titer, was present at the unveiling or the statue of the great statesman and ors.. tor, in New York Central Park, las& Saturday. She was ilia second wito,' and she has survived her illustrious bus. band more than twenty-feur years. Many eininent men Ions baYs been our. lived by their vriv,es , s t