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V k..11..46 JAM rEll, Ulla MONDAY EVENING. DECEMBER 11 1876 SINGLE COPE( NO. 137
1, 1 frill I I adoe and adjournedhwith the underd
In 11 11 standing that action will be taken to-I Marriage Licensee. testified that the knife bad been pre.. .
The following marriage licensee were enented to ber by a friend. No netnews'
ontinntAti 011ta arta rut a raga atailati Liam&
VOL. 10
OFFICE: S E. Car. Third and WM,.
nut Streets, Cincinnati.
Vital and Accumulations, $26,000,000
ssets Held in the U. S. 2,500,000
)11.S. Bonds deposited at Columbus, 100,000
Btockholders Liable to the Full Extent of
their Private Fortunes.
Losses Paid at this Ms Without Refer
, enee to Liverpool or Elsewhere.
1011MS. 1.111 & S011,
ol 8-tit
Every Evening during the week. and Satur
play Matinee. (011E1'1'A CHANYKAU
0,Inidnation in Clifton W. Tayieure's now
Iday entitled PartA."
Next weekbilly Pastor Troupe. deil-tt
41 Engagement of
0 S IL 14; Itr9CINGE9
0 bor last creation, KATHARINE; OR. TIIR
play in five aots and six tableaux, a tilltilitt ti
Antion from May Agnes FierninA's ponerful
novel of " A Wondellui Woman." Every
ening and Saturday Matinee. Lail s' Mat
si.eu w equesaa (uy particular requeat), THE
1 MARBLE HEART. Raphael Mr. Emmet
MarioMiss int Vorrest. Admission only 25o
So all parts or th3 house.
laiiroparation-111E GENEVA CROSS.
tir Dyeing. and dadaria4 at WaLker'a, tit If.. ad.
'And stepladders for gala and repaired. F.
?OS BoRN. tit; Fait tt.
By J. Benclienstein & CO
, illonebeaat wind' rearl awl Walnut itieeta, .
e'llEIDA 1r MORNING. Deitember LI, cora
easing at lix o'clock A. M. and aii o'ciock P.
. We mid offer at thot sale a flue var;ety of
(Warm Roots aud Shoee, Ru'obere. atc. Sample
SR 10503 will bc sold without roserve.
1 Terms of anteCASH. " 0
; 4 it J. BENCKMNSTEIN .t CO., Auerre.
TR SALEFARAMedium size. fruit of
ail varietiop, eight miles from oity; good
use of six rooms. barn and out buildings to
good oondit,on; wilt sell on easy terois as the
IDWIler is going West. Inquire at drug-store,
Isomer Filth aud South inrcets. 6-5t
FOR SALE FA ICA River farm of 930
! ac 'es; 115') in cultivation; balanee vir,Lin
rrests; good dwelling; tea rooms; gold out
uiltlings, water, eze.; loeution lical,hy; til
Wiles west of minute. Gs- Address WA. II.
IlOttld ER, Cainoun, Golrgia. ti-St
ir R SALE FARM. Gooi farm of 917i
acres. ell lotted l Ng mil, s from IV Whims
tirg, in Clermont County. Farm iii gooa
Veer. IN il: vil , n VIC air liAST terms. A good
pounce for any one t.esiriov it io got a good
litotne. Adduss P. it. S., Star ttice, 211 NV ot
tani street, lainclimati, O.
' V way. HALL & CONK LING.
NvANTED Cash paid for diamonds,
watches. old go1.1 and silver. A. A.
MYSTER, Jeweler, 1149 W. Fifth. doll-lt
'1-)11 ANTEDMONEY SAVEDBy hiving
al' boots and shoes from T. B. DOil AN,
Central avenue, near Riehinond street.
1.41(1108' listens made side-lace pebble goat
pd kid boo's Si 00, inen's calf and kin boots
and best rubbers ,0c. cielatM,W&F
MARTIN, at At W. Fifth st. jyll-tt
the winter in the country. Terms cheap.
's For Wm:nation apply to O. 11.. STAHL. at
buook bieNicoll's stable, southwest corner
k'lltii and Sycamore. nolt-tt
:-ILITANTKII-110YSTwO or three boye at
, V V. oftioe. Appiy the counting-room.
, OR SALEHOUSENow houde and lot,
on lineor Narrow -gauge Railroad; great
organ,. P. O. Box la ',. 11-at
' No. 6 tV hooter tt Yv lidoa aowing machine.
uguire at this office. seD-tt
f Loamill11:;)littioli: gr,oyeaerrrtacisz Langtivoat
imtistactien can be supplisa by
going to Um W E1T-E.NI) MILLi.
Year enters aro solicitel Deliverv free.
;AMES X.. HITIN.. Sixtb Wee . lietwma
talymillee mid ?roc Ilan., ' dei-fini
-tOlt RENTROOMSFire rooms in rear
N of house No. 63 W. Fifth street... Rent very
low to a auttztide family. Apply on the oront
boost or at 29 W. Sixth street. dell-1
ION RENYROOMSFurnished rocous for
gentlaillen at 216 Plum MAW, first tloor
oath, oi 13otottln..
."611, itliN't ROO SIS Furnished rooms
and meAl ti,Aets foe sale; 21 meAls, Si SO't
glut 2, and 300; moats iv; uti hours. 192 W.
bah bocci.-- -- .. ii -. . nom-lin-m.1V ,tr
OR itliN11:It00 NS Furnished rooms
and meil ti,Aets foe sale; 21 lurmis, Si SO'l
glut 2, and See; meals iti; all hours. 194 W.
bah bocci - no)l-lin-m,W ,t, En,
I., ...----
'''''' BOARDING.
IluAlt DIN til One, two or threemnfurnisheit
.1) front 10011113, connecting: hot Rad COld With,
t,41 Kunst 11111l board; iii best locution in
city. it tirsadwity; near Fourth stredt. Will
Stiriaish it desired. Also pleasant single room;
Sransient tir permanent iteuintmodationa.
. b.-St
!.1 .
, , MEM,
I ' GUILFOYLEla Newport, Kÿ., thoembor
Slat 6 P 61.. JIlitki, eldest daughterot Michael
' rary Gailtoyo aged ?1, ya,tre, , .
legrutdraudeesud ).),
o7e ottulrenr"Ingalar15,42:11,311;
tvq). 1110 inapt at the (Aurae ot the pa.
304 t4ace t4ao at 0 Wept ,,
, a ) tr,,,iltAimuterit ''
1118011TILLIER & BROS.
An Elegant Line of
Selected Novelties
Gauzes, tic.,
Evening and Reception
They include a choice of ef
fects and combination of color
such as h.ts never before been
exhibited, and the prices are
very reasonable.
104 and 106
West Vourth Street.
Gents' Neckties,
Gents7 Mufflers,
Gents' S Darf Pins,
Gents' Scarf Pins,
Variety and
Very Low Prices,
LeBoutillier taros.
104 and 106 West Fourth Street. 6
freagtialed in variety and quanti
ty9 of fine and medium grades of
goods, consisting of Cartwright &
Worsoces English, and all the best
makes of American goods, in Scat,.
let and White Merinos and Cush..
meres9 Scotch Woo le:as in White
and Shetland. , ,
Pike's Opera-house9 Cincinnati;
87 and 69 Washington street, Chi.
408 North Fourth street, St. Louis.
" " -
Commercial Col leie,
Ns t Cori Litt tti Int Sit
National Associated Press-to-the Star.
Losuox, D c. 1141:adatone, lu a
speech' at the National Conference,
charged Lord Beaconsfield with being
pelsonally responsible 'tor the Govern
ment's position. Ottoman supremacy
should be abolished throughout the in
selliout provinces. Foreiga interveu
USA regarded aft indispensabe. , Be
eulogized toe Czar and the Russian pee.
ple, atibough he admitted bureaucracy
and a military party ought to be regarded
with suspicion. Erglanti, in accordance
with her duty and traditions, ought. to
loyally participate in the liberatiod of
the East. -
PARLIastaNT. ,
LONDON. Deti.11.--fue Queen has is
sued a proclamation proroguing Parlia.
meat until February 8, when it is to
meet for tue di6patch ot important butt
nes& , ,
BERLIN. Dee. 11.--It is announced tnat
In tue event of the Raesiatis passing
throu;11 the Roumanian
artny - will retire to a portion of the
Principality not touched by the Rus
sians. Thu Rouinaniau Government
will at the same time record a formal
protest against such a breaoh of neutral
ity. ,
: Reports of the' New Orleans Cotton
Exehange indicate ttiat the cotton crop,
whion DOW nearlyor..quite all gath
ered,tie Soinewitat lightertaan the aver
itiek butotiltuasualli title rittilith
4 I
Thirl Efition
Funerals Yesterday of the Monti
tied Victims.
National Associated Press to the Star:
NEw Yonit, Dec. 11.The funeral of
Claude D. Burroughs and Henry S. Mur-.
doch, the two actors who were burned
to death at the Brooklyn Theater Tues-,1
day night, tookplace yesterday from the
"Little Church Around the Corner.
The bodies of the dead actors were re
moved trom Irving Hail, where they lay
all day Saturday, and about noon they
were -taken to the church under the (11-1
reotion of the committee of gentlemen
conneoted with the dramatic profession. '
threw, ly alter the morning servioes at
the church were concluded those per
sons who had obtained tickets of ad-1
mission to the funeral serviest began to !
arrive at the oburoh, and the conse-1,
quence was that long before the hour of
Leo funeral services the church was
crowded to its utmost capacity, and
hundreds of portions were 'tillable to ob-1
min admission. Tile caskets were of
poliehed rosewood, with silver mount
ings and heavy silver plated extension
handles; thi lids were closed. The
solid silver plate on Mr. Murdoch's cas
ket bore the following theurip
Hon : "Henry S. Hitc000ck, died
Deo. 6, 18;6, aged 31 years." Mur
doch vas the prefessional name of Mr.
Hitchcock, takea from his mother's
inaideu name, she being a sister to the
great actor Murdoch. 'fhe inscription
put on Mr. Burroughs' caeket read:
Claude DeBelon Burroughs, born
August 15, 1858, died Deo. 6, 1876."
Both oaskets were upon a catafalque,
surrounded by numerous floral offer
ings, chiefly trom the members of the
Union Square and Brooklyn companies.
it vas la the form ot a scroll, and com
posed et calla lilies, roses and other
choice exotics. Placed in front were the
words: 'Our Brothers. Artistically
outlined in flowers standing near this
was a broken shalt nine feet iu height
composed of fragraut dowers, the gilt of
Shoot( & Palmer, and other tributes
from brother actors aud friends were
strewn over the caekets, almost Con
cealing them from view. rho members
of the drainatio protession were out in
' full lorce, as well as prominent actors
iroin Boston, Philadelphia, Washingtou,
Baltimoie other cities.
The servioes were couducted by Dr.
Houghton, aceording to the ritual of
the Episcopal Churco, and were of the
modi, impreesive charaoter. causing
tears to tirop item many stout hearts.
The services were supplemented by
auma beauulul musical. ' seiselionis-qtý
rehowned ...artists. : After
the seivities.,. the following- Jpall
bearers took charge of , the remains :
Lawreuce Barrett, J. IV. Collier, J..13.
Stoddard, T. B. Verde, E. Limb, M. F.
Daly, 11.'11. Phillips, James John
Parcel', it. W. Montgomery, W. E.
Sheridan, Lester Wallack, h. J. Moo
Lague Free. Robertson, 't O.' Mackey,
11. C.'Jarriitt and' W.' E. Sinntand the
procession slowly wended ita way to
tee Cemetery, watched by thousands of
people, who, notwithstanding the se
verity of the weather, lined the streets
through welch the cortege passed.
Its Effect at Baltimore and Other
National Associated Prose to the Star.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 1.1.L.--The storm which
etruck here about midnight Saturday
night was one ot the most severe for
unirry yiars. Roofs were torn from over
Me hundred houses, and the residences
in Om 'northwestern p'ortion ots the city
are almost entirely rootless. Tbe
ini,meter. tell to zero, and a high wind
from the northwest prevailed.
The schooner Ann E.iza, from Chester
River,' Went ashore,at Little Hawkin's
Point. Captain Oiiver and Edward Mc.t
Neal, mate, went ashore for assistance.'
and the "Cantain died irom cold while
looking fora house. Sauers and Martin,
ofthe crew, died on the vessel from ex
posure. thiptaln Price. in the pungy
I.Joy, rescued the other four men, but
they are badly irost bitten. The steamer
Trumpeter was compelled to return. An
oyster schooner is reported on her
beam's ends at Hampton Roads and her
.Trew of seven merriest.
ifitve YORX, Deo. 11.--Snow to the
depi h or wee inches Jell last night, but
the weather tbis moruing is clear and
cold. The thermometer registers ten
degrees above zero.., ,
.., .
Bete Declared OM
National loonanated,,Prees to the titan
.NitW YORK, Deo. pool sellers
oity, following' the example of
31orritíseys,bave deolared all bets on the
eleovoi oll; and will cominencipayMent
to.day., '"o;
- Congress Will Adjourn. ,
National ASSOCiateil Press to the Star.
, )WASHIINGTON, Dee;11.It is the im
pre:sion that Congress will adjourn
from the latter part of next, week until
the second Monday in January, as in
tho abseiled of a large number of leading
members from the Southern States,
their colleagues will not feel disposed
to do any business.
'What Cronin Says.
The Heraid publishes the following
dated Portland, Oregon: "I did not re
fuse to act with Cartwright and Odell,
but. on.the contrary, they refused to aet
with me. My authortly is found lu the
general law of Oregon.
Signed.' "g. A. CRODUN."
Will be Adjusted. ,. ...-
WASHINGTON, Dee. 11.Sonalor Pat
terson expr.cosed the opinion this morn
ing, based on racent information re
ceived trOM Columbia, that the political
difficulty in that State will be amicably
adjusted, and that, too, at an early date.
, Colorado Illentber. '
The House Judiciary ,Counnittee this
inorniog further discussed Lae question
siqting thelliolber-eleot trvio.ror
" '2t4-, -4:,:,;..,'-..0,--,4.0,,
DECEMBER 11. 1876.
ado, and adjournedhwith the under
standing that action will be taken to
morrow. The Oregon Business to be Looked
The Senate Conunitt 41 PrivileZes
and Elections this morning voted to Tee
m mend the adoption by the Senate of
Mr. Mitchell's resolution direct
ing the aforesaid Committee to
investigate the facts attending the
appointment of Presidential Electors in
Oregon. Senators Morton, Logan and
Kernan will act as a suh-committee and
conduct this investigalion; and Gover
nor Grover, together with the Secretary
of State and some other persons, will be
staposnaed to come here immediately
Irma Oregon.
In the Renate.
WASHINGTON, Dec. 11.The Senate
was called to order by President pro
tempore Ferry at 12 o'clock, and prayer
was offered by the chaplain.
Mr. listmlin said he was absent on
Friday on account of illness. If be bad
been present be would have voted to
sustaiu the ruling ol the Chair.
Mr. Bogy presented a report of the
five Dotnocrats wuo went to witness the
count of the Returning Board.
lie said IL was very able. anti as the
understanding when the Sherman re
port was presented was tnat this should
oe preseuted as well as Illat report. be
would, it It was proper, move that it
now be printed. Mr. Ingalls moved its
reference to tne Committee on Printing.
Mr. liamlinWho is it addressed to?
Upon inquiry of Senators it was ascer
tamed that, Ile report presented by Bogy
was addressed to Dewitt instead of
Senate, and could not therefore be enter
tained until amended.
Mr. Bogy offered to read it as part ol
his reinarss. At the sugge.tion tit the
Senators it was citicided to put it in thg
form of a memorial to the 5011930, and
Messrs. Stevenson and McDonald
agreed to Join Mr. Bogy in signing it ao
a memorial.
A Serious Humor.
National Associated Press to the Star.
BALTIMORE, Dec. 11.A rumor is cur.
rent that the steamer Leipsig, while on
her way to Baltimore from Bremen, had
foundered in tue English Channel. No
flintier particulars are given.
o .01 ..----
Mollie won the tour-mile and repeat
MOO race at San Francisco saturday.
Miss Mary Anderson closed a brill
iant engagement at Meraphils Saturday.
Several members of the House Invee
tigating Committee arrived at New Or
leans last niglit
The east dormitory of the State Agri
culiural College at Lansing was de.1
stroyed by tire baturday night.
Ten negroes, charged with shooting'
two white men, were shot while .on their
way to jail near Lowndreville, Ga., on
the Ch 'net. No particulars. -
ineendiary tire iff Burlington, 'New
Jersey, swept away over two squares,
destroyiug twenty-s,x houses, twe barns
and out houses, and leaving 101.4 'amt.'
lies homeless.
The cledring portion of the grain ale-.
Vator at thijoot of Sixtieth-street, New
York, was demolished duriug the gale
yesterday morning, and Edward Looney,
watchman, was killed.
John Donahue, sent from Lucas Coun
ty for one year, and Theodore Castillo,
sent from Montgomery County for three
years, escaped front tile Ohio Peolten
tiary Saturday bight, and are still at
tat ge. -
Brevet-Colonel Thomas B. Weir, of
the Seventh United States Cavalry, bet
ter known aa General Custees regiment,
died suildenty Saturday- morning at hie
house in New York City of congeetion of
the brain.
Members ol the Supreme Conn have
been summoued to Tallahaseee. - is
, understood that if the Citèllit Court de
cides to commit the Returning Board
' tor contempt an appeal wilt be made at
ouce to the Supreme Court. -
A Petrella (Pennsylvania) dispatch
sayi a wagon-load ot glycerine, contain
ibg some six hundred pounds of the
thnd; intoned with terrine force' about
three-wieners of a milb from there,tear
ing the wagon and heroes to shreds and
instantly 'killingDaniel Smith, Superin
tendent of Ruben, Torpedo Company,
and Mr. Humphreys, of-this plaCe.
Ile members of the Floridii Canvass
ing Board were before the Chnuit Court
on Saturday to answq to a cuarge
centen10,pn the ground& that they oon.
tinned td cauvasa Red pininotince the
vote tor State ofileers after being scifed
with a restraining order. 'rudge Cooke
wade answer denylog that he took part
in tbe affair or signed the statements of
the Board. The other members, efter a
plea tor more tiine, were given till to
day to make a full answer. , ,,,,,
Tax Soldiers', and' Sallorsi Memorial
Association meets to.night at the north,
east corner of Court and Central avenue.
PAUL WHEATON was arraigned. in' th;
United States Court and .pleaded gfility
to illegal voting. was remanded to
jail for sentence.
A SNEAK 'ram on Stindai stole a pair
of boots from the store of Clemens
Kati:man, corner ot Seventh street and
Broadway. No arrests.
THOSR Lambert betting cases before
'Squire' Vincent Schwab have again
tieen continued toThursday morning at
8 o'clock. Tills thing is liable to stretch
out to the crack, o' doom. ,
HARRISON WILSON, acolorelinan, wbo
works on, the steamboat Bo auza, last
Thursday stole a pair of shoes , from a
fellow-workman nipped Cornelius Johnr
son. Officers Knox and Brazoltarrested
him at ndon and took him to Liaminoud
street Station on a charge of petit Jar,-
ue.1113 f f 4,4 I s t
Tna energetic manages of the mas
querade. ball to be giveu at the Kellevue
liouse on Christiana:41041kt: have ar
ranged Mt thkStress ai Company to
run cars 911,,tbe Elin-streek,autt.
street Lines .all illgot. Tait will
extra indeoement to the many already
offered to make tail' the event of the
i J. K. Emstirri, the famous. German
Comedian, is to-day on-the briny ocean,
between Australia aqd New Zealand.
He will introduce his favorite ,Frite
to the New Zealanders, cominenclug at
Auckiiind'on-,pecembar 2.1.; This will
be theirst appearance of a German dia
lect actor in' tam, CUUntry, mid no. dottlit
will tObillt id,a bAtvost tor o.ur Wend
:..AdviLL.40041;.14.1 ' "- -
!Marriage Licenses.
Ths following marriage licenses were
issued since oar last renort:
John Rott and Mary E. Bernhart.
Wm. Holmes and Frances Lino It.
John Haller and Julia Cornelius.
D. D. Mt mine and Eliz. B. Damao.
Matthew Lynch and Mary Kenney.
Newton Lucas and Mollie Snyder.
Mortuary ROCOrdA
J. C. Buckea. 63 years, Germany.
Infant Stephens, still.hern, city.
Henry Kramer, 53 years, G,rmAny.
Koutemann, 55 years, Germany.
James O'Hare, 8 years, city.
John T. McDevitt, 21 years. city.
Carrie E. Moore, 10 years, Illinois.
John kturkley, 8 months, city.
Justina Setter, I year, city.
Ada McDonough, 4 years, city.
Wilmena riffles, 52 years. Germany.
Merman Fox, I day, city.
C9 A9 G & nallway
The Cincinnati, Avondale, Glendale &
Hamilton Railway Company filed its
articles of lacorporation this morning.
The names of the termini of the road
4111 be the cities of Cincinnati and Ham
ilton, aud the counties through which
the road will pass are Hamilton an d
Butler. The amount of Capital Stook is
000,000 divided in sliares of$5J each.
The incorporators are L. C. Hopkins,
Joseph F. Mills E. W. Kittredge, John
M. Scudder, 11. 'B. Teeter, Geo. D. Win.
obeli. Maynard French. Geo. Hafer,
L. Cilley. Chas. H. Kellog f, Jr., Andrew
Erlienbrecher, Lewis Van Antwerp,
Git. W. B. Cloneay, M. Jordon, Chas.
Hofer, Robt. Mitchell, t. 11. Burton. D.
K. Este, Sam. J. Hale, Richard Beres.
tord, John P. P. Peck, yin. Pfau and
Jas. F. Chalfant.
Railroad Collision.
Ab la 6:20 A. M. to-day, the Omaha
train on tne Indianapolis, Cincinnati &
Lafayette Railroad,which leaves Valley
Junction at 6 o'clock, collided with a
freight train going West, opposite Judge
Short's residence, near North Bend.
Engineer Buckley, of tbe paeseoger
train, isaw the danger and reversed his
brakes. He stood to ble post until
within a few leet of the place where tbe
trains collided. He then jumped, and
by this saved his life; but sustained
severe injuries about his back.
Al. Morrow, the conduotor of the same
trait), was badly hurt about the bead
anti legs.
No others were hurt as far as has been
Tile two engines collided with a ter
rific force as the freight train had not
been checked up. They are a total
wreck. Nft one on the freight train was
Two Book Canvassers Come to
Grief. ,
Some two Months ago a oottple of
sharpers struck this town, and ever
since have been getting their work in
most successfully. One 'of them named
N. E. Eldridge,,alias ItogerrOe a highly
educated scoundrel, and was.designed
for the ministry by his loving pqrents.
He is a six-footer, with, a liobt mus
tache, and stint huilt. He ,now
wanted in Chicago, where be hails from,
for some swindling operatiou.
His partner, JellI Ruseell, is not quite
so tall but le also slightly built; be
comes 'from Philadelphia. Their mode
ot operations has been to travel around,
ostensibly to sell a publication called
the 31all Bag.
while one ot them would engage a
prospective customer in conveleation
for the purpose of effecting a sate, the
other one would keep , his eye
peeled for anytuing he could key his
dishonest bands ott. Their business
has been tirst.class. and they would
have kept it up indefinitely, but 'for the
shrewd work, of Deteutives Mciati and
Murray,.whO have at last got, the boys
dead to rights. .
Last Saturday night the two thieves
whom the Deteptives were watchieg tor
were seen in' frouttof, Phil. Tieman's
billiard ball on Vine street, Itri'd were at
once taken in.. ,
, Both of them weakened on tbe way to
the Cenqat Statio6.bouse, and confessed
to nuniereue robberies. Among Ahem
were the, following:
A set or surgical instruments from the
thee of Dr. corner ot Fourth and
Male, valued at WO, which were found
hy Mead and. Murray ate Goldberg'e
pawn shop.on- lt,ace -,street, , near Fifth;
a set of valuable instrutneuts
from the ofiltie of R. C. Phillips, Civil
Engineer, tite property t) Chati-:
wick;,an overcoat watthVIO. heltingiug
'to Frank Corry, of lbe Empire Sateen,
and an Overcoat stolen from Jobb Wood.
ward, a lawyer, at the., coruer ot, Third
and Main. t- t- 1 ,
,Corry's coat wati found in the posses.
sion of a news agent ou the U., &
IL, wbo , hod purchased it Iroin the
robbers fur VA
Woodward's coat was found at the
second-hand store of Mr. Winter's, on
Fifth street, opposite the beer garden,
bear John;street.
At the time of his capture Eldrldge
had on his feet a fine pair oi shoes stolen
from Hirsch & Co., el Waluut street,
and, hat. on his head that bad been
icoinctied" from iturcithardt & Co. NA.,
These are the meu, no doubt, who have
been: so busily engaged receutly lu
goieg Mono the houses that the
pours , have mentioned, and the wide.
wake. detectives are to be congratu
lated on bringing Cleft career to a olooe.
The Donahue Murder,.
The inquest ou thli body of David
Dauobue was resumed today.
Richard Maher testified that on the
night of- the 81,11 lust. he was in Jen
, Die Marks,. place at 36 West. Sixth
Street. Ile remai n there until 10 inkic k
In Alary Crane's room...She told him
my- baby was in I did not
kuow she 100 sue, and tille,orepliell; "my
bay." "Wbat bay ?" Leaked. andt she
said, "rat Inuifauey," and then weitt to
the bureau uud took out Wm bite ban
died BUW ill COUrt. wand
said this is what killed the.or--. halt
ing previously' tipliLmtevit witeDtbabue.
Mullaney gave the knife to beVigiaying,
"Take it,.Belle, atid,Jteep it tor what It
has done.", I ibbuglwitie knife .1rom
uer for da 62 60. Next morning
all , of a. the wauted to,t,get
koite back, Auk JenuieJlarks said:
"Rolle, you will get in trouble, tor you
uatoe'betrayed raw' , . ,t,
Apity Orade Air kg.a-'131;:e
"11"Ic "Pvi NO 137
testified that the knife bad been pes
stinted to her by a Mend. No name was
mentioned. She afterwards stated that
a carpenter named mode gave it lobe&
L. K. Weaver testified to some former
quarrel of bis with Mullaney, but karat
nothing of this ease.
Alice Getter was sworn, and stated.
immediately after the light she saw tai.
Mullaney run past her, hie clothes ail
dirty and having no hat on. lie ',utast
up Lodge street.
Ella Berttiand gave testimony &WM
the same as the above.
Jennie Marks' testimony did not Wed,
any light ou the ease, which at lenient(
was aujourned until the following day.
Law BOMAN la no longer conneetel
whh tne Burnet House Restaurant.
JoHN Flaw toll-gate keeper on the
College Hill Road, wail, badly Waved
the other day by being thrown oat eta
LAPAYKTTE THOMPSON le laid up with
a fractured arm, received by taking a
tuntble on the lee yesterday morning. ea
Race street.
FRANK LIMBURG, Esq., One of the pro.
prieters ot the Velkerreund, is lying
dangerously ill at his home on Lien
Wat. W. RINK, Esq., the indefatigable
malinger of the Cincinnati G ee CI"
goes to Dayton, O., on Wednesday, evec
the Dayton Short Line.
Junda A. F. CALLAHAN, or Leaves'.
won't, Kansas, brother to the Presents
tor, who has been here on a visit tea
several days, returns home this elms,
Out of a Thirdotory Wiudeor
Barney itahm, a German laborer, who
lives at No. 10 Augusta street, was
found about 5 o'clock this morning ow
the pavement, in front of his house. la
an 1111C011801011i condition, aud bleeding
irom a wound in the bead.
An ambulance was procured, and the
man sent to the Cincinnati Hospital.
where he received medical attentitte
When he was restored to 0008010118001118
be told the physicians his story. He Mut
gotten up in his sleep about 8 o'clock to
the morning, and then opening the wia
(low in the third-story quietly walked
out. Ile was unable to get up after hie
fall, and soon fainted.
Be has a severe soalp wound on the
back of his head and his ankles ars
badly swollen. The doctors were
unable to state waether they were
broken. The man's injuries are eel
tatal, and this morniug he was resting
The Fall et the Empire.
In consequeuoe of a raid made on the
Empire gambling saloon, on Fifth Weal
west of Vine, Saturday evening. by
Inspector Johnson, Wilder Ramage and
others. , the prinbipitla,4 hi thii ' itim, 11 ,
Frank Corry, W.'S. Fitzterald 'a d Wit l
Rogamie, together Chi Any-eight play-,
ears who had been caught bucking lise
tiger, were "stood Up" before His Honer
thie morning in the Police Court. ,0 I
The principals, Corry, Fitzgerald Ilea
Rogamie, against wilem a charge ol nr.. ,
Whiting gaming devices was preferreat,
were held in the sum et PAO to appear
tor trial on December 16. , .1 . 3 t a
The visitors, who were charged with
"gambling for money," eaoh paid Site ,
oosts ($2), aud were dismissed. their
names will be found in the clueket4,
printed in this number of i be STAB I
. .-,
The Aceldeut ea Blue Roca Pike. .
Dr.,Muscrott watealled this, morning
to attend to Mr..,Arluitlagp, tho ÿld house ,
who haa , his ,,spiqta ,brolien inA,he !col- J
dent tvfe weeks ago .iii go- itig 4to dlte ,
weading party at the Swing ,B;idge, ,
on Blue Rock Pike. ,-,'''.,', -7',4;,
Mr. Bramiage requested Dr: Meal
crofVe attendance. lu order to give his i
version of the affAir, as.,,he is thoÿght to ,
be in a dyinkanaition4 He .saysijans,
tee aceideift vtairthe fault of tbe drive;
as be had been Warnethttline and again ''
to fease his recklees driViog, la.,.. u....,
-Be also states that whiiiihe.svas lying :
in the creek he asked the'drivenUts-,
sistance, but was told to heiji Ifinitieir .
and gtt tint as best be could. Mr. Brans-
lege s testiiitony will be taken dews on ,
paper and senL.10,-111C.Coroner. The ,
maw is not expected to ÿuthve thyling,
and 10 non, lving . at 918 110M0 09 rata,
street, near Nir6ed. . --- , "-
. .., ....... ii. , .6 r
, APIUSBlakEN TS. , ,. .
...,,, 4,4, i ...,, ,..,.- - , ,, ,,,,st A, i ,
F.0 4 Weed's Theater. . 0 .-41,
.31ra. Henrietta Chantrau. supported '
by her own company, appears at Wood's '
Theaterwthis evening.. Alter payiqg the g
highest tkikule, t,o 7the,actress, the flaws
ton ?eat says ot the,plavyl!'"The oniiihht,'4
ing element. ot tke otos, it tlic,fatknigt 4
a finaiieral ttibble. Hite which "Court.
laildt"de Wo if alid sus' Stansbaryt 1
bave -inveigled' g a -.number of pas.'
ties; ,bist tone t ofy ,theni.,, Dos eel a
Shirlay,."bas become.so deeply invpirad; ,
thath,gfr worse than 'pebIlless,for by
a.inutilation,,of the liookit he'll' Made le '
appeoraforgerwith,no means or (taw i
preying .tilecharge against him. , ths ,
leave;his Wife, "Lirace Shirley," (kir&
Cnantrau), and his little daughter si-.6
lowing them to believe him dead r;ther .
thantoOrmit them to remain id closers.
lations to a man who, in the kiferof tho 4 -
wprld, is a felon. Poyyirty,161 hi:tripe. t
Hon, and the man wbo, has ruiutd her 4
búsband serves het& with' a n6tIce et ,
slecteleut fronts thaniheiliii 'she lives lag -
bUt her linsbaildwindisrutea,,after pros. 4
perliteduriiik several,y.nprs,,:of ,exiles I
purchases the house And Buda lumen
to ''4,4 otherwise 1 4, otirii usler b"lker
1104, 7h- his child.49., Eventek, thisily a
SOW . his innocende onamistakably, 9
andArove as conolusivelyithe ghat of 1
thttse who entrappkint'utr persiotted
him, and the tenottelihdlit'v'bolE .rindi. 1
eates and 99(0911409 yntro.ihThe idea of a
wifely honq aoti,,gevqtion ,is strongly 4 ,,
brought out and Chforeed.'nuirittnis
congeniat character it can esilf, be .
hnegined Mre. Unwired oan do herself
rliprpugh juetice aud win new admirerni
in this higuly plikshig expresstun ol, her.
am; ..a. . ..:,,,44..,..1 4.,.. 4., .., .0
IA Brand Oeerahouse. !r.oti;
Miss RogrErlarlrlibe-brnie meat
-4 ,,' - I ,
obarming aotregses iit the. day, aid who ,
c'rhiad inch rilitrk'ed lilalresseon here
- , , , , ,,,,, .1
neirlbe close ot lass season, opens'ae ,,
eirgagereeek OW arenlita la a nee play ,
.Katheriae, or The Mystery of Brack.
Hollow,P ,,,, i ..1 ,,,, , .
L,,,,, oota 0 floemeamtoomme.....m
t lizroux you Durolisbe your Chrisioluto
prekeutsl000 Jolau B. Morris, 1Gi Witt,
nu Moos a oaa, .. , , - ,
- tt
- ,
, ,