Newspaper Page Text
r i IE CINCINNATI DAILY STAR VOL. 12. i rff CRJtTf K WEEK WEDNESDAY EVENING. NOVEMBER 7. 1877. sivii.t; copy) TVTO TWO CE.KTS INW. 110 AMUBBMENT9. i'ua"-iioi DAVKNPORT. USE. Two Performances To-dav I Watlncs at 2 P. M. Mtrtn-e at J P. M Xdiiion 96 and 50c Evening, at 9 o'clock. Eveninir, al 8 o'clock. Admission w and 79c. ' MISS V 4 N h! V niVElpniiT tn the grsat play of PIQUE. FglY-Boneflt or Mis Davenport, A3 Reserved seats at Hawley'e. I' Monday evening, November 12 THE I! A BY Combination. ROBINSONS OPERA-HOUSE. FAUST TO-NIGHT, last Night but Three of the World's Greatest Dramatic Prima Donna, MADAME EUGENIE PAl'PENHEIM, And the Famous American Tenor, . MR. CllARLKS ADAMS. ; TniS (Wednesday) EVENING, November 7, at 8, first and only time 6r Gounod's Opera, FAUST ! FAUST ! PRBFERR3D BPHC1A.Ii 3. w ansi EHS Aimwil I NOEBS Tor sale and repaired. Ola wringers taken la exchange. F. I'ETTKX 1IOKN, 219 W. Fifth. mylJ-siWtt FOR 8ALB. FOR SALE Wholesale notici store; stock oan bo reduced to about flu 000. Best room In olty. Satisfactory reasons for selling. Ad iresB Lock-box 1,01S, ZanesTille, Ohio. 6-4t IjOK SALE OU KENT-MOUSE An al most new tiro-story frame house of live rooms, large front ana side yard, on Center street, Bclievue, Ky., four doors east of scnool souse. Inquire next door east, or 175 Clinton street, or 450 Rayiuiller street, Cincinnati, O. no8 Ht rtmuoi the Wests" Qlendale, Show White. These favorite brands are made at tho WES r IND MILLS (James K. Iluriu's), Slxtn street, nsar Freeman. Call and leave your order. De livered fiae. Satisfaction guaranteed. WAWTHD MIBCBLt,ANBOU3. T. 7 ANTED BUTTEUICK'S PATTEIiNS V V Winter stylos and catalogues at MKS. t. OaV.8'; also, plaiting machiues lor sale, 84 E. Fifth street, Covington, Ky. noS-3c WANTED- COPYING In an office or at nome, by a lady who writes a business band. Address HILDA Bt.LL, 1,332 seott 3t., Covington. Ky. B-3t w ANTHD-BOYS- To sell papers for this tf office. ANTED PARTNER In Indianapolis II A competent and active business man, with capital to Invest with the uniersigned. in an established wholesale boot and shoe busi ness in ihat city. Address K H. MaYO. 5-4t WANTED EVEKY BODY To know that thy can buy at K. F. ISDN'S, 68 East Fourth street, oysters in bulk or in cans, wholesale aud retail, cheaper than auy house in the city, aud quality guaranteed equal to any. Also,Garduer Philips A Co.'. nine-apple brand of extra sugar-cured hams: all sinus of game in season, and everrthlnff usu ally kept in a first-class dally market. Iloiels. reetauraits. grocerio- ami daily maiketi will auu it to tueir advantage to Duv our Oysters.,M4W T : IQUOIi and OPIUM Habits self Cured- lj New boox of vital valui, also exposes fal Mcious treatment and nostrums, 75c. JESSE HANK SCO., lit) Nassau street, New York FOR RENT. T?OR RENT - HOUSE - 141 Cliutiin street 1 6 rooms, front, side and rear yard. Key at iu cunton street. 5-st T70R BEST-LARGE STORK And ban.; X roeui, lately occumed by the Dueber Watch company, lib (Vest fourth street, Applv at awi s moici. 5-3t 1. OR RENT DWELLING Of 10 rooms, in 4 cludiUK hath and clothes room, in complete omui. witu range, not ami coiu water, cistern, wa.n, niui ioom, (jus, .u. ooo r iceman sc. 5-8t LOST. LOST DIVIDEND SCRIP-NO. 15,985, IS SUED iiy the Delaware Mutual Safety In rurance coininuy lo Samuel T. Harris, for lorty-nve dollars, in 1S9. The finder will piease return me same to SAMUEL, T. H Alt HIS. No. 18 W. Fourth street. no8-4tSft W BOARDING. BOARDING board and nicely fur nishert front room, single gentlemen. Par vn. House, itfiy. West I ifm street. 5-8t A Wlt'K'S WONDERFUL KCOK0.1II. We had been out to the graveyard to bury Mrs. Pidgeon, and we were riding uouie in ius carnage vvitu ine oereavoit Widower. While he sopped his eyes with bis haudkerohtet he told us about her: "In one respect I never Baw her equal, she was a manager. I've knowed that woman that's lying out there in the tomb to take au oid pair of my trousers and out them up for the boys. She'd make a splendid suit ol olotbet for both of Hu m out of them old pants, get out stub enough for a coat for tbe baby and a cap for Jonnny, and have some loit over for a rag carpet, besides making handkerchiefs out of the pock ets aud a bustle lor herself out of tbe other llniugs. Give her any old garment and it was as good as a gold mine. She'd take a worn-out sock and make a brand new orerooat out of It, 1 believe. Sue bad a turn fur that kind oi economy. There' one of my sbiite that I bought in 1817 till going about making itseir useful as winder cm tains ami pantalettes, an i plenty of other things. Only last July our gridiron give nut, and she took it part, and in two hours it was rigged on the side of the house as a splendlu lightning-rod, all except what she had made Into a poker and an iCe-pick. Ingenious f Wnv, she kepi our family In buttons and whist us out ol the hum bones she eaveu, and she made filteen princely chicken coops from her oid huopskirts and a pig peu out or her used-up corset b inn She never wastedn solitary tniug. She'd tuff a leather bed with tbe leather that she got off one little bit ol a rooster, And she'll even utii ze ine roaches In the kitchen bo's they'd runthecbuin '.had a mauhine she invented lor the pur pose. I've seen heroook potato paring u's you'd think they were canvas-back duck, aud she had a way or doctoring Hp shavings so that tbe pig'd eat 'eiu aud grow rat on 'em. 1 believe that wo man could build a 1 lur-slory hotel it you'd a given her a siugle pine board, or a eteumboal out of a wash oiler, and tbe very last thing she said to me was to bury her In the garden so's she'd be useful down below there, nelpiug to hove up tbe cabbages. I'll never et e her like agalu." i don't believe he will either. Mux Adder, Third Edition CmciNKATl, Nov. 1-tM P. M. Coun try produce quiet, ample receipts aud fair con sumptivo demand. Clover seed moderate job blng demand and timothy quiet and steady with ample receipts. Wheat quiet andonlya moderate demand. Corn steady aud quiet Bye quiet with light receipts and steady, Whisky in fair request and unchanged. Flour fairly active and steady. Mess pork moderate demand. Lard quiet, very little doing. Greon meats in moderate demand and offerings lisht. Oats quiet. Barley light demand. Gold steady 1G2X. What's Up,Jtida;et National Associated Press to the Star. Indianapolis, Nov. 7. Judge Gres- baiu last eveuiug sent for John W. Ray, Ueglsier In Bankruptcy here for years, and requested his resignation. Colonel Ray declined, when the Judge at once removed him. It is rej orted that Captain Harry Jordan will be ap pointed. No reason is given lor ihe re moval of Colonel Ray, but it is thought that it was because lie bad bad a good thing long enough. No susp ciou is thrown upon his integrity. 'the Silver Bill. National Associated Press to the star. Washington, Nov. 7. Senator Ferry, of illouigau, expressed an opinion that the Senate Finance Committee, of which he is a member, will agree on the Silver Bill passed by Ihe House. There ap. p ata to be no doubt ol its passage in the Sanate, and Seuaior Mattnuvvs. of Ohio, is represented as saying that the i resident win sign it. Provisional President. National Associated Press to tbe star. 1'ahis, Nov. 7 M. Grevy has been elected Provisional President of the Chamber ol Deputies by a vote of 290 to 170. THE ELECTIONS National Assooiated Press to the Star. NEW YORK. New York, Nov. 77 A. M. P.etty lull returns n om all parte ol the State indioate that tho State lias gone Demo cratic by from 10 000 to 15,000 majority. The Legislature la in doubt, with obanoeB in lavor of the Republicans. MASSACHUSETTS. Boston, Nov. 77 A. M. The Repub licans have carried Massachusetts, and elected their Stale ticket and a large majority of the Legislature. Goveiuor Kioe has been re-elected by a plurality ol 17,950 votes, and Mr. Bndicott, the State Treasurer, by over 6,000, notwith standing his opponent, Mr. Skillings, bad tbe nomination of both tho Demo crats and Prohibitionists. The Prohibi tory vote was increased from 12,711 votes last year to 15.822. New l'ORK, Nov. 7 9:00 A. M. Tarn many eleoted its coutity ticket, except ihe Marine Court Judges yesterday, including three State Senators and a mnjorit) of the Assemblymen. M m sey deieated Schell. Tbe election wa ve rj peaceable, and remarkably clnee on tbe oounty ticket. The majority for the head ol the Democratic ticket in this city was under 25,000. In Klngx County the majority for tbe Democrat State ticket is about 6,000. Tbe Re piibiioaiis probably eleoted the Mayor nd the Distrlot Attorney. PENNSYLVANIA. Philadslphia, Nov, 77 A. M. In complete- returns from forty-three couu ties, together with full returns from the olty and touuty ol Philadelphia, give Democratio gain on the vote for State Treasurer of 20,644. The same counties iaet year gave a majority or 10,988 for Hayes. This indloaies the election ol tne Demooiatic ticket in the state by not lar irom zu,uuu majority. Shenandoah. Nov. 79 A. M. The Greenback party in this place have car neu tne towusuip by loo majority. WISCONSIN. Milwaukee, Nov. 77 A. M. Two Hundred ami ten towns ive Smith (Re uuncaui i uou plurality over Alallorv t iM-iiieoi hi i a net nepuonoau gam ol 900. The Republicans claim the elec tion ol Smith by irom 300 to 600 ma ior lty, but the "Democrats claim they have eiecteu at least a part ot the State tiok t. A very light vote was oast. CONNECTICUT. Hartford, conn.. Nov. 77 A. M The total Vote of tne State ou Sheriffs la not far Irom 30,000. So lar as returned be vote is lor bheriff, 38 689 Republi can, ai.ooi Li'mocraiio. iowiis not turned gave 268 Reptibltoun majority last year. This wotud give a Republi can plurality this year ol about 1,100 roe total vote Is about 40,000 less than for President last year. Hartford, ex.. Nov. 79 A. m. The RepUDncaiie nave elected six Senators out ol eleven, with a tte lu the Fust District. Ihe Republican majority in tue uuuso win oc 40. KANSAS. Atchison, Nov. 77 A. M. The Re publicans carry this o.ty by an average majority ol about 300. Hortou, let- e hiel Justice, hue a muioilty ol 370, and Hum phrey, for Lieut. Governor. illO. Gnok, Democrat, is eleoted Commis- eieaer in tue rust District by a small majority. But meagre returns are re ceived iroin tbe Stale, indicating that it has goes Republican by about tue usual majority, VIRGINIA. Richmond, Va., Nov. 77 A. M. The eleution yesterday was u .usually quiet, lu this city ouly about 1,700 votes were pul.ed out ol 18 000. There was uo oppo sition to the Conservative State tioket -O) where. K-turns troiii various oarta ol the State indicate similar apathy. It is Impose tile to give anything like tbe complexion of the Legislature on the Siate Debt question. MARYLAND. Baltimorb, Nov. 77 A.M. The only State officer to be eleoted is Comptroller ol the Treasury, and th vote in this city is : Keating, Democrat, 28.097 ; Porter, Re publican, o,a98. Ihe Democrats elect ibe entire delegation to the Legislature. Ihe Rjpublioans bad no Legislative ticket. The ouly opposition to the Dem ocrats were tu nominees or the Work ingmen's party, whose vote was less than that given for Dr. Porter, Repub.iuau candidate for Comptroller. Few returns have been reoelved from the eounlies, but as lar as known they indicate Democratio majorities. Balti more Count) is reporud Democratic by 1,200 majority. new jkrsey. Newark, N. J., Nov. 77 A. M. Scat tering reiurns irom tbe State indicate tbe election of McClellan, and Demo cratic majorities iu both brandies o tue Legislature. The majority tor General McClellan for Governor is put at 6,000, but may be more. MISSISSIPPI. Jackson, Nov. 77 A.M. The elec tion was very quiut, ami generally a light vote was pmled. With one excep tion, Marshall County, tue Democratic icket is elected. In Marsh ill tho cou iesl is very dose, with odds in lavor ol the Independents. NEBRASKA. C hicago, Nov. 71 A. M. -An Omaha spec al to the Tribuue Buys uotuing whatever is obtainable eoueui the Nebraska Slate election, LOUISIANA. Shhevepoht, Nov. 7. The Republic ans eiemed yestordav a Mayor and the Administrators by 6J0 majority. Great interest is uiuuifeBioil. MINNESOTA. Chicago, Nov. 77 A. M. The Inier- Ouean's St. Paul returns indicate a Re publican gain in the State. Pillsbnry's majority is estimated at 10,00(1 to 15,000. The Legislature will be ut least two thirds R'jptiblioan. THIS OLD WOBLD. National Associated Press to Uio Star. A general rout. London, Nov. 7 A dispatch from Vi enna says that Monday's battle at Hr z-Toum, ended in a general rout. FRENCH POLITICS, Paris, Nov. 7. Tue Departmental eli etious show a Republican gam of 107. It is rumored that President Mac Mabou has resolve 1 to resign, ami that he will announce nis resolution in a mes sage te the Chambers. A GRAND BANQUET was a ven to General Grant last evenlmr by the American residents. INTERNATIONAL RIFLE SHOOTING Dublin Nov. 7 Iri-u nil men have sent an invitation io Col. Sohermerhorn Secretary of the American National Rule Association, inviting the American i nemen to snoot ine centennial trophy m.icb, and also tn Irish-American ma oh, next year at Paris or the ueuh boihood, ihe conditions to be the same a. those lor the Centennial match. The l:lsii r.flemen are, however, wiling to uooepi auy modifications the American r.fl men may desire, that is il the Amer icans w ish to make the contest one over 900 1,000 and 1,10) yards instead of 800 900 and 1,000 yards, the Irishmen are' willing. WASHINGTON. Making- Silver .Honey. National Associatea Press to the Star. Washington, Nov. 7. Should the B.lver biil become a law the mint iacili ties of the country will have to be ma ierially increased. To preveut a suspen sion of the trade do lar ooinago and to supply the I'einaud lor the new oolnage an appropriation will be asked to ana. ble the Government to put the New Or leans Jiint into running order. It will take at least three mouths to do this. It is probable a new Mint will have to be built somewhere in the West, Treasury c rUjiula say at Omaha. Tne Nominations. Senater Fdmunds stated yesterday that if tbe members of the Senate Judiciary Com.uittee, who went to Indi anapolis lo attend Senator Morton's fu neral, returned to Washington in time, be would call a meeting nt the Commit tee to-day, for the purpose ot oonsider ing the President's nominations, re ferred to that Committee. Among the number is that oi General Harlau, to be Associate Jueticeof the Supreme Court. It is expected that the nomination nf General Harlan will be reported favora bly to the Senate on Thursday, The el forts of certain parties to injure Gener al Harlan by filing statements against mm wiiu tue committee, are understood to bave born no iruits. Tue statements are regarded as absurd. A Clean Sweep. Washington, Nov. 7. Now that the elecli his are over the poiiov of the Ad ministration iu making chaoses in Fed eral omces win u iully developed. It is expected that many changes will be made at onoe, including an almost com plete change In tbe Pnlludeluhia Cus tom-house. Mr. Simon's successor has not yet been s-lec ed, but several Dioin- ineui names are miner consideration The Kollogg-Mpofford Case. Tbe Senate Committee ou Privilnpaa ami iMuctiuuH met tins morning and had an iniormai aiscussion aoout tbe Ksl logg Spunord m liter. O ving to tbe ab sence oi seuators noar and tun no den nite action was taken, out it was ue- oided to await their return. The House. The reading of yesterday's iournal was nut uuiupiuieu at zVM. The Speaker laid before the House a commu nication Irom Rev. John Poisel tender ing his resignation as Chaplain of tbe House. Mr. Stephens offered a resolution do. olaring that the House had beard with regret tbe reading of the resignation. ana thai in paniug tbe House returned its thauks with its best wishes in his new sphere oi usefuiuess. Mr. Atkins gave notice that he would not oail up tue Army Bill, wbieb was made the special order for to-day, until to-morrow. After the readinar of the miirnal. Mi- Leonard rose to a nersoual exulauatiou in relerenoe lo his aotiou yesterday in relation to tbe relerenoe of a bill Dre. soubing the form ol credentials lor Rep- resentatives elect, which wa reported irom the committee on Rul-s by Mr Stephens, and referred to the Committee ou li eel Ions. Dir. Leonard desired to disavow a spirit ot cautiousness and orlticlsed the method in vogue in the House of putting a motion to reconsider and lay that mo tion on the table, Mr. Sayler, who was in tne ebair yesterday, defended the practice and aotion of the Cbair. Mr. Stevens moved to discharge the Committee on Elections from consider ation or the bill, and to leler it to tbe Judiciary Committee. The motion was agreed to. Air. Leonard and Mr. Steveus ad dressed the Chair. The Speaker "The gentleman irom Georgia is reoo.,nized." Mr. Stephens -I move to reconsider the vote just taken aud to lay that mo tion on the tab;e." The latter motion was formally put aud agreed to. Mr. Guidner was not recognizad, and proceeded to address tue HoUsU on the b.Il repealing the third section of the Resumption Act. i lie House Committee on Foreign Affair bad before it morning Mr. Henning, irom New Yo k, who advocated that tbe Government should pui-ticipate in tbe Palis Exposition of 1878. lie did not niivance any views as to the composition ol the Commission, and altogether submitted uo plan ol any kind. The Committee will probably be ready to make a report on Tuosduy or Wednesday of next week. Ttte House Committee on Appro priations have been and are still in session, and are, it is understood, considering the Naval Deficiency bill. Senator Voorhees. National Assooiated Press to tne Star. Indianapolis, Nov. 7. Governor Williams yesterday commissioned Hon. Daniel W. Vooruces Senator, vice Mor ton, deceased. On application ol a com mittee appointed by ihe Democracy the commission was placed in their hands lo be delivered at Terre Haute. Last eveuiug a committee consisting of the following gentlemen, Messrs. Suaw, Henderson, Suoemaker, Fast, Mayuard aud Russ, fell by the i P. M. train and piaced in the hand- of Mr. Yoorbees his uppoiulmout as Senator. In response to remarks ou the part of the committee, the Senator made a abort address, and the committee returned to the city by tue mill ii g it train. Band of Youuc Thieves. National Assooiated Press to the Star. Richmond, Ind., Nov. 7. George Da vis, nine years old, and Jake Chriemau, ten years old, brother ot Charley Chris- man, of Greenville, Ohio, the would-be murderer of McKinney, tapped the ti l of Ballard's Utu; store, last evening about 7 o'clock, obtaining $i6. So well did they do the work that the loss w.a not discovered uutil the boys lei L the store. Tuey were arrested about 9 o'olock and part ol tbe money lound on tueir persons, mere is undoubtedly reguiariy organized gang ol young tnibves in mis city, wuo nave been oner atnig lor the last lew months, aud the arrest oi two ot tueir most exoert opei ators may lead to the breaking up ol men party. Wrestling and Jumping. National Associated Press to the Star. Boston, Nov. 7. Bauer and Miller have signed articles of agreement to wresile for $1,000 and the Oiseeo-R iinan championsuip, In this city ou the 12tb inst. Rochester, Nov. 7. Edward Samps ley, ol ibis city, and Charles Shannon of Bangor, Maine, have signed articles to juuip three standing jumps for $1,000 an i tne Championship oi America, tue oun ics i io tase piaoe nere .v.v. 19, Fatal Shooting. National Associated Press to the Star. Columbia, S. C Nov. 7. Miss Sullie woods returned to her nome, about twenty miles from Columbia, and there found a neighbor, Samuel Henry awaiting her arrival. She inviled him into ihe house, which they entered together, when Henry seized her vio lentiy, threatening an indecent assault and throwing her on the floor. Tho gii 1 however, sucoeeded in treeing hersell irom nis grasp, ana obtaining a pistol from tbe next room, returned, and im. mediately fired upon her assailant with Buon aeaaiy eneot as to kill him instant ly, tbe ball penetrating bis breast. Hen ry was a married man and the father oi three children. The families ot both parties are respeotable, well-to-do country people, and have been intimate inr years. The girl was arrested, but immediately released ou $1,000 bail. Yellow Fever Sufferers The Crops National Associated Press to tbe Star. New Orleans, Nov. 7. About $3,000 have been subsoribed towards the Fer nandliin yellow fever sufferers. Tbe continuous rains ol the nnit. few days are said to have damaged the crops tU 9UU1U VAoeut. During a reoent Chinese banquet at nan rminiimii au orange was laid at the plate of each guest. Tue fruit, ou being out opeu, was found to con tali, five kinds ot iieiicate jellies, colored egg. were also served, in the inside or which were lounu nuts, jeiues, meats ami conleo lions. When oue of tbe Americans asked the interpreter to ex,laiu this legerdemain ol cookery he lauitbed heartiiy, shook his head, and replied : "Melican man heap smart wuy he not uuuee uuir Viotor Hugo's "Historv of a frimn" rubs not aitogetner deliifht the Ranlnala of Frauoe, it is rumored. It is with fear ana trembling that tbe timid among them have read it. Tbe otlior dav Mon. si ur Hugo met one or these serious souls, wuo nulled up to bini and de manded why be had betraved them. "Betrayed you I How." "You have shown now easv it la to maku thaa coups d'etatf ... iilarria inoansss. The following marriage ltoenses were sstiad sinoe our last reoort: Beoj. Marshall and Boss Williams. M. Kronenberger and Rosa K unman. Louis Hugo, Jr., aud Mary Munke. Chus. V. Rebert and Kate Reiner. Tbos. It. Fan-ell and Olivia B. Young. U. Brunswick and AuuM.L, Bailman. LATEST LOCAL. Ttik water main at the intersection of St. Clair Alley and fiigbth street, bu. si at 9 o'clock this morning. Ernkst Mkyer, the man brought to tbe Hospital this morning from Cum minsville, is in a oritical couuition. William Bendbr, an old esteemed oitizeu aud father of Rev. Bender, died yesterday evening at his borne on Clinton street. His runeral will take place Fiiday from St. Joseph's (Jatiron. Marriage Bells. Mr. C. M. Burkbardt, son ot Mr. Peter Burkbardt, of the firm of Frltsou, Burk hnrdt & Co., was married last evening at St. John's Churoh, corner of Elm and Twelfth streets. Tbe happy bride was .Miss Fmma Yetteis, ot St. Bernard. Alter the ceremonies the newly married pair and their attendants, together with a largo number ol friends, pioceeded to Witte's Hull, in St. Bernard, where a sumptuous repast was spread. Dauolng was indu ged in until an early hour to day, and a lively lime was hud by all. The wadding giftB were costly anil nu merous. lien in Itccord. The loliowiug deaths bare hoeu placed on record since our last report: Christina Scbwany, 65 yrs, Germany, Selma Herman, 2 weeks, city. Herman Wnkiiis, 35 yrs, (Jermany. Ellen Murphy, 45 yrs, Ireland. George C. Suongruss, 11 mop, ci'.y. Francis Wegman, 3 mo, citv. Mary WiUon, 23 yrs, Kentucky. Mary F. Moore, 55 yrs, Pennsylvania. Sophia Y'oiif, 6 weeks, city. George Groh, -H yrs. city. Mattie Bocliinaii, 29 yrs, Germany. Catheriua Clausing, 23 vtk, city. Sophia Hergeilheim, i0 yrs, Germany. Identified. An inquest was hold this morning on the floater found iu the Ohio River yes terday at the foot ol Main street. Mr. r reu. it alter, who lives at No. 14 Mul berry street, identified the body as that of Win. Rolling, a street car duver ou tho Elm stieetline. Tho deceased for merly resided at Woissburg, D arborn County, Indiana. R !li g, ou several, occasions, expressed himsolf as being" tired of life. He had been drinking strongly for some weeks previous to his death. He had otten told his Bisters Hint he would drown himself. The jury returned a verdict of death "from suicide by drowning," Anniversary Celebration. At the second anniversary ol Phoenix Lodge No. 238, K. ot U., held at then- ball, corner of Eighth and Freeman, last eveuing, the following programme was rendered : Speech, on the Merits of Hie Oi-Inr Ttrnthnr J. U. Thompson. Overture, duet for niano-Mr. kVail. Iinir. matin aud Brother Phil. Hoffmann, Vocal Duct, "Larboard Watch" Messrs. Hays ana Benzing. Andante ami Caprice, for violin-lirothers W. bohlel and Phi . Hoffmann. Comic Song Brother C. C. Jouus. Kass Soio, from 'Alagic Fluti;"-llro'.her W. Sch. el. Solo Sonic Miss Bella .Ione. Piano Solo Misa Hein. nann. Fautasie or. Moaart's Opeins (for three per formers on one pianoj-Mrs. Fred. Hoffmann. Linil FahreubroOk aud Brother Phil. Hytr in. -no. Vocal Duet -Messrs. Hays and Bcnzlni. Valse Brilliant Brothors w. Sbtel ana Phil. Hoffmann. Comic Song-Brother C C. Jonas. yili-va-la, duet for piano Mr. Fred. Hoff mann and urothcr Phil. Hoffmann. Baritone Solo, "The Gallant Youths" Brother C. C. Jonas. Trio for Piano-Mr. Fred. Hoffmann. Mr, Fahrenbtook and Phil. Hoffmann, Welsh Choral Society. A testimonial concert wili be tendered to Mr. David Davis by the Cincinnati Welsh Choral Society at the Welsh Presbyterian Churoh, on College street next Wednesday evening at S o'olock Ihe programme Is as lollows: Opening (ileo-"Let the Hills Resound." Duct Messrs. Boweu aud Davis. Chorus "lilory to God." irio-'-fleep, Lady. Sleep"-Messrs. Davies, B'.im uiio. cum n rrys. Chorus-''The ilauv Rend the Skies. Soprano Soio Miss ivatie Gvaua. Duet-Messrs. W. D. Avails and R. c. Evans. " b w mas orestne soft." Piano Solo Miss Sall.e Edward. Male Choi US-"Hark the Merry Drum." Baritone Solo Mr, K. J. Oavii-s. t'uet Mrs. c, ii nun Pr ,i Mr. W. D, r.vans. Chorus "Cania- v Clvehau" (Song of the Beds). lenor Solo Mr. David Davl9. stanzas, on the denartnrA nf i- ia-:., Davis, composed for the occasion iiy Miss . 1 1 1 1 1 u oonrano Solo Mrs. Griffith Prys. t male Chorus "And the ijlory of the Lord Local feraouals. The Arcade Social will idve their en tertaiuuieut to-uigut at Empire Hall. Mr. Royse will deliver u lecture nevl inursuay night at the Cincinnati Wes leyan College. Air. Thomas a. Farre and Ml.. Olivia B. Young wore married last even ing oy ' Jtvltt. Mr. E. P. Donnell. of the firm nf Rnirlar & Boole was married lust 0 VP n In or tn tu-- I ,iii.. 1 ..,..- .l. . . u.iiic u -Bin-, a t tne resi.jeuce ol tue Dnae's lather, Mr. James Leslie No. 278 West Seventh street. Judge H. P. Ins-all. Sunerlntondont nr uo mj mingicm uarnen, wi,o is about lo ue auseut several montbs on nooount ol nis ueaitn, was last night remembered by tbe employes ol the Garden bv the pi ouontai ion oi a oane. supper was served by the lessee or the restaurant, " Dfuuuucv ncm iiihil- nj several ol tne guests. Hoard of Public WarKs. Tbe Board met in regular session all tbe members present, and President Bell in the chair. The following resolutions were adopt ed: That permission be granted la Wm. Holmes to grade and macadamize ti.e west nan oi unmet avenue, ihu m be done al his own expense, and uuder tbe direotlon ol tbe K igineer. "That Mr. John Russel be allowed no pay lor work be has already done, or for what he may do iu uradinar Klua Rock street, until bis b inds are signed and tue stakes given tn tue Hiagineer. mat tbe request lor a aax-ttone orossiug at the juuotureol Madison Road and MoMill tnstroet. East Walnut MM-, and lor abroad walk from Gilbert ave nue to Hunt street, be retired to tbe Committee on Grades and Improve ments. "That a bill or fl',4 19 bo allowed tbe Cincinnati Ga -lisbt & Coke Co. for gas supplied for lighting tbe public parks during tbe month of October. 'Tn ut a hill or $33 83 r im the sans Company, for gas furnished for lighting tbe public Market-houses during th month of October, be referred to the Committee on Light." Announcements. Mr. Louis Uudepobl, of Main street, and several other gentlemen leave to morrow ou a hunting trip to the interior of Indiana. The promenade concert to-night at tha Hotel Emery Is lor the benefit ol the Young Ladies' Brauuh. of the Women's Christian Ass ciation. The first lecture ol the oourse proyifl ed by Ihe Clark Institute oi Trinity M. K. Church will be given to-morrow night by Air. Tod Ford, of Akron. There will be a conoert and entertain ment given at McLean M. E. Churoh, Ninlh street, Friday, eveuiug, the pro ceeds to be applied iu repairing tbe building. Peier Lauer, Jr., was elected lost night in the meeting or the Council Cobv m.tloe on Public OtHces, as Assistant Sergeaiit-at-Arms oi the Common Coun cil in piaoe ol Frank Fortm an, resigned. The choir of the St. Paul's M. K. Church will give a concert at Camp Washington M. E. Church tn-morrow evening lor the benefit of the Sabbata school. A very inviting programme is announced. A grand concert will be given next Tuesday evening by the yo-ung Men's Mercantile Library Association at Pike's Opera-house. Due noiioo will be given of the sale of reserved seats, which can be obtained without extra charge. The Harmonic Society announce two concerts. Those are the ''male cborns concert," whioh takes place Wedeee (lay, November 21, and tbe c inert of m.xed Chorus, men and women, which takes place Monday, December?, beta ol those entertainments will be held at Melodeon Hill. Tbe promenade concert for the bene fit or St. Liidwlg's Church will open to morrow uigat at Jefftrson Hall, corner ol Twellth and Main streets, and oea. tinue each evening uutil ihe 21 it. Mr. T. H. Mootuiann will be the Festival President, and Mr. Joseph Tu man wOl have cuarge of the refreshment Counter. Admission 10 cents. LONG VIEW A.SVLV3I. A iVew Schedule of Salaries. Tue Board of Directors ot Luugviesr Asylum met yesterday : The Supeiintendent's report showed: Admitted, 12; discharged, 20; remain ing, 0-18. Dr. Carey, from the Committee oa Salaries.reparted tho schedule as as-raaa upon by tha Committee. Tne report is tne same us given at tne last meetm except that the positions of diuggisi and one of ihe painters are alinlimied? the chief cook and baker are to bi paid tne same us heretofore, aud the store keeper is io be retained. On moiion the Chairman and Seore. tary, in connection with Mr. Wallace were appointed as a Committee to pre pare the annual report ol the Institu tion to be presented to the Governor. The mallei of a successor to E iciuaor Camuiiz was nexr taken ut. with ths fol. owing reatiii Mr. Green moved that ihe Superintendent uomiuate candi dates lor ihe vacauov. Cariied. Ibe Buperinien lent then read a list of tnirteeu candidates as lollow-: George Walton, Robert L. MoLoan, D ive S ma il e y , 'i'b ffifts V2t 'tames -' Win A. flalhlf. Isaac Wt, "sTams? 5 i i ' Hall, Adoph Slueke. R. J. Malcolm, John R Joue- ami Wa sh ill, and then recommended for Hie siiion Mr Robert L. McLean. The Superintendent wus lustruoted to fill tbe vacanoy caused by the discharge uf the First Assistant Physician 1- uiuveu tuai a comm. tteo bo ap pointed to get legal advice ol tue pro.r authorities in regard to whether taere ib now a vacancy iu the offl oe of Supei lutemlent ol L- agview Asvlum. Carried Adjourned. 1 HE STATU I. it 1M.H. meeting of the special Oommlttaa ou Arrangements. A meeting ol the Committee appoinleJ by tbe Hamilton County Grange to take steps preparatory to tbe meeting of tho State Grange was hel l yesterday at tbe offl e ol Col. Hill on Third street. The Mayor was invited to deliver the address ol weloome in behalf of the citi xeiiB, Mr. Ellis iu behalf ol tbe Hamilton t ounty Grange and Mr. Houston in os hall of tbe subordinate Granges. it was aiso agreed that the Committee on Music sunuld make out their pro gramme and report to the Committee oa Arrangements, i he singers will met Con cord uexl Saturday at 2 o'clock, it was moved that each Grange should get up a motto of ihe produot ol tne farm, aud in addition that Forest Granua furnish a niotlo of welcome, aud ihat aU report at Colonel Hill's office on the 3U instant. Another motion that the Ooiafsaltsa. on Music, immediately after meeting aa Saturday, forward a list of muslo to be sung to the various Sub-Grauira u adopted. Hotel Emery. A press dinner was given last even ing by Messrs. F. W. Almy and D. 8. Hammond, ihe hosts ot toe new "Hotel Emery," in the private dining-room. Representatives from all papers were there, and were taken in charge by Mr. Joe Emery. Tne lullowiug biil waa given by the ohiel i k, Leonardi De Vinci : Menu If uitros snr derai Coaiiilc. Potngo Consuinnie he Vollaiilit. a la Royals. Hal. vs-Boiicbee, aia Ueine. Poisson Saunion, a in Chauibord. Pommc oa Terre Duchiui, Entrees-flii de Yeau, Pique, a la financial. i '-on iuu fi-aucais. Terrapin, a la Man land. Puut-.n. a im hi .r Roto Re. asse sarCruatado. Sala 10 de (.ait, Entrcmeuts Sucre tjiueletts SuufsVi lUaae Chocolate, Boar and Trainer. CafeMoir. Fruits. The new hotel will be Inlormall opened to-night by a fashionable charity ben Hi, and tbrowu open lo tue public to-morrow.