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fTTTC CINCINNATI DAILY STAR. WEDNESDAY EVENING, MAY 2G, 1880, tf GEORGE PRICE. Everything Beady for Ills Hanging Ills Last Dajs in Jail Efforts to Get a Reprieve. George Allen Files ii to be hanged In the Jail-yard day after to-morrow, provided tbe Governor does not interfere. A petition, signed by about fourteen hundred persona, was sent to the Governor yesterday, beg ging him to commute the death sentence of Price to imprisonment for life. In addition to this, Price's wife with bout fifty of the friends of her hus band and family, white and colored, went to Columbus with Judge Guthrie yesterday morning over the Pan-Handle tfoad to in tercede personally with the Governor on behalf of the doomed man. Binoe last Saturday no less than 1,600 people have visited the Jail, mostly from morbid curiosity to see Price, He has comfortable quarters, with plenty of read log and writing material, books, flowers and delicacies sent to him by tender and sympathetic friends, many of th-m "f the female persuasion. His cell is lighted by two large windows on the north, side, .through which a onrrent of fresh air flows day and night, and the ventilation Is per fect. He sleeps on an iron bedstead, pro Tided with a good bed aud bedding, clean sheets and pillows, and his last days are being rendered as comfortable as possible. Yesterday evening a number of Christian ladies paid him a visit. Price was not ex actly unfriendly to them, but rather iud f ferent. A conversation ensued, as follows: 'Price, do you believe in God?" "Yes, ma'm," "Do you believe in a Heaven?" "I believe in a future." "Do you believe in a Hell?" "It would be beneficial for tou, young lady, and even necessary, t believe in a Hell, as the fear of it would probably prevent you from taking many a step for which yon would be sorry for. 1 have no fear of it. I do not believe that Almighty God would have ns commit sins bere and then punish us in tne next worm, If- earthlv punishments (ire not enough, God ought to keep people from sinuini;," "Shall I pray for you?" 'I can attend to that myself. You can do no good. I must myself turn to God if I want to be heard." The ladies thereupon fell on their knees nd commenced to pray. Price said, "Go ,n. that's good ; I can pray without kneel im." The ladies finished aud left, while Price smiled, and turning to a friend, said "Those ladies think wonders what good they have done me; I don't need their pruvers. We were all born to die, and if it is ordained that I must die at thirty even or fifty years I will do so. What matters the time as long as von must die?" He then commenced to joke with his friend, and when he was asked if he want' ad some whisky he replied, "Yes, but eet label put on the flask that it is for me, or else tbe bottle will pass tnrougn many hands before I set it that there will be only enough liquor in It to keep me from say- ins x didn't get it." Ana men rrice laughed heartily at his joke. His friend said: "If that is tbe case, your watchman ought to hang instead of you, or at least you ought to draw straws to see who should bung." Again Price lauched and felt happy. . Lust night a reporter had a talk with the prisoner. He suid he did not know w ho had cone to. Columbus to intercede for him, and he hud not approved of the movement. He did not want J udge Long worth to buy him a new suit of clothes, which bad been promised to be done fo him. He would rutner have the money for the same to be given to his wife. He said Judge Loneworth did not know as much about the case as be ought to, or he would bave asked the Governor to do something for him, or he would have fudged differently during the trial. He said if the facts about the tobacco had been all known it would have bad a favor able effect upon the jury; but for soma un accountable reason his counsel did not de- velop the facts. He said he could have aroved conclusively by a man named Ed Davis that he was not about on the night tlia tobacco was said to bave been stolen from Black's warehouse; and, further, he could iiave proven that Black never lust anv tobacco by its being stolen. . He could show that the hogsheads we're erroneously directed for shipment, as was afterwards ascertained. The tobacco that How received from Black's bouse was trash and scraps that the bovs used to haul to tbe dump and throw away, being of very little value, but Bow said tnat u mey wouia nave it naiyea to bis place he would pay for it, as he could use it in some way or otner. It was in this wav that he trash got to be hauled to How's warehouse. He paid the boys for it, sometimes from 60 cents up to $1 60, and it was divided among them, and they got tbe linp with it. i He savs that on the morning of the f . - -I k n...A - Til . -L ..w. nOvHl'n u w BV"w i m, iui quuic money for market pnrp ses, but that he was insulted there, and even cnt in the hnd bv a tumbler thrown at him. t I thereupon EOt int one of his insane fits, durine wlncn ne lost control oi nimsrii and did the sliootine. His attack on Mai Blackburn in the Court-room was also due to one of these fits. Price bitterly complains of the unjust remarks made against him by some news papers, and this is ibe reason that he re fuses to talk to newspaper men. Jairer Birubuum is about the only man for whom he has a liking. Last night he wrote a letter to Judge Longwortb, which was turned over to the latter this morning. Price's habits have been very regulai wnile in jail. In the morning he rises wii the call at the usual hour, refreshed and vigorous after the rest afforded during the previous nignt, ana or a nearly meal of coffee, bread and butter, ham and eggs and vegetablea in season. His dinner consists of tea or coffee, chickeff or roast beef, or some other kind of meat, with veg tables, dessert of ice-cream r pie or pud' ding, furnished from the private table of tbe jailer, and any little nlcknacks that the Iailer or his wife may think of. His supper s very simple, consisting of tea, bread and butter, fried potatoes, mush and milk, or toast, milk or nutterea. He Is in good health, weighs about 165 pounds, and Is about nvo leet seven Inches in heieht. To-morrow the prisoners will be locked np, and in tbe afternoon the Jail will be Iree to ait. The talk around town this morning that Price will not hang on Friday, 'IK ' is due to a dispatch received from Coluin "bus last night that Judge Guthrie, hat1 made a Ions argument before Governor Foster in fav r of a reprieve. The plea wus that Price was insane at the time of the murder, and was so now. The Governor repih d that if tuch was the case a commission to inquire into the mat' ter should b appointed, and if P ice wa Insane be would be reprieved. Tbe matter of investigating into the condemned'! saui- ty was left with Judge Guthrie, whoim mediately left for this city to institute iiv by experts into the murderet mental condition. The Judge Is to report the result to the Governor bv telegraph. A Stab reporter visited Price in his room this morning, bat as soon as he learned ho the visitor was be turned bis back and eut to the window at the other end of the room, lighted a cigar' and sat dou in his lemeu a ciijar anu bhi ouu m m chair without deigning to bestow another look on the scribe! To Dr. Werner, however, he talked a little. On being asked how lie felt, be said Dreltv well." and to the Question whether e had any hopes of avoiding his fate, he replied that he bad none and that he was resigned. This is all he would sav. and tnrning bis back, began to puff away luBtily at bis cigar. He was in a better humor to-day than for some time. When Price ascer tained that Jailer Blrrrbaum bad intro duced him to a reporter last evening and thus causing him to talk, he became vexed and does not now feel so trlendiy toward the Jailer as he did on to vesterday. Ti e jail is being visited by thousands to day but few are allowed to go farther tbM ' presence does not affect him in tbe least. uo uuui ui x i iub a i uuiu vu o-sw muu THE WOMAN SUFFRAGISTS. Susan B. Anthony. Belva A. Lockwood and Parker Pills bury at Indianapolis. Special to tbe Btar. Indianapolis, May 26. The thirteenth annual session of the National Woman Suffrage Convention met at the Park Thea ter yesterday, with a large attendance of delegates and visitors. The meeting was called to order by the First Vice President, Miss Susan B. Anthony, and among the delegates are: Ohio Mrs. Amanda B. Merriam, Mrs, Cordelia A. Plympton, Cincinnati; Sophia U 0. Allen, Eva L. Pinney, South New bury. Indiana Mary E. Haggart, Vice Pres. idelit;. Martha Grimes, Zerelda G. Wallace, A. P. Btnnto i, Salem McCain, Crawfords- ville; Mrs. Hellen M. Cougar, Lafayette; Thomas Atkinson, Oxford: Mrs. Dr. Rog ers, Greencastle. Kentucky Mary B. Clay. Richmond, Vice President. A long letter was read from Elizabeth Cady Stanton, and many speeches were made in the afternoon and evening. Mrs. Mary B. Clay, of Kentucky, a dangh ter of Cassius M. Clay, was introduced, and gave a gratifying exhibit of tbe progress of the suffrage work in the "dark aud bloody ground." Mrs. Elizabeth L. Saxon, one of the dele gates to the Convention, and probably the best speaker of the lot, is a wealthy lady of New Orleans, and during the prevalence of yellow fever in that city heioically threw open her House and devoted Her tune and means to the sufferers from that dreadful disease. Parker Pillsbury speaks this afternoon and Belva A. Lockwood, of Washington, to-night. KENTUCK KN1CKKNACKS. Specially Collected in the Corucracker Commonwealth. Specials to the Star. Mount Vsbnon, May 26. The Rogers' Cay wood trial at Williamsburg resulted in the acquittal of tbe defendants. After tbe jnry bad deliberated two days they re turned a verdict of not guilty. The result was bailed with enthusiasm by tbe friends of the parties. A banquet was prepared at Dr. Coyt's Hotel, at which the jury feasted and drank. Maysvixle, May 26. Accidents among tbe men employed by the Water-works Company are of almost daily occurrence. Last week a man was blown up by the pre mature explosion of a blast and badly in' n red. On Saturday a man bad his head crushed by a rock in the hands of a fellow workman, and yesterday Tom Mahan pre maturely exploded a blast, which knocked lum down, badly bruising his whole body, Versailles, May 26. A little son of Wm. Redmon, who lives at Clifton, in this coun ty, was killed yesterday by a large log roll ing over him. Matsvilli, May 26. John McCarthey, an old solJier of the war of 1812, died at the residence of his son-in-lsw, John Master- son, near nere, yesterday morning at 4 o'clock. He was eighty-nine years of age. p.r.,.,..t. Mav wnn P. l . ... i u - m rvn- r. IUUU neeucr m luunaj,, viuunil vuuuij, .o(-,. w ,r,A nu.A Tn.i JJ .WW .-.B.-, Town Marshal. Jones was drinking and got into a difficulty with a citizen aud drew ins pistol 10 snoot, rerguson lntenered, hpn J.inpa not a shot-gun and killed him. Jones is in jail. Grand l-odfe Knlgbte of Pythias iuecM to the Bun. Dayton, 0., May 26. The Knights of Pythias parade got a late start yesterday evening, but it carried one the line oi march proposed, and was certainly one oi finest processions ever seen on our streets. The reception at Tivoli Garden last night area a hril li An tuiinoAHfl and tha danAine vm ,.... n .,i .i,f "1" "'"".' . - nn-- -,' Hrll anri tlia hand j,uu K.. -".. take place at tne ooiuiers nome to-aay. The band tournament opened at v o clock and is now in progress. The prizes are all in gold. . Tbe prizes n ill be awarded at the close of the drill, and after a dress parade by the Brown Guard, the Knights will return to the city. The Urand Lodge win not accompiisn much work to day. Presbyterian General Aaseaably. Nationkl Associated Press to tbe Btar. Madison, Wis., May 2a In the Presby terian General Assembly the Judicial Com mittee, through its Chairman, Rev. Dr. L, H. Atwater, of Princeton,' reported cases submitted to it Case lour, an appeal iroin the Synod of New Jersey in tbe case of man convicted of rape, the report went over on accuuin oi m aisiw wucr, luci report oi tne num. "'"' its coming report which as discussed at length, and after several unimportant amendments, the Committee on Revision of the Book of Discipline reported, which was adopted. , It is impossible for a woman after a faith ful course of , treatment with Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound, to con tinue to suffer with a weakness of the uterus. Inclose a stamp to Mrs. Lydia E, Piukham, 233 Western avenue, Lynn, Massachusetts, lor her panipnieta. OVER XII li: H111EG1. The Jury in tbe Stansifer will case yes- terda sustained the will. Mr. Jnhn Mnnohan. a nrominent mer , - . .,: , r . w j cnnioiin.svii e, is we gueei, w -u.. . Mrs. John McGill. The annual banquet following the meet- ing of the Kentucky Central Railroad Di- rectors took place Yesterday. .n.i.l ni.n,.ll mtin U culled for to - morrow nie-ht to chnoae Bridie Direotors and do any other busiuess it pleases. Tbe Florence Dramatic Club is flourish ing. They have recently admitted six new members, all of whom are dramatic par- al. sera. There will be a number of vacancies in the Public Schools this Besson, and conse quently Trustees are annoyed to death by applicants. Tbe body of John Gllck. who was drowned in Licking River last night, was recovered to-day. Coroner DeGruyder held an inquest, Pursuant to a telegram Mr. J. H. Gause- pohl left to-day fur Richmond, Iud., to at tend the bedside of his brother, who is dan gerously ill. A little child of Mr. Oberding. in Austin burg, was badly bitten by a vicious dog last evening. Officer McGrow killed the canine tins morning. The Fifth Street Christian Church will give a picnic Saturday at Parlor Grove. ineir strawberry f estival last night was a nnanclal success. Rev.W.H. W.Rees will leave here to-mor row morning for Coming. Iowa. His visit hers was one of profit as well as pleasure and right long he remembered his host of friends. Marbiaoc Licenses. Wm. 8. Carey and May K Goodloe, both of Lndlow; Bernard Macke and Margaret Weaver; Bernard Priesthoff and Lizzie Heving; Albert Davis and Amanda Klce; Wm. A, Kan er and Lina Goebble, all of Covington: Marquis D. Harding and Sallie Sechrist, of Ludlow; John T. Liuneman and Elizabeth Meyer lioffi A vonng man by the name of John Glick. who lived at 162 West Seventh street, was drowned in the Licking Kiver between 9 and 10 o'clock last night, opposite Live- sa v 's saw mill The body has not been found, but an effort was made to recover it at a late hour last night. The young man drowned was bathing in the Licking with a party oi mends. Rial Estati Transfers.-W. Geo. Naut to Eveline Naut, both of Covington, 25 by 110 feet, on tbe east side of Brace street, being Lot 8 of H. Martin's addition; slot). John H. Touch, of Cincinnati, to James Chamberlain, of West Covington, Lots Nob. 3 and 4, in Ludlow's subdivision of West Covington, oeing eacn au Dy iw leet on Spring street; $1,675. Chancibt Codrt. Theodore Leverman filed a suit, asking that Felix Fritz be re ouired to execute a release of mortgage beld against piainiin ana wuicn piaintia claims to bave paid. Hamilton, attorney. John McKenna filed suits for street im provements against Robert Brinkner for 77 43, f ran- nenier tor jzuo u ana J. a.. Fedders for tun 74. M. l. BUine, attorney. Hush F. Kemper et aL filed suit yester day to settle tne anairs oi josepn nartse. W. H. Mackoy, attorney. Matrimonial Boom. Mr. B. Macke and Miss .Maggie Weaver were united in mar riage tliis morning at St Joseph's Church. The attendants were W. F. Macke and Miss Lizzie Weaver. M. ii. JtirinKman ana Miss Tina Rut ter. Mr. Will Kaiper and Miss Lena uoebble will be married at tbe German Protestant Church, on Millard street, this evening. Mr. William fenaer and Miss Amelia Wiemann will be married this evening at the bride s residence, on tiest street, Cin cinnati. Mr. John Rogers and miss i-ate xalion will be married this afternoon at 5 o'clock, at St Patrick's Church. Mr. James Uant and Miss Annie Donahue will be married to-morrow afternoon at St Patrick's Church. The marriage of Mr. Mose Brady and Miss Annie Mack will take place next week. Mr. Ben. Priesthoff and Miss Lizzie Hev ing will be married to-morrow morning at St Augustine Church, on Central Cov ington. The New Board o Hrawh. Messrs., Collins, Smith and Von Boken, of the Board, accompanied ny tieaun urticer Wil son anu Direct, t-uu-iuiaoiuuc. vcuupucii, made a round oi tne city yesterday, and from their minutes the following copy mav foreshadow the report and recommen dation of the Board to-morrow night: .l T.' : . . v . . - a Allev between ruunuuuu nun, uuui- Son and xvussen. muat um giaueu auu paved. Alley east of Washington, between Sixth and Pike. Nuisance. Alley north oi rniiaoeipnia. Most ee Uraded: also lot on northwest corner oi umi and Fourth street a oaa nuisance, 1 ' . . t . . a i a i,nt of B. r. liaira on noriu aiue oi Diivn I .J ,, oe.weeu canon. . . T.nttbead of Bakewell. must be filled: nrnnertv of Thomas Green & Co. I two ponos ai jjavar-an rroworj sua rear oi Ueglow'S tannery. iu uo uranieu iuw Willow Run. Fisk street between Homan and Lee. Must be graded; also alley first west and between Holman and Lee streets. . Will abate stagnant pond. Small pond nortneast corner Jioiman and Twelfth. Must be filled. Lot or. northeast corner Jackson and Orchard. Must be filled. AlleTin rear of Dr. Thomas residence, I running north from Powell. Must be I crraded and Paved, Alley first west of Scott and between T-...11 .nH Martin. Mnt ha I.M.H ..j " ,ttVed to abate nuisance. Lot first-south of school-house on Scott .treet must be filled. Lot one hundred feet north of Robert Patton property, on west side oi Stephens, must be filled. - Sewers under Edward street need re- pairs. Lot on Ninth, between Greennp and btepnens, must De nuea, Nuisance under colored Church on Ninth must be abated. nwron ' Ben. Conrad was fined $5 and costs for drunk and disorderly. Ben. Rippleton (colored) was fined $5 and costs lor abusing an old colored woman. The members of the Ex-Van Voast Guard can find a purchaser for their uniforms by calling on George Michaels, the musician. r.a. , ,v TTni..H.n.l,.-i. Cincinnati, vesterdav received the ri..ri nf property valued at $15,030 left by the late Wm. Kobsjn. . . A new bug of unusually large size has made Its appearance on the farm of Lew. Thornton and is laying waste the potato and meion plants. Decoration Day. A special meeting Of the soldiers and sailors will be held this evening at the engine house to hear reports irom me various committees on decoration of soldiers' graves. bird of rare beauty and the first of the kind known to have been seen in this country is on exhibition at Dr. Meisen heimer's, on York street It was found by hunters In Indiana, The festival given by the Organ Circle of Grace Church at Odd-fellows' Hall last night was a grand success, socially, and a handsome sum was realized for the pur chase of a new organ. Rev. Mr. Pettis, of St Paul's Episcopal Church, has been chosen as a delegate from this State to Raikes' Centennial Anniver sary, which convenes in London, England, on the 26tb of next month, and will proba bly attend. It is reauired that all ladies interested win also be present at tbe meeting. Ar rangements were made with a party in Cin cinnati yesterday who will furnish four busses to make several trips and carry pas sengers at 10 cents each way. George Exterkamn was arrested at an early hour this morning by Lieutenant Cottingbara and Officer Crignton on a charge of dumping faith at the foot of Cen trai avenue, lie was Qiied $-o and costs in the Mayor's Court this morning. The bodv of John Blick. drowned while swimming in tne Licking last night be tween 8 and 9 o'clock, was found this morn ing between some logs at Levezay's saw mill, John King, of this city, fished for the body all night and succeeded in finding it this morning. Tbe deceased lived at 72 West beventh street, Cincinnati.. Tbe Committee on Decoration of the Sol diers' Graves met last night at the resi dence of D. 3. Lock, Esq , and beard the report of tbe several Committees. Ice- water will be on the grounds for visitors. and several 'buses bave been chartered to convey those who wish to attend. An abundant supply of flowers has been ob tained. Criminal Court. In the case of John Kline, indicted for receiving stolen goods, tne jury lulled to agree and were dismissed. They sto d eight for acquittal and four for conviction. A small case. Tbe attorneys for James Linet filed additional grounds for a new trial. The cases of Leopold Haas and F. Salosbin were also continued until the next term. A feeble attempt was made to try the case of Joseph Kitter, but it was finally continued until the next term- Lost night about 9 o'clock a colored man named Wm. Lumpkins was accidentally shot by Harry Pemberton at the old Bai ley's Barracks on Taylor street. They were "loollng" with a pistol, when the weapon accidentally went off and the ball entered Lumpkins' neck on tbe left side and cir cled around the windpipe and lodged in the bacfc part oi his neck, lie was taken to Dr. Dameron, who dressed the wound. but failed to find the ball. The wound is considered dangerous but not necessarily fatal. George W. Landrum and Miss Maitie Childers, both hnillng from Grant County, arrived here about 8 o'clock last night. sought out Deputy Clerk Cbas. Gallagher at nis residence, and wnispered in his ear their longings to be come man and wife. Charley accompanied the youth to the County Clerk's office, made out a license and called in 'Squire Charles Buchanan, who tied the nuptial knot Mr. John Thornton signed the bond, witnessed the marriage and gave the bride away in a most graceful and dig nified manner. A Worthy Teacher Remembered. Mr, Henry Appel, teacher of the Bchool at tached to St John's Protestant Church was ngreeablv surprised this morning on reaching the school by finding his room an desk profusely decorated with elegan flowers and plants, it benig the fortieth an niversary of his birthday. Tbe following young girls were on hand at an early hour this morning, and bad everything in readiness on the arrival of the teaclter: Misses Kate Hetsch, Ann Keifer, Rfggie Berry, Sophia Schaffenberger, Maria Kmigner. Lizzie &.ratz, Louisa Lickert, Dora Enslin, Tilly Wiedeman and Sophia Huber. The voung misses are also spreading ta bles with the rarest delicacies of the season, which all of tbe pupils and teacher will partake of this evening, when also a least of song and music will be indulged in. The teacher dismissed the school tor the day. Voice From the Black Hills. An old stager about 60 years of age and who looked as though be bad a heap of trouble in get ting through the world, strayed into Harry Buchanan's back yard, on Jefferson street, last evening, and when found was minus bis clo'bing, with the exception of his shirt, and settling down for a night's rest on the grass. The police made him don his clothes and brought him to tbe Court-house and turned him loose in the yard. He was found early this morning asleep on tbe grass with the same apparel he had On the evening previous. He is returning irom the Black Hills, and while there Had botb feet badly frost bitten, and is now trying to make Ills way to Pittsburg where he has relatives living. ADDITIONAL SUBURBAN. DAYTON. O. To-day the grand races commenced. Chief of Police J. W. Lingo, of Colum bus, was in the city yesterday. George Ricker and wife, formerly of this citv but now of Columbus, Iud., were here yesterday. The cross examination of Wm. P. Huff man, in tne nuiinian win case, was oegan in the afternoon vesterday. Simon Klingler and John L. Schell feel highly complimented with the presenta tion of beautiful flowers made them by the Hamilton ladies on the street yesterday. Than lis, ladies. It became necessary that the District Court show respect to tbe n.ass of people in tbe city yesterday, and consequently that honorable body postponed business for the day. It has been in session for three weeks. . Mrs. F. Elser and Mrs. L. Soety, of Ham ilton, were in the city yesterday. They came to see' friends and acquaintances, witness the grand parade of K. of P., and visit the Soldiers' Home. They were guests of Mrs. Scnell and family, JNo. '23. Bain right street, to-day. Mr. W. H. Norton arrived In Dayton yes terday from Leadville and the Arkansas Grand Canyon. He made a trip of one hundred miles above Pueblo, Colorado, and through tbe Royal George to Cleora, the terminus, and brought back a burro shoe as a relic. He took train en route for Cleveland last evening. The following marriage licenses were Is sued yesterday by the Probate Court: An drew Simons' and Mary Mailey, Joseph Shaffer and Mary Jane, Robert McCurdv and Nettie L. Herman, Dominick Frey and Mary E. Williams, Leslie Carter and Caroline Lonise Dudley, Q ostus Werck- mannand Ella J. i'enelon. Yesterday evening between 8 and 7 p. m, a gentleman of toe Order 01 K. of P. was resting in a chair in front of the Phillips House, when he was suddenly struck by on epileptic fit and fell from the chulr in sensible to the pavement Tbe brothers of the Order immediately gathered around him and did syery thing In their power to restore him to . consciousness, and were finally successful. Overcome by heat prob ably was the cause. About 6 p. ra. yesterday a lone attached to a phaeton, left unguarded for a moment at the entrance of the Union Depot took trignt and dashed through the depot at break-neck speed. He was caught some distance below the depot and brought back wito tbe top of the phaeton considerably damaged. Strange to say, no one was in jured. It was uncomfortably warm yesterday and people suffered with heat on the street, especially did the Knights, as tlneir uni form dress suits consisted of Heavy woolen goods, and in order to appear dressy, they had to keep their coats buttoned up to the collar. Many of them also wore metallic caps, which were not only heavy and un comfortable, but extremely beating. There were elegant unitoriueu companies ana well drilled, and the parade presented a picture of grandeur and beauty not likely to be forgotten soon by those who were so fortunate as to witness it It is earnestly requested by the Commit tee on Flowers that all true and patriotic citizens lend their assistance by the way of furnishing all tbe flowers they can to be used in tne decoration oi soldiers graves Saturday next Let everyone who can give their snort to ward making this grand and patriotic work a success and they will be amply rewarded by the heartfelt thanks of the surviving comrades and friends and by the conscious feelings in their own hearts that they have shown a due respect for those who lost their lives that they miglit enjoy the blessings of a free and glorious country. The Greble House, or the house on the corner of Sixth and Main for many years known by the above name, is now refitted and placed in splendid condition for the accommodation ot tne traveling public Its present proprietor, Mr. Baker, although a stranger to us, apparently seems like a man properly adapted to the business ne represents, and we feel safe in commend ing him to all who will favor him with their patronage. His bouse is convenient to the be pot, and to the sensible-minded man would seem preferable to many hhth-priced houses. We have not learned as yet whether tbe name of the house will be changed or not IIOIT1E CITY AND DELHI. The funeral of Mr. Sayler's infant daugh ter took place this morning at 11 o'clock. Don't forget the strawberry festival given by the members of the Presbyterian Church turn evening. There was a rumor afloat of a "rattling mill" between two of our prominent citi zens at sunrise this morning. The cause has not been ascertained, and the damage is not irreparable. DAYTON. KY. Mrs. Colonel Thos. Jones, who was fan proving, has taken a relapse and is very much worse to-day. The social given by the Presbyterian la dies at Mr. Donaldsou's grounds last night was a happy success. Real Estate Transfer. Steven Smith to ihos. Stevens, Lot 29. Block 17, in Day ton, 33 by 110 feet, on Third street; 300. Property owners who are dissatisfied with the appraisement of Assessor Kueven should tile their complaints with the Board of Equalization now in session. All discharged" soldiers and sailors inter ested in ihe decoration of soldiers' graves. will meet at the car stables on Sunday morning where some action will probably be taken. Mr. Harry Lambe states that the friends of deceased soldiers can have craves of their dead friends proDerlv cared for by leaving word at the Newport engine house. FOUCS COURT. The Warm Weather Having; a Demoralising Effect upon the Beer Drinkers. The warm weather is causing big dockets every day in the Police Court For the purpose of slaking their thirst Cincinnati's citizens imbibe too freely, and tbe result is they wind up in the Station House with a charge of drunkenness against them. Juhn Connelly not Captain Jack, or' Councilman John, either wus one of the class stood np before Judge Wilson this morning. Having been before tr.e Court on Beverai previous occasions, lonneuy was sent out for three months. James Kirk drank so much beer yester day that be had to be bauled to the refrig- T; l-1 - j . erutor in an eiioeoo hbbuh, dbiuh uis urai drunk he was let off with a fine of $3 and costs. Robert Alcorn was put away for thirty days for the purpose of sweating the beer out of him. Mary Baffin was sent ont for ten days lust long enough to get sobered up. .it V, . t 1 :.t. j i said he lived in Calhoun street and worked for tbe Gas Company, but this statement didn't save him, for he was fined $3 and costs. Charles Holman was asked what excuse he had to give for being drunk. "I cau't deny that I was intoxicated," said he; "I had my thumb very near cut off, and I drank some liquor to alleviate my suffer- ings." "inat taie won t worse, noiraan, re- , ,.1 -r i iui . r !.!... IliarKea tne juage. ua auu .or miriy days; by that time your thumb will be healed up." Mury McCann was released from the Hos pital yesterday, and went right off and got drunk. This morning she was ordered confined in the Work-bouse for three months. . Adam Ben tel. who belongs to a gang of roughs who infest thn West lnd, was sent to the Works for three months. Michael Newinger, the proprietor of a saloon at 347 Walnut street, was before the Court again this morning on a charge of abusing his wife. The Judge asked him what he had to say to tbe charge. "Yell, I'll tell you, Shudge; mine vile sue drink more as sixteen glasses of peer yesterday in anout an hour, und den she vanted to vhip me. I hat to defend mineself, so I striked her once." Newinger having been before the Court so often for abusing his wife the Judge con cluded to send him to the Work-house for three months. D. R. Bonnell, a telegraph operator, charged' with stealing $30 from H. R Crowell. had his case continued until to morrow morning, Ruius Hindman, for abusing his family, was Workhoused for 30 days. George Benedict, charged with stealing a horse from Charles Gundlach, had his case continued until next iriday. Fred. Ka.tings, a saloon keeper on Syca more street, near Second, was sentenced to three m ntbs in the Workhouse for disor derly conduct William E. Piner. a respectable-looking middle-a;ed man, was charged with steal ing a lot of carpenter's toils. In answer to the Judge's question of what he had to say about stealing the tools, he said that he was guilty and deserved punish ment "Yon'll get It" remarked the Judge. "Yo,i needn't be alarmed about it at alL Your sentence is a fine of $200 and thirty da) i in tbe Work-house," INDIANAPOLIS. HOMIOFATHI0 OOHTIITTIOB STAT DIZZT AMD DSCBK. Special to the 6tr. Imoiahafolis, May 26. The fourUea annual session of tbe Indiana Institute. Homeopathy began yesterday morning at o'clock, at Plymouth Church, and Is la tej sion again this morning. The semi-annual meeting of the State Bar Association was held yesterday. - discussed and recommended an Improv uientot the jury system and sdjonraea last night May Fiske, the dashing proprietress of troupe of "dizzy blondes," who bave bmm performing at the Garden Theater thfci week, was arrested yesterday for Otuv enness and rapid driving witn a xoaawj blade named John Rivera. They an mm on bail. Death Seeort, . The following deaths have oeen plaoedaa record since our last report: Infant Robinson, still-bora, city. Frank Kane, 17 days, city. Mary Fletcher, 7 weeks, city Adolf Miller, 8 months, city. Henry Engle, 20 months, city. Henry Bossemeyer, 7 months, city, Philomena Janssen, 6 years, oitjv G. Braun, 9 months, city. Fred. Nolte. 4 years, city. John Hawkins, 42 years, city. Adam Vappenberger, 75 years, Genaaajb Frederick Stuewe, 58 years, Germany. P. Mason, 45 years, Ky. Charles Curtis, 50 years, N. Y. Chas. McCarty, 50 years, Ireland. Margaret Porter, 61 years, IrelanC Alicia Jourdan, 23 years, Mass, Keep your bowels and kidneys in healttsr state by the ue of Kidney-Wort VEGETINE. Vegetino Gives a Good. Clear Gomplezloa Philadelphia, Pa., July 8, U7T. Ma. H. R. Stivens, Boston Dear 8Lr The great benefit I have received from the use of Vta etine induces me to give testimony in lta favqa For several yean my face has been covered win p mples, which caused me much annoyaaoa, aatL knowing it to be a blood disease, I consultea number of doctors, and also tried many prepai ions without obtaining any benefit, until I ow roenred taking Vegetine, and before I had uatS the first bottle I ssw I had the richt medicine. I have used thice bottles and mid my health mosB improved, my oumor entirely cured. Yours respectfully, MI88 N, KEKrTt, urn uarpeater i Vegetine. . Reports from Ottawa Ottawa, Canaoa, Dec. U, 1M Ma. H. R. Stevens, Boston, Mass. Dear Sis 1 have used your Vegetine In my family for sevsam years, and consider it an invaluable medicine, X most cheerfully wommend its use to those etrlng a safe and effectual remedy for diseases-! the stomach and impurities of the blood. Ibh add that I have advocated its use to several m my f rienda and acqunintances with the moat gois ifylng and satisfactory results, Very respect! ully youn, IR3. W. G. PEELKT. No one can dnubt the truthfulness of the abovaj certificate, coming from so responsible and fa fluential parties. Mr. Perley is the senior mea ber of tbe firm of Perley & Puttee, one of ttf largest and most extensive lumber Anal m America, Vegetine. Cured Scrofula. Philadelphia, Pa., July 18, 1177. Mr. H. R. Stevens. Dear Sir I can cheerfofbr recommend your Vegetine as the "Great Blooa Purifier." I have been ailing from Scrofula far years, and was cured by your Vegeiine. I keaa it constantly on hand t- keep my bowels results., aud am constantly recommending it to all whom I hear needing a remedy like yours. iruiy yours, JOHN McGETTIOAH. Belne personally acquainted with Mr. McQefl (ran, I can vouch for him as being reliable la hsl statement, as I have sold him Vegetine. uk j. nr. abku, Druggist, 1024 Beach street Vegetine Gives Life and Vigor. Hastings. Marat., Dee. 18, 1S7I. H. R. Stivens. Boston- Dear Sir: I will doe I can in regard to the Vegetine, which has beta the saving of my life, and I believe thousands f others, ft Is good for General Debility and tin Female Weaknesses and will give ltfe, vice aai strength to both sexes. Youm, with lenimet. Mas. urn-Mil. wAiiiust Vegetine. Druggist's Report. Philapilfhia, Jalv 6, 117?. H. R." Stevens, Boston, Mass. We have ssll your Vegetine for some years past and our eoo tomers rreommena it u Deing me Desi ana wmm "Blood Purifier" in use. Wehavs sold many tides of ibesame description, but Vegetine fivaa Ihe most universal sattsfactk n. We always sa commend it with confidence. HANSEL,., BKORta- Drugglstj. 1626 Market street, 0 Vegetine It the Best SPItllVG MEDICINE. Vegetine is Sold by all Drnggigta. TYPE, PRESSES.dcc. FRANKLIN TYPE FOUNDRY, It! nn Strut, Xne.WM, Me ALLISON, SMITH k JOHNSON. Ih type on which tbis rP Is frtntsi irrstt the above I'oundrT.-E.;3T.! MASTER COMMISSIONER'S SALS. MASTER COMMISSlONJilt'Si 8 ALB. Good Lot in Falrmooiit. I WILL OFFER AT PUBLIC BALK, Of TBI rotunda of the Court-house, in Cincinnati, eaa MONDAY, June 7, 1(80, at 11 o'cl ck a. nu. the eastern 43 feet of Lot No. 207 in tbe subdivtaien wt Fnirmonnt, as niadw ky Bryant and Trevor. The) lot he-e to be sold fronts 43 fret on Central avw nue and extends northwardly 800 feet to Vintem street, and lies 60 feet east of Klncald street Appraised at I62&. Terms of Sale One-third casta; balance la nine and eightcea months, with Interest at aix prreeat per annum, aecared by mortgage on the premise. To be sold by order of the Superior Court el Cincinnati In Case Ma M.iiOS, Thus, T. J-eatt Assignee, va Anne af. Catte.Un.' E. N. WILD, i Hatter Commissioner, M Johnston Bulljinga. Taos. T. Hiaia, Attotuey.