DAYTON DAILY EMPIRE. ITIO CLAITi .OIT01l Tharsulay Bwntem, April 81, 1839., in (1 , l7" IWrtlni M liter on Kvery Vug, .CI ' vts.Knr IxHiala, , 'Olrentphr 4 , other alter of iril.irest and lt,forni.itinn, to f irst and I oortb I 'asus. Church Disorganizers. mjThe diaeus.iun nf the slsvery question la lolitira haa been a turn I the ronntry ; anil , ma; say very foolUI. one. sine. Il has I'M on'.y don bo ft, owl 10 master, lln'l, or aa iely, bnl haa been of, incalculable enierblef to ll concerned. Toon m not Mat patriot in the 'niiiD who will, if k meditate tipo he subject, oniilribnt anything towards kecp- ig up this unhappy and unwi. controversy 'hich ia threatening lh Jwrpetuily of otfr Oof oent. a - There may be at.rM Utile ew ft.r pM .. . .. h i i. i . ncknlern, whoee biiaine It la to take advan aKe of every public eieilemtot, in rpcdJIin. with danKorn qunationa, where they f .anooaownneomparaiiveaarciy to inemfiie TJ.ud aociety ; fur from the very character t-f j ueh parti, aemtble people attach little iiupor J'a nee to their word ar ecu. They are viewed gia actora nin the atae, who enact their aierta fur pay. No KnMt danger ia expected U 'row out of their mimic repreeontationa. Tho Bntflliirent portion f aociety pay little attention 'o their pefimnancra, and happily eeolrut the jnaaMHi rnd diroct the tendency of lb illiterate -aiiod of the country from any aeriou mitbreak, Iput when great men, or persona di.tingniahed fMr their KiMMlnee, are nggrd in the fanatical nnd wicked buainea of atirrinf up the bad Itilood tif one portion of the confederacy f?aint jttnother, the thing aiaumca a more aerloua (line. We excoae impertinent talk from jt lown, which we would reaant if by a !rnt1rman ; we cau overlook io th profeaaions al political agitator what we would condemn in the chi iatian geutlcmao. I We daily meet with iteme in thepapcra, po litical and rrligiou. reganlirg the agitation of the alarery queailon In the aleihndiet Ktiiacopal Church, in different portion! of the country . It eeema that Certain' wnlvee bVe by anmr nieana got into the fold of Chriat, and they are making preparatiuna to again rend tbe church ( at the next General Conference Thi,e laN 1 teachem trave evidence of their evtl intent at j the time of the aehiam of the "Church, South ," j ami rer m vppwi.utuij , iletro what littU pea that remained to the people of (tod. Their example has Injen, 1111 fortunately, followed by evil tpiriu in other churches ; and the harm lb cy bare done Io Chriatianity will jot be eaiiniated until the ' Oreal Day. If theae tare in the gt'l wheal fii ld an.- not burned, it will not be because they have hot richly dcaerved damnation. Krjual to th ecute of alcohol ia thia gcuu political j preachera. t.. - J .L Devoid of religioua m-ntiineut, pon 1 --- -. aorniuarily ejf-c'x-d trom the church vhuae uhc luineita thy are deNtroying; and ahould be lumiJ out with tbe worthleaa crew of Garrison it Co., an abandoned crowd wboac wickedneae iiaolnriiig ihst-aoalery.inxiend -d" -being at tracted towards tbem.i reprlb-d. . . We do hope the churih will leave the diarrp utahli-and wicked work of arraying christians and vccliuns of uur coiumon couutry against each other, to the parties iudicalcd above. The church has quite enough to do in the Lord's vineyard, which itauonld aot neglect, to attend the devil's. , th The Blenuerhasset Papers. Mr. W. II. Safibrd write to tha Missouri ltepubliuan that ho i in St. Louie, tod has procured from tbo family of the lato li. S lilennerhoeactt, in whose possession they were placed for publication, the paper of the famed but Ill-fated Rlcnnerhassett, ren dered oonspicuoua for hi nssooiationti with Ilnrr. Tbe Ulcnnerhuasi.'tt papers are thus deecribed : They constat chiefly of his privalo journal oorresijondenoo, emftye, historical and polit ii'nl, letters in relation i the Itnrr oonapira y, from Burr, Alston, Tyler.llullmao,. Meade Kloyd, and nthere implicated ; also, tho j iun mil ol the expedition, until arrested and bro ken up. i 1 have also tbe letters, manuscript and fugitive pieces of poetry of Lady lilen nerhasiett, which of themselroa would form, a respectable sited volume. , Tbeso papers are voluminous,' and afford a satiafactory biography of the lilennerhas sett family, nnd a minute and oomplete die closure of tli nbjeota of and parties con cerned in the liurr expedition, Mr. Harford i about to publish those doc- , A (i'kbtiow Which Dkmaxds am Ashwkr The Washington Htntea, which ia gener ally regarded a a Douglas paper which wo nnti-Lccompton, - end which has, thus fur, co-operated with John W Forney, ia out against tbo lute movement of the latter in Pennsylvania. It auks: "What i the porpoaeiof Mr. Forney and his friendaf Do they meditate apostuoy to the Opposition, or ara they resolved toad lier iagood faith to .the Democratic party T Do they pledge tbeinaelve to support the nominee of the Charleston Convention ? ln the name of th Democracy of the Union we respectfully entreat a reply to leae in quiries.". , Sk-Onited States Judge, Koss Wilkins, of In his sentence of Tyler, the United o. . t . i ... ,-. . Statu Marshal, for killing Captain Jone., when serving process, said in relation to the f prisoner's carrying arm :' I Thi Court does not, and will not, anc-' tion the practice of it ministerial officer in carrying weapons of this description, to aid them in the 'execution of process. Their I use is not warranted by the Jaw.' It i lb ! duy of the officer, if resisted to return his writ unexecuted; and it i safet to do so i to eocounter tbo peril of life, and the i oonsequenca which may result from im-. providence Or accidunt. . i " I r - . - Mu. Sicklks' CoNfKssiON. Considerable' ha been .aid about the publioation of Mr, ' Sickle' ooufossiou. Don runner whi.,1. r " published th other day laid it was inal we obtained surreptitiously and copied without the knowledge of the oounsol for the defense. The telegraphic reporter ul; Wash ington give hi version of Ihe matter thus; "It is true that Mr. rl'okle would have preferred not to have bis wife' confession published. It is not true, however, that the fiaper wa obtained surreptitiously, and cop ad without tbo knowledge of the counsel lor defense, a ha been asserted in the com. muuication to soma of th New York pa per. Neither i it true that it was tiret pub' lulled in a Washington journal, and then sent to the Associated 1'ras. it wa tele graphed to New York before any eoond copy wa made." Uca.A letter from Camp Floyd Inform u that quite a number ot the VJ. S, soldier hav joined the Mormon Church. The Sainte are, In many way, making a good thing out of the Mormon Kxoedition. A.Tha New York Time of Tuesday had to omit four column of advartiseinents, in type end paid for) lor that morning pa per. The Herald of Tuesday publish frlpl iheel, j ' it j [From the Milwaukee News.] Letter from Pikes Peak. W giv W.yi ! .-(In itn f.-ont Til' j Peak. Iit Weil k it trn eiti.nsi nf II.,.,,,,,., i now al l'ik' I'eai , Every woH ean he re lied upon a true, th vr -t te n!l ktwwn WieoooaU. nn whg haa the ( rtmtaat regard for th troth. There i evidently PIKE'S PEAK, March 1, 1859. My Dmj ftwfnB -."' --...,.. . .. . j 1 promised to writ yon a ciMd lung letter a soon I arrived here, and I tka my pen ia bund to let you know thst w er all well, and to hope that tliea few lint will find yon eiiji.rintj the mi blessing, : Ton know w left il oriron for the land of (told aliout th lator rehroary, and we arrived her yen terdty. My wife atond the journey flint rats, ; hut my nr oldest hoy war narly tired out when they reached her. Jane, th liti j rw uses, ttnyyr wi m leal. RIIU UM i ac!t (iscr;;; for as." (isd Me bar wcet cart, ;!,., W tiaj All th WJaliiiis in i .. - i , - i. . . lure we jt aira. w km our ni.revs ai lu- J1-,. IIICJ wer. HUIDH HUH US. . . ,l.l eiiin oxen, and loat thmn one hundred milea ""m ."""" " V.'"p ",eu wnceioarrowa, my wile and 1 wheclinit by turn, till th , J. . . . .... ' ,1. flS til) , ln,iBI1, ,) our pr,,,!,,,,,, anj f,,nily ,. .j,, an had Ui carry thorn ail on my Haul. jr money irttva nut long ; liolorc, nd lor wu, weoka wo trvlol uirongn a wuueru wnere tna loot ol a hurnau being had never trod, in thia eondi tirn, aeein no living being, and witlioul money to purubaaa even a orarker at any of the groenrie along the line. W lire I on root till my children all look like piga.from rooting long, and I hav earricd my fami ily on my back, tout I am o round Khoul dered that I can only aco th blue ky and th bright eun, by looking between my lea and up to Heaven' panoply that way. I lot two hundred pound of rleib horaa meat when I alerted from Dubuque, or we should have got along better. I read in the Milwaukee Xewa that Tike's Peak wn a humbug Hut it ain't, and the Ncwa know it aa well aa I do. W got here in tbe morning, after walking all night, and though we are now twenty i lour hour in th country, are not well tff, but have a good proapeul. There ia gold liore lot of it The goph er dig It out of the ground by the buahrl, and in the moonlight the whole earth for mile around look like heaven with it myriad ature, or like a pretty Etrl with vel lo-v freckles. The wooduhuck dig out bush els and buahele of it, and the snake in thia country look like olid gold onoa.from crawl, ing among gold chunk. Itia found in all aiied piece, from th aiie of a ban egg up to the bignee of a large atone, and of the linrst quality. We have raked together what lay looee on n acre of ground, nnd have twenty-two rile about h big a a large (isi od hay stack Last night two hundred ln linns cauieto rob ua ofa sett of silver apoon and a tin oomb that my wife had to use on the children, and we barrioaded our house with rocks of gold till they eould not gain admittance, and wore furoed to beg to make friend with us. The chief lay down hi weapon and cam icto our oauip, when my wife ueed tbe tine couib on hi head till bis patitude was aa lively iu his head wa, and ii 0 was to tickled that he ,,n ,r.,il tn n .at -,. tniiiaing mat t might die before I got rich, and fueling that I must make some property to Icavu tuy children, I con aenieu to me m; tun, and ano lias gone with the Indian, who is a great chief, and tukeu the fine oiinb with ber. Come out Kith your wife, and bring a tine comb broth ir (Jeorge, 1 am going to leave th e diggings for a better one. It is too much trouble to tug and pry up the greut big chunks of gold that weigh hull' a ton or so, und are so thick you can not get them out without danger of breaking your legs, aud urn going up to a ravine, where- all 1 have to lo ito go to tha top of a high mountain und roll it down to the river. 'J ho couutry here is line, but the winds are awful. My boy got so light with eating roots, that I can only keep thoin by me, or together by piling lumps of gold about as big a mallets, on their shirt tails, as tha lit. tie innoocnta sit down ou the grass to play, everything is grown here. 1 can raise twenty bushels of wheat to the acre. Oranges, lem ons and all such colored fruit grow wild here. While melons, pears, apple, peaches, apple dumplings, are aopleuty that they find no market. Sell off what stuff you have in Wisconsin, and oome out here. You can get rich in a littlo while, and go baok in uoh style that it will astonish the native. (Jive my love to all tbo folks around the corners, and put a notice ou the rchool house, that they cap. get an outfit in Chicago for $200. Come out her dear , brother by all mean. Your, affectionately, JOHN SMITH. known to be preserved a long time by roll Detroit, !" "'m UP T ''n5 'ban, .way careful, ly, where moth and rust doth not corrupt, 0V thieve, effect n entrance and carry them off. Thi is a, much surer way than laying down oil cloth, and far less expensive. . To ''Paerve!' fur. Make them luto a Jaul' or P1"'9 them. Hints ko thk Skasok. Having the wel fare of all our readers at heart, we shall take the liberty, from time to time, to make uoh hints as we may consider ben efioial. Now that Spring ii approaching, nnd in fact at our very door, a few seasonable hints on the Season may not be considered unseason able.' Gardens. Every family man should have family garden, to supply his table with vegetables, small fruits, esculents, &a. . If your circumstances preclude a garden of your own, tbe next best thing you can do Is to live io a house immediately adjoining 'u otler man's uarden. The advantages. it will be aeen at glance, are mnnifuld. House cleaning made easy. If you wish to aooon pish this annual a miction of houtei keepers with the least possible trouble, ge to bed lome night, and you will awake in the morning and find thut during your slum bers your house haa been thoroughly clean ed by burglars. ...... To preserve carpets. Camels have boen 1 Dirat't Wakt to Uet in thr TArERs. A young man whose appearance denoted that " was verdant to the extremity of verdancy Kt married at Justice Turdy' office yester thaji Jay- After tho oeromony was performed he paid for it like a man, and at onue asked if there were any reporters present Heing int formed that there was, be extended an in. vitbtion to the fraternity to oome and drink. whiuh buln8 palmed be proceeded to enter 1. t.roti'Ml .ul..l l.u..k. ...ll. 1.1 tl,A .... ..a... " r-;--- e .... suvtnif tliat t,ii. iiov ut uome would sem node him if they know it, His request bv- ing acceded to he departed iu peace of mind, but not five minutes after might have been seeu in a neighboring restaurant treating a promiscuous crowd of about twenty loafers, who liaviog token the cue from his conver sation, loat no time iu making him belie vo that they were all reporter, and bound to publish htm unless bo did th fair tbinir bv buying all the whisky they wanted. Iroit i'rtt IVes. DAEST & HEECHELE0DE, WLulesel Ussier, lu FOREIGN JND DOMESTIC Dry O ods NOTIONS, TRIMMINGS k TANCy GOODS 110. SS (T SEW B ECKEL IUILDIJCQ, Third jtn Duytoas, O. . N. K. Darst, C. Hirouki.rou, Late flrta of Perrtne aud Herat. mhn Late Arm of Hemhelrode snit Huustliie. t llurrttl lrlt)d Ulackburrlee. AMC'K article, just reoeived, and for eeieby cu arlki post, ! tsb Ksst aeeoQd st., doors from Jaein. NIVT Oea) flak, a oe4 erder very low, at I. M. SBKKII'S. It E A L 1 H T A T K GENERAL AGENT. X7ILL buy end sell on Commission 111 KAtaieorail ain1a. IkHl'le. I.iimI warrnta. Nntea, tl.le I Nntee, Mnttirarea, a.i MARe eollectlona and neerie oana. U'lll UmmiI l.anil Inrure r,pert at reeenneM ratra In inol reponll,le I onuukia, a4 do eianeaal tror anilconialMKUl buln-M kt"No rliarjra unleaa eale ta maile.' 1 ' OIBaa with T. J. . Smith, Baq., " 1 ; (len'i Itullitlnf, Third ilreet OUT LOT. A KINK l-nt on Hteal Hill, t. it acre ..ea.tiiuiiy .ituated onntninint ; ill be eold appnrauoa .P,u a,, :,....'Arnt,'wstreV I Pr fnle ( he p. - rl,KAA.NT Iteetdnneo, rorner 4th and c lirltr atreeta Lot well improved, and ol meat out-bulidiug. nmnf inrne ana nearly new. i,iiic ALSO, A Itiie Lt on Id ilreet, helow IVrry, adjnlninf th reilden,, of K. Anion Mrrc. Triiiieit.y. IHU K. CLMtKK, hit Rial K.tite Ag,-,it, Clem Uuliillul. K C1TT PROPBRTl. Iurre new llri , k Dwelling Huuao, hv Henrv Kliuia. ouruer St. i:Uir and X tmiit ter itrerti. The llimne II let) cii,imo,Itom; Int nl. hed with the n,.-i.b.ry conventuvr .11,1 S,llnn e. for eonilort, anil hiriilih,,! hnil9oniel 111 thr wodera atyle. Will be .old very low for veaa, and -'City ea.y )) inenl., ou apl!unl Ion to I N n. t.l. arta FT, Mill Heil and Ueoeral Kitate Agent, Id at. ' ALSO A hntidxouie It(ijence on ,1th St., iN'tweetl Main and Ludlowi fl atorv Brick, well furnlihed au 1 tiandioiijely Imoroved yrd. Ijy- j nientienir. I HU. K CI.AKKK, uihU Real Kltate Axent, t'leK'i Building, XI al. Farms. j ) A I AC'liKS in Illinois, miles from Sum-1 Oil ner, on the 0. k M. R. R., one hundred nere. ; iniproven, h remainuer iiratier 01 (rood u,uallf..i, deep, rich, alluvlnl mil. , Tncre are two a;oo,l Oweltlnn Mouieion th'prem- ' I.e., oonventent out-houiea, aud In the niid.t ol a : Sio,l neii leiueni. Thl. farm la ortVred at tha low prlee el its per acre, twin niiu-h le.i than It. vilue. Kor .Me hy Cll K. t'LAHKK, Kel Kitaiai Atfeui, ad itreet. A' rencevltle, Laitrene oountv, III., Kuod aotl.well unproved, good tlmlier, a haiKlmioe, new, conve nient, well furnlihed two-atnry frame dwellinft home, out-home., barn and .table In .hort, a llr.l. rate larm will ocold chenii by t.ti AS. K. CI.ARKR. mhJJ City Ral iUtale Agent, ( legg'a Uullillng. 1'rouertr nsiralit detitcl , Ioffor for sale on reasonable terms, a new and handsome residence on ltd atreet, lie low ferry. The Hon. t. larae nd commodious, with all tha modern Improvements and conveniences; la llnely toasted, and in a good aettthborhuod. Will be olu i, heap, if application I. mrtdc aooii. I'M AS. R Cf.ARKK, mhS Real Katat Agent, C'legg a Building. LAND V A Kit A NTS HOlltlHC & HOLD st t'.lnciunati quotiitiona, or located In Iowa, Itauiii, Nclirmka, or Mia.ourl,liy tHAS. K. CLARK K, mhS Third atrevt. CHEAP FARM. I flfl Af?,tKsi l() ,nll" fr(,in eity,.im- t VJ proved, orchard, norln., fco. 1& acres tiiulr, and aVrei bottom, frlce 1U per acr. Korcalehy ( HAS. K. CLAHKK, mhl Real Kitnte Agent, Id atreet. FOR SALE. OH nnf") ArUKSofUnd in lllinoiH.on 0J yJJJ ttt nenrlima of Hull Hotwa, eumprl Intc Improved Knrin rtit'l wild Inmlrj. To tho- hnvliijr innll forms In thU tton, thnt will nri, nt n gouti price, 1 would s ty bcII, unit ro wlii're jou cau uvt a lAie tr-t ot l:ind nt Alow price, ami where you will hn equnlly good nmr ItcU. ALSO, 10,000 Acres well Hclucted Land, In Miaourl, both the quaUty And title of which I will guiiAiitee. For tale or eftutnKo for oth er prperty,on the mot deHtrnble teriim. Al-Sl), A Btimll but choice Kurm inCInrk Cotiuty, well Improved, will be no id cheap, and rliy property t-tfccfi lu part p meut. ALSO, A tin a Lu, on. Ludlow t between Hh Miiddth, HHIn 1K a. tlley uituk. ALSO, (jardvn Lots of 7 aurca each, on the Hivcr, nenr Die city. ALSO, A 3 story Brick liuaincss Uouso, on Jetlurion, te twern 3d nnd 4th it., nnd a dcalriUc reaileucRm6tli at., bet. M.tlit And Ludlow. ALSO, Kino impuved I'ruptrty in "Miami t'lty," And "IVyUn View,' hi tract ol troin 8 lo .3atrui. All for file mi:ap by CHaVS. B. CLARKE, Hen I K-tAte Aent, ClegV Building. Manhattan Fire Ins. Co, (INC0RP0KATED 1821.) OFFICIO, No. 68, Willi St., fl. Y. CASH CAPITAL, CASH SURPLUS, 9230,000. S12S.000. In.ures Building., Msrcliandiae, sirnlture, Vcaela lu fort and their Catgoea,aod other property analnat iuaa or damage by nrn. UlKKCTOlta W. P. PMiner. Knmuel V. Mott, Kiit'iii L. Pord.Wil lit 111 K. Mott, Kdwin D. MoixAn, William W. Fox, Kiclmrd Tig lie, Peter Coojier, Thomas Barron, Hubert It. Miatturn, Moaea Taylor, Thoa. W, Pear- aell, Henry Kllaworth, Auguatut H. Ward, Jamea Col lea, hidnry lManon, ti 8. 8uares, John Caaawcll, Johu stewartl, John C. Cireen, khen 11. Crocker. WILLIAM PITT PALMER, Preildent. Andrew J. Hmith, SerctArv. CM AS. K. CLARKE, Affent, apriS t'le'i Buildini;, d at. MERCHANTS' Insurance Company, OF ifAiirroitD, COXN. Capital, $2507000. . i:. D I R EC TORB, Mnrk Howard, U. WooJnill', ( Preat. Woodruff 4 Beach I. Cu.) James Bolter, (Of C. II. Northain A Co ) E. Koesrts, (Of Kaneji, Kobert. A Uoodwln.) Quy H. Phelps, (3ac-. Conn. Lifs Ins. Co.) Timothy Sheldon, (Oontraotor and builder.) Jamas?. Koater, (Prost. MeohV 8av. Bank.) Sidney A. Whit, (Of Spencor, White A Co.) Cbarlaa T. Uilly.r, ( Prail, CoarUr Oak Bank.) Klijdh 11, Owen, (Ut Day, Owen Co ) Uomcr Ul.iuoliurJ, (Of II. lllsuvhard A Co.) Richard D. Hubbard, (Rtate Attorney.) M. M. Merritn'in, (Of J. A M. Mcrritnan.) William L. Collin-, (Of Cullina, Urol her. A Co.) W. II. I. Call.ndar, (Cashier of Crate Bank.) MAKK HOWAHU, frea't. E. THOMAS LORDKLL, Sec'y. Aliplisatlona received by CHAS. K. CLARKK, Agent, Third atreet, liaytou, Ohio. Would refer to X. II. Darst, Kq.,(of Darst & Herobelrode.) John Lytle, Ksq.,(uf Ferrine, Lytle it Shaw.) and other merchants, who are ecq,u.uiteil with the business oien ol Hartford. mli-iA Irving Fire Insurance Co. (IHG0BP0RATED 1851.) OlTK i; Kit 9. Wu.ll fclio't, X, V, OASH CAPITAL., S200.0 Insure Bulldinirs, Furniture. Merchandise. Vessel In Port and their Cargoes, ami other j)roerty against lo or da in age by lira, on favorable terms. mitKi;TOU.S. Mason Thompson, William Nlelson. Johu B. Hillv- ei,J CrtMtiee, Vuuderl'llt L liustuu, lienjanun J Hart, Joint Sliotwell, AUr.ihrtlii M Biuinger, liiouia Christy, Wis Kadiord, Johu Homer, tslvauu N Ward,i harivA Bt irk hu Iter, D Aloyzo Cushiuau.Wtu Oakley, John O More, John U Hobby, Win V Jacksou, Adaut Fraztw, Ale kandvr MuKcnzle. Cba. Stirli-nr. Joaeph ;Hjgera, Johu 11 IKiauw, David Samson, Feter U Collin. 4tjpheii Wray, Wright Cillivs, Da Mii Moaea, John Ue-son, Froileriuk Horuby, Cyrus knapp, Isaac IKleil, Uela ti, Buir, W HIImin H Cur- and ctias ihomsou. ' ' MAHON fHOMsSUN, President. sJastisi L. Caowci-u Setiretnrv. ( HAS. K. CLAHKK, Atom!, ajirl Clens's liuildiim, iliiid at. Mourning Gooods. Ulack Tamartine Cloth, lllack Grenadine Berago, Iilack Bilk Ureoadine, Hlack llyadere lterage, lllaok Beroge ltobea, , lllack b'rench Lawne, Ulack French Organdies, Uood stock Mourning Print and (iiugham, at the CASH STORE of apr JOHN, VAN DORKN and CO. WANTED I A GOOD Cabinet War and lAirnitur Yar Dlsher aud Flnl.her wauled. To a krat-euue workman ateady employment will be fftvrn, oa ai lleeltoa la the Furniture Ware Mooaia c,l O. It. kai'll'H, a4 Mat , Jtor th feetODU. op i..VT. CAPITAL,- 1 $200,000! Ptnl iHrrftort .1. CRAKMCI).. . . AffriMtur nniM V. WINTKH. HKKRV IIFHMAN, OAMIKU K 1 KFKR, D. R. MKAI, W. L. DARHDW, dAMIIKL MArtgHALI.. IHNRT BTDItnARD. epit t0 COM I'lVV U'lllcil ia nv If r I ,fc. .,., ,1 ,.' .. . . . . Maiv p,,.ji ik . t.. i tiua llttT A kill raanMe ratea A.i.M u. .riled I. th fnc that w leaue Pwel- n Hn.i.e P.,llrl, ni.ii,,( na !,., aa THRKr 1 a. A B a, ir deln.l aavlna- to th aaureu the tmul'letir autunl renewati, and mat'-rUII) 3hen. !e, ilnc the nt ol Imurano oa thla lata; alaaa ol f"7" Ultlre iM.t aide of Main ilreet. belureen ar,nn,1 and i hirtl,ii atatta S. CIIAIUUEAD, Prea t. D. W. Inniaui, Sec'jr. nnvia-ird HAIITFOIID, CONN. Fire Insurance OtiMPAN V t'K IIAU1KOUI), VA)SS. Paid In Capital, Surplna, Aetata, January lat, 1859. 8250 000 1 38,231 I Thli firnpiny htin nplled with ttie (hwa of eter.-tl ilttiv, lu whlvh It I. doing- tiuilnesa. C. C. WAITS, r, C. B. BOWERS, Prw't. Western Uratich Otlioe, Chiongo, 111. thrmuh which all the liu.lneae of the romnany In tK W'trn, Nttttu-Wi'iiHirn nu South - eiiei nrflTn in irrinxxriiMl. W. B. MU'Vsni'UV, f.i-MCf Afnt, ) Rf-itl.tlnir I !f. II. FHICK, Aii.r. Uuut'rnl Afft'iit, ( In CItlcAKO. ' Kor lnrrni)tlon m n dctuHI t4tfmftit of th 1 Atftlri iif thf 4:oritji.v a ltd Folic hi of Inurnee, ! IM'1 to TSaVIE A CVTPT, I AKntf for Dnyton mill virtnltr. I . ' i - i I ! I ! a. y. iticK&co., (Sutceaaor to J. K, Crom,) I IIuvod Building. Dayton, V KKPH cnnstimtly on Hand, at Wlmlpsale V nnd Retstl, a Imge ortment of ! j Tin, Jiiminti!4l A. lrcMcl Uarf, Alan, a Inrar variety of Cook ion, Pnrlor, Dlolnf Htitui niitl Uux Stoii:, auch n Lock wood's Economy, T Jl I U !! 1 II KCONOMIST, DIADKM, lit WIN AIM TKIHT At, HO Ice Cheat, and Iceberg Refrigerators. Of All tlea.deAorlptiona nnd prlcea. Thae Are of InvAhm'd linHrttnre, pnrtlciilnrly whn lee 1 In ueh dent and na nt the piiwent tenon. To mnkf i aitmU iiu'titllly tell to good dvjuitntr;'t the sure wny ta to procure na ICEBER0 REFRIGERATOR ! ! Water Coolers, Ice Cream rrenrra end Bathing Tlibl, of nil nnd lUea. Alio a gencrnl ... ortmeutor KlUhan, Pantry, Laundry and Hairy Utensils. I IOSH OI.INCKR, ao long and well-known to the .1 cirrxen. or iMy'on anil vicinity at a .interior Tin nnd Hheel Worker, coutinuea ai Foreman of ihe ,Mni,fcturln. lie. urtnient ..! ,..,n..l t Jo all .in.t.ol work In our line of triiile. friiui s Tin vv ilia 1 1 hi a itoiier jireefiiin;, in the uioat work iikMiilik m tn ner, nn-l nt ahort iiotUe. nro ptepttred to do ROOrJNG&SruUTING For nil iles nnd duacriptlona of LuMUliifa. Allonlera thMiikliillv received nnd promptly nt tended to. A. W. HK K nud CO, GENTLEMEN'S Furnishing Goods ! ! ! Xew, Novel, Klcgnnt and Useful. A largo lot of those indiapcnsuble ftrtrclrs just ro- ccivcel. Tho HOY'S that mischievous class, who tear their clothes I have no doubt will call and sec me, ns years of experience lies proved to them that i can suit their juvenilo tastes; and if there is a boy inside or outside the Corporation, who bo not worn my JACKETS and PANTS, I wish to see him", and thoroughly renovate his external ap penrnnce, by dressing biin up in a suit of my well-fitting garmonts. Parents are re speotfully invited to examine the goods. My stock of Gentlemen's Wear ia one of of tho most complete and beautiful in the market. Call and examine the Latest Styles. W. G. BREENE, Aprt- No. 1, Main atreet; Dayton, Ohio. Milliners & Merchants DICSIRINtl ('HOICK NKVt' 8TYI.KS OF RIBBONS, TRIMMIrTOS, SILKS, FLOWERS, I'liiltroUW-rlt-w, Wlilie Goods, Mowers, S II A WLS, PARA S O I. S. MASl'lLLAS, LACE GOODS, Ac, Will do well to examine our assort ment before purchasing, our slock comprising the largest and richest assortment ever offered in the mar ket, a largo portion of which is of our own direct impor'ation. W. P. DEV0lF& R0CKW00D, Importer anil Wholesale Dealer In Silk Good, and Manufacturer of Mantilla and trawtiooda, 83 and 85 Pearl-street, CINCINNATI. mh3l-3maaw I JJ, i I A. & T, MORE 310 nn sritrcr. STATIONERS, BINDERS. Star Mills WHITING PAPERS. Wall Papers. WE would invite tho attention of buyers to our spuing m ogn or Paper Hanging, Decoration, Ao., Whiuh I. now very complete. We deliver jiacka gtw without utiarge, lu any uart o( tbe vly. lr6 UiaiaolHtlon Notice, j ' I K parttierHliin heretofore eiistinir he- - tweeu tits under igiieU, la this day dissolved hy iiiuluul vuii.ent. I lie bu-iiii'ii of tin, linn will be -ettled by the senior member, J. Lebenibror, to wboiuaucounta uiuy beiiald,aild wbu willstittltitlie I debts. J. I.KUKNSUKHUKH, j apr A. LUU11UU.U, - j Clear l lie Truck t ,'pHH underslifncdwilleoutlnue the Clothing bu.l ! 1 uuii in all it. brani-lira, at tbu old atauil, uu sd atreetfuae door eaat of tbe Central Hauk. He re turn, hi. tliausatu all bia juttrona lor tlieir liberal patronaKe beretolore, anil desires to Intuitu them, and aeore. ol uew ouea tliat be le better than aver im-ii.r. d to aeuoHiiiiodate tbeiuaud tliesreatiiubiie, with a Tull atuuli ol Heady Naoe clotbluir, of every desorlptiuu, Veot.' t-'urulahius; Gomla, eni. B -lie bus hiuh oollars, to stand Ui,aud atrapa to keep down thoe who are liudtned to rise too biKb I In word, he lis. every tiling iu (lie Clothing line, which the tub'icln.vde.irc. "Clear lbs tiank, Kubbll-I" apre-tf Jushl'H LKBENSBERUKH. Dwelling House to Rent. ON First (treat, weal of Ludlow, lately oe oupled by Joshua tUiodes, containing 7 Juhiuis, wltb stable and larae Lot. luiiuire of a. si. Sullivan, 411 (4 street, or at hi ODteeun sdstrset, west 9t th rhivlips Uuus. spit-1 u LEGAL NOTICES. BItl'. r 'au.;Mli.o(:-i''4 nl. !',,, ,H,TAN T to nn order t.f t?.t Knporlor, Montgnnterv Count. (Jh; to mc 41- At th rtoor o(? the Coat t limit, tn tl itv of I)r Ml At nuhtU or to thr htchfat titllfr. b- IWPfil the hfllira ttt I nd a nVloab P M ail.ltir .At altM.v, the f,,l1ni, ile(rllil Rent Kit Itnete In the c"f ol. " '"Il n Mcm!.imory, enit Hate of 'i inirly-two leei in wlilth oir the erc.t al.U n( ih -. i r.. . J. . in..r-on. Mali! pniperlr kaa tieea aunralaeil ..a.,.,,,1 'he ,,,t Tc. Wau' two-t ,lr of the au- iirat-nl vliietlierer" J lwo -u,'.'ilM lrma 01 ele naah. Totieenlit l theanlt of Jon- thn liarahm.n, xaln.t Wllll.m a,mi.,. ami Qtltcra. M.trt cn, v, .''.iraOTnr Limn or ainnia'Otne! luntiomerr ,,int k. 1 ll e. lor rlalutllt. .. j ui'mikkl anuafaoaa, A ninf.-newi. Mantar Commlaaloner' Bale Fran.'li A. tlojd, ) ii va. . . I Adm Ktinlx nd Aj.rh Kimt. I Inpf rlor fnitrt, una. 1)1 ksUANTto an order of the Superior Omirt of Montirrnnerf county, rlnlo, matte In the, lim.eiM, bi iii r vnruatf term, H6, and Uiutdt' recti-d, I will oiler at puKllo auotkm nt the door id" the (.Hurt Mi. tile, In thee ty ot lift)' on, In thaeonn ijoi eiuuigoKHTy snu male Ol toilo, ou 'riilav. A mil 29. 1 K.V.I. 1 between the liwti of 1 and t o'ehvrt p. M. or aatri tli ftfiuntv of MontKonu-rv, nml known find dfnorilif tl m lot No. thrwf.t) In fM-ti(o tjiKtocn (.. tn UiimI ((Mivt-vwi hi th eerutort of Havift HnwtttorMaiMl it K, i'tirintii'ln'r t mil Kmitx. Hit'! .rnirtv I- to be 9I on a jurtKmont In tnvn of Krnucta A t-toy.l, m. Ailma Kuuti kimI Hrnh kunt.. Th ah probi ty lim lrn nt tit.-tl t vllfht hiinilr?tl nA twelve OtitlMri, nnd Ann not lefeniti lor llt-tn two-thlrdi ol tiie iiri(i vlu, Terim ol Units t'MH. f. rt. JOHIIA'V, - Mntr C'ommlNiorir or Superior Court of MiMitemnerv conntv, Ohio. JormtAW nnd Jovhimi, Att'yi. for PUtnttir, mhtiMjnwta . No. 1132. Boperl r Court of Montgomery County Ohio. - K AST KB COMMISSIOirsa'B SALS. Herberts. William, . Warren Warner and other . , , HI' lt.SU A NT to an order of the .Superior I t'ourt of Montgomery rountr, Ohio, to me ill- reeled, I will aell at public auction at thedoor ol the "uJmnt on" U"ytVn' ln M,Uount" ' . . J-i 1 a n n in , . aoutli-weat of llavton, ia rich noil, and excel lent lur gardening. JOHN st.'OTT, ma.ter l-omini..loiier of Superior Court of Montgomery conntv, tililo. IIoi.tin a Rci.viL,t.s, Att'ya. for Pl'fl'. mh-iu-ilawta Master Commissioner a Bale. David A. Wareham, a 1 KnpeTiof (Jourt, i o.l Hil AlexaudorSwavnie. et al. 1 ' " ' DL ltSUANT to an order of the Sunnrinr L r..riM,.i...u.iv,.i. r.hin m.,iJ i.i,. sbove csao. at ita Kebrunry term, lb69,and to medl reeled, I wi1! oiler at public auction, at the door ol """" " '. "ayion. in rue ooun- V omo.nery snu u.,o ol 0,110,0.1 FriJnv, April 2J. 185U. hetwern tlie hour of 1 and 4 o'cloulc P. M. or ald day, the following Heal Kstnte, to wit: Lot No. one bundled nnd forty-two (14') on Mitp K., made y John H.rHtid, William Prlee, ami Win. t'roiaiimii, Commle-atoner npjrolnU'd hy the Com. Pltvi Cotirl o Us...lltr.ri (thl.. ... .,,.1,. i.u-itl.... ,.t nroiierty tM'ltmniift to the Find 'ey heir In Mont (torn- cry county .Ohio. Maid lot front on tho north aide of Klrat t., unyton, In Haiti Montgomery county, twenty polea.nnd running bark to the Lake Krlo nmlMrul iUv er Kail Road, ln n d MoutKOinery eoimty, tUlo,tJon tuluiu live acre and one hundred and twenty pole. Sulci prrertv Utobe otd on a judgment In favor of David A. Watehatii, aKaUiat Alexander Hwaynie, et. a). The abeve propeitv haa been ttppndHed at $nil,s,ftt)doannot lie sold for letwtbfui two-thirds of the appraitied value. Tcrn0f 3i.lo, Cash. N. F. JORDAN, Maiter Commissioner . of Superior Court of Montgomery Countjv uhlo. M.U BiTTtKFiKLii, Att'y for PlalnllltC nih'ib-dawt NOTICB. Jauiea W. Low rev, Plaint Uf, vs. Strtte ot Uttio. M o n t g o m e ry lteubeu Hagenbi.',oh Defendant County Superior court, civil act'u THE eaid Do! on J ant is hereby uotifiod that the plalntliT Aforesaid ha hied his petition in said Court, asking judgment ngninat aald deieml nat ou hi two proiulsory notes, to Wit: One for $166, with ten per cent, interest from May IMh, IH61, and a haiance of 1JA on inotlier, with six pei cent. I it teres t on said balance, from February 17, 1807. aou me miu ueii-nuam l noiineq inat ue Is ro- qulrrd to appear and Answer md petition on or be oreineTniru saiuraay auer me nun any ot ma A. D.16AB. JAMKS W. 1-OW11XY, AprA-UaHfiw . . NEW WARE ROOMS! Cor. Main and 4th sts . Plain and Fashionable FURNITURE! oTn, T hairs, Tublre. Willi lot. Uedsteildia. Wnajh OtaiKls. , . . Hut Itiu k, IturenuH, Vc AT RE AS N ABLE PRICES! T WOULD RAY TO ALL INtEBKSTED, 1 that I have the beat aamitm.nt o( l'arlor and Chautwr Suits tn this cilv, and would invite you to call and ai, for ynurselve., and at aa low ratea aa they oaa boobttilaedelaewhere. MEDALLION PARL0H8OTT3, - IM ROSEWOOD (SOLID) ' ' AK, WALN JT, , : ' ' i Uuhnlsteret! !n rci-s.wi'h rich, Medallion Centres.--, Alo, in Broohatelle aud llalr Cluta. Alao. t Chamber Sni(4, in Mo$ewood, OAK and WALNUT, oomplet Attapo's What Nets, of the boost order. , ...... 1 won d .ay in voacluaian thai they ara manu(ao tured by my.idr; and would be plea.ed to have you oome sad see my a took o Fuiedluro, whether you buy uruut. o. 'p.tboyer;,u AprS Corner of 4th and Main streets' PARTICULAR N0TCK MroHMiin1: HAS RECENTLY ADDEDTWO ROOMS to bis store. - " to bis store, CORNER OF MAIN" AND 20 BTSU Where he has on head, and will for Iheluturekecp, the lullowlutf enumerated articles, in auditlou to hi. former atooat ' : 1 t I - , Kosowood,()ak & Wuluat JonoopTBednUiads, Honewood.Oak and vVeJuul High llcad i ltnlian itedBtoads, Hose wood, Oak anl Walm Uw lleail .Station Jiedsteoda. ; ,. Buroau. Stands, Ao., to All out Cham ber Beta, Fine Book Case, and Ettaglroo, fine Onk and Walnut aids- ' Board. M I R R O R S ! Oval, ery large, heavily carved fine inlt, Arched, " ' " ',',. bquant, of all sine and kind) : h -'I ALriO iltthogony and Walnut Mirror. Parlor Seta. . V , WEST OF IIOSEWO0D, .fc WAL N UT SOFAS, CIUIJIS, TABLES, ic. , Six Different Ktnde of Hat Racks. All kinds of Bureans, Tabtea, Chslra, etc., always oa hand. All of the above eheaper than ever, at M. OHMtU'S, , apre Corner Malu and Sd street.. ,u7, pru, , t. I8.W, tiet ween the hour. of 1 and 4 4 olock s. M. f he fhllow- Inslanda and teaement.t situate In Ihs oounly of Montgomery, and State of Ohio, In the aoiilh-eMt quarter of aei-tton number live, town one, range alx, eait, ate, and described aa followat Beglnningon th aouth line of atd section, at the aouth-wi'il cornrr of John lllieley. nine acre loll thence N. 4t o w, forly-elght polea to aald Hivla'a N. W. oorners themes. as o w. is-i poiea to a none; thin,, s. if K.rorty-aevnandelghty.flvehiindredtli.Hlea to the moth line of aalil seerlont thence N.Se E, IU-T iolea to thetnace of beginning . at ioo, and cannot tniaold forieut than two-fliirdi of the aiyrnlied v alue. TcriiM ol Sole, Hiol lot contaim five acr.?a, with a home and other ,ls thereon; li situated In the Miami bottom. I mile soulh of UreenoasUe. sod mile, I. N. WINTER, Merchant Tailor. ' NO. IJ3, MAIK STREET, f Between 3d and 4th its Dayton, O , ' rPAKES tliie method of ioiurmiiip tlie L sitixen of Uaytoa and vlulnitr, that he ha now lu his ui ploy meut several exoeilent workmen, and that he la prepared to suitk to order, tn the beat lUitof the trade. and accord ug til theuisotloohluit arjle out, Geutiewen' Clo thing of all Kind. He warrants all bia work to five parfeet a4iataHon, and reeimitfulljr illatral uai ol publt pstrouage. ALJf'MUw "A Stitch in Time ives Nino," I . L T 1 ; ; 1 '' J i' I ' f 1 , ,n b(,ntv nimpMly (UnMily, quantity , n,l u,,a I Itv of work .,! . t . '"nU V'"! " wor,,i I" "ord, THK ' iT -tTCA t is-i. ara A I'lnCfllae IrX 1118 A eOPI, ! ' ' 1 A ll'lf-tr u l I avn "e ucpenit on tlH K MALKM AMJ 'SMALL 1'ltoKITS, and have therefore I . ?l ncea " n ! ; ! TAB LOWD3X POBSIBLB PRICE -l.'awh. i C.ill uinl pznminn before purchasing elso Imiiroieiue ; u heee nt SAI I-NUIHIM -""'"i ul '""' "i TIH-; PI'-'.'n.R A VN()I ( IMKNT THAT !'''" "! v. .,,..! to th. j ; , , . . ' - , . . i lr uass fliiir nines. I k n ,THH VI'RV LOW PR1CH OP 1 1 2JS ' il' I . 7 . I Or plan lw.r it iww hn intldllod, ha horutulnr runilerftl It linne cary (Wltb , , 1,111. ta-l nicrvoa w h m hnrl f,ir htit: onraelvea Hith Mnclnnca. tto ftdvertiae to ; unv UTeat extent, '" j . , ; ; i , TIIU DEMAND Ilnvinpr ntrervlv K.('KKIKI) TlfK SI'I er,Y, and being now PUKPARKI) TO M K HT A N ' l::MAND,d Xat'lLLALL UHVKHX VlivMl'TLY, w feel it onr July, to the c!s-st8 yrle rhtj hav ben iieither wit.Lt riu mr am, to pay nch HIGH;. PRICES. i ' i t Afl havo ueou uumaoded by .hor mat hine, know that tury end gf ni pood a , , f (t, . . . Sewing irlachine A there f trr fhe market, ttt reasonable price. On Machine was given the MO.ST b'A VOI? A Hl.b: KOn IC in the report of the Fair at the-J-'rtuiklin Institute nt i'biladel phia, and r LACKIi AT tHK HKAD of the li( iq ,,iol i' tut r it, and, ,lias received THE FJKtT I'REMIUII ''.. , ,, . . , . ..Overall others, nt the Stuto Fairs of Illinois ' Wiscotisiii, ami ai.i, oriiKa waik- at , which It lias been exhibited. . It la , ' MUIPAiHi:i BY iNoisr In Hi'lodcon I!iiIIIIiik, CINCINNATI. W E ltliAMAN & CO. N. 1). I'ersons it i: distance can rely "Pon uavmg nil order promptly mica with t Warranted Machines, aud full directions for use. "" LOCAL AGKNTS wanted In all I'rts Ol Hie wat and ooum. . . . rnlili ODD FELLOWS' FAIR! Dayton Lodge No- 273, 1- 0. 0. F. Will hela a Fnlf tar the benefit eft be THE LODGE. AT MECKEL'S HALL, COM.MKN'CINO ON jiojt'iKti; 2ii of , .uvtx,, AND WILL CONTINUE SIX NIGHTS. CELEBRATION ' OF TDK 40th Anniversary - or VltS INSTITUTION or. ' : 7 I O. O. P '' , IN TUB UNITED' 8TATKM, ON ' i ' Arniii 26, X859. $1000 Worth of Goods ! WILL I BE KOLD i FOIt ; TUE . I.;, i - .--'or TB ....... . , . i Dayton Lodge, No; 273, L 0. 0. F. ' BARTON, OniO,' , ' ,' ' I Fine (Jold, Hnntlng Kng. Lever Watch, $126 00 1 Fine, full Jeweled, 18 carat Lever Watch, 75 II 0 1 fmenill Jewolotl 18 caret gold faced I,, do. 50 00 I Large gold, huntiaa; ease Lever Watch, 60 00 t Silver, liumiuff cas. Duplex Wat oh, 40 Oil I Silver, hunting ca Lever Wat, h, 2b 00 1 Bilvar hunting case Lever, Watoh, 20 00 1 Diamond fling, ' . la 00 1 Utamund Ilreaet l'in. 1 ; . , li 00 1 SoiiJ, Gold Loeket Finger King, 10 0j 2 Bet UlieenaraolledCult Pins, at $ I, ' ' ft 00 I in, heavy lauios goiucaaitllaiuecnain, 30 00 I Dei. v.sineu oiuub snu nioeve llUltonl, 1 Hesvy, sulid tioop Ladle, i Bet silver Table Km v, at 113, t Fancy silver Too. Bet, 1 Fancy illver chnnguahle Csator, 1 Faucy silver Caka liailiet, - - 1 One month deck, , . I ..Eight day Lover Clock, gilt Triune, 1 French Comic Olofk, No. 1 , 1 French fauey Clock, No. 1, t Froneh lanoy ('lock, Ko. 2, , , , . 1 French faney Clock, Ko. -t, 2 Large gold liraceletti, ' ' ''' ' t Fair larif, on. palated ilraeelet, 1 Fair lare line Coral Jiraeeiets, - -. 1 Fair Hair Oriioelcu,. , , . ' I Coral, double coil Uracelet,' " ' ' 1 Q old Necklace, with gold crepe, ' 1 Gold Lav set, , 1 Fine all gold let, ,. 1 Gold Lava set, white, 1' Oemeo set, 1 -: 1 Fine ell (old set,' 4 set Oyster Forks, at $4, a. Spoonhandle butler Knives, at tl, ' 1 Fine gold miniature Breastpin, I Fine all gold Breortptn, 3 Coral Breastpins, at $6, ; 4 .oMsB.e.lplbS at '.-w: II I. 0. O. V. Breastpina, at $1, 5 I. 0. 0. F, Bow and Arrow Pins, 1 Letter tt'i, Solid gold, at $ 1, 8 00 20 00 2i 00 60 00 50 00 16 0 ii 00 15 00 111 00 ' 10 00 . a oo 4 00 40 00 1 12 00 1 aa . a 00 ' 10 00 1 00 i IS 0 ,, 16 00 15 00 10 00 ; lo e It) 00 n oo i"12 00 . 10 00 10 00 20 00 . i 22 00 . 7 60 I oo 60 ajiltt NOTICE TO STOCKHOLDERS. ' Ornt r. or tin Ci., Ham.Ii Pavton R H.Co, ( ' ' Ciscissxti, April th, tew. ( THK Annimt Waolintr of th Htookholders o( tlila Company will be held at their olllee, (Sixth atreet Depot,) In Cincinnati, onTiicaihiy,the ail day of Way, next, between th- hfm-j of Rte- ae-1 ten, in the muiuliiKl at which tlnie a report of tbe atlalra ot tlie Comimny fur (lie year preceding, will be.uhmltt d. And at the aame place, and On the sains day, betweeu the hums of ten in tlie morning, and three iu the aftrrnouii, the Stockholder, will make tiholuenf utile Director, to serve the en-iilug year, aud u.t oa any other bualn... which may Ue pre.enlcd. F. II. SHORT. See'y. prS-H . . i v . - . . . ' Coal Wood- ifc-Limc ! WOVLO RRHFKCTPfTLLY AN neanaavtutheettltenaaf Dayton aa vlalnity that beta prepared lu aupply iu lnrv;eor small ouan tltie.allwho may Invor htm wllb aoall.wllli the best ajuality ol .... . , . TOOaHIOOBBNYeVPEHHVCO. t C 0,':::li-.; ALSO, UG HAS US UASO A GOOD ARTICLE OF WOOD, WHICH UK WI LI. SELL He is also prepared to deliver lu any part of th oity, the best r CEDAItVILLE I.PIE, Which Is tne mo eeairable lime brought tethla olty. All oltlera promptly niled. Yard and Olllcc, on Third stieet. nesr ths Xenla IX'lKll. aovlt-lvdaw For Sale. A SPLENDID Young Dark Iron Oray Horse. 1 hands high, ALSOA Pluetoa Buggy, new. Termaeaay. Inquire of OKOHOk) l.lLMk.ti T, LWiwr Store, o.a, east side, Jeflerwa meet, OOUETIIlNa NEW. 1 ! mm- t w nri Til ft Antnlnalin Castnr, of Uiii-Kt"ii-; er'a f'rtnd. taalmnlv a Rev-olv li,a Cn.tor, wliti a niiinler ol f l. or rn. aiti('heli ,,roiliMin a f,leianl eilfrent of air and drive, aw ay the Sle. and reret-th peita ol the litnner TitOtr. The prlee do not evweo lh,it or the onlinarjr Caatort now oa xhtbllitin and for aaleat ii "fUiKnwooiv.." 812 Third ilreet. N. II !rnl will ha found an Invaluable article In the lick room, lor fAHnlna and keeping cfl fllei. eihao ' NEW, GOODS. BKAUTIFUL, RKII k 0IIASTE! I TUrtT reoeived a fresh invoice of the laluet, 0 and newe-t itile. ofJKWKIIIY, of every de i acription, aultable At tle .jirlnr trade, at "MirHWUiwii," .a ii i h 30, Time, Time, -Time! TIHS diy roei'ived nnother fine nsaorlmrnt of Gold And Silver Wntha, wllh IH'PI.KV HKTA H Kl LKVhH, nd Hw in movt incnt, from the moat I'eh hrfttetl nuiUem, nt SHFRWOODV mhSO .Mli Third 'treet. Silver Ware, I'lftlcrt Ware A N entire new and complete assortment bf every article .ultahle for the Table, st ; ' 'SHKKWdllD'.a," "l,nl atrret. PROPOSALS ' ILL bo received by the itnderHigned up to April Sth for grounili or grounds and build w ing, thereon, elrglhly locnted In this city, foi a targe Publishing nnd KUtionrry Home, under lease of a long term of yean, or perpetual, or to aell. Ample room and good light will be renuired, Information can be had toucliieg the matter of 8. C. KAlLhV, mh2-dtf Chairman of Com. (J nirnal and Oa7ette pleaan copy.) IN HAMILTON FOR A FEW DAYS WILL RiroilTLY r.K IX DAY TON ! THOSE WHO ARE MICK AND GOV. -a. side red incurable who are ul!rlng with iiAtnf. and can find no reliet lot- body or niinu who are crippled with pAraljii", rheumatism, or from any other cau-e who have been given up nv their physi cians ri Incurable, and beyond the reach ot medical aid, have now an opportunity oitercdioraspeeilj nnd permtnent cure. ltr. Chamberlin would say to tho uttering from pulmonary consumption, early aud middle stages, disei ien( the liver. cataiMi, parsl yli, dlahtjtii, rheumntlHiu, neuralgia, jialuitailoa ofthehcftit, nrniu diseases, piles, skin diefies, deafness, aniuurusls. dropsy, titl jofiils,iontincteu muscles, diseases incident to le:nnlts, seminal w en a nets, and nervous and chronic con jl.dut generally, that his Important discovery ln the ap plication and Adaptation of electricity to the hu man organism, will restore them to health, It 1 uo matter of experiment, doubt "nor uncertainly, as he has cured multitudes suileriuir fiom the atuve dis ease, even in the most hopeless condition, alter all other known remedies had tailed. He make no compromise with the stomach In way of medica tion, hut relies solely on the vitalizing nnd nil controlling power electricity, which eraiHeatt Irom the system every vcattfeord)beAie, Audbringa it into a condition of healtli and vigor. 1m . C.'s im port antditcovery IndlagnoiiiiKdiieaHeby electriual contact, as well as his method ol application's un known to medical men, and all other, except tho rw wo have been iustrujted by him. As tho agent he employs in uulversal, so it is alike appHcabieto ail disease. The di-eased of body and mind are in vited to call and witness the astoulshlng cure It It eiTucting, irruueiitly in single applicutiou. In truction giveu to those wishing to lenrn this mod of practice. nihi-iwdaw in a m r 6 to M a o o Q hi rt oo n a to o 5c a 1 o c O i 1 CM CM 3 u a 6 CO liru Gootfst FOR THE SPRING TRADE ! ! A - coiiPi.irri: ASKomritirNT JTST liTKNUIl AT The New Stone Front Store Boom, NO. 809 SECOND STREET. lly ANIIHKW f)lMP. mh38 Wood and Willow Ware, HDOaS FDHNISUINO- GOODS, Children'! Chairs, Funry Baattt.i, LOW CAUS, (IKIS, &o: '"' IMPROVED CARPET BWEEPEH8 Ac. Just opened at No. 2'JO .Second Stkkkt, Seoonu Floor mk2t , ANDHKW GUMP. flffricultural Toots, Langdous' HARDWARE STORE ! ! AM ICS' Cast Steel Spndes, do do do Ehovela. Cutit Slerl Ilocs, Cinrilcn Trowels, do lliikcH. Ktcrl A Iron. Iluy V niniiura l'orlte llcdse Micara, erutiiiiK blicurs), Cast Steel Ticks, Mattocks and (Irubb Uoes. aprt SMITH A WKHTOX'S . 1 New Patent Revolver, FOR SAI a AT LANGDON3' HARDWARE STORE. TH IM Pistol is the lightest one In the world that ha. force. Welirht onlv Ten Ouncm; la loaded quicker thau oilier 1'lelula are capped! la sure to tire under all elrcuui.tniiue.. No liiiury Is caused to the Arm or Amunltlou by allowing it to remain loaded any lene;th of time. It Is so .impls lu il. ooiistruclion that it 1. not liable to get out of vrucr. .. .'eiicoiiy .me ii. carry, i lie . j'llmler bolils , .nu win, iiiiii um ilhcr small Pl.toln, apro NOTICE. OUR Customers, having unsettled accounts with us, will please observe, Dint we have reduced our bnslnes. Mtrlrtly to Cncli! And being dealroue to aline our book, at tha earl If at po-.ll,le period, would a.k tbe altentloa of all lo aa 1MMEOIATE lETTLEMEhT. JOHN, VAN DOItEN A CO. March 3D, lbe. To the Public ON onr fruit Catalogue ty have reooie eudstlona which we bud are used bv other par tie, in tbe truit tree buslnea.. We have, by hard labor.aud with union exerliuo, aeeured .reputa tion lur our fruit '1 revs. Al. Cslnlogue. without the name of -'Jacob Hike, k Suni' uikiu tkeai, with the recommendntlou. ol Job. Haines. II. sioddard Babbitt and Herman, Cha.. ti. Uwsia and Wis j! kivkiuney attached, are aimrloua. We lurwaru all peiaou. Horn buying Fruit Treea froaiMllera having such catalogue., represeutiua ths trees to be from our nur-ery, aa the sr. uilring- ue wu. .-i'umi.iuu, .no usiug ouruame., aa well aaothere, without our koowl,.,lKeor consent. spre-daw Jacob iiikkh sud son. Corned Beet ,t 1 NICg.rttole (or al ehean, at h Patent Fia. I servstory, fca.t.ia Market House. '' nvhn rriAVM,