ORAITGE H. ESFICH, Wholesale And Retail Dealer in FURNITURE, CHAIRS AND HATTRASSRSI ALL OF HIS OWN T WISH IT DISTINCTLY UNDERSTOOD THAT I SKI, I, NOTHING BUT (nod. suhstantlal work, nf the late.t ra.tern stylee ,snd ALL WARM ABTiVn. I am turning ny attention Mpeelally toflN't: IVUKKiw' trade, ed will Mil C HtAPE than any other House la this City. M V Fat'll.lTIKS lot Mseufaet.irlng are equal t. Claelaaatl, Ml ahead of ear stasllarMtabllst. aa.nt In Dayton. I have already A ritt.t. n CoHrLCTt TOf I, to .sleet from rirst-elMS , Medium and Cmhoh.Ii lloe Wood, Mahogany anil Oak. I oirdlaiiy invite all to ll ul m . I take .lessors la showing my stock, whether pent buy or aot. - COUNTllV DEALERS, TAKE NOTICE 1 t wll supply n with .rrrtn article of Medium nl Common furniture, and as mtir Mnn e buy In Cincinnati. I am low manufacturing everv ileeerlntloa of PLAIN OftK, such .a Bedstead Windsor and Ceo, Mat Chain, Bureaus, Table., Stands, e., Ac, for lha Wholesale Trad. Pleaae Ulre m a Call t WARB ROOM OR MAIM ST., NORTH Or SECOND, BAST BIDE, HO. SO .... retorjra Waad.U.iUMlBr Fifth, DarUm, Ohio. Jels-lydnw ORANOK R. ESFICH. MANUFACTURE, Railroad Time Table. Trains arrive and depart as follows: tbaiss Ji.avas. aaairaa. CINCINNATI, HAMILTON A DAYTON. lit train, Sod, SI, 4th, .0 a a. , a a 4,00 p f, a a. 7,1ft pa. Mi p a. 7, JO p B 9ANDUSKT. DAYTON, A CINCINNATI. Spriagtiald Celum. Ux. 7,00 a a I 6,10 a a. Delaware A Clara. Kx. M0 a a I T.-'IO a m. baadusky, - 10,40 a a) 1,40 p a. Dalawara Express, T 40 p a 7,40 p a- DAYTON A MICUTaAN. lit Train, . . 8.00 a a I 7.65 a a Id " y ).4 p a 7.30 pa DAYTON VTK8TBRNVrToIndUBaolii.r lit Train, . I .0 a a 0.20 a a. Id " . . I 11.40 a a I 6.74 p a i - - M p a I 1.14 a a ORKK.VVILLB A MrAMI, (To Indlaaapolii. lit Traia, - - I lis ami 10.44 a a. d " . . . 6.00 p a I 1 66 p m DAYTON, XKN1A A COLUMBUS, lit Train, - I IMial ll.SOaa. 2(1 " .H0 pal 6,63 a a. S4 .. . - , 1.10 aa ( 6.10 a a. Closing the Mails. POST-OFFICE, DAYTON, April 11, 1858. Until further aotieo, ma ill will eloia at thlt of fice aa tollowa: Fur Naw York, Philadelphia and Naw Haglaad Statai, dally, azoapt Bnaday, at 0.16 A. M. Fur Olnoinaatl, O., BatUra, WaiUrn, Northara and Sautharn St.ttai, daily, aicapt SuaUay, at 7. .to A. M. and i 0 P. M. For Culuabai and 7anevllle, 0., daily, ax rapt Sundays, at V.16 A. M. For Xeoia and Yellow Bpringi, 6.30 P. M. Fur Mlaralfburg, Oaraaotown, J-raaklln, Ilia llton, Baton, O., and ConnaririlU, la., daily, ax- Mpt Sunday, at 3 0 P. M. For Springfield, Urbana, Tiffin, Sanduiky, To. ledo, Cleveland, O., and Michigan, daily, axoapt Sunday, at 10.10 A. . Fur Hirhmond- Cambridge, Cantravllle, India apolii, I., and Naw Farin, O., daily, at 0.00 P.M. Fur OraonvtUe, O , Union City, Wio.-hoiler, Munola and Jay cuunty, la., dally, exoept Sunday at 7.3J A. M. For Trjy. Covington, Piqua.Sidney and St. Ma ryf,Q., and Furt Wayne, lad., daily, except Sun day, at 7.30 A. M. For Union, Wait Milton and Little York, on Tuaiday, Thanday and Saturday, at 7. .10 A. M. For Johnivilla, Naw Lebanon and Wait Alexan dria, on Tuaiday, Thuriday and Saturday, at 7.30 A, M. For Clayton, Canter and Ludlow, on FriJay of aach week at K.OO P. M. For Uenby and Bellbrook, on Thuriday of aach week at V.Otl P, M. ForOentravilla, I.ob.inan and Maion, dily, ex cept Sunday, at 11.00 M. For Vandalia and Chambenburg, at 11.00 M. on Tuaiday Thuriday and Saturday. Fur Tayiiriville Wedneidayi and Saturday! at 7..I0 A. M. E. A. KING, P. M. FIRST OF TUB SEASON! Ice Cream, Lemonade AND SODA WATER! CAN OB BAD AT W. II. BUCKE'S Fashionable Saloons, Keen Day Jb Evening through the tummer. Ha U also prepared to furnlih private and wed ding partleo, pic nlcs, etc., with the beat of Ice Confeotioaeriei.ete., which he affords at very reason ble ratea. He feels eonndent that ha can give iuue Jlos aacoamadattnnv for the price. Give aim a call. Cor. 2d Main, N. Ohmer'a old atand. aprlj Ice Cream, Lemonade, AND SPARKLING SODA, EVER 1' DA T AND EVES1SC, AT OEOHGG OII.TIER'S, One Door East of the Post Office. tJ"A Splendid Room, fitted up expressly for La dies, aprlx FIRST OF THE SEASON ! ICE CREAM AND CAN BB HAD AT F. J. W E L T Y S, This Day and Evening, And vry Dy and Evening during th tummer eajjon, at the corner of Mala ami Fmirtk trt. NEW WINDOW Paunest NO. 60, MAIN (STREET. &JVALL PAPER. Butter, Batter. JUST received at the Preserratory, a nice and rood article. Pries SActs. eprU KIOVKR A PFI.AOM liitd Cages & Wire Goods LANQDOkS HARDWARE -'iSTOUE. tMNB Imported Tin Cages, Fine Painted A. Wood, do., Nooktne: aud Urd Bird do., Cheeaa aafes. aoulrrel Cages, Wire Uridiroui, Dog Muxiles, liraad Toaatere, Kgg Whiips, ate. etc., Lime aud aanu screen0, wire uun Lovers, all iiui, aprl Fine Pocket and Table CUTLERY. LAH0D0II' HASDWABI ITOKB. Wostenbolmn'o Pocket Cutlery, American Table Cutler;. aprt D. & F. B. SHTJLL, UffDEB THE PHILLIPS HOUSE, HAVE NOW IN HTOKE A LAKCK and desirable stock of Goods, to which they mhso ' D. A F. B. aHULL. WANTED I A GOOD Cabinet Ware and Furniture Var JX alahar and Finisher wanted. To a tlrat-claas workman steady employment will be given, oa bp- OUeaUoa Ul me ruruiiure ware mum oi r O. R KSflCH,. BbM 3d it., east of the Poet Ot&e JCI saw Boiibat boot of the waaoa. or otcui. , , ' D. W. WINTERS NO. 94, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITE THB COORT HOUSE, IS NOW RE( K1VINU AND OPENING A hta large and verted ltock of TJ fill RnHnC PnOlla HOW 0lilUg UUUUi Hli atoik le eatlrely complete, containing aaay GREAT BARGAINS ! AND ALL THE NOVELTIES of tho .SEASON ! rp-riiilomari will find It to their advantage to look tbrouxh hli stock, for hli aieortmeut la ao large that all their wants can be auuplled with en tire latiifactlon. mhV4 NEVV GOOl)S!! SPRING GOODS? DRY GOODS, CHEAP GOODS P HETTY GOODS! Good Goods, Just Received, March 26, THOMAS BCHJEFFIin, No. 86 main gfrrct, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE LOT. mr.28 THB One Horse shoeing shop, ON THIRD STRUCT, A ,few doors East o.' the I'osr Ornca, DAYION, 0. THE Subscriber is now better prepared than over to accommodate hli old customer!, and the public, la the Horse-Shoeing Business, In Its various branch. Particular attention will be given to all lame horaes, audi aa split boofc, and hoof-bound, and otrniln their feet, will be cured vatllaetory to the owner of auch hoi sea, and If not, money will be relunded. A LXO. Horses that Interfere will be shod to pre vent It, and warranted, or money refuaoeu. He wll personally auterintrad all work enfcruitd to his oare. Thankful lor past favors, ha respectfully alka a continuance of the patronage of hti old cus tomers, and will be happy to accommodate as many new onra as may favor aim with a call. apry-dawly NATHAN 8IPFF.HMAN. (Journal and Gaxetta copy sm.) WIVES AND LIQUORS, in HAHK.KT3 Champagne, AU jo dox. iSpurkling Catawba, to cases ttermuda Julip, 2 casks Port Wine, 2 " riherry do, 2 " Madeira do, 2 11 Claret do, 5 doten Blackberry Braad'r, 5 " Cherry do, 5 " Lavender do, 5 " Ginger do, 5 " Ammatie Schnapps. 5 " Ginger Wine, 10 bblo. Old Hye & Bourbon Whisky, 5 " Old Hennessey and Ourd Brandy. The above Liquors aro warranted rood, or sale. Famillea and Dealers are requested to call ana examine lorinemseives. f or sale only by tha mnav u. anu k. b. ohull. H. 0. WILLIAMS, J. R, WALLAOB. NOTARIES PUBLIC, AND Ileal Estate Agents 0FFII:B ON MAIN STREET, EAXI UBB, Over SmJUi & Olwin'i Orocarr Stor. NO. 66, Dayton, Ohio, hav oa band a lam ouantltv of excellent lui. and unlmproveil, In Ohio, Indiana, Illlnola, Iowa Miaaour land Ransaa. all of which will he ulri m exchanged for farina of greater or less value, and if greater the diKetun'e will be given In caah. Persons having Real Estate to sell, exchange or rent, will tiiid ltlo their advantage in leaving the same with them, they being old and experienced agents. febs CHEAP PROPERTY. C ACRES of Land, 4 miles from Dayton, v on Cincinnati Pike, br Franklin. LurU Com p ton will ahow lanUa. ALSO 7 aeree, with a fine brick dwellinf, in a high state of cultivation, eonUininr a variety sf choice fruit trees, half mil north of Dayton. ALSO 16 acres, y miles W.of Dayton, beau tifully situated, and of a deep rich soil, is used for fartlenliiK and Is ol the bes.in t ooutttry, anijica aina a variety of fruit trees, shrubbery, , A pleasant dwelllna, wood house, stable, well of e eellcnt water ana good fence. Land cheap and paj ueutseasy. ALSO 40 aeree of land, la a high state of cultiva tion, miles weak ef Day tou, oa the Liberty Vlkoa, with a house containing Vooaif ramoke hoas baru, eoirA-eribs, waeon and plow ahads, good Otrefeard aud a well of excellent water. A wo-M acre, e. ml Mtelby Co . mi and s nan ihiss-s iivui iiwMiri. UU um IMUia L, t IJIOn dlstkaULe north of Sidney, with house, stable and BO aorvs tHi.irovoju, an uuuer goou tenoe, tne balauee iu Una tlaiuer, Sidney aud Berlin roadcloae to t lie laud, a school and weoflng house within w xeds. ALSO tto acres, In see. U, in said Mlghtarlwod, covered with eitoeUent timber. Both tracts areoanal lands, and of an excellent quality. Cheap on time. ALSO 340 acres, north of Sprlngbeld, well im proved, with suitable building, M acres being cover ed with heavy timber, will be sold cheap. a LSO to acres, within t mile south of Springfield, well Improved. iei WILLIAMS It WALLACE, n w 5? The Coieman Farm Mill. THE WONDER & ADMIRATION ODOR nrsrsrrrnn .ivfyaniB, Every Parmer Hit Own Millert GREAT BAVIMO TIME ft EZPBN8B Tim OMLV 8U0CK8BKUL MKTALIC MILL BVBR IN VKNTKD r0& U AKINU BUCKWHEAT AND FAMILY FLOUR. Itcan bsrunby Horse, steam, Wind or Water Power. rrlue, with sieve arranged, lor silting torn Meal lur lamuy UN, wane grtuuiug, I fries, with Roltlus MaelUua attached, far makiug Family Flour, $70 UeacrlptlveCirculaiscanbshad, or the mill can be seen In operational theomeeo' the "Coleman Farm Mill Company," Tribuae Buildings, No. 1 Spruce St., N. V.. where all Orders will receive prompt attentlou. deolo-Sia MARTIrrHATCHKRSeo'y. CIOARS AMD TOBACCO. 75 000 IMP0KTED tDd Domeotlo CI. 20 boxes and caddies Tobacco, 10 grass Anderson's Solace, 10 " Bronson'o Kino Cut, 2 kegs Fine Cut, for Ketailinf. athlS P. sad f. U. 0HVLL, tit " li is w m t S It h rf ! r i s :I 7! h S CO 'a?' Iff 6" S M 3 s ET s vb --5 xji -a :z M .. n.. w." si o- i- c a 7 Latest by Telegraph. The Sickles Trial—Seventeenth Day. WASHINGTON, April 21. i It lo In contemplation on tho part ol lha defence to agree to diapanoo with summing np speeohes on both aide, and to lot tho cum go tho jury, after tho evidence to closed. The offer mad on on aid will Droliabl be accented on the other. It would I bfl a ffratifvins instance of aelf denial on lha ! p.trt of tho two coonanl Tir tho defense, lbilton and HradT, to whom tho summing np bao been oonimitred, and would aaem .. bo a pru dit a to ofthoae in I ho inleretl i f Sicklea. The counsel for the dclence feel onmo dclicaoT In making tho offer, but think it poonible that tho ouggeaiion mar come from tho jury, in which oaeo they will x oent. Tho ooOuOel for the proaecutlon eodoayora d to bring forward evidenoe ti ohow tho private character of fioklei, eapeoinllr in connection with hi aleeping with a lady over night, at Iturnutu'o Hotel, in llaltimorc; the Judge decided ouch evidence aa not ad miasil'l ( hilton fordefenae, after alluding to tho protracted trial, aaid they were willing to uliroit tho eaae, without argument. Ouli aaid when the law as applicable to this caac shall have been declared by court, then only prosecution would aasent to the' propooition' but the case has not yet roach, ed that point. Chilton would withhold his reply to this until tho prosecution have announced the evidence concluded on their side of the identic o LarliKie suomitted instruction to the coun sel for the defense, who will prepare coun ter instructions to be argued to-morrow morning. In the Sickles trinl the following era the instructions to tho Jury, ,'roposcd to bo sub. mitted for the prosecution if the Jury be- i i lieved fiom the whole evidence in this case that the prisoner killed Phillip Itarton Key I . I L. : i i l . i . . wy eiiuuuua, uiiu, inu muu anting wtia inn wilful and intentional aol of the prisoner and was induced by the belief that the said de ceased had seduced the prisoner's wife, and that tho prisoner was not provoked to such killing by any assault or offer ol violence made by the decerned upon him the such wilful and intontional killing, if found by the Jury upon all the facts and circumstan oes; but such killing cannot be found to have been wilful and intentional in the sense of this instruction, if it shall have been pro ven to the satisfaction of the Jury upon the whole evidence that the prisoner wan in fact insane at the time of such killing, A nninful acena occurred at the tim. nf adjournment; Hart, who had been unremit- tins; in acts of kindness to Sickles since the melancholy occurrence, and who has been constantly by his side comforting and sits-1 tAining him was torced to leave for .New York this afternoon: on leave tnking both exhibited deep emotion. Sickles almost faint. ed in the dock. An act of reconciliation between counsel took place in court about the same time, Stanton came up to Ouid and rnnde an apology for any haisli remnrks he had made use of in progress of the case. Otild frank t It accepted the upoloev and expressed his pleasure at the restoration of amicable rela tions. There is a (;ood deal of scandal current about town afooting the character and ron- utation of others beside the principal actors in this druma; it would be improper, liow over, to give them publicly. It is also currently reported that the Jury made up their minds a week "no, thin mny account for the wondorful weakness muni, fested by the proscoution in their rebutting testimony and also for the unanimous dispo sition t dispense with the summing up epeoob.es. The cose will probably close early to-morrow. The Sickles Case. WASHINGTON, April 22. It is in contemplation on the part of the defense to agree to dispense with summing up speeches on both sides, and to let tho cas3 go to tho Jury after the ovidenco is cloned. Tho olfer is made by the defence, and will probably be accepted by the other side. It would be a gratifying instance of self-denial, on the part of the two counsel for the defense, Messrs. Chilton and Brady, to whom the summing up is committed, and would seem to bo a prudent more in the in terest ol Sickles. The counsel for defense feel some delicacy in making tho offer, but think it possible the suggestion may come from the Jury, in which cose they will as sent. As evidence rebutting the insanity claim, Charles Lewis, one of the Official Re porters of the House of Representatives, was examined. He testified that Mr. Sickles was present and spoke in the House on Fri day and Saturday, February 26th and 27th. Ho had examined the proceedings of tho House for these days, and found that Mr. S. hod voted on the Inst vote on Friday, which wag about 9 o'clock, and ho also appeared to have voted on the last vote Saturday. The corrections in his Friday's speech were made by himself. Chilton, for the defense, said they wer willing to submit the case without argu ment. Ould, for prosecution, Said that when the law as applicable to this case shall have been .ll ,a i... .i.. .u i i.i .1.. uvv-i.i ujr mu uuui v, mull uuijr euum uiv prosecution assent to the proposition, but the case had not yet reached that point. J .,, , , . . . r , .. Unlton would Withhold his reply till the prosecution announce their evidence COnclu- jtpjt uwu Carlisle submitted Instructions to counsel for defense, who will prepare counter instruc tions to be argued to-morrow. I Arrival of the Fulton. NEW-YORK, April 22. The steamship Fulton has arrived from Havre and Southampton. Her dates are to Wednesday, the Cth inst., aud are anticipat ed by tho arrival of the Arabia at Halifax. The Cunard steamer Arabia, from Liverpool via naiihtx, arrived here during last night. Death of Rev. Mr. Johns. BALTIMORE, April 23. Rev. H. V. D. Johns Rector of the Evan gelical Emanuel Church- and a brother of the assistant Bishop of Virginia died this niorn- V ' i "" ""Til- lllg at SIX O'clock. Mr. Johns was a proini- nent minister of tho Episcopal Church I. N. GREEN WISHES to say to his friends and oupJ tomers that he is now receiving, in addition to his varied stock or Groceries, a large involve ol Seaaouable Goods, such as Choice Sugars, Powdered, Crushed, Granu lated, Claritied, N. O. and I'rown, Mo lasees and Syrups of dillereut kinds; Cotteo of every stylo and price, Kice, Dried Tenn. Peaches, Peeled do.; Dried Ap ples, Teas iu Chests, hull' Chests, OrSmallCaddiesivsryflue, anda lowpiic... Sugar-cured Hums, Sugar-cured He-t; Gr loan and Na 1 Soup, Fancy and Tran sparent do; Prunes, Plums, En ish and Dried Cherries, ante Currants, Figs, Riisins, Oranges, Lemons, No. 1 Mackerel, Hali but, Codfish, Oysters, fresh and Cove; Pickles, Catsups, Nuts, Best brand Flour, Potatoes, Ac, Ao. His stock Ii large and oomplete.and he Is prepared to sell at W HULKS ALK or RETAIL prices. Those wishing anything In his Hue, will do well to oall and examine hla stock. No. 310 south side Id St , lta toil. Ohio. lel6 LABOR SAVINS. TUB Subsoriber has now in his store, and for sale, a mangle to wring out clothe, on a wa.hing day, and to mangle or ainooth Iheclotbes ia.teatl of troaint them, It will savs labor and time, and any one having used it, would not llkstodo Without It. CHAHLKS PO.-T, No. 4 Second street, 4 doors from Mala, aprU-Uw MARKETS. Produce Market wnniKaAtt. l.'.A'ile 9AMIV atrun. a5(a:i0e lie lie wKai.m iwrlh. I.V ISe 13S 1 .(Ml I .( Ml r,7S(S6,5S flutter I.srd I'otsloee, new, per hit Dried Apples, per I 1 1 " IVsohes Orsnberries, " Corn Meal wirrf'io 8.-J5 4.(111 PH Cil : Onion , ". P" bM., Grain Market. Wheat i,i.riai.9n 70i47J 6(1 9(1 1 .40 s:iv B? i!(iM4TP ton 1,80 6.9S i39perto Corn Itarlry Rva Data Flaxseed Whikv Ijinaeed Hay Timnthy m oil Clover aced Hhip tt.ff Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI, April 22. Flour Arm. f 5,63(85,75 for auperflne. Whiky4. . I'rorinon. hunratit. Men Pork 17,00(18,. 00; prime l3,00i:t,75. h," Wheat ateatlv. White I,3H(ai,47; JTeti I l i active at 78tfR0. . Hye in fair demand at 0(3!)S Rarlev Arm at 6'JlRt.a. Oats, 533 58 for prime. Lard II. New York Market. NEW YORK, April 22. Vlouradvaneed. Ohio B.aO(,f6.40. Wheat liunysnt. White l,G5(pCI,0; lied l,42tl,44. Corn firm at POjVfria for mixed; Whitel.lS 1 .25. I'ork fir-n. Mc, OIT.OOrttn.SO Prime, la.Mimia.ui. Whioky dull ntS6,iv'. i ! ! E. O'BRIEN. 1 J Vi olesale i Oroccr, AND DKALKR IX Fine Imported Wines, LIQUORS AND CJGARS, TT-KI'S CONSTANTLY ON UAND, IV a general variety nf Fruits. He Is alio agent for the liile of old llourhon Whlfeky, NO. :!(ll,.SKCONl STUEKT. Next door to A. Gump's stone front Dry floods Hut'' . ' PAYrOH, OHIO, lOO Bags Prima ColTae, tt. O'BRIEST. SO Eble. Molannea. B. O'BRIEN. lOO facuagea I'lne Teas, i D. O'BRIEN, E. O'BRIEN. B. O'BRIEN. B. O'BRIEN 100 Boxea Tobacco, 30 Hds. Sugar, 74 Boxea Boap, 40 Dozen Backets, H. OBRIEN. 40 Bbln. Cr'd. and P'd. Sup.ar, Ii. O'BRIEN. 20 Dozen Wash-boardo, B. O'BRIEN. A large atoolt of Bptcea, Cheeaa Nuta and everything that may be needed In a atore of the kind, for soJe by E O'BRIEN. - WINES 8c UQUORS. 19 Quarter Casks Port Wine, B. O'BRIEN. 20 Quarter Caska Brandies, B. O'BRIEN. 2 Pipes Boll. Gin, B. O'BRIEN. ISO Bbls. Old Buorbon Whlaky, B O'BRIEN. 75 Bbls. Fine Rye Whisky, B. O'BRIEN. 80 Bbls. Rectified Whisky, B. O'BRIEN. Madeira, Bherry, Claret, Muscat, Na tive and Malaga Wines, E. O'BRIBN. 150,000 Imported Cigars, E. O'BRIEN. N- B. As my stock is now complete and well as sorted, I invite all who wish to get Flue Urocuries, Wlnea and Liquors, free from drugs, to call and aee me, aod I will do all in my power to compensate them for their trouble. Dilil K. O'BRIKN. WHEELER & Sewing Machines. HUSTON BUILDING, Corner ofThltd and Jefferson DAYTON, OHIO. WE offer the Wheeler & Wilson Sewing Machines, with important Improvements, at a reduction of 0'Joon former prlaes, and to meet the have Introduced aNkV STVUi, working upon the (same principle, and making the .ame.titch, though not so highly nl8hl, at demand for a GOOIl. low-priced Family Machine, FiFT I DOLliARS I The elegance, speed, nolioleainen and simplicity , i?,e'vh.mTi3 'lti,,.!;'1.!,nl!h,l.o,.'''0'l' being AL1KK ON HOTH SIDhs, ImpoiBlble to ravel, and leavlna no chain or ridge on tho under aide, the economy of thread, and adaptability to the thtcnest i or thlnneit fabrics, hai rendered this the moit suo- tte.iful and notmlar Sowlne Machine now made. I At our various oiocei, we sell at New York pri ' cos, aud give lu.tructloni free of charge, to enable purunaieri WMW wnauJir, uiui., nam, iciii, quui, gather, bind and tuok,all on the same Machine, anu warrant it lor three yean. SKNll UK CALL FOR A CIRCULAR, containing fnll particulars, prices, testimonials, etc. jaulO A. S1IMNKH h CO. TRAVELING DRESS GOODS. Chena Valencia, Bilk Ravella Cloth, Plccolomlnt Plaids, And Cross Overs, Mobalraand de Balges. A large PHICts. and desirable stock at LOW CASH JOHN, VAN DORF.N and CO. Medical -Notice. TR A. GEIOERhas associated with him U i th-prantloeof medicine and surgery, llr. J I L. Stephens, late of St. Johns Hospital, Cincinnati Troiiipt sttentlun will be given to all calls in their I prolesalon. onloe, south cait eoruer of Fifth and un an inhal jencrson atreeta. CO-PA RTNERBB.IP. WE have this day associated with us in buiinen U. W. Stewart, under the stylo of Haas, Mitchell and Stewart. HAAS and MITCIIK1.I,. April 6, 1S60. apr6-lw Odd Artlclea not Everywhere to be Found. VOOT-SC'RAPERS, boot-jacks, molasses A antes. fawcetts.Kun-ltlntl, paste jiggers, melting ladles, dnuh-icrjtiieii, bcef.teak puuuderi, iteel ; yards, spring balances, tack-hamaiers, crochet j ueedlel, amber bead., hair plus, diaper plus, teeth iug riugi, window brushes, duit bruihee, sandpa per, whctstoueM, razor .tiopi, packing ueedlei, mop sticks, mop hcadi; all kind, of muti, window paper I anil oil cloth for tables, wiutlow shades, lilver land bath brlcki.and many other artUit-i too numerous wnruuuu, lur .nie uy v.iin,r.o rwo,, feast Sououd street, 4 doois from Main, njhli-daw "notice NOTICE is hereby given that the subscri ber has tieen appointed as Executrix on the es tate of Ju.eph Murphy, lata of Montgomery coun ty, Ohio, deceaaed. ANN MURPHY. M. P- Nolan, Att'y. aprlo EstuteofE. J. orsytli, dcceuned. ON the 14th day of April, 1851), tho Pro bate Court of Montgomery oounty, declared the estate of Kll J. Forelh, deo'd , to be, probably In solvent; aud said Court having appointed the un dersigned to audit aud allow tha olalius against the eatiit, eredltors are therefore uotillcd to present their claim, to her for allowance, within six mouths from the date hereof, or they will not le allowed. For the convenience of creditors, their claims mny be left with the attorney of the undersigned, Titos. B. Tilton, at his olllce, iu the Gorman Building, Thlld street, Dai ton. RUTH F. FORKYTH. Administratrix of K. J. Forsyth, dee'd. aprltl-d'Jtfcwst "anehTand lemons! BOXES just ren d. W M D, k F. . (HULL, j. j J. LANGD0N & BliO., ItRAI.CRS IN Foreign ni Doniesdc nrdware BUILBINO HAEDWAEE, Coach & Saddlery Hardw'c Curringo & Cabinet Trimmings, OILOAIll'KTH, MKCriANIC TOOLS, AC No 01 Mln St., Iisytna.slgn of the I'm) Lock. JanlS ' e CARRIAGES AND UUGGIE8II EIIICLKMOK EVKItY DESCRIPTION on hand and for sale cheap, at WARREN PHILLIPS' Old Stand; on 4th Strkkt, Kitwrkn Jbf- FKRSON AND St. ( lair. lIorkAWHys, Jenny Linda, fiitrtona, lsra waajnaw, lturffiirhea, Snrlna; Uniions. tfWork mails to or ler. and renalrlna done in theleit atj le, on rhort notice. N. B. 8eoond-hand Carriages and Wagons foriate cheap. feb'M OKO. V. WALKRR, A. B. LKAMAN. WALKER & LEAMAN, AND It R Alt rSTATC AOENTS, WILL PRACTICE THEIK TROFEH aion In the several Courts of Ohio. OFFICK South tide of Third street, between Main and Jefferson, Dayton, O. deu24-swdain Hiker & Hnbbard, Opposite SL Lawrence Hotel, Water St., Sandusky. DEALERS In Flih POUNDS, Flih SKINS, Gill NETS, and ev ery variety of Hope, Twins and Cordage, ued by Fishermen. R!!PRvMoAEL.TAlr.:,Ha!s Baltimomk k Fair Haven 9h OYSTERS, IN K It 0 8 AND CANS mhff-3inadaw QLT1M, W. W. SEl.Vll.lt B0LTIN & EELVILLE, ltlorncffi ,at Jaw9 NOTARIES PUBLIC, AND HEAL ESTATE AUDITS, DAYTON", O. OFFICE OVER WIKE, DARST & FCL ler's Dry Goods Store, on Fast side Main street, oppoilte the Court Houie, being the same room lur merly occupied by Meiers. ConoverR Craighead, and more recently by Judge Baggott, aa a law olhoe. nov-8-lydaw JAMES H- STEWART, Attorney and Counsellor AT I. AW, AND NOTART PUB C, WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION to all business sntruated to his oare, In Mont gomery and adjoining counties. OFFICE, at present, with (ino. M. Yot'NO, Justice of the l'eaoo; Dayton, Ohio, fi-bil-lydaw WENDEUN WOLF, Wholeiale and Retail nlANVFACTUICEU A DEALEli IN "HATS" AND "CAPS!" NO. 813 SECOND STB EFT, North Side, between Main and Jefferson DAYTON, OHIO. tJ"All orders will be thankfully received snd promptly attended to. febs-lyd T. K. WILLARD, H. V, WI1KAT0N. WILLARD & WHEATON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND AIANDFAOTDRER0 OF FINE BOOK, NEWS AND WHAPI'INO PAPEUS! The HIGHF.ST Market Price nsld for RAGS. We also keep the largest, stock of, and lell more SUliUyL. BOOKS Than any other House In Dayton. no. 326 'intra street, novl7 Near Main. DAYTON INSURANCE COMPANY WILL TAX B Fife and Marine Risks, AT REASONABLE RATES. DiaacToas. Jambs Pbrrinb, D. A. Hathks, T. ScHJIFFkB, UaBVBT OoNOTBR, Jno. Harris, J. R. Youxo, A. Gump. JA8. PERRINE, Preo't. J. R.Yopko, Beo. mayl5-d 1 y By Authority of the seal State s. We adjust Losses honorably and pay them promptly. DWELLIN08 AND CONTENTS INSURED AT VEKY REASONABLE RATES. I'litrni.v Ins, Co,, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Merchants Stores and Stocks at Fair Rates. OEO OWEN, sets Ageut, Dayton, Ohio. HUGH AN A ft, DEALES la COAL, .Z.VZJ COKF 333 WEST FRONT STREET, Cincinnati, Ohio. feb38-md Jl. Jfl, lyres V Co., Wholesale &, Retail DEALERS IN Groceries, CIGARS Liquors and Tobaccos, HAVE JUST REC'D. AND OPENED a line stock ol goods In their Hue Fine Sutfiirs. ftl lueses, Vo en. Teas, Tobaccos, C'iirn rn, Ac. All of which they stand ready to dispose of on as RKASON ABLa) TLHUSas any other tstablishmsnt IU IM Vll. They Invite particular attention to their stock, tgnlideut of their ability to please. Jsnl I I3 I j5l3XTO St Z O HAS.' BBLS INVITES TUK ATTENTION OF. THE A puhlle to his flue Urge stock Of PIANOS, now oa exhibition st his Wsreroom ' No 232 Huston Hall, OetlO-ly DAYTON, OHIO, E.lieLOVItlENT. 4Kf A MONTH, A ALL EXPENSES 0J paid. An Agent is wanted In every town and oounty In the United States, toeugage in s rssieut able andeaay buslueii, by whtoh the above profits may lie certainly realized. For further particulars, addreil DR. J. HKNRY WARN KR, corner of Broome and Mercer strMts, Nsw York eity, enclos ing one postsgs stamp. mh2-Smd COUNTRY BOAP WANTED. TH E sunicriher will ttay the marketprloe either In cash lor exchange for goods, fur good hard soap, CHAKLKS I'OST, nhlS Kaat Sd St., 4 doors from stain. I nrrrl Dried Blackberries. A NICE article, just received, and for sue by CHARLBS fosT, fens Fast sesond St., doois from Maia. Dayton, Xenia & Columbus R. R. Three Daily Trains, via Columbus. Through tickets from Dayton to all Eastern Cities. THRrCPaily Trains oaeh y, tenvlnff Ta)ton for the Kast as follows: Night Kxprneat 1,-iu a. m i Uny KKtrf"aB,A a. n. AeeommoilMtloi) t,aop. m. Arriving at layton, Aoronimoilatlon ft M a.m., No. 1 Kit press, II. so a. m. l)ny txprees, ft ,30 p. m. Trains run br Columbus time, which Is 7 minutes fast- than I'atton limn. I'hroutili tlckfts nn be had fbr all rasUra cities by callinsTon P. H. Warman. Ticket Ageut. at tho ttopot. Kaet Third street. lUytoa, enla ar.d Columbua Leaves atC.tOp. m.. artil airlves at a. m. All frflrfhtoj .ft ftt In. pot by 1,90 p. m.. will be forwarded mime day, b ,W p. m. Krelghto ar riving at ft, Si p. ni.t will be delivered at ,o. m. J. 1MIHA.NL, Oupt. C. Warmam, Gen1!. Ag I. aprlS GREENVILLE AND MIAMI R. nrnn rr'i'w 'v v",r.i'w n i iinj a2 Vial 4 rf. iaart 1J Change of Time. 0 ii nil after Monday, April 11, 1810, until fur ther notice, trains will run as tnliowsr lavsi Dayton Union llepot at 8,10 a.m. and 4,01 p. M. Arrive at Union at 11,60 a.m. and n. RETURNING Lesveff Union at 7, 4ft a. ra .and 1.45 . m.. arrt-.ei at Day ton at lit, 66 a. m., and Jt.55, p. m. The 5,00 P. M train leaving Ilnyton, makes eloM eonnectlen at Union with the Kxore.a train on the Bellelontalne rial, for Indianapolis, connecting on Its arrival with trains for Lafayette. Terre Haute. and all points we.t, north and north west. For tickets and further information, annlvto ftaniuel W. King. Oeneral' Ticket Agent, Union uepoi, etn street. II. 0. BTIMS0N, nan't. dscl RETURNING Cincinnati Hamilton and Dayton R. R. I . -m fr wryrvw v.v. j aeemiiiM j 6 Ski SMUt wratrk lriiinrl CHANGE OF TIME. ON and after Monday April 11, 1859, Panen ger Trains willleavethsOthf treetDanot.Dav- ton,forOinoinnsti,as follows: Returning Trains, At ft.OO a. a., 8.05 a. m., 4,00 p. m., and 7,30 p. m. Will I says Cincinnati for Dayton, at (.00 a. m. 8.00 a. m., 4.30 p. m. and 6,00 p. m. The 7.30 P. M. train south will itop at Carlitls, Middlotown, Hamilton and Glendale, only, aprtl DANIEL MoLARUN .Sup't- Sandusky, Dayton & Cincinnati RAIL ROAD WINTER ARRANGEMENT. 8 1 K The Mail Train leaves the Cth St. 1 t Depot st 8,15, at Urbana, 10,00, connects with train for Columbus, and at Clyde with train fort leveland and the Kaitj alio with train, for To ledo, Detroit and Chicago. II 1 ft SECOND TRAIN Cleveland 1 J , 1 V Kxpres, by wsy of Springfield and Del aware, and all Kastern points. 7 qn THIRD TRAIN Night Express I ,UU arrlvei at Sandusky at 4, 10, connecting with train! for Cleveland and the Knit. nih'J-tf JOHN H. HUDSON, Sup't. OHIO Photographic temple of Art AND DAGUERREAN GALLERY, COR. MAIN AND THIRD STB., DAYTON, O. T HAVE RECENTLY REFITTED THIS A well-known Gallery with all the tmprovementa . . suiu n i ,,nuu un r. wnuc ll .lie u.o.1 oomplete and attractive in the olty. 1 have procu- reu me rigut to use tneaoiar camera, tne most im portant Improvement In Photography, and am pre pared toenlarge to Life Size on Canvass oi Paper, Daguerreotypes, Ambrotypes, or Min iature Portraits, Of any kind, and have them oolorcd In Oil, Crayon, Water Color, or India Ink, by the very best Artlit. Those having imall picture! of deceaied friends, can by the above prooen, lecure a oorrect anddura ble llkeneis one that will be valued at all times. 1 haveaaioolated with me In the Photographic de- fiartment Mr. O. D. FINCH, one of thebeat Artlit! u the United States; and cordially Invite all to call and examine his .peclmens leoently enlarged they speak for themselves. qJ All work warranted, or no oharges will be made mhl T. J. ROBINSON. Now Open ! Admittance Free ! S. B. BALDWIN'S New Daguerreotype ROOMS. Now Open to Visitors & Customers. fctf" Rooms on Third street, sd door, East of the Rxchsnge Bank, and ImniedlatelyoverMoryfcCo.'s Boot and shoe Store. Having leased the above Rooms for a term of yesrs.and Ntted them up with a large ssy-llght,ex-preiily for Photographlo purposes, I would Inform my old customers and the publlo that I am now pre pared to furnish all who may desire It with Pictures, which, for truthfulness of delineation snd beauty of finish, can not be excelled. Call at the new rooms, and If you do not reoelve perfect satisfaction, no pay will be required. Corpsb Pioturks taken at residences. Charges rrasonabls. fO- Rooms open from T A. M. till S P. M. fehl-am 8. B. BALDWIN, HKNRY I.. BROWN, A.B. IRWIN. BROWN & IRWIN, DEALEUSINJUXIATTA IRON NAILS. Steel Anvili. Vlcei, Bellows, Kile., Spring anil Axlei, la All tltelr vuriettei, ami Manufacturers of Stoves and Hollow Wure by most approved p ut ter nt, all of which will be sold on the moat reaion ble terms. We are the successors of Samuel B. Brown, at his old stand on the corner of First and Mill streets, Head of the Basin, Dayton, Ohio, Our founder Is t the foot of Ludlow street, f JYInunntcturcrs & Machinists, Will And at BROWN At IRWIN'S a general assort ment of Heavy Bar and Slab Iron Steel, etc. Blacksmith, Will And at BROWN It IRWIN'S the best of Bar, Horse Shoe, and Nail Hod Iron. Piles. Hasps, Bel lows, Vices, Anvils, and other Tools. Currlugeand Wagon Makers, Will find at BROWN k IRWINfl alare;e assortment of Dandy-, Bugiy and Wagon Tire, Springs, Axles, Hub Bands, Carriage antt Tire Bolts, ete, JPIowund Harrow. Makers, Will And at BROWN and IRWIN'S a lsrge assort ment ol Slab Steel and Slab lroa.of various sixes. Coopers, Will And at BROWN and IRWIN'S a large lot of Hoop and Band Iron. feb26-dawly SPRINGr HARDWARE. LONG and short Imndles Ames' shovels, hovel without handles; spade, manure fonts, shskng lurks, hay-forks, noes, with and without handles: garden hoes, Harden rakes, with and with out handle ; German sirkles, garden trowels, mat tocks, picks, ax.es, hatchets, saws, draw I hat knives. augurs, chisels, trace, breast and halter chains, be sides a good assortment of knivesand fork, spoons, Iu., for sale by CH ARLk'S POST, Eest 2d street, i doors from Main street. mhU-daw A CAHD. I TAKE the liberty of informing the oiti L tens of Dayton and surrounding country that I HI yet located at the Old shoit. Third utrtW. nnnn. site the Post Office. Anything you may have to do in the Tinning bu.lnesM. will be thanktully received at this time, and promptly attended to. nospectmuy, ih7 JAMES KKLLY. VAN AUSDALi DlXOfl & Cfl f sflil AUUlilU, VU A 1 IJ Vfklir IJ U s-1 la' I If VTl 1 Fvl ) f.tun A KK NOW KE0EIV1NO DIRECT V from the Manufacturers s large lot of newauJ. beautiful styles. medallion, Velvet and llruts.els Carpets. IIOU.SK FUltN'ISIUXO (JOOl)S &C.,AC. Togetherwlth a an assortmentof Three l'ly, Venetian, Ingrain, Dutch Wool, Tupestrj, Iiomp, llag and Kttiir, Which for variety, style, qualityand paicni, cannot beiuriiassedt and our itoux of Houie Furnishing Uoods Is complete. Linen and Muslin Sheotlngs, and Pillow Casings, Htair Linens, Table Linens, Linen Towellings, and Irish Linens, Napkins, Table Cloths, Ao., Ao. Lac, Muslin and Damask CurtslnQoode Blue, Green, Buff and Wh' te Hollands. Shades nf every description, at all prloea. PUTNAM, VKNDULUM A llAILEY'S CUR TAIN FIXTUKUS. OlltCnrnlo-s, Band and Pins, Floor and Table Oil Cloths, all widths, styles and prlaes. Mailings, V.lvst, Axmlnslsr, aud Mosaic Rug, snd Mali, Door aud Buggy Mats, and our anortment ol PAFKA HANUIMOS AND WI1TD0W PAPEBI are the heat In the city. VAN AUSDAL, DIXON Si CO., Janl No. Mala at,, opposite ths Court Houss. GODEY'H Ladv's Book, for May, Just re ceived by rl D. r. B. SHVBL, ! I I ! ' . VUANKTiIN HOUSE. CORNER MAIN AND SECOND BTaV, DAYTON, OHIO. DAVID HARKRADER, Proprietor. K a VINO SUCCEEDED J. P. KLINE to the proprletor-hlp nf this well known and popular Hotel, 1 am determlneil that Its good rep"' tatlon with the public shall not in the least be ill mlnl.hefl under my stitierlntendenee. The house has been thoroughly refitted, snd every nos.lble convenience attded to e-ery department. The stable, ss heretofore, Will be in charge of care ful hostlers. mhla-imdew IN retiring from the "Franklin," I tase this method of recommending my frieutts snd patrons of the House while under my administration, to the new proprietor, who will extend tothem all the courte sies due from s landlord to his guests. In this connection I offer my -Incere thanks to my aenuaintanres and the great ptiMlo. that has so long extended to me a generous frlend.hln snd liberal patron.ge. JOHN . KLINK. mhu-Smdsw JUST received a Urge assortment ol Coal OH Lamps, with Imnrored Burner., end -- styles, suitable for Church, 8tore, Far lor and Kitch en purposes, in variety. Ulan suspending Lamps Large and Smalt Burner. Brass " ii " Side ii i ii h " and Ulais Parlor " ' " " Kitchen ii Britannia Parloror Pulpit) something nsw and good. t'raa -et Lamps, Large and Small Burner. Reading 41 u Hand We alsa ke.-p a large stock of Lsrd Oil, Fluid and Csmphene Lamps, Ulass and Paper Shades, C hlm nlei, Wloklng, etc.,eto., which w. offer for sals at reduced prices. I1K0KLER, REMLGT A 1IAXT0N. janf 111". CRATE3 OF QUEENSWAKfi, 11U now landing at Cincinnati, n.rioesm.r Wimlow, and at Nsw York, per ship Africa, di rect from the potterlei of StaCTordihirs, England, ooniiiting of ths following artielss. 18orates of Common Teas, 1 ' " Pistes. 10 8 8 Bakers Dishes A Nsfles', Pitchers and Tsa Pats, Fluted Tsss, 7 " " " Pl.t. 1 " " White Tea Ware, 14 best " " ' " fancy new Pattcrni do. Ths above goods are expressly ordsred for this markst, and will b. sold by ths crate, at Eastern prices with addition of freight. Merchant! in want of Qneeusware, will please call and sxaminsour stoek before purohoseng sliewhere. WOLF A BARLOW, prJ( Importsrs,Tblrdstrsst. COAL OIL LAMPSr TUST OPENED A NEW STOCK OF THE O above lamps, with add without ground globes. ronale by (feblg) WOLF k BARLOW. Oregon Saddler Shop! SADDLES, IIAKNESSs &c, MITCHELL & M' GAUSLAND Corner ot Fifth & Wayne streets. UAI l VItl, .., Manufacture nl bun Mtml.-ll- am v. . .. j . V e J u umiMm every vaalety of . BADDLERT, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS, . VALISBES, Of tha be.tm.tarf.l .,.,1 mml' ror CASH. Fxclusively! 11 is me oniy nouse in inis ty that msnufacturea CURLKD HAIR CASK COLLARS. ","u,,"nr" .V ,T ,. .. ",u"u" lurpan lavors, ana respectfully solicit a continuance of the same. uum fNuiiiM, comiauy invited to call and see us. WIICHKLL k MlOAVSLANO. novs-lyd. NEW PIRM. DeConrsey & Goynes, Faahlonabl Barbers and Balrdraaaers, Basemsnt of Knndsy's Hew BvlMias;, Soui- rFest Corner of Jefferson and Marlcet HAVING fitted up their rooms in tha best style, they sre prepared to attend to th. gentle men of Dayton in the Shaving and Hair Dressing line In a very superior manner. They are now ruaning three chalra. They only ask a trial, and are confident they can pleaie all who give them a elfj Jan.M.dtf. MEDICATED Strengthening Plasters ! ! THESE Plasters are excellent remedies in eases of pain and wesKness la the side, breast or back; also rheumatlo affections, eouchst asthma, sprains, bruits, and kidney or spinal affec tions. The Arnica, Ualbanum, Pitch, Poor Mac's and Hemlock Piasters, are manufactured of various sizes, on kid or cloth, and Poor Man's on paper, by S. A. GRIFFITH, Broadway, Cincinnati, and supplied to dealers and druggists on ax good terms as any manufacturers in the United States. mht'Sm L. HUBBARD. W. S. BOBIMSOH. CASH DRUG STORE X20jPalnBastaia, bet. Market A4th st Hubbard & Robinson. AFTER HAVING TRIED THE CASS system for one year have been Induced by their success lo the experiment and the liberal patronage of their many friends and public generally to in erease their stock one hundred per sent, which bow embraces all of the popular medic lues in use. A tine slock of fancy gwdi, consisting in part of the very best oologne, hair oil and pomades In great variety, genuine brown Windsor, Houry, pouclne, transparent, and every other kind of soaps. Tooth, hair, sloth, flesh, shoe, white wash, scrub, stove, bouse, window, paint and varnish brushes of every style and price. Fine cigars and tobacco, combs, pencils, oil paluts, while lead, snow white sine Varnish of every color price and quality, puro Brandy, wines, and other llauors for medicinal. n. ohanicai and sacramental purposes. ALfeO A largelotofthe most Improved style of fruit cans. Dr. Ludlums speuilio. Together with everything belonrliiK strictly to our business, (bavin da t. sireto infringe on the business of our neighbors) to all of which we respectfully invite the atteution f the public, believing that our mode of doing ousinss, (both buying and selling for cash) enable us to oiler better goods, and more nf them forth same money, than any house In this eity. Call and see. foi bltslcagcswalso birdseed. a-iaesiut va courtly UIIUI. IUU U LI1 UVTUrea To the Fashionable Public! TH E undersigned baa now, and baa had for the last two weeks, the Spring Styles of Mik uud Cassl- aere itats. Thyare certainly a very nice style of dress hats, for Gentlemen's wear. All other kinds of soft hats. ,.. ....I I a , , . . . . lor men and boys. Alio, eapa of all descriptions la abuudanoe, cheap, for the "ready John." Call at !rt(7, Third street. mho K. FAVORITE. DETROIT RIVER ICE. 1UMM &.13RO. HAVE mnde arrangements with loa Dealers In Detroit for a supply of loe tasen from Detroit River. It Is a beautllul article clear aud pure unsurpassed by any ice ever f rot en la this region during the ooldest winters. Orders will be received from those who desire to be supplied with the-letroit Hlver loe during the present sea ion. BlhlS COAL! CO ALU ALL ORDERS LEFT EITI1ER WITH Ksuufre Torrenos or L. WoodiiullJ will tx omptly Oiled by Kvl . 0. A. BTAB8 BELLS. TAYLOR'S farm bells; also dinner bells, dllfersut sliest sow and sheep bells, for sal. br , . M . CHAKLalS POST, ' Kast Second street, 4 doors from Main, ni ill S daw 30 D.OZ. SHAKER BROOMS. JUST received ft do. Bhaasr Brooau, aad to sals by CHARLES POST, nhti llsst M st,, doors from Mala. o n r II . pi F II 1 3 . a? if f. to A f ff ft, es g Ji gal - rr,..,., UV,, W MS