OHAIIQB II. E3PIOII, Wholesale and Retail Denier in IfURNITUilll, CHAIRS AND SI ATM ASSES! ALL OP HIS OWN MANUFACTURE, I WISH IT A BUT OWN niSTlVOTI.Y UNDK1I8TOOI) THAT I HF.I.T, NOTHING woo. substantial work, of th I.est rasrem rjv'ee,eeei '-"""" .... . lorn turning my eUentlo eepeolally to flU H HUH IV, " irne,ae wm arii a n..ra. 'hJ A?!uT!f MVffirl( ar ual to Clnelna.t., a. ahead a ear .tsetle.tMlek. Kt.nl In liayton. . , .... r- I nave already A roLI. en CONrLlTK ira'f " ewi - .,-..., - I cordially invit all to sail' and m . I tea pleeeur In .bowing y stoex, whether rei ! Buy r not. WARS ROOMS OH MAIN ST., WORTH Or SBCOHO, BAST sUDB, NO. SO ....... w...4.t m ina. nM Okla. i OHANOC R. KIPICH. COUNTRY DEALERS, TAKE NOTICE! I arlt tnnnlr mil with a aii-ria artl-le of Me4lua and Commoa rnrnltnre, and aa i n a j an ra . In OlnolaaKtl. I am now inamifaeturlna vr draarllilloa of ri-AIN IIMK, autk aa ftadatrad Wiadaor and Can Mat ( kalra, aurwraa, TaMra, Itanda, ke., lot l W bolraal TiaOa. ricmie oivo an t ! Railroad Time Table. Trains arrive and depart as follows: CINCINNATI, HAMILTON A DAYTON lit trala, 2al, S.I, 4th, t. ,(ts a 4,0 p m 7, St f m 8.0 a m. 10 34 a m. T.15 pai 1,46 f m. SANDUSKY, DAYTON, A CINCINNATI. RpriatflaM A Colom. Bx. I T,00 a m I t.ltaai. Dataware A Clar. El. I Mtll 7,:i a m. Saadnaky, 1, a I M p a. D.lawara Enpreii, 1 4 p UM!r- ' DAYTON A MICHia AN. lit Train, - I Soaaal 7.65 a ai 14 . I T.p at I T.S p DAYTON" A "vrKST8HN,(T IndlanapoHa.) Ut Train, I . I .2 a U " I I 4' m li t " S4 - . - I tji p 1 l li (RK KNVILLK A MIAMlTlT IndlaaapolU. tat Train, - I 1 .. j H - B.w p v a aa p oXYfoTxWTA lit Train, I 14 I 3d " - - I A COLUMBUS. UMial M.Ssaai. e.80 p m J J.iSaai. 1.19 a ai 6,0am. Closing the Mails. PORT-OFFICE, DAYTON, April 11.1858. Until RirtKar aoliea, maiU will eloee at Ikli of (Joe aa lollowa: Par New York, Philadalphlaand Naw Kngland Sutaa, daily, axaapt Bandar, at 9.1a A. M. For Olnoiaaati.O., BaiUra, Waatara, Nortbara and 8ooth.ro State, daily, elcapl Saaday, at 7.!ta A.M. aad . P. M. For Columbai aad Zaneaallla, 0., dally, az rapt Snndaye, at .U A. U. For Xeoia and Tallow Spriaga.MS P. M. For Miamlibarit. tiermnntown. Fraaklla, Ham ilton, Baton, 0., aad Oonnerarille, la,, daily, ax o.t Sunday, at a. r . m. For 8pringfiald, Urbaaa, Tiffln. Saadnaky, To. ledo, Clereland, 0., aad Miohigaa, daily, uoept Sunday, at 10.1 A.M. For Hlrhmoad' Cambridft, OaatreTilla, India napolli, la., aad Naw Paria, 0., dally, at .0 P. M. For OreanTllle, 0., Union City, Wlncheiter, Manala aad Jay aounty, la., daily, axeept Sunday at 7.SJ A. M. For Troy.OoTlntU)n,Piqa,Sldnay andPt. Ma rya,0., and Fort Wayne, lad, daily.exceptSaa day, at7.SH A. M. For Union, Wait Milton aad Little Tor, on Taeaday, Tbariday and Seturaay.etT.SO A. M. For Johnarille, Naw Lebanika and Waat Alexan dria, on Tnetday, Thnrsdayaad Satnrday.at 7.3 a M Tor Olartoa, Center and Ladw, on Friday of earn wenkatH.W 9. M. For Uenby and Ballbrook, oaTkurtday of aaek weak at 9.M P. M. PorOantrariUa, benanao ana .-naion, a my, aa eent Sunday, at li.D M. .,., Fr Vandalla and Chambersbnr(r, at U.M M. en Tueaday Tburaday and Saturday. For TayloriTille Wadneadaya and Satnrdaynat :-pU ' K. A. KINO, P.M. FIRST OF THE SEASON! Ice Cream, Lemonade AND SODA WATER! CAN UK BAD AT AV. II. BUCKE'S Fashionable Saloons, Entry Day d Evening through th tumm.tr. He w alao prepared to furnish prlvst and wed ding parties, pie ntcs, etc., with the beat of Ice L'uufeetionerlee,etc.,wMch he affords at very rc.aon ble rates. He feels oonlident that hscan givesupe rlor accommodations fur the price. Hive him a call. Cor. 2d oV Main, N. Ohmar'a old atand. apria Ice Cream, Lemonade, AND SPARKLING SODA, EVER V DA V AND EVENING, AT GEORGE OiniEH'S, Door Eaet of th Post Office. One C-A Splendid Room, fitted up expressly for L. aiea. l" FIRST OF THE KEAS0N 1 ICE CREAM AND PAN BR BAD AT P. J. WELTY'S This Day and Evening, And every Day and Evening during the summer aeaaon, at tna comer ui main ana auurw aprll NEW WINDOW Paynes NO. 60, MAIN STREET. & WALL mblS PAPER. Bntter, Butter. TUST received at the Preeryatory, a nioe u and good article, Price sscta. aprlt HTOVEB A FFLADM. Bird Cages & Wire Goods LANODONS HARDWARE STORE. CINE Imported Tin Case. Fin Painted Wood, do., Mocking and Red Bird do., Cheese aafea. eoulrrel Cages, Wire Gridirons, Oof Mussiae. Bread Toasters, Kgg Whlsps, ate., ate., Ui aand screens, Wire Dish Covers, all sliea. aprl i Fine Pocket and Table CITTLEBV. LAVODOHI' HARDWARE BT0RX. Woatenbolmn'i Pocket Cutlery, American Table Cutlery, apri D. & P. B. SHULL, UNDER THE PHILLIPS H0U8S, HAVE NOW IN BTORE A LARGE and desirable stock of Goods, to which "i,""""""" D. h F. B. IHULL. WANTED I ACM HDD Cabinet War and Furniture nlsher an Finisher wanted. To a tret-clan workman ateady employment will be given, oa to tn Furaltut w"0KoR"uigiICH 04 Id St., seat of the PoatOttwi' N Id aw Halikst " axi at . S. wta.iri. aer D. W. WINTERS NO. 94, MAIN STREET, OPPOSITB THB COURT HOTJ8B, IS NOW UECKIVIXU AND OrEXINO A kla larj and rariad atovk ol New Spring Goods. Hla atoek I aatlraly aoaiplala, containing many GREAT BAT.OAINSI AND ALL TUB NOVELTIES of th SEASON I TVT "K 7" 2 fO I aa ! ? A. 1 JLJ W W "JVlVU a e rjTuttomer win find It to thati arirantaira to look throuirh bla atock, for hla nannrtiaant la ao lanra that all tbair waata aaa be aapplled with aa tirr aatlafallon. mhUA SPHING GOODS! DRY GOODS, CHEAP GOODS PRETTY GOODS! Good Goods, Just Received, March 26, THOMAS SClXfEFFKIl, TH: S main Street, OPPOSITE COURT HOUSE LOT. mhtt TUB One Horse shoeing shop, ON THIRD BTRBET, A Lfew door Kaat of th Poar OfKica, DAYXOH, 0. THE Subaoriber I now better prepared than aver to aooommodate hla old auaf oaia ra, and th publla, la th Hora-ShoelB( Butlaeii, In Ita varloua braachaa. Partioslaa attention will be (iven to all lama aauaM, auoh aa apllt hoofa, and hoof-bound, andaotaala thalr feat, will be cured aatltaetory to tba ownar of auch hon aaa, and If not, money will be raiuauad. ALSO. Horaea that Interfere will be ah od to pre vent it, and warranted, or money tafuaded. He will personally auierintelid all work entrnatd to hla care. Thanklul for paatfavora, ha raaixutfully aaka a continuanea of the patronage of htaold oua tomara, and will be happy to accommodate aa many hkw ones aa may favor Mm with n call. . .,., u bi .'i'1'n ai apra-uawiy jaAirtAP) air w i.mnjii,, (Journal and Uaaatta copv am.) WINDS AND LIQUORS. 1 A BASKETS Champagne, Aw 10 do. SDarkline Catawba. 10 case liermuda Julip, 2 oaak Port Wine, 2 " Sherry do, a " Madeira do, a " Claret do, 5 dozen Blackberry Brandy, 5 " Cherry do, 5 " Lavender do, 5 " Uinger do, 5 " Aromatic Schnapps, 5 " Uinger Wins, 10 bbl. Old Rye k Bourkoa Wb.isky. S " Old llenneeoeT and tXard Brandy. The above Llquora aro warvaated good, or ne Bale. Famltiaa and Dealers are retiueeted to call and examine for tbemaelvea. For sale only By the Faekag nor Bottle. .... mniv Vi ara r u. on j 11, 4 lie d n Li M o o O) 0 I o CO 3 as B-os SB B-r a 9? ? i- s if H w a at tr n) n Ii e.8 n o GO a e 1 rfa Us "S3 o rx B M a i m 0 to e. Hom.Stoam.Windor Water Power. levf arraui, fo elfUbg Cora Meal The Coleman Farm Mill. THE WONDER & ADMIRATION xtjp tji sTirnn uoacaa.nB Every Farmer Hii Own Miller! QRBAT BAVINO TTMB ft EXPENSE THB ONLY SUCCESSFUL MBIALIO HILL EVER IN VESTED FOR MAKINO BUCKWHEAT AND FAMILY FLOUR Itcanberunb Prise, with i lor lamliy use, wnue griuuiux, ew Price, with Bolting Maejilne attached, far making Family Flour, f Descriptive Ciroulai s ean be had, or the mill ean seen lu operation at theomceo' the"Coleman Farm Mill Company," Tribune Buildings, No. 7 Sprue N. Y.,where all orders will receive prompt attention. daelO-Sm MARTIN THATCHER, Sec'y. CKARS AND TOBACCO. 75 000 IMP0RTED aod Dme"tio ci' 20 boxes and caddies Tobacco, 10 gro Anderson's Solace, 10 " lironaon Fin Cut, 2 kegs Fin Cut, for Retailing. ,hw D. and F. B. SHULL, isiea, ana BPRINO HARDWARE. T ONO and short handle Ames' shovels, A J anOVeia w iiiiuu. u .uu.i twjn, m.uui. Nr shakinx forks, hay-forks, noea, wltb and without handiest garden hoes, garden rakes, with and with outhendleei German alcklea, garden trowela, mat tiwika. ulcka. axea. hatcheta. aawa, drawing kiiivea. augura, ehiaela, tree, breaat and halter chains, a good assortment of knives aud forks, sjiooas, fco., tor sale oy nn.o rum, Keel ltd street, 4 doors from Main atreet. nhts-daw they Var ap plication UKNRT L. BROWN, A.B. IBWIN. BROWN & IRWIN, DKALERSIN JUNIATTA IRON NAILS, steel Anvils. Vices. Bellows. Files, Sprlnrs Axlee, in all their varletiea, and Manufacturers of Ktoves aud Hollow War by most approved all of which will be sold on th moat reaaoa ble terms. We are the euaoeeeora of Samuel B. Brown, at old stand oa the corner of First aod Mill atreeta. Head ol the Baaln, Dayton, Ohio. Our louudery t the foot ol luuiow sireei. IllauufucturerB dk IMuclilaiats, Will find at BROWN A IRWIN'S a general aaaort mental Heavy Bar and Slab Iron Steel, stc BlucatsmltUk, Will find at BROWN k IRWIN'S th beat of Horse shoe, aud Natl Rod Iron, Flies, Rasps, lows, Vices, Anvile, and other Tool. Carriage na wnen Maiiers, win nr.,1 at UROWN h IRWIN'S s larre assortment of Dandy. Buggy and Wagon Tire, Springs, Axles, Hub uanua, carriage aaa fM., mw. Flow stud IIsirrow.'Makers, Will find at BROW N and IRWIN'S a large assort--meat of Slab Steel aad Slab Iron, of varloua alsea, Cc)0era Will find at BROWN aad IRWIN'S a large lot Hoop and Bead Iron. febii-Uaw A CAHO. 1 TAKE th liberty of informing th . sens ot tlayson ana surrounuing eouairy m.i I am yet located at th old shop, Third street, site the lost onto. Anythn In th Tinning ouaioeae. at tola urns, ano pro ma tat luug you may hav to lu oe lly attaadad to. PORT-OFFICE, DAYTON, April 11.1858. Latest be telegraph. The Sickles Trial—Eighteenth Day. WASHINGTON, April 23. The tireeenrs Conii room In, by no aseana, no great a on prwviona aa,. i n senerni impiion yea i terday seesned to 5 that th trial would b flonjlaJ.4 to-day, bat It in bow evident that , th argument on Inetrontion will b ptin oot o M o prevent that before Monday. ' was in Court, tod MKhfnolutily explained Partial notified th Ji.ilce that lirndhead th mum of hit not baring been there bei for. ' Riohard Brndhaal testified h M to- qnainted with Sickle , nw him on th day ; of th homicide and wa walking; out, and net bit friend Ualdeman, of II arriebnri, and w oalled on JndK Hlafk. When Mr. I nicaie cam i mirmiuoea lira w ic. uni daman ; a few word panned bet"ri I ?t and llaldcman on Pennsylvania politioa, j I oalled iSicklee' attention to entne mod on . boot, and he left th room to take it off; re I turned coon, and I heard foote-tefi on the tain; he immediately roee and elepped out . a if to meet the parton. it wa out aome , time; in a minute or two Judge lilack came In ery muoh excited. After aome time 8iok)ee llald. man and Diyaelfalepped tip to him, Ualdeman acting aa epokeaman. ree. j ing that he wan there without friende, 1 1 all deman tendered onr aerrioea to go with him to a mngietrate. II thanked oa. I naked! him if it waaa bailable often. II eaid ha did not know but that if all the fact were known it would b. II then added, "Vox1, Uod know 1 would b justified for I ootild not help it" Argument on inatructiona eommenoed by Mr. Cnrliale for proaecution, followed by Mr. HUnton for defence, oooupying th ea-1 tire day. Hanatne Dnnirlaa nniunied a aent at the lawyer' table, and appeared much intereeti ed n Mr. btantoo'e eloquent argument for the defene. Mr. Brady will continue the argument on Monday, on the earn aide, and Mr. Ould will eloee for th Paul Morphy. PHILADELPHIA, April. 23. The Pari eorreapondent of the New t'ork Time, aay Paul Morphy, the great Cheee player, baajuet aailed for Kngland, from whence he aoon aails for th United State. Before leaving, a dinner wa tendered him, at which M. St. Armant presided, and at which uenal apeeohei were made. Le noerne'e buat in marble of the cueat waa covered with tourel on the oocaaion, a token .. ... . . that th aaeemblaga considered In in greatest cheaa player that ever urea. the Arrival of the Overland Mail. ST. LOUIS, April 23. The Overland Mnil of the 1st inat,hsar' rived. Th new is nnimportant. Sixty-nine pounds of silver, the product of the Arizona mines, was brcught by the ooaob. LEAVENWORTH, April 23. Private advice from Washington Htate that the Utah mail will bo reduced to serai rvic. ST. LOUIS, April 23.—Eve. River riaen six inched the last twenty four hours, and still rising slowly. Upper Min- sisaippi still rising. Weather cold and ctear. I. N. GREEN WISHES to say to bis friends and ousj tomara that he la now reeeivine. In addition to his varied atock of Groceries, a large invoice Senaonabie Goods, such aa Choice Sugars, rowdored, Urushea, urnnu- lated, Clantied, N. O. and Ltrown, Mo lassos and Syrups of diQerent kinds; Coffee of every style and price, Rice, Dried 1'enn. Peaches, Peeled do,; Dried Ap ples, Tea in Chests, half " Chests, Or Smal I Caddieai very flue, and a low prices. Sugar-oured Uams, Sugar-oured Beef; tier- man and Mi. 1 eonp, fancy aua tran sparent do.; Prunes, Plums, Eug ish and Dried Cherries, Zant Currants, Pig, Riisins, . Oranges, Lemons, No. 1 Mackerel, Hali but, Codfish, Oyster, fresh and Cove; ricaies, Catsups, Nuts, Best brand Flour, Potatoes, Ac, Ao. Hla atock la larre and complete, and he la prepared to aell at WHOLESALE or HRTAIL prices. Those wishing anything In hia line, will do wall to call examine hla stock. No. lis aouth side 3d at., Day ton, Ohio. feb6 be St., TO HORSEMEN. A GAIXFY, Veterinery SurgMn Cor. St. Clair nd Second Street!, DAYTON, OHIO. DURING the twenty month! linee I have open th Ht able on Seoond and St. Clair ita., I have treatxl In my Horve more than 4&o hor ana cuwi i 01 ineae ther were many animals which the majority eon- alsiiarl IneDrkhlgsi And img 'f - , r3 1 have treated them the very beat ueeeai. The pubiic le thvraiur. mifcirully requeatoa favor me with Its confidence and patronage in treatment of Hone and Cattle, and I will epjtreno pain to deeerve the name. hande, by my patroni, are aultlclent to prove apauility; w h undRrairned.oertlfvthat ji..Gailfy, Veter- lnery Surgeon, has treated tick horeea for ui, that we are not only aatlehed with the cures he edected for ue, but we eoumientiouily recommend him to all our friend and acquaiutancee aa an and aKliliul Fhyiictaii in thle brunch atenve. be sides K, D. Uarshman, Qco. Lehman, C. B. Clark, U. M Honk, E. O'Brien, O. Connoway, John Howard, B Piese, S. C. Emley, J. S. Bell, It Chambers, J. Miller, Robert Bteele. J. W. Harries, 11. Flory, Kev. A. Anderson, U. Uarshuian, Diky, Geo. WogamaD, B. Dille, S. Sohaeffer, K. N. Comly, C. Harries, S. Fnuver, H. Craighead, and pat terns, his Is Bar, Bel. of ly GROCERIES SPRING STOCK DIMM & BIIO., HEAD OF THE BASIN, HAVE JUST RECEIVED THEIR Spring stocK, embracing in part loo Bags Prime Rio Coil'ee. 13 do Java and Mocha. Fine stock o all Minds of Sugar. 01,000 Kusds extra 8. C. Hams. 10,000 do do Shoulders. 9U,ooo do do Sides. .0,000 lbs. extra & C. Dried Beef. 100 bush. choice White Beans. 60 butts assort d Virginia Tobacco. 60 eh exits and cad il lea assorted Teas. 60 box.es No. 1 (Jerman Koap. 36 do Pure Corn Starch. 34 do Salaratus. 30 do Koda. 30t0oo flue Cigars. 76 sacks Dried Peaches end Apples. A large lot of Fresh White Fish, Pickerel, Bass, Codtlsh and Mitckert.!. 100 bbls. No. I Family Flour. citl- . oppo do L. UOOIMIVLL HAS JUST RECKIVKU A freak lit ot genuine aud pure Field, Flower and Garden Seeds. Gardeaers will find it to their advantage to aad axamlna in y seede before going to Cincinnati lay ia tliair stock. Bead Oats and Seed Potatoes, For sale at th AGRICULTURAL WAREHOUSE, MS Third street, near th Post Omce, mhl-ltdewtt raytoa, Ohio. ORANOES AND LEMONS. OA 1MJXK8 just reo'd. 41 Ann ' D, A F. t, IHDLL. MARKETS. Produce Market. j1"" i-. potatoes, new, l, Prim Apple. pr lm " I'enrhea Cranherrlea, 'n M"' " Onion ..." want mil in, If'.Ville SAIIIV ISe 4 IHI I i HO till mi rlnnr' P" m-rAii. a.'.ia.wifl l Ho orti in Pri.. rip I2i it i I. oft I .IHI ,7.'iiff,9J Grain Market. Whent Ocrn Harlir Bra " (lata Flanaai.il Whiaky I.inaeed Hay Timothy aecd Olnrar need Ship attiff l,l.'.(oM.90 iOrn57.ri till 90 5i 1,10 kS JMlllp t 1 .60 B.V.S 22 per ton Cincinnati Markets. CINCINNATI, April 23. i Flour firm. 5.6ll(o5r,7.' for auperfine. Whiaky 83. Pmviaiatiahnnvant. Mnaa I'ork $17,00(18,. 00; prime $13,IHI(oM:l,75. VV nantatendr. White 1 , 38(4)1 fi1); Red I ,S1 a 1,30. Corn nclire at TfefrtSO. it ye in fair demand at 00((Jn Itarley Arm at (i2it.J. Oata.SlrrtSS for prime. I.arii II. New York Market. New York April 23. , I i i Flour advanced. Ohio ti,il)(.r G 40 Wheat buoyant. White l,6i(a;l.90 ; Ked $l,42fdl,44. Corn firm at P2'(B.r) fur mixed ; While 1,15 il 25. I'ork firm. Mnaa, 17,00an,30 Prime, lia.r.oi.ei'j.iw. Whiaky dnll at Sfi'. i , E. O'UIUEN. Wholesale JArocer, AND T3RALER I Fine imported Wines, LIQUORS AND CIGARS, KEEPS CONSTANTLY ON HAND, a general variety of Km Ita. He la also agent for the sale of Old Bourbon Whisky, NO. 301, SKCON'l) STREET. ! Next door to A. Oamp'i atone front Dry Oooda 4. . - na vtaw nuTn , tre, DAYTON, OHIO. O'BRITJtT. O'BRIEN. j , j 100 Bag Prima Coffss, SO Bbl. Molaaset 100 Package Fins Teas, E. O BFIDN. B. O'BHIEW. Jl. O'BRIEN. B. O'BRIBST B. OBRIBN. Sugar, B. O BH1BH. 20 Dozen Wash-board, 33. O'BRIEN. A largs stock of Bplcsa, Cheese Nuts and vryihiug that may be needed In a store of th kind, for sals by B. O'BRIEN. 1O0 Boxe Tobacco, 20 Hd. Sugar, 74 Boxes Boap, 40 Dosen Buckets, 40 Bbls. Cr'd. and P'd. of and WINES & UQUORS. 15 Quarter Casks Port Wine, B. O'BRIEN. 20 Quarter Casks Brandies, B. O'BrilEtf. 2 Pipe Doll. Oln, B. O'BUIEN. 150 Bbls. Old Buorbon Whiaky, E- O BItlBN. 75 Bbla. Fine Hye Whisky, B. O'BRIEN. 80 Bbls. Rectified Whisky, B. O'BRIEN. Madeira, Sherry, Claret, Muscat, Na tive and Malaga Wines, B. O'BRIEN. 150,000 Imported Cigars, B. O'BRIEN. N. B. As my stock is now complete and well as sorted, I invite all who wish to get Fine Groceries, Wines and Liquors, free from drugs, to call and aeo me, audi will do all iu my power to compensate them for their trouble. ., mhl4 K- O'BRIEN. WHEELER & WJLfcON 7as. mm.- y3 -ext In nrmary vtt with to the my and ban ex perienced of Sewing 3Iachincs. HUSTON BUILDING, Corner ofThlid and Jefferson, DAVTON, - OHIO. 17E offer the Wheeler fe V i Wilson Sewing M.,i.in.. with imonrtant lmnrovementa, a reduotion of -2fton former prices, and to meet demand for a GOOD, low-priceil eamlly Blacnine, have introduced a NKW TV LK, working upon aame principle, and making the aame stitch, though uot so hlghlv finished, at i ll i z ivniiano i Theeleganee, speed, nolselessness and simplicity of the Machine, the benuty and strength of slitch, lin al.ix V. ON BOTH HII1KS, imuosallile to ravel, and leaving no chain or ridge on the under aide, economy of thread, and adaptability to the llilcxeat or ttiinneat fabrics, has remlored this the most suc cessful and popular Mewing Alauhtne now made. At our various offices, wo sell at New Vork pri ces, and give instructions free of charge, to enable nmhMHr.townv ordinary seams, Item, fell, uullt, gather, hind and tuok, all on the same Machine, wurniii uiur mi., j,., SEND OR CALL FOR A rlRODLA B, containing fnll partloulnrs, prices, testimonials, etc. jnaio n- " Shad, SPRING & SUMMER GOODS. MILLER & CHARCH, MERCHANT TAILORS, No 68 Jefferson Strett, near Third, HAVING JUST RECEIVED THEIR Sorlntr fc Summer Htvles of Gentlemen s Cloth lng tioods, are prepared to make to order wearing apparel ot all descriptions, on the shortest possible notice, and on the most lavorabU Uiaus. The goods eomprlte all of the must fashionable and latest styles manufactured, among which some of the handsomest ever brought to this market. They have a complete asssortnteut oi FINE VESTINOS, Of the latest stylet, to which they invite the atten tion of Gentlemen. Their supply of OBNT'tt FURNISHING GOODS Is ot the best quality, and comprises every thing Than u ful for past liberal patronage, they their friends and the public to call aud examine wruula faml larn iirlccsi. mil lo-amu miLLun m v-n. xv FINK call to 1859. First Arrival 1859, Of SPRING GOODS! AT FinL-c V JLcffler's: CLOTHS, CASSLMERES, VESTINGS, FURNISIIINO GOODS, &0. mhie NO. ISA SKl'OND Odd Articles not Everywhere) to Found. FOOT-KCRAPEKS, boot-jacke, idoIuhbon gates, iawoetti,guu-nlt.a, paste jiggers, ladles, doutch-surauurs. beet?eak pouuders. yards, spring balances, tack-hammer, needles, amber beads, hair pins, diaper pins, rings, window brushes dust brushes, siuut whetstones, razor strops, packing needles, sticks, tuop heads; all kinds of mats, window ami oil eloth for tables, window shades, silver bath bricks, and many other articles too numerous to mention, for sle by CHAHLUS POUT, Kast Second street, 4 doors from Main. mhltdaw LABOR SAVING, THE Hubiciribftr hat now in his store, for sale, a mangle to wring out clothe wanhlng day, and to maiigl or smooth the instead of iroatnr them, it will savelaborand and any one having used it. would not like Without it. CHAHLKS POT, No. 4 Seeond itreet. 4 doore froes Main, aptH-Ulw Waravwawes J. LANGDON & BRO., iFortigs and DomrMlc nardvt.re BUIXBIBO HAEDWAEE, Coacli & Saddlery Hard w'c (Jamngfl Unbinet InmmingB, iimi ua ivr r, n, nir,i,nnnuj nnn.,1, tvj In l Main tt., rteyfo, alga of tbo Pud Look, janti don & CARRIAGES. AND BUGGIES!! VEHICLES OK EVERY DESCRIPTION V on hand and for lale ehoap, at WARREN .PHILLIPS' Old Htabo, om 4th 8tkkt, BaTwuns Jef- FRaaoir add St. C'laib. Ilorknwnyt, Jenny lMada, 1'hH-tona, York Majont, Barourhea, Dprlnp; Viaiona. t f- uork maile to nrter, and repairing dona la the beat atytf, on rhort notloe. N. n. saoond-handCarriafeaand Wafons fnraala cheap. ItbM ! ORO. F. WALKRR, i A. B. LRAMAW. WALKER & LEAMAN, Attorneys at Z,aw, AMD HEAL ESTATE AGENTS, WILL PRACTICE TUEIK PROFES sinn In the aereral Courta of Ohio. OFFl(;K South tide of ThirdLstraet, between Main ami JenYreon, liayton, O. , I dec'ia-awdam Hiker & Hubbard, (Opposite st, Lawrence Hotel, Water St., Sandusky.) DEALERS In Fish POUNDS, Fish SKINS, Gil! NET, and ev ery variety of Hop, Twin and Cordage, u-ed by BAI.TIMOSC CFAin HaVIS W W N IIQI AND CANS, mhs-9madaw eOLTIK, W. H. BELVILIC BOITIN & BELVILLE, Attorneys at T.atr, NOTARIES PUBLIC, AND REAL ESTATE AGENTS, DAYTON, O. OFFICE OVER WIKE, DARST & FUL ler'a Dry Gootta Store, on East side Main atreet, opposite the Court Houae, being the aame roomtor meriy occupied by Meears. Conovera Cralgheail, and mora recently by Judge Baggott, aa a lowoBlca. novli-1 ydaw JAMES H. STEWART, Attorney and Counsellor AT LAW, AND NOTARY PUB C, WILL GIVE PROMPT ATTENTION to all buaineas entrusted to hia oare, In Mont gomery and adjoining oountlea. OFFICE, at present, with Oro. M. Youno, Justice of the l'eace; Dayton, Ohio. febl l-lydaw J WENDELIN WOLF Wholesale and Retail IHANUFACTTJUEK A DEAEEIt in "HATS" AND "CAPS!" HO. 813 SECOND BTSEET, North Side, between Main and Jefferson DAYTON, OHIO. t"All orders will be thanxfully reoelved and prouiptly attended to. feb9-lyd T. X. WILLARD, " M. N. W1IEAT0N. WILLARD & WHEATON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL BOOKSELLERS, STATIONERS AND MANUFACTURERS OF FINE BOOK, NEWS AND WRAPPING PAPEItS! We at the the the and The HIGHEST Market Tnea paid for RAGS alao Keep la iigeai stooa oi, ano sen mora SCHOOL BOOKS Than any other House In Dayton. Mo. 326 Ttiircl Street, novli Near Main. DAYTON INSURANCE COMPANY WILL TAX Fire and Marine Risks, AT BKABUWAULK KAIKS. BiaSOTOBS. James Pbbrinb, D. A. Uatnbs, T. Scbjiffek, IIaktbv Conovkr, Jko. Harris, J. R. Young, A. Gump. .IAS. PERRINE, Pres't. J. R.Yoono, Bee'y. mny16-dly By Authority of the Real State We adjuat Lottet honorably and pay them promptly. DWELLINGS AND CONTENTS I NSURED AT VERY REASONABLE RATES. JPhmnix Ins. Co,, HARTFORD, CONNECTICUT. Merchants Stores and Stocks at Fair Rate. OBO OWBN, set26 Agent, Dayton, Ohio. are de sira'ile. de sire n. A. BUCHANAN, DZALEm IK CO.ILAJYI COKE 333 WEBT FRONT 8TRBBT, Cincinnati, Ohio. 1S..1F. .lyres V Co., Wholesale fc Retail DEALERS IN ST. be melting steel crochet teeth ing pa per, mop paper sand and on a elotbes time, to do CIGARS Liquors and Tobaccos, TTAVfi JU8T REC'D. AND OPENED AA a line stock ol gooda In their Una Fine Sugars n litssce. Ci , Teas, Tobnccos, ClKnrs, ;. All of which they stani! ready to dispose of on REASONABLE TKRH8 aa any other iatablishment intheuiiy. They iuvite particular attention to their stock, cgufldeut of thalr ability to p.aae. - Janll 3P I AJXTO JS O HAS. BLLS INVITES THE ATTENTION OK THE 1 publlo to bis ins large stock ef PIABOt), now exhibition at bis Wareroom No 333 Huston Hall, 00t30-ly DA V ION, OHIO, EMPLOYMENTS A MONTH, ALL EXPENSES paid. An Agent la wanted in every town oounty In ttie United Ktates.toengage In a reaieet able and easy business, by which the above protita may ba aertalnly realized, roriurtner particulars, einireea OH. 1. HKNRV WARN KR, corner rot.meand Mercer streets, New York elty, enclos ing on. postage stamp. - . . mhx-lmd 1 Barrel Dried Blackberries. A NICE article, just reoeivad, and aalaby CHARLKS POST, fab Kast Second at., . doora from Mala. PRIME FRUIT fjK BOX EH, fresh and sweet Oranges, and -Oa new- supply of other oholoe fruits, reeled t W.H, BRANIIBNHUMO and CO, apt W Itilrd street, Dayton & Michigan R. R. C- r- paw r imne-i wj SHOUT LINE VIA LIMA, SO Vtlea Travtl and 3 hour Tim aaved betwiin I A If TON A!XD CIIICAUO. Two Pally Train. On Chanx of Car a Only. ON AND AFTKft MONDAY, A PRTL i 1859. Train will leave Dsytnn at f,' a. tn. and 7, SS p. m., fur Sidney, Lima, Dol.hos, Kurt i Wayaa, Tolalo, Detroit, Chicago, Cjuincy.Roek Island, Oaleaa, Dnnlelth and Kt. Paul. I Firat Train ieavlnf Daytoa at t,lti,n ar. rlrasat FertWnyne st 1 p.m., connecting with trains na the Toledo, Waliaah A Waatara road at .,1 p m, fnr nnntingtfn,Paru,Loganaportaad the the South Wa.t and at Chicago at 7.30 p. m.,lntima to connect with all evening srelne leaving that ally. Thia tcaln aim eotmceta at Sidney with trains oa the B. A I. Road, Kast and Wast and at Ti tna with C. P. A I. Road for Columbus, and at Wapskonala wi th Hack for St. Marys, Bremen and Minster. Heeond Train, Leaves Da. ten t.t 7,S5 p. ni. arrives at Fort Wayne at 2,2) a. m., connects wllh trains on the T. W. A W. R. R. at 4, 1 a. aa., foe Defiance, Tolodo A Datroitj at Chicago at S 17 a. m, making eloaa eonneetions with all trains for the We.t and North West. KETURNINO, lat Train leaves Chicago 8,17 a.m. Lima 4,16 p. as., reaches Dayton 7 SO p. m. 3d Trsin leaves Chieago 7,4ft p. m; Lima t,40s.m; reach Dayton f.Mie. m. The 8 40 a. m. Train from Lima connects at Piqua with Trains oa C. V. A I. R. R. for Colum bus and the iSast both trains make close connec tions with trains nn the C. H. A D. K. R. for Cin cinnati snd the South. "Sleeping cars ar attached to all night trains between Lima and Chicago." Through Tlcaets for 1'ort Wayne, Toledo, Detroit, Chicago, and points Weal and oorUi-weet. Alao for Plttalinrgh, Phi livlelphie, anil all Raatern cltlea. and for all local nointa on the Beltefontalneand Indlan apoHa H. R.,oau be had lj calling on H. H. Hiao, Tick et Agent, Union Depot, Dayton) or oa the dllf. rant agenla on the line. Fare aa low as by any other ront. Be oaraful and call lor Tickets tiv way of Lima. J-The rates ef Freight to all Points Kaat or Weat will at all tlmea be aa lavorable aa are charged by other Companlea. Nn Transfers between Dayton and Chicago or Pittsburg aprlll M. SHOEMAKER, Sup't. Dayton, Xenia & Columbus R. Three Daily Trains, via. Columbus. Through tickets from Dayton to all Eastern CiJos. THRKE Dally Tralna each way, leaving Dayton for the Kast aa lollowa: Night F.xpreaaat l,ito a. m. Day Expreean,So a. m. Aeconimotlntloiifl,3l)p. m. Arriving at Dayton, Accommodation S,n3 a. m. No. I Express, ll,S0n. m. Day Express, SJto p. m. Tralna run by Columbus time, which la 7 mlnutea faater than Dayton time. Through ticketa can be had for all Eastern cities by onllliiKon p. K. Warmau, Ticket Agent, at the Depot, Kast Third street. liayton, Xenia ar.d Columbus Leaves at fl,S0 p. m.,nndarriveant 6,63 a.m. All frelehta left at the Depot by s,0 p. m., will be torwarded aame day, bv 6,3o p. m. Krelghta ar riving at ft,6Sp. nl., will be delivered at ft,lia. m. 4. wnAiu, C. Wtixil, Gen'l. Ag't. aprll GREENVILLE AND MIAMI R. R. ChnnKC of Time, rin and after Monday, April 11, 1869, until fur- Vstocr notice, trains will run as follows; Loaves Dayton Union Depot at 8,10 a.m. and 5,0(1 p. M. Arrive at Union at 11,!0 a. m. and 7,(0 p. m. r Aftiunmnu, Leaves Union at 7,46 a. m , and 1,45 p. m.. arrives at Davton at 10,65 a. m., and 8,66, p. m. The A, 00 r. M. train leaving Dayton, makes eloaa oonneotlan at Union with the Kxpreaa train on the Belletontaine road, ror inuianapons, connecting on its arrival with trains lor L,aiayeiie, lerre naute, and all points west, north and north west. For tickets and further information, apply to Samuel W. King, General Ticket Ageat, Union Depot, 8th street. II. 0. STIMSON, nup't dec3 GREENVILLE AND MIAMI R. R. Cincinnati, Hamilton and Dayton R. R. CHANOK OF TIME. AN and after Monday Aprll 11, 1859, Passan. J gerTrains willloevetheSthitreetDepot.Day- ton,rorClnclnnati,as ruuows: Returning Trains. At 5.00 a. tn., 8.".i a. m., 4,00 p. m., nnd 7,30 p. m. . Will leave Cincinnati for Dayton, at 6.00 a. m. 8.00 a. m 4.110 p. m, and 11,00 p. in, The 7.80 P. M. train Booth will stop at Carlisle, Middletown, llatnilton ar 1 Glendalo, only. apr9 DANIEL MeLAREDf .aop't Sandusky, Dayton & Cincinnati RAIL ROAD. WINTER ARRANOKHKNT. o I k The Mnil Tn.in loaves the 6th St (J, 1 fJ Depot at 8,18, at Urbana, 10,00, connects with train for Columbus, and at Clyde with train Willi i fur Cleveland and the Kast nlso leuo, lietroil ano unicago. i trains for To- II IK SECOND TRAIN Cleveland 111U Exprma, by way of Springfield and Del aware, aud all Kastern points. 7 9 ATHIRD TRAIN Nifrht ExpresB ,OU arrives at Sandusky at 4,10,conneotlng with trains for Cleveland and tho Kast. nihi-tf JOHN H. HUDSON, Sup't. . as OHIO Photographic temple of Art ANt DAGUEREEAN GALLEEY, COR. MAIN AND THIRD BTS., DAYTON, O. T HAVE RECENTLY REFITTED THIS A well-known Gallery with all the Improvements of the Photographic Art. and have made It the most complete andMttracMve in the city. I have procu red the right to use the Solar Camera, the most lm port ant improvement in Photography, and am pre pared to en large te Life Size on Canvass 01 Paper, Daguerreotype, AmDrotype", or mm Uture Portraits, Of any kind, and have them oolored in Oil, Crayon, Water Color, or India Ink, by the very best Artist. Those having small pictures of deceased friends, oanby the above process, secure a correct anddura- ble likeness one that vin ne valued at an times. I have associated with metn the Photographic de partment Mr. O. I. FINCH, one of the best Artists In the United States; and cordially Invite all to oall and examine his specimens recently enlarged they speak for themselves. MOST All work warranted, or no charges will be made. mhl T. f. ROBINSON. Z on , i and of fur lust Now Open ! Admittance Free! 8. 0, BALDWIN'S New Daguerreotype BOOMS. Now Open to Visitors & Customers. .- Rooms on Third street, td door, Kast of Exchange Dank, and immediately over Mory ItCo.'s Boot and Shoe Store. Having leased the above Rooms for a term years, and HUed them up with a large asy-hght.ex pressly for Photographic purposes, 1 would inform my oldcustomers and the public timt I am now pre pared to furnish all who maj desire it with Pictures, which, for truthfulness of delineation nnd beauty liuish, can not be excelled, ('nil at the new rooms, and if you do not receive perfect satisfaction, no pay will be required. LoRi'ttK i icTuuna .iikcn at residences. ClmrLjes akAeuNAlil.K. Jr 9 Rooms open from 7 A. M. till 6 I. M. ffbl-Su &. B. BALDWIN, VAN AUSDALt DIXON '& CO." ARE NOW RECEIVING DIRECT from the Manufacturers a large lot of newan.1 beautiful styles. -Medallion, Velvet unci UruselN Citrisels, HOUSE FURNISIIINO GOODS &C.,tC. Together with a an assortmentof Three Ply, Verietiun, Ingrain, Dutoh Wool, Tapestry, liemp, Rate and Stair, Which for variety, style, qualltyand prii bi, cannot besurpaased) and our stocx of House Furnishing (awwds la complete. Linen and Muslin Sheetings, and Pillow Ccsings, . Htitir Linens, Table Linens, Linen Towellings, and Irish Linens, Napkins, Table Cloths, Ao., Laos, Mualln and Damask CurtatnQooa Blue, Green. Buff aud White hollanda. shade, of every description, at all prions. PUTNAM, PENDULUM A BAILEY'S CUR- TAlt FIXTURKS. Gilt Oornlo 'S, Band and Pins, Floor and Table Cloths, all widths, styles and prices. Mattings, Velvet, Axininater, and Mosaic Rugs and Mats, loor and Buggy Mats, and our assortment of PAPER HANGINGS AND WINDOW PAPERS are the beat In the elty. VAN A US OA., DIXON & CO., Jan I No . W Main St., opposite th. Court Houaa. GODEY'H Lady's Hook, for May, just re eetved tsy FRANKLIN HOUSF. CORWBR MAIBf AND SBCOND a vrWAWjT at I If V afh DAYTOlf, OHIO, DAYIS HAR-tRADER, FroprUtor. KLINE tviitivn aTir'iis'ir.nt'.n J P. M.A. to the penprleOTr.ip oi inia wen -----popnlar Hotel,! am determined thai I Ita rapn latum with t.h put.ua ahail not la th kwetbedi nitnlhe1 under my auperlntenclenee. . The honae haa been tboronahl, refitted, jana every poealhla convenience aiuiea to every o-i.r.u.. tl...,.ki. kMinioM will ba fn ehanre ol ear ful hoatler.' ' mhla-mdaw TN retiring from the "Franklin," ItaaetMamieihed 1 of recommending my friemle and patroni i of the House while under my administration, t th aew pmprtetnr, who will extend to them all the courte alea due from a landlord to hla gueaU. .. - i aa.. m ,i.hn thanaa to my aeqiialntanees and the great putillc. that haa ao Jo" extended to me a generous frlendahlp and liberal patronage. JOHN r. A LINK, mhlA-lmdaw Pea M 5 If 2 94 .a Pfe. us" o .. w H JUST received a larg assortment of Coal Oil Lampa, with Improved Bunwwe, and new tylee, suitable for Churoh. Store. Parlor and Xltak en purjmsee, in variety. uiasa auspenuing LAmpa lArge ana smau Burner. Sid " u and Glass Parlor " " " Kitchen ' M Britannia Parlor or Pulpit) something new and good. t-rao . ei fcaups, irge and small Burner. Heaillng ' " Hand M We alsa keep a larre stork of Lard Oil. Fluid and Camphene Lampa, Ulaaa and Paper Shades, t him nies, Wlcklng, etc., etc., which we onet for Bale at reduced prices. UKUKLKK, BKMLKY MAXTON. JanS I 1 fl CRATEW OV QUEEN8WAK,, I1U now landing at Cincinnati, per soeamar Winslow, and at Naw York, nor shin Afriea.di. rsct from the potteries of Blafiordshlre, England, oonsisting of ths following articles. ISorates of Common Teas, 1 " " Plates, 1 " ". Bakers Dishes A Ns ales', 8 " " Pitchers and Tea PsU, 8 " " Fluted Teas, T " " Plates 14 " ' Whit Tea Wa'r, 14 " bast " " 14 " faney new Patterns do. The above goods ar expressly ordered for this market, and will be sold by th crate, at Eastern prices with addition of freight. Merchants in wast of Queeusware, will please oall and axaniinsour stock before puroboseng elsewhere. WOLF BARLOW, aprlJ Importers, Thirdstreet. COALOil7LAMPST TUSTOPENED A NEW STOCK OF THE O above lampa, with and without ground globes. rorsaia Dy iieoiai wuLe k a AH1A1 w. Oregon Saddler Shop! SADDLES, HARNESS, &c. MITCHELL & MCGAUSLAND Corner ot Fifth & Wayne streets. UAiiun, u., Manufacture and keep constantly oa hand (very vaatety of SADDLERY, HARNESS, COLLARS, TRUNKS. VALISSES, ftO.,kO., Of th best material and make. ror CASH, Fxclusively! It is the only house In this city that manufacturea CURLtD HAIR CASK COLLARS. We return our sincere thanke forpast favors, and Q.njllli.l) H.I.U., m cuilMUUHin ui UfllftBS, Cltixena and Farmers are cordially invited to call and see us. MITCHELL fc WtGAUSLAND. nova-Ud. NEW PIRM. DeConrsey 8c Govnes, Faahlonable Barbers and Halrdresatra, Basement ef Handay's New Bnildinj, South' West Corner of Jefferson and Market HAVING fitted np their room in th belt style, they are prepared to attend to the gentle men of Dayton tn the shaving and Hair Dressing line in a very suiterlor manner. They are aow ruanlng three clialra. They only aak a trial, and are confident tbey ean please all who give them a calL Jan.at.dtf. MEDICATED Strengthening Plasters ! ! THESE Plasters are excellent remedies In oases of pain and wenrfii In the Bid-, breast or back; also rheumatic affections, ooutrhs, asthma.sprainSfbruiNes. and kidney or spinal sitee tlons. The Arnica. Galbanum. Pitch. Poor Man's and Hemlock Piasters, are manufactured of various) sizes, on kid or oiotn, ana roor iuau's on paper, by S. A. GRIFFITH, Bread way, Cincinnati, and supplied to dealers and druggists oo as good terms as any manufacturers la the United Stat. mha-m L. Ht7AD. w. a. moaiKsoN. the of of Ao. Oil CASH DRUG STORE. 120Ttfaln BaatBldatbt.Markt49at4tb at Hubbard & Robinson, AFTER HAVING TRIED THE CASH XX system for one year have been induced by their success in the experiment and the liberal patronage of their many friends and public generally to ia orease their stock one hundred per cent, which now embraces all of the popular inedioines in use- A due slock of fanoy goods oonsisting in part ot the very best cologne, hair oil aud pomades In great variety, genuine brown Windsor, Houry, poueine, transparent, aud every other kind of soaps. Tooth, hair, cloth, iltish shoe, white wash, scrub, stove, house, window, paint and varnish brushes of every style and price. Fine oigars and tobacco, combs, pencils. oil paints, white lead, snow white sine Varnish of every color prioe and quality Pure Brandy, wines, and other liquors for uedicinal, me chanical and saci amenta) purposes. ALbO a largelotofthc mcst.iEpro- sty! ef fruit cans, ur. la-uuiuma epeuino. auk belonrinv STHitTLV to our b sire to lit fringe on the business j all of which we respectfully Invito the attention f the publlo, believing that our mode of doing ousinoss, (both buying aud selling for each) enable us to otter better goods, aud more of then for the same money, than any house iu this city. Call and riueiotoi canary uirua,anu aiso we nxiiuea rogetuer wltb everything ur business, (having no de sluess of AHir neighbor) to for birdcages also birdseed. Jess To the Fashionable Public! THE undersigned hat now, and haa bad for the last two weeks, the Hit-ring fciylea or Silk aud Casal mere llata. They are certainly a very nice style of drees hate, : for Gentlemen's wear. All other kinds of soft hats. lor men ami ooys. aiio, caps 01 an uesoripuoae ia abundance, cheap, for the "ready Julia. Call at 207. Third street. mho E. TAVORITX. DETROIT RIVER ICE. 11 liIMM & BRO. AVE made arrangements with lea Dealers tn Detroit for a supply of lee taxea from Detroit River. It is a beautiiui article clear and pure unsurpassed by any loe ever frosaa in this region during ths ooldeat winters. Orders will be received from those who desire to be supplied with the Detroit River Ice during the present sea, son. uihie COAL! COAL!! A LL ORDERS LEFT EITHER WITH n. Ksquire Torrance or Dmptl VI tilled by WoodhuUJ will 0. A. STARS BELLS. TAYLOR'S farm bells; also dinner bells, different iliesi sow nnd sheep bells, for sal. by CHARLKS POST, Kast Seoond street, 4 doers Irom Mais. mhl-daw 30 DOZ. BHAKBR BROOMS. JDRT reoelvsd so do. Shasar Brooms, gad fo sal. by CHARLES POST. mht Basis issn frMi MaU,