OCR Interpretation

Dayton daily empire. [volume] (Dayton [Ohio]) 1850-1865, July 07, 1859, Image 1

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AT ,
No. 11C, Main street.
THANKFUL for tha ?rt liberal patrona?
heretofore evtentta.. to him, would agaltt Mil
the attention of the puuUtt to his new and oetuplete
assortment of
Summer Boots and Shoes!
Rmploylnv none but th best of workmen, 1 ass
Sonndentthet I canget up th
Boot, and shoes In the oltv, snd 1 will guarantee
aatlslaetlnn In all ca.ee.
IU Give mi Trial I Jrt
II Main street, J doors south of the Market.
N. W. W. also keeps a superior artloleof FRRNCH
E. Goodwin A Bro't "framed.''
John Gornish it Co'a "Gem."
Juit received, and Tory fioe.l
O. k r. B. f HULL.
Notice to Bridge JUulldera.
SKALRI) Proposals will be received at the
Auditor'! Orncvof Montgomery county, Ohio, la
Dayton, until o'clock, A. M., on
Haturday, August 0, 1839,
For the erection of Bridge utou lh. Miami Hir
er, at Carroltun, being near where the County Road
leading from Carrnlton well oro.aea paid river.
Bid. will be received for the ma.onrr and euper
truoture, leparate lor the Job ooinplete.
Flan and .pealrloationl on be aenn at tha afora
aldolflce, where the condition of paymente, Ac,
Will be made known.
Bridge to be onmp'etrd thle fall.
By order of ihe county Commit. loners.
DAMhX H. DRKDKN, Auditor.
Improved Spectacle.
KESPKCTFULLY Informs the Citifoniof
Day ton ami vicinity, that he hat taken
Rooms at No. 5, Ph.llft.s House, whsre he effort lor
aile SHKC I ACLKS of every variety of metal and
qunllty, alio ihe puie and genuine
Superior to any other In use. These gift sues ran be
Used for the greatest length or time, either by day
orbf night, with perfect ense, when selected to ault
the state of the eyes, and never causes that gultll
nesa lit the head, unpleasant a niatlon to the eyes,
that many experience from ualnf tlie common kind,
but tend to strengthen and improve the sight.
The gpecttcle Lorn la comaiou use, termed double
convex, have but one focua, and that being in 'he
centre. Now an the eyes, rolling from aide to aide,
lc par from tills point, it li a (footed by the distor
tions Incident an J occasions In weak eea. fatigue
and pain, and in strong eyes a more frequent chauge
of gifts, for those or higher power than la eauaed b
the simple flattening ol the eye by age or, to tiae
the lanFuage oi many, the eye grow older. Could
the glass b attached to the e e, so aa to move with
It, or the head he made to turn and accommodate
the alght, while the eye remain Axed, the double
convex lens would not be an object! on ab'e But aa
neither of those plant could be very well accom
Sliihed, an easier method to remedy thle Important
elect in ail hitherto constructed he I pa to he de
fectlve human vision is desirable. Thle end 1 ob
tained in theae trla-ses which, having not only cen
tral foc.n, but, fur alt practical purpoaea, one
throughout, the objection nbo e named. 1 entirely
obviated, aa they wlllennble the wenter to perceive
obieots at ever. anleof vision, with all the correct
ness of the natural healthy sght. All glasses sold
by him will be scientifically adjusted by means of
an Optimetro of his own'nvention.
Prof. Block's thorough knowledge of the Anatomy
rf the various Pathological changes of the human
eye enables him not only to adapt gl antes bestatted
to the different variations of sight. Hat alto by mere
ly examining the eye.to select such aa are most suit
able, i he eye bciug uo detluale an organ, we can
not be too cautious in the selection of Spectacles, aa
from their umj may result the most desirable or de
plorable eonteauencet
Ihe Professor will only remain for a few days
lusrciurcuume mi once ana give me a oau. jy-eiw
Hcmoepathic Physicians,
Office 1771; Rtiidcnce J88 A 177 Main trttt,
Kpeclal attention given to CHRONIC Diseases, and
Vl.ea.ee oi women auu i.nuoren.
Ottlce Hour. From 7 to lo A. M., and I to I P. at
Dr. Jacob lloBlor vpcaka the German language,
J) 8
WE hare made positive and ample ar
rangementa for procuring Blacaberrlea ev
etrday during the aeMoni and we will .ell them aa
low a. the oan be atlorded, by the quart or drawer.
Gent emen who de. ire to buy a quantity will be aold
berrlei low by the drawer. We will put them at the
loweat rates mnra that.
JyS auu, Third .treat.
Stone Ware.
J U.ST received, Stone Japs, Milk, Cream
and Butter Jars, Churns, Ac.) sis being from
I toSgala.
I OA DOZ Giuse Fruit Cant, "Improved."
1 OU 11 dot. " " " with corks.
Tin Tops.
Just received at
JUST received,
t6 Boxes Tumblers, from Mots, to $0,00 per dox.
ftO " Gal, Candy Jara,
67 " . Quart Flunks.
60 " k pint do
V Doxen Hrutt Bowls, all sizes.
84 " Goblets.
34 " Wine (. In lies.
Lamp Globes and Chlmnevs, Gas Shades, and
Seneral assortment of sugar Bowie, Preserve mahee,
leuaulers, io , an. For sale cheap at
li K. Lb.lt, KKMLKV a MAXTON'S.
LACK. UoTl LKH, at
IL '
gold at Auction on Thursday
ig, 7th Inst., cc miiienclng at o'cloom.
A.M.. la re.ldence. No. at Jefler.i a .t., between
lit ani. .i, ,ti uiy Houaehold and Kitchen Furni
ture, cou..llug of
61 yds. Fine llruseela Carpet, and a quanti.
ty of 3 ply ditto; a No. 1 Cook Htove
utensils; I Air-Tight Htove; 1 Kefrigerotor,
1 Safe; Gua Fixtures; 3 liuok Cases; 1 large
Extension Table; 6 Cane Heat Chairs;
other Chairs; 1 What Not; 1 iiat Raok;
Sofa, 1 Lounge; 1 Card 'J'able; 1 Reception
Chair; 2 Hocking Chairs; 2 superior Patent
opriug ieuaieuue; a tunimoD tteuelcaus;
Wash Htunds, Tables, Crockery,
and many other articles useful in house
keeping. TtRvia All sums under aift, caaht al! sums
tie and tw,.lxly day.j auduvar t'O, ninety
. ' 'A.
d, at. v ii.i.TnriiEa, Auerr.
(Journal and Gazette copy.)
WILL be sold at Pubho A notion on
July th, ia'), at my residence on
.treet, below 6th, ail mv Household
Kitolien Furniture, oon.l.tlng nt Bed., Redataad.,
Bureaus, Carpela, and all my Kurni.ure. A
chanoe lor haiga n.. Ternis of .ale: All auma
t, oa.h over thirty aud under &o,alit
over t&o, ninety Oaya. Sa.e po.ltiva, without
commencing at 10 o'clock A.M.
. ,. J. B. CROSt.
1. K CHaiaTora-sa, Auot'r.
Not Musty Ale!
BUT Harries' XXX Stock Ale, at
"Unl.a saloon," 14 J.nersoa atrset.
OrC UOXKHof txtr nice Oraneea, lustre
JJA-i4 laAJUfce
2 Writitir
WM it
Impirt Itiliiig, Thirl it., Seath tide let, liii t Jelfrtwi
T m RMOl
Mallte.eoper reaelnaerane.
10 oeat. par Week . par.bl. to thoaareler.
aiaa-leeaplee.eutae lawrappera.eoaate.
Cincinnati Agency.
The Oinelnnetl Trpe Fonndrr Ootonkny la
Our dolf aathoriied Ageot to make contracte
and receipt for AdvertieemeoU aubacriptionl!.
c.,lo that CUT.
To BuemraaMiif. The Empire Job Roone
areio eomplele trim, and we are now prepared
lo do work of all description, in the beet etyle
ofiheart. Cell in and examine our work and
learn onr prieee.
LTIO ADTienaiEe. AOTertiaemrnia or
Noticeafor the Empire mutt be banded into
the office by tea e'eleet on the day they are de
aired to be publiehed o( fefer. We cannot
agree toloaert them after tbalhour.
Weekly Advertisements.
Thoee who deeire to bare adeertieementa
ineerted io tha Wttklu Mmpirt ebouid hand
them in by Saturday morning, at the lateat.
MuOnr adTertieinc patrona will peroeire
that, by our arrangement of reading matter,
their adrertieemente will be elwaye nne a
eery important matterto them.
CTSee 4th page for Telegraph Reporte.
Txuriaaitci Vmin There will be a Tem
peranee Meeting at tha Congregational Ohoich,
on next Thureday evening, at 8 o'clock. Rer.
J. S. Kemper, of the Third Preahyterian
Church, will addreae the meeting. The citi
eeoa in general are reepectfully requested to
Parte OnLin,
KoetarW". Stuli Committee.
M. f . Gadoib,
WooptANDDaivaj.-TheMain Avenue through
Woodland ie progreaeing aa feet ae a competent
eorpe of workmen can complete the work.
From the entrance to the Cemetery around the
ravine at ferae opposite the Odd Fellow's lot.
the grading hat been completed, and the heavi
est portion of the work may be said to have
been performed. The coarse of the avenue it
already slaked out around the entire yard, and
when finished it will be a delightful drive, A
good deal of grading remains to be done ; but
it will be comparatively light work when the
laborers get upon the high ground.
At the pit from which the workmen are ob
taining the gravel to put upon the new avenue.
nine complete human skeletons have been found.
They bear unmistakable evidence of having
been interred a great many yeare. They have
crumbled very much to decay since their ex
posure to the air.
It is intended to have the drive around the
Cemetery completed early thit aeason. It will
be a great convenience, and add materially to
tbt pleasure of visitors.
7 We are informed by a gentleman just
from Coshocton, that the item we yesterday
copied from the Columbua Fact about the
Ousbocton robbery waa not. correct. The
Treasurer ie a young man, and has no large
ehildran ; and be bee not left the piece, ae etated
by the "Fact" The circumataoce which gave
rite to the report ie probably thit. A large
amount of the money abstracted from the
Treasury at the time of the robbery wee on the
Csdia Branch of the Slate Bank. . A broker of
Oothocton a few days tgo went to Cedit with
about $1000 of tba money, done op in packa
get, and it bora eigne of having been kept
some time in a damp place, the bill having
a "wet look." The fact becoming known, the
broker wae apprehended; but on examination
he satisfactorily accounted for bit possession
of the money, and wst diachtrged. Thatwai
the end of that excitement.
Our informant elates that it it the general be
lief in Oothocton that the robbery waa com',
mitted by some persona resident there, and
who have, up to tbie time eecsped detcc'.icn,
They are like Hicawber, bow "waiting for
something to turn up."
Ma. Eniroa As you omitted in the psper Of
Tueeday tome particulara which should hav(
been mentioned, in order to give the public
jnst idea of the character and objeolt of the
company, pleaee notice that thit company
will be called the Baoao Texan Howmtai, and
will turn out only in cool weather.
Another company it in process of formation
lo be called
Thit company la being organised under the
auspices of the following gentlemen :
Franklin Holiday, Peter Odlin, Henderson
Elliott, L. F. Olsfiin, Caleb Parker, Jemee
Wampler, MSOanckrl, T M John, VV8 Ar
cher, Wm Hosier. PtStansifer, James Elliott
H S Fowler, David Davie, A 0 Vandoren, L
Gunckel, N E Jordan, Deacon Nichols, W Dix
on, T M Lewie, Luke Schnebly, Wilbur Cono-
ver, J 8 Millard, S Jackson, G B Holt, H M
Brown, ELindely.e Adamtjewett, H Jewell
W Higgios, JohnMcIntire.t V Winters, John
McCutcheon, 8 Richards, W Bomberger, John
Withrop, David Ecker, 8 Bollin, T V Wood
W Arnold, J Butts, Sol Puterbsugh, H Beet.
Candidate for Captaia. fOandtdate for Stan
dard bearer.
The Light Guard No. 9 will turn out on the
let of August next, if the day be not windy
The Lioar A stilus r will parade at the
ttme time, and if the day be warm, will ride
wagons with tight bottoms, for tha salvation
of hard materiaL
tween I
urday, Jef
ferson aad
der dyt
erve, tht
IT Tha Dayton Light Guard go to Troy
tha 13lh, wt are informed to Joia tha military
from that and other towns, in camp. They
will tteeaae three dayt Of course the Guard
will see the necessity of turning out a full com
plement of gune on tht occasion. They bsve
a reputation which they must not treat ginger
ly. Bring out aU the new guns, boys.
geBrBaldwin'i Gallery ia thronged dally
with persons securing those beautiful oheap
piotures. Wt have examined soms of them
aid tbey certainly exoel any 25 cent pic
tures wt ever taw. Girt him a call ;
gallery it on 3d street, three doon tatt
Excbangt Bank.
ETAXenie subscriber informs as that
visit of the "Sons" to lhair place last week
an eaeca la tht history of ths place I
Sons" will be the saving of that town yet.
CT Wt notice that lbs 4th "went hard" with
aome of the bore, aa thsy have not yet "got
ten over it." It it a merer for some people
tnat holidays ao not come once a week
IT There wert about 130 persona at the
ored picnle down al tha "Bluff" tha other
They bad a vary pleasant time, we leara.
tTOo to Distere, Market, near Jefferson
for a ale delicious bath. He has, also a com
plet assorteaeot of the very beat quality of
fumery, com be, brasses, Ac, indeed, every
tfcjjy UuoBflaf W the bevber't prpftaaloa.
Dr. Wm. C. Johnston, of Sidney.
Thik gentleman, who It acknowledged to
bt One of tht moat aesotnpllshed foreign
oorreapondente of tht Amerioan preaa, it a
self made man, and it indebted to tht print
ing office for the rudiments of hit edaoaticn.
lie worked alternately at tht out and stud
ied medicine in Troy and Sidney io tht torn.
mer and New Tork in tht winter when ha
graduated in 1844 or 43. After receiving
tha highest honors of Kutger't College he
returned to Sidney and practiced medioina
for tome two years, but being anxiout to ob'
tain further instruction in tht Uedioal Col
leges of Paria, be went to France in 1848,
when be beoamo the correspondent of the
Ohio State Journal, Cincinnati Gatette, New
Fork Tribune, eto , by whioh meant he wst
enubled to prosecute bia etudiei abroad.
Of late hit correspondence to tht Ntw York
Times, over tht signature of Malakoff, hat
attraoted a great deal of attention-
Dr. Johnston's father ie a very popular
and luoveetful practitioner of mtdloine in
Sidney, and baa reason to feel proud of bia
boy, especially when he readt tht following
artioie,foreehadowing literary enterprise
which will no doubt give him the highest
position among the historians of anoient or
moiern times :
Americans for the Seat of War.
Hon. II. J. Raymond, of the N. Y. Times,
and Hon. Mr. Forsyth, of N. Y., have just
left Paria for the seat of war. Mr. Jerome
lionaparte, of Baltimore, was also to have
left on Saturday, en route for Italy, but ie
still in Paris. Dr. W. E. Johnston, of Ohio,
for several years a resident of Paria, left
with Messrs. Raymond and Forsyth, in
tending to obtain, 1 am told, from actual ob-
seavation, the materials for a future history
of the war, whioh, from bit aooomnlished
pen, cannot fail to be interesting and popu
lar. Before leaving Paria Dr. J. bad an in
terview with the Frenoh Minieter of For.
ign A ffairs. Paria Correspondence N. Y,
Police Items.
arrosta were made last night for
drunkenness and disorderly oonduot The
watch bouse waa pretty well filled. Most oi
of them were discharged this morning with
out a hearing.
James MoGiU, alias Kirtland, was arrest
ed for following a German girl on the street,
with the intention of injuring her. Fined
$5 and oosta, and oommitted in default of
Yesterday evening offioer Broadwell offer,
ed to assist a man named tinyder, who teem
ed to be unable to help himself, when the
individual struck him with a oane, the elub
wat wrested from him, and ht then drew an
ugly looking dirk whioh was also taken from
bim. Broadwell supposing that there wae
no more deadly weapont on hit person pro
ceeded to take him to -the Station Bouse
when Snyder almost unseen drew from bis
pocket a butcher knife and atruok a back
hand lick, whioh Broadwell euooesded in
warding off without injury. Snyder it ia
supposed waa drunk at tht time ; ht wat
locked up.
St. Marts Itihs Some expert thieves are
ntereeting Auglaize county. They are suppoa
ed to have run out from the larger eiliee to
spend the hot weather In the rural districts.
On last Thursday night seversl of these gentry
entered eeversl houses in St. Marys, and man
aged to secure about $125 in cash, besides
seversl valuable articles.
A brute in the shape of a man attempted to
commit a rape on the person of a little girl, in
the neighborhood of St Marys, on Wednesdsy
last. The mother, who happened to see tha
fellow, got a gun from Ihe house, and was about
to shoot the wretch, but wss prevented by
those who, hearing the noise, had approached
The villain ie in jail.
W heat in the neighborhood of St, Marys, and
indeed, throughout Auglsixe county, is extra
good, and is being hsrveeted. The corn ie a
little backward, but looks well, and will "come
out" in good time.
St. Marys is rspidly improving, seversl good
buildings and a large new Church (Lutheran)
is going up. There was a big time in St. Marys
on the 4tb.
Hunt's MtacHAirrs' Maoacinb. This excel
lent work for July has been placed upon oar
Table. An Idea of it importance and utility
may be gleaned from a table of the departments
embraced in it, each one containing aevsral
carefully prepared articles: Journal of Maresn
tile Law J Commercial Chronicle; Journal of
Bankiog, Currency and Finance; Statistics of
Trade and Commerce; Journal of Insurance
Nautical Intelligence; Commercial Regulations
Postal Department; Railroad, Oanal and Steam
boat Statistics; Journal of Miuiag, Manufac
tares and Art; Statistics of Agriculture, Ae.
Ststistics of Population; Mercantile Miscella
nies, Ac, Ac It is altogether an invaluable
work for merchants, mechanics and men in ev
err branch of trade and art. Address G. W
A I. A Wood, New York.
CTAttentioo is directed to the card of Capt
De Rue, in thie day's psper. He piopo.ee
organise a company, to be composed of youth
from nine to eighteen yeare of age, for instruction
io-military science. The advantage of aa or
ganizalioo of this kind, wbsn properly eon
ducted, are too apparent to need any commeo
dstion frem us. Nothing could be better calcu
laleit to promote the health and phy.ira! devel
opmeut of youth, than the plan proposed,
Oapt De Rue is known to our cilisens aa a gen
tlema every way qualified to conduct an or
ganisation of ibis kind, and he baa our best
wishes for hie sueceea.
Puaurs Hoist. W are happy to learn that
this large Hotel has been constantly Increasing
in popularity and busioasa since Mr. J. It. Hub
bell bca proprietor. It ia now full every
night aod has been for the last six months.
succeae ia another evidence of what a Aral class
nolal can do in Day too when kept by a popu
lar proprietor, aided by auch a Olerk ae Q.
Stats Taacnsa'a Association. Last evening
Hon. Wm.OauBeld delivered a very able end
in Wresting address on the subjeot of Edueatioa,
which wae liateued lo by a large aad spprecis-
live aodienea, Ha took strong grounds
favor of the present school law.
taTbe little ongin t from Cadarville,
ia aaid, beat all tht big engines throwing,
Springfield, on tht 4th. tht will bavt
take tht horns, if tht oaa maintaia bar tu
IT We refer our reader lo lb 4r)iamaii
of Mr. Job K. Oerkerd, offering hi bees
tale, on 0etr street. It is a pUaaaat and tat
ty rssideaot,and will betoU cheap, and ia easy
terata. " :
State Teachers' Association.
Tux Ohio State Tiaciikh' Association
met in Ilunton Hall, at 10 o'clock A, M.,
July 6; Joiitt Hancock, of Cincinnati, act
ing President. About two hundred teach
er were pre nont.
The exercises were opened with prayer,
by Rcr. Maxwell P. Gaddis, of Dayton.
Charles II. Murray, of Hamilton, E. C.
Ellis, of Dayton, and Mr. Little, of Colum
bus, were elected Assistant Secretaries, and
the Kev. A. Duncan, of Newark, Waa elect
ed TreMurer.jm). tern.
Dr. A. D, Lord, of Columbus, Chairman
of the Executive Committee, then announced
the order of exercisee for the day.
The first thing in order, waa an address,
on The Diffusion of Knowledge, by John
Hancock, Acting President of the Associa
tion. The address was well written, and
tht importance of the diffusion of knowl
edge urged with no ordinary ability. He
took strong grounds in favor of Free Libra
ries, claiming that they ar aula in the diffu
sion of knowledge, with which we cannot
At 2 o'clock P. M., Rev. A. Duncan, of
Newark, made a very spicy report on
Teachers' Meetings, at the close of which be
offered the following resolutions:
Bttolved, That the trtio Teacher, wher
ever found, will hail with joy any means
dapted to enhance his eincionoy and power,
that ne will make any reasonable sacrince to
avail himself or them.
That the Teacher's meeting is prominently
adapted to hit wants in this respect,
That Uoarus ot Education, should furnish
to all teachers,, under their control, the fa
cilities necessary to organize and vigorously
sustain such an association.
That, wherever practicable, auch Board
should require their teachers to hold such
meeting statedly, and allow ot no excuse
for absence from their respective schools.
That teachers should be expected, and if
necessary, required, thoroughly to prepare
whatever lesson, fctudy, or other exercise
that may be assigned fur the Teacher's Meet
hat a strict account should be kept
with each teacher; all absence, tardiness,
and all failures, and imperfection in duty,
connected with the Teacher's Meeting, being
recorded, and submitted to the Hoard of edu
cation, and that these should have their full
weight in enabling Baiu Hoard to estimate
the true value or each teacher's services,
qualifications and claims to a re-election.
that at least one-hnll ot each Teach
er's Meeting should be appropriated to a
thorough recitation, in too or more studies,
requiring lor its preparation the bent powers
of the teacher. The object being to inspire
love of study and higher intellectual tone.
1 hat the moral well-being of the pupils,
under the care or the teacher, is lully enti
tled to a large Share of the time and discus
sion of such a meeting, and that hero, there
ample scope for the talent, taot and skill of
the teacher, in developing the means best
adapted to train the consciences, guide the
affections, and generally to elevate the moral
tone of those entrusted to his or her care.
The report was accepted and a motion
made to adopt the appended resolutions.
Mr Hartshorn wished to hear the resolu
tions discuxscd. lie doubted the propriety
of compelling teachers to attend Teacher's
Meetings, and thought that tho assertion,
made in the report, that all good teachers
attend them, is hardly correct. If it
there aro certainly few good teachers
Teachers have failed to become inspired.
Mr. b. r. White, or Portsmouth, related
an anecdote of a preacher, who was always
complaining, that the members of his church
would not turn out to tho prayer-meetings,
while the cause of the non-attendance was
attributable to himself. He drove them away
by bis own prosiness. He thought auch
was often the case, in 1 eachor's Meetings
Teachers are driven away by the prosy and
uninteresting exercises ol the meeting.
Mr. Tappan, of stubenville, suggested,
that forced attendance availed but little; that
the Teacher's Meetings, like the school-room
must be made pleasant, if a good attendance
is secured. He bad found, that a good in
to rest was often awakened by asking the
Teachers to take notes of tho difficulties
Inch they might encounter through the
week, and present them for discussion.
Dr. Lord, or Uilumbus, thought it might
bo well for those having chargo of Teacher's
Meetings, to have something to present to
the meeting, that the leachers would re mem
bcr with pleasure.
Mr. Ransom wished to add Ins mite, and
sueecsted. the plan of calling upon the
members of the 1 e seller's Mooting, in alpha
betical order, and requiring each member to
contribute something to the exercises.
Hon. Horace Mann admitted, that the at
tendance at the Teacher's Meeting was not
so good as might be desired, and yet bettor
than might be expected.
Ladies, coming to this meeting, would spend
the salary of a fortnight or a month, and
where is the business man who will make
so great a eacnnce lor his proiessiont
Teachers have to make more sacriticcs than
the members of any other profession. In
sister States, they open the doors to the
teachers, and invite them to come in and ac
cept their hospitalities during the session.
He would never appoint a meeting at
place whore they would not do this. The
progress or ideas are not rapid. I he science
of education is not built up in a week or
a year, or ten years; but, like all other scien
ces, it only develones as ages roll by.
The resolutions were voted upon ana
President J. W. Andrews, made a report
on High School studies, which was accepted
and set apart for discussion, the first hour
of the session to-day.
Dr. W. u. t-atlin, a. J. Kickon, t. u. r.1
1U.F. W. Hurtt, E. E. White, Wm. Young
and Mr. Tappan, were appointed a Com
mittee to nominate officers for tho ensuing
Mr. Hanoook, of Cinoinnat, called tht
meeting to order, and Introduced Hon. M
Canfield, who proceeded to addreae tkt As
sociation on tbt imporlanea of an effioient
sobool system, school supervision and legia
lation. Attheelottof the addreae Mr.
8m j tht apokt in commendation of tht ad
dress and testified to the emoieooy ot Al
C't labor in the Senate, in behalf of th
oauae of education, and moved a vote
thank to Mr. C, whioh wat unanimously
agreed to.
Mr. Canfield then spoke briefly apon the
opposition made to tht school law, and on
hie labore to sustain it, concluding by dei
daring bit oonvlolion that tb necessities
th Stat require a thorough moral training
in Order to render other education valua
ble. Adjourned till tu-morrow.
Mr. Hanoook called the Aeaoeiation to or
der, and th exeroise wer opened
prayer by Ktv. A.'Duutaa, of Newark. Mr.
II. called Pre. Andrews to tb chair, and
aaaogaoad villi tridect emoUoa tbt death
of hi colleague, Mr. Paige, of Cincinnati, a
member of thit association, and moved that
a committee be appointed to prepare the
customary sninntet and appropriate resolu
tions. Meter. Kiokoff, Parker and Freeor
wert appointed.
On motion of Mr. Mills, Mr. 0. B. Nhreve
wat appointed an additional Secretary. '
Mr. Duncan, in behalf of tht teachers aod
friends of Eduoation in Newark, Invited the
Association to hold its next annual meeting
in that town, and thi Invitation wat nnanl.
mously aooepted. Mr. Boyce, in accordance
with notice given at the last annual meeting,
moved to amend the constitution, to at to re
duos the number of Vice Presideutt. and
the amendment waa adopted
Mr. Caldwell wat called to the Chair, and
the committee on nomination, reported through
Dr. Collin, the following li.tiandon motion
of Mr. Mills the Report was adopted, and the
officers therein named wer appoioted :
rresldent John Hancock, of Cincinnati.
Vict Presidents Horace Mann, Antloch
College; Prof. Robt. Allyn, of Cincinnati;
Louis Andrews, of Kenyen; M. t. Oowdery,
of Sandusky City; D. F. Ds Woll, of Tiffin.
Rec. Secretary R. W. Stevenson, of Mus
kingum. Cor. Secretary W. T. Caggeehall, Colum
Treasurer Rev. A. Duncan, Newerk,
Auditor J, J. Janney, Oolumbue.
Executive Committee E. E. White. Chair
man, Portsmouth; A- D. Lord, Columbus, J.
W. Andrews, Msristta; Eli Tsppan, Sieubtn
illr; 0. Nareoo, Cincinnati; H. Canfield, Me-
A. 0. Fenner, Dayton,
Respectfully submitted,
W. C. CATLIN, Ch'n.
report on the course of study
for High Schools, come up in order, end after
some remarks by Dr. Andrews, wss discusaed
by Dr. Oatlin, Mr. Edwards, of Miami, Mr.
White, of Portsmouth and othere, when the
object was postponed to hear an address by
. H. Allen, of Chillicolhe. A letter from the
Superintendent of the Aaylum for the Inttne.
addressed to the President of ilit Association,
aving first been read, spoligising for not in
iting the Association to visit lust Institution
caseofsmsll poi rendering a visit Ibis term
Flying Observations on the 4th.
Ma. Eoitob : Nothing specislly seemed to
be going on in our city on the 4th, I concluded
to upend my portion of it on a jaunt up and
down the Dayton A Michigan R. R.
Having heard many remarks of praias of that
Road, and its msnsgement favorably spoken
of, snd thpre being but half fare charged on la
lependence day, I took that to be an oppor
tone time lo make the locgdeshtd trip, snd to
whstl could see.
We left the Union Depot at Dayton about 8
.V., under the control ef Engineer Oogan,
ed conductor Twambly. While ia the care
of these efficient gentleman, of thit excellent
rotd, you mty rett perfectly easy, as under
thslr great ear and vigilance, any very serious
accident la not probable to hsppsn.
We passed on with a full and cheerful load,
to the first station (Johnsons) where we found
more in wailing than we could possibly crowd
on our already over burdened train; and anon
at th National Road, Pica j so and Colee
ville we ssw crowds with smiling faces eager
to jump aboard; all of whom were kindly told
lo wail for a train which wae te follow.
Arriving at Tippecanoe Depot, all seemed to
feel a prompting lo welcome their friends to the
celebration of th ever memorable National
Anniversary. All were invited here lo par
lake of the good things prepared for th occa-
ca.ion, without money and without prio.
Our train haviug now been somswhat
lieved we passed on cheerily to Troy, where
great number of tb Trojans wer in radint
to take passage for the '-Bolder City," to psy
their respects to the Piqusds, and spend th
day with them.
All aboard" and on w went with lightning
speed, lesving but a blu streak in ths wake,
over that excellent nortinn nfth rn-rf er:q-'S
ststlon. Here were bands of Instrumental and
Martial Mu.ie; Military and Fire Co.; theTur.
ner Association, all tastefully uniformed; beo
sides crowds of private citixens, ia wsiting to
sscort tbsir guest to the festivity at Piqua.
But few additions Were msde to our company
here, there being new no 4ih of J uly attractions
this side of Wspskonstta.
Arriving at Sidney, we found the Patriots of
that place ready to take passage for Wapakoo
etta. Nothing of particular not turned up ex
eept the oosing out of en overcharge of patriot
sm from some of oar Sidney sddition, which
wss wasted in pulling down some of the flags
which had been displayed by the Mail Agent
on either of tbe out side of his office and tear
og them into strings. We came to the conolu
sion that if the cilisens of Sidney generally
ill be held accoaoteble for that style of pat
riotiam, we should probably behold in the
north corner of the spirit world, a minister
city, labelled, Sidney, aa she wsa on lh 4th
dty of July, 1859, io another hemisphere, with
out prsyer, hope or resurrection.
Quite a large crowd got "aboard" her, a
aleo at intermediate stations for Wepak., where
supplies were in raadinaae for th kmgieg
atomach, in the shspe of a 4th ef July Dinner.
Large crowds of cilisens wer in wailing to
cart th multitude to the place prepared for
these palriolie eouls.
Now our train waa quit releived except
the natural every day travel.
Arrivlog al Lima, th termiau of eurgo, w
found there aleo, the citixens of the place, en
joying themselves la a neighboring grove;
particular effort howsvar, semd to hsv bee
made to get up aay thing more thaa a eelebrai
lion in th t 1 of a National Picnic.
At 4 p. m. the signal "all aboard" delighted
our ears, and at one we were whirling
homeward. We shsll not attempt to notice
our return Ineiaeuia cooeaquanl apon ucB
a day of merriment, feaata, fua and frolic. On
particular coincidence of gallant patriotism
muat not omit however. Approaching Peter
eons flag station two tail south of Piqua,
where reside th eeteraa steaaboat Pilot,
0 ipt. Spslgh, w war greeted by the waving
of kerchiefe by a doata or a of th fairer pot
loa of the neighborhood, tarro"ading th
Pilot. Next to thit pUaaaat greeting oory
drop-ted spot a table In th enclosure, loaded
with inch substantial as ar oaly prepared
the liberal hand aad will of lb hous keeper
a country resident ia a shady grv. Il being
about ths hour ef t p. nt. whew th inner bub
seems to converse with himself with regard
ihe customary arrival ef "material aid" with
which to prop tp bia now feeble oadiUoa; b
id being souMwkat advaaosd ia years, w
mult eon fee to boom dlSeally is making
oar mind which to admire steel, th sprightly
fair ones, surrounding th old Pilot la their be
wiuhing keopa I or th erwt loaded tshl with
liogotfd thing. Wt gsxed, v 4U4, rw
th table and anon on the Q treaty fair of the
hoops. We felt as if we could devour either
without deetortlng our phis. Certain it Is we
envied the tituatlos of the evening old fox that
Beaded the merry band of bearant noblest gift
to aiaa,
Presently, th oft repeated signal-all aboard"
Wat again given, the th rattle and elatter
of breake aad ear wheels, a toot toot, and off
ws go, time only for our eye to snap the laat
(axe, first upon theestsbles, then upon the sn-e-elie
spirits seeping swsy, tad over the fence
f -r the table, our"miud's eye," here look a est,
fixed and riviwd at last, and for certain, on the
jostling hoops; we gated and gssad iheoi clear
out or sight; till we were elesr gone, remem
bering now, only a fixed determination on oup
part, that if we live to eee another 4th of July
come what may, to follow In th wake of lh.
Old Pilot, aod treat oursalfto jost that kind of
a celebration; excluding men and boys of all
ages, aad all old msida above the ag of seven,
ly five; w oarself to be Marshal, Reader, Cler
gy and Orator of the day; tad to btve oar own
celebration "in ourown way."
FAIRFIELD, July 5th, 1859.
Ma. Eoitob : W regret that aa infer
ence, such as wt did not deeire, baa been
drawn from a not of ourt ; In your paper,
bearing data of Jaly 2d. If tb language
warrant tb conclusion, whioh it may per
hap, to those unknown to tb faoto, it it an
error of th bead and not of tb heart The
fact can have no allutiont to Mr Uartman,
beyond tba tint of bit first communications,
if tht languogt baa And if tht language
does, outside of tb iooident, furnished by
, as a jocular tbing, it is more than
was desired. How oould it, when 1 bad ao
knowledge of the gentleman, until after bis
oominunicatioa. Whence then arisea the
worn on or the new "role." It appear, rath
er, to be an old on juet named aa ironical
mod of expression previously adopted, as I
There waa equally as unplstsant an infer
enoe drawn from my first communication an
"attack" upon the "private character", of Mr.
Ilariman. The above comment applies with
equal trnth to thit objeotion. It was the
publio dooumenl, instead of private charaar
ter if we did not miss tbt object of our aim.
How could it bavt bten tht private oharao
ter of ooo, 1 knew not who T
But the matter of controversy it radiant
with no ntw light. Reliable men differ up
on what they suppose to bt facta, Thoee
that negative tb questions, I bavt named,
and Mr. Michael Brenner, ie tb only on
with whom I have oonferred that affirms. In
bis oandor, 1 bavt aot tht least doubt, for I
think him tinotrt in hi eonriotioas. Yet
there mutt be a wrong somswhere, and lh
seoiet to that wrong lie hidden deep in th
criminal a breast, and by their daily walk
nd honest oonfeatioa tbey must and will,
rt oritur ahow it forth. Wwillthr-
for laav them to establish their own ina-
eanoe or guilt by their fruit.
tT We give the following eommunicstion a
plac in addition to our own article, on the
easse suhjoot. Mr. Green wss formerly a citi
sew of Coshocton, aad ia personally cognisant
of what he write.
Es. Euriax: Uavlog noticed in your paper
of yealerday an article in relation to lh Ooah
oclou Treasury robbsry, in which it is titled
ihe Treiturer't sen bed been srr salad and
10,000 of tb stolen money found upon his
person. Your informstion seeme to have been
taken from the Columbus City Fact. Knowing
personally all the parties and feels in the eis-(
I take the liberty te make the following stale
meat. Mr. Ketchum, tbe County Treasurer, ia
a young married man, having no children over
5 or t year ef ag and none of them tone that
I kaow of. This fact alone ie eufficieal to cor
net your atatement of y eater day.
I learn from a gentleman directly from Cosh
octon that some dsys since oae of their cilisens
had been arrested upon suspicion of his guilty
knowledge or connection with the robbery.
But nothing ws elicited to prov their su.pl
cions in the least and the parties wsr imme
distely released. The rumor has doubtless
out of th sbovs fact.
Sot Posted. Horac Mann, President
of Antiocb College, wt art Informed, in
some remarks bt made io tbt Stat Teach,
ers' Association now assembled in our city,
took oooaaion to reflect upon our eititeni
for not providing aeoomnandattnng for tbt
ladiet in attendance upon the Aeaoeiation.
Tbia imputation it unjust. Tht "latch
strings" of tht wbolt city art alwaya out,
and tht reputation of her citixens for hot
pitality on all poblio occasions, and at ail
timss, is proverbial throughout th entii
Union, and tb balance of tbe world,
whioh no on is bsitsr acquainted than Mr.
Mann. Our eiliaeni bad not tba least inti
mation that they would be called upon
entertain tb ladie, or other, on that oc.
caeion. A simple aanouncmnt of that
wish would bar flung wide open every
door ia th oity, aad th ladiee particularly,
wonld aav been heartily wslooms te th
"beet tb oity oould afford." Mr. Mann
should tak back lb unkind imputation,
stand conviated of libel.
Root, Boa, on Dm I An exchange psper esye
there ar threesndidie ia one of the eooaliee
io Wieeonain for the legislature J, M. Runt,
Robert Hugg, aad T. H. Dye. So with the
Voters w suppose it will be Root, Hogg,
Dye and bo mistake.
Moxtuomxst Commox Puu. Jadg Par.
sons thi afternoon took np th of
Sial of Ohio va George Clark, indiottd
passing raised bank bill. Uouk for Slate,
Craighead and Cuppy for defendant.
T-Jaet as ws ar going to pr, tb po
lio ma robed up to tha Mayer' e oSa fear
men aad on women, to receiv their daseru
for their evil dead.
tnTW. C. fUndaU A Oa r Moaning
floe Wl of iraU fron th. north. Fami
Um wanlinc Uiam lo (ml up, will do Wall
OaJl lOOB. .
Htati op Ohio a. Jobm Mcrray Id
diotnent for bono Waling. Tho Jaiy
morning returned a tordiot of guilty.
CTTaefe era now t98 caaeiet la th. Ohio
reaiilattUary.ali io in aerd good aoa
dilioa. U , a
tX?Ttu Oregoa Loglalatoro itydf wrad
out oieeting a V. J. an iter to UU
Mi: t lnrt ,taWtom " "
fui Co-m-
7r.V2." " ple' aandldate lo,
MAN T FaiKfllM.
Hard, toull tba raeanar muu-t k. .t.
tloo of . A.
MAM. -
To tba Taoher of ttonttommy
Connty. y
Th Monte-ornery Count Teftohar'a Amn.
elattoa will hold Ma rular Annual last I tut la the
eltr of taytoa
Theeeaslon will ommn an MONDAY. fCl
I 1 1 Sl anil jAa4VI aa a a naa.a m ,
luetructlxns will be given In Orthoa-raphv. Rrad
g. Mental ArlthaMlle. Wrlt.M Arith..,!. n--
greeny, Kngllah Uraatmar, Phyaleal geography, aa4
Algebra. '
Teaohers ef th .djololog CeuatvM are re.pe.tf al
ly Invited to attend.
r.? Arfo'n's. John Tolsn. J.trea
I. Martin, t, w. M.nnlnx. fend.w
Tliuroday, July 7,
No. 94, Main at..
wiu rvt ma
Extensive Stock of
He Is preparing for Fall Purehi
ae, aad these
Stoves and Holiuw-Ware.
Bavt on Foiindery.
NEFF, BENNET L CO., Proprietor).. .
Store-room art) Third al.
Cook and Seating Stoves,
following Cook Store., and are orenared to ell
ordere promptly:
"CLINTON AIR-TK1H r," nitrated Oven;
KINO OF STOVES," Elevated Oven.
Tin Plate Stoves, Six and Peven Plato float
ing Stoves, Parlor btovea, Ac, dco.
ao superior It eontlouaa to be a great favorite
We euultl UU a volume with testimoolaJa, if It were
v are Agents lor uie eaie oi nte
(Q Ub 4) IB ad UlAnCOUaS
This Kance a as been rotten up ltaln a few snoetas
peat, and haa aaaay advantage uver the old Ruizes
Do you. want a superior Haniel tail and eaamlue
the Globe.
170 Third atreet. Da ton, Ohio.
JjrT-lmdluw . JS'KFF, VkNNLT A CO.
For Sale,
MY Houee and Lot, No. 24 Centre atreet,
la Tor aale. Any person deairlng a nice UtUa
home, eat now have an opportunity of semiring one,
oa easy term, by applying .000 to
Covington, Ky.,
or to Williams A Wallace, Dayton, Ohio.
if J
A FINE Farm of eioellent land, lying
six mllet east of Dayton, on the Yvllow
otertnea road, tor sale at low ttgurea and reasonable
tarsus. a
Tisttre are seventy arree under cultivation, the
remainder being heavily timbered. There la uou It
a House, Barn and On. bin 14 togs, aa orvhard of 70
or Ho lai-ge bearing trees of good Iruit, a naver-iall-iag
spring, atJJrOing running water for at oak, be
eiJes well of good water, at the houaei toget-er
with a quart) o? good lloneatvoe. The whole larm
la well arranared and haa on it rood fencers.
The situation is healthy, and it ia altogether the
cheapest aud anoat dealrable farm now odVred for
sale in this part of tbe eountry.
w or lur.uef parweuiars, oau on
at. P. NOLA.
Real hftate Agcut and Attorney at Law,
)1 Da tun, Ohio.
Cadet Lance Company!
Capt. JO. lie lieu
WOULD respectfully announce, that atj
the eol lot tat ton of a ausiberof gem t imm
la Mas any, nepropoaee toorgnu a iajet aitu- I
tary Companv totwoooaiK seu ol vouih fnn nine
to eight en , aa a i ( age. Tho course of iastru t.on
wilt mracj iniliug, FeuULg, atarihluf ace G; n
aeettc stnefciaea. In short. eer thing erteiuing
to a thorough and aoooaapliahed military eOuoatloa.
ut table rooms will be provided, for drilling, ten
sing, e., and tt ia proposed to eomaienoe the claaa
about the ith ol July.
tor further information, In regard to tbe plan of
Instruction, those who Intend to join the class are
requested ocaJl at the residence of Capt. leKeu,
No. t fourth atreet, between the hours of ft and 7
o'clock r. rn.
ThRBta rive Dollars to be paid at the time of
jolulug the elans, aad One Dollar a month there! tar.
'Centlemen who have heretofore taken fencing
las. rna of Capt. DcHeu, are informed that he wiil
open n KenUng Club on the 16 th of July. Three
evenings in eat-h week Tents, one Dol.ar a fconth.
For further talormaUon,ca41 a Capt. Delicti, at ate
resiae dc , oa rourtu stieei.
jyi-iwo iJoiajraa ana uaxette copy.)
AT 2 o'clock F. M., oa the pramiaM, will
tie) aold Twenty. twe lota, containing la tba
aggregate 8 acres, ajkoug which are eleven bcautl
luliy situated atulidlng Lots, lor hontee, on blkh
rolling ground, ovtiloukiug the eity and surround
ing country; with an cm trust ve view oa the Great
laaai, Msdriver and giuiwauur Vatteye. beuaiota
lie la a aouiheaateny direction from the uy,ariAl
are easily aod conveniently approximated, iron
Klrat, aieci4i,TiiUuajMl Uih streets, ano aie loca
ted oa a aew Turnpike, now la progress of con
struction, and in oruer to be appnvUUta aeed oaly
to be seen by ttioae deairlng n tnauum JosatRnfur
a sou a try reeioenea. aatd iota vary in site al bona
twe t4twetv aAicetjw
Al0 Klevrn Soa Garden Lot ol the beet quali
ty of eolt, and eurUly aituataxl tur baidca u
poaee, eontaining I roe one and a ha.f to av avoj.
Terms ut a. ie--o. h . M ef the purchaae moatry
la ninety dH the balatwe in v, io and tbreo
yean, with a per eeuL lutereet, .yntoi axus ally,
aeeured by mortgsge on Uie prwperiy eoxd.
The title to airthe above lota wilt be made by Mrs.
Jane Wilson, whoee father. Col. CVeoige Neweomb,
owned a! settled oa tha nana aome forty yeaia
Persons d4 1 -ous or seeing the asore lotr, previous
to tha day tf sale, will be show. I-mbs by va Hag uta
S. W. Da vies, W. . MuttiMaje or ohn Meow.
Ouioibusee will run from the Chilllpa Ho una to
the plaoe as aaie, oommeneing at I o'clock r. M.
a. w. i a una, i
W. . HUfVMAh, I Tf" .
Ho, Every Body.
TU K aame old kind of Chee I used lo keep,
a.d ao l.take. Call around, frteude, and get
a allee lar Ue J ourUV.
Will have tt all summer aa4
i. K. wiSHAHT,
No. IS Jetfereoa at., Ag't. '
IIo, Te Anglers.
TALL rn J. K. Gsbhart and get a nioe fish
as log pole.
I have got omo eae, ao ae siistake.
A Very Nice Article of Honey
JUST rwoeived, otr-.r with a freeh oop
plv efaU alaeael ekate Unmtlrt.
r j. n. ua'BHAaT,
jy as Jeg.reQi eraef.
rH)UNU, Yoeterday, a 81 Ky "of
A fartae ,JraMU . w '

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