Newspaper Page Text
ft FROrRIXTOl. Thursday Brsnlnu, loir 7, IBS. ' D?I CLAIK, KDITOft Democratic State Ticket. roa oovmxoa, RUIXJS P. RASNSr; of Cuyahoga County. ItMTTCirAIIT OOtKO, VV1M.UM H. 8AFFORP, of Rom County. Jtmni or th scrams oot'Bt, HENRY a WHITMAN, of Ftitfiold Co. ACDITOB Or STATS, , a VOLNEY LOKSEY,of Miami County. tmArit r stat, WILLIAM BUSIINELIj, of Kiohlani Co. GCRIETAItr OF BTATB, , JACOB REINIIARD, of Franklin County. boasd or rmtuo worsts, JAMES TOML1XSON, of Wsshington Co cosmos school ooMMtseiomsr, CUARLE8 N. ALLEN, of Harrison Co. IT Heading M titer on Evary Pag .1 atuFor Locals, Telegraph, and other mattera of interest and information, aoa First and r'oarth rages. - A Knotty Subject. ll h seat to impossibls to get the "straight story" about lb war In Europe, and the prom Jneot rrtanat the head of the belligerent force. Up tethie time, notwithstanding the learned dissertations by aetata scholars in Engler.d aod the Uoited States, we aie about ae much in the dark aa wa were before they commenced their course of enlightenment. The trouble ia, they don't agree upon any essential point. We are told br one of the learned aaranewho elaborates the war question, that the French and Sardinian forces are on the very best un derstanding, and are acting in perfect concert; that Leu is Nspoleen, Victor Emanuel and Osrabsldi are on terms of the moat confidential intimacy, and that they are all steadily and en ergetically working for the same purpose the ejectment of the Austrian! from Italy, the inde pendence of Sardinia, and the political elera tion af the Italian States. Another one of these "illumioati" informs us that a state of disagreeable distrust exists between the allied forces; that it is exhibited erery dsy in a vsriety of dlaagreesble annoy ancee, and Is threatening to break out Into opea rupture; that the feelings of bate which Oara aldi entertains toward Nspoleon amount al most to a deadly loathing; that Emanuel views the movements of both his allies with suspicion, and hss pointedly given them to understand that ha doe no, trust them; that instesd of working for the good of Sardinia, Napoleon is operating to get a hold upon Italy, and will tike chsrge of a pretty large slice of the couo for hi. and lb. glor, of France; that Emanuel ,, only oper.Ung for th. parpca, of more nnnlv afriirinff his TMiwer nvurtha nnnljr intending, in the event of the success of the allied arms, to proclaim an unlimited monar chy over Sardinia and one or two contiguous States; that Garabsldi, alone, has the good of the people at heart, and that although he may watch the arch'demagoguee, he will be power less to prevent the sacrifice of freedom to imbi. tious tyranny. Others of these lesrned "doctors" dissgree aa to the condition and movements of the bellig erents; and we regret that the reports from th "theatre of War" do not enable us to decide for ourselves who is right. Here we ar again at the mercy of the "doctors." The news from the allies is said to be first inspected by K.poi Icon; the Austrian ascounta of balllra, etc, wa ara also informed, are submitted to Francis Joseph, or to a confidential minister; the inteK ligence of Gsrabsldi's movements are at the mercy of the French and Austrians; the former magnifying and the latter disparaging his ef forts. Agsin wa are told that all the accounts of the battle which have reached this country are incorrect; that the so stjled victories of the allied forces were really defeats; that the French hss suffered more than the Austrisns and that a fsw more such victories will be the ruin of the French army, and the causa of Bsr- dints. We will not atop to enquire why, if sucb really be the case, the Austriana have been beaten in every engagement, and hav fallen back, in tolerable disorder, within their terri tory proper; we will only say that it ia im probable, and that we hav never before heard of victors retiring before vanquished srms. We here long awaited a solution of the kuotty points involved in thia European war question but we have waited in vain. New difliculties, unthought of inconsistencies and contradic tions flow upon us, sod we despair of arriving at any thing lis an accurate statement of af faire until tbs time shall hav passed for false coloring, and when the necessity for misrepre sentation has erased to exist. The perplexities we have pointed out a besetting .th enquirer after th condition of affairs in Italy will be readily felt by newspsper readers; and all th consolation wa can offer them at this tint is Wait and sea; th time will com when w will know all that ia worth knowing about the matter. Grkat Battle Anotbar great battle ha bean fought by th allied army and th Aus trians, which lasted sixteen hour. A usual, th allies were victorious. So telegraph for parlioulara. Prussia is reported to b adranoing her army on th Khiu. It is generally under stood that th first blow she strike will call Russia into th field. Prussia has now rest, ing with bar th dolioat and responsible power of cither oouHniug th war to Italy ,or plunging Europe in th most sanguinary struggle th world ha aver witnessed. What will ah do? je now th question up permost on th lip of all anxious for th pac of Europe " "--'-' )QTb Peaaooratio Convention of th 2d Congressional Distriot of Mississippi reosntly held a CooTention at which th following resolution waa passed : Resolrsd, That thia oonrention, represent ing, according to its usage, th Damooratio party of the second Congressional distriot ot Alisaiasippi, standing upon th pUtform of principle promulgated by th National bemooralio Convention at Cincinnati in 1856, do assert their approval of, and their adhereno to those principles a construed and understood by our Bouthern Represent atives in Congress. And whilst we regard tru Demooraoy and th prosperity ol our common eoontry ynonymous terms, and ia their nature alike progressive, ws see no ne cessity at present to in trod uo or to adopt any new plank in our platform, or any new test of quaiihoation for office. jaTh import of foreign dry good at New York for th month of Jun are larger than fot' any previous Jun in our history, th total bsiog nearly three time aa large a for tht corresponding month, of Jaat year lb total being $7,280,000, against $4,503,., 769 fof Jun of J 958; Th Journal of Com Bare say that th total vain of th good ntrd ai this port for th fiscal year and ing Jon 30, 1 about th earns as for Vie CO rr s ponding jtenod of 1857, but th total threw apoa th market show an iaoraas tf bM 9l2fiOQ,OOH .. .. Tbo upper atory of a house ocsopted by W. I W, 11. Pearson wa blown ol Seven chiU : dren were buried in the ruins. One, a boy four years old, wa so seriously injured that ha died about 9 o'olock th same evening. Two olhtn wer, tioo,iy H not fatfty in try jore(, . , hi , hrok , , j , ft : . 1 J i Two Indiana Hong' at Council Grow abort Urn ago toraa Caw Indiana stole two ponies from a Mexican train, ODoampad near Council Orote, and thaMexIokni, upon demanding tlis. restoration of the property! wara eelied and whipped The Msxloan than fonn protection with tht whites, who aenl a messenger to the trlbs, demanding the ponies and the perpetrators of tht oo Ia a abort lima eighty. (We warrior ap peared, anned with guns, eto., and dared tht whites to seite the ctlprlte, who were with them. A volley wa fired over their head to Intimidate them, whan they r torned a Toller, wounding (ereral, two, named Parks and Oil key, mortally. The Indian then retreated. Next morning three hundred white ais eamblad, and marching to the Indian camp, demanded th Indian who (hot Park and Uilkey. They offered to compromise by gin Ing np all their annuities for th ensuing year. Th reply wa "blood for blood." Seeing th folly of resisting so large a force, they gar up th two Indian, who war ta ken back to Council Clror and hung. The Indian want to sell out and go farther west. Kacipi or Can. Wallao Tan Ssyjast. Our raaden will remember that some month lino w notioed th murder in Chilliooth of John Godfrey, at th hands of Cadwalladef Wallace, Jr., who wa arrested, lodged in jail and mysteriously escaped soon after. Th mod in which th reloas wa bronght about never was fully known until a few day si no whsn an exposition took plaoe, and th parties Implicated are in th hand of th Court Th reeoue wa effected by th (errant girl of th jailor and a confederal named Long. A very ngly bill of particular Is fill d in th Commaroial against John R. An derson, U. 8. Deputy Marshal, and George a. Baber, City Marshal of Chilliooth, who are said to bar negotiated with th father of Wallae for the liberation of the son. Th rescue is said to bar cost I,425, of whioh Long got 300, and th aerrant of th jailor the balance. Th who! is bronght to light by the confession of Nelson McColloster,who waaoonricted of a heinous offense and agreed to confess, provided th judgment should be qusshed. Violent Storm, Cleveland wa visited on Saturday afternoon with a sever storm. injured a to render it helpless. The other three were but slightly injured. A lady living in th house opposite saw th roof raised three time above the walls. th tremendous foroe of the storm raising it clear off lb third time, and dashing it with crashing foroe upon the kitchen. A dog, sitting by the aide of a babe on year old, wo instantly killed, the babe es caping with a few bruise on th face. Whila th friends wer ministering to th suBenngs of th children, some fiends in human (haps were engaged in stealing th clothing and a large number of articles of furniture from th ruin, thns leaving Mr. P., who i poor and illy able to bear the log almost destitute of plotbing for hi family, Thb Minks Another Gloomy Report. Th editor of the tit Joseph (Mo.) Journal had a conversation on the 1st inst, with Mr. Pool, of Randolph County, 111., who had just returned from the Pike's Peulc mine. Mr. Pool state that he went out to the mines is Mar oh lost, prospected all through the (Ire gory Diggings, and could find nothing. II state that hs and six others worked three weeks in the Gregory Diggings and obtained about a dollar worth of gold. None of the miner were making board. II and bis comrade offered to work for their board, and then for on meal a day, but no one would accept their offer. II states that, at th time he left, Gregory would hav (old all he had for $12. So all of the rich discoveries, if mad at all, have been made ainos the 27th of last month. The little gold that bad been made wa found within three foot of the sur face. A shaft waa sunk to th depth of fori ty feet, but nothing found. lB.Tb Davenport (Iowa) Gazette say that a week or two since a gentleman arriv ed in that oity front Geneva, 2i. Y., with $10,000, which he intended to Invest in real state, but observing th Sabbath 'breaking practices of the German residents, he be. cam. so uisgusiea was n leit me plaoe on Monday morning, deolaring that he would locate in no community whioh tolerated such doings on Sunday. The Peru (111.) Commercial say that a young man, lately a member of one of the aristoorati families of Ireland, died in that place a short time since, in the most abjeot poverty. When he cam to Amerioa be had about seventeen thousand dollars in moneyi but a too free us of whisky soon put an end to hi fortune, and finally to his life. lie died in an old shad, on some straw usedaa a bed for dogs. S .Professor Wise, th balloonist is in Lancaster, Fa. H ha published a full ao count of th lata voyage in th balloon in th Eipress, in whioh be ay that he 1 now willing and anxiou to attempt a voyage aorosa the ocean, with an outiit that will not oost more than $6,000, and will do so a soon as hs can rait th mean. J3"A California paper ay that a quartz bowlder waa picked up' in th Jenny Lind Tunnel, weighing about thirty pounds, and containing upward of on hundred ounce of pur gold. Th gold was sold after assay for $1,900. In th same week the oompany washed out over $2,000 in fins gold. '. 1 ' i ." ' (sTTb Congregational General Associa tion of Illinois, on motion of Rev, W.. W. Pattoa of Chioago (tat of .Hartford, Ct,) lately voted that no young man should re ceive aid from th educational committee who Uaddioted to th us of tobacco, MavJenny Lind recently gav a charity coBoart in London, whioh wa not advrtie d, and only th aristocraoy were admitted by speoial invitation. The reoeiit wr $6,000. She wa in full health and sang with all her power.. ., ( . Rich asd Rush. Th Philadelphia oor raspondsnt of th , Ualtimor Clipper thui write, under dat of July 2d: Th Hon. Richard Rush is lvinc dant-an oosly 111, and but liul hop i euteriauud clkl rTry. OHAO. E. OLAKIIB, REAL ESTATE GENERAL AGENT. boy and naM on (Vimrn.Minn Hp. Vf r-t rif 11 klnda, Bnnrls, I and Warrant!, NntM. Mortgage. kt. make collections and nee;o ttat loan. Will legate Land Warrants, Insure ropm at reasonable rates in fnwl responsible ompanlee, aad doinml afteneyaadooinuiUslon business. energe diihi sate it man. OiHo with T. !. B. emlth, Bq., C'lcyg't niilliliuff, lhtr.l-U.-i-t. A SMALL Karm of from 30 to CO acres, with stkm! imntoTpments, rhnle fruit, sotl, and blMR thre and sis. aitlea from thli city. ins location mutt te tilth, commanding s nss Vtw of to aiirroundlnr eountry. Auorees, witn mil iaruciuars, :IIa4 t. CI.AMCK. JfW Real Kstate Ajriit,Sd st. To Capitalists. AilANUSOMK us two Rtory Bride Dwell, nt UlotiMo) on flrown itrtet, that will rent for te rc etui, on thb m tur m r ht. For Ml by ( HAS. K. CJLARKKi JetJ Clrng'i liutMlru, M itrrt For Salo or Exchange F OK CITY riiOPKBTY, a pttir t very flat Mulct, n4thiTr(Mnir Bout "DorrlnKto...''" CHAHLkl CLAHkls , ClfY PROPERTY!! JrfTtr-oa tt. A hunilfom l ot. Wl ittlr, below th mX. Mnmll lme upon It, Scoonit it, Hihi itntl Lot treiotr l'f rr . north Ute. HoiiiD, Two-ntory Hrlrk Lrfrfta(tooDvntnt. Lotyi9iK). Brown it. OpiHUlt Biidkye t. La rue IHUk Moua tnd nr Tt. CHKA 1'. Brown t. Corner of Ann, Two-itory lHull Hrlclf House, (T-xhI iellnr, Well, Cittern. fce. Will rrnt to ftty 1U ner crnt. od the InveaUiiitMit. McDonoughtt. Opimtite llnrr. Two-ttory frame itouae. lt awxiou. Firth tt. Corner of Montt,'mery. Fine Lot, mail Frame Huute. ALM): FORTY LOINI (n the HUI between M tnl 6th iU., nnu t Mrice numwr or vnt iuii ia In dirrnreiit pnrtt of the city. For idle ohrnp.or toexchnngofur other property, CH A. V.. CLARK K Rp. KUte A((cnt( CleM UuilililiK. OUT LOT. Lot on Steele'e Hill, oontaininc A FIXE XX ten1 otAiitlfully ItiintM will be old ehe&n. on avti ol tea t Ion to s. n .t . mm. viinnn ftprlS Retl Fitnte ARfnt, 1I trTet. City Proper! yOeMrttllu llcbl wlcmel I. offer for nnlo on renflonnble torniB, a ntwnd hand torn rttldeoct on 3d ttreet. be low rerry. The Home ttUnre nndeonimodloui, with all the noilern littproveinentt and eonventeucei; It finely located. aiil In t food neighborhood. Will besold oheap, Uappltoatlon U madetoon. nhS Real Kit ute Afent, Clrtoi't Btilkllnir. Farms. 0.1,1 A0UE8 ia Illinois, 4 milnt from Sum ox I ner. on tht O. h. M. R. R.. one hundred iicrrn Improved, tht remainder timber of good quality, deep, rich, Alluvial toil. There art two good Dwelling Hotmeton th" prem Itet. convenient out-houtet, and In the m til it of a good tettlement. Thli farm It ottered at the low price of iiS per ton, being much lew than itt value. For in le by Re-,1 KitMe Agent, sd ttreet. T AND WAKKANTS HOUi.UT & SOl.i) JLi t Clntilnnatl nuotrttlont. or located In Iowa. Katuaa. Nebraska, or Mltiourt, by tftAS, Aa I l.ftllTVr., mh8 Third atreet. CHEAP FARM. 1 flrt ACRKri, 10 milod from tho oity iiu- 1 UU proved, orchard, anrlngt, ho. 1(V acre tlnilter, and aft aerea bottom. Price i4otr acre. Fornsleby CHAS. K. CLARK K, mhB Real Kstate Agent, id Btrrrt. FOR SALE, ACRES of Lnnd in Illinoi(i,on 0JJJ J w nearllnea or Hall Koait, cumprl- tlng Improved Far inn And wild laudi. Totho-te having tmall farmi in thit tret ion, that will tell at a good prloe, I would ty icll, and go where you can get a targe tract ol land at alow price, and whtra you will havt equally good mar kata. ALSO, 10,000 Aores well selected Land, In Mlttourl, both the quality and title of which I will guarantee. ForanLeor exchange for oth er property, on the mutt desirable terim. ALSO, A smnll but choioft Earm in Clnrk County, well Improved, will be iold cheap, and city property taken tn partpayinent. ALM, A tine Lot on Ludlow Ht, between 4th and 6th, US by to ft. Alley back. ALSO, Garden Lots of 7 aoreo each, on the River Road, near the oity, ALSO. A 3 fttorv Brick Business I Ion no, on JelTeraon, between 3d and 4th tte., and a dcttrable retldenceon6th at., bet.Main and Ludlow. ALSO, Fine impoved Property in "Minrai City,' and "Dayton View," In tracta of from 3 to lb acre All (oraaleiHCAPby CUAt. H. CLARKE, febil Real Eitate Agent, ClegKButldlng fjITY "PROPERTY. ALSO A handsome Residence on 5th St., between Main and Ludlow; 9 itory Briok, well furnlahed au t handaoiuely improved yard. Fay- nieniBeaiT. iha n llahm. mh.t Real Bttate Agent, Clegg'n Building, 3d it, MERCHANTS' Insurance Company, OP HARTFORD, CONN. Capital, $200,000, DIRECTORS, Manhattan Fire Ins. Co. (INCOEPOKATED 1821.) OFFICE, No. , Wall St., M. V. CASH CAPITAL, CASH BURPLUB, 8)250,000 9125,000. Irving Fire Insurance Co. (INCORPORATED Mai.) OFFICF No. . Wall tilr. et, N. I'. OASH CAPITAL, $200 0 . CHAS. K. CLARK K, Agent, Je CIoxk's BuUillnir, ,l at. Fresh Meat Every Day. HElTNOM)S A JCFFUICS' Daily Meat and Provision Sih street, 3 doon taut of Brown viral, DAYTON. O., LfEEP constantly on hand Freah Meats of evervx.Dd. Butter. Kirn. tod VeKeUblei, tn Mon. Vroduo ol all dewrliitloni obulnable can b haU at their itere. an they do their own tmtaherlnjr, the Public can rely on procuring Freatt Xaat evluv huunino iu rlus the week, i hey ileilre the peupie to kuuw t Imt on oNDAy inornlaK they ca procure meat lauslit ered durtiij th urcvloui uight. Tiiey will pUaae bear thltlo mind. Thankful for past patronage, they voUett a contin uance of public favor, determined to deierve it. Remember 6thatret,3dGori from Urownttreet. jitt-lyd ANOTHER ARRIVAL jjrnrrrrTn LINEN. DUCK AND DRILLS; MARSEILLES, N ANKENET, &c At FINKE a LEOLGIi'S, No. H Second HI rent, Dayton. e8 From the Tropica W. U, Brandenberg & Co., HAVE juat rtoeWed bj expresi thia morn, infl a larpe lot of tltoie tplendid Alao, a laitftj auvply ot Uranaau4 Leuiuu, Je 20. FRANKLIN HOUSE, COBNBB MAIN AND BBCOND BTS., c ; BAVTO, o. ... I : .., JOHH P. CLIJTE, Proprietor. , HAVING retaken tliis well-known and popular Hotel, 1 am determined that Its rood reputation WIW wm puoiia auall not la taa laaat tie dliuluuiieo uouer my auueruiieAusnce, Dut ratuer thai It ahall l 'I lie Louae has been thorouf hly refitted, and erarr poaalbla eouveuleaue added to avary deartinent. l ua ataM. a Jastebatosa. will to la aliarsa aarav sUjusrUsu. . , . . iMtMauUsr ' FiremeVs InsurancccXV op r Arrow. CAPITAL, . 0200,000! Bomri tf DirrHortfnr 1859. . CRAIOAtft, ANDHIW OTJMP, V. WINTKHH, 1IKNKT niRKAxf. DAStBI. KIKFKR, P. E. MBAI, . W.L.DARRnw, BAMIIKU MAHARALL. I1KNRT STODDARD. THIfl COMPANY. WHICH 19 ONE OF S. 1h itroMf.! in tli Slato, laaues TIRI AND Marin roi.iciR e fsrarsbi terms an at raatonahla rnra. Attrnlixe la called to the raet that w lasn Owot lins Hn.i.a I'aliolna rnnnlr as Ion as THRKS VKARs, If rtelred aavlng o the aa.ured the trmiManf annual ranvwala, and maMnall7 aneap rultntlie coat onuiu'.ooa on this lara slaas ol umparty. omre eaat aide ft Mala street, between Seeoad ll 1 IIU, UU 11.1,1 H. CRAIdHKAD, rest t. D. w. Inniaoa, Seo'r . noTis-ljil nARTFORD, CONN7 City Firo Insurance COMPANY Or HAHTKORD, CONK. Paid In Capital. fliaso ooo Surplus, 98,291 Asaets, January 1st, 1859. C30S 231 Thia nmianv haannmnllrd with tha laws of tha ,rrr,i wnicn ii ia noinir Dtiamaaa. C. 0. WAITS, fiee'y. C.B. BJWEHI, rres't. estcrn lsranoh Oluoe, Chicfliro. 111. lliroiiirh whl.h all th tiualnaae of tha Compaof In tha Wrati-rn, Nirlh-vaicru aad south- WaaCrra Stataa ta trauaact,.,!. W. II. I.OUNNUI HY, (lan.ral A;ant, 1 RaaMlns a. n. r r. i. r., ni,i. i.rilPrai ARFiU. I D I hlCafCO. ur Inrormatton an a tlntatliMl ataiamantof fhs afl'alia of (lie C'onijiany and Policleaol laauraoos apply to ' DA Vie A CTJPPT, Agouta for UaytoD sod vicinity, nihe-Vyli'o China Vases, ao nouREs do MOTTO CTJP8, do BANQUET HOLDERS, do Mantle Ornaments, do Toya of all kind and prices. Jo8 HKt KI.KR, BK.M1.KY A MAXTUN. Gas Shades. PUT, Engraved and Flain Glass Hhades, .nd OUihaa, very riaodiom. aultahle fur rhiirchessnd Prlvata DwallliiRa Juat racalviMl. Jr II KIJK LKK, WSMLKV fc MAXTUW. Table Mats. JUST rnceivod Shaker, Hon Grass, Chinti aod Oil Cloth, at Jf9 HKLKLKB, HEM1.EY MAXTON'I. Flv Trape. ANEW Invention of ttid aboy artlol for sale at jB IIKCKLKR, RKMLEV A sf AXTON'S. ; rj.LAS.S WARE; in all shapes, gradelana prices, Jiiat received. Jctf HKI'KI.Kll, RKMLKT MAXTOR. XyATEK COOLEUS-A good article, at Jrt HKCKLKR, RKVILKV a MAXTON'S. WIUE COVEHS-Oval and round (all alzca) Jtiat recetvrd at jaa nm-KiKK, IIKMI.KV MAXTON'S. MAITKUS AM) TEA TKAY8 Just received another lot new at' lea at Jea HKCKI.KK, nKMLKV a HAXTON'8. UEAlIIElt DU8TEHS A good artiole, 1 at je HErKLKR, REMLET A MAXTON'S. At Baldwin's Gallery. At Baldwin's Gallery. rents, in Nice Case I Pirturcfi S3 Ifiils, In Nice Case! Pictures 9.1 Cent, in Nice Case I THIRD PT., 3 DOOHS EAST OP MAIN. THIRD ST., 3 DOOKS EAST OP MAIN. THIRD ST., 3 DOORS EAST OP MAIN. 800 a Day Call Soon! 800 a Day Call Soon! 800 a Day Call Soon! For 30 Day! For 30 Day) For 30 Day a! Fcr 30 Daysl For 30 Day) For 30 Day! ttjy-5000 Aoknts Wantbd Toaell three new and unequalled Inventions wanted by every rsnrlly. My agents have cleared over 26,000 selling one of then, Articles are light, obeap, easy to car ry, and very taxiko. Several Diplomat, Silver, Medal from American Institute, N. Y.,andpstents have been granted me for them. One patent la Lnglaudandoue In France. Put In t stamps, and will send you, gratia, 80 pages particulars of the beat agency In the eountry. KPHHA.JJ BROWN, Lowell, Mass. WIIITTEN'S GOLDKN SA1YV1? Ia a atop by way of progress in the Healing Art " niii,.i,T, nuia, numura, vvouoai, ana every kind of external Inflammatory dllttctilty. of what ever name or nature, en man or beaau Aladeonly byt'. H. WH1TTKN, Lowell, Mass. 5 centa per box. The uaual dlacounta to the trade. Sold by THKUOI.DKN SAI.VK A Great Healing Reme dy. It la with much pleasure we announce tha ad vent of Hi la new article In our city, which has met with auch aiKual aucceaa in Lowell, where it is made, that the papers have teemed with oaacs ol truly marvelous curea. Thev ohronlela Ana ihM the life of a lady waa recently eaved -a eaae of iiruai-u ureMi) nuuiner wnere ineuieol aohlid waa eaved a eaae of chahngi another of a lady whoae fere waa much diatlKured by acrofuloua humor, which waa brought to a health) action in a few daya; alau, nnothei ofan old man, who had a aoreon hla toot lor twenty yeara cured tn a few weeka. . ui ui,irua wui uvi ur aiow in getting at its merits, aud will herald it over the world. llioeton Herald. OTAornts Wantbd in this Htatb to canvnia wim the uui.dkn HALVE. Hells rapidly. Can make good pay. For ternia, kg., send stamp. , . C P WHITTklN, Lowell, Maei. Ji-2-tawdAI3ww Sewing Machines. Never before offered at It e ill. A SewliiK machine for and with lu tlie reuch or all. A frncticul Ftiinlly flewins; ma cblue lor Six dollurs. . Burtlctt's Patent Nov ltr$6 bew IuT Alacliiue. It liu bee u provvdnnd Improved suniitf inc ituat 11 irioutba. ItlaiiiiturturinK Facilitlea Im- meneiely n c reused. ADDSBes oprirnH J. W. Dabti itt, Patentee, 4DI Broadway N. Tork. J. W. Babtlett, 7a theatnut at. . hlla. K . ,.,,,.. A j.nt tt. r.loelnnatt H. HvooiNs, ' 3 North athet. St, Louie, liko. V. LtooETT, " n Woodbrldge at. Detroit Agencies are being established in every County throughout the United Statei. Applicanta for aKeiiciea will addreaa either of the above omeea, which are prepared to till moMFTLV all orders for uinumnea. wnuteaaie or retail. h ud Torauifuular. with aut.nrUu.tiln. .nri..m. Dlca nf lunrb ' All lettera, to emure attention, must contain re- ru postage. June S-ddwlm NOTICE TO BUILDERS. CKALKD Proposals will bo received at tho O olnceot the Auditor of Montromrv eonntv. o.. until Mouiliy the .Mh 4ay of July. Ibfttt, fortheereo t.on and cuuipletion of a brick addition to the Mont gomery uouuij iimrmary-ize about 40 bv t feet, tiidi will be received lor the brick andifoae work. carpenter work, plastering and the painting, NfcPU. nAic.Li,ui ,n rut-sa cru uiu ior me JOD OOlQtiiete. V lain Anil annoirtnatlnna nan U a.. ..s mauon naa, louuuiug mi pay men ia, time or ooaipls. tion Ao., at the aloreitaid office from and after Uie ij day of July neat. By order wt uAmui n. sUhyucn. Auditor. je'aH-diwtt Journal nud Gazette copy and ch'ge Aoditor'a ollle Humes & Oo.'s Original Mnaty Alel AT tha stand formerlj oooupied br Nau srth Helns. ' HUMKSk CO. J. KOPPACo., 43, JETriERSON ITHEKT, Ths abov popular bvsraa;a, brslitas (very othar ooolliiK drink oi the seaaou, will be kspt on haiu!. Hit luvllaa ala Ola frlenil and ttl puUlls to oall and see iiliu. mvso Pine Apples. fl KIIT.B tn iwlm, . t J DR. JOIlltlOKI'l mmB diopenoay. 0ITI0S M KAIX HT., . -(aaad doo., fktrsA BotTalea N. T. TIIB CKI.ERKATKO DR. JOHNSON, otanie PhyalatM, treats soeeeaaftilly the fol lowing dleeasea I 4 I , , Uoasumptlon, pTspepsla, ' Aatiima, - rro UsftilitT, Hronohltis. Haartanhaen'd in 10 m Lang A C"t Dlse 8orofttla, iiiaeaseaorth llsartalt Khenm, Kidney AffiMnlon, - rthettinatlsra, llTr Complaint, Fever and Ague, Female Weakness, Timple, ., Disease of the Ear and Era, Ao., Ao. All wboare aurrvrtng frew the above named die saaea, or any other eompllcated daeaa of years ataixllng, are Informed that they ess have forward ad by mall or eanreaa Ir.r the email sum of SI 00 a seat package of Medlctnea, with all oeeewary di lutions anil eaedteal advlea. Hatlenta ahould apply without delay, aa they eaa obtala Inatant relief front the Doctors reeaedle. lr. Johnson's Meiliotneeonslsts of sa tracts from choicest Medicinal roretvb and native Roots and Hertia, maaufaatured under hta own supervlatoo,at hla Dispensary, and therefore avoiding the use of Mereury and other mineral poleena, that were Mer er designed for the ayatera, to which many thous ands have fallen) victims and gone te early graves. LOTION roR TH K I'OMPLKXIIIN llr. John son's remarkable LOTION for beautifying and Im proving tha ComplealoK, removing almoat Inataa taneouely Ten. rerklea, rimplra.Se., will be sent tout part of tha eountry for t 0 and oae poet Af atamp. Addra DR. JORNSOM, Drawer 401, u OffleeeS Main street, Burrala, N. T. W. B Female Pills l 00 a box. jell-ilAwly W. 8. KODINSON S CASH DRUG STORE! At tha old aland of Unbbard & Robinson, r 120 Mala S(reet, Btwn Third and Fourth, WH0IE8ALBAHD BET AIL. HvHAWICFtlt for ths liberal patronage which has wa wateaoea to ins lace nrm or Hubbard a noDiuaon, uy tneoiurena of Dayton andvlolnlty, tor the two years whteh said Bras has been In exist ence, 1 would Juat aav that I am permanently loca ted here, and expect by fair and upright Healing to share with my brethren In the above business, a nigral portion of the pu die patronage. My stock is now very complete, having lust been replenished, (In antlclpati not an inoreaaed trade thia aeaann) from some of the eery beat houses In New York and other altlee, among wl lcb mar he foonrt pur Brandies. Wines, Mum, Gin and Whis ky, tor medloinal, BieehaaMai aad aacrameutal pur pose. Tt tbe Ladled, I would say. that I have wall studied to please your taatesand shall always keep, roryoureepaclal bene fit, a full assortment of raney Toilet Goods, such aa Lubln, Glenn's Juief Haual. Harriaon, Baxln's, and Wrlght'a Kxtraotafor tha liandkerchiers Ween Fun, Pearl Bropa, as., tor beautifying the com plexloniOlena'aeelebrated Toilet Waters, Bay Hum, and Aromatic Vinegar, KreckJe wash lor removing freeklee and Uo. Kxtra Hair Oil, Pomade, and all the most popular Hair Restoratives and hair ftyrai Combs, hair, eioth and shaving Brushes, white wash, paint, scrub, dusting, window andeariiet Brushes. . . ' White Lead, Oil, aad eolored paints prepared rea dy for use. Coral, soach, nirnltnrs, damar, Japan and Iron Varnish, oilveoll, pure for table, aerm. Hah, bleached Whale, Machine Lard, and Neatafoot Oila. Whole oil Soap, a newaitlele in thia market, for the destruction of all kinds of insects that Infest Bowers, vines orfrult trees. Holman's celebrated Health Restorative, for the wonderful etreet of which 1 would refer to the Rev. M. r. Ueudle, aud Mr. Holdea, grocer, on Market street, Burning Fluid of extra quality, suitable for burn ing in the patent gaa lamps, or others. All th Patent Medicines now la use, and all that may oonie hereafter. I am sole agent in this r ud county for Brer have'a Ho land Bitten, which I will sell to dealers at manulaoturer'a prices, by the dozen. Country merchants supplied with any thing In m line aa low as any house west of tho mountains. Fruitjare of every sty and quality in ua. Seal ing wax and ooras for fruit Jara and bott'es. Hon medloloes prepaied by an experienced noraeman. Bird aeed. birdcages, aad all ths little fixtures be longing to them. Canary and other blrdebought and sold. Fine tobacco and eigara, together with a full stock or show oaae goods, and a thousand other artlclea too numerous to mention, all of which I shall take pleaaure in showing to my many frienda and tha public generally, feellgn eaaured that my goode and prices will compare favorably with any other house In this city, ' )"" W. . ROBINSON. Msyf ajYOM! TJi IV DB. B. PICKEBINO TREATS RHEUMATISM, NEDRAL- - gla, Kplleptle Fits, spaama, St. Vitus' Dance, Torpid Liver, Dyepepula, Skin Diseases, Incipient Consumption, Throat Affeotons, Oatarrh, Perished or Enlarged Limbs, HtlfTened Jolnta, Contracted Muscles, While-Swelling, Loss of Special senses, Ulcers, Tumors, Goitre, Cancer, Htratna, Felona, Piles, Prolapsua of Rectum or Womb, Spinal Curva ture, Inoontlneneeof Urine, etc, etc. Diseases peculiar to Females treated almost uni formly with sueoeaa. Meroury and other metals extracted from the system by us of a powerful GALVANIC BATTERY! Electrle and Electro-chemical Baths administered. Itteetrle Machines furnished patients for horns treatment. Electric Rooma s1 story of Sheets' Buildl eg, corner of First sad Jefferson streets, Day. ton, Ohio. Conaultatloa free. N. B. All klnda of Electrical or Msdleo-Rlrctrlc-al apparatus furnished on order. Jels-md BOOKS Thafollowialng list of MBW BOOKS, Just ree'd. Br W1LLARD ft W II EATON Th Fir Trumpet ; or, Head and Tail for the Wis and Waggish, Ths Cooper, or, Oetting Under Way. The Bertram a novel by Anthony Trol lop. Pasoal'a Workstrie PrnvtnAial T.attaH History of Charle th 12th; by M. De Vol taire. Triumph of Paul Morphy; by himself, tjhakapeare's Legal Acquirement Consider ed. - Th Boy's Book of Travels and Adventure. The Art of Extempore Speaking. Th Bible in the levant K P;m Truth is Everything. io iuba and baok a Vaoation Voyage. The Rouanoa anrl itm Reft Tha Chrnninlea nf the Hn.til. Ml...,-.,, i - - -""""I iiiiu.iravcu.l Mosaics; by th author of Ballad for the uiiuirj. ITVrM JRaneftt! WE ARE SELLING AT RFD0CED PRICES! J" o. ss Tnlid street, near Main. Latest Publications! BOOKS. BOOKS! JUST BJUCD. AT PAY N E S ' Fmlt.Flowsrs and farming, , ar ueftener. Views & Bxperlsnoa of Religious Bub- Memoir of Chlaf Jnail.. Popular Oaology, Bv HuKh Miller. t vaoa aod Back. LARGE LOT OP CHEAP CHESS. Wall afc Winds t Papers, Cheap. At PAYKK8, No. 60, Main st. GREAT TIONAL -1 If! DA.YT02ST, O., COMMENCING Tuesday, September 13th, 1859. A T t meeting of a Dumber of ths Citiienr n of Daytoa, at taa WilUlye Uouh, oa th. tta luai., tne HOW. L. D. CAMFBBLIi, Or Hamilton, was ArroiT PaxsiDtsT, akd WILLIAM O. DAVIS, Of Dartoa. Vloa lraldent. or lha httlnni wn. Show Aaaoolatla. a Local Comaalttaw will Imt. after bs anno ua o(l. J' . J. MILTON SMITH. O TIERCE bsst 8 C Hams, just raoeirsd at rf I.N. A W. M. OHIIN'S 1 TIERCE best S C Beef, Terr DfoTaV I. N. aW.ll. USkMN Of) w R Cbaase, very flu, at V ont. to toy sloa th lot, at I. N. WM. OHkKN'S L1HU No. 1 Whit, ash, Trout, M.oW. and Codttaa, at I. N. W. St. (Mas:N'S fVllltDrkUiTJ.roisa obarria; pruossl XJ naaahjia and aonLaa. ail aat avkllt Mill I-. itimm asnavsr prtaa , a m 1 mn was s. a, pa.saS,Mn. I TUNNEL COAL COMPANY, r now prepared to sell Coal of a supartor quality, et rates as low aa any oth er foal el tame quality. are permanautly 1 eateil, and have the b""t enal In Ohio. , All orders promptly attended tn. BAVi;i:LoiJty, Lancaster, O, TBo. Sf! n a t r Ffc a, No. as, slain St., Uarroai, o. t tf ' DISSOLUTION. THK firm of E. A. A T. T. More Istlils day' dissolved by mutual consent, and will ealst on(y for liquidation, k lther member of the tltiu laful'y anthorlaeiltoreeelvs monies, aud sign the name or the Brm. g. a. MOHK, Jun 10, IMS. T. T. MUHI, NEWFIRM;' THK dnderwiencd hfiv thit dny porrhnifd tha it of It of Pnpf, SMtlonpry, Ao , of R. A T T. More and will do b ntnrmi at thr old Hand of thr Ut firm, in tti nme and ttyln of More. Iury Co, Wrthl aonttnu to manulaelur all kintia or Blank Books, and do Mn!in tn all lranclira.. Our atork of Hftra and Htatlonry In vrry coni p't and our prior will h aa tow aa a ay raapoDik- i nimsnws.ii of iit rnniiTriMini. Wa lu Tit t peolal attention to 011T vlork. ' It. A. MOHK, HkLIMM IOUHT, J. n. TftKADWAV, Jltt T. T. MOHH. (iournal and OaietU copy NEW CARPETS , AND ' House Fiirnisning Goods! Van Ausdal, Dixon & Co., NO 99 MAIN STIILtT, Ar now reoelvlns a lanr assortmen of ths newest atviea of MEDALLION, VELVET. BRUSSELS, OAEP'ET S! Floor and Tab! Oil Cloth. Coma mnd India jtfaffinos, Rug; Door Malt, Vraygett, CURT A IN D ALIASES, Laoe and Muslin Curtnins, Mamelllos, ' Quilts, Alendale and Dimity Quilts, Window enadc and llollnnds, Window Sbado Trimmings. Venetian Blinds, Ollt Cornices, Btalr noam, r urniture Frlnts, Toweling, Napklna, Muslins. Bbaetlrjaa. Irlah Linen, Table Cloths, Piano and bland covers, Table Damask. A LAKQE 8T0CK OF Wall 8c Window PAPER. Borders, Teanters, Decoration Paper Hang ings, Ornamental Figures, Ao. JefJ , FOR SALE CHEAP. MANTILLAS ! Just received a lsrge invoice of FRKNCH LACK MANTILLAS.' CHANT1I.LY LACE do FKENl'H LACK POINTS, CIIANT1 LLY LACr do Cloth Raglan and Duster, White Beraga fchawls, AT 11 EDUCED PR I C ESI Jcl JOHN, VAN DOIU'.N s CO. May Purchases. Just recelvina: ChenaA Bynclrre Aiiminer Silk, OruituMlie Lnwns, Frrntli Liiwiih. Itrittf Kobes, rriniea lierKC sjirt'imainca, IlcrilKC Asiclisiai, Itlitt'k !lk. Kobcs, I'intn iiiiick iilk, OUK Stuck is now Inrce and dpsirrble, and we are offirlns: Goi cls at GKK AT REDUCTION on former price. We arc determined to aetl Goode YVHX CUEAf ton CASUI Jcl JOHN, VAN DOKEN a CO, COAL! COAL Cheaper than Everl C0LUiMBUSC0AL CO TTAVINO eetablished a yard here for the Cambridge G oal ! coke: Would respectfully announce tothe dtlzeni of Day ton and vicinity that we are now prepared to fur nlih a auperior quality of Coal at LOWER RATES Than Coal waa ever iold for In thli market; being permanently located here we will apare no pain to girc uui aiiuiiB saiiiBLiiuu, Peraooa wlahing to eon tract for a large quantity win iiiiu it iu iiicii luicrrii lu VnilAl OUT OulCe( OB' fore purobaalnf elae where. Office at Swaynie House, DAYTON, OHIO, p. n. C0LB & CO. The Long Established Cigar and Tobacco Store, Munday & Stansifer, WnoLESALB 1NO SETA1L DEALERS IN IMPORTED & DOMESTIC CIGARS, AMD EVBBT DEBOBIPTIOlt OF T O B A. C O O. No. 70, Jefferson St., Day too. THEY are conntant.T in receipt of ever? J- description of Imported clgara.of the moat fa vuniv tuiiHa uraoua. They men-ifaoture the beat Quality of half iranlah and oomniun figara, and can UU any order made upon them. They have Goodwln'a Patent Foil Tobacco the nloeat artiole ever brought to thia mar lie . They sussvsj, !(. rrry vanciy ui ciiewing iuurcco. They otter their extensive stock at wholesale and retail, at aa low rates an can be had In the West) and call the attention of Dealera to their stock. They offer auperior inducements to tlie '1 raue. Hemeinoer the place, 70, JeOersou bt., algn of the iiumu tflU'ii mix FOR SUMMER GOODS, go to BREENE'S! New and Beautiful Stylf of P C assimeres, Vestings, h FDBHISHIHO G00DB1 (a, NEW STYLES OF SHIRTS)! m . m " In which to keen cool during th "Heated j S Term." BBBBNB'S, No. 1, Main street, Dayton. B ca KOR SUMMER GOODS, go to BREENE'S! Faleimo Oranges. OA BOX KH line quality ralermu Oranges, w" larsand swept, at SRAZDCNBUBO CO.'S, rayto No. soo, J st TVaraTti HAVE you been with yourwlleto ( f JrwellALo 's New Voik Kumlsh Ina Stosat Nn. Whore ia it what liof a hs keatil Jeffarann street, beliw the Market Furniture and urpM eoaauar than l r saw is ail suj ill. 7faTa fll(s Wheradld yon getthat IfMff JMt tll J beautllul Hilrlna shawl, and that flu Pel-alne. and so cheaiil U'hy, at Christopher's, What did yuu lay fur that French La will Why, only IN eenta, worth SO cts. And, husband, ha lias Hoops, at uniy 16 cental Wrier does he ilu b siuaasl Why, at the ooruer of JUr soa and Markat I thought every ho. ly knew. rVVism Hays you heard 'hs news about ths ST wart No liol Chrlsloiihersavahala sums to hav Auatlon on aionday, Wedneaday aad Haturday Kveiiluaa. That suits mat there Isalwaya suaiathins (oliif on there, tuuslder nis la. aHUII FOR BaVLB CHEAP. i FINK FAMILY 1IOK8K Inqulrs of L subis I. M. WATTirna a sad nPUB United rltatss Uemouraua AUusuuss A liia4MMlr4 su4 luf tola br ssU . . a. m r. a tuviL. is ti oat a . On i.- v U 11 U , ;: 1 IJ h LOW, Aa xprtnned Knrx r, Female rhystelaa, pre- Soothinc Byrup ! For C lilldrrn 1rihinff. Whlh rratlT fanllltatn thpfofRa oft plhlfir. tr ao(tuinft thf aunifl, rfltluriiif all Inflammation will liay AUr Alt and apaanmuic action, anil ia BURfi TO BKOULAT& THR DOWELS, Dapendupofa it. Mot hen, It will flv a reit to your anlv'M, and, BELIEF AND HEALTH TU YOUR INFANTS. V liftf put up and . anlrl thia atllcl fbr nrar to year, anil ran iat, in lOitnoiNit aud truth or it, what wt Qj have nvpr Imm'ii ah f to aav ot any other mwH-r? ome NR VKR HAH IT r A 1 1, b II, in A nmwi.r hsa in-inrn-r., iw r- KKCT A CORK, whsM-- titnelf uaeii. 'Neverdtd wa Know aa Uiitan W ol dlMattalaolioti h any one whouMl It. Uo th Kj cnntiary, all are uc llKhtoil with Iti opera V tlona. and ippnk in term of bifiheit f nm-rA nienilatiuimf lt mm le al etiteeta and mfniicai - Tiiinra. w fptaa in thia matter "whasT wr l do now," aitrr tn yea i a' axperlpnce, ant Jjj pi.foub ov mrpvta Tun roa tub riTi-ni.-- Mr.rtr or what i nidi DttcLAhs. In al-2 mint evtiy Inatanro whera tha inlnnt la auf-Lpj ferlnR Iron pain and rxhauathn. rellel wtilba l fuund in tlltrcn or twenty mlnutra a(iLsQ theaytut la anilniatf red jXhia TatuahleprfpatrrI tlf" " the prearrij,tion of one of the moat fXC I' r.RIKNCKI) and HKILI.KttL Nl'HMKS li. iie Nrw Kngland, and aas TAIMNU SUCLCSS l!f been used wllh kevf. THUIWANIItn UK ( AH KM. It not Onlv relieves the' tthil.L from nln. hot In. vliforate tlie atomaehCU and buwela, correota act.ttty, and ftlvcs tone and enrru; to 'lie wt.ole sysTrm. ll w in ainiuirri itisTanily relieve bnl K ill almostvA instantly relieve rilK BOWf' hl.i. AND W IM) I'lNIi IN Til (.OL- It), and overcome eoi I i vulslons, whli h, II not i in death. We believe It ir Remed) in the world, In siMtedily ren edlid, en. the best ana sunesir all eaais of ll V s I-,K f- 1 K II V AM DIAH- HHO:, IN CHII.l)HKN,r whether It arlsea Horn leethine. or from nJ other cause. W'euotild say toevery motherwtii.r hna a rh 1 1(1 aufieiliif irom anv oi me ioregow ine enmjilalnta i)(J NuTLtT KICK HHI-2H.II1CU NOR IHtt FRKJfllllt.KS OK OTHV2 KHS, stand betweeu vnursurjerlnsohlld ftmlM the relief that wilt ha NUHK yea, ABSl T LU1 RI.V SI RE to fol- low the use of thl.Cai timely used, r'ull directions fut using will accompany .achbnttle. on( ten . ulne unlcaa the tan-aim. tleofCHRTm a PKH tfl KINS, New-York, ia on thr oiitslue wrapper. M Sold by lruga;lBtsl2 throughout the world, rnaoijiai oiiiuv.M ho U Cedar at.. New York. Price only 23 Cent par Bottle. JeS-lydaw New Arrangement! CrjSTOM M ADR BOOTS" ANDBnOFI, CUSTOM MADK BOOTS AND SH0K8, CUSTOM MADB BOOTS AND BHOhti, OP KVKRV BTYLK, OF KVKItT bTVLK, OP EVCRI BTl'Lll, MADB IN Ttl B BEST MAI.NKK, MADB IN THB BKBT MANNKR, MADB IN TUB BB-T MANNrR. PROMPTLY TO ORDER, PROMPTLY TO OKDLU, PROMPTLY TO 0RDKK, AND WARRANTED TO PLEABB, AND WARRANTED TO PLEASE, AND WARRANTED TJ PLKAHB, At ths Custom Work Bhop of 33. IsT. DAVIS, No. 79, Jefferson street, DAYTON, O. BN, I)., having dinposoij of It i r dtock of KKitrrn work at auction, wiP hroftrtrilevnto hit entlrfi uttentlon to mnnulKeturiiis liome mnrte woik, which he will rot 11,1 in any stle to iult hla patroni and the great pubi.o, whom hewlll be uleai eU to eerve. He Invltea Udlei and gentlrmrn to call and leave order for work, and he pled pes hli repuiation aa a man and mechanic to plcaie all who can be pleased. myaatf FAMILY GROCERIES!! New Stand Fresh Goods. JOHN K UCU1UHT, AKfnf, K0. 83 JEFFEH80N BT., A few doors South of the Market-IIouso, DAYTON, O., HAS JUST RECEIVED A FRESH AND well assorted stocs of tine Family Groceries, of every description. They have all been purvhaeed within th laat lew weeks, and were bought with express reference to quality and pile. He Is pre pared to sell them at aa low price as they oan be atforded; and as resolved that no one shall leave his storedlaaatistled. The following articles oompose apartof hla stock, via: N. O. SUGAR Crushed and Pulverized: REFINEDSYRUPa, and N. O. Molaescs; MACKEREL No. 1. 2, and 3; White Fish, Cod Flah, and Herring) MIDDLKTOWN tSugar-Cured Hams a Superior article. A FINE supply of Beef aDd Mutton Hama, Tooguea.Ao. DRIED AITLfc-t), Peaehes, Pruiies, Cher ries, So. TEAS, of all grades and of the very best quality; SUPERIOR new Cheese; SEVERAL barrels of lirst-rato Vinegar Clder( WILLOW and Wooden Ware; TUE best quality of Brooms; CAN Tobaoeo, of New York brondu; REST quality German and other Cigars; OPAL, Star and Tallow Candles; ' THE best of Mesbannock Potatoes, CORN MEAL, Butter, Eks, Lard, io. THE best quality of Family Crackers; GROUND and unpround C'offoe, Spioes, Nutmegs, Cinnamon, Clovea, Ao. STONE and Crockery Ware, Ao , In short, everv article, usually found in a Family Grocery of the firat character. He respectfully makes his bow to the cltfrena of Dayton and vicinity, and aollclts a liberal share of their patronage. myM-d&w Something New, True, IntelliglMe and Important lor the cure of Ulsei aeu Lunv and mtud. ELECTROPATHY. DR. CUAMDEHL1N, (late of Units-more) hag taken rooms at No 66 Third Street, Day ton, Ohio, and tenders hit prtiesluna si r. lit h iq thepubllo lor the earelul Uihriiooii and trtHijnt nt ti mh uiseairfl oi auiruuio auu nei ouN tiiai Htier. He makes noooniuromise with the stonist h in whv ol metiluatlons but relics tolei) on the most aubt.e and powerful of all agents kLti tkii n v. lit. V. would here atate he is not Introducing a system el practice baaed upon chttnee and uucertuin ty, but one at al times reilttble, and is tlie result of ten yeara labor, ttuiiy and investigation, ano ha) been tested by hlw lu over lour t lourmntl easrs. kverythitifr eonnecteu with hls.oietH!loiia la ncv. and uuknown to medical men auu all otheifl.exeint those who have beeu lustiucted by him. nis special ciaiuis may ne oru ny si Hied asforows: 1. In determluiiiir Hie cuiidititio ui i i an body by an electrical dlaKuoais, w hich points out the ivtstii) nuLiiarncii'i ui iuc uiatMKf . a, ine aieoitic action ot electricity on th lody. 1. I'hedlstinotlve Inlluenoeol thetwo nliiki-iiipa the Inward ana outwaid. i T And lastly : The scientific application at Sie ttva polaiitles to diseased siatoa of the humM body, l caillif ravil snnvt wuturujiig IU US nitk)MOlltll and the lUed law which govern tbe adiou.! titc trtclty. V Where these nrlnclulea are thorouirhlv understnmi and strictly carried out, the syaitm ol Kivutiupatljy no matterof guess work, and the abiliu to cure ao mystery. .1 The followlnr diseases are permanent'c aad anee- dll) cured by electrical treat mtut t rk r Pulmonary Cousuiiiptiou, hrat and middle stages, Ton-id Liver, Dyspepsia, Neuralgia, LlnLvtie, 1 uts, faral)sls, .Rheumatism, lira in jJiacHSfs, Ihoioea. Seminal Vveaaueas. liitiiotuasy, aJt-alueas. Amnum. sis, laUrrh,irupsy,kiu aUistaaes.Tuuiois, Ukn, All dlheases luclUeut to leiuales, rits, attd Juiuis. Oontraeuwt fttuseles, Aue, bpilial Uiltlcuitles and nervous and ehroulo diseases trrneral y. 1 iim au.rn Maid dlaeaaea are directly under ihe conliol ul the electrical agent and Dr. C. never lalis to produce a (jsjl lusaasvasi. wua ... . s "auiminr inr. His apparatus is ao ooustrucied that It produces a mild aud soothing- seusatlun even to the moat Hai ve nerves. All shocks aud Irregular eurrenta that tend to ex alte aud in It ate the neruus syaii m are avoided. The dixeaseii ol body and mind .should not lail to I and witness the ouies periunueo by t hla won derful SKenl. It IreiiiR a universal afffut, it is alike applicable to all din ases, and Irt-iiuently tt moves difficulties of years' standing in a single application. iiuw ircn up very wnvrv viae are invilLU to vail. iuyf uiw'stui VAurat. UK ins. lkwis hkini. aiAcoa heihi. D. HEINZ & Bros. . . . .i. AT their new location, in Hi trim's ninck, north side of Third St..onpoaite tlie Post Oihce. have ooeued out aa en tin new stuck of Caudles and CoufccliounrieN, Both forties and Domestic, Also all kinds of FROizs.Tora, wutb, i b.ano sua UHBAD, Connectea win ine esiauusnmem la a large Bake i.. winch the proprietors will be enabled tn i..- nlsh to tliair oity and country custuuieis, ailsortsc. BreaU Frean Irum the Own. short notlos. Also .11 sorts of cakes, plain and fanoy. iujus HTn anrRnnDina PVERY day. fresh Irom 1'ieroe's vines, al art! BSANIIKNBUHQ a CP'S. FINK. TBO POTATOES. TIJSTrsoeivad at sans W. H. MAHDXMVDH9 CO.'