OCR Interpretation

Dayton daily empire. [volume] (Dayton [Ohio]) 1850-1865, July 11, 1859, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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No. 11G, Main street.
THANKFUL fur Hie terv lihernl patronage
heretofore extended to htm, would Main cull
thesttentloa of llit public to hit new and ooaiplete
aa.nrtmi.nt nf '
Summer Hoots and Shoes!
RmnloTln none hut the hot of workmen. I
aanOdautlhstieang-t up the
?..?!!."?.d'"'r" '.n ,h "y.nl I will guarantee
aMlatsotlno In all ca.re.
If-T Qlve ma Trial ! jt
,,. W W. WILoOfT,
1 I Main street, a doors south of the Market.
r. io keepi a mperlor artloleof PRRNCH
" Je30.
K Goodwin At Ilro's "Pressed."
John Ooruisli Hi Cu'i "Gom."
Just received, and very fine.J .
,r8 D. k F. B. SHULL.
Notice to Bridge II Hi Idem.
CEALICI) Proposals will ho reoeived at tbe
77 Audltor a OHlo.of Montgomery oountr, Ohio, In
l'y ton, until B o'clock, A.M., rn
Saturday, August 0, 1859,
For the erection of a Bridge neroas the Miami Mr.
er, at Garrnlton, being near where the County Road
n . ' 1 arroliun west ero.aes antd river.
Hit, will be rcnelred for the masonry and euper
etruorure, separate for the joh complete.
rlft'i an I iiK'Cilmtlona c.u be eoen at the afore
aaiilomca, where the oomllllon of payments, Ac.,
Will he made known.
Bridge to becnmp'oted thla Ml.
liy order of ihe County Commissioners.
...... BANlhL H. DKVDrSN, Auditor.
manufaoti:iii:r of a kkwi.t ikvhntbd and
Improved Spectacle,
JJKSPKOTKULLY informs the Citizens of
J-V Dayton an-1 violnlty, Itmt lie has taken
Rooms at No. 6, 1'nltllns Hons, v,h-re he offers for
t SHh( TACLKS or every vniicty of iiiftM and
quality ftlun die pint? anil genuine
Superior to any nthei In uni. Thrie K'nu-en run be
used for the irrcatcar length of time, either ly day
or bv ntiflit, with perfect case, when selected to ault
the state of the eyes, and m-ver causes that giddi
ness f the head, unplensint a tmntioa to the eyee,
that many experience from using the common kind,
but tend to strengthen and Improve the eight.
The tfptttaeie Lrns In common me, termed double
eon vex, have hut one loan, find Unit being In he
centre. Now ns heeycs, rolling from sldt to aide,
depar from thia point, it Is nrtccted bv the (list, .r
tlonslnclilent and occasion iu weak e ei, fatigue
ad pain, and in strong eye a more fiequent change
of glasi for those of higher power than is caused b
the simple flattening ol the eye hy age: or, to use
the lanru?eo' manv, the eye grow oldo-. Could
the glass l attached to the e e, so as to move with
it, or the head he made to turn and accommodate
the sight, while the eyes remain Axed, thedouhle
convex 'ens would not be a ohjectlontb e But as
neither of those plans could be very well accorn
Slished, an easier method to remedy thia Important
efeot In at) hitherto constructed helps to the dc
feetive human vision Is desirable. This end la ob
tained ltt these gl ianps which, having not only cen
tral foo a, but, for all practical purposes, one
throughout, the objection 1oe named, U entirety
obviated, as they will enshle the wcaier to perceive
ob ects at ever anleot vislou, with all thecorreot
nesa of the ntturai healthy s (fht. all glassen told
by hun will be scicntlhcnlly adjusted by means of
an Uptlmetro of his own 'm ention.
Pror Block's rhorouirh knowtediteof the Anatomy
rf the various Pathological changes of the human
eye eaahles him not only to xdtpt glasses hest fitted
to the different v ariations of siht, ut also by mee
ly examining the eje.to select such as are most suit
able. I he eye being o delicate an organ, we can
not be toocuutlo'is In the selection of .pectcles, as
from their ue may result the most desirable or de
plorable consequences
Ihe Pro lessor will only remain for a few days
Therefore coma at ouce and give me a call. Jy-6iw
Hoxuoepathic Physicians.
Office m; Residence J88 & 177 Main street,
Special attention given to C H RON IC Diseases, and
Diseases of Women and Children.
Office Honrs (rom 7 to 10 A M., and 1 to I P. M.
Dr. Jacob Iloeler speaks the Cierman language.
ISIackbcrr ies!
WE liare mcida pnaitivo and amplu ar
rangemnnti for procuring BlacKhcrriea ev
crvday during e acnaon; aud we will aell them a.
low aa thoi can te allorde'l, hy the uart or drawer.
Gent emen whodeaire to huv a quantity will be .old
herrie. low by t he drawer, we will put them at the
luweet ratea mam ttet
JyS Third .treet.
Stone Ware.
JUST received, Stone Jue, Milk, Cream
and flutter Jar., Churn., ic. aizea being from
I to 8gala.
1 ftfi 1)055 Glass Fruit Cans, "Improved.
I OU 7 di.r. " " " with corka.
60 " " " " Till Topa.
Just received at
T'ST receired,
u ee ,
i Boxo. Tumblera, from to eta. to ia.OOneriloi
AO w util. LHndyjnra.
67 " tjuart Flaaka.
69 14 . pint do
1 Dozen Kruit Uowla, all alzea,
S ' Goblela.
34 " Wine Gla.Hea.
Lamp Globe, and ChimneTa, Gaa Khadea, and a
renerala.Mrtmentofugar Bowie, Preetrve Oiahea,
leaanter8, Ao , Ac. For aale cheap at
Gnm Drops, Fine Candies.
HAV E juat reoeived, direot from N. York,
byexpre.a, a supply of choice
Gum Drops, Mixed Caudics, &o.,
Which will he sold at Whole. ale or Retail, on fa
vorable terms, for ca.h.
The aniort incut comprises to psrt
itou, ;
trawhrrry, .
Liq u o rioe,
end Soft Pro-a
All af which are fre.h. and verv nice. Th av have
vaoelvsdalso hy same express acholce assortment of
Flu Mixed Candies,
tf latest styles and of most exqul.lt flavor and
Thev aeapantfullv a-k an in.p- ction of thelratock.
eontleJent they eao offer very eujierlor Inducements
lo ouyers. if.
jet boo sd street.
THE undpraitrned would respectfully in
form the Parrnta of Dayton that they will or
ganise Jurenlle clones for both aexea, during vaca
tion, In erman, l-alin, Greek and Music.
For terina, apply to
(so Plrat street, next duor to Dr. Kneels' orttce.
Je'J'i-wJ -
Ho. Every Body.
THE same old kind of ( heeae I used to keep,
J e
a silo for the Fourth.
Will have it all summer and
No. S3 Jclfi-r.ou St., Ax't.
Ho, Ye Anglers.
CALL on J K. Gebhart and get a nioe finh
lua pole. I have gut nice ones, and no mistake.
A Very Nice Article of Honey
JUST reoeived, together with a fresh sup
uly W U aiuta 4 cilltie Groceries.
M Jedstsva aift.
Vtr ...... - "
1101 '
Wf'fri' 1ft
dayton omo, Monday, july n, issd.
y-ZJy .. .":. ; - -
no. tire
tmfiri liilliag, Tbiriil.,goilhii.t kaUMtiit Jefftnei
Vr Vatias.oOper 7earlnaaanoe.
10 orat. par WMk.piribl.to Itaoo.rrter.
ingle oopiea.putup In wrapper., aoenta.
Cincinnati Agency.
The Cincinnati Type Foundry Company la
our duly authorised Agent to make contracts
and receipt for AUvertieementa tnbacripuona,
aVc, In that city.
To BulHEaMn. The Empire Job Rnoma
are in eomplete trim, and we arc now prepared
u do work of all description! in the bat style
of the art. Call in and examine our work and
learn onr prices.
ir To AnTBSTiauta AdTertiaernents or
Notices for the Kmpire must be handed into
the office by tea e'eieri on ths day they are de
aired to be publish)! awl Imttr. We cannot
agree toinasrt them aftertbethoor.
Cincinnati Agency. LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS.
Weekly Advertisements.
Those who desire to bar adrertiaemenls
inserted in the Weekly Empire should bund
them in by Saturday morning, at the latest.
fAOur advertising patrons will perceive
that, by our arrangement of reading matter,
their advertisements will be always nrte a
very Important matter to them.
IDSee4lh page for Telegraph Reports.
Found t A green satin parasol, modern
style, was found this morning on the corner
of Main and 2d Streets. The owner can
have it by calling at this office, and paying
for this notioe.
TT An adjourned meeting of the Hook A
Ladder Company will be held this evening at
W. B. PEASE, Pres't.
Day tom I.ioht Guaid Attention ! I'ou
are hereby ordered to meet at your Armory
on Tuesday, July I2th, 1859, at 4 o'clock, P.
M. in full uniform for rceeption of National
Guards, of Indianapolis. A full attendance
J. G. HUGHES, Capt.
J. A. DICKEY, 1st Sergeant.
[Gazette and Journal copy.]
17 John H. Shank waa elected on Saturday
o fill the vacancy in the Council from the 3d
Ward. He is a live, practical gentleman, and
we greet him.
1.1 SiseioN. The Institute of the Montgom
ery Ouuuty Teachers' Association met this
morning at the South West District School
house. There were over forty menibera in at
toudancel This is the largest number everyet
convened at I he opening meeting; andtha num
ber and spirit (manifeated give an earnest ol
what may be expected from the labors of these
'guardians of our youth." We are really grat
ified to makethle mention, and are confident
that we will Lave a good report to makaof their
deliberation and action. We will have a re.
port of their doinga to-morrow.
Death cr Mihistib. Psraon H. Heiucke,
well and favorably known in the Miami Valley
for many ysara as a good man and a successful
minister of Christ, died suddenly at his res i
denca near Miamisburg on Saturday evening
list. Be waa interred thia morning at 10
o'clock, at the Idiamiaburg Cemetery. Ilia
funeral wasvery numerously attended.
SWe are requested to say tbat the
Committee of the Dayton National Horse
Show will meet at the Phillips House this
evening to make arrangements conneoied
with the successful getting up of the ap
proaching Fair.
We are pleased to announce that the
work of fixing the grounds on the farm of
Mr. Kisor is rapidly progressing. The Fair
will be one of the greatest attractioos ever
presented in the West. We hope our busi
ness men generally will cheerfully assist the
Child Dexbtiok. On Saturday afternoon
last, a lady waa seen to emerge from a atable
belonging to Mr. Bailey, in the rear of Main
street, Xenia, and proceed directly to the L M.
R. R. train, which was on the point of going
south. Soon afterward, the cries of an infant,
attracted the attention of the people in the
neighborhood, and Mrs, Washington Kidir, in
company with another ,sdy, proceeded to the
stable, where they found a little child, well
wrapped, and a note, written in an neat band,
and containing the followiog, laying down
beside the child :
"Good L'dies When yon get thia Labe, it
will have no mother. Take caie of it, and God
will reward you. His name is Allie, and be is
three weeks old."
Tho stable in which the woman deposited
little "Allie," contained ahorse, and aeveral
hog.; but they were aecured, The child is
said to be very pretty, and we learn several
ladies in Xenia are anxious to adopt it.
Sine writing ths above, a gentlemaa from
Xenia informs ua that the mother of the child
waa discovered in Morrow, on the L. M, Road
and that she waa brought to Xenia thia morn
ing. She is said to be a single lady, who has
heretofore moved in the "higher circles."
Makixo awat wits it. On laat Tuesday a
mulatto man came over to this city with Con
duclor fl ichula, having witb him a very young
cnild, which he aaid waa juat left an orphan by
the death of hi wile; and that be waa going to
Richmond, la., to some of bia frienda for the
purpose of hsving them take care of the child.
On Saturday last tbe Marshal of Xenia was
over her in search of a mulatto, who it was
charged, had "mad way with a new born
child." Aa near as we could learn th cas
was this : Th mulatto had recently married
a widow woman at Xenia, who had a daugh
ter nearly grown. It seems, however, that be
had better married the daughter, aa on laat
Monday ahe gave birth to a child, of which ahe
affirms h is the father. Th mulatto states
that th child is safe, and tbat he can produce
it. We presume its production will aatisfy th
ends of juslic, although it will not at all con
tribute to the domestic quirt of the family.
Xenia ia a great place for irregular additiona to
lha cenau.
llKy reference to a military notice, it
will be seen that we ar to be favored with
a flying visit from th Natiunal Guard, of
Indianapolis, on to. morrow aftercoon.
They are said to b a So looking corps, and
every inch soldiers. Tba l.igbt Guard will
receive them in bandaoma style, W lettrn
tbey will attend the military encampment
at Troy wbioh commenoes tomorrow.
(TW learn (from th Journal) tbat O. A
Lyman, Xaq., formerly of thla city, and now
reeldiog la New Tork, I la tb city. W ar
U 4 W Iwp Iks b U ia xcUBt bUh.
IC7 Bums of our friends fiod fault with ua, be
cause ws dont answer the daily scandal bulled
at Pis Democratic party, through th medium
1 a combined opposition press. It Is true,
ilmt We publish a political paper, but w are
at the same time trying to make it a readable
and reapecable one, and have reason to believe
that our eflbrls in that particular are approved.
But If we should undertake to answnrthefloods
of calumny being voided upon ua in th man'
ner they deserve, ws would be compelled to
sink the standard of the Empire far below the
point where respectability and vulgarity part
company. You cannot aoccnssruliy coropte
with blackguard, without, to some extent 1 1
least, snaking oae of yourself. Our tssie does
nut lead us into that kind of controversy.
It ia very true, aa w have already elated,
tbat we are publishing a politicsl paper; and
wt are warmly attached to the principles it ad
rocatea; but that is no reams why we ahould
fill our columns with political balderdash lo
Ihedisgust of the general reader. In short, our
design is to print a paper that ahall b reliable
in political aa well a other m alter. Our aim
ie to give our patrona th truth on all subjects,
and not deceive them in any thing. If we fail
in thia at any time, it is because w do not our-
aelf properly conceive th real point of fact
and issue.
We think we can point out the errors of our
opponents without exhausting th vocabulary
of billingsgate. We regard th mslariiy of po
litical opponents as intelligent man, bat honest
ly in error. We believe that "errsr mp e isf
erafro! so long ml reason (t left fret to combtt U "
"Truth crushed to earth will rise again." Bo,
it is with the principlea we advocate; their
truthfulness may be smothered fur a time hy the
wily, designing politician, but they ar the
principle of our Fatbera, and of th Constitu
tion. Their promulgation by th Democracy
haa made ua independent, has made our coum
try and our people free and happy. An honest
adherence to them in future, will shtd the same
blesaing upon millions yet unborn.
We trust therefore, that our frienda will see
the propriety of our course at once. It cannot
be that the unfair course pursued by the oppo
sition press, will all inure to the advantage of
those psrtiea. Their ruinous dogmaa will fall
harmless at the feet of juatice, and will ulti
mately recoil upon their projectors with crush
ing force.
The time baa gone by, we think, when polit
ical victories may be gained by atralagem, and
scandalous perversiou of truth. For our part
we shall ateadily pursue the path we have
marked out, ao that we may "be ready alwaya
to give an answer to every man that asketh us
a reason of the hop tbat Is in us;" a bop based
upon th intelligence, honesty and patriotism
of our people.
IT We were laboring under the impression
that our fi lend of the Curette not only aeseried
that Judge Ranney had been a fugitive. slave
Uw fanatic, but that he was really one now.
Thia impression waa aomewbat atrengibened
by the fact tbat we bad not observed any thing
in the charge which indicated tbat Kanoey
had changed his mind. But we stand correct
ed, on the basis of the explanation juat made
fur our apecial information. 1 his, however,
dues not reach the difficulty. Cumpetent and
sufficient proof haa followed tbe ilenial that
Judge Ranney haa vr been a tradncer of tbe
fugitive alave law, Tbat is the paint. And
here we would inform our neighbor that obtdi
tnee lo the law doea not imply any thing like an
anxiety to eogtge In negro catching. There
seeoia to be a discrimination in this matter that
the Gazette doea sot take into the account in
referring to those who maintain the supremacy
of all atalute laws,
A little meditation upon some of the points
iu this fugitive lsw controversy will, w be
lieve, convince our neighbor that some of hi,
positions are not well taken; are contradictory
with some he baa heretofore avowed, aud to
which the Qermautown Independent took ex.
caption; that flippant charge agalnat gentle
men differing from him upon questions of poll
cy are oot in good taste, and are not, really,
conclusive evidence that be is right, and they
are wrong; that gentlemen ar not, certainly,
tbeoriminala hia thoughtlesa language would
aeem to indirale.
Health orrxaio toxvibt Family. It will be
aeen from Dr Chamberlin'a new advertise
ment, that he proposes to giv a aeriea of lec
tures, explanatory of hia electrical theory of
life, health end diaeaae in connection with a
full exposition of hi wonderful discovery for
the cure of all diaeases, Tbe subject of medi
cal electricity haa for agea attracted the atten
tion of physicians and electricians, and varioua
have been th means resorted lo, for the extrsc-
and application of thia mysterious agent for the
cure ot disease. Theory haa supplanted lheo
ry , and in fact every tbiug connected with the
subject aeemed confused and mysterious till
the lecent discovery of Dr. Chamberlin, which
aolves the problem and ia th groat tberapntic
agent, not ouly in a few diaeasea, as baa gener
ally been cnucededbut for all maladies to which
flesh is heir. Dr, O.'s rooms are daily throng
ed wi'h patient, who speak in the moat flatter
ing terms of bis mod of treating disease, and
during hia abort alay in Dayton he haa restored
several persons to health who bad been pros
trate with disease for years.
ITWe learn that fellow atole a handkerchief
from another over at tbe "Garden" yesterday,
and then gave the chap a threshing because be
asked for hia property I The unfortunate indr
vidual will probably com to the conclusion
tbat it ia both unpleasant and unprofitable to
visit Gardena on Sunday . II might have better
luck at church; it couldn't b much woraa; and
we auggeal he try it next Sunday.
DA Grand Military Kucampmsot will be
held at Tioy next week, under th management
of Captain Mayo's fin company, th "Blue."
Th Dayton Light Guard have accepted a in
vilation lobe present and will probably remain
two or three daya with their brethren in arms
on the tented field.
fT A ma named Wright waa seat about a
buudred mile above Cincinnati to cut timber
for huba.and while picking whortleberries waa
bitten by a rattle aoake.a day or two since, snd
died In two hours, hia body becoming lb color
of th snake. Ilia remaina war brought to
Cincinnsli for interment.
tTTha Cincinnati Enquirer has an account
of the voluntary return of a negro to alavery
because be found a reeldenc ia tb Northern
part of Ohio nneongenirl. He bad listened lo
tbe persuasive eloquence of those who ar very
activ in running off slaves, but when he took
up his home among tbetn, he ssya "I hey treated
himaaifbewaaa nigger.
ITOn Saturday w stated ibat w would
publish th conatitittioo and by-lawa ef the
Temperanc Association to day. W mad the
alabrment on th promise of ihe Secretary, who
proajieed ua a copy, bul has n4 yet furnished
it. W ssek thla xplsaaiioa that our readers
may know why w do not present it, according
l proa is.
Suburban Drives.
There la no more tneiffa? attraction to a city
than "Suburban Drives," We have frequently
heard tourists say: is a very nice place,
a delightful rotrrat Inr a week or a month during
the 'heated term,' but then on haa alwaya to
remain In town, or drive out upon unshaded
avenues, in th hot sunshln, throuuh cloud
of strangling dust." We ar compelled to
acknowledge that this objection hold rather too
hard against our City.
We are not starting out with a recomtnenda
tion of a heavy bill of expenao upon our city
or county; we propose, however, to recommend
tb opening of "drives" in this vicinity. All
will admit tbat they would not only bs im
mensely pleasant to our citiaen, but that they
would prov a vry strong attraction to etran
gera viailing our city, who now justly complain
that we bav no pretty drive in our vicinity.
When we can prevail upon gentlemen in the
suburbs to open up "uatural avenues" from on
rosd to another across their farms convenieoTos
to themselves and the public we may expect
to have Dayton one of the most inviting sum
mer resorts for tourists to be found in the land.
The expense of these avenuea would be little in
proportion to th great benefits to be derived
from their uae.
We have not time lo day to purau this aub-
ject aa we would like, We will brlrfly allude
to whal might be accomplished in one direc
tion ; while we hope we will cell up an inter
est from other point in th vicinage.
Nearly all III a'.ranger who visit us have
heard of our Ceme'ery, and of the Aeylum
about half a mile-aouth eaat of it, and they
Would bke to Tiaitlbem. W oodland, the beau
tiful home of the dead, being the alronger at
traction, they give ordera te drive liter first.
After Ussy bare apent a pleannt hour in those
euoaecMrted ground, they express a dseire to
viait lh Asylum and grounda, when they are
Informed that tbey will he a to drive back over
the same dusly road to lie city, take a fresh
atari and then drive over an exceedingly dusty
rusdto tbe Asylum a point only half a mile
from the 0 metery where they were aohour be
for I Th visitor will ask : "Why could not
an avenue be cut through f om the eastern part
of the Cemetery to Wayne Avenue, and an hour
of dusty travel be avuided , for those who would
be pleased to visit the two promineoialtraetiona
in your viciuiiyf As it is, we bsve but little
lime to spare : we would be glad to visit both
these, but aa the annoyancea ar so great, we
will have to conieut ourselves with a view of
but one place," We have heard this question
a.ked by visitora an hundred times; aud we
have beard Ibe question aoiioualy considered
at home.
We have to say this: At ihe eastern verge of
the Cemetery grounds, and exactly opposite the
entrance lo tb "City Lot" ftuni Wayne Ave
nue, Mature ha mad a passage way up lb
bill into the Cemetery; it is an euay a-cent up
a gorge in the hill, and with a very little work
sitnp!) the grading of a carriage track, will
(Turd a proper passage for vehicles from Wayne
Avcoue into lb City of the Dead. Tnie ave-
ue would enter into the "new drive" now
being put around the Cemetery, Jest at the top
of the hill, and would afford a continuous, pleaa
ant drive from the City, to the Asylum, via
Woodland I '
The right of way from Wayne Avenu to tb
Cemetery lot can be obtained at small coat, we
are informed. Theexpeoeeof agate with a
handsome arch, aud a porter's lodge at the en
trance would nut be much. Aa it ia, sddition
al help seems lo be needed at the Cemetery, and
during the day, the ea.t as well as the west
galedutd receive all necessary attention at the
hande of the Sexu n aud assistants. Ats prop
er limy in lha evening these galea could be se
cured, and tbe aervices of a porter at lb eas
tern entrance he dispensed with until the next
day. Now the construction of thia avenue ia
feasible; and we bow lo aee it effected.
There are other "drives" in the aame vicin
ity we might mention, but we will barely al
ludetoone. Nearly opposite the Asylum, aud
north of and adjoining the reaidence of Dr
Egry, and on the line of Mr. Edgar, an avenue
could be opened across on bis line and tbe
line of Mr. J. Patterson, past the Mission
School, to the old road at Patterson's Mill. It
would make a delightful and shady drive; and
if we are correctly informed it could be aecured
for a mere trifle. Measra, Edgar and Patterson
would doubtleaa grant a carriage way of .10
feet for the purpose, and wu feel sure tbat the
funds fur fencing and putting it in ord r, could
be aecured at once on subscription. We are wil
ling la eruumt pretty heavily upon tbe known
liberality and appreciativeuess of the gentle
men named, aud we are well enough acquainted
ilk our cilisena to know that they would
cheerfully aubscrib th amount necessary to
put th projected avenue in good trim.
W e have ooly tainted at tbe subject, and will
recur to it again. V e bop to awaken our citi
sens lo tbe importance of gettiug up "drivea"
iu tbia viciuity, and offoriug attractions to
to those who would, if w bad these, malt
Dayton a place of Summer anjourn inatead of
other places which, in thtmeeloet, do not offer
one fourth the Inducements. Get up drive
tbey can be gotten up cheaply in every direc
tion, and let it be knowa every where that we
have them in the vicinity, and we warrant that
our city win become a resort for multitudes du
ring the Summer months. These rural drivea
are, (aside from tbe hospitality, urbautty, and
iulelligeucauf the inhabitants, and the health
of the place, and Ihe facilities lor reaching it,)
the greatest desideratum to tourists. Let tbe
Suburban Drive" subject be agitated.
IT By a dispatch from Cleveland Thursday
w learn that nolUt were entered in the cases of
Sam. Davis snd J. K. Lowe, United Blalee Offi
eera arreated through the instrumentality of the
Oberlin fanatics for executing the Fugitive
trCompari.ona are certainly odious, if w
inililut them between the weather of laat lion
day the 4th and today. Vi believe we
need eay nothing more in this connection.
IT We again call the attention of lbs trustees
of the 4th ward to the bad condition of the
Warren at. Bridge. It ought to b repaired.
07" A great many people wtreout of th
city in 111 grove adjacent, yesterday, 1 ha
beat iu town waa almost intolerable.
tTThe Probata Court commenced ila June
term to day. A great deal of busineaa will h
befur th Court ibis term.
CTF. A. Spaa waa admitted lo bail on Sat
nrday evening laat, in th sum of $:i(K).
CT Tb Brunswick Telegraph give in that a
hen ia immortal mat "her eon never aots,"
torters rpirit says: lb rumor
which has been widely spread about tbat
new match ha been mad between Flora
Temple and I'rincess, at mile beats, beat
three in Ave, in harneaa, for ten tbouaand a
aid, u not tru. r lor is ao severely In
jured by th wounds wbioh ah roivd in
hat lau barn trot that eh will oot be veil
ia wo vaeka to torn.
(Ohio White Sulphur
July 11th, 1859.
I was waked up the other morning In
very singular manner. Tb birds who bav
built their neat near my window, and in
whose welfare I hav already loarned to take
a great Interest, aroused me before my wont,
ed time by the loud ories and shrieks they
wore uttering over on of their unfledged
young, which, in attempting some foolhar
dy feat, I suppose, had tumbled headlong
out of th tree, and waa lying helpless on
the ground. It was juat at break of day,
and I was terribly sleepy and not at all dia.
posed to get up, but if I waited for my usual
hour of rising soma prowling cat or waa
dering cur from a neighboring farm bouse
might come along, and put an untimely end
to birdie first excursion from the paternal
premises, so that there was no other alter"
native but to dress myself and go down and
rescue tbe youngster, who was by this time
pretty well frightened and seemed sufficient,
ly punished for his carelessness and proba
ble disobedience. Having succeeded in
placing him in a position of safety, appa
rently to his own great satisfaction, nnd th
relief ol his parent, whose gratitude I know
1 merited, I proceeded to tuke a morning
walk, which I enjoyed so much that I se
cretly determined to steal away from my
friends that day and spend a few hour in
Accordingly, just after dinner, I slipped
around hack of the bowling allay, wbioh
stands on the bank of tbe Sniota, walked
leiaurely along until I waa out of sight, and
then hurrying rapidly down the river a half
a mile, threw myself into a boat which 1
knew waa there waiting for me. I thought
the thing very oleverly done and took great
credit to myself for my adroitness, and aa I
pushed out from shore, I fairly chuckled at
the thought of the inquiries which would
be made forme, and the surprise wbioh
would.be manifested at my ahsenoe at th
littlo picnio we were going to have up in
the grove that afternoon. There is an ex
perience you can have nowhere but in soli
tude, You are tired of sooiety altogether ;
you do net want to ice any body, talk to any
body or hear any body, but you desire to be
alone, away off by yourself, where you can
forget that there is any other person in ex
istence. Eyo el me, are all you care about
having any thing to do with, and the mood
they are in is generally so similar to your
own that you will not quarrel together.
rhis is the way I felt on Ihe afternoon in
question, and 1 stood a fair ohano of being
gratified. The country along th river is,
in some places, as wild as the primeval for.
eats, and as the oars rose and fell in the
crystal stream and the rocky bottom looked
up into my face I oould have believed tbat
I was a thousand mile beyond the pale ol
civilization. How delightful it is on a hot
day to let your boat glide in along olose to
the shore, where the overhanging branches
sweep to tbe water. The deeply shaded
woods, which line the Weatern bank of tb
Scioto, aeem, by some natural predisposition,
to stretch their great arms over tbe river as
if in protection. In one plane tbe branch
es bent down in such regular succession
that for more than half a mile I passed
through a leafy arcade, where not a single
patch of sunshine bespangled the water.
Tbe cool shade and grassy bank offered too
great an attraction to be resisted, ao I land
ed at tho foot of a mighty sycamore, threw
the obain around one of tb roots and hav
ing climbed np the rocky shore, found my
aelf in the midst of an original forest The
underbrush waa so thick tbat it was impos
sible to see more than twenty or thirty feet
The trunks of trees which bad fallen years
before, lay rotting unJiaturbed, and tbe
whole wood waa pervaded by a solitude as of
th grave. It was oppressive to me, so that
after penetrating a few hundred feet and
sitting awhile on a fallen log looking up in
to tho tree, whose matted tops excluded any
glimpse of the sky, I was fain to return to
tbe river bank again. It was like stepping
from the tomb out into life and daylight and
1 felt releif.
I threw myself on ths grass and lay for
hours looking at tbe fleecy clouds wbich
were farily floating up in the blue heaven
The solemn stillness was unbroken by tbe
slightest sound. I suppose it waa owing to
the heat of tbe day, for not even a oricket
was chirping. Tbe universal silence, the
uubroken forest behind me and the deep
blue heavens above, were all calculated to
inspire th soul with a boundleaa emotion,
and I lay dreaming until the fading sunshine
and the long shadow thrown across the wa
ter, warned me of the approach of the eve
I released my boat and swept out from un
der the overhanging tranche juat a the
sun went down and the shades nf night be
gaa to gather round. Tbeevening was very
still, and in going up stream nothing oould
be heard save the measured splaih of the
oars, tbe croaking of frogs or the deep boom
of the bittern sounding from aom dgy
shallow. Sunlight bad given place to moon
light, before the boat was beached and 1
would have considered the excursion as an
extremely pleaaant man, bad it not been for
a alight aocidant which I ought perhaps to
mention. On the way np by an awkward
ness altogether inexcusable I upset the boat
the consequence of wbich was that I waa
not in a very suitable plight to be seen un
til 1 paid a visit to my own at, artinenU.
Could I accomplish that successfully, a few
minute would remedy every difficulty but
if I waa discovered, it would spoil tbe pretty
little story 1 bad framed of my afternoon's
adventures. Having threaded my way thro
the tree and among tb cottage on tbe
White Sulphur grounda, until I got near my
own room, 1 waa congratulating myself on
my success, when around tb corner of th
building cam well, no matter who. Suf
fice, to say that I bav not btard th laat of
my boat ride yet
Haxev Wsao Bbcche. The Brooklyn Daily
Tiass publi.be the following I
So constant and lavish is lb adulatio b
stowed by Mr. Beecbers admirers on alia aavs
and dos, that w rily belies that il th
"Star Preacher" suffered Ik aeonie of aWftriwai
frraums, and hi raving wr lakes down by
loAgrpbr nd published, th would b re
eorsd, read aud valued by bit adslren a par
Ths Wosaov tub Dons. W giv below li s
work of Ihe dogs in six counties In Ohio,
In wool growing regions, in other portion of
th Stle, the "work" haa been equally well
performed by the renin:
In Oreen county, sheep killed by dogs 1,569
value $.,429 ; injured U'M, value i,Tj.
In Summit eonnty, sheep killed by docs S39.
value $l,7a9 1 injured 07. value $7lW.
Ia Muskingum, sheen killed bv dogs 1.206.
value a.,s?H; injured VBU, value ..
In Champaign county, 689 sheep were killed
in lo5B by dogs, and Sb4 injured. Involving a
loasof -J,l8U.
The sheep killed hy dogs in Lorain count
In 1858, numbered 4M, nf the value of ;
lujur-a uo, value Ia.
During Ihe year 1858, there wr killed in
Lake County, bv dova. 413 sheen, valued at
43. Ther were alao 100 aheep injured, val
ued at $1 IS.
The Wool growers Intend holding a Conven
tion, "open lo ihe world," in Cleveland, neat
month, W hop they will propose something
practical in Ike way of getting clear of th
thoussad of worthies curs ia State. Let
them resolr to do something, and Ihso d it.
IT A French magistral, noted for hia love of
the pleasures of the table, speaking one day
lo a friend, aald : .
Ws have lust been eating a superb turkey;
it waa excellent, stuffed with truffle, to the neck,
tender, delicate, and of a high flavor. W left
only the bones."
"How oisny of you were there T ' (aid bia
kind friend.
Two." replied th magietrate. "Yea, the
turkey and myself."
It is estimated that the recent battle
of Magenta has created at least twenty thou,
and widows and sixty thousand orphans
sk.The Austrian press in Vienna and
other oities rsjoio exceedingly over tb
downfall of Lord Derby, beoaua he was ao
obstinately neutral.
t.!t haa been recommended that tbe
next htate Convention of the American par
ty of Maryland be beld in Baltimore en tbe
luto or August,
It i now ascertained that the Kropei
ror of Austria reaohed Milan iust in time to
learn the defeat of his army, and to assist
in the evacuation o( Milan. Tbat was not
the entertainment to which he invited bim
kafThe Havana correspondent of tbe
Charleston Courier, under date of the 20tb,
writea that the yellow fever la making aome
progress among the shipping there. T hus far
we hear nothing of thia diaeaae at New Or
leans. A-Accounts from Washington aav that
the remains of the late Dr. Gamaliel Bailey,
wno reoently died on his way to nurope, ar
rived in Washington on the morning of July
4, and the funeral service took place at
Irinity Church on the bth.
ttaTTbe St Catharine's, C. W. Post stairs
tbat a man fell down an embankment in that
city, a few nights sinoe, and wa killed.
Ibe Coroner jury which sat upon tbe body
reoaerea a veruict oi wiiuui muruer againai
the Street Committee and other members ol
the Corporation for leaving the place un
MuFranoia de Munn, a colored man, was
eatiug ic cream on the oorner of the Bow
ery and Canal (treat. New York, on the 4 h
when .lutin .Matthews, anotner colored man,
dronned a nack of liuhted fire crackera into
de Mu nn's pocket wbioh caused a flask of
powder therein to explode, nolo men were
seriously injured,
A.The Roman correspondent of the Lon
don Weekly Register writes that her Majesi
ty Queen Victoria haa forwarded an auto
graph letterp the Pope, thanking his Ilolii
nees lor nis present ol a beautilul mosaic
table. It is added that tbe Pope was much
gratified with the friendly sentiment express"
ed by ber Majesty.
OTOwing to numerous solicitations from
Ladle and Gentlemen of Dayton, Dr. Chamberlin
has consented to giv a Mr lea of Leolure. and Con
venations on tb FJeotrlsal Laws of 1.1 f., Health
sad Dleeae. Also, a lull exposition f his Import
ant discovery In the application of Fleetrieity for
th cure of all Diseases. He will likewise explain
the reason why medical mea sad others hav used
thi. subtle agent with so little success
Particulars ean be lesrned by calling at bis Omes,
No.au, Third street.
Dr, Chamberlin has cured and la curing, a class of
Diseases, that haa set at defiance the moat poteat
remedies of the meuleal profession, from all agea of
the world
The Diseased are Invited to call and learn tbe par
ticulars. DR. CI1AMBKRL1M.
KC AGENTS, with $35 Cash Capital, to
W nrvc in th-b it Myinc builneu bow before
the people-, honorable tvod )! sir nurd i kiayt
ron 9b 10 ww per a y eie-r ol empenara. Ant one
it of bullosa, and wantf o set noh. ae ail
The country, drive good horae and bug , go lo
riae a reait. ana Deoom a rsvi aiaa, (aaj ia uoory
lattcn,! lavui inr nam ui in IB.
To lniture an ana war, and .tamo
tsaUifactloa fuaraoteed, or aony refunded.
VAniaiAj 'LAi-a,. ito u.,
jylt-ltd T, Daytoa Poat-Ufflce.
Sealed Proposals
VI7ILL be reoeived at the office of the
V 8eretftrT of the Board of Education of the
Cltf of Daytoa. until the 16th day of August, lta
for furo.il. of the achooli with u0 cord, of good
HicKory or nuxar ire nrewooa siaa nun d ior not
leas than S6 curds. Contract awarded to the lowest
By order of the Poard of Kduoatfnn
jya-dawtt A. A. BLTThkriELD, See'jr.
AT 2 o'clock P. M., oa the premie, will
be sold Twenty-two ots, containing lathe
acrrerate at acre, an one woivh are eleven beauti
fully situated Building Lots, for homes, on high
lUDg grounti, overionauig in eiiy aaa surround-
with an extrnsiv view of the Orat
iami, Madriver and ettilwater alleys, aald lot
II in a southeasterly dlreetioa from tb city, an
are eaeily and ooavniently appraiaated, lon
Kirst, aeoond. Third and Fifth streets and are loca
ted on a new Turnpike, now la progress of con
struction, and la order to b appreciated need oaljr
to bt aeen by thoa desiring a beautiful location km
a country reslWnc. Said lot er ia six of Iresi
two tfltwsiv crM-
Alo bleven one Garden Lets of the best quali
ty of soil, and admirably situated lor (iardea iur.
pose containing Iron one and a half to five acrr.
Teraaof aM One-third of tb purvhaa atone)
In ninety days th baiaac la oa two and three
years, with per cent. I u teres t, payable ana ally,
secured hy mortg age oa th property sold.
The title to alitbe ebovelots will b atade by Mrs.
Jan Wilson, whose father. Col. George Neweomb,
owned and settled oa th same son torty years
persons desirous f sewing the above Ms, previous
to the day of sal, will bs shown thta by ua Hag on
E. YV. Davles. W. I. Huffman Ot John Vt abber.
Omnibu-ea will run from th I'hllllps House to
th piac 01 sate, oosaniroctDg ei i o'cioca r, m.
For Sale.
A I Y House and Lot, No, 24 Centre street,
u for sal. Any persoa desiring ale Utrte
home, an now hav aa opportunity oi aamiajj ura.
J t-lsug, jy asp ft J U1B, HKIB Iff
ivsiws, ivy.,
otto Wiixiaais Walla., IMytaw, osu.
A BUUAiiua. ty e anarrM na, e
ia wtMeeaie er Retail Uipry aaa fro-
mww sjjaj4B)psj
' L-Qiidy 'Laud;.-.
1 J?lCLD 8" tition to Land Bow of
ioe.'M '' cw' """""I' ' 6kw"'
OHIO Shelby, Row,, Allen, tVfiane., IT-nry,
rulton.D-rk nd Williams Counties.
IKPIAKA Bendolph,Wella,Wab.ri, Stark,
Js.per, ruin.kl.nd Lake Counties.
ILU(Tpi Lawrence, Blrhlsnd, Orawf,.rd
aodiMparCftuatrea. ;
MISSOURI Oharlton.Ws dilngum. Mad! son
"'fry. RynoMa, Oreto aaul
Shannon tsaatlee.
IOWA Seoft, Buchanan, Bon, Order and
Van Ruren Couottae.
MINirUBOTA-Dsknta, Rt.vv, Hire, Rcott
, im ,.ii.-iuq veantlea. . '
Th above are chob-. land., and wl'l t. h.i..d
oa th moat dealrableterma nn applte.tto m
tJn as. n. I'LAftaw,
Jy rieax'e Bulldin, Third street.
Notice to Bridge Builders
SKAEKD Proposal will he received nf the
Audi or's Offiee. of Montroeaery ar untv. Ohio.
la Day too, until S o'eiock, A. M., on
Saturday, Augnst 6, 1839,
Forth erection of abridge semss the M ami River,
at the north nd ol Mla.rol.burg
run nno aperiiKiauon. 01 ine .am r in n seen at
the alore.alil orllce, where all lolormatloa relating
to the .ame. noteontalnedln thla notlr t.can he h-u.
Blna wll be received tor thema-onr andsuiai
structure, separate, or tm lliejoheom lele.
Masonry to ber-ompti'ted fhl. Mil; r e srmetnr
Baa spring. B order nl the Ontinty nsil.ali ere,
, ... . HAMPL H. DHf 111 ,, Auditor.
Jy-lwH '
Fare MScttttccdt
HOI SK ha. reduced the fare of Tranatrnt
Board to l, 60 per day. Thi. House will Ic k t a.
a Fiarr-rl.Ae rloiia Th ran i and location of
thla Home will be auirioient -uduot-mentr for Her.
chant, and u.lursa III en to iak tills head-ooar-ters
while dolor bu.lnes ltiUilcim. TheTraveler
wl'l And thla the Bioat convenient Mouse In (Ms
oily, aa It I. only tidy feet from the Or eat Cratial
i., . ' in inv. in.i novas lor ail r'aina
i orner pari, oi ta city.
w. HUMPHREY, rrop'r.
Thursday, Jul r 7,
I). W. WINTE ?S,
' No. 94, Main t ;
wit. . rvr aim
He Is preparing for Fall Purchases, and Uiosa
Stoves and IMow-VVare.
JO at ton Fouiiffert.
NEFF, BENSET &. CO., Proprietor?.
"tnrr-roomv aro Third .
Cook and Heating Stoves,
V V fnllowlnr Cook Stove., and sre prepared to till
ordera promptly:
"CLINTON AIR-T1UU I," KlivateuOvcn:
'KINU OF STOVKs," Blavated Oven. .
Tin Plate Htoves, ix and Seven Plate Heat
ing .Stoves, Parlor ciiuvrs. Ao., Ao.
no superior it continues to be a great favorite
Weeould rill a volume with trstinionlala. If It w ere
We are Agenta for the sale of the
(QlL-OUJia Hi A II (J 12i a
This fUng p has been rott up within a few months
past, and has many atlvautAgi-e over tlieoia Kftnt-i.
jtm wmii r jiiijrriur futuari ia 1 aimevaiiuiHi
the tilobe.
no Third street, DaUon, Ohio.
FINE Farm of excellent laud, lying
six miles esst of lMyton, on" tho lelluw
Sliriujcs rnil, or sale at low lis urea sua reasonable
Uraii. a
There ire seventy acres under cultivation, tho
rr ma. ader being heavily tiiubt-ieJ. litvje U ui vu it
a Ho uar. Barn ana Uu -huiluiiv: an oi haru nl ?o
or o large bearing trt 01 goou Iruii, a nr.tr-lati-lug
priiitc. aiftiruiut; running wnur 101 atocit, be
antra a well ol good water, at th hi um; toet. er
wim a u.urrjr ui guuu iitueaiuue. id. HliUie .aim
Is well nn augtd and has on IirimmI iwieis.
The situation U healtiiv. and it ia ailuatether the
cheapest and most deairabie farm now i.ttri ei tor
sale in thla part of tii country.
r or luriner pariwuMra, cii on
Real Estate Agent and Attumt-j m law,
h"f Dayton, Ohio.
Cadet Lance company!
Copt. li. Delt a
WOLL1) respectfully announce, '.at ut
the solicitation of a nuuiher of tin cmnu
In this en y , he propose to onruiAw a t mi . 1 atiu
tary Company to be (ouip i-hi ol vouth ft Lu nu
toc.ght4.-cu ears of a;. Tbecouraeof iMitfii t on
will vmrao imlJiiig, nuLg, Narihiiit n.. Cj o
naatie hnercis; in short, eer, thli.g icrtaiuing
to n thorough and acoomplUhed aitlitar education.
Suitable r.Mmawtll be provided, lor uriilmg, icn
clng.ae., audit it proposed, to aamtaott tba taa
about th I6th ot July
e'or further Information, in regard to tb plan of
inatruction, thoac who intend to join the class am
requested o call at the residence of Cnpt. lM-ku,
ho. a Fourth street, between the hours of ft ana 1
o'eiock P. M-
TB.KMS Klv Dollars to be paid at the tine of
joining the class, and One IXtllar a nmnTh tiereal(er.
wartsenileineu who have heretofore taken leucine:
lessons of Capt. ! Hru, are tnUirntrtt that te u ul
opens Fencing t tub on the loth of July. Ifciec
veninics in each work Tern. s, one ioJ ar aB-ouUi.
Fur fur lite 1 iiilortuatioo, rail on t-apt. ik-Ktu, at his
residence, oa Fourth street.
j1-lwd (Journal and Gazette copy.)
Stop and Think.
W are prepared to furnish
Uuiltlhiff Lumber
of all nlnda on the shortest notice and as cheap at
the cheapest, at our steam sni.l In
.HlAitle til 1.
K1N( DRO . CO.
We also hav lue sere of the best LAND la th
county, 1 mile irom Dayton, est, which hi wtii
sell in paroeis 10 suit purcnaaere, iron s acres np 10
so, for sal low and oa good terua.
Itno, pntii i
AUO- 1ft aeroa f mnA an lies froai lMftoo,
(north) for sale very low.
Aio a t.00li!AW MILL epahlof eutilnr
Jooo feet of lumtaer per da, on the cnal, 4ulUs
rroni l'n ion, and in rne ix nifnoornuou ,.r nitit
ber, (oak, walnut aud poplar) In toes tat. Fni sal
very low. KIM, BKO. k Oho.
A Good Speculation!
TliK Subscriber will sell at private aale, bia
Farm, containing 1'iO. acrea, situ. ted in 9uiauj
Cnunlr.Oai, aiA Bills tasl ol Tru, on th. Troj
and Sprtnt-neld Turup ke Huail. Thla I arm coo.
tains aeout aa .ere. ol go.d larinlng lnd, mat the
bAiaao. is heat J tluilxr. There la oa Ihe pNealaea
two good waila of aever-faillng water, and a good
Barn and ooum, and oia.r aeeeaaary oul-tutlldlua..
.'or furlh.r parluiulara.and tonua, luuiie ul the
aubsertber, w Us pnawUMW.
aiyw-waw DAMKL, BUKK.
. Is. II Vf on
KRRPH, in eottnectioD with hie supply of '
Woolen Manuiacturer's arUcte. a largo and
full assortment of India Kubbr belting. Packing
Packing Hom, etc. Woubi etallyoaii th attcu
tloa ol Millers, Mnaultclurrra atKi Machlnisla to
any stock of belting, which Is fifty per seal eaMper
than any 01 her kind ol bWiting lot pewwt and dura
Ha also oe hand Lacing Lea ther, Beit Hooks,
Warns, Machine l rtla, k-cds,c.
apr Wv .
Not Mnsty Ale I
ITT Herri' XXX btook- Ale, al tb
l)alaa 4oa.a M Jira tMtt
JL.vttHsiie Stock or
m ww.

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