PRINTING " ' OP EVRIir K1!D, fUCH At POSTBI LARGE AND SMALL, - AUCTION. SALE' BILLS. At., AC, AC!., HUNT TO THE OFFICE OF THE DAILY EMPIRE, By the MnHHINll TRAINS, will hii printed and tli work ret irnt-1 by tho KVBN1NQ TRAIN u inurs noncnATE. OFFTr E. Third it., between Main and JelTerson St., liny ton. ' ihh. Vaii Goo tin Til OS. SHAFFER'S, KO. 03 MAIM BTREET. AT TIIOS. BHPPER'81 GOOD GOODS AT THOMAS SHAFFER'S1. Pretty Goods AT Thomas ShacU'cr's. A'KO Slock of Oooil AT THOMAS SIIJEFFER'S. Ionic with your Ciiali I AND UKT . ) m a ui a u m ' & THOSSHAEFFER'S. SALE OF EXPRESS GOODS! list op onong RaM AIMING iff THB . UNTTKD STAT RS KXI'HHSM OFFIOK, AT DAYTON, OHIO, YlflU-L bo sold tr the highest liid'lor on v V the 6th of Novemlier, tho, at one o'clock, P. M., If not called for and cirge. paid, before that time, 1 box, Janica Irnniildea; I pack, J U. IIu.b; I boa, I). Kojrcrvt I O bag, Mrs. Batti:. I box, do t, I pack, No mark! . . 1 box, W. II. JcunlTn; I box, J. S Bently; I atove, J. W i rt I T K, John Iiankalt T K, A. H. Tucker; -Anil a number of oilier parcel,, A,,,, to tedious to mention. T, M. JOHN. Agent. ootU Hkax (luARTrHs an Bnifl.if:,2p hiv.O. V.M. ) Oavtun, October U, $ SjipoUI Order.) No A. Thi (itifttltlo., rtwtori or rompliy A, No. lt iLnfuyplte (uki-(1n)) ut the lut IlOKlint-llt, M UlvUlon ( V. M., will uivat At Kroh Inn Htli, in tliecttyol Uftytoo. on TuemtAy. Octo ber iisih, lUSJt, between the hour f lOooiock A. M. Ami a l M,, nnil thorn priici-w1 to f leot, by ballot, one t'antfilii And one Klnt utiiAnt. - 'i'hf flection will lfttinim ifti In Kccnrdnr with the prox lilniit of tho Act o( Mnich UBth, !Hfi7, nril the poll hook will be tvturnu.1 t Brigade Iipa1 quart oib aeiooti ni tnnde up Andnmlfd. Uyonlrrrf c. L. ai i.anhioham, Brig. Ren, 3d Hrlgmlo, 2d Divltiion O. V , M. D. A. HAVNKB, OQ'tO-tt BrlgAilft MAjor. . Oysters, Oysters! THE FINEST IN TOWN! ; AND NO MISTAKE!! I i. at v. m u (k,b aro now ran tin A dally by Kxpreai.thanoaat Baltimore Or.t.r. of ina aeaaoa. v e are me only Weatern Affonte ror i.m 'wuipiNiv. mu, a wg reoeire mm atreot from the Hacking llouae, we eaa and will tell them to ueaera aou lamiuua at unpreoenented low price. f-irnar Kiv, ua a iriai. e warrant all oyatera aold hy ui to he freali and ood. Kemcmbtr the place, No. ai Third Bt. , llaytoo, O. ootltMltf Fresh Baltimore OYSTERS. HIIK fcitibsflriber takes (rrent ploaenre in A calling the attention of hi, cuitoineri and cltt jeni generally to 111, extra brauda of Kreih Balti more Oyateri ri oolved dally hy Kxproaa. All or drra promptly tlllpcl at Cincinnati prlcce. Alio, a fie una alao Juat received a largo and choice mpply Of Fine Candies, of ovory poaaible atyle, end Uouficliona of every ileacrlptloo. Alao, Toya of every conceivable ahape anddealgn. lu a word, he haa every thing nice la bin line, and Invitee the public to callaod examine. K. J. WKLTV, . Jiotlo tBBuItdlng, Main and Kourlb. New Cloth'g Store VALENTINE FHIES 1 1 AS REMOVED TO THE UOOM KE--A cently oocupleil by fALVATOK 8CH,:FFB, EAST SIDE OP MAIN ST., Whore he ban o.ened out a Urge, new atock of READY-MADE CLOTHING. He la alio prepared lo manufacture to order any. thing la the line of OKNTIjKMKNS' CLOTHING with neatneee and deapatoh, ootn.3m Fine Candies! nit received 5U0 bnzea, of OUM DROPS, LEMONS, Liquorioe, Kose, Kiupberry, Strawberry Chooolato, Mixed Candies, 1'eotorul titioka, All flavora, Mugar Almond, f'onveraational Loten ea, o. Wliolaaleand oct7 BHANUtMBUItG k CO'f). A. E3tfAlR3J9 f 8 a'il! prepared to furnish tho best quali A flea of Youghiongheoy, Perry Co. and Massillon COAL. INFI.I.K. VILLU cokl, Llli:, BlJASiONtU WOOD, Ac. Feraoni will llnd Uia Coal eoane and clean. The Iwat brought to thta market. Yardaud OiUue.un Tulrd street, near the Xenla . I'e)t. aovta-ivdaw (JOOD NEWS,GO()I) GOODS! Bargains! Bargains! B. F.WAIT, No. 911 IsHsl Ilfih Mreet, I I AS JCST KKCEIVKD, AND IS NOW I otferlPK to the publlo, at icdueed prioea, for VAHH, tit UrKrt aui bent AMtortmrnt ol liHY O-iO IH ever opened out In that pArt of the olty. The LAdlet nhoiild tXAailue my atock of FASHIONABLE DRE88 GOODS, aucb aa Delaines, Cashmeres, Meilnoea, BUks.Calieoaa, Hoops and Hoop Skirts, of all descriptions. BONNETS AND HON NET TK1MM1NUS, Hibbona, Flowers, l.aoea and Linings. Head, of Families should also see my atock of Fa' brloka, selected tor Mielr benellt, suub aa CLOTKS, SATIN ICTTSf CA.SSIMEKKS, Hllk, eaUaand Fancy Veatlnga COTTON AND WOOLEN FLAKNELR. Brown, Bleaahed and Culored etuallne, Hbeet luHa, with Cotton and Woolen Hoalery of every description. All very low for CASH, actls-oul b. r. WAIT. Strayed or Stolen ; , A WHITE MAKE, with a dark, Iron-grey Colt, from the uoderatgned. Klve dollars r ward will be paid ror the delivery of the stars and Colt at The St. Charles," In I'.ylon. oetss-dtf kUWAHU ITANLEr. VOL, X. a .i ;'1)A1TT0N()HI0," THURSDAY. OCT. 27, 1S59, v . v . 7" , ,; .. .... . .. ;l i , r':r::;i'- no:.2. THE DAILY EMPIRE FPlOW OP UmL.tOA-rioedr Inpirt BuiMug, Tbir4 U.. Soils list sri, I til t JrlTcrw TIRMtt By nTetlSA.ottparreevlaadvaaea. 10 oeatep.r WMk.ptjrablnto thsatrrltr, Slngleogplea.patup la wreppara, Soeute, Cincinnati Agency. The Cincinnati Typ Found.-v Oammm ) our duly uthoriced Agent to make contractu nil receipt rnr Advertisements subscription, Ac, la that city. To BtratNaasMsil. The EnmlreJob Room reio complete trim, nd w arc bow prepared to do work of all descriptions In the bent atyle ounear. van in ana examine our work And learn our prices. O r To Anvxaviaxa. Adveriiamnta or Noticee for the Kmpir mint be banded into the office by Ira m'cltck on the day they are de li red to ba published uttUlrr. We cannot agreetoineert them after thethour. LOCAL AND OTHER ITEMS. READING MATTER ON EVERY PAGE Weekly Advertisements. deairs to hay advertisements inserud in tha Weekly Umpire abonld band thorn in by Saturday morning, at the latest. 30iir advertising patrons will peroeiv that, by our arrangement of reading matter, tbeir advertisements will be always nne a very important matterto them . ILTSee 4th page for Telegraph Reports. J A nrgro named Osrlotte wa see lurking about tha the corner of Main and Zd.last even ing, in front of the Dry Goods house of John, V an Doren at Co. At a moment when he thought he waa not observed fcs grabbed piece of goods at the door, and made off with it. One of the clerks who had watched his movements (mediately gave the alarm, and stnrted In pursuit. The fellow waa caught a short distsnre down Msin, and handed over to the police who lodged him in jail, A Locomotive Stimliko. a Hiirsa I Ycster day, ns the Irsin on the Dsylon 4 Michigan R. It , was going North, taken aloog lively by one of Roger's Locomotives, in cbsrge of that very competent and careful engineer, Charlea Cog- gin, I lie pilot picked up a two year old beiffer. pitched it up into the recess in front of the boiler, and after carrying it 6ve miles, the ani mal was Inkcn down from ita cony position when it walked off iuto the woods and com menced browsing, juat aa If nothing at all had happened I Charley thinks that as it psid no rare, broke no bones, and was put off the tram ss soon aa hs had lime lo attend to it. nobodv ought to charge his machine wilh stealing I Ana 1,'liaricy is right. flMHT miivino. Lsst night the bouse of Mr. Webber.'of the firm of Pssco & Webber wss entered by a thief, who proceeded to the bed room of Mr. W and robbed hia pockets of about yuu, csh. It believed that chloro form was used, aa Mr. W. infers from a Decu liar pain he hod in bis head this morning. . Mr, w . bad only n ceived Ihe money last night, and he believes the thief waa aware of It j The houaes of several persons In Oregon were enter ed on last Saturday night, their bed rooms entered1, and their pockets picked of yarious sums, ranging from $5 to $10. They were la borers, . and the money stolen from tbssa was the wagea they bad received for their weeks' worki . . A lsw should be enacted to make it a penal offluoce to aell chloroform to any but well known parties, pbyslcisns, or oa their prescriptions. CTVesterday evening waa the most blustry weather we have bad for years. What added to the annoyance of pedestrians wss the fact that the atmosphere waa literally filled with dust, and at times it wss almost impossible to breathe upon the streets. About 10 o'clock, P. M. the wind "blew a gale." Looseehutlers,sssh,and loose things generally, kept up an outrageous clatter for about half an hour. ETConduclor Conover informs ua that a new, rst ctaas eating bouse haa been eroded at tha Depot at Lima, where travelers esn get meals at any time they are ordered. Mr. Wm. Tingle the proprietor, ia a gentleman who understands the wsnts of the people, and will have them supplied promptly, in the best styls of the art cuisine, and at fair rates. This will be aa at1 tractive feature at the Lima Depot. Make a note of It. CTRey. Zelora Eaton, a Baptist Minister, and long a resident of Troy, died in that place on Tuesday evening, 35th inst, aged about 67 years. Mr. K. wss formerly the editor of the "Independent," s journal published lo Troy some yesrssgo. He wss s re slous SDti. slavery man, but managed, iu the advocacy of hia pe culiar belief, to retain tho respect and esteem of all who knew him. tT A gentleman, to whom we applied for items yester evo. gave ua the following, to which we give all the significance it is enti tled to: A marrisge took plsee on Taesdsy evening between Thomas Aster. Jr., Esq., and OrasJ Ball. It is ssid some of tha he... n,.,l. vl jetted to the ceremony. I bat's a highly colorsd item. (Whenever we hold the fallacies, heresies, prevaricationa, dodgiaga, lies aud meanness of the Journal np where honest oiea may look upon and condemn them, the embodiment of mnlice who doea the dirt for that sheet setts off on s sniffle, and charges that we are vilifying (be Ropnblican party I What a Munchausen the fellow is; what a perfect Muggins I 17"Ths Ticket Office of the D. M. Road at Troy haa been enlarged and put in fine trim. It ia now a credit to the locality, and CspL Mayo presides there with his accustomed promptness, dignity and good humor. CTFriend Woodbull, 3d St., a few doors east of the Post Office, ass every implement which is needful lo the agrleollrist, horticulturist and floriculturist; and, indeed, nearly every article indispsnsibls is the domestic economy. Wood-, hull haa Uksa a lively interest ia the agricul tural and industrial affairs of this Valley, and deservss to succeed. We hope our patrons from the country will call at hia place when tbey viett the city. Srovta, Tut Wa, o.-WscUtbs alien tion of our readsrs in tows and country to lbs advsrtisemeat cf A. W. Rioe V Co.. Huston Building, corner of 3d and Jefferson SL They have the very beat or everything in tbehr line, end aell at prices to suit the times. This Arm is composed of first class men, and their goods are worthy of the men. tTCallsadsr, the clever bookniler and ataa tiooer, 3d St., Oleggs Building, baa siaenr other very aioeaad useful articles, Dia'les for iom Thsy are Tory attractive. Get one in time. WTbs Okie btaiesaiaa asys "Par rot t, ol Montgomery, ia sort of spoksa of as IbeOonrin Bcbeock Speaker of tho Bouse of Represent tire I" of to of in of of be th en on of ua th of lv of I Will the Republicans of Pay .on sualain their patronage. S paper which sligmslires their city ss being coaeerned in the nonepirary 1 1 r- . . . . . . .. ." n.rjnTra ferry - n is lime was gun spiked. . The above ebsractetistic morcsaa is from the Dayton Journal, the orgaa of the f rsiew Re publicans hereabouts, and Is directed against the Empire. A baser lie wss never insinuated than ia conlaiusd ia the above paragraph. Ws have never stigmatised thit cit as being cen-. earned in the eoospirscy at: Harper's Ferry 1 he assertion that we nave done so Is mon strous; no oue knowing ns would believe ne capable of etter ing such chsrge; aay one all cognisant of the facts ia the esse will feel, on reading the language given above, that It a malicious falsehood; so utterly deetitnto of truth end decency aa to demand ao denial. The mau wbo will utter such language, knowing to be dealiute ef tmth, ie truly to be pitied) his cup of iniquity ia about fulL . . The only person, directly Implicated in the Harper's Ferry eeaspirasy, that la or emu was t residual of Dayton, is a negro named Oopev Ian, We hardly believe our mention of bin will be construed by the Republicans ss "Im plioating thtirettj " - The idea la too ridleu lous for msutioo more than onoel Ctiinn Cope. Ian, we ere Informed, was quits s dashing ehsi actor while here, and waa the seducer of ascsKs girl in our city 1 If the Journal is disposed to defend Asst. and call down, the proscription of Ibis community upon us for denouncing a "lew lived aigger," and "his likes," we will tot ob jsct, but leave the matter, wilh .the public tu whom he appeals,' If the course of the Joarnal on this thing Indicstesany thing, it is the di rection la which iU sympathies sre directed. Finally, we bare aot, iasnywsy, implicated persons here or elsewhere in the Etrper's Ferry conspiracy, who hare not, by their words and conduct in some wsy implicated tbemselvee. We have had the warrant of all such for every word we have written about them every thing wo have ineinuaied. No man wbo doe not aympathiz wilh Brown and bis cause, hsrs or elsewhere, baa been "implicated"-by aa in Brown's "work;" and the Journal oanaotsnaks sny man of half seuse believe it. O7 We do not propose denounce any par ty for the bad acts of eosaa of it leaders and Journalists; especially do we abstain from tbia when we bave reason to believe thst the rank and file do not approve their dangerous dot- mas. V) e reasonably expect, however, that the Conservative, patriotic aitu In every psrty will, when they see the baseness of would-be lesds srs and oracles, they will discaid them, and compel a return to correct principles and prac tice. .'We remind our readers of the murderous scenes recently enscted at Hsrpsr's Ferry by men wbo are avowed Republican!, and wbo clsim lo hsva seriously atiedipted to carry oul the "irrepressible doctrine" of beward, Old. dings & Oo, . Thif affair waa a legitimate reaull a belief in - the fanatical, intensified repub licsniam, aa taught by the great leaders of the psrty. There is no wsy to evade thia eonclus aton. All tha twisting, turning, screwing aud writhing of the fanatical press of the country will not be able to ignore this lamentable fsot We oall upon the conservative people ol all sec tions of the country to reflect on the doetriees the Republican psrty, ss now expounded by its l'der$, and to observe the. fruit Iboy are bringing forth. We ask them whether tbey are willing to see the country kept in a con tinual state of agitation, ita laws violated, its eitisens murdered and robbed of tbeir property, subserve the interests of political parties sod pol itical demagogues! Tbia dsngerous trifling must be stopped, or we are lost. Let every right minded man in the country purge himself from this Baow Republicanism. IsSrTbe announcement of tha marriage F. O. C. Darley, the artist, at Cambridge, Mo., oa Thursday last, lias already ap peared in our oolumna. The bride wa a daughter of the lata W arren Colburn, noted for hi mathematical acquirement. Th ocremony wa performed in th old Kplsoor pal Churob, wbioh wa crowded on th or oasion with the elite of tha academic city, including a remarkable number of beautiful girl. At the subsequent rounion at the boas of the brids's mother, large and dis tinguished party assembled, among whom were Longfellow, Lowell, Dr. Spark, Dr. Walker, Professors Felton, Pieroe and Eus. lis, Mignot, th artist Ao. tT Oscar Gregg, on of th proprietors of the Albany, I a., Tribune, died of typhoid fever Mew Albany, 00 the Slat inst. Mr. Gregg was an estimable young man, and wa greatly respected by a very wide circle of friends and acquaintance. Th firm of "Milton Gregg A Sons" waa first broken ia upon by lb dsath th father, Milton Gregg, lut apiriog. Mr. Oregg waa aa amiable man, aod writer of ability. Bi (oa, juat deceased,' was a writer promise. The psper will now, we presume, conducted by the only surviving ssssnbsr of the firm, Dennis Oregg, Esq., upon whom, for some time, hs devolved the financial affair of Tribune. ' We sincerely condole with Mr, Oregg in his sffliclion,' The Empire ceatiaue ita vile assault oa Use Rap ublicsn psrty . -Jeorasl, W bav repeatedly lakea eccaaioa t call down old rrfscii. of the Journal from hia loflly assumptions. Whenever we have thought proper to refer to his lying, aod alanderoue at tacke oa the Detaoeretie - party, law coovicUid old bypocrit imssediataiy calls it aa attack tba Republioaa party. What w have said a former occasion w now repeat ''God forbid that anything ao disgraceful aa TVec s Oomly should svsr aaau ne tha properUoae any party ia America." tT Bon. John T. Mason, whose destk w have before announced, wa born in Virginia, graduated at th University of North Osroli. ia 1BK, from which iostitutioa he received degree ef LL D. adopted the profession lsw, and was a Judge of the District Ooort ofVirginis; b ws RepressnUtive ia Ooa grsas from Virginia from 1831 to iW; a mee ber of President Tyler" Cabinet, as Secretary f the Nvy; a member of President Polk' Osb inst, first a Attorney General, and wa sseoods ss Secretary of th Navy (and wsssppois. ted by Presideat Pieroe Miniates to Fiance, in which position h wa continued by President Buckaaa till th dsy of bio alee Ik. IT W learn that lbs "belt," which waa wea aot long siecs ia the P. It. by on of our elti aene, waa awarded the other day te aaothsr one our siUssns, whs, la a mealy trial "milled'' aaetber gentlsesaa oa th street I Who will nest claim the beltT ' ' C7We bad a sprinkle of saow this Btotalng, and lb tmophr had more of a wintry hag about It thaa wa agreeable, oa sock ihortsao lice. ITTbe wood brought to this city by wagona aold pretty nearly aa (sat a it arrive, .h pike raagst at previous ngur. ' by at I it 1 f. The grimier of the Harper's Ferry Orgs oa Main street I making til bray that he will 'ermh n cull" He elte th islly Dayto Oiftwi as S foe who Ml before the preweee off hie Fod blvfo r Our fate I indicated by th amine aa slinks of that imloent index finger, lis i breathing sjsnghter, and hi anrdemu lieeiih Is directed toward us. He will succeed ia It i Aeaigns ape s, ealy when "be esA pro cites arongh ef hie Insurrection tympatbicers to " ;nt" us; perhsps destroy onr office. It 1 be Jane that way. The fact is, we en r te tmst every body Mrly. Tho who SMt i(a Ifnitor in y wsy. We .rtri ily oVrvrve. , The Journal led ths way in this isHirse oa tba reeeplioa of the sews from H , r's retry, and stumbled down from it the neat ;iay "like tboeow who gives a boeket fit!'! i-f milk, and .ban kicks It ovr "jln bsoiut, wall sa a social and political point of yiew, w endeavor In eoane np te the mark. We bar as good priuting matstial a eaa be found ia any offics out of the ieryer cities, and W mt tla . hotter work thaa sen be dene ia moat printing offices. The people kaow all ' these things, end ill eontiane to patronise as I j.4s ktis; MWs treat tbem ,-welL and can pl sK-a ia our work, despite the whining, sear ir :; Mid snrpiog of ths Journal. 1 We ftrenotso. unreasonable a to demand ef our r4'Me Us they agree with sat In svefy tbisf vesey. We doubtless differ open man) )oe.- ,. ss. We expect tbem lo tolerate ns ia ever, . leg reputable; we expect litem to permit bf te tr-i rrrres an opinion .upon" all quesl x irt eticb honest mra may differ;' ws do nb i iWu t uphold ad aid asia trees ooebti f pteeivw lieir eooatetiance or patrtujfjye sbould we ayopethise with trailers, la tha m.wo timew will labor for tb beet in- teresv : f our city and tslley; ws will szsrl ourscl , e we feel It or duty do, for the ladivt-!"al and general interest of the commu nity In which wo resid. and wha have, w sre gratified o My, greea axniadant -evidence of appreciating our effort. ' Wewill etriveto sner. a ecaiiuuetwe of the heme.' Pile' of tha Ustly Empire 10 ent p-wek, rrsysble to lha earrier, or at this office. The Weekly Eranir. (which is made p of .the choice mstter of the Daily ,),lssfforded at l,f0 per year, payable in advanoe; ' Tb Empire Job Room offer sups nor laeiitije ror doing work of all kinds prompt ly and In a atyle superior te any other office In this Tly, The proof of this can be had on trial. : ... ' NEWS ITEMS. Sir Alexander Bannermsn, Oo pernor of New foundlaad.aeeempanled by hte wife, is on tour to lbs ynited Btate via New Brunswick Then sre In Salem, All , fourteen' ArUeisn wells, wlilch hevs a average ' 'depth of about mm umuivci lew, . , . . . . , Thomas H. Clark, of . Tnscsloosa. Ala., an '..! i: vnliit.ionary soldjer.dird recently, in that viciu.ij , hi the advanced age of 95 years. Th Louisville Courier estimates tba' total loss by the Are in that city, on Saturday bight, 01 wnic lb telegrsp has sdvised us, at J 120,. Mrs. alary Blafford haa bequeathed to the Methodist Church ef Bevsnusb, OcorjU a nanasou , reataenoe ; worth. IB.OOO, and, 17 slaveeew-a .;( .v.' ''." Boston is to have another mechanical bakery, ana mis time It is to be Urn proof. Over 1100.. 000 have been subscribed for its erection. The Bosun booksellers are going very rapid ly, Mr. Benjamin 8. Haywood, a partner in the houaeof Little, Brown A Co., died on the vsoing of Oct, 11), of consumption. The Phllsdelphis Press deuies thst Mr. Barry Sullivan spit upon Mr. Perry, the other night, t th Walnut (treat Thestsr. . The spitting was merely drsmstlo, and one of Mr. Sullivan's "effeete" ia Richard III. v At the last Stat Fair of California a cabban waa exhibited that wsighsd fifty three pounds. That waa beaten, however, by a beet which wea exhibited last year, at forty two pounda weight, and then replanted, and grew to one hundred and fifteen pounds. Wofford, a Cherokee Iodisn, ws hung at1 VanBuren, iuthsStsU of Arksusas, a few days ago, for the muader of a white Choctaw. An exchange, announcing th fact, finds fsult because be wa hung an boor earlier than tba time announced, "thereby disappointing many of our country friends." , Tb Bslttmor Sua learns from toe census that there are not leas than 30,UUO slaves, of whom probably 6,000 are men, in the counties of Loudon, Jefferson, Berkley and Frederick, in Virginia, and in the counties of Frederick end Washington, Maryland, o: within twenty miles of lisrper's Ferry. An enterprising Missourisn bss just explored the Black rlvsr rsgion in aoutbssst Missouri, and has tsken a contract Co odsb tha navlm tion of the river. Be bae ordered a boat to be built at Pittsburgh, expressly adapted to thia purpose. This district hs been hitherto un kaowa, from a want of proper travelling facili ties, . , la Philadelphia, according to tbs directory. there are S93 8mitha, 413 Browne. 336 John sons, 304 Jpnstu, 863 Williams, 323 Wilsons and 1T8 Ds vises. Of tb Smiths, 60 rejoice in the ObrislUs) nam of John, wbil f thsjoasss there srs 86 wbo are knowa by that excellent prafls. Of the Johnsons, onskalf Ibe number an colored.!. I ' . ' iaoaa Lstrvias. Ths telegraph brings a bsws 4bagu tb Journal again oeaif It of a large additional quantity of letters foand among Brown' efleot. . Yallandig ham was abused furiously for aeveral days, lor aakiog a lew questions 01 Old lirown. Now it tarn oat that th ooae piracy really wa oa a much greater seal than fct first supposed. Who will be implicated next f Can't "Harper Ferry Coaly," lb defender of losurrsotion, tell? II defended Qidding and apologise for Brown: why don't b speak oul for Copeland, tb Dayton nigger Here a good opening, Deajou: oosae ia. KnVTbe Btatoemaa say "Mr. 0. Li Vale landigbam, whose eaaual conversation with OoseowalSumis Brown, tha hsro of Harper'' Ferry, iosurreotioo, ha aubjeotod biia to tb malignant vituperation of lb Republi, eaa prd, ha written a powerful letlar np. on tb ubjeoltotbe Cineinn I i Enquirer, Mr. Vsllsadighsm briefly demolish tb eontemptlble assaults of ths Kepoblioaa aditon, and prooeed to giro a deeply inter acting sketch of th lata abolition eassWc. Ol LsTTsa. As there ie eoastderabl talk about esttsr at tbis.tima, we snggeet th pro priety of Deacon Comly axsminiaa oa dated JaaoaOth, aad postmarked Dayton, 81st June; that Is, if be ksepe aopiea of hi eoneopoe Oeaos. TW bad a slender mks this aawqusg. j T"Toe msat shops In the city, wherethel best quality of meets hsv been furnished for soms time at lower figure thsn were saked in msr. let, hay had tb effect of ( bringing down tbi prices, uooa lor the meet shops. . u IT An eminent spirit merchsnt in Dublin snnotmeaa, In sa Irlah paper, that he haa still a seasll qnsnttty ef the whisky on hand which was drank by lieorgo to I V, when in Dublin, THE NEW WONDER. Peter Josse's Hair Restorative!! " THIS TTair Reslorative is now aoknowl sdfec! to be the bast svsr Invented or all dlseessecf th Hair aad the Scalp, and It haa woraed wonders wherever nsed. Several of our eltlveae have tried It, end speak IB ths highest terras of Its enrslivs properties. Tbs following is one among the many oeitlttoatei juat received by the Proprietor: - '. i'. J . Datton, Sept. 9th, lais. Ms. P, near.: -For several years past, from eeme oaeaa, eur kair ka, been gradually falling out.'imtll satire baldaeas threatened us. We have tried rs- rlous reawdles, but without any good result. We were Induced to try your "Reetoratlve" by searing It nighty spoken of by those wbo had uaed it, an who assured as that It had the affect of brlnrtng s new and vlgoroua growth of hair upon their heads. We have uaed It, and Its good effect, sre plainly vis ible la the renewed growth of hair whsr we were fast besoming want, We cannot recommend the Re. torattre toe highly. Tours, truly, . .., ift'-iit1 L '," WM,. BWAM5M, . ' ,,..11 , . L. BROADWKLL,. t OWBN TRCNOR, a I J. " 'V J.'j.'fWAtKM. For sals at tbs Barber . 8 jop of Teter Josse, 41 iellbrsoa street, Dayton. . - octis-Sta Peter Josse's Hair Restorative!! MARRIED. On4he tilth inst., by Rev. D. .Winters, at the PhUllps House, Mr. Jseob Ertssuato MIH Rachael Crommel, bothofTlppeesnoe.' i a ' Peter Josse's Hair Restorative!! MARRIED. NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. No. liC, Main 'strebt T 'I . A, ! -t- LADIES A GKNTLEMKtf.i. t Rtf YOU IN. WANT OF, anyThicg in ths way of ,-, 'ii .'. ia a tA'. J. L I - a,,,. - l Boota.1 a Slioea, .. " CJftllpra er 116 Matin Children' Wew,:,;J Of any kind! If I XS 'OU WOUid ao weu to that H. W. Wileon. 'iit lO.'il04kMAt ST.,k I I U-A.U i 1 U..L. lit n In HI In i.i ft I I I S O W "N Manufacture, its 110. NalN t ' nsilm Walsh he oOhre at aa U Par. t-'KS as say otbea bouaa lalha e-V. rJ..!., ' fOall and '' iudge M X ijourseivss. . W. WILS0H, octn No. It Mala at. Stoves, STOVKMI 8TOVESII Stoves! A. W. BICE & CO. BEG LEAVE TO CALL THB ATTKN tloa or tht Dublla to their aiseortmant of SUvm juit raoslrod from Albanr, whioh, for perfMt.oa of me.riuuaOfur, Deutr ( aMif a, alio g emri uiimj, btUrsngo th. worltil Thfj hAvt) lUtooa haiid t all tlaiaa, LMkwood'i ECONOMY, TRIUMPH PACIFIC! Brown k Irwin's Perfection, Ilome & Beacon Light, Abo,flse assortment or PARLOR STOVES, Inoludiog Russia Air Tight, Home Parlor Jook, irwin I arlor Uook, ihndem, Gm, Prix, Cottace, franklin, -Young America, Also, HEATING sTorirs; Suck ss Long's Cost, Ualakoer, Boatoo Bos, luibur vea, Hoaair, aa., e., f Tim, Japammeid dk Pre est Warrw Constantly oa hand. Tia and Sheet :Iron Job Work, Dona to order at short aotiee. In the moat work- aianllka aianaer, At W. IUCK A CO.'R, Huston Building. etST Groceries at Auction I TO CLOSE TIIE BUSINESS! THURSDAY MORWUffO, OCT. 37TB, AT Jf CCLOCKtl UTILL BE BOLD AT AUCTI ON vT my entire atoek, eomprlslogaKreatvarletyof vroeerieeaaa saeti t.oooa, wseioar wiwi naiurva, oonal.tlnf el skow Cases, kaow ears, flatlorm, Coonter aod Heuses Scales, as. To be sakl wilaout reeaeva. Th Store Room will be loc real alter ths .sis. . , 1. t'. GKT, oetS It Mala street. TAKEN op by tb Babeoriber, who liveeoa ike sornar of Richard aad Hearr etraete, la this etty and MUak Cow, wit white aad tall, horns while, saa ooe 01 laesa aroaea parriy en. jneisow Is la good order, aad (Ives a liberal uueutit, ol milk, ecue-atd . hiiWAkJ ooMKOCf. AH OROIRAHCB. ; , 7 EmUrf cae Waatera ticrkH Sfmtm. SEC, L Be it ordained by lb City Cou ell of the eirr ef Dsyvoa. that the Wesn Mar Bet epaea, as now aeoae aad estaMlahed. ba, aa the sawe te hervey ee eaianrad aad eataaoed aa Saatraeall mi I kledaa iiahaaeaela1u-oai the wast llae 01 Mata atrael to uis east a as 01 eeflec. ana akraaL to aald eltv. sec. . Thai idle ordlaaaee Sake eOsst aad be In for oe from sad altar Ita paaaage, , wm. BuatbiMOHR, rres'l louaotl. A. A. RoTTtsriSLP, City Clerk. oeiSS Wanted! A PURCHASER for a good Pamily Horn ia. a luggy aad Harneae, aad alM a sew Ftaae uaMs' maauiaoiura. will ne- sole at a narrate Applr lo , DR. liallUKR. ' oetsa OYSTERS! -AT- ' TODD'O OLD STANDI No. fllxtlt S(rai, ciBTCmwATi. ', ' I AM RECEIVING DAILY, ROW K, MA. 1 MOMf CO-'Sseleoreled , PLANTED OWTEKH, Whisk I a letllna at uanreeadeeled low srten. h. eae ee S.ii.ii. U aid S alulltea waatlag a twtj Mien-, "u onur, win pmu.MM uauer. sees. Altered tetaleeetabliehaieatls a alwa.utiloft reiretabls Salooa, whe,e you saa kavs Uyetee sooked lasvery sly Is, siwi served up la a siaaaaad Mi""- awmr. i , tiwrrsiiiTrr L i,..-aee !. mac at aay etaar plaee. 1 jvua paim, w 9la la Notice. TI1K orsditoni of th late firm of Hrenner Sleetr, 0 li.vtoef Ohm, are hereby notified tha Snderaigned. as rs-s-lver 1n th oie of Ja cob Slentr, auin.t Jaeoh (). Hrenner and ntit.. "OS penning in ths Superior l our of Monhjomerv o.ioiy. unio, waa oru. r. o nv aald norm toaancr tatn the seiomit or Indebtedness of aald llrm. and eaMirt the a.-ee to said eoort, Said eredltur. are inareiorn nro-neo to present ro ma their i n., liMttvely. lortkwlli, for allowance, an I to l.e au dited. ; I 1 , , , UAV1D A. UAKKIIAM.. rowe," RiAiioiF&'ca; ;., Fresh Baltimore" Oysterr, , . V " FOR SALt At. , . , -, KO. 847y WAa.irTjT 'BTHBET," Cincinnati. , '' t6fAtl nrde-r prnmptly altenilcr to!Tk,, I. McMAHAIT, Agent. M DCtM-ttsdAW r BOOKS The following list of NKW BUOKH, jmt rss'd., By WI1XARO A H'01GATOI. THB COHKBR CUPBOARD, or TacU for fiTryl)ocly! or mine RoomuiMe KnorclnpvtllA of t'Mfti. Know! litt lllutrtd with over luuo Koravinc. Oy LEAVES FROM AJf ACTOR'S MOTS BOOK; 1 -) , - . With Henluleoeneee and Cblt That of the' Or cen noon anu mage. By una. mui hoi r.l 1 . PARLOR .THBATRICALnWor .Winter Alwantuc' Bntertsitmenti! t Containing Acting Pro ehe, IrarnnHc rbseatlea. Acting Charadee, hrawhtg Room Hantofelmee.Ac, with tleeortpiive Engravlnira. Dv authors! "Ms gtelan's Owa Book," -sociable," Ac. THB BOTS' OWIt TOT MAKER; . rranwcai iiiuaTaaxea utitae to ilie vscihi j:m ployaieut of Leisure flour., with numerous K4 graving,. By K. Lasoclis, PtTROEON'S SIXTH 8ERIES OF fitaisMONS. by O. H Hrvwn. Received this day, and for sale at ' r ,- f 'IhIHUD BTHTST, -:; ootis One door Weat'oflhe Tbw if t'locs, , u y 1 . T 1 M . Butter and Oyster ,.. -.. . a hi. w ne X k r U JH Jr' OI1, ' Valitil"tff!Ct. Wrt Hide, 1IT A PKW DOOtt ABOTR (IXTJI "TBI' XT, "CtwciwisATi. o. AM NOW'.iiECKlViXn DAILY BY KHfRM, ia good order, . Excellent Table' Putter, or VXJIV SCPKSlOS UtlAMTT ASK AVOS. DiREcfwioJi tui; rkifr.Yt (. DA1RV I am atea rMAlvlnar Un.Hr. FRiit nALTIMORK OVTK H, hy tht Ca8, 1 ttfi, tit Half 1 mi. oeKtwwm I l. Mi MAH AN. PESIFIE2 AS8CLEIiniFlIL! 'f o SB. K0BACK 8 , Scandinavian Remedies. Whsn Da. Rosaoaf ths -oelsbrnud Swedlrb Phyeleiafl.intrudueed his Blood I'uririor end Blood Pills in tbs United Stetee, he set forth In plain language their curative properties... Xais was years ago. i he task er raoommending them has einoe bean tmjotn ma- of keewfe. swolighlsnsd msn whoas eharaoter for aonod tudement and phi loaophy, gives their opipi ass wetjUtintha com munity, maa wbo ebaaees.saBaci, aad make "ai- suranes dosbly sure" barer thsy dooid?-are eve ry where spproving and urging tbe use of these wonderlul preparatloas. . All vhs sennas in ths wisdom and honesty of this class, or who choose Is) iaveetlgste for tbsssselves are ow ef one mind oa this important suojeou . Marl 1 Ths tbs BLOOD PUiUHBR and HbOOD PiLliB have been proved by analysis to coisiasnssowuitK Thst absy eur tbs almost universal eoeapsiiit. with Naerrsevreeeiaaafy,and in a very sbuirt tints. That after ail other medicines have proved use less, they relieve t l ie!'. ' s.tver t ompitntii. and r eato re th health aad strength ot lb suffonr, Hia MUK ttnutlt$, wbo bsvs languished for years ia hslnlsas aeak ssss ml4 dsapoodsnoy, rscuperate with great ra pidity under their Invigorating operation. That all annual diaebillHesaiaremunedbj llieir cordial and gently stimulstlng propertica, Tkal they raetaU e ''"' ' I ' 1 : i W " . Hhalttrta l-onuHliiliouii, however tbey msy havs bee a trilled with sod sbaseditbst their direct tendency U to IsnrUiis life, and render it enjoyable. I That, operating dlreetly up she jfoiton if,..,,., ,'w the 6ocmi, 'hsy ,..' .... CsXtsM toon to ileal, . . sad d lee barge from tba system, every taint of scrotals, whether hereditary or otherwise. Ibat W- .... ; j r . jkastmw in Mtouuate. . i sad that there to ao dtsaaee ol the btouacb aad Bowel,, th liver, th nervous system, the skin, glands or muscles, in which thoy do not give prompt rtlitf, sad (If edminulored before the vety citadel of Ills has been invaded), eel. ( paiuitm .ad jeseMt sere. , Hear m uin to a 1 vne evinvinaiiss tt 0tABLs UL000 eiLh& are sadorss by th. sspsrleacs of thou, and, of living mtneveee, who. In letters, efsdarlle, medkal works, sad by wore ef mouth, prselalm them to be the very bent p rep arative el the kind ever eilered to- the biokan doea victims ef ill health. They hunt dlataet through every evaaae aad; organ ef tha ay.taai, aad te expel il thoroughly aud permanently. Mo cue oan doobt tbeir snneriorby afiar uuelln gls trial thsy srs aot only better but, ia fact, oheapar thaa asy elber Fills, for it takis a leas aambsr of them to produce a better efftot. Price ef tbeooasdinavlaa Vegctsble blood Tu. rider, fl par botUs, er ti per bairdosen. Of the Scandinavian Vegetable Blood rills, 15 cent, per box, or t noses lor 1. Used Dr. Robaek's Bpseial Netiess aad Certil- eates, nabliibsa la asoorpteuuua part el thit Fa- ner trots itwe to time. Dr- Kobaok's Medlesl Almanac and Taully Ad viser, soatatning s grsai vinety oiiaMrvitlngsad valuabls Medical Information, saa bs bad graua of aay of his Agents throughout the country, la er soiapllcatad eases. Dr. ilobsck sttsy bs consulted psraonally or by Istterencloalsg one stamp lor aae reply. From Key. Mr. McM DLLs, Parlor of Kebsru Ohspsl- I - ImrasaroLis, October, 1817. Br. 0. W.Rosaca--Dsar Birr a kavsassd voai Blood Partner for a aeeveas afeettoa, beta abb b I have saSered muck at tlsesa. . While it Is slaaa- aal Ie tbe taata, it certainly baa happy attest up- H l Hrra, rwaav avtfit my loaiOIS loryom klad regards, and believe uie toura, J- W t. ascMbLLBW. Prlnalpal Ofle and Sale Uoosu, tio, S fc'aet llril nt, ea oaiiuiug iron stais street, Ulaoi nati, 0. Laboratory la liaaiaioed street. for sale by e . flroaoweg Stewart, Day tea ; elaaete A nat. .iwim . wiij ataraer, Liberty -llee. 8. Heyar.MiaseUbar Eby A bteckslager, Uniea 1. at. laeasuaoa, Uartaanlawa Jalues 0. Aa dereun, OenUavilla -A. M.Myers, New Ubaaea o.jseasoa Carlis, Van dalia D. C.Usavar.Hariubere AaaoU A I..-. port, Arliagasee-Saumer A llavarliag, gi.. onaetrur a vnecaeeae, iarmvvilleD. B.OIwks, ,.Bn,Tine.M. mvnonenr, ryrmunt Burket A Baaiial, Dodaon Keaee A 7.1 inner in a. Iik. villa, aad by Jrc,lta aad Mafehaatalhroaghvat aa tiaiaa. . 1 . . , apIS lyw 25 BOi8 e0, , lnpriBl Old, jllt 1 1.1 ' i.ii' -.u'i e-.-ia.-i y .! :i :; '.U i ',2 A ':;.'" ' J 1 ;-!l tsaiai WV l look Jew 'i.rivliAO bt jO.ii.tJJi" v;ii-S CI too j JY M aioi-VVrfa oe 7r i.T MJl ewLe cw r Phi A RMACV.X- 1 fr . r. B. (HttX. . -'"l""'11"1 X in Ua It fi Of a a ba ol ; af TiREMOYAL!; f l NKE T LEG L E lt ''"Wavereiovet1o tt,elr lt W cTOftt.l av an) l's Dallatlrirr- WfTII THK LARCSKbT AND BKST NTOCK OF AND GOOIw; K0U JM T.nM' "tVKA fl, 1. Jivei oSVre.1 la Osjton. ()Ull stock of I'IKf.K GtKHWrKBiAle up !" m""i'e, la larira aad varied. , 1 'i . w return many fliaj, lis. srM bone to lull, 1 epatrunagc. -' . 1 Ttrur. tlilly, ' ' INKvVlt',-i.n. t-f r'li '"' - In I 4m 'Iu (lie Public-.U "-.Laie. ' 'I a" ii-.Tt u ''"' ei1' a"i---, ' PJIfi Knbrdriber retnrns bis Hincrrvthankn jir-kai'l. ''!""'". vrr liberal pationaee wliton he received ,1iii-i f, ...... 1 . - : . . v. . ' 1. ? h ! I,u" '" " .tt hlaeonteetlonery wLnli'T '"' WIIK . . I'flURM itldciit..,! re s..u i .... . ... Oie.1 my obltrallon-toollier., tle alote Iroin n in 1 1 rder that I ma 1 W4II he foiit.d at 1' O elnck UUI lug e - ., ; ,I,)I,H:AE, PIIOM l,o nhnve It watt M Vteprt : tfth't wo have lieenme enMeMnia-.i.,, ,, . :u,"" l 'l'llli!n,,it,eonri,f Mali, "'-"' ';"! ,;Kerr1al!rri,e to Lr! ti'l'V"",1- "M'stronsge that Nr. ulimer ar .1 mr, lincke'enloverl, and a.' mhcli Wont aa our rlcnds eiaj see pwpei In allow nf. olhtlu,hHll luck on our part to n.nbe our ,.i..i,ViS. ....... T?, . " . t houid b,-. tio.r liio Oream and cooling drriinsiuill lie ol the hontj at nil Unica our atoea oi caudle., toys, rancy gowla, imialea! flitrunnt,''te., kh iM aluaja bo vuniplvto nntblag sball he uanllng 0,1 tlr part to make our iit v hat tt .l.oulk aVpt97! ' ' '' - eLI ibLLhllt. II AM rb't'KIVKTA NKW AV IVf PfEN fA.did assortment f - , ' v,, ., ,,, , ... MILLIKEUY;G00,3B. Kon tu' I s Isois , I J t v or s T r tin -, . , , ntiiio, c, . or the ; .stcstant) iao,t aijlra, Jitore on ' '- st he 1 ' IK A IK STRBErx h' BKTWRKN fKC0NO ' ANU'Tifrflfl TrTRKV.T-l sTf-Tlis Liuttesar riavfoh'liT.K-u.i n- i o,aU and exaiaise kMejn-.. , loeiw-inMv KN JHIMKH, limyn llie, Ky tinelT.tiiti. For the inipocrton siiil 'ssle of ' PRIV'ATKU' A"Nl AT aVctioS . Pearl traot,'beir.Tn 'Plum aaWsgtotnllcw. riiismt.4. now, rRopiuous. - ,'( ,t"- -t nf aW" ;i (tt tlo4 gales ererv WrpSK?Jl.4V-ielal.alten-wN.viUVATin.-.ALV.erW,rl 1 'I ' yrw vlvWirt'(-iTT'rJi't'r;;i' ;J '-A .CHWKHW.J : . d JAwOBO'rnSTFt:. ni CHylnaiieaten ,ii i!-ste.ortlTSv-tllva4 .) I 4, j , .., - roiiesiwii-iing tlork, i tj-lle Tfr.vieaseiil to addresr ycea Lf tiers and mil timtt J,vr nta 'Sviin'rVlt I'lTV nioaci" wAHhnti!i:iuiCil.1iiia-fv4Mlo. lvTaw;t1-ir4"lttMHW -W-A- Tttia9 Citizims-of 'Dwyv on fx. Cnrxpuiidiug CoaiitiT. ltheb.ort3ClrvCrtWA'tr'A''1'' ;u "' fKlLLII'S MOUSE, - Mala at., door aouth ol Thtard, la Uie place for BAKOAINH.aahla .toukof Cii.lon: Made lloota and Stuaie la uuu.ually large, ane Ut-al-rahle hoth at to variety and iiaMtv. Ill, lloetaanil shorn are Ireeh, and made of the beet quality of stock, aud are oderad at -; . - j ,. , Ilcfiuccti 1 rices. ftvry r-eSrty shrill rt acconnrrMlatfil with tht t-rl-arttelca, Mt at low rat. In nhort, th miIw fchnil Uv liooU autii shot! nt llieirowa rkif tya rK-n. lon't buy jour buuta adiI hoeit eliewhr-m, bt-lnrt ealUnroa mr, as I am Nuad tu at iirtceg toiuit tha tirufi, . - , . , t'ooifl one and all to Gsr((aj Hoahwalt'i l ity Poot and rilrn istitr. Phillijis II. huh. Vain st . i! iNorto low til at., ntvtem.aiNl jrmiwiil navar regret It, U ota awl Miistya luatla lu onlnr. ; (h0, HOCHWALT. P A. II J G OJf Self-Generating GAS LIGHT, Simplicity, Safety AND ECONOMY!! 1 ; fpHI VAI.tTADI.K .1- ortubl a it. deueri tion Uaa Burner u now uf frrU to tlie public ml oonhdaiKf ol iKiutiva autu orltv ovrr cvuiv otie Lamp la x- utrtitjl aula wtin; tbe aniursut; thrtt fur tsiuiilUity. iR(r eonirony anV brltltaiicy ui MaJiiN hrii no fwjuftl. If afitinia aahfi-p an4 HI Lsli 1 A N'i' a LrotvU and clear , .... I ify i Liiu.1 :,'. flarno, renu innuninf or ttttait l ftjllnii tbe Lliuil with gtxHt burn tor nmu- oo quart ol 1 Avj - wiiit-b will luxjitaba IlrUt -or sixteen tr,,- 4 k as are guess wv wawaj f ' light froai brdloary Wfcn iuUa. The turiMt can ba iwatlUv afpliH. to all atyita of oUr. laid or oo. ull, ?aBtib-n r oiOtnttry burning liuu lao m. iai i cjifuiufiiaia ct iu ( lorm a uon lie lit aa (m 4kiKl. at a ttt.aU tc iiw. Otd I.niia will takafi In aataartga lor aafyw oea,raiwraliiti tuauen ocairvvj. u , aiao auiii)i i auadJ'-! n the llebtinft! 01 rburt-bca, Lcturj Euoti.a. fftll.. AJrea, au aad tba fiat urea ru aavaaaat liaiij- u wiuiu tilt tesisvaas ui uunaMiiiR ww wDM tor aaie ai rue urut, Moir 01 nr w . m . w a h i , No. M MatnttrtrW ant. alao by A W. HICK, eoi ner JeUrravn aa j XairU auvata. ' rpta liAYTON, OHU). Price of Beef Reduced. HKNDK1CSON iofirtoabiacuatiDraiinLl tha pubha t-anacall. that ha aaa roadt ar- rauktentrnta lur a lull aui'ly of upw-riv Ua t ie ami that berssaJtar tba ricc tor tnt beat cuts wilt tm Eiaer cunxa pfr pqttnd He will continue to supply faulliea wirmeaa tJilferwitt klaOa, aa4 vt;ctbl la aemaon, a l,ir low at BbaWkai pfici. ;... HI whop is ou Mala street, west Ma, one door aouthof tb fhtlllps House. QuViMU BATI1S, 5dathsi MR.PETEtt DIS'IKK wcul ! InHriu tha CtMieaa of Iayton and tha travotttif publiv. Ibai aa ava ovaaatt a . B A T II -II O U At his Barter shoy,o Market elraet, t ites from Jeiteieou, where he will have ready at aU t&yi'ta, llof, roltl nnil "haivrf Knlhu. Thee Bathe will kak.rtt aleaa aad aet.. oewaect ed with Ua Bath leatt , , . , .,t r . EXCELLENT CAKJ1E11 SHOP!! Alar?aaiftrtraQt f ehotca perhitner wiU a'so ba suua4 at taa aama plaoa. " .Ml. i . . r.TUA XltltU. GAS! OAS!! GAS!!I MACKM PORTA It QA& EKERA tr ba BiaiB, a,l ba taata aad eaata aut vto- tortnus, as beiba one ol tbe uijwt., elaiivl, luoat brlliiaoi aat only twin (a whivb ftuld can iw uat-tt wuib la parfetiy fie troni e.pitatlta. t"t-tbu uartl'MiUr It far eia.'wl all ottit rl'.Ma now tn-tor U (Hiblitt. aUft.l at J. Lajiabou ft Htvidwrtra siur oa Maiu -traait, auU bwMiiae uliy aaBAaaa. tba. U is Juat tbe tbu. to sat you alt Ofaurvht-a, Stuirs, anfl DwtjlMnp., Tiaad WBMty Iwa4ny wiik 4iaa rtaturau, at st.r. uu toaa. W. jU Wl&VtibUn ' 'ri; tia,ii