Newspaper Page Text
ilOLLM K Y K R "A " i. 6 Q A N liinplr building I IO Mail. SWaat. DAILY KM PI PUD. Par week, (payehla to (Mrrlr).H&M.MMM.. By mail per uaum, in e-lranoe WEKKL.Y KMPIRK. Oneeopy fwrinDiim,... ..... 12 00 erlne ISapiaa aipmilateefree or peetage in Mont, goenaryttiptiyt ypl in atleja 'y JOB PHINTINO if every deaortpuon, routed on 8Mb Preaeei.ln tie beet style, Bint at reasonable prioen. i City and Other Matters. Traveler's Register. eTTraini arri re and departf rom the Union DepotJ aaiouowa; " J ClKCIMIIAT.', HlMILTOn AMD DiTMMv J j 0 Depart . Arrivt.; Ixuiville nd Ht. Louis Mail,..4iH) a m tl : tn Louisville Mail Boat .'.8.10 ii m 6 oo p m Louisville find Ht. Louia Ex press i:(K) p at) f j pm Cincinnati Mail,,..,.... w oo p m lisftum Stops at Middletownand Hamilton only. Kaatern Express 10:1ft a m . 4:00 am ' Columbus Accommodation 6:36 p m i t:08 a m Eastern Express ...,12:3 a m 4:36 p m TliU:3Ui m train leavea daily except Sundays. Passengers en this t raid must parcnaae their tickets before tt-.Mi p m. SAifnusKr, t4lrtoif avti CiMOiittraTtt 1 ; Benduaky Mail . ... f:2ft in 8.00 a m ttuntwvilla Accommodation :1U p m - tt:46pm t DATTOM AMD MlOUIOAM. Chicago MaiC.. 10:00 ami". 4:00 a m Chicago and Detroit p in 8:46 p m . Indiana CanraAb ud D.tton c Wmtiih. , -Siffjoutt an4 OtTirtaot.iu.ia&l00 a m 10:10 a m Terra Uaule Accommodation. ...U.ia a m 6:16 pm bt. Loin a and Chicago .Express. 40 p in' " llim tiaauviiii.r Ann Miami. i Accommodation. ............ l...w.:20 a in 12:60 a m Exprexe 4:20 p m 6.uu p m Traveler's Register. SAM'L W. KING, Agent. No Paper To-morrow. Christmas, tur t knjra, oysters, and shooting craokeri I . t i a flugdl-ft'tifi je Mike Steiner'a Stall, No. 45, to night, and call around in the morning. ..n.. . ..i si Uu Beautiful. Christ' Church, on Jefferson 'atreety above 6thj, is mpkt.eautjfully decora ted for the imposing ceremonies of Christmas Dtf. ' '" ' " I: : . -1 1 1 l -t . 44-i. . . - I Don't Forget The Ball of tM Pociic's, at SIioup's ITall to-night It will be a pice affair. Best of order observed. Nice time, Christmas Lunch ! A kipiendid Lunch,' with Oyster Soap, &c , will be set-'bv John Gaugnagel, at the "Exchange," coruer of Lud low and Fifth -commencing to-morrow mt 9 o'clock, and continuiue until 12. I -31. That Bear. Remember that Mr. FVank Baumheckel Centre of the Market-t-will laughter a large, fut Bear, and will havt the meat in market on exhibition on Christmas eve, and morning. His stall will be dauora ted in splendid style.' " 1 ' I Ethiopea. Arlington, Leon k Donn'ker s Minstrel's will give concerts in Huston . Hall Friiay adiiaifuy,4eyoiiigsif(;yi and 27th instants. Thcj are everywhere said to be best imitators of the genuine plantation darkey exbwL ,i , Got 'em. George Preston, at the Oregoa Central Market, has a large supply of prime Turkeys', Chickens Duokaj Ac, and the! best quality oi ail Kinas oi menu rtis place is piled up with extra eatables for Christmas. Be sure to call this evening or in the hioru t 'ing. "'.''" uiaj. . ..i ' l . Don't Alter the Case We spoke of ,'.n the rush at the J?6sti OSQp ,0a ,Monday fore- "-"nOOlfftO1 'ubtsrinr postage cweaojv md re-' marked that, 4; the, pmocraU of the city had been notified of the interesting event as well l"18 thejublicaii.llteMLlioation for Uncle "'Age's tWi-plaster.-wonld' Mt,lyWwV often increased in a ratio that would be gratifying to all parties. This was our conviction. It was the publiq impression. It was just as reasonable to expect such result as to Idok for hungry people to answer the summons for dinner. Our neighbor of the Journal or two takes exception to our positiun'and endeavors to dispose of the question jby an nouncing that the ordinances are sometimes published in the Empibk, and are consequent ( ly inaccessible to Republicans I ""' We pffer, thU-ftcr dfte: .consideration as t.i'in'f best JOk lr; itefglitH jh pa-rpetra-..... ted ; and we hope we do siDl'itUrisciiiom th wealth ot humor 'which jajl'. trupf-jes for utterabde through hijj;; cplump. We jropjd not Willingir break the of ii, atudied 0.bjT?i,,!D, 8B,,' ht tluSidisibution , . i postal. currency, but a', proper ijdmiration '.,.,". fof "the eternal Qtnee of things" -induces us : to suggest that-poisibly--thr -., iny i( slight difference between City "Ordinances B1 ''""W -'Cfurreiicjf I 'atJtluHVVhlle,! 'former are at any 'time 'accessible at the '"JoheUtfihaMMftHkll-x.Iwi,' j'.vJm,,,!1"ir ',rt'1ear'ne4 without ''' only obtainable' at stated '"vt times-at the pleasur of rhe; Post Mastef-J Kv thBamaatirfif tA " fi.i '.,,m. t .1.... r - -wimv . tun, ' n,nnl --- MwlJ:.lMl i '".'.M,".'.'..',' But soppoee weadtn4hai all thaCify Ordi- mmm sire abUshe4 in thij rai.UijdJhat ther are a "sealed book" to Itennhii.-.,,. aim . , j M ... i -r - do hAuWcVrbe' 't'hii. papeiy we re at a .!, UJ,jw, ..disptjoves .911 statement that the notice iuforming -the-publip of the "'"dUlrtbtuJon 'of Postal Outreoey on Monday ,.M liotpub ished in the CuFrtttf. and that mmi, wr,mol,I'ltiol " KMll aotes, Can i " fc mil Jul I the L -rsw II ii .WaMju 1.1 iv VOL. XIV. DAYTON, OHIO; WEDNESDAY. DECEMBER 24. NO. 135. 1862. 1 L . . . . " Christmas !" There is probably no single word in the languages spoken by civil iied pebpWwhioh'thrills the yousg heart like Chrutmat. And there is no word which is sooner learned, , by the little folks, and no event about which clings so many hopes and expectations as the Great Holiday of the To-morrow will be Christmas f The mere mention of this Time-honored Holiday has the effect of crowding the mature mind with pleasant reminiscences of years agone, and the happy memories of childhood's Merrie Crj4ip coOoeimiil up through the vista oi me past; anu yieiuing to tuo rejuvenating influences of the moment, we are children again I . Then oua after another the notable events of childhood ate unveiled, and our playmates are arrayed before us. And while contemplating the illusory scene, the question will obtrude "Where are They 1 nowT: : A pe culiar sadness irifl dim our eyes as we number with the dead mapy of the cherished compan ions of osidheod, for : whom .we entertained the most sincere affection. We are alternate ly moved by pleasing and sad emotions, until IM nest is mingled withjthe present. It would be expetisfv' Hb "the ''exchequer should. he liUlfifulks "catchy j us while this pell is upon the mincL .and clamor for their Christmas Gifts 1 It would be hard to refuse them while the happy memories of our child hood's "Kriskiuklcs" are pleading for them! ' TmarroKrill MCfhristmas I We hope its enjoyment will be universal. Let every body contribute' io-that i-end, ,And in the midst of general jollity,' let the poor not be JorcoMeni 11 ;: . . ,, , , , To all our patrons aiid readers (and these include Everybody and his family) we wish A Merrie Chrjutmas I ": : ;',' DHOW Meat. lne lovers ot extra nice steaks and roasts will note the advertise ments' of Christmas show-meat in another colump. It will be seen that Daniel Bodeck- er wiU slaughter a mammoth , steer, and will have the meat on exhibition at his stall No. r,,bB-lhis,'avoigjiand ifoq'sale to-morrow (Christmas) morning. The steer is said to weigh 3500 pounds I ' , ' , , ,. . , : 'Mike Sneiaer, stall Mot 46, (a: popular Tel- IcjW by the way, with those who want extra cut of heat,jr'will make a.spleadid display of the meat of the Monster Cow, fine Veal, Southdown Mutton and. Lamb,.'. Turkeys and xuuifuoB, uvu.. uu uis eveuinir. . Juu f nee lect to see them Adam Schanlz, No, 48, will also make a tremendous display of mammoth beef, and other nice meats, to-night and in the morning. Frank ISaumliecket, Centre of the Market, will have the meat of a large, fat Bear at bis s'talr on Christmas eve, and for sale to-mor row morning. Personal . We stated on Saturday that our worthy , friend E.m O'Brien, 301 Second street, had furnished us with some nice Christ nijs presents. And we intended, when thank ing him', lo'say a' Te'w'wbroV'abotithitn. per sonally. His business we learn has this year increased Over that of any year since he com menced in Dayton.- , tf any man doubts it, O'Brien will prove it, by his books. He began business in Dayton In 1851 with a small cap itol, but with a firm determination to creep up hill by fair and fionorable dealing. We are glad to know that he 'has succeeded, and we sincerely hope that he will continue to pursue that straight forward and honorable course9 whioh - has enabled hita hitherto to gain the confidence of the people. We have yet to hear one man y that Mr. O'Brien Wronged bit wiUuiljt fts. liberality no per. son will question, we predict for him a career of success and prosperity, and we cordially recommend him to the community at large, Idling perfectly free tba,t he will give general 'satisfacViba''. Good 'lack to "jou, and, may your Christmas never desert you. , ( ' Going ! Coin J ! Who t Remember that to-morrow will he Christmas, and that you Jhoald fft eglect to provide Christmas Gifts or the httle'forks for you friends," 'old aud young, indeed. C. P. Huber & Son are just as well prepared now to supply yon as ever. Their elegant and varied stock is going fast, Jjowiftaqjwe advise ,ou readers not to put a cttU oBbut hurry along tb No. 280, Third fjr't f'M'l.v-1 a,or( .command of the Holiday C6fpi,"whd are very busy supply ing the public. You can boy toys at auction at ,her Koom one door West, and the fine stock at 280. '. .. . i i lW If- pptihejiaatteof;, b(it go, immedi ately I time upl , , juiritao a 4J9S4 ; uur next aoor. neighbor. Robert W. Duff, of the Fruit and Oyster De- Celt, fri' 106,Mai4 s(reet, hasealedyhil devo tion to the fair sex by wedding the lady of his choice. A notice in another place wii all the particulars of the event which concerns the Public. Bob says the Game of Life 'has 'been' going do 16ng enough withoot his taking a Hand in it, and be determined to aita. ti AJ ) o t I. . r Which he has; and may he win. Hare's to You and your Deal, Robin Duff. ' --' ' ' ' Our Holiday Portfolio We made the remark, the other day, that nearly every thing, now-a-days, points direotly to the Hol iday Season, and the Pnblie Mind seems to have settled down on the approaching event, aud is scheming to get all the enjoyment pos sible oat of it . Our columns will be, neces sarily, the Great Medium between buyers aud sellers of Holiday Fixings both useful and ornamental between this and the New Year. The - Public expeot it , A majority of the readers of the Empirk will purchase their Holiday Goods just where we recommend them ; and Dealers especially had better make a note of it for immediate use: The Ladies of Raper Chapel will have a Festival at Walker Hall, 5th street, near Wayne, commencing on this evening, and continue every evening during the week. The Hall will be magnificently decorated Ice Cream, Oysters, and other refreshments provided ; the hours will be made agreeable by superior vocal aud instrumental . music; and every effort will be made to have the oc casions pass pleasantly. The profits will be devoted to the payment of the debt of the Church. St. Aloysius Society of Emanuel' Church, will give a Grand Concert vocal and instru mentalat Beckel Hall, on Friday evening, 26th inst. They will present a first-class en tertainment. C. P. Huber A Son are selling toys and fancy goods by the bundle, just as fast as they and their assistants can tie them up I They are constantly receiving' additions, and will be prepared to meet aud supply the demand made upon them. ! You can find the fine toys arid goods, by inquiring for Will. Huber, at No. 280 Third street Call soon E. O'Brien, 301 Second street, has every thing nice and fine in the Grocery line, for Christmas Cheer. ' Don't fail to call at 301, 2d street, for Good Things. Jesse K. Christopher's Temple, corner of Jefferson and Market, is continually crammed with old and young purchasing toys aud holi day goods. . It's a show worth seeing that graud rush at Christophers I Hurry along time is nearly up I ' . J. D. Rea, IS Phillips House, Main st, has a supply of Holiday Miscellanies. Call and examine bis store and especially bis Show Case. Brandenburg has the nicest lot of Candy Toys, Gum Drops, and all styles of Fine Confections, fine Cigars, eta, etc., selected expressly for his Customers, and the Great Pub lic who want something genteel. And Pife. Huber says the Christmas Oysters and other extras, are coming by the car-load I Ii. W. Duff, 108 Main street, has a lot of extras for the Holidays. Bob has matters "setup." Frank Welly, Main, two doors above 4th, has his rooms filled with all manner of Kris- kiuklingsl He's got 'em. Lewis Uilliland, No. 9, Market street will have Turkeys, and lots of other luxu ries, for Christmas Tables I Cull and leave orders this evening. . One of the cheapest and most valuable Christmas presents one friend can make to another is a good, truthful Likeness. Call at Col Baldwin's Gallery, 3d street North side, near Main, and get your pictures at the old prices from 25 cents to f 25. Don't forget to call at Worman & Son's 278 Third street, for Christmas luxuries, and all manner of Table comforts. ' Ho I for the Temple I The grand rush at Christopher's Temple of Fancy is most as tonishing, and takes every thing by storm. The ample Store Room, corner of Jefferson and Market street is crowded from morn till night with an excited crowd, who earry away bundles of Holidny Gifts, and yet they come and go I It beats anything we ever saw. Jesse says old Kriskingle keeps bis Headquarters and Main Depot in his cellar; and as fast a hi shelves are cleared, he brings up a fresh supply from the cellar. The Misses will find a great va riety of pretty goods iu Fred Soberer' De partment, near the door, where the big fat baby la To all we say "Tina's up I" Go this evening to the "Temple I" ' 93d Regiment Ohio Volunteer All paroled men of the 93d Regiment taken at or near Lexington, Kentucky, are ordered to re port at the Depot to Lieut. Geo, H, Phillips, on Friday morning, Deo. 26th, at 8 o'clock, to go to the Regiment, as ofticial notice baa been givea that they are all exchanged. - Any person having letters to send to the Regiment can have them taken by leaving thou at the shop of Tho. H. Phillips, Second street, by Thursday night. Special Notices. ' t j Do, You Kkmsubkr? Do you remember that yon have put off yoar wifs for over a year with promises that you would buy her a Sew ing Machine after while? Now, open your heart, and on Christmns moraine, give her a happy serprise with a Wheelor I Wilson. CHRISTMAS MEAT! In place of a large fat Bull, .. I kill an Ox ; Instead of the monstor Cow, A woolly Sheep ; Instead of a Boar and greasy Hog, A little Pig ; And to them all, A softly Kid 1 So, I have the nicest stock, Come and see. Call this or in the JOSEPH STOECKLEIN. ; "EceNomr is Comport." W. F. Gebhart, No. 263, Third street, offers for sale the most Complete and Handsome "COAL STOVE" we have ever seen. They are warranted not to consume over one half the coal ordinary Coal Stoves do. The beat generated is much pleasantcr than furnace heat, and the stove is never red hot, and does not create a sickening warmth in a close room. At the very least a saving of fifty per cent, is realized. This stove is now used by the Telegraph Office, State Bank, Stewart's Drug Store, Lu natio Asylum, E. E. Barney, W. W. Wall, Mr. Leland, W. F. Comly, and others. lw On Monday, Deo. 22d, Geo. H. Coles will commence selling out his entire stock of Dry Goods, Shoes, &c, at Cost, to close the busi ness. This will afford the ladies a rare opportunity to purchase their Cloaks, Dress Goods, Shoes, ic, at almost half the usual price, instead of paying the enormous advance over the old prices, which will be worth saving these hard times. S;T.-1860-X Dbakk's Plantation Bitters, Exhausted nature's great restorer. A delightful beverage and active tonic Composed of pure St Croix Rum, roots and herbs, it invigorates the body without stimulating the brain. It destroys acidity of the stomach, creates an appertite, and strengthens the system, it is a certain enre for Dysepsia, Constipation, Diarrhea, Liver Complaint, and Nervous Headache, and prevents Miasmatic disease from change of diet, water ic. It can be used at all times of day by old or young, aud is particularly rec commended to weak and delicate persons. Sold by "all Grocers, Druggists, Hotels, and Saloons. P. H. DRAKE A CO., de22daw6m 202 Broadway, N. Y. That's Bo I A. H. West has resolved to sell Wheeler & Wilson's Hewing Machines at the old prices, until after the Holidays. iave your orders early, as there will be a rush, in prospect of the price going up. MARRIED. IH'Kr DBAL Onthe 23,1 int., by Rv. Mr. Tal bot, Mr. Robert W. Dun, of Una city, to Miu Kll.o OwU, of Ml.liii City. KKRKOOT CLKUU On the 23d Inul , by Rev. E H. Jewell, at the residenL'e of Ihe hrnle'. lather, Mr Barry W. Kertoot to Mia. Jennie M. Uleiuj. JOHNSTON NKKFOn lha U , V... u n Winlere, at hie residence, Mr. Thome j! john.ioni w. .ju. iuwumup, tu Mtiam iiiMr!ne Hen, or nexn- New Advertisements Ho! for Christmas & ew Years fpO-DAY, and u long m the pork cutting Miuon X oonlmuM. 1 fthavll Lmj pr,Artd u lurumu at ow pricw., any nmouut ot mumlajm meul, a) riba, pig' leat, heaUM. tooUr lomii, t?.t u thm old laUnhad iBug.iuM uvuaa oi jonu BLepiietist, oo Mam atraat, naxt to !h uaual. deadly JOHN BLESSING, FREDERICK RIDGELEY'eJ ESTATE. XT OTIC I ii hrbr lTn that lha ati(bacnhr h Xl baan appointed aud qualified aa Admiuutrator ot .ne aaiat of jy redenuk uidKeiaj, lata of Moutoraary dai!7w OKOKiiE W. HOY ICR, Adtnlniatrator. O 1R. -A. IN" 3D 33 TO BK UIVEN ON CHRISTMAS EVE at SHOUP'8 HALL, , CORNER Or JKFFEBBON AND SECOND. THo! Clin at In E fAUiriO FiKK COMPANY wiU tjtlva a uhahu da uij at uie aiwwe uaii on to-morrow tmaa Eve. WtHlnePdav niifht iNaeeintter iM Tiukete tor fceuUt mau and lady 91. liuiuert'a Baud mil luruiMtt Mia muaic. de33d9 BEEF FOR CHRISTMAS MOST M4C.IFIC i:.T DISI'LAV Chriatmua Kre anil Morniati. IN. BOOKCKKR, "53 b'TALL NO. S, WILL alaiithter a mo outer ateer. weihmx aon ivouDdit. on WednedT neit. and will show chat meai in Marital on tJhriMitiiNM r-v- aid MoriintK. Uanttawau aud ladiea are iu riled te vail aud ae the how. dfiWil.l OLD PAPEKS-uewi or any kmd buught AWliMKW'ttSwoD.I HandHttire. de Show Beef for Christmas MICHEL, BTKlNaCR, ITAL1. MO. ANU ADAH HCUAHTZ. ITlLli MO. S, ! I Inionth eft Cow, weigh and lineal AVI pur, h.d 0 Mr. Wn Way near t darruie, a mem troth ,111a S.34J0 IMMinda. IU laxaeaa and Sneal auuuei erer otlered m the lleylon market for Chnatntae. 1'he meal will be on exhibition at our Stall, on Chnetmae Uve. The eiu aena el layoa are invited to uatl aud eee for thea dels EXTENSION OF TIMS Notice to JTax- Payers. TBB time hae bow expired for Ihe De--eiab-r pay ntent ot 'J'aaa. Thoee who pay their Taaee be fore uienrelday or January, can do eo without the peaalty. After that lime Ihe penally wul beoheraed. Ito eaoephon of pereoua. Tine le ail loea do. joeiAlttan a anriai, Tieeeurer Moat. Oo. (Treaaurer'a OUioe, iMMjeuiber no, leea -du HUSTON HALL. POSITIVEtY fORwiTNlOriTS ONLY. Friday and HaUray, December 20 A SI ARLISOTOS, LBOAT efc DONNlatEH' FROM 085 BBOAIlWAV, NW YORK. Thi .irelsior TrouK of the world will have the nuuwr w appearing uMoieme cuieene oi ileyiou, iu ell Ihetr new end ona nel .trie or Rtliloutan Min. etrel.y, who challenge the proteeaioa to compete whit Ooort open at ej; 10 commence at 1, Admit' deaulu H. 8. D1NUS8S, Agent. ABRAHAM PONTIUS' ESTATE. ON the Slid day ot December, lwu, Ihe underaigned was Rp,Kiute. and uualitied ae Adnuuialraier ol me estate or Abraham routine, late oi Moutguunery county, Ohio, deoeaaed. de27w8 JOHN r FOR for FOR THE THE THE HOLIDAYS HOUDAYa HOLIDAYS C C O O O O A. A. Iv K Iv S S s I, HANDSOME BILKS HANDSOME BILKB HANDSOME SIX-ICS CIJEAJP OXOA.KS CHEAP CLOAKS CHEAP CLOAKS Handsome Handsome Dress Goods Dress Goods Dress Goods Handsome JH I Iff XI rZNB 5B" I U D OIjO AICB OIjO A.ICB OIiOASB ALL ALL AT AT AT THE THE THE OLD OLD OLD PRICES PRICES ALL PRICES QEOHG-E H. COLES, tajooeaeor le N. P. Liouglaee, te, Mala slreaf. Ho! for the Holidays! 5f T ADIK8 AND OKNTLKMEN whode.lrato make 1 J a good aaleot ieoUoa of CHRISTMAS PRESENTS Sueli a Vaaoy Oooda ead Toya oi ail deacriptiona, to aetner wilt, janutee, Haiains, tiroua, rreucn rmnaa, Currao'a, etc., would do wall to axamiua my aux k. My aaaortment la now sompktei you uan make a bauer aeleciioa now tlkao aT you wait until the ume to make yoar jwweeuta bu uuin. 1 hara tlie larseat va nfy of Toys, Candles & Fancy Articles mt w uu u vi iwaaii, auietiwaj M prwaeiejauHej HMTM 1Mb arer been oOwe4 to Ut Imjtoa public, an at tower ewr a auwauiy onooe vwu, lor waa, aio r. i. whltv, deWttn ' Comer routtli and Mm Mxtta. -afW. aaLaefaa 1 AOVBMTiaiaa hitii. ' " ' ' IN DAILY. On. itqtMr, (eltrMy words, xoIhI) on tnawliua. t " M On .iurt ure drn,..,, 1 Ono euiwra, on weVM. ..... '" 1 OT .HUM, on BlOijth. .... ....,....M, a Ml Am Htlttr, ihroa mouttw, A......., 1 u l'u afura, nx BlouUw...M..MMn- XlOliu IN WCKUI.V One aqlu eighty weida, on wee, Her euuare. eex: te L-hweeala addition v ler equaj-e. on veer, . V-Teraie for Ad.eroeemente eooupying a greet, f e, of for a longr period Uavn ! aim-illed; met n at lb Ooimoog Room. SAII uwkMnm , a is in lane, kuown araohvged at iheeboTe nuee, unieee a wnlien egrte -- m pi.iwiH w nM,ntD, aare,u vertiaemenie mu.tbe naid hr in advance. MANN A OO.'W , CELEBRATED ' PLANTED 0TS1EBS. 00 1AM now receiving dally by Adania' fe.xpr.MM, HANrl W.'U celeta-Hled ealtnoore Ovaiere. out uu rUBiv aalovu aud family Uae. Uidera moniutl. SIImu . . W! 1'''ird l"evtt. , wSvAlao, all kluda ol beah Jfwh aud Uatue rn-elved daily. . j .. .. UH .. , DISSOLUTION'. ' mHR pertnerahlp heretofore exiating between Jaa V Hagernu, iu the llm,len,e aud Tool rode, waa dlMHOIvrd lly uilitlinl ronai lit l the partiwi en Balurday, iJecemUr tl, IBov. JAMr.H ItRAOKl.lrf ' Ue.Ah.i' UAUaUMAN JAMB9 BRACKLIN WiU eeUle the kuailiae -end oonlinue to eiury on the trade an umiiuI, al the old plane. No. atu Third at., oppoeiie the Phuiuia IIuim,-, where he Im I etiei- than ever prepared to pii'ae uu,l alipply the pnlnio with all aniulra in mo naidenre and luul line. deHdaaJw JAMR BHAl.Kl.IN SUEKIFK'S SALE. John CorTey et at ) Montgomery Cnrnmtm Ple.a, Philip Kdwarda et al j tlHee hi,. 111. In I'drliiU,, 13 Y virtue of, and in uheriwre-e la. lha nuioinan.i ..rt an ordor ol aale i.aue.i in the atKive i-ese, and tu iMtiiira-tfHi. I will otlei-ai puUm K.te al lite doir 1 1 in uuurt nuusf (U lite ftiy in i.tyum, OU - hatutrtaff, January OA, ifio3, At9 oVIook p uj oi Maid day, Hit fillovnutr df fiU.i real entAte, tornitj iu Lot uuiubere.! imxi-.ii iu the town ol Umou ,iu tne eouuiy ot MouImoiium v aud ntate of Ohio. "uu 1'he Maine, with the tmproTein.-iit" tlif.rn, liisWcR auprainrd at $loo, and tmuu-ot t-wli lor ira Uimu twt, lliirda of the appraitted VRloe. 'intiiM ,n mU, m iu one aud m two y fan from thda ot m, uitnrfd jtaynieuia to l beuured by inurWute uu vne iik iii i.iei. djiadtwawtri GKUKOE WWAMAN, HheriH. ("XARBON OIL of the bent o,uality the innrkt vu J produoa. both for atdeij and uiinnUny iu UiruniK uua tut titte from ofleUMiva odor at cat. bt hih.ii', k r sale by the gallon or barrel by Mfri K Alii!iS . de CHRlrSTOPHRK'B flJ ICRISS KINGLE LYRICS Jiir red tttft we hang out. , iiineall aud aoe wliat we're abotrit i ToeuiuneraJe whut we eell "Wf.uld be impoeiible to left; ;'' . UuieM yo full on Cunatopiier. Cbrlatopher'a Kri'i Kindle in uow here tioon on the boarda be will appear. . r Buy your preat-nto uow tor Uh- ri-. and boyi. An we hare an aeeorimeut of bne toys: , bo oall a uhniilopher . . , , 'I'he richeat and rare.t evor were aeen, ' ' We need not lulorm yon it yoa tireiaiu ' -.f Uyn Huadlijf wbvlcaid' (h rough Uie air, Prot uie them early aiii to ChriMt'upl,t.r'arapair. Kre thnwh Mta in a to fbrvmt yean Whei inituy wtul awy imwaitt-a ou So rail early and lay a.ue yonr iftfa, And nave your name .la. t d uu ll.uui and eacura a auitable aelantion. -- . t, , A a Chnalmaa oooiea bn once y-ar, Mak your family happy ai.d b. t nood i heer d . J. K. illtb jVIft LK. TOOT 1 TOOTH TOOT! ! I Kris-Kiiiklejs Koxning ! C 11 It I a T MA.S Ci 1 $ ' T S ! CANDIES AXDtA.Dl TOYS ! JDHT HECElVElJ AT W5 THJUl) fT.t PAVTON, fpll K largeHt and finest Holiday Oooi tve'r otVred X IB ieyun, ooinpiiaiUK, iu (mil. Hone, l.rmen. Miiairaieriyuimi iropit ftpirmint I'ropn-Kd, White aud bitiea i.iiiuuraue. H.iir Aiimm,!. n..,.. Stickn, Juiulie liara, ntie uiuM Candies, Bimit AU inoiws, Aimuaa iMun,uai tfma CanuiKC. h-.Mil UouMeH, Babv hoAtm. olalf r. Hfrti. liii-.i. r ...,. UouaeM, Uircua Kigurei., aiurkt UaHuua. Ali i,,,!,.- Cupidx on Mowem, Bread lUfbtiUt, Ilnillaut-, Bon-' so... iuiuH KKi W UlkUb, HtiilfW Walcbee, Gum Maatio, Ac, A. The proprietor ha Mut. itud i rttreivitiir. (he i:.,...u u piea arery oaMU.e Uvia drieniiiwd that ilit public aJiall liave e?erviljiuv of lIih Uia.Mi aud beet, . i . , Call or aeud orders. W. II, BKAMfcNlil r.t; dell, 84 Third atroel, wcatm jJort..rti. e. (Jouriud i-opy.j aFAVINU MAClHNi'-S OOl'liUT, auM, eJb-lwuA;d or it-paired at ii rda- cre'a bmMmi liauu iaiuv Juiuiturt Moi , iu. ii7.tll.irti nireet. tie- -A. FKE8H ARKIVAL. AO. aw TUJKD STREET, DA) 'PON, OUM, UAH juat arrived from the eaat wilil one of the larj. eat atocka iu bt- hue ever bronchi to ihm eiiy. tu aildiuon to itia umumI atirMAiiVA mUm-l. i... bruujiht ou a iarne aHttonuient of Jet and (.utta-Percha Guods, Huab as Cliaina, Brai'eleu, Ureajitpion, ThttnNM, to. D I A M O 1ST D H . A oojnplete atock of fiOLD ANU KILVtii WAM 111 Some of the nneel la Ihe world aut-a ae . avww fuh fuiuauunufr eialt', Kult Indepeudeitt et-t,uil Wau-Ie.: ' ' ' ' Juliue Jugtaen'a Waloheei. Jultue Houee' Watoheai mil etouS Aiuemau! Watchea, eowl w oid.-r. uh raaMJH MAM'll.liuiAaua.aeklBoaaaorili. I., et AMKHIUAN make. Ijaigealockof SII.V Kg PLATlib WAK, HPooNa and KUUKS. UlUK I i M " " "" niaue to orurr, ,,n as lie aaual aauouuL ui .,,b.r .... ,, u Uie beat Dietal and mv iui. ...... Iu..i hew. The will lent iweniv vmmf. .. ftear m mind thai Uieae U00.U wm, i-.,...i., from Ihe uianubtuireni (or NtT CAaH.aSdaa he he' no reul ai iij, be la ebie to HgLt, AH I hkAP As "I eluuaa, Ifl Ilia uai'lfcU afAIKH, a,n aKA uoi.u pis.u u'u. SOS AJI PLATED W.Sl(".r" uauMug the leaal aueaitdl -aal Ulll n. LIV; , ANU "WE LIVE To'e-A.T." 4. Woumam mom, OLD POSWFltll BUlLUiNii, g; tHUD ST., 1 AZJ ' 'U"d "uj "r ! atiOUlliAN APPLES, whoieaale and retail KKbatAtiMMJ Pola-loas iaraelol ,1 , CKAMIliKBlS-,,,.,,,., ' J. W. boo arMoou.unily reoaitfiii the above arti ciea, hiu everitu. yood L Uw U.Ia wh h twu i oWaiued al hume aud abroad, thev xr Urst.U -.hi... pina aud Polatoea frrxu fkiuraud Biakwheal l"lour are ef AM whtKm. 'Ihfir Uvm not holidny Utviieeulo4unt U il, MtuiiM)l( Uj pka U m -. wtN4trtMi owe, ieava OMwra. oi0 D1UU aud Medk-ioee; a full atouk h?eyi vm bead aud tW aala ai ieaAoikaUe pnuea by tot) jAatkb Akutk', Ihttua at., ar Market. ueeuul at