) CUUMP area, tooii. t Kmplre Humane;. """ ' DAILY KMIMR1C. Pay weV.lpyal.li.lo Oamora) m. ay uuui per annum, in ft ivaoce, ........ I ...... 0 Ol , ' WKKLV K31PIHB. On. eopy per annum ' J" ' erTh ' :e:iiBB.iir.iulateafr. ol pe.tftKO 10 Munt goiuerf oounty. PiyiuiMiuo i.drau.ln ilu." J OH rnilSTTIT-3"0 01 every description, e itwtiled on Hteam Piweies.tD ho bout alylo. and it roMonitt.le prlfoe. Professional Cards. 0 KI.IIIU TIIO.ttPetiN, ATTORNEY -AT - LAW ,. AND N O T A It Y 1 U-H LHJ. Will, elmndlo t-ln'e nrnll In him will) lill.n-e, promplo.a endoaro. OIBneinUor rotu'a Bu I im, nun m udiin UaUdre oihue, m tin room uo,iupied by f . ' lmt, inaUldaiuewi y ATTOHNBY-AT-LAW, liAYT ..If, OHIO. (irrtOI? -! Ml Miin .'.root, n.-rly Plonit the ' )iirl V uit!,ver iu Mr U ' liloie ol John , k.rry . J.IT,taiMiii O lLl M O AH I Ij I; Attorneys & Counselors at Law Clsrraan's HntUm, Tlilrd street, f.iejawtf OJYTON , II It . ' "TaewAe".l. H Hwitm. r. P. . a.nim t ci'ppt, ATTO HH ETK AT- E. A W, DAYTON, 0ltl. (FH'fnil 'flew'a Biiitltiia, Third at. iaBdawSm "j a i kh 1 1. ii'.Vou 6tt. Matt PrnhNta Jildire.. ' ATTORNBY-AT-LAW, -vFlflCK amv.n't lry PliWhpa' niilldlng, corner V liui'tim ana Miio. .iroc,., w,po. .," , .. Bouea, Uaylon, Uii.. jalduwlra T) r . W 111 iJlAM K i i t Y. PHYSICIAN AM) bTRUEOX. KFKIK-Tli.rd atral,ppoalle III Public K.piirc Uayloa, O ,io ru'toitr JAMHf KkSttMAN, Attorney and Counselor at Law BKLLKKONTAIrlH, OHIO, 1 1,1, nttou'l pronplly I all baa.ueee enlr lated to nie oare. . . , u,B-it mo. w. uocs. ' J0I1B A. M'aANOa HOCK . MeMAIIOW, A T T O It i E V 8 - A T - LAW OFFICR-NO. Wi,THIBDSTHET, PATTON, Room hnrntoiore onmpinii by J. A. MtiMihoh, Hrsl dournAiilol mr il. n. ;iuron nor minHt. ui...,i THOU AH O. UIIWK, ATTORNEY AT LAW DAYTON. OHIO. Wl I, tj kivo prompt tlalion to All buonrM on InHlH l Lo hit (turn. ' Ortloo In liormi i Iliiil llnu.Thlril int. ul) 1111. OH A. It I, Km . H. HUBDICll, JJRuCmHilll of Aiiilont nn.l Mailnrn LanKUK Kii4ltwh,n i-itinli CuftAn'.ntf lAdioN ftni Koaiioinoo I .lie. riMi'la'! of hi riniitivo unholnriii aii.1 t h inn o'tl'ii, Hmkl' linll liiiK, No. u. ui.mm , A. 6. HULLlVAN. PAPER H NCER ROOM I!f PO-iTOKIflOB KUaDINO, hO. ln.BP.O- Hardware. JAMK BKA.OKLIK, " DtAloi in Coopers Tools, Hardware, &c, No :il Thim ittreot. BEIN-'i ir'til iniahuifii I know wht kind l'o i U in--U mil" iititt.ii aud i lt'.tti aiuoU tut ttmr wau'ji. '.II ftii'i Hen iiiu. uUitt irl J 3i D W A. It K BEST G000S AT THE LOWEST PRICES fi'l'h lrntitJ r lUily rtsfltvlng pur. ohftMtl at tbs luwoitoiith rain, vt: Mechanic's Tools, Builder's Ilardwaru, Cabinet Hardware, Farming Tools, TABLE AM) POUKET CITLEKt. Mill . M lut Circular fUm, Wlthftllothm Uoodtlo the lUniwaro lino, which wo are proparinl to Hell tit lew. kh hiiv houite knit or UVm 1 3e,ll end eiamiue our eto.ik broro urrhiiif eleo' where. ' ellidewly ANtlgRHON i DOBH1N8. Co=partnership. COPAU'rNl'.UHIIH'. J IRC unJarrilKitKl lnvn thii iy formfd no pnrt nftrnlup uniUr Uf-'irt 'ul tlrrn of BKKKNK A fX' f-ir th purpnfiHfi of lrniivtUtK a Whlnal4 id KhUiI (Jiottumi i.iiJ Mm)iht TutlofiiiK HtiHti, at the olii Mud of W. t. iiren, H Mntn Hiri,op tioito thCoun HoiiHtt, wtttti-w liiftjr won 11 t il-d o sn tliw o l mn in of th hnu, ant. km ihhiit dim oou an inay favur titm ith a cull. W l Lid A H O Bit KKN1, AM'KKW C. NIXON. . Dayton, Fobruarf I, I----!.. .!.tl Linimentum. WOKTUI or tbe NljUCTKHNTU C..MIUY, Dlt. K. COM WAY'S LINIMENTUM For ttia Npaarfy and atlao.tual eura of BIIBUMATISM TN pra-ntint tha "I-intmantum" to tha htiblto a onaoi na r and idimi HiiraiiTa mHi.i'inn a iTiti iinv. I do not wi(i to b iinlrlood u uluitiim for it tha pawArof p?rtorminK uuhftard of" our, htti l fli riuim Ulll I'-r Kii Hi ii(HHiiit ui rnnui L.i'MifVii.H r, it dm no iKjuiii. iun "luiuintruiuiu baa Nvr httmm Knowi t Fall In anjr oaaa of Rhanmattim, no mattar af how lon aiMi'liuir. whara dtructtuna wra earvfully follow d. nor, indttod, in the raw of any di for wincb u ta ranominanaeu. lnMsot QHiraiit, ba'na Intbahank, 'Ida, and Ohaal, urafnp ta Utn tmiWi, apraina, spinal i reun ion atid waKk naHNe onrjinoMoras, tHinit, acald. Irit ad fal ami hHudn. toolhnttlta, liaaiJaulia, Au..ltatU ika aohkrm. Ttia "Linlmitntnw la tha riult of manr jar paranrarinn axperimant, and oomttinpa aiiitwiu rart aioallaueittki ttia pa amotiut mtua of AN KXTRAOItUINARY PKNETRAT1VK POWKR, W htoh no other Lintmnt poaiaiaa. anl which la tha aaorat of tha nniAri.ilul(d wuuom whUh iata tha MLiminoiuni" wharttysrit is tiad. TKV IT 0NC1C. AND YOU V ILL MBVKt BB wrruoi;x it. H ii put up In M oaot, 51 cont, and l botUas, arith lull dtravtionsfor u, and mnntirumured only by Ir. K ruNWAr, rruprUoi. 1 Mo. 839 Inird 8t , Jy(oii (tl.lo f"For aalahy roerahanta and druA'sha avsrywtiar. uidwi, ............. fffff Ml Mil I U ff ' A. iiiiifii VOL. I. DAYTON, OHIO : MONDAY, APRIL 25, 18G4. NO. 214 Medical. DR. ROBACK'S STOMACH BITTERS ABI MOT TO BE EXCELLED STOMACHIC em WWI DIGESTIVE ORGANS. Cvc. u a vvevc'vw, vVJvcVv waW eu, oW, W 41 vW Vu a a rtme&vaX, Arj,ex a it.a ,2,vvao o"j ' Vvmt, o,ew wvucv weeAA T6vW,, xm-VCvcvv J Ao.t.cw a Vs., row Vvwve, oif e o. JHlioua Fever, 'ever and ftgwe, Liver Complaint, (Qyapepaia, Indigestion, ... Jaundioe, ' i Kidney Complaints, oiyc (ovkOu ratt, V.ctf, vxA."vcv vvVt,'Vve,wv , "B. T3LoVa,V a Vv tvtVw wvaw.'1 tto. an awo. CowvotX. Vtvvr'vc'.otoA. . ot ava 6.eV.VfA,a. 15. T3LoNaxtNfi., ViU. at V., SoW'veV 'Ytvftw.a, 37v gitttrt art pt up in fluar bottle, o whioK th above) U a faa inut. Th laJbet U Jlnly grawd, and U provided with, a maf- guard from ooun,teritr. Prioi $1 pr bottlt, or ii far $S. O. W. obaole, (Proprietor, Jfo. 6 Xamt Pburt Utrt, dnainnati, to whom, att order thould b ad drtmmtd. FOR SALE BY Vf m Waosthafl and W W Stawart, Taytan; flaorca Ueyar, stiaiiiiMiiuru; J moo iHur, t uiuu; J anaor nn,intrvtliai Jt Myra, Nw LdImdou, H Jarkvan, ChambsrsUura: I li hiMifr. UarriKhurs : D B ulwlua Jiiumi11s Arnold A Liui)rt,Hnuth Aillnutou; Jacob Mtnr, weat HsUiiuora, J KuoklaA 4ia,trinftUlwn; J W Murplv, Vaudahaj H Nu kola, LtUrly; i Rw Farmttrsvilla. Mvrlitii A Kan iSMltni; J VY f Tfmoul U 'tjltama A Hwuisr. W wt HUniror.-i Fsrkrr, Hro Co; ParkrilUJiti aod ry Imuiita and MnrchsnU gaiwrailrtrouWouttha Umiiati VUtaa andOanalaa. .1 U.StJ mwm. Skirts. LOOK OUT FOR THE GIANT SKELETON. '. .'.- .'J. at A 'V'i.-.,''-'. t" HOOP SKIRT FACTORY AT ST, fllWD HT., MKT. MAIN AND HHLOW. Wa )aT pnrtn'uliir rtrnt on ta tha q unlit 7 of oar mitiTittl and nnly tha irt Knnlih ritft, Wn repair all the 1U11U which wo a l.wiihoat astra charu'. -.iar ra'nH dftp!tnnnt t Inrharjraoffoiripatant iaiiii. uotts una Ha rai HmiiPi fijiiHinuy on hand. A WALKMAN, tfol 1 wholoaaln mid rtail nt No. 8'.'7 Uwoud Kfiwt, Dtvton. R 117 A!lm Insurance. The Ee3t U che Cheapest INSIIRK WITH TIIU ;ETA ISIHAIJE COMl'AM, HAltTKOHT, CONN. I. HUH AND INIiANl'i NAVlOVnoK K1HK3 eo. np'.l, now a. hrroiotor.1, ut en rnt.t. tuii libera! ,,! It. . IIM t. MWINK-rt HON.0TKnith oonntunl .ll.nt(h and H.,i.ira,.v. I. MinHKU ALWATH MK'I' wilh prnMipturaa anil rontplt j. 1. lien. NKT ASSUTn JAMJAkr, laxl, a . o p a , o a o 00 . TH K PLAN AND IlKliA N l VI KIN of tlm Altna. after l.trly-llvi ytr ai.veip trliil, haa ralmo.l th. jirfHleMi pil'ni.. ftiivHiiTipo nun tiiiii.H.ii 01 in va noli. ayali'inN r.r I' iro In.untn.'e in Iho iHtuntry II la n'iw lvtl.r than iT.r proiiar.cl for .liny HIXTKKN THlll HASH l oss . 'MUD lnvxhoan eelllwl fi 1..1M. SI.4TKKN MII.LI.JKN u Dlll.l.AKKI THH UDNhUMI'TIOH OK PiiDPKrtTT BY FIIIK. u the Ilint.U suiloi, nvriB ovim liiMi.mii.aailf 1. vour .ni.orly p.)H.ad and iinprolfM.u.ilT A It Id Ynll INillUKliT II mil, why not? Thaooa ta trillniKi the duly in niamlfl; tl.r, r.'Hiilt laayl e your m'4pn 1'rutn ruin wlulo ibilay and n.jlo may liiT.itTe y.,u in bankruptcy, pot rty or urn I iliHHi.it'iiiitincnt. pAKI'ii'UI.AK ATTRNT10N and r.gard la lYn lo email riaka aa wrll a larae nut... Abla aMMirt iy aud auporlor couimrrpial advanlaKoa eilorded. Policies iNMied wllliout lelay. felOdiy JOHN H. STOPPm.MAK.'Auan The FAUMEUS' & MKU til IMS' INSURANCE COMPANY or DAYTON, OHIO. OKKIB-NO. 110 MAIN PTItKKT. OPI'OSITR TUK luukt uuuai:. CAPITAL STOCK (100,000 FIRB AND MARINE Thia Company offi-ra annrlor In-luanicnt. lo all ftarxoua dMHirina i.ropi.rlv inwurad. Ktrp and Manor riaka are titkcu nn all lUMiirabir property upon ibe nioai laroiauio lerina. I10AKIJ OP DIKECTOIll! i Alfred Prmloo, Kinanttid ahulti, John IT. Wintara, Auk Kuhna, Jn,',.e II. Olwin, H V. Harahman U.ll, Woaklar, N. B. Herat. 7, Iwt Crawloid. HKIIHKN ll. M AltSIIMAN, l'r. Imt H TI, Wr.KlfT. Hofri-'rv. r4 'ni Shirts. DBMOCRATIO SHIRT MANUFACTORY UALP1I O. McOItAOKHN, TKAI.KU In One l.ini.ni, l,th Inert and Oerman J and ici.ntlemeu'a I lir.iiah.na rtooda; Hoaleiyol ail am. la. Kina L.nan made te order, ey meaauremeut, and neal lit . uaranlead. Paper Palterna out. NO. VRT rolTRTH HTP.FP.T, OPPOSITR TUI hTKRPLR WITH (I'll, II HANI), Transportation. Sandusky and Buffalo. Erie Railway Steamboat Co. . Mawae.1,1 W".'1' n regularly A VV . n repilarly ,Jt-rrT V diir.ar tha reason - ? of uaviMita b,ucstt' -U. .1L idaliho ain.va nmid ports, wStmMm tharoliowing nrst-olass uurew steatnars: OWKCIO Captain H. Bryant, pi KTn MoUTH.,. ..tWUsto J. W.lrara. i;iibll4AN Captoin J. H. Lewis. OonnaotirK with tha Kna Railway at UurtuJe for DOUK.S in me bssi. ThteatUution ot shippers is invited to the superior facilities ethrod ty this Im. Kur trtiKni r psvxsKa spiny u nr.m i.almwkll, akmui ai nuintio. Im. w.unuKrt,gfoiatt.nrtiiliy. J. M. O'JBOIlN, M fte-wM rr(.-T,t (t T. a r O H Imvtnn. Erie Railway Steamboat Co. Trunks, &c. SEW TUlSSi :MAlFAtTOUV. . 11. I.OWK, Avauf. NO. ttj THIKU 8TKKKT, IA VTUN, OHIO, ONE IHIOK W KsT OF LAiOV. ' MAKHLM YAaVD. Wl would most rpaotfully Inform th citiaans of iH ton anti tlia ptO'lin in Keneisl that have opened a Trunk niaiui'aetory, wtier w kaep nn hand I kin Is of Trunks, Vahst-a. tlarpet ami i rnTeiuiM u.v, an 01 wiucn we win sail at anoir sala or n'lall as i lteap as any hnue Id the rfiv. fariicularaiieiition paid to r pain oil aid Trunks, A slvara of palioua? sulunt' . leAtltf Upholstery. h A lOHAHLKw HAIitlHHI. GENERAL IT1I0LSTERER, OHIO BLOCK, THIKD HTHKKT (MR. HlTTKLL't ULU n I A Mir) It A I iin, UM1U. A' ai.d I ITi kind of H ihol start n. urh as Sofas. Oh luirnla, MatraaiMs uoua to onir. (rptlsgut ntiasii. wumw curiame nunu ani an anus ai iinn uoua at tnastnrist nouoaand moat raaaoiut' Die term a. iiasriwaji Mayor 0Ulaepi and BartMy, Parknr uo. aaia Groceries, &c. K.O'ra as M. 0'Baiaa. KUWARD O' On IK 31 aY BHOTHRK, WHOLESALE GROCERS AMa iMaoaraai ar Brandlaa, liiaa, Ulnat C.sra. mmd Irish nu aoottifei vv aiiky, as naALiaa im Do"' illc YVIdcb and Liquors. ALIO, Aft .it Tor ShU of Par Doarbon Whlhky, No. Wl flrcond iira.d, Uajrton, Uhta, UKO laava mont ravpantnriljr to acquaint thalr rna Uitiirri and tht o-nmiimtr Kanarallr. thai thry hnva rnliMod in a parmarMtup, lindftr tha nam a and trlt! K. O'l.HlKN A HK01HKK, for tha niirnn-, ofoHfytna on tha wholatinlo KronrTi liquor, rlitar and tninai'iio nuntntit .n uayinn. iinto. a. tlia lat tand nf t4,t'Mritn, Ni Hoi'ond street. Hktuiu ainpa nmani ta onahln n t nnnMiaaa cooilfr tVom Ilia Imti hot in Nw York, llaltnnor and I'hlla Iflphia, and having had UflnfU yaars' rspc hnr tn tha trad i wo Imld otii tha lt tiiiliif'tmfiitp to our old (lift iihtm and "II othar4 who may ba kind enonuh o imrehAn tri'tn u . M 'HH1 KM, lato of tha firm af O'Biien A Poa. Toledo, Ohm, wilt davota bi tima and attention to C Ions all thuNpi whi mav roina to 1 uy at thin woll nown llniisa, and K. (I'HHI KN, will traat tha roro- munityb ltr, if pinthla, th n avrr hrlnra. M'lth of 11 f very frtml ',tr P"1 favora, and aarnatly so liniia Hlmra uf your future patron aga. auludaw m J, B. OILBKHT CO., Wholesale daalara In FOHKIONANI) DOMKSTIO GROCERIES & LIQUORS NO8.70 ANl7aflP:FrKHfloN KTRRKT.OPP' PITt Grocery and Provision Store. ANTHONY WOHL, No. 16 MARKET ttTRlCKT, If AS aitood supply of all kinds af tha hem Family 1 uroreriee and Pmrintona, such aa Sour: oat miml: voru iiH'flhdnwJ fruits; hams; dried Loaf; fleh Limbu tfer ohane Holland harrinti; ta; offe; niKr; alipi e; aloTow; tohaono; anull, Ao. Also, (lueahswarn; vallowwara: willow haak.ta, and, tn fact. avary artiuia n'auau uy iainuia. aiuvum NpiW Gil O OE K Y AN PROVISION STORE. HO. luf FIFTH STREET, DICKEY'S BLOCK HTOOK NEW AND FRl'ISH. piDUNTRY prodaoe taken In axekange forUraceliee orlJAHII. oo:idliiiawilrne JOHN BIKKEL, ARant. Millinery. TO MILLINERS & MERCHANTS. DKVOVA CO., W i 91 MAUL BT , WMALMALB miilinarjr Oaedi Oloass aub SnawLt Oiaemtf an, Vatt, US. Wl ara now nrartarad fo offer for tout Innp'etlon, alartte and alejant stoat of ladiaa, tnissaa, and childran'sHtraw, fur, plush and fait H TS AND DONNETS, ItlllUOJfS, FLOH'EKS VKATUKttS, Lnces,llf ad Dresses Beltings &c Including Try daanrlptioo of N I L L I AT E It T GOODS. Otir ftuiiliUae for man ufsrtu ring Cloaks,Sacques,Mantilas From al the new fahrios, ara inph that wa pan aupply them lowar than you can get thero liawhara. Our stock of FA.TjIj SHAWL8 Comprisa ai tha noyelUaa la bona furati. a and liomee- an. Our hnrar Win eonnUntlTlt New York, wa will orler all Goods in our hoe at iowaet noarkat unooa for Caih. "A call, hefora purohaatog elsewkara, will remit ta your auyanuKa." heHpactfulIy, DEVOU A 00., aelT Mirid M Pearl street. Oininnitrl. Millinery. Hotels. UNITED STATES HOTEL ltBACR iTRKBT, BOSTON. (Directly apposite lhaBnst and WorcastarHailraad Depot.) rpHR unders ened. who haaleneonnectd with tha I Amoricsn I nouNo, in inn ty, tor oyer nine year( J popular H ! for has ita id fits wen kn tnn t years, and pled ire w htm elf to his triende and ha iMiklii' to nee hm iitii.nst etToru to simtain the ren utation of tha UNl'l KU HTATtCH HOTKL.aa a first- pla housa Tha pullio may rely upon Anding. ai thia houe, all tha appliancaa and oomiorta of a nret elaeo httal. Prtpe, aa haratofara, Twa IJollsrs pardar. s.lan rwa M PIIATT. Clothing. all 1ST K O O O D B. HENRY MILLER, MERCHANT TAILOR, BX'bTON BUILDING, COR THIRD JltrrKRHOH II AH juat rKeived hi. atk of nphnffand liimmer Uooda, uonipnainK all tlte new eiyl.e of Cloths, CassI meres & Vesting, Which ha will make ap i arder tit tha Wat atyla. ASM fll" H e a iriSi. maiiMJiN HKnaiT sfiiei.icn. Host. we will rHT Alt rernons ara heraby asuitionad against J iw'tftiutuing Ajt Unta drawn t.y ma, dated Ktahru aiy 4, ISM, fr tour hundred and twanty-lwo dollar and tn pnia((4it 1U), thirty days, and nyabl at Fust faiii.nal Hank, tuncinuatt, to the nrir of O. W KowlaM't. Kaid noiahua Ijsan ruai, and all parsons ara ueuuiMusi not to purvhaaa or rweivatha unit, JOUN A. M1MCE. Mr. JOHN A. MINtt'K Tha note alluded toabst never reached ma hy mail or otherwise, feud is bo loausr valid MaMainal youonmy a.'oouni 0. W. ROWLAND. Oinoinnati, Fahruanr lv, UM-fctlidlf Leather Store. airs, A NEW LEATHER STORE. ADAM WKIHO ARTHUR, t( Third elreel, KIP eoeal.ntly . a hand ell k.oda e( Leather, aiichaeeolei 11,'peri kipi eair-akm.and ntoru,M. AImi, baruMea aod bridle le beri eboe akirUBfti ake ftiulina. .c. e.1h.hiheat price In Man paid ler Bide, ead Lau,r in ibe tough. euledaut gnilrj Oimiiirf. George Thompson. a 1 hirlr year. iro lhar oara, to th United Statu, I rum Knglnnii, ana whoet miaaion it an to oonault with lb. Abolitiooieu nf New Bnelnud, thnn n pelt, hnndlul of tourftd, din oonteutad nnd fanalicil men. Uii f iit tu n brief on. Kvcrjwhere thnt ha di,clo,ed the purpoaea and project! ol hit miaarnbla failb, iba paopla raaa in indignation again,! him; mob, nprntie; up warnin(i id bit path; lb, popular Uie, probation mauileated itaalf in town, and citiea alike, and tha roieearr trouble and bate, after eowing tha aeede ofaeo- tmnaliaia broadcatt, dmtined to f row Into a crop whole product wan civil ttrifa and na tional ruin, returned ; again to hi, own coun try. Tha character of tha man and the wiak crinee, of hi, (ncial and political belief ia well conveyed in a letter written by him in 1834, to a lannlic in lenneaaee, John A. murriil tij name, and found among Murrlll'i paper,. Be wa, advieitir a general conoert of aclioo among tha elavi-a, who were to riae at a given moment, and, to uae hi, own word,, "let looae the arm of destruction upon their mnatere. and their prnpertv, ao that the judgment of God might be viaiblf seen and felt." He lav, down another plan in thi, letter, coolly, calm ly, deliberately, fiendiihly, and wa quote for tha purpoae of ahowing our reader, bow completely the proposed work baa been car ried out. The letter bean data March ISth, 1B:i lie any, : "We mutt reach tha tyrant in another way. We can prepare tha feeling, of moat of the Northern and Kaatera people by lecturing. The diaaolution of the Union ia the object lo be kept eteadily in view. War will reault, and lacking, and pillagn, and imurrectiou will follow. Their citiea, with all tha merohan dite, may ba destroyed, their bank, plundered ofapeoie, their paper discredited, ao that thouiand of Eastern capitalists would suffer great losi, and would honcsforlh consider a slave country an unsafe place to make invest ments. This stale of affairs would naturally diminish the value of alave property, and dis gust even the tyrant with tbe polioy of slavery, while the whole country would be in a stale of anarchy and poverty. Their banking In stitution, and credit sunk into disrepute, it would be an easy mattar lo effect the total abolition of slavery. Desperate di leases re quire desperate remedies." Thia was the plan concooted, and most ful ly has it been carried out. Lecturing, agita tion, undermining, peraistently working in season and out of season, with ore object in view, aided by Kntisb counsel and British gold have all been thoroughly tried, and wa to-day look upon a divided country, a ruined people, and such scenes of herror and blood-shad as the world has never known. Tbe little pois on has infected the body politic, tbe weak band of zealots haa grown to the ruliag power of the land, administering tha government. overbearing all opposition, Imprisoning, pun ishing, robbing whoever presume, to doebt lhair right to beggar tha country in the name Ola laisa pniianiiiropy. jli we ena ot lairty years, wnue ia neara on a score or battle helds Iba shock of con tending armies vf brethren, who but four years ago, from Maine to Florida, and from the Atlantic to tha f acihe coasts, acknowled ge the same flag, and "one Constitution and one destiny" while the land ia desolate, and tbe people aionra, Ueorge Thompson come, among us once more to feast hi, eyea on the accomplished work, the result ol such leach Inya as his and those of hi, compeers. How is he received 1 As a murderer, with loath ing and ooulainptT A, a criminal, so vile tout honest men avoid bimr As a monster steeped in blood, crimsoned with the lile-enr. rent of thousands of freemen ? No but with honors innumerable, with processions, with mono, with e, leeches ot welcome and address es filled with adullalion, with ovation. In cit ies, and a succession of leadings and rejoic ings Boston ia entnhaiaalie over bim ; New York extends a genial and hearty rreetinr, Cod ires, votes ilie aaa of the Hall of the Hoaae of Representatives, at Washington, and rresi dent aod Uabinet, Senators aad Representa tives, tienernis ana uagee, go to bear and ap plaud him. Tha Vioe-freeideot introduced him lo the asaemhlatte, and when Mr. Thomp son exclaimed "Thank God, tha hour for compromise ia past," enthoaiaalio applansa broke from rreaident and people alike. Tbe name of John Brown elicited outburala of an qealined approbation. Here ia a paragraph from hia epeeoa which every American should read with the blush of shame mantling cheeks: "Ueorge Washington, nearly eighty-three year, ainoe, gava tbe American satioa the boon of Independenoe la oaa day Abraham Lincoln haa oonlarrad a aura estimable bless ing, by proclaiming tha Federal nation home ol impartial aud umveraal freedom. Ueorge Waabington, tha fojader of Am. can liberty, must, according to thia authority, take a lower place in the eatimatioa of countrymen, when the claim, of Abrahaaa Liucolu are considered. Washington, b? aac rificet, hardships, sell danial, year, of patient endurance, waa tbe chiel inalrumeat in hands ol aa overruling Providence) for the of a free government for white men. It seem, aim oat olaaphemou, to men tioa the name of Abraham Lincoln tn same paragraph with that of Waabington. Tha one the "Father of hia country" tha other Ihe destroyer of a great people's liberliee, foe ol couaiitutional government, and the of civil liberty. Vet thia English faaalio ay that be (Liucolo) "baa oualerrad a mora aatlmabia bleasing" on aa The times hava indeed aadly changed whaa inch man aa George Thompson ia welcom ed with hoeenneha; coining among na, too. he does, lo glory over tha desolate aad devaa- taiea cunaiuon 01 our country ; navoe spread ing over the whole land: war aabelilatad the hum of industry, aud the ana of peace hrother meeting brother with arms ia hands and murder la hiaaaul: the foundation. ot government rooted up, aod a new order thinga tpringiag from the ruins of tha government ever, aalabliabea) furoiviuaed AOVKKT1SIMO RATKI. I IN DA1LT. i Onaatukra, y vartia, aolM) aaataaartio. On auara, thiterm(H.H...HH....M.r..MM Ona atiunra, aaa tNiilHH,.HHfNmi- . 1 Ott aiitw, ona nostn..... Oaa atira, thraa m?ulha, I N t IS W oaa aUM. an anosuta,, IM W 1 R h LT. Ona auara, affrhty varda. ana wajtnM.min-w.i4A raraquaraiaaohwaKm auuuaa,.M...-..M.MM Far auuara, ana vaar,...,M ......... ... U aw'rnia for Ativartlatiiantfl aooapfing a ffraaia arftmoa, or for a lonicar aanad thao -ot aiciflM, mad known at Ito Counting: Kaosi. --AU ajTarttaviai I araahanrad at thaatiova rMM, ualaai a wrttunaara winntiamatla pranoua ta inMrtion. aarAU casual a4 f-nrttTifnUi rrniBl fnflB aHrB an administration ignoring twenty million! of white men, and lending in power, and en ergies tu build np a miscegenetio nation of "mixed bloods. Yet tbeae fanatics would hava ns believe that we have Improved oa the work of oar fathers, and that greater than Washinglou fills the exeoutiva chair, in tha person of the "smutty joker" from Illinois. Bridgeport Out) rarmtr. The Red River Expedition. The Battles in Western Louisiana—A Complete Federal Defeat—Smith Succeeded Only in Saving Banks Army from Annihilation —Indignation Against General Banks—List of Wounded and Missing Officers. Cairo, April 12 A special dispatch to tha Chioago 7Vmf say, the Gladiator, Hanry Ames, Albert Pearce, and Sultana hava ar rived from New Orleans, with dates of tha 13th, l tlh, 15th, and lCib. Several correspendents of New Terk paper,. who wore on the battle-field at Pleasant Hill, report the whole affair a complete defeat, and that Uen. Hmitb only succeeded In saving Bank,' army from total destruction. Wound ed officers aod men arrived in NewOrleani, and brought np on these boat, to Vicaiburg, report tha same thiag, Gen. Hansom waa in New Orleans on tha ICth. Great indignation wa, manifested by general offieera against Banks. Among the wounded and muting are Col. Vance, 9tith Ohio; Lient Miller, Gth Missouri Cavalry; Lieuta Graham and Meader, bUb Illinois, Capt McC'ullougb, 11th Illinois, Lieuls McCulloueh and Wyman, 11th Illinois; Capt. Morae, 16th Indiana; Lieut, Jones, 10ik Illinois; Major Reed, 113th Illinois; Lieut. Col. Lindsay, 48th Ohio; Bergta Simpson and Undwell, and privates ITamer, Hmitb, Burn- hard, Collin,, Carey, Francis, Eaton, and Chamber,, of the kith lllin ois; Lieut CoL Webb, 77th Illinois, waa killed; LapL ureeae, 8th Missouri cavalry, waa wounded; Captain Chanman, of GaD.raaklio'i ataff, bad both i ' i . ir K i.rv .am ua. lav The Ohio Belle arrived at New Orlean, on tha 16th with 300 woaodad and 67 prisoner! . of war. . ., Ohio State Asylum for Idiots. COLUMBUS, OHIO, April 16, 1864. By act of the General Assembly of Ohio. passed March., 1BC4, tha sum of twenty uve thousaad dollars was appropriated for the pur poae oi purcnaaing a site and erecting auild mga for the aaa ol Ibis Inititutioa; and br tha Same not tha Trustee! were authorised to "re ceive by gift a tract ol land suitable for a aaa for aaid Asylum, and in sucb locality in the State, ooaiidering beallbrulneei of aitoatioo, facility of acoeu, pricea of living, and coat of land and building materials, aa ,uch True lees shall find most desirable aad heat suited for the purpose ol aaid luatilotion. Said Traateea are, also, by the aet organi sing the Institution, passed April IT, lUST, and by joint resolution agreed to on tha 11 tit day of May, 18151, aalborised to receive and hold laud, money, or building material, for the benefit of aaid Institution. ' - Tbe Trualeea invite attention to tha forego ng action of the General Assembly, and would be happy to receive any proportion, which benevolent individuals or corporate aa thorities may (eel disposed ta make for dona tion, therein specified, or for sala of laud for a site auitable for (aid Institution. Proportions for donation, or aala of read for a ,ite lo ba directed to the Trustees, a ara of (J. A Doreo, M. I)., Sup't of the Ohio Asy lum for Idiota, Columbus, Ohio, and made previous to the 20th of next. N. S. P. HITCHCOCK, J. A. LUTZ, Trusrees Ohio Asylum for Idiots. Paying Dear For the Whistle. hia tha ae tabUahmeat tha Tha war between tbe North and the South haa bow beea waged for three yeara. -We hava called into Ihe service 1,775,000 aoldiera. We hava now ia tbe field aay 600,000 nea. There hava beea discharged oa aocoant of woundi, disability aad eiokoeas. together with the desertion,, aay 376,001). This leaves 00, 000 mea sow dead and buried. Thia ia a liberal calculation ia oar favor, fori! we eon Id reach the exact loss in our army tha total ity of deaths would aot fall short of a million f live. W have stotea and freed, from tha rebel, from 75.000 to 100,000 degroea, admit it lo be 100,000. Thia war from the be in ning, haa been a war for the liberation of Southern slave from their owner, la the in tent ol lha instigators, though it baa only beea publicly avowed for. th last two yeara. To aay nothing of tha injury, loea, and cruelty to nineteen twentieths ot the poo alavea, ta aay nothing of tha destruction, losa of property, demoriiiaation af our populatioa, tbe untold miseries ol tbe wooaderi aad broken ufwn constitution of th discharged, ecUier,, to aay nothing of all thia loee I the body politic, it oaa eaueea u u ailed Bute ia debt, en tailed upon future gcBeralioee,alrea4y$3, 000, 000,000. To sum up the groa, amount, wa have, ta order to liberate 100,000 alavea, and snake them wore off than they were) whaa with their meaitre, created a debt of S3,00ti 000,000 aad sacrificed the lives of 900,000 of our fallow eiltiensl I aot thia; ia the-' tea range of lh immortal Ban. Frenklie, "i'awog Peat forth Whiatl f " JV. Y. Kern. , ; :ll the en emy aa for The Now Tork rtmts, apaaking af rhaeaae tf Mr. Long, says : x "The resolution of ceasnre, as passaed by a acant majority, waa but a mar expedient to aav appaerenoee, while becking l . graceful poaition." What a pity that the republican parly can not elect any body ao aay pueisioB, wit boat hi getting the couatry or lha wetty into a "disgraceful poailiou" from which there ia no exit, aav hy a equally di,graefu-"beck!n( oat." ,. Will it make ita. climes' v by nt eimilar method of closing the war? Weahali ae. hie of beat saea ' MaTA, Coaway, of Kansaa, a radical, made a spaach a rear ago iu favor af reowscauing the iodoprudeno of th Houtbern Coat,dera cy, he should hava boea turned oat of C'oa grew "belor Long.'! . ... ... la,- ,.,..