vi wek, I to Carrier)...!. hf, imf in n.iviji .... ... 7 Ou WKKKI.V U.11P11IB. One oopy pv annum 00 lli Km-lUi O.I-'.ilHtcB iip ul (e ill Aloa- gomary cutiui;. t'aymeiit mtMvaui-' nt u. I JOB PIIINXINQ, Of iwf desorlptloit. at-eiited on steam Presses, in ia haat. ayla, an a al ru iiaue frio.. Empire liullillntr, IIO Mala street. ONLY UKN1N i HAIR 11 EST OILER ! DI9KASKH 'OF TI1K SCAl. niRC skill ofthemprtifAl faculty in treating dtaeafifw I of th aualp hait. m a inn)orn j1 of tune., Won lHl Ba hf hia, tha mHi ptvuhrir rtietwe of th hinntV . (mama, it i nodo b wvatierettat, a a r-quirt-a greti tuJy, dap r mtAnh ainl a oHriul invrt-uiylK'i. o. h whit- h produrB th (linear.. Unif-H the eaana it dincurtTpd, it in au attar uiipoHSitMiiiy to ra.i oat the i i mam and elleul n iw-roiant-ul dire Diaati ol tfirt nii. tmro b--n nrunoUiu-i tnriir,hle by torn of the most emiuftil physlciAn. I have de voted , . YKAHtt OW HTIIUY I To tfciii pauuhar part or th human I ram, and I hm HtlMriHil Ulrtb 1 pOiiHttMB . J i , THU USLV KiCNUDV , Bo hru known, thai would peromnMitly erwtionU ', tho loaihHome dineasea of tho seiiif j. BALT KHKUftT, SCALD HEAl 1 And othrctianoui dit-a-ei,n'i hair to thot who hRT iiKiomt' hula, lo mak,. ; . goad tn ion, 1 will forfeit i FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS I" If 1 fail to enr tho worM ctnetoi dieHfiU acalp ( the ion Rent AtAodinft with Die 0!ftY oamvinia HAiii kbstukkr, Re id th following: j Tntimmii.of M : Haiah OottUl.) 1 1NT, NlW Von. Paor. PiUuid: Two yM. ,) my wmIi i:hoi aiHa-ed.aflil my hftir cinnrnncu UHnii nut rrv lani. di.wo uprea I until my Hd:'p w ant complem Bora. It lwi!it:nA viry piiniut; my real at oisfM w brolcBQ; lha burumtt 'in 1 it;iim HBiiutlon wan n iu. portAom; 1 wouiu aiipiy rmuy mi(r remedy, ui onlv momfiotnrr roll"f I rnnaulted vfrl ithvjt- omus of thi" city. 1 wis informed hy them that t4i diHtwia with whicn my tip wm nt cit-o was tne httii Kh mn, and tht they conld not benelit me. 1 read year adrertiwement and eoopluted t consult you. You an-tiire i me that you would eradittate the disi-am and restore my hir,whioti had become very thin. With tuat atMiiranoe 1 piad niyweli id your hands, and trie raauiit are, i nave a iuxunim ufau m nan; my aoslp is oerfe-tly well, nod my hair ha oeased ti fallout. Htpwtfully yours, Mai. HkB.tit Goulu. No. UT flonth Pari fftre t. It (m a fa't arknowledRnd by all who haft t th uair Ktorr, aixi tneir nnte u iton, mm n is THE UNLT PKEVARA'JIUN That would eRsnituAUy and permanently restore th iiairof inovownoara uaiu,ana pivnt THE HAIH rROM KAJjLJNQ OtT. The lro and ranidly incrftanini? snle of Bptttnraiive intho ntrount efiiieue of Llie mnn lold btmettu it i eoaie.nng upon THE HUMAN FAMILY. The confidence of the public he brn nbtivnM, and inj at i uniie in aitoniing 10 n meni ana tmi supen ority i OVER ALL PREPARATIONS , Brorlntrhduced. I do not rftcommt nd my pretara ' tlontnoue hair to orow t left in treMy as many month, an it in a Ninvple irnnomihilify, and totally in conslitent With the Uj of fa:'ir. To tho-p who are kopti:al or incredulous, I will nmlte a boa Hdeotler: I will forfeit 91,000 - . .1 On Thousand lollar.i) if I fnil to ftiirw (he worst oases of partial bildnes, under fifteen years' stand' n THtf OHLY OBN 1NM 1IMH RirvRKR. : This wsnderul re-rMyia told bydnigjrist gener-ally- IV YOUR UnUGCIHT HAH NOT GOT IT SkND K(U IT. N.B. Cures guaranteed in every can where the di rerions for a are tmpiiottly obeyed. ewr-Prit!, 91 pr bmit, or ix l-uttles forfft. ' PK F. H. A. IK MtJNN, Bole Proprietor, No. V" Or-tngo atreet. VALBLH PRtJPEBTV IN CITY OP DAYTON. John M :Lean, A linmmtrator of John Htaiieborr, dec Mod, i. ti liuund ttkcl et al. (JaP No. u;H. BY Tirtusef, an t tn nhdienie to, go erler of sal a msrfe by tn s-inerwr Oourt ;r M)ntK oiory oounty, Ohm, I vr II oi!-tr at public aale nt tii door t the Csntrt H eu- in D tyfton, on i . SatHr-wj, Jifuiaru 14, 186 V t o'clock pm nt hah dky, tti. following de chbedi real eiitute, tiz: Lots numnerefl two thou sun 1 il huadred atidihre(2 0J) and four ihoiisaud and Binetr-n (VWl as deii(iMHl oh the revised r1t of h crty f Datn, in the c aunty of Montgomery end; Lot V U'WS Is situated on West Third streot north 14. vbien tnert is a Isrie two story frtn delt- ifmtud other out buOdinxs houttd No 4i and has ssm aasBrawaa a s.wst. lyos Ho. 4 owl ia a vacant lotnnd extondi (rem Ash bey street to Fra ik s'.rat, nur Wurrou street( nd mm own appraieu at no. The Mor dH4tri'i4i property ctnn tt sell for lesi Ihan two-thirds of lis appraised Tabm. VK.)lt' W(MvM4N,i4tteritl Mont count. Osliw (JaWiH. T'rny1 du iawt ABJIINISTHArOtt'rt hALK "ff" uicAlT"" ; KHTATK. , .... i : : , TN pursuance of an orter granted by tho Prnhite s. vonrtoi aiontifouiery iwumy, litni., in the case m laaao Lay (ever end mfiipnoa hurt, Kvouutors of ike wMtwilland teHit'nNt of It.'tnd Yt'ni fieceasfHj, Kainut Hti'.a Yoon Mfcal dfond:nta, w will ndrr for sale, at ptjblio oinai.m on MA I UHUAK, the AWtdpy 04 DDtombert A. O. IMt, at Ve'vlouk, eflernnoa, irttou 4m premises! Mw LoUowiDff dosunbed real estate : Mitueia in the County of .iituonieryt andHtai ol Abto. tn-wil t . - FiAmb acre of land i kea off t)i tenth side of the em owafxi oy itie cirs or Lvid xeung. deo'd IhtMBte in Election 3ft, Town a, l(an ft, M k's -de Khed as follown t H'Kiuuine t a utone, on the eaut faeid section, the snuih east corner if said ; fWw north on theeat line of sid sertion 'MMMk stoo ; (heiHMt ouih 7i ret 7ia chain to tho centre of turnpike roid; thence south aetwardly, wittt to nentr of said road 6 tH chains ta lhsouih wet corner o said farm ; thenne on the ias Ketweeti Youn and LaJVver, north 76 ft2ti 6ti eiiatas to (li pia;e f beginning, i-uuiaining jifttem eureiof lantt, -Appraised nt 91 IS per ear: Terms of sale one thirdftaah, one third in ne year, ani one third in two years from th day of sale, with inmnwti i the payments te be secured by urtate upon ih ro aniatMsold. IhaAO LAFLVRK, HMFtfoN. NUT I'. Kxecntrs, Ac. of ITid Younir. dee'd. J. H. Bamovt, Att'y fir JCaeontors. nov30-4w . PETITION F0I1 PARTITION. flry W.OeWhari, Oatharln Ann OeShart and Mary fsf . flebhart, vs. Am lia H. Meilerman, John A. Hellerman, PetHr V. 0hhrt, Kosetia K. Uebhsi and KIIhb flehiiart. linjwnor Oourt of Mont go in ry County, unto. Petition for PnrtiUun. A M BL1A R. HKLLkHMAM, John A. Hellermnn, A. Prtter r. tHt.hrt, Kuselia K. Oebhart and stlen Oetiksrt will take notice that a Petition was filed ai(aint them on thetiitkday f Dwemher, A. D. laot, in the Hurior Court of ..'ontmnurj Ouu ty, Ohio, by Henry IsT. Onhhart, rathar.ue Ann eb hart and Mary M. Gt-bhurt, and la bow pending, Wherein flury M (ieitlurt.tUtnarine Kna (ietihsri, and Mary M. 0rfhvt dcmsnJ partttioa of the follow iiw real eslata, lo-wit: Hitua in the Oouufy of Mnnttomarv and Rtate of OUo oatnn a prtotlite aouthnaxt tfiiarler of enMn Mo. Ltownahip No. vranis eaut, o.; ifiinniiiw the south wl uornur of the tract lud.bu pr ha ., j w. from thu, section corner at stone; Aheno D. o lo & per.ihes aloiitf (-tebttart's s0 tionUne to a stou. htino n. 4". w M tiu luu pen h.'S. aionn Weaver's and 11. a section line to sum, thane , M, w. Ihn M perches alosg Knot's line to m un; thenne south 40. MKl pen h- s ajong Ja-1 4toh Hhadn's hue to the plce ot bettiunmg, eo t Mining 1 (uo) siKty Av sores, more or less. AIo tots num bardlorty.nin. tiity, tt'ty-on and fifty-two (4, 60, 61 aad Si), as deeiinvd on a plat of the suhdi vision ofpart of anotinn No. a l, tnwn t, range T, made b MutMiir nod Hamea, and recordol on the records ol Montgomery ilountv.ohio, in plat book A, page AU.sit'iateia Us4son towufhip, Montgomery Touo 4b, Ohm, and that, at h Krhmary term. lt5; of amid Oourt, iu Henry M. i-bhrt, Cathenu A. Oatviiart and Mary M (tebhart will apply for an or dssr. tiMU parti uou may h mad of said premises. H ttS H V M O ICR h AMI', CATHlCRlNk, ANN orJaUAHTT MARY M. UKbUARf. AM" Our, AM y. dol?dwl v VOL. II DA TON, OHIO: SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 1 W 1865. NO 121 .ffif. . .. -..t-; Clothing. 5,000 MEN AND 130YS W j 1ST T E 3D ! TO BUY OVERCOATS, i TRAVELING SIIinTS, BUSINESS SUITS, : ENGLISH WALKINOOOATS ' 1U41VKM ITKUERSIIIKTS For less menev than nnv other Clot bins: Hons m Da' ton. We t'g Icsve tu remind tli t-ul.lio that we Htand in connection with a Is rye V. hol-mle Clothing maitiiiaciuring iinnee in iih-iiii an vnun certainly enaiilee us tu mve Ihe strive, uiulic. fi utt. W are conr'taiuly ,reciir bf the latent styles of ME.VV und VOIIUV L0TH1G, Which is caraitUy selaot)! and. well roAde. Call and exuiiiine our s ook.oi Oiotlnu, (before puruUtsuig elsewhere, at 1 O 8 MAIN STItEET. Jfoi. M MiMk m tbtlr Mtmtwr h4 8IUM, wnicn nANca opt and bears SOHWAHZ Sc KOSIN, CLOmi.IEIlS 2LCED aorU-taulAw Mala Mmt. Clothing. [From the New York News.] Jollification on the Passage of the Abolition Amendment—A Disgusting Abolition Exhibition —Members of Congress Embracing Negroes in a Public Dining-Room—"A Man, a Brother and a Voter." WASHINGTON, February 1. WillHrd'i Hotel wa last niplu lh a-cneofa mnat (linulini( pxhibilion. J'lif Republican were so rlnlrd with their success in carrying the Abolition HraoniJinpnt tlfit. t'tpy drterm iued on having a ;mni jullifii ntioti in honor oflhc event, and vVitiirJ' the pbic Be lectod fur the carousal. Severn! of lb inAt Tioisv uinniberi) of the Iigupi' were present, including some of those who, during tl e (tny, recorded their itif'.tmy by hiipportin the great Abolition meuture, and thin betrnyin their confltituenls 1 ha bent failing firevnih d nmonK all collected in thn lare dinitif; h!l KegroiH of every complexion were there, and, of coure, they entered lully into the Hf.iri oi the occasion. 1'hn negroes werfl riMlinguiAh nl In by white nprona and ether fixinj2ii pecu liar to colored (gentlemen who attend upon gueiti at hotel dining table. When the dinhea were removed, wine wnH ordered, and for a while the feaht. of pood thinpti wns enjoyed, with ordinary decorum. Hut et vinn rerilat, aj the a ii j" ; ;u,d to it was at WillBrd' lust nipht. Hpeecbea wete made ad libitum your Abolitionist ia a tre mendous follow for speech makinp when the Ihetue is congenial and coniatulntions on the gloriuus victory of the day paupcd aloof; the tab'ea. Tlie virtues a;,d nob'." attribute B of the illustrious nepro were expnunded by gentlemen of an iminaiive turn, and Uti worHhipers of the New Kncrlat d idea were honorvd wit't the unnt glowing apostro phes o' which intnjeicuted eloqtif nee m capa ble. The wrongs, ol the neprn, and the rich! of Mauicliuneun to rule the country, formed the staple of the epeechea made, while articu lation remained clear enough to be didlin guiahed ; and, when the limite of sobriety were passed, tbe.nnhle .ttpporters of thfl Ad ininistiation became so demonstrative in their aSection lor the oppressed children of dark nfuia, thak seri6uj tears were lelt for (he safe ty of the furniture. Uentlemen who would scorn tha imputation of intoxication, were so overcome by their feelings that they clasped the oppressed chil dren, et cetera, to thtir patriotiu bosoms, and assured them, in the language of Mr. Micaw ber, that they would never, no, never, desert the in. . Some, alter preat eltorti, infuimed others that they were lou lull lor utterance; but it is lo be deeply regretted that they did late, not with any depreu of accuracy, what they were full ot. A lew ill unturned person were afterward known to say that (be wine clerk knew something about it, hat that gen tleman was prudently reticent. TUe disgusting orgies were kept up for sev eral hi mi a, aud while fuse remained there was )io abati maut in tha enlbu.iasin. Mr llrandagee, a Knpreacinalive Iroui the land ol steady habits, wu paiticnlarly dtmonttralive toward the waiters. With tremulous voice he addressed au ind.viduul of that profesaion, and deoiared that he was "a man and a broth er, and would soon be a voter." 'Mm two men and brothers were soon locked in a (ma ternal embrace, and it was then pr 'posed to start a mutual admirntiou society, but l. r some reason, .the motion was not seconded Mr. 13. was assisted to bis seat after the ex haustion consequent Uon this affeciionate outburst, but was aoon on bis feel aguin, pro fessing his unconquerable love tor the negro, and reiterating the assurance that the Uurk skinned portion of ibe company ware nteo and brethren, and would soon he voters. Others whose immes have not been uientioa cd were qualiy aflr-ctionat' They decluted thtt the millcuium had arrived, that the tuns had at lint come wbeu all men were equal socially ami politically ; that mitcegnnaiion should henc forth be encouraged ; mat Ibe negro should enjoy all the rights heretofore restricted to the while man, und the destiny ol the descendants of 11am would be the most glorious ever vouchsafed to mankii.d. Tha spectacle was the most disgusting and degrading; ever witnessed iu the capital of the country, To sea members ol Congress Iruter with negroes actually bugging them in a public dining room was sullicieot to fill with loathing, any man having even an ordi nary sense ol propriety. It was a titling cli max of the infamous proceedings of the day ; an appropriate addenda to the outrage thai was designed to rob eight million of people ol neariy all the wealth they possessed. Jt shows the debasement to which the country bu been brought, when Representatives ol the people men who should guard the honor which has been ii. trusted to them openly blazou their bestiality at the doors of the capital, and lake to their bosom the low est ol the human creatiou. The matter has been a topic of conversation in all parts of tba city to day. It was talked ol in holels, in the streets and in the eapitol, and those who weie parties to it were de nounced with the ntmo.t indignation by all who have a proper respect lor the honor at Ihe isuion. Kveo the "socialists" engaged ia it were said to be heartily ashamed of their con duct, but their will not long out SEYMOUR. Test Oath For Lawyers. Tha Senate bill, which was passed, provided that no person, aftrr- ,tha date of this act, shall be admitted to prac tice hi the Supreme Court of the United Stales, nor after the 4ih of March In any Circuit or lii.irict Court ai d the Court of Claims, or be allowed to appear by virtue of any prevines admission, unless by taking the oath of office, as provided for in the act of July,' 1862, and according to its terms and meaning, and an i person who shall falsely take the oath shall be deemed guilty of per jury, aud be subject to all Ihe pains and pen altiee of perjury in addition to the pains and penalties ol tba act of July, 18C2. Mo-U. S-ta is Medical. CR. ROOACX'S STOMACH BITTERS TO BE EXCELLED NTOMAOII IO DIGESTIVE ORGariS. ivftt o ov.v Voe v ve wveiVvv'vwe vu' vv rvv Wtt "WVn bV. . l wmtliVvt-VX tACW ve mjAiwv, V'vmtt, wvvve sitttt. Ijilioua Fever, Fever and jlgwe, Liver Complaint, (Dyspepsia,, IridijJeatvbn, Jaundioe, . Kidney Corriplaints, t uW Vf. x.. a vuv Ouvr wu..vv,rt. , eowkf.iV tart cvwA. .ovm: vKv. tvt ' Viv. AvA iWra ! u.vY.ciotwt.v,'ivex. Cowx'jort. 1,v. Vtv veaK. uv v.volc. .ftotuc "BvWct tVvvvte wvu xxvd.twcrvovj VU. "Or. looiW 77ms gitfra arm f ut up quart bottles, of U'htoh ti akavm it -tmtfe. Tht I'tl'l is Jintly rv graimd, arv.2 is r-roviicd unth a tatf - ttarl frc.m. ncunter filters. ffVioe $1 yir f.otli, i jii ..r f 5. C. V. al.usk, JvoirtXcr, JVo, ft Eaat Fcurth ftret, Cinoinnati, to whom nil orjeri tctU be ai utresse'l. KOK RALK BV bnitfirisU xener.illy. l NE W .J? I 11 3r. rir.iii: Mir.TiKTt nAVR npeneft an eet'pe eew ftnelr ef Wresh Urn. venea, on Third stre.1. Uirns dunr. east f to oiurji ltuue. ho H17 Te liav. suvsi arrt. (.'Hftes. Molsss .!! Won'rUim. Vilwiisr. t'.-al I'll, Hak. fish. Inks. Mo,.aa.. mml Tir h 'ae. ban IVarli, Im I. rn.., olrb- rnea. Tomatoes, )'t'D'.1I'mms t'hertie. Spl.'e anl(;ov Oylri a n. sn a. orliaent nf JMi, Hi Iclo sn.l ea, Kaaey ., Unag f. Hoin'nv. ewa.1 lo laasui, tiuvi-m au l amoltiua.. Moor ly Ilia bi l Mi VK. Wlil'f. .id y,.lln (',,, M. al, Hn, k .l l l,..,r. Met Y.erining that tltm tnarkM naa artont. - We pa aiuuully intita our triend. ia siv. u. aoall. (lem. eaa, ouuie all, aasl se what we oaa 0. j.ttUla .," t . t "sai . -si t Clothing. Clothing, Clothing.: THE LARGEST STOCK Of Clot lis i And Oassixneres ,N THE CITY OF PAYTOH? ' FIN K K .t Ij 10 (i I, e n , Clothing Hull, Xo. 30" Strovd Street, Vnylon, Uluo, are now Jiectwng a Larijt Supply of Spring oni Sununer Goods, rnmnrMnflr all the l.stest ptvles of Bls-k sn.l f ot orert I'lothai Kreneh, I' amy aait Plan) Caesimeres; tilk, Haon, Mnrsenlas, ami other Isew Mylea ot W-tines, for I'uMorn OMers. A complete line oi rllHMriHINO HiloDt, ami the Ura-l aud K.M atoos oi ; Hendy-Mmle Ol.ithini i To Via founi In any Hoiiae In th City. Kink. A lieg ler are Agents tor SINfiKIl CO.'S SEWING MACHINES, Thr h'Mi Wft.'hino fur all pnw'iial unnrf in th iR'itiiVi ann'or Hiioin,i'V.'r in-fiiu-.i nnu inirrxiucrii n lh? tiouniry Muney i iib niMo l,jr ca'liOT on JunttT, IMV4-II H.NKK A I hUi KH Lissni;k & n no, 104 IHAIK btkp-ict, OPPOSITE rillLLIPS HOUSE, RKtPKfrPrriilT rail Ihe atU'nllon nl Ihe Trsdr to their barn bttaik ol' SC BOYS' ' CLOTHING! ; i- Which is UnJirely Xtvi t Elegant! I a'lre tls a rsll, aol yon ff-ili tin. I tlie fioods tla. SI.I.., alut toe I'ritiH S1 ngtit. i i , I.KS.sNltn a BiO.. Jua 8, lsut-d-lni Hr2 Mam Mieet. joscpii LEnf.nt'RfaKn,1 , LOTIIIKK: . j Third Door Hunt of tlie Central Hank) TfllRK BTKKET, ITAS just receirerl a I.are and Yell Belerted M m. atoca til Fall and Winter Goods. Callatlha oil and well astRblibAd Houaa, SIGUsT OF.. Tlie California lolhlna- Store. June 7th, IS' 4. 1 . ilitwltm. JOHSJ JJETTELON, H holc8le Dealer lu Foreign & Homeric Liquors! . Third Street, DAYTON, OHIO: "; ' KKPiSUN dNOaLsr. ai.J Assorted (Jaaatity V of , Bonrbon, Rye, and Other Whiskies BRANDY CIN, RUM, BITTERS, AC. ; vs. hUh, a lra fttm-U of Ciini. J'ina 14. lm4 WAwt Celebrated Black' Ink. AlemutiK't ur! unit Hold "AT Wholesale and Retail1 1VVYTON, OHIO. Nesrineim.r or frinlitlo an.t l.n llow ".rnij. . Hxllmit DENTALUARD DR. K. C0 WA Y, 7or!-P rftoffCull) inform ilia eiliaonao' Iy T I' nlhai h ,H irtnrt a hole ft r If.-th hi. r and nn VnU -.aiinl Kubrtor, Ik th m! iiunrorai aii'l hvanlilul duki tliv ma'arwl wij( aintii or lor ifio Him of Jsjo, un nj; tha m-t iiMicrmt unil u work t .hit- imn. Tli - woo iti in hivs Mfih maviui or iiibor wiiio, Jo well to r-ill at ht o'ti' s. :; 1 h'i. irrt thrr ih. jr ran I auti auy ma'-Tfa: .r an fiyl of tiii iltoy tiiay dvira. Jali tlaaJm . . jopa. i. m. joauA, JOli'UAN fc JOHDAN, ATTOnriEYS AT LAW X. K COUXKR KVZVl 1D WALMT. drUawlw , ( IStUNNAK. a MAAuH TBXRD CAItPtWI I iiI p?r!Uv. will n!rax l-av outer ( UTIKR- i!.rtitr of TbirJ aad Mftia ifxi. T . FllED. SCIIWAIlTZr , liutohor, KtHll No. His, , . smjUTH 81HK OF THK MAKfc Tt rtnlfr ' Keeps ob hand th BeitQaiilliy or Kent, Jua.U la rnativnrt, rht i rrtu, alii) cp lat-rticn.. I f on n(ija t r-j lt)i,..M.M . 1 u Ona M irr, one w-t . n. 1 M On rtu oe, (.tie rroiiih I ru Una rio,nar. I hi trtrt, tin... T ( Oniuar, kii muiiltis t.v- -j:rc,'. 10 00 ' i- : ' 'IN WKKKt Y. ,..r ,. ,V OrtA ro,iirf. eii'hl orii, rt n k fl 00 !'? mrM'h wU in tint, on ..... M IV" I'ltiMro, on yenr 11 U0 - Tfrrnis ittr arivt n'f-m nta fitii yin f(if aif i pprwa or for n lonpr p?rioi Ihun al-ov e-j ertrli i,nit)ila known at tli CoLinting Horni All mI ni'i,miii art v ia ui n th-fi'wt iRT,iinl if a aniirriRsri'T-nnTtt t mo prviout to ntf-Bj not. Ail uhi otiin merit ) n.utT t niti for in nri' e. Professional Cards. LAW N() I ICeTT C. L. VALIANDIGHAM, J JA HR I MRD TtlE piACTIC OF LaW. trrir ((or Ihe prenrr.t) at h reniHno, No. S-'f Firt-I ftrc.-t, I mton, nhio. m riot UiKikH frutii IV A. M. to three P. M. IUitoh.ii. Nor mWr 12th, 1H0. nol'2tt " KM 111! 'rilOIPMONt A T T O It i: Y - A T - I. 4 W ANU N O T A U Y I' U H I. I C, J 1 ! Ij atui.ti in 1 iiMiirHn entrtif-d to him wnh 1 f (litigrnr, )-u t 'ir at u emu. t'ftitje jiui i h llllf Ot 'I lllll ft t t, ti . M 4 IH PlrO Off tttll (t lt r. JT. 'I hri'h?r, Aiim-nit) i Li - . iiii 2iii.Un iy UIIAIh l H Mr. I A'l I .1 ATTOBN 33 TT-.X.-L AW, , , JmYTON, OHIO. 0KFirr--No. 8(1 Mmn etr vt, n cur It ofjeocit the Court Hi nhc, o?r ih J Omouh ktoie ol John lC.h.-rKrr. tel7lBIitn jlJN A OAlfl ji.; " Atiorne!) & Counselors at Law U.rmsil'i nttlllliif;, Third .treat, feli;laalf '" ' DAYTON, 1'HIO. '' Tiioa.s J.H.HaiTii. K. P. Ct rrr. MITII CUPPlf, iTTOHNKlS - A T.LAB, UAMVH, OHIO. , Ol. KICK CIXK' I uililiii)!, 1 hird at. juSi'i.wi 1.1 JAMM J I. liAOti OTT, (Lais Prodata Jinlge,) ATTOKKKY-AT-LAW, "vrrtCrseoon l S'ery PhilllpH' Pinlding, ajrwr w Kaoond an.i Alat i-iieeia, o .,( tue e'raaklin irnise, 1 a) lou, Ohio In4. aalm Dr.WIIiLIAM KOHY, . FiminAN Mil) SlKiE. o VriVH--Third HtreH.oirrni t1lii uritirf 'Vifire, L'Hl'lll, I'lllO. Ii'JUoll GEO. V. JMALAMJiR E, Attorney at law, , , ,. ,. . i ivro. omo. Vorsir-.un Va:n4tret. naarlv onDo.ib.tha Oolirl llolisa. I.fiiua7ih, l4. dtl Tno.tiAa o. inive, ,' 1 ATTORNEY AT LAW. DAYTON, OHIO. Tt,I, Vi.e prnrrel atlentrna ta all l.nnlneaa en I V tf lisle 1 l,. his r-ri. inii in inrtnii' t-niMifff. Thlril slrsM. anlHv . IN". 3:I.AAS. -i ,.,. HIIDIiKSAI.K AMI RKTAIL DKAtiKK AND 'J'lRBkK IY'1 MILLINERY GOODS, STRAW' GOODS,' ', RIBIiONS CRAPES FLOWEUS Viul h!I ntilxkm uiutt'y r?'tiirei tu theMiiLiMKar Traoh. .0. it, Main hlreet, DAYTOlM, OKIO. N. M. All ordiTH from tha eountrr nrnmntl t. lmJt(ito, I ra.llilltceraaniiilalara in Rnri will do well to Xjtiii n lux rtocM Ikeiwrf Duruliaainu einaahera. Sirmli RVV VUnil & FECI) STORE! Bt Qualities at Lowest Trices! THOMAS K'-arLtis, TIAVINU 1'iierhaaed ihe riaur ami feed .lore re- a a. r-nuy api i,y n,.i.i, rourtt, Ureal, a few .looraraMol tsu, kill ka' ut liaua lliakaal aoall. lies ar . i , H.IH, VKKtt inn CRAIX, At the I ,ae.t (. aud wnl delirar aood. In any part ol t !. .-,iy. HawiM kaepnatlrtag hut Ilia Wal. Call audlaav Ol.ler.. 50,000 Bushels Fl axi ead W antsdi ''.fl (flfl "'"t" Kla.aed wanted, for wkieh li 7 ' 1 i ll, a'l '""'"'7 '"arl la . i. ..h , in . , ..... nllu rv.,i i,,,!.,,, j Ties. It, Oil Its.daw. ."eu-r Heral'.,) H. SS Fonrlh alrrel, nea 1SG-J FRESH , .1804 GROCERIES! ! I JIVRi.T j, nily ileire aiad. arm...... aoair0"1" ,"","J U iirtttf lo iva CANNED PRTJITS - ' ..r.' "'.'" pl,''. PtraalarrK., Qnlneea, eal Uaklsin.e, anil l,.,i.i.; llebw h-T. SPICK AM) . CHVE IIVSTtCS P "l i.!T '. '." T ""1 L,,a'V.I,uar. aatt nilw. - - , - - - . ." , -.'i.i-, ae -, in .v rili.u a thai Ilia niai-lc.U .a.,,,1 ,,., I. ile.lrsl.le. T1nraeeo r ;r?'h.7,"!iTUiW Vf v"arMrte ria. (ul liai o,n !. 4. tcme m.e, ,-. tue a I, aua ac """" M'txTiRt a atti.ii,' d.M.tMajni , Maiaal., a da..rb.i.w MarkM.- ADMlMSTUATOtt'ii KoTICK i 1 lest I. h,r.l.y aitaa that I haa hm appaia- . - - wi vi lutiini. ui aiuii.a H.r ti "t . iitu ttf a .....i .. k ........ i . .1 ... '.' leo a i. notice , VTOlirK ts Iter. t,y Ki,r, to Maty ar lata. I am,.,.!!,. ln.J, v. ., that M..,-..n livl-, V, onTh. ri.hav.i laam ar, A II IH, rHed hi. p. HI Mil! i. Cain of v., aim. Mia.oiai-r, iw,,. io. ii,ui,io m .liy.ined r. ui mu. lri,u. I y. sna.l,., . d .,lii,,HB will .i.i I r. rh-aiii, ih. San a u-riu of Mldlaurt. Iku.a-llilirul aiMaDea ornv. llurt.Arv J . THIPsKH, Attorn r I1atali.". NATIVM WIsncrThToert ana para' naa. Caaka Win, for .al h ih Unr' or .niioa j Mra.BT'KKira KiikV. aar Ik A.yium.