daily r.npiRK. wek, (pyaUe to Cirri AtH) - ibfttl, par annum, in a irnn -p ,,.v.a.h,. 7 0U WEKKI.Y 1CNMUK. ' ' iiecopy per annum ti ch l'h Ken as rirmjlHteH ire of pi-nage iu Mont. artery fjiioty. Payaimit inairawe kiillaiM. 'mm JOB IrtINXIlJC. tff vry lniriittlOQ( exenateil on ntMm Presses, Id 4 da ho I style, Ami at r?M malite prices. i . Umpire HulltUng, Ho Main street.' Dry Goods. GREAT REDUCTION in i k i a b s OF DKY GOODS. JOHN W.DAR8T, (Inu Perrtue's old stand,) Corner of Second fend Jefferson streets, : DBALIR IN " ' ' Prints, , Muvrkod Ddwn. Bleached cottons, Marked Down, Brown Sheetings, MnrVrod Down. Dress Goods, Mnvrkml Down. Person wishing to purchase Dry Goods, nil find hit ft rar ohenoe for ... Or r et 13 ar (Alua CARPETING, FLOOR OIL CLOTHS, OABPBT OHAINB, maOTdflra At,, ' 1 " Undertakers. w. uax. i i. ' : - J a. waibb. BERK & WAYMIRE, Suocestor to J. K. WAOONRR, ' Undertaker, 34 1 Third Btrcet, ,.' DAYTON, OHIO, i Keep oon.tautly on hand, all kinds of Malabo Nnrisl a.es, and tlwketa.. Weal-o'mnfiUtaotnre all kinds Wood Ooffiis and Casket, of th. moat approved yle, all of which wa kecpeonstantly on hand. Weoall particular attentionto the i PATENT CORPSE PRESERVER t. Whloh it the bnt intention of th aire, for Pro serving the body fbr transportation, Vaults, or for the arriTsI of absent ones. Having had an wxperienoe ot several tears in the business we flatter our wives we can suit the moit aiti'iloui. rnesdam. BERK 4 W ATM I BE. Piano Fortes. TBI BOARIKTIAN, OH AT CO., PIANO FORTES. 0. J. WILLARD, Wholesale Ant, No. 84T Broadway, New Tork. DESCRIPTIVE- PRIOI MOT. Jan. 1st, t6. Piano Fortea in rloh eases highly finished, mada of u,..nrw. oare.iiur nsiaciea ana pr.par.fl. am nave thetrpttent Ineulated lroo rim and grama feast In ad. pieoe), with overatrnng acalea making them the uiua. p.ri tx ana auranie anown ana eapeaiaiiy dapted to warm climate.. All ar finished with all arge round oornersrront and back auk. Canlra pi uoa. Large then, Rich Rosewood Cases, Elegant ly finished, Heavy powerful tone, Ao. All large Bound Oornara complete finish, back and iroot. I.r.n Ontarat, New Boale A. to A. (Patent Iron Run.) f 450 ' ttrand Square, 7 Ootares do., A. to 0. too Ornamental finish earreel las, all around Cor ners. T.n Ocuret, New A. Scale (Patent Iron Rim.) t 500 ' Grand Square, V)i Octaret do.. Scale A. to 0. ISM Carved lege, ornate finish, serpentine Hold' in(f. ?aad BauareTX OcUvea, (Patent Iron Rim,) f eso Rich rarred legs, Beaded and serpentine Moldings, - read Square, T)i Ootares, (Patent Iron Bin),) sot SMALL. PARLOn PIANOS. PULL, ROUND. MELLOW TONE-RAHr Mfn NAMKNTAL iN APPEARANCE, The an and a third Ootar.ii ere Are feat eight Inches fiDJ. .Ml 1WA h.1 ni-l. llvha. Th. aranar. aix fat long, and three f. at wida, ouuide AU large round oorners, 6niehed back and front. iVo. .Sm am a (Wnl Orfnwi, Scat! ft i A, JffcA Jfos. wood Com, Iron Jtfm) - . SM i'o t Smun Ortmu, BuA Romtood Cows, (iron Ki-) Seal C. ti V. tot EVERY PIANO W AYrR ANTED T Wboleaale Ait.nt for Piano Stools, Tuninc Scales, iuuiuh nRium.nl ua lariu. MllKlou liiMtrum.nls .nd Muslo.l Merdhaodiie of all kiada. Pia.o VartM anker s nitrml" of all kinda. Ao . Ac. Ac all.i th. "Mt prices. Wtieu ordered, pieaaa give date of O.J. WILLARD, HI Broadway, Mew York. Mawtf VOL. II DAYTONa OHIO: TUESDAY AUGUST 29. 1865. NO. 290. Railroads. Monday Morning, Mav 8 THE ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY, WILL oommenoe Kuuaing one Through Tiam be tween Oinoianati and the BA8TBBN OITIES,' ; i Passing thr.uah the oelebrated , ; . , , Oil Kegloni of PennsrlTADla. LetTS Dayten at 10:s a m. Arrlre 1:44 p ra. The Engine., Oara, and other equipments of this Line, ar. entirely new, of th. most mod. rn, subetan tiftl an-1 approved descriptions,, uuaquiUed by any Railway on this Continent. THBOUSHTIOItSTSOTO thie sew and Important Rout., oan be prooered at the Dpot of the O. H. A n. Railway, and at all the principal Tioket Ofooea In theoountry. Baggage shocked through. ; , D. MoLAREN, Oen'l Superintendent. K. F. FULLER, Oen'l Ticket Agent. m Dayton, Xenia and Columbus Railroad. CBAN&B OP TIMB. THRU DAILY TRAINS EAST, VIA COLUMBUS. ' Throvgk Trauufrcm DayUm to aU Jtaitara a tin. TUIR DATLY TftaTNS BAST, leartn Dayton forthe Ea.l as follow.: Mall, 11:M A. M. Co Inmhus Aooommod.tlon,6:00 P. ld . Might Express, a., m. ARRIVING AT DAYTON. Night Express, S:0 A. M. Columbus Accommodation, :'iQ A. M. Dayton txpress, 4:30 P. M. Trains run bv Columbus time, which la seven min. ut.s fast.r than Dayton time. Throiightiokete can be had for all eastern Cities by ealllng on Samuel W. King, Ticket Agent. a, w. wuui'waku, mip t, f Cincinnati, Ohio. NEW STOVE STORE. BO rBR MeM ASTER. MANUPA0TDRBR8, OF itOOK STOVES, WOOD, OOAL, AND flRHBT J mun rAbifiw, sua, &nuruiiLEHKTUVKH, HOLLUWARE, 8110 A B KITTLES. Ac, Ao. ' isiwng oi aT.ira.aonption maueto oraer. Wardroom No. la i.rT.raon itrMt. oooA.lta'th. Market House. FouDttrr on Bayard (treat, near Ludlow. Davtan Ohio. BOYIH A MoMASTEB. aovlTKlAwtf T 3EI 323 BEST 8TERNBKROER & CO. Q A E.STERNBEROEK,(formerlydolngbu.lneaa C5, In 'iermtniowu Montgnai.rvoiinty,uhio,)and Putl.IP HOLOMAN,(lorm.rlyloing bu.ine.ea M snvisburg.1 have formed e GO.uartnar.hiD. and are ra oeivinia , LARGE AM) SPLENDID STOCK OF READY MIDE CLOTHING! AT No. SOBlThipd Sti-oot, Between the Postofflce and First National Bank. . We are daily reoeiving the best quality ef Faahloa able Styles of ' aprtat anci Bummer Ready Made Clothing ! Gems' FurnKilm? Goods, r Ao Ao., Ac. Merchant Tailoring 1 1 Ueods will be saeda ap to order hi the - LATEST STYLES On short notice, an J WARBAITIO llTllriCTOST VPartuular attenUon paid to Custom Work.a We are pr.pared to sell goods rfown at Gold Prions, one hundred pwreeeit. towr than three months eo. Oallandexainineour goods.. We will not be excelled by any bouse in the city..i-.. TOBAOOO. For a nuinbr of jer-S AH. Rternberger have been engaged in th.onrchar.of LEAF TOBACCO, In the Great Miami Vali.y.and they will oontlouelo ,urchaae the arllcleatttaeavaMtmarsaf pries, urow ers ar. invited to call at th.ir Clothing Boum, No. (194 1'hird street, between the Poatorlloa and the ft ret Na tional Bank, a. they ofler orMrndueanf to aell.re. aalda.Sm HTJtHNBbKGEK A CO. EXUCUTOR'S NOTICB. THK undersigned were on the eev.nth day of Aug ust, isii6. aiipointed and queuded u Bieoatore ol tue Kilat.olChn.liMi. diuckum, Lie ef Montgomery tifORnl V0NDBEH1DE, J. G. M1LLEH, . WILLIAM KKIOBB, 0. A. VBITZE. aug nils it. MITCHELL TTEBP9 a full uncrtm.nt a! Tin U7.. Am IV kinds ol J Work In Tin and 8he.t Iron; nave parUcuiar ettentlon to hou..work; uaee the bert ma terial aad charges the moat reasonable priuee. A Qood Attortment Stovu on Hani. Shop In the OMeola or Wollaston'e Mill Building, Filth atraei Giv. ma one call, and if I do not prov th. above, I will not aak another osll. JY31 dtf. 6 YES ! 0 YE8T rpHEund.rsllraed le a dulylieeneed Auntonear - ""'j vju a i j , tma win erysaiea. as onra as bis sorvio.., may be in demand. . Persons who have not taken out Uceaae, will bead, teoawlto.ir they violate the law. winoew. n,NuffelV.'l,",u,n-''IAatIS. SJ,l2-?nl"rr:lB" JuuN KUiBB.Ir.,or ADAM CLAY, Mlamiaburv on Main etreet.willbe attendwd to , j Col. UBOSUiB KldaJL auglO-wlwej . . r: A Rich Marriage Ceremony. The following description of a marriage in Illinois by a newly appointed J u it ice of the Peace, who is something of a wag, Is taken verbatim from a letter written to a friend la th ib city. Be says: "Haying been appointed to the desirable "polish" of Justice of the Peace I was aocosted on the 4th day of Jnly by a sleek looking yoang man, and In silvery tones requested me to proceed to a neighboring hotel, as he wished to enter into the holy bands of matrimony. Here was a "squelcher." I had never dona anything of the kind; had no books or forms a yet I was determined to do the thing np strong and in a legal manner, so I proceeded to the hotel, bearing in my jarms one copy of lira Reviiod Statutes, one ditto Webster's Do- abridged Dictionary, and oopy large site Bible; a small copy ot tbe Ureed and thd Ar ticles of Faith of the 'Congregational Church. one oopy of Pope's Essay on Man, and a See-. tionai partot tnemsp wnere tne victim lived. Having placed a table in the middle of the room, and seated myself behind it, I, io tramptt tones, called the case. With that th joubg man and woman, with great alacrity, stepped np before me , Having, sworn tbm on the dictionary to answer well and truly all ins questions i was aooni to asa, i proceeded. I told the young man that, being an entire stranger, I should have to ask him to give bail for the oosts. Having beard this sa fre quently in court, I thought it indispensable. tie answered it 1 meant tne tee lor perform ing th ceremony, be would deposit It then and there. As I did not know exactly what I did mead, I magnanimously waived that portion of tbe ceremony, I then1 told him it would be necessary to give bai) to keep the peace. This he said he was willing to do when he arrived at home, and I then waived that point also. , n .l-i.l. "Having established to my satisfaction that they wanted to get married, and that they were old naoagh to enter that blessed stste, I proceeded to tie tbe knot. 1 asked him if be was willing to take that woman to be bis wife. Be said he was. I told him that 1 did not re Suire haste in the answer, that he might re act a few minutes if he wished. I told him she looked like a fins girl, and I bad no donbt sbe was, but f the sequel proved that he bad been taken in, I did not want to be held re sponsible. 1 said ne must love, honor and obey her as long ea sbe lived. He must not be 'snappy' around the house, nor spit tobacco juice on tne noor, an ot wnicn be promised laitninliy to need. "Now," said I, "Qeorgiana, (her name was ueorgtaaaj yon bear what Humphrey save uo you aaoept tne invitation to become bis wile; will you be lenient toward his faults. and cherish 'his 'virtues; will yon never be guilty of throwing fnrniture at bis head for slight offenses, and will you get three meals a day without grumbling 7 Sbe said sbe would. I asked them if they believed in the command menu, and they said they did, Having read tne creed ana articles ot laitb, as aforesaid, I exclaimed 'Humphrey, take her. she is yours; I cannot withhold my consent, Georg ians, wnen saie in me arms ol your Humphrey yon can defy the scoffs and jeers ot tbe world. "i men read a little trom 'bissay on man. As a finale to the scene, I delivered the fol lowing exordiOBj, 'Go in peace, sin no more' ' "The generous Humphrey having placed a fifty cent check in my uuwilling palm, I bade the happy pair a final adieu," St. Louit Ktp. A Startling Fact. Tbe Protestant churches of this oountry are in a deplorable condition. Everywhere cler gymen are beginning to complain of Chris tian love and fellowship. Tbey look to their congregation for what they have not them selves. It is not strange that such a state of affairs should exist. The clergy themselves are ail at fault. Abandoning the truths ol the Bible to fraternize with the Infidel Abo litionists of Hew England, they have lost the faith, and have led their people after false gods. Love and charity with them have tamed to gall and wormwood. And ntw, with a weakened, demoralised people, they are casting about for a remedy, and foolishly think that in order to save their religions faith from utter ruin, it is 'necessary that the negro ebonld vote, or tbe Roman Catholic will become the stronger. Mo doubt the ne gro element would be advantageoos to those c lurches. At any rate, under existing olr csmstanoes it would do them aa harm; any element that promises improvement is belter than none. Were it orthodox, we would sug gest to these Abolition . war clergy, the pro priety of repentance and a new heart. God will not abandon the righteous Wettchetter J ter Ionian. Not Exactly Before a Court pi Com mon Pleas, in a neighboring county, a breach of promise was recently nuder consideration. Tbe breach between the parties was apparent enough, but as to tbe promise there existed a slight shade of doubt, nntil the plaintiff set the matter right as follows; , Question by the Defendant's Conniet.-A "Did my client enter into a positive agree ment to merry you 1" . Answer "Not exactly, but be courted me a good deal, and 'be tailed my sister Jsne that he intended to marry in our family." Verdict for defendant, who married Jena " Want to see Grant nfigbly bad, do your" said a blue coated . veteran to tbe people crowding aboard the cars tbe other morning, oa their way to get a squint at the famous General "W a all, wby in thunder did n't yon come down to the front, when be wanted to see you, hejT" . . -I" vi . l i AA policeman named Hall shot two rowdies dead in Chicago on Wednesday night They were brother named Iraey and In com pan whh some other rowdies had resisted tbe off oar, and were beating and licking bim when i fired. .. . . Tobacco. , A'4 U-ao -li Wholesale and Retail ll waei.r m OIOARS jT TUUAV VO, No. ass t at., J DAYTON, O. ICIOABI BY TBS CIGARS 100, 1,000, " 11)0110, " .1 100,000, " " " 1,000,000, .; And Cigars sure to smokn, and no sticking plaster seeded: Bnch as Choice Yera, Havana Seed, end of the most oelebrated brands. Also, th celebrated OR1RN SBAL, SHOOTING CLUB, UNION FA . VOBITti, LOS DO 00STATE9, CLUB ' HOUSE, MY COUSIN, PUNCH BLBGANPIE8, AND NOHCRRBNDIR, Superior to allot that named. IHOKINO TOBACCO. ULB KNICK, Bid LICK, VrRKIRH, JAPAN- HUB, VIRGINIA TOBACOO, , Down to Cutting Dry aad Stem Tobaooo, by large and small quantities. 'PLUG TOBAOOO OF ALL KINDS. MEERSHAUM PIPE". Imported direct, and sure to be genuine. Also a larg lot f common Pipes, ef ail inw... Bemember the place Sign of th Big Indian, If a. sat Third Btroos. JylSdtf. I. BORNBTEIN. fWMk : 1 -''-ui Dentistry. S. F. Oowrvosj. T. R, Wouu, OOBPTOI as WILLARD, J- E, N T I S T S OFFIOB CORNER OF MAIN ANT) 1KOOND , OPPOSITE FRANKLIN HOUSB. 4 LI, operations pertaining to Dentistry oarefull and thoroughly etlemlea to. ewouldaelleepeolal attention e our atria ol In serting ariiSclaltseth with Contlawom 6aaaoa. m. mm put. uiira or meonantcal dentls.ry. Also, to onr manner of making the Vulcanite Work, which, in some ease, nuah .unari.r to ah. nrM..w him. nuni .BMoiiTten. aui. GENERAL COMMANDING. If OTICE I WOTICE I NOTICE I Totao BImrsUad Briittla efM.attoaiarr Canty, ; , TaaAffoatm's Orrios, I Dayton, July 14, lies. I mHB Books and raoelpts are now ready, at the I Treasure's Office, Court Houae, Dayto. All thoae that a'e not exempt from the performance of D1111W7 awvnrerequtrea to pay rour dollars as com mutation to Military Fund, by the lth f Septemlier ,u.ti .r. no. p.ia oytn. tima.orequir ed, will baoomDolled tonev flv. to loo Hnll ooitorooiiftction. Oomeup $mi pay the four dollars aauuaitwvej ftjuiL UU QOSI. Treasurer of Montfomery County ,Ohie. FARMS 1 FARMS ! ! TWO SPLENDID FARMS . MADISON TOWNSHIP, (Tbe Property of David T. Miller,) uomprtalng two hundred and ighty.on acres, for saie. ine nome terra or wber tbe old gentleman re sides. iSOB.Of Ih.fiDMl l.rn.1. Unmtt.nmMwmm..i,t.tm The iruprot.in.DU coo.l.t of a large brick heua; lerge bank barn and .tabling for horaeaand co. : a flne.pnngor water almo.1 at the door together with u ..cwi.ni.pnog noua. Tbera I. aiaae on thla farm a .Ua .a..,Mm h. Bn. running order, with plenty ot Umber to keep it ronslaaUy at work. - Connected with thi. le tbe beat eppraue m me eountytor maluog HoUum. trom igar oan. Tne other farm lie. adiolnin. nn it th.r. i. . i.m. bank barn, large dreeaed etone duelling kouae, and good outbuildings. v The land of both farms Is of th best quality, and Is sttualed about eight Kill., weetof Dayton nd one mile from Wolfore.k pike la aa old and thickly sett, ledeoaltiai of theeotiuy. . If sold noon th. purctiuercan put In Ml oropa. These farroe will be sold ehean and (mma.li!. wAMslBaw.BOn gtven. r or mnner paraouian ean on Jams. a kki.i.t. a k in.ni augft lUw orfioo over Dayton Bank. ' WM. H. CON OVER, Masrletrata of Haaleoa TowashJa Will attend to drawing aad aokaowMgiag DmAA, and tbe collection of claims. ne le eiee praparod to at tenif to the drawing of In elrunaeale of wntiag, correotly, at ebon neUo. - BOOT AND SHOE a HAT AND CAP STORE BO. 104 MAIN BTaiBT. J. ?. HIT! A BOIT ' H4V? "welvwd s ktrg aworrment of BOOT8 and SHOBH, Rath and OAPH, which th.y ean wran( to be equal to any la th market, al prices to suit customer.. r They also manufacture to order .11 ki.d. of Ladles Gents & Childrens Wear oj in. neat stock and st reaeoaabl pnaws. $15 ,:: $25 VATCHEtl WATCHES I WATCHES A lare importlag Houa etoeing buaia.aa .Aet xx. nn. ...ortmeni Oi ctiaatp uold, Hllver ana Con., pouaoa Oewd Watch.. ; Bilv.r Hlimlng Lpin.., o pure ooia ailver 1 1 Very pretty time piece, .ad waraomi is run an a-p aood tamel Vno. St. per ous of six, ITS; Bilv.r tlu.line Lv.n. fuU .u graved, both by bead aad engine turning. Tb. move. ' warraow, run jewelled aod aoeura , rrv-. i p., nas. ol alx, f mo. SW" All ordws rMrv prompt attention. Addreeai : v - T. baMiaiiai a av, No. IS Bible Houae, New York Insurance. IlMafJRAlOB. ' nsnw ar tis 1,1 miANIA, HANOVER, NIAGARA AND REFUELIC ' FIE INSURANCE CSMPAN'S. ' or TSS OUT OF SW TOtX. , .; ; ' AaT-OHE POLICY of Iksduxci, ' Isauvf 1 by VOSR COMPABIES, which Is mad. to ntaal the nseetatUes ef the buslnHS oommnnlty, by awiaring, with dUpatcli,, uaos us or iKiiiaaacs witi Rsu.au Commas, oro. TJHIFOEM, PLAIN AND SIMPLE COaTSIXIOlfS, TBiaxsx osruTisa tiis Kscisutr or arrLTiae to vaxjovs ssr.KArs oincs for Insiiranc. to th. amount ' th.y ar MraraJl j able to accept, and of heldlag mnisaous sirAXara policies, thb ooNDiTioKs akd wtiTtxM roanovts or waxes XAauT Aeaxx, rendering it ditflcult for tbe assured become familiar with and hanaenbl their varloaa con- ftkttng oondation.. . . t By the conditions of th. rjaosawaiTsas' Potior but ens sit or rims Is required to prove a loss to the ssveral Companlw insuring andw It, th-.bj maklag tb. adjaat- taant almpl. and .xpMlltlia. Th. Caik Aunt sf BACH C.mpanr keiaing tbe Underwriters' Policy ef, Inanraaos exnead HALF A MILLION OF DOLLARS Making a Mcurlty In tb. aggragat. of over $2,250,000. , JAMBS KBLtsf , i JKeal Estate and Loan ' Agenit If. E. Cor., Mala aad Third at a., , DAYTON. OHIO. .-.-.U Haa the Agency for those Oompaaus, . 0NDEEWEITER3' AGENCI... j . Aggregate AaeeU, tU,eST,16B.BS.. Y Btatrment of th. condition of th. Oarmani. Ttr.il Inaunuir. Company, of tli. City of N.w York, on tbe t Sd dayuf J.aaa.y, llWO,la oonfornill" with the law. of tb. Stat, ol Ohio. CAPITAL. 1 " Cash Capital aad Surplu. SSoS,7(oM Ouh In Bank and In hanila of Agtit, 10,6011.1s - Loan, on Bond and Hw. a l4e,Tau.oa Unltad SUta. SMiirltlM x,;Su.0O Lmlu. on Btockj and Bonda, payabl. en e nund S3,(00aX) t Beak and Innuann Stock., ate . 13,110.17 , , .., , i assa,Tsaa LIABILITIKS. LosMalaeurredandlnpncnaofaaJustnitt, 'Sy,l.tS Stat.m.nt of th. condition of tli. Ilanovtr Plra la ' ; anrane. Compaey, of tb. City of Maw York, on th. ,! Bu day of Jftnuvy, 1B06, la ooutormity with tb. Uwa ! of tb. atauof Ohio. , CAPITAL. Cub Capital and ggrplue OM.UO.M ASKItm i Oaah la Bank aad la Office... Slt,T444t I. OcltMl SUtM SWUritia. S.16,4VO.O0 ' M.w York iVouuty end Taea Booaa, , ie.om.0 i Loan, on Bond .nd Mortg.g...M li3SM.O0 : Lean, on Stock, end Bonda, payable en de .-. daman,! 16,600.00 . Ail other Secniitle). lt,dUJS i 1 ausso. i LIABtLTTtBS. tK-lMa inearrad and Ul prooaa. or adjualwt, ft flat HO , Caiaald taxas, S,SWJ)0 ' , . ., K , .. . , . lt,SU.0O 1 Stat.m.nt of th. condition of tli. Niagara Plr. In Suraeceuiu.BT,ortb.Oityof M.w York, on the SA day of January, 166, in conformity with tne law. of I the State of Okie. , I CAPITAL. Cut) Capital and Sorpl.a ...1704U.4 I A8STS. Oaah Is Bank aad la OHi.......,. S5S.lSe.TS Lna on Uoud ul Mortgag. S76,100-0e . Unllsd Stataa acarllle..........a,i.....a SS,1A0 , bkllfornia Bonda. SJeU-U Loaaa oa Stock, and Bonds peyeble on do- " uand tSt.MOSO RtnlXaUM, Intarit,A...A., SU.dmiJW ... - .., ,,. 1J1UAS.S UABILITIIS. , UaaM. Iaaurra4 aad tn prereas ef edjneu ool tu,ooo.oe On aid Dlvld.nas......,...... ' 444.00 AU olliar Uluou t,U71J)S SMI.6IW.US Statamuttt of tb. condition of tb. Bapnblte Plr. In- i Gonipan .nr. of a. city diet Tarn, ea tb. as , itoi, In wuformlty with Ike lawe ef day ol Jiujuary, If tb. State of U&le. CAPITAL. Ossh OsplttU asvd lerpttw aiJa&Jn'S. rj.................. J...... UuiUd SUtM BwOilUeat. , ...A6aU.ll ' .... tt'i.iftO.OO .. u.aie.at J- Banal 8txka... LtNiu oa Bond and Mortne v.....li8,7MAUl) f lutm i Sleeks aed BsMidi btu, payelHe 6a tr ' :..f . a n UAVTtjmu. ' Uomm resisted by ttte Comiuxj... All otbsr eaisttajj; els-tas...... M 3,ogo tt ' CWlTIrfCATH Or AtJTHORITT.' ptrti vo U 4Ut dy ef i)sAitirfy, JMfcJ -Qtna er tu Avmto o 8rts, r JjifltintAne DparUDmt, ' WmOmg, OAs. January 90, 1961 WhmrttUyThm UKaUtAattA. Uaxutbs, NusaAa, and ttapvaue rire iAwnrviMe (Vmputiee, located at Now ' Ytsrk, U the htatoiAf Hew Yoik, hav mc1i &la4 Id tk ofTTr a raroru ttattamsmt taf Ite cood.dun, a rwuirml by tli Aral saKUoa of ih Act To iculavte bmimaom Cortuiiaj not ItworpOv-atati hr ths) lute of Ohio' ' ,' DsuaaaeMl aVu 11 S, liM, atut uun Vabnav v , 16 . s-nd VAirivtl, ajtacb of saJd Commnlai Kas rVindahad tha ijudvratned aaUaltv rtory evidviioa Utai li. ay uu mtuk pmrnmnA of at Iveat; Ood nuDtlred Tbtuaaitd 1X41 art o ' v iiiaj CpiiaJ leveeud io eltjelu, or U-avU, or tw t . mongMy of nal enuie, worth dootls tb auonat lur ii ti UatiSMuf is .forlagBxl ; eod. Avm, -. of Ssild Uanipaiitaa has flltxi in tiiM offlc 4 Htt v IkATUuiuaui, tiiulM its tNeiHMla mm, MkDM tjt lk , v,Prajsil(ltiitand tVcritary Ui-rxJ, auUirititic aoyaMit ( af Bta of MOtl CvmMLt to t-h trtate tv avkooWY , t ltt rrtt? of protsM, tW and in iHshalf of said Cju . taauiut trdiog U Ua tere4 srf ssvAi Uw. , , Ao, Thtrtwrt, lu piiruaite of 111 Brt' Wtloe f tb ar.irMtd act, I. J AHM. tUMAN, Auditor of 6Ut, fatr Oiiiov du hriby ctrUt Uuat avid Uavav i Kama. Uairov.a, IHubasva aiid KkfLBUc Ftr litaur me Qfsajiiaaa mt XSaar York, ar euUsswa Io Ututaacl tt VtiaiinKM of Vtre ao UitjiiH ieauteUrte is tl.ia .-lata uuitl Mia Uiutji-nrat day ul Jaiiitaiy. iy , ' taw yaja oti Itioaaatsd algltt boHdivdand nvty MX. : Jat, iMm4m ffkrrtnf, I taave tMJ-tniiiw swiMtwiord a.r , , uaiuv4 onitf4 atii u aiy uttl Ui be Ub ; tire day aad yoer eiiof wrhun. ,- I JAU. H OODUAN, (tO-l AutBr o( Kua AUVCltTIBIBO KATII. IN DAILY. One square,! eighty word., solid) oa Insertion... t av One square, three daye...nn...HHM.,w,H.wHln 1 uu One equare, one w..k 1 au One square, one month H H,., s M One square, three monthsin....u H ,. , mr 7 uo One equare, six months , ,tH to 00 IN WEEKLY. 0e tqur, eighty worde, oee wk ..,.. ..f 1 so v.,ru.in aBi ?ere,tur,eu)h-. r square, one y oar Terms for a -.ax IB addition.... ,....,.., u year .....II on advertisements 4,enui vln. . .r..i.. apace. or tor a longer period tnan ebove .peoifled,made known at the Counting Room. All adverlinem.nt.are flhA'gavd at the ebove rates.unlesa a written agreement la made prevloua to insertion. All oasual adverllse menta must be paid for in advani a. Professional Cards. - LAW NOTICE. -.' a C. L. VAILANDIGHAME JA8 RKbUBfBD t!IlACTI0 OF LAW. Ofrroi (torthe presest) at his residenee, 5o.im first street, bayton.Ohto. OrrioaHooMtrotnlOA. M. to three P. II. D att on, 0. No? ember lit.., 14. aovlttf HOI. 0. IrOWSf (Let County Aadlfcyr.) LOWE t NAUEBTU, ATTORNEYS AT 'LAW. DAYTON, OHIO. uiDess (luuKtod Id Oeraian and rreoeh urriUB-Ortr Blokey't Bootntere. Tblni niiViaai OUUN & O AH ILL,, Attorneys & Counselors at La eoraau's Balldliia;, Tblral atreet, felSdawtf DAYTON. OBIO. JAMK8 il. BAOQOTT, ' r (Late Probate Judge,) ATTOHNBY-AT-LAW, f)Fl.lSl!7H0d "orT ph,,1'P' Building, corner .Wtono"""''0 GEO. W. MALAMBRE. Attorney at Law, OATTON. OHIO. ateTr r?10a Ob Main Btrrot, nearly opposite th Court Houae. June Tlh, Wj 7 pp tl Clothing. WILLIAM WALKER, MO.S01THIBD8TRKET, DAYTON, OHIO, IS prepared to aooommodata his customers wlu. ,. ""V1'!' '!!"" wearing apparel cT ie latest style and beet quality. Thofe whowae ate, pante, nets, shirte, hosier, handkerchTil! i!v:hVmbo.o.t:i.:hM- u- v' New Wholesale Grocery. At Kneialy A Molnlyra'a old stand, SIS Third atreet , WOOAHAa, IPIKLHAS A CO., Wholesale Grocers, A "of all0kmKifn3alL",,, nd a.ortm.nt 7 , "roconas sullabl for tbe ooun- rv trade. hem a oalt. are anouuily mritrd Io air icaioawlr Groceries. 1 B.O'Bata. 1 , M.O'Bau.. K. O'BRIEN At BSOTnxB. WHOLESALE GfiOC ERS ABomroBnas or Cigars, Brandies, Wines, Gins, Irish and Bootoh Whisky, Domcallc Wines and Liquors Agents fop Sale of Pure Boarboa Whisky, MO.S01 SECOND STREET, DAYTON, O. All Liquors Guarantied free from Drugs K v r . "ROTBBR hevs on hand a Ine Hi. Mlltlon Of (Jtnaiiai a ,... I A gam, which tbey will Mil to the publie low u an. houae in Day to. Ko .Bort. oa their pliT will K n.glecte.1 to r.ndcr entire e.ti.f.cn tTTe " boa! rX'lF,Loh,.hfilr.Hk,0, 'i-ir 1865 18G5 FRESH GROCERIES ! ! OANNBD PHUITH we.tern Peachee, Plum., Ntrawberriea, Quince.. Tomatoes. Blaokberneaad cbernee; um m, have SPICE AH D COVE 01SIEKS alNp.aa aaMrtmaBt of J.llau a.n a. .- . . . u,.i.T Ti:, V oifii,Buara aad Colke. Hieklee,Bpkia, fancy Soapa.Ac.i in lacl v. tvllTu. that the markete atloril that I. dp.lr.hl.. T, 1 oL.(!cJ uo.w.r. w. WOUiO HI V.MMI, t,.. ... . , , , . " - .H.UtBIOOU liut that oan be bad. Come ou, c me ail. end mil wii.twecanda , M'lM'lKK A BAlkii. deWdewir - y Malnst.,S door.bvlow Market' l. H. tlLSkST eb Cti., -Wboleeale dealer IB 'foreign and Domaalla Groceries and Ziiqnore, aOB.YSAND TS JBFFERSOB 8TRB1T, OPPOSITt owa. 1.14 UANIEIa WEAVER, . ..,,1 t. DSALaa ! LEAP TOBAOO O. . ,l . MIAXIISBCM, UBIO. WILLryelve I.eelTobac-o. laeiore, on eoaaic. tuli ant,on to aal. ,u,m, t. hii;,,"a;i, " 0c. atth. Mlaii Bou7 W.rrb'ourTh.'Tji: ' ' NEW FTItM, HA VB Iht d ..a,a, ,k ... ,. .a... !' Kavion, OhU. Mr. John B. ' .it 7 ' "'f ".i.r oona-a..i.r. The tuaineee ill oontmueia future under the atvle of J. T. Well o . , JNIt "f. WOLF.- ayto. March S, I6ma4dtr .Medical. HA VI HO realgna mt poeition in tb 1 havereaum J tb. nnrwa i i SHifgwy at mt farmer jteaid.aa. Hi igh a met oo,.d door frem J.nWeoo. mm 1. I. MellflatNBf . Daytee, Jua le, lot.itr.