Newspaper Page Text
City and Other Matters. Arrival and Departure of Train. Train arrive nd depart from the Union PiM u fellow9: Cnwtiwi Hamilton find Vrv' Leave. Arrive r.ncinnat. Accommodation rHtrrn Ciprean 5:(rtm :V. n m 111:-, a m SOU i tn Cincinnati A(VmoJution if tn AnoommorifUioti S'tHi p m IiDmn 4 ,itpm timninna.i Mail lni Atlantic and frtat tVetfern. HU-lern 12'0R p m Might Bxprea 1:05 am Dayton and Michigan. Ohrcaito Mri.l 10:00 am OhiuRRonnri I'etrnit Ktprea 8:inp in Daytont JCinta and CUumtbtta. Fenian. Bxpreee T:.w p m Mail 11:10 a in Might ExnrHHa P 111 7: fat p in 1 u" a m snoar 4 M p 1 8 4 a in t':20 p m :loam P:3ft a m '"I"" Indiana OmfraJ awl Dayton mui Wettern. Kantaro Fxprana 7:1ft m 70 p m Accommodation. nt-ioam DftyKprfta 4 MI pm bandu&ky, Dayton awl Onrinnati, HanJiiHky Mail M:loam Bellefouniain Arcoinmodation.... &:W p tn Dayton and Union. AnoomtnodaUon 10:15 a m Ixpres- 5l:Mp m -i! a m 11.001, m t:4ll p rn 1M a 111 9-tr. a m b-'ifip m Leaves evry morning etoept moiaaya. t here will an extra Pvenner train nmfr m Dayton lo Hamilton every Monday morning, leaving Dayton at st-All at m Expreaaatopa ftt M.ddletcwo and Btmilton only. Those uoini, Ksst on the 12:06 train must procure 'T'h. 7:3! irsin "S. h." l.,sh.. '! Kxpre-.lrin)I;,nc,n.l,.t;0O am, J. L'H. LONG, Agent. . .,, , ,..i. ,i s,ie ' w " ' ' ..." - " , removed from Wesley Chapel, is to be placed in the steeple of the Third street Presbyterian Church. sir' On Friday next, C. P . Uuber A Son will sell the personal property of Kugena Iu- toit, on the bill east of the city, and on the 2Gtb and 27th of Oct , they will sell all of the furniture of the Farmers Si Mechanic's Hotel, US' The Methodist meeting house Wee ley Chapel on Thittt atrpet, is in a Trapid stnte of demolition. The workmen nru busily -engaged in taking down the front wall aud tower. It 18 the intention ol Ihe proprietor to have the buildinr? .'fixed op" without dcli.y, skleot furnitukb at Ai'fTioN. Chris. topher sella at auction, on Friday morning next, the entire Household Furniture. CarueH. Bods and Beddings, without reserve, of Hun ter Odlin, north east corner ol First and Lud low streets. oDDosits the residence of J. 1 Phillips, Esq. floods all bought last sum mer no trash in sale '.d tOtr We are pleased lo see that cur Inend Col. Miller, who was burned out lurt spring by the lira at Huston Ull. ti a' tin located the same building, and doing a first rate bus-, iness. lie has a splendid stock of goods, inv eluding ready made clothing , of the lateet ntyles and Guest qoality. His facilities (or making up customer work are unsnrpasred the city, and his old friends and customers, we have uo doubt, will lake great pleasure giving him a call. Soibkcb Dhahatique The fine old comedy of " Teg. WofTingtoa" was performed last night to an intelligent and gratified audience ine play was admirably rendered. Mrs. Perry was warmly applauded in her matchless personation of the leading character : and Coles, as Sir Charles Pomander, made a tie cided hit, as he alwaya does, ibe entire company,,in the brief but expressive language of one of Sbakspeare's great characters, "excellently well." Manager Fredericks presents splendid bill for to-night two delightful comedies "Single Life" and "Married Life." Mrs Perry and Mr, Cole,s supported by the talent of the Company, will appear in both. This will be one of the most pleasant and tractive entertainments of the season, and onr theatre-going people are not present enjoy the treat, it will be their own fault. FALL AND WlNTEB ClotHINII. Wbltmore , , ,i; c . 1 t 1 , and lame, corner of t tfth and Jackson streets fOronn are now receiving- a laree nnnnlv t, Oregon; erenow receiving a large supply fell ij srinler nlnthins, of the laat atvlea ,, ,. ,. . , , , and best oualilv. Their stock of ready ololhlne i. .11 new and wall se eded and is all new and wen seiectea, ana braces a nice lot of overcoats, su itable for country trade, which will be sold at vary reasonable prices. They have also a large stock of boots and shoes, and hals and caps. Their goods are all of the best quality cannot fail to give entire satisfaction. Cus tomer work in clothing and boots and shoes made up in the best style and of tbe best terial. Their friends Irom the country are vited lo call and examine their itot k. r.dlw "Kdmember Jhat l,esoer a liro.. Main street, are offering great bargains Winter Clothing. Give them a call and vince yourselves. Special Notices. lleatctler ISIttera on Ibe Kaltle. field. 1 It is satisfactory to know lht our field hoapitala ere no longer uusupplied with Ihia life-saving prena- ration, tioldiera who, aa private eititeus.hail baoonia acquainted with Its properties, have In many Instan ces made a speolal request that HOhTKTTIK'B BTOMACH HITTEHB might U added to the medical atora. of their regimeuta, and their wiahea have been unheeded. A. a mean, of sustaining wounded pisb on the battle field, and of enabling troops bear (Aligning marvhea under a blaiing nun, it haa ben treniionqy rtwm mended by diitingtilahed'-nt mrn, and ihe pro-pact la thai It will eventu ally aupon-odnall Ihe adulterated tincture, liqaora and drtmat-iu Ttmift hat have heretofore, been .considered medicinal t'aplea. The fact that a amall quantity of the Bittern mixed wfth water from any of the Ponlhern or;Sou(h-wMsrn rivers will prevent it from sltacting the bowels or the liver, should bo borne In trlnd I17 Army Physicians, viMiin, and all 1 1 ' who have occasion to visit those portions of our country. The nun who use HOSTBTTF.R'S BIT TERS in conformity with the directions, may let t defiance Intermittent Fever and ell other diseases generated by the action of an unwholeaome almos- phere upon an overtaxed frame. I i I All ovir thd Woiii.d people of seme and judgment harp learned to one PLANTATION BITTERS. Dyspepsia, with it symptoms, Headache Heartburn, Feverish Lips, Bad Breath,Sallow Complrxion, 4c , can be cored by using Plantation Bittees. This is the most successful tonic of the age. Younmiddls aged, and old, are delight ed with its effects. The first trial always ban a marked good effect. No change of diet U necessary .hile.sing P,.AXTATIO!l BlTTIRS. " Eat all TOO with, of " ion uai alia DuiTiiiuus ioou. It is the greatest curn erer known lor an , i, , r i iu.iidu nnu uiinrnsnj nwiua,vU wuiuu IV relieves in a few momenta, it is maeniactureu irom careiouy selected! roots and herbs, and preserved in perfectly Dure St, Croi Bum. Try one bottle of Plantation Hittees. ve sufferers, and our word for it yoa will find yourselves feeling As UooD As INEW, Humphrey's Mpeciaca. in in in Thousands of Invalids have been perfectly r cured of long stauding ailuieuts, the plague , . , , . , , and bane of their lives, and on which they have anent hundreds in vain bv aimnlv un. ;,,,, oppm vim vi . f.,;i. I who have ever bad one of these Family Cases I0' Humphrey's spkcifics, but would iu cost rather than be without Address: Mi Broadway, n. I. RHEUMATISM This disease is produced K. : .i.. In ib. blnl -hiob olo. .h. ol.. UJ .-... ... . v" culation; and where there 11 pain it shows I that something mnst be done to free the fluids. SCOVILL'S BLOOD AND LIVEK SYRUP, I is one of the most valuable alteratives be lore llic nnWIin If will M,rv nnt nf lb. ...lam a irnnuritis in the Blood.aud leave the fluids I active. This Bmwu and Liver Syrup, has leered the worst kind of nREUMATISM. C'il,I AND Fever. When the perspiration . , , , I becomes checked, then there is a derangement ,n secretions ol the skin, kidneys, and liver; and all those poisonous humors are retained that have accumulated in the blood honce follows Fevers and Consomption.unless Nature is assisted inner esort to throw the disease, The use ol Du. Mutt's Veueta- hi.e Livkr Piid.s will give proper action those organs. terT Dll. n ALL'S BALSAM. Every intelligent man or woman who is suffering from CONSUMPTION, or any disease of lhroat or Lunqs, and wishes tn und the best remedy, will be an ply repaid for examining tbe certificates and statements of esteemed ili.ens, attesting the efficacy of Da Hall BALSAM; a remedy which has the sanction of acientinc men. Kobsuik'e Bitters. ..There I. ...y true w.r ...beat its Jeat, said a gangsman, to his friend whe marked that 'Urtsnkackt are Reed kat K buck a are euer." See C. W. Roback'a Advertisement of Bitiers in another column. NOTIOE. at if to of oi , I Ac. on the lith dny i f November 18B5 for tbe aasign- madelmeutoi dower of Oatbenn Kotev. thaw idow of "'mem Foley, aeo ,1, ana tor uie sate 01 ine Riirow clothing wnufw1ichUiesidoiissea died seised the and ma in on in con uot To the Probata Court of Montgomery Co., Ohio. Ueunis tlwyer, Adin'r of Win. Foley, dee d, . lSSSSi I Iowa. Ellen Folev intermarried with I the of ataaeachuaelte, Mary Foley intermar. I rled with John itarreu or Cambridge eity, ataie nelius Folev of the coumv of Montmimerv. Ohio. 1 ana I lie litiK nowD Iiei rs 01 wua w ilitslil uisy , uei- . n.reby ialormKl ,iM o. , iwn ofseptem. I ber, law,, aaid administrator files his peUlion (a proVeie tiourt of atcntvouierv couniv.Tihio. tbe I iact are! Draver 01 which Detition is to obtain an uJlt: The aoiith half offhe west hall of the aoulh iiuarter oi socnou no . townsnip a, n. rrnge eeast, u.nlui.i.. tortw ...-. ...n i . r I . u . ,n . tli. of said detf Ks-eesed. ...... - . ... ...... , ... .... DRNN1S IIWTIR. Adm'r. OJ113 tw olWm. Poley, dee'd. ADMINISTRATOR'S SALE OFBEAL ESTATE. YY virtue of and tn elaMilenoe to an order of tj Proha.e Court, of Montgomery County, twill sell at pulaic sale on Haturday the Tweoty. eighth day ol Ocb,lar, lsufi, at the Court rtouae o'clock I'M., the following real estate, helonainv io estate of Henry Hiwedom (alao called Hmith) ceased, to wit: Situate in the city ol Dayton. IB of Montgomery, in ,h. (tat, .of Ohio, Depot, Lot numbered eighteen hundred aid nineteen I low, v.-bV .11WJ, M, .HO n,U.U,IM VI MHU V, layton. On aaid premlees la erected a lara-a brick witn ten rooms, wmtn was appraised at thirty hundred (I i.Ooo isji aud can not sell for tiuin S2.400 uo 'ree of dower. Term s ofaala. one caah, one third in one, and one third l'i two Irom day ol sale, w th lulero.l Irom date of sale, sccureu oy a inorigageon ine prcuiisea. WENDELIN HCflEI HAMER Adlnluibtrator of lleury Hagoiom, 4tdAw J BENJAMIN M.,C0X'8 ESTATE. XTOI1CE ia heraliy given that the 11 n iters iayieit XV uara amy appoiatea and quail laara duly appointed and aualuled adiaiaiairaier e Estate of beniainin M. Cox. dM,euuMul lata if uie Estate oi Ben amin M. Cox. LEWIH NEPtr. AdrntaiiraiAr oet7 tw. NOTICE. . ,Taj! D, la AHKZ H. Kraiooa, of , u MotiltM Jan h THktBt dl(i OB LhalMth Aw Af A . fti bar iMbUtioa i Lh nftvu ni iK.7urb Uia oourt of Ooin. Plaaa. within A tn- unaimar oounty, Ohio, aauatv-wiUAil alMeiwa for nwa oti' "'" h"'i"1 " to I sp.it0Sw JANE VRIKHTONB, Real Estate Agents. said A i I I l hand a hue stock of the above Roods, and also aianu .. laotures ouslomer work to order. He intends to keep uons but the best kind, and all who purchase at his I oourteaie. extended towards me, I leave with feel . I inss ol deep regret. M. O'BRIEN. ; off I to a re- his V, o u , the ob- east il.,,, the Ohio, at H the de. T V f,wJiiZ,nT i. hol." Vriare the '"'l atwotioat H jaJja, bil J ... '&uttZ u, six leaa third years and ha I e1 that than I.EHTI JtAFPLEBATI!. Real Estate Agents, Me tt3 Talrd Street Berth Side (Opposite Town Clock.) for Sals, Flar Factory, occupied by Maaara. Davie Co., with machinery, end eoTea oflaad. ;. Alarm ISO acres I mile north of Brown's -tation on Westera B. K., on Twin Ureek, well improveo- Bio.itno. brick home, nor efBrowo and Ann Bts. T A dMble frame house oil Walnut street Adouble frame house on Fifth street ; A hrm ofW, anres, ' miles (rom lMylojl J A larm Of i aei-ee, 7 mites irom imnoo 1 A fcnn of WienreeonOreenTilie R. Hi A farm or 19:1 acres near uerroanuiwn 1 A brick house on Fifth street, No W7 ; A (arm of 78 acres, well improved, Mm brisk bouse, and nest Twin rjouom lena , ? mile west oi uw A fsrm of ft3 seres Rood Improvements M Brown's UilinnmWMUHR. t. A well improved farm of acres, two miles cast 0 1 Bonora, on western rauroen. A vnnd henseand lerffe lot on Main street. Mo 264 A birm or7&aoresonuermantown pike, 9 miles from iMfins. Two Bfrsll farms, well Improved adlolaintt t,ibertTi v mt ai emm iMivton. or an indiu enreB eacn. A number of houses and lots in ditto rent parte of the city. Aliwill nesoiri enemp. Iv-i LKtiTZAAF LKNT7.A . A. WALK eH It TURNER, DEALER II CLOTHIM . : . , and .,( BOOTS & SHOES. "4s. 801 Thtrel Dlreet, Dat , Ob la. wl!15hL-KJ-jrSLi Z WILLIAM WALKRR, havlns aseoclated with I " : T u 7. z .i . , the latest style and best quality, '(hose, who warn looata, pants, vests shirts, hoaierv. haiadkerohiep ft 10 vee. boois, shoes. alippera. Ao.. wdl tio well lo give them a eall. ' SIHISS uuu sguisiiiH. HNiim.n, vi , : HOT'S CLOTHIItfQ Bememher the old stand, No. ant Third street. ... waJ-KKB A TUBNER, NEW BOUT AKU SIlUE STUKIil ; , m OREGON. LORENTZ L.trK48ZEWlTZ . Would herebv inform the eitiaens of fwytoa that he " ""'? n" B.?)1' Biio, "to'"' onih. nf ITirtl, .ml llAwsrrl slreetji. .hum l,e has on "' w"."' V"J.r .d ...mine hT. .took. Dissolution of FaTtnerahip. me CO aeni. a.. 1 nnen, wno is 10 ner,y na w," uus,. nee. in Taivuin. will adlust all claims due ihe late n, wit collect all debts. Thoee kinwing themselves indenteato Hie late nrm 01 r,. u.-rieu i Bro.. will pleaae can ana aeine wivn c. u'nrien. itul Seoond street, at the old stand. O'VlRfEN, U'BKISN. liaytcn, aeptember i, 1M&, HAVING) sold out my entire interest In the tiro. eerv and Llouor business, to mv brother. K. O'Brien, I cheerfu ly recommend him to the ens. tomera of the late firm, and the community gener. ally, aaan honest and honorable man, feeling thsnk- IUI to all inoae wno so iioersiiy patroniseu wie ,ai llrm, and to all tne emsens oi Liayton, for the many aeuaawim JUI.-.II JOHN BETTELON Wholesale Sealer In Foreign A Domestic Liquors! Ko.JM Third Street, DAYTON, OHIO: rfBEPflON tfAND ft Large and Aaiorted Quantity Bourbon, Bye, and V Other Whiskies'. IRANDY QIN, RUM' BITTERS, AC. sv.Also.a Lars Stock ofOigara.M June 14 1AM. dAwlf L. ii. STEVENS, PHILLIPS HOUSE CORNER, DEALER IK OHVCS, DICINata, CHinicALa, rp.Bitini:Br, aoAPs, ;spomoi, AXD FATsJOZ' ARTICLES. L.,. atu.nM.n.o . well ..lacu! .took of o.d,. and aolknta a oonlmuaaoa ef peel (avors. Rapt, tli, ISbodlin NEW IMI'ROVKMFiNTS FOR BORING WELLS. IVTISH to inform the eitiaens ef Montgomory county tliat 1 have bought aCfeilt.e Patent lor HorlBg Welle, and am now prepared to fill orders that can be left at Brook.' LiKIU'a, ander uuristonner a siaaius i -. . t. , ..! or.i-r. tlirouabtba . u.u, i , rn.. a I IU Ullll 1 1 ll IO I ' V . . I ,.,," sep ldlm B. 0. HASl.SDBN. DANIEL, WEAVER, DEALER IV LEAF TOBAOOO, ItUMMRURO, OHIO, ViYTI LL receive LaterTotiaoeo. in atora, oa consign- " ' I Warehotev. athjllail. r , . . THOMAS B. TILTON'S ESTATE. NOTICE Is herehv given, that the nailer at rn,l Ma been duly appointed aud uualineat a. Kxecutnx oftnelsat win ana testament 04 -iiwniwt d. late of Montgomery county, onie, o.-e,ea. uueo,. w , CUABLOT1K J. T1LT0N. eptSOSiw SALE OF REAL ESTATE BY ORDER OF COURT. T or. Up of th. Pnabato Cetvn of Klanklin cauetv 1 Ohio, there will be sold at PUHllo vendue at the oa lit . m, r ara laaa door inro! the Uourl Uouea M steniffoinarv oountv, at 1 o'clock P. M., the oadivid oa half of lot No. 11411, la the eity of Dayton, m Moolgoniery eotuily, Ohio, aa tne oropertv wi m a, aaH. kunu, a. uauu,ofl., I Uta i-aa on yr with auiaraai ajod aacur4 b a I TT.rtuata nsa thsi fjrraift!a. ni I Th tiirnh&AMir at lis aalaoaa hava th ramainiDE I itnf sMjri nrmiaaa ob tha aaid learmit. 'I aa inort jgaaaaoft tba prortf will ttm uaooolad oa tha day -"V . DABAn JB. LilAwUB. iuardiMolltJftA. ALoaUa J. La rut. ctl4tw Notions. -oou.t, of mum o. stilt. , . a. sovsa. w. . '.. CAIN, BQYER A HIPPARD, WMOLIULl pCALVai IN FOREIGN & DOMESTIC NOTIONS, 1IOHIKKY. OLOVKS, AND FANCY GOODS- No. 8811 al 01 r.mut Wecwsiel St., lAYTlN, OHIO. ITU. HaYTON, September to, HW. fWleu Trtntltrt Believini M I do thsl every mnn should Musenil in his dsy and seneraliim. and by reilist ol Iho . preperslion anein.aod wilt manufacture my Kscelsior an. la ttt nnrmni 01 tnis numrn , 11"" nin.,.- lnvery pertof the- habilnble Hloha It la perlcclly Innocent inmi'iifi-i w,, ....n....j but ill which it is designed tode-lroy Bets, Bice, Koclies, Ueilhucs end Anls. it cwn lie iHed in ran trys. ouptiosrds.Kraineries. it can be lent orsetalonu the side of food lor person., or nieful animals wiih perf-t srtlely. It contains no poison, and is teller than any other preparation now hlore the publ o. And you limy ask whv it is tielter then other prepsr .,.no, t .,11 ibii v.,',,. 11 contains atlractivi, oils. 1I..1 other nraonrstlitUS hsVO UOt KOl 10 them 1 llli l bring vnnnin where th preparation la laid, and they wilteet of it as o leu as yon plana it where thsy nan set it, while there is any to eat. The prepare .. .i-im . ,nnrnt innredieut for the neatruc. .i t uni. K.m Mnnia e,entiond atiove. For moirrneohn, a .mall ntc of breail spread aith the preparation and laid on me neann in nron,, in pantrya, the preparation being covered with Bour or three iiiiiins, su"coi,s,eiy. .j w. In il.i hedsteails where tillKS infest, take a penknife, or aiiok and spread a small portion of the prepaiaUon along the eracSsor the wash and h... ,rr.i. .l , Urn IwMlNieeda where thev infest let the preparation slay en one or two daya.thi n wash oA the dead bugs i then putonasmall portion o the preparation agnin, and you will not have to clean more than omie a year. Persons u-itig the prepara tion to destroy rats need not fear Hint tliey will go in wu,i. ins Hie heat of the nreparation that, des troys, and they wi'l come out .if enclosed places to et the evtiinK ihe air they will die. at best they will UV. Ih. and iro where thev con set water.and then will die immediately after getting the water. It can lie use I any tune in the year. Bats will not die under the buildings to leave a aiench. By using Irom two lo mree aouurs wrm ,-i , i paraiicnayear, rata can In kept out of any mill, warehou -e, or gm nery In the United Stales. Private families will not need over two to lour uoxvaper rear .o lour uuii nights sue It should alwaya l use.l three nigiits succoBstvoiy h.m nut All other nreoaralions now hero r preparations I the public, contain nolh'iig hut phosphorus to des troy, mixed with corn meal and grease, colored with ventttan reel my i ,,,,........, .... amount lhal theolhersoontaiu, and bo sold for III asms price. Countrv merchant, and pedlers uan lai supplied liy llie,locn a, v; , ..., ...r.....r, my residence, sni iuf anu v jcu.rswu w lifMn Alh.nd 0th. DlrecUons.or.sing '-'JjAMIN T. aelt7dlm liavtoo, Ohio 250.000 Watches, Chains, Diamond Kings elf. j WOKT1IOVUK l.OOO.OOO. ALL to be sold for One Dollar each, without re tard to value Not lo be paid for nntll you know qPlVn Li JUWT OF A UTK1LE3 ALL TO HE aruKnv.i HuI.I) FOR SI RAOH. t.W Holid Silver Dining Bete Sim Silver Salvers and 'Urns.... W to J M0 Rohd Silver Tea Sets nompb ui. SO to 300 r., o...nod Mualciil Bokb, fi ai'B 7f,to Sr.O tut) Mahogany Ilexes, 84 airs 60 to Wi iiinnl,l ffunllnii Watchea 7ft t v 8.1 sa nold Vest A Neck Chains IS lo 3 llooookiov.i nana ursi-MH, ... " I.OIIO Chased Oold Bracelet,,. 0 to 2,0110 Ohaler aineiioaina auo ., . ., .. e 7.000 Holitaire A Kevo'ving Brooches 6 to V last Lava and Klorenl ine Brooches 4 to S.lMalOoral, Opal ana .nieraiu uruwiipB., 4 lo 4 to ,tKl Mosaic, jet, IJva esruropa 7,ml Coral A Emerald Bi,rdrop. H lo f, 10 It to 3 to :i to a to r, to :i to 4 to 4 to a to J In 6 to to 10 to l 'i to io to (to e to into fl.lsMt tlalllornia i,iainu , n 4,000 Oal.Oluater Diamond Pins 3,000 et. Solitaire Buttons A Hindu H.UOOGoUl Thimbles, 1 enntle, Ac 10 U0 Ixa kets, aoonie giaae 5 pun Lockets for Miuialuiea :i 000 Oold Tootlipick., Oroaaca, Ac ft mill riain Oold Rings 6. UIO Chaaed Oold Ring" 10,1X10 Shield and Signet Minus lO.oou California Diamond Kings 7. MSI Hcts Ladies' Jewelry Jul 7 600 Seta IjkIics' Jowelry coral r,.li0 Het. Lndios' Jewelry onyx JSM Beta L'dies' Jewelry lava .... a,600 Sete Ladles' Jewelry mosaic 1(1 (wo Hold Pens Willi Hllv. holders... 6laOol,l Penawilh Oold holders a i.tfi Hold Pens A holders, ettlier'r 6,000 Silver Uobiete and Drinking t'upa.. a lo Hilv.r Castors Wine Holders .. 1ft to aiooo Silver Fruit and Cake Baskets.-. . 81 to Caavirioafxa, naming each article, and Its value, are placed in Ha. Lao pjavaun-xa, and well mixed. One of Iheee envelopes wil ie sent by mailteany address on receipt 01 to oeuia. All Articles Sold at One Dollar Eaoh ; Without Eegard to Valne. On raeaipt of the Oertlticale you will see whatyou Are going to nave, .no n,n it 1 jum up iihii ,u ..n, in. aon.r ana tue .1,1c ui nut. , 1 renin .m ms tnu. oni. n a uoia wat-n. uismnno hiou. or any Set of Jewelry on our list for ONE DOLLAK, tnd in woaaa oan thev set lees than oaelfdiar'a yorto. The price oi ueruncaiea is as riiiowc : . line for us cental BveforSl: eleven -r,i f v ; thirty forsi ; aixly-nve lor siu ; one ennoreaior io. S. RAYMOHD A no.. al side 38s naaaa sraasv, New Yosa. ii.:rair iiki.k KKRPH ft nill aHMrtrlmni or Tin wara; dnaa an kitvtti of Jnb Work in Tin and Rhii Iron; paya partrcutar aiLaiiiuo w iiwsiKwurai uiw am inish bc Una) d oluu-gtta Ui a mi reaaoaauie pricaa. A Good Assortment of Stoves on Hand. RhoD in tha Oarteola or Woltaaton'a Mill Building. Filth atraat Oit ma one call, aud if I do not prnva lh above. I will not aak another call. jySl dtl. WM. H. CONOVER, magistrate ml MadlewBi Tatrnehlp Will attend to drawing and acknowledging Deeds, and the collection ol claims. lie is alao prepared lo at tend to the drawing of la atrumeuts of writing, correctly, at short notice, madawlv ADMINISTBATOIt'S SALE OF REAL ESTATE. T virtue of and In olaxlieiwa to an order of th f roha(-a uourt, oi aioiuff morv uoniiiy, unto, will all al iNibitti mim oa tha prauiiaaa, on tiaturdnpt October, 9Ut, 1MX", at 9 o'clock, p. M .. t ha tollnwinn rnal aetata halonx ins lo lha aatata of .JohN Hoittu:, ilao'd, to wit : A paru4 ot land anuata lath oily ofl' tha OoiiDty l alirnlfiomer. in tha Htaia ol Ohio, and daHnnbad a lot nunt-rd two Ihounand, mx hundradanrl thtrty two (2i;Vi) on lha aattaed platol aaid city, naid pr.iin.iM'B ara apprajMid at oiKht hun drtxe andhfty dollars, Ira of rtowar. Tarma ofaala ona third raidi, ami tha Uilawa in two year-Irom data ofaala, with intnraat from data of aale, and aa cured by a mortgage on tha Pmiaaa Administrator of John Hol-en, dee'd. ep SOildAwls NEW SALOON. SI MOW R1EKTEE, Late of thaOhia Block, un.lerlhe Pmt4;Mirhr j .i' aj.a a.HPlii. thai ... I,... , t r,. ii...i ..,.. arty at fio. itU We a alreet, m lew doora helw tl-aiialwharahewiUbealadloaeaail who call upon him. Ui iwtentK-a la to keep a ttrat claaa Haloon, wherw the be ot LiMuora. Win, Ala, heer, all ha cholc eetal lea eau ba found. aelfrdat (M 1 L"d;es a"""1 w.u.hes m to M) RS ?."ntT aS2 .Viii S witches 2? to ko "rMTi ,,,che"' , ano Diamond Binge isj 10 us . alhiiina. al alses nn la, I PR. K. JENNinnS, fot Biiru"nn Csmp Tie nniion, offers his vices as PHYSICIAN ANUSUHORON. to the citi?.cn of Peyton and vloinity Fl'ITE-Ne). AT I.nnlww "l-t Detweess 3a etna lis, Where he nisy he found st all hours. JWsreuies-ilirs. t. 0, leers, J. Itevls, f. W, seaadtf. Dietrich, ' ' OLOTHINO. HVKK. ItEUEE & (0 Ol 1VK A. X INT BT1T.XIDT Iayla, Ohio, ARK NOW OFKF.UHl . A.T WHOLESALE A LARURtTOOK OF Clothing Clothi, Cauimerea, Vetting, Traveling Shirts, Under Shirts, Drawers, Knit Jackets, Men's Suspenders, Boys do. Linen and FaperJCollars, &e., &o, 4c. To all ( which we wswld Heapect- fully CALL THK ATTKHTION Or MEROHAN T S , When Vlslitna; thlt Market. VINKR, BEBKR A CO., 91 Main Slrcet, letween Third and fourth. . .cl.Sdlmlimw HAYTON, OHIO $1 NEW FIKM. WM. Wl, FR line this day associated with him 1'lltHY 'I UK fit in the Merchant Tai'or and Clothing business at Jot Third street, were his friends will tlnd a spleudid shsik or new goods. Ba ,rillH nA,.M..rv ,,, tn close uu inv old busmeai Old fiHloina-s are reties'.ei 10 can bds same up, au, ,u , MW 0, noon. W. WALKER. sep. 15 lmdaw STRAY COW. nlP.tYWI from the auhaoriber about the lith Inst. 13 a red cow, wide rump, black lace, oroeked lioms. is a goon niliaor. Any person wno win Hive me informat'on a here she uan be had, shall be lib erally rewaidcd. JOHN SULLIVAN. 1,0 Stw Near Mad RircrBiidge. Hotels. dation of tin trave log publio. Ko pains will be spared lo iiatke lh. 1' ,lo"'' nerelolore. in eVe , resoecLaPIRBTCLARil HOTEL. ,,,, uiulliL Pns'r. 1 - I'll I'M HOUSE. IlATTOtl, OB IO. HIIR above woll k own Douse, having recently J. changed ha ds, is now open, aud undergoing ex tensive alter uons aim improvements lor iwammo- I'IKliMX 1I0LSK. I'UIrd Mtreet, Day lew A. bTANU, Agent. rnn is hntftl haa rtwootlT bvn vertl. and i prm I X prr-.l 10 a-K-omo lntetraTa-ler anU thi put he uHiifra 1 ll) mn msi iytn. iuaiwiim Hiii ii&Rit nm;. HiniAHH U'INK of miiMrio' nitalilv will be oon- Iv ulaiiHy kit on hanf tor MHical ami Horn- mliial iniriio4n. hy H. Juroino, opiOrila Uitf 11 o ; I i AUn Win 1'Ihi.Iai for Hale hv rtfi.lllim W J. Biii,iwr. .noiina itNuooa .....jossra Laaanoa. PREMIUM CARRIACE FACTORY. . LANflDON t 1IROTHKK, MANUFACTUBKRH OF FINE CARRIAGES, BOCKAWAYS, HUOHIKa, ' '' PHTON8,;" YORK WAOO SPRING WAGONS, , , . .... . 8LBK1HB, , Ar Ac, Ac LATEST STYLE t FINEST WORKMANSHIP W. Wi PHILLIP' OLD'STASD, NOB. 11, 13, ANI11A EAST FOURTH STBEIT, DAT- lun, until, .pairing done promptly and in the beet style. . i : " . I ALSO, Dealers in Hardware, and amenta for DIEBOID, BAHMiNKOw.'B Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, AND CHOII Befrlgf rators and Late Berr Coolers lfam N0.7S MAIN BTRK1T. and Dissolution. rnm flnn ot oo. McCain A Co., waa diaanlred I on the 31tt ult., by mittual ronaant. hv the withdrawal of John hauenh The coal and word iMI4.iiA.MM -ill Im earned on at tha old wiaad hv ee. kli".in limlesr (ltd. old urfD lUVITta of UsM. M't ta (v All praon- indebted lo ua are requaatad le cfc4j sufej aetUe wiuioui atiaj. ORO. at'O-slN. usl4 Std JOHN MAUKHTt 4VATCHE I WATCHES! WATCHES I ' A larva unportma nmive moBiaf buaineaa Wleii a Hue aMrvortiiM-nl of rhaap (.old, fttvutraod Coui L.tNiiUo'1 t'-Autd Watrhea ; tiilvar Uuntmji I. pin.., o pure rom silwr 1 1 Vary pretty time ptaNa ad tarstrranfAtl to run and keeu sonI bniel Vriem lit, Msr tmae of an, $7fi ; Hilvfr Huatinx Lerera, full rami, lo(h by baud and anauvaturuin)(. Tha moTe inaot ia warraQt"Mll lull i-rlld aud aojuro a. bbB- All onlra roMVft i rouipt attention. AJtlrn-a: T. IrANtKlJ A Co . Bible Hoiiaa, ew York ADMINISTRATOR'S N0TICK. aTOTICB ta heredy riven that the anderaianed haa lit ben anp(utd Admtuk"j-aur wf the aetale ; aCtuftta iBivwir, aea a. HFNRY WITTKRaS ESTATR, ivTOTICR is herehv fttee thai ha bmInmiidimI em the ' IN duly appointed and jnalirtad aa Admiui.iratoroi tha e-iui- oi n-nry wutara. ist.a oi m ootnoui-ry dainty, t'hia, ilr. I levbw. nu, Hht WII JUlN ; atw JCWKfB WILLBUN Dayton Market. DAYTON, October 16, 1865. [Corrected by HEINSON & SNIDER, No. 50 Jefferson] street.] TIMOTHY 8EED .t 25 pet bush. FLOUR Her) wheat. HO 60. WHEAT Old Wheat (1 96 New Wheat 70l 76. KYlv-76. - CORN 40. :,. OATS 30cfJr)3Sc. . . i. BARLKI 75(tt;f I 00 ' BEEF lft20 . .., BU1TER WM& ' . i, CHICKENS '.ft 30. " ' ' oaocr.Riss aKTAiLPetuEB . ' TEAS $1 55fS)2 00. , .,'., , COFFEE 83f43e per pound - " t-i SUGAR 1(A20. ; .'. ', COFFEE SUtiAR 23 per lb. .,...! CRUSHED olHJAR "oc rear fh. MOLASSES t 4H 1 50('il 60 per (re'. SYRUP tl 70. R1CH-Jne per lb. ' , , i, , LARD 30 CHEESE 20e. . " STARCH 121c per lb. , . , BOAr'S I tic per ID. .-co - i-i- 8HOT 2f.:!0c per lb. ;" ' ' "" . ' LKALk-Z Ie pep lh. TOBACCO 95c$I 00 per lb.'' ' , ' ' ':; WHISKY 2 06 for common. POTATOES HOeper hnah ' " NEW POTATOES 507S per bntihfl ' APPLES 3 00 PEACHES $5 50 per bushel HAY Timothy JHI0 per ton. WHOLESALE PRICES. TEAS fl 601 80..,-, COFFEE 31 JfirtSa, i . i .t. SUGAR lSfntlTj. COFFEE SUGAR 21c per lb. , ', CRUSHED SUGAR 23c per lb. MOLASSES f I 15I 40 por pal. , , ,, RICE 12 Jo per lb. EGGS 20c per doz. LARD 25. TOBACCO 70fftl 20 per lb. SHOT M00 per sack LEAD 14c per lb. DRIED APPLES 8j(3l9J BUTTER 31c. CHEESE lOYaUHs., 8TA RCU 9(gl 0c per lb, SOAPS 12113J per lb I TV ill New York Market. New York Market. NEW YORK, October 18. Cotton firmer 6lG2. Flout active and . 05a()6 lower at $8 45a H G5 for extra State and 9 10aV 25 for ronnd Hoop Ohio' Wheat steady and lal better 2 12a2 13 for wiuler red western, and 1 25al 30 for amber Michigan Corn active and two cents ' lower at 87a89 for unsound, and !0hoI, for sound. Rye 9Ho Barley 1 20. Oats ' dull and lower nt 63 a G4 for western. Beef dull. Cut Meat quiet Butter qmet at ' at 2Ka29. Cheese quiet at ilal&u ., Pork firmer at 34 25 s34 70 for sew mess, and 31 00s31 50 for '63 and , , S4. Lard firmer 24a2if. Whisky firm or at 2 29a29 for wewlern. I'etiolrtim quiet nominal. i, New York Stock Market. New York Stock Market. NEW YORK, October 18. Stocks lower Mrtnev 7a7 Pp oent Sterling quiet lit 100ul09; CMrngo and Kotk i Island, 109 J; Chicago and nurthwesierii .11, do pref. 65 ; C C. .V C. 125; dev. and 1'iils. " T6J ; Alien. Houin,. vtt; biii-h ten, m.ij,., Reading 11 ft J ; Knn TWf rive twennca coupons IUa ; uniiiiiiii; rcw mrK, , Central 9B i Uno lear i.ertiiimir i '.! Fives of '74, eon pons 931 Western Urtion. ' Telegraph 72; Chicago Burlington A yoini y, 132: llhicago loieao luu ; ocven mint'' IHf ; llinnis Central scrip 13 ; Srxes of 'bl , i 107 i Missouri bixcs 77( ; III 41) con pons 1 93J ; Pittsburg, Fort Waym- & ' fhicago , , 104. (JAMAIttlG I I -a ot Manufacturing Company ' Maouat-Uuee, o 1. 1. BBKNEt AN, i'Vippiritar!;'. Saill,s:r, ' .1 .i . i. (eA.isw' - . CINCINNATI, OH It. , ,: . asraa. MEYER 4 ' '' r. s. asattaaftrf REQUARTHt. ' Octagon Newell Posts , Atee, Uctagaa aai lie a nil Mialr tta , laatera aad all klndeel Ks.aA 'I'uralttsr aad Srrall Saw" la( leane la Order. r '., ' HBAD UV KHBTH bTBICKT, ; ; Ia Bottler's Cash Eat-Uiry, . ... ., ' UAYTOH, OHIO. anajlll order, will be promptly attended U) ' '"' aelldiw ,. .'. N. IB. Wees HtstSi iMtreeS, Via. O," Eight Splendid UilliaM Tabled Pour Splendid Tea ' Pin Alleys. GheieB Linnora and Wtnea atv-sva on henril o J. '. UAir.MI.Si, Sraprletar. J. P. SAItae, st"l. ikl . !,EW mm I NEW STY LIS! ! IlESRY,' MIELER,':'..' .' ' "' MERCHANT TAILOR I WOVLl) WH la veto laforaft hut vni4MtowtlrWat4Mi i and tha unbho u UfDerai that Ur baa i-uisayiu H ad bia Mttnhant ta lor KsUiiKhuiHil in the utw . rtom in fluto lbihltnfi!, No .MJ Third trp-t, oi.a ' dooraaat ol Jetfrtraon atrwt. Itn gOiia are of lha , M Bneat and beat id the market, lie oaila your atteot.ou t bia ,..'.,. ..I t recla Claia,, Harr a.4 UaitbatN. whieh naaftot be anrpaaaed tor taate or ntaHrv. Tnla ' Uooda will he mad up In lh lal-)! an. I l-ert alvle, 1 and warraatad ao it A full eeortiVvnt of Oeti a KumistimK t.ooda alwaya on hand. I have a ft-ral ' ' and well BMlogted aloe at ilia vry yeuy, utaV laieM atyla of ..',)! KKAOY MAUK VlAFvkilKli. tot toee whooannot wut tl Ura oibmti II eider. All I Mk its to Ajita man trial, aud i w il do All to nvaaatiataction. ouU dim BKNRY M1L1.KK.