DAIbT KB PI UK. m , (nayel I ta Oevrtere) . Jty mail, uo'ranaain, Inadfanca ! WEEKLY KHP1KB. .. ' ... 7 Mi . eie (kivy pr annum M no -i-. Kapiaa circulates free of postage in Mont : ivirv oouilty. Peyineat in advance In ellce..-asi JOB PBINTINO. eiSry ..M-.rrntlon. en.octtte.1 on flteam Presses, in hs leet style, and at reaeinahle price. , '.r ' Empire Building, 110 Main street. Billiards. , WILLIAMS' HILUVRH SALOON. Nntranne. Ttalrd 8tret kftt dr t Poll UIUe, alao irirotu Pktnli TH ft a twee II on hare toxin ffrwitly prireaaerf hy two new nnd elegant four prvkel Utim with liruna- Wl 'H fl i nini i iinproTwi pawni ciiMians ana n gen eral renovation and refuting of the aholoeMtalrlialw merit. He w umnttmi ror pant invor.tnd eniiotta re apectflilly a continuance of the piihlifltrnnage. uiv hid n i uuiAnrn)irieinr. eug lAlmd S Piano Fortes. O. J. WILL ARD, ' Mo). 04T BHViDWATt NKWJOHK, Piano Fortc.and Music walcr, Won Sc 'o'; lloardmit ery A l'ee, wn. KmM ...... uu uiu.ii ir. buna PIANO FOBTE$ An , , ..... i RfA, onmnn, MF.i.onnoy. vuti rcii harmvmi, UMti, MilAlO fMACHSKS AND DUALMiH Will h ftirniih.l with dhncl Muain, lns!rl.i.i liooba. Piiftnu'fl. OrnKoa or Melo-Uiona, ai Whoi. aala Prli I . NEW MUSIC Sent any Mraaa, froo of po4ts;. n rppt prine. ) Prtr, Vm P Unthury... Donth of AbrHham . Lin- . nolu, tif-..............-...-J R ThowM.iw...... It'n Ail tpin i(ii(-j. tucks;, ..H iett in tftltiocmto. A huuk lur . tbci Tiiuoii by M.Timkr..it M... I'm Lonely ainrnhn 111 M..M Ki ir..HM. tin, or riqr tiown iBl'emi'iylva- nyt .,... HOB"'ihittilt . . . . . . I balinv - tier tru to mfta..i.n aiiiirm... 1 tiftTn ao mnoh to tllu.......J H Tiwmh- Let turn rt4. A tribute to . - the lHt8Uphn 0 kontr, mi (mholltshed with hi Likeness aee .Henry Turkr "Llmerinti in ImmitU'iil. Wurdi by Bomitiault. Onmln...lan Bryant jO1 atar or my home. The nt aonft nnl nhorna, hy... Henry Tacker..,.. LIUIahouae under t e Hill-.K U (. Lev nie not in dark l)ea I -air K n Wood Mind you that J II McNaughton. fetnonhiiht with thee K Mever My beautiful Lianie J Mahon , 4iv Pultr Ana. Oonuo DaTie iteed.. . Mother' a 14leHalnft...M K Wuttlowa MKHfiM Moore V K Ixatva MyTngM Hoy 8 O Potr Muaieonthn Wavex. luU...O W ilover INerer deem my love ran change U ThomM..,..HH Tall me, little Twinkling 8tr O W EI OrifBo, .... .... . . There none u any uool Might tn me J U McNaughton... Trust me all in all, or not at all. Worrie by Tennyann ..W B Demater i Rethon forerer mitw... H Millard Heetitihil lreamer(aruuiiar,).H Winner beautiful Ule of the Sea. J HTiimu BM-yd Kitty May P B lmw. .., UadaveroiiaJoneM. Oornui Oeore Howflryn... I oauuo, nail her. Mother. ,...(!hmberlatp....-. Jennie livea but forTbae J Mahon Kiamnft on tneHly,..w ...,J(l Marder., Kiaa me, Vainer, ere I die. . . Walker......... ...... hurt me in tuo Huninine, m wiiiant A nel Child.........- W H Hnrr Beautiful 0oud H..L AraUie Htnkmg lie. tinnn by lan 1 Bryant P D Emmet...... IliSTRUMEIITAeU HEW WALTKF.S. L'Ardltn , Blleaot arhlye.Ht. I au. attend Vele a mi ft Flow inn aMreeinlet.. Kuel HerveMt flme lleart'e a'hti , Ida .., h Ardita ,... A. po. Win. Warren.l Kilg. KetUner in. iieatvn Ch. WU (ioo. Win. Warroa.... .H.....Jana Manna win. u Mien Java Manna ,.U ArdiU 1 BrUliantly arrauiced iiyv. Kitttwer. H4rBBi AM) IC KSTKI'S. litmoln Fen era! March , Fane re 1 March from Don He- hetian Oh. Fredel Maroh Bongreiae II Wollenhaupt March Triomphale , Dr. Per a baa u March Montenegrin 11 May her VAUIATIoW VeftntifAil Dreamer A Baiimaoh.. Veil ma not tuu k from the BcholaaaHhore ' .., ear mother Iveoome home to Pie " learmother Ivecomei.ome to iMe ...0 flrolae., Law gen' a Ball A haumarh. Bend for lllitatrated Price Litnf Inatnimentaand Oataloguea ot Mew M it mid. Afdrea ordere O. J. WILLARD, Wholenale Piano Forte and Muaio Dealer. Ho Broadway, Hew York. J Tiddly HanueA A Hoe Creamer, William Jamea Creamer. Court ot Common of M outgo uery Co., nrlLLIAM Jamee Creamer whne realdenoe unanowu la noliflwl that Hannah At ceUreemr did on the Wth Uy of M pUmfer leei, il hr in the utSlce of Uie i AvtU of the Oeuri of plana wiihia and fur ihecounir of Monigoamry Buueoftihin, charging the aaitf William Jaiuea ttr with ailulterv wnk a woman uukuvai U the petitioner and alao clurKJUg luui with gruae UI amy iiiwaiAi iwi uib timivtvf- mb&iii mm tut) oe divorced from the aeid ttuliaia Jeme hn h petition wiU aiaud lor kttennv at the next ol mmiii coora. iiAwnan abiaa uaiAHP J Abaji ClaAat Uf AaWuMty. j uutww4 voir ir .f I . ' DAYTON. OHIO: WEDNESDAY OCTOBER, 25. 1865. NO. 338. Tobacco. I'lfMr A HI1 V,4ii-3"flerr' iy. ,vAvii.v,j a Wholesale and. Retfli! , .era ACCO, e; N. 83 84 St., PAYTON. O. CinAHS. TUB UIGAR8 BY tin, l.Ono, lii.mxi. " 1IHI.IHHI,. " M . it l.tHJU.IMK), And Climrfl sure to pmokn, and no atirkinft; plafitr nneiled : Btlflh aa Ohoicn Tara. Havana H(.d. and ol ttifl moat aalebralpd branda, Alno, the oalabrai.d OKKKNSBAI,, AHOOTINU Cl.llH. UNION fk- HOUB, MV C'OIIHIN, I'UNOH, KI.ltiMNJiIHH, AND NOHIIKKKNtlKK, fliiporior lo allot that namarf. IIIUKINU TOBACCO. K1I.B KNUIK, B1.4 I.ICK, illflKlHU, JAPAN- KKBE, VlUtilNIA TUBACCO, Down to Cutting Dry ami Btam Tobaoco. by lare and small quantities, PLUG TOBACOO OP ALL KINPS. ' MEEItSUAUM PI Flvft Imported dirant, and 'ir tobaxanuine. Alao a large lot ot common I'ipae, el all urHdo. Hememliarthe plaoeflifm of the Rig Indian, i no. S Tblr4 Btrcel. h,, lylMtf. ... . J. BOHMr-TBIM. Dentistry. 30 ft. F.Comftop. T. R. WiMann, OONPTON WItl.AKD, j O E -N T I S T fpTIOK CORNER OF WAIN AND flKOOND , fjl. operation pertaining to Denttatry oareftih iLtnd thoroughlywltendea to. J would rail enneiMal attention n ouratvlcof ! "(oartiftXal teeth with Centlnsioaie UamiM ttieapiuaoltre of mechaoioa) deaH;ry. Alao. to u'wanneroi rmutingine vuic-mi ngm, wmun, id t aaeo, (p nuoh Hiiperior to the orioaiy Uleok te ram in a aneeimen aula Hoops. .15 :i(l SIS ao 0 fiO 'M V 5 :w ao SO 00 !H 76 7A fn ft.wi jo W) AO W'lie Grett Iiiri-otlon ol the Age In SKIRTS. . W. BRAy8 Mew Intent PUPLKX ELLIPTIC adouUe) HPRiNti SlilkT. Thla infA noamMU of4)np'eli (or tWb) ICUiplto Pure Refl'Wsteel HpriaH. in.nion-iy Kraidfd Tightly end ftiy torHther, Kdgt to Edye, making Ue ToushelLmt KiouMe, kmnlic and Iiurithle i.rtDg t.t m They Hel.torh BnI or Itmhe, ike the niniaBipfnrtq and coni(in-mir prefer?" heir ierfect ftutirul flhnne mrethan twir ong I aa any Horintf Ukirl thut Ever Ua.h or Can Ite mafe. t , The wondfrafl,,.iiMiit end a-reat comfort and 80 RteaMire t anyUay wearing the Duplex Klhpiic kirt will be esjLnr,Mi nttrtieiilarly in all crowded AaHemhliee, iq erriffe, BnilniMt Cara, Chureh Pewa, Arm 'ni,or irc.nuinaIe end Bouoe Dreaa, aetheNkirt onrtf r.ilHcul vtuiii in nee lo nnnimi t email p)fte aa , ftl,d cooDiontly aa attilk or unann itreaa. a . A LadT hTinfl!tWM th Pleeeiira. flnmrnrt And Great yonvenie A weRrin(( the Duple Klltplie HbirtferaetngleA-.N Nfr afterwarda wHImifl? diapeneawithiheie,,,. Kor Children. Miaaea aoU Yuiiiig Ladiea thn wnmrior to all othern. Tha H Kpaani rt,awith t plv duiible twit-ted lhr.a-1 and will weVu,e attlongaathe M ncle yarn eovenngwhwh l i,nMtKiMeHiel HitpKkirtri. kmti..n....--u. mn everBitrtare ai iteel, ant! twice 8",, oorerfd to pn DouMr covtiriUK iruiii WI,.HIhA rn.1 wh..n .Irniinii lown aiaira, atortt An ui.uh r cuiinvniiM ""J"" "-n IO uan. All an- mad of tin. od tfwni Corded Tauea, and are ttte teatqu4iftu t.rofy part, g!Ting in lite wearer me mMdwr f,,,Hiw, nomiNe, andaretmipitwUoDany ,u,tet, moht lauaijlt oomf rtaile and aooay, Hkf1 mw mHd. Weata' HradleyAi a.rrtpnetoraofti.e intentiod. SO y,, .... , jI1MiI)UHrrt ana m hi HnadeHiree a. New 11 for Bale in all ttri-W Btorul , thll fJ((yi and hroughouttha United aa,H,'and Hara a ue 4u -in.,uire Rr me an a miiic (or ((o..bl) i"a , aua' rajaiu n i HOOr 1 efcifS'Vj 647 Plena U. wtt Uon Common and lrew uni nateo may irm i. V ora linisiiBtHRAW. p,ir.i uu., UNUR I ( II prletara. jvieaia at aj. m oars, And the table, will be furnlhU, . .. i i. . .r . . L ... The Billiard Tahlea are fr. '.'nwklntid niAO " f"lck pro., Cm. hotorlee of J ule. Balke and The I r la aupplied with Wi eeoloeet breawl. both loreigv inor. of the T5jiU0. The patraaAfe of the publtett ctnilly anlioi OUUHI EXECUTION OF CHAMP FERGUSON. ;irsiO!. n The Nahille papers are fall of aocoaote of the execution of Champ Fergn.on at that point on Friday Inst. We make the following extracts : '.-,- HOW HE TOOK HIS SENTENCE. Some lime since we announced the result of the trial , the linuinit and sentence of the Court, and the action of the authorities; fid on;ihe following day the result was com mnuica'ed by Colonel 8hafter to the priinne? in bia cell the olliciiil finding and kenteuce beinr read to him. When the officer entered for thai ' purpose, Chtnp eras as firm and as relentless as when, in the midst of his mid career, he murdered alike the wounded, the siclc, the aged, sail the helpless child, and when the litat sentence had been read, he barely remarked r "As I expeotsd. sir." '. '-i ;'1 )' 1 From that time he was urged to prepare for death , but for days he remained the same firm unflinching man he bad been through out the trial. He would talk of death an If it were rather a disagreeable matter, hut e thing of no great moment; nnd as for futuri ty, that scarcely entered Ins iniud, or, if it aid, ilia proud spirit would not . admit of its presence. INTERVIEW WITH HIS FAMILY. His family wife nnd dauphter worn wTlh him the greater part ol ThnrsdAy, nnd all Fri day morning till a few r"inu!.es before he wr led oat lo execution. Mrs i'erpusnn it spare, delicate woman and appeared deeply affected all the time. His daughter was culm, until just beinro the linal pnrtincliut erulent ly deeply felt the horror of her situation. She, loo, is delicate in appearance, and it hut seventeen years ol age. It was half-post ten of yesterday when thi parting oame ; and seldom have we wiiryostd a scene more heart-rending. ' '.Mr. ' t er gusnn clung to ber husband audwAptj aloud. "My God! my God I" said she, " liaye I not already suffered enough? Is my nguny ner- er to cease ?" and her tears choked her utter ance, and she remained long, clasping her husband, wno stood like a marble statue, showing no outward signs of emotion. " Alone, alone, henceforth ami," she at longlhsnid; " deprived ofjmyjjiupporter. my husband.. Uli.Uod, is there nothing that will sae my husband? Lost I lifntt Losll" Then suddenly rising, she nervrd herself up end exclaimed . "I)ie bravely, Champ i die bravely I" : " "I will," wns the response of the cordons n rd. -i-i :. ! - The daughter, too, was deeply afTected ; nnd after the two had been separated from the prisoner, it was with diljiculiy (hey could sus tain themselves, and but for the assistance rendered them, they would undoubtedly have fiillen, fainting to the floor. HE MOVES OUT. Hie hour of eleven arrived, and Champ was warned that (ho time had count when hn must prepare to din, "I am ready when you arv," said h to Lieutenant Crlttendmi, and he was led ont; by It guard of eifrhf men to (ho scaflbld. His Step win firm, his carriage erect, and his bearing just what it had beeu from the beginning lie nervod hiumell up lo the occasion ; not a shudder marred the tranquility of his frame; not a change pttxstd over his countenance. Ills hands were pinioned behind him with a strong cord. Uis dress was a black suit, ot course cloth, but neat and clenu ; and ou hi' hands were black gloves. When he reached the scaffold, Clolonal Shafter in quired, "shall I help you lo ascend ?" "No," Ik replied, "1 will walk up mysell; and lie. did ao. with firm and unfaltering steps. On reaching the plallorm, he faced the (wo or three hundred auditors and the guards without bleuohiug, hut rrqueuU'd that J)r. Buddiug should pray for him. During the prayer, the prisoner wept lite first evidence of emotion which he hud tot iriven. Colonel Shufinr took a hatulkeruhief and wined the prisoner's eyes, his own at iho same time being any other than dry. After (his the Colonel read the charges and the specifications against him Ferguson standing unmoved till he had read tis fifin which he was charged with murdering thejvenerable Keubeii Woods. When 'thai numn was mentioned, ne dropped mis bead and looked steadily ou the ground for a time He was evidently affected ; remorse had penetrated to his callous heart. . Km, like Pharaoh, he soon steeled himself against the reproaches of conscience, and be raised his head and braved the worst On reading the eleventh specification, in which he is charared with murdering an old man named Riser, and his liiile daughter, he shook his head; and on reading the fif teenth specification, in which he is charged with murdering three soldiers of the Uuiou army, be turned to loo Colonel and said, " I could tell it better than that, colonel. "I presume you could," waslbe reply, and the reading was continued. h-tl HIS LAST SPEECH. Afler Colonel Shufter had finished llie reud iuir. he lurued to the prisoner, and raid: "In ohedienoe lo this order. Mr. Ferguson it is my duty to execute you. "I know it," responded the prisoner , j . "Do you blame me?' inquired ibe Colonel. - "not particularly, was tne response. "Hove you anything tossy?" "I oan't speak much," said the prisoner "I did soma of the acls charged, but not all some I know uolhiug about I deaire, Colo Bel, not to have my body cut up by doctors, but 1 want to have i put in Ikitt thin.'" poinliiiv lo bia enllin "and taken lo the graveyard in White County Tennessee, and laid there. You won't hate me cut op will yon. Colonel?'1 'No." responded Co), fihafier, "yon shall not be eul up' your body shall be sent lo your friends. Have yon any thing , uioro In say?"- .' .-.i-i I ' ,, "Well, whenever yon say nop, I'll strip" said ilin doom, d man; "1 am under your con trol; f wouldn't bo here tf I could help it, tut most rnd I most submit. What I airi, I am, and I can't help U; but yon would aot have tnv body cut-up, would you, Coknel." ; " The Colonel again assured him that his re mains should be given to his family. "1 have" continued Ihe prisoner, "some as good friends as any man; bat they can't help me now. All 1 have to ear is, 1 don t want be cut up by the doctors; will von put eiy body in that thing" stain poin'.ng to his coflin "and send it 'n White County, Tan- esieoL and huve'il bt'rii'l in the old grave yard Ihere f , . , llie Colonel again assured him that be wonld acc.de (o his request. l ho oao ol death was then drawn down over his face, and Colonel Shafler ssid : "Have you any thing tosny? If you have. say it. now, and we will wait on you,", Kaiaing bis head toward Heaven, he said, a solemn tone : "Lord have mercy on me, I pray oo;'.' and as hs voice ceased, by a stroke of the ax, the support was severed, end the diop fell, and the prisoner was suspended between Heaven and earth. The drop fell at precisely twenty minutes before twolve, and he remained baugiug twenty-five minutes, when the body was cat down and laid iu Ihe collin, and conveyed awav. tiis reck Was broken, and he bled nrolusnly at the nose. i Afler I. fell his boby moved but twtce, nnd that slightly, so great was the shock of the descent. MISCELLANEOUS. On being asked concerning bis political faith, Ferguson said, "I die a rebel." ' While on (he scaffold Ferwusou recounixed number of acquaintances iu the crowd, to an ot wnom he bowed politely, and accompa nied the bow with a smile. His family, after separating from him, went 10 the largo house adjoining (be penitentiary, lo await the result. His wife was so deeply affected that she was compelled to lie down. His daughter, however, ncrvtd herself up, oven to the indignant; for whehjihe announce ment was made thu: all was over, she ex claimed :' ' "Well, I hope ihey nre satisfied now I" ' Railroads. Monday Morning, Sept. 4, Monday Morning, Sept. 4, THE ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY W I Ll, commence Uunmti threw Throng i Tain be tween Cincinnati ami the i'aaeing thrngh the celebrated Oil Kt'glOUS Of rMHIH)lVnIlU. Leave Pitvton K:'J0 n. n " '" Yl-.m p ii Arrive at 4:W p. m. ' 1 -ii a in. 4 A.uu a. m. in. The KiiL'in-fl. hirri. and other euuiiiuaenta of thin lit-, Hrn eiaireiy itcvv, fi mi imohi iniMjeru, auiiatan Hn t ftpprovefl 'tH. r-piions, iinntiiiHlci by any aswiway on iiiii .niintiiii. TH It()UiH TICK KTH vin thia ne and linnortant llontn, cu im procttritd nt the l pot of the H A . Krulwety, and at all the inooiral Tmgotottic.ee in :iiecuufury. Hag gap eltecked through. ' ' I. McLAREN, Ocu'lRuperlniendent. E. F. KUI,LKI1, linn' Tiukel Agent. m9 Dayton, Xenia and Columbus Railroad. VHANUK OF TIME. , 11IKRC DAILY TRAINH KAHT, VIA COLUMBUB, Thrcmyh 7(Uiwo- Hajfbm to all Ktutrn tVtM niflllFE PATLT THAIN-I KAHT, .earln Dayton itmiin ni'in Hiimwi; mnii, n.tn ft jn - iiO luintma Aooommod.tin,lI:UfV A. M. Night ExfrraNa, AHKIVINO AT DA YTON. Night ExpreM.4:A P. M. ColiinilitiH Accommodation, l.:ts A. M. Dayton Traea run hi Columhiia tin e. which la aevea ania tjU't Ihm.'T Umn Datton tirnn, . Through tre-fetN can he hal lor all Kaitorn CJiiea nyoaiiiiicoasamu'! w. King.Ticlift Ayent. K. W. HUUliWAKIt, bu't. ma4 Cincinnati, Ohio. Hotels. i imiilui'm ii-orst;. . " 1( . DAYTON, OBIO. , nViH above wall kowo Ifouae, having recently J haii'd ha dt, in now oiwQ.aud undeigoingea tittire alter tion and lmprovementafor tha-omo-dation of the trare lug pubtie. Mo paiaa will Ie afar-d to make the Phi lip tJoim, aa laratolor. in uve f rcrtiKUt, a FIRHT CI.A.M HCTF.I, teliif J. T BARKER, Prowr. IMKEMX HOLSE. Third Mreet, Oarta hls. A. HPAMti, AgenU rpllIH h-tel haa recently been opened, and la pre 1 part I to etttome- tale traveler and the pulJir g iiitmU) in the h-nialyln. uiltfkllm slrtt'ob Miwr, riamutl, w laaao Horuer andCathrina Rottfer, At I agrangeCej luaiaua. HudKumbl'. rUrrrau4 lewia A. Hliver, ol Montgomery Co., Ohio, Peteudanta Supfrfor Court of Montgomery Co., Ohio. The above named dc,oduiU will betake entire ihitt Jm l C Htivx', on the Utlih lj of f'ltmnr, A. f.. iMiti, tiled hie petition in the Hierifr tknirt of Monlfcitiiiery County, OSio, eb.iig thai parti Uib ho iusi Ij ol the following riU l iinuilet, aud cloffr HMMigiifd llierfi Ui eauj Harah f Huver. aa d I tro a i tmg tita ty airea in (tie emiih ea-! oteraei ut tli norMi went utiai Ur ot imk'Uoii aitiulf r ' nine irtm ; town (ur (), rnnij lur ), ri, ind i hat at the V"inlef term of aaitl eOiir, and plain lilt will aik thaau4mler bt made tor the attitioaf aaid pxaiuiaram puivltance ol tbe aMitiite. JAtl'B C. BY 1VBR. ' UlO, W. Mt YKR, Attorney. , oH 1 3 Hi w , i i- i HE VISITS DAYTON, 0. J. FLATTERT, M. f ROM OITT, v v ; ) . PntCTICAE PHYSICIAN CHRONIC DISEA8E8, W1U.UPIN BOOMS AT THS : "PHILLIPS HOTJBB," ;daVTO., OHIO, FOB A tLIMITKD I'BRIpD TO CURB .THE SIOK, tommenrlng October 17, 1865, -i..T ..... at 1 ofclock P. M. THR LAltrBWAter ANDTHE HM1D k :t i. - , ' i Amine FAIN INHTANTH , liiUJtVK ;- i ' ' . - i. . I-. vm" J : ConsumptioiiiCjured 1Y INHALATION,' NO I K( tv POISONS OIVBK. NO MKHOI7KY USKI. Pr. T. for the latt fourteen yeara haa been engaged travulniH in the piaittu-al treatment of all medioal and mirgica1'heHM.f KuroN, the (tnMed HtfOejn, A not i aim and ttm rtou'hHa and Maudwlch Mitoda, Hniiah t'olntnhta and Vnuooitver a laland aud during wliit-h time he haa had Thfunntt of patienta under Ma medical aupervU ilult, and liy raretul and praclianl BtUiiiUou to ail aruuHudi'hronic diatamaora vpiH'tal, aurgit al, and gfiirittl naUire, (having tiiacowtnl the true ptiyniolo-: gijal uu t pa'holykicHl cha'acier Oi all dlaea by i)mrwuojicW and oilier minute reaeartiheM) txnm twen eiiehlttd lo rffture the tshfehl.I, dti).Mtd and eiliKiittUd coeatiliitiiq to a Male of energy, health and happinnHK, and an It were1 to revive th aiuking-! llkelacultiee olthe hraia aud uervoue ayatent to a ii w eiMie-iice and renovate lire with ell itt natural tani,ontaiit eni'yMMute, ,,. I Tliarftoro th mmonly railed "Incurahlea" are partiriilariy invtieil to avail theinaelvea ef thin Hre , opportunity to recover their hralth. la rouaa44Ufiia;a oi ttiBjdM'p rraled and In many ; inMiaui ea jual prudioe existing in the minda o many agnmat ai travetutf, advertuitBg- phyataiara a:d urgenH, Pr K. will prewrdM to, and ojivruic ott all awn wJioooa-Hill him, and cfcajfe nolhinguu Ivn he nrinniia hII thai i promised. All ttwoiun: who have eaen doctored till lieyare tired and are no tieuer ahouldcall at once on nr. r altera, i)d Iteve the (cauee af fjieudneaae re moved. All wlm hiVeCon-umptaoa, Brunch ill and Throat dmeaaa ahould applv to lr, 'liury, whoae cure ot ttwee oomplaiala te taed on recent itiaoovertee In phjt-iol gy orreapiraboo atid which beara the eloanut pleloaupnicaii exaniiuauon. All aikw'ted with I'hronto dtaeaMB whiuh have hatHed the Cluaekaaad eihawiel the mediml hiII otthe law-ill ty ol amton, ahould a(ply to tr. lat tery, whoae marveloiialy auweBxai treatmeirtol all anet tiotiH ia owing lo kia medical diauoveneii mttde ty tnteroaApittnl. and other minute rewean-bee du ring touiteou yeara' travel, aud twenty year' prec ee. Tne unfortunate ahould at onceeall andeoneult Dr. Mattery who he had tweuty yeara expenuc in thia elaa of dtaeae, and branch ol hie prolcaaion, and therefore guarantee ev? ry cure. All younx mau uituied in tuy and mind from the erlw-bt el !( atmie, wiihlte cotwf .nulant avmptoma ut'Naapain in ttte kfad, morbid aVasonsi(ey aud aversion to aocily, inability to cooce nlreui ihr memory and iotetiect, ami dt queiihed from utvtva rioua dtitiesi ollile, whoae eounlvuanrea a if I d -lull-tab eg ewnaiitutioii depict the evdetfeeu of that a or nhleand devaeiatinaf vice, vhould uouxtilt Pr. Fiat u.ry tiefnre K ta loo late all mitVnng with Mrkuure aii't ri-aiillofUeuak r-medie, auuiilu avail ihemrtelvei m lir. rtattery'a new mtuhod, by wliifh the niont malignant toiina of Ihia diarmtn im uurdin'rom one tai.two weeka, and aithoul Uie uaual tortuie to ia Iteata. All having aeoondary ymptonia Rhenmatitm and ppermatorrtioea whoae nervuua lemperainnta ttav tug teeu destroyed by nadleg clip Uap-oatfh penny puiilicaUon and kwallowtng mervury uutil lhayarw waUmg tsHrometera, and haw Anally lieen given up ee iDrurebii by an Kbouuuet4t at et illitabraia end non-graduate- ef metlieme, ahould awek llie aurgi.-al kdl e IT. Flattery iff theae uravalva aa4 it ot ilia. All a ho are barren and thua depnved efoonaubial ttliai and parntal happin4e, ahou d take the advice of ir. Hattwy at onoe. Ad who rm umataatwe and phyaical condition wilt not admit oi -itpriig, eliuld eonall W. Flat tery, and it not too late, prtMure h.a aal and tuial table preveauire. . - AH whoao eyea and eara are diaeaed aad have had OieMiiKMiuaeo4teisguaatriaed aiiddrugHee en twit Or- Flattery without nul, aa be ta a lWuuKh ottetiat aad auiwit. , t Atl who iiaiminr ahould rocure Pr. F'a naely in veottMl itttne for tie eiae of aM mipeainaeuta. Ail aunariiig from aervoua eomplainta, temale ef leouoaM, akin dteaaaee, heart,' Mouiauk aad bVstr iMmpiaint, diMaaea of Ibe bowel a, kiduoya, IJa-tdssr, pi lea, raiaMne, uieera, evurvy, tumnria, luaetasl agie, itanoera, Panama and mounUia lever, erysi petae, Ac , eVi., aliould aueVr ao long but atraiaiii way proietd to lr FleUery for hia uw treaiutant. AH Htudt-aieaad ptivahdaM e4 tmiMod eaaartettoe having a deaire to iearo Or Plait' gueiaily me eeawuil mjthod ef mre will give tuna aceHathih itHtaia, where be will luatriait ttteoi ladtvidually 01 by olaaa. ' t ( All patieaU ata iiaiaeo ean ItaeaveeA alkoawebv OOubuIuiih Or. l-latiery, by leltel, ataaug thrir uanj, age, orupt4n, t'tne takM IM, eenwUtsMiwe nHiaber u7trtHivuU ttubmiUed to, daacriaioa of cauf and eyiapawuiaeeerteaa-ed aad ttieae etVAatiag-. lie will then aead niedjoieee vitb dirautiunj tuvureanydi ,fiep 0 )md AUVkCHTimnu UATki. IN DAILY, Oneawtiare.Ulglitf wacdn.aolidloftalnaertion.. I rVt One aiuaie,threeda)e.....Hwa.a...H.m.,.m.M n. I ta One aquara, one week. -..I Ml IHifl equare, one month H I M One equare, three montbat M..n 7 One aiuare, alx mnntna H ......lo ia) IN Wfc.HK( T One aqnam, eighty word, one week..e K..$l ow Peraiuareteach waek la addition. M Per auuare.one year.w II w key Terma for advartiaementa ot-oi yieg a gieatci lapaoe.orfor a longer awrind tnanatvove apeeifrd,nate ttoown at the Counting Koom All adrertiaemenUare nha'ged'at thaalmve rateainlean a written agreaniiit ib made pre t1 out to inaertion. All oaaual advertirti mentis rnn't he paid for In ad van e. n Professional Cards. LAW NOTICE, C. L. VALLANDIGHAM II AH RESUMID THi rRAUTKH OF LAW. Orrtos (tnrthe nresentt at hla rnalrfanA. N. Asa first street, liaytnn. tihie. urnoa llooaalroui 10A. M. to three P. ef, DTa,o. November UUi.lsM. aovlftl vhos. o. lows, eao. v. BeiaT. (UleOountj Auditor.) I.UWK NAUEBTII, ATTORNEYS AT, LAW. DAYTON, OHIO, B uslaeee t rajs seated In Oerman end freneh. orriOE Orar Blekar'a ImUn ThM .im niSitana OIJftIN tf) UMULL. , Attorneys & Counselors at Law ttormaa'e Batldlns;, fhlret street, felMawtr DAYTON, OHIO. Groceries. New Wholeaale Grocery. At KnelsIjA Mclnljrri.'s old ln,l 111 Thud siren WUWAMABI, BPHlLBAI) CO., Wholesale Groceri-, AHC now opening a lar(e and iieneral aeenrlmi nl or all Uni, I. l Urei ei lea sunal.le li.i li e . 01,11 ey ira.le. Healers are rupeetnilly intiltd t(. tie hemaeall. ItSlda.n K.O'Haisa. ' M.O'Halia. Bt. UBU1KM eV IIROTIIKH. : WHOLESALE URUtEKS AMI) IMCObTRB Of Cigars, Brandies, Winoa, Gins, Irish and Bootcb Whisky, aae oatsas is Oomenllc Vrintsi and I.lqnoin .bee, Aienti Tor Sale of Tare BonrbOBWhUkj , HO. SOI BEOOND STRKET, DATTON, 0. All Liquors Oaftrantied free from Dregs 1.1 O'llBIRN t HROTIIKR lj, i, ,., . tne U. eeleetien or ureeerlee. Wiees, l,iiiii,r, en.l t,l tixro, which the? will sell to the inil.uc as k.w aa an house in liaj Ion. No ertorts .n thrir (.art will Ix iM-XlortoiMo render entire aati.rat non lo ail (hoe who i to their House, sol Seuoud alreet. TIm-v kh Seep Ki.h ol all kiutl. , - re1ifai 18(35 FRESH ' ' 1805 GR0CEREE3!! EVRIIT farr.ilv leir. i.,,,.,!; rrn.h Oroos rue t j we would remiuil all pnraona luleresl.-c I., u. a call. O -ft. 1ST 1ST X3 '13 I ' K U I T t .; Western Peachee, num., Hli trri. tmi. , Tonmions, Itie-'kU rii... , ati.l t l.rin; it.i, w i In v Spice and Cove Oysters alo,nn aSHOltmeai nf jrlllrs, M,,i,0. n llstr.i an. I ..m.uinrr., l.ll'lll... lill.1 1., I II . hlluBT. andltJt..... Pinklea,HH'ee, Vem-y mai-,Ai; ; In la.1 1 v.r II, i llml th niars.li. allur.l tl.,i i. ,l.,il,Llf. r..i u. ... mmr-n s,iuM .aj mr ki.p tlie ll arucir ol Kin. Cut l lie( can lie had. i:ouim 01 ci-n. a.l, aiiil e. -what ..can do. M'l 1 1 liK A HA I a H deH.laatl JlajnHl., a .I'.i.raual... Market Insurance. Ohio Jn.surniKc, Couipmr) 1 A Y T O N. Ain ilOKIZCl) CAIMTA1.'. aiu AflweIH ins.,.,. okkick no. us, Tiimu iTithur, ii-r.,i'ia lllbil.H MALI.. Fire and Marine Rieka taken at Currant Rates. MKkCioliH: William lliikoji. JoaaUem k,.,nne,-' J..liM I'liiucr, t:. I.. V allaiitlhau,, t.V A. tirove, Ai.nhiu,! fahili, Julili HioMUli, llainiui-u At. 'i uriicl, Ivu.rT. .icki . ' ' Wil l,, AM I), i KKV, I r.i-id.1,1. . Ji rA. JiAtrtliMAk,.i,.r,r W. H. t'lLLsapia, rstt. retuiy.. . u,wi Tcutoniu Insuiame tontimiiy Unvtoii, Ohio.: " ' 'OrKH'K-tittO TMIItli eTItEfk, .. I (8)UlTebto,wltuaa'allr),o..) Tine UouiMajriea-w (red). Iu tlb lusilnss.ejd , lake MRE AID MARINE RISES AT KKAIUINAHI K HA Ik. MltMTitliS: Julie llauiiuh. John V. Nau.no, J..hn aiei'liaun, J. Ii Ii I, Ml, l,ii. ; Uw.ali.iaia. Srr.l.n.k auieheahoewr- H,a,rj Miller, J..I.U h.oi..li.u. Jarol, I . ,k, ( . u Jl""" HAJHTlJII, i'reeieYul. Joee H.moi.ekiMaa.a.4.taiv umtuu Lnlou Insurance (ompany, DAYTON, OHIO. OAl'ITA I. HTO(!K -0100.01' lirKICE SIS Till Ul M Kk.hT, Otoi PrURh Kikc'a ir fl.od.Ht,,,. ' leiliu.liit In. ri li. lMreslu Joi.epbCI.iui, Wmtf lame. Turner, k, ife.oiii.IKIiai.ly, .1. ltii.Hs. siuliee, a; Fire od Mario A auaea et .,(.aae. a ds, 4 or la t'e.