UAII.T MMIMMK. I w.Jt. (pty OVrler.) SO mail, per annum, ID Advance 7 WKKLY KMP1RE. ! Oaeoopy per annum. ... M . ..93 OS rATine K.eia oimilUte. free of poatafe id Mont, oinery county, Payment maJretto. in alloaa..."wn JOB PRINTING. er.ry deirlntioe, .aeonted on Steam, in ha host atyl., and at reasonable prioaa. .1 Knpirt Bulldlilg, IIO Mat Mrfral. Billiards. WILLIAMS' BILLIARD SALOOJ. Entranrf, Third tret, mtvt deer tm Peel Office, eleo thrnf h PhooMlx ffinn attraction htr been TMtly lnored by two I new ana e'egnt four noeita. cameo wiin pruna wick' latent traprored patent cuahiona and a gen eral renovation and refuttnfi of the wholepttl)liih ment. Ho is thankftil for past fftforn and aolicita re patttAillff a oonUnuwc of tha imtrim patronage. t ( LKYI8 WiLUAMt,, Terieior. agifl3md 1 Piano Fortes. O. J. WILLARD, Nn. 64 T BHOlDffAT, NEW IOBK, WBOLBBALS Piano Forte and Music Dealer, VROLIUM AO MAT VOt A. Pnd i:o; nonrdmani PIANO FORTES, AND - : CAHART. WHRDHA M 4 CWS NSW PARLOR ORGANS, MHLOItROtffi, CHURCH HARMQNl UUH, MUalC 1RALHRR& AND DBALKRX Will bo farniflhod with Sheet Maria, InttruMlon Bnoko, Piano'. Organs or Melodeono. at Whole oala Prfooa I . . IfEW MCSIC Bent to any addreoa, free of pottage, on receipt o price. Computer. Priet, .... M Victory at Uu. tvogana.. Ohorua. by.. Wm P Bradbury.. ... Oar aoUa Chiefau k'mt , , , AwaytaauioRy on the , .i , Ina(n of Abraiutm lin . . oolnt by.MMM..M.fMM...MJ R Thomae. It'e All Up in D.xie, uy4....Tuokr. Jeff in Vetttooete. A aoog tor tiie Time, by ...Tucker., ..,.. I'm Lonely aince be lot Me.. ML K,, He, or vay down mPeonaylTa- - nyt t....tUaei)aobuiidtWH.MH I belie bef truto m......H Miliar.! ..r.... I liave aomuott to teU..,m..Ml ii Tbomaa.H...M , "Lei lum rent. A tribute to , Ueli(Btphen 0"ot9f, and embellished with hie Dkeneaa Henry Tucker....... "Limerick ia beautiful. Word hy Borciuault. Oomta...lan Bryant M. Lot Ktar of my home. The laat aong and ohorua, by...nearr Tncker LiMlehouee under t e Hill.-K 0 Pbelpa............ Leave me not in dark Dea pair -.A H Woml M'V 7oa th1 .' H MoNughtonH... NoTofight with thee R Upjr.,.WH,,.,.n,l My beautiful Ltaaie MJ Mahon ( Mv Polly Ana. Oooue Davie Red.M.j,M.4 ! MuOver'a HlaKtrin v Wmdowa., Mairgte Moore .......... P H Iiuuwa . H My Angel Boy. 8 0 Pouter M utile on the wavee. Duett...O W Olover......wm tSever deem my lore can change.. B Ibomae. ,....... Tell me, little Twinkl.og Htar OWH Grlffio,. There' none to aay Good Night to me w J H McNaughton.. Trust me all inall.ornotat all. Ward by Teanyaon..,Hm.W B Demiter-... , , Be thou forever, mine H Millard...H,M, .., Beautiful Lreamer(lorUuitar,).B Winner.. M, Beautifal Uleof the tteaH.mJ BThemaa MH BUe-eyed Kitty May. P B Itiaacv Oadaverou Jonea. Oomio...H.Oeorae Kowdryn., 1 oaopot oall her, Mother.,... Chamberlain.-. Jennie ItTea but forThee.H..Hi.J Mahon Kiaaing on the 81y,... H...J O Marder....H.. Kiaa me, Fattier, ere I die... Walker....... Hury meintheBunahine H Millard,..... AQKK'hil(J..............W U Hurr. ........... Beautiful Oloudw.Mnn....aM...l A radio......... HtnkiQR He. Bung by Ian Bryant.MH ......Q D Emmet 4 , . IlaSTRVMEIITAU U HEW WALTZES. L'Ardlta Bel lei ol Brooklro. ,..L Ardits .... Mro. Wm. W.rree-.l HalllaQrandValM Fau.t mu Flowing atreamlet... F.uat Har.e.t Uoma...M. Heart's Aoha.. Id. .....Kug. Stt.ur-,HW.M ....Th. 1 1. .....,... ,....Ch. Wei. ".... 1 ....Goo. Wm. Warren.... 7 .....Jean. Mann. H.., , Wm. B Allen.........13u Jeen Manna........H.. L Ardita M..M..H BrlUtantlv arraned by, Slt.Kper..-..-.. MARCHES AMD qiriCKSTEPS. Lincoln Funeral March H, Funeral Marob from Don Be- beatian .Oh." Pradel Maren rJonxrole..HH..M.B Woll.nhaiipt... March Tnomphal. .....Dr. Per.beu... Maroh MoawnegrlD.....H May her. . .60 TAniATIOnS. Beautiful Dreamer . A Beum.Mh...., Call ma not back from th. . axhoiM. hhor. . ar mother It. oodm hoin. lo Die " ......... Deir mother 1 v. oom. rom. to Die ....0 Grobe Lanlgaa's Ball A Baumaoh. , Bend for Illustrated Price Lint of Inetnimentaand Ofttaloguta of New Uuaio. AUdreaa ordera O. J. WILLARD, Wholetaie Piano Forte and Mute Dealer, No BroadwaT, Mew Tor. J-lWly NEW IMPHOV KMENTB FOR BORING WELLS. IWiBH to inform the oltiaani f Montgomery county that 1 have bought. mug vtra Patent fr Berltaf Wella, and am now nr oared to fit! oniera that an be left Brooka 4 Luht'a, under Ohriatopher'a Ain-uoa Kootna, Jelfreon areot, oraeud ordure througtithe Poat Office, bayton. Obi.. mmp mian B. 0. HASLISKN.' jit r0LVf W M OAYTON. OHIO ; THUltS DAY, NOVEMBERS. 1865. NO. 33. i i f i ii Dentistry. DENTIST S OPP08ITR VBANKLIN H0U8I. ALL operations pertaining to Dentistry oarefull and thoroiigblyattenileo, to. vfewoitidiulleai.Bnial attention to otir Strl si l- rl(TiK arhrlilal tenth ilh Vontlnaani liamiii the no plua ultra of mechanical danti.iry. Aleo, ro our manner of makfnir the Vulcanite Work, whichjtoi aome '-eeee, le nuoh euperior to th. orinary HleckJ Dentistry. Saloons. t. atnitw-t. OPERA HOUSE RESTAIRAM. , ,irr,.-'-vf"-, t;AJlIt;v- r.f iBitl.IA.Sto ROOMS,.,, Csmer Klaln Bad Flrat St.., Dajrton, OKiJ." LtFlllE A; OIIIBIKi Proprl.tor. Meala at all Hours. And the table will be ftirntvhed with every luxury ana aencacy or tne aeaaon. The Utlbatd Tahlea are from the celebrated man Qfectoriai of Julei balke and Bruoawick A Bro.,Ctn ciunati. The Bar fa supplied with Wlneaand Liquora of th onoieeei Dfaaoa, doui nuieiq ana aotnf auo. The pnlronage of the public la renpeotfully aoljo iiea ou.iMi NATIONAL 8AL001, N. 198. We.t Hllth Htre.t, Ola. Eight Splendid Billiard Tablea Four Splendid Ten Pin Allays. Chofc. Iilqnor. an! Wine. alwaT. nnhend. J. r. UliNKl.E, Pr.priet.r. J- P. Kline, H. m,ft Hotels. OS so S. 6, so eo aa PHILLIPS I1018E. DAYTON, OHIO.i") rflHR above well k-own House, having recently X cnanitert na m, in now o,en, ana iioiarttom8z tnaivealtertiont and imnrovementaror the tuwomo dation of thetrareintf public. No pain will be a pared lo make th Pmilii-i Horn, heretofore, in ere y reaoeel, ariKTi;LAna iiotkl. el9tf J. T. HAUKER, Prop'r. PIKEMX HOUSE. Third Htra.t, Dayton Ohl. 1. 8PA5G, Agent. Til IB hotel has recently been npeneJ, and i. pre pared to acnomoilAte trawler, and the putllr generally incite bnflyl. . miic.llm ..t t MIAMI HOUSE. MIAMISBURQ, OHIO. -v. . . I ( JACOB noltTOER. Proprietor. ' ivocauioa vo a. a. ilack. mOE pment prcprirtnr haa titled ur thia .tel tfaown and t.pular Hotel in the beet atvle, and u now prepared to accommodate all who maj give him a call A UU-R. stable and yard sr. attached to the Hotel. , Th. patronage ol th. publlo is rMpefltfullr solin ltt. .!,,,.,( octaidJm ' ' i i hi HAlHB-:ADfOSIICAL I.MAlvl' TTI.Blir" 1 Fall and Winter Fabrics, I'OH I ' CUSTOM ' TRADE, i Deckel Building, J e Hereon St; ABOVB THIU B. -V Tl -m ( rv I atn bow tn reoelpl ef Hew mod Blegamt litylea Cloths,' Casslmeres, j l v au Vcstlngs and Overcoatings, Whfoti I will have made fo the moat wh tenable " IMVfVMT AH .PRICa.ll. l4y Old Colomeri,nd the puMns fenerally, are Riviteo. to leave inpir meaaurea. 1 have aeeure4 the eervutee of Mr. f ROMAS OTjE- MKMTH. who la retmtel to be one of the beat Outtera M In the nrofeaaion. aurwhere. Mv atock of Uvnt'a Furntuhlnc Gooda ( aleaant ana ampie, ana i nave mimrjvuwj in voa im wuiui aentleman eaa desire. Oail ia andaxanitne my atock, and learn my prices. I feel oonnoeot i oan pieaee ail iswiea. j. n. ciiAncn, j f e. r.. .w ' otidtr JffJeree ai.,abova TUrd. SEW GOODS ! m STYLES ! MEROyGCANT .TAEOI 1TT0ULD beglM.eto Infbrra his former ouatomer. YY ."d the publie ia aeuaral that be has reopea iHlhis Merenut Tailor JC.Wbli.hinenl la th. new room in Uu.t.a Uuilduts, Mo. Wj 't hird street, one. door eaxt ol jlHron street, II i. K"de are of tlie nueet aaa MHt in n rnerwew- n mh ,.ur.auH.B to hi. mack Cl.ta Meawer an4, which canhot be aurpaawd for tent, or aualllT. ' Tnia Uooda will be made a ub tn the latent en ia styl. and warnnOted to Rt. A full anMrtm.nt of Oeu.a' Furni.tjiia Goods always on hand. 1 hare a reneral and well .elected slunk (J tha er taut quality and latent styl. ot RBADY-MADB OLOTIUNO, t for thooe whoeajwot wH to hav elothtaf wad to order. All I k ia to give arte a trial, aje 1 will 4o all to a.eaaualaetioa. I.-O.B1 Hell It I M1LLBC. f -WT gnilii (Empire. The Mexican Empires-Vast Agricultural and Mineral Resources of the County. Tha Maxitan Times of SDtarabr 30 aaa The statement is correct it is official. The empire ia di.ided into fiflT departmenui, with an area of 7L2,Bd() square miles, and a pop ulation ot 0.Z1B.UBU souls, ilia more than three times as large aa France, four times as large as Spain, and about thirty tim es the size of Holland and Belgium. It is ia ex tent and internal resources first-class em. pire. Mo country on Hrtn nas n manv natural advantages Maxim ia .nlfx.n.teinin. in She raises her own braadnnff. every way. of every kind; her beef and pork; hor indigo, cochineal and vanilla; her wool, thread and cordage, and is now producing a large quan tity ol her cotton. She produces winos, aguardiente, meacai and pulque, m tue great, eatstbundanee. i. In the northern departments, bordering on the Kto ttraude, there is a one irru inu .to oh. . Here are mtneiise hards nl noraee, caule and sheep. The middle portion of (he empire is more devoted to agriculture ao corn ana wnear ana rye ana oariey ana oala. Hera tbe Irish potnio grows well. The I'aeifiO and Ailaimo coasts are wall adapted : to (agar, cotl'ee, tobacco and rice, and all the tropical plants and fruit. Id the extreme' south, in iaoatan, Campecbe, ie buautopao, il'abasoo ana La Larana, is the eoaiitrr i tor dye woods, mahogary, and the very best cacao. Her also grows in vary pre at pcrlootion the oocoaout aad tha chin-1 rooja and ovary other inter-tropical fruit. The lovers of natural history will find here, in their native forest., the noblest specimens of nature,, r. n ,i ': Oajaoo prodooes cochineal and indigo large quantities, while the highlands of Jalapa bare monopolized-fer years the production efj the celebrated "purgative drug.' The most valuable silver mines are situated Tulaucingo, Zacatecaa, San Luis, Potosi, Guanajaaro, Jalieco, Guerrero, Sonora, Sin- aloa and Chihuahua. The copper mines of Chihuahua are said to be the richest in the world, and the pearls of Lower California have ever been in great demand. ' The silver mines of Heal Del Monte and Pacbuca, in Tnlancingo, are but a short distance from this city. They are the most valuable Id the country, and are now yielding their owners large dividends.' The mines of Guerrero are not only rich in silver and gold, but the streams abound in precious stones. The mint of Mexico has coined from 1800 to 18G0, in silver, $400,624,4.6 , in gold, 26,175,644. How much of these precious metals was Coined before 1800, and bow ruueh wis taken out of the country by Hpaniah Vioeroys, by refugee Presideote and Uener- ala, and by that system ot smuggling carried on ao successfully for so many years, will never be made known. Tbia is a vast empire of mountains and val leys. The valleys are exceedingly rich and productive, while the mountains are filled with hidden treasure. Two-thirds of all the ilver in circulation in the wide world has been taken from Mexico, if ahe ia but true to her selfit ber citizens will rise above the small bickerings of party, and rally around our re publican Emperor and support him in bis on ward march of progress and improvement, this empira will soon be one of the riche.t and happiest portions of "God's green earth." Mexico is richer to-day tban ever she was New mines are daily discoverd and worked with improved maobinery. ' There are in her mountains ten thousaad times more silver and gold than have been taken out All she wants is energy energy, eoergy.' ' A Funny Court Scene. of, ! ! A. funny scene, and one altogether In ac cordance with that chapter pf the coderegu latiug the duties of Juatioe's Court not ten miles from Dubuque, the other day. A man was brought before the Squire to be tried for assault aud battery. , Now, be it re membered (bat the aaid bquire has au ardent love for tha "craythur," and when bis "love" is indulged, at any extent, he i outspoken, and betravs the "leanings' in the trial of a case " Well, the principal witness for the prose cution was called in the above trial, lie pro ceeded to tell bis story. " ' ' ; "I was going along the street,', said be, "and 1 saw the plaintiff standing near the curb stone. The defendant came up to him, looked at him a aecond, and then struck him a square lliv, and knocked him over." ' "Bully for him! Bully for himl" shouted the Justice, in evident delight "That's what I like to see, a squar blow V The counsel aod spectators were amazed, and sat looking at the delighted Justice like statutes; then three or four of them buret in to a laugh. "Order ia Court," cried the Squire. "This Court mubt be respected in proper manner. Proceed with your case, gentlemen." ' "Well, but your Honor," aaid the counsel for tha prosecution. "I'd like to know what kind of a proceeding thia ia. liow can we try thia ease under such circumstance-? four Honor, show " "Order in the Court," roared the Squire. "Gentlemen, proceed with your eaie. I'm glad it was a square blow he ttruck himl" he contiuued, ending the sentence in a bearty laugh, . , , , Of course the prosecution "rested here, and well they might. The "square blow" had settled their hasn in tbat Court. The de fence offered their tenimony, aud the Jus tice diemiMd the case. Ae General Butler baa bad something to say about the sort af a monument be would like, possbly the following quotation may, ia viswof bis cotton, sugar, aod silver spoon "aosculntions" in New Orleans, be as fining ae anything for the ieaoripnon: "&Ual from ba world, and not a stop tetl where 1 itr. .-i i $ ; i ! T.ixiPi rent ilntia.a In tha vicinltv of Sarpria. Valla; (Ne.nda) it n exleuiire quarrj of gypium, perlec'ly crytll:iei, and . Iranaiiarent brook, ol ic liom Iba clear eat (wncl. This took nalurall; break a in perfect aquitrea, and without cutting ean be upod for l.oildmr iiorpoies. Se.reral hoinea will aoun be. erpcied of tbia mauitial, and it ia thought that no windowa will be required. a the blocks ot gypsum will admit ligbt. A building constructed ol this maternal would Coruiulf present a rplemlid and bury-like appearance. I i The reoenl earthquake in San Francisco baa occasioned apprehension and alarm, not only from it. violence, but from the disagree able fact, wbitib the discussion of the calami ty has rerivnd, that California has been sub- Jct to times past to similar visitations. 1 he ancient banters and herdsmen who crosned it sandy hills and Tellers often found the rth uncomfortably quaking beneath their feet. It is possible that San Francisco may witness the painful scenes which have been frequently oliserred in Acapulco, Mazatlan, and other towns along the coast washed bv tha same waters. The late earthquake seems to have been even more severe tban was re- poiteu 0? tne urai accourua. maaaiTe airuc turns, ware, made temporarily useless, and graat fissures were made along portions of the waierrfroui, which bad been converted into sites lor buildings, uppai entlyoa solid and im movable as (he earth iwulf. , l "wanted hoase help." Be replied they did. i "Do von. have email children?" she asked, j I No.Vi "Do yon have your washins; done out of the house ?" "No." "Will my room be carpeted ?' "Yes" After going on awhile j .in this manner the gentleman turned the tide, and said be would like to ask her a few qoes animated j tipns. . "Can you play the piano," he besn. in("0, no.". "Can you speak French 7" "No " ; "fan you ' sing the opera?" "No." "Can you dance lhe lancers?" "No." "Well J then," he, concluded, "if you can't do any of ; these, you won't suit," and off went the aaton in : ishsd . maiden araullii.g mice. Louitvilte Journal. , , j A ferillrmeo in thia oity, aaya the other day a till ualled at bis ilotir and naked if biafami- ', J 1.. .1 .. J. . . L. 'X' 'jl.' STKVKN8, 1UILLII4 HOUSE CORKER, DK.I.KB 11 DRCGS, tiiiniciiti, ,. rilKHItlALB, PEBt'DiaKBT, APS, DPWltOK, . i; . AND ! FANCY ABTICLES, OalM altenllnnto a well aelaoted ntnek of Uooda, and .oiiu.l a oonunllance .f pant farora. Sept. 16, istio dim olothing.HM FIKE, ItEBEE & CO., OX XLOCA-X TT narton, Onls, , , ABU NOW Ol' Ft. It I'M A LARGE STOCK OV Clothing Clothi, Cassimerei, Vesting, Traveling; Bhirtt, Under 8hirti, Drawers, Knit Jackets, Men's ;8uspenden, Boya do. ., Linen aad Faoer Collars, Ac, &o. Ac. Taalltlwhlch wa wow Id fte.pee fully CALE. THE ATTKNTIUJ OP M E E C I I A. 3ST T S ws Vialttns; thle market. riSIB, BKBKK 4 CO., 1 Main Street, between Third anil Fourth, MpSdlmtmw IMYTON, OHIO Real Estate Agents. I.KflTZ AAPPLEGATI. Heal Estate Agents, flic SX3 Tklr4 Mtwt Nrtal Nlla (OpjXMite Totra Olook.) For Bale, Flax Factory, oooupied hy MdHtira. pavte A Co.. witti machinery, and 0 a?re of land. A fartn leu aorea 1 milenortb of Hrown'a 'Uitloa ee Weatera K. on Twie Creek, veil Imitrv-ad' VIo.ihjo. A bnt'k honae, cot of Brown and Ann Bta. A doehle ftiuiie botiee oa Han eUveti A double frame houae on Walnut aireet Adouble trim boue on Kifth -ixaet ; A nuin ofai acrea, HS tuilen Irom JMytoti A larm ot 14 eraa, 7 luilea rVom (aTiua j A farm of W) aor on 'ireonrille R U; A farm of 198 aerea nnar Uermaaiown i A brw-khotineoa Kilth wtreM, No til ; Alarm of 7larra, well improved, fine brlekhonae and beat Twin boUoin land; mile treat ef Uer- mantswa. A fat m of .')4 acrei good Improrementa at Brown'e Hiationen Weaiern H. ft. A wil inupruvedfvin ef lift acraa, two milea eaat At Bonora.n Weitro railroad. A pot4 bauae and tarae lot on Main atreet, No ttM. A term ot lb aore oa Oentntvatowa pilce, aulee from Dayton. Two arrall farma, well tmprnrerl adjoining Liberty, T mi lea from Oayum, oi M and W acraa eanh. A numtarof houa. and loiain d.rlerent paru of the citr. All will be acid cheap. Ir LhiNTZA AlPLKOATIC,K. V. A. 8TKPHKN3 HUBEE ft 00. Heal Eatatw Aftati( B70 tft 280 TKira Btn WILL attend tc tha Mllinff aad buymf of real aaUAa, loan moQpy on Und aad fimrtMxa 'aaecoiiet.Uuna, Ao., An. Allbutineaeentrueted u them will beiaith luily atteeded to. . . , . , Out. Railroads. Monday Morning, Sept. 4, THE ATLANTIC AND GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY Wllibeommeno. Hunning thr.. Through Train be tween Oincianatl and the EASTERN CITIES, Pat.Ing threush th. celebrated ' Oil BeElom of PonnaylTanla. t. O.Tion S 20 a. m. Arrlre at :!) p. m. " llf-.'O p m. ' I via m. " " 1:10 a.m. . uua. m. The Engine., Darn, and other equipment, or this Line, are entirely new, of th. most modern, subetan ti.l an-1 approved dertmpiiona, uoatualad bj any TFtBOtmn TICK CT via this new and Important Route, can be procured at tha Depot of tha O. H. A i. Hallway, and at all th. prinoipal Ticket Ofllcea In ' HK8ge checked through. ' D. MOL4RRN. (l.n'1 K. f. FULtKB, dea-l Ticket Agent, ma Dayton, Xenia and Columbus Railroad. VtiANUK OF TIMH. THUEI DAILT TRAIH KA8T, VIA COLUMBH9, Through Traimtfron Dayton (e all Raster n CUUa ', I MM CLOTHING! mnBII DAILY TRUNs V.AST, leavtn Iayton -a- 'i m ivr...a.ltinuws; mail, ,;jn A fll . KIO' lnmrai-AeoomTnod.tion, 11:05 A. M. Night Expreaa AURIVTNdAT DATTOJt. lffKht Fxpre-B, 4 4ft P. M. Columtjiw-Aftoinni(M.ftUoa,fct.3d A. M. lWTton Eiprena,7;t6 A. M. Train run hy Oofnmbtia tfme, which la aeven tnin titea faitiftrthan Oaytno time. Thr'Hithtxtketa nan he had fnr all Eattern Cities by vailing on tiaoiuel W. King, Ticket Agent. a. w. weofwAKf,, sun't, m , Oiftujinnati. Uhio. THE B33ST STEUNHKKGER 4 CO. SI K.erKtlNBK H) It tfc (formerly dom, ha jlnei. . iniverrniitowa Monli('iinerT county, tlhio.) and Hill. IP 8ill.UMANr(ronuerlylnln hu.ine.aa M . ami.hjrit,) hATirrrnio'l a co-partnership, aod ar.r ootyins a -J LA RUE ASI SPLKMIIO STOCK AT No. SOS Third. Ktretut, tielwi en the J'oxto'.nce and Flrat National Bank. Wear .taity reoelrlng Hi. heat qnallty of reunion- . am. o.jie. ui isitatrltix aad Summer 'Ready Made Clothing I I (ientsV Furnishing Goods, Ae., o., Ao. Merchant Tailoring 1 ! Ooo ls will be mad. up to order ia th. . LATEST 8TYLTC8 On abort notice, and WARRAHTBU SATIS VAOTOHY averParti-iiHr attention paid to Custom Work.V We are ar.pard to nail jroda Hown at Gold Fncee, one hun trd percent lower than three monUii no. Call and examtna our RAoda. We will -ol be excelled by any houe in the city. TOBACCO. Por a number of year-. 18. Hternbereer her. leennxaKeri in th. puKhaeaof LKAV TOBaCOO, in tlieCireat Mi. mi Valley, and they will enntinue to purchase th.artlcleat tlie Imylutt marUt prict. i.row era are invited to nail at th-ir I'loltnng Hou.e, No. aao Third el. eel, betw.ea the iMUiirli. and 'lie rirat Nv Uonnl hantr.aalhey oiler yiMtinlwvtsnta to M-IUra. aJl.a.Um 01 KKNUKKUKsl A OO. NEW STOVE STORE. ortcii iiiEH. MiNOFAgTURfiSS 09 TOOK 8TOVEH. WOOD, COAL, AND BEFIT j IKON PAUHts, bOX, AMJUI.LUa8TUVKtl. HOIilAIWAKB, HUUAR KH1LK8. Ao Ao. Ourtnp of Merydemrinttom feoade t. arder. War. room No. is leCereou street, the Market U.u.e., ,, " f oundry o.ttayard etreet, near Ludlow, naytoa Ohio. ... . atOYKH A MeMASTKat. JOHN, BETTELON Wholesale Dealer la Foreign & Domestic Liquors! Mo. 185 Intra Street, DAYTON, OHIO: JSFPBOK dANDaLargeand Aaeorted Quantity Bourbon, Eye, and Other Whiskies, IRtNDY QIN, RUM UTTERS, aC. nn,AI..,aLri. tiMfc .roiaars.-va JuaaltaM. aawll AUYa.HYItr.tO HA1HI, IN DMf,T. ' ' ' Onaat)uai-e,fTlKlity wordi.eoljj) ebelaerHot)...9 e uiw trii.aim.ijif nM aaya. 1 tat One atpiare, ene weett .t, 1 flw me iitire,one monih , t M One Riiimre, three titonUia....,.,.....,,....,,..., y oit one nquurea w tuontha . io o IN WKHkll.T One M(are,ichty wori, one ekw....,w.i rtr aimre,ea(!n wn m addition a-..........,., 60 Pr i)iaretoue year 18 iJ mrnn inr aivrtitteinen ote Id agivatei paca orfor alonjcr punod loan abo -peui nt-d.made It nnwn at ths isinntlti a i i ..i.. J.. , ... K iiwiii nit phi vr'i.K.rtills-niB RTP ; ia od a th.a4HTeraiea,unleaaarntt?nagreament IA 1)1 .lie pfPTiOUl to inHtrtlon. All rmauul aJ..rii.. " rw tor in anmn Professional Cards. LAW NOTICE. C. L. VALLAHDIGHAm- Orrics (rorthe preaenl) st III reslrien.. No.isjs fir.t .treet, li.yton.ohtn. .... . .i..u.n .ruin iu. m. to three P. M. P.TToa.u. Wovemlierl'ilh.lset. nerlJtt t.os.o.iows, o,o. v. x.nura. (Late County Auditor.) IKWKtSllIHTH, ATTORNEYS AT LAW. DAYTON, OHIO, Juiineea I ran .acted In Barman and French. OPrinK-Ovsr Blokey's BoolntoM, Ttiiri rtmt.. ttaodaot OUUN4 0A1UU, Attorneys & Counselors at Law Gorman's Bulltllng, Thlr4, felSilawtf DATTOH, OUIO. ' WM. H. CONOVER, "fast strata ef madlsen Tewnaal, Will .IIah.I tn A.. I . ... ... .- I ,T,...Tijr.i ? 1 aoanowiailging Deeds, ami the collection ol claima. . .iimf ""Prr l" at lend to the drawing or I. atrumeula of writing, nnrreotly, at .hort sotk-e. auOdawlr Groceries. New Wholeaale Grocery. AtKel.yAMtlntyi-eo!d.Un,1 SIS Third etreel WOOAMAn, IPIELHlg At CO., Wholesale Grocers, bem aoall ""P""' !"" ' . Dematutll. leuldawly C.O'llsisa. M.OHaiia. K. O'BRIEN BROTI1EK, WHOLESALE GKOIKKS iimiPoiTiii or Cigars, Brandies, Winaa, Gins, Iriih and Scotch Whi'iky,' Aan paaLBs. ia Dome.tlc Ulacs and Llqunm Al.aa, Agent! for Salo uf fare Donrbon Whisky, SO. Jul BKCOMD BTBKBT, IMT01, 0. All liqnor. Qnarantied fre from Urn gt II O'UHIBN A HBOTHKR hav. on hand a tne J. "elertion of (.roeenea, Wine.., Liquor., and CI Kr.,wl,irihthey will .ell to the pur.Mc u low ..any huuea in Dayton No eflort. on their part will ti neuleilto render entire .atliilat lion lo all thow woo go to their H..ue, mil Second .Ireet. 'I wll keep Fnh of all kinda. ftfldaw 18G5 FBESH 18G5 GROCERIES ! ! IjlVERT family de.lre. good, Ireeh Orocene., an.' u. a" L0U ,"n""'1 iatere.tet to (ire CANNED PRTJIT8 Wetera Peeche.. Plume, Strawlme.. Qiunee. Iiimato.s, Blaokberrio., and Cherne.i then we hey Spice and Cove Oysters Hi,.'.w ""rlm,"" ' "lliee, tlnlillelown Il.mi and Bhoul.k.r., Lamp, asd ;oalj,l,bu,.r. andtod-e. thru th. mark.le anorJ tlniVdeefra" llT -ftTl ZIL 'X w.,uj....lTinC Out net oan lie had. Com. on., rr nie .11, m,'t "".i'.rr''.?"0- M'TIhK a BAIalJ, d.ldawlf . Mainat .a ,..i-i.. a,"'. TIlOMAn l UE( K, . bKAi.Kaa ix Coal, wMn.l.lsn,C.sneni'r.nnr. OH CANAL, BKLOW THJBB WKBET, Uuvton, Onto. Insurance. hIo Insurance Company t OK DAY T ON. Al'THORIZlD CAPITAU... AHblT..... SIM 000 lue.eue OrC 0. MJCTH8TBKT. OPPOtUTl Fire and Marine Itieka taken at Cnrront Ratea. " tliHUO-roRSi -a n William Dickey, Jonatlia. Keaaev," JopUM Turw, O. L. V.ll.nnKhiin, U-r A. oro,., Ai..n, tahill, ' Oofca isgiia, ri.!niitn Si. Tumor. PeterT. Lickey. V ll-LIAM MCKfT, Prandant. . . JUA-BAaVllMAJl,li.utir W. Omasw.,rl;retajy. mT Teutonla Insurance toapany OF , . Dayton, Ohio. OrPIOK TV TKO iTRKna", (ttluir.Stf.pp,nvaa'.Ofho..) . Ttua CaiMay is a.w ready t. de . lU HK AHD MABIHS ' RISKS A RRAKillABtc BATni.; , DIBJCCTOkSl ' , ' ioh.Ha.lteh. ' iohnW. Ha,. ' iuIiiMw ;2-aha.haM. a. ,rm,nA