Newspaper Page Text
City and Other Matters. Arrival and Departure of Train. .Trant inlnuid depart from the l)iw liot elloWB CeiaMvnil, Hamilton and Dayton. it to ' m.. ' " efie.tarn liprmta .ini Ijvi a m Accomodation..... lfcnoam nmipni AnenmmodaliOD 3:110 n m 7 AO p tn ipre.. :l'pm irBoanii fjinolanatl Mail M P m Atlantic and Oral Witter. Kantarn Bipraaa....... 12 0 p m Night Cxpreas .. 1:05 n, Dnyton and Uithigan. OhK-no Mail ....10:00 a m Chicago and Iletroit Kiprena 0:1X1 p m Dotton, Xenia and Cuhenbut. Beaton Rxpraaa P m Mail - 11 Tlt ai m h Bhl Eiprsu H:M p m s-ooem t it am tl:vO p m T:l a m u a m 4:41pm inravtna Central and DmUrn and Wuttm. Knatem Hxprf....... T:lli a re 7 30 p m Annommodalion IMftam S:2fi p m Day Bxpren. :W P n 11:0 t m oanrfutls, Dayton and Cinoinnati. Bandnaky Mail lo ll) a m 1:40 p m Bellerounuin Aeuommodation.... S:oo p m 7:afi a m IMyttM and Union. Accommodation 10:15 am 1 1 m ipraaa 1:6" p m :26p m aLaayeaafery morning eynept Mondays. Thara will ha an aitra PaiMengar train run from Dayton to fcumiltoa every Monday morning, tearing llayloa at 4:N a m KxpreaaaUpa at Middtotown and Hamilton only. Thoaa going Kant on tha 18:0(1 train tnniit procura their ticket in theeveninit before eight o'clock. t Tha 7:34 train conneeta at Xania with tha Light slog Expreas leaving Cincinnati al6:UO a m J. L'H. LONG, Agent. St. John's Church—Clegg's Hall. Dirioe serrice, by Ker. Daniki. Stkck, erery Sandtv st 10 o'clock A. M. end 7 P. M. Serricei alio every Wednesday BTeninfr, at 7 o'clock. Tbe Fna There U no crisation of inter eat in the Fair at Beckel Hall. Nntwithatend ins; the unpleasant weather lent ening, thare was another larpa crowd and every thing passed off ploasantly. It is gratifying to tate, that allhoogh this Fair has been in pro greaa for ten days past, and the hall has been thronged nightly, not a single circumstance has occurred to disturb the pleasure and bar mooy of its proceedings. This is entirely at tributable to the good management of the gentlemen who have it in charge. The Fair will be open again to-night. A large number of beautiful articlea still remain on handi which will be disposed of at very cheap rates. The great attraction of tbe evening will be a aeries of beautiful Tableaux. Lot every body go to-night. Tickets can be obtained at Fischer's Book and Music Store, 1 17 Main Street. JKtrThe Dayton Post Office will be cloned at seven o'clock, P. M. until further notice, ana? u viiicimimujqiiw ri mo rmr night will exceed any thing heretofore w nesaed. Splendid CmauoEs, Sleighs, Ao We would eall attention to the advertisement of Messrs. J. Langdon & Bro., who have now on band a large and splendid stock of Carriages, Buggies, Sleighs, Ac, at the old stand of W. W.Phillips, Nos. 11, 13 and 15 Kast Fourth Street. The work manufactured at this es tablishment has a reputation second to no other In tha West. la style, finish and dira bilitv it cannot be surpassed any where, and the large sales made daring the current year ii the best evidence of this fact. Tbey are now getting up a large and splendid stock Of aleigbi of entirely new patterns, which have never before been excelled any where. The Messrs. Langdon have also a full and complete assortment of Hardware, at their old and well known establishment No. 78 Main Street, between Second and Third They are the agents, in thii city, for Diebold, Bahtnann t Co's. Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, and Schooley't Refrigerator and Lager Beer Cooler. 10 One of the principal attractions at tha Fair to-night, will be the splendid music by tha Band, InTERxsTiiia to Soldieu. Tbe following important order in relation to tbe mustering out of the Veteran Reaerve Corps has been issued from Washington. Tbe order appar ently contemplates tha retention, either in the military or eivil service, of all who desire it, whose disability entitle them to tbe consider' atioo of the Government. WAR DEPARTMENT, ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, WASHINGTON, October 26, 1865. GENERAL ORDER NO. 155. ' In view of the very numerous aud pressing applications for discharges by members of tbe Veteran Keeerve uorps, Department Com manders will oausa old organizations of that Corp, within the geographical limit of their command, to be pardoned before a general organization stan omcer as soon after tbe re1 ' eeipt of this order a practicable. Any Gen eral, or general staff otiicer on doty wiibin the limiU of tbe department whose services ean be spared, may be detached for this purpose. The officer will Question each officer aud en listed man so paraded, as to whether be wish as to be discharged or to remain in service. and will make out separate list of those who wish a discharge and of those who wish to re' main in the service. . . Each list will then be read before tha ofE cars and men, who will have an opportunity to correct it, so that it will be a true expression of their wiibe on tha aubjeot. The oSicer will viit all those who may be absent from the pared, and in a similar manner obla their wish, and enter their name on th proper roil, xaeroiiioi omcer and men . who wish to be discharged will then be turned to th eommiaiary of muster, wbo will at one muster out af service those who names are on the rolls of inch a desire to be diachar L Be will obtaia from regimental officer the necessary date and complete the roll wuh wbo uoaira w remain in we aevice, M to exhibit their raokaod degree of disabili. ' ly. Tue rubs, wbn completed, will be for- w.tdetl to the Adjutant Ueueral. Nam of ullicere itd men Delonging to different com. I'uuibh ur raiments will not be doue on tbe mnie run. iu muj ot tbu ubor cases. The ruin ot ;boe woo wi.h to rerati in tbe' er- five, as wall m tboe who wish for a discharge, W1() b9 oil tbe prescribed blanks lor will be iudo ou tbe preiur uiualtir no J denctipup rolls, and will contain lull information Miiording to the form of the ,. - " - Lfrparimeni comoiantiers win ape inai mis ; order it aiecmed with promptness. By order E. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. ItajT Oo and ace tbe Tableaux at the Fair, to-night, at beckel UalL Colli8biom. Last night a (reight train on C. H. k D. aud another 00 the H. D. St C Railroads backed iuto each other in the vicini ty of tbe Depot. Two care were considerably mashed up. That was Ike extent of tha amage. tKf Read the article on our first page, concerning Mexico aud iu resources. It will be found interesting. Ladies' Makti.ih. For tke special edifica tion of our lady readers, we clip from an elaborate artic'e on the fashions, which re cently appeared in the New York News, the following on mantles meantime confessing that the whole subject it to onr eemprehen- ion utterly incomprehensible : First class authorities declare) that there are only three forms of autumn mantles. Tbe caeaque, which fits the figure quite closely : the half filling paletot, or, as it is raueu in raria, iuh uemi uujutic, arm ine loose Bretonne sack, at present the favorite of all. Hough clotha are decidedly the favor- tea, in preference to every quality of finer goods Sleeves are little varied, fortunately for both wearers and makers ol them, for all must have been somewhat weary of the un changing shape of tbem. They are now made, both in dresses and outer rarments, with a simulated opening, beginning at tbe wrist and extending up to the elbows, and otherwise quite plain and close to the arm. It M said that a atrong ellort is about to he made to shorten the dresses for promenade ; it will at least nave the tUect ol deciding whether any reasonable women exist in the fashionable community, nnd if successful, it will be a great improvement iu taste. At least, let ua hope that if long dressea con tinue to hold their full sway, the neat nnd thrifty habit of looping them over the under skirt will never go out of fashion Special Notices. of so A Couh, Cold, or Hor Throat, RwtVtin IMITBDIAT ATTBHTIOt, If D fHOULO M CHICK ID. . ,lF AlXOWBD TO CO-CTIH til, Irritation mt tha luDg,a Pr rma nent.Xhrwt Affection an la carable Iniif Dtaeaa u orraa tms ruclt. BROWN'S BRONCHIAL TROCHES AT1KO A DIBBOT IHFLOEMOl TO Tff IMftTfl, 01 VI IMMKDJATS RELIEF . For Bronchitis.,' Asthma, Catarrh, Con sumptive and Throat I) I m-as en, T1O0HU A tUt ngp WITH A1WATI OUOO flOOlBi BltttiKHS AND PUBMCHFSAKKRH will And TrochtM uful in rl.rin(r; th Tf(r whn uicea utfor Moving or MptMic int;, una MUif-um tn tnrotu nrn uniiKimi exertion or inn vm-iu nruftOM Th Troche r rwvommeudeit anil treuntt by rnvii r an, ni n nave nail WMimnntt. it irnni pinineni mn throughout th country. Beinff n rvtiela of truw merit, and tiaTing promt thir elncary ttj a tt-nt of many yoara, eaon y'ar noua inem in new locnimrH in YariotiM iriri or in worm, ni m jroenrs bim unrrersRity rouounnea ueuer man atnur ar kjib Obtain only "Rbowm'r Reokciiial Taotinai," and do not lake any of th WorOtltu bnitatton that may ue onereti. Hold eferywner in tha United Htatea, and in For elgn OouitLriea. at 36 ceula per box. oi'taU -fiuidaw THE FUR TRADE. We ihall open on Monday, Oct. 1CA, for the Whole- tale and Retail trade, (a the old eland, 144 Main St.) the leet asiorted flock of FWR O00DS, of every detcrip tion, for Ladiet', Gentlemen' t, Mieeet' and Children't wear, that hat ever been offered in this city. If buyers mil tome and look at our goods, they shall be sulisfiied that we have the stock to select from.' win, iidd & do. UaTTKKS and Furiera, oal23-6teod2tw ' Main St. Cianaaari, Ohi. Medical Notice. Dr. K. CONE may baaoosultad aafollnwa : In XKNIA at lha liapot Eating- Honaa.on Ihura dajrs Mot, 21, lac. H, Kk. 1, March 6, Apr! U. la DAYTON at tha Phillip Houae. on fruity Hot. IM, l aa. iu, tab. , Maruh l, April 11. tn TdDT at tha Mnrria Houae, on Heliinlaya Nov. IS, lao. . Kh S, March lu, April 14. In BPRINfiriELOal tha Willi. Houaa, onThura daya, Nat. au, Jan. 4, r"et , March 15, April K. Dr. COaB haa had oflloaa tn eath of tha above plaoea, Ihat ha tiaa rcKUlarlv vi.tttd for tha past ar an vaara and a ha ha. traatad and curail manv Pa tient, in aaob of tha abova plona., ha canKivalha bail of ref rencas in aauh plare, aa lo tila atacill. pr 00NR Traata.and Ouraa, all Tartatiaa ofChronie dlaaaaea, includin thoaa of theKva and Ear rmkan no rharra ffir onn.tillalion ; but if lho who rttn.iilt him uaa ra iraaltoaoi, ncnarKs uaan lor ma Mad' loinaa. Mailiamas that will laat a pa'iant from fonr to alx monthi uoat from Jrivato Tluriy doilaaa, ia Ca.n. AddrtM: Dr. B. OOri I, oeUVlif CoiUMsiia, Umo. , Ileailach has bacom vrv common, so much so that some member ol nearly every family is afflicted with iu Tbe eaua in sunt cases is a torpid action of the liver, which is brought oo by the debilitating influence of the climate and impurities ol th blood. Ua Morr s Vkuktalu lavga Pilij will restore th action of the liver, and will cause the pain in th head to disappear. They will also cause I tlaa, anamlawina tn kaAAm a l am . aa Pt i4 maxatnm j, ,iUtJ of whoIe system. .... , "Zoo on thii picture and Mm on thai." Here'you behold the Infirm step, The pallid cheek, wasting form, Untested food, and a social atmosphere Poisoned with the tales of aches, pains, Sleepless nights, and menial despondency. There, laughing health, sparkling eyes, Elastio iep,crving appelite, forgotten care', Genial thought and ambitious resolves Show the contrast and mark the picture. And here the secret lies, that Unknown to Quackenboas, t,he Doctor, Smith had taken bottles three Of Draee'b Plantation Bitter. Ifestetter'a Bittrra an tba . Battle riid. It ia aatittfactmy to know tht our field honp flala are no longer unaupplieJ with thia, life -aa Tin f prPa ration. Soldi ore who, M pri rate t5tiianat had becotsia arquaintd with ita propartiea, hare In many instan- ei mada a apeoia't n quant that noSTETTBR'S HTOMACH BITT 1R3 might b aldrd tottha medical tores of thair regimnnts, and their wiahca har not twen unheeded. Am a mmi of us taming wounded mnson the tnttla field, anl of aiiaUitifl troopa to lieArfr.tiguing;mar!hfa under a hlaainft aim, It he been atnmuntifllj' r'om mended by diatinguiahed infldioal rnen,andtheproftpct la that ft will eventu ally auperoedoall the adulterated tincturea, liquora and tlangtrout Tbnif that hare heretofore been considered meditiinal ataplea. Tho fact that a ainall quantity of the fiittera rolled with wator from Any of the Southern or South-wfutum rirernwill prerent It tVom affecting the bowels or the liver, should be borne in mind by Army PhynicianH, aoidiers, and all who have occasion to rit thoae port! one of our onuntry. The man who nam HORTfcTTEH'S BIT- dnajfe Intermittent Fever and ' II other diwaenii generated byt e action of an unwhol8omft atmoa- phere upon an overtajieu iramo. THK FIRST APPBAltANCE OFSCROR H LA. When imall hard knot appear under tha akin on the glandi ot the nnck, or small ulcers about the nose and throat, or Bores sboatthe eyes or face, this is the the time to use a Purifier ot the liiood, to carr? the hu mor out of the system, before too disease be comes sentsd and the system fatally dittorgen i zed. Boovii.l a Bi,oou and Litkr Hvbup ts the Remedy physicians are using in their practice, as one of the very best MediciDee known for curing those disease which are caused by an impure state of (he Blood. J. N. Harris ft Co, of Cincinnati, are now putting up a medicine for tha cure of Pulmo nary Diseases, known by the name of Allen' uing Balsam. This remedy is curing case of Consumption that were considered in curable. Thia remedy break op tbe most harassing Cough in an incredible short time. For sal by all drnggisla. Hanephrofa Mpeclnca. Thousand of Invalid have been perfectly cured of long standing ailments, the plague and bane of their lives, and on which they have spent hundreds in vain by limply nsiug these invaluable SPECIFICS. Not a family who have ever had one of these Family Cases of HUMPHREY'S 8PECIFICS, but would give five times iu ooat.rather than be without it. Address: 6C2 Broadway, N. Y. DH, HALL'S BALOAH, This highly etTicacious and popular medicine astonishoa, by its good e flue La, every CON SUMPTIVE sufferer who makes use of it; and those who have tried a thousand remedies in rain will never regret its trial, A few dotes give proof of its superiority over all other remedies known. Kafcacks Bltlera. -There is maw? trwe woral epaaesi lisjeat, aaid s gantAeman to his friend who ra-markM) lhat Milreensacki are mmmd hmt Hwbacke are better." See C. W. Roback'i Advertisement IATTUN, SaptamUr 1, 18tf. Falew TVaMfen: BelievinK aa I do that arerjr man ahould ha uaeAil iu hiadav and eenaration, and hr renuent ot tlio j. aanlt ol par4oni of tnia conmuoitr, 1 have made prertuinn kbiii.bou win manuiacnira my Exneltcor V rm 10 ltroTr, and wttl have it aold by aonta loever part of the hahiulile loba. It U peiientlj iDnweol tnilaertM!ta ant will not deatroy mnythxog, but h t whhih It ia dnaigned todantrvt-' Rat, Mire, hoaitatxa, Ue1buga aod Aula, it can be lined tn pan try, ou(rKMrdB,fainnui. It cantwUid or net along tha airle of food tor ertont, or uaenil am mala with imrfmt aafety, Itoontataa no pomon, and ia rettr ittan any other pranaration now before thenubto. Aud ynu may auk why it ia he tor than othor prr aiiunriT 1 will tell yon. It oontaina atlraollfe oil, that other pruamtina h re uoi id them t thi will bnnfc Ttarmtn where tha proparaiion la laid, and they will eat of itaaoiten a you place tt where thr can Het while there t any to eat. The prepara tion iiontaiotJ dirttrat Ingredient for the deatrm' tao of eatdi namef Tnrnun mentioned above. Kor cockroarhea small pica of bread spread over with ilia prvtmtmn ami laid on tne hearth in a room, or in Miitrya, lha prvkaraiion he in a ocverttd with Sour 'or inree 'Mftnta, auocaesiveiy. in appear. In old uouaetsor bedsteads where buns inffwt, tnke a paukoife, or stick and spread a small portion of the pre pit j-a tion along the orarks of the wajh and chair, and on the bedatMda whr they infest let lha preparation s'ay on one or two iays,tlvn wash otf tbe dad bn ; thea puv on a email (Ktrtion o tha preparstionaKain, and you will not have to clean mort than ooi'S a ynar. f emons umg tbe prepara tion to deatroy rat" need nol fear thai they will ho ia wells, aa It in the heat of the preparation that deT tror and they will noma out if eorloHetl plarwM to je! the air. by x-uidm the air I hey will die, at beat the" will lettve the premixeaand go where they cm pe't waurand then will die immediately after getting the water. Unto be us I any lima In the yea'. Rata will not die under the buildinivs to leave a aiemih. By usior from two to three dohara worth of this pre paration a year, rata ean ne kept out of any mill, warf)iouie,or ura nery in the Duiteil State. Privet tamtuea win not neeu overimo to four boxes per year It should aiwaye be used three audita aueoesaively U 'iear tnem out- ah oiner preparations now b rbi me tiuiinc. ronutin noifiinc out bhosu 10ms tn .1. lro, mixed with oorn meal and grease, oolored w id kreaae, eoloredwith tail contain isms ili veniiiaa raa aiy doim snaji contain twice the amount Uiat the others oontain and be aold for tha saute price. Country men hantu aud pedlers ca be supplied by the dose n at $i ; sinvle boxes 6 cents, at iii j rekt'ieiM-a, ni jwi auu it ieairaoM street usv tween 6th aud ttth. Virections lor using on eirdltn ch hot. baMJAMIN BAVrr, iayta, Uluo. Telegraphic. LATEST NEWS. From Washington. Wuhinutok, Nov. 1, I'ha procerrtiogs and smtcDce in Iba case of Wiist will hot prohatilj be madn kuowa lor some days yet. lo-day Mr. Hchade, tbe counlel for the prisoner, called i ihj Wbile Housh, aud sent a card lo the President conlaininir nn in quiry as to tbe action taken by bim (the Presi dent) in the case, which was returned bj President Johna jn, bcariup the indorHemem: "I have not saen the records." It is understood, however, that the testi mony in the caae ia now buiu briefed for the President's supervision From New York. New Yobk, Nov. 1. The Foninn Senate met aain at noon to-day in private session, Colonel HoHerts pruaidinj;. 'I'he principal business transacted waa in relation to the 6nanuial department, which it will be neces sary to establish, in order toellnol nenoliations ana the sale of bouda of the Irish Kepuhlic. During the month of October shipments of arm and ammunition made to the South were B4.000 pounds of powder, 58i,000 pounds shot, and 1,600 shooting irons and pistols. The Commercial' Washington letter says ; A companv of gentlemen, oiontly of Ihis city or New York, has been organized to construct a railroad botween Alexandria and Freder icksburg, under a charter obtained from Qov ernor Pierpont' Legislature, when that body waa in session at Alexandria. Thia willbean important connecting link in the travel North and Sonth. The United States and England. special says it ia intimated that Kecretary Seward is preparing mi answer lo Ivirl Hus sell in relation to the preposition of the latter to appoint Commissioners to decide th ques tion ot the Alabama indemnities. The Missouri Legislature. St. IiOUin, NoTcmbt?r 1 An edjonrnd seBninn of the Missouri Leginlature convened at JeOersoo City todity. No quorum beiofr present in the Senate, that body u'ljourunj (ill to-morrow The House orgnnized with Co!, Jameson, Speaker pro tern , in tbe Chair, but adjourned without truusaeting any buMiness. Walter S. Lovelace, regular Speaker of the House, having been appointed Judge of tho 8 s pre toe Court by Governor Fletcher, a va cancy exists, but it i not decided whether the liouae will eject a new Speaker, or allow Col. Jameson to preside during the session. New Advertisements. so a LAHanoa MH..,.w..Joaapn lhoion. PREMIUM CARRIAGE FACTORY. C. UNODON .fc ItHOTllKK. MAMUKACTUHKKH OF PINE OARIUAOKH, BOCKAWAY8, HrlDullis, TllKK WAHONrt, HPIUNd WAOONH, HI.EI'iHH, 4o., A LATEST STYLE & FINEST WORKMANSHIP W. W PHILLIPS' Ol.r STAND, NOS. 11, IS, AKI'ld KAHT KOIIRTQ 8TUF.BT, DAT. t un, uu in. npainrji dona iiromiilly and In tlie bant ftvla.' ALSO, Dealers in Hardware, And agents for DIEBOLD, BAHMANJf & CO.'S Fire and Burglar Proof Safes, AND HCIIOU Refrigerator and Lai;e Boer Cooler nondawSm N0.78' MAIN STKKKT EMPLOYMENT r or Returned Soldiers and all Others, AO K NTS WANTKI). Great sale f Jewelry mnd Nllverware. The Arrandale Great Gift Distribu tion. Our A gent a are making from Fife to Thirty lo)lars per day. and wo still n mora. Late inrutcoM from Kuroe have awalledour stock toovorune Hillinn Doi'ars. A splendid aasortinetit of Wstchts, MinH, Laslina'aid tianUemi'n's Jewelry of all kinds, u' tna most lasninnatiia itaiiern", aeumtt ai 91 etn-n. wntt aV iieum for a'frtlficat and v a? tint von are entill-d U : or sand a 3 oeol hUido (or our trmn to Aanu. whicn are of the mot liberal ktnd. Nr.w is your Ulliei n iinri.i tfnijUi m novldawSw No. 1U7 I' road way, Ntr Vork, Legal. KOAD NOTICE. NOTICE IN haraby giv-D that t)a lime for r..iku.j propoaa!. for ina oooitlruclioD ot lha Harn. .nil ttoMVer iH.k Tirriiaa KoaU haa tnn axlruila.1 Ui Snd.f, No., loth, lSVl, .1 o'ulo.k, P. Hi. I. will tj. raoaivad, Ma-ad, at tha alora of Mr. Churl a. Allen, al Har.liiaaoTilla, MnntiiomerTOountT.Ohio, at which placa a pnrila of Ui. r.Mwl may ba Man ana ah naoa.Mir ii).tru-tiona aaii inlorniali'iii cau ha laiDait. froposnl. will ha uul in lur half milaooiilraola. liy ortial 01 lha iluaulor. WIM.IAU UARUIKa 1'ruaMrut. Oct. 13-ld 3 RUKIUFK'8 SAI.K OK ItKAL KSTATK."1 HY Tirtuaof aail in oha'lianna loan onlarof tha Superior Oourl, of kloiiKomary t'ouoly, Ohio, I will aail at uuhlio aala on aalurilty lha Twaaly-liih l.y ol NoTeinlMr, lHii!V, at tha l.Vort Hoiimo t o'cloik t- M-,tlia followlDM dawTitia.l pramiM.. .ila alail 10 aa tl ouo!y, tw dk in lha Homh Waat qoariar of ..'itiun Nn. thirty tour (31) lo.n.hip lia ('!. Hanita riva (ft) aa.t, bifinninfr al tha ttoulh Kait oorurof a lot no.owiial ly tlia h.lra ol Joha K. Ha?htoll dafa.Ml, running then- . ortti taanly r m1. ta a ooruai aton' ; then. K.attl twenty lour rod to a oornar aloaa; lhantta Koulh, twamy re.l. u a oornari liient;a Want tw -my-lour prlvheit l the filaeo nT ifetfinmnK.. otmla mntc Ihrea wre. ntoraor le.N aid praniiaa. liav. Ikmu aefiniiaeil at Iw.lra hua tlrad dollua, and oauaol ..It ftr I... tlvan lwothiida tha amiri. ment. i'arma: tiua third ea.h, ona thirtl in on. year, and ona third in twa yaarat bank warinania to oaai- inlar a.l aud to ha aaourad by mortgMK. on .aid pram.... U ti. H. 1A Vinson. Hh.nlf. C. Taoanaai AU'y. ouiaa-stw Medical. Success in Business. No Imsinesa ran h trul uni-pasMHil which is td loiiQ'tvl ou a ruai tltnefH of thinfs, 'J ho ariivle irifcif or aold niuftt havaiiitilitNM merit and ur'y a jitiMtn want. Hu(M3?Sriiuiril'rtni the plsi-irpuf aiIvdviNo miKi or the 'ru-k'" l tiattii, r irfrf irtitrv)tn nnd display, will ) only afiil mid. in lliend, t-'it d' itpiin theoftfrtur aiid 1 tone wi.o trud hini. Hut il nn article iipinp n rnlli! wiint anl fKirly inrntu itt rratoiiable HifwoisiionM, it n in nnd toner' I adnpt on inTnly a iieiiinn tiflim1. Itiiuiy ( rcUnlfd ny a (vpthp liii1iinn('H or ppi'd by inmirriiij uAit-t, hut iu Hie end it m uco t' w in. , miMlMREV'8 mMKt'PATHIC flrtJI PtC hi d their orium in a hthi Uf want- !ncili-lnK fur all the common wants ol enligntM lift nrstica thut fslhfr. mother pur', r ln.chr ?' nil aladv he wiili thrm, an- alwny rly upon no simple Hint inl"-tfik- tild no. Is mivlHin th eelet'tmn, no lirmltMi 1n.1l .ill milu hhp thin with impiinit y, and iHI'Htnt thut all miiiht rely upon thotn a.ih nnfeiy. Hindi they hiivn itrnvP'i. l iiontanoa 01 lainnirx iir iiirm nan lorall tlie atlmetit - ami sioknene of lif-, and rarely are erionly wick, or 1 ara nvd lo call a phyicia n hoimanoM, laKina snmn sttmie nprvmc, navcnri thi'inielTPH of chronic dixnrps which hnr Men the titinn of their llc( nnd upon whtfdi they have spent hundrfdiin vain, and amnn a the m lhonr whotii-e them, aoiii are found hum put ion I heir pnnty orctti onmhine all theadvanlni!" of tho nt Hotnpopslhrn troitmpnt, without lis ml icscyornwarlaintv. I hf-y r prcparolhy a phyieiaii of over twenty ypur Homeopathic experience 1 thoy have lepn tried in evfry conopivahle nmnnor, anil Ihcy have len pn- u or -toil smi m'-immcntiwi m inn hikiihi lerins ey tho hiindrttdM ol thotiHanilf who daily use them. With m caae In ytnr house, yon may privnl sicknaia, prnvpnt nnrtnj(, prevail rtpene, and Ioms of Pine, or the children htvinic the vieaiPH, or M-'rxnct rever, or w nonpinir-coHtf 11, 01 even hVvor, by hhiiik prevnntiveN in I ho cnwe. Vou may cure feats C'hlldrm Of Oronp, or Oohtj. tt Teolha'he, or Hadm he, or Slppplennnpn-1, or Ji1."noR from Tpethiiifi.or Worms, or Inditfpstion. or Wetting the hoi, or Catarrh, or MchIph. or whooinnn-tioiinh, or H iariet rnver, or I m ol h r is. or a mui t'Ohi , or noarrtPiiPKM, or Miiiininir of Hie Kara and lealne-m, or even tfcrofnla, as thou HrtndH 1 1 live done am) do daily. Von may euro) uracil Df Headache, Weok Binmach, ndijrestlon, or HiihotmneMH, or t'niarrii, or a Had i:old, or nore Thnml. or HoarHones, or T.iver Complrtiiil. or I'Hps. or Uonidipaion. or Khetimstiam, or More or Wek, 1. r Hull llnenm, or Kinney jriscnse, ortlpncrnl I)chility, or evn Anthmi, with thPeHpecilio. TC T A KA M 1 LY w ho have ever had one of he"e family Case, of H u a rn airs Hir iriia, toil would ivh lire times itn cot, rather thun lo without it. FA1IU CASKS. Caje of S." Inre vialu, in mornoco, and Hook o! tMIOCllonH siu I'll Cssa fif 2H li"n vish, in mortH-co, and Ho4ik.,.. H On t!iHP of 'Hi larue viaU, 111 morocco, and llnok.... a 00 cho of Ui lurt'o viali, in phun viiHe,anl book... A (in Vtium of 1T tmaea (tso. I to r., and Book 3 OH Cane rt any hi t'Oiae (No. 1 to I.), and Book... I V LIflT OF uinii'tiicn 'N Mi: ifr iv Homeopathic Remedies J TO n FOUND IN Fl'I.I, X r zsx i ly O ? iss c t. no. 1 1'nrca lever jra ConRpstion, nnd 'nHammalion i Hnnt Pain, Rent l'f"Mne's ; nnn the nrsl slauea ol all acme arm inO'immitorv doTics 26 No. 2-' 11 re a Worm lever. Worm Cull'1, Yoriv-1011 Apiieiuo, Wotiina (tidied 'lb No, 3 Cureit Colic. Teelhinff, frvin-; nnd WnkcluttiuriH, Hlow Growth. and Ftchlrne's of Infantx 2.1 ao. t Cure IHarrliirtt. of Child re n or Adnfu. Choi cm inlanltim. and Hnifinicr (lomolnmt 2A N. H Nnn. 4 and ft fiire the worst L'aioH of Chrome fiisrrhtea. No.A-fnrea Iy arntrry , ar Hloodv Kinz, Joins Uripinua, Hthous Colio. Fall UvMen'ary G no. t'ltres 'iaoierav Oholrra Mot him, NatirtCH, and ominTig,Aithmet ic Breaihins No. t-f'iirea 4'ouf lia, OoldsJtoaripiieMa, Hrout'miis.lniiuenui.and Horn Throat 2ft N. H. I hiH and Nn. 1 never fail to cure the worst CoH h and Coughs. lo. i urea l ontharhe, Faceache, Nt-rvotis pains, and Tic Iiolon-nx 2ft IS, B.--H hai Dirsd thoiiKande ot crhps. Nt.M'nrei tleadrlieet Hick Ueadecnus. Veruuo. liunta ot Hlooa to the KMcad 9y n. 1 n aiutruaiiun won no. i, 11 never laiis to cure the moal iuv (prate ca"na. , . , . IXo. HM'sret Of eprpala Weak, Acid, or HerriiiKcd HtoniMch, Oocrtttpstjion, I. ivor Join plaint, or ili'iou Condition 'i N. R. lavAU.iai a for all caana el Weak lflj(oa tion and Milioo- t!nin)lRints No. I -l'iirei Nuppreaaed ttienaea or Scanty, or I'sinful, or iJo.uyuiK. (jutnii bick iican . Urn 12-Curee l.r wrerrlieai er Uhltv BeaniiK l", tool'r"Iii M-i.h 45 Wo lit t'uree Croup. Hnsrao (Voupy Couh, lilticult aiut upprenned Hrealhm 'ift No. 14-t'ures Halt It lieu m Crusty Kruptioni, krysipelaf, wald lleait liar her's lUih, I'linples on the Knee No. lA-t'urei llliouiiiatitiii. Pain, IjamenHHs, ornorfneKa m the Ciiest, Hack, Hide, or l.iinhH. or Hcin'icu 'J6 No. (l-t urea fever anil Ak 11 e. Tnfermilttjul Kevei , iJii mb A k(1 Old invclentte AKHfM 60 Pt. 11. It ax is like a charm, both as a prevent ive ana cure No. 1 7-tures llle. Internal or Kxiarbal, Dkcul or blpjitin(, Recent or Olwtinale Mt N. II. 'Hits remedy has cured tliousandsol the worst iKiHNiblecait's. No. Is-CureeOplitl.nlmln, Weak or inttumed Kyea or Lyt-lidM, Jaihu or Weak UiKHt N. H tl may alwsys l roll d tifwm fur a ciir. No. !l iire( aiurrh, Anile or C'hroiiw, Uty r riwiuK Coid in the Head, tiinnt nua No. 2 Cures W Ii 00 pi 11 a; Courlit horUtun; and pslliatmt it, or apaainodin tlouiih. N H. tl ia imalhbie. and always relieves aud otirea. ; ' ' Bfo.JJ-rnres Asthma Oppressed, IhfhcuU, Labored breathing, Oongh snd atipeotore ion M N. B- Hundreds have reen cored hy it. No. Cures lar lisrliarresv IkTotse in the Head, Impaired Hearing, Karat-he... AS J(.H. l nlwuys cures. No. :l Cures Nrrofuln, Knlarped O lauds, aud Tonsils, HwelliitKx and tMJ ulcers jtj, i Hn-'ciirsd the wornt cmh. Ne.0l atretl.rneral Debility, Physiual or Nurvoiis WeHkiiew No. 5-Cu res lrnps Ptiihl Accumulations, Tuimd hwriniixn. with HutiUtv Hecretion 60 NO. 'JU-cures sea "u nties. Protlrallon. Varliao.iNana, vwnil'n..,. fro a.tT "rut nnarr iilira.r., 1. ravel, Iteual t aleiih.l'irlieiili oi I'Ninlul I'ruiHiien N. It. ltt.''irHailoMeae ol Kl-lnev Iht-eHea Na. ureaSfiiiinal Kmiaaiona, Involuntary lim-liartfea, anil I tillHeiueut rrtiit- tralion and Lel'lUty..,.M,.H n, N H- It cure, everyft.rui of feeniiual Wenl.. ne,anl my iiili't-nlfv 1m r.lit'ilou in .11 en.. Nw.KtM uraaKoratlwulla Tankerad Mouth ot Adult or t'litlilren. and alno N.iieaanil Vomitmx of frenaul Fainala..... 60 N, H.- t:nr. at on-e. IHa.siM'arti I rlnary Inronilnonr. Walt'nit the Kaa, too Kretiuent, laiutul or Seal.!. nip Urination o N. II. I' RlwVN eiire. Ml., s l- iirra ratafia Klanalrastlloia Fretetura, t' or ttp.aui.; frunii.,lU'hiUf( aud Irnlation of Kamaiea g( N. H.vt aeta II Ita a charm. f..3t-rare Matlrrln; al Change .f l.ltrv Irpaanlarlllaa, rtll.haa of Heat, Palpitation, and aven nf iMaltatrt l na fha. j: ( reSpnii tnlt ii alaioua KpilapHf or Kallirtr-Hicane..; chortta or M. Vi. tua' I'antt; Jerkins, TwitehinifM Kv.iena. ....I 00 a. Jl-I'urn IMplhrrlK. or Ulearatail or Malignant ihjra throat. .Ao Tlaraa Heaurallrs ly Flail ar Ki.rrti, arw. aaud thaaa ramadiaii, by tha .mala box or full eaea, lo any part of tha country, hy M.,il or Ki prea, tree of ehitrtt on reee pt ol tha prieo. Make up a eai-a of what k'nilxyou ehoo.a, .nl an- etoaa ilia nineiint iu aeurrant out or alampa, hy Mail to our ad.ii e., n. . Na.a09lfr.a4war.Naw Vark. : and tha Modi.'iua will ha duly rauirna.1 by Mail or Kipre.M, Irea of eharia. ror-aala by all Ina leaihna IValara In Madicinaa throughout tha oountry, and by W.WtlTKWARTi aa4 M. STKrUENN, Dayiaa, Okla. ALIoonimunreatlona haraaft.r ahould ba addraaaad HUMPHKtJSBlEuiriC If aaaearalkle flledlriaa t'aas.aaf u WI hroaa.ay, N.w t.rk. Commercial. Dayton Market. DAYTON, November 2, 1865. [Corrected by HEINSON & SNIDER NO. 50 Jefferson [Corrected by HEINSON & SNIDER NO. 50 Jefferson street.] TIMOTIir KliEI.- $ 1 ii m., i s. WHKATOIJ VI,t.Ht . 95 Nt V, r $1 75(S1 80. If. Y K 75. COKN 35. oA'irt :ii)c6i):!:in. HAHIjKY 7ft()I (10 K:' I i lti'r.15 (:uu;Kk:.:s-2',(;o::o. 'imw:iin;a Ktriu pkicf TEAS il 5fly.2 no. ''IlKI-'KK :lHjt43t: par n julul. SUOAItV 16f2C. COKFKK 8UHAR-23 pr I i. CliUdHKLi UUliAll 25ori.r .. MOljAHSKS $1 4l)(j5l 00(1 SO iir t-s SYKUP-il 7:,. CUKiiSE :!(" STAUC1I Vila per tb. SOAPS t''C par lb. SilOT narlh. LEAD 2ds p r !b. TOHACCX l5(r.?l Ofl pfr lr. WHISKY-i7 () 5 lur commou. POTATOES-80op,.r bnah NKW P01 ATOi'S BtiM76pr btisbel APPLEd f :i 00. I'EAtJilKS .'(I p-r buebel UAY TlUiolbT .1 H I . I 0 ji ;r.i. Wll"l,.."l H lY:t!JES. TEA'S l fitll.ji Mn COKKEfcr 31 ji.i.XH. hi:car i:.ii(,ni7i COFFEE HIUJAK 21c i -r .!. CKUSHEl3i:UAI-:V ,: , KICK 15c per' ... LAUD HO MOLASSES l nperR.l RICE 12e par lb. KOOS iiUc ptr toz. LAUD 'ir. TOBACCO 8:(.it$I 20 per lb SHOT V 00 per s.-k LEAD 1 to per lb. I'RIED APPLES HlfiV !'. IiUTTEIt :i"ic. OUEKSE 1C(,iUH2 STARCH :i(a10(. rr lb. SOAPS 12J(jui:i perlb. New York Market. NEW YORK, November 2. Cciltm firm at Otbi.'iS.-. Flour dull nnrj fialtl better Lt tH 15 a 35 lor txiru Sim.. ud 8 aOnS 10 lor riiuiiti iji.op Cit:ii) Wbeut steady arid lu2 betier 1 75 for i,m Mil. 2 29 winter red WfRiirn, and 1 HO tn sinlier Milwaukee. Coru beavy nnd u r,!iM.:e lower ut H0uH7 lur unsounil, ni.d F7' ') for siiunil. P.j. JSo. liirley 1 101 12. dull and lower r.t 4ti p. 5 ft for "s : m Uaef lirm. Cut .M! quui. Bjiter qt,;r n. at 2Hh2!. Cnee.e . iuii t at 0 tlTn Pork firmer at Xl .15 a .'1-1 f.M) lor r.i--rnehn, ani ,".1 Oti:il i'j f,r 't,;; a.:.-, til. Lard uonvy 24s2Kt W hilty firtti r at 2 K5 western. Peir.ii, i.j ,iil 354i..)uo (or crudo' 5Ue fur re lined nnud, ami 7eu lor fre. New York Stock Market. NEW YORK, November 2. Stoi.lts Crmer and lea,ly. .Moi.-y oil cull and aetive. af. 7 pere-n'. S.- , (ur aUti!)10!l.Chici.i in d I-. .- '!, '.,. Milwniiki.0 ami IVuirie H-i t.'ur-l 7 : ' l'it'' ,r Fort WnvneA; I ',i(! .n ji;, ; , ,r s ( . Haute, 71; M n;i ... I 7. i, -,,i,. (,',, J;.,,,,, . IIGfj; Mif. C.'-ii, 2!i; .'!...-.'i b.ii'h. 7i-:, 0I. and Pill. M'J ; Cl,i-vii .! N,,-ih...'l tern 35i; m n i"u. t un. Jn4; Vv r-j. . rn Union Taleifrapii, 70; ;.'! Y'-.rk i . ; i; Erie 01,; do yr-( s.; I ; :it:.n.i Ci i,r-,i Cr. l:W ; Ooid I4..J. M.t.--- t ' HI i.-n; ly,; ;; Obicago Tnld; U'n Y,.aP i ,,.m, v-n'.' 3.'J, llarlinttlxn k g.nn, , IS., rvvehm-l Si NirthwaHtern. 3HJ; d- pr"'er'red Iii1. Itu u n 107J ;0. M. Cer:. in -'j- bd" U;, 'XI. re(;itereii, lllCj ; r.-'JOn c(iupur: ej. NnTembir, Id2?; i!n i,.- iasue, lOhj, In-; r, raHitieates 02 ; 7-30- 'J: ( ; New York Sixer 81; Mmfiduri Sixes 77j. TURNER, WALKER A MCES. ITIfOLCfALC liKLLLKt IS Dry Goods, Notions, Ar. I. TAILOR'S I I KItCII(. ;OOIVS ta. 34, Turn'r'i Onira Ileu.a, on Ohio, OnliT lom rouu'.r) -lilori rvspe tfully toiH;.'Uti rotH tawti. Coatmf tl tht Tni-j!fu1 ;m TAK. WIKKTAU riirt- liihHfl. f-nf. THAltt i,i : 0r n.l Him. i. i-r mi..i oih- c n i hrtlii br !ruf!ii'ii nr-f I . llnit.l H' at-- -I iali it.,. f riNF Ti Vie tli.'i If , i'r ; fl'i', r .:, : ( At. hi, K '.- ,,: :(,. Kia- W. W. bi yAUT, Wl.MkRAt &.ir.XT. (ienmi.e tvava Win ot lur ' bit. ou tottlo. .UiaVIK FEVER AND AGUE. Tha remedy to . .ire ai:d prereet thaif.e le I. H. O. KlUBAhDM.S'S. ! mikrkv wivi; itirn :ns, , Til erlebraled ."tw Ki ilid mnrily f, r .lauediee, raver and Aim, tltnaral I'ehlily, mi ai!'.iOK Trim dlhOnfrra -ton aet) Liver aitd How.., They are luted aud recoinm. l,y I !iy .i.'ian. of the eeimtry, and al; wlw try Ihen. pro. nounee laam invaiu.l.le. Price, fcl aer bailie. J. N. IIAHKta t fi., -n.iinnjif, Ohij, ' bro. pnau.r. for th. w eeteni t-iate. HOLU HY ALL 1'tAl.KRS, tailaldawu