OCR Interpretation

Fremont journal. [volume] (Fremont, Sandusky County [Ohio]) 1853-1866, February 05, 1853, Image 3

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026050/1853-02-05/ed-1/seq-3/

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Satisfactory Proof that Dyspepsia
can be cured.
From R. P. Stow, Esq., Assistant Clerk, U.
S. House of Representatives.
Washington, D. C., June 15th, 1846.
' br. Gen. B. Green, Drar Sin I feel it not
enly ft pleasure, but a duty, to mske known to you,
and the public (if yon desire it), the surprising ef
fects of the Oxygenated Hitlers, in relieving me
from lliet most discsurng Itlg disorder, Dye pectin.
I have beet afflicted for about seventeen year
-with the usual attendant symptoms, vit.t constl
nation of the bowel, hesdachei pain in the cheat,
flatulence, asctdityof the stomach, nod severe nsu.
tea; and, for mohthi at a timet not the teaal par
tide df moisture would appear on the anrfnee of
the cH est or liinha, and moat of the time I et
treinely bllioua. I have used Tarioue remedies,
been atricl in my diet, have boon dosiid with calo
mel and emetica day after day by physicians , but
all to no good purpose. Hearing of the wonder
ful eflsete of the "Oxygenated Bitters," in the
cure of djs'pepsia, I procured some aaa laat resort;
have uaed four botilea of the Medicine, ahd find
the bid aymptoina all removed, and myself dime
more enjoying good health. None but the dytpnp.
tin sufferer, who haa felt all the hnrrora of Ilia dis
eae, ran at all appreciate the value of the medi
cine, 1 moat sincerely hope tlinl all will make trial
of the meilioiiie, add with me be enabled to rejoice
in the re turn vf health.
Respectfully yours, R. P. STOW.
RF.EI). HATES A, AUSTIN, Wholesale Dm."
giata, No. 86 Merchants' Howi Boston, General
Trice, One Dollar per bott'ei tilt bottles for Five
Respectfully yours, R. P. STOW. Myers' Extract of Rock Rose.
New Haven, January 1st, 1852.
Scrofulous Inflamation of the Hip
My-son Charleahaa been afflicted with inflama
matron of the hip joint. At age of five he was first
attacked, iiifl-tmation inereaed until the hip was
verv bsdly diseased, and the joint seriously effec
ted hie lee, drawn up an that it waa impoeaihle to
atrniglten it: a pioffi-FSor ef tieeiy give it
aa hie decirtad opinion that the lee would never
haul, and that the young mun would never walk
again. Tbediseose increaaed ao rapidly that for
two and a h.ilfyeara ho only walked witli a crnl;ili.
and the etVurls t exi rcis the limb Was attended
witli great pain, ao that he could not a leep. 1
watched him ao attentively th it for fiva month
I did not have tMte lull night's rent. He had
been treat d bv diatinlni'had m l cal practitioners
b lee'cliing, hlMies ing. Ac. , he had also been he
fore the Medical Cliniqu of Yale College. This
remedies they rec.i'mmecdad were must fuithftilly
tried tint without avail. This was hia dim-used and
dre adful condition eighteen months; since when
lie fit ninned Iskug -Kjera Knck Iloae.
One bottle use bwt.p ini iHv taken when hewn
much belter, continuing crttil three bottles hud
been li ken, when a cure wrs entirely completed,
linw he ia in excellent linlth. This is the. teeti
luonyof and can he trii-r.il'riiVl hv ad.1reing
94 Wallace St., New Haven, Ct.
Or can be fully sBbatantiated by hundred" of
witnesses, or bv addressing a line ta'the Rev. W.
W. Belilen, N'. II Ct.
S. BUCKLAND & CO. Agts, Fremont.
Wheldon & Rhodes, Sandusky City,
Wheldon & Rhodes, Sandusky City, D. C. Harkness Clyde.
"KOHL .V THORNR, north enat t urner of Fourth
and Vine Sta., Ciucmii tli, O. Western Agts.
One Dollar Only,
:Da;jierreottpes at Wilet' Skylight,'
Over Ilie Post M4ice.
HAVING concluded that allsliull h ive Paftier.
aeotypea who desire them, I ehnll hereafter
put up pictures in oo ',ut'n caaea at the extreme
ly low price of one dollar; beleivintr that the in
crease ol business will compensate for the reduc
tion of ices whi'e those geit tig picure
ting pictuna will receive more than the wurih of
their money. The same style and quality of pic
tures can now be had fir one dollar that formerly
coat one dollar and a half. I can say, withoct lies
itittiou, that I ain better prepared for taking da
guerreoty pea thill nny artist has heretolore been
in this section of country, having spared no troub
ble nor ettpensH in anything that relutes to a com
jdelr. afliarattii or irrll furnished room; and na to pic
tures, I only ask people to Call and see them for
thetneelvea. trnwu persons ran get as good pic
tures in clottdy as in lair weather, and some een
better, so do nut wait for fine days. Children
should come on fair days, aa the time of silling is
less. Dark dresae.s are beat for copying in da
guerreotypes. 'Gilt am) gold lockets, also every
atvle o( fancy cusea constantly on hand.
Thorough instructions (riven in the art. and ap
paratus lutm'shed mi reasonable terms. Camerua
'of different Sires Tor sale. . A. U. WILES.
F.emont, Dec. 1st, l$Sl.
Fancy, Music and House
Keeping Store!
E desire tftgjjrJ the citizens of this
and neifrliboniijr tuwns, that we have
just opened a fall stock f Fancy and !lone keep
iag Goods airdrespectfu ly auli'cil a share of their
Fancy CSOOiH.Paprer VTache Work and
Perfume llnnes, (luck Gaminon Boards, Wateh
Klands, H' riling Denke, .tc. '
Also: Ro.ewood and Mahogany Bnxea, Writihs
Desks and Toilet Boxes, Terra Cotla ware of n I
kinks. Parian Marble Statuary, Wa'ch Stands
Paper Oeights, Spring Tea bells. Porcelaiii Ware.
Poite Monnaiea of eveiy variety. Ivory. and Pearl
Paper Folders, Carved Chessmen, Stationery,
Toilet Glasses Shell Cotnhs, liracelela, Silver
Card Ba6ktB,TravelingCoinpanioiia,Parlor Culls,
Brushes of every deTcriplion, &c.
iroiiaC-Ht opilli: Articles. A full as
soriioeiii of Dixon's riuest PLA I E, vit: Tea Ser
vice, Cantors, Cuke B mkels. Knives, Forks, rpoous
Ladles, Fruit knives, Nut Crackers, &c.
Brittania Ware of eveiy k'od, bankets of every
character. Willow Ware incliisivo of every thing'.
Wooden Ware, from a Faucet to a Boot Jack.
Iron Ware, such as Meol Fire Setts, Scrapers,
Ash Sifters Soap Stone Griddles. Coffee Rnaelera,
Smoothing Irons of new style, ColF.-e and Spice
Grinders, Family Grind Stones, Porceluiu Kettles
and Sauce I'm,., Coal Scullion, brass and iruu,
Ojster Gridirons, &c-
Also. Cake and Sugar Boses, Dish Covers and
Tonal Racks, Apple Peelers, Vegetable Sneers,
Warming Puii, Srdiua Openers, Lanterns, Fool
Bathe, Knife Washers, to avoid wanlnug handles;
Toilet Sells, Water Ii,r pul8t sj,ip ,) .Vntur
Paila, Buiidelabras, Night and Nursa Lamps,
Swinging do. Hall Lanlenu. 'j'owel Stands, Fea
ther Dns'.ers, Wire Hird Cages, Four ane Hand
Uiuhee, Tju Ware of eveiy kind, Hubbie Horses,
blsiglis, Bed Cords, Ac.
MX'SIC, Mimical lustinmenlsnf all deacrlp
tiuus, viz: Gurtars, Violins, Flues, lianjnt, Tain
tiorines, Clarionets Flugeoleta, Accordoous, Flu
tina, and avoiuplete asao.tuient efSli-et Mdic.
Perfumery. We have a quantity of genu
in Luuiu'sferluuieiy, cumjirisiug Estracls' Co.
logue and Soaps, with cut glass Cologne Bottles
ol beantilul patterns.
Toj. Wholesale and retail .
In add tipn lo Ilie above we have an assortment
f Flxlling Appitriltlia. such as jointed
I'eh s, Liuea. Reel. Fluiim. -Milkers, .tr n.
We bag leave to iiiform the juu ir members of
I'ominuiiuv, inat we have some JUMPERS
for their especial benefit.
Campbell's Block.
BsanuiT Citt. Feb. 5th, le53.
18 hereby given that a petition will be presented
to the commissioners of Sandusky county at
their session, lor a comity road on the followiug
route, to wit: Commencing at the south-east cor
net of th west half of the south west quarter of
seeiiou 16. township 5, range 15, thence west on
srettou hue till it joins Ilia couolv road Lading by
Adam Henibs res.denca.
January 31, 1853
YOUN (J Hyaea Tea of.uperierqualiiVat
at'Lcna'a Votrjtuic Oil LlnlmniU.
For Man and Least.
Thi Liniment the very hei article that baa
yet been oll'ered to the poblic. Ileihg chemically
prfiared, it ia warranted not to peparate. Where
ftanneh, pnultirn, ointments and other lAnimmlt
'hae been tried In vain this chsad and valuable
Liniment wiil give Immediate relief. It is infalli
ble for JlhnnmallrmJIniitrtSiirlliniit, I 'Irrrt.llurni,
Old .Sorts, Frail Hound), Sorenrit f Limb or Mm
rlrt, &c.
Pot IIorp
Itlinsbeefi tlaed with wondeifitl eft"ct-cnri ng
V"inn, Mnul'imr., Nrrntrliri, Saddle ani Collar (illt
Chaft.. SHflnruoj U'rnknrn ifl Ihier Joints. Sir'll
iuft or lorenc that animals are liable to from in
juries or accidents. It has a ondarful soothing
influence ntmn llh man oni beast removing any
lacal paina no ditTerance hov severe. Ilia artic
le and certificates of its efficacy can be Hud of the
following agents.
SIH CKLaM) it Cs. Fremont, O. Wheldon
& Khodes Sandusky city, O.
Khnl & Thome, north. west corner Fdiirlli and
Vine His., Cin., O., Western Affenta.
8nlo I Itcal Kotsite by order of
TlY virtue of a Decretal Order issued from the
1 JConrt of Common 1'leaa of Sanduky county,
Ohio, to mc directed and do:lvered, I shall expose
to puhlio sale as the law directs, at the door of Hip
court t.on.ie id Fremont, in said county, on the I Ith
day of March, lfij.'l, between the hours prescribed
by law, the following described landa alio tene
ments, to wit: The sotith-weat qiurter of section
number seven, TJ lewnship number five, (,r)
range number sixteen, (16) in Sandusky county,
OL,io. coutaiiiiiKT nliollt 1.1? acres.
Levied on and taken as the property nf James
Olrhsled to satisfy a decretal "'der in favor of Uur-
delta Wood C. KKH-.ll TON.
Sfeciiil Marter ill Chancery.
Fremont, January UH, 1853. 5w
Tlioiaina Vilk' Eufnto.
"VTOTIt:K is hereby given thnt th subscriber
JLl aa been appointed and qna!iSd aa Adminia
trator on the estnte of Thoinna Wilka. late of Sin
dusky county, deceased.. 0. F.DUEitTON.
I remunt, Jan. Jl. I,)J.
Dr. Giiyolt'a Iiriitt'OVcd Extract
Yellow Irock and Sarsaparilla.
The original and onlv gnnine prepariitinn for the
permanent cure of cmiMiiiiption and dtyensea of
tlieljiiuga when they are aii:ipnseil lotie nttecteit
hy the two free UMe of Mtr.'ury. Iron, Quinine, &c
Let all who wiai to purge the biood from iinpnr-
iitiaa, and ur'-nare the e tem to reeiat epiilem.es,
r-sori to "i-.ovar'it a iairaci oi l e,iow i -f.CK iun
Sarsaparilbt," which i proving its -If nil nnldot'.
fer irtauy of the moat malignant disrases tlinl lleeh
is heir to, mid lliey wiil never be disappointed ; tor
in tins remedy the public laith hue never wavered
never can wa er; lor il is lounited on experience.
I'hev llv from the mineral nintriim' to S"ek hope.
life and vrgnr from this purely Vegetable Remedy,
however bri.!ten down in health ami spiril. how
ever hmiliHir-ne to himself and olheea, let no one
leepair of recovery : lei the patient ou' ui.dersiand
lhal his hope tif physical restoration l.ea only ill
Guysott's txlrnct ol l ellow Dock and Sarsapar-
illa," and peraamle him, lor his life's sake, to try
it, and we hat e no he.iiiitiou in predicting Ins
speedy restoration to health.
The following care of Reuujuh HileheS is one
of the niOKt aitoniahiug on p-cord. Alter for'y
yoara' sickness, two years' excruciating torture,
the aiiipiilntion nf one leg, and the body and limbs
almost a tiinsa of eating, nitrifying, discharging ill
cers. to be cured by eight hollies of Guyauit's Kx
tract ol Yellow Dock and Sarsaparilla, is almost
Tallapoosa Co.-, Ala , Jan. 2, IIS!"
I)h Gitsott Dear Sir: I send you this to
certilv to von that your I.xtrac.t of V ellow Dock
and Sarsiip&rilU has performed one of tlm in "at
wundeilul cures on me thuthus ever baen enuctad
un man.
I have been afflicted for furtveara wilh irrup
tions on my legs and loet; in Iff j thev tint so bad
lhat I had lo go oiisci ntchea, and in 1 h-t?( I had one
leg amputated nbove the knee. In about 9 months
alter my other leg broke out ill large etiting and
running sores fionj my knee to my loot, and dis
charged much offensive matter. .VI v groin also
broke out in lurge biles, which much nfl'eusive mat
ter, and at the same time my I. ft timid broke out
v large ruuiting Bores nearly lo my elbow.
The mifery that I have,suff.-red lor the laat two
VeaM 1 cannot describe to yoO. 1 was in such ag
ony thil I never rested day nor night. I wai giv
en up tv die, and by the 'lieip of God 1 had "made
preparation for death, and had pointed out to my
family the (.lace whereto bury my remains.
In October lavt my son brought me cue of your
lioltlc-v. r ippen : ( rend it, and found record of some
wonderful cures performed by your "txtvact of
Yellow Dock and hursaparilln." 1 sen' and got
two bottles of il, ami commenced taking it. In
two weeks, to my great astoiiiahmeat, my sores
all become easy, am.' I could sleep all f.'.ght, a
thing I had not dune Tor two years. When i bad
tnken six bottles, lay aotee had nearly all healed.
My sores got well as if br enchantment, I have
now used in all eight boiilrs of vour "Extract of
Dotk and ramapirillH," and 1 now consider my
self well. I am at a loss for U rms to set forth the
worth of this medicine, or lo eq;Jress my gratitude
for what it has done for me. I must Rail it ilie Sa
vior of man frjui miserp while living on earth.
I entreat ell of the nfllirted to try this medicine,
for I believe it will core any known disease in the
the world. Lav aside all tireindii-e and iuet tiv it.
and proclaim its great worth t sufferiag mnukiud
and entreat litem In take it, tor it will euro tlrtlil
My case is well known in a large portion of
South Carolina. Ueorgia and Alabama, and il altv
should doubt the above cure, I invite them tw cab
on me, and I Hill show them the scars. I can he
found in Tallaposa Co., Ala., one mile from lnt 's
9 q
Sfcrofuula. Sypliilin, Merirurinl comptaiotftt Cancer
Gtinprvrt. Ulieuuittliaiii and tt vmit vrity of nth
ef (J.Stjgrot abto Hiid darijeroua dien8r nr
pedily aiiti iicrfectly cured by thv Ufftt of tliis
Dudeville, Ala., May SI, 185!.
Messrs, Scoville & Head: Tins is lo certify
that about the first of February last, I Was uHlicted
Willi hrre or four painful sores on and about Ihe
face, some of llieoi as large aa a quarter of a dol
lar; they aseiimed the appearance of cancers, and
1 waa learlul thev would terminate ill canCe'S.
About three weeks since I commenced taking
Doctor (iiiysnlt1 F.xiracl of Yellow Dock and
Saraaparilla, and found immediate relief from its
use. I have not lakeu quiie two bottles, aiid the
sores on my face are all healed up: and those on
my face are nearly So: and I truly helicAe they will
be entirely (Veil in a frW dafa.
I cheeriullv recommend Ih.s mediciue to person.
afflicted with any kind of eruptions or ciucvruus
sores. Mv general hea ih ia much improved by
the use of lbs medicine.
Respectfully, RICAARD I). LURK.
ITT Trice $1 per bottle six bottles for $5.
Sold by j. D. PARK, Cincinnati, O.
North east corner of Fourth and Walnut sts en
trance on Walnut lo whom all orders must be
Sold in Fremont by f. AUCKLAND & Ce,
And by Wheldnn & Rhodes, Sandusky city; J.
Uulchins & fc'ou, Bllevue; W, C, Baker, Caslal
ia; W, Bradnrr, Mill Grove; Charles Powers,
Woodvill; Foster e& Son, Romet Hamilton A
McCartney, Republic; and I. L. St. John, 'J ilHn.
Fremout, January 13, '53 ly
Town Lots for Sale!
N the Affleck Tract, near the Court Ilnuso,
Sept. 4, IH53.
For Sale or to Kent,'
FGUI'NDhas a eommodisus and neat dwell,
s ing House, which he will either rent er sell.
Apply sooa to the subscriber.
n r, Gill'ND.
Fremont, October 59th, I SSI. . . ,
Smith & Bush!
Marble Manufacturers,
WT.ntWT3Btalfr3ta f
SF.Pt'LCHRAIj Monlimelilsand (Jave SioneS
of every variety nf patent and of the most skill
ful workmanship. The Beat aaoi tinent of Amer
ican Marble kept constantly on hand.
Foreign Karlte fufninhtd if dtsirtd on tht
shortest notice.)
Also a gfeat variety of American and F.uropen
Desitrn, of the moat unqtte and tasteful patterns,
combining beauty and purahilitv. I'ersnna wiah
ing to procure Minmm-nifl or any kind ot larble
otk, are inviteii t" call and give a personal m
rpection of their limteilnl and warkninnship, aa
tnis will be iftora aatia'actofv than to ntticha se of
Agents, (who have no interest only their per tent )
without all Opportunity vf testing the quullty of the
artic le contracted for.
OYSTERS, Raw, Stowed
and Fried, Uoikd Ham
and F.gga, Hot CuflVe, Ac Arc. to be had at all
hours at Shernk's Ororerv and eating liouie oppo
aita Hucklund's llrick lllock. '
Fremont and Defiance Rail Road.
NOI'If.'F. is hereby given that Hooka will be
opened fur receiv ing subscriptions In the Cap
ital Ptock, of the Fremont and llefianee Rail Road
Company, at the Coui t House in the I own nf I re
moot, in Hnnilli!v emmty and ? tale of Oltld, on
the Slilh dny of Fell' u iry ne.vt, at 1(1 o'clock, A
M.: and, ai'.o at the Court House in tlm Town of
Di liance, in Ot fnnce County on the '2d day of
Murch next, at 10 o'clock, A. M.
I-a. ti RAWSON.
j mi;h JUST I tF.,
Fremont Annual S(hol Mcollnff.
TO TICK is heiebv given, that the annual meet
ing in s fid town, foj the. election of two direc
tors to serve ifri ee years, ami one fur two Venrs,
on the Hoard ol" Kducalioil ill said town, will be
held at tile Prior School House, on tho 14th day of
February, IH;V!, at Jfl o'clock A. M.
Also, Hint at the same time and place, a vote
will be luken on the ptopasition lo ra'me twothnus
and dollars, by taxation, to finish the new School
House. J. .. OLMSTED, Pres.
I'oilKIl EvEHFTT, Sot.
Frniioiil, January 3U 15o3.
Snloof ll :tl tstaCP by Admv.
ATOTICF. is hereby given thot tho undersigned
N will sed at Public Aunt ion, t Ihe door of the
i-oiut house in Fremont, in Tandnssv couuty.Ohio,
on the .8lh djy of February. I 53, between the
hoii rs of ten and four nf said day, tho following
re.,1 estale, to wit: The south hall of the north
west quarter, (lot No. 3 ) school section sixteen,
tmnichm five, range liftitu, Sandusky county,
Ohio. .
Said real estale ia subject to a claim held b the
Land Ooiiiuiiesiouera of said county, for the sum
nf Jf i'i t ortheroib iuts,nf which the sum of.$t'J,l4
ia now due, and the balance ia to he paid. in annu
il payments of $.'13 1-3. Apprai-ed at 5.83.
1,1 A I SHLLDKNHELtl. Admr.
nf the el:le ol li jllin S. II jsenherger.
Jan. 27, 1-5'. 4
ulc uf itcal I'state by Order of
ON' Ihe 2filh day ofFebruaryi 1853, at 2o'clock
in the atternoon, at Ihe donr of the Court
lionse in Fremout. will be scld to the highest bid
der. Ihe following real estate, as the properlj of
Jonas Gibhs, docensed, to wit:
I he norih easf nunrter ojtha north east quarter
of section unmner ten, f 101 Township number five
range number sixteen, IGJ ill SaudUBky coun
ty. Ohio.
Terms of sale one third cash lit h4nd, one
third in one, and one third in two years, secured
to the satisfaction ol the exejutor;
C. EDGP.RTON, Admr., .
of Jonas Gibbs, dee,
Jan. 25, 1653.
SKUCKLAND it CO. have justopebed
a Inrrre lot of Comic and Sentimental
VALENTINES of all qualities and prices.
Call and see them, and select in time.
N. H. All Valentines delivered free of
charge within the corporation' Plense tie-
posit early m the day. Mum the sender, be-
inir 8 C times. S. AUCKLAND & UU.
Jan. 20, 53.
Want 100(1 ol each for which I will tnr cas
r y
(Opposite Diickland's Mock.)
Thnvejitft pot the New Brick Building
finished, and have opened it fnr the reception of
new and old cuetntiier:, and intend lo nccoinino
date them in a style, superior to any thing in this
town. I have Hie rooms and the goods to do it
wilh. and all 1 want is a chance; and I feel couh
that 1 can pirate cuch at will favor me With their
Will bis served up at all hotlis, during the sea
son, at reasonable prices.
Dur'ng tho winter aeason Fanners can at nil
hours get a cop ol good Coffee in the Saloon
Ku tables!
Pnnh as Cakes, Pies, Crackers, Cheese, Bologna,
vVc, alwuys krpt nu hand.
Wines, Brandies) Gin, Whisky, Ale andCidnr,
from the Eastern rite., of th best qualities, will
be kei't on baud, warranted pure,
A largo slock of Fresh Candies, expressly
bought lor Ihe opening of the new rooms, will be
sold as chea aa tun be obtained elsewhere.
English Walnuts, Filberts, Almonds and Bra
zil Nuts.
Chewineand Pinokin.? a fiuo lot of Cigars
various kinds, bought in New York.
Molasses, Raiit)8,' Matches, Pipes, Soaps,
Flasks, and many other s nicies loo numerous
mention, are on hand and for sale cheap. Call
and .xan ne fnr yourselves.
Fremont, Dec". 30, '5 . ill.A. SHRFNK.
American Express Co:
T I'MIE American Express Co. having opened an
Office In this place, are now prepared to do
all bu. loess ill their line with the f'aitern West
ern and uuthkrit Cities. Particular attention
will he paid lit collecting Hills of Exchange, Notes,
Drnllei Certificates of Depiit and other Commer
ced paper. B. J. THORNDYKE. Agt.
Fremont, De 3D, '5J. - 6in
: tar pel. ki1H!
' Ladies and Gentlemene Carpet flags, a good as
sortment, fir .ale low at McL. & McGEE'r.
Fremont, Sept 15, 1.-5.'.
TT my instance an attachment Was this day is
sued by A. II; Taylor, a juMica of the Peace
of Sandusky tnwnship, Sanducliy county, Ohio,
against the propertf and ell'acts of Stephea P. lid
born, au absconding debtor.
Dated September 6, A. D. 165.
BLANK BOO K"i, ful I bound Ledgers, Journals
Dockets, Cash and luvaicr bocks, at
Lahd WAttfctts!
LAN'D WAR RATS for safe at the flsak.
frsaieat, GeptemberS, 1851.
War with Cuba.
)JAS the plaaanre of announcing to the citinerta
1 lot Old Baurfueky, IIikI they have an baud
their we I known eein'il.thiiiaut, l ie ,
JSaglc Clothing Slorr,
a matrnlfiCent and apterlilid stock nf Ready-made
(Nothing, embracing the i.iteat atvtea nf overce its
dress louts, pants, veslr, drawers, AC , which th y
ii 'e offering at lower ratea than any estaldisltmrhi j
In Fremont dare sell. Their stack also embraces i
a splendid aasortineut of
IMeco Goods!
which they manufacture to order. Having employ
ed fine of the heat Tnilor'a In Ohio. In nttiiM.io
tend the Cntlinir and Toilorinir Oennrtmeot. thev
thev are Cimlideut they can pleaae all who mar call
r.pcn thru. Let all old and voting rich and poor
drop in, and we will give them
f'TP IT ft 1 llf i I V
... "1"A- If-as sjai.h.. .
WehsveaNo a fine atnek of trunks. Carpet i
sacke, comforters and fancy good'. j
lucerne one ami an, ana Duy gooa ciounng
Wiles' Skylight
Over the Pott OJife, Turnpike Street,
TTAVINGat much exnense furnished moms, as
L I above, I would invite the citilena of Freinohtl
and surrounding cnunlr, tocall and examine spec
mens, whether they Want picture or not.
To tnose who want pictures I wonld say, that
where satisfaction is not given no charges are
mude lor trouble.
Asa guarantee of what people mav expect, I
would say that I received ihe Vremuw for the best
Daguerreotype! at Ihe Huron and I'.rie County
Fairs, for the years IH.iO and 151, Bnd in comp
iti on too, witli the best artists in the country.
Having mnde i permanent location in Fremont
I ehnll endeavor to take such pictures us will bear
examination and give satislaClton.
P. S. The heat of pictures mav he tnken on
clomly days, though children should coma on fair
days as the time of silling is lees. Dark dresses
give the rtiont desirable effect in daguerreotypes.
Rooms open from 8 o'clock A. M. to 5 P M.,
Clear or Clondv. A. D. WILES.
Fremont, Jan. Olh, 1853.
I hereby given that on the 20th day of Decem-h-r,
1;).V2, John S. Weeks made application tn
me for Ihe benefit of the ant eutit'ed "an act for
the relief of insolvent debtors. ' and the act amend
atory fierai f, the bond, copies of schedules, o.ith
and testimony taken on said apulication, and all
ol er papera required bv law, will be returned to
i Court of Common flensol Sanduaky county,
nio. on or before the 30lh dav of J.iuuuiy next.
Commissioner of Insolvents
( of Snndmky county, Ohio.
To Hotel Keepers
and others.
HAVE received a large lot Of Clioson Win ,
Liquors, Arc. consisting of
t'orrniac Drandy, Shctrj "
Otard, " Mnde'rirt "
Ohampnign " Mnltnsley "
Palo " Hursiundy "
Holland Gin, Port
Santa Cruz Rum, . Lisbon "
Scotch Whisky, Tenoriffo "
Irish Whisky, Malaga
Champaign Wine, ('laret "
Which 1 will sell by the barrell or gallon, lower
Ihwer than articles of the same quality Call be had
in the West. J. DOUGHERTY.
Oysters !
AM Agent fnr the Sale nf Holt A. Maltby's
Oistera bv Ihe Can. J. DOUGHERTY.
Fremont, Deb. 3D.
NOTICE is hereby givaii thut tho Partnership
heretofore ex sting between !' undersigned
was this dav dissolved bv mutual eminent, and ihe
debts of the firm will be settled hv C. D. Hall.
Fremont. Dec. 20lh '53 E. K. GASTON.
T AM very thankful for past favors, and
Xbe glad to see
all mv old customer a-'ain, and
as inniiv new onea as mav think ll fur their advant'
asre to call. A complete nssorlmeut of Knots,
Shoes and Clothing muy at sll times be found at
the Huckeye Hoot, Shoe and Ready-Mede Cloth
ing Store. C.D.HALL.
I reuiont, Dec. 56.
Hardware Store
To No. 1, Sharp &. Shnmoe's new Brick Bioefc,
sign of the Padlock and Stove, where we are now
are prepared to show our Iriends one of ihe best
arranged and most complete Hardware establish
ments in Ohio.
AFT F.l! a trial of two years in the experiment
of building up an exclusive Hardware busi
ness in Fremont, it has1 proved so far successful
ihat an
and increased business compels us lo lake larger
mount, where we can rln nuainebS more to the con
tort and convenience of both ourselves and cus
tomers. Hy directing our i-florls entirety to this
branch, keeping a complete stock, and doing bus
iness on the system of
Small Profits and Cash Sales
We have been enabled to increase our stock and
reduce onr nrices. Our facilities for buying from
manufdclurere and importers at lowest rates, are
not to be vurnassed We will slill conliiiue to use
every eff ort to merit Ihe patronage of our friends
and 10 maKa il to the interval ol many more to la
vnr lis with a call, by making the Fremont Hard
ware Store second lo none in Ihe Slate. Our pi e-
sent fine store of three stories and cellar, is filleb
I'rodi top to botiom wilh our full stock which com
prises a larger variety than we have ever offered
to the public, conaisiliig nf the fdllowing assort
ment of
American English, and German Uardwttrt!
Cutlery , locks, latches, butts, saws, pen and pock
et knives, knives tin! fork, scissors and shears;
lamps and candlesticks; snuffers; spnonst Yankee
Notions, Flal Irons, spades, shovels, forks, Axes,
cut tack brads, sparables,
Carpentei'atonleand Planes ;?aw, adres. broad
sxea, hammers, squares, bevels; rules, brace and
bits, augurs, chisels, bevels, Ac.
Cooper's tools. Mason's trowela and hammers,
Dlacksiuitu's loo's, Carriage makers tools and
trimmings. Millwright's tools, Shoemakers tools
and kit, eladdlo and Harness makers' tools and
trimmings, guns and gun trimmings, Cabinet tools
and Irimmiuga at greatly reduced prices, and every
tiling In the line of American Hardware.
A large assortment of files, knives and ferks,
pocket knives, saws Anvils, Shears, scissor, Ac.
German O'lliiSi Skates; Cutlery t braces, bits,
saws, Ac, Iron and Nails; Chain Pumps, glass,
ash and pblty, paints and oils, cat pumps; lead
pipe,rille barrels; steel springs anvils) vices, picks,
The Boys ark prepared to do it Hp brown an
Stoves, Our assortment il the best and largest
ever brought to this town. All we ak is a look al
our stocks and prices. W have fifteen patterns of
air-tight cook stoves, ol Ihe most approved plana
Seneca Falls Regulator, Parlor Sioves mails by
experienced workmen. Box stoves and Parlor
stoves of all patterns.
Tin Ware hnd Pttore Plp.
Manufactured Eave Trough aud Gutter made
to order. Repairing dona in best manner.
Remember Ihe place, Hie near brick bloek sign
of Ihe Padlock and Stole, where you will find the
Boys in Attendance.
Fremont, November -'0, W5 .'.
SVEEDBd'fitlaliVrgnlraa'.'i '
, Hsraat.
I eT T . T iTf Wt X.r Vs
: Mm
oMatsi -iV . . ,
For the rapid Cart f
Mint Yffh u. it .. u tmnnirintf ih
pnblie confidence In this medicine, has won for it
"" nl,r":i"'i'"i and notoriety by far exceeding the
ndine expeciatitms of its frienila. Nmh
intr hut ns intrinsic vi-iii,sand the nninistakxh'e
benefit conferred on thousand of sull'erera, could
originate and maintain the riMiultilioii it enioia.
While manv Inlerlof remedies thrust Upon the
community, have failed and been disced, this
has guinea fri-nda hy evetv trial, conferred bn-rl la
upon the afflicted thev cm never f irget, ninl ,1-u
duced curea oo ndmerous and ioo remarkable to
be forgotten.
While is a fraud on the pnb'ic to pretend that
any one medicine will ,i,r,li,lv cure Mill there
is nbitudanl proof that Ihe CHKiiar PkctuhaL does
not only oa a g- neral thing, h it aim il invanab ly
cure Ilie inalnlies for which it is empU'Vrd.
As time iiiakea theae lacls wider and better
known, this medicine has eradnallv become Ihe
"'e beal reliance of the afil.cted, from Ihe log eali
in of the American Peas nit, to the Palcos ol Un
ropean Kings. I hroni'hout toix entire country,
in every Slate, city, ami inri-ed in almoat every
hamlet tt contains, CtfiXRV PictiiBAi. is known
as tlie bet remedy extant for dn-aeee of the
Throat and Lnugs. and in many forein countries,
it is coming In be extensively used bv their most
intelligent phjsiciaiis. In Great Britain. France
and Germany, where th medical sciences have
reached their highest perfection, ClIKanv Pr.cron
41. ia introduced and in constant tin in the arm
ies, Hospitals, Alnii H niscs, Pub ic Institutions,
and in doiiiextin practice, as Ilia sureal roied
Iheir attendins can emplov for the nnri dangerou
afiectiunaof the lungs. Also in milder caes, and
for children it is safe, pleasant and effectual lo
cure. In fact, some of the most flattering le.ti
unheals we receive have ben from parents who
havr. found il efficacious in cases particularly inci
dental lo childhood.
The Chkhrt Pr.cTOBAt. is manafaeiuied bv s
practicul Chemist, and eierv ounce of it is under
his own eye. with invariable accuracy and rare.
It iasenleit and protected by law from counterfeits,
consequently can be relied on as genuine without
,Ve have endeavored here tn furnish the eorn
m it ii i I V with a medicine of sncli intrinsic superior
ity and worth as should commend ilaelf to th-it
Confldece i Heinedy at once saf, speedy and ef
fectual, which this has by repealed and cdilntless
trials proved ttsslf to be; mid trust by preat care
in preparing it with chemical sccuracy', nf uniform
strength toaffoad Physicians a n-w agent on which
they oan raly fon Ihe beel results, and ihe alllict.
ed with a remedy that will do for litem all thai
medicine can do.
freparetlattdfoMby JnmcxC. Ayre
Practicui cud Analytical he mist,
S. BUCKI.AND e ivO.,
30 Op.1v A"ents for Fremont
Important to those A flirt rd!
WOULD inform Ihe citizens of Clyde and vi
cinity that we have permanently 'ocaled here,
for Ihe purpose of Practicing Medicine: and bv
our prompt attention, and successful cures, wc hope
to gain a hbeial share of patronage.
To those alio have been afflicted for yar". and
have tried every body, fas thev sav.Vw would
call their attention to this advertisement. We
d'in'l pretend that all diseases in all stages can he
cured, yet titers ia a curable slugs to all diseaaes
and a.treat inany can he cored after they have
been pronounced incurable bv nintiyi and others
relieved so aa lo be comfortable, nod enjoy life. It
is niineeessiiry cere In enumerate all the diseases
which flesh is heir to, am! pixnt tint ihe crible stage
ol eadh, bul Call and we will tell ymi, without any
charge) whether your particular case can be cftred
or tint.
Especial attention will be pid In Females who
have Diseases peculiar to themselves.
July 3", '5!.
Columhiis Ai'unue, Sandusky City, Ohio.
T A DIES' Shawls, Diessee, llonnets, Kihnns
JLJ Hose, iVc, colored and finished in a superior
manner. Also Genllemeus' t'onta, Paula and Ve.-ts
ihed aud pruned in the beat style. Faded Coat"
restored to their former brilliancy. Hrneha and
Marino Shawta, and Kid gloves beoiiiifullv cleaned.
July 17, l.-5! Iv F. It. COM-5TOCK.
To rriiin for CoutjIiR, Astlima, Colin, Group,
Itr.tiM'l.ilid, lnfliiHtizit, Hlt-eHntfT nf the liUiipH,
DilTleuhv of hrmhine Lifor AAVptioim, Fitiii or
weukneM of lb Oreast or Side, First (agfi of
Consumption. &c.
In hlmrr, (Ins Hn "mn in pccuUily adnMtj o
ery dituna of 111 lunpvi nnd livr, which iw pro
duced iu our ever-Var) iug climate.
8 S tj , q q
Two Live Saved hy the tise nf oy Three
Lotties of "IVistar't liutsom vf Wild
Mt. Errs, Kt., July 24. 1852.
Messrs. Ilnrrmlrt lluwurd A. Co. CJ-nla:
'I'lle' Dr. WiHiur'e linlsnm ill Will) 'hrry," Diet
1 bnu'lit or ynu lias hseii or such signal bt-iiffit ill
my Ittittily, ilial J Wisli in maho its virtue! kuowu
Tor the briirfil of the .ti t.l
My wife look Coljat liie Inns nf llrr confinr'inau.t
wli ll ll Settled n her I.uiiijh. Tha iihysiciniis iro
iioiiiicpcI her diaenae ci.iirii it ioit. hs hail protu-e
tlicht sweats anrl had t-oti;lis; slir Was given lii,
fnr v.-a prspaireil oi lier recovery, ami lier i-hiUl par
took nf her complaint. Sliellisiiraninieiicrd Ink
ill K " Wistsr's rtlssiii of Wild Cherry." and thrs
bottles rQsc led ail entire cure mill) her and the
child both.
I have no doubt Ihst tney Would have new been
in tlieir gravat if thev hud ! hsve used U'iaiar's
Ualsain of Wild Cherry SETU R. K.aCV.
Seth R. Pearry, whose certihnates it above, is
a mail of a much veracity as auvin Ihia cjuniry,
and a man of good jildKn out, and we place entire
reliance ou his ntntAinent,
TliS liiiine Wistnr's lidl tun of WildCherrv
hat a fao simile of the sia-imlure of Henry Wislar
M. V., Philadelphia, and "Saiiford A l''k" on a
linelv executed ateal engraved wrapper. Mo other
can tie ireiiuiue.
O i'nee jl per bottle sis hnltlss for $5. .
Sold by J. U. f rk, Cinuiuii.li, O.
North east corner of Fourth and Walnut sts en-
trance ou Walnut street lo whom all orders
must be addressed.
bold in fremout by S. BUCKLAND & Ce.
And by W. C. Baker, Castulia: J. Ilutchint &
Son, Dellrvue; W. Branrr, Mil'grove; Charles
Powers, Woodville: Foster & Sun, Rome; Ham
ilton &, McCartney, Republic! 1. I.. St. John, Ti
fill city, and P. V. Beery A. Cro., (.rssu Creek.
Fremont, January 13, '53 I y
1 I m, Ur.lrl.nrl Jtr L u. I IHI..
' t'oiintv K n rverer.
April 10. I.VJ.
WHITK CUAI'F: and Blai k S.Ik Hhawlr,
a heantifal srlieir, at
May 14. M. IIOi'
, A. 207 Mailt Strrft, llii!Tal, It. 1.
' " ' nn.' a. b. vAtroiw ft 1
.mam imam mm
Hm mnf nwi il n mnk inf
ft fct ihiw ! tkt WeWOiiM fmt mmilg ms4$ II
hrth.Hlkirir rwivmaiMislwl lor
r litiw Idii inlfiff. ,w PmvkH fm- TUmmw THW
ftiWita M M fVlvlttlHl MrA tl4, N'hI th ftlnw un4 4rMv1l
lnvM mi ihm nilU. hlM)n tHar avktMt a Amtrmm whlrlt
fr,l- nkllHl MtUaHr tUe lit nt, km f mtM
HITSEHTO 15 curable,
k sn .lel.U U lilt. Wierl. KnH Plitmoin aw h MMtrIf
anil irtttNte'r Willi ileTr,'! .H.-eM. 11 an. S' Ne K'M evnf
Sao n .raiMieal vt ltte-r. nf anr L.an,.tW krw? UiSiarlials
br tneai, ami. il iar woiiia aruet iImt ,tiatu6t
APPLicA-non or thk xnifk,
parrurale the at.,1 Irt die a aiatl,ieil WMaS t.
, -i I r IS Nil au Sam. ami Snail. Is Mil la a dnton'lal
SMM, w! Otrm la.l tiw tin. omelr In awm, hmn m w.ars
I. -lira. liur,H .- - - -- iifr r' rt i- il-iaa ... aiia a am
ai rlai(i, il liMr will ai.a u a fi-ir inal.
n.l nit ilw,w, r lha arinar, aran. ; fm Ihaaa IwreaMM
aeaoilnli.la, il .it. ,tlniN'. I.a Miliar and'la ens Sallava SiaiJ
sii'l Ilia . lira. laalikaO le III o..iiIm Uhj awl akaeuual t-
S- il4iitililat
wcla In. k, wentnaei at Ilia Ki.lna.a, h' or InflnaiMllen
ul Mala, la nnineliMalr ,aliaail lir a la dii.s- a l I III.
ewOiuaa, attil anura w atwa.a a raaiili u o..a, Ii ataSila M
.111 i ai.lalnu, luol a,aa her ilnui-mjiia f Iks IWile
inlnr.il aiamir.iallm.a. N n. ha ar law, .rWnrnl
Jin., Im h wmiiil linn a Ho. k'ml ol itaruiiiaMala, Il anr
ua lalta-l m..n. m a .ma aiat allat o,,. talnaila, aad ilia we laai
parllotlait to ou aa. ,4nii.l
moo' of eii-e. I i hi. ,ii.lr ,ll(r ,.M ,,ii. nw
piimoalal. All I.O.k-1, .1,,,, ,, ,la,i,t,,a. ranaiiiHIIUiw, fmm
IharflM of mar.Mir.. will Hmi loa lira. liK IHwer al On. ink
nw lu ai'l ImmaillMieir. Mini liw HH-uooiift WnaaYaJ railiaMMl
lien. Ilia .y.iai-i.
1"lM-iei.ii.nn.. rewoartia. nhlid ixlaiM ihla ani.-l. ajaaj.
leal ttiam-elvaa inrlii.nl..Hr In liia ,.,.IH-,(ww aS' In nw..
prniinl, lor IN iIi.ioi.k UUM i ,,n,,ii, hiua hra
Vim iMMorniph. Co. .-.iluow ,m Um tn.n ,
Siirth ol hiim,ia, a .
which la all iIkhi. or ilaraii(..niaiil, r iw Ivm ila Irnraa.
ele.lriii-.i.in.. .Intij nin, n,..iruli.ia, .,
wllyla.,! n ,.,ira. I In, nail I, I,,,!,,,,,,,,,. i , ,, ., tuuut
la tin iiirnimfa.. t,,l ri ifteitn-iiiul iruin-nr, -liiinta waS.
out an enaal ; il Imaimigl !.m. in tha uravar.
turn, whi,.i, a. .1 ,, Hi. I.l rml, v.e. Ii.an la a
Z !! . ?1 ""':'lr " I. aiinf. id.il 1. nam will ba faatara.1
vi h.-'itin In ii, ii.
fur nn- reM nl all Hvmoat'iatl. lleanM, allan.li.nl in wn.
samir i Ii nll.'ir, itin- ili.tre..!.! timl oainlwl imuliiaa whiuS
alien ra-viir laiih Ui nmrna.1 ni..l iinntur-al f.niiaa, anil re
move, ttimw la-nmliuio ali-iriiiiimiii wlni-S ariab litMfe lAkina
olil, Aio, m
(tUN.xtJVirTHllw .an t.iva t'oaniKT, .7ia
'"".'!' .. I .in, lia, oar.a.
'. ""'ia, Ha,;tae.a, ,w ail tlawa .lM-aaaa M
maillinna lin aiar tlaan iu filial.
TY''.-;,.;i',.?V-l i Tel. H A II TfMTRe1. n HPIII.
IH'e 'n .IMio,i 4aa aaa! I CKrinf Ua Keal
a-iara; ! nn vi.r aff ,t", a-i' t.i.r. ri.MSiala. au, atAar.
sr.ifafr fa try titlK At-tir, ar, av a f arr a-,V I aaTAlaLV re.
aa.l Jntm um aac, Wrr' er'ia- a .Mtittttn nvei krl'vr SSS
mrl4 ,u rvaaV. .., an jti, rn a faSteaial
T Ilia lireiit tV.,1 a.i-i:,l,. mi.l Wlien-'W Ikww inla
elalnU era.atl, lSi niaoli-l.ta W ollarail.
an rtVla'ern-na e,rniiunnl H a part o' lnl wif.lr, ft aaraa
lln-a itiwia, w.m oar I an, lr ami uelarilr, ana 4.aja awl ia.'i.
Ilia ...tlll inrota.
Ii i. ttti.-!ai,f naea alena. anl ia imralr s Ven-iablv (Steam,
tern, ami Oaa mitmna i ita i-ini.i.iiiiii u,m:n vim in Uw WaM
li.nira an. r-ii ninlw any rifniti.t-nii-a. wliatavar. N.
raan.iia cHiiii..ni-a a! ili Nialiaa raa,iai:Uiiiilitr aia h'lali.S'
In I'm Phiatnntui. wnicli arr. Oia-riiiu twl aratattaaalff
a ualailatal tf . ajiMS namial aln.raiitar, h
Sart a ear rollnw. Iiy ., few ilay, v ,,l Hiia artiolat It It fas
elunr nn. utliH. ,raiaralioi, lor Un. ionr;iM, or lot aa
wai-w xuin iiMi'ara uiimiii. fir. trnMpUatU
Will find th fllrlUrat pmiitsrltM t ttill nicl
dn-1 Hm Mih iWiiw Irum tli ttin. ia pt.m,M.t 1m
ttxiimiMiy ul t'yrr iti nil ili-rna-), wiiti h tit Imm-iof mi :tlvr.
tt-v-itit-.il will tMM i.tHiitli lo iHf itntiteil Ura. Aitriti ivtlvrni
vv.t) ; .v t-oiiUni iu limits ti ' tMSftiliuuiM ,. lug d uttAniuUr,
ft'lsl A UHttf
4tf th Vit-hlfajs.ru itillltUI. tVT Ulsatirif, ft ttft of th
imMHiir l.iuiatii Una um- I iltHi it n-ver I tit. t Wtilft m
ltis '., itiHt il Imius aitil lotisx ! lur eii Ut t.eaiUI tu lt thsfl
ntHii4.iil mi. Uittriii iiivhImI
knJ ku 'hii Iff m-shi ltht U. U.i. id thrfv is tm .MttrVf.
iirViit, 1 tw (irttprtfUM won...
fuaintl nunttwr ul' iT'tolcc whiuh rm out tnnW th htiul mi
S ARS A PAR LI, A 3. STROPS, ftc.,
Tur Uropm, Urii(, ku.i Tltrr wt at""! IW motkinti
JhI IrMtallaNI tVatll til Ut.naU J
Thtf invnUTC never thou(tt it ttitnni tw.-h Hinut till this
ariK'i httil dmif iu A rnrtitiylkf tHtli ! Uaa ptumykimi i
aifllMtly Mlllr ltl.
Amiu Ami ftll who vit the nru.'l ur
CrutultiMiatr. Put HM ill DO ' botihM, it )1 II 4m. M
I t'taV eUlh ttl laiajrhullllHa;f U, IIHirf lltstll tW IMIal) twt-
tlt. isHtk nut ami itul ft tmpvMrd uuvm. fcaf; liuUI bus
" Viiuiliira ViKll LitUHiir.)iit! iiiturw," iitUttn mikmi
thv iatM. Km; mntttu Kiimtirw al' ' ii. (J. VatiiTlin m Ut)
stliwtK'iii, n-t "ii VhukIim. HuH'hIo, mtmmptd mm tA
trk. Mciii other um i.tt ttn, frvpHivtl If (tt. ii, C.
Viiunhn, iiil ftttsi tt th )'miuit'l thc Mi Mam Mtt,
bultum, ul whtilkwtlo kiiu tviftil. No n(iMtoH ( tu l Imurl
ailrVM piMl llHIli poat )hHl -flls?r. Of vtrfb.ll -WU)tHUIltVUUtl
tixicanii, HiIK' truiniitl aiiviutU u, (mui.
WiioUmhIw Aitiu, i Hcott, .Vti Ksuii it Rtthlm, Ito. I,
Jsluitlwit l.tthir, Nw Vui- iUf ; Mn. B. KittiW tL Co-, Hm
4Vn ; C. M. Uunl.:.ll k I'"., Clilnnuti ; J. Own IV, .
hjiit vm Huy, i:hk-k?w; Ku Hull, Clvel-utd : p
fc fcfallvnt, t'lllsUitraih t Ht,r U 8nui. lUtuutuu. W
tt4 liraUf hy t.1' lik rtMH;Uib'ej Uruptnuus uIWatlpMI U
llU MlBloB uowl CkilatUta, aU.U l foUUl ii
S. Bucklnnd & Co. Fremotit
Charles Power, Wnodville.
J. II utr; hifiH fe .Son, Bt'lltvut'i
J. E. Kouke, Little SandUftkT.
Aud by Unijiists ut'tierHllv.
Fremont. Nov. Oih. J852 lr
The War Carried Into
THE Subscriber has the sithfantinn nf aavihf Id
his friemla, and III' public gerernlly, tha: ha
hns jnal cnnipletcil Ihe enlargement of hia Grocery
Kooin. and hns supplied it with one of the largest
aud most choice lot of '
Grace r i e s!
SVer iironglit to this market) cnusialing in part tf
Coffees, Teas, PepptT, S(ices, Rais
ins, !Uts, Preserves of Ustions kinds, Mack'rel,
TnhsPOa, Segnra, ami one thnu'aud oilier articles
Usnnlly kepi in such estuhltsmenta
: He lies sUojukt received from the Cast, a larf
stid choice lot ufc
Jlrandlex, Wines, Gin, Whisky, Ale, Leer,
Ac,wl.ich wiil H sold ntvsry low flirures.
The public are respecit'ullv ' invited to call and
eiatiiitie bis niids and prices before purchasing
elsewhere, as perfeoi tatiaUution can h- piven.
Fremont. Pep. 25. Irlj !. ,
To Sell !T and Popular Dooks.
WR are in want of Agents to ranvaia this part
of Hie Stata lur nnr new Knoka,
A small rapilal uf but I0 or fll5 a-ill be reqair.
ed lo eomnieu-e wilb, and an active peraon aau
earn (foHi (.'i.lKI tn 93.1111 per day, Soma of our
Agents earn much more,
1 hose denrmia of enjrnglnt; in this profitable
business, may tintain our plan of operatibn. and
list Ot OUr PullllC'ltiuiia, hv Hrldreaainrr, poat paid,
M. F. TOOKKR A: CO.. '
No' 10 i rtuprnor St., Cleveland, 'rhin,
Agents Wanted
life: of (.ly u i.vfield scott.
frri PAGES li no-, handanmely and durably
OUUltound, Illualialed with enirraviiic. JJy
Kuward tt. MtssriKi.ti 1-1 'q , many years the ed
itor of tlie Cincinnali Daily Chronicle, ; -
The aubecrihsH will shortly reoeiva frem the
Press, an edition of tha above valuepla work, and
will furnish those who wish to become Agents la
circulate th tame, on the most favorable lelais,
for further particulars and all necessary informa
lion, applicsnts will please addresa their letters M
the subactiber, H. MANSFIELD, Publisher,
1 34 York ISireet, New Haven, CI,
PM AX WKLL weald reepectfwllv anuouce to
a Ihe citiiensof Fremont aud vicinity that ha
is now prepared to lake Unjuerrentype MinlalaiVs,
inferior to nons, he therefore inviles all who wah
suythiiif in hia line to civ him a call, at be feelt
assured that he oau ie aatisfaotioo.
- ALSO! ;
Thee wlshiar Catling dona will flat It theif
advnt(fe to Five him a cell.
Jtoomt in ffneUund't Llork, Social Halt.
Fremont October, Blh, : -
WARRANTY, Mortfar, aad Qoit CUiat
Desd.fetsalrttt he

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