Fremont Journal. From the Atlantic Monthly for May. TO MORROW. TO MORROW. BY H. W. LONGFELLOW. a?5 My little Iambi i are folded fike tbe flocks ; From room to room I hear the wkeful clockt CSwUecgiiig the passing hoar, like guards 4eer V ... I'f -".-'- -... . ' " Their solitary -wtteh too tttnrmd ateep-j-' Far off I hear the crowing of the eocks, t And through the opening door that time' unlocks Feel the iresb) brentbing of To-morrow creep. To-morrow I the mysterious, unknown guest, Kho'oies aloud t ' "Keawmber Barmecide, And tremble to be happy with the rest." And I make answer, "I am satisfied ; I dare notjutk; I know not what is beet; . Goal hi aireadjr aaid what shall betide." THE PROSPECTS OF FARMERS. JWliat the. prices of farm produce bii3uripg 1868 what no is kbia to answer but we eant by iookreg into the, financial condition of our country, fotermiiM'thril good deg Mact nea'jh TStA at which, such produce . Tfile provided that no great and. radical oatangw- ia eutde by Government i. monetary affairs of this country."' ' ' ' .cAfctJielVTesl, iarmere are'eiiffenng' der a depression of pricea for their grain thai, is intolerable, owing to the high demanded for transportation to an Eastern market; but in our remarks on future to Eastern- Markets ; and think we are safe in predicting that about the i present, prices will rule for several yearn. We do not think it is in the power of tne ueneral (ioyernment to redeem, any maimer, much of the paper money have about mc elation ;' and as long as we one thousand millions pf that money circulation, farm produce will be hisrn - the fijWerTire also inclined to think that it will be many years before we come back wttre old rates before the-war. "Btill oroeftiing inay be done that will create panic in the money market, 'and prices wjpbi a, while f birTthej will sot, down, till we resume specie payments, that day is not, id oar opinion, very near. farming Jands are .raising in pricein all jthe Eastern States, slowly bat surely. The rise In this State over old rates s fifty per cant; aad we advise our-readere who-pwH farms not to sell them unless obtain aoout uie above increased prices. These are times' when farmers should f?e7ui if .debt, Vnd: Investall -their j.lus cash in good, p rod acUve-i real aetata Hjrtal oothiagTto do with stocks of kind: norwould -we consider an invest ment in Government bonds as safe as good ferrmiiiff ianos.- ine iana cannot ne laken irppi; V ou,: tiUt we do not know, for a tainty, that other securities are safe, nndcr all contingencies "that may arise.. 'Xtjiids'ot the. wealthiest government in ,Jf$ffM'afe liable to become depreciated, pHrtaiBrases For instance, a panic in .uieil, juni. every txray rushes to sell securities, anJ the, price falls, falls, falls, till thej ar.e at a ruinous discount " ''No man knows to day what he is worth, ititkvause he is not sure that what he owns villTeyer be sold to realize its valuation what is equivalent to specie. Rural ADORN YOUR PREMISES. IS this' day of money-making.but httle is career aor tne ' outside" show of farms, fa'rfti", Ruliiirhan, or Othet private iveuuses, except in and around large citioa. 1 ! taxb' iot how large the farm or other homestead, . or, how mitllI the adornnient ,.pf tftosame, in a becoming and tasteful vttiMMr, only renders it more comfortable .to the occupant, and the more valuable wtoeri itrb"nieh into the inarket for sure. 9 this end, let the farmer plant walnuts, - aests ula, , sugar trees, ah, poplar, . aa other handsome growing trees along" fence rows.' I rain up skirts of native for- last trees near the house: leave clumps vswrtru ureos iu uie : cieariug, lor caiue to shade and shelter nnder.' ' Whitewash the fence around the house, -and the barn .and other out buildings also; lay down T,lToaa nagging ot atoue or wood all around the back yard in the path to the barn, the spring, the meat house, the cellar and, ,4br gtirdeB.r'-'To every one who owns acre or even a rod of land outside of the Wilding spot, we say, plant trees, shrubs, . and flowers. What is more beautiful than a fine orchard! what is more healthful and profitable ! What so captivates the ( .1DA as a lrvlfr Inwn eir vnrrl Ari.tA li T,jiha there with the dark foliage of the ash t mu pine or even me common Tjeaar I v3Vhat more humanizing and delightfid than .the clumps of roses, hyacinths, dahl--sat-eUatl- honey-sucliles f They produoa- feeling of tappinew and 'contentment that nothing else can. An arbor of fine old Miles, xr Sines; clambering; up the'walL S' and over' the eaveaj bearing rich' clusters "of" Concords" or " Delawares," of " Ca "' ' tawbas n or Hartfords," are alike a grand luxury to the eye and mouth. ' Who that ' can have them will longer consent to be ""without them f Set aside a place in jour garden for " Russell's " and "Wilson's" strawberries, and gather bowlsful of these crimson dehcacie for your table, ere any . otiier iruit is npe. l oeneve it was Jer-' Taylor who said,' "Doubtless, God ' 'imtjd have made a better berry than the strawberry, u he oad tried, but, doubtless, Jjrod never out I" i .Th time is at hand when the work adornment should be going on.- Let all "-' try to add SOmettnDg Ot beauty and use- fulness to their homes, however humble, letore another year passes. HOW TO RAISE EARLY CUCUMBERS. w n., i. A good method to produce early cu cumbers w the following : Make a trench -ssfifisa awaa. va. waa aw svj-vz-v vm svia t-uiw JUVUCOT j.'on this, plant the' seed, and cover thein itH ssw-dogt two or three inches. - r cuinLierg thus treated are said to come ear " Jier to.endurc rain, drouth, and even a lit- 'tto frost, far better than those treated any I other way. Against severe night frostit they should be protected by boards. ti 2. lake middle-sized flower pots; fill " therri two-thirds with good soil: put the seed on thia, and cover with saw-dust; sprinkle with warm water, and put the pota . near tne siove. un the apjiearance ot the plants, place the pots near the window. r' Care should be taken to harden the plants before transplanting them into the Harden. admitting air" to them both day and aujjuu. rv.. , , - ,t.t ; '3, 'Take egg-shells' (the hole to be on , tne upper ena tnree-fourths ,of an inch, j ' filt thenr with good soil, and therein plant ,, rseeas.,,,. iiania itius raised, kept e?ther f ' -n the house or hot-bed, sue easily trans- .?:"iA(tnce.".fro"iii; St. Domintfo .'leiiort "l'ihttct; ''of ; an earthjtiake,r which leveled erv.Jne a . 1 1 . .1 v tr-Tbe ftdlowinff i the .,. tr, lJ,Zl. " wuv ...... v. wr BKbf f V V-V A.f-: l T lU'Y - " a vi a, .'iicjiul:, luf a.iisuL.iuuKi t;ur- - wBcy, w sena certain ana quicK mode 17. '-of 'eettitiff rich" , - -2? ,ike e Mt nd In the "parish register of .; Glarnmiss .chorJida,. the muunter being tit GixJachy, Lurainsra witch; and therefore canna be plagued." that j - , " will will the r' " in'-' rates pri iieJw4refer in in in m a go kay and fully they iu'ft- any cer The the in Ju in 1 his of an rA a of I . j 1 1 Wlfiii. NEW GOODS. i.... . .. . v NE W v G O O p S i ! 1. . !. .CHEAP GOODS JUST RECEIVED. res iREOEITKD. T ' -.' v 7 rS an bow tkI?u( m of Un lariMt and tnit II . atoca M Mooct mr oithM mi rramoal, wniea a-W bol4obpCoi cui. W ban afjutook of VRfiSS GOODS! Mil iti i . ;r -v,. i i .tj t nda, cpoiifltiiig of AL?ACCAS, . " ', :;;;r,t)EiJLiiJEs;;.':.; SCOTCH GINGHAMS, X.nffl r.iy PRtNTS, otC, cfeC. We haTalMalarcatoeko( SHitiTING, V7. W. I .A"- STRIP! PANTING, COTTON AIDSj AC. w hare a tat stock of BROADCLOTH, CASSIMERE, SATINETS, 40., AC. rarchuera who wish to bay CARPETING, .JfATTING, OIL CLOTHS, AC, will do well to (iT-mllbfor barlor lwhr. If 70a wilh a GOOD CARPET, A NEW CARPET, - A BEAUTIFUL CARPET, Go to the it 1 FREMOXT cash store. Boots & Shoes. MISSES' SHOES. CHILDKEN'S SHOES, L, BOYS' SHOES, GOOD AND CHEAP. HATS, CAPS, . shakers, All Sew and Cheap, Also, linen goods, . C2j white goods, - ,-DIAPEIV. t Z HOSIERY, AC. AC. 13. D. AUSTIN. FREMONT, APRIL 13; I860. GROCEERY emporium, i - r- r , ! E. R, MO ORE. HAVING purchased the well known Crockery Store of J. W. Row Im a Ce, ia prepared to supply the dt- uue oi oanuuBsy mq sojoimnf esnnaea with CROCKERY, ,J ftH ll t t Glassware ! LOOKING GLaJSSES,! i . j W Britannia-Ware, TABLE CUTIjEIIY, LAMPS, &C, &0. WK -iiAVK ON HAND THE Lamest Stocl Ever Uronght to Fremont, ana are receiving daily, direct from ths aunafastarsrs. 11 kinrf. Af CR0CKEEY AND GLASSWARE wbicb wears sailing at priees that E V CORIPTITION. ' Ws hare a large snd wen selected stock! o;& iAiips, .g "" GOOD SUPPIjY OF Oil. : li.-,-t"-f ,", -. .. ,'f : We aeepavarrlbinar in onr line and I. M. Iu .1 I V-l - ' ia and examine eurStockand yoa will Bad the BEST ASSORTMENT, and the LOWEST PEJOEB to be found in 4hia market. ( I I . K I In eonaectisa'wltK the above he will sail ths wall known -. T V Croghan lills Flour, "T "asrr Moors k Vsl- ICXW.J 11 UBIIMIHin WM V 1 . i i . e,Jl?, """"'r hand at Wholesale and ""i ' iwrmmn, vora steal, rJraa, I Bou'i forget the Plaee, ! IVo. 9, -f"-' "; '- . E. . MOO HE. Fkemodt, March 23, 1866.-131. I 1 j--wwt-.F7.; SWISS W A tciies; Fine Qeneva;atqh,: Had eisresilr for ajtraa.; Ladies' Gl1 - Watches led aad plain, ui eat nita. djaaoodu , ,. Silrer Plated Wart. Fine Pocket Cutlery Scissors, large and small. Speolaclea, iteel silver dc cold; Portemonaies. Smith Ac Wesson fine T Pliooters. Diamond Bines, n w i th Jr o wm Sctiinsr.r f J Ladles' Gold nd Plated Chate lain Chains. i Solid Plain Ifeary Gold Kings pj lhPwt v I 1 -V i , n A J 1 A V ' V t littdles' gets enameled and ilaiu, pendant, oral and round. Chrrsolite'Ilrops set la fine Gold .--' : ' '. ' . , :.' . ' i SUrer and German Silver Tiiim- '' '. ' . ..- ;.' ' hies. Gold Pens. - JLadies'. Cabas J2agsv- 'n; :a :.i,!,;ti ;!hT ,it ; i Fine Tahle' Knlres1. . J 'J;r5'ifT5vS "Sol x.-orj'-'ti Hair t'haiiu'. ' 1 .a Water bury Clocks JUST RECEIVED, y y a r r a n t e d , AND GOING CHEAP, at ZIMMERMAN'S. ' Fremont, 0, Dec. 1, 18S. 4Smr V 0 11 .A O H 3 I fe? ! Gold has Gone Down! IS. r AND ROBERTS & SHELDON Have reduced the Prices ON HARDWARE TO COBRESPOND. W E ask the Farmers to call and exain- ing our stoct of Tools and Implements, which consist in part of " Combination Steel Plow,"a't ; Curtis' Iron Hearn,;(l ,x Fostoria Cast Ho wy . Corn Plows, ?- t ; Shovel Plows 'double nd single, Road Scrapers,v Corn Shelters, iron and wood, Straw Cntter 'Horae Rakes,'' V 1 Horse Forks, TT 1 TS 1 noes ana iorKs..v- o I 1 Rakes and Scythes, Grain Cradles, '.: Scythe t4cks and. Stones,. ; Wheelbarrows,! I j ( Churns, Tubs, Pails, Broornsl ' )!ClothesfWriiigrSr8, Diuuaiuir. iif pib hiki JiM!ejs, Sheep Shears and-Wool Twine, Lana plaster, ( Water Time, 'h: StM3cd,'fec, sfec'-tfec.: ; Togetker with a complete stock of . Nails,' ' ll v - - -House and Barn TiimminErs, Builders' jand Fai'mers' .HiU'dwart!, 1 Tin and Sheet Iron Ware,' : A t altof whh we offer at - - Price8i which l ,Gomi CHAMPION . s r flidr MillnL i n .-. Buckeye Wood bawihg Machines, ran-banks' fccaJes, Our Tin' Shop, ' fill -your orden v Vi rirtJO ,,1J VhA-J ! ROBERTS &. SHELDON, i raSMONT.O, May U,lsM I BB iSS wsw at MORE DURABLE, MORE ELASTIC' JIORE GRACEFUL, AND WILL ;. KEEP ITS SHAPE AND RE- ' 11 , TAIN ITS PLACE BEX-, TER THAN ANY. ,'.,.:, OTHER SKIRT.' m la NEW and IwaaUful atrl of Skirt win wnd 1 br the Oml Amarieaa Iottitata Fair, nald la Kw TorkCitj, October, i4, a SILVER MEDAL," The kirkttl premimm tver riven tor a Hoop Skirt; 'The Steel Springe ere wound wilh a Bee plated wire (in piece of a cotton covering), which will not wear off or be come soiled, and the wholo Skirt may be Kasked miktrut injury or rear oi ruiiiog aau win w m gwuu I The Combination Silver Skirt Thla Inmtloa combine! with the ordinary -ewtten Skirt the adrantage of oar Silver Skirt; the bottom I boo pi are the aame aa thoee need in the Silver 8kirt,the I eoverine of which cannot wear off, while the upper onre I are covered with cotton No lady having once worn ne or oar Skirts Willi be willing to wear any other, as tne lower hoopa of all other kindi are aoon injured and soil ed. The ben' material! are need in their eonrtroetion, and from their durability and neatneee,they are destined to become a lavonie sairb i or sale oj , ., ,, CONDIT BROS. k CO., ' t ' Birchaxd Block, Fremont, Ohio. April 20, 18M.16w6. ' ' Lake Erie LonisTille Railroad. N and after Tueadey, April S4th, 1866, train! will ran J daily, (Sandayeexceptea,) as roiiowe: " Leave Findlay, at 7.18 o'clock A. M. ' 'Marion 7.36 ' Arcadia, . . . . 7.63 " " . Arriveat Foetoria, ..,.. t ie Leave Foatoria S 30 " - Jackson ... ..$63i' Kanaae 9 12 " Wlnten ... li u . . Bnujer'i D 84 mm, ArriveatFremont,... 10 00 ' " w m ' " RETURNING, - Leave Fremont, at ...k..... 2.00 a'eloak, P. at. ..: . , . eBrnner"! 2 2 " ' ' Winter,. 23S '"' ' ' i Kansas,. 2.49 , - - ..,. eJaciMp 8.10 " M 1 '' Resell Foetoria,.... 1.30 v V .... Leave FoatorU ,.. 3 42 , - Arcadia,. . . 40 " ' ' -'"' ! . Marion ...l.L- 4.30 ,, ... at,., Arrive st Findlay,... 4.46 .,, eTraini atop only on signal. ' ' :" Traina on thia Road arrive at Fremont in the moraine: In time to connect with traini on the Cleveland and To ledo Road both Eaat and Weet. ', , . . r Traina will leave Fremont In the afternoon after the arrival of traina from Cleveland and Toledo. Paeeeuers by thia line reaeh Fiadlay several hoara in advance of any other route. Buy Ticket, via Fremont, in Cleveland and Toledo, at the Ticket Ufleee of tae Cleveland and Toledo Railroad,. L. (J. RAW80H Sap't. Fremont.April 27, 1968. ' .', Wanted Immediately! soo,ooo Oak SpokesI 500,000 Hickory Spokes! 4,00 Cords of Oak, Red Elm, ..Rock Elm and Gum Timber, Suitable for Hubs ! 200 Cords Second Growth Ash I 200 Cords of Hickory Buts! For which the highest -pricei in CASH, will be paidto on' delivery at our Factory; i ..,'. . V. L NORTON A CO. : i ' TnmuptfO. Oct. 27, lSso. . 4ZLt .., .. . , . .' EGRISWOLD&CO 211 sDFilUlOB Olovcl an d , Ohio, (To which DAILY ADDITIONS will be made '; during the season) of ' ii ; SILKS, ; SHAWLS,1 ' Worsted Dress Goods ! delaines, MUSL1KJ 3k LINEN LAWNS, - - " FERE ALES, ... '.'.'Vih';." j WHITE MARSA1LLES, '" . . , EMBK0IDERLES,T" , ' '"- ; ''' LACES,- "--'! " .; uosiert;: , Vv,i. GLOVES, -! , I'. . .. WHITE GOODS, FLANNELS;! TUUF.THKR WITH AN ENSE STOCK wmtrnt PRINTS! '".". ''s " : ": ' '" Axn '" " ' -1 " ' ' : HOUSEKEEPING oirit CLOAK DEPARTMENT! ...... i la. NOW IX; ., FULL OPEHATION. Besl Cuttei-siii tlicStatc' , . And a beautiful assortment Of "' " : CLOTHS, , JT'y'Tr ''r,r'- :. SILKS,. , ! -BUTTONS,"--''--'. .' JJ f.i ; Mi fi Iti. i We fet eonndent of teinr able to seit the stoat faa. aivioua taaie. , ..f t . , . , R, fici),;" II 1 ..! "21 7 Superior Street, I .', ' CLEVELAND, OHIO. mm I'alenled march 7, 1863. '-' I ,-r5wraatswt J w I 'S5a2S!fissi,i it""'" I ! o .: ...... , .. ... I .w .!,.-. ft ft FOR . , Spring". Trade, a LiRaE stock : :;; MM CLEVELAND, April 13, 66.-lvtf. lJfUolograpn Uallcry. . I- I' "" ' " . . ' ! . . . r ULODGETT & CO HATE tot thttr Photograph Rooron, Third Storj Nlmr Blok, nlarl. Improved, od refitted n mtiriBS th citiiena at H&ndaakv eountr ' Photographs Taken. ! ' : : ': ! I It don't make aa; difference if the weather ta cloudy or dear, Rlodgett ft Co t ean nake ' a tret rate Picture for you. Cone and ee. '' Biodgett Co., will nuke eon a perfect sktare Tram law smallest to the largeet tiie, oa Ute aaiwteiit notlee. .. -Come aad see. ' : Blodsett fcCo faarecaaee and frames of alletrlea aadsiaei - Come and see. Z3T Remember, the beet plate in Fremont to get roar picture taken is at. BlodgeU at Co'e Rooma, orer Clark Aeigiere more, uentiemen ana Lddies invited; admit- tanoe.FRBE.' XT Children"! piotnrea taken. Roonu open from morninEnntU eTenina. BLODOETT k CO. rreittnt,aiaTZ7tiae. .;,' a-.i co. .!: 03rd STATEMENT I C'aeli Aanetit, jiaouities Net Aaaels, . 3,8'3,04 37 XUZa VETEBAH OF 16,000 Fires STII.L BLlIIX WORK '"' BY AN Jifficteni onjauUation of i.OOO jiracllcal Utultr- wruers, jrvm Jova iy(ta to taliforvui, and ' iioKt sunor, jutxtco ana th tfulf, ) harmonizing Ih science of average ,,:; ,rkA compensating rate to the . advancement of the pub- , i i . fo Ke0fre. ' ftXATTKJBlNt. TESTUTIONIALS Mtna Insurance Co., FROM TBB . i, INSUii AlfCE. DEPARTM EN T or ins ST A TE Q F NEW YORK. The Insurance' Commissioner to the Leg- '"' ' ' mature'. ' T Mint Imncrmna Cmmiv, f Uartfuri. eee WW! mmv riT insurant L,ompies J lata . . e.m ..- . r i .. . any oiAercoaairy.' I'KTeaacrtral Companies folltw Ik rule rnnd nrmttieet of Ikt Jit lmoU carefully if (at jr sera meoa'ud ta kih taw. Again, pointing to errors of prat:ce in Xew Tork Compaaieg, the .Ctna'a euceeaifal management and solid rules are called to their attention thas: , - "It till rtmaint mart tatUr of wander than imitation in tae uuaraacc wora.; "ffv whmtnbtle ntehtnii not Iki corporation been en- able fHra ala fnU paid capital into the pkiiotopkir't none. ..... ' Tkeeziraordinarif ecentt wkick kit iittinguuhei wnparmueicunnancuu nworw. THE AVKRAUB LOSSES PKR DIEM IN THE UNITED STATp S, AT THIS PERIOD OK THE YEAR, Ann aouu a ?vju.vuv. nils rr.ijA ' " GRAPn DAILY SOUNDS START- rtl T UNO NOTE8 OK WARNlNtt . ,. TO ALL PRUDENT " ' . PERSONS. Do uot neglect tho Meruriljof Reliable ,, , susuraiit-e. !, ..fPviioies itued without delayby ;' C. EDCERTO., Agent, i - . i ,. A . X VO. AprU .0, lSbo 16m3. r':!l l.r ; ; or Tna ' ' !.,:.""""'' "Jan."i, I860. YOUNG AMERICA DINING SALOON 'i . : . '. uituatea on viae street, one door West ofDonoy son's '. 'J. Grocery. OYSTER AND EATING SALOON! THIS ESTAUSHHENT is now thoroughly fnrninhed and ready to serve np meala at all hoara of the day. Everything that ths market affords always os baa which ean be sbtained on short notice prepared In any manner desired. Farmers will find this the plsce to jet WARJI MEALS. Ladies Saloon. Connected with this establishment ia a deoartmenl exclusively for Ladies, with sn independent entrance aau entirety separates irom tne gentleman'! saloon, where they can alwara tret annerior oritere. or what ever in the eating lias they may desire. Thia room ia nnderths supervision of lady stlendant. The Bar of the Saloon ii stocked with the very best """ ajisjnorsy Aire, roners, It lues, Oysters by the ean, and half can. ean alwavs be ah. iausi prices as low asoan oe oonglil elsewhere. L t.ome ana eee lor yourself. CLEVELAND 4 MILMOl'8. jreenf,j(ov. iu, jw. 4iti W. W. WHITNEY'S PALACE OFi MUSIC. X take pleasure in inritiD the attention of mj old incoua ua contomeni ana an new ones, ii &bj thing ia the Miuio line, to my : KEW AND SPACIOUS STORE, No. 173 Summit Street, where I" have reraorrd my entire "stock, and have also made such additions thereto aa to be able to offer to the musical puoue (lie a Latijesl Amwtnient of ,Mu3ic(d Merchan- g diseto be found in tie Northwest. I The first 8oor will be stocked with SHEET MUSIC, for iwnsneeai ana retail iraae, atnnir Uoods. Alusic Dk,and all kinds of small iBs-nimentu, such u Vio- n, ijaixars. urums. ana Silver Band Inatru- Particular attention paid to the String Department. The Second Floor, 'JO by 100 feet, will be used excla- siveij aa a sales noon, tor iPUXOb'r 0MAXS AND MELODKONSA where will alwarw be- found a splendid assortment of rianim imm intj wvji-bboivb ma ou lactone ot btetnwaj & 8ons,Chickerinc k Son, and eitrht other firjtt-r.laeji maaorih. a. V.tXki. w.mitU's celebrated American Or gans, pronounced by mil inufticiaDft. (superior to all oth ers in the market. AUoW.W Whitnejr's New Patent ImproTfxi Melcdeons, manufactured by iriTPelf. (Factorr tAti i ua ShwwhU u,u..t l- t.. . a .. ' ; -Tsry uiavumeoi auij war ranted and satisfaution guaranteed. The entire Third Floor, will be used for wholesaleinr. atrisia ewiutyrlai aawl sawai-li,-IJ I a mf ""'"g SJ avu csseAMiSMfcJ V1U a U B wriUDfs n I Pino CoTtia, Stools, .t, wholesale and retail. , i , , Oi-gitua and jfleiodcoiiH. . rilHE heat llahoe ia the clly will be fonnd at' Whole. X oale end Retail at . . -J i l i Wbitney'a Palace of Mnsic, r- sy 173 9uaiuiit Street, Toledo, Ohio. i T CONSIDfcR VM'hitnev'a Jmnroved Melodeona" su- a. pemnr m an ocuers. . Son. W. Morgau, New Viuk. J. W. Saffern, Toledo, O. WaivJl. Tkoaipaoo, New l'ork. . , . b. tf. BlaiadelValonroeSetainary. ' . I. De Vivo. Opera Uanamr. New York. ' K HofTmsa, r-auirat, Variaa Boffinan Concert Troons. nna wuw.urviif 1. vn IVIBIIH HfUOIIlPrS. Hade only at Tolrdo bv W. W." n'hitner. Factorv .u. t-av oujuaun jiirsi. . t . Send for circulars and prices. Evor instrument war ranted for lira rears. - .- . . Send orders to ' A . j Whitney's Palace of at u sir, . 175aamniltStreet. f37tf. . I WjuNTl:l-Agents, tlale at Pemale at $7S to $180 permontb to aell the tlbr'ed Covaox Suits Faxilv Skwi.m; Uirnm. I'in-eflSwl Thia machine Will do all klniVof work eonal to the hieh nriced ll. chines, apd is the only prac tical snd rellalile ChrnpSew- lnjr siaenise in tue world !rd lor drs ript .re;ircnIarB. Address, SECOMB CO , Coicag. 111., or Cleveland, O. Principal Ofiioe. No. 2 Custom House Plane, rl, !.- flllnl. V....V u.vm tSID Hso's Corefoy Consniapt ionj .1 - l WAUUASTlilV im A ! af I or I - I I ill I also YOU DATE CousutnplioD, trj it M you bare a CougTi, try it. " '' : '' ' If you have Lung or lliioat Disease,, try it. ( If you Lave any of the symptoms of IhUdruid- ful disease do uot fail to try this remedy. J f it does you no good your money will be refuncfed as set forth iu the circular which accompanies each bottle. Sold by DR. J. W. GOODSON i SON. " '" ' Bcllaviu, (Ihio. DIC E. DILLON t SOS; Fremont, Ohio. HTDOW MANYCASES OF FATAL DISEASE HAVE YOU KNOWN OF WHICH THE FIRST SYMPTOM WAS A SLIGHT COUGH? PURE versus impure, AS SPRING AND SUMMKR approach, many develop themselves In the aystern, having t IGlNinan . r- ' DiHcaeea theiy 0R- IKPURS STATE OF THE BLOOP, Scrofula, Vntaiieoas Diseases, Bollr, Can. " 'v.. k uinniiMui, a5tlr JSVVCC lious, or their Kindred Diseases. Bow ean these ail men I a be xemoved or presented? IMPROVED BLOOD SEARCHER AND . I Medical, Discovery, la the PHYSICIAN that CAN. WILL and DOES CI'RK above affections, and REMOVE all IMPURITIES. Thi medicine ie not a mere "NoerBra," like many of iu claaa, bate m eUnnttr, rendering that which waa larraa, Pcks; STiauunKo the BLOOD to hialtbv Aonoa and aa a eonacqnencs inifarlinf the whole tyateat. It ia the mot vatuaile preparation of the day. i R. . SEIXEUS & CO., Sola Proprietors, Pittsburgh, Pa. AS A FAMILY KIEDK'IIMV, SELLERS' LIVER PILLS :: : ARE INVALUABLE. ' i Hat You Dmussi of Spirits: ... . . Have Yoc Lobs or ArprriTK? " A xb Yoc Mrors aj InJiiTAiiur - A is Yoc of CosTiri Habit? Havi You Paih i.i the Side axd Braiach? Mati You a Shallow Comfujiiok! . , If to, to insure t SPEEDY ACTIOS, , AND IMMEDIATE KEL.IEF, . ' '' MAKE CSK Or Seller's Celebrated Liver Pills, Which have etocd for 30 jrears asrlrallrd ; FOR THE CCR8 OF i ' . Liver CoiiwTuiat, Costiveuesx. Sick Head ache, and (ill Eilhous Disorders'.' B. E. SELLER'S A CO', Proprietors Pittsburgh, I'a. SELLERS' ; : VERMIFUGE! This Worm medicine ,( HAS NO SUPERIOR, IF AN EQUAL In this or any other Country. Kverr rear thousands of children die from thi i mr bis svil. Thia alar mini nortalitv loudlv calla fnr in Dmara wacniuiavBS,aoa Greater Care in the Selection of the Keuiedu LET PHYSICIANS SPEAK. SEIiliElt'S YEKMIl'LUE! , The Beat Iu te. HERE JS THE PROOF: Lickikg Statio.v, Ky., Det. 17, 164. Mr. R. r. Ssllcss: Yoar Vennifnie nossrssed virtue tbanDjr I ever used, I will state a cawe wheiel j-are one rial, ny oroiTierti child wan pining and wart injc t mere Mkefelon. la tblrtj-aix houra alVr I gare the Vermiratheenonnuiiqnatntitv' of upward of at hundred woemt rerc pm$ed. The child that wai girianp IVt IVIee Itf USkiw assB VD41 a iul III (Is llVlf. B DOT ItOOn. AMBROSE ANBETT.M. D. K, 4; CO., ... Sole Proprietor!,, ntlaburgh Pa. INSURANCE! INSURANCE I ARE YOU INSURED ? IF TOU ARE NOT INS URED, WILL YOU INSURE! . D. S. CAMPIELD'S INSURANCE AGENCY. omCE AT I'UK STEAM MILU ; liepresetds Hi foUow'uiy Ist .C'las CVwA Com- paaes: , . , . . Caeital Surnins. Crnlerwrltr!is Asrncv of Mew York, Fire aad Marine, r-l,l00,M)(l Secarilor Mew York, Fire, l,(IO,0 I.srillarri, of Sew York, Fire, l,31i,000 Manliaimn, of New York, Fire Jb I !O.,O0li J,000 iilariae, Artie, of N. York, Fire fc Marine, Corn Kxchonge, of New York, Fire ana BRnnc, . 47.,iUU Clerelnad Insarance Co., of ('le veianu, ann,uou Travelers, of Hartford, Accident - al Ineurauee Co., a?i7,00 Charter Oak Life Insarance C'sw, 01 Jianiuru, I,onv,uue The above Companies are sll reliable and nromot in paying losses, aa the experience ot the last year ebows; for every loss was settled at thia aseni v with in live davs after the fires occurred, ltianotalwnya the cheapest in surance that lathe best. Good security, polieies correct ly worded, sad s food knowledge of the premises in sured, sreessenti&l for tbebenchtof all parties interest ed. Kntruet jourbasinees to Home .agents who have experience in underwriting, end beware ot traveling ageata who eome along, find ont what ins a raacs yoa pa y t then offer to take it less, when ths risk is really worthy more than it pays. . When yea want Insarance all riant, call oa CA1IFI BLD who will fix you out a Policy anytime, for Life, Fire, Marine, or Accidents from 1 day to 6 years i i . rremom.u., aot.z, jdoo 47yi. , Royal Hi VINA L0TTE1. IT of Cuba. Conducted by the Spanish (iovernmrnt. '. $360,000 IN COED drawn every 17 days. Priies cashed and Information furnished: the hlirheat rstsa nsid for Doubloons and silkimis of Goldand Silver: for all Government Securities. . . . ... TAYLOR & CO, Bankers. SyiaMPJ . 16 Wall St.. hew York. Til E OT ASON & TIA 91 EW C. BIN EX OR. tiANS, Prty-4iiR)rent!itvlrs.adapteil to Sanred and Seoalar knsic, for$60to $600 each. TH1RXY-PIVS GOLD or SILVER MEDALS, or other Urst premiums awarded to thent. Hi nstrated Catalogues free. . Addrva MASON HAMLIN, Boston, or MASON BP0THEES, N.wYork. Sepi.S.isW. j. ! " r- E. ; by it are rtbiee bum Humort, hfillbv lo-s uriant plsrer est Toledo, k SON. CURED WM VatsTlaM aWVMiAsl.g ' K E A Dl For one dollar per mail, I will sead frre anj a!ilr areceipeaed medicine that I will (manatee to care the wont cam! of Catarrh ia the heed or bron chial tub'B in a few week!. It has aa-ed bit life, aad made me a we!l man, from Catarrh aad a aeere and dan- f-rou.i bronchial trouble 1 ba-t aoflered with for ream. tried thebt pbje'rfaa, and all the adrertiaed mwlU einri ot the da, but found no relief till I obtained this. 1 would Kive one hundred dollar! for this reeeipe aad tie meoiriue, if I now had the Catarrh and could not obtain it less. I beltere, if interactions are followed, will cure anj raw whatever, that has aot already reach ed the lung and become a settled consumption. Cars it while joa can. Arfrtreiw. T. P. SYMME3, No. UVi Fnlloa "t Um3J Ifew Y.rh. Ayer's Sarsaparilla la a concentrate ettraet of the choice rt-ot, ao eombined with other aabataDces of Btill greater alterative power aa to af f-rd an cfiectaal antidote for diaraeee i3araaparilla ia reputed to cure. J3ech,a femeilr is aurelj wsntss by those who enff r front Strumous oomplaioin, anj tint oae which will- seoomsliak taeer rvatnuat prove sa thla faae, of immense service stojtais lfKcaea er oar afflicted fellow-citi-em. Hoar Jtvmr ph-My thissjmeiaaad wflldo is.hae bees proves kye-perl-ben on tnnmy of tnwworat nsessssa foas ia tha followinfr complaint!: Scrofula, Scrofulous Swellings and Sores, Skis Dia. eaHia. Pimplea, Fuatnles, Blotchea, Eruptiona, 8t Aato ;' Fire, Rone or Eryaipelas, Tetter or Salt Rheum, Senld Heail, Ricirwo m, fee. Sapkilit tr t enerial Vitean ia expelled from the sys tem by the prolonare-i uae of thia Sibsapasilla. female Dueaeee are cauaed bygccofula ia taw blood, and are often aoon cured by this Extract op Sassap asilla. Do not diae-ird thia invaluable medieios, beesoas yoa have been imposed upoa by sometliing pretendinf to Sarunarilla, while it waa not. When you have aaed A ykr,'s then, and not till then, will yoa know the Tir turarf Sarsaparilla. For minute particulars of the diseases it eurea, we refer yoa t AyeVi Aaaerieaa Al minac, which the agent below named will faraiah cratia t all who call for it, lAiaa'fcCaTSAKTJO. Pills, for' the oar af CostiveaelsV Jausdies, Dyspepeia, Isdlgeetion, Dj--atery,FoalStnnp aeb, ifealache, Pilea, Rhenmntiam, Beartbara ariaiDS from Disordered Stomach,. Fain, or Horbid. Inaction the bowels, Flatnleney, loss of A ppetitr. Liver Com plaint, Dropsy, Worms, Gout, Neuralgia, aad for a Din ner Pill. They aie soger coated, so that the most sesattiT ean take them pliyisantly, and they are the beat Aperient the world for all the purpose! el a family phyeie. Prepared by J. C. A or k Co., Lowell, aUasaad sold by sll Druggists and Dealer in Medicine every w hers. BITTER X. X X RO BACK'S STOMACH BITTERS ! crjK V a V aJ .J? .SA V - DYSPEPSIA, a To and Sr trie best To qui ! inlheaorUl. ' i ! t ti ri r BLOOD ' - PILLS CUUE HEADACHE,' A tr r:tff Costiveness, .nnJ nil ili settees or tlie bowels. ROBACK'S BLOOD PURIFIER! .: CURES ... SCROFULA ami fill di?6ati arising front impure blood. '? ' i ! ' 'la. !! NT V AKK SOLD BY ALIa Drusrcist and Dealers in. r Patent HI edicines' -4 iEEBYWHERE PRINCE, WALTON & CO., (Successors to Dr. C. W. Roback,) BOLB PROPRIETORS, Nos. 66, 58, 60 & 62 East Third St. : CINCINNATI. OHIO.-, . Apr I la, 1866 I5yl. RING'S GRAY HAIR. ' 1 a r. . 2 f ".' This is t!icA.uuaosia Uut Eluginadai' This is the Cure that law Iu the AnBttoaiA that Blag This ia tlic Mm xeho was bald and "; eray.. : . ... . , . .i. a Who now has raven locks, thcr say. HO tlM.d the f'nrn that U V?-'11""'" AaJBB09Lt thi4 Ring DBanen' This is the Maiden, handsome snd Who inirrrierlthr ncisj once baM InaT A f Jreny, : - . .-, Who now has mn-n lo.rks, they ssy. i'. -Ho nscd the AjiariiMtta Uut Kitur it made, i . - j . 'rw Tins is flip r.-irsnn, who, by the way, Married the maiden, handsome and pay. To the man onrc haid ami rsy, But who iio-.r has raven locks, they eav. "w1""10 n- "scd the Ture that lay lu the AauiiosLi that Riua made. COi' t .' l-'l i' ' ; 1 S - 1 (El-M 1 This Is the T H iliitt rlrws awaw - ;S;T'I'" aronsc the jvuplo sd and bsw g-' A "j 1 this f.i.t. which lM-rc dm ifiy : v iwic or unirt or jrvif. . :aiJ t'K tl -l.ji-i;oiJJ Zuil A'uio tntidf. K.T3BBS Ril. Fwx. Pznmur, U.H n IISTO'S - VEGETABLE AMBROSIA IS THE JVIIKACEK OF THE AGE! ray-hearted IVoirte havethew, locks mstoiad to the dork, tnatroms, ettkem Iree&etLnt youth, saw nsppy: a a u Younit" People, with ligkl. faded or red Hair, have onraahionsme-colore ohasged-'taws beaati fal auv, and rioirt! ' i r '. ' f i a A i People whose heads are eovered with isjaersj'aad nse it, and have cl -sn coals and clear and sralpF! Bald headed Veteran hare their remaining tittered, and the bare spots covered with a lux 1 -inf 'i ' Va .enV 1 D A mli.. ffaSsA growin ri jjeir, ami d.tnce for joy! ( Youiili mtlemen vse it because tt ia richly perfnmedr Yonrj l.adire use it because it keeps their Hairia !-,- r - Everybody nrnst and wiU nse it, beeasne tt Is ths clem but a rw'ole in i-umark-t. t - - - U: V Fortiale by DUOI.EY at BROS., Thsbsle ice at a. ()., aad S.BL'CKLA.VD k SONS aad E.OILLO.t Fremont, and Drunfflata maarallv. . i?? t' I --P . - , to it be ia ft Hai 'irnfimnmmMTSmmi THS WOHLOS GREAT KXMEUT FOR DYSPEPSIA, INDIGESTION, CONSTIPATION, OKNERAL DEBILITY, FLATULENCY, ' 1 1 f iSICK llffiAOACHk i K i I .Ti nl I S'lm a-1 ie- ' I :1 1 I t oesrv AT THE STOMACH, CH0LERA.JJORIJ,.,1,,:r (!, 7..r . .4 K PAINS OR CRAMPS IN THE STOMACH ftJlwTSfOWELf, A , aad in fast for every liiaenler that baa its ,tr4B in a diaosdereeaileKjr tap Mvsrvfthamark s R. . .. sresoneed sotiai pawii the fall aas.iranee that it Is the safest. 'wrest fnd-hSet Drsoersia; afv.lirimi snows is the world. It is sot a whiskey preparation to b nsso? ara'rarTersTJsjtJnt aje stedirine especially s.!sp ted to a diseased Sr-Pyepewiie aMomaeh. The proprie tors Goarantee a Care in Every Ins(aiice4 When takea thoronehly areprdics to ths directions, which sceowissax eTi bottle. avTeatjmsa, fhiwlAwr Merehanta,Pro(as,al.leio,eT-y. .t stations T life oar aiosteairaeasWSerlB puMt? posrKns-sll he have ever ased or seen it ssed, join in the moat enliar IteeVpraiss of as merits; snd msnr-mnd women, e'd and waTass!5 sad ill tell yoa that it "'.T-JI"' s avoineteenlh centary. whilst ths proprietors wabsakt it in every ess. Ut ters reschas svKp4ay, from persona in evety part of tho Tf'Tf t-i; a irac. lo s o res it has perforasfd, 'IP.QJsc sbs are constantly nisinr ua I. tU tbem the formala from which it ia made, savins lea affects are wonderfal. its snereea brv .11 .Z. DYSPEPSIA CURE. J" l"d lu eores in even the moot sesrsvsted eases, a eer .IT jL.l4in"- M w1" "top distress after eatios. in I moment s time; sweeten a soar stomach aa i 1. taken; relieve pains or cramps in eti.maeh or bowels ia etanteneonrly, and enable the dyspeptic snfferer. whs. 5,. i" . " 'sJss iroae) aad 4ao pfet: aeat diet, to eat a hearty meal wi'host fear 01 any trwWo oTSd Wsesrnostly sskoso trial froas every safferer. Sis far everywhere, at 1 per holt's, or hot- C. 0. CLARK fe CO', Proprietor, NEW HAVEN, CONN Tim A,'m" DYSPEPSIA. DR. STRICKIJOfD'a TONIC" is a eoncsatrated preparation cf Root, sad herbs, with satiaeida aad car minatives to strengthen the stom ach aad aorvone avatem. It ia a osrtain remedy for Dyspepsia or In- Dr. 8 trick land's TONIC. ti'j!'.Zramn'Jm Aapetits, Acidity of tho Stomaeh, rutnleney aad Detnlity. It iTnot aleoholie. salted for Weak, Mervoas anc For ears by all Druggists avery Dyspeptic persoi where st tl per bottle. DR. STOICS JaNDj PILE REMEDY has oared thousands sf tho worst IfcTsrt , 7 nieeoing riles. For sals by sll DrsggisU at M esata ser bottle. f co tiilv kkiLliLllodiJ j I P. t uTsatsOTo e this . . raiton snown to cut Conzba, Colda, Hoaraenws. Asth- Rv7"1r?,,b' Brn,e C0. Consnmption. grfl!j1t' ?"- Being prepared (rem Ho, Herbs fs beahrg. aofteniDg. aad expectorating, and particularly suits s for all anections of tho Throat a4 Langs. For sale by Drnggiste everywhere. aart COSTAIH ALL TBI MSDICI5AL raOPiaTlM or 'Piiie'Tree Tar. IhMawsUeamdaotoriatr for carivg si direaara THKOAT AND JLIAGS. Wins of Tar also possssses s healthy action apoa tho stomach and bowels rejuvenating, tbs svstea sod. re-Vn-ing it to vrfect h aith,. P. iewry effective la oaw eoaujlalal' originating from tba User, fnoeaach. Bowels, Kidaeys fee. -i . . Sold by Drug jiots aad Bir-ru at only Bm Deflar a Bottle. xiJaaoinoJiaysJTtjrjr.bjejB osyba, bottle. 8es small strculars st tho Druggist.. " OII VEB CROOK CO.. Ootobarllso. 41,1 Fropc'tors. Tho bast way to got rid ofaaoagh or sold ia to Seek Earljja Sare.Rifiegr BETrzoiiY Eiilxri., Which is kealtnr. tatikinr and W,.u.i It 1. . a expeetorut, loosens sll ahlegm, eootbes ell trritstioo. night soataai 10 save a reembtpr .sise si It relieves all EroncMal Troubles. The Instruc tion for Croup which accompany every botile, have never been known to fait. Consomntives will admit it 1. , . them. .... ,i Solsl hf DrofcMsj Everywhere At W eents a bottle. OLIVER CROOK ox ttK, October 13,1146. slyl Pro.riaLnv. Purify Your BlooLr Taken a. a Serine Medicine for removing its aluggiahneea, eanaing it to now in all It or rgmal purity and vigor, and driving est ths imsara inrf peraieioaa eaaseswhich induce disease, Vegetable Extract Is a great Promoter of Health. EE 1ft PUKEtr,V t(3EtABLE. Contain! no Opium. U SSaioveji ant arnativa Ma .f 4 w 'A. Pimples. Blotches. PnatnlttW.. T.1,.7 T"'-'." Salt Rheum, AcaW iHead, c. ' ' tew UiteuiataUjswlt AdT?UKE a rrrAnu nving swar all aches and naina. and ... . 1 : ingit. ' m-.. X3T It is rax Kixo or ScaorntA HsDicina. Bold by Druggists. ssBjasjsapSasj SJayeSaiawa. aa awtAw4saa ""T .y IsthsCheapeataudSpe-diestcure'oMTCH? It isliosid la notdieagreesble; dosssuAt soil the clothes, aad never ansa, at, oooe. -U-onnlaina no Mercury, and ia asfotovsnwsmsieTony eiiusaislaneea. It is only - j , HALF jTHBPIUOB r f n"Mrif'iaBd je"tj bkii plossaat and si lt retails for 25 CENTS A BOTTLE. It prevents CHAPPED HANDS: makes them whits aad soil, as aa Extereal Application for Kheometii mm ciiereai Application lor Kheumetiew, tive Diseases C tho Skin, l lcera. Old Sores, 0sng , it ta tear stecSJve. It wiUspeedfiraurs Bar as aad Eruptive Uiii rena, it I Scalda. Sold by Druggists. maasoniy sy tbs CROOK ,nANVrACTUKIN(,' ;o ' ",' lATt0K,OBlO. CITRON BALSAM i. Mows. o every bottle. .' October 13, lboo. 41 jl. Manhood: how Lost, how Restored. Just sobliabed. a aew edition sfDv. alvervrell'a t'elrbnited Esaaiv mi the radu-al ear (withont nMdicinet or SrxKWATonairaiA. or msliul WmAk InroinnUry Seminal Losses, Iarorsxrv. Mental and' Pkvtscal aueaoa'-vijr.lmiiedinienta to kiniu. .1. . .i "ciihe l roa JPILES. ft 1 t II A ! I If But LjU-5!s-jej3'awi . . . , i iuuucwu ny dnleenve or sexual extravagance. taCPrice, in a seeled envelope, only . cents.'sWressyiesrlT 4 "'" 'VfccrwW iprm-tlee. that tho alarming coasrquences o aelf abuse n, ha radically cared without the dangerens una of internal medicine or tho application of the knife pointing oat a moos of cure at ones simple, certain, sod effectual, hy means of which every sufferer, no matterwhat hia eoa riLw" rb'r ,ni,l, shoaplywpmntely.aad 17 This Leetui ,f,r,0;d be laths hands ot every vsuthsnVreryman"ittisland. ' Bent, under seL la a ftiain rnvslooa. to anv aiMr.. pond. recaist f Sisoeots, or two poet stawda aoareas Haoeutwlaaeaa.x..-ijHAH. J. a. A 1.1 VTA I'll irr. New York, Post OOos sax e-aleX LM'J . , All POWS