Newspaper Page Text
FREPOfJT DRUG STORE. II ttl Have now in store and are receiving almost i ' ! - of Trade. AND DRUGGISTS' SUNDRIES! MBDIOINES, - i f ' '. i;t :M' ' . : '.ri ... ' ' '' '. : Dye-Stuffs, - ; : , Chemicals, r . f -.; Perfumery ; Arid FiLne Soaps Have been thoroughly tested, and their THEIR BRANDS OF" WHITI ZINC. PAINTS. COLORS. Tj 1 1ST S 3E E Boiled J? J' r T ' f. Are all made by the BEST MANUFACTURERS, and have been sold by them for nearly five years with entire satisfaction. . Their White Lead and White Zinc, Wears longer, covers smoother and is whiter than many other brands in the market O ARBON OIL, Whale, Farafine, Machinery Oil, &c. Writing Paper, Blank Books and A VERY HEAVY STOCK AND WALL , Borders a,ni WINDOW METAL TOP LAMP CHIMNIES ! The beat and cheapest thing of the kind they are easily cleaned. 1 BRUSHES! PAINT, WHITEWASH, VARNISH, AND ALL KINDS. As in the past so in the future we shall endeavor to give value sold to all our cus tomers. DR. E. D1LL01M & SOU. FREMONT, OHIO, March 16, 1806. llyl. a in every description of Goods in their line Their reputation permanently established. X OIL! Oil, and ALMOST EVERY VARIETY OF PAPER! SHADES in use. Heat does not break them and ' of a is of for as All by last Mr. ed, die of ed on we so he FREMONT JOURNAL. FREMONT JOURNAL. Local and Miscellaneous Matters. DEPARTURE OF TRAINS—C. & T. R. R. GOIMU EAST. Pay Kipress :5T A. E Mull 10 23 a.m. N.Y. Kipress. S3r.i . 1 OOIKO WEST. Nisht Kinross .. 1 M a. m Chicago Express 11 40 a. m. MAIL. ...... O.ll P. a. Trains leave Fremont daily, Sunday's excepted, ) on UTS iitEB &BIE UWIBVI1.LE B at i w T. B NEW ADVERTISEMENTS. Letter Lift, H. R. Shorn: Agents Wanssd Jones Brothers If Co. " ftoreuce Loch-Stilch Sewing Machines. Line ef Steamers between Bufato and Fremont. Pimno Coo Melodeons, . L. Cross, Kcm Dry Gauds Store, Benin s Smith. The laying of the foundation for the new block on State Street commenced to-day. m a Mrs. Halderiuan is re-building her house oh Garrison Street, which was destroyed by fire a few months since. Steixwat. These world-renowned Pianos can be had of W. S. Lunt. who can sell you a good New Piano for $375 of other maker. TEA PAPER. (rocers and others will please notice that we have on hand at the Journal office a small lot of good wrapping-paper which we will sell cheap. riease call houui The Tiffin Trihtine says a Jl r. Jacob R. Brown. West Lodi, Seneca Co., died on Monday of last week, from an overdose of opium, self-ad min istered. On the day before he had expressed presentiment of speedy death, though suicide not suspected. - - . There will be a meeting of the Stock holders Oak Wood Cemetery Association on Mon day, May 14th, at the office of the L. . dt L. R. Co., to elect five trustees, to serve one year. - , J. v. Vallktte; bee y. FatnoKT, May 11, 18b6. Iw. avw BETTER BUY NOW. Our merchant bare now on band a splendid Btocksof Spring and Summer Goods from which those who want would do well to purchase soon; in our opinion they cannot long remain at their present low figures. , Just note, if we are good at prophesy. SOMNIFIC. The last issue of the Tiffin Tribune announces an item of extraordinary note, that there are positive indications of four or five weddings to transpire in that vicinity within a month." . A low town, we should say. Why, we call it a poor time for weddings when we can't announce half a dozen a week. Special Meeting or Steam Fiee Em; ink Co. 1. The members of the Steamer McPher son will meet at their Hall, Tuesday evening, May 15tb, at half past seven, in full uniform. members absent from said meeting will be expelled. By order of the Company. F. S. Tyler, Sec'y. Fb.emo.vt, May 11, 1866. Robbery wcabBucyhus. Six men, disguised blacking their faces, broke into the house of John Albright, in Crawford county, one night week, and stole about $300 and a gold watch. Albright and his son, in attempting to de fend their home and property, were nearly kill and it is thought the young man will yet from his injuries. The villains have not been apprehended. J a 6 DR. GREENOUGH, On Tuesday and "Wednesday, May 15th and 16th, will be again at his rooms in the Crogban Housed where the afflicted suffering from any form of chronic disease, and his old patients, ill find him from 10 a. m. Tuesday, to Wed nesday afternoon, 4 o'clock. Consultation free charge. Toledo office and residence, No. 215 Summit street, near White's Hall. The Propcllor City of Fremont is not expect at our dock until her return from her second trip to Buffalo. ' She left Sandusky yesterday. Her freight from this place Was taken down to Sandusky on a lighter. The regular round trips will be made once a week, leaving Fre mont Wednesdays. The Saginaw will leave Saturdays. The occasion of delay in the ar rival of the Propellor, is the necessity of more dredging near the mouth of the river. HERMON & SMITH. Attention is called to the new advertisement the second page of this paper, of the New Dry Goods Store of Messrs. Hermon & Smith. We have before mentioned this establishment, and alluded to the excellent reputation of the proprietors, as well as the choice character and variety of their goods. Our readers will do ell to give them a call. The place is No. 1, Vallette, Moore fc HawoD Block, comer Front and Garrison streets. : ' Nfw Pater. We are in receipt of the ini tial number of a handsome little paper, named Wads worth Enterprise, published at Wads- worth, Medina County, by Messrs. Clalk Root. Its editorial ability and typographical appearance entitle it to a first-rate support Whether it will be adequately appreciated by a sufficient number of those among whom it must seek for patronage, may bo problematical ; but hope the problem will be solved in favor of commendable an Enterprue. a BOASTING. The "bold soger boy" over the way says we "boast" of military service. No, no, neigh bor; you arc in error; there has been no "boast ing" except that of the man who a few weeks since opened up in the Muteugcr with such a swell about an "houorable discharge." And had a r'ujhl to boast. For during his three weeks soldiering at Camp Dennison, it rained two or three times, and he says he had only a tent to cover him. How the poor fellow "suf fered for his country!" ; Alas, it was too much for him.' " The damp atmosphere gave his pat riotism such a sad chill he was obliged to quit soldiering, and has not recovered to this day. COOL. The Sandusky Register claims the City of Fremont ma a Sandusky boat. In view of the facta in the case, the claim might be denominat ed rather frigid. The new Propellor was built by Fremont men, mainly for the accommoda tion of the Fremont .trade, and by Fremont capital. Sandusky it will be remembered, made an effort to build a Propellor to run in the N. Y. Cen. R. R. Line," but failing to raieiuora than one-sTxth the required sum, the citizens of that enterprising town concluded to content themselves with the old Saylnote, which thev bouzbt for ten thousand dollars. The j - u City of Fremont will carry freight for the busi ness men of Sandusky City, and, according to the best judges in Cleveland, it will be bhipped aboard the stauchest and best built jPropellor ever launched from the docks of that city, but remember, neighbor Register, this same is Fremont boat. ''" ' LIVELY RUNAWAY. While the crowd were waiting for Donaldson, the rope-walker, to make' his appearance last Monday, they were treated to a show not in the programme. A Mr. Miller, of Clyde, was dnv iuga spirited -gray horse down Front Street and when near Garrison, where the throng was quite dense, the bits somehow caine out of the horse's mouth, and he, trend from all re straint, started off on his own account. The rate at which be tore down through the crowded street, with spokes, splinters and wheels flying everyway in a perfect shower, beat our liveliest imagination. The horse finally wedged him self fast between another team on a lumber wag on and the railing to which they were hitched in front of Condit Bros. A Co.s Store. Strange enough, no one was hurt, and no damage done save to the buggy to which the ruuaway was attached. That was pretty thoroughly demol ished. By what means its occupant escaped without serious injury, it would be hard to guess. When they saw him thrown to the ground, everybody eapeeteil thu worst. But he picked himself up, and looking around, hatlew, as if to assure himself, cheerfully exclaimed, "All right!" PURIFY YOUR BEDS. ' Messrs. Elliott fc Clifford have located in Fre mont at Mr. Justice' place, with one of the most useful inventions of the day. They pro pose to clean and purify all feather beds, and render them as good as new. It is not difficult to see that impurities collect in fealhara by con stant use, and that in a few years beds that have been used will become very poisonous. Tho process which these gentlemen use In puri fying beds is to complete and so cheap, no one should let this opportunity slip. The charge is but a trifle compared to the amount of good done. This year, it is supposed, will be a sickly one, so that all available means should be used for keeping clean. Health is worth more than gold. The people in town and out of town wi do wisely to give this matter immediate atten tion. W..U. McLeland is the canvassing agent whom our citizens will find courteous and ob liging. Let no time be lost in this matter. The Union Business and Telkgeaphic Col lege of Cleveland. This institution, which forms one of the chain of first class business colleges in the leading cities of the Union, is located in Rouse's Block, corner Superior St. and Public Square, Cleveland,- Ohio. Book keeping,' Banking, Rail Roading, Steamboat ing, Telegraphing, Spejicerian Penmanship, Short Hand Writing, tc, are taught by the ablest teachers in the country. Cleveland is a great commercial center, and of course has a great advantage over country villages for giv ing a sound Commercial and Telegraphic edu cation. Spencerian penmanship is taught by two first class teachers. Mr. Felton, formerly of Bryant fc Stratum's and Kelton's Colleges, is in the new college. The new College is to take higher position than the old one. The stu dents of the old College have mostly gone to the new one. If any of our patrons have boys to educate, we recommend the Union Business and Telegraphic College of Cleveland. For Circulars, Catalogues, tc, write to the Union Business College, Cleveland, Ohio. . THE NEW STEAM TUG, L. Q. fiawson, made her first trip up the river on Monday. She is as neat a little boat as could be imagined. Her length is 52 feet; breadth, 13; depth of hold, Tonage, 28. She has a 5 feet wheel, draws 5 feet of water, runs twelve miles per hour, and classes ANo. 1. She lias just been built for the Fremont trade, at a cost of $6,000, by J no. Monck, of Sand us gy. Her engine was furnished by the Shep herd Iron Works, Buffalo, and is a beautiful and substantial piece of mechanism. She will carry a life-boat and other means of security against accidents. Her officers are,jWji. J. enes, Captain; G.W. Davis, Engineer; who also own half the boat, the other half belong ing to the Fremont Warehouse Company. Besides her nseful mission of towing on San dusky River and Bay, the new tug may be chartered almost any time during the season, by pleasure-parties and pic-nics. She is furn ished with a cabin, which with the awning over the deck, will afford room for 25 passengers very pleasant little company. She can start from here at a reasonable time in the morning and reach Kellcy's Island by 10 A. M., remain hours or more and return before dark; or) a louger stay might be made, if the company chanced to (eel in tho mood for a ride by "moonlight on the waters." as it to a THE MENAGERIE, TO-MORROW. To-morrow morning Van Amburgh & Co's Mammoth Meuagerie will make its grand en tree into Fremont from Tiffin, and the parade the-establishment will be a spectacle well worth witnessing.. The monster tent, the largest one ever used for menagerie purposes, will be open to the public both afternoon and evening', and as this is undoubtedly the most extensive and complete Zoological collection ex tant, it will, of course, attract immense throngs of visitors. The Columbus Journal, of last Monday, says: "We have seen all the principal menageries in the country, but never before did we behold as great a variety of rare specimens of the animal kingdom as Van Amburgh & Co. are now exhibiting.. Among the new and very rare zoological specimens but recently imported a Giraffe, the only living one now in this country, or that has been exhibited for years.- They have also the finest pair of Bengal Tigers, Man-eaters, ever brought from their native jungles. The animals are all in good condition, and give a better idea of what they are in their native forests than any collection this side of the Royal Zoological Gardens of London." Wherever the menagerie has been, the nepers speak of it in terms of equal commendation. Van Amburgh B Co. remain here but one day, and will exhibit at Woodville, on Monday. to of of AGRICULTURAL MACHINE SHOP. Messrs. Blue& Wick est are about making an addition to their Foundry and Machine Shop. Their present establishment was completed this Spring. It embraces a fine brick about 50 feet square. Their addition will be 50 by 20. Their business is chiefly confined to the manu facture and sale of agricultural implements, in cluding the best patterns of plows, cultivator, Ac. They are just now engaged in putting up lot of the celebrated Buckeye Hay Rake and Loaders, the exclusive right to manufacture which they hold for Sandusky and neighbor ing counties. . ,',',,; We wish the new Foundry most encouraging success. jHauuiaciurers oi every description ought to le in every way encouraged. Like farmers, they are producers. There may be a surfeit of traders; but we never can have too many manufacturers. If they manufacture too largely forhorpe consumption, they are sure to find a market abroad, thus making the balance of trade in our favor. They being employment to our population, necessitate immigration, and furnish our merchants and each other with customers; There ought to be a persistent and organized effort on the part of our business men to promote and induce the erection of manufactories of various descriptions in our midst, and when it is posssble, to encourage those already in existence. t PROCEEDINGS OF COURT. Martha Horton aw. Ira Horton Petition for divorce. Granted. L. tj. Rawson is. Egner Action for debt. Went by default. Jobannah Lane, Administratrix of the Estate of Dennis D. Lane, dee'd, t. E. F. Dick,D8on and Margaret Dickinson Action for money. Went by default. R. K. Hosmcr vt, Abraham k Hill Action on note. Went by default. Charles Harrold vs. Edwin H. Underhill and Cynthia A. Underhill Action for money Went by default. ' Geo. W. Shairl vs. Samuel Orwig and Jacob Warner Action for money. Went by default John Hunt vs. Mengol Action on note. Went by default. Win. II. Clark f. Wm. Gillespie Action for breach of contract. Judgment for plaintiff, with damages and costs. Mary E. King vs. Oscar Ball cl al. On mo tion to the Court for that purpose, John G. Greene is apjwinted guardian ad litem,oi Ella Capper and Daniel Capper, infant defendants. Action was for money. Judgment for defend ant. " John lloth vs. Ann M. Pitjicr, af. Action for specific performance in conveyance by deed of warranty. Court decided that the defendant execute said deed and make conveyance in ac cordance therewith. Clara Deyo, (by her father and next friend,) vs. Permelia Sauford and William Sanford cisr of slander. Action for damages. Verdict for Plaintiff Damages $500. New trial grant ed. The foregoing embraces the cases disposed of up hi the time of going to press. Wo shall give the remainder next week. Tli Spring months, Mtrrh, April and Mt, r th mouth) to purify the blood. And prpar th yBtem to gaanl eaint th rm(e of d'iin. The Toico of D tara caito on the pclenut and skill of man to preptr the reraedin; end we bSTe them in Robtck'i Blood Fill, Blood Portlier, and StOEwb Bitten. FREMONT HUB AND SPOKE FACTORY. ' Among the most interesting and valuable sources of prosperity in Fremont may doubt- less be mentioned the Hub and Spoke Factory of .Messrs. F. I. Norton A Son. A good deal of new machinery has lately been added to the works, including a new 70 horse engine, and it is now manufacturing much more largely than at any time before. Indeed, the establishment has steadily grown and developed since its first beginning, about two years ago. The first year the manufacture was confined to Spokes, and these in a limited quantity. Last year the man ufacture of Hubs, Felloes and Neckyokes was commenced. Now it extends to Forward and Back Hounds, Tongue Hounds, Reaches, etc., which are turned out in great quantities. Du ring the summer it is intended to put up bend- ing-works and make other additions and im provements. 'Among the latter is the removal of the warehouse, now on Garrison street, "and its connection with the main building on Arch street. Although machinery is to a marvellous extent made to do the work, still some 35 or 30 men are kept constantly employed at the shop, besides the labor of getting out and hauling the timber. The processes through which the manufactur ed articles are required to pass were to us quite interesting. Take, for example, the article of Spokes. In the rough, they are wheeled up from the yard into the shop, and dumped off beside a ripping-saw, which takes off the sap and shapes the Btick for the lathes. Of these there are four, for as many different sized spokes (from ?4' to 3! inches.) Each lathe will turn out from 600 to 800 spokes per day. Next, the spoke is passed to the tenanting machine, by which a single hand can tenant from 4000 to 5000 per day. It then goes up stairs to the finishing room. Here its first process is "belt ing" on the "large belt," which takes off con siderable of the roughness left by the lathe. Next, it. is passed to the shaping machine, which cuts the shoulder to the exact size required, Cnd shapes the tenant ; thence to the Jointer, which joints both edges and cuts the bevel on tenant. The work is completed by three finishing belts, which leave the spoke as smooth it could be made by the most careful sand papering. The machinery complete that is hardly possible for a single piece of work come out otherwise than perfect When fin ished, the spokes are passed into the packing room, where after having been subjected to a rigid inspection, one by one, they are put up in bundles of one set to each bundle, and are then ready for shipment. The processes through which the Hub passes are equally interesting. The logs are carted in, buzz-saw cute them to the required length ; they are then put through the boring and rim ming machine, from which they are handed to the rough lathe, to be rounded and docked to the proper size; and then to another lathe, where the exact shape is given them. They are then bored and mortised by one machine which turns out three or four hundred hubs per day. They are next placed in the steam-box, where they are well seasoned in 21 hours and kian- ized to prevent checking and rotting. Finally, they are taken from the steam-box to the ware house to be painted and strung upon sticks in sets, ready for market. - - Buggy hubs are made only of gum and rock elm, and wagon hubs altogether of oak. Spokes are made exclusively of white oak and hickory. The latter is always thoroughly dried before turning, either in dry houses or by the natural influence of time and shelter. Besides that mentioned above is still another machine for the manufacture of felloes, forward and back hounds, tongue hounds, sticks to string hubs upon, izc, Ac. . The amount of stock on hand for manufac ture is immense, and is constantly being added as well as diminished. The spokes in the rough number hundreds of thousands to each several kinds, with hub and other stuff in proportion. Messrs. Norton receive orders from all parts the country, east and west, sg great is the de mand for their work. Although their machi nery is run to its full capacity, they are far be hind their orders, and have recently been fill ing those of from four to six months old from Chicago and New York. We congratulate our townsmen upon the suc cess of their establishment and trust they will find it advisable to continue to extend their business indefinitely ; because there can be no doubt that such rnanufacturies are the life of any city or town. They fnrnish its citizen with employment, bring money in from abroad, and tend to make it plentier to every man in the community. MARRIED, At the residence of the bride's father, on Thursday, May 3d, 1866, by Rp.r. M. Adams, Mr. John V). Hosteb, and Miss A. h. Willson, aU of Elmore, O. With the above came several .specimens of beautiful wedding cake, for which the fair bride will please accept our thanks. May Joy guide the bark in which the happy twain float down the River of Life. Rv Pv -T R Thnmnnnn. nn thft eveiiino- nf the 8th inst, at the residence of the bride's mother, Mr. John C. Younkman, and Miss Christina Mathia, all of Fremont and vicinity. At thp Whpaton House. Norwalk. Mav 4th. by Rev. C. Hartley, Geo. O. Hablin, Esq., of , , w rT it r r remonr, ana miss xia&ki et xiolljs, ui iuunroe-ville. LETTERS remaining unclaimed in the Pout Office at Fremont, State of Ohio, on the 10th day of May, isoo: AUdridge Mirths Miss 'Jink OP Add Joeerh Andrews Darid Baker Jacob Borcet Joaeph Bonham Lyman Bowere Jenie Brnbaker Henry 2 Cochrane Joaeph Clark Mary A Miss Charlei B , Cone Chriitoplier Peitrick Adam Dotoon Joahaa Doamyer Lana Mits Edwanii R W EUenwood H D , Emmel Henry Elton Mary MIh -Gray Louisa Mina Oorno Mary Misa Gabrl Maria M Hntcbins Jamee Hopwood Elisabeth HUa Hnraba'nr Sol Harena Jranie Miss Hooter Henry Holtapple Sarah Miss Jobnaon Gto W King John Koefe Wm H Laird Mary Mis Mirror christene Mrs Messier Mary Miss Moore Charity A Miia Miller Itaic M Mott Eiokiel ' Mullen Patrick. Orermyer W A Pettee Caroline M Mill Powell Wm B RosafleoH 2 Bnbbinson Emma MUa Richmond A L Roash Andrew imilh Carolina Miss gnyi'er J Scott 8 Hn Siberat Lorina Mra Slano Mary Mfoa 8cbloer Samuel " . Shawl eorge W Toole P F O Tindall Eliaabeth Mite Wonnan Sarah C Misa Young C Mra HotcDinaJ rroi Imler Adam H To obtain these letters, the applicant must call for An ,..,inn Letters, riro the date of the list, and nay One Cent for adTertiaiog. If not called for in one month, they will be sent to the Dead Letter Office. H. R. SHOMO, Postmaster. FREMONT PRICE CURRENT. CORRECTED WEEKLY Wibat,... .No. 1,12,60 No. 2, $1,30. No. 8, $1,00 Ftor,per barrel... ............. $9,0 " Cobs, per bunbel, SO Coi,lnthekr 4 Rt, perbnehel M OATB,per bushel.. ........ 30 BcTTER.perponnd..... Eoas,perdozen . t5 Cbeess, per pound Dressed Hoos, per hundred $10,00 LiRP, per pound , ....llal5 Salt, per barrpl Fine, $3,00 Coarse, $3,Z5 Hips,per pound ..................... S8 Flax Seed, per bushel $1,7 TmQTBT Seep, per bushel. ...... .$0i3,00 ' ClOTimSaiB, per bushel 6,00a5,50 Hans, Smoked, per pound 16 Sbooldies, " - - M Beans, per bushel..... $l,60al,7S Potatois, per bushel 80al00 Apflss, Oreen, per bushel 1P0 Do. Dried, per buihet T $'40 raiosaa, pared, per pound...... 15?5 Beeswax, per pound 34 Onions, per bushel 70 CBKtxBs,LtYe,petlb. Do. Dreaaed.per pound 10 TrrEXBYS, Live, per lb. Do. Dreeeed, per pound 10 Wool, per pound , 35i45 BUFFALO MARKET, MAY 8. FLora Firm; stock light Springcxtra buhl at $!),5010,UU; white wheat A. at !pii,o"' 14 nil Wheat No. 1 Milwaukie spring to arrive at $l.Ua. MarKet nare. Corn Mixed held at 57ri56c; No. at Glto; 62c; yellow at 6-c, without takers. Oats Chicago No. 1 at 43(Z43c. LaD Sales at 212ac. " CHICAGO MARKET, MAY 8. Flodb Active and advanced 10c. ' ' Wheat Active and advanced 710c Sales at f I,62I,Db for No. I, and $UIi for No. i, closing unsettled at outside prices. Corn Dull. Sales atO'c for No. 1, and 4c tor no. a. Oats Firm. Sales at 3031c NEW YORK MARKET, MAY 8. Floi'e 15(?30c better with fair demand. Sales at $8,509,00 for extra state; $8,30(SU.9O for extra round hoop Ohio Ohio, $3,U5 13,25 lor brands. Market closing quiet. i Wheat More active, and 2W4c better Sale at $1,901,95 for new No. 1 Milwankie; $2,00 (te;4,U3 lor new Ho, l do; si,aul,7 for in ferior and common Chicago and Milwaukia club; $2,80 for white Michigan; $1,27 for damaged Milwaukie. Rye Decidedly firmer. Sales of common western at7880c. Corn lc lower, with fair demand. Sales at 757Uc for unsold, 7!)(To8Ie for sound mixed western, both in store and delivered. Oats Dull. Sales at 49ft51c for new west ern, 59061c for old do. Dull Sales at 10'c for Cuba, (.13c for Porto Rico; Havanna at ll.e Lard Quiet and steady. Sales at ID.Vii) Butter Quiet 33(Si45c for Ohio, and 50(S 50c for State. Cheese Heavy. Sales at 1421c. NEW YORK MARKET, MAY 8. Special Notices. Telegraphic. The Telegraphic Dep't of Calkins, Grifhn & Co. 's Union Business Institute Oberlin, Ohio, is second to none in this coun try. It thoroughly and fully prepares the stu dent to take charge of an office. Satisfaction is guaranteed. Do not fail to address them for par ticulars before going elsewhere. A CARD. I intend to start North on the 27th of Auc-ust next, on a trapping- and huntinc einsdilion tn the head waters of the Muskoka river, where there are plenty of beaver, otter, martin, mink dear, moose, bear, and wolves, and the best of trout-fishing. I would like to have the com pany of seven good, handy men, who would use a iwo monies cruise in mat wild country men who can handle the canoe or small-boat 500 miles of canoe travel have to be performed durinir the trio. S. Shannon. Riley, May 8, "66. The attention of all our readers who are property owners is called to the card of the tna Iusurance Co., in another column. This Company has paid in full its late losses in this place, to Messrs. Tindall and Gusdorf, and was as usual the first to settle. Cheaper insurance than the Etna can be procured from many agents fierce to do yonr business ; and in Insu rance Companies, ready to take your risks st much less than average cost But no safer, more reliable company can anywhere be found to furnish you a Policy than the old -Etna of Hartford. Call on C. Edgkrton, Agent, at once and take out your papers. 16ml Cholera, Dysentery, Conghs, Colds, and 'ever unri Awn a ant nnfcklv rnrH hv lliEUir: A w LIFE DROPS. ri8meow,odd. U3Ii lUEi UEiSl V DR. CLOCK'S EXCELSIOR HAIR RESTORER is the best preparation for the hair erer offered to the public, and the eay one possessing nil the merits elnimed foril. It restores' 'grot sirto;iti oiigtnal color, makes hair grow on bold keods when the disease ia rot heredi tary. Removes scurf, dandruff, 4e , mrrests its foiling of or turning grew, cures sick heudacke and mil disemsso of the sculp, eauaea aaria wiry hair to become beuulif ni ls soft and luxuriantly gloss). It ia elegmntlj perfumed and all that can be desired for m dressing. It contains Nonpar of lead el other minermt so t;arse to tbe head and hair and of which most preparations now ia tbe market are composed but ia a purely megetaUe compound. We chtllenge the world to produee an instance where the Restorer has tailed when used according to direction. Hair white as snow is with marvellous rapidity restored tn all its pristine beauty by Its use. It is not a dye but by supplying the secretion of the Cappillary Gland acts us a Restorer. Among the thousands who hare used it, we have yet to learn of one who ia not perfectly satisBed with its results. Mothers whose childrens" hair is harsh and wiry or thin mnd scant, will Sod by using the Restor er, it will iaua'ialrjr improre and may be dsessed is any posiliondesiredthas laying the foundation for s rood head of hair so desirable in after life. The pro prietor is aware of the many who hare been disappoint cl ' t the high Bounding pretense of the numerous pre parat.Mia with which the market has been filled for s few years past, but such entire eonfiiencs does be place in the merits of his Restorer, that be offers in all eases to refund the money after a thorough ( iml of two bottles, if it fails to gtro perfect ratiafaction. A single trial will convince the most sceptical of its merits. Sold by all druggists at $1,00 per bottle, or six bottles for $5,00. DR. F. B. CLOCK, Proprietor, 13yl Manchester, N. H. 9. Dockland h Sons, Agents, Fremont, Ohio. 1IOOTI ROOT! ROOTS READ I BEAD I Bout's Pestacbine preserves the life nf the Hair changes it from gray to its originat color in three weeks prevents the bair from falling la the beat article for dressing the hair ever foond in market will surely re. move dandruff and cure all diseases of the scalp is de lightfully perfumed, cures baldnea, and will not stain the skin. We tell the story quickly, and tell it true, when we say it is a perfect Restorer and Dressing Combined. No other preparation for the hair coo. tains Festachio Nut Oil. Sold by all Drnggiata. ORRIN SKINNER A CO., Sole Proprietors, lOjrl.J Springfield, Maaa. LIFE! LIFE! LIFE ! DROP3! DROPS! DROPS I Axkrican Lira Drops will cure Diptheria, Cooghs, Bronchitis, Sore Throat, Asthma, Rheumatism, Neural gia Ague in the Vici, Headache, Toothache, Bruises, SpraiaF, Chilblains, Croap, Co'ds, Fever aot Ague and Cholera in a stogie day. Sold by.all Druggists, with full directions for uae. ORRIN SKINNER A CO., Proprietors, Springfield, Mas. IIebjis Barkis A Jo, Agents, New York. . lOyl TRY FOLEY'S INDIAN BOTANIC BALSAM. You will Bod it onof tbe Safest, PleuanUstaod most Reliable Reraed;?s in use for Coughs, Colds, Crotipp, Sore Tliroat, Bronchitis, Bleed lag from the Laugs, and aU Pulmonary Diseases. For Sale br C R. McCULLOB and S. AUCKLAND k SONS, Wholesale and BetaUDruga.ittrrtmont.0. 6m4 MAUHIAGE AND CKL1BACT. Aa efuwy of warning and instruction for young men. Aluo. DiKeaiws and Abuses which permioently Prostrate the Vital Powers, with sure mean a of relief. Snt Free of Cbsxfre, in seal letter enrelopts- Address, Dr. J. S&ILLIX HOUGHTON, Howard Association, Philadel phia, Pa. &8jl. To Consumptives The adrertiser. havinffbeen restored to health in a few werks by a rery simple remedy, after haying suffered for srreral years with a serere Inner affection, and that dread disease. Consumption is anxious to make known to his fellow-sufferers the means of cure. To all who d'sire it, he will send a eopr of the pre script ton aed (free of charge ) with the din vtioss for prepanns; ana using me sune. wmcn tner win una a HFRK Cl'RB for Co.VSrMPTIO.V, AUTHMA. BbONCBITIS. Cotmrs, C01.D8, and all throat and Lung affections. The onlyobj-ctoi tbe advertiser in sending the prescription Is to benefit the sfRieted, and spread information which h conceives to be Invaluable, and hopes every sufferer will try bis remedy, as It will cost them nothing, and may prove a blessing - rat-tips wishing trie prescription, FREE, by return mail, will please address Rev. EDWARD A. WILSON, 63yl WUliamsburgh, Kings CQN.y. The C0Ilfel0U9and experience of an invalid Published for the bwtit and sea eeaiex le 9n mtn and others who suffer from Nervous Debility. Premature )ecv oi Msnnooo, supplying at ine same time the Means of Self-cure. By one who has cured himelf after undergoing consiueraoie quackery, dj enclosing post paid enTelope. addresed, single eopies, free of charge, may ms um wi NATHANIEL MAYFAIR, EsqBrookWn, SylSMP - Kings Co., N. Y, EKKORS OF YOUTH. A GenMeraan who suffered for years from, Nervous De bility, Premature Dcay, anl all tie effects of youthful nriinr-.rftiton. will, for the sake of sufierincr humanitv. send free to all who need it, the recipt and directions for making the simple remedy by which he was cured. Huf ferers wishing to profit by the advejrtissr's experience, an o oy auarewiuc jun.i u. uuufcN, c52ylj No-13 Chambers St., New York, SUIANUEf BUT TlitK. Every younp lady and gentleman in the United States can hear nomeihing very much to their a Ivan lace by re turn mail (tree of charge.) by aidressiog the undersign nri Thnsunha.vinirfsars of beins humbatrfed will nhlitrs by not noticing this card. AU others will please address their ooeaien. Miraut, i nua. .voArsAiti, 53yl . 881 Broadway, New York. ACCIDENTS ! THE Provident Life Insurance, INVESTMENT CO., OF CHICAGO, HAS a capital or f 1 000,000, and is managed by an able and responsible board of Ii recto rs.aud oflioers. Ace'retents overtake men in the cars, on steamboats, and by all modeKof travel. Farmers, merchants, mechanics, professional dpi, and every body are liable to meet them. inse a rom-j iu mi -""!'" j- ." -nu uim from business, tou will be pid from $5 tofSO pee week. and in ce nt rMh, from $.t00 to $10,001, will he paid to your triends. Almost every day, someone is injured by an accident in oar town or In the vicinity. Do not delay xooe inrurvn. vanou B. W. B. HTcLCLIiAN. Agent. Fremont, April U, ISofiU-16 1 SPRING TRADE Boots aMShoes AT HOOT & HENG'S. W E have received oar immense itoek ef BOOTS sd SHOES, . . . , : Bought for Cash, CAREFULLY SELECTED BY OUR SELVES, AND WARRAW- : TED TO BE THE VERY BEST IN THE MARKET! Aa all branches of trade an la aa anewttled state. WW propose to sell out irooos at a verj small profit. If job waai geofl uooaa al uo j . VERY LOWEST POSSIBLE PRICES Don't fail to inspect oar splendid stock. We have the bt of facilities for buying to advantage, and can sand n sen uooos lower wan Any Concern in the West! We Warrant oar Work, aad bar aever tailed to make our warrant good. We have Ladles Congress Caiterfor$l 25, fl bit, tl OO, up U the varr tart. Mens' Bote for fi 60, ft IS. $3 OO, and aa to the beet French, aliases Gaiters, Balmorals of all varieties add prices. Bovs work of every deseripttoa; childrena work of every kink and prioe. In fast tob eaa Had almoet and kind of BOOTS and SHOES job mav want bj calling oa as. Manuiacturing & Ke pairing Done in the beet stvle aad Warranted to D lease. Oar Store ia at the same old stand la BUC ELANDS NEW BLOCK HemeOBbvr Ca. HOOT & MENS. Fremont, April 27, 1866. 38 17tf o s oa M si Cl 5 0 o a a 03 O o ' e & & C3 o m W Ph a o a a EH m w t-t STOP! STOP! STOP! Devote one moment's time to TOBT 1 pecial benefit bj calling at the NEW STORE OF 7. 3B. WILSON, SOUTH OF THB POST OFFICE, where job will lad a Large aad Splendid Btoek ef Hats, Caps, Furs, AND Gents' Furnishing Goods! Our tock of HATS are of ear owe Maanfactare aad complete, and comprises Hats Large and Hat Snail) - Hat. Snort and Hats Tall, AND A Tin Hat that Beats them all. Among which are Silk, Cassimere, Far aad Wool Hat of the latest atj le and at all prices. GENTS' FURNISHING GOODS! A-EVKTIESr SCARFS, -HANDKERCHIEFS, GLOVES AND MITTENS, - LINKN PAPER COLLARS, aodafall assortment of Shirts and Dra were, aleo a large stock at LI HEN e WOOLKIT SHIRTS aad a fall line of HOSIERS'. A LARGX STOCK Or LADIES' AND GENTS' FURS AT COST. CALL aad SEE before job aj. No treeNe ;to show goodi. J. WlUWHt South at Poit Ode. rremoat, Sept. 1 i, 18M. m- a Sash! Doors! Blinds! FINE LUIelBEB ! XatYi and Shingles t FLOORING, SIDING, CEILING ANO .: PLANED LUMBER: - ' la aet ETE8I XHEVU aoeeleel ia hull A ,:. - wlUt. I WILL SAT TO ALL whoareballdiar orcontemplale boiMing tbie season, that 1 am better prepare to famish balking owterteli ef all kiarie tbis veer, than ever before. I have oa hand the LARGEST STOCK of SASH, DOORS, SLINDS, : FLOORING, SIDING, CEILING, WINDOW AND DOOR FRAMES, MOULDINGS, Ac, td., - , la this eeetioei of tne Statry which I am selrinr at great ly reitaeed prices. My work is all mad foes eiamr pins lamber, eawed last year, beside being perfectly Kilm dried. With the very beat of Machinery and the swper ler ability of my Foremen as Master Mechanics and retelaas workmen mj work cannot be excelled la tho 8 tat. I aleo have on band 93,000 black walnat pine and poplar WDOe pickets which I am soiling at eoet la order to make room for other kiads of work. Scroll Sawing and Turning Don to order la lh beat poihl ityU. AU kioti of lie Md Rip iHwiiiK for eftrriair9 and waroa Bakcra doa on ahort aotiee. I alao Maaoiaetara PINE TUBS FOR CISTERNS, Which are much bvvHer than brick and ooat Ia To tha amlK or fennei in- tfaa ooaatrr who ban la hi lnmeer to my mill to be worked, I will aa that ha hall not be detaiaod, aa I have vow Two First-Class Planus, Machines ; ! that tors out the work with dispatch. Please aiva ate a eaU before ewa parchaea tad 1 will satisfy joa that the old well known Sath Shop and Piaa. lag Mill cn the EAST SIDE OF THE RIVER, ia Urn place to bar joarbnllding materials cheaner this jew than aaj other place ia the Stats. tOO, 960 feet f Poplar aad Asm Lnmhrr Want ed Car which I will paj the verj highest market! prios. NAT. HAYNES. Fremont, April , lWd. 14m., . IBaslnesm Bleu Itleebanles Everjbody SHOULD INSURE AGAINST -A.ocicio22Lta3 ! THE ORIGINAL TRAVELER'S iNSUBANCE CO,, OF HARTFORD; CONN., ' CAPITAL, - - . . $500,000, ; INSURES AGAINST ACCIDENTS OF ALL KINDS Causing Bodily Injury, :- .OrUoss of life. ' rjrrs cheap. A Polier for 16000 in ease of aral accident or & week ia case of disabling injury, costs bat fit to M per yoar. Anj earn from SiOO to $10,000, with S3 to $60 weekly compensation, at proportional rates. Policies writtea for five years. , IT IS INIVERSAL." ' This Compear taeoree amiiut all aorta r tA.. whetbsr they aeenr ia traveling, working ia the shop or factory, walkiog in the street, swimming, riding, hunt, ing.l shing, etc. It issoes polteiea for all persona ia all parts of tbe United States and Canada, and greats per mits toviert any part of the world. This iasnraaea is ssnght after and valued by all ellipse at men, rich or Pr. . IT IS Kt.LLlBLE, TbeTBATsXEBs' of Hartford' ia the eldest areiimit In. saraaee company ia the United States, and establiabed on Arm basia. It has issued many thousand policies, pays claims for eompensalioa almost daily, aad its easiness is steadily increasing. Its capital ia ample. Its directory of tbe highest character, aad it baa oner half a million ia cash for the payment of looses. -. No Meslieal Examination Required. wsr three cents a dar will insure a man fnr e vinn . 110 weekly compensation; for one year. suji.-ibji iannia,see-r. J. 6. BATTERSO.V, Pres't. W. H. OOODSON, Agent, - " ' Bellerue.0. Furniture Ware Rooms. C. W. TSCHUMY, ; ; rtlAICS pleasure la announcing that he baa thlsrmd 1 and Imoroead hia Furniture Maanftatory seta War House Rooms, sttaatsd oa the corner of Front and Garrison Streets. Directly oppoHt. T. Clapp's Store, when he la prepared w et"j - uuiMm "it u as goou aa arti cle, aad as CBBsP as aay other establishment ia Saa dasaj eoBBtj. His stock consists of Bunonu, Ttibbt, Stands, Clahrt, Badstead,, PARLOR rCRNITTJRB, aad ia faottvsry article el Pur. , , p. nn uonpiioni ar Pmrntture mauutacMred to order and WaRKANTXQ rail .1 ta, -tln.n. V) UNDERTAKING; , I have tw-t Kwilt a splendid BEARS K, and an Pre eared to eeooaroe-v raocrals, famishing OOPTINS, L famy lias. COWPINHalwavaaa hand. n. Bwdiitslr, " In bars also oa head Flsk's Patent MeUUic Burial Caes, Uai- : ir--r: -fe. Made of Imperishable materiala. enameled Inside and oat to prevent mat, and the aatsrior has a an Rosewood Inuh. When properly cemented the remeine of too de wasei are free from irruption of water or the depreda tions of vermin, aad may without offensive, odor be kept as long as desired, thaa obviating the scotseity of hasty artels. 1 bars them of all sue.. ' - - rremoat. Jea.lM. . C TV. TSCHLTIY. Head Quarters! IN FULL BLAST! NEW GOODS! Low Prices. WI ARK NOW 0PIN1XO A LARGI aad wells sd Stock of DRY GOODS. Boots and Soes, Hats anil Caps, &c., AU of which lava been bought at taa LATE DECLINE New Tork; and w anoaering tho satire stock a ' prices that will DEFY COMPETITION. We would aay that we have determined to mske this a i institauoo ana nave ue raeiimes m every r poet and at all times, to compete favorably with any ss teblishment ia Horthera Ohio. Wewiltatalltimeekeep FIRST CLASS GOODS, AND SELL THEM AT A LARGE PER CENT. " LESS THAN THEY CAN BE BOUGHT ELSEWHERE. GIVE US A CALL! And compare onr price aad good, with the price aaked yoa at other places, aad job will us convinesd that tho IS TO . BuyyourGoods at Head Quarters. CASH PAID FOR Wheat, Corn, Oats, Wool, AND 1U I1IOT OH GARVIN, CLARK & CO., rremont O, April XI, lW6.-lTtf; . TO ALL THOSE WHO CON TEMPLATE BUILDING. I AM now prepared totaketnbsof all kiodaorbnihKnrs at a less rate than anv other Master Mechanic in thia sec tion of country. Having bad years of experience in building, I latter myself that I ran please all ia rain and sTTi.B, who intrust ajob to me. I am alao prepared to furnish eetimates, plsne aad epecificatiooa of strBctnrea at aay time, or do job wrA by the day. HINRT SB1TKLT. Prsmoat, Jaa.i,nfi. GROSRI