. . .a "i'jt.:?r. ;V .' .' i jr.'t.
GE W'.ljlA; iELBQ ?dTT0 RAN DP R 6 gR 1 ET 0 R.
oFFlCii Old Puiilki Bnllilttiit Sootheort wrner ol
.i,'.i". Uo Fabtlc Siuara - "
I v .v. ,i ' -n-j-. 't-.t
f ERU3 Ore yanHn drn, ilfr. t Ih i)lr
Huif (U f a:ir, -i,5 Clubjoflou, 1J,0U; Ciubtof
twouly-Io, 30,UO. ..' . - - v- -.
8cimrfl, lnllnai (irlBMlliree inrtlon $1.00
Kanhsdilitioiui luwrtlon 23
.IMtnlht, Mtntht MMcnlkt
On S.iiiikre 3,no 4.0U ffl.OII
,,T i' -, .;' . .4,0 : 6,110 9,00
Three " J,(H ' ,0B " 13,00
, Unc-urthcoUmn T.HO WM ' '14,00.
, Oiie-lbiri i- ' - ,0O. i - - K,t ' 10,00
One-haU .' t : 10,00 c '. 13,00 5,00
On 4 ' " : M.00 - 30,00 ' 40,00 '
YiMtrly dvartiara hT the privilege of Tonowlng
AairdTortlnnnl . -
v.-rpHmlu0rai,ii(t)wertliic me sqtinre H1
be losrtjV, for -eubacrlberm lit (5,00 per year; Hon
,ulerllHir will-be chrgol 0,0O. . -
Thursday Mornlnp July J, 1833
- "- ProiB tlieLadlet Ctrrlatlnn Aunual.J.',, "V,
. -a .. THOtJGUTS...., -,...
. l-.v .:. lt. us,. n. nKVtaMKo..
i Suinreeteil on rccntvluir nturk of edecinseJ friciid'e
tialr; prenrntcd l,jr her Uutbuml. " " ' ".
.Tm HUWtoken lrcp 'tl iill-hn K-lt ef thee.'
Ba h fiiud.meHittry'i 'raiuurud up with' more
. then. mifteninre; ' ' "A "
Aod.thutich. I'm ne'er iiermlttod nioro tliy graceful
' . ,-jonii t ue,4 '
YiH will thy iiume boft' rwallod, Hiy intny ytrtues
t )littiehi'glit,.hbn liiji we Bit,llMU 1 should no'r
n)ridi) , ' . ..."
Exclianira Willi iheo Hie. welcome iiiillc, or list io
friendship' lone; ... ...
Tb:tl thou 'midst alrangor (ceuet and frlonde wouldat
ererinore reiuuiu, ' '' .
And Hnd,uiia Ihuir luiubprlng deat, anal, lasting
v. -home.' ... i -r.. . - . .
But thou art gone! and tad and lotto thy partnor
Minna fo m,,j
Soaring thi tlttl eored tn, flile jIomv lotk, of
htr. J-- -a '
Tuut nncet In rich, laxurlanl fold, arranged A late
i - fully. -v.
Adorned thy nobl, bonutoout brow, ds Parian tnnrble
. . v..
A nil as 1 elt and guzo on IU tenre will unhidden rit, -At
'thuiight tlinlua loudly loved, front our ombruci!
tegonet ;. -i-j
ud uww bimeutli the eyjiruw ahads In droumlosi
eldinbur llos, - ' s
Too toon, ahut lo bo forgot; unknowing and tin-
ltu M, , - ;' . '
8ureljf tli? few within whote bruaet, with undltultilsh-
Thy memory mill will tirlghtly bnni, while life mny be
' prolonged; ,
And whim iu tollifulld strifoi arCD'or, we'll bone to
t nwet agnint r. - - . -
And there enjoy llwt glorloiu reat, thoa hnsl trlninpli
. ttllt WOJI. i - ; i " . , . .j
teum, Ohio. . '.. y . , .
Hie following is an attempt, by an un
kiiowu, wriuV embody, in a brief story,
the sentiment 4f -that , ezquisit son Uf
gliomas Dunn KngHsu"JJen bolt.". It is
very title for such ui attenipt.as sucli things
tfetif rally fall very short of being Worthy
ij( their inspiration.'' 'This' does noL "
"Oh.'don'l joii rciusmhof iwcpt, Atlce,'' Ben Boltt
" Bweut Alive lioo lilr waa au biQwul. ,..
Who bluehod wllU dul ght when you gave hereimlr
ftna muiviwi wnn ioar jifer iruwii, , , . ..
.i tho old church-yard lu the. ulley, Bou Bolt" . . ,
. lu corner, Miludod oud ilno, .
They lure Kited a alnb of granite o gfoy, " ' ;"
" Ai'd Alice Ilea under the atone," . . Ekolmu. i
'Don't ; you Vemember?" , , Ar those
three inauti; worus--a keyvwlierewitu we
may unlock the floodgates pf jlhe heart.and
send the sweet paters of the past over the
plains and down, the hills of that fair land.
known in our heart experience as by-gone?
Even'so. , There' rises before us visions of
a tinjo when the - bright,' deep eye? of th'd
young spring gaeed shyly at us from be
neath the erinined mantel of winter wnen
the blue violets stole their first tint from
the blue sky above; ' when the coWsIips, of
sunny my., ana me goiaen-neartea out.
te roups first ' jeweled the slender blades of
erais; auii we nawiiiorii urew wrtue wiin
its blossoms; when. We rpamed the' Woods
the whole of that long, warm, loveable June
holiday, Wearing garlands and listening to
tue, concert oi oirus m mm uara, mistieio
wreathedoakeu forest. '.There was one.in
years a gone, that prayed; "Lord, kep my
memory grcen;' and the-clinging tendrils
of our hearts go' ever back yearningly to
this prayer, .,. .... ; ....'. a v
- Buugreennd fresh as the poet prayer,
had Hie heart ot ben bolt been Kept, t rom
his early boy hood to the. hour he sat by bis
pld.liieud, and listened, to the eor.g of by
gone days. . Not 'through, ' a glass,' dark;.
Fy," did he review those scenes of tho pasL
ut tl'waa' tbe going back of the boy -heart
. tfeotuerf ol obiitiiiood. .
There was the little old red school hou-e
with ite dusty windows, and desks ' that
had been nicked many a time, .trying pn-
Kuvci its mil,. .siern-iooHing i veacner
Whose beavy oic6 caused ' the, younger
ones to tremble; its rewaof-boyt and girls
With tueir heads bent attentively dgwn
ward to their books and slates. The wild
winter wind sa,ng ..and 'whittled- without,
and some few childish hearts tried to hnd
words for its mournful notes; they were
too vouno- and- hannv ' to know tnat it cat
fed desolation. - aud heartache in ; ilfli" wai).
yet did they learn it m after drtys ;u ,
. Tuett there - came a few- light, round
Snowballs, so tiny that , it must have been
ma spurt ui mo inuw spirits, in tuair oiu1
rich revels chanri-in.fi:, by and by, to feath
ery flakes that danoed about ever so gaily
ilowthe chUdren'S eyes grew bright, as
chev lOoKea atone another, and thought o
the" merry ride down ahe , hill, - and the
enoW-baliing that, would . make the play
ground ring again., L The last lessons were
aaid, oooits ana states were, putasidei and!
in t Via nluo.A nf tVlB nilnnOn. rnirrnnri rratf"
-- f . . - & J '
clad yoiees." 'Kte" Ashley shook bank her
pretty ringlete.'-'atid.ianglied throutrh her
sparkling eyes, as she gave Jamie Msrrin
that pit of curl he had leased so Ion? for.
oecaiise sue knew .Jamie Lad tm prcitieiit
sled in the whole school. Ab, a bit of a
coquette Was the same gleeful, . romping
inj as demure m a kitten walking from
pan of new milk; and ns playful to a kitten,
too, was she, in spite of her quiet looks;
auu iiiciQ -wh8 ouLfuiu ihih.iuuk-
l tno stately fcliz.ibeth Queen Bess
V call her and I aucstiiin if. Enoland's
Queen had a haughtier carriage. .'. But, a-
part from those.who were, eagerly looking
loriiwnue totaue tnem home; stood Alice
May r-wtcf Aliue. ; Very - beautiful and
, ollc ,i h hvt winsome, cmiu-
ish face, blue eyes, and soft brown curl ,
6he was so delicate ami fraile.'you might
aitnoBi taiicy uerasnqwiiiiiMoralosilaiiy
babtf..--" 1 ' -' '
Nearly all the chililren had denartid.
amid the joyful shouts and jingling of hells,
7i wwetnuue citini stood arone, noin were laid to sleep in tho old church
uulil a rich, boyish voice startled her by yard, when the night stars shone on . their
saying: r-
'.No one goes your way, Alice, do they?'
'No, I guess not, Ben.' she- renlied. in
her fiueWrd-liketones. f ' ' ' ; !
.'let me carry yon borne ' ' .
M0, no, l am too heavy to b canieJ so
far;' and she laughed low and sweetly.
'Heavy! no, Vou're hist like thistle-down
or a snowflake, Ally; 1 c'ould carry you to
cngiana ana Dack again, without being at
all fa:igued;nd1ie tossed the little girl
n nia arms. ' - ' i
'Noi no, letme go; the bovs will Jnuarli'
atyou, Ben;' and she struggled. . ' ,
'What do I caie? - Tliey may laugh at ly, nnd stranger still that this tall hand
Ben Bolt as much as thev like:' and the som? Sailor, whose voirn was an full nl
brave boy drew .himself up-proudly: and
pytiliedl the chestnut, curl, from his broad
tairtorehoad; 'but I did not mean to fl irrht-
n you,. -Alice,'- he continued, as he saw
how the little girl trembled. "'
So, she put on her bonnet and clonk, nnd
Ben took 'her in his arms as if the had
been a bird, while the linv little thinly
pesijeq uown on ins shoulder as he went -
eu.uuiuij; unuugii nia snow, saying gay,
pleasant things, that made the shy little
gui laiigii; srtd When, at length, lie opened
her mother's i;ottage door, he stood her on '
the floor, saying! " . " ' I
1 here, Mrs. May, I brought Alice 1
home, lest she, should get buried in a snow;
oana, sue 8 mien a weeny Utile thing; ,andj eyes, and lonw golden -edged lashes, blind-
before Mrs. May r;ould thank him, ho waswihg the-piuV check.' lie carried in his
out of sight. " "
What a brave, glorious snow storhi it
was tliougli.. , The boys built a great snow
house, dipping the chunksof snow ih the
water', io harden them, .so they might last
tonger;?and they rolled ' large snow balls
fora pyramid until it was higher than the
school-house, . Thev worked bravelv: but
the brightest face and plcasautest face a-
mong tkem was Ben Boll's. . Silch rides
as they had down ihe hill, nnd, though the
too little and cowardly to join ' ;them," be
cause al.e . felt fearful sometimes, yet Ben
r .i. i. i .i i i.? - , .
uoh ueiu iter in ins arms, nnu away luey
went, merrily as -any of the rest, ?
But the winter began to wane, and now
and then a soft day Would come, that les
sened the pyramid and snow house mater
ially, 'ouch a Wiy, they said, and wish
ed winter would last, always; but there
was one little wreu-like voice that nraved
for violets and-blue birds. -
The pyramid tumbled down; ' the snow
house grew thinner and thinner, and the
boys Jestod about its being , in a decline,
till one day it disappeared faded away,
like so many of their childish hopes.
,i he glad spring came witb its larks and
aisie8, and, one delightful day, the chil
dren wudt: a Maing. Kate. Ashley was
queen, and a brilliant queen sha was, too.
But Be a Bolt gathered white violets, and
braided them in the soft curls of Alice, itiid
told her she was Sweeter, dearer limn a
thousand May Queens tike Kate. J.Chlld as
she. was, ; Lis words made the sunshine
brighter, and' lent enchantment lo the at-
luuspuerc oi ner exi8icncc.
"...Thcll the ,long June days came, encir-; light, for close behind her knelt the manly' sages that a fond yearning heart could en
ding the green earth with a coronal of ros-! formbf Ben Bolr." There Was told a sweet j ly dictate. ,lown in his heart, deeper tjiati
es.'and making it redolent with' perfume;! story of love and hope, "not the loss sw?et any other earthly thing, be hadain them,
and, in the warm .nooati.de .hour, the cliil-j.for being th! language "of every, human cherishing their . beauty t and greenness,
uren sironeu io ine iooi oi me nwi, ana,
clustering together, told over their childish
hopes ot the future,; ' Some were lured ty
ambition; some dreamed of quiet eouritry
reposes; some of gay city , life; but there
was one wliose, ,eye kindled, and . whose
yonng face'flushed wttlj enthusiasm, as be
spoke ot the sparkling blue waters, and the
brave snips that breasted them so gallant-
. Bea'Bols..'. was going fio. -sea. JCaptain
Shisley, a generous; ; whole-souled ,' being
as ever irou me oeca, was to isse mm un
der 'his f i-otection the,' ex five years.i
There were exclamations -of surprise, trom
the children', 'old haunts were visited and
revisited; they aat down- in the -shadp of
the old sycamore and listened to the mil'
sical murmur of the brook. and (he drearily
hum df old "Applotoh s mill;" exchanged
keepsakes; and promised 3l ways to temem
ber the' merry"brave" hearted boy whose
home would be the wild blue ocean.
Alice Mav seldom - Joined- them; ' She
w A r!nhV.fnrI tn?ul. anrl th thonfrht
bf Ben's -departure' filled her eyes with
tears, so sne wouiasieai away aioue leur -
. ... l - , i 1 ... , '- '-,'' c--.
ful of the jidieule of her hardier coropan
tons, i v.. c.i ..ti'-'..i .,.-v -
But, one night, Ben came to Mrs. May's
cottage to bid them good-bye." Alice stood
by the window,. watching the stars -won
derlng '' what ada , them so. dra'-rnever
ibeuid part with him theresM
walked through tut little door-yard, and
in tn d over nis nones so. toviuuv.i
to- - .
stood beside the trate. loukins? like a rroliN
en - crowneu aiiL'el id the vellow moonliirlit:
and when he told her ' over again howl
largo she-would be'on his return; ' tliat he
Hien; us he looted back ingnringlyr fclie
laid a soft brown curl ri liis hand, saving: j
h 'I have kept it for you tliis long, 'long
wuuiu noL darts to can ner ma
time, Bcnj ever since the day you brong.bt
mo home, throuoh the , knaw-tln von rn. '
.member?' ... w ,. , , t-1,.A... i
' He did rfmtmber.and with one passion-
ate burst of grief, he pressed tlie'liKlc girl
to his twom; and the " brave-hearted toy !
,oooeu me larcweii lie coum nnq no woras
But, five years are not always . a life
lime. True, it was such to the quiet,
.'thouolitful Cltarlie' Allnn ' wltnak lurrrA
dark eves had stolon biillinncv from his
books; and the laughing little Bel Archer
groves. Otheis were out to seek a future
m the gay world, and some gre w into
miuiatuie Jiien and wommi br .tlipir 'own
sweet firesides; but Alice Mav was still a
child.'" Yet she was taller, and her' slight
form more e-raeefullv devplnnpd; hut them
was the same angel looking through her
eves as had watched thete, in olden davs.
She staid at home now, to assist her moth-
t?r in sewing their chief support; but she
was the same shy, sweet Alico that Ben
Bolt had carried thrmirrh thesnnw.
Ben Boll had coma Iihi-II How atmnmt
that live years should have passed boo uitk-
rich, should be Ben Bult .' Kale Ashlev
was not thinking of the sweet Sitbbath rest,
as the chime of tl.n linrr) hll flnatwl
through (he -village; there shor stood be
fore her mirror, arringing her shining
curls, .and fastening her dainty bonnet,
with its white ribbons ' and drooping blue
uciis, Hunting, it she could not lascmate
ben with hersparkhng eyes,-it would be j
utiigniiui lo nave his chiet : atlcution du-
ring the stay.
Ho thought she did look very' beauti-i
ful, ns ho sat, beforo.service, looking on tho !
olden faces but there was a fairer one I
than hers he fancied, as ho saw tho .sweet
fjice of Alice May, with 1 the half-closed
bosom a cuil like the one nesilino-so soft-
ly by her temple, at d it was a talisman. 1
keeping l.im Iioui the enchtin:uitut of other
eyes; .-r: V -, . j
When the service was closed, Bon Was
thronged about by old familiar faces they ,
had so niueh' to say, so many things to
speak of,' so much to express at his safe
tuturn.thnt it w.ell nigh bewildered him It
was very pleasant to be so warmly welcom-
cd by old friends, delightful to chat of by
goncs, and it was indeed a Sabbulh of joy
for ben bolt.' r ' ' ' ,. ;
. Sweet Alice! Ah; how longnnd weary
the time had been to her, Sometimes her, that sweet girl, came back, to find the col
heart died within her, as she thoughtof the ' tngq home desolate, and Alice sleeping
broad Ocean; but when she looked so shyly i beneath a gray stone, in the church yard,
at Ben that morning, and saw-how hand-l : But God and Time are merciful; and, as
some he had grown, a heart sickness came 'years passed away, he came to think of her
over her, and the sunshine fell but dimly at. as garlanded in the golden fruitage of the
her feet. She knew she had hidden away,
in tlio depths of her pure heart,' 'it 'wild,
earthly love, and she strove to put it from
her: for, would he think of her now? So,
it was no wonderslie should slip her slender
hand in her mother's and steal quietly . )y pathway. Now.of all the glad,., hearts
from the joyous throng."' "''" : ''' jchildhood had clustered together, only they
It was Sabbath eve one of those balmy two were left. .. Some slept , in the jungle
moonlight evenings of the young, summer; depths; other in tjie forest shade, and bo
Mrs. May had gone to visit a sick neigh-' neath' the, waving prairie grass. Some
lof, and Alice sat by the window with the: there were who -slept peacefully . , in . the
bible open, nnd her slender while fingers green old o.liurob yard; and among these,
pointing lo the words, falling so musically the fairest and best; was "sweet Aliue." Ah,
from her lips: :?. -.- : '. . i ""' ho could never i.hav.e forgotten that. ,
"And there shall be no night there; and He had heard from the lips of that desq
theyneed no candle, neither liglitof the lato.moiher, creKe.wenV-to slecpeside
sun; for the Lord God giveth them 'light, tier darling, how patient and ; fioly ...Alice
And they shall reign for ever and ever.",,-. -A j had grown;; how sho lind passed calmly a;
' She looked tremblingly up in the moon . way iu licr.saini-Uke beauty;, leaving nie$
; neart, ana ine liny nanas oi Alice were
folded in his as she said, very - low and
sweetlyt r-i . vr V ; .':': j ty of tliat far off land he saw.buto, dimly
.. .'.'If I live, Ben, when five,, years more! and ho knew when the thing we vcall, life
have passed,-and j'QU . return a, second rbad merged into inimortalityr ...he; 'should
lime 1
She did not finish it it was never finish
ed. ;.,-- ,. ..- .: . .ji-v.'f-'
So they plighted their troth' tnat calm,
holy Sabba:h. evening, and 'the "buoyant
heart of Ben, , ttr its "gushing"- sunniness,
pictured radical hops for (he future; Ho
varnu arr. tn n . tinil Iii1f n t tt iff n 1 vtr' ..
pulse of his heart' was beating gladly, and
the coming five yeais WcWmgre precious
to him lhanall U."o past. :, v" i "
.ir k.,v i(.J2'.n;J Wsii i,w;.o',',o
in his holy keeping." she answered to his
, parting words; but, as be pressed her 6oh -
Vulsivily to hUrbeattag heart,: be replied-etamination it was loanuw u -,
."God will be mercilulio those-wl,Q love ..male, about ft years of age and far ad
L .i..i- ai: ji: . . vanced in nregnancy. "Sho was of rather
She knew it. but she knew, alscv.that
God did noth wavs hear the Brayei'lalling
from llt nnpfnllins. " Sweet Alice. ' A-
, down the future, she -looked
j .i-c :
i ana. as sne saw me iriui
irtial la,(M'u,t,h n,h,Ta lllla
hrnwn hir Ur W... rrrew dim with tears.
r ,, ..:. u.i.i.i-. i...
lor sne snew not ii i w unui ur n uu-
i , , . ,..::i ii.i. ...
ruti, lor close ucoiuo mo aiwi w "io
ffrave-vard '' - '
? i.-i.t. .j4
jiuey were not witiinug wuw nuuuvmu
the fairest and wealthiest. ;Son' "there
were who beld their beads loftily when
uo auuwaa j
hluu . ora aiA clip httAoA it nt
, How wWwnwfoll days la their pa-,
i'inL'j Sh noted how the. summer wan-
yellow in the unljght she heard the glad
voices of the. reapers; and when the leaves
were Ctlliiic. the children went. nut eathef ;
jug in the w -ds; thn the noiseless snow
f,.ll nA .i'nn l.ill.co c ; l,i
days, uutiUhegnusjjiog tide sun owl-
ted it away; and the violets , and harebells
dotted the Colds. - So passed a year .-
She was crowinir fairer and moro beau-
tnul loo brilliant for- anything earthly.
Once she knelt at the. alter iu the little
church, and listened to the, words uniting
ner with luc fcaviour redeemed oneartb;
butit wnsonly anontwardform.forher heart
had long been in the keeping of rangels
Again site watched the waning of thesum-
merdays, and, when the soft, wind swept
over' the .silvery rye fields, she . thought
of the ocean afar,; with its broad waves.
All through .the win'-er.day she grew more
spiritual iu her beauty, aud the slender
white hands were often folded on her brea?t,
and sh prayed for those who would soon
be left desolate; for she knew she was dy
inv ;'.,,. .- 1 -..'
; It did not startle her; she had fell long
ago that the fair green earth would , hold
her pulseless heart, ere it had left the clo
ister of girlhood. ,Life .was sweet, and
beautiful, yet, in her sinlessness, death had
no agony,, save (tor. sorrow for those left in
loneliness. ; It was only a very little way
to lite land of rest, and her feet-had never
grown weary, yet sho lunged to look once
more upon the flowers aud have them
braided in her hair; and so she lingered
till the voice of spring was heard on the
hill-tops.; .....!:,. , .
Oil" morning, when viewless hands
were gathering b.n?k the. misty curtains of
the nig
it, and the stars grew dim. in the
rrlnrf nf tartv m.irii- uwi.t A U,,n utnrul nn
the tlireNhhold of Para Use. and the golden I
gates were opened to the fair, met k . girl,
There trembled on her lips a prayer and
blessing for Beu Bolt, and her mother,
giving radiance to the fair dead face; and
ihey braided spring flowers in her brown
hair. . . .. .. '
The cliurch lull chinied softly to the few
years, earth had dawned tlio shunless snul
of Alico May, as they hrouglitl.e coflin
in the littla' old clinn ii. lluw bi.iu.ilul
she looked iu her burial robo too fair aud
sweet for death too, holy, had there not
a , jesnrreclior, beyond. Close la-
hind her stood tho friends of her girlhood,
gazing on that young face, ns if they would
fmii call her bcU to. lit'o and its swoet- love.
So they laid sweet Alice to sleep in the old
church-yard, aud "lioso who had looked
coldly on her, , took to their sorrowing
bearts a sweet memory of the early dead.
.- Tlwre wasau agony too deep for. utlir
ance vt hen the strong, ardent-hearted man,
whose guiding siar, had been the. love ol
;. This was the memory,; that . his; friend
sang of, as they sat in the summer twilight
years afterward, and talked of .-.the., faces
that had glimmered and faded in their ear
- . ... wany a time nau tne suniiiuiutot
. Alice risen before his eyes iu all, the leau
Years afterward they ,. laid ,'Ben Bolt to
sleep by the side of sweet Alice. j ;. Y
" ' MrsTEBtou's Yesterday afternoon the
sexton of IheCjiy, Grave-yard discovered a
barrel which had been buried In a ravine,
in the back '"part 'of '.he yard.'nnd which
. . . . - i.j LU-
. the recent heavy rains had washed so ns to
expose rt to r,eW be.pf
j Wns.nted blue, will, the words New
York brandy, 41'gHllons "opoh. it.( Upon
opening, it was found o cpntain, a human
. bolng.iu A state of nudity. Upop ; furthe
; oW stature and dark brown lair;, do np
P'8"8 ""ul. "i ,uv ,-B" !
n'd Ul ttrf on the back part ot the neaa.
. The body from us appearanc
itsnut npn ounea whjio muo, ns n
. . j v'ru -v. s- -
vervmnch decomposed. i here is mys
j - . . . . ,.m -
'' tery surrounding lb" Bftb. a'!"
to nnravel;' The probabilities are that
-- , i...n-,:,t,
... j iu -i,rtjri
, stood the mystery i
tremblingly ' Her lower tee tn were snori-auu ctose sm,
ile form and spir- and the two large ironi ie-ui were si
hiHaainth.oft aparr, ana tncnneu to yrvw Uui,u.
e, hrtd. evi-
'ViosS'"B ait
!'.- .. o
F. Aitar.'
'"Sirr years m a popolr?s trrjml&miaA 1
in th interior of M isossippi was infested
by a gang of bUeklgs, who amosed llwm
seves at times, when they eoold find noth
ing else to pluck, by preying upon each
other. A new importation of these .port
ing gentry excited some alarm among the
inhabitants h t they should be overrun;
they determined therefore, upon thuir'ex
pulsion. A poor country editor; who was
expected by virtue df his avocation o take
upon himself all the r.potisibilui js from
which others might choose to shrink. Was
peremptormlly called upon by his pat
rons: -thosd who paid him two dollars a
jrni it.,, 11,9 unuci, son ..tmivav l.irnil.u-
ed they owned him soul and body -to
make an effort towards exterminating their
enemy. Tbe unfortuaie editor, like most
editors, being gifted with about as much
brains as money skull and parse both
empty- said at once he would indite a
crusher, one that would anve the obnox
ious vermin into some hospitable region.
and when his paper appeared, it was a
crusher sure enough, lo the course of
his observations,' lie gave the inn wis pi
several of the fraternitv,' whom he advised
to leave town as speedily as possible, if
i hey had the slightest design to" save their
bacon. ' ' v '' '
- The next morning, while the poor acrbe
was comfortably seated in his office, list
lessly fumbling over a meagre parcel of ex
changes,' he iieard footsteps on the stairs,
and soon an individual having accomplish
ed the ascent, made his appearance. . His
first salutation was slightly abrupt: ' .
Where's theeditor of this dirty, lying
paper?' ' . i '.,.' - . ' - s
. Now, aside from the rudeness of his
opening interrogatory, there were other
considerations which induced the edi'or
to believe there was trouble on foot.- The
personage who addressed him bore a cow
hide in his hand, and moreover aeemed to
be exceed ihgly enraged.': This was not all
he recognized in him a distinguished
leader -of the sporting fraternity, with
whose cognomen he had taken irreverent
liberties. It was without the slightest hes
itation that he replied to- the introductory
query: - - .' " . . : "
1 don'i know,'- 5 r- .
. 'Do you belong to tho- concern? -'
'No indeed, but 1 presumo the editor
will sHn be in.'.' , '--. '
VVell,' said the visitor, I will wait for
him.' And suiting the action to the word,
he composedly took a chair, picked up a
paper and commenced reading. - -. -
if 1 meet -lnra . said -the frightened
knight of the scissors, - 'I will , tell him
there is a gentleman wishes to see him., -
As he reached the foot ot the stairs in
his hasty retreat, he was accosted by an
other person who made himself known.
Can you tell me where I can find the
sneaking rascal who has .charge of this
villainous sheet?' producing the last num
ber of 'Freedom's Echd aud Bailie Axe of
Liberty.'. - ; ;""'
'Yes, replied the editor, -lie is up there
in the office now reading.' with his back to
tho door.!-'.; ' " " : - " t-
Thank you,' said the . stranger, as be
bounced upstairs. :-
I've got you, have I?' he ejaculated, as
he made a grasp at his brother in iniquity;
and they came crashing to the floor toguth-
cr. . ft ' - -
As the combatants, notwithstanding the
similarity of their vocation happened to
be unacquainted who each- filler, a very
pretty, quarrel ensuenv. first. one waa
at Uie top then - the othqr; blow followed
blow, ki.ik followed -kick, oath- followed
oath, until bruised, exhausted, and bloody;
faces.Snd features resembling Doaf..Dui-k,
after n two.. hours ' pugtlisti sncouuter,
there was,'.. by. mutual-Oonsont, a. eessa; ion
of. hostilities, . , As the warriura; sat on the
floor contemplating eacb tther, the first,
comer fonnd breath enough to ask, 'Who
are youl. What -did- .you attack me
'You abused me w yonr paper, you
scoundrel.' ,.; - , x-..''-i'f. ,.-4 r- A
... 'Me! I'm not.editiwv loams hers to flog
him myself.'. Crr r.t ;'',.' ? .
Mutual explanations and apologiesensu-
ed, and the two mistaken . gentlemen retir
ed 'to biud up their wounds.-;, -o
. ; As the story, comes . to ust uie f distin
guished individual, whose vocation it was
io enlighten the world by the aid of. tlhe
great engine,, the publio press, escaped
scotfice.T-CrMcwit City. J Jt '.'
" Thb Wokat AND illB BuTTEHiFU f-Our
rarilcits nnd "fields iiist now are full of
beautiful, butterflies pf every vatioty of size
and line from the common yellow winged
flutlerer among the flowers, looking liW a
yellow leaf wafted on the wind, to, the rfe
splendent ; large winged butterfly, whoso
colors riva) those of the rainbow,, and dazr
sle the - eyes "of the wondering child, A
few days ago, these lovely wanderers from
s.weet tosweet, were lowly crawling worms,
unon the trees or on the ground. They
were disagreeable to tbs sight, and those
who are now lost in admiration. of the but-
..I..n.'lrnr1 .,rwr. tliem rppt PSSlv.
. U:?K: IV.V .v. ,., :i:
i Kl 'a t fit .nor and in obscurity, the
miserable fop, revtling in fancy dress and
luxurious living, 'will sneer, and if possi
ble, trample him under, foot. ' But soon
(he beauty arid' light within the soul of
genius shows' itself gradually, and with
loveliest opening," the glorious " wings are
cr.rflitd. nnd the rnntemntuofls sneer melts
- - , . - .
into a glowing smile of admiration.
Worm has become a butterfly.
, BsAtrrirtTi, Sehtixeht. The beautiful
ejetntt't below; is from the pen of Hob Geo
B:IIiUard: "'"" ."'--.' - -?
confess' Ihat'lncjeasing 'years Iring
with, them an Increasing respect for those
who do not succeed in life, as those words
are Commonly used. ' Heaven is said to be
a place for those ' who have not succeeded
upon earth,', and it is surely true that ce
lestial graces do not ' best thrive and bloom
in the hot bla2e of worldly prosperity. ,111
success sometimes arises from a supera
bundance of qualities in themselves good
from a conscience too sensitive, a taste too
fastidious, a self-fortfulness too romantic,
a modesty too retiring. I will not go so
far as to say; with a living poet, that tht
'world knows nothing of its-greatest men,'
but there are forms of greatness, or at least
excellence, which 'die and make no sign,'
there are martyrs that miss the palm but
not the stake; there are heroes without the
laurel, and conquerors w'uliont the tri
umph. ' ' . ' ' 1
., i oethv. Jeremy laylor, . u he never
'T- '-. . . .tt
made a line in metre, 'was a poet His ser
mons are full of out-gnshings of his glow
ing heart. ; Hear him describing the 'soul
struggling toward heaven; '; , . ', ,
"For so have I seen a lark rising from
his bed of grass, and soaring upward, sing
ing as be rises, and lwpes to gel to heaven,
and climbs above tbeclonds; bat the poor
bird was beaten back by the load sighings
oi an eastern wind, and his motion made
irregular aud inconstant, descending more
at every breath of the tempest.than it could
recover by the vibrations, and- frequent
weighings of his wings, till tbe little crea
ture waa forced to sii down, and pant, and
s:ay till the storm was over; and then.it
made a prosperous fligl t, and did rise and
on ic us it iv uau icmrnuu music ana mouon
, : tt i it j
from an angel,, as be passed . sometimes
through the air abjut his. ministry here
below..' v , .. ,
'In Character Sham efti I! '
" 3Tll a poor miserable victim of the
lash and chain j of bouthero oppression at
tempts to flee- from his " persecutors, the
whole power and influence of the' General
Government are placed upon the track to
restoro him to his owners," and to force the
North into submission and to support
the Fugitive Law; but rank treason, and a
defiant wresting of constitutional rights
from free citizens of Kansas bv a drunken
rabble and hireling tools of a slave-holding
aristocracy, are quietly winked at by the
Administration at Washington, without
one effort to arrest or discountenance the
damnable outrages! Had such things been
attempted in the early days of our Gov
ernment.' or even in the- days of General
Jackson, our army would have been sent
there without a moment hesitation, and
either forced a submission to the laws, or
shot the miserable devils down like dogs.
but president fierce is a dmerent man,
and we live in different times." "
Sim or LosDofc. London extends over
an area of 78,029acres or 122 square miles,
and the number of its inhabitants rapidly
innrear ing, was some 2,302.239 on the day
of the litst census. ' A conception of this
vasi mass of people may be formed by the
fact that, if the metropolis were surround
ed by a wall having a north gate, a south
gate, an east gate, and a west gfte, and
each of the four 'gates ' Was of sufficient
width to allow a column of persons to
pass out freely four abreast," and a per'
emptor necessity required the immediate
evacuation of the city, ' it "could not ' be
accomplished' under - four "' and twenty
hoars, by the expiration ' of -' which ' time
the head of each of the. four columns Would
have idvancod "no less 'a ''distance than
seventv;fi vo miles' frorii their respective
gates, all the people being in close tile.fonr
A doiDKit TuotroHT. Wc know not the
author of the following, but it is pretty'1 ''
,! "Natnre will be reported ' AH "things
are engaged in writing Iter- history. -' The
pla.net, the pebble goes attended by -shadow.
The rolling rock leaves its scratches
on the mountain, the i river its cha.inel ' iu
the soil, and Iheanimalits' bones in the
stratum; the fern and leaf their modest ep
itaph in the ooaL Tbe falling drop makes
iis sculpture in sand or . tbe ground but
prints in characters more 4r less lasting, a
map of march; every aet of the. man i in
scribes itself on' the?, memories of its fel
lows, and in its faoe.v The air is- full - of
sounds, the sky of tokens; th ground is all
memoranda and signatures, and every ob
ject is covered over with hints, which
speak to tbe intelligent.i' . ; a-
. T.. -. ' . j-i l ' ' ., - ,
: Fate or Wab.--A letter, from the Cri
mea describing the field, after the battle,
saya:-!.i t '? ". -''
""Here was a Russian on one knee', in
the act of takingaimr the muzzle of bis
fire-lock rested on a forked stick. He Was
dead; the side of his ' head ; had been
fcnnrkrl off bv a cannon shot. His death
I 1 1 . . -J . . ,.tr Inat St a VSar ?
WSS SO SUQOen nu UUll. .. .
sudden ami
not knocked down; ' and the remaining
' part of his face still looked sternly along
, i. r, n- ... -n.m
the fire-lock.
II was an astonishing sight
that could, cams to look at
v. Chebrt jiso BLACKBEEBt .Pis.--Cber.-
ries and blackberries, for pies( should be
ripe. Bake them in. deep plates; sweeten
them with good brown Sugar;- bake them
half an hour.'"-- V. '
Existsttcs or Goo. Ti ers is a GoJl
The herds of the valltr, the cedars of the
mountains bltiss bin dbe insects sport in
ins beams tbe-eiephant salritet blm with
the rising orb of the day the birds sing
bira in the foliage the thunder proclaims
him in the heavens the ocean declares his
immensity man alone has said "There Is
no God !" Unite in tboaght at tbe same
instant, the most beautiful objects in ha
turei'suppose that yon see at once all the
hours of the day, and all tbe seasons of tbe
year: a moraine of Sorinir and a morninff
of Autumn; anight bespangled with stars.
and with the flowers; forests hoary with
snow; fields gilded by tbe tint of Autumn;
then alone yon would hare a just concep
tion of the universe. . While you are gaz
ing on that sun which is plunged under the
vault of tbe west, another observer ad
mires him emerging from the gilded gates
of the eSst. By what inconceivable ma
gic does that aged stsr, which is sinking
fatigued and burning in the shades of eve
ning, re-appear at the same instant, fresh
and humid with tbe rosy dew of morning?
At every instant of tbe day the glorious
orb U at once rising resplendent at noon
day and .setting in tbe west or rather onr
senses deceive us, and there is properly
speaking no east, or north, or south, or west
in the world. Everything reduces itself to
one single point. From which tho King
oi JJay sets lorth at once a triple light in
one single snbstanCe. The bright splen
dor is perhaps, (hat which is most beauti
ful for it gives us an idea of the perpetu
al magnificence and resistless power of
Ood. v . ; - ' LiiileauOriana,
GtD Tidi5os. A letter from Bureau
county, Illinois, brings the most welcome
intelligence of recent date. As quoted in
our exchanges, it is to the effect that all tbe
farmers have, this season .planted from one
to thirty acres more than last; that all
looks well fora heavy crop; that all the
warehouses along the railroad are full of
grain, and many thousands of bushels are
piled op in bags along the side of the track ;
thai long trains of cars groan Under the
weight of grain with which they are loaded;
and that while the farmers plead witb the
buyers for more bags, the buyers plead
with the railroads for more cars. Here is
a prospect for the hungry to rejoice,
- To Sportsmeb. Wash jrour gun barrels'
in spirt's of turpentine by dipping a rag or
sponge fastened on your gun rod into the
liquid, and swabbing them out three or four
times, when they will be cleaned from all
impurities, and can be used almost instantly
as the turpentine will evaporate and leave
the barrels dry; even if they are a little
moist it will not preteht their going off,
like water. After being used thus, there
is no danger of rust as When water is need;
I am an old and experienced gunner,, and
have practiced this fur years, and fonnd it
useful. Spirits of turpentine can be pro
cured at all country -stores, and a small
quantity suffice th.ASciVnZfc fwrico."
Don't Stasd-. Shll. If you io, yen
will be run over. . Motion actiofa pro
gress these are words which now fill tbe
vaults of heaven with their stirring de
mands, arid make humanity's heart pulsate
with a stronger bound.. Advance, or stand
aside; do not block up the way and hinder1
the career of others. There is something
for all to do; the world is becoming more
and. more known, wider in -magnitude
closer in interest, more loving and ' more
eventful than of old. Not in deed of darJ
ing; not in . the ensanguined field, and id
chains and terrors; not in bibod, ahd tears,
and gloOmj but in the leaping, vivifying,
exhilarating impulses Of a belter birth of tbe
soul. . - :" - T -
Ihvalcablk Resikdiis. Here are a feW
simple remedies for Very prevalent disof'
ders, which we have no hesitation in recom
mending as infhllable.
For sea sickne'ssstat si hofnCV
For driiiikeness drink Cold water; ',"
' For accidents keep oat of danger. ;
To make money advertise in the
For Coughs ana C-ids--take Cherrjf
Pectoral. ". " : ' ; . : . ' .' ,;
To keep out of jail pay yonr debts; ?
-To be happy subscribe for newspa
To please all mind your own, dum
uess. - ' " ' ... .
To have a good conscience pay the
printer. ' ' ;
An ArrECTtso FABEBtj.. The St,
Louis Intelligencer formally takes its leave
o' the Whig party, and announces its With
drawal in the following terms: ; ' .
We have renounced the old vvhtg pax-'
ty as deadrvtkv IobeverI . It did hot gel
bree hundred votes .in SU Louis, last
April, Its organization is abandoned in
Kentuckyabandoned in Virginia aban
doned elsewhere, That party can never
be revived as a national party. , We op
pose tbe Whig party as a thing cf tbe
past.',; .-.,;;.: , ' .',
An Old Soldier. Lewis Sanders Jfo
ble, a soldier of tbe revolutioo. and troop
er in Marion's legion' died,' C"B the 19th
ult., in Clinch Coanty, Georgia, at the ad
vanced age of 104 years. He preserved
to th last ; a hat worn by bim In battle,
and pierced by nineteen toilets l He nev
er would apply - for not receive a pen
sion. v: ;-"'' :'' ' '"v ' ' ' " '
f ' Ho Si Wo Rev. E. II. Chapin in
his remarks at the Vmversal festiral, in
Faneuil Hall, atldded to lh Emperor la
poleon as th."imj)ertulgambler of France,
who bad won hia throne with dice made
front the bones ol tbe' great Nspokon."
5 v.