OCR Interpretation

American Lancaster gazette. [volume] (Lancaster, Ohio) 1855-1860, July 12, 1855, Image 2

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Ttiarsday morning, July It
or adranciug the great principles of a vir-: ness. We declare that Congress has noth
tuous administration. ' J iug to do with it. That Congress rccog-
You huve had the evidence, gentlemen, nies it in Ihree insiances.-aneruiai oeyouo.
'this doctrine in your city, wfieu you saw ' this recognition it is a local tliingi Weare
the noble and honest "jjronson, thrown , not insoustble to the fact that the bill eroot
'Jowu and crushed because he would not ,ing governments in Kansas and Nebraska
become the instrument of a miserable at-1 has caused great agnation, and lias.n-n-tempt
to conciliate Abolitionists and Frce.dcred tho interposition, of, tho conservative
toilers, by selling out the custom-house juien of all sections necessary to trahquilise
offices to them, as the huvksfer does his , the country. But lpw can these conserv-
bef and coi n. Atid the spectaclo winch attve men acl7 Can they do anything out
-it 1 i . . . : i. . l .
Fueiiai6" Henbt FosTifcThe fu-!gionT Or are they the homes or malignant
neral of. Hkbt Fostkb, the young man nd unholy passion? O, is there an excited
who was so brutally murdered ia our one. here contemplating deeds of violence
streets by the Turners on the 4th day of ! revenge? Slop, my brothor; stop, and
you hve witnessed ims been lelt in every
iu:trtvr of (Jit wide Union. ' oyt, , com
pare ilia practice of thiiOAdiuiiiistralion,
oo this subject, with that "of General Jack
son, or every and all of his " predecessors.
The maxini ha been to look to honesty,
fidelity and capacity ; and above all, not
to bring the patronage of the Federal, Gov
ernment into i-otiHioi with the freedom' of
uleotions. Why, iren Iwut-u, so far 'from
looking to these conditions in the use of
Every Democrat shoulJ read the speech
delivered by A- J- Donelson. the nephew
and private secretary of Andrew Jackson.
The ratification meeting held at flie 'Park
on the evening of the 13th.
Mr. Donelsou began by sayiug:
The mention of my name on this ton por
taat occasion, in conuoction with the Her
mitage, and the hero and patriot thaword
recalls to your memory, is a sufficient in
diutiou of the thought that is uppermost in
yonrmind, and to which I must address
myself. You desire to hear how Ieu old
friend and relative of Andrew Jackson
lii private secretary during his Presiden
cy, and for more than thirty years, to
the l m hours of his life, enjoying the freest
aocess to all his pipers, an I nwh(Jhing
the most intimate an.l Jonfiderniiil relations
: with him- can defend the principjf the
newly-organised American party. Listen
' tA md. fallme-Mirlcnita. T it,ir,L-T
rrtfsfy yoq notonly that I Am OTMistot;fcM I""' ! (wW Mr. Don.l
but that every motive of patriotrsrn and ff Mr. Marcy standing by. anybody,
" pu-lio duty demind of rae the abandon
-nunc of a ptrtv which no
lonjar practices
the old-fashioned democracy of Jefferson.
Madison and- Jackson, but h is done all that
It could bring into discredit the most essen
tial and clttraoterisiic features of that de
mocracy. V -
Frankliu Pierco came into power, to use
a sea-phrase. iulio wake of the Compro
mise of 1853. That measure, carried
through by die united action of such slatcs
men as Cray, Webster, Cass and II -juston,
enlisted the sympathies of the American
"people,' and was welcomed in every corner
of our wi le-sprea l Union as a robuke to
those factions which had labored uniler
the (jirb of State rights., to bring the' Fed
' on! an 1 8tte authorities In open conflict
with each other.
; At several places in New England Mr.
;' Pierce stigmatitud the opponents of thst
. - measure as moral traitors. He went so far
- as to compliment me for my services' in
- what he culled a battlo of Union. Hu de
clared that in that battle he stood where
Gonural Jackson did. " Now,""call to mind
what General Jackson did what he ssiil
and what the Democratic party maintain
ed when tho country w.nin the crisis to
which Mr. Pearce alluded. Do you re
member the ordinance of South Caroliiilu
arming hercitizens, establishing test oaths,
and declaring her determination to carry
into execution her throat of nullification?
tho proclamation of General J.u kson,
denouncing the whole proceeding as uuau
thonged, rebellious, and traitctroiis? tliu
' force bill passed by Congress with great
promptness enabling the President to re
pel by forco all opposition to the execution
01 the laws? And then, gentlemen, do
you remember the unanimity with which
not only the Domooratio nartv annlmirlii
iU President, but how the great body of
lltn A -: .- . 1 1 1 -
umniiuHn peopie, looking aoove p.irty,
arid surreying only the trood of the coun-
, try, came forward by thonsnmts and thou-
sands to testify their respect for a states-
man who faltered not in the pnrfor'manee
" ' of a high constitutional dutr, Mr. JufTer
' son had said of Gel era. J.udjson. nf
- ter the victory of New 'Orleans, that hit
filled the measure of his country's glory.
But tho patriotic American people pro
elaimod. when tho old hero carried the
' Constitution Unhurt through tho struggles
with nullification, that his name would
' herenftor stand by tho side of Washington,
os tho preserver of the Union Yes, gen-
- tiomen, it was hero, in New York, tlmt
, countless thousands cam forward to greet
the old hero, and New England," not lus
than Naw York, salutnd with the aoclama
' tiori of jiyand love the man who, . when
v the safety of the 0 institution' wjs threat
cne;l, deel red fearless that he would not
urvlve iu fill, but would uphold it, come
what might.
After speaking of this as tho prnetieo of
1332, tho speaker roferred to tho action of
Pierce concerning the Missouri Comprom
ise. Ha spoke of tho existence of two par
ties-the Abolitionists in the Noilh and
he Jfullifiors In the South.
. This party at the South (said the spoak
er)had an organ whoso ' columns teemed
with the dirtiest abuse of every man who
would not subscribe to its sohemo of hold
ing a Southern Congrotis, with powors not
oiljr to declare the Compromise uuuonsti
tutional, but to provide for its resistencrt,
, precisely a South Carolina had done in
1832. . '
When the groat and lamentablo Webster
delivered hts epeeuh, on the occasion of
laying the corner-stone of the new cnpiiol,
the response of this Southern rights Dem
ocratic sheet was, that it Was a vain cere
monythat tho people of the South should
be putting their arms in order, to sttnek
, the Nonh, instead of indulging hopos for
the preservation of the Union. Gentlu
' men, one of the first acts of Mr. Pierce
. was to give the editor of that disunion
' v sbeot an important consul, t And diplomatic
: offiso. And if you examine the character
of his appoinlmonts generally. Vou will
'find that in every quarter of the country
they have been marked by an open con
tempt for his profession as a friend of the
doctrines of the Democratic party. Yes,
goniluracri, I a sen, without the fenr of
successful refutation from any qunrtrr.that
the conduct of President Pierce it distin-
' ..- guished, if distinguished for anything, for
. insidious opposition to the doctrine always
maiutamcu oy the Uemociaiic prly on
the subject of Slate rights. ...
J mi ideas or macs proscriptio!!,
1,;; We have seen (said Mr, D.) numerous
illustrations of this fact in the recent con-
rduoi of the British, French and German
t governrrjftnU, and even Turkey; but here
- j W the United Slates, where public opinion
.," i omnipotent, where discussion is as free
-; aiiv and whore the statesman looks to
. the people for 'reward, elevation and re
nowu, when hislahori and servicees entl
tlo hirq to be considered the author of a
" 7ystm calculated to aid ' tho ' properity,
preservation and happiness of the country,
' i'reeiilent JSranklin fierce undertakes to
f-" sit up the doctrjoe tbat the ' patronage of
; office can supercede' lh- relatiori' between
'''"'a measure and its supporter, and that the
ti-. way to'govern a people" is" to concili
i- k. . li tis by jrivine place to leade're, with'
out refereae t their agenoy in dflfettting
the appointing power, it teems to be the
duly, of the Auorney-Gcncinl to telcgrnph-,
or cause it to be telegraphed, on tlie ero of
iraportaut elections, just what is necessary
Iq defeat candidates; who havo r.ot-. given
in tl:eir adhesion to this new-school
doctrine about State rights. Look at
Washington, and what do you see there
thnt- changes "-'the view I huvii taken 'of
President Pieree'e infidelity to the 'great
principles of Democracy?
uis onsios or tuk cabinet.
helping anybody! bocnuse he took- the 'true an
position 111 uio gieai unmo wmcn dir.
Pierce declared was necessary to be fought
in order to save the country from tha Ab
olitionists and Nulliijcrs?
From the time ho betrayed Mr Van
Buren, when tho scheme of the Ftib-trfits-.
tiry, was first started, has' ho ' ever been
known to risk a thought, or venture an act,
calculated to rescue the right from the
wronj?' Long anddifficult persuasion : in-
luced him to preside over soma meeting
where an effort was mndo to heal the par
ty division in this State, by recognizing
acquiescence in the Compromise as Uhc
duty of all members of (he parly; but uo
one ever heard of him when tho measure
remained for months and months the cap
tive of the malignant pasion brought into
action Dy tho Aulliners ot the Piorth and
the houth.
' Turn next to the War Department, fill
ed by the ehivslrou gonilemeu from Mis
sissippt. Afier doing nil ho could to in
flame the people of I lie South, he takes the
hack track when ho finds they could not
be induced to nullify or secede, and savs
ho will follow tho people. But he is as
much ot a Jiulliher to-dny as Mr. Wilsf.n,
of Massachusetts, br any other ' Northern
fanatic. But it is useless, geitlerian, to
multiply inxiancos of Mr. Pierce's infideli
ty to his ploris ai a Jackson Democrat.
After a most just but severe repudiation
of General Pierce, his measures and his
policy, Mr. D. proceed to demonstrate.
But, fellow citizens, said he, I turn from
these unpleasant pictures to the platform
on which I have thought nn old Jackson
man could utand with consistency and
honor. You have seen that Mr. Tierce
and tho new school Democrats havo sur
rendered to the nulliGors. . You have
seen thnt the country stands abash at the
enormous pretentions of this school. Nul-
I ideation m the Houth IS tho highest pass
port to pnhliii fiivor.- und stretches out its
hands to nullification in the North forsuo-
cor and aid. Can a sound Jackson mnn
or a Clay whig, witness tho fraternization
without agreeing to bury their former dif-
furenoca on minor questions, and make one
uur'.ed ffor to rid tho country of such a
systematic attack on the body politic? It
is the ohjectof the American party to ac
complish litis. , '
You will sen from the extracts which 1
toad thnt the Union sentiments of ' Wash
inytoir and Jackson conslitulo the plat
form. Piesidfiit Tierce and Mr. Seward
hnvo formed their coalition in nm-li a way
us lo secure the foreign vote, and to enlist
the Catholics as partizans in - that cause.
To counteract this coalition the Ameri
can party propose lo modify . the ' nalmtili-
zailon laws, and to enter . intrj political
brotherhood with'noeoclusiastio or secta
rian who professes' toowe nlleginnco (o
any higher power than tho Constitution of
the United States. There is 'n wrong
here dono to any human being. Tho for-
eignor who has acquired tho rights of fit
invoke the people to survey once more the
true character ot this question, and apply
to - it the old doctrine of -our fathers, that
slavery is a local institution, .and must bo
regulated by thcayithoriries having compe
tent jurisdiction Over it? It i impossible
to restore: the Missouri r Compromise, be
cause the peoplo of those Territories hare,
under existing laws, rights which Con
gress cannot touch. No matter what may
be thought of tho folly an recklessness of
Mr. fierce antr his cabinet in reoponin
the slavery . queson, by passage of the
.bills in question, 'all di.-imsiontite men
must admit that their repeal is now nn im
possibility, or, if practicable, , that' the re.
peal would only wiJen the breach between
the North and the Soutji. , t : :
Under the treaty by which we acqui
red Loisinna, slavery within its limits was
placed on tke same footing that it was in
other terVitory of the United . Ststos. v But
the South,.in tor thqsnke of peace,
eonseniHiat it mi?ht bo' excluded from
their1' Jy norlhof3G 3D. Mr. Pierre
3 'ts'iiullifying friends, JfwMi and
South, were not satisfied to ict well e-
noiiirh alone. Noiliiut: would satisfy them
but to re-opeu the question, and to do q
under the pretence that the Compromise
of !8o'J required. the course they pursued
iNow, l put it to you, fellow citizens, and
to all intelligent men in our. country,- if I
am not speakintr according to the facts
when I assert that if the proposition to re
peal the Missouri . Compromise had been
made a part of the Compromise of 1850,
the , whole - measure would . have been
lost. v - , ;
Nobody ever dreamed that tho final set
tlement of the slavery question at. that
period had reference to other objects - than
those- proposed in the Compromise. But
it was necessary for Mr. Pierco and . bis
adjuncts. North and South, to get up an
other agitation, and they accordingly
threw this tiro-brand. The North could
say that the pro-slavery moo bad violated
a compact,- und cancelled the obligation to
Execute the . fugitive . olavo law, ; The
South could say that tt had .obtained at
last its rights, and that tho numbers were
victorious. What cared they for the good
of the country, provi.lad that the agitation
!ave them the power to make a Presi
dent? . . . -.
izonblilp, as ho value those riiTits, cannot i
object to place them beyond the assaults of
those paupers and criminals whonro land
ing on ' our shores by the thousand.
Nor ought the Catholic to feel surprise
that 'the American mind looks with distrust
And apprehension upon a hierarchy, .which
in all other countries has sought to con
nect tho Church and S'atn, and whosu his
tory hai been one continual strugylo for
dominion hi temporal as well us secular
matters. v' '
' ' PARTT- ; ' '
. We aro charged, gentlemen, he cpritinu
ed, with establishing n religious test, and
assailing tho great natural right of all hu
man beings'to worship Almighty God .no
curding to the dictate of their, conscience,
The charge is false, , . ,.
. The portion of tho American party on
this question is as clear ns daylight. It
simply announces to tho Catholic, bishops;
that if they possess the power to organize
the communicants with political trained
bands to support a system dangerous to
liberty and subversive of the constitution,
it ia Nwful to oppose them by. out votes,
at least until they can show that their
allegiance to the Pope is 'subordinate to
that of obedience to the constitution or the
land. , ' ' " " , , ; ,
The Topeolaims infallibility the pow--er
of pardoning sins. He . claims the
light ot deposing princes and potentates.
Let his followers sniufy us that these pre
tentions are nolela'mied by them, and they
will find the American party as willing to
meot them in tho bonds of common and
equal citiaonship as any other class of
churchmen. I dismiss this part of 'the
subjoct with the declaration, that the Idea
incorporated into the platform, that Amer
icans must rulo America, is as old as the
constitution, and has been maintained by
all the early statesmen ' of the land. It is
uot tho proscription of the Catholic, but a
timidly and salutary warning to him that
if the influence of hie churoh is brought into
the political arena, as an elemont of power.
it will be opposed with candor and frank
ness, and, 1 trust with success.'
1 come now, gentlemen, to that portion
of the platform which disposes of the ques
tion of slavery. "We hnre mot It -with firm-
In this manner, said the ' speaker, we
can electa President Who will not disgrace
tho country with Osteud Conference; ' in
this manner, we can wipe out the stain
which lias been cast upon us 'Of ' introdu
cing a corrupt loreitrn inlluenoe into our
national councils; in this manner we ran
teacn tnose who sock to use mo xailiolio
vote as a political monopoly, thnt whilst wo
respect all tho rights of religious freedom
we know how to disarm the advocates of a
system tr. at - makes tho allegiance due to
the United States subordinate to that
Which is due to a foreign potentate.
What say you, then, gentlemen, to our
platform? Do you not unify me in flyinar
Uo it tor relief Irom the coalition which ex
ista between Mr. Pio'rceand the Nullilieis
ami Abolitionists? -A coalition, which did
more to build up a sectional jealousy and
strife than any other coalition ' which has
ever existed in our land. '
By this coalition, nullification enjoys
tho honors and high plnces of government
In the boitlh, hnd Mr. I'tislnng knows how
to tell his old Abolitionists to rest quiet
that principles with truth lo Wilson, Sum
ner and Seward, that ' offices : are small
things when weighed in the babnees with
great measures. Let the South ' have its
time to-day, ours will coino to-morrow.
It will be undo impossible for the chival
rous Davi, the tell'-Mcrifii-n Dou;jls.tiot
to allow us the privilege of following their j
But wo tell these sm:irt higher law men
the spirit of Washington and Jackson is not
extinct, or that the peoplo are rallying, ' as
in tho days of old, to tho preservation " of
the true principles of the constitution J that
men, tried men, aro taking their posts and
(hat the cry "Americans ttitill rule Amen
ity, took place on Thursday ; afteruoou,
from- the residence of bis uncle, sir. cyme,
and was attended by a large number of ouj
most respectable '- citizens,: The members
of the Fame Fire Company, with their flag
draped-in mourning, marched in the pro
eossion, and accompanied the funeral as;
far as the Scioto Bridge, on the way to
Greenlawn Ccmetry. We have seldom at
tended a funeral where suoh emotions of
fheartfelt sorrow were manifested as upon
this melancholy occasion. A young roan,
only 19 yoars of age, who but the day be
fore rejoiced in all the bright anticipations
of youth, suddenly called.without the least
warning; cut down in our midst by the
hand of violence, ; was enough to excite the
most lively emotions. A lady, to whom
he was ardently attached, and to whom he
was soon to be married, accompanied tho
remains, to the grave. -..-
The services of the occasion were oy me
Rev, J, W. Wuitb. .of tha city. His ad
dress was founded upou . portions of the
14th chapter of Job. M T
The speaker commenced oy remaining
upon tho passing nature or all things
earthly.- A Striking illustration was be
fore us. Whjt now of IIenrt Foster, a
few hours sinee so full of life and promise?
But three days since, those feet . pursued
B-..1 111
the furrows of the neta; out tuey snail
walk no more forever. But two days
since ho reached forth the rceper'e gath
ering hand, to greet the welcome of the
waving gram; but that nana snail reap no
more. . But one day since, he hailod with
iov the risioz sun, and, with others, came
to our city to celebrate the oirtn (lay oi
our nation's independence, but ere that
sun bad sunk to rest behind yon Western
hills, his earthly hopes had perished, . and
his warm voun heart had censed to Jaeat
Truly may be said of him, "lie enrae forth
like a flower and is cut down, lie neetl
also as a shadow and continuuth not" .-
I. In this beautiful chapter Job presents
and gives c three (old answer to tho qncs
lion; What it human Ujef
Never was man better qualified to die
cuss his theme. In the Pro' idenceof UodL
he had been thrown from the highest
mount of prosperity into thedeepest shades
of adversity: from extended and1 warm
friendships, to the cold and .desolate re
gions of distrust. The bones of .his bleat-
ins flocks and lowing herds lie scattered
and bleached in the blasts of Heaven; his
children were in the grave; his friends bad
turned enemies; his health was gone, and
the wife of - his bosom besought him to
curse God and die. Thus disposed of that
which gives to . you and to me a false and
over osiimate of human life he proceeds to
discuss it. ." ' j .v
. 1. Ilis first answer is, ."A lew -days
and full of trouble." Hero, the speaker
called upon the oldest, present to survey
ii i i::. . : ii..
tneir earuiiy pilgrimage,, auu in its muiuiy
passing years, and the many afflictions
which have rent their hearts, to read the
truth nnd force of tho statement made.
. 2. Not content with this auswor Job
declares. "lie came forth like a flower
Hid is cut , down. , . How beautifully ap
propriate tho figure employed. How deli
cate and yet how fiagile the flower. In tho
think. . While the wicked and the rash
contemplate and advise thus; listen to the
voice of peace, and wisdom. Let your
fallen friend speak to you; listen to his
last his dyinir words: Uncle, tell cousin
Jane I repent that I have grieved her; tell
"Nrs, when me uh
her to forgive uc,"
holy passions which have agitated our city
shall be bushed; and you and I shnll feel
that we are dying, thus shall we ieei. u
this strifu of brotherhood must cease. Put
away all such feelings from Jour hearts
and lives, and, ere you lay down, to aieep
this night, kneel before your! Maker, and
devoutly pray for the' possession' of , that
love which is supreme to God, and to men
universal."' May God guide us into the way
of life. 0. S. Journal.
Written for tha LsnraH-ar Gaiolla.
Thousand of hearts are beating, . , - .
Tliolrlifo WimJ raalawas , -
1 honaanua if bo4om aighliia.
, roruta wounu u.airK ana tivi
Will be sold on Monday morning, July
16, 1855, on the premises, 23 full Lots and
several parts of lots, known as divisions
14 and 15 in the plat of City Grave Yard.
These Lots are laid off for Family Grounds,
are 11 feet wide by 70 feet in depth, with
wide avenues on two sides, they are cen
tral in location nnd are the most desirable
family lots iu" the- enclosure. Persons
wwhinr; to secure lot should not fail -to
attend, a these are the only unsold ground
remaining to be disposed ofy .' j ' -By
order of the City Council. --"-.?
' . A. RICHARDS, Marshal.
s Lancaster, Juno 30, 1855. - '"'
TC RKU A ST to tho foi
I I tha Court ot Comm.
I iilili,, autl tu ma dlri-l
KherlA's Sale.
TU Siata a OAi'a, Ttirftli Canrr, a.
command ofan order of aala from
mnn fluaaof Falrfluld ruanljr,
i-loil. I will offer al i.uLUeaMli aft
lli Oxirt Hnuaeln lnraalsr, on tmlurdtf laa 4ik day
mfJtususl. Jf. D. IXSS, botwoun tht bnuranf 10 oVIocfc
A. M. and 4 o'clock H. M., the rollnarli.K propprtv,
to-wli: The North hair ofthe Korthweat Qnartor of Sec
tion No. tl. Townliip No. 13, of Kanjre No. 10, situate)
Inaaid eoitntyof Fakllold. Appraised al $4 ier acre.
To be wild iu the properly or Kliaa Tutrtiw, Aaa
Omen and Jainea M. Vmu, at the auit at L'oroallus)
Dwenrua. lenuaoi aaio eaan.
WM. POTTER, Sheriff.
Br C. M. L. WISEMAN, Deputy.
Maa-nii & BcDttrm, Att'ja. June stWvepf j
Dcalrakle City Property Ir Sale.
ifi.rlHATdelrahl properly located on Wheel-
nl a his nireet. corner or uroau Aiiev, betng luo
iiX. feot ou Wheeliiuc bf 1M) fuetou Uro'ad Atl.iT
Realdenee oonlaiua S rooina, kilrhon, Outhoiuwa, ore.,
with all the eonveoloncea of a ramiiy realdeaoe lno
auow and eon?eniout Carpenter' Shop. 8inoke Houad,
Stable, die. Term rcaaonalile. For run her pnrllco
lara enquire of - M'l'TLB ec DKKSBACH8.
taorast.-r, July i, vas B
Sheritt' Kale.
nraoti, Fmirfild Caaaiy.".
nilRHUANTIotheevniaaaiid of an order or tale)
I from the Court of Comiana Pleas tn and for said
County of fairSeld end to ana directed, I will eBer mt
publHiauleat the Court house In Lancaster, on Batmr
iaytktixtHaffJuli A. D. loss, between the houre
of re o'clock A- M. aud 4 o'clock p. M., the follow-lnr
described Real EstaHi, to-it: Situate in the county T
Puirdeld and fit.te of Ohio, beir.tr l.otKo. 3, and th
West half of Lot Ko. 4. in the aub-dlrlslon made by
G. W.Umratler, 8ustheuua MeCabe. Ewel Jeffries aud
CliarleaUnrlaiKUofthut part or LiNo. S, in the Bai.k
Kuh-divMoii.adjolnluc the Eastern addition to lea-
fa" wilfswci
n from'
the misorabla
glers'who, under the guise of Democracy,
would sell thn country to the Pope r of
Rome.' providing they had the privilege of
monopulizinp; his favors. : ' ' : ' '
Lei our motto, then, be' " Our Feder
al Unionit must anil ihall he preserved:
' Americans thall ruli Anrka." '
A Hmnll Spccirnea of Sag Nieul Lylu(. - -
In order thnt the Americans of ouf
county mny be fully apprised 'of the Sag
Nichts falsehoods abroad, , we give them a
smull extract from the Cincinnati
quirer. . ' ' '. -' . - "
'Know Nothino .lmci, A' temper
ance meeting, was cnllod a ' tiay or two
since at Ple.issntvillo Fairfield County,
through the columns of the .Companion, a
K. N.onrun, ror tne purpose of urawmg a
crowd of peoplo together, that "the' sap
per and miners ' ottne order might in-
dulgein their customary art of decoying
the unwary into their seriret orgnniaaiion.
Shnmo that the man of temperance should
be prostituted tu any such nalanous pur
pose I ' ' ' ' ' .''
This'will certainly bo news to many of of iho event.
our readonii. . In.the first place, II. II.
Rohiuson, Editor of tho .Enquiror, nnd
formerly Editor of tho Ohio E tgle, .. well
know that thore is no such piper as - the
" Cornea io".iH ibis county, and socon4
ly aud lastly ; ho kneto ho was penning a
gross and deliberate fafsohood, but this is.
only a sample of tho attacks in various por
tions of tho State upon tho American par
ty. , AFRICANS AlAUK lllEM. ,
morning itopeues its bowm u tno sun nnu
dew. We admire its beauty and inhale
its odor but alusl riven by tho electric
flash, cut down by the mower's scythe, or
assailed by the rough breath of frost, it is
beheld at evening hanging withered and
lifeless upon the parent stem. . Such has
been the lite of the young man before us.
After a sojourn of eighteen brief year?;
aud jiict as he was blooming into manhood,
ho has suddenly beeu cut down by death.
. 3.- But not yet content with his de
scription . of human life, ho declares, "he
flii ih nl so as a shadow and continuotii
not." .Take the most delicate flower lhai
ever bloomed, and by careful analysis you
will hnd substances. It is a real thing,
with properties and pints ot so tho
shadow. It bus no substnnce at all. Such
is human life. Like tho rof-u it withereth,'
like the shadow it p.isseth. Surely, ho who
bmlds beneath the sky litis built too low.
11. Job presents us with the certainty
of death! "But man dioth and wasteth
away; yea, man givelh up the ghost, and
where is lie" lhatwu must die, is a
truth confirmed by tho experience of the
pnst, and admitiod by nil. We aro linkod
to the crave by the will of Jehovah. The
irrevocable decree has gone forth from his
mouth, "Dust thou art and unto dustslinlt
theu return!". There is no age or position
exempt yot a Utile ' while, and all who
hear mo to-day must lie down in death.
Death is solemn; on the tented field; on the
broad blue doep; in a stranger land; or at
tho homo wo love; whether by lingering
disease or sudden calamity, - death throws
its shades around the beholder. ' There
the gny grow end, und the trlflur must stop
to think thore tho winding sheet, m
coffin, the long nnd slowly moving rsnk
who sock the home of tho dead, tho open
crave. ' My. friends, shall the scenes of
this sad, cad day ever bo forgotten by the
many young men who hear io to-dny?
No', no; they shnll remain in memory as
groen ns the grass that shall spring upon
his grave, aud as strong nnd enduring ns
the monumental marble" which shall mark
the snot of bis rest. '
III. ' If life be thus brief and uncertain
and death be thus certain and solemn, Job
declares, "All the days of my appointed
time will 1 wait until my change come, '
This pious resolution implies-- " 1
1. That wo live in constant expectation
vine. .
Whose vo te, alast th .y cannot star.
With mother, wife or siswr'a Rreetinr:
'While Ihoueauds yet aro doomed to fail,
Before lb) walla, Sevastopol. -
Tho Sumraer8ula tlilutnt V V
ASv.i a phif.io dooaied host, '
Where scare a tree or plantor flower
AlUy h' de.idly with jrluir power,
While Kuitue wildly tempest tossed,
Hisrusrrd strand with wrecks 1 Ui.luj,
And train the sailors g.irc-llHE call
' Uj'oro thy towers, tiebasuiftol. :
Pi.Iao. fnlse laail the story ' ',"
Pr-md Albion's nrtns can erain; .- " ;
And fulsjrfsr tbamallirfanu) . . .,
Which hiiilrs iuelf upon w nam i, .
Bearing that brunt of Sroy reign,
Leavlne its victims raid end gory,
Before thy vgiuly buttirod wulU
luvtuclble KctuHll. .
' The mother' wans tba m.-ilden'a toar, -The
bride's, tho wile's, the sister's nuil, -In
ruin. In vain, asceuds to heaven:
And bursting hearts are doubly riven,
Tn fuel the) aro of uo avail.
To warrior stretched on bed or elor.
Who heeds no more the volleys roll '
Heueuth t,y towers, rSebastJul.n
Tho lust of fame, the prUIe of power, .
Ambition's fell and wiihcrliia; brMud.
'. Peuni not of bloo'lino hoarls or blond, -Or
woundsor deulli by Held nrriood,
Ho lh:it they may with crnspiitK hund, '
Heiyn hut the Ueepms of an hour.
W hat though Is reared an Odin's Hull
Before thy spires, Sabastopol.
I.ion of Rnpliiitd. Bird of Praneo, ,
' And Crescent waning to the Hear,
In vain your hurtling- Iron hail, .
' All yet havo railed ni.d Ionic will fail
To hnntihe .Mnsrorto his Inlr:.. -,
- With furious st-ied and drlviiir lanco, .
Vainly, yo Bzht nnd bleed and fall
Amidst thy rocks, Sevastopol, .,. .
' Warriors of Ganl and Albion, '
. OfHcoiia'a Gliide and f.rin's Ute. :-
P:iynlrarles fur scntlnred hordes,
Yo fated tools of w orthies- Lorfls.t - --
flow loiiff will yc your corses pile ...... -
W here helpleva, (earless and alone.'
- rhrondlcss leep, Rrltott, Mostem-Hill.- '''.!
Beftift Ptbestninl! , -
m a "- e"-e "" , I
Th'i Hconillnavlnn plane of departed snulv
tThe Turkish OHirerBliave1tnr.h)?ncnnslderel the
most worthies' In K nope, o that forjlgnorshnva utig
commanded Ibclr urmlca.
tperrlt of Anilre-w Jncksnu Donelson.
We present to our readers: to-dny the
speech of Mr. Donclstm at the American
ratification meeting in New York, " it will
bo rend with interest by the entire. Ameri
can DenioerncyT this scion of "Old Hik
ory" will do good service in the ranks of
the. now parly, and deserves nil credit from
the American pnrty for the bohj and man
ly stand he 1ms taken in defence of its prin
ciples. Mr. Donelson is the Nephew of
Koafl Notice.
A Petition will b; presented to tho Board of Com
missioners of CilrNdld county al their bext eeasiaa.
prayiinrth:it sotnuch of the county road leadiiur from
theKock Milltotuiutf rs5i-lion aitU the Ijincnaler and
Rovalton road on th1) Busby farm, as lies between the
followiua; points in Bloom township In aald county, be
raeateu. to-wit: rrnm tne raouui or jacoo uonen
baua;h'a lane to the Zion t'hurch road, and prnytnff. that
a new county road lie laid out and established bolwoen
the following; points, beirlnulnr at the mouth of Jacob
rjniieDoaugu's lanei tnence running couiu ainnvine
Sectioe lines between the lands of said Jaoob Bntlon
haufrh. Samuot Crist, Henry Waprnor. Arans Weth
aud Levi WUliauison to atid Lancastsr and Hoyallou
road, at the corner of tho lundsorsaid Welsh andWil.
tlainson Inaaid Bloom township and tb're t-imiinuta. .
July 5, jeM-w9' !AKY I'HTlTlOiNKKS. '.
caster, w hich Ilea In the triancle formed by the lar-
uihe.diaanuuit street and the extension of Whcelier
street. Lot No. 3, appraised at tlSO. West half Lot
tto. 4 uniiraised at S'.K). To be aold aa tha iirmwrt r
Naihan Nlslcyand Kiscy Kisloy hie w ife, at the suit of
A. McVeigh
Terms of an lo cash. Ordered bv PI'ff.
By CM. L. W18KMAN. llenntv -
Lancaster, June SI, 163J 4w7l(J , .V
Probate Notice.
TOTICEts hereby (riven to all persons Interested
W that David Hilvard. Administrator of Thomas Hil-
Krd and Solomon Spanjrlor, Kxoeutorof John Relirig
ve Sled their arcounu and vouohers to tho Probate
Court of Valrfleld county, Ohio, for inspection andset
tt iniMit.and thalthe same will ba for hearing on the
30th day of July, 15.1, ores soon IhorosHcras may be..
Julys 3w0 - VIKtilLE. SUA W, ProbatoJudgo. -
STKAYEDfrom the pasture Hold
ofthe subscriber, a short time
since, a BLACK MILCH COW.larpo
horns, aix or seven yoara old. Any
one returning said l ow to me In Lan
caster will be liberally rovnirded.
June 98 38
Cuzcttc Building Public Square, . Lhd-
' caster, Ohio. -. ' '
- I,. O. DAVIS ..
RESPECTFULLY calls attention to his excellent
assortinent of Airaess. Cmllart. Whip. Tmnkt.
CrfttUagi,lie. Ilia stock of Hitrnes comprises Silver,
Kraas and Black Mount.'d Binrtn- und Curriugo Hurnost
also, WaronandPluwdo all of which cannot bo sur
passed in the clty.lthor In stock, workmoushippr low
prices. He baaalso a trimming shop, where
' Bi;; null Carriage Trimming, .'
will ba dono nn short notice in superior style.,
Lancaster, June ac, lea j lo -. . .
; Pay Yocr Postaoi. -A great number
of letters are still deposited in the Post Of
Geo of this city without pre-paid postage.
All persons mailing letters, should bear in
mind, that no letter can bo. sent without
postage being paid on the same. All let
ters of this class are required to be tent to
the Dead Letter Office at the end of every
month. Persons writing letter should
not forget this. We learn tbat on Tuea
day' last the Postmaster returned over fifty
of this olssa of letters lb .the .Dead Letter
Office at Washington. ' .'
. That we live tn constant preparation
for it. God with our being hns given us
nn individual work to do, a destiny to ful
fit. This work is two-fold; the Brat regards
us as members of the creat family of roan
and embraces thoso dutiesVe owe to 1iuv
inanity; and never let it be forgotten by
any young man who hears trio to-dny, that,
as he is dependent upon, and draws sus
tenance from society, it is his duty to Gil up
some useful station in society, nnd by a vir
Iuouk and active life contribute to the stock
of society. Qod forbid that your dying
hour shall be embittered by the nfieotion,
1"I have lived in vain.'" .'. , . , !
It reenrds us in tho relation we suBtain
to God and embraces, those dulios we pw
to our Creator. , We are, by repentance of
sin. and faith in the Divine Redeemer, to
secure peace with God, and e preparation
for, the society of Heaven. loungman
have tou done all vou desire to do for Qod
and humanity? . 6, let me remind you of
the great work of life, and the short space
of time allotted you for its discharge. .All
you do must . be dono quickly. Are your
miuds stored with useful knowledge, an
your hearts beautified by. Virtue findjroli
enernl J.ickson, w.-m for nmny years his
private Secretary, and perhaps knew the
rivate rcntimcnts of tho General better
lan any innnnow living. . Ho was also the
warm friend and confidential advisor of Mr.
oik, nnd hns 1w-iys commanded the re-
pect and hdmirntion'of all parties, wheth-
r tn his own tjtato or abroad, . ; ., ;
Who can read hi speech and say that
he American movement is a Whis trick?
We commend its perus.-tl to all our renders.
Itcpiibliciin ' Coiivt'iitloii.
Ou Saturdny lust quite a number of the
Republicans of this county met in Convcn-.J
tiou at tho Tallmadj,'e House, and appoint
ed delegates to the Convention to rooet in
Columbus on to-morrow. ; 'Among the re
solutions passed "was the fullowing: ' !
Itetalved, "Thatevery Republican in Fniv"
ield coi o'y he invited to attend tho Peo
ples' Coi'vention to bo held at Columbus
on the 13tli nst." Gen. George Sander
son, Judge V, E. Shaw, P. Dope, Judge
Gideon Martin, Wm. S. Uoatty, John Stall-
smith anil Joshua Cl.-uke, with a number
of reserves were appointed delegntes. ;
The Delegates we prcsuuao will all be jn
attendance. ... .
k.ciiam;k office uk-opened,
Corner ot Min nnd Co.umbns Streeti.
IS prepared In do all kinds of Bnnkinbiuinosi. UU
counts (rood Xotns. Buys all Itncurrent Money ut
ui)rnc9i prices, nuys -na suns nia ant oncer. ue
lu Kxchunjro of all kinds. Makes cotluctious At any
placo. I'iiy's Interest ou all Deposittt. And deals tu
' UOVSTY I.AJTI1 W'AltltAMS, ' '
of whlck 100.S0O acres are wanted; and whin sold are
guaranteed in every respect, to loujue land tus well us
colli. rorilM oi us,ininw una loiMibin. aim uoy iihoc
matlontn ralaUou to Wumiiti bIvu ttilllnirly to h.
Olio thut applies. t V?fr iVaanah ttjrf A'afit redeem'
eaa'par. t. v. iaIjLiiaduu. -
Lincasljr, Ohio, Juno as, IMj Ptf - - .
rfltllZ uinle'rslgued, bnvinar recently ntted np rooms
( 1 lu Martin's ruw, iiniuediutely uniler the . Ohio
Euirlo Priiitinir Ollice, and one ilour norili or the I'mt
Olnce, most respectfully tmttA public attention lo
theirextensiro and well selected stock or C'es.-eiea-
arics. consist i ns: of canities of I h l 1 r own inniiufucturu,
tvhieh they will tall ut wholesale and rotiril prices
li-tnuils, ru.HT'!Ss 'lqr,lt:iiiou.lii t ca,
ft ret tluality Catnwlin W.nc unci Mo,
Tobttrco, l'igara,&c, &.c.t constantly kepi
on hand.
. Wenrenlso Biilnarupln flue sfyfofora Ladles' Sum
mer Saloon. the rooms formerly occupied ly lr. Kiaii.
where the refreshments of the season will b'.. in renili
nossnt all hours. . .. HESLY & LAUAB.U'OH.
pril I.'. Ii?.)) Xo. 40 If. . . .
Ai.Fiti:i MfVi:iii,
iiToaitr A!in coisjsliob t i.a-, ji-arira ur
), Lnncnter, Oliiv,
WII.1. eive attcnlloii In th. puriliasliiealilll, ,
of Kent Kitiito. ulso. to tlio nrocurlnir of
sfons and Bountv Lands.
OKFICE In the Brtck Blocks nenrtv opposite -Uockinir
Vullcy Bank. .. may l iftVI . ,
' v v. Sheriffs Sale. "
Tha siataaf Oaie, FalrJItU Cssary, .. .
PURSUANT to the eoitiinand of au order for sale
from the Court of Common Hleae of PulrSeld
rounty, and tn me directed, 1 wlU oner at public aala
at tho Court House In Laocuter.on Saturday tie ituh .
da afjulyjt. D. less, between the hours of 10 o'clock
A. Al. and 4 o'clock P. M. the folluwiue described
Koal Estute.to-wit: Situate intbe County of Falifteld
and Mine of Ohio, being Uie equal nnd undivided half
of Lot Ko. a.Kauare Ko. 4.Kst addliinKtAii, TUMM
of Baltimore; also, Water frivilrre which, la used -to
run a Woolen Factory on aaid Lot Rq. 8. AUo.
" no. a ana in tne central addilion to the Town of
Balllmore,exceliiigaSfeot off the South side of l ot
No. B. Also, one equal and undivided half of all the
Machinery belonging: to the Factory which is erected
nneoM Lot h'o.B. The undivided lialfofLot Ko. V.
Fnuare 4. Kustuddltiou. appraised at S5U. Water prl
Vilese at Sill. Ixll No. H in eenlral aiirilllnnau 1,, V
9 In com rot addition at I JO Tho undivided hiilf of all
the .Machinery on the Factory lot No.8 at $S. -To
be sold as the property of Georare H. Ilouaerand
Ruanahia Wife, at the suit of Edward Calkins.
Hi: ma 4 Oicssnn. Att'ya. WM. POTTEK pSbertff.
Lancastor, Jane HI, lc5i Sw7if9t,5t)
'. -.t .Sheriff's- Sale.
.- Tia StaUaOkia( rairJialdCaalt,ii'.'
. eV L, eavec )
" ,T- ' MnPnrtitloii,FaltncldCom Picas
Mary Weaver, rt al.)
OKriUAKTlo iiwr-commnnd of an order for sale
I from the Court of Uoinmoii Pleas of siild county
aud tome directed, 1 will offer ut public aulu el the
Court House iu Lancaster, on Saturday tit lit duf f
July J). O. 1r!jJ, belween tho hours of 10 o'clock AN.
nud 4 o'clock P. U. the following described Houl Es-
tate.to-wlti Situate in the cour.ty of Kslrllcld und Slate
of Ohio, known as the property of Jacob Weaver, de-
"wit, inteiy oi rieaaaiit lownsuip, to-wit; Lot rio. 1,
being part of Section Five, Township Fifteen, Kunge
Biglileen: beglnniug at tho Northeast corner of said
Section Nn.5; thence Weal on tho Korlh boundary
of said .Section, 42 chains end 4 lii.ks to tho halfsec
tion corner stone ou suld boundary! thence South ou
the hall section line BI chains aii.l'fll links to a statu
on snid hulf section line, from which u gum 14 tin bee
iiioienieicr nears noj-tu 3 di-g. east 50 links ilistinl
and a bench lOim-liea in diameter hears south (;'.
ilegs. east 30 links diUut; thence East 48 chains and
71 links to a stone ou tho eastern hnumWv lti. nfu
section, from which a muplo V4 Indus In illaineu r
hears south 4H degrees ViVat 03 links distant, and a
neucii is incites in 41 ui meter bears tiorth 41 degree
west 99 links dl.itai.tj thence fiorlh on said Section
line SH clmiiis and 75 links to the place of bi-elni.ii.g,
coiitiiiniug 1: U .iu-(!u acres more or less, and apMoi".
cd at S37 peracre frecofdower.
..iiso. no.s, midpurtnf the snine Section, begin
ning ut a stone on I lie east boundary of said Section
-No. 5. 10 chains and OB links north of the southed
coruerof snid secliou, from which a beach SO inches
In diameter bonis north Sl.tj degree west 78 lii.ks
distiuili Ihciire North on said Section line 18 chairs
aud en links lo a stone on. said secllnn line, from
n maple 44 Inches in diameter bears south 14. degrees
west laO linlisdisiaiit; thence West 42 chains and .14
link to .tone on Iho half section line, w hich is 3H
etinnis nnd So links North of the Quarter Section cor
ner on tho south bonudury of said section; thearo
S 80 chains &r-ulu,k. to a uo.ton ,ald hulf section Hoc,
he north weal corner of tlio lands of Solomon Spang
le r; thence north Podegroes oust 4 chains und SO links
to the place of beginning, routulning (14) Kirhtv.four
acres moro or loss, and upprnieed ui I3t per acre free
of dew er. .
The growing crops writ lio resrrved. fho pnrcha
sera will be entitled to put nut a full crop upon any
ground n hii li bus uot now a crop on It.
Also. Lot No. 5. iu sqire 10 of the loivn of Bnlti
innre, Falrllcld county, and appraised at 7, frou of
dower. .
Ttrmt irs One-third In hacd and Oifc residue
in one huh i o yeurs, wttn interest from iluy of sale.
- i. mm rviir.tt nerlg.
. ny CM. L. WISEMAN, Dei.ut..
Bs-.scr dr Sos, Atfji' Juno7-i3ofjo , '
I'robate Notice. "' ':
TVroTirF. Ish-rehy given to all persons inturrsto
11 thnt the accounts anil vonrhers of the Estate. i
r JIIIE suhscrtber respectfully inform his friends mid
X public ill general, that be has much euliirged his
as lo lhe vartoty. H hssjustoponed nnd has for sale
MrtfTru.0-', Mnr.krcl ofihti best quality.
reHi5.l iso. best Pick II UK Vlncitnr.iuiil
asuiali Mark o( Iry Cloorli to suit customsrs
all, of which will be sold low for cash orapiiroved roun
try prodnco at his Old s't.md; corner of Broad 1 1
Winding 8treets, and nearly opposite the I midway
Hotel. I, CltrKCH
N. 8. Butler, Bncoq, I.nrd and Torn Meal wanteit
, Lancaster. Seplomberai. 18.14 SO - - 1 ' - '
- ' " HU.'ISI-XS HOTICB.-' -'-'
I hare disposed of the (i niello establishment lo
Cioaoa V. iMic ELnoY,Eq. . All llioae Indebted lo
mo for Advertising and Job. Work are respectfully
solicited to settle w-lth.oul dolay. In my absence ac
cnunlt can be sotlled with Mints Lr.rrnt.vn, Esq.
- Lancaster, May 31, 18SJ. T. 8. SLAUGHTER.
, P. 6. My successor ll authorised to l ocelot for all
subscriptions due me, and tllflllup all advance
nbscrlptlons, ? - ' . t t
Johu M. Joltiistnu, .Martin Smith and John Crced.haro
b'cn filed in the I'robuto Court of Fairfield Com.ti.
Ohio. Tor Inspection ami selllemenl, and that suldai-t-ouiitswill
be for hearing onllu-Uih duv of August A.
D. 18SJ, oras soon thefaner ns may lie.
VIKG1L E. fiHAW,Probale Judg...
L.ineustor,July JS, ICjj JwlP
I'robate Notices
jVOTICR Is hereby' giren In nil persona Interested,
1 that Abraham Hedges. Admlnistrntnrorthc Eslalo
of Joavj Hedges, deceased, has filed in tho I'robuto
V. ourt of Fairfield cotinty.Ohlo. his arcountsnd ouch
ers for innp Htions and sml:niout. and that said ac
coui.t will be for henrlng on th i 44h day of July com
ing, or as soon thereafter as mny ba.
VI KOI L K. SHAW, Probate Judge.
Lancasler, Juno i'8, IriJa 38 .
rutnama Magazine, "Koberl of Llneoln."
Our readers will remember that m our
issue ot the 'bin tin, : we - puoiisneu
Bryant's benutiful poem, "Robert of Lin
coin, and omitted giving credit to Put
nam's Monthly JVIscasine Tor it. Wo ic-
of J
gret this omission, ar Messrs. Dix t. Ed
wards, the proprietors of Putnam, have cn
listed in their enterprise the first talent of
the country. , On our first page to-day
we givo "Oliver B'isselin'1 from the pen
of Henrv W. Longfullowr. nn ndntrable
poem also brought out in . Putnam. A
new volume of this mngMine commences
with the present month. '. Terms $3,00
per year. Address, Dix k Edwards, No.
10, Pari- Place, Now York City. " .' ; ;
v : I.. C, DUTCH,
CM ' WTTOULU respectfully Intorni lite
j-, s?7lk V cltlsona of Lancaster and virinl
Cf& ' ty. thnthe hasopened Shop In Mar
yjl"" r)r tin's How. wherehe la prepared to re
JEslS ,yM. Plrall kinds orWalehoa, Cloeka and
fcs Jewelrvwilh neatnessand dlspatcn. .
1r"fAll wor4 wnrrarited lo perform well. -..
Lancaster, June 14, 184 tf - , . - . , '
.f- Noncn. - . . ..- .
-aTkKRKONK having claims against T. 8. Slnitghler,
will proaent the same lo the understtrned fnrpuy-
Lancaster, June 14, lois.
We would call special attention to the
sale of the mills at the Hocking Falls, on a
petition for partition, the several proprie
tors not boing able to agree upon a private
sale.' . -i :-:-.,..'
The income of this property we are as
sured has not been less than 86,000 to 8 12,
000 per annum for several years past; ' and
the very heavy wheat crop now being har
vested, must give all such mills full busi
ness for a year to come, a t - r.. : .l
; .-. - - -.-v. ;
Auditor's and Treaiurer'i Annnal He-
portt.AVe have in type the Auditor's and
Treasurer's Annual Report, but the crowd,
ed state of our columns prevents their ap
pearance until next week... -4 ;
-. r--'. nAHnip.D,';
On the tth Inst., by the Rev. P. C. Benadnm.at the
residence of IMnlul Keller. Kso.. Mr. MATTHEW
rieaaanl township, Fairfield eouuty, hlo. ..
I his N
- DIED, . . .
' At the County Inflrmary, oh Monday morning last,
JOUM MITCHELL, ersd t years, belnr ene or the
oldest Inhahltanw of ihls roahtjt. ... . : . .
-ariTST onencd on Mnln Street. neHv on
, posllu Knher, Knti A Co'a Dry. Coqii
niore,wiosisnug oi --
AND ..: ;
al) of which will he sold lew at wholesale
and retail. Merchants and the publlcare
respectfully solicited to call ana examine
my slock.ll Is ful I and selected.
Window Glass almost all slr.es from 7 lo 0 up to M
OJ-. WiiiUI slCHAKIi
Lancaster, aprll 13, ISJ5 19
HE subaerihor has refAoved hie establishment Into
Hew Koouis A'r(nj.Wu( drw,,Hr Zi
nnd has rilled thorn np tn s style unsurpassed
n tho West. He hopes thai the nubile will appreciate
his efforts to ploase and extend lo htm a liberal patron
age. Every thing has been done tbat could he done te
ensure succosslnevery department of the art. and hit
plcturrseannot he surpassed. , V. M. GK1S WOLP.
N. H. Prsons wishing to learn the art will have grei
lacllllies for doing so hero. '
. Hours from So'clock A.M. nntll 5 0'etock.P. M.- .
Laueastur, November 16. lH6,r 18
, TO KAttMCKS. , - ,
WANTED Immediately 200! bushels of CORN in
the ear, for which rash will be pntrf on delivery
at Ike Laneuler llepot of the C, W. A E. Kail Hosd
. Morrow, Ohle, Jan. 4, 183S 3itf '
TnMr. Miluer freight Agent will receive and pi
fortheaorn. ' ;. .
' " D. K FISH EL. ' - " '
XviSO retnmeilto the city and erected a'large
bulldinr In the runr ofthe brtck house, ou the
eerssr Brmad and Csssaaf Strctta. sacseaars Seals
of las Aferfts! , Intends manufaclitrlug npon s
large acme aiiiuevanousarticioe
of Cabinet Purniture, Bednleails
ana wuaiiw, " men no will Keep
alwavaon hand, together with aW"
targe assortment of Cincinnati manufacture. H long
experlonue tn the business will ennble him to have
manufactured al home and Imported from abroad the
very boat of work, and aa he Intends to employ- none
hut the most skillful workmen and use the beat mate
rials, he flatten himself that he will give general aa
tisfacUon to all who mny favor him with their etratom.
The nubile are invited lo call and examine the as
sortment. The entrance to the rooms Is upon Broad
Street, - . D. K. F1SHKL. ,
N. B. Kenslrlnr dona on the shortest notice, and In
the naateet sad most workmanlike manner. ' Charges
reaaooahle. . .. t ,,,..- LancasterjIay W. r
Dnfale of Andrew J. Irwin.
J OTICKis hereby given thai IhesutMrri her has been
uppiilnteitund nunllfled as Adielniatrator nn Iha
'.state of Andrew J. Irwin, deceased, late of Fairfield
county. Obirt. - JOHN LA.M.MOTT. Adm'lor. -
Jtlnoill.lHS 3w: -.v . '. ' j- . .. .
To the Creditors ofthe Estate of Thomas
TIIK snhscrl hers hove boon appointed by. the Conrt
of Probate Of the Colllllv of ValrHeld In Ihe Klnli,
of Ohio, Cotnmlaslnnei on' Ihe Esiute of Thomna
Iturmam deceased, renresenled Insolvent. Theneriod
of six miuith" rrom theduto of this notice is alien ed
Creditors to bring in and prove their claims against
sold Ettale. The subscribers will attend to theduliea
ofthelrsuld appointment al the following place and
times namely, ut Ihe Law Office of Rttnclnomb and
Sbnw, in ihe city of Lancaster. Fairfield Cmintv.Oliln.
nn tho lithdtiy nfJune, the 12th and 13th rloysnf Ju
ty, ann uie urst .iionnay or each month thereafter, un
til the expiration or said six months, at ton o'clock lit
tho forenoon of each of said dsvs.
J. W. STlNcitCOMB,! ',Amnii..i.,
J. A. BHAWV t tommlasloneri
Lancaster, June H, lew Iwft , . .. . ,
Probate Notice.
NOTICE Is hereby given to all persona interested,.
tbntUeorge Sanderson, Guardian of Joseph Er
ersole, has died in tha Probate Court of PairAeld
County, Ohio, bis account aud vouchers for linpoctleu
and settlement, and thnt the aald account will be for
hearing on the loth day of July next, eras soon there,
artorasmaybo. Vllililt, E. KHA W, ProbnteJudge.
Lancaster, June 14, 1843 Jwf).
Probate Notice.
lYfOTICE Is hereby given thnt Wentling Shun, Ad.
1 mlntstrstor, of the Estate ofMary Ann Khuh, de
ceased, has tiled his account and vouchors for Inspec
tion and sMllumeut in the Prnbalo Court ofPairrlold
county, Ohio, and that the said account will he for
bearing on Ihe lUth Uuv of July next, or aa soon there
after ns may he. VI IIG1I, K. K HAW, ProbatoJudgo.
Imucsstur, June 14, 1S55-Jw6 .
E-tnte of Louis Von Rotten,
OTICE Is hereby given, thai the subscriber hns
lioen duly nnpolntod Executrix of the lust Will
Tostament of Lonia Von Hoden. deceaaed. lute of
FulrSuld eonnly, Ohio, and that all persona tndobtoil
lo said Kstuteare required to make prompt payment
to lier.and all persona having claims aguinst said Es
tate are required to present them duly aulhentlcated
for payment. ELIZA VON ROUEN, Executrix '.
or Louts von Rouen.
Messrs; Braaee 6i Rem ot Lancasler, are my agents
and attorneys, who will transact my business as Ex
ecutor ss above. ELIZA VON K0UEN.
June 7, IMi 4wS v .-' ? .-
'- ' .-k Probate Notice. '--
TOTICE is herehv given that Jesse Mlddlelnn,
111 Administrator of Thomas Herman, also Stephen.'
Kylnnd,Goarrilaaof Mary W. Ichmon, have Sled their
accounts and vouchers in the Probate Conrt of Fair
fluid Connly, Ohio, for Inspection and aettlement, and
thatthe same will enroo on Tor bearing onthelltb
day of July, A. I. 1RM, or si soon Utereafteras may
be. VIRGIL K. SHAW, Probate Judge;
I WILL sell Lot No. 7J In Carpenter Addition to
the City of Lancaster, being the Lot directly oppo
site to the residence of William M. -Klnkesd, Esq.
This Lot ta large and eligibly located, being one of
the corner Lota In the original Carpenter Plat and
situated ontheMouthweslcornorof winding eud Per
ry titreets, near the C. Wi Z- K. Depot,- Term
easy and title warranted. JBnotilre of -
-'"' ' " GEORGE W. MAC EI.ROY,
.- MastlnrRow,twtdooraBoulhof Post Office.
Lancaster, May 17. lS-g ' .
'.'."'gABil'El BEEB1T, '
WOULD respectfully announce lo the cltlicna ef
latncaster Je vicinity, that he has commenced the
Breael, Light Kuk V Cracker Baklna;
In connection with his formerbaking,&l now prepared
with every thing In the above line. Having In his em
ploy the best of bakers, he feel conSdent thai he een
please all who may favor htro with a call,
TtT-Call at hie Store on Main Street, nnd also at his
Bake-tionee, corner of Columbus Mulberry ttroett.
Lancaster, July IP, 1M4. ... ...
.mKi ' ' ' ' ;.zit

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