Mi i-fk ;. ! it : t j. ;.:i-. ' . y .;'(; .til- ..-..t . .. I'.u . j.,, i ' j ' ' , -. j 1 ' f it be brig bis port, ! of Seo- i Omoa of the Hondu- j Ich had sbano.1, . No 23 LANCASTER. ) II 10, TIIU US DAY, OCTOBEK II, 1 855. fie de- . which at the IE rdfl lanaw I nothing nth I wot 1 birth, 1 the forth. ;tlio altar,, lis worn; ( Ijr mndo hot ; mora. j , j ClervUnj ItTEK j ; !' DWELL. , i i ' Iter open I ling, locj 1 ing tresi tig amid I j in in tl e, but .Shu Uy, bu 18 a cer toe w'hil Uliy brl lis Efto 7 with ny lux Hie 0r or the 9 had I could ly broil ur yem all!, tl er root idoliXei i affile from t! by. her )W chai active r own ten to si rat, glid . to re ned tl was ninisi dow rie b Id her I X ceurr ioughl I wentj ed he j day o xclain on, a? j iorry,U ry and I possit ' though nwel at whA ntl wa 1 rt. "just pS lata ana th Cjjcf CITY OF. LANCASTER. Thursday tlotniiic, 'Oct. 11, 1833 y. Tlie Blessing of tl tioodDciil. bit .1.' a.. ARtnra. -: "I should like tci do that, every day, for ,a yewr tmconie." nai l Mr. .William Everett, rubbing his hands together, (quickly,' in-irrepressible pleasure-, .' .V j Mr1 J Everett whs it j took and money bre ker and had just made an- ."operation" by which a clvar'gitiu bf two thousand dollars was secured., t lie-was alone in his office, wr bj much aloue-as not to' feel restrained by, the presence of.'another..''iAnd yet, a pnir'of dark sad eyesv-ere Cxeit intently up in his self-satisfied countennueu with an oppression, had liu observed il.'that would, nt least have v.'tcuuU a rmoraeitt s . wonder. The owner of ibis pair of eyes was a slen der rather poorly dressed lad, in his thir teenth var, whom Mr. Everett bad engag ed n short time previously, to. attend in hie office and run upon, errands. He was-the son of a widowed mothor, now in greatly reduced circumstances. His fathor had been an early., friend of Mr. Everett. It was this fact which led to the boy's intro duction into the broker's office. ' : . , , "Two thousand dollars." The broker had uttered aloud his satisfaction; but now ho communed with. himself silently .''Two thousand dollars! 'A nice little sum that Tot a single day's work; ' 1 wonder what Mr. Jettkiti will say to-morrow morning, when ha hoar of euuh an udvance in- these securities," , - .(. - ,,, . ;; Fmm soma came, this rnantal reference to Mr. Jenkins did nut increase our friend's - .-I ', If .... -..L.1.I-.1 state oi exniiorauon. juosi uruu;iuiy mmu little remarkable that Mr. Everett bad not onoe been- oonscioiu of the fact, that - the boy's eyes were steadily upon . him.; In fact, he had been, as was- usuall; ha case, loo much absorbed in things concerning himself, to. notice what, was peculiar to a- nuthety- unless the peculiarity .'were one readily used to his own aJ vantage., - . , '.i . "Join," said Mr. Everett, turning; sud denly, ;to the boy, and encountering hi hwge earnest, eyes, ."lake, Una note round tp Mr. Legrand.",,'. .;, . - ... John-sprang to-do ins biding; received the note, and was off with unusual tfrptivess. Cut the door, which closed upon his fot'mv did not shutout , the expression of lijo- ber face and humtdlauou Irpm the vision of Mr. Everett.-; In fact, from soma cauee, tenrs Jbad sprung into- the eyes of the- mus ing bay, at the very moment he was ealletl upon to-render a service;, and q.uluker than usual Lliouglt Ins motions were,. he bad lull ed to conceal them.. , ; i ,! ,i: , A new train of thoughts now entered the brokerk's mind. The child-of his old friend had been taken' into his office from-a kind of charitable feeling, - though of low vitality, i : He paid him a couple ef dollars a week, and thought little more about him or his widowed mother. He had too many important interests oi his owv at stake, to- have his mind turned aside lor a trilling matter like this. Iiutnowas theimacteof that sad face for it was unusually sad at the moment when Mr. Everett looked sua denlv toward the bov lingered in' his mind,, growing every moment -more dis tinutand more touchingly beautiful, many considerations of duty and humanity were excited. lie remembered his old friend, and the pleasant hours they had spent to gether in years long since passed, ere gen erous feeling's had hardened into ice, or given-place to nv all-pervading selfishness. He remembered, too, the beautiful girl his r-:...! :.l I il ii.o was something in he transaot.on, by which: friemJ gn d 1)e,. : t0 iuo,oMt he had gained .so handsome a sum of mou-( M her , ey, that, in calmer moments, would not Uje , . theM- trTZlJ giving plae to nVraoge sadness. ed forth t the world. Be this as it may, ! A1' 1,1,3 WM now presen to tbo mind of a more sobef mind, in -time, succeeded,! Mr. Everett, and- though lie tried once or and altl'ough the broker was richer by twp twtce. during Ae boy's absence, toobliter thousand dollars than when he arose in the "to these-recol'.ecttons, lie was unable to morning, lie was certainlv no happier. : do - .' - - Ah t,r -ali-rwardii-.-'a business friend1. '' ""w is roar mother. John? kindly " . T . 1 ' -:l t I I il... . inquireu me uruKer, wueu tnu i.iu juiuiu- owns the house -where we live came for some-money, mid when mother told hitn that she had none, he got, oh,, so angry ! and frifhlened us all. IIj e.iid if the rent wasn't paid ' by to-mormw, he'd'turn us all ont into- the atreet. Poor trrother1; - she went to bed stcli.!' ; . "How much does your mother owe the man ?" asked Mr., Everett. Oil, it's a' great deal, sir. I'm afraid she'll nevei be able to-pty i'; and! don't know. whatw'U dot,. . "How. mich?" ; -. "Fourteen dollars, sir," answered the lad. ' '- 'Is thatiftll ?""'.' And Mr. Everett thrust hisli'and intS his pocket. "Hre are twen ty dollars., Kan liomi to your uiother, and ffive them- to her' with my compli ments."! vi .. ,. i-' The boy grasped .the-monoy eagsrly; as he did so, in an irrenressililii burst of grat itude kissed' the U-nid from which ho re ceived it Hoi did not-speak, for strong, emotion-choked all utterance; but Mr. Ev erett saw his heart itv his large eye, aud it was overflowing, with thankfulness. ;, "Stay a moment," said- the broker, as John Leverinj; was about to pass through his door; "Perhaps T had better write a note to.your mother." ' - "I wish-you would, sir," answered the boy, as ha canw -slowly lack. , A- brief note was written, in which Mr. Everett not only offered present aid, but promised for the snke of old recollections that now wero crowding fast upon his mind to be tlt3 widow's future friend. For half an hour after the lad departed, the broker sat musing, with his eyes upon the floor, his 'thoughts were clear and his feelings tranquil. He had made on that day the sum of two thousand dollars by a single transaction, but the thought, of. this large acoession to his worldly goods, did not jjive lnra the ti'ho of pleasure he deri- GRAXD JURY" ROOM, ) Octodbr Tier, A. D: 1855. ) To the HmoraUe Cotirl of Common Phi, wlhin and for tin County of FairfitM anJ Stuttof Ohioi . ' , i The Gr.md Jury;irapannelled and sworn at this term, in compliance with the direc tion of the Court, visited the jail of the count, ani examined into its state and condition, inquired into the discipline and treatment of prisoners; their habits, diet and accommodations, and find the best cf condition, discipline and accommodations. And tho Grand Jury further report that with the assistance of experienced and skill ful mechanics, ,, they have examined as thoroughly and carefully as circumstances would permit, the condition of . this Court House. : They rind all the walls; of said structure to be in-a very bad condition, be ing rnuolt rackedt They consider tne north portion of the second floor to- be in great danger of falling, owing to the giv ing away of a wall which supports one of the girders. They also find that the roof leaks, nnd that the whole building is in a very filthy condition. . Thev therefore consider that the build ing is totally unsafe and utifit for the pur pose wiucn it is usea. Fred'k. Sites, Christian Morehart, Geo, II. Williamsoii, Lewis R. Bailor, P. C. Ilenadum, T. P. Ashbrook, John Miller, Wm. S. Crook, Conrad Crumley, George Fisher, Vr':ght Larimer, Jacob J. Stuart, John W. Pilger, Suml. Letnar, - Daniel Boyer. The- above is a. correct- cop3 JOHN" RADEBAU-GH, Clerk. Int urrecUoii-in Judia. . A. formidable, insurrection has broken out against the British government in In dia. Tho insurgents are a wild, strange race of people called Santhoals, whus eaiiie into tho .office of Mr, said: Everett and ,.... 1 fl.,.,. v J liave you neniu hwih v.tsicn . ,,,."Jio; what of him?", ,, , ..,-.. 1 1 ; "lie's said lo : 9 to-C.iliforuia with 'tw'etit thousand dollars in his - pockets more than justly belongs to-hini." ; ; -. "Wliatt; .t.'.. ,; . ' ' '.'Too true, I believe. His name is in the list of passengers- who left, New York ia the steamer, yesterday.". . ' t,"The scottntkell' exciaimod, Mr. Ever ett, who by this time, was very considoi- ably excited. ..:,: .. . ' -i .-. ' . ' "He owes y-ou,V8 he?" said the friend. lent him, three hundred dollars only day before yosterdsyj" , . ...j.; ,-. f'A clear, swindle."- ,- ..! . -. vYes, it is. O. if I could only get ray band on hitn.", . , , , , , . ,. - -,,,--Mr. Everett's countenance, as ho said this, did not . weav a very aiuiaUe expres--hion. . -1' ',. 'iDiin't get excited about it,'.' said the iVher," ..I think; he let you off quite reas onably Was that sum all he asked to uor row?" - . ; ,.- --'i i : i ..' i . , - mji . -..t: , ,"YeS," :, ,'! v.,-!.. .. hvr. -1; "1 know two, at least,., who. are poorer by a couple of thousand by I''3 ibseno.'.' But Mr. Everett was. excited. , . For half an hour after the individual lelt, wbo had eommunicated this unpleasant . piece of now, the broker walked the floor of office with oompressed lipn. a lowering brow.and! juiost unhappy , feelings. ,'I'he two thu mind dollars train, in no way balanced, in mind, the three hundred lost. The pleas- urn treated bv the one had not penetrated ,deep euough to escape obliteration by the ttthT. " Of nil this, the bov with the dark, sad Aai!..1 .iA(rni7flni'0. And lie u;.mnrflbended all. Scarcely a moment, through. had his glance been, removed from the eountenance or form of Mr. Everett, while tho latter walked with uneven steps, the Hiiiir of bis office. As the afternoon waned, the broker's mind grew calmer. The first excitement produced by the loss, passed away; but it left a sense of depression nd disappoint ment that completely shadowed his feel- vi'd from tlia bestowal of twenty dollars., He thought, too, of the three hundred he character and- habits are thus described in had lost by a misplaced oonlidence; yet, ujle Dhj Gazette of August -lib: even as the shadow cast from that event ..'nlev are a race little better than sava- begnn. to falb Upon-lis heart, the ongliti w)w i;insbU the lower slopes of the face of John. Levering, was copjurcd up by jUg om B-ingiilpore to Drissa. They fancy, and all was sunny again. , rre for the miJiipart destitute of tire-arm.; Mr. Evorett weni home to his family 9n ! uut tuuy ia a measure make up for this dis- l,nt avantnrf ft .Itool'f n!-n(tTldrtd mfln. . . t . ,. .1 -n : .1 o . rf tU ...... .v.i.ii w..v... a,ii-n!iitrft iiv Lneir skui iu usw ui - 'V . ,),.. ' bow, which they do not hesitate to render ed from his errand.' .' The question was so unexpected that it confused him. " ' .' "She's well thank yon, sir. No not 'very well either, thank you, Rir." ' And the boy's face Hushed and his eyes sufftiseuV ... 1 "Not very well, you say ?' .Mr. Ever ett spoke with kindness, and in a tone of interest. Not sick, I hope ?" : ''No sir: not very sick. But-" ; ; "But what, John ;?" said the broker, en couragingly. , -: "She's in troublo," half stammered the boy, while, tho colored deepened on his lace. . ,.. ;. ., , .:; I r "Ali, indeed'!' I'm sorry for that. What is the trouble, John ?" " ' ' The tears wliich John had been, vainly stlviag to repress, now gushed over his face, and with a boyish sham for the weakness, ho turned away and struggled for a lime with hisover-mastring feelings. . Mr: Everett was not a little moved by eo unexpected tin exhibition. He waited with-n new-born considuration fot the bov. not unmincled with respect, until a measure of calmness was restored. ' " "John,'' ho then said, "if your mother is in trouble, it may.be in my power to re lieve her." ' 1 1 ' '0, sir!" exclaimed the lad eagerly, coming up to Mr. Everett, and in the for- gfilfulnoBs ot tne moment, laying His smalt hand upon that of his employer, "K you will, vou can." Hard indeed would have been the heart that could have witnessed the appealing eyes lilted by John Levering to-the face of the broker. Love ot Reit ana mo woriu had encrusted it with indifference toward others, bttt the crust was now broken Why.' Not because ho was ri"her by near ly. . two: thousand dollars, ihat ctrcum- .wiy bvthe cruel device of poison stanco would have posicssed.no power to cJ arroWS Xli;;r religion is a dimple and. lift him above the shadowed, iretful stato barRr0US" idolatry tlo worship of stocks which the loss of throo hundred had pro- any 0f, th.jse mysiical duceu. ' wnr ! 11c nan ui-muwcu ui ma abundance, and Ihu-s mads sutfermg hearts glad; anil, the consciousness of this perva ded his bosom with a wanning.sense ot de light. Thus it is, that true nenevoiencc enrnes with it ever, a double blessing, . Thus it is that in giving, more is often gained ihsn in eager accumulation ofselfish withhold ing. . the Mas who ' NIter a sermon delivered by Rev- Bewaue of Lai-oiis. In Dr. Bellows, of ' New York, before the Western Unitarian Conference, is the fol lowing paragraph: !'For my own-psrt I'iy it inmll sfcitm nity, I have lived- to become sincerely us nicious of the piety of those who do not love pleasure in any form. I cannot trust the man that never jaugns; .tnai is at ways sedate; that, has no apparent outlets lor . . -i l i . i k. i-ehne'jietits by whicu me moiairy oi u e Hindoos ia overlaid. - Iheir mythology, compared with that of the Hindoos, is in most a blank, and tbey have no notious of eate. Their food-consists of almost nny th ing that can be eaten, from toads and ratturoillars un to lisen and horned cat tle, fuc the flesh of kine is not forbidden tc them. As to their vices, it is certain from their recent proceedings that they combine f-owrdiee with cruelty to a remarkabh. degree, for they Avar with women and chil dten as well as taen; and, unlike the NortU American Indian, who prizes tcost a war rior's scalp, the head of a woman is to tho Santhal the mosr acceptable trophy that ho can take away from the village of hisouo nw.. But with all this it w remarkable that the Santhals aro distinguished for a love of t..irh wlii.-h exists nowheru ehe amou'7 i the natives of India.' Their' numbers aio lsid tonmonntto 100,000 fighung men, , . t j i oniu ' iini" - ' j t those nntural springs of sportiveness and j and if ll)tJy are j0inel by the other tubes, gayety that are-perennial in tl-.e .human ll)e nuraj1(.r 0f Vindhyanhill men capable I know that nature takes her ret enge (if beiirill, .irms aj,nint i ch violence. Ixpw;t to find secret I furmi(1.lbi0 jmieed. It is US WOl .Id b. not .supposed that ! soul, on sue vices.-maligtmnt crimes springing up in f ,lr,y attempt will be made during the pre this hot-bed of coufinod air and imprisoned j to do nora tuan drive the tne space;, and, inerBiunj, n uio - -i" my, t0 the bills and keep inm mere, Next cold season will ue tue time tor no- cere moral gratification anywhere and iu any community,-W see innocent pleasures and popular amusements resisting the religious- bigotry that frowns so unwisely upon tliom. Anything is better than that dark, duad, unhappy social life a prey to entini and morbid excitement, which re sults from unmitigated pnritanism, whose second crop is usually unbridled license and infamous folly ." ' ' ' ' ' nOUoll T Mitthis loin of mutton ssildle- ings. Intent as bad been the nd'sobservatioa ftlti&. employer during all'the: time,,t it Sneak freelv. mv trood lad,"' said he tln.llv. 1V11 me of v'our mother. What is her trouble?" . We -Bravery poar, sir. i remuiuun i uur Ann ... - ;, , .,.r... Matkimost. tt is said ny n aMims inn i-.urresD'Uideiit that the Hun. James Buchanan. Minister lo England, is about and mournful was the boy's voice. mother isn't- well. Hhe does nil she can and my waga help a little. But there are three of us children-; and I am the oldest. None of'th'e rest can oarn anything. Mo ther couldn't help getting behind witU-tbe rent, si's, beoauso site hadn't the money to wise?" said a gentleman who was curving. "No." said hia friend, "cut it br-Klle-wij, for llieu wo may all chaiice to get a bit in mouths,' lo,l tn ih alter the widow of the late President James K. Po'.t. .Success to a41 oia bachelors when engaged iu such prais- I gay. it with.. This morning, tlie .man who. wcih entcrpnses.. live offensive operaiions, and most signa. i i-.,!ribution for the dama-'e done must bo 'inflated, if the shock which the uluir has- given to1 our prestige is to be Tccoverc-d' from." ' ' ' ' Morals is California. Ajaurnal 'Ira fore us, in expressing the gratification of its editor at the improved condition of Cal ifornia in all respects, says:r ' "It presents a different moral and reli-rt-ous iisuiict now frrn what it did in th . - . ... IT I. days ot vigilance committees ana A.yncB -,w. There are in the State no less :hau Tforty Methodist pastors, nine Ejiiseopalian, and nine liapnnt.. an in cnuigo ui ohs churches.. Under the pressuro of pub lic opinion, the Legislature has - passed stringent laws-for the suppressionrof gam- -bling, which have been rigorouslyeuforced' ! the chief ortiss." s mar- 3d of that a 'nam ing' on duight 'sent they obr. Iheir ener- rser- I afji- j ttrs. i ap- Hilar 'fclcn I wed the 6ns, dicy lews I rs, ack i Ow- -ted ght ras ent 7 ien ip- .n- le. of S3 r ed j ar e- 1- a. h r mmgurnna action.'r "Jand