OCR Interpretation

American Lancaster gazette. [volume] (Lancaster, Ohio) 1855-1860, November 01, 1855, Image 4

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

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Tbursaay fllaruiueNoV. l. ISM
p ... ;PMBTED AafJ o A.:
' ' yo, dar departed, ghcriU.4 day,. ., .. a., ,
" CoTldaKrr"ihJto : -
- Vonr-aomlag tight, jHrwlnrii : ' ' ,
" -" From Ume'i gray are 6bc wore . . .
, . Th.uuiatluJs.sU.o hearts Mill, .
- - TkteurmliriBff TaeclMe,- - ' - ,( '
' And hop. her fainting plntom fold,"' '
. . , W'hU. Um lair phajiwna rose. ,
- . - . .. 1
Bui, Ilk a child la onu'i anas - a. J ;
. . "-vVe ttrhw against lb. llrara, (
. lUcam.m.ot farther rrora th. shore; !
I v Wheswdlm-t young loaotainsgleauir " .5 .
-' Each moment talnter wave Ike Hold ' . '
"y And wldat roll. a.t4
Th. mist grows darkthe son goe down; - - - ;
Dsy breaks nod where ara weT ,
. Fatal AfFaAt.- On Thursday lnt, jus.
Fagm, of Monroe township mm shot dead
.by Joseph O'Neil. Ii appears that- there
was A difputa between the O'Neills and
V . .bf .!. riial.t nf nn.aSi..n nf a I
"- .... . .?... . u
-farm, each party clumina the night to sow oriSI,"er'1"ri!) nt
wheat npon it. On TnarsdHy morning tlieiaroraiiieturni.
MIT '11. .1 . ' . 1 ; . . il. c 'I "
:U ou id iiiredieneuionjcuneraLfiiis irom
the premises by force; in' consoquencu of
which the latter got some of their friends
And neighbors to bo present to assist them
keeping possession. Tlie 0-Nei) faction
having giitlierod a force and Armed llieun
aIvca proceeded to the disputed territory.
After considerable wiangling, nnd some
iuock downs Fngan w;is tilled by the dis
charge of a rifle in the hands of Joseph 0'
Neill; Patrick O'Neill no fired a 'pistol at
.'Fagan at the same time. - On Saturday
8ast Patrick O'Neill. Johu O'Neilt.and
Donahoe arid his wife had an ex iminniipn
before James Shrcvc.Esq., of Monro tp.,
Conahoe And his wife were acquitted ;J no.
.O'Neill required to give bond fcr his np
peirance, and Patrick O'Neill whs sent to
prison to await his trial. Joseph O'Neill
made his escapo and has no' yet been Ar
rested. New L?xing!on LKpniotive
WKTrtNj Bsicxs. Very few people or
ven builders are Aware, of tho itdvaninge
f wetting brirks before lnying themi or
if thsy ara aware of it, they do not even
think of practising it, for the many houses
now in progress in this city, there- are
very few in which wet brick aro used.
A wall twelve inches thick, built of good
mortar, with bricks well ooaked, is s'.rong
or in e?ery respect than one sixteen inches
'thick, built dry. Tho reason of this is,
.that if biicks are saturated wkh water, they
will uol abstract from the mortar the moist
ure which is Jtiocossary Jto the crystaliiiH
tion; and, on the contrary, thoy will unite
chomically with the mortar, and bncome
solid as a rock. , On the other hand, if
the bricks are put dry. lhey immediately
talce all the moisture from the mortar,
leaving it too dry to harden, and the eoh
toquenoe is, that when a building of this
description is taken down or tumbles down
of its own Accord, the mortar from it is
like so much aaivl. Scientific. American.
, The last snake story is as follows:
"The Stale Riphts Democrat, published
at Elba Ala says; Two gentlemen weie
lately in the woods, when their attention
was Attracted by An uprorias noise of hogs.
Thinking that something uncomon was
io pay, they repaired to the spot, And found
that tho hogs had beon in a fight . with a
very large rattlesnake. The fiaht, from
appearances, had been a long and doopoiale
oaj. The snake was torn to pieces, three
hogs dead and a fourth dying. They say
tii.it ai the last hog would groan, the snake
wonld raise his head, being unable to do
Anything else. 1 The snake and fourth hog
soon died. They -report that for thirty
yards around, the ijr.isi nnd ground was
lorn up. The snake was six and a half
or sovoo feet long. Tho hogs, in the fight,
had demolished all the rattli-s except two."
Hoas. -There have been but few con
tracts made for Iioka in this region. ' The
opening price will probably bo from 5 to
5 50. . A contract for a lot of two or threo
liuiidred, early delivery, was made in this
city last week for 65. At Petersburg!) we
learn a contract wis mndo for lOO.OOOlrjs;
or about BOO hogs, early delivery, at
hundred. Evansville Journal.
;. IVLuck. - A young lady, teacher in the
grammnr-ichool at Cambridge, Mass., has
rooclvod alutter from tho authorities of Pm-ra.-Braiil,
s'ating that n gentluman recent
ly deeeasod'in Pnrn. has willed to her, pro
perty valued at 070,000. The bequest,
so unexpected, comas from a disappointed
suitor of the lady, who, in dispair nt his
rejection some years ago, wanderod away to
South America, and made a fortuno there.
'" Aooirr Evk.v. A temprnnce lecturer,
disoAnting on the essential and purifying
qualities of cold water, remarked, as a
knock-down argument, that wlter. the
world became so corrupt that the Lord
could do nothing with il he was obliged to
give it a thorough sousing with cold wa
ter." vYes," replied a waor. "but it killed
every darned crittor on the fuco of tho
Hill-" I- I. . . ,:
Dkatu of a Hack IIorsk. -The fa
mous racer Ilotiry Perntt, which it is said
had made the fastest milo on record, fell
doad a few days Ago, just aftcA winning a
our mile raoeon the Nashville course.
B. M. llfOl.S()!.ierhnnt Tailor,
, Has Just ripened a bosullful assorlinenl of
, . Cloths, Caaalmcrra nnd Veallnga,
All of which ha iMsnsolucteJ wlUi great care, and
with apaclnl reference to the wants a.id tBsto of thai
cpnimuulty, and which lis I, prepared to mauufactur.
l.fesl style Jl ,'Afl his work will bo warranted !
Ha Is also uotr aiaiiufaeturtng every variety uf
which ha will AKI.I, AA LOW is the same minlltv of
Goods and work can he purchased nt any other estah
lishment. Ills Clothing Is manufactured under Ills
awn snpsrvlalon, and Is consernently supurlor to that
ahlch I brought from other places.
The nubile are respectfully sollcllcf In cnll nnd ex
amine hi. Htock; and whllotliaiikfnl for tho llb iml
patrunugeh. has enjoyed, hs assures Ills old cuslo
nieraend others, that (,. win Ichor lo give gouoral
aattsfsstion both In the analHyand price" fhl good,
and work. u. y TH)11 wfa,
Amanda, October ti, 1PM, ' ; 351
fXxllB kndorslgiied hasopanad In Ilia Whit. Build
,hich h. ...r, lh. rw,$rr
Uneastcf, OctoharlJ.iejS-ojt '. - "l
T WILL sell FOUR of the most beautiful and vai'n.bi.
llots In th. City, eonul.ilug W f, ,,o,?t Ih. 0?
aRoot 1,0 feel deep, sllnsted en Columbus Street tm
madiataly Aorth of the U.v, John Wagen.,1. S
bounded oy Allan Street, on Iho North ." (,,' i si
wil ' ontn ''""'t' " nlghe.1 looatlon it
. . . vw , w.ii inclosed.
curbed and pired with Gravel on Colambas Ht,
l"nieo IIIU DOUOOl I re OS, 1 0CT Will M gold
P"iely m k-e-hw.- friim w,niM.;w.'n7fr
tu hand aA the aiaruc ta na and iw. vonra alth
kitarosl. . y ... . . ' T. V. ,U HU K. Jon.
. . . ,, , . w..v.,.j --.real,
"wtst nrsHViLtEi'oiiio.
T Tf ...d '" ul.HsweitabliihidJ.T actual tea. That tbie pre-
nJ!SZi'mlnm wH atlly restore gr.J hair to H. natural
tire saw wall selected tock of Coeds consisting of J.,r. praiu.c )VI growth upon th. haada of
ttn Y GOODS.'' GROCERIES. lUia bafd. aravaiil the !Ur from fallkuv off. and. a baa
n ... kiv l..... . i,"niJu.
llata, np, BOIIItim DMU Bor
...d a raaeral rarietT of NOTIONS. wklrh lia will U ,
IU par rai:i oeiiw uuai 9110 roreasn or it aqulruleut
in auy kiml af Prodaor, and kabes br rtromift arten-
lioH tn bttaliius tu aiorh a ahara of public .patronage.
nciil mo j taiulne my KtocK ana prtcpt before
auyrnretoSrhere.. -
Woult) aUo Inform Ik adU that aha.la prepared for
AltlleuHry In all Iim Braarkea,
helm an aperpnrt4 hi.d, br kill Kuarnulre aalls
ijctiuntoall.. Waal iiljrllle, Oct. ltf, I Mi 3uj24
."J r. c. niETz
R RESPECT FULLY luformstbaeltl
aetia of FairDvlil comity thnlbe kaa
ruceutlypiit anew Carriage Shop,
3'"'-.t f""' "?' l-a"""' Oafa. wko
win ronnaniiy aoep on bnua and mniiulaclura
vehicle lu lil line.
ao aburt aojiie, nnd tho
Pec. 14, lfMW
II. F II A Pt K . '
U.AS Jniit rerclvad and 1 oponinir f"r Into Is the
city of Itaneniiier.'nn Main Htrect, at the well
known stand In Dr. Khuwk'e How, opposite George
Kauffmen'a Drugstore, a larve. now and splendid aa
sortmont of the most fashlonablo
which will bcoldatpreatbarff:i.1ns,asI amdntomilr.
ud 10 sell at the lowest figure for cash, lie most re
specifally solicits a reasonable share of public patron
nf-e, as I expect 10 continue In this pliire for yeara. tn
supply ne citizens lu tne richest ctoiiiiiiflr. All who
wtsii to niircliniecioiiiina 1 am suttsne-a will do wall to
give hlio a call, as I shall htcaableil wl11' the stork of
Guodsoii haml toirrnlify tho ttislo of tho most faiUd-
iotisdundy and imtchaitio down to Mia honest fnrin
ir. I shall bi enntiicii to rniiduct the business lu the
Giirmnn. FrciM-U and Enallh InnguaEO . ... .
Laocnstor, Juno SL, 85i- Jin". '
Frtiit nnd Ornnmentnl Trees, Ac.
RJ. BLACK would call lha attention of hit
. friends ami the public generally, to tho Sua
slof'k of PainTand Obkakkwi. Trbbs, Hiiubs, Vikcs,
die, which ho elfors fur sale Ike coming Fall, at his
Nursery, three miles cast of liremcn.
Ills stock consist, of JSipli, Ptar, (hoik stnndanl and
dwarf.) Qm'acs, Pitch, plum, Aprii,Jftclrint and
Crrir 7Vr": Ornpt Vint, Currant, (taalfkerritn,
Rntpbf.rrint, S;e. ; aud Oraaaisa.ai 2'res-.,sflidaaa4
and y.rtrgrttn.
Nniii but llie heit friilu. and well-grown trees,
will be snl out from the Nursery; and eery variety
Is KArranitti torrtct, h.wfng been propagated by the
prnprctor hliiuclf, or under his Immucllnlu direction,
. Xo trouble uor expense has been spared during the
is, six ypnrs in wnitiiiinciiio oosi rruita lu the ceo n
try, and a visit to tho Nursnry.nr an exninlnstlim nf
lhi Cululogiio. III show llial he kaaana tf tha Inest
oollectioiia of fruit in ( eiural Ohio.
Orders from persons who Hud itiiicnnrcnleiittovlsit
Ilia Nurtary will tti promptlv attended to. If address
ed to IN,! proprietor ut Hi; SH V ILLE, tJiiro. . i
. UjNcriptivo Cittiilogiios furiitshoil gratis.
The following gnutlemon are riforrod to;-R. W
CABI.UII.B. Grnoiitlelil township: Cn.ai.cs fla wi ,ni,
r.r., LaneaM r, Ohio; Da, .ors-a, llaltlinore, Ohio;
Rev. R. M. H.iuiiT. do. ,
KopleniborSO, iXti. tCtf
Tin suov&. roiiNDKy warcroodi
Jaiucs. jUc.Hauamy .
ITA VtNG estnhllsheri hiinsnlf In the mnnnfarliirlng
a b oi iiA.i urrr.K ami nnr.it r-i ( wake Hi
Oi,K'a Knililing.nnr lor Wttt oftht llaekinf VMt
osns. is propnrca i nirnisn me peopto at xiiis founiy
wltk ory thing that laav bo needed In his Hue. He
knnpson linnd every vurletyof COOKING and HEAT
ING STOVES for WOOD and COAL, consisting In part
oi lite siion Air I tgni. esiorn fciueon.
Trluin r-h. Buck. Presidents and Preference for Wand
and ifluck Diamond for Coul.- .Also Ploughs. Plongb
Shnrus, Hugnr Kettles A Hollow-ware. All of theabnva
articles will be sold as low ns ean bo bought elsewhere.
Ho Invites cltltsns geimrully to enll and examine his
stock. - .... JAMKH McMANAM V.
Si. H. Ilonsa-snniillng dr Jobbing duna nnon short no
tice. Old Copper. Hrass, Pew ter and Iron taken In ex
change for any of the above artlelea. i Mc.
ncastor, may 1, 1H54 - -
v . n opt.,.
UAlt J ul rftralrx-d mixl la now ononliijr a pjonerol
nitair.PtmAt.1 nf 1)11 V IwlklinM nfnvHrr vnrltalv
uaunlty found In Dry Goods trade, con at ".tliix In part of
Culicoa Prliitrt Lawns Ginghnmi-iy
Brown and Blfaclifd Mul.nt S,6dc .OnuarStieetinga
111 nek and Pnnry Urons Silks; Ujlanoi; Barug;
.lpuccaa diitii and Itifiircd;
l.iiion&ud Hltk Hnndkcrrhlofa and Croviitf-;
Hrtnufiri nd Hnnnut Hitihon: Cloths nnd rnalmareaf
flutlnrt-iind FIqiiiicU; Cheok(Ttck!ngB, and .
Mi-u's Summer Wnre of kind).
t-(rtlir With a rnrlntt nfnthr (nnda for F.adfea and
uentloman. All or which havt boon narT..a-Ml at
very low prUoi,lT will bo aold no mill) low tntC-4$H
If 1 9 Htoro will h round two doont weal oflnfl Ftilr-
iVId Oouniy Hnvlnff IriAtltuto and onpnaitu HhirflTur1!
Hotol, Lpucader, Ohio May 2-1, H3j5-3 ,
SOi, rmh Street, Clnclanail, Oio.
Mm. .T. A. lllDERSOnr,
ATE Mr. K. M. RICH. U )ut now ononlne a
Sinndld Stuck of nuw llonil Klbbous
rtnaarH riowrtt fr'enlla-ori.i 'i'rliiimiiitri
tSccanttiiMffwr tin HA IX THA HJSJto which aha wotlld
roiiioctriiUy Invltu tlia mtttio of nor ent9mr. Htir
t(H'k will ho ki.pt rt'nliU lUroupthout lUo Bonnoii, (hy
daily nrrlvuls frmn nuw York) with nil that la nuw nnd
hu'utlftil In Uor llnu oC bualuos,-and ut tho lowol
cash DrU'Ofl. t . . . .
-('ountry Murchdiita and Mllllnori will Hod It to their
JidvanloKu to look ttinrtiffh hnr Wholoaulo DupurtiuuiU
oior iJttrciiiwiitir enownoro. -
Mra. J. A. HK-XDKHHON, -,.
9U, Ptrihfitroot, bolwann Klin nnd Plum KlreeU.
CUtuUiiiutl.HoptfliubttrtlU, 1Hjj JO .
zwnsvir.i.F. it a 1 1, no a i,
(Hiiiidnysexcvpti'ilt) t ;
firsi 'IVfiia loiivOstMiiclnnntl stGA. M., arrtrlngal
Uncoa(..rutll JO A. M.udat New Leilngloii nt 14 40
r, .,1.
Huturning, leaves New Lexington nt 1 3.1 P. M. and
Lancaster ulssJ P. M.i nrrl ving at Cliiclnnll ntn.m P.M.
Kreiml Train leaves Cincinnati at 4 P. M. arriving at
Lancaster ntU.SO P M,
Itxtiirnlng leaves Lancaster t 5.40 A. M. arriving
alCliic.luuntiat II.1H A. M. ,
Trains stop for passengers nl nil liiterinedlnle points
nnti caniuct wuniniins on i.iiiio oiinnn hobo pjr t o
luinbna. Ilallon, Hlllsbnrouiih and I'hllllcolhe.
Wtngit Ittioa -connect nt Olrel ivllln for Chllllcothe
and Columhtia, at lauicnslue for Logan, riulsonvtllo
Athena, nnd Poiiivrnr,and at Now Lexington for Horn
erset and gnuesvlllu, arriving at Aanesvtll. In llino
for baaloriitrnlnsou Cenirnl Ohio Hallrnad.
Forothorttiforiiiulloiiaud tickets, ntinly at Ticket Of.
(ce, corner of Urnadway and FmutstreetB, knd at the
Lltllo Mlninl lcpot,iirtnllioNtntlon Agent, on llie line
a 'J. Mc. L. riTAUGH'I'ON,
. . , i'.ugineorund Niipartiitonilanl. .
' Tl"7,rh-nmpnnr will not io responsible for bug
gagu oxcaeillng (.lOiu value, unless the same ho ro
tnrnad to the Coiiilmioror Agent, iuid freight paid al
the rat of a passage forevery f JOOln viilue nhnve that
union o 1. ; , . . 1 august jo, tna.i
AMI-MajHTHrl llflMMnil.U vasniilllK-asMI
tiricvf-31-1 biibiisi:, ni'tmcEtaiit
OFI'lCi; IrV CArxCAATEn, ,
.WiLLIADI HllLNtU, Agrat. -
r1IIK flnmpany hnva recently changod the location
a 01 inoir umee ns unovo. messengers reave Lan
ni.iiTTiisii, .r riiio i,r i'i " 0. nun nvia,
nmirilliig the best fncllillvs for tho uroinrt. snfe nnd
...,.11. .. 'r I . . . u, - m i-tt n 1
cheap eonveyonce of parcels nnd freight tn ill points
Kasiaiin west, also for me collection nl notes, Krafts,
accounts, arm lormaBing siurchaeea or tne execution
nf Commissions generally.
Hiicclul eonlrans Air the carriage nf large qtianlllloa
01 treiijui will do maue. ,
yii.i,i.i 11 m..t r.n, Local Agent,
" THO.VfJH O'NKAL, -0''er-Uucaster,
august S3, lfSS 18 ' " ,-
Tl'HT oponsd on Main Street, lie
pnilte lleber, Kutx dt Co'. l)ry
- AND ... ,
all of which will be .old low .h.u..).
and retail. Merchants and the nuhlle sr.
-respectfully solicited to call and Oxsinlno
WIS stack. U tafltll and m1nm..I -
Window Glass i.lmn.t .11 .l.n.r,n V , a
bv40.. .. . . WILLMM DTgWAHT.'
Lanenstef.aprll W. 1RW 9 , ., , . . .
tc.BiiTcn, .V".-.'.;":::-?,1
frirotJI.D nspsetmily Inform th.
CUiaotiaor Laneastae and vlclnl.
Jy. thMho hnaopeneda Shop In Mar
,n, ifjpw, where heli prepared lo re
palrnTI kinds of Wntchej Cloe.lts and
Tr-s ,n . w"i neainrsawnoorsTHttck.
JlTAUvrork-i-Tirraritcdvi prnrtn -writ. J "
oil' ;..
':-. t
THK fxaratlor ltkufh tt-am than 4we fxa fee
(ore Ui fttbtivu ewtarW ttt vxjterfxrt tfecte apoe
lh haven tiuir and scalp, baa atroAilv o but-tied a cele-
oniji ftiHi aai peneauy inittruwioa. 11 mmm wuuoui
lite urdtiuirij appliaucetfo-r such puip'ee,wnit rt aytJk
been beartHy vvtcouied to iKHtuf liw clttvaimd town
Mt-ttaa Uatted KUWe. the CHwUamiMith Wbat IrwHa
Wa4a aaUt artlr., prodaoaa a tonrlaaat flow of.
and wavj, delr'yadiriia04ul tua atalp. aud xp
'" aan.iKaiaaoi anuiiniMM muinni
aitd lad lot. la vcry tMri-vfUie couatrv. wiio aav trt
ed it, and ibwripTorti ipeak what tiy knw, most fully
anaai. mm-agi prpruM f uiUKenrauva iiroaair
can fc made n rvum tla nam ml color to a 1 0101 amy
aarflaltottod ti hamanity, by rumorltii th nu of
diataa from lU sea Invito tuiiUrrof bow laAfc standing
- in eoncttrroitt liMUuiauiau ni .no rroaa. mum tao cer
tiOcatea of tho itumerooa Tospr-rtatfiS ttrftr .duals of
both Mxtaini u doubt. tUrvvtara eontaiuinc fu4l ;
pankuUra rvlativo to rtecaniUraaa wall aa rvcm
uivudationa of oditora, aud rertiavalva bufore alludcfl
to.caa bahad olali U-aguu. ...
BaooxriKLBL, Maaa., Janaary 19, lPiO Prof. Yod
Doar Sir: Having ntaila a trial of your Hnir Keatora
tiTtt,lt triraa ra plaaaura toaay tbatlta affect haBbeu
xvuUaiit in removing litflaiuuiJttlon. dandruff, and a
eonttant tendency to hchfnp. with which I have been
troubled from childhood, dc has iilao roatored uy hair,
which waabxtemiiiua; gray, to Its original color. J have
waad nootherartlrle with anything Ilka tLo ploraura
ad profit. . Yours truly, J. K. BRAGG
, r KaitorofUio Orthodox Cuuri'h. flrooLUol.l.
Hr. Lonia, March 7, 1S54- Prof. Wood Dear SIrt
My hair comtueuccd rullmr o if so mo three or four
tear sinco. anil continued to do so until I became
I qui lo bald. I tried all tho popular remedlei of tho
day, but to no effort. AI laal 4 was induced to try your
co.oDraicd Hair Keslorative, and am very happy to
aay it it d-dng wonders. 1 hare now a flue growth nf
young hnlr, and cheerfully recommend it uWo to all
similarly afliicted. A. C. Williamson, 1332d street. .
0i.tLait, 111., June 9ft, 1 have Died Prof. O.
J.Wood's Hulr Kriaori.iiTe, mtd have admired Its
wonderful effei-U. M) hairwaa becnmlng.as I thoaght,
ttroiuaturely gray, hut by the use of hla Keatorntlve It
baa rcaumod its original color, and have no doubt per
manently so. 8. tit a. me, Kx-Senator, United States.
114Market8tret, Kt. Louis, Mo., March 8, 1P55.
Dear Sir: I am doing an extensive tra villi, the Wet
and httuih Tr extern states aa a Gouernl Agent for
AdnmV Amerteun tlidment, and would be glad If you
would favor ine with a consignment of Prof. Wood's
Hair Kcstorntlva.as I feel assured that lean Introduco
It In many places where It la not known, as my own
head Ut a living testimony of Its valuable, properties.
In restoring hair to Its natuial color. I am forty years
aid, and my hair waa at in oat white, hut after nlng
three hnlf-plnl bottles my hnlr Is as beautiful auburn
as It was ut eighteen, nnd much Improved In appear
mice, and I would not be without a bottle on hand for
the price or ton. 1 should be glnd to attend to any
itiHttorUint Is connected with the Hair Kostoratlve. 1
have been Tor thirteen yeara engaged In tho same bu
stiipftf-and will bo glad to hear from you soon ly ad
drnsjt Is ParU, Tennessee. 1
Very rupotftilly. . W.M. B DROOME.
TtT Prepared and aold nt 114 market Street, be
tween 4th and 5th streets, St. Louis, Missouri, and 310
Broadway, New Vrk,
Hold Wholosnle and ttetnH nt Proprietor prlros,
Ht J. D. PAKK,Cinetnnati,
And K AUFFMAN & Co.. Lancaster, Ohio.
October 4, If 35 ljs
IWILIjsellatprlvMossle my Bern township Farm,
situate 8j miles South of l.uucastur, cuntalulii
anoui nix tinnarpa ' acres, a
bout iieo Acres of FIKST CLASS Hocking
bottom, mid the residue fair hill and un-
luml, well limbered, and watorcd by novor fuilinj
nprings. . ?
About SEVENTY-THREE Acrcsnfthe Unttomlnild
lies to the Kasl of the Hocking Valley Cnnnl. and may
he sold separately If delroil; but tho premises are
connected nya good prlvnle Cnnnl bridge. and togeth
er win uiBBa one vt tho Deal tiocc larms in ucn-.i
trsl Ohio.
Th' whole of the Hottom I.snd At nhontSO acres of
tho Lund are :ndor cutilvatlou. The entire nremUes
urn rticlosod with aubstjiiillul now fence and the House,
unrn. uriuieries, die. are gooil.
Hones-Ion will bo given in liuiofor putting out
Fall crop.
it con tie arranged ir desired. In rotttln Iho larger
part of tho purchase money for a term of years at 7
per cant Interest.
ror run iiirormattnn or to the price, terms t?r pay
ment, 4c. apply to Win. Hnrtlett. Kni. on tho premi
ses, or to P. H. Rwlg.tortlio subscriber nll.nncBKler.
July 19, 18M lllf T. EVVJNG.
Cheaper than ever before Offered
"sTAA lntr.1v nili-cliflMeil r.oi P Rnna 1,1. Ii.
iely purchased from P. Bopehls Intor.st In
aril urnro business, nnd In nddillnn lo his al
Bine nam urnro business, nnd III addition lo his al
ruady large stock. Is now duilv rdtieivl:iir. diraet from
ruady iarg
the Mnnuatturer and ma.rfsrs. a lurgu punhnso of
new goods, which will make his stock nf Hardware one
of the most extensive to be found lu this market, ills
fncllltiosfor purchasing and arrangements with Manu
facturers, which aro equal to any, will enable him to
offer all doscrlpllong of Hani ware, at lowr prim than
aaysrasrssrasfissnirar. I ne attention or Firmxrs
and Mechsmics Is Invited to the extraordinary ludece-
nientsnnw held out tnthein In Iho way of grent bar
gain- f.tlly stitisflod that If they consult Iholr own In
terest they will bo certain to call nnd exnmlnu his pri
ces before purchasing ulson hern. By closo intention
lo business, and by constantly keeping on hand a full
aud complete assortinuiitiinrl lha host goods, he hopes
toscicuro alnrge shnre oftlio palrouage of the I'uriuerr
and Mechnnics of the county.
April no, inas .
niiiray nnd C!arrlutre IviaKcra
WILL Hurl, at lha As Iluriiwan Start, opposlto
the TaUmndet 7ouss. nno nfthelnrgestand hcsl
solaclod stock of Trimmings cvor oponed In Ihlsmar-
tin. i.oiisi.-iingin part oi . k
100 Pieent Knaml'd Onek nnd Canvass,
. 13 11 Fuitc.y rotored do.' I,, ,.
SO ' " nil Wool nnd union Pnmn.-kt .
60 Hides patsut and Kiinm ld Lenlhor, I
Brass und silver Plutod Hand-., Top Props, ,
1 Htump Joints, Laces, riprlnrr. AeN, etc.
Lancaster April HO, loj-ft . JOHN GFFINOKK.
TOH.N KFFINfrKR would Invito the attention of t.'or-
.1 ptnftrtnnH itonft BttUtttm to his largo stock of
llouso bullllliig innl.rluls. . T hav will tlnd eonslnntlv
oiihtiiul.tlij bust Jiiulnla Nulls, I Spikes nnd Brads; -
. Tho most approved Door Locks and Lutehos;
Window Glass mid Snsh of all sixes; '
Cnncklln nnd Wood's Pure Whilo Lend ind Oil;
t iioor usi anno is is, c nop ningis, nous, etc.
Those nhotil building will tie eurtuiti tn suvo innnev
hy nxniiiinliig my pricos before p,trchaalng olsewhoro
April ot, ina-t, . - . '
ITIorlinnlc'H Toola.
SCITF.Dtonlt Irndesnnil orilih most approved mako
Hulcher's Cast Hteel, Klrnier and Nnckel'iOniigos,
tpeiir nnd Jnck inn's C.n-t and Sprlug Stool Maws, '
lliiteher's Oonhleand Slnglo Piano Irons,
Ohio Tool tympany Planes,. , ..
Mnsonsnnd PliistersTrowls, ' 1 "
I ooper's Drawing knives, etc., for ""la cbenn hv
April 50, IH4.
Oil las, ' !,. V.ln.wnw.l.
i I 'J ! iaWMH mcurns In .1 ! J ,
,. (.rocerics, Qitpi'rtswnrr, lints, Capf, '
aoassvs.nooTa, annus, wsi.i. rtra tan sosor.aiso,
WOULD respcririillyluvlle Iho attention ofovorj
budy In hlr Inrguuud well assorted slock ol
whlchhavobean selected wllh care, and will bn ti Id
ino luwosicutn prices. . Ma) 3, Ir.SS-M
Clncinnntl, Ohio. ; '
f rllie undersigned, having nraln assnma.1 tha m.n
JL ngomonliif this well known eslabllshmant, begs
luliye lo any to Uioso who visit Cincinnati, either for
oiisiuossor piuiisuro,iiiat inoy will and Ih. Hmadwnv
Hotul nno of
f the iitoal couvauieut and desirable eton-
ping places In the i lly.
Itl.onnvcinlo.il In the Hall Road Office and Depot,
and tho Public Landing; more so than any other Hotel
In Cincinnati .and is within m rw h...niM w.ti, nr n..
Pod Oltleu'tho principle Business loralillos, aud the
I',vmi,fi ruiiiio , niusuinoni
All exlnnslre rnuir.iof llollilng Rooms and a Bar
ber's Shop will ho found In the Building.
This house has nil th. cumforls and eonrenlenee
Hint ran he found In any Oral elm, Hotel in III. West.
The whole establish iiiont hat Juat been thoroughly
overhauled, renovated mid re-furnished, and llie
Proprietor fools assured that those who mnkn hit
his bouse their home during tholr stay In the City,
will hive no renson to eomplnln either of hl-arcom-tuocatlons
or his charges. JoSKPnh. C ROM WELL.
" Alfred McVeigh," " V1- '
sTToaxav abb rovas.Li.a st Law, ji rrici r
I,aneater( Ohio,
WILL give attention to flio purchasing nndsotllcr
of Real Estate, also, to th. iirocjirlnr or
slontand Boanty Lands.' I , , !'
OFFICK-Jn tha Brick Block, nearly opposh. ; .
Hocking Vulloy Bank. .. inn) 10 lt54
IIAiJutt received at the City nook Store
Gilt Moulding for Plctore Frames,
such as Chcnlol, worsted, working Cotton, ainbrolder
Ing silk, sawing silk, spool cotton. Tape, buttons, Ate
iaMinirt adytiat IVu. IttSn ' " : : ! .V
.A I A A.' - ' 1 ' ' 1
r I..,, ran nu.i .i,iui.iv ins .luvs.
BREAD! ;j3READ!l .: BREAD!!!
!"- AlvtrEaV BEF.KT "''T ;'.,., .
W0PLD rotpetfun announce lo th cltlxons of
Lancaster dt vicinity, that hu hoscoinnienccd the
llread, tUshtHnak V Cracker RaJtlar
In e.nneotlou with his formor baking, drls now prepared
.- '.'TO Fl'I!I9H fAMIMEJ
with every thing Vn (h. tibovs 11 u. Having la kit era
piny the best ofuskers, h. facia couhMont thai be aa
Blensc all who tnny favor him wllh a ealL -
1 TT7CaU sllusRiova on'MalitStrcct. nnd also at hli
rike-uons., corner of ColpnibuteX.Mnlbvrrx; ttroelt,
- ,.i,uw,.irr,i7 ip, ic,,, n- : . ..:, .
colo.h bus, ohio: ' ' "
TKIBUTION., The pruprictuntakcfrcalpleas
are In an bouncing to the citizens ot the Vl ion, that i.
coaseaaac of the, grvat satisfaction asanlfaaied by
the ikket-hvldere of their first great Uisuibbiiuu.anU
the inanythousrm aollcttattotis from all liiMsnfllie
country, in relation to w hether Ihey lull i.d ratUii(
upaaother Dlstrlbativu of Gifts for Iho people, they
haw, after aa Imruense outlay, been enabled fo orjoe
totbair tbaaiMls of pairoua the vllowlng vslon
hie. magnificent, and unprecedented HKIU IANT
SCHEMK, to ka allstrllHiIrd as soon as the Suu.uUH
Beautiful Bngratings of ike Cariloi.of Ohio ara dis
tributed anioug their Patrons. The price of tho Kn
graving la bnl Ous Dollar, bus) ssa psrlorornsmeiilH
cannos uo vurpassea, . v- i
Reaw attentively the foMoa lrglUI of he nntifulsnd
costly Gifts, atkirk wUI beaatisfnctorlly dlslribalcilby
a committee of teu.aelectadnne from each htatawhera
trielargcsl nnnibernfsahsrrlhcrs are nhtslncd:
1 ila., IS Oil 10 . it . A.IWU
I as ' .do ' ' O.UIit.
1 Fonr-arnry Brick Dwelling and Lot, In Co
lumbus. Ohio 6.560
1 do do ' -do do : 6,50
1 Beautiful resldcac. In the town of Mount
Vernon . i,500
1 Two-Ktory firlt Tiulhlirrpln Clillllrotli. S.SfiO
1 Brick Cottage and Loliu Columbus ., .- 3,titiU
1 do do do , 3.(100
1. Frame da ; . 'Jo-" do SiC
1 Hnndsome Country RcsWeoceki Scgo.
j Perry county,- Ohio 1,300
4 Splendid building this fa Tolutiikha, St
10. , do ' do do 1 JCe lA.nco
4 do do Cleveland s
1 Grand Action Piano (Chlckerlng's)
f 1 Gold Watch, set with Dlo:ouds .
( Gold Welches, si 5f0each
10 Rosewood Pianos, al
10 do .. do at. 4(0 " -'
10 do do at 3,0 :
to Cold Watches, at a 150
, 100 , do , at jno -I ,
100 do ' at IS
100 do- ' ! t 40 ' '
. 3C0 Pllvor .do at SO ., ! '
400 do do-' it is
4000 Udlct'Gold Brenst Pins, si 4 '
SII0 ' do Hrncha Shawls, at AV3 "
500 do Silk Dress Patterns, at J.O
O00 Gold Pencil, at J
101100 Gold Pens, with Hilver Cases, al t ,
SOO00 Gold Rlugs,atgl.50caih
yilif4 do at I.COeach '-' ,
i 2,500
. , s.ooo
, . 3,nen
- o.otn
,- 700
' 4,000
; s.ooo
. I0.0C0
' 1.5,(100
Every purchoserof the splendid large Lithographic
. ., L w epTiiiiceio oi .iiomnorabip
entitling them to a chance In tho above list or valua
bio nnd costly Gifts for llie. People. The Engravings
can be sent by mail (without being damaged,) to any
jj-rB Lome I I rat Served. QI
Personswlshlngtoartna Agents for us will plcaso
ml a roroniniondntlnn slr-ned I v the Pn.in...,.
some other Influeutial and w ell known person In lha
place where they reside. "
To those persons who hnro been actingns Agenlsfor
nsln our former lll-lributlon, this la not rcuiiired ,
All orders with the money enclosed, free of postage
will meet with prompt attention. , . , ... . b
H. flnrdtr lo pmtnt mitlnltt, optmlt ami otkerl
trontmitliuf montf lout will plonto knit, it ttnlei in
thtprtsrner of tht i'ottmaaler, anil tit amount inter
tdontmt warn Hit.
We prepay all our loiters, clrenlnra. die., tn onr
agenlsmid correspondents, and e.vpecl thetu to-dotho
same with us.
ITPAgents wanted In evoi-y town, whom Vr -will
rurnlsh wllh posters, circulnrs. schedules, instructions,
arc on application at ourorHce, or bv mall post paid.
For further particulars sco descriptive hills, ore,, or
enquire at oltlce, No.5. Wnlentf s Rlock, Town Street.
Columbus. Ohio. BURNKI.L dc CO., Pcmrletors
jrnrch S".M'..fo.U,l..,.
Family (.rocerlca.Quoenaware, Arc, Ac.
JKILX 0. IJARBHNCIION hnsWnme proprietor,
by purchase, of the Grocery Htoro of H. B. Hunter
Co., to whl( h he bnsjtiat addod a large and superfine
. V., '""' c".r,e,uowarnviiiganrt to arrive
from ( Incliiiintl, and other mans. . in making his pur-
i i nsc ne nns una in view tne acrnmniodation of his
friends and dlscriiiintliig public, for nil seasons. He
coinmenils to their attention, among other ankles at
prlcesthntcannotfulltogivcsntisfuctlon. '
A-i,cci.iiu.-,ii(iP.ftofulII(lnil,riir fnuilllos and
Darties. - J , .... .
Candiet, Tnrragonl'a Almonds, English Wulujts and
wiu.,,1.11 ..III, riKH .llll liniV.,, I ' r.
Jtllitt,im Oulalinefor Jellies, Prunes.eVe. -
Of I'anills Groceries he will only mention Phil. p.
iiereanniierusni'noiitiAK.flaw Orlonns do., TKAH.
Klo nnd Java C.OFFKF., 8plcos, Molnssus, Golden Bvr'
up, French Choeolnio, Miishrnon Wnliiuts, Tomato
(atsup.a splendid lot of r.ngUtk Mara Csmm, and
other articles to numerous lo put down hero, .
o.o.oi.rtei,ui-o, Liquors, nrnnriy for tho sick and
i vVn.V.,'?. i h ' a ".' "'"""ibtand chewhii
lOIIACf O, Powderand Sliolforlht(portsninii. .
no win aeep on Hand a Variety nfPnintt, yt-nitk
.,rum ,,i n,nn u ntn llll lUCIIirC lOrtllO rndO, '
Ant least, ii Inrge and full assnrtmoni or n
Kartkcn rart.trentk warrant Knrliik Glattwart. al
so, Ifoailtn tsars, r4s, Hurkttt, fie.
V rllehopesioolitainariiirshairofthppublle fnvor
,:, ,('"' " ""- ior sua appronnttnn
and nnlrnnsgo of his friends. Having been compelled
tn rel nquNi his former business ns injurious to henlth,
hewlllniakoariilrlrlnlnrthls.toaeoif It will not front
hisnurae.ns well nshlshoalih. . If u,o .r,.i...,
which ho will devote hi. undivided attention) docs not
v , i, irn.is, io serve ine puoiic In
C: JJ5 X?J'i' Pf'Tiffd to fu rnlsh all kinds nf STKA M
r.KiSGlISriB, upon short tiotlco and nt Clncliiiiiitl
ami l'tttsbiirg prices.. - ; -
Also, nil kinds of Mill Gearlnir. Hol.iln. k....
Regulating r'creao, Jack Kerens; Fuller's Screws and
Mill Spindles of rsl Iron or wrought.
Jialeaniid lirlvors. Ac. e.
Hu will also furnish the PA IIKEK WIIF.F.L to suit
any head ofwnter. nnd with oithorlron or wood shaft.
Also tho ATklNSON WHEKL nt upas nhnvo; Tho
putont on tho Pucker Wheel has expired und conse
pienll) the con be had mncli rhonper. -
Ho nln continues to mako IIKVOL'S THRASHING
.MACHl.NKS.and keeps a lot constantly on hand; war-
Hli. IIU irum III , r . f
Alllhouliove articles will he n-.cdo with Pspeclel care
.nxl by the host work mon, ond will ho mirrunteil. .
All kinds of repnliiiigdone upon llie Shortest notice.
tie also keeps constnnlly on hunil, ALL KINDS OF
CASTINGS, usually kupl In u Foundry. Ho has com
pleted hisfronl shop, so Hint those who cull ran exam
ine his work, i .
I 10 Known n II ii I tv nrtlie mnrh i nnn n ll.l.
isnnientinr ninny years,pnst,ls the best giiarranteethat
in Him, inu suuscriuer in labor lo desire the put
mnngnnf the public. He invltesuxuminatlnn.
. Lancaster, May 10, lrifi4w - G. UKVOI,.'
flIIKundersr-netresportfnll)- advortltea the puh
I. Ilrlhalhe lirison hand for sale, on reasonable turau
for cash, n corny im assortment of . ..,
! Freahnnd Well Selected iWodlcino,
xompnsingeven-snirfs ouittrmirat. derived from the
Y'Klablt,Mintrnlnil Animal Kingdoms, and used In
Jlllopntkic, Hitrtpml kit, JCe'ssfrcssd Jfsjasicprarllci).
i iieiis-orinioiiiombracsnllllioZA-nirfs,JsjiBei'd,
Alrokolunna' .1fHeon ErtTtctt.lrc. Irr.
His slock or.Surgleuiriialritmoutslsnfthebostquality.
A l-'till Stock o( Iiiinily Groecrifs,
Frenrhand American Perfumery in grent variety.
Havana and common Hegnrs, Chawing and Bninklng
Tohncco: best quality of Wines, Brandies. oic.,niilivo
nnd imported, for modlclnnl use; strong t'ldor Vinegar.
Window Glass and Glass Warn, togethor with nil the
popular patent medicines, and an onJIess vorlety of
..... ..riiuiuviiini silo IISOIUI, t
Physicians preacrlplloiispiit up with greater, by a
v,. miiuiv , n ii,i v rurieiicuu .1 1 S tenser,
...'; m. z. krridbr;
Oet.80,1H,14 ' JV. 100, Main Slrttl, l.ancnntir
jiiusici Munich
'4 ill turned tn Lnncnstur.iiud will he bun
I I lliv to roeolvd nnnll. fop ln.i.ir,il.. ih.
ANO FORTE and (.llli'Ali i il.nl. .i.i...... ...
r.i arrcsr. jrortk of Main Sirttt, In tkt komt former
loorcnnitdktJokn HT. ITuMr.inilhn...iil,.l.l....
porleucein leaching music, nnd tho iinretnlttlng utlnn
lion paid to tho Improv.manl of their Pupils will lusur.
a portion of public pnlronage.
M ISS A. C. I)E IIKHTHOLTwIll receive a class for
i.ii,..M.i,i,.rj ami i nnvass work.
MISS.M. G. DK HKUI'IIDl.T h.. 4,-1,.
mei'!',i"-,ry ?rhol the Basement Story of tho Frdsco
" May 1, 18551
MAS Jusl received his SPRING and SUMMER
ply of II ATS at CA PS at hi. old stand, oppmnUttl
mmilf .., .War. sirttt. I ns;. u
"- ""en sotecteii with earo and embrace
n'r9f7 r9tr ' iiau cob
ii la Ac Cape, yar-saj,
Molskln, No, 1 FT
iw and Leghorn """a.
inoitioing vvniio Hon
. . J. ' iran aitiw uxru iitr ril
ana at i;hhmniui p.iui c. i .
' w,Jr" ""!' chlldron. Pnlm Leaf. from lSi lo
J7. AlsoMensn.l Boy's Purand Wool'Knssitth Hats.
Itnt-l as ts. 4 sT" k 1 1 .1 I? ... ... . . . .
............ v .. .... ,,,. ,, , nnis, wntcn will po sold al
the lowest pricos. Ughnrn Hats washed and bleacher'
me norien nonce. Do n't forget the plnce.
.MayA, 18..4. . . jj, SMAI.I.EY
Stngemen and all who have a good Ilorac,
ii o k mi n Ti i
IJENNE1 f GARRETT roapeotfully reminds
ar fit-" -" nanimoriiig away on
r ."4 ''' CitffLnntntttr, where he
V Is alwnvt on hand to i.,iirtr.iAd hn..,.
' Anexperionce nf nearlv sn v...M a,.A nr
.mucii, insirurttnri ornnemlnelit veterina
ry Stirgeon.onaliluahlm to eonfldentlv undoruikothe
most dlffleult Casoi. In SHOKlNf. hehol.lsklm.olf
aeconu vo none. . .
-v Ills reputation Is now so well known that hor
firn sea ore sunt to him to ba shod from most of n.
U 'llnelghbnrlngcltlesand towns. His Shoeing Shop
or neiay win ever occur. BKSNlvrT GARRETT.,
iBncBsier.Angnstw, 1P.14 I'lnilO -'
T WILL toll Lot NO. 71 In Carnantov'a Ad.llllnB In
AlheCltyoflrfincnster, being the Lot directly oppo
.lolho residence of William M. Klnkead, Esq.
1 hit 11 la largo nod eligibly located, being one -of
tne corner I.OIS in trio nrlolr.nl fTsrnonler Pl.t nn.l
sltantsd an th.SnnlhwestcorneroT Winding and Per
ry ntreeis.neeruia v;. yv,, ii. K, K. irtpol. ierrni
v. im ,,,1-j Himuieu. nnniuro ot
nsulrirt. iirRinx.,
,,.':m. -.a.
l,ansastwvMay 1
-Git.tinu xv uievr aov
A I the GBMH.omcc,
t! ' '
;-:-, - j f. 1 1
. 1 VTITt s rl . TTT -sr -a
i t. A Y If K 'N.JFI I l
" -- a-V kj -a- J..BUaVI4K .
OOOO BliDlClNTJalt laertiaiated that ArttV'
--" I M KLTul II. anb I 1-ryilTlC riLshAl UllH IIUIIU s
i are to fMnoto tfe tpnldtr henlth, than nj',otmr1
aneraus.. There cau be noiiuoslioa iliateh Ch.rry
Pectoral has by lie thousand on thousand etires of
are, very much reduced the proportion ofdeaths from
consumptive diseases I u this rouutry. Tho Pills ar.
as good ss tho Pectoral- aud will euro more com
plaints, . . . . ; .-.. -.
Everybody needs more or less purging. Purge th.
blood from Its Impurities. Purge the bowels. Liver
and the whole visceral svstein from obstructions,
Purge out th dlaoaaetwhlrb fasten on the body, to
work its decay. But for diseases wo should die only
nf old ago. Fak antidotes early and thrust it from
the system, before II Is yot too strong to. yield.
Ayer's Pills do thrust out disease, not only while It
Is wouk bnl. w hen it has taken a strong hold. Rend
the astounding alataiacnts ortkosa who have been eur
ed by them from dreadful Scrofula, llropsy, Uleors,
.Sliiu Disease.. Rheumatism. Neuralgia. Dyspepsia,
llilernul Paliia,lllllinus Couiplaiuts, Uourlbum.lleaji.
acha. Gout, and aisny less dangerous but still thresl
ciiing allmenu. such as pimples on thefaeo. Worms,
Norvous Irritability, Loss of appetite, Irrcgnlarltles,
Dlztliiossln the betid, Colds, Fovora, Dyaoutorv and
Indeed every vnrletv of complaints for which a Pur
psllv. Romody Is required. .
These are no random statements, but aro authenti
cated by j oar owa, neighbor, aadjour owa Physi
cians.' . '
Try them once, and you will never bo without Ibem.
Prtrc 85 cents per Bex J Boxes for A1,0U. '
. Prepared by Dr.,J. 43. AVER. Chemist. Lowell, Ms.,
and sold bv F. Eckstuin, Ciiieinuiiti; Kauntuaii dc Co.,
and M.Z. Krelcler, lncastert O. F. Hamlin.Oaklaiid;
E. Kalb. Rushvillo, and bv all Ik-Mars in Medicine er
ry where. ; . fieptember S, Ifij Sin 18.
HIESH Attlil ViriT4jMOCEil
- ' ..r . AT TUB '
On t Door Eaofof tkt locking fnllt) Hnnk, Sontk U
- Main gtrtti, Lmneatttr, Ohio. '
TJ ESPECTFIII.LY solicit. :he attention ofhls Mend,
XV and tiistomer. and all Ihrd may want Groceries
and who will be so kind .is loyiv liiin a call, both from
the city and country, to my stiHirlnr nnd romidvte stock.
or Grocorie.)ut received, ciubracjiig lu part tuu fol
lowing articles: i ..'' ...
j.tv.i nnn i(i(.r tut- r cis, rouu, nison,
?fl Black and Imperial TF.AS; New Orleans Snsar,
' lfl 1 - r i.... .1 .1 unuUAt..j. III..., A.n.UI,
ll-XrH WJSI, ,.,11-U W, Will, , lll,U(IK. II, ,!,, ,
ttfiitD Svnm. S. 11. Svrnn. S. H. Moln-.ses. N. Orle.-nti
do., Oranges. Lemons, Ruisinns., Figs. I'ruln, Almonds,
rocous. riioeri",!. iho .,iiisur.n ortu iii,i,in i uci.
Dried T.nruej and Cluelunnli Cured Uuni-,' J-jigllsh
Dolrv Cheese nnd W. R. Cream do..t Spice. Cinnamon,
Cloves. Nutmegs, Muco, Alspiee. Pepper and Ginger,
Sal Soda, Cr. Tartar. S;ilrenits, Starch, Sultpetor, Ext.
Logwood, indigo, Manner, aiuiii, etc., etc. -finop,
Candles, Tubs, Buckuta, Brooms, Wash Cords,
Baskets, etc., etc. , i" ";
A tlno lot of Chewing Tobacco, also Suiokltig do. nnd
Cigars; Wines and Walker's Bin-ton Palo Ale. a gesir-
ul stock of Notions, Toys, and great ninny other articles.
f.Ia 1. l.-jt. ii. a. ur.nBi.rius.
Pleadinxl' Prnrtioa utidpr the Civil Code.
IT w ill form avolumoof about 700 pagi'sRvo,,brau
tlftilly printed aud neatly and flnnly bound In law
In addition tt brief TfLMtlso!! on th vnrloiM nrovi-
ion of for nit of ptituniA, answom, entries for Clork.-
returns fur Minnie, vc. J ho wrirK will show what
change! have hm-n produed by tha Co-do. Tho pre
eitdentif for petition: and answers tiro "noilraw ii aa to
iteiitiee out or tnu t-ast's a eioaranu real iue, anout
which nil will he agreed as to its meaning. The forms
of entries and return) will render tho work especially
utMtful to county officer, aa well aa to tho profession.
Hurhawork ha long been a drtldctrntnm: jiu book
having yet appeared upon tho subject since the enact
merit of tht! New (.ode. , r
It will shortly be pnlliahfd hr
, t ,; ,; ,11. VV. UiijIDVa Cincinnati.
' StvnnVi Now Troatlne
THK PEACE ETC I T0l. Sro. . ' :
!,N divan's llcrinrd 8tatute
OP THK STATE OF OHIO. Complutti. 1 vol. 8vo.
t - 'i '
IVaah'a Dlgcat ' . . V
Oct. Id, Wr. vol. Hvo.- '- ' SwS4
'; " WIMilAWI S5HUTT, '
On Wheel!' g Ntrert, ' i
Ctl-nf rK olferlhg. tho piilille or Js
UVLJfXr 1 slvlunud variety of Ciirrliiges'jfeis
aim Bugiries tnrsiiriiasiCil for beauty, dnr.ihmly nnd
chonpnesH hy nny tlilcg of Iho kind uxor offered in this
section of uiiio. nuving s?eurod tne survtcot 01 tne
mostnecompllffhcd workmen, he Is nblo tocniupoto
wlthanv similar ostnhltshnieiit AA'esl of tliO'nioun.
tol ns. My imiterlal Is ull Hrst qirnlit v . nn d all work
warranted for one 'yenr. Persons desirous of pur
chasing will plonso'esll ami oxamino my stock, before
purrhliilngelsew here. . -
ir'Ho Isnlso prepared to Psisfnr.d 7Viranywork
rorsouswish done, at as reasonable rates nsany firm
ntheclly. ' ' . WM. SI1UTT.
Luneasior, nprUSOi 1P53-.-30 - - :
Dry. Goods for' Spi ing &, Sh mmcr.
' Milium IEE- & co. .
So. Tt Went Futi rl!i Street, rincinnntl.
i OiVrs n tts'inl, to their ctislomcrr tnd ntlKirs,
I.U'llrV Drej, ;Ooorls, of all kluili of Fabrics. Shawls
ami .uiiiiuiiu.; K'unrniiieric and Lncos; ll.llrrs,,
. Hosiery. etc.! Linens. Muslins, nnd nil klndsof -plain
fubriusl.tlirusukoopiiig Goods, great
' ' Vnrlots'.' Also
Cusinm conilurtcd on the our prlrr prjnclpl-e.
Prices inarkad al rules as favornblo to nun hsinrs as
can be nffordud by any housu enguged in., a, rcgulur
Persons visiting Cluelunnli ara respectfully Invited
10 can uihi examine uoocis aiMi prices. April 540
WILSQ . ItlcOKEW t sow,
Mamtfiictitrera and Iuiportortof ,
ooutlt Wt Carner of Main And Fourth Strtttt,
Clock b, ivatchca and Jcxvclrjr Ucpalr
: ' ed nnd Wnrrnntcd.
. August 10, 1K3 3iulT . 1 - '1 : ' . .
c it y1 co iv r e c Ti"b' !T eui,
Y ESPECT FUl.LYInforinsthccllixeasori.ahenler
JI. Aaim vi.'lu.iy. Unit ho pna opouuil a now Confeo
llolmry ntrtkt Pott OJfcf,torntrofMnin Strttt anil tkt
Pntlit where he will cnnsliuilly keep on hand
a Well assorted Stock of Oonftrllonirn- Frail.. .
lie I prepared, on short notice, to do any kind of
oasing tn ma line, 111 a manner warranted to please.
Cxsi.y manufactured andsold sissfrsnfs swd rttml.
' '.irT-Hlf Kaosns hrd Ton seen, the very best will ut oil
limes bo found nt the City Cntif.cll.nory, ' . . . -
, Having procured a room for tho purposo,h. win
bo prepared to aceomraodntn Lndlos and e)iMtlemea
wllli lea Cnx.Mi ami summer refreshments. , . .
Luiietistor. July 30, IPM 18lf ' ' '. .
r-e r !',,' L-
C. B CAMP & CO.,
123 lain Street, Cincinnati v
Hare now a full Stock. aed are making and receiving
fresh supplies of all kinds of
Men and Boy Black; Ilrown and Taa
Color, and Pearl Bolt Mats, Fur and
' Wool; Cloth Silk riah,01azed and '
- ' Fancy Capo for Men nnd Doya. '
n : 1 L.tniRS' fa!cy rrns, '
To which wo would mil th. attention of Dealers sod
Country Merchants Iwforn purchasing, ah w. arc pre
pared tn offer superior iBilueements to cash or proinnt
lime buyers. . , .. R, CAMP CO.
Cincinnati, Octobur4, ISii Smitl
OppaalteShtrncr'a Uorel, Laaeaater, Ohio
o.-xtst .vtoo.-x and other epmsjille. IVora Puaeh
AlltriblogniBhV of nil Actress, bv Mrs. Vlownlh
ourncy tnCeniral Afrlcn.bv H,..,.r.l rtn
.Htiwa nu.i ..vuiasiia, iy uitiQ . .. ..
Sunny Memories nr Foreign Lands, by Mrt. Stow.
, N.ipoloon hit Ariny.Th. Ctiap Fires of Nspols'on.
A One lot of Annuals for 1U&5. tu.d a lli.e lot-or siumII
OiaRonltsAf nil kinds. ' ' ' - . -
Catholic Ftayer Anoka, Episcopal Prayer Books.aad
k largo lot of Family bibles aud Pockst Bibles al
rcdUNid arlso.. i . . ... 1 ., . ; : I 1 .fj -
Scliool Books nnd Rlntlouery at vVholeaala Rotall.
. Pockel Wallots.Vorl Monies, and Pan Knlvos, for
ta I. at the Book Jilbw f T - JOHN fEARJ.ltg, .
Url, "a, lrM--Vi. 1 A Vpfttrlnnkrftr't BattL. ''
, ":, eOt JHI Btraei,
aiGW." Of TBI PAD 10CX AHD Kill SAW.
, , ". .WHITE i fcATTA ; -'.J .
III calling the attention nf the public to their new ad
vartiseaiOTih, would rubraoa lha .opponaalty ai re
turning theirthanks to thelrold frionds and the public
gaiiarailf forUielr ves-j tlbaral patraaaga ta Uiao past,
and would, most resportfully solioite a mntluuanca of
laaaasne-, astney are oetenulMt to spar, aa effort to
maka it both pleasant aud nrorliabl. to aay acid all pet-!
aonewtahlugvoaarehaaa ilardware of any description
VI invni, r c-ciiiik Minnou w in IH-I r V tn nlnm im t Kaa
baalnfaatid men9 of tteplirtr ap a lariro atock, that
Ihey can otter greater indareuienla to the puhlle than
art4resfHeliarAsitirririifv. The) are
well aware of Iho neoeaslty of (mall estsWI.hmonU
making up In blowing and pnlBng what thev lark in oa
ay other partlculara, they wish there fbro io avoid any
thing or that klud, and are satisfied after receiving Iholr
entire new stock, which Is so arrlvlngdrUly.tliat a look
through their -ics ottnklitkmtnt will satisfy any
Olio that the Oreet Jfara-ssor frm la th. place to And
what l,hey want nnd allow prices. Tholr stock vllleoa
tat la part as follows:
Plttabnrg Juniatat mala,ApllieB A Brad
CARPKKTERS and Buflilor, will ple,, ink. nolle.
,,. ."'.'.k" VI ,"r" of WH'TE df LATTA will nil
will he warranted. We have now on hand. -i
Kga Haila. AidkaanA Baado, -'..
fS 5OM",9''n "I 10x14 Citv Glass.
., .goo Kag. Y. bi. W ood fx Co . Pare White Load,
10 Barrels Linsoed Oil, .
-! 3 Barrels of Putty, . -V. 1
"J,"-" we.,,mrn .TerJ' l"o stock of
. . - - -1 j wiscniiiion. wnich wip be
sold .-hooper than ovor. , . WH1TR A I AT-rx
Lancaster, April 98. - LTA-
A A A 11071 RTEioF.-: ..', ;.
OUlf.UttPa0JK10doHammori.dlro,' ' (
;,i,JSpo"nrt,CVl S,0E- ' 9 inch squori, "
1 850 do uEnglUhBIIMorRleol "
'ooS. 1 l Shear do
. 9o0f. do German .i rtn '.
1500 do' Spring. do
' . WOO -do Amorlcnn Bllst'ordo '
In store ami forsaleallowpriees.hr
lAJ!l!ii,i0t-JJ WHITE 4 LATTA.
iqareBBll tiMa,. Improve.! Rorelng Machines, Hand,
Crossr'ni.-d MiirE.?;..f.. .nd CP-
I, on . -,11. w.. lUf iSlQ II,
1"" icw. . WHITE dr LATTA.
4 Doa. French Wllloir IVajrons, ' '
6 do Common do 1 do.
S do GlgTopCirbs- ' '' -,
. J 'Jo Srinnronnd Ronnd Clolhs BasVnts,., .
' 10 do Market Baskets, open and cov'd
v , W illow Crsdlos, die. . . - . .
. V 1 ' Rocking Horses and Whool Barrows,
r1''u'I,lha and Grass Matts.by'
April git, IM. WHITE & LATT A.
AnvlI,Tlces and Blnrkamilh'aBclloxTB
-tn ?",",,,1,,l??,fron, - poi r
Jajr 15 Solid Bood Vices.
... .- 13 pain filarktuuluVa Bellowa,.' ' ' -'
Slo.lgcs. Hammers, Uorax, Arc. forsnle bv
Apra20,18a4; ., . W H 1TB dc t.XTTA
Farming Implements,
- Oft -""-CaslStBol Pol'd Hoes, ;
' raixJSn do 2.3nnd 4 Tine Stool FDrks
. SO do GrassnndOndnScylhei, .
'' ' 6 do Wollord's Grain Crndles,
A . ! 30 da Ary-Jio Snatlios. - . ,V -
SO do liny and Grain Kakos, ..
: ' 4 do Uruinhlo tie; thus. Arc. rhminhr 1
April W,lr54. . WU1TF, d. LA ITA.
WEhnvoDowonhniid.andwhlch by our arrange.
tnonls with tho iiinnufhclurors, we can offor ul
their hill of prices wllh fricght addod.
. .JS0 Beta Bent Fellows, . , 1 !
100 " i Spokes, ' '
. ,'iBJ Hubs, .,. ,
75 " ' Rent hent Shaflt
. 100 " Buggy Bows. " ' ' ' : -
April 80. 1854. WHITE dt LATTA
Tln-riate, Copper, Wire, Vc7 "
' ft "okoalCandlYTlnPlnle. '
VI v.g Square and 100 Plalo do
- Tln'dC.ppov - ' '"'-'
Sheet and liar Zinc, ,,,.;, ,
"0 Shoet Iron and Wlro,' Y' ':
Copper and Irou Rlvlls, by
. AprlllP H34. WHITE A LATTA.
.7 To Carriage ami ilrio-ffy irtulccraT
SPRINGS and Axols, Brass and Silver Bands, Slump
Joints ond Top Props.Eiianrd Drills, Duck nud Can
vass, Enaml'd and Patent iMiitherill descriptions Head
Linings, Moss and Malonl.lo Iron, etc, A groat variety
of other goods lu that Hue, It bo hud nliaapnl tho Ortat
nariiwnri start 01 t il lit. ot LATTA ,
,- Lancaster, April 20, lf.VI. ' .'"..
rTIHK subscribers hove now got their Now Flouring
I Mill in full operation nnd w ill purr huso nil the
good wheal Hint they enn gjt. nnd pay the high, -si
market price In cash, nt all tiinea-when delivered at
their Mill, We will also do custom work for tho far
mors wliun grists of III bu-li -U m il upwards, every
thing loss we "III give dour in ev hi ncc. -. We wish to
don homo 'trade and will deliver Hour hv 11... H....i
to jvery pari of tho city free of dmyr.go If tho flour
io.-s inn prove goou return me simcni d we w ill teu
dor anlisftctlon. -. 1-NTliKH A KKNMON. -Opposite
Geo. Ring', Woolen Factory.
Lnncnster. Ohio, august 30, IUf
' . (socoKtsmn to)
FURWdRlll.MJ k C03l.nlS.MI)., MEltCII ASTS,
, nAt khs i-r ; , " .
AT Till) . '
New Warehouse, Junction of Hail Hem
... : and Hocking Valley Cnnnl. ' ;
rK nropropnred to handle Goods of all iloscrlp
lions at tho lowest poestblo rules nnd with (lie
.... Mv.,n,.-ii.(iHnrs uooilt eartof Jeffries, Wood fy
Ce... J.aneatttr, Ohio.), All Goods consignod to u
shnll ruculve prompt attention, di if for trnnslilpiuviit
-.,.v.. ,..c ..iicses nun ny 1110 cheapest
possible inndo. By striet ntUiitlon to business wo
noi.o recuivennii murit tne patronage ofthi pnhll
; I-ebrunry 8!t,lSM. JEFFRIES, WOOD or CO.
rAnnEIIV LOOK to your I IV T 1'. It EST,
tVnnted immeditttcly, S0,0(X buah. Corn,
. 8'J.O'JO Whcnt,
Forwkitk t Will pnf tkt kigketl marltl ptitt in talk
FTAV,NO ostublishod ourselvet In llio nro.liice bit
I I siness, Farmurs can at nil times soil us all kinds
in irrnin mr tne cash nt mnrkcl prices. Another ob
Joet, wo enn weigh yonr onllre lond tilnnedrnnght and
11111011.1 v. mi hall the iinieofiiuy other WhuruhouselH
..nii.osier. as oiirptan tseutiroiv now, to all we in
vitolnvosligali.Mi. . JEFFRIES, WOOD di CO.
Lnncustor, Forbrtiary 52, 1HS5 42 . . , , .
Peacock's Improved .Steel Plow,
iVnrnuted in nil respects eqnnl nnd in
time Superior to any other now in use.
THIS factory has been In oporutlon during tho last
33 years, hut for tho Inst few yoars their atten
tion una been given, particularly, to tho improvomon
nf the Stool Mold-Ronrd Plow. A I.V flt...,l...t nt M .,.1.
nls, Diplomua dir., ean be shown, hut we relv more on
tho reports of runners from different piirts of the
1 ), wneruuii-yniivo poen in competition with
othor popular Plows.lhnn wo do on Iholr holni Judg
ed by sight or evon a sllrrlit trial st n fair. . .
A largo assortment of tho different slxosennstantly
....., " 1... .. vno w wrnu. onr w nr,.noueo or ov Oil
qulry atonr Book Store 45 Main si., Wliito's Block.
Every Plow told by us Is warranted. '
, Feb.2S, IH.-I-,. JEFFRIES, WOOD dt Co,
O. II. PEItltY, .
' Krktrjt Knh't Old Sttnil,Main St.,f.ancattcr, Okip.
RESPECTFULLY solicits tho attention of all who
may want Groceries to hit new and largo Stock
on hand, embracing in part, the following articles:
" Young Hyson, Imp. Black and Gunpowder TEAS;
. New Orleans. Crushed, Lour and pulverised Sugar;
Golden and Sugar House Syrup, N. O. Molasses;
Riee, Oranges, Lessons, Figs, Raisins, Fltborta
and Almonds;
Sugar Curod HAMS; Dried Bpof, UoloBga Sausage,
Choese and SnlcoM - - ; -' -
Soaps, Dy. Stuffs, Cnndlcs, Tubgand Buckettr
: Washboards, Brooms, dre., dir. ' -j
ALSO A Olio lot of Chewing TobancoSiuoking Qo
Foreign and Doniostle Liquors, Notions, Ate.
I feel assured that ail who nmv favos ina with a call
will not go away dissatisfied w ith my pricos, even If
liiey snoui.i no, ... in.i.rruu to o.v. j- ,
lu t fow days I will have LAKE FISH of all kinds.
If. B. COUNTRY PRODUCE taken In exchange foi
urocericB. urucastur, Jluio M.od oil
a i . ,i 1 iiii
T GRTJBB having returned lo Lnncni-e'r nndintonrit
.f , 10 remain permanently in lhis(itty,andhaviilgr.
colved Instriictloiisfrnm an experienced Dentist front
the city of New Vnrk.andobtaln.d a kiiowldgoflh
business, now respectfully lenders hlsprnfessionalser
views t. cltiaetit of Lancaster and the public generally.
He Is nrenared to Tiorform all nnnmtlnns unon tha
Teeth, tack as Extracting, Pluglng, Filling, regulatlni
ine 1 eoin,treniugspii.ir, ov neccaaed muuit, destroy.
IttgN.rvoa, raniovlng Tartar, etc,. . . '
ArtlHclnlTeeth Inserted on Gold Plato from on. to
full set: slso Artificial Crowns net on healthy root!
without pain, sea. to answer all the purposos of mat
kicntlon,. ( , (. f.. 1 : . .
' F.verv ntternllon In Dentlstrv sunniul lo n.e.orvs
and beautify lha' Teeth, and give - thorn si 1.alihv ns-
i.oil.nn.i improve ine un-nin, neaitn ox I asto,porrormod
ou modoram terms., Ladlesinibe wlty or eounty.'vlll
bo waited on al their respective pieces of restdoiieo,lf
It b. renneited.- No chanrea madoApS
consnltntlon at his oince. .
OFFICK-On the Norlheast corner of tha Pahltc.
onilaro, one aoorirom jnain street.
Lancwsler, September 4H.1M4 21 - - J
PLANE rons. Chisels, and Gougos, Bench Planot,
"""''"-"id Bead, Match and Table, Hatchets and
irlwAlX!;" S."",11 ACfc'-Prn'iF Axes, Drawing Knives
of all kinds. Steel and 1 M7..M. r. . ,
mini anil rw
bRS. WORTH A W a- tinir
'ft - . ..ASDUSllY CITT. '.
disease, of tha k . . . . . .
m.utaby which on. of the Orta will .1.11 tixrii.
aad adjoining lowita .vary i act we.ka, ksmf-
H Its usrsusAfiMi.t. eku... .
W, far
illy Uioa. of th. 1 hro.taod L.ugs. Out -
iris i
i ef pr
t . . """"ea.cB is too sam. la prinei
that BrsM.ilfw.A k. 1 u .. , . 1 ..
m k' V ,t b' A,?r"- laBsis-noB. Oat sys-
teiu o
tspttai, 1
T , "..rouuceo oy u. erompioa
uO,la Lo.doo.aud.sadby Ikliml eelebraKd
: cvvuit. .roar
of tlia ciMi tM tuprirriUy cured. ;
iAiiiuiffMiui.iineel)y wriuncto nt. aftra
r deMrtMiiff their 4tMM,a be luppltod wllh
ihalinir aparataa,maicluet and dirvctlona iatiad
lir Wailla. Mitt h agnMu. Taa. ..II.A. ah.. 1. 1 1
the in
to Iholr
-v-. i - f -w BssHBOf ux vat uiics,
pnlronage we solkll, that w. ar. h.nesl In oar
. ..... "", mrrugwioins KIIIOW
notice, by the proas at bora., whore w. ar. ka.WB,
I A Bit n. emn. r.rtlHwl.. k . i r. n . .n. i
certigcaloofon.of Dr. Wortmaa'apatlenu ap.
tn another column. ' We are assured by a g.a
.au wuu is laminar who toe oae, taat u ws. ahopa-
one apparently, but thai the success of Dr. Wort--
khakbHttBM.BIlJ.1.. II l.h.l l.,..lM h. Bi.1
n tlmt r.iinipn.lin. .f I... .n . .1 . .un..l.l k I -
". ... -v. v. " uiv.l, .IIVU1U W DI.UU
ter.- - .... ... .,
Tt J. I . ' . . . . ... . .
nl .i.oj coriny mat i navo been cared by In,
halation, (aa nraelisud bv Dr. Wsris.,.. r ihi..u. r
an affection of my Throat and Luna-a which was const.
ilby my frleada,and ntmeross medical men wltri
D I irlYluH .. hMulnlvl..ik.LI. . !.
statement with the aop.orporauadlngoth.re, whosre
aOlktedin like manner, to "go and be healod " he.
'Ing as I most firmly do, thai the inhaling treatment
... .... -...j .w,.v. ubiuv.uai u c ....... oi sreaiing
diseases of the Lungs and air Daasas-oa. and that bv IU '
i euro It almost r-'rtaln lo b. effected.
. Lato pastor of Wollingtoa Baptist Chatel'.'
Bollcvuo. Julv Sih, 1845.
jrTDr. W. L. Worlman, at will be teak of a.l-
'artlsoment In nnihA...lnMh I. . . .
- - . . m u i , nM ...nr wii a copart
lenhlpwIthUr. I. K. Nnle, Ute of PtiltlolohU.
nuonian poaeMxl of much ability and acientifle at
ninonts. We have had the pleaa-ir or looking arer
. .uwvHniitiiiiHtiuiii i7i Ar, ii ojtyie.
. ..v. ,v vmxmnng manner in waica Be t apoken
cannot hottitate to prosent him to our eltlrena and
Itrmnnrlirtas sahi, -. k. t .1 t.
.....p,. s. vu,,si 7, ats ta un-'llinn IH WHOIUinV
lOXt POIlflflHIK'M lAtt hsa nlsssxa..! lis. .W.m... I- tf
tunate I
te In havlnsr mtvla tbla annemea(u-4iie that
ISllrl fmtkh lai.n.l.Asx. tr.n.A .l.uX J a a. .
hit extenalve pracllee. Dr. Wortman'e aneeeaatn
. , ..rovtiunui ino tunffa n anqaetiioaoa .
manyeertiacates ofponons whoae talemeU can
i reliod unnn. will rvmv Kf I. -
Dr. Nagle will be at the Taltnadge hovte tn Uncaa
', on Wednesday and Thuraday, September 19th aad
L I I IL . . . ... . ...
f. Aiuitj uionai wouae, cttcleTlIle on Friday
SaturtlaT. fionlemhAr 9 tat atni oanai
ThOMnffltrttntT ,tk t.rkfi.H tka. Ii... a-a. .
--- "...i uiiiiovif a.n tiwj J1 "xTT DDItTtTaVo
Stomath, Rhoumatltm. Nouralirla. SrnfnU viu
cnrral Oebtlfty. Lom of Appetite. aiTeetlona of the
kjv emu car, romnie Liompiuinta. Ulcere, Confirmed
GonoriKra, are Invited to mil. iXocharire for consul-
tallnn rhamni .iil.na.r.l. 1.. .11
a,-s.Bvay t(.m'iiauirj til at 1 1 vniri, .-J -
TTPOno nf the firm will always bo found at lha
offlco. No. R4 Mnrk-et Street, Sandusky,
tieplemhet 8, lcoS 18 .' . ,
fa Shefftr'n JVrts Block, htlvrtn tkt Tnltmtigt 77s.
.... 1.... ll-i.l
ASJust opened" a lnrge nnd bo'anllfnl assort
innul .( P1TS1IV SS.1,U 'i ivru.. T V
gefliurwith ascnolcoselonlou of Clotlu, Catri-
.jji . mcr.m mnn rnrref,. Aiioiprjita Datbo.nselerl
od with great care nnd with eriiieial rcfuronco to the
wunts and lasts ortiiistfimfhurutT; - ..
His long oxporlonce in this lirancft of finilnoss, Is a
.u ... n.n,rH eniorncrs trie dnotcOst ail. I
best variety, anil his pRrhad has bven once nnon surk
terms II. at l. l.nn ...li .1,. irtVVlTUV. Uo.Jinl n .T. . .
BPS ...w .. . woo.oui rttl
The nulille nro resportfully requested to call ami ex
amine his U.S.. rtnici.t. Ho 1.... on h..n.l .
- . ...u.nt. , OA
And la at nil time, prepared to accommodate his old
friends, either with an exoellent article of Ready made
Cloth in, or to M l rvir'Trluir Hs, .,... 7. ' n'HV
the best material and bv most accomplished workmen,
any stylo of garments, FOR MEN AND BOYS. In th.
bust and most r..hinnia., ,...... 1. -. . . .
this respect, that ho can gjve general snllsfncfiftd.
His assorlinenl embraces a general Varlely of
Linen Coats,... Vesllngs, Aiispondert,
Wrosa do v ., PnnUlortM, Hoslorv, '
Sock do CraraLs, Undershirts
Carnel-uaga, togelhor wllh aJT othorarlleles usually
mc, aanuitiaiiji lis ENTIRELY NEW;
Ithashoun purchased ofwoll-csUihllshed houses In
the Ktistern cities, and rll! t, warranted, to be made uf
good mnterinl nnd In a durable manner. '
Ho respectfully Invites his old customers and other,
to call at his new establishment, where he will ai all
liine.be ruarly la wait upon them with eooa sooa. at
rut nwlT nm To test his promises, he aakt as
eiamiiinlionofhh stork in trad. audlhes)1ead anal
Hy of hit manufacture. T. 'fOAG.
Ltuicastur, May 3, It-54. ';: . .....
;;'" ' -' JOIIv" WOUIiv"
Main ttreet,nrarln oppaiitt tkt Tallmattgt Ilottt.
A GAIN takes pleasure In calling the attention ofhls
AV ntslomors aud cniintry merchants generally, to
the largest stock of Copper, Tin aud Sheet-Iron mmiii
farturus evor brought lo this innrkot. Ha takes great
pnllisln kyop constantly on hand a Inrgo variuty of
every thing tlmt ran possibly bo wanted Ih his lliie.and
flntters himsoir that from his long oxperlonce in the
Tin nnd Shonl-Iron Ouxlneaa,' i
lie will Imwhlainglve full nitUfl.ctlon to all who may
favor him with tholr work. Havings practical knowt
edgjof tho l.iislnoss, his soloctlons are msds with a
viuw toiliirubility,stlonnd cheapness.
' ' Mannructtirril to Order.
Ho also keeps n his employ some of lha best work
man that can bo secured, and always having on baail
the very lust nuilorlal, Is e nulled to manufacture w
ordor anything and overy thing dosiruhlo in his lino,
Inns good stylo and on ut fair leruis aa can anywhere
he hud. '
. -. All k'nds of Store, &c. V
Nevof In tho history of Lancaster was there aa eslaV
Ushinen that kept on Imml a larger and move rompl'ofo'
"' - iistovos, or all kinds and varieties. Hols
also prepared with a large nuiuhor of Firt Orate; and
forllm accommodation of his riistoiuers keeps mtheari
alnrge qunntlty of jr Bi-icl-, iniinufucluJL'd express
ly wllh a view to pulling up Gratos.rW.
In line, any nnd everything needed in his line enn ha
secured hy giving him a cull, and at prices as reason,
anions run bo obtained in any other establishment In
tho Stale. Inasmuch ns hi present stock it greatlv
suporiortohisrori..erln quantity, quality, variety anil
cheapness, he feels confident thai porsons giving him
a call will go nwuv hie-hlv dottp.ltln.1 1.1..I .....lv ...1...I...I
no also aeops constantlv on hand
a large Slock of Ntnel flows,
of Cincinnati and Clrcloxlll man-
Laucast.ir, March 8, 1855-44 '' :
f3 srniytiT.n a .troit,
ff? ff.TAVK removed IhcirClothlng Establishment
r'r- I 4 ,h" TfUfticlga Blotk,Jlrnt door .sl of
W kite tf l.atlu'n llnrdKart Stort, w here they are open
lie n large and cxtenslvo assorlinenl of SPRING AND
SUMMER GOO US, and are now munufnrturliig every
variety of Spring- and Snmmtr H ear, which they will
sell as low as tho same qunlity nf goods and word can
be purchased nl any other establishment In the city.
Tholr clothing is manufactured 1111. lorlhelr own super
vision, mid Is consequently superior to that which tt
hjought from other placos. They have also on hand, a
keavtifnl parittn of Clotkt,Caltimtrt, Vetting! ,ke.,
which they aro prepared lo mnnufartiie to ordor. They
have In lliolromploy the best of workmen and are al
all times prepared lo miiko the best fits In the latest
tylcs. Jill tAeiruork Kill kowmrrantee!., ' '
The public nro respectfully solicited lo call and ox
amine thclretock, and while thnnkfnl for the liberal
pntionagc thoy havo enjoyed, thev assure their old cus
tomers snd all others that they will labor to give gen
eral satisfaction both In the qunlilv and priro of their
goods and work. 1 SPRINGER at TROUT,
lrfKCttt0I .Aprils, 1854 - f.
1 ' ; d.'k: fi.suei.:, " r 1
TTAVIKG rotttrn.d to the .Hy and erected a lnrgt
M..BX -.....-a -"v orica nouse, on the
aarner of Broad and Ckemut Strain, ... severs South
of tkt Market lionet, Intcnils manufacturing upon- a
. I.Hwa.nl. all thn .ni. ....... 9 '
..... .. . ,(, a, m.u,
ids" 1 ' IM"V
ef labtnct Furnltare, Bedsteads
and unatra, rvntrh he . will keep
always on hand, toa-ether wtil.
largo assortment of Cincinnati manufacture'. lTis Innar
experience in Ibo business will enable him to have '
manufactured at homo and Imported from abroad the
very best of work, and as he Intends to employ none
bnt tho most skillful workmen and use tho best male
rials, ho (altera himself that ha will give general ia
tisfaction to all who may favor him wllh their custom.
Th. public are invited to call and examine tb. as
sortment. The entrance lo the rooms It upon Broad
Blroel. ..... - D. K. FI8HKL.
N. R. Repairing done on th. shortest notice, and la
tho neatest aad most workraaallxe manner. Charge
reasonable. Lancaster, May SO,
ISSUED under tho seal, snnctlon and authority . f
tho University of FREE MEDICINE and Popalaf
Knowledge. Chartered by the Stale of Pennsylvania
An.. ISA iar. l,K , . - . f
..p. .v. irN..,, wl... . wapiMll OI IVU.UOU mBiniy OV IB.
Illirnos.. nT srrnslln. I Iw, .vll. nf UUIIDIAilo vou .
, . .ulll,.,u.i... .iiuniiis-
bla remedies wherover a compelont physician cannot
A . .'HI Tw . ,. . .Mnln.a.1 k.. ' . . . .
v. .. r,,,!,,,,;,,!, a,., i.iircnaseu irom l.r.-
J()HN H. ROWAND, his celebrated Itoxvand'V
Tonle ITIixture, known for Iwenty-llve years a.
Uieonlvftiro apd safe eurd for FEVER aud AGUEr
ore, and his Inestimable remedy for BOWEL COM'
.,, nuwniKis's componna pyrup or .Blackberry
., i,,,,,; B,,.,u..,.u II,IUIS. nDIIIOIIIQSr
together with Iho University's Remedy far complaints
nt (K. T ,, ,, ... Tha nnl....l... II , .
... ...... d. ... vh,icid , nnmnii lurvjingp,
ia or Indlgoeilan.- Tho University's Remedy for Cos
., i.,wv.n. i.i...,..u university's Almanac rnay be
kad at th. Branch Dispensary, or Store of ..
a i) ,.' , , ,, " .
"'.c.o i , aremen, rairnota county, Ur
' ' B. CONNELL, City Book Store, Lancaster. .
Mnj31,je5iV l'Jm3. AI. 2. K.REJDER.'
. . !AGUElcJlEOTYPE8. , t - 'i
THE subscrlhorlissromoTe.l his eitabllshment Into
hlsNow Rooms ffdrlkSido Main ttrttt, ease Zink
ef i5i.audhHs fitted them up In a style unsurpassed
In th. West. He hopes that the public will appreciate
his efforts lo nloasa and axtonri to tin i ...
age. Every thing hu been done that could be done le
v...urr.Buco.invT-,i7Tvpni-nTrentortne art, ana nta
pteturMraiiaot be sir-passed. . V.M.GRIS WQLD.
N. B. persons wishing to learn the art will bav.gr.i
ftteilitiearordotngse bare.' ? ..' " : . 1 "
vsa TT
Honrs from 0 o'clock A. M. until So'cioeh P. M
Lancaster, NovtmbcrlA. 1801 M w '

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