Newspaper Page Text
CABINET FURNITURE. IiHE ubscriber manufacture and keeps on hand, a general assortment of- Cabinet work made' from good material, by experi enced" workmen, and hopes by attention, touit the taste and accommodate the wants of com munity.'' ThiB assortment consist, at present) part of Mahogany, Cherry, Black '! walnut nd Maple Bureaus; Cherry and Black Wal nut dining and breakfast Tables; High post and French Bedsteads; Cherry,' Maple and Walnut Work Table, Candle Stands, Wash Stands, fee. &c, ' wi ".?.. - Person purchasing, are requested to call before they purchase elsewhere. Orders from . distance, attended td with promptness.' - ' i wiAv CHARLES A. LAMB. 1 Maumee City, Sept. 15, 1838 " 24 BLACK, White and Scarlet, Merino, Shenille, Thibet, Raw, Silk and Shally Shawls, a beautiful assortment by -) '; I, -iept.2 ! - SPENCER b MOORE. . Washington house to let. : , THIS House is situated on Canal in street, near me centre oi me ciiy. iu position on the bank of the river, give it a most conspicuous and pleasant appearance.: For location, and command of respectable and profitable business, perhaps no house in the western country is bolter situated than this, , ' To a good tenant that will keep a respecta ble house, the rent will be low. Apply to the subscriber near the premise, t , V . HORACE WAITE. ; Maumee City, Aug. 5 1838. 21tf ,,, u pissoiSmbN;;.,'t.;';;r',, h. THE firm of Freeman fe Nearing, at Prov idence, Ohio, was by mutual consent, dis solved on; the 32d day of July last past., Im mediate payment of all debts due to the firm must be made to P. Nearing, who is duly au thorised to. collect the same, )' .'" r , )4-,t ,t;!;,.iij':iiIRA FREEMAN r v -'-. '-x !.-' '.;- : s 5 P. NEARING. j. i. . The business heretofore carried on by Free man b Wearing, will be continued by the sub scriber. ,! r o: ;'- P. NEARING,; , Providence, Aug. 18. r, -.m,: : 2ltf ' , MORE NEW GOODS. .... rriHE subscribers are now. receiving from X' Boston a further supply . ot Mernmac prints, Blue Drill, Curtain Calicoes, Shirting, Sheeting bo. be. G. b W. RICHARDSON. Aug. 17, 1838.;. ,,. 20. NEW GOODS, JU6T received at the Miami Cash Store, a splendid assortment of , French, English and American prints, gingham?, French mus lin, ladies and Misses Shoes, Bonnets, and al moBt every article usually kept in a Dry Goods Store, which, will be sold lower for cash thdn at any other establishment on the JUaumee rivet No mistake." Call. and see;' '." '"' ' june 23 --'::, . i'T. W. CROWELL. ' "HILDRENS! fancy Velvot and Fur caps .. J an elegant article, tor sale by J 20 Aug. 17, 1833. BACKER b KANADY. BEANS! A lew barrels for sale. Also, dried Apples, by, . ii,!,. A. CARY. Julyjl,.:: ,vL !:' i I...-- 18 BROWN and bleached Sheeting and Shirt ing, from 8,to 25 cents, by july llv -;. ' , T. W. CROWELL. L UMBER. On Consipnment a large quan ititjr of Oak Plank, . White Ash Flooring, white wood siding and betrds for.6ale,Iow fair ... tethsx F. W LAWS0NifecCflr Maumee City, July 7, 1838. 1. 1R38. '''!.?; ......',.:.- i . 1 1 j . . FREICI muslin, French cambrics, A mer ican.pjints from 10 to 25 centfy Florence Sims, crapes, nooone kc,, oy,., ( . . ' - , july 21, . .. , T.,W.;fiRQWELL. FLOUR FOR MICHIGAN MONEY. T N consignment, a lot of best brand Michi V ean Floor for which the bills of all the chartered bank?, and the Bank of Brest, Ho mer, Huron River, Gibralter and Merchants' b Mechanics' Bank of Monroe; 'will be taken at the lowest cash price. 1 '' s'r') F. W, LAW30N; b CO.." (at their warehouse, water-street. Maumee, July 21, 1838. ., 19 . -' notice.;..,,;.. , . THE subscriber has this day purchased, the entire stock in trade, of C. D. Woodruff, consisting of Hardware, Tin and Copper ware, Stoves, be. be: he: has also purchased the Tin and Copper Manufactory, and rented for a termor years, the Shop and Store of CD. Woodruff, where he will at all limes be ready te serve tbe public, in his line, its cheap, for cash, as any other establisliment in this-vicirii-ty. .1 C. T. WOODRUFF;, Perrysburg, May 8, 1838. . 18m6 ' "V CORN BROOMS.-4o dozen, just received on consignment, for sale cheap by the. do zen brsingle, by, ., E, FAIRMAN. . July tt., f : " .- .(1.i:i i'..;.i.;:.v;,. GHIN A, Crockery and Glass Ware. Large and general assortment. . No., 1 Commer cial Building; "' E: FAIRMAN,' Agent, July 21X;'';;V-;.::' WV:V:.::.: 16 : MAUMEE CITY HAT, CAP & FUR. -?.cm STORE. -.'-':-'-' : A ,CKER b ; KANADY having iemoved to X3L -their new Store on Erie street one door West of .the old Post Office, give .notice that they have just received an extensive and well elected assortment of Hat and Cap of every varieti anfi ftiBhion, from 34 to 38, which they offer for Cash only, at prices varying fromtone shilling. to eight dollars consisting of men's Clip-Beaver, Black and Drab Brush,' Satin Bea ver, Black and Drab Silk, Fur Wool and Chip and youths Satin Beaver, Black And Drab Bilk, Fur and Wool and Chip Hats, men-' Cloth and Cadet, youth and Childrens' .Cloth, Velvet, Plush, and Circassian Caps, all which they of fer at New-York retail prices, . As they intend hereafter to manufacture Hats and Caps, they would give notice to Country Merchants and Dealers, that lbey ere. prepared to supply at wholesale, Hats and Caps, both pf their own and Eastern manufacture, ofl at good terms a can be bought this side New( . York. C ' '.:. , ;. , i, .vi i r Beinff desirous of disDOsin? of their remains ing Stock of Good, they offer thorn unusually low for. cash.. They have just received a freshJ supply of Groceries, consisting of Teis, Sugar Coffee, Molasses, Lamp Oil, be, bc. whicW. win oe som exiremeiy low ior casu. ,. , .j, - Cash paid for shipping Fur..: . - , : , August yt, 1838. J; - Vi';W."i TTATS FOR GENTLEMEN. Just re- XX'eeived four case fashionable drab and black Hats, Commercial Buildings. Aug. 4, 1899. v 3 ; SHERIFF, SAXES. tf?"l TY virtue of a writ of Fir Fa. Issued out of the Court of Common Pica, In and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shaU expose to Bale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 20th, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described lands to wit: the west half of water ldtj numbered, three, in Wolcott' addition to Miami City. - .-- .. . CG. mAWi'&heriff. ; " By F. E. Kirtlahd, Deputy. :. .. .Sept. 15. :.. .".4VS4ld 13 Y virtue of a writ of Fi. fii-issued out of the Court of Commoh Pleas, in arid for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered,' I shall expose to sale at the Court Honse in Toledo, on Saturday, October toth, at S o'clock P. M. the following describudJand to'4vit: lot numbered thirty-five, in'-WatervHI 'town-) plat, taken in the suit of Daniel W. Gafltlcy;' against Lyman Dudley. ' .'. ''- . ' : vr.f& : (.f. .. . C. G. SHAW. Sheriff. -- By F..E. Kirtlahd, Deputy, v -.-tw4i -I Sept. 15. .:.!) .1 ., '4WHf 1 i ., "u w t Y virtue of two executions, issued m&M. the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the. county or Lucas, to me. directed and delivered, I shall expose to solo at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, 'tVstober 20th, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described lands to wit: lot numbered twenty-eight, in Hunt b Beau- grand addition to JUaumee. , ' ' " ....'.,,. C, . SHAW, Sheriffs ; By FJT3. Kirtland, Deputy. ... (,,,,,,, '..Sept. 15. j . 24tds. . B Y virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, 1 shall expose to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday; October 20th, at2 o'clock P. M.' the following described lands to wit: lot numbered ten, in block num bered one, in Wolcott' e addition to Miami Citv.J laKUIl HI Ilia HUIb ui lirin j w nga'iioi.. David Hancock. ' C. G.' En W,. Sheriff. By F. E. Kirtland, Deputy. Sept. 15. - " ; 24tds .,. T Y virtue of a writ of Fi . Fa. issued out of - the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sa'e at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 20th, at 2 o'clock' P. M. the following described land to wit:-' the we&t half of the north-west quarter of section one, in township seven, north of range nine, east, containing as is said eighty acres, taken in the suit of ElUha Mack, for the use of Daniel W.Ganlley, against Josiab Crusy, and Thomas J Dobbins. ,, , C. G. SHAW, Sheriff, i By F. E. Kirtland, Deputy. ,- i : . Sept. 15. . , ... ..- ..'.m - 24tda J "1 Y virtue of a writ of Fi. Fn. issued otin of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county . of Lucas, to. me directed and delivered. I shall exoose to sale at the Court House In Toledo, on Saturday, October. 20th at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described;. lands to wit: the east halt ot the south-west, quarter of section four, in township one, in the United States twelve mile square Reserve, at the foot of tbe rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, said to contain eighty icrcs, token in.tthe suit of William Simonton and James Hight, against Daniel Strayer and Edward Rowen. ; u. u. isrt Avy, oierijr. By F. E. KinTXAtiD, Deputy. ' : ' ; Sept. 15. - :, 24tds HEADACHE. D' R. E. SPOHN, a German physician of much note, having devoted his atten tion for some years to the cure and removal of the causes of NERVOUS AND SICK HEADACHE, has tho satisfaction to make known that he has & remedy which by remov ing the causes cures effectually ai d permanent ly this distressing complaint. There are many families who have considered Sick Headache a constitutional incurable family complaint. , Dr. S auiirnii them thnt thev are mistaken, and laboring under distress which thoy might not only alleviate, but actually erkdicate .!by the use of this remedy. ; ' . . 2;' ' ; It is the result of scientific' resefirch,(nd is entirely ot a uinerenr, cnaracier iron pq.veruH ed patent medicines,, and is not. unpleasant to thetnste: ' " ' .'.'. - ' . . . ) HEADACHE,:SICK OR:NERVOUS. : ' The extraordinary reDutution that Dr. Snohn'a remedv for this ditressinff complaint is evert davcrainine is certainly a matter of niuch astonishment. That so much Buffering should have existed for age Without any dta- covery'of an effectual preventative or cure, is truly a subject of much regret, but Dr. S. now assures the miblic that such a remedy has been invented as will convince the most credulous. The principles upon which. it acta are impe andi.'P IMl.' ' It is an admitted fact thi com plaint) whether called Sick Headache, or Ner vous Headache arises primarily from., the stom achthose who think they have the Nervous Headache may rebt assured that -this wgan, the stomach,' is the first cause, that the system has been vitiited or debilitated, .through the stomach,'and that only thrbagh the same chan nel must they expects, restoration of the na tural arid healthy functions of the system. ilThis objecVDr. Spohn' remedy is eminently calculated tj; attain; i ne irum oi mis puoi tion cannot bo controverted,' and the sooner sufferer with the headache become convinced of it, the sooner : will their suffering end in restoration of; hIth, Pr, Spohn pledges his nrnfessimial remitation on this fact; . The remf. sdy maybe had of apothecaries generally thro'? ... i, rr i a ,j-t - .' ' '"..'. .. . . COM3TOCK fe Co:,' 'wholesale druggists 2 Fletcher btreet, 'near Maiden LSne, one door elow Pearl street, Ni Y., general agent for America.''' J-:i1 "'''' .v...-r. . , , V; IS.. SFUHW; Ju. V. 05" For sale at every Druggists' in this city, Maumee City, Sept. 5, 1 838-." ':;23y6 T- ADIES HATS,. PARAHOLS be. Just I a received a fine assortment of elegant Tus can Hats. from. 88 wl5-Pr!ols, French Muslin, Prints; Lar8l together fyti' many other beautiful articles for the tadiesi Com mercial Building. V. Ek F AIRMAN.1 Aug. 4, 1838, v-.. ' -: -i ' 8 TlORK b LARD. le'bbls, prime .Pork X 12 keg Lard, ; a. superior article, -just re- CclveU auu lur na,m vy. July 2U " - i j r . i 1 n -lA. CARY. ( ..'4i-l-,( E EATHERS for cash by ' -june' 20 G. b W; RICHARDSON, T ADIES French, Kid, Goat ard Calf skin I A Shoe and Slipper, from 6 to 12 shilling Coarse Boots and BrogaTnr, misses anq v.uii- drens Shoes, at the Miami Cash score, or July 2.1.,, f , T W. CROWELL A ' LARGE aasortment ef Dry Good, Hard X3l ware and nails, b g! u .'R1CIIAKDS0N;. , oi c, SHERIFF SALES. V2 BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of (be Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 13th, at 2 o'clock P. M., the following described land to wit: Tbe east half of the north-east quarter of section twenty, in town two, and the north -east quarter of the south-east quarter of same section and town,aII being in the twelve milesquare Reserve, at the foot of the rapids of .the Miami of Lake Erie, containing one hundred and twenty acres, betho same more or less, taken id the suit of Ro bert A Forsyth against Jeriediah Jessup ad Daniel Tuttle. G. G. SHAW, Sheriff " Ry F., E. . Kirtlahd, Deputy. ... ,-V '. . Sept. 5; 1838,, 1.. ...j ; .. 23lds. . UY virtue of a writ of Fi; Fa. issued out of -'the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to Bale at the Court House .in Toledo, on Saturday October 13th, at 2 o'ciock P. M. the following describ d hinds to. wit: The south-east quarter of the north-west quar ter of section twenty-two, in township two, in the United States twelve miles square Re serve, at the foot of the rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, containing a is said forty acres, ta ken in the suit of J nines If. Forsyth against Samuel Devine. , C. G. SHA.W, Sheriff. , . By F. E. Kirtlakd, Deputy. '. Sept. 5, ItSII. , , . 2Stds, BY virtue of a writ of Fi. Fill issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 13th, at 2 o'clock P. M. the following described land to wit: The south-east quarter of the north west quarter of section twenty-two, contain ing, as is said, forty acres. Also, the north half of the north-east quarter of the north-west quarter of same section twenty-two. contain ing, as is said, twenty acres, all in township two, in the United States twelve mile square Reserve, at the foot of the rapids of the Minnii of Lake Erie,, taken in the suit of Duniel W. Gantley, against Patrick Parks and S.-imuol Devine. . C. G. SHAW, Sheriff. By F E. Kirtland, Deputy. , Sept, 5. lc38. . ; 23tds. , BY virtue of a writ of. Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to mo directed and deli vered, 1 shall expose to sale at the t.ourt House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 13th, at 2 o'clock P., M. the following described lands to wit: The south half of the southeast, quarter of section twenty-five, in town seven, north of ranee nine, in the District ot Delaware, in the state of Ohio, containing? eighty acres, (taken, in the suit of Samuel A. Sargent and John II. Sargent against Jonas flora. u. hhavv, isnenj;. By F, E.' KntTtAtiD, Deputy. ' '''. Sept. 5, 18 "8. -tfi.-l- 23tds. BY virtue or an execution issued from the Court of Common Pleas of Henry coun- tv. t shall expose to sale on Monday, tho 8th day of October next, at the? Court House in Jolertn, at 3 o clocK, r.jjj., me louowing De scribed piece of land, described as lot No. 27, in Hunt s addition to Maumee, and also, the undivided half of part lots No. 3, in block No. 53, part lots No, 0 in block No. 54, part lots No. 6, 8 and IS, in block No. 55, part lots No. 7 and 8, in block No. 58, lots No. I, 2, 4, 7. 8. , in block No. 54, lot No, 2, 3, 4, 3, 9, 10,11, in block No. 55, in Beebee bKirtland's addition to Maumee City. . ' .... c.G. SHAW, Sheriff.: By F.- E. KiRTtAWD," Deputy Sh'ff. . Sept. 5. 1838. SStds. BY Virtheof a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the C iurt of Common Pleas, in and for tho County of Lucas, to me directed and delivered,-1-shall expose to sales', the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, uctooer i3tn, at 3 o'clock P. M., the following described lands to .wit I Tbe. south half of the south east quarter of section twenty-five, in. town ship seven,, north of range nine, in the district of Delaware, and State of Ohio, containing eighty acres, taken in the suit ofEdward Cour ser, agaiust Daniel Strayer and Jonas Flon. C, G. SHAW, Sheriff. By FY E.' KtuTlAND Deputy Sh'ff. Sept,-5;' 1938. f ;. . 23tds. TbY X tlie court of Common Pleas, of Lucas c., to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sale at the Cuurt .House in Toledo, on Satur day, October 13, at 3 j'clock P, M. the follow ing described (anil to wit t Lot number eleven, in block numbered three, in Woleott's addition to Miami City. ; Lot number eight,' in block numbered three, in, Wolcott' addition to Mi ami City. , "..-' '.'v ' . . . . , . , ;; v. u. ona w , oarryr. By F. E. Kirtlasd, Dentfy SVjf, V .' gept, 5.,,18i8.,..l,) ...jjfv,-.... 88tde.t,. BY jrirtue of .a writ 'of vendi, expo, issued out of the court of Cummon Pleas- in and for. the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on naiuraay, uciooer io, . s nV.lnr.k P. M tli following1 described land. to wit i, An u'ndivideihalf of certain tract of i land, beeinmngr at a atone, benrme. south 9 f degrees eat one chiy end twenty four links from the &. corner n a stone snop, lormer I'ly occupied by Won HottSxr, tlienceT north 71 . TV m - I 1 A decrees -OU iHgwH iirtcniHii r nnifinu - 13 of a link to a stone, thence south 83 .de- -grees 80 BiinutesE. 3'chain and 36 C-tlinkrto a (take, menee tonin pegfees.?u nuniuss W. 3 chain 7 8-13 link to a poet; thence in. 83 degree 50 minute 8 chains and 33 -2 link tpr ttie plce oi DeginrungnKen n ne suit of Levi ;yotfn, .against Uhanei u. Hunt,.xector.Tf u.t?:i-t'-'-i . .,,;. ! us:Ci.(lSllWi Sheriff. By F, EJ Kirtxasd, ;Dnpuhf Sh'ff." i , i Sest.-..9iltS8.,K 3 i.L '' S3td; ' t-Y.- virtue of a ; writ of yendi. expo; issued JL5 out of the court of common Plea in end for the Count of Lucafe to me directed and delivered,: I shall expose to eale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, October 18, at 8 o'clock P,: M-f the following described: land, towitS jLot numbere, ii Gibbs' addition to Maumee C:ty, taken in the suit of uuner a. Dodge, against Cbartes J. Y. nnntj - 4 . , V. n,. C. G. SHAW Sheriff. 5, By F. E. Kirtiabb, Deputy iSh'ff, s s. i ( 'jt Sept. 5, 18.38, vV .ch - i' ' "1-?.t! - . '..notice. A LL persons having demand against the jyjaumee Kiver Steam ill. or mo Steam- Boat Chesapeeke, are requested to pre sent their buls immediately to - . --vrf. &. GEO. 8. HAZARD. V Aur,4. 1139. ) SHERIFF SALES. . BY virtue of a writ of of vendi. expb.lssued out of the court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lueas, to me directed and delivered, I shall exnose to sale at the Court Hi uie in Toledo, on Saturday, October 13, at 3 o'clock P. M., the following described lands, to wit: Lot number two, in Hunt's addition to Maumee, taken in the suit of Daniel Cook a gainst Silas Morehouse aud Robert A. For syth. .,':".'! . C. O. SHAW. Sheriff. By F. E. KiRTtAWD, Deputy SKff. , , , Sept. 5,1838. ' 23tds. j BY virtue of writ of vendi. expo, issued out of the court of Common Pleax. in anil for the county of Wood, to me directed and AoWuaraA 1 .l.nll a.. .... ... ..L n c . .f r uruace, on r riduy, the 28tn iiisl,, at 3o ciocK P. M.. the followinfr'rihiJft nrmiffi-lv tn uil . ii-i .. A quantity of Brick, Lumber and Hewn Tim ber, taken in the suit of S. M. Young, ngainst Samuel A. Sargent and JuhnH. Sargent. . , , . w, u. oBA", sHerff, By F. E. KiiiTtAND, Deputy Sh'ff. ; Sept..1), 1838. ,. , . . ,: 23tds. Tl Y virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued - out of the court of Common Pleas in nnd for the county of Lucas? to me directed and delivered, I (hall expose to saleut the foot f Gibb street, in Muninee Cityi on Tuesday, 25th 3 o'clock, P. M., the following de scribed property, TO -WirrTtie -Steamboat Col. Crockett, taken in the suit of the Black Uiver Steam Mill Company, ncraiiist Samuel A. Sar gent and John H. Sargent. V. tl. SHJi W, Sheriff. By F. E. Kirtland Deputy Sh'ff. Sept. 5, 1838. ,, ' 23td. " The above sale is postponed until Tuesday, Oct 8, at the same time of day and place. virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me dirocted and delivered, I shall exjHise to sale at the Coor House in Toledo, on Saturday, September 20th, at S o'clock P. M. the following descri bed lauds to wit: The west lull' f the south east quarter of taction 1. in town 2, in the United States 12 mile squuro Reserve, at the foot of the rapids of I lie M nmi of L'lke, taken in the suit of S. A. Sargent und John H. Sargent, ag.ii list Willium McMillan. - . I.:. G. SHAW, Shrrff. By F. E. KiivTland, D.pahj. August 24. 21 u R V virtue of n writ if Fi. Fa. iiued mil of the Court of Cummon Plea, in and for the county of Luca , tit me directed and deliv ered, I shall ex pot e to sale at the Court House in Toiedn, on Saturday, Septemoer 29th, at 3 o'clock P. M. the following land to wit; Lot numbered thirty-four, in Hunts addrion to Maumee, taken In the suit of Peter Fisk, against Uenaiah Hanson. C G. SHAW, Sheriff. By F. E. Kirtland, Deputy. Aug. 24, 21w6 DY virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued - out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I i-hnll expose to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday, Septem ber 2')th, at S o'clock P. M. the following des cribed land to wit: the south half of the north-west quarter section thirty-three, in township nu i bered eight in the ninth range, ami enteric; ut the micynis mud Othce in Uc ti ber, A. I). 1838; lak.-ii in the suit of' S. A. Sirgent and J. H. Sargent sgninsl Willium Houser. - " C. G. SHAW, Sheriff. By F. E. Kirtland, Drputy. ' Aug. 24. - ;. , tltde B' Y virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. issued out of the Court of Common PI -as, in and for the county of Wood, to me directed and delivered, I shall expose to site at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday Septem ber 29, at 3 o'clock P. M. the following des cribed lands to wit: the north-east quarter of the nnrtli-esst quarter or section No. 10, in township No. 1(1, south of range No 8 east, containing forty acres; and tho east half of the north-west quarter ot section 4, the west halt of the north-east quarter of section 4 as last mentioned, and the south-west quarter of the north-west quarter ot same section 4. all in the aforesaid township No, 10, south of range No. 3 east, containing in nil two hun dred acres, taken in the suit of Augustus M. Thompson, against Jesse Carter. ' - V. O. SHAW, Sheriff. ' By F. E. Kirtland, Deputy. Aug. 24. ' -.' 21tds. BY virtue of a writ of vendi, expo, issued out of the Court of Common i'leas, in and fill- tllA nnnnlv of to mt itirMitA:l nnrl ilpli. vsred. I shull exoose to -ale at tlui Cmrt Mouuc. in Toledo on Saturd iy,Septem!ier 29tb, at 8 o' clock r. SB., the tollowinir described lands to wit: lot numbered: 142, in Hunt und Heau grands addition to M nimee, taken in the suit oi uevi ojeoeeajuiisi janies in. npinura. . , ' t,.' . KMAVv,- Sheriff. By F. E. KiRTLANDr Dupuly. - - August 24. : ...u i ' -'-elide -5 OY virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued A- out of the Court of Common Pleas, in and for the county of Wood, to me directed snd deli vered, I shall exposo to sale at the Court House in Toledo, on Saturday,September i9th, at 3 o' clock P.M. tho following described land to wit: lot numbered l4s in Hunt and Beiu grandi addition to Maumee, taken in the suit of Nathan Bttrkhatter, against James M Spaf ford. C. G. SJIAW, Sheriff. - By F. E. Kibtlano, Deputy. August, 3 1. " Jltds ; BY Virtue of a writ of Fi. Fa. to me direct ed, from the Court of Common Plea oi Cuyahoga county, Ohio, I have taken, and shall expose to (ale on the wharf or J. wolcott u Co., in Mnumee City, on the 18th day of Au gust 3 o'clock P. M. a quantity ot JLiUin' ber, four thousand foet, more or less, taken at the suit of Thorn aa Williams, vs. Erastus Gil bert." js: -jnU-::K.-l i . '' " ' ' ..v,.;v-.C; G. SHAW.Slierifr. " By F.f E, Kibtland, Deputy, ; - '" July 21,- - - ; iew4 The - above le i eostnoned Until the 15th of September next,' at the same time of day and piste. ' ' C. G. SHAW,.Sherff. . Bv. F..E. Krftti.AND. Devutti. . The above rale i farther postponed until Monday, Oct. 15, at the same time of day and placed "t- .' -TUST received t theTIiarhi Cash Store, a O Bperior article of Shaker Broom, by Aug. 80, T. W. CROWELL. TUST received 8000 yard 1 nd yard wide J Brown Shirtings and Sheetings from 8 to 13 cent.' Also, Domestic r lannei, dock kc. be. by A 1 T. VT. CROWELL. Aug. SOV-':-- W '"'- 22 ; LUMBER. ? t nOfl eet eoned white wood, I inch f U,UW boarrl, 2 inch plank, 1 and 1J inch Flooring, Siding, .. , . 3 by 4, 4 by 4, 4 by 5, t by 3, 2 by e nd 2 by 6 Joist. Also. '., '-, 15,000 sawed Laths for sale at the comer of Kingsbury and Front-street, by ' BOYNTON & GANNETT, Aug. 11. ' ' 18tf ' CASTANA NUTS, English Walnuts, oft and hard shelled Almonds, Filbert be. ' Aug. 17. 20 G. b W. RICHARDSON. DETROIT & MAUMEE CITY. rBIIlE new nd Fust sailing Low Pressure Jl Steamboat ERIE, dpt. ARTHUR ED WARD will run for the remainder of the sea son between Deiroit, Maumee City and Per rysburg as follows: ' , '! Leaves Detroit for Mnumee City and Perrys burg every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, at 9 o'clock A. M.: Leaves Maumee City and Perrysburg for Detioit, every Tuesday, Thurs day and 8'itu day, at 7 o'clock A. M. ' ! ' ';i For Freight or Passage, apply to the Capt ain on board. ;'. . :. i : Aog. 18. 20- LUiHBEH. Kfi OOfl l"eRt one 'ncn P'na Lumber UUU 85,000 feet H . , - 25,000 each 1 and 2 inch," ',.' 50,000, First quality Pine Shingles warranted. JuHt received and for sale by SMITH b Co. P APE It Hangings and Bordering, by june 20 G. b W. RICHARDSON. CODFISH and Mackerel, bv june 20 G. b W. RICHARDSON. A LOUD AND LAST CALL. rTiO all whom it may concern. The subscn 1. bers are now making arrangements to start east, and all persons knowing themselves indebted to said firm, are requested to make immediate payment and save cost, as no fur ther indulgence will be given. '.'. july 28. O. WILLIAMS b CO, lkRY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware, JlJ Stone and Crockery ware, for sale by july -,'8. O. WILLIAMS b CO. S ALT by ths bbl. or in small quantities, by July 28 U. WILLIAMS it UU. D RUGS, Medicines, Paints and DyeStffus, for sale by U. W luUAMii U CO. mi JL. Tin ware at Wholesale and Retail, by july 28. j O. WILLIAMS b CO. Feet pine Lumber, for sale by OV,VVJ j a8 o. WILLIAMS b CO. RAGS! RAGS!! Wanted good and clean rags, by j 28 O. WILLIAMS b CO. X TIDES, -Wanted, Calf and Buff Hides O. WILLIAMS b CO. XX by TO LET. A good Store Room, one door west- of the Central House, also several upper rooms, suitable for offices and shops &c. apply to O. WILLIAMS CO. Tns State of Ohio Lucas C 'unty, ss. Lucas Com. Pleas. Tanien W. Knncirs, vs. William Clark, Mary ' (Jlnrk, John Vt Ueaw and Charlotte his wife, John S. Haung and Mary his wife, Oeorge 7 s. l i(u- and lydia Ann his wile, and Sarah V. Clark and Hellen Clark, rpHE complainant in this having filed his bill - in Chancery in this Court, alledciner that one W'lliam Clark executed a Mortgage deed tu him on the lands in the said bill described, to secure to said complainant the payment of a sum of money in the said bill described, and that tho tune in said Mortgage specified for the payment of said money has elapsed, and the said Mortgagor departed this life leaving the said defendants, his heirs at law, and ad ministratrix and relict, and praying that the equity of redemption be foreclosed, and it be ing proven to the satisfaction ot the court, that the said defendants are not residents of the state of Ohio, it is ordered by the court that publication of the pendency ot the sa'isUuU be published as the law directs. ' The said defen dants are therefore hereby notified to appear in said court on or before the next term there of, and answer the s iid bill, or the same will be taken ss confessed against them. SPINK b COFFENBURY, Sol for Petrs. August 29, 1838. 22t8 T -S7.A;B ' ?.H,- tcas Com. Pleas. Mary Clark, vs. William Clark, Sarah C. Clark, - -and Hellen Chrk.' "' rIMIE petitioner in this Cause having filed her V petition, sta'ing that she is the guardian of the laid defendants, and that the said defend ants are the infant heir of William Clark, de censed, and who have an undivided interest in the lands in said petition described, and that it will be for the interest of said defendants, that the said land be? Mold according to law, and praying that the same be so sold;' and it being proved to me eatistacuon of me couri mm mid defendants are not resident in the state of Ohio, and the court having ordered publication of the pendency of said petition, the said de fendants are hereby notified to appear in saia court at the next term thereof, and detenu rriinst said petition, or the prayer thereof will be granted, and the said land sold accordingly. SPINK b COFFENBURY, Sot for fel r. August 29,1838. a:. v aetB. A CONSTANT supply of, the genuine Rowands Tonic Mixture, and Pills for the care Of the Fever b Ague, on hand and at wholesale and retail, by ' . ... july 28 . WILLIAMS K UJ.. LOW CROWN wide mooth Castor Hat brim," old Fahion, an excellent article intended for elderly men. ;: . . .. AUatK 01 KAXSAlll. Aug. 17, IBS'. ' 1 "' -- '"t0l RAGS.C'ean linen Rags, received payment for papers at tin office. ib :,V:,- NEW STORE. ' .,';.'; rpHE subscribers have opened a Boot, Shoe X' and Leather store, opposite the Temper ance House, and one door east of the Exchange, where thoy intend manufacturing, and keeping constantly on hand, Boots and Shoe of every description to suit the purchaser. -. " T Gaiter Boots, Ladies' Slippers, Men Pumps, coarse and fine Men' Bootsj Shoe Finding, be. for manufacturer. V. - f - . Also, an assortment of Children' Shoe, leather of all kind at the lowest' prices, and a few bale of Cotton cloth, by the piece or bale. All of which they will sell for OA,' Hide or Produce, ae low a the business Will efford. , . CURTIS b KRLDLERi f ; -PeifryDurg, Aug. 50. Mtf .u. SALA'S VEGETABLE ELIXIR. t. PREPARED solely from vegetables, by John Sola, Canton Ohio, " Price $1,50 per bottle. . ! As an internal remedy this medicine stands unrivalled, ltd fame and virtues are sufficient--ly established, by the many and important" . cures it has performed, . in the short period it. has been in use. . In marshy district whr.ret fever more commonly prevail, it use will pre-' ' vent their recurrence, and give to the system " a general healthy action. The quantity to be " taken, should be regulated so a to nroduee a free and regular discharge from the bowels,, which will give tone and activity to the stomach, and enable it to resist and eject all billious col-, lection, and at thesame. time restore a proper and healthy secretion. It will arouse the inac tivity of the liver, when affected, and restore it to its wonted healthful condition," As a family medicine, when a purge is necessary for any disoase, nothing will be found better adapted to ' -the system, than this Elixir. It purines the - blood, without debilitating ' the stomach or - -bowele, while it is perfectly mild and harmless, in its operations. "' - , . This medicine may bo taken with perlecl. " safety by all ages in all diseases :' it cure are for the following diseases: Dyspepsia, Lose " of Appetite, Indigestion, Consumption, Coughs,: Dropsy, Heartburn, Diorrhca, Cholic, Jaundice, Palpitation of the Heart, Affection' of the Li ver and the Skin, and all diseases arising from Impure Blood, be. and where thore is any ir- ' regularity, arisimr Irom debility, it WJULpo v found an invaluable medicine.' ' ', " y l'o each bottle will be attached a label bear'n! . the signature of the proprietor, without whiclt -none are genuine. " ' JOHNSALA. Certificates: 1 lie following testimonials . are a few of the many that might be presented tothe Public. 1 ' J From the Rev.'E. BirJcetl, of (hi Pittiburgh' Conference. , ' ' ' Mr. J. Sale, Dear Sir: I have given your " Vegetable Elixir," a fair trial, and ' cheer-'. fully give my testimony to its value in ca-( se ' of Cramp, Cholic, and in Chronic nf- " fection of the internal viscera; I ' have ' been for more than two years severely afflicted with an infection of the diaphragm, which at times would cause derangement of the functions of nature, and complete prostra tion of strength. I had also frequent attack! of cholic; some of them so severe that life it-' self appeared to be in danger; but by the use' . of your excellent medicine I find my chrome symptom much relieved, and am almost entire-, ly free from those excruciating attacks ef chol-' ic; and I hope by perservance in its use to ob-' tain a perfect cure. I have tried "various me-;' dicines, and am prepared to say, that in all such cases, I am satisfied it will be found superior to any medicine now before the public. . . Yours, die, E. BIRKETT. ' ' Canton. Am. 16. 1836 - i-i' Extract of a tetter from the Rev, A. Billing, of the Michigan Conference, dated Farm- ' ington Aug. 2, 1838. : ' ' " ' ' " "Mr. Sala: I have used two bottle 'of your " Vegitablo Elixir," and am satisfied that 1 I have derived more benefit from it use thaa ' from all the medicine I have uted for many - yearif. ' 1 have been tor many years atniciea with the Hillious anection. My health is goou and I expect to travel next year. I hope you ; will find extensive sales." -' ;.;...' t s" "I, the undersigned, to certify dothepnblic,? that I have used SalaWegctable Elixir, for a . lingering complaint, called, by tome of the most eminent physicians, the Erysipelas, and a weakness of the body. 1 have used six "jot-'' ties of Sola's Vegetable Elixir, and can assure the public that 1 have not felt as well for the last four years as at present, and am now at" labor again. 1 would recommend it os a vuiu- ' able u&edicine to the afflicted.'' J" V . JACOB ROWLAND. Canton, June 2, 1838. , ' I doi hereby certify, that my wife ha been' afflicted for the last twelve years with a severer ? pain m her head, side, and back; that she has used but one bottle of Sala's Vegetable . Elixir, and the complaint has keen perfectly ,i removed. I recommend it as o valuale. medio i cine to the afflicted. PETER BURGER. j Canton, June 1,1638. ; .;.' - " I hereby certify, that, having been for ma.-! ny years past severely afflicted with the Liver h complaint, in so much that I began to despair nf recovering, as I had received all the aid that several Physicians could give, .and finding -myself no better, 1 tried one bottle of Sala' German Vegetable Elixir, and find myself, to t my utter astonishment, , perfectly restored, so that I am now able to perform a full day's work , on my farm, after having been unable to per-, furm the same for three years befosei A!- though I paid, during that time, quite an amount of money fo the physicians, without eceivmg any beueht. JUilH diiiviiiiji.- i Osnaburgh, Stark Co., Ohio. ..,,: ;it,i,- a, e I certify, that I was afflicted with the Dy a.; nem'n. and a Dain in mv stomach, and bv using1 -i ne bottle of Sala's Vegetable Elixir, I felt . myself perfectly relieved, r JKJWV.- Canton, June a, 1P38. .: , . ; ,:; Mr. Sale. This is to certify that I. had a very severe coueh all last winter, and was re duced to a very low stage; after obtaining all medical aid to no purpose, I was advised to try', . a bottle of your Vegetable Elixir, which I did, and in two weeks was owe logoiowora, ma t fully believe it to be one of the best medicine before the public for cough, breast complaint. -and general debility,'-' Your well! wisher, ' ' h, ,1.1 i ! , - . '. .junrH iijiiiaino. -Bedford, O., May, 2, 1838. -;,. , ; r: ; SVe. the subscribers, citizens of Stark Co, Ohio, hereby certify that we have teen in the -habit of occasionally using in our families, the Vegetable Elixir, prepared by John Sala, -.HMn ffck.A ,nr1 Iwu. Im'.F . .TTil Tt ila,lnnrl V!1IHVU VUIU, OtlU U.IO U.IO UIIIIWI nil J much benefit from it use .t tin rheumatisms, cholic, derangement of the Btomach, ague.., worms, be. be we nave never tound a meat cine which shew' good' effect so soon and so , certainly. We therefore cheerfully recom mend thi invaluable family medicine io mo public in general, but to our suffering fellow- . . citizens in particukr, iu order, that they, may giyeitatrial. '., . v.e r 4-.-A JohnGarber, Honry ..Summers, Geo. Yutzey, Henry Klippart, Hiram Myre, Christian Rase, Jacob Kastf, Geo. Dunbar, Philip Weber, John Bauer, John S. Wtetling,! A. C. Franke.) i For sale by -"' : - - : HARRINGTON W HUNTER. Agents. MaumeeCity, Sept. 15, 1838 " 24tr. WANTED.--A good Journeyman Chair Maker, to whom liberal wage will be rWeD.'; ' ' J. CREED. Feb. 24 ; " ';.' ! - -47tf BROOMS. 3b doz. Brooms, a superior ar- ; ticle, from the south, just received and for ale by the dozen or single, at s A, CARD'S. July 21. '. " ,6 GLASS! GLASSM-400 feet Window Glaca, 1 hy B 8 by 109 by U-ly 18. received and for Je very low by ' .julyl.U,r;''ft , - A. CARX. ' ' ' ' - r,r ja c!'j : j,'";!.' j ins tvM H.H t8. I , June SO;