Newspaper Page Text
m JYEJT ARRANGEMENT. ; LOWER SANDUSKY & MAUMEE. THE Steamboat COMMERCE, V, P. Stevens, Master, will run the remain der f the season, between Lower Sandusky and Maumee City, touching at the Plaster bed, Sandusky City, Wheeler's Wharf, (near (he Sandusky Light House,) Manhattan, To ledo and Perrysburg. She will leave Lower Sandusky and Maumee City every alternate orning, at 1 o'clock. ' For freight or passage, apply to the Mastei n board, or to . , , R. Dickwsoii U Co., Lower Sandusky T0W8END& WiM.iAMs,SanduskyCity. ' '"' Pa Bosh, St Co. Toledo. Dow to Eari, Perrysburg; .'.'" V " Forsyte U Hazard, Maumee City. p June, 1838. .. 50 NEW AND CHEAP STORE. THE subscribers have just received direct from NewYork, and now offer for sale at their store onWolcott street a few rods west ot the Printing office, and nearly opposite the '.American Hotel," a large stock of superior Groceries, consisting, m part, 01 roucnong, Ilincrchonff. Hvson Skin, Old and young My on teas, loaf and brown Sugar, Molasses, Coffee, Pepper, Spice, raisins, Tobaoco.Sale- raius, cocoa, inocoiaie, cinimmuu, cigars, Snuff, mustard, Pepper sauce.Ginger, Starch Bhot. Tjird. Soan. Fish. ttc. &C. . , f wjleo a splendid stock of liquors and wines ' ef all kinds. Also a good assortment of Dry Goods, comprising all articles usually kept in a Drv Goods Store, and a quantity of ready made clothing, together with a quantity of iron and Stoves, r lour, roxa, auuer, Axes he. The above Goods may be had at wholesale " or retail, and at fair prices. . The subscribers assert with confidence that their stock of groceries i as large, if not larger, and as good, if not better, than any in the Maumee valley, A. J. HACKLEY". ', Haumee City, June 0, 1838. - 39 ; CASH STORE. , " Maumee City, No. 1, Commercial Buildings. THE subscriber is now receiving direct from New-York, on consignment, a very choice and valuable assortment ot t ancy and Staple Dry Goods, all of which are offered at unusually low prices lor cash only.-ramong the numerous articles in store, may be found a fine assortment of broad cloths, caBsimeres sattinetts and vesting, ot various qualities and colors, some of which are very fine, and well werthy the attention of gentlemen. The ladies will find a large selection of English and American prints, and furniture calico from It to 2tQd; French muslin, ginghams, Bilks of various colors, part ot which are not 1 figured, very elegant; 20 doz. ladies hose, fine assortment, from a very low priced, to a beau tiful article; silk laced, both brown and bleach Ad; large assortment of gloves for ladies and gentlemen; fancy silk and gauze hdkfs; bead bags; fine and common linen pocket hdkfs; satin jeans; large lot cambric and sarcenets, food and cheap; bobbinett footings, elastics, pool stands, threads, sewingsilk, pins, tape, bobbins, feather fans, rich ribbons, sprigs, ro tes, and wreaths for ladies hats; a large as sortment of ladies hats from 1.00 to 15J,5U; willow baskets and reticules; oil cloth, and fine straw braid bags; rich linen table damask, brown and bleached; napkins; diapers; fine and common linens; bleached and brown fine shirtings, and long cloths; flannels; drills 10 doz.. suspenders from It to $2,00; tailors trimmings assorted; brown sheetings, Bulla- Jo cloths; tickings; oil cloth; tablo mats; house mats; willow wagons and cradles; cur tains, with various other articles, too numer ous to mention. ' v Also, in a few days, will be received a large and well selected assortment of Crockery and Glass Ware, and Looking Glasses. The public are respectfully invited to examine this assortment, trusting they will be satisfied both as to quality and prices. 1 he arrange ..ments are such that the stock will be kept complete. . E. FAIRMAN, Agent. Maumee city, June 23, 1838 ; W BUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE. ftp HE subscriber for the purpose of affording JL conveniences 10 men 01 ousiness, wno are desirous to settle in this place, offer for sale at reasonable prices, or to lease at moderate rents, the following lots, upon the principal business streets in this town. 'V ' 1 10,20,21: north side Broadway; 78 WeBt , side of Canal street; 13u Corner of William st. 4 in block 1, north side of Sophia st; Also a large number of lots eligibly situated for rear dances. '' : '' . '' ' '' - :"' Far information and terms apply to. ,tf I. D. BEAUGRAND, Maumee City) :"; V R. DICKERSON, i r ' j"; 1 LAiCi. RAWSON, i Lower Sandusky. ';w.--t. -..'c ,-'.- J--- in "V'"--' t5tf ; Tftflfl uPerio'' bar soap, for sale tJUULPat No.. 3, Commercial buildings, a consignment, by - .1 ."- . June 20 ; ? , 3 . : . v L. BEEBEEV; C OFFBE, tea, sugar, by , ' 1 :. July 7, J4tf ALLEN- U GIBBONS. -TTHISKEY.--Chilicothe rectified Whts. tT key, a superior, article,, just received no lor sate low tor good funds, by - , ( Perrysburg, June 16. ltl, :.t ,11: MARENGO CASH STORE. THE subscriber is now receiving a variety of fancy and staple dry goods, ajj of which axs eneiea a( 10 w pncesior cash. - . ,,. , ; .. A. VANVOORST: . July e, 1888.;,.,.. (. ;;v?.v '..:,(:. utt COARSE BOOTS. A large assortment for alb y the case at the Marengo cash tort - A. VAN VOORST. - July 6, 1838 -''.- , . mf COARSE SHOES,, at wholesale, low for V cash, at the Unmngo cash store. ': 1 ;, : f- r ,. -A VAN VOORST? ' JulyB, 183?. ., f :.!-. ,vO("14tf': '"lEADY made clothing for sale low for . cash at the Marengo cash store; - j ' Y , A. VAJM VOOKST. " July 6, 1838 14tf -! C" AM)IES, a general asortment for sale at J th Marengo cash store. v A. VAN VOORSTl - July , 1838. . --.f.w i.w Uf '- w roa sale. !T PTce"imt Cooking Storen complete J -, from Reed's Foundry(Troy, N; V. I , . box stove. 1 For terms, apply at ' - -. 18tf Aug. 11. SMITH. & CO. Storage, .Forwarding , and ... Commistioyt Merchants.. TPv EALERS in Provisions, Liumberand salt. j The undersigned have taken the. Ware- bouse, formerly occupied by Uingliam & Fu rey, and have made such arrangements to tran sact business in their line, as must give satis faction to those who may entrust them with their business. : .., -. :. .-. . .r, ; :i.. They are agents for the following transpor tat ion companies on the Erie and Ohio canals, and steamboats and vessels on the Lake, Viz: Western Transportation Co. Washington Lire. Detroit Line. ' Express b Telegraph Lines," '- T; . i -l J ' 1 On the Ohio Canal, and ' i Trot & Oswego Line. 1 " ' f-' Some of the above Lines are deeply inte,- ested in shipping controlled at the Foot of the llapiila, and running directly from iiufialo, and intermediate ports to tins point; thereby pre senting greater facilities for the sure and speedy conveyance of Western Goods, than any other .Lines. . Uoods have reached this port, transported by the above named Lines, in eight days from i.u,.v..;i. - - . ' . f, To Contractors d Produce Dealers, We shall keep constantly on hand all kinds of Produce and Provisions. . We have now in Store and for sale, ", 250 bbls. superfine Flour,' . 100 Mess Pork, 1 V 100 50 SO 10 00 18 ' 50 '' One Hog, . Shoulders, " Dried Apples, . " ' Peaches, Salt, Beans, ""- s , I: Whiskey, ' ' ' 000 bushels Oats, 0 boxes 8 by 10 Ohio.Glass, 50- " 10 by 12 " " 20 " 7 by 9 " " Also, a constant supply of new butter in Firkiiie, all of which will be sold as low, if not lower, than Can be had in the market for Cash. SMITH fit. CO. Maumee City, July 21, 1838. 16 JUSTUS mviGHT, , rilYSICI AN AND SURGEON, ; Office over Doan & Earl's Store, Wolcott st : - ' Maumee City. " ' ' ' : f' NOTICE. All those indebted to the suh scriber, either by Bond or Note, are ro quested, to call and liquidate; or renew the same ; and all those having Book accounts un settled,- are requested to call and" adjust the same without delay, and give their notes, 11 they cannot make it convenient to pay the money. ' 1 hose who disregard this call will not be longer indulged. ". JUHJN IS. UUJN 1 . . Maumee city, April 8, 1837. ; .,, ; Stf TrAY & YOUNG Attornies and Coun ItX" sellors at Law,' Maumee city; Lucas county, Ohio. , JNO. Jil. MAY. - M.YOWCl. June 3, 1837 , 9tf BOOTS AND SHOES. - ss A ' CARY, Front treet,.opposite the Jef XJL ferBon House, has just receivod an ex tensive assortment of Boots . and Shoes, con sisting in part as follows : -t 300 pair thick boots, 100 calf do., 1 case lined water-proof do., 3 cases boys' thick do.j 100 pair mens' thick . broenns. 50 pair bovs do., 600 pair womens calf and grained leather Drogans, xuu pair childrens' do., 1 case ladies gaiter boots, lease ladies' India rubber fur- lined do., 1 cose ladies' India rubber shoes, 1 case laaies morocco walking shoes, 1 caso la dies' morocco fur-lined do., lease ladies' slip pers, 1. case ladies' slippers, 1 case misses' do. : Also, a good assortment of English, French and American Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints and Oil, fce. :-: i.- .;.;- cr.r ;.".:. I A large lot of Feathers received, on con signment. ,. Ihe above goods will bo sold Very low for cash, j .-- ! '- .;" - ' i Decembers, 1837.:i- Ji f -' 1 36tf T, , ICtUORS. A quantity ' of Liquors, con JU sistwg of Brandy, Rum, and Gin, for sale unusually low for Cash, at the Warehouse ot ,,, ,. ,., JAME WOLCOTT, & Co. i Maumee, May 17, 1838.- . , 'in ,-. .59tf T71ARMS TO RENT.' Several Jirst rate X. .farms lor. rent,- it applied for soon. Likewise a quantity of unimproved lands, JOHN E. HUNTr .Maumee city, April 8,1837' , i -:2tf - NOTICE. ixr. I T lite j subscriber bas a very .convenient water privilege, suitable tor the situation of a Furnace, Forge or other water - works. It is situated on S wan Creek, three and a half miles from Port Miami. ; The water may be taken from the subscribers mill pond, at a trifling cost, and with perfect security from damage by me iresneis, - in tne distance ot two or tliree miles there ere inexhaustible beds of iron ore of the first quality, and the country being very level presents no obstruction . to the building of a road in any direction with very' lit tie ex pense,. r,The ore lies in beds, -near the top' of the ground, and has been judged to be of the richness ot sixty per cent: . J he subscriber will give great encouragement to any person or persons who will undertake arid carry 'm the aboro buHineS8, and will take en interest in tlie wdrks, or. sell the situation,'. ..This, im'prpveA- ment is greatly ,' heeded .,in tni pountry and inigui ve maue iinmeuiaieiy, ajiu( fumenseiy profitable. . - ' " " ..: i For further particulars, inquire of the sub scriber in Miami-city. &iv 'fe '-in Wt : ' iixtio nwPwao kDANIEL-HUBBELL.. June 0th, 1838. -.tntc itit'. 10 a FIRKINS J" lor sale- -1 Juae flio-" .sr of Lard just: received and - --A.-J.- HACKLE Y, i new Goons 1 jvew; noons i " rjTHEsubBcribershavejmt received at .their X old ' stand on Erie Street a large stock - nw goods, comprisiriff a general assortment .' s easonaoie r ancy oc BtaD e Urv Ronrts.nrv'iAA nrnnkprv.' TTnvJ.n.-A - - - , j 1 nn;, K.Kiuiuii a- ry, Boot9,J Shoes, ' Paints,- Qils,' Dye-stuffs, Drugs, Medecinefl, ' lie. &C' ; nd are offer, ing Sie; aboye goods as low a8 they pur chased in the city for cash 6r available country produce. Thankful for past favors,' we' mot humbly wlicit, our haTe of public p'atifonnge.'"' za.WAM SPENCER fe' MOORE. H Maumee City "Nov.- 17.-1S37.' ;.' 33tf 1 .j.i 11 11 r 1 .'M 1.1 .i i I,. . . .1 iV ... ..11 NAILS just received 20 Casks; all sizea from 3 to 40 by G, 4 W. RICHARDSON. ; Aug. 17. ' . - a - 5o..." . JAMES WOLCOTT & CO.. V . : r FORWABnive AND commission ' ', ,,,!i.'l til,' (At Ike Ware-house formerly occupied by) ;.')'' . While Q-Kirtland. James Wolcott, 1 . mabmbb citt, ohio. A. 3. Hackley, Jamea Howe. ) ' . , rpHE subscribers are agents for .-the fol- ,. .... , ON .THE ERIE CANAL. iliy 'i t. Thk NirrnNi?;' Line. Aeent." A . ; ' W. Johnson, 108, Broad street, New York. ';i' 1 New York and Buffalo, and utioa and RiTirpAr.a Links. Ae-eritt. Hubbard '& Ellis, foot of Broad street, New York; "' -' ' " Oflwnno l,iNi5. (via usweffo ana weuana Cftnala.l Asrenu R. J. Van Dewater. 100, Urnnri etrnt WAW V OrK- - Lakh and River Ijinb, (viauswega ana WO lift nil I ntin l trnnig. lHHILC r - o iiiiLiJ Tfinn ninifnv l TQ Hmftrl Rtreet New York The above are among the most efficient lines &nnnrrtA in Woctprn trnnsDortalion.and have the best possiuioarrangemenis iuriorwaruui(j goods with safety and despatch. ' ! .. ... r I--p. .1:-.- Merchants in Indiana ana up me juaunicc, Mil inonrp nrnmnt. attention to their business, bv causiW them to be marked to the care of our House, at this ulace. wnen mey muiio V .... i .1 1.. their purchases at New York. , v..h' . - ...... nnmrn n r' f JAMES wuu;uii,Kvu. Maumee City, April 28,, 1838. ,, ' 56 s ILKS for dresses, a good assortment by julySl, BPENUKU fflUUKE. . - , Buy a Broom-" - " " 10 DOZEN brooms just received and for sale by SPENCER & MOOKIi. july 21. , : ;. " . TO PRINTERS & MERCHANTS. PRINTERS and Merchant can lie un. plied with paper of various kind', on ap plicationto : BALDWIN, k Co. ' r ' ' "'"' Upper Toledo. RA GS taken in exchange for paper. Sept. 23. ' . 25tf LADIES SLIPPERS -just received a fresh supply of Ladies Morocco Slippers by Aug. 17. 20 ti. & W. KlUHAKDSOR rpEA, COFFEE. SUGAR, &c, for sale in '.!.. any quantity by ' '' ! Aug. 17. 20 G.b W RICHARDSON, . . NOTICE. . . :: . ! .- .' RARE chance for a bargain. The sub XJL. scribers, intending to make a change in their business, will .sell, their stock of Dry Goods very cheap for cash. , Call and try.iu BOYNTON k GANNETT. .- Jan. 27,. If 8;- ..' O BENNRTT fkt'AMPBELL, Attorneys' and Counsellors at Law, No. 3, Law Buildinirs, Perrvsburff. " ' 'S nenry itennett, ., I Samuel B. Campbell. ( ( 44tf STONE WARE. ! A SUPERIOR assortment of StoneChurns, Jars, Pots, Jugs, Stove Tubes, and Milk Pans, just received by ...u . 59 -. i May 17. BOYNTON U GANNETT. UMRER A quantity of pine Lumber t for sale at the Warehouse of . .. : ' . J. WOLCOTT Si, Co. PFIIIEI FIRE 1! FIRE! ! ! ' " ROTECTION INSURANCE; COM PANY, of Hartford : Connecticut. The' un- desirgned, agent for the towns of Perrysburg, maumee ana Miami uitics.ot.tho above Com pany, is now prepared to insure against loss or damage by fire, upon as favorable terms as can be obtained in the State, from any respon sible institution, and every . man has now an opportunity, for a trifling sum, to protect him self against the ravages of this destructive element, which often, in a single hour, sweep nwayxiie earnings ot many years.. , i ... . ' '" :l , , D. C. DO AN. Perrysburg, March 28, ....;,;. 1 CARPENTER'S TOOLS By the set or single, for sale by " 1 ' -'. Juno 9. : W. mSWELL & 'CO. ' SPOONS German silver ' Tea and 'Table Spoons, , beautiful article, cheaper and j- quauy nanasome with silver,' for sale by . W. WIS WELL tfW- A MES Spades and Shovels. Hoes'.' Manurtv X-' and Hav' Forks," Jog, trace and. Ml ter ! juneo .'pGV'fe W. RICilURDSO 13 EDSTEADS by ' iij to W -. RICHARDSON June So. t . ;v -. FLOUR &. WHISKEY. T-g bbls. WHISKEX.o(rectifietl.y .1 3 JA. IQO do. Flour, a portion -of whlch'ls from the Michigan' Mills,, for which. Michi;an money; (both . chartered and wild-cat), wii;,be xeceivea. -.r or sale ot tne warehouse or ., " " "JAMES WOLCOTT & CO. .' "' Ti W, LAWSON. ;: iXJ)i7,; Forwarding and Commission Merchants,'', At the. Store lately occupied, by the Messrs. TO AN.TS. jests. and roundabouts' byi. Xiwih v m ,.jG. ;f. Wu, RICHARDSON' O : tiune,i.!!i) 1'. jf.(e!i ' Wi' - sj fMAUMEE CITY CHARTER. ' A-vFEWcopieb of the City Ghartei1 firsale jtjl iat tnis otnce.t i'. - May Jie.t ,'A v sk-b! s TUVli! STOV1SS!! Just received.. lpt.of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, bv july 20 . j Oi WlLUAMS fil CO.t. TO, R1ENT., Thp. (t.wp JStory,white iiiusc T.' W. Cro well's, store,; pnthn same side.of imeuroi, X no liuuso -w Ull VllieBll V ntteH upTortwo families.,.).,;, ; r Also, the half of ft two story, dwelling .uext door to the Commercial Buildings, on WavneeL H ?.UT A!so, Time in tne jrjcK,!MOCtb, t f.-jFVi TJ'J' . ; Terms-will be low and possession given jm mediatelv.'"Art)l to.'j n: ' L. BEEBE-. pom.'BUild'aJMaumeo.cjtyJuly41l88ii-.l4tf , . .i, .. Z XU.l-lUiXTSl.,,,Y -, S PR.vPALE, , A, font of, smelLl Pica 'fi," about ,tiu, hunlFdTnniindfl." nprls mJ c vu"jti0M'' wun ltauo ftDa cases, atitfjiepfrj Perrysburg & IltiiYalo DAILY ; LIME OF ' STEAABOAtSj AUKA1VGEMENT FOR mllE' steamboat : ANTHONY WAYNE; I ' Amos Pratt. Master, will make her regu lar trips (weather permitting) in the following orders ' ' ' Leaves Perrysburg & Leaves Buffalo for To-' Toledo for Buffalo. ' ledo St Perrysburg. Thursday ' ' May 3 Sunday May 6 Wednesday-Y,' !'.' 9 Saturday - '"12 Tuesday"! 15 Friday ,.' 18 Monday ' ,'',' 21 Thursday' ,; ' 24 Sunday . 27 Wedhesday 30 Saturdav '7 June 2 Tuesday ' June ' 5 Friday " " .. 8 Monday " " ,, ' H Thursday ' r,T 14' Sunday ; , Wednesday '' ' 20 Saturday , IT ":- 23 '29 Tuesday '26 Friday- Monday ! "July 2 Thursday July 5 Sunday " Saturday- ' ' Friday-""'-;,'" Thursday '! Wednesday Aug, Tuesday - ' ,','. Monday Stnndnv: ,:J "- '- 8 Wedriesda'y 14 Tuesday " ! '17 '80 Monday ' " ., 26 8unday '"'; ,' ' 1- Saturday ' Aug.' ' 7 Friday ' ' " : 13 Thursday 1 n j, 1 ' 23 29 4 10 16 ; 19 Wednesday 'v 22 28 3 9 15 21 27 Saturday f-J, 1 uesday Friday Thursday Sept Wednesday , Tuesday J : Monday '; , " ,-, 1 ' Sunday : ' ,,..', Saturday'' Oct. Friday-'8; 61 Monday Sept. o Sunday ' ,, 12 Saturday " ,, 18 Friday ' ' 24 Thursday n " ,. ..Ml 30 Wednesday Oct.' ' 6 Tuesday "' ,', '3 "9 15 ' 18 Sunday ' ! 24 Saturday 30 Friday ; Nov. 5 Thursday .!-": i iiui ouaj. Wednesday Tuesday Monday ' Sunday ;in 21 27 2 ; 8 Nov. " 11. Wednesday " 14 baturday 17 l uesday , JOHN HOLLISTER b, CO.v 20 ' '" " -'" "Agents, Perrvsbursr, The Anthony Wayne is 400 tons burthen, new and well built, with twenty state rooms, and a gentlemen s cabin with htty-two berths : also a ladies isteerage cabin with twelve berths, and a gentlemen's steerage cabin with twenty-tour berths, which makes her accom modations equal to any boat on the lake She will always leave Perrysburg and Toledo on the arrival ot the cars from Adrian. The steamboat Anthony Wayne, will leave Perrysburg on the same day that the Commo dore Perry leaves Buffalo, and run alternate. ly, agreeable to this advertisement. Arrange ments have been made with four first class 8teainboats,',to run in connection with the above boats, to form a six day line from this place to flunalo. ' , ' -' , -Mirrh '-"'" '' w ri,t 48tf .in 1838.' AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION COMPANY--i a A , VIA ,S5AvHjl J.1H12. ,, , Steamboats, Ships, Brigs and Schooners,' ' ON LAKE ERIK, AND UPPER LAKES. ! Treat & Cabtbb, Buffalo.' " ' , : '? Scott St Carter, Cleveland. ': l',r " "r FoBstTn fk Hazard, Maumee ; Cilyt., - ' Mead, Kbilogo & Co.; Detroit. r , ,i Wj Brown, Jlilwaukie. : ' ; ',' ' Hubbaud tt Co.;, Chicago.' l ;'' . . . .' . . " T' , v - . 1 ,.- VIA SWIPTSTJltE AND RAILROAD LINES of Tow Boats on Hudson river, and in con nexion 'with the Mohawk and Hudson Rail road.- '.. A. Van Santvoord. Aetnt. r .i ) Ci ' Broad-street, New York. PILOT, TRADERS, EHIB AND OHIO, AND ;.'! o; . EA6LH LINES, ' )-. ft. O 4 -, !.,:f ON THE ERIE CANAL.' 0 Affording, six: Boats daily, from Albany and Schenectady, j For Freight or Passage, ap ply tO . iRBAT & UkRTER, Buffalo. ' f ' U r ? H., Wright ti Co. Rochester. ' sb Lv Hud d Co. Rail Road Depot,' fin-'ii .''i"1' -v-"-it '' Schenectady, V . ,-7-1 Li. IIOBINSON, J o"w ' " . ..,,wm.b.kox,,, ?ony.-. ' 7,t('tjf. UftANDIH, .rJ 1 i. E. D. Robinson, P0Brod:H iD. P. Parker, !BY ! AMERICAN TB ANSPORT ATION LINE ! ,. 5 t ' ON THE OHIO CANAL. rJ J 'J -;if .- Scott 'CAUTB,:Ccertnrf.!!i ?!1 --I ..').;. McEiiVAtN & Hunter, ColiimBus': j CRAiauBAD tt Keyes, Chilicothei" ; -c'-is. CoNWAt it AVsttv; Portsmouth Mark u Packages, Ani.-' Transportation l!rt " nnA ' flhlA' kM II fil...:A... t-!l -J ' vmp uj .vriit-ourv ana Ami roau Lines nf Tnu;. Uinta .. -.-.) j Thp steam boats and vessels comprising the auuvu uiio,' are ait or tnenrst Class,- and pre sent to wfiBtpm ary facilities -for the-prompt -transmisBioirof nOtliinfr ahull h lf , v uaawvuw v iuvii JUl w give entire satisfaction-to those who may fa-' vor them with their business i .'j- ?v i j , consignments will forwarded by trans portation WRtrirntlH. kAnl nd I'snai linst. frnm Maumee city to any part of the Maumee-" and , . wuu auey b wunoui aemy. '"T X ' FORSYTH it HA2ARD; a S.-.inm'l firdn oucu tAgent & Proprietors, ; March .17, 1838., ' "'"" sly 4 biS" ' a p tsw 1 838;f?.i "X simt. 'tt .CLEVELAND in MAUMEE CITY. lmirr.ttf (SjsmW; i:wn axntxt ,n rrHE Ste am boa TCINClNNATrt J ?Xi yowsos,', Master; iiwill run the- ensuing BQaeuii uoiwuunueveiana ana Maumee, Much ing at Black RfVeri HutonJSandusky. Mnrhln, head, ManbftttanvToledo.and iflrirysbnr. ' is , The CINCINNATI hail. Iiha'iinaflf r'tt-A The CINCINNATI has. rim hndergone thorough-repairsi Her engine has been much improved! whicht-'wlthn of foer;new rtatefToomsni'nraVgemertt of! uunkvauinspana-oiner imprevemente'calcnla-1 tdd for lh convenienee'of Paesengtere, ' wljj tender her aocotnmodations fareuperior to itif boat of the Same tonnage ofi Lake Erie!1'1''''' ;Forfreight or passage, apply w the MasVer on.voaravor w r raiw" ,Ti 1 - HdLLisf bb faiBoALT, Sandusku. t; .. ePbckham b Co., Toledo. e: 9 T'pj Marcbj-,.:18;8' saivsa -.' MICHIGAN WINDOW-GLASS -iAny quantity, of all' sizes, kert oonstaritlvrth 4jann,.,warrawea reo 4rom breakage. For saieiow, oy . ;- .- U. BiSACH , Perrysburg, June 10. , Htf Fcrryslmrg' & IJuflRilo DAIL Y . LINE : OF STEAMBOA TS'il' '. ARRANGEMENT FOR 1838. 1 :.v--ii try. THE steamboat (JOiWiwuuuKJi; u. a PERR Y, David : Wilkison, Master, will make her regular trips (weather permitting n tne folio wing order : , Leaves Perrysburg & Leaves Buffalo for To- Toledo lor Buffalo. leaoet rerrysourg Monday April 30 Thursday May 3 Sunday Saturday Friday . ;,k May . 6 Wednesday... ?9 15 21 . " : i 'i I uesday r, 18 Monday - 'i Thursday r Wednesday Tuesday j 24 Sunday i;ci-: 27 30 Saturday June 2 8 14 20 26 June 5 Friday , i .1 11 Thursday !')-17-Wednesday ''J 23 Tuesday f 1 n Monday : Sunday l Saturday Friday . , Thursday Wednesday 29 Monday 5 Sunday k.a 11 Saturday July 2 ,; t i'i 8 ( L,. :!'; 14 July Tuesday . Monday Sunday u! ,,"'' Saturday 1 'Aug, Friday 1 ' ,'; 17 Friday , ; ',;" 83' Thursday " i, 29 Wednesday Aug. .. 20 J28 1 1 r 4 Tuesday 10 Monday " Thursday 10 Sunday ,,'.'.'19 ,,'."'25 Wednesday',, !r 22 Saturday Tuesday- 28 Friday . 31 Monday. Sunday ' " Saturday , Friday ' . Sept. 3 Thursday " 9 Wednesday 15 Tuesday ' 21 Monday Sept."1, 6 12 18 ii- . 24 Thursday , 27 Sunday on Wednesday Oct. ,. 3 Saturday .., Oct. 6 Tuesday , , .. , 9 Friday . .V t il2 Monday. t : , 15 Thursday, ,. --,18 Sunday . , ,, 21 Wednesday.- ,r . 24 Saturday-, , 27 Tuesday; . .,,'.. ;30 Friday ,r"Nov. 2 Monday... Nov. , -5 Thursday ,' , 8 Sunday v . fc 11 Wednesday , ,, 14 Saturday , . : 17 l uesday ' 20 Friday : , , .. f 23 ! JUHJN HUbLilSl lilt . -VU. t Agents. Perrysburg. The steamboat Commodore Perry will leave Buffalo on the' same i day that the General wayne leaves ferrysburg, and run alternate ly; agreeable to this advertisement Arrange. ments have been made with four first Class steamboats, to run in connection' with the above boats, to form a six day lit.!! from this place to HutlaIo.---'t:-!' fi itt i. t , it The steamboat Commodore Perry is ' well known boat, and is commanded by her former Uaptain, David Wilkison ; whose reputation as a Commander, needs no eulogy. ; The Commodore has been fitted up for the coming season, preparatory to taking her place in the rank of the first class of boats on the lake. . -No boat is more safe or regular in her trips; . -- --- - March 8. rl-1- -' :."' " ,:48tf I .- ',' JAMES CREED.'--:'"" ';:' WOULD inform the public that he has taken the shop formerly occupied . by J. Woodruff, where he will keep constantly on hand a general assortment of Cabinet Furni ture, Fancy and common Chairs, high post, French, and common Bedsteads,, and all oth er articles usually called for in his line, and ivould respectfully Solicit a share of public patronage. ,' ' . ,, ,,, ,. ,.- . ... . , Feb. 24: X' " '47- MAUMEE CITY HARDWARE ' ; x-n- STORE. " -; ' 117". WISWELL h BOYNTON, respect . fully inform the inhabitants of this city and vicinity that they; have arrived from Njw York with, and are now opening at the Commer cial Buildings, a large and general assortment of, jimuwuTe,nuuow-uarc,im-tcare ana vtuiery. Their stock,amohg other articles, consists of the following Bar, band, and hoop, Iron En ish blister, American and cast Steel:. Enclis Russia and American sheet Iron;- trace, halter ana jacK Chains; blacksmiths' vices and anvils; shovels and toners; scales: Sad and Tailors' irons:' mill, cross-cut. slittincr-wood. circular. fret-hand, key-hole, back and compass Saws patent and iron weights, sauco and frying pans, tea-kettles, augurs, bellows, bellows-pipe, era- uie ana grass scythes, sand paper, coltee mule, crow-bars, hammers, bitts and stocks, wire, brass kettles ; escutcheon, Norfolk, knoh, Ame rican and brass Door-latches; sickles; dinner, tea,and cow-bells, brushes, candlersticlfs, butts and screws, combs, brads, sparables, tacks, wrought and cut Nails, Locks and bolts of all kinds and sizes: fassets and , molasses gates; Carpenters' rules, squares, bevels, 4-c, hat and cloak pins; powder flasks, percussion,, locks, pills and caps; "compasses; tin trunks, glass lanthbrns, astral and nurse, lamps, dust pans: ever pointed pencil cases; razor strops; sugar nippers, spirit levels, .bed and clothes, cords; snuffers and frays, German silver and iron ta-. OJe ana tea-spoons; .waiters; carriage wrench. es; steelyards,: hoes, trowels, waffle-irons, bench-screws, sheet lead, sheet-copper, .cook: inir-stoveB and furniture-. ' "'.'.' ....!...'.. Cuffer-r-TabJe and Caranr .Knives and Forks, steels, tack and pen knives cf a superior quauiy, oroau axes, aaze, pianes- ana irons; drawing knives, fleams, scizzors, shears, and superfine razors, &c, together with many oth. er articles too numerous to mention. ..Thear tides have peen selected with great care, and can be afforded cheap for cash,, iThe public are respecuuny invited to call and examme,,.s Maumee City ( Jijne 5, 1838, . lOtf ''f OoimoRS.:':: TfrHE subscriber has .procured for the ac- . X commodation of the' public, a first , ratd Double Carding Machine, which, he ,fuur -now in" operation in -the Steanj Factory, on'Tapr, i t, uui vAKuins uone inrne oest manner, ana on reasoname,terms, -i ;r james .WQLCOTTi i , Maumee City, June 16, 1838. v. : llt,--H ISAA'STTS6N,;qWleif t and iCotan' scllor al u-,will eive. punctual attend ance to tho duties of. .his profession hi Wood county; and will also attend to the Courts in the counties of Lucas, Williams, Henry, and 8anduBky,'j,)0ioe.jn Law Buildings, No. 1, Perrysburg, Ohio. ' .v-'U'! , march. 2o- . i . n.:;,i . The Subscriber would give notice, thathe has taken said house formerly nnennind by 'J.-W7 Cdhyerse," on Panal Street; where he will at all timee be ready to, wait upon, those, who may blease to mve him a call.; : iW) VsCHAKLES. JJ. FOSTJiB Maumee Cttvi June 9i 193a i i VJ nHEZEKIAli ;JU H063IERti-.-7;-.''S fn ATtO'asBV) a aotioiToaf 1 ' ILL: 've puncfual atfehtfon to ue du" - ties or his protession in the several counties comprising this judicial Qircuit.i Of fice in the Commercial Buildings. Maumee city, Dec. J?2T. ' 37tf tMPORTANT ' w 1 IWW.AMBD Eybb Cbrbo without pain otu application of vitriol, and Without ti. l,. :"t iuring the sight or appearance o the eye. b. E. Dean's Chemical Plaster. 3 It is now atl four years since the proprietor introduced tail plaster to the attention of the afflicted. jSJ effect is not only to prevent inflamation in m. vers cases oi ourns ana wounds of every do. senption but. to cure inflamation both internal sAHiiiiu ab .Biiy Biaua oi jh existence. Its uniform effect in hundreds of cases abmv dantly proves that, as yet, no medicine has been introduced to the public possessing suoh pow er to cure inflammatory diseases ofevery kbi flheum, lellons, fevef sores, cancers or the in lormation in the eyes; as the plaster now of fered. One very peculiar quality of it is, that ..6C....j .c.iuwa ine pain in a tew hours after it is applied. . For sore eyes shut theevJ and put the plaster directly on the eye and washing off the matter on tho n ,;tk ... tile soap.i till the inflamatiiin t m.:irT say from three to ten days. ! The proprietor l i I ph ying ii to sore eyes un. til about two years since, when he applied it to a case m his family and was Bnmai,..i i.. the result. Since then he has applied it in ma ny Severe cases and it has uniformly effected a cure and leaves the eye natural end free from any inflamatory appearance as though it had not been sore. He" fully believes that almost every case of sore eyes may be cured by it m a few days, except in cases of intemperance. it" .CERTIFICATE.-vl. 1 "l S15 Mr, E. Dean. Sir, I have used vourClim, leal plaster in six cases of fellons, all pi which i eurea ; aiso several cases of inflamatory rhen." matism with like good success. ' ''' ' i THAYER CUMlNGS.i Mayville N. Y.'August 86,"1887. : ou:hn - Mr. E. Dean.Sir, M r. Rodolphui Brown, my father-in-law, some time last fall, had a fc. vere attack of the inflamation in both eyes, so that he could not bear the light, and scarcelj see, after using various ' 'remedies for three weeks and hie eyes still growing worse, and so painful that he could not rest day or night, ha applied your chemical plaster and in a few hoimi his eyes were easy, and beean to discharms freely, and the inflamation began to disappear;, we continued the plaster for one week remo ving the inflamation, and his eyes assumed their former appearance. We also applied in one of the worst cases of fellon, which afforded relief in a few hours so that the Individual had a good night's rest, , For six days and nights previous he had not been free from excessive pain b some of the time he had been so distract ed, with pain that be had to be held by force; , . . CLARK GOULD. ! Portland N., Y.' Feb. 22, 1837. . ,. ' Mr. E. Dean Sir, I have now sold at re tail about 400 boxes of your Chemical Plaster and have heard from a great portion of them u producing the desired effect. Several-important cases in this vicinity which came under my knowledge, where other medicines had bees tried for years without effect, have been cured ( In tact, 1 think it one ot the most valuable me dicines for curing inflamatory diseases ever in. vented, aud do think the suffering of the afflic ted demand that you should give it a general circulation, and make its virtues known. .' - ROBERT HOLLISTER, Druggist - Buffolo'jMarch.l, 1837 .- .'. ' ,, ,,( Mr-. ,E. Dean. Sir, in May last, I put out two bones' in my instep, which laid me up for six months, so that I could not walk on my foot. 1 employed several physicians to no effect, and in Octoberlast I procured a box of your plaster, which cured my foot in a short time." I have applied it to my back also, end received imme diate relief in a case of rheumatism." : t ....... , .- - - THO'S. SMITH. " ; -Melborough, Ulster co:. '".'ii : N. Y. Oct. 12, 1835, ! J ; Price 75 cents. For sale by' ' E. Dean, pro prietdr, Westfleld, -Chatauquc co. N. Y, None genuine unless signed in bis own hand on the stereotype wraf per... Sold by .druggists as agents in Now York, Philadelphia, Pittsburgh, and Buffalo, Also by O Williams fit Co., aud Dr; O. White, Maumee; .City, and, Peck. & dnswold, Perrysburg. . .,,,; i vti .. - i October, 21. hi j ff bushels ' of ' Timothy Seed, just 1 received by A. j; hAckley TEA KETTLES Sheet iron Tea Kittles. 1 a new article,' for sale by . . I r W. WIS WELL bCO.T, 1T7-ARRANTEE ' DEEDS. Morteaei It1 Deeds;' "with a general assortment ,ol uunuuea JDianKB, lur ouiu ut luiu oiuce. . , v S ASH, leather or Goods, paid for Hide . and Skins, at No.1 3, Commercial build nlmbr W.&rit L. BEEBEE. ' SANDWICH Island Mblasse'superfor W any other importation'; now offering ity sate by- the barrel or gallon, at JNo. 3, Corn- inercial buildings, by h. BEEBEEd joneas ..;,,-;...,, AV.air; TNSPECTED, Ilops.for those who prefer X health to ague; for salo at No.' 3, Commer. oial buildings, by . L. BEEBEE TT HE subscriber'-i having; made arrange- JL, ments to receive,: on ' consignment, f. choice selection, and' regular supply of Gro ceries, Leather, Books and Stationary, which are now .offered for sale at No 3 Wayae street, Commercial Buildings; at wholesale and retail, for cash and prompt: pay onlyM'T i - .Connected with the above, is a good Sun day School and, Tract Depository, embracing- fa great, variety of new publications. Maumee Pity, June1 2S 1838. 18"t " teJte;i7? .EXPRESS t 'wiM-iiH! teems or euBscarWio'tt. -W" ., I -Two Dollars pe. annum, to be paid h ao yahcer $2,50 at the expiration of six monthS and J3iOOat the end of the year. ; i, , - ; To subscribers wlib have their papers left attheir door,J2,50 ifi advance ( $3,00, fj( months j $3,50 at the end of the yea;, 4j ..-Jc.wai V!: 10 -: J' r'r T !irl(t!riJiJli n knVpnTltiiwri "? .'..' I' One Dollar per square for th firet three la-s sertions', and 25centa ' Yearly advertising;: 1 square perane. A Anlnma 19 t eveTJ sunsequent insertion. 4 3 Advertisements not accompanied with wxit- ten" directions! will be inserted until forbid and charged ac6brdingly.! Casual Advertisenient... will not be inserted until paid fojf,.. v,-all Notices by associations, half price. , .... 'joB'pjfUNTING .f Ofevery description, executed withnats ness and despatch at this office. .