OCR Interpretation

Maumee City express. [volume] (Maumee City, Ohio) 1838-184?, December 29, 1838, Image 1

Image and text provided by Ohio History Connection, Columbus, OH

Persistent link: https://chroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn85026141/1838-12-29/ed-1/seq-1/

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it! 7nAni'!TT'in . ' " "v -"ati'ihm
,IS CI i -Oil
Willi. 1i
! i
J i.nri in.
Her ;';
1 4
t -JoU HOl'ili wen v.
i I
i Canal street.4wvr
f i
1 t -ts
ah: m) 01 nc ;
!!o struct. 1
V. v KLLU & homfr,
Book to Job Printers, ilaumee.Ex r
....,... .. Wo1cott street. -
- tv. . " ,.:rr'
Attorney and Connie!,'
Attornies v. '
'ft fi ! J
6,-" '
.1,1 ,ucc of the Peace,
3 r '
Jmitice of the f c"e.
. 1 , , L' (Ui
Physician and burrreon,
0; :
KL'.Nt to COWl '"
Forwarding i t n ' ' r h nts
.... .... Valnr street...
JII'H WOi.CO 1 1'; t CO..
FbrWirJiii" ni Cumimflsicn Murclmnts,
' Wiiu-rstieft
" J o W i H ! I ' Mil)
yorwavdiiig and Coirmiiesion-ilulohanta,
.', V at.nr si rrt. i. '. ,. ;
W " i i
s f I II lV, DO.
Torwardln" and Commiffiiuii Serchatit8,
-Dry Good and u i-' ..' ytiro,- Commercial
; . -ft- - )iMihlinirn;' -" ' ' J- ' :'
W W I U i j h,
JDealora in liiinUvRro, Hollow-ware, Tin-waie
.M' ... nd Cutlorv, Lna Ptipct, ,
'DrnWs in . Grocorind, l'i maiotr, &-c. to.
.. i Hotel Umlding.- '
hPf NCI it to II oiir,
' DcalerB in Dry Gondii, (iroi - LCuk1pi
- " F.ria ntif ct. " V
' Tu'sTlA JIACiC,
Do'iior ill Dry Goods Gro' em's and f o..k!ry ,
. , .' ', . Front ctrent. , - ;
1 ( i Ti"TrvM)i J,
"'"Pealera m Dry Coodw, Groconos, toe. toe.-.
1 - . ' i'.ria ati'oot. -V '
g u miu'ip: c .
D.alera in I' lim; v ami staple Dry Gooi U'1-
-. " ;, " tol Build n r . i.
Dry Goods,. Groceries, Hardware, Crockery,
' ' riB "f reot-: '
AClCLll to K VNDV,
"'"Dry Goods, Grocfinos,' 0101111112- vVo. tod
Girnl atrent. 'v. '
Tir-uTriT u 7 '
'' Bry Goods. Hooka toi. AVnlmitt RtTncf."
-Dealer in Drv (Joo ls. (h i , '
P lots SHdda. A'C. I lit t
i) n &. i vi l,
. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, , Crocker)
j, iy, U ol tt itic f
fr,- Alton" j-1 ' ri' 1
, ( DUM. rlr.r nnil .viteilr. . ..
Tr.' ',. (Juki. - - .
Vltl il ml
" 1 r n
& 1
. - Iwrnrv
us--. Cum-, ercial Bui dinTK.
ul 1'niviriionf.
A. G-i i.
t , D v G i , d i"er u P uni
toe-Comer of Brand way and Gonant 8tn.
' ( M 1 1,1,1 VlWII,
I y (. , G 1' ovi i I n' is','
"'" ' vc. front str t
v ' J - .jT ' "
'' ,Vho" ' ' I Ucf.il- dealer -in I,ry Goods,
'" ' -.-ee - . im,. ' ' ,1 n
.? 1
-.'Ijeit its in i
t i ' ,
l i, Grocei i , H i v
too--. Conant Stoeet.. , -.
.1 . . . 1 V
Frio street;
,o .V
ii .r i Dtl f
.'. j -'; v.r '
1 V 1 ) 3
11 , ) I I I ft'
t ' l i. If I U II ! T
i:t.mn (il Urornw end
I 1 I .( t il I
! j .-..vi .,mp of Jwk'nu and vtivne six.
I, ..i,.) j (,..:,,..-., where almost every arucle in
H i' u bi fuii it 1 it n-i'iui d piitir
I 'or cash, - ' , '
. . u , 1 1 ilsi' i i ) Di 'rn I i mi
ii ics, will ' i ' ii tn t' ir i in i I'ltnc
l( ' - tn Turmt- l url-o, ClKvelniiil J.
.' . lift
i :-iH.(1-.pCHr, Ohio, Mnv g-Uh. Ia"6.-i-, ;
' ' STEAL. LAMi'S A miw, chcnp
ij. buiiutiiu! article, forsulo by-
. : . w. wisv. i;i.r -
June l) ' ' - CooiHiercml ISuililin.
Attorney mid Guuhmj
Ju t i ( i ii
11 T a l Ii C tv t
I i
i(,r i i . fiiiuifl over
5 Drttoitiitvect..
1 tf
i Hi i '
I n t II i i 1 vi m i UN, io
rnHF sub.'criber re-ipectloliy infonnn tlio
J public' that ho has leased tins eligible es
tablishment, and put it in complete order fur
tho receitioii of boarder-?, traveller and vnu-tors-
- It is a beantmil situation, ill tho most
ideaaarit part of said city, on tho subseriDer
flntterii hitiiBidf that his attention to thene
cominodation and comforts of his fruests will
ensure to him a liberal share of public patron-
The furniture of tho House is new, and the
noartrnents are in good order.- The stable is
larpo and commodious, and will bo attended
by caroluUuvan'U
apn!31. ' . 5rtt
li u.i a.
m f rff4 feet -seasoned white wood, 1 inch
4 board, 2 inch planlt, 1 and 1J
inch Flooring, biding- . - - ,
- 3 bv 4, 4 bv 4, 4 by 5, Z by 5, 2 by C and
8by8Joi t, Mt.o, -
75 TOO sawod Laths for sale at tire corner pf
Kini'sbtiryand Front-street, by ;
rftFG-S lenve to. inform his friends and the
,,i,r,. flint, bo haM resumed tho Profes
sion of tho Law, has opened an offico, opposite
the brie store ol Smith to Crowell, on Wol
cott street, in .'laumee city, where he intends
to practice as an Attorney, Counsellor, and
Solicitor, in all the courts of Law and Equitjr
in the state of Ohio. - .: ; - ..-,-..;-.
" His .hinicos Officers kept intne eame.nuiw
...a to. iM nil nrnnrr hours. . 3ck-
IIJ, fllll, ,l. f,v,i - i-- - r -
nowlodgomentsof all kind, of instruments ta
ken, and all kinds of conveyancing. Done tiore
with neatness-and despatch, iv -,; - . "
- 0 t 7 27lf
T ul-'AN-- A oiiautity oj . Luans -jiiet rt
Ij ceived and for sale,, at t ho ; Warehouse
0C ; i .. 1- .1. wuuuu i x;.u -o ... ?
, ML It YL lL!tAiN( V.
4 N aostifcinent of J of oi)p per rent Ins
J been der-lared by the directors of .the
p'Ttarro Co- Mutual Insurance Company on all
premium notes dated prior to -Apnl 10, ISoH.
s ..-1 Wn, 1 to t83 iiiehisivn. - Payments of
thr same to be mndee or before the 1st. day
of Kept, next at tho ofiVo or to any njients of
ithr ,,.ra an N i' '
AVm- Ki-r.iu;uv, Jt't Jlianmt-e City. -), f
fl I'OONS .Gorman silver I e and Table
, U r..,a . l-onnlilul hHU'IP. r.tlHIl Dlir ail d C-
.jj,,,u.-, u, ..i .......... ' '
oiullilt handsome with silver, iorush- by -.
- n K ;:-.'i'Tf.KS Sheet iron Tea Kittles,
. a new article, for eale by. - ;y.
"EADY mndn' clothing fon . sale low. for
i. cash at tlio i..jrei!-, rnsli store. - ,-,i,:;
,A. ' , nOM.
,L, tS 1 H ' , 1.1
... ft general nsor Tiit lor sa,e al
t' e "0 cash stu, .
! dll" M1.
r morlious luoi U now
iv l I Ilia
' I
-t I urn - . r n i..nel m
i i t 1 1 t l, an I ui
I " cent re, ol t r city. .Ltt-
( Willi Cj.
5 4
..... .
., I: , . ) exisi t be -t(,B
ti. i:i!jr,..oiived
. .:! n. sons indebted to
i K . Oh ' " ied itn'pay-
tril'TV t' is o,i. antfrorisea to
n. i . -
?.., j--.,- v.
r , , i ifd -a quan-
Mi..ifi.'niiich he is vv
r other p er
' f
f y
.... ' to .
.; -1 . ',!
"A I,
i1 ih cril hi i is i
valuable lauded ai
viz;- (MM acre ul I.-in-l pi
in the towmdiip of : k.
hi tlia tnidft of vh ch i,
hvilniulii! iio'vcr wilh u
rK for
1 hydraulic-property
laiijij Oreen Grei-k
hwaf o-am-y., Onto,
nn e.v;, iiKtit HC for
ho id of ID . fwl, "t
wlei.-n poirt crosses thwo pnfciio roade,. viz,
a sinte road runinug- from Jimiiiieo City into
inn htuto of IndianKi n county road Irom Prov-iili'iu-e
to Adrian, a ridge road from Detroit to
J- ort. Leiiunce. ia snort, the uatuiiil advan
tages of said point must be aclinoivlcdged not
to bo exceeded by any in the Alaumco -valley
2S rsgid- ft centre. of busmcps to- ntnated
a.-i it ib in tho midst of a rich,- productive and
rapimy growing country, acknowledged by all
to be lar tho bet-t part ol said county. A' town,
plat on tho .premises - at the above point is
contemplated on a ridge descending gradually
towards-the ttreiim, with Several excellent
flprines of water m the same. To suit the pur
chaser he will sell the sbove water privilege
onlv, or with any quantity (it land from 1( 0 to
j0(' aores. 1 prms ot payment maue easy.
i For turther information, enquire oftheeub
scu1 er on the p unisrs, ,
1 . B,G rTS
Die P, IS 38 i- iinB
nnlTE inbscribcrs have opened a new store
..I., under the Brick Hotel, vhe"e they oiler
for sale a splendid assortment of Goods, enn
aistmff of a general assortment of Groceries.
Broadcloths; Fatinetts, jeans, corduroyc, fus
tians. Vesting?, merinos, calicoes, 'gingham?,
linen; muslins, neck and pocket handkerchiefs,
Rob ; Ruy; plaid, merino, Thibet and cotton
Shutt'lsf Insertinirs, edrintrs, lure;- an ussort-
nient of lad!es and eontlemcns Gloves; hut
and cap ribbons; belts; artificial flowers; fan
cy, soap- Derfumc.iv; fancy goods; crockery
toe, and is constantlv receiving rddilions di
rect from Now Yrork, choan for canh, by , - ,s
g. ii. nitchh: to ro.
.- Maumee City, Nov. S, lasa. Sltf ,
ritLf-H Aliim.YL.
CA. WILLIAMS, has jus' rcrpupj, and
has for sale at retail, tea, cnflee, sugar,
molasses,-raisins, herring, ado-pice, -pepper,
eonp, candles, lamp oil, teDars, pepper sauce,
chocolate, tobacco, and a general assortment
of liquors, and other articles usually kept in
.Groceries..'.:-. - . r
mllR subscnl er has opened the Monuoa
.8- House at Mon lova, and is now ready for
the reception of compaii), with good accom
modations: for man and beast. I will aprlv
for a tavern licei ce nt the April term ol the
court for Lucas county. . ..- ... -- .,-
: ,.-;,,'. w YTIRMAN JOUXOV,
' Monclovn, Dec. 1, 1 u. Su'4
TJUsi receiveu nt the Miami ash htore, a
J ood asjiprtmanttif Kancj mid Htaple Ury
Goods, such as f rencli, German and Lnglioh
merinos: l- rench I nohsh and American prints
broad cloth, saiinctt, flannels, blanket .earnb-
lets, woolen .yarn dud socks; hosiery, gloves,
mittens, clothing, fur caps, ladies line kid . and
goat skin slips and walking shoes: -coarse boots
and hrnrrans, and almost every article usually
kept in. Dry Goods Stores, ot as low prices as
can be sold at any?.-other- establisliment-nn the
nvir.r T W CROW 1 LL
di t. I. "r - 3r
, miAlI 1IOTXL. UO LLi
f 'I Hl-S- new - ftnd".-spctoua: Honse
nil would be rented to a good tenant who
j-X would furnish it, at a-low rent, tor a
year or term of years.- Tt is situated nearer
the mum steamboat landings of -Alanines City
and the treat ferry across the river, than Sny
other laro-o establishment Of the, kind, and
where the travel through, the black swamp
may be most conveniently- accommodated.
Po 11,-iTol in this region of country offers
grealer indtnemcnts to a , rd tenant Its
pliuv rtnd arrangements are superior tonny on
the Maumee river.. . LnaiHre offc ---nov
li 1. W. fCOTT. -
M , . W VM J.
0R wlnqh Cash will lie i-
,ad at either
ot the Wowing places, -ren-
-i, Ore "on,- Maithnu
r (
l i on-vsDurg, Mali,-
or to the subsei'i
MRD ' t
f ,.4 6U0C.(lber I itv,
'tf nieiird aS.-ynul enab1
either m larp ors.nall q
'Ii nrrnno-e-n
to il 1 lour,
under the Jnarket pric ai. i ,us place.-.. (. ull and
JAVi WGLCU1T to "'v;
if virtue of a writ of exncuuon, to rue df
reeled, issued from the court of common
i i- within and for the county of CuvahO;
g t. t. luo. I will, offer at public ale,, at the
dnor of the court house. -in the town of N.
polenn, tiunvy coimtv, Ohio-, on the SOth day
of -Tanr.nrv Jioiit, between the hours of'slO o''
; i. r A. M flnd 4 cVlot 1. P. M. on said day,.
, i.iiiowin fiescvineu real- estate .to. wil:
t eweitJialfii ' north east quarter, of smithr
p-est v tarter of , -ction r,o, 4, ltl townsiup
J o. north of w ia i cast,.. containing
1- "eras ol land. .
or rty of Gooi--I
-a h.
A. ( v'
1, : ! C. 1
- iiM-ii in o.vocution as the
i... hi ps, at. the suit;of.
1 J. , , . t IS i
" " V-vir' . ,., -JI
rj, t f , . . l;
f ri' , t" :
C. J - tv v., in
Januarj 8, -1ST.,
ifff described v
! t Cel. C -
. Vr r .
A.f '. !
v t ot i uii.' expo, issued
r .,, ;i -' u.e, m ana
rt i i .iti1 1 and
10 i t.of
Ci'" ci-,- lay.
., ioilovr
. V l . e 6i.rlll!
.0,1 '! r nt of ihr
, "i i a.
, ,,r i.
,j tide,' ri.
? tn
f ri
r ar-
1 .,i .
v,nn, ,-
j I
.-','," ' IV JOl! N HAL,
Hrtrrali for Cnpe cot tain, hurruliS .
, Hurrah for a Kieht of the sua! -
Hiirridi for the girla tnut aie lound tliero!
Hurrah for the rocks that abound there, ' - -With
sea -perch weighing more than a pound
. there!" . -. '... - -.-7urrah
for iha wind blowing free! "
Bend, brother, bendl with all your might j": ;
'dtreloh forward, keep her to it!
Lei the oar-k surges flashiioc brurlit! i
Lot the blue -waters tre-iibiing white! ' J -
Hurrah boys; drive her throiigb it! .
Hurrth for Cape Cottage! imrrah! . ,
Hurrah Tor the hedges of roses!
Hurrah for the trees and ihe flowers!.
The berries and blossoming showers !. ,
ftea Eerponts and pearls, - , " ,. -,.
.1 he boys and the iirls, . .
And the beach where-old Ocean reposes!
1 here's the, ( Cape of. G.ipi iojJe,'j and tiie
. hope of good cape. ..; '; " t
To c(.mlbrt the mart of the sea "...
1 here's the frightful 'Cape Horn' to the mor
i ncd . Cape Fear, '' " ". ; . ' '
And the nice little cape thai: belongs to my
de if,:; v:-;j;'v V -'
Of a tissue so thin that they call it Cape t'kur
1 lie last to he davbled by me. , . ; 'v. ..
ThereV 'Cape Cod,' and 'Cspe Aano,': ; ,.
Bless' your soul what a 'span,' ' , : 1 ; 'te ,
Cape Lookout,' and' Hatferns,' too
And the Capes of Virginia? the strangest of
- -all, .'. 'v.,,,:'j:,-. v . ;. -,, , -.
For oh! how strangely they rise and full!
In the sweet sea breeze, or the moonlight ball
That's held on the Ocean bl tel . -,- , ' j
Oil, sav what , you will of the Capes of the
Ihi cupea of the Land are the capes fot me.
Beni, brothers bend! there lies the shofe!--'
Spring to it all togetherl-n's , - .
Now where the surges roar,- ' :,
Along the Deeps's ' untrntnpled floor,' r i .
.We go like a dancing feather!, -..i '.1.-,-'';.
Then hurrah for Cape. Cottage, hurrah! , u "
Hurrah for the blossomingtrees!
Hurrah for the shells and the moss li r;- ',.
l he cliffs and the chasms to cross! , . .
Hurrah for the hoautifu! womon!. .' .-,-'
. j, 'I he places to swim ia V "; .,
All tranquil and brimmin! ' . .''
Hurrau for the sounding sea-breeze; '-
A waterine placet on the shores oftha At
lantic, near- the entrance to .Portland, harbor,
one of tho most beautiful retirements in the
world..'.:' ,.:'."'-.;''.-,, X- s.
A (KRILLtNO 6T01H OF A ,W B A-rr.-WiHMiwBX.
1 he n:vot of the rooming still hung heavily
on the mountain top, above the Tillage of Red-
clili, but the ronds -which led towards it were
crowded .-with-tho varied population of the sur
rounding country from tar and near. At Ales,
bury the shops were closed, tho hammer of the
blacksmith -laid Upon, its anvil-not ' wagon
of any description wag to beeeCri in -i ho streets,
and even the bar of tlie tnverir was locked and
the key gone with the proprietor towards the
chfT, as a token. of an important era which was
without a parallel in the annals of the. place.
And excepting, onlv hero and thorp a solitary
head lookinw through a broken oanevm some
closod up house with an air oi sari disappointment-,
or the- cries of some- .little nursling -Was
heard, betokening that in. the general-flight,
it had been left lit unskillful haiids,--or. -mayhap
heroiitio tnero a solitary, ragged, ill natured
dog, eiiher screaming or halt appended by the
privilege ot a holiday granted on Condition of
staying at home. .the wholo village presented a
picture of desertion, mid silence, tnat had fore
ver In op, unknown beiore. ' - ' --.
Eut in Diooortion as vou draw near the pon
derous cliCn. in the -midst of. which, the-lude
toivn of Itedchfi is sitimted, vourmmgleil again
m the thick bustle and motion. nt the world,
of man and woman-and hoys. antf horses, and
dogs. and. ail living, movmsr and -creeumg
things, that inhabit tha wild district-uf 1 i;ini
eylvuiti.L -. -.' - ----r-,.w-
"The -vilmjre w'a -crowi.c-d to ovefowuig,'
long before. the -sun hau gameo -ft sulucient al-
V.iuuu,tnri.r , ni;j.ur-...i ..u. v.uo.j
.Huvhuolrit liii'.' i iioi-e the oar -ot ilimn,.was
crowded aim the fumes of tobacco and wIiib-1
fcoyind- tlm huglmg of mall char5 , and ftnpelri ,
the perpetual clamor of the throng,- was sulBj, 0 .
cient to rack tho bram of 'comirton ,fleKibiliitf..i ....
tn li.i fel.ic , tl,.. urtl tlkA -rfl',r,rf ' .
-.v. e . -
Olu nnu iong.iipri6a,iiicqiiBiiitam;ouT una iinr
tering of Bosses;;: the etllm -of frf accoUhW';;
the buffoenerjr ot half tnloxitaled men 1 the
clatter of m'onien.i h cryinj -'.nd halloomp
ef.childrett-jftodv boys; and nhe barkinir- and
iqaarrelinjfof rrnnger- dogs - To look upon
the scene,-, to. mingle-with -tha crowd,- .u tisten
ts the convreatJrrji-or-- tarey thccoWitta
jirmcea of Lhs-assembled miiltitiKie,' would lead
ton Batisiactory aohltiorvof thM3iiUse for Wlneh
the mass of., heterogenous maUor was cor"re
gnteA -i j!.- t
Withm loalIs-ff tbc stone j i, nt
foot of the-nwsnttiir) adifesrcnt son t
emriiing witnessed. There, cliamfid toil;; tsttwj
in the niisBraWe dungeon, dnniimnd- fia-'
illuiniintcd' jwsi.tha lorm of - c who
(loonj-peamednear-athn '. ' ,..
bis Wife and drjn'er l , a i in
red miles tecwret -f-n oo ' ' f 15 1'
ijrtti'e tb-y n.
"I" I "
-the ! . . .sail l
nfthe t r""
t!ir' i..
fed', ...
beaut i u! 1, ,
'' 1 L i
llmo'-t ti -o --,
.-itooil Id: J pi a
Could t.. -e L.3 the vo;i
inurderer e .wife and c
" 1'he brief end tiie I .. ,j i ...... .
ett however those
oudly corviiTienii-.;d e
nt tin ir hea-1-"
lace t.(o a- .
I mi I
a com'ict .
r li iv t '
Or ',1
T.mia. IS
ii i u i ; J , I
-n.-.-i.i e s,n(l to be i;i i
eu no while traveliin
1 be,
id ll e , i
Il H , I lUmi
, t
j ins homo, and tnod ami -
I iv town some miles di--.-fanr, lor tin reorder of
i his ItlluW traVKiler, who Ind borne. Inn com-
ny from the laHe.r, who w am-iirluiucd to
nave i-a large sum ot money w-ith him, and
who was found in. the room in which he slept,
at. a country inn, near Kedch:?, with his
throat cut. Creel ahvavs had pi'-"-"4ed Ins in
nocence, (leelaru, - that the deed mis neri.-ei ra
ted by tome cno wnile he was asleep, but ti e
circumstances were -against nm, end though
the money was not found about nun, he was
sentenced to be hung, and was removed to tha
eld stone jail at Rodclifffor security, f lie coun-
y prison being oeemed unsale. ..Tins was tho
;av the execution was to tuke place the scaf
fold was already erected, the -crowd -pressed
ound the building -and frequently erica of
' bring out.the murderer" were heard.-
The sun nt, last told the hour- of 1!, and
there could be nn more delay the convict's
coll was entered by the officers in attendance,
who roused him with the information that all
was ready without, and bid him hasten to his
execu'ion they: laid namis upon .turn nn.l
pinioned hun tight, while he looked up to hea
ven in Uston'tdimciit, aa on.o new born, only
said, "the dream. :the dream,'"' "And what
of the dreairt, -prisbnert", said the-Sheriff.
t x ou. would do- me a great kindness tt you
vould dream yourself and mo out ot .this ac
cursed scrape.'' '' I dreamed," ro,.Ucd the con
vict: that while Von i-oail tho UAHt.h Wiirrniit.
to pie on the tcaflold, a fuan came through the
crowd, and stood. before us in a grey dress, with
a white hat and whiskers, and that a bird flut
tered over him,, ami sung distinctly ." this U
Lewis, tho murderer of the'travoller."!fJ '-':' '
s The officers and jailor held tf secret consul
tation, which ended in. the determination to
look rhiirp after the man In grey, with a white
hat accompanied by many hints of resigna
tion tothe prisoner, and the posibdity of his
inocenc6 being attested by. a eupernaturnl
agency 'he prison door-being .-cleared, and
Creel, pale and feeble,, with a bymn book i
Ins band, ana a mien wf all rneeKness and hu
mility, was seen tottering from the prison to
the scaffold. . He had no . sooner ascended, it,
than his eye' began to wander over , the vast
concourse of people around him with a scruti
ny that seemed like faith in dreams, and While
the sheriff read the warrant, the convict's anx
iety appeared to increase he looked, then rai
sed bio hands and eyes a moment towards the
cleat sky, as if breathing the last ejaculation,
when lo! as he resumed his first position, the
very person he described, stood within six feet
ot the ladder. .The prison s eye1 caught the
sight, and flashed with fire while he called
out, "there is Lewis the murderer of the trav
eller," and Ihe jailor at the moment seized the
s'tranjror bv the collar.1 At first ho attempted
to escape, but being secured, and taken before
the Magistrate, he confessed the deed, detailed
all tne particulars, ueiivereu up partol tliemo
ney, informed where another part was hidden,
and was fully committed to trial while Creel
was turned loose, and hastened like a man out
of h senses, from the scaffold. ','-'-" js. ,.v
' Three days had elapsed Creel -liad' ran-
ished immediately after, hw liberation, when
the pretended Lewis astonished and eenfoum-
ded the magistrates by declaring Creel-to be
.her husband, and that nhft,. had assumed that
disguise and performed the whole part; by his
direction; that he hatf given her the money
which he had till : then successfully concealed
about hi? person; and that the whole from tho
prison to tficscailuld scene wrs a contrivance
to efiect his escape, which having eilected she
was rcgardiesa of . consequences. . Nothing
could be done with her: she va again set at
liuerlv, and neither her nor her husband were
heaid of 0nn
- - ',,V '. -" -' b . -'. i.
: . ..' fyofii tlm Cincinnati Sun. -t.
i Pagsaohs Fiiour tub Diary op an Apple-feii.i.Ba.-wVVeIl!
here l am iir another day at
my old corner! J rado.jisn't so brisk as it was
in October.- W inter s iost hure, ,whow !
These mornings are gittin'' co:d! -
- And my coat is gt ttm old 1 ,
- kiiynic! 'biowed ifit am? GAntis- and mur
der always- will out, and the nun -is in a bad
snap us is Sot either to -ns wer for.. I
ho bare n
v if it had'nt 1)
t .for ni genus.
l vft a fen
up :o tne
us woulu'i
us fir (.-very t i i
wood saft'i
it les mo
ich, niceh
-portti of I
toilers t
ft l
eatre n-i v
r i
mri. nut my gen-.
to it. i whs iiei'or
1 whs li
ny incut.-'
, born for ,
! ,,
and ii
1 'it
v remis has
! I tnut onee
i tne aia?o ol
now lieUiin'
c. (j;d 1 otn,
me, suvs its
: it so. i o be
' en, to ti'
. .
urn f
Jfn -I
him as u
d to sac
drinking but I i. -i
mire,1 ahvarn l-l - n.
ft httlu sometliiii ;
J -can get. II, but i. i
Ifsdld nt-tasie good
mi- - -
Dtill j .-
and j t
1 hU
dcrsuna mv tie's
fur hard, work
adrny. and ?
every cm-,
had any g.
I i b i v
f.ol.S WIDt-tO'
I rie r
id i
a wu
, -itin-
rfay j
j to'
1 m 1 t' (, t'i a ,
j tm-;r sorrowml li'itne, ti
j i h f a t i
- --!-, '; . .
-t merchant-jlo"k at hum-
i.nir fieTceiYee," wag ti
. l'i bat,-,UafT fedupo.
-f I ami i;o coal
finew.e to pvl In . s 1 '
ver fie-:-. .-. or f ' ' :l r '.
I root u.s i--"-' ' .
- iNounB ConutcT w tw:
rrciiprniiH clniri-iclirr of a .- n, - i -bul
siidoru bar" it h. ii'-u it our
cord !in act more truly noi. t
which took psace a lew dr.ve a-o, ,
A poor wicow woii-au, vli- c
rooms m a bouse in tne i0',".-er . tr
Cial street, since tho death ol ht-r I;
six months since, lias br-rM;
liviiifj tor herself am! a fainiiv of yon. ,
by taking in wai-hmir, and with tin i
and econornv," her quarterly rent l.., '
due, bafore she could scrape to- :n-r sv
to discharge it. li mart una tdv for h -, 1
landlord was one of 'Old Crumb's' school, c',
and calculating mercenary ami . unfcolii: 4 '
sole busines w as to collect hie rent;', eci al! ii3
recreation seems to be, to distress the viiltju'i--.
She begged of him to grant her time. Hog- .
her two days she asked for more, and h in
fused, stilting that unless her rent wee (' .i be
fore twelve o'clock on the following day, every
stick nf her furniture should be put out ufdoere.
Tho tune arrived, when tiirreeable prom
ise his lackeys were sent down, and the threat
was begun lo be put in execution.' .The' poor
woman p aycu tncumcemig lam lord to desist
in his purpose,, but her prayer were in vain.
At length giving up entirely to despair, ana
wounded pride, she seated -; herself upon her
forlorn bed, with her little children crying
around her. At this cri--?s two jolly Ameri
can tars happened by, and espying the work
going on, the door open, and the wretched wo
man nd her children weeping", immediately
stopped their -course, and begun to recoonoi
tre. ' ' - y - '"
- 'luay shipmate,' cried one, 'there be some
foul pla y going . on in these waters let's over
haul this Craft.' ',- ,:. ; f. : . ..
' 'Aye, aye, Jack,' replied the other, 'the
young 'oinan by the bed, has hoisted signals of
distress lier'pumps ate going In right earnest
lei's givo.her a long hail.'.
; .The tarB called, the woman to them, and
from her soon learnt the whole of the story.
- 'Well, now shi p-nmte, it that land pirate,
h'ad'nt ought to he lathered with hot tar, scra
ped with a rusty hoop, and then keel-hauled,
for laying his gnipling irons on the few loose
spars what are scr.ttored about this wreck.
Never mind my good ,oman, keep your spirits
up, and. we'll set yea in the right course, with
plonty . of balkart and provisions. I say yeu
land lubbers belay there upon them things,
we'll be 'sponsible for the da mage.'
'"' How much do you owe this land pirate?'
' The woman told him the amount, when Jack
took from his wallet the same, in hard curren
cy, and paid the bill, made the women a present
of a handful of silver whiie his ship-mate in
the mean time, went to a butcher's shop hard
byrand brought back a rargo joint of meat, for
the dinner of herself and poor children. - They
left, after receiving the poor woman's bles
sings, And wishes for their prosperity, and went
whistling through the f streets as though no
thing had happened"
. "The Rev. Mr Bulkley of Colchester, Con.,
was famous ,in his day as a casuist and sago
counsellor. A church in his'rteighborhood had
fallen into unhappy divisions and contentions,
which they were unable to, adjust among them
seHes They deputed one of their number to
thevencrnble Bulkley, for his services; with a
request that ho would sdnd it to them in wri
tings The" matter-were -taken into serious
consideration, end the advice with much deli
beration, committed to writing. It so happen
ed, that Mr. Bulklcy had a farm in an extreme
part of the town, upon winch he entrusted a
tenant; in. superscribing the wb letters, the
one for the church, was directed to the tenant,
and the one for the tenant to -thechurch. The
church was convened to hear the advice which
woe to settle all their disputes. The modera
tor read as follows: Yottjnill see to the repair
the fences, that iheij be built high anil iirong,
and you will lake special care of the ol4 blatk
bull. This mystical advice puzzled the church
at -. first, but- aa interpreter amonsMlie more
j:,......i.....nnn. ...,, f,,,..l .l,
I ., ,,.;: o,. , ,!; . J.
( t0 (jlreCjns t0 repair the fences is to admon
J.,1 OLII, to, , woo IH i-oi? vli ttunui wo tuuin. imouj
isn us to tuko good heed in the sdmission and
government of our members! 'we.must uard
the church-by our master's law.; and keep out
strange cattle from the fold. ; And. we must in
a particular 'manner set a watchru guard over
tne Deed, the, old Waolc bull, wh has 'done so
much hurt of. late. All perceived t&eWfsdom
and . fitness of -Mr, Bttlkley's advich. nd re
solved to be governed by it. .The consequen
ces was, all. the animosities subsided end hnr-r
irony wis restored to the long anncie..! ch'ircii..
V hat tho.subjoct oftha letter sunt to tne ton. ,
ant was, end what, good eficct it had upo.ii hun,
the story. does not tell."- , - 4 ' .
is' Cakttekr. The 1,,,
i tho following compliment v,
work:. -, . : - . , -.
- v.
arfat, ,,.
abiu .;,
I'uina, and
i vholc
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.1 ,
ii know this v
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