Newspaper Page Text
12 MAUMEE CITY EXP1IESS. SATURDAY, MAY 1ft 1h.;9. Our Local Claim. In our last we compared the situation of Toledo and Mau nieewith that of the towns having anala gous positions nn'the rivers of the Atlantic coast from tho Penolscot to the Hudson, Inclusive, We now pursue thecomparisnn. The Passaic has no town at its mouth but Lis Newark with a population of '20,11(10 nt the head of sloop navigation. It in due however lo candor to say that the growth of Newark hna depended very little on tho navigation of the river. Tho Iturilon has Perth Amboy at its uiouth with a popula tion of some two or three thousand, and twelve miles t hove, at the highest point of (loop navigation is Now Brunswick with a population of about ten thousand. It will Dot be malapropos to remark (hut Ambov has periodically put forth loud claims to become great city, wiiile JBrnusvick has kept on growing without faying intic'.i about it. A mere glance at tho imp will show llint the Delaware river furnished us with no cvi dence either wav. Abovo Philadelphia it nny be navigated with sloops to Trenton; but instead of this up-iivcr navigation gn. ing to meet the interior trade, it goes off nearly ata right angle from it. liul Phila delphia is 40 miles above the mouth of the Delaware. Washington and Georgetown are at the head of oil kinds of navigation on the Potomac, and are flourishing, whil Alexnndi ia, nine miles below, i6 rapidly sink ing to decoy. Fre.lericlisburgh, Richmond and f'eleri burg, are they at or near the mouths of thoir respective rivers! Look at a largo man ol Virginia and see .low long and how crooked are the channels, along which the pilot has to tune tho winged mes sengers of commerce before they cm reach either of those towns from tho Chesapeake bay. Th?y areas high up the country as ocean vessels can go. And where are their rivals at or near tho mouth of the Rappa hannock the Jiimea ami the Appomattox? Wo will resume the subject here after. We are sorry to sco so much apathy man ifested on the part ol our citizens towards the plan of forming a junction with tho To ledo and Adrian Railroad. When wo wit nessed the silent and persevering enter prise that carried a fine bridge across the river at this place, completed almost in a day, and before its commencement was known to some of the residents of the town, we were stimulated to the belief that the project under consideration would be the next one taken hold of by those with whom to undertake is to complete. When it is recollected that for four months in the year, our bridge furnishes the only certuti means of crossing the river, the tinpurtnuce of this road for winter travel can not be questioned; and when we consider that the transit of produce from Michigan to Buffalo may be made as cheaply through this place, by a branch railroad, as through Toledo, who can doubt but our forwarders eon drive a fair and equal competition with those of the towns below, fir tho trade of the sec tion through which tho road p asses. Cooktebfi ito. Aii old man man who called himself Lathnn Ames, was yesterday arrested in Perrysburg mid brought to thin place on a charge of passing five dollar notes of the Dank of Romeo, Mich. ulteroi to Rome, N. Y. On being searched J4'2 dollars of the same were found in his pes session. Protestation ol'innr -ence on his lart, was, however, deemed by me good ten der hearted people who had him in bands littler evidcrc; than proof positive of his guilt, and he was allowed to run, after hav ing received back 10 dollars in Wild Cat Genessee, which was nearly all lie had be sides the counterfeit. We are informed by D C. Do an Esq. con tractor on the canal, that ho will, this day have completed four miles of work, ready for navigation. Had all the contractors 011 thp line been as enorgetic nnd persevering ns Mr. Doan, wlili the exception of a few heavy sections, the work would h ive been, by this time nearly complete, from Maiunec City to the beatable waters above the ra pids. The Black 8 .vamp road, ouderthc stiper intendaiicoof Gen. J din Patterson, is last growing up to be one of the very best rinds in the state. The process of ju licintis diaining and cle iriug has already rendered ; the road not only passable, but pleasant, and when the stone shall be added on the excellent plan adopted by the siiperinlen -ent, there will be -no road in the country more delightful from the ease of tho pass age, and the rich and rapidly improving country through which it runs. , We are happy to learn that the young la dies school of Mrs. Peters, in this place is in a highly flourishing condition, and gives audi prospects of success as are satisfacto ry to the accomplished instructress. The people oflliumee should cherish this in. 'itution with all their hearts. Nothing uuuer neaven is so interesting as an in telligent woman, while no creuture can be imagined mora stale, flat arid unprofitable than a female whose powers have never been awakened up to think, and whose curiosity baa never been turned into any other chan nel than town scandal and profitless small- talk. ' ' ': We have received a letter from a gentle man at Napoleon, to whom our paper is sent, 0 abominably written that we can neither make out head or tail to it, except the sig nature. But as the note is of about the usual length of those that are written re questing papers to be stopped, we have in ferred that such (s the tenor of the note, and have acted accordingly. If we h ive not ,,,, ,t, ,.,,) i,.n ,.- ptons inform Ci.kveland Thr Canal 4ic The atu itiated and business appearance presented by the city of Cleveland, the present season; i lie great concourse of the vessel that arc seen lading and unlading at wharves, and the crowd of all kinds of crafts every day entering and leaving the port, has it'ten been a subject of remark iu otn hearing within a few days past. Th' I Ohio canal is sail to be in admirable order for boating, nml ; ,lilu ,.; n..t ilu J , s iiioulh immense quantities of the products of the rich counties of the interior, furnish ing any quantity 0 freight for the lake ves sels that are engaged in that trade; while the interiorand the river country, rich, in the luxuriance of its' surplus productions are cal ling upon the cities of the cast for propor tionate supplies of articles of use and luxu ry thus keeping up en niiiinatcr1 circulation j though all the channels ot trade, and render ing Cleveland one of the most busiuesss-like places in the whole great west. But while it is with aglow of pleasure that we contemplate the prosperity that hovers over Cleveland, the iinlurul.ri .-ult, as it is, of the completion of a work undertaken by this state in tho vigor of its youth, it is with feelings of pain, that we turn 10 the contem phtion of our own del ivod prosperity ainf to tho dilatory uiniemtnts ofthrstulc in re gird to this, the great public work of the western country. Here, Ohm Iris not seized uponthorj,,itous tune for the completion of lis 1 .burs. The time of times was a lowed to slip by unimproved, and although thero may be nothing to compl lin of in the present movements of the state, there is much to regret, that the proper opportunity w is nm seized, before a general depression of trade hid chnn0'td difficulties to impnss.bililies, niid tho most trivial impediments into diffi culties of 110 ordinary magnitude. We can now contemplate a trade diverted from its natural channels; a large surplus shin up iu the interior, for tho want of the mean-, for its vent, and that general lassitude of dis couragement that heart-sicltness of hope deferred, which beats dow n the aspirations of enterprise, enchains the wings of I nula ble aiu'nit inn, and consumes all the energies ol the country. We are informed that Judge I.add of Perrysburg is miking arrangements to start immediately for New York, for the purpose of negocialing a lo in on the credit of the counties of Wood and Hancock, for the building of the Perrysburg and Bellefnn taitie Railroad. P. Carlin Esq. is to be associated with Judge Ladd, on the part of Hancock county. The Maumee Kxpress is certainly in some degree rabid. Toledo Blair. Well, well, bo it so. If you are i'iwo hove no more to siy. By the way, wo did s ty some hard things about your corres pondent W." We are sorry for it, though not convicted under your preaching Spontaneously so. W.'' writes a ready pee, and means well, but Good Lord deli ver us! in puffery he is a very child. Now, we cou t ourselves good at it. Wo pull' like a steamboat short but very id: he pours away with a continual stream, like the hissing of a safely valve, that tares and 'ires all tho ears in the neighborhood. "That Reed of tho Express is a ' cunnin feller,' if he au't careful some one will steal him." Tho man that would steal ycu, would steal a grave stone. Wo were mistaken in saying that the dai ly pnper at Niagara Falls was published twice in a week. It is pu blished once in two weeks, aB we learn from the Buffalo Re publican. The Bowery Theatre is open and playing has commenced under the management of Mr. Thos. S. Hamlin. There has been a new arrival of books and periodicals at the Library, from New York. The Buff ilonians have been making Gov Seward a present of a beautiful pair nfi blankets, of home manufacture. A more appropriate present, on the part of the do nors at leisl, would have been a pair of buf falo 1 'is. Here's a Bull-lit-in, .as Sammy Medury said nf John Alexander B . van's paper. Hope it will he a BuliUin, thought the editor of the State Journal. We don't care whether it is a Bullet-in his (editorial) head, or a BuH-let-in to his china shop; either would he well enough, so it kicl s 1 p a dust between them. " Here's the banisters, but where thcD 1 is tho stairs," as the drunken fellow said when he felt his way around the bedstead in the dark. Military Elhction. On Thursday last, elections wereholden in tins place and Per rysburg, which resulted in Ihe choice of ' Osborn Esq. as Colonel, & Alford U. Hamilton as Lieut. Colonel of this, and J. W, Smith Colonel, and S. C. Sloane Lieut. Colonel of the Wood County regiment. 'As far as we have been able to learn, all the fruit in this section of the country has been entirely destroyed by the late frost. This is the second time within five years. (jr We would invite the resptrlful at tention of the editor of the State Journal lo an article upon our first page, written at his especial request. '. We have heard of a mon living in this country, who lies so immensely that he turns every greasy thing he touches to snap. He is supposed to be the person who first learned the art of applying soft aoap to the ears of his neighbors. " ':: Widows are in soch demand in Texas, tint 'hose who emigrate to that country lire bailed with spekinrr trumpets, aud mar- NiDnuNUh. Tho editor of the Manhat tan Advertiser may his shadow never be 'ess than 7 by 0! is most indubitably a nost savagely happy fellow. How sweetly lo the bright buds of hope swell and burst forth iu their gayest colors before his vision ! How gaily does he dream thut his stinted meal of anticipation that especial food o rioters is transformed into a substantial , repast of the solids of life! Doth his Dolly 1 wax till ?Ht rat! wnv lin i reaoiot b nt steam, I v ing pork steaks most nrdonferous to the smell and most tasteful to tho palate. Doth his gaiding flourish? -furthwith feasts his imagination on the mealy richness of fra grant roast potatoes! .He standeth in the door of his shantco and loukclh forth upon his dominions, and forests of twiYi'is start up before his mental eye! Ho surveye h his growing bullets and falleth to counting future chicklings of mothers innocent of a cackle! Sweet, sweet delusions of a fancy as yet unchained by the cold iron of experi ence! Bright , bright offspring of a he art ul unhackneyed in the ch.lly ways of a bleak world! Hippy, hippy illusions of 11 joy ous soul whose dreams arc till beautiful and all reality. The editor has lately had an especial windfall and as the said windfall was the means of giving an additional til lip to his imaginative powers, we have amused ourselves in piclnring the pro- t"c! of events that ushered into the world the following epitlmlmatory effusion, which wo shall give, illustrated with uur own notes parenthetical. View him seated on his cdito.ial stool now lie stretches out his leg now he scratches behind his car now nibbles a lit tle of the frosting on a beautiful piece of brides cuke siezes tiio bottle of wine in one hand and his pen iu tho other lips the former, dips the latter and begins , I.viKiiKsnivo Ivri Li.iui5.vcr:. 77e .!' question 11 till dsigi at victory ift.vpid two weduiugs, and two puuuds of pound cake, fresh, fine and frostvd. (.Nibbles ut a piece of the cake.) M RIMED At Watorville, or, the 7th in t. lit the Rev, Wesley ISnok, Mr. I1KN HY L.'WO l, of I'oh do, to Miss SAit All VAN Fl EET, daughter ol Van Fieri, Esq. of I ho former place. (Takes a heavy j uiliit the bottle, and draws a long breath.) It is good, friend W ood, Thus lor Kindred souls to meotj For though not iu the J.atny, Yet you've surely joined tho Fleet. And beside, to the bride, We send n hcurty greeting, And a wish that her joys, Like her name, may not be FLEF.T-ing. (Feels very much exhausted and dives into the solir'saud fluids tremendously.) At Wnvnesliehl, on the Mh, by the same, Mr.CtiRNlLIUS VAN FLKIOT, son ol Col. .'l.'n'i a Van F.eil, to Miss JULIA AN N RIJ.N Y AN, of the same pi ice. With b jib of the above notices we receiv ed a liberal allowance of assorted specimens from the bridal feast, iu cousidiirutii 11 where of, we do hereby ten or unto I lie respective pirties. laiteral and coll .literal, severally and collectively, our most sincere and hour ly wish f ir ihoir luluru and abiding prosper iiy and happiness. (Begins to feel ver) lib oral of A t vo d wi his, hot rather woniers what makes the good thinrs disappear so rapidly ;deleriiiiiio.-,bo cver to do something very philanthropic.) M,ta Be . For 'he taud.ible purpose and intent of piomutiug the further con mission of matrimony in this vicinity, and thereby extending the empire ofCupul, nnd liicilititing final over thrown!' bachelorism, w e had made elabo rate and philanthropic arrai gem' uts for an indiscriminate di tribution of .the above n med symbols of the least of Love, to the young I idles and youi g bachelors of our place generally; (Hero he makes a finish of his pie it mid the irimd ihinirs tocether, thou wipes his mouth and raps out the following biire-faier; windiig off with a tail as poeti cal as the last sighs of a broken bellows,) but confound the mice! Before we had time lo-matiiro a regular and equitable plan nf apportionment pritli! there wasn't a piece left so big as the little end of tint fjj. Ilowbeit, we may sny to those who did re ceive purl and parcel of these mUrimoninl offerings may their dreams be of happi ness, aud their b-ightest visions fulfilled. O brother Smcad! Enter no more into the dusty arena of political warfare throw aside dirty types, and besmearing printers ink buy thee a sheep-skin port folio, and a pocket inkstand of horn put thyself on a dyspeptic diet wander by Ihe light of the pfogsoflako Erie, around the s.eelbogs of Manhattan, listening lo the music of the frogs of .heMu'lnee, and if thou dost not make thyself u poet and live in fame through all after tune, then is not the sweet q leen of be 1 en's night made of green cheese, nor con the forks of the eleciric offspring of tho thunder cloud be rendered more brilliant by aiming their points with seed cucumbers. Wbathf.r and Watkr Dp to Saturday last, we had a heavy and almost uninter rupted blow from down tlm lake, lit which we were disposed to attribute the unusual height of the river. But the wind has censed partially, and reversed its notation Dot sun the waters do not materially sub side. Maiihaitaii Mv. Is the water too high for you, neighbor Smead? If it i, we hope yon will lend your dredging machine to the Toledo folks, to dig out the place where the Vermillion lay aground the other day and nigh'. 1 The Toledo Bl ade does not seem to under stand the difference between a vessel being aground and being sunk. We will try to teach the editor philosophy by example. The "Ohio". lies in front of Toledo, sunlt, though the Water is mt exactly up to her guards; the " Vormillion" lay in front of tne Blade office, aground, with tho water a considerable distance below her guards, on ly a few daysM"Lcjv The Adrian Watch Tower promises to support our candidate for the piesidenc., the honorable John rjinith Esquire pro vided be is regularly l ouiiuated by a Dem ocratic Convention. No doubt; it would support the devil himself on tho same terms. . - . Green pons are getting lube a drug.. -A. O. Times. Then you can sonk them in liquorice and sell them f rr Brandelh'a pills. Thal'a the Important it Successful. A Mr. James Simpson of Baltimore, is now exhi biting iu the room of the Miscellaneous Li brary at the Capitol, a steamboat for towing a train of common canal boats, in quite u rimilar maimer to that of a locomotive tow- ng a train ol curs upon ruilruuds. The .learn power is placed on board of twin mats of small capacity. The following is a description of it taken rom t lie Albany ravening Journal. Ho uses tho tubular Doilers and a double engine acllllg Upon one sliait, Willi two cranks, "lie at right angles with the other; the shaft extends across one boat and to the centre of the sp ice between the boats, and upon the inner end of the shaft ho fas tens an iron wheel four or five feel in diam eter and about four inches thick. This wheel is so constructed Uomi its periiihery, that a chain, if rightly undo, when passing over the wheels, cannot render; he lays a chain loosely upon the bottom nf the canal, extending from lock lo lock, and there made lest lo the abutments of the locks. The wheel shift, not extending across the space between the bonis, permits the chain's be ing r ihed iVoni the bottom of the cana: and placed over the wheel or cast off at pleasure, in l: i"i pi'situm it is on a balance, the wheel I.' i! g put iu motion by the power of the s'vu. The wheel draws the boat Ihroueli ihe water with equal velocity with that uiih which the periphery of the wheel is driven hy the power of the etc 1 111 , so th it Ihere is 110 wasle of'steiiin or fulse motion ; iu oilier words, the ho it passes through the water as fast ns the wheel revolves, and the adhesion ot'lhe chain to the boat is appa rently as certain or secure ns are gears to gears, and by using the double crank helms always the power 10 start a tram, the wheel 1 being in the centre of the boat, ami the train mule fist to the stern ol'ii; the whole is' moved by the centre of gravity, and the tie its b'-ing lustetieii close to cteii oim,r n. is said they cannot rui.-o a swell, and he can apply as much pow?r as 111 ly he requir ed tu effect ny velocity that would ho plu dent or desirable. There can be but little, if any doubt, hut that he ran double or tre ble the usual speed obtained by horses; and he says that, with a pisseuger boat he can run or m quireany spaced usuil upon rail roads, or more, w itlnut can ing a swell upon the banks. He makes the low-boats with both ends alike, nm! has rudders at bolh ends, nnd so connected that una Balances the other ill all positions by which means he can steer with great accuracy and ease. The water being as good as oil to prevent friction or wear and also the nxydntion of the chain, it will he a gre it savieg in tow ropes, tow-path, Ac.; and, take it altogeth er, it is the most simple and secure thing or contrivance immutable, and we wonder that it should be a new thing at this laic day. It is ceriainly highly worthy the attention of the government and all concerned in the f'ui warding business." Lvjf- Jour. We understand that thestoam frigate Ful ton has been assigned to particular service, as a practice and experimental ship, under 1I10 command ol Capt. .U. U. Perry, anil with an additional number uf officers attach ed to her. Captain Perry is instructed by the Secre tary ol the IN ivy to cnmliict 11 course 01 urnclicoin the use of the P.dxham eun, nml the virions des Tiptions of hollow and ox plesiie shot. Ho will also experiment in rcferen e to the practical operations of the steam engine, with a view tu) well to ill struct the officer recently nllaehed to the ship, ns to bring fi.rivnrd us futurt engineers nml gunners a milliner ol youth, selcclcu from iniuing the mo.-t intelligent of the an- 'rent icc on board t .o Frigate Hudson. JY. Y. Giz. Ant iiracitk coal licomotivf. Du ring a recent visit to 1'iiiluilelphia, wo hail the pleasure of seeing a new locomotive, expressly deigned for the use of anthracite conl on the Columbia, Railroad. We were assured lb it it worked admirably, and drew very large trauis ol cars, with the grunted ease nnd expedition, Tho only de'ect in its opera I inn is tho want nf a sufficient dral'l occasionally in keep the steuui up This objection, it is believed, will be w holly nb vi ited by nn nppnratus to increase the draft nnd ex'inguish tho sparks of locomotives, invented by Mr. Junius P Esny, of Phila delphia. Mr. Cameron, the effi lent super intendent, is making arrangements to have this simple but valuable invention fully test ed. Should it succeed a weli as is conli dently hoped it will, the use of anthracite coal for locomotives wdl ho securely esta blished. This will beaneweruin Pennsyl vania, and will impart to our staple mineral production a value far above all former esti mates. We trust the praiseworthy efforts of Mr. Cameron in this undertnking will he crowned wilh complete success. Key ito it. CitANon of Fortckr. The Court Reg ister nt Vienna, thus acknowledges certain taili n persons 01 tne nouruon nyn isty. ut the urn ml v resn, Bnnr resa,-H;s II gl ness Louis, Antoino de ( oiopiudii Maine. M id .in l,aiiv, ,.,l ,i .:,' uchesifi do Brry figures ns he Countess ; osny widow he Due de Merry, au.iu.g the ladies ol the Order ol the 8 nr. In re- verse of this, weseo among the last prcsen- anons at the Court of the Autocr i, the Countess of Ksa.. ( late voc ilist, M lie Sou- ,ig,) jvile ofthe A assador of Sardini i, nt that Con it. In tne one case, the scion ora' royal house that hasoccnp led for 1 100 years, and still partially does so, nearly nil the thrones of Europe, obtains wilh difficulty r.n obscure aslymn ill every vnpitnl of the Holy Alliance of legitimacy. In the other, self-made g tl from the poorest ranks of I fii..iM. nu nun ..flltu ..!.!. .Li. Germany, figures ns one of the princip il-per sonigesut he most exclusive and powerful Courts ut Jvirope, Alabmua. Hern the wings will be de feated. Nullilicilion, and the sub-Ire isiirv hern, are the same, and the friends of both now fight together. The union is all right. None will prohibit the banns. Still the ef fect of this union will be t 1 e it c Al ib una to the administration. But we hope our friends will act. An effort to defeat the foe nn, si do good; lot it be earnestly made. and it may win for the whigs, an opportuni ty to gain power, if not their opponents. Cm. Rip. An ArrsAT. An assault and battery was committed in this citv, nn Saturday last, on the person of Dr. Robert T. Rey nolds, of the British Army nt M aiden, by Dr. E. A. Thaller, of this city. The provoca tion wns, we understand, that this individ ual had robbed Dr. T. of watch, breast pin and eighty-three dollars in money, be sides various papers, at the time he was ta ken prisoner at ihe capture of the patriot schooner Ann." A hearing of this case, we believe, is to be had to-morrow, before one of the Justices of the peace. Detroit Adv. . " A sliiple is to be erected iu Philadelphia, upon a iiew church at the corner of Thir- tcemh And Snruce streets. 2011 feet hitrh on the editee nrovided the cum ot f 7,000 be I conlrihiitcdfortho purpose, fl,(IOUol'hichj '" hl 1 'ill, ' A aooo Jokr if tiiue. The following story has been current in this town for a day or two past, and without vouching for its truth, wo give it nil insertion; It is well known that tho steamboat Lex ington wne prepored hist winter lo run against the John W. Richmond, on the route between New York and Providence, us soon us the latter boat should commence iier trips in the spring. The story runs th 11 the TransDortatiou (Jommnv. who have al- most moved heaven and earth to procure a Dual Hint noli beat the Richmond, went to Cipt. Vanderbilt, tho owner oflhe Lexing ton, and proposed to him that if he would put his bout in order and beat the Rich mond every trip for one month, thev would then purchase tho Lexington of him, nnd pay a far greater sum than she wus really worth. Alter he h id cot his boat readv no. icaring she would be unable to surpass the Richmond in spend, went to Captain Towu.-einl, oflhe Richmond, and proposed to him that if lie wouiu allow him (Vander bilt) in heat the Richmond every trip for one mouth, he would pny to dipt. Tnwnsend ifrl 500. To this proposition Capt. Tnwnsend agreed. Well, the hunts commenced run ning, nnd the Lexington led the Richmond nt almost any distunce she pleased. (She beat her every trip, nnd theC panv were in centuries 10 think ibat they had nt'length found lint long-sought and fervent ly-pruy-ed-for object a bout capable of beating the Richmond; and even ihe friends of the Richmond believed that tho speed ofthcir favorite bout was eclipsed. Hut behold! us soon ns tho monlh expiree, and Capt. Vun derbilt had sold U boat at an exorbitant price, noil (.'apt. Townsend had received bis sJ 'OOO,1- keipug t'le Richmond lack, the deuce got into the Lexington, and all the tar, pilch and turpentine that grow iu the pine woods, could'nt moke her keep within hailing distance, even witlnn sight, oflhe Richmond! The Comiinnv were all down in the mouth again; they had been ' tuk in"' most essentia ly "come over;" and this list, and probably most ex pensive contriv nice, to ruin the Richmond, resulted, ns all their previous ones hae done, in injury, shame and confusion to themselves, ami to nobody else. As we mill before, we do not vouch for the triilh of the preceding; hut there are some circumstances which induce us to be lieve it is substantially correct. It is well known that for a long time alter the two boats commenced running, the Lexington invariably bent the Richmond, but more re cently the Richmond has invariably shown her stem lo the Lexington; nnd tho latter bo it hnving been nrenared and set iinon the 1 route fortiieso'e pmpos of beating the for mer, thif would not be allowed it it could be prevented. Wo learn tint the compnnv, tne L,exiugton luivinir proved herself not " whut she was crack'd up to be," have de termined to put her on the Stonninglon route a sort of Siberia, where they send all their boats after they have been beaten and disgraced. Pawtuckel Gaz. ORiniN of thr word Quiz. Very few words ever took such a run, or were sad dled with so many meanings, as this mon osyllable; and however strange the Word, itis still more strange that not one of our lexicographers, from Hnley to Johnson, ev er attempted an explanation, or gave a de rivation of it. The reason is very obvious. It is because it has no meaning, nor is it derived from any language ill the world ev er known from the Babylonish confusion to this day. When Richard Dalv wni natentne of the Irish theatre he spout the eveniiitfnf a aatunlay in company with many of the wits and men offishion of the day; gam bling was introduced, when the manager staked a Inrge sum that he would h ive spoken, although the principal streets of Dublin, by n certain hour next day.Simday, n word having nomcaning,aiid beingderived from no known language wage s were Inid nnd stakes deposited. Dily repaired to the theatre d depatohod nil the snrv ints ami supernumeraries with the word ' Quiz" which they chalked on every door and every shop window in town. Shops being bhut no hum uny, every nmiy going toanU cool ing from their different places of worship saw the word, ami every body repeated it, so tint ' Quiz-' was 'heard all through Dublin; the circumstance of so stranpoa word being on every door nnd window enus ed much surprise, and over since, should a strange story be attempted to be passed curreni, it draws forlh the expression you ui c itmg me. Mklos. Iii northern latitudes we rec ommend the treatment, b ith for water and miiskmelons, which we suggested lor eorlv cucumbers; that is, burying under each lull a h ilt narrow lull or morool hoi dung. The melon is sensitive to cold and tu inoisture-t-the hot dung imparts heat and infuses dryness. If the melons can have the bene fit of boxes covered with glass, through Jimp, these will greatly facilitate their growth, us well as protect them from the stri ied buir Our boxes which h ive been IsOUOPllt IMP. Ill ll.n n vr !. !...., 6m, are. six Inches .leeo in rnnV ! r,., i sl containing six. 6 by 8 pnies of glass, ,hl, tho tP?.,, In Jkmn llke d 8,m,VH,. Th, hil ,,,,, be J ,t ,esf) ,,,, , mre ('w be left to grow in a hill. The old BpeclRS f lllllsknl9,1I arB far inferior to ina- y llew varieties, as the citron, pine apple, - n,,,.,,,,,,,, - , iv cantaloupe, &ic. When you got a good kind save your own seed, and plant no other variety with it, Absrkcr of Minii. The New York Whur relates the followinir omnium, eien. A clerk, whose breakfast mvari ibly consisted 1 l I I l nf fried fi.-h nml coffee, happening to over sleep nimseir on a late morning, found himself obliged to forego the pleasuro of his accustomed meal. He immediately hasten ed to Ihe post office for tiio morning's mail: but instead of naming the number ot box. his ungr itilied piseiverous appetite 'oil him to sing out most vociferously " Fried fish and coffee, ijym please" " A littlk BK8PonsiBii.iTr. A gentle man went into Proctor's Coffee House on Monday night, about U o'clock, to got a glass or wine; and while waiting for it, was suddenly started by the cries of a young babe, which seemed to proceed from some pnrt of his pereon. Ho ran his hand quickly into one of the pockets nf his over-coat and pulled out a little responsibility, about four days old! Some one had thrust it into his pocket in the Course of the even ing, and lie knew nothing of it unlil the in fant btgan to squall." Emigration It is stated that all the Havre packets are coming out full of Ger man agriculturists, as passengers. One thip alomf has four hundred passengers of tins class ait bound Tor Illinois and Michi gan. ' Any State may bo proud of iucu ac cessions of her population. '. "Martin Van Buren end a Constitutional Treasury." is the name of the candidate for the next f residency, which may be found at the mast-head of the Philadelphia Spirit of ,bQ?ijneabr"hMaLgb''t - ri.ii,roo' - ATOJ The folllowing extract from a recent Bri tish publication shows the unlimited free dom witli which the press may treat of pri vate character as well as political instruc tions: C iaracti r or Gkouok the Fourth. Tho time is iihnntt gone when people wil title of thut regal reptile, Oeorge the Fourth, us of one who redeemed the faults o his heart by his exquisite grace of manner the time is almost goun when people wil, bi found to accede to the iiidginent con tained in those very absurb lines of a very Home poet that he was " without allow of fob or foe, A finished gentleman from top to toe." George the fourth was not a gentleman in nny sense ot the word except that he wa born to wear white kid gloves uud do notli. ing. As to his ease of manner, it was no. th Tig more than a beautiful and most cool assumption of the fact ot his being imrnens urcahly tho superior of every one about him, and a most implicate belief that they were all made to do liitn pleasure, and to live for his service. A nun who entertain eil his idea could not but be easy and unein bnrrassed. Embarrassment arises from suspicion of n man's own inferiority, nnd such a thuiighi never occurred for a moment to lieorge tho t ourth. In even thing be ynnd this assumption nf superiority, which no man who is eternally surrounded by Mat tcrers can avoid, Ueorge the Fourth was the meanest nnd most despicable of man kind. Ho had not a sentiment of patriot ism, generosity, or virluo to warm his breast; ho was not, therefore, a real gen tlemnii. He had not cither one spark of that honor wlucii lonnsn very bail substi tute for those, wlr ro these are wanting, unil furnishes forth the conventional gentle man. He w as the most reckless reprobate, and the most unprincipled' swindler upon town. He was the grxntest blackguard that haunted the stews. , There is not one among the lowest oflhe low blacklegs that infest the metropolis, who possesses so per fect a freedom from anything like restraint, either religious, mural, or honorable, upon his will, ns George the Fourth had. He would contrive the most deliberate schemes of plunder, he would make a man drunk, and then clieithitnof his property us hcdul the Duke of Dcvonshino No man evet Iru-ted him as a friend, who wnp not betrayed; no iniiii ever associated with him ns a companion, who wus not ruined. Haho Timks. An estimate mny be form ed of the stuto of things iu Mississippi from the fact that on a single offering day upwards of 5,1 HID notes were tendered the Union liank for discount, amounting iu the aggre gate to about $15,000,000. The New lor leans True American says; " The great est distress seems to prevail. The newspa pers tueui to ovei flowing with legal adver tisements. We heard lily oflhe sacrifice of property, nnd credit is a thing which is so uetiines talked of, but harJIy expected, much less known. " It will bo remembered tint prior to the commencement of the great breaking up, as the dark day has been designated, the planters and merchants of Mississippi be came largely indebted to New Orleans. Since that period, when our mercantile com munity became sntisfird that they had been unfairly dealt wilh by some of the Missis sipiians,"v.lio drew upon more than one house for advances on the same productions of the season which wi re lo be delivered, ub nit tun thousand suits have been institu ted, and judgments obtained. When col lections worn attempted to be made by the proper officer, the executions were staved hy whit nro termed 'forthcoming bonds," giving addition ,1 security for the payment agiiiiu-t a future dale. Tho time for pay ment has come around, and we understand lint a doclnriti 'ii of resistntico has been made, threatening tne officers who may at tempt to oiif'orcu the obligations. Besides, our mere minis ure to suiter iinutlierucl ly; as it is s lid that the bonds given were inform al, and have to be taken iiucw." Cin IVh g. An English lady and gjntlemin who, in travelling through Haiti md, had came to the neighborhood of Abbntxfnrd, wilhout providing themselvea with an intror'tiction io ir W a ter Scott, U wlr i'elt, when there, an irresistible inclination to intrude upon him, could think of no expedient by which to gratify their curiosity but that of throwing themselves upon his mercy, and begging the favor of un interview. In their card to him, they said that, in coining to .Scotland theii chief object had been to see " the great Li on of the North, Sir Wilier Scott;" and they begged him to consider how hard it would be if, alter all their travels, they should have to go home disappointed, "iir Walter immediately returned an answer, cnuch d in the most polite terms, and con cluding with a, request thit they would come that day to dine with him, " as he had some reason to believe the Lion, of the North, like his friends at I'lxetcr Change, was best worth seeing at feeding time." Siip.ridan. An elderly maiden lady, an inmate o(a country house, at which Sheri dan was passing a few days, expressed nn inclieaiiiin to take a stroll with him, but he excused himself on nccount of the badness of the weather. Shortly afterwards she met him sneaking out alone. "So, Mr, Sheridan, said sho " it Iris cleared up." "res, madam, was the reply, "it has cleared up enough for one, but not enough fur two;" and off he went. The Venetians, whom the late Lord By ron broiiolll. with lorn intrt ttnirlniwl. warn ui dreadfully attacked by optfiahiua, as almost entirely to lose t leir. eye-sight. "What can we do with these poor fellows! ' said his lordship, when he hoird ot their mirtur tune. " Why," said Dr. L., "at the worst, we can set each of them up as a Venetian Blind." Itis said of Mi lame de Si re I that be fore she was fifteen years of age she had re nt six hundred novels in three months. L'UisXVI. during the five months im prisonment immediately preceding his death, read one hundred and seventy-five volumes, or one a clay. A man was boasting tbout his knowledge of the world, when a wag in company asked nun it lie bad ever been in Algebra. " I cannot exactly tell," said he, "but I think I once passed it on the conch." Trnkesshk. I'lie politicians are warm ly nt work in thai, state, and' from all ac counts, uo little excitement prevails there of the result of the controversy we have lit tle doubt, 'rltill the administration will ex ert every nerve to carry its point, fur I'en nessue is the home of the Old Hero, and there his friends must nut be defeated, if it can be prevented. Hut it cannot be. On ly let our friends do their duty, and victory will perch on the whig banner. Cincinnati Rep. - . . . i ' '. Nrver eivsj it rjp, oirls. Mr. John Ayren stein, lately led to the alter in Phila delphia Miss Rlioda Grayson, after a court ship of only Si years! This shows what maybe done yf we only stick to it. She must.nvs..had. .the jatjence of Job. Nkw Caricature. Robinson has just published a capital caricature, entitled the " Morning after the Election." The fede ral locofoco itinerant voters from Sing Sing, and the parts thereunto adj icent, are taking up their lino of march homeward, with old Hays hard upon their track to seize them tor perjury. One shoeless mercenary is signilic intlysh iking one of llenton's long ilk pursej, well filled with stuff that woiild'nt flow up the Mississippi. A". Y. T.met. Traob ako (Jommkiick. We are happy in being able tu unnounee to our numerous Western renders that Buff do never presen ted so large an assortment of goods as at this time, and there is sober truth in the assertion that the bills nf country merchants can be filled in this city, nn terms more ad vantageous, all things considered, than at any poiii' cast of us. From present appearances emigration bids fair In equal that uf any former year. Buff". Jour. Washington always kept Gen. Knox near his own person; mid he not only honored, him with confidence, but with brotherly af. feolinn. Afier the defeat of Gates' urmy, at Camden, G meral Greene was offered the arduous command or the southern depart ment. The brave general, with his usual modesty, replied. " Knox is the man for that dilticul t undertaking: all obstacles van ish before him; his resources are infinito." " True," answered Washington, and therefore I cannot part with him." A Nkw Bask im Nkw Your The Now York Sun says: "The new banking insti tution which we noticed on .tfond ly, and of which one of the .Messrs. Josephs will ba a branch of the house of Ihe Solomons, the head partner of which is now, or was, -Sheriff of Loudon. A capital of one million ster ling will be employed and the business con. ducted uotheinost liighminded principles." Tho Journal of Commerce intimates that some cunning trader, 11 vailing himself nf the t lkwnrmfrver, has been supplying the Jer.-ey market with sh id's eggs, at a con siderable reduction in price. Sales were made in M itiinnutli county tu the amount nf seven hundred dollars. Next year we sh ill expect to 6Ce shad growing on Mulberry trees. Fruit. Last week's frost has not entire ly cut of the fruit as was nt first anticipa ted; npples were injured, but our examina tions ond mquiiies lead ns to believe, that the prospect of this fruit is still very fair. Peaches aro entirely k lled; cherries seri ously injured. Sai'duiky IVhg. " Do vnu want a ra'll prime lot of butter 7, said a Yankee notion dealer, who had pick ed up a load at fifty different places, to ' Boston merchant. ' What kind of butter is it?" asked th buyer. "The clear quill; nllmadebv mv wif. from a dairy of forty cows; only twojehurn- nigs. ' But wlnt makes it so many different col ors?" said the merchant. "Darnation hear that now. I guess you woiild'nt nx that question if you'd seen mv cows, for tliey are darn'd sight speckleder than the butter is." A chorister in M issachusetts is said to hove pitched a tune so high lately that the choir were obliged to adjourn to the belfry in order to reach it! The other part of the story is. one nf f lm choir was found in the morning, without a hnt, s'lling on a black of granite with his bare feet iu a brook, trying to catch a cold. so as to sing h iss. Sandmku Whin. Rnonu IsLi.ND IOluctio.v. A Whig Sen ator hns been elected in this stale." The first Senator. Mr. Samuel W. King, (Whig) will actus Governor. The Locofoco have elected State Treasurer, all told. . The Legisl iture rises to-day. Is it pos sible i hat the Locutoco Senate line refused to the list to appropriate any money for the enlargement of the ErieCinal Buff. Jour. May 6. A frame dwelling w is des'royed by fire at Black Rock this morning. It is said to have caught from a spark which escaped from tho Niagara Falls Locomotive. Buff, Jour, The Whigs of tho old Dominion are go ing into the fight innnfuilv. The wil! de serve success if they do not obtain it. It ia at least certain that they can hse nothing by defeat, so that the chances of the battle are all in their f vor. Troy Mail. Countryman and pretty daughter coming in town large baskets of bluck-berries in in the wagon daughter slipped and fell in to the basket white cambric dreeB Ber ried alive. Short uk. Good morninr. steward, can I sell ytni some meat to-day?" uiiusn not, majsa outciier; you dread ful polite and obseekus since I nmmoto in Aenteward; membade timn, when I no want to buy, you sing out, 'git out de way, you uracK snowoau you, nat " A barrister observed to a learned brother iu court, that he thought his whiskers were very unprofessional. " You aro right," re plied his friend; "a lawyer cannot be too. barefaced." A political editor, siyt the Uoston Times, is like a parenthesis, in more senses than one. He is enclosed at either end so that ' he cum it get out, nnd it is not necessary that he should " in ike sense." Cin. San. Fraud. ft is now stated that the amount, of fraudulent issue of certificates of loan by. Joseph R. Hassinger, late president of the Morristown railroad comnanv. ia oven $lij7,0U0. A very 'comfortable little ope ration. , The semi centennial Anniversary of' Washington's Inauguration tm k place in New York, on the SUth, John Quiiicy Ad- -ams delivered the oration, k is said to have been a most splendid effort, worthy of the orator and the occasion. The secretary of war has forbidden, tho sale of ardent spirits to the Indians on lha frontier. 'I he editor oflhe Providence Jour. article to members of congress might be pro hibited without producing any serious evil." The most pure and sublime thoughts, and - ' beautiful figures, are to be found in iheBi-. ble, yel how seldom is it quoted by Ihe lite- ' rary writers of the day. Jour Smitb aw apostate! An ex- change paper says that John Smith Intely . abiured Christianity, in the Island of Cey- m Ion, and embraced the faith of the impostor of Mecca. Who'd a thought that of John - The Plitsburg Advocate states 'hat th ; rate of tolls on passengers and packet boats dos been increased by tne Canal Commis, r sioners. i