Newspaper Page Text
MINTED AND PUBLISHED EVERY SATURDAY, '- BY REED ic HOSMER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY, MAUMEE CITY. MAUMF.E CITY INSURANCE CO. Commercial Buildings. MUTUAL INSURANCE OFFICE. At the JoflbrBon House, Wm. Kingsbury Agent. CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICE. Canal street. STATE LAND OFFICE, Erie street. RRI'.D It HOSMliK, Book U. Job Printors, Maumee Express Office, ' Wolcott street. . DANIEL F. COOK, Attorneyand Counsellor at Law. " ; sTm. YOUNG, Attornics & Counsellors at Law. N. RATH11UN. Attorney and CouiiBcllor at Law. "TIENRT"RF.EI), Attorney and Counsellor at Law. N aITIANHS, AT iffiUN , Justice of tho l'caco. HORATIO CONANT, Justice of the Peace. DRTWILLIAM ST. CLAIR, rhysician Si Surgeon. Erie street. JUSTUS I) WIGHT, Physician and Surgeon, G. S II A 7. MIT). Forwarding and Commission Merchant, nv ater siroei. SMITH, HOWE & CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Water street. ' FORSYTH b MACK, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Water street. JTWOLCOTT. Forwarding nnd Commission Merchant, Water street. eTfairman, Dry Good and Variety Storo, Commercial Buildings. W. VVISWELL, Dealers in Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tin ware and CutUgy, Erie street. naST.Vivif'P.11 Si MOURE. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and CrockervKrie street. : ELISHA MACK., Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries and Crockery, r rontsireoi. ; G. fe W. KIOHAKDSON, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, be. be. line streot. G. H. MtCHlE U CO. Dealers in Fancy and Staplo Dry Goods, - Hotel Buildings. 07b" DTWH.LI AMS, Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock- ' ery, &c. Erio street. " ". "f.UTUTTS, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines be. i Erie street. ifiV'wiiitE, Dry OoodB, Hooks be. Wolcott street. " ! A h'k 8j FMICO. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Comn crcial Buildings. C. A. b A. D. WILLIAMS, Groceries and Provisions. R- HASTINGS, Groceries and Provisions. A. CARY. Boots, Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries. Paints, Oils be. Corner of Broadway and innani sis, BOYNTON to GANNETT, ; Dry Goods, Groceries, Provisions, Hard ware fee. Front stroet. JTWOLCOTT. Doaler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provi sions, Stovos.Iron be. Wolcott street. "7TROROR DOTY. Doaler in Jewelry bu. Erio street. ALLEN to GIBBONS, Groceries and Provisions, Erie street. O. H.HARRIS, Groceries to Provisions, Erie street. TV STEELE Dealorin Groceries and Provisions. Erie streot. " FORSYTH b HULL, Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery and Hard ware, corner of Front and Conant streets t 1TH AM V TtftV. Coper b Tin Manufacturer on Wolcott st. at the late store of T. W. Crowell. CHARLES A. LAMB, Cabinot Furniture Manufacturer rear of Commercial Buildings, .JEFFERSON HOUSE, Robert Gower, Erie street. MIAMI HIITI.'.I,. By George Kirkland, near the lo-ver steam boat landing. - AMERICAN HOUSE, By Tyrrel to Hall, Wolcott street. nw.KJTRAT. HOUSE. Elijah Clark. Erio street,. PERRYSBURG. SPINK to HOSMER, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. BENNETT to CAMPBELL, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. I'.nVFINTtnUY b STETSON. Attornies and Counsellors at Law.. EAGLE HOTEL, Joseph Crops. Louisiana Avonue. "MnrT.TSTti'R i. CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. DOAN ft, EARL, -Frowarding and Commission MerchantB. GILBERT BEACH, . ' Doalor in Dry Goods Groceries toe, b ' CURTIS to KRIDLER, " Boot, Shoe, to Leather Store, opposite the Temperance House. - 1 C7T7W0CTOUFIV - . Tin and Copper Manufactory ' TOLEDO. ' nAlvuPI. ). MORTON. ' 'Attorney, Counsellor and Solicitor. " PALMER, BUSH b CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, foot of Erie and Kalamazoo rail road. 111 Vu w v"' Wholesale Dealors in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware toe. toe La Grange street. J.A.T ITUS b. Co. Dealers in Fancy, and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries be, corner of Smmit and Locust ' ' streets. " CARPENTER, MYERS b Co. t Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Foot of Erie to Kalamazoo railroad. americaTThoteLT " R. N. Lawton, Summit stroet. Toledo recess,. .- '' By John L. Smith, next door to the Tolodo House. AUMEE Volume IlI.-IVo. 10. 1839. . Toledo, Jllaumee City f- Jlimhatlan. Veirysbnrg, mllE stcam-lioat GEN. VANCE, S SriNK, Master. This splendid lit tle boat has now tiikcn hor place for the season, and will run regularly between the above named places, m tho fullowiug order, to wit: Leave Pcrrysburg every morning, at 7 1-2 o'clocn, touching at Manmee City, Oregon and Toledo, in time for the can go ing to Adrian, and arrive at Manhattan at 8 o'clock, touching as above, and arrive at l'errysburg at 12 o'clock. Leave Perrys burg at half past ono o'clock, nnd Toledo at 4 o'clock, or after the alrrivnl of the cars from Adrian; running and touching as above. For freight or passage, apply to the cap tain on board, or to J. Hollisister &c Co., Perrytmrg. Smith, Howe b Co., JUaumce Cily. Carpenter b Co., ) v Tokd0t l'ulmor Bush Si Co,, j " . Pong b Titus, ) l 0WCJ. ToUio Pcckliam & Oo., Cornwcll & Fox, Munhatlan. P. S. Sailing parties can at all times lepend uiioii the services of the Gen. Vance, liy giving a few hours notice to theCapt.,or to the above agents. N. B. dipt. Spink will attond prompt ly to all calls from Cnpts. of vossels who niny wish to bo towed either up or down the river. ' rfK) PHYSICIANS AND PATIENTS I Tim Blind Piles, said to be incura ble by external applications. Solomon Hays warrants the contrary. His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Facts arc more stubborn than theories, He solicits all respectable Physicians to try it upon thoir patients. It will do them no harm, and it is known that nhvsicians who had the honesty to make Uio trial, have candidly admitted that it has succeeded in every case they have known. Then why not use it! it is me recipe oi one of their most respectable memberB, now deceased. Why refuse to use it 1 Because it is sold as a proprietory medicine '! Is this a sullicieut excusn for suffering thoir patients to linger in distress 1 Wo think not. Physicians shall be convinced that there is no humbug or quackery about this article- Why then not alleviate unman suuering! Ifthev wont trv it before, let them after all other prescriptions fail. Physicians arc respectfully requested to do themselves and patients the justice to use the article. It shall ho taken iroin uic uouie, ana uone .. . :p .1 .1 : up as tnuir prescription, u uicj uic Let lliem apply the i;oinsr.ncK N. io., ni me Drug Store, N o. 9 Fletcher street near Pearl, New York, nnU 01 most rcspcciuuiu urug- gists throughout hub country, aiso a-, 0. William's b Co., Maumco City 1 SOLOMON HAY J'.a. -1I.0RENCE, Ai.a. Skit. 2VB38. A I iron tinman of the highest Btnuding in this town, who has been dreadfully afflicted with tho Blind Piles lor the last 20 years, called upon mo and freely confessed to me his situation. Al'turdescribing the severity of the complaint, ho remarked he had not been so well tor years past as lie was at that moment. He lias used one bottle only of Hay's Liniment. To use bis own words ho said " the whole nuiiiaii iamuy, wnu were thus afflicted, ought to bo made ac- nuaintcd with this medicine." 1 . i t rti tela rugniMi, n. u. The originnllottcr may bo seen where the article is sold, No. 2 Fletcher street New York. And at nearly all tho Apothecaries in North America. Also at O. D Will Hams Maiirneo City. - 1 TO PRINTERS. -nOR SALE A font of small Pica X; of about two hundred pounds, near ly now and complete, with Italic and ca scs, atthis office. m( THE INCREDULOUS. New York I Sent. 2fth. 1 S."58. I have been entire ly bald during 13 years, and have now, Dy IIIO HBO OI L 1U ITUIMUHG l.uill, wvuiu,u. .. lead covered with fino hair. I Bhall be happy to convince tho most incredulous, who willtako the troubleto call at m, house, I have bouoiit the article of Comstock to Co. 2 Fletcher st. For sale at O. to D. Will iams Maumee City. 1 J P. SCHMIDLING, 47 Attorney st. AMERICAN HOTEL. Summit street, near the lower steamboat landing, Toledo. 1) N. LAWTON tnkes this opportunity t. to inform the public that he has taken the above splendid establishment, and fitted it up in good style for the accommodation of all wiio may favor him with their cus tom. Ho intends to try the experiment of keeping the best of every thing, and thus meritiug a substantial reward from the res ident and travelling public. -March, 10 1839 50tf - NO MISTAKE. DR.. ST. CLAIR would give notice to tho peoplo of Maumee City and vicini ty, that ho has. disposed of his interest in the store of O. Williams to Co.j with the full intention of pursuing the science and practice of Medicine. Therefore hopes to merit a rcasonableshare of the public pat ronage. ' March 5, 1839. 49tf . - REMOVAL. A CARY lias removed from Front st. . to Broadway, corner of Couaut st's. where he has received in addition to his former stock, a largo assortment of Boots and shoes of a superior quality. Also, a good assortment of Dry Goods, all. of which will bo sold low fur Cash. . Doc. 8 ' ' -' ' COOKING STOVES of Wilson's and Eaglo patterns. Also, Franklin, par lour stoves, for sale by ' hov. 24. BOYNTON to GANNETT. s TOVES! STOVES!! Just received, a lot pf Cooking and Parlor Stoves, by I.. n.. " I . TA Wil l IAMB july g SELLING cheap for Cash only, Fal' and Winter Goods, a general aasort jument, Bt received and for sale by nov; '7. 33 ' 0. & D. WILLIAMS. REMOVAL. SPENCER & .MOORE have removed to the store formerly occupied by Messrs. Morehouse and Brownloe corner of Conant and Eriesireet. - . . Maumee City, May 17th 1830. . 7. IDF.S-Wanted, Calf and Buff Hides by 0. b D. WILLIAMS. MAUMEE 18 SO. DETROIT & MAUMEE CITY. TTE now and elegant steam-boat MA COMB, Ika Davis Jlnslcr, will run the ensuing Scaso) between Detroit and Maumee City, touching at the intermedi al o ports: Leaves Detroit for Maumee City, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ings, at 0 A.M., Leaves Maumee City for Detroit, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 7. A. M. The Macomb has, the past winter, under gone thorough repairs. Her engine has been much improved, which, with an addi tion of a iphndid gentleman' $ cabin, large and airy, on her hurricane deck, together with other improvements calculated for tho convenience of paf-sengers, will render her accommodations far superior to any other boat of the same tonnngo on Lake Erie. For Freight or Passage, apply to the MaBtor on hoard, or to G1LLF.T Ac DESNOYERS, Detroit. FORSYTH b MACK, Jllaumee City. April 8. i h :.. DETROIT & MAUMEE CITY. t IV THE splendid low pressure steamboat EIHECapt. A. Eiiwaiius, willrundu ring the coining season between Detroit, and Maumee City and Perrysburg, touching at the intermediate port in the Mowing or der: Lonvos Detroit at 0 o clock A. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Maumee City and IYrryslmrgh on Tuesdays Thursdays and Saturdays. For freight or passago apply to the Cap tain on board, or to SMITH, HOWE bCo. Jllaumee City. HOLLISTER & Co. l'errysuurg. May 4, IM9. SIDNEY L. ROOD. Boolttetter, Publisher, Stationer and Bin der, 70 Jefferson Jivcnuc, Detroit. KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale at wholesale or retail, Theological, Law, Medicai, Miscellaneous, Classical and School Books: English, French and Amer ican Stationery. He also keeps on hand, and manufactures to order, every descrip tion of lllaiik Booh, required by count'1 officers snd business men. They also pub lish School Boohs, which will bo sold at eas tern prices, wholesale or retail: Davies' Arithmetic, Davies' Lrgenilre's Geometry, Davies' Algebra, Davies' .Sur veying, Davies' Dilfcrenlial Calculus, Da vies' iS'hailes and Shadows, Huntington's Geography, Smith's Geography, Printing Ink constantly on hand. Detroit, April 6, 1831). 1 XT XX lectit! Thousands have met prema tura death fur the want of a little attention to a common cold. . Have you a cough f Rev. Dr. Barthol omew's Expectorant Syrup, a safe medical prescription, containing no poisonous drugs, and used in an extensive practice fur seve ral years, will most positively ull'ord relief, and save vou from that awful disease pul monary consumption, which usually sweepB into tho grave, hundreds of the young, the old, the lair, the lovely anu the gay : . Havo you a cough 1 lie persuaded to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Syrup to day ! ! To morrow may bo too late. Have you a cough'! Bartholomew's Ex pectorant Syrup is the only romedy you should tnko to cure you. For this plain reason: That in no ono for the thousand cases where it has been used it failed to relieve. For sale at the drug store of Comstock to Co., Fletcher Bt. near Pearl, and at all respectable Drug Stores. Also at O. toD. Williams Maumee City. - 1 05THE LATE MAYOR of Philadel phia has certified under seal of the city the character of several Divines, Physicians, and gentleman of high standilig who declare positively under their own hands (all of which may be seen at the Drug Store) that the Balm of Columbia is not only a certain preservative, but positively a restorative of tho human hair; also a euro for Dandruff. Who shall dispute, or go bald? The only true have a splendid steel plale engraved wrapper, wilh Jails oj jviagara. ana me name of Comstock d Co., Acta York, dj-con it. For sale at O. b D. Williams Maumee City. n Sr n. WILLIAMS. WILL continue tho business of Mer chandising at the old stand of O. Wlllinmo ti Co.. whore thev will be ready to attond to the calls of their customers as Usual. They respectfully solicit the pat ronage of their old friends, and the public in general, a continuance of which they will endeavor to merit. March 0. MRS. MANWARING, of Jamaica, L. L , has been under the hands of several phyBicans for a year past with an unheala ble Fever Sore- on her ancle, and haB been nart nf the time ouite unable to walk, and got no relief till she has now by the use of two bottles of Hay's Liniment, been entire ty cured. To this fact Judge Lamberson and .1. F. Jones Esa.. Editor of the Long Island Farmer, and many other citizens of that town will testify. Hay's' Liniment, genuine, for sale at No. I Fletcher st.near Pearl- Also at VJ. c& u. vv imams mm moe City. ' ' .' 1 ' BUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE. rwiHE subscriber for the purpose of afford JL ing conveniences to men of business, who are desirous tosottlo inthis place, offer for sale al reasonable prices, or to leasoat moderate rents, the following lots, upon the principal business streets in this town. , ' in. 21). HI: north side Broadway; 78 West side-of Chnal street; 130 Corner f William Bt. 4 in block 1, north sido ot (So phia st; Also a largo number of lots eligi bly situated for residences. .;, For information and terms apply to .; I. D. BEAUGRAND, Maumee City. ' ' . '; I5-tf. ' MICHIGAN WINDOW GLASS. Any quantity, of all sizes, kept con stantly on hand, warranted free from breakage. For sale low, by ' . G. BEACH. Torrysburg, Juno 16. lllf . CITY E CITY, OHIO, SATURDAY, THE GAG Ho! children of the granite hills, That brisile with the hacmotack, And sparkle with the crystal rills That hurry toward the Merrimack, Dam up those rills! for, while tbey run, They all rebuke your Athbrtoh. Dam up those rills! they flow so free O'er icy slope and beetling crag, That soon, they'll all be off at sea, , Beyond the reach of Charlie'Bgag; . And, when those waters are the sea's, They'll speak the thunder as they please Then freeze them stiff! But let there come No winds to chain them; should they blow " ' They'll speak of freedom ! Let thed umb And breathless frost forbid their flow; Then, all will be so hush'd and mum, Yo'll think your Athkrton has come. Not he ! " Of all the airs that blow' He dearly loves the soft south west, That tells where rice and cotton grow, And man is, like "the Patriarchs," blest (So says some eloquent divines!) With God-given slaves and concu bines. Let not tho winds go thus at largo, . That now o'er all your hills career Your Sunapee and Kearsargc Nay, nay, methinkB the bounding deer, That, We the winds, sweep o'er each hill, Should all be gagged, to keep them still. And all your big and little brooks, That rush down laughing toward the sea, Your Lampreys, Squams and Contoo cooks, That bIiow a spirit to bo free, Should learn, they're not to take such airs: Your mouths are stopped: then why not theirs? Plug every spring that dares to play At bubble, in its gravel cup, Or babble as it runs away. Nay, catch and coop your eagles up ! It is i.ot fit that they Bhould fly, And scream of. freedom through your sky. Ye've not done yet Your very trees Those sturdy pines, their head that wag In concert with the mountain breeze Unless they'resilcnecd by a gag, Will whisper ' Wb shall stand our ground. , Our bcadsare up; Our hearts aresound.' Sons of the granite hills, your birds, Your winds, your wators and your trees, Of power and freedom speak in words That should be felt in times like these, Their voice comes to you from the sky, In them, God speak? of liberty: Sons of the granite hills! awake! Ye're on a mighty stream afloat, With all your liberties at stake A faithless pilot's on your boat; And while ye've lain asleep ye're snagged, Nor can ye cry for help ye're gag , ged.'.'! ' Here we tee God dealing in slaves." From the London Metropolitan. THE PIRATE. Scarcely had the Gascon given uttorance to his discontent when tho man at the mast head song out, "Deck a-hoy: a sail to windward!'' Stamer went aloft with his glasses, and in a few minutes returned, and said "eve ry one to his post. We re in luck at last: Cardie's whistle responded to this order. Every man took his arms, and we boro up towards the stranger, under all the sail we could carry. It waB a truly horrible thing to observe the sinister expression worn by the hideous countenances of our lawless crew. Dirty, bearded, and already scent ing blood, their eyes flashing with fires of cupidity und cruelty, the wretches all gazed in the direction of their prey, as though they wished to annihilate the distance which separated them from it. In a very brief space we neared our victim, a large merchantman, whose appoaranco pro mised at once easy conquest and a rich boo. tj. At a signal from Stamer, a shot was fired across her bows to bring her to. She immediately noisted a white Hag, and began to take in her sails; but this obviously pa cific inclination was quite thrown away up on the commander of the Shark. " Give that fellow a shot between wind and water," cried he; " it will teach him to be quicker in hie manoeuvres, and not keep worthy fel lows so long waiting." We were now within pistol-shot of tho strangers, and Peters, bringing his musket to bear upon one of her crew, fired and knocked the man's straw hat from his head, frightening the poor dovil, no doubt, but do ing him no farther injury. ,'' Pretty fair, that!" said Stamar; "but another time level lower. Halloa, you su gar hogshead ! send a boat aboard us." The order was obeyed on the instant, and the boat coming along side us, a young nnd handsome man leapedupon our deck, with out the Blightest appearance of fear or sus picion. . , ' "Who the devil are you?" demanded Stamer', "loblolly-boy of your craft, or cook's swab's second mate?" ' " I am neither ono nor the other, sir," re plied the young man, firmly ," I am her lieu tenant." "Oh, well, Mr. Lieutenant, you seo my flag? it's red, as perhaps you can perceive. Go you back, and send your captain hither; I am not in the habit oftroating With swabs of lower rank." - Pale with anger, and knitting his brows, the young man preserved, however, suffi cient mastery over his temper to depart without reply; and in n few minutes the boat returned, bringing the captain.. " Where are you bound from?" demanded Stamer.' . ' ' - ' i " From Martinique." "What's your lading?" ' - Aa usual from that port sugat and cof fee." ' ' ' ' , "But how much spice? Nono of that, ehl - The French captain made no reply. The sound of his voice, when he first spoke, had struck me as being very familiar to me; and the more I pondered, the more certain I be came that this captain, ho had so unhap pily fallen into our power, was well known to mc. Stamer, guessing the truth from the captains silence, resumed "I see how it ia you have specio on board! Well; your boat will just do to bring os just so much of your freight as we may fiud H con venient to accept of." JILE 8, 1839. " There is no holp for it," replied the un fortunate captain, "and falsehood would be disgraceful without being of any service I frankly confess, then, that wo have specie on board. To it, and every thing else we have, you are welcome : but I trust that, in return for my giving you no trouble, you will allow me and my crew to depart with out experiencing any personal ill treat ment." " For what do you take us, messmate?' Fie upon your suspicions! You may go as soon as our visit is paid. My lieutenant will accompany you. ' , . The captain of the merchantman bowed, and returned to go to his boat, accompanied oy iorenzo. . Five or six times tho merchantman's boat went and came, bringing off to us all that the pirates judged to bo worth Inking. All this time the captain of the luckless merchantman had been standing in silent expectation of the final orders of Stamar, who now said to him, " You can go on your way now, my friend: and of a Burety you cannot Bay that wo were so tiery wicked toothers!" Tho captain thus addressed, bowed in si lence, hnulcd up his bout, and commenced veering to proceed on his route. The Shark then gently laid herself broadside to; Stam ar gave a signal to the infamous Lorenzo, and exclaimed at the same lirno to the mer chantman's captain, "Adieu! a pleasant voyage to you!" Scarcely were the hypocrite's words ut tered, when a fearful explosion of our whole range of guns shook the very plank of tho Shark, and for a few moments both vessels were completely hidden in the thick black clouds of smoke. Starnar now gavo the word, tho Shark darted forward under all sail; and when the smoke had somewhat dispersed, we could bcc the unfortunate mer chantman dreadfully torn by our shot her deck covered with wounded men, whoso cries nnd groans wore truly dreadful. On perceiving that our broadside had merely crippled the merchantman, instead of sinking her, Stamar flew into one of his fiercest paroxysms of rnge. "Fools! brute beasts!" he exclaimed, stamping on the deck: "why did they not give it to her between wind and water? It's a mere wns'o of powder and shot! Master! start mo nil thoso novices put the verv best men on board at the guns; above all, sec that they rnm home well, and level low!" . Scarcely two minutes elapsed from the giving of the ferocious order, when the new broadside of the Shark vomited death and destruction upon the crippled and helpless merchantman. Again for a few minutes, the horizon was obscured by dark and heavy cIouiIb of smoke; and some minutes elapsed before they cleared away sufficiently to en able us to see the effects produced by our volley. Frightful but impotent impreca tion reached us through the atmosphere ; and, at length wo distinguished the aged and unfortunate captain mounted on the bulwarks of his sh.Utcrcd vessel, now tear ing his hair, and anon extending his clench ed hst towards us, in vain menace anu de testation. Traversed as his ship had been in every direction by our balls, sho was ra pidly sinking, and just as she was finally settling down, some of her crew sought shelter in her tops, while others plunged in to the sea, and swain towards us. Alas! the ca6e of those who still clung to tho masts of the sinking ship was not a jot more hope less than that of the unhappy men who loo ked for safety in the mercy of Stamar. Seeing that they swam vigorously, and pcr severingly towards us, he shouted, " Shoot me off a few of those jolly fellows. Mm t l)ieu they seein marvellously well inclin ed to aid in the consumption of our grog and biscuit. Make good aim, I say, there, some of you, and shoot me them off!" His orders were obeyed to tho very let ter. Shot followed shot in quick success ion, and man after man fell beneath tho murderous aim of the ferocious pirates. Now and then a cap or a straw hat rose to the surface, and floated ronnd the shattered vessol which the foaming waVes wore now fuBt engulpliing. Suddenly, wilh a sound like the rushing of a huge water-spout, an immense chasm openod in the waves, the merchantman bal diiced herself for a moment or two, and then, with one lightning like bound, descended; the tops of her masts were for on instant seen lashing the waters, and then Bhe, and tho unhappy wretches, who wore still cling ing to her, disappeared forever. To thotu mult of the horrible scene that had been en acted, there succeeded for a few moments a frightfully expressive silence, which was broken by the voice of Stamar, who in tones of infernal irony exclnimcd. " Adieu! a pleasant voyage to you!" " Look whhhe you abb going. This was a remark wo heard yosterday, as we missed alonff Chartrcs street, addressed by a mother to a beautiful child, about five years of age. The little fellow had lui hands full of tovs nnd his head full of won der. Ho Was looking at all the glittering and attentive articles in the numerous show windows, and with Ins eyes devouring their beauties. ' He did'nt Bee the Btreets nor tho noraons nassin? not he his soul was filled with something else besides the mere idea of how or where he was walking. Without his mother, ho would certainly have been run over by tho whirling drays or trodden down in the careless crowd as it was, he ran some risk, as his mother's " look where vou aie Boinir" seemed to indicate. We were much interested not only in the child but the mother, who waB a noble look ing creature, with large black eyes, a high forehead, a cheek quite roseate for this cli mate, and a most bewitctbing form. Her carringe was graceful, and she Btepped as we imagine Hobe did, when she served tho gods aUheir banquet. We lost sight of her verv soon however, but her remark, " L.00U where you bfo going," has been ringing in . . ... .1 .1 ! . 1 1 our ears ever since, uouiu 11 nave uuun uu account of her voice! Wo wore charmed by its music, but have listened to tones far sweeter. . We know not what there was about tho tingle phraso to attract, save tho deep philosophy which may be drawn from it, and tho practical morality that may be induced. , "Look whore vou are coinir!" An ad monition, how universal in application how simple In practice how important in re sult! There is no situation in life so low that it cannot be improved by it, nor nono so hich that mav scorn it with impunity. The child needed it to keep hiui out of the street where the danger was rife the monarch on tho throne requires it to preserve the integ rity of his councils when the popular will is threatening. Reader, if you are a incident, when busi Whole No. 114. ness is exciting pricos brisk and the mar ket active when farmers are confident and speculators ready when rascality is hidden by tho cloak 01 morals, and insolvency lurke under silken robes, remember and " look where you're going," follow not this man because he promises you & fortune trust not that one because he wearsja Baintly facet confide not in a third because he agrees with you in opinion. -" Look where you are go ing," and take care of the main chance. If a yourg man, and pleasure beckoning with her rosy hands, invites you to her lux uriant retreats, take no step towards those enticing grottoes ere you "look where you're going." Tho faro table and tho dice box dishonesty to your employers a ruinod reputation and perhaps an ignomi nious death, may bo the conseciuonce of a refusal to "look whero you're going." If tho world followed this simple advice, our jails would bo tenantlcss, and our gibbets of no use. If you intend to marry if you think your happiness will be increased and your inter est advanced by matrimony, be sure and " look where you'ro going." Join yourself in union Willi no woman wno is selfish, tor she will sacrifico you with no ono who is fickle, for she will become estranged have nnught to do with a proud one for she will despise you nor with nn extravagant, for she will ruin you. Leave a coquette to the fools that flutter around her let her own fireside accommodate a scold, and flee from a woman who luvos scandal as you would fly from the evil one. " Look where you aro going," will sum it all up. Young Indies w hen you are surrounded by (lushing men when the tones oflovc and the words of compliment float out to getherwhen you are excited by themovo ment of tlie whirling waltz, or melted by the tenderness of mellow music, arrest yourself in that rosy atmosphere of delight, and " look where you're going." When n dar ing hand is pressing yours, or your delicate tresses aro lilted by hi 111 you fancy loves you; when the moonlight invites to trust ing, and tho stars seem but to breathe out innocence, listen with cnution to the wordB you hear gazo into your heart unshrink ingly, and "look where you'r going." JV. 0. Timet. No OMR TABTP.S SO GOOD FnUITSJ AS HE wiio UAisES tiii'.m. This is particularly true as regards the small fruits of summer. Tho black mulberry, it is stated in the En cyclopedia Americana, is "perfection only a few moments, anil that at the timo when it can bo dctatched from the tree by a slight shaking of the branches." "All the fruits," says Dr. Alcott, "but moro particularly the berries, are more or lesB subject to the same law-'' The perfection of tho straw berry and raspberry lasts but an hour or two; and even the pea, bean and Indian corn, lose much ot their freshness and fla vor by being plucked the day before they arc used. Those who raise fruits, there fore, niny pluck and eat them when they are most grateful to the palate, and most conducive to health. Those who buy them on the contrary, must buy those mat are prematurely garn ered, or which have passed their best state, nnd are in the incipient process of decay. In peneral both of these objections lie a- gainst summer fruits which are sold in the market they are gathered before they are ripe, and they are in tho progress ot decay. How important is 11 inereiore, mat 1110 lov ers of good fruit should take care to have it n perfection, by selecting and cultivating the choice varieties, when it can be done at trilling expense. " I ho luiues ot an green nuns, says Dr. Alcott, "are vory dill'ureut frum those of ripe ones. Their acids are less whole some than after they aro changed by the action of the sun in ripening; nor does the addition of 6nccharino substances in pre paring them, at all change their real na ture. They are still these; tney are oniy concealed. The oxalic acid is still oxalic acid, cook green fruits as yuu will. No culinary process, 1 repeal 11, can oe suusn tutcd for, or produce the effect of solar ac tion. The Creator, in many instances, by means of the sun, performs the most perfect culinary processes; and nature is often the best kitchen and cook." The use of rioe fruits is admirably adapt ed to allay the feverish irritations of the stomach and bowels at me seasons wnen thev severally come to maturity; but un ripe fruits, or those in the incipient stages of decay, aro calculated 10 increase mese excitomi'iits, and to generate disease. Fruits should always become ripe 111 tneir own natural way, and bs eaten when they 111 their highest ptrlection. Wheat in AIaink. The State of Maine has taken a noble stand, in the production of wheat and corn. The number of bush els of these two kinds of grain, raised last year in that stale, is 1,11117,84.0 of whea., l,ino,unu of Indian corn in the ear. The .Maine Fariu ir says "we are proud of this exhibit. It shows what Maine can du. She can raise her own broad nnd to spare. .Massachusetts mised last yuar 97,105 bush els, of wheat; Maine 1,010,040 bushels more than that stale . Our own little coun ty of Kennebec little in poiut of territory, nroduced rJ0.'J2S bushels, being 2!),7S8 bushels more than tho whole state of Mas sachusetts." Lot this be a lesson' we say tothefai mers of the west. With a soil more diffi cult of cultivation, and a climate far more inhospitable to the production of Wheat, tho state of Maine, in proportion to its pop u'ation, has raised neaily as much bread stuffs as thu Empire state. Think of the wealth that has accrued to the state, at the present high prices of grain,- by this eco nomical measure. It has gone far to do away with the evils of the miserable timber land . speculation, which created so 'much distress two years ago. Bof. D. Jte.p, It is said that Col. Stone of the N. Y. Commercial Advertiser, intends to write a history of'the Mormons. This sect, Iiaving been foiled in their attempts to make a prom ised land of Missouri, havo cummenccd opr erations in the cast. ' They are holding forth on Long Island, and making many Converts. Buff. Rip. -. - ' A SiprosD Cat. A neighbor of ours, who enjoys the luxury of an .'improved' eooking stove, very innscently niado a fire in it as usunl, a few mornings since, und went to his shop while the stove was warm ing up. On reluming a short time he was met witb a categorical flavor and on open ing the stove oven door, fouud bis eat com pletely singed and baked to a crisp. 1 Poor puss had jumped into tho oven the pre ceding evening, while the stove wss :ool ing. Vermont Mercury. Follt wbll TUHisH8D-ln ths age at ladies but in proportion to his courage And address in military exeroiee;, lliey sought admirers among the brave; andi the proofs they . required of the love, and! -force of his attachment, were combats, vic tories and trophies. In many instance friends were compelled, by the barbarous, commands of their mistresses, to engage in' mortal combat, nnd ftlwr life nF iniM nnhliv but infatuated soldier, was often sacrificed to the pride and cruelty .of wanton woman.. As Francis I, was one day . amusing hi court with a combat of lions, a lady drop-' , ped ber glove in the arena, and said to th . Chevalier de Lorges, "if you wish. m to believs you love as much as you every day profess to do, go bring my glove- Dsr Lorges immediately went down' among those terrible animals, took up the glove returned and threw it In hef face and in . Oi.o ui Du " (triff auu uuvhiiucb,. KiinN ever to speak to her again. His courage ' was great, but his good sense was greater. - Arhest or a CosriTERFBiTER. An ex. cccdingly polite and good looking person age by the name of Wm . Russel, alias ay- ,VUB LUIS lUUnilllg VUlllllllllUU IU J'llBUIV for passing to Mr. Pierce,' the Treasurer of the Theatre, a counterfeit three dollar bill on the Farmers t Mechanic's Bank of Bur lington, Vt. On searching him, bills 6f tho same bank, and others of the Fulton Bank or Boston, amounting to 100, were discover ed in a girdle around bis waist. The Ver mont bills were all of like denomination ofS'st and signed F. Hockley, cashier: Jn. Peck, pres't, and dated Sept. iwao. ine oilier were signed, II. Broadhead cash., Chas.' Hcmshaw, pres't.- letter D. and dato May 4th, 1S37. J3; Pat. Within five years there will be three routes by which uninterrupted steamboat navigatiou can be maintained between Buf falo and New Orleans, or tho West India ports. Ono by the way of the Fox and Wisconsin rivers, the great natural north-' em route another by tho way of the Mil waukie and Kock river canal, and Rock riv-- er and a third, by the way of the Illinois and Michigan canal, and the Illinois river. What an idea do anticipations of (his kind. so soon to become realities, give of the ad-. vantages of liullulo. We have but just be gun to appreciate the grandeur of our posi tion. LW. Pat. . Texan Nav. Edwin W, Moore, late a lieutenant in the United States Navy, is re reported by the Alexandria Gazette, to have recently accepted the appointment of Commander-in-Chief of the Texan Navy, ten dered him by the Government of that Ho-. public. Ho is now we suppose, Comman- der of Admiral Moore. A maiiuiicent country, the Texas. Buff. Vat " Suhlimr The sun was just lifting his ra diant head above the fleecy clouds of the . morning; the sweetest songsters of Nature, were pouring torth their richest melodies when Mary, more beautiful than Dianas ' walked with to feed the chickens- in uubii: - iviy uuur, suiu o. urion. -. 1 j ,, t.i - country lad to his sweetheart, " I want you to go to the Circus with me to-night; I han't got only two shillings, but you shall . gu ,. w. .... out or may be I can get under the curtain or something." JY. O. Times. . , " trn ,n nnrl 1 11 at Hia ilnnr .ill VnnrniTIA We saw a woman Bliot on Friday morning? in Royal street The wound was "in the neck." Poor creature ! she lay in the gutter, and presented a beautiful illustration of the effiictcoftho " striped pig." JY. Q. Times. Special Vbroict. A gentleman informs us that three young men were recently tri ed in Cattaraugus county, for shooting and mortally wounding a dog. The written verdict of the jury was: "all three guilty; plaintiffs damages assessed at S pence: and each of the defendants to have another shot at the dog!" A western editor who has just been get ting married says; Every man who has a just regard for his country should raise some thing. . - t A Mr. Yeizer. of Clinton, (Miss.) started from Jackson a few evenings since, with $.r)U00. About a mile from JackBon he waB fired at by two men, but missed. He was then pursued by the scoundrels, who at one time came so near him as to cut the pocket-book in his pocket in two, also cut ting through his coat. He succeeded how ever, in leaving them behind, after running IiIb horse about two miles. ' ' The women in Poland have a watchful eye over their daughters, and, in the dis trict of Samogitia particularly make them, wear little bells before and behind to give notice where tlioy are, and what they are about.- " " . .'- ! '- An.action was brought between Miss H of Lombard street, and Mr. W of Bartlett's building, for the breach of the promise of marriage. One of the witness, es being asked his nanfe, trade and place, said his name was S , he was book binder, and lived in Lombard Street, whore the parties frequently met together and where the promise was made in hia hear ing likewise affirming that he was the very first that introduced them to each oth er. "Then" said Lord Kenyon, "your in-" teniion was to bind them together in one volume." . A most elecant little noem on the influ- enco of beauty by the Irish bard, Carolan, is preserved in Miss Brook's "Reliques of . Irish foetry." - it conciuucs inuu, iw iuo poet was,-liko Homer, blind. . ' - K'eu ho whose hapless eyes no ray Admits from beauty's cheering day, : . Yet,though be cannot see the light, ' Hece. it worm and Snows it bright. . In Sweden the women follow the plougk, row "on the water, serve the bricklayers, and do all ths common drudgeries of hus bandry. " v- . - . 1 v A Convenient mope or. OETTino a Showed, Bath. Take a wicker basket, fill it with ice, place, it on your head and walk through the street' when the Ban is in its meridian. ;,. r... . .. . - " . ., . j The connoisseur julep drinkers in N. Or leans now carry a Bmall silver tube in their pockets, through which to imbibe the grate ful beverage. The people in the city, with true republican simplicity, are content witb sucking it through a straw. Cm. Jifii.1.r Miss Sheriff, the-TOCBlist is, according to the N- Y. Transcript, abort to become the wife of a distinguished lawyer of that city. Lawyers and sheriffs always go to gether. Ck". Sun, , ' - . ' - ' Siw Theory. 'A modern astronomer says ths stars are neither suns nor worlds, but meroly bonfires, placed at convenient, distances, for the angels to roast their pota toes in.