Newspaper Page Text
I Rlirrn ahd published evert Saturday, jf BY REED & HOSMER. V , BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MAUMEE CITY. MAUMEE CITY INSURANCE CO. Commercial Buildings. MUTUAL INSURANCE OFFICE, At the Jefferson House, Win. Kingsbury Agent. CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICE. Canal street. STATE LAND OFFICE, Erie Btreet. RUED U HOSMER, Hook tt Job Printers, Maumee Express Ofhce, Wolcott street. DANIEL F. COOK, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. S. M. YOUNU, Attornies & Counsellors at Law. N. KATHBUN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. HENRY REED, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. NATHAN RATIIBUN, Justice of the Peuco. HORATIO CON ANT, Justico r.f the Peace. DR. WILLIAM ST. CLAIR, Physician b Surgeon. Erie Htreet. JUSTUS DWIGHT, Physician and Surgeon, G. S. HAZARD, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Water street. SMITH, HOWE & CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Water street. "FORSYTH U MACK, Forwarding and Commission Merchants. Water street. J7W0LC0TT. Forwarding ind Commission Merchant, Water street. E. FAIRAIAN, Dry Good and Variety Store, Commercial Buildings. W. WIS WELL, Dealers in Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tin ware and Cutlery, Erie street. SPENCER L MOORE, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery, Erie street. ETnoiAck , Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries and Crockery, I'ront street. GTk W. RICHARDSON, Dealers in Dry Good,Groceries, Sec. be. Erie street. G. II. N1TCHIE h CO. Dealers in Fancy ana Staple Dry Goods, Hotel Buildings. O. b D. WILLIAMS, " Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock ery, &c. Erie street. ELI KITTS, " . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines be. Erie street. IRA W HIT E , Dry Goods, Books be. Wolcott street. CLARK b FARGO. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Com., crcial Buildings. C. A. b A. D. WILLIAMS, Groceries and Provisions. ' K- HASTINGS, Groceries and Provisions. A. GARY, " Boots. Shoes, Dry Goods, Groceries, Paints, Oils be. Corner of Broadway and Conant sts, " WOODWARD b SON, Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Erie street. J. WOLCOTT. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provi sions, Stoves, Iron be. Wolcott street. GEORGE DOTY, Dxler in Jewelry be. Erie street. ALLEN b GIBBONS, Groceries and Provisions, Erio street. ' D. STEELE Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. Erie street. ; FORSYTH b HULL, Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery and Hard ware, corner of Front and Conant streets LATHAM T. TEW, Coper b Tin Manufacturer on Wolcott st. at the late store of T. W. Crowell. CHARLES A. LAMB, Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer rear of Commercial Buildings. jeffercTiouse; Robert Gower, Erie street. MIAMI HOTEL, By George Kirkland, near the lo-ver steam boat landing. AMERICAN HOUSE, By Tyrrel b Hall, Wolcott street. CENTRAL HOUHE, Elijah Clark. Erie street. PERUYSBURG. SPINK b HOSMER, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. BENNETT b CAMPBELL, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. COFFINBURY b STETSON, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. EAGLE HOTEL, Joseph Creps, Louisiana Avenue. ' HOLLISTER b CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants. 77 DO AN CAUL, Frowardinir and Commission Merchants. GILBERT BEACH. Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries he. be CURTIS b KRlDLEIi, Boot, Shoe, b Leather Store, opposite the Temperance House. C. T. WOODRUFF, Tin and Copper Manufactory TOLEDO. DANIEL O. MORTON, Attorney, Counsellor and Solicitor. PALMER, BUSH b CO - Forwarding and Commission Merchants, foot of Erie and Kalamazoo rail road. " . TITUS b Co. Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware be. be La Grange street. I A TTTITS It f Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries be, corner of Smmit and Locust streets. CARPENTER, MYERS b Co. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, , . . Foot of Erie b Kalamazoo railroad ' AMERICAN HOTEL. R. N. Lawton, Summit street. : ToLEbo recess, ' By John L. Smith, next door to tbe Tolodo House. MAUMEE Volume III.--IYO. 14. 1839. Perrysburg, Toledo, Maumee City d Manhattan. riMIE stoain-boat GEN. VANCE, 8 - Spink, Master. This splendid lit tle boat has now token her place for the season, and will run regularly between the ubove named places, in the following order, to witi Leave Perrysburg every morning, at 7 1-2 o'cloc , touching at Munmee City, Oregon and Toledo, in time for the cars go ing to Adrian, and arrive at Manhattan at9 o'clock, touching as above, and arrive at Perrysburg at Yi o clock, lieave Perrys burg at half past one o'clock, and Toledo at 4 o'clock, or after the arrival of the cars from Adrian; running and touching as above. For freight or passage, apply to the cap tain on board, or to J. IIolli8ister Ac Co., Perrysburg. Smith, Howe b Co., Maumee City. OirpenterbCo., v T 'M Palmer Bush b Co., " Poag b Thus, TM Peckham & Co., Cornwoll & Fox, Manhattan. P. S. Sailing parties can at all times depend upon the services of the Gen. Vance, by giving a few hours notice to the Opt., or to the above agents. N. I) Cant. Snirik will attend prompt ly to all calls from Cnpts. of vessels who may wish to be towea eitner up or aown the river. mO PHYSICIANS AND PATIENTS. J The Blind Piles, said to be incura ble by extornalapplications Solomon Hays warrants tho contrary. His Liniment will cure Blind Piles. Fuels are more stubborn than theories, He solicits all respectable Physicians to try it upon their patients. It will dotliein no barm, and it is known that physicians who had the honesty to make Uie trial, have candidly admitted that it has succeeded in every cao they have known. Then why not use it? It is the recipe ol one of their most respectable members, now deceased. Why refuse to use it 1 Because it is sold as a proprietory medicine 7 Is this a sulhcieiit excuse tor sullering tlieir patients to linrrer in distress? We think not. Physicians shall be convinced that there is no humbug or quuekery about this article- Why then not alleviate numan sintering! lfthov wont try itbefore, lot theni after all other prescriptions fail. Physicians are respectfully requested to do themselves and patients the justice to use the article. It shall be taken from the bottle, and done up qb their prescription, if they desire. Let them apply the Comstock b Co., at the Drug Store, No. i f letener street near l'can, New York, and of most respectable drug gists throughout this country. Also at O. Williams b Co., fliaumeo uity 1 SOLOMON HAYES. FLORENCE, Ala. Skpt. alKt". A gentleman of the highest standing in this town, who Ins been dreadfully afflicted with tho Blind Piles for tho last 20 years, called tipon me and freely confessed to me his situation. Afterdoscribing the severity of the complaint, he remarked ho had not been so well for 20 years past as he was a', that moment. lie has used one bottle only of Hay's Liniment. To use his own word6 he said "the whole human family, who were thus afflicted, ought to be made ac quainted with this medicine." Signed, it. u. ui-,iM. Tho original letter may be seen where the article is sold, No. 2 Fletcher street New York. And at nearly all the Apothecaries in North America. Also at O. & D Will lianw Maumee City. 1 TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE. A font of small Pica of about two hundred pounds, near ly new and cornplote, with Italic and ca ses, atthis office. rilO THE INCREDULOUS. New York JL Sept. 2dth, 183H. I have been entire ly bald during 13 years, and have now, by the use of the genuine Balm ofCnlumbia my mad covered with fine hair. I shall be happy to convince tho most incredulous, who will take the trouble to call at in, house. I have bought tho article of Comstock b Co. 2 Fletcher st. For sale at O. b I). Will iams Maumee City- 1 J P. SCIIMIDLING, 47 Attorney st. americanIiotel. Summ't street, near the lower steamboat landing. Tultdo. RN. LAWTON takes this opportunity to inform the public that he has taken the above splendid establishment, and fitted it up in good style for the accommodation of all who may favor him with their cus tom. Ho intends to try tho experiment of keeping tnc best or every thing, and thus meriting a substantial reward Iran the res i dent and travelling public. March, 10 10.30 50tf NO MISTAKE. DR. ST. CLAIR would give notice to the people of Maumee City and vicini ty, that he has disposed of hie interest in the store of O. WilliamB b Co., with the full intention of pursuing the science and practice of Medicine. Therefore hopes to merit a reasonableshare of the public pat ronage. March 5, 1839. 49tf REMOVAL. A CARY has removed from Front st. , to Broadway, corner of Conant st's. where he has received in addition to his former stock, a largo assortment of Boots and shoes of a superior quality. Also, a good assortment of Dry Goods, all of which will bo sold low for cash. Dec. 8 COOKING STOVES of Wilson's and Eagle patterns. Also, Franklin, nar- our stoves, for sale by nor. 14. BO VIS TON b GAIN IN r, J T. STOVES! STOVES!! Just received, a lot of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, by July S8 , O. b D WILLIAMS. SELLING cheap for Cash only, Fall and Winter Goods, a general easort- jument, at received and for sale by nor. '7. 33 U, w V. WILLIAMS. removal: C PENCE R & MOORE hare removed to the store formerly occupied bv Messrs. Morehoise and Brownlee corner of Conant and Eri street. ., Maumee City, May 17th 1859. 7. H IDES.Wanted, Calf and Buff Hides by O. b D. WILLIAMS. MAUMEE I SSI). DETROIT & MAUMEE CITY. TTE new and elegant steam-boat MA COMB, Ira Davis Master, will run the ensuing Season, between Detroit and Maumee City, touching at the intermedi al e ports: Leaves Detroit for Maumee City, every Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday morn ings, at 9 A. M. Leaves Maumee City for Detroit, every Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings, at 7. A. M. The Macomb has, the past winter, under gone thorough repairs. Her engine has been much improved, which, with an addi tion of a splendid gentleman ' cabin, large and airy on her hurricane deck, together with other improvements calculated for the convenience of passengers, will render her accommodations far superior to nny other boat of the same tonnage on Lake Erie. For Freight or Passage apply to the Master on board, or to G1LLET fi DESNOYERS, Detroit. FORSYTH b MACK, Maumee City. April R. DETROIT & MAUMEE CITY. THE splendid low pressure stoonihont ERIE Copt. A. EnWAnns, will run du ring the coming season between Detroit, and Maumee City and Perrysburg, touching at the intermediate port in the lol'uwing or der: Leoves Detroit at 9 o'clock A. M. on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. Leaves Maumee City and Pcrrysburgh on Tuesdays Thursdays and Soturduys. For freight or passage apply to the Cap tain on board, or to SMITH, HOWE bCo. .Wnumre City. HULLISTER & Co. Perrysburg. May 4, 11139. SIDNEY L. ROOD, Bookseller, Publisher, Stationer and Bin dir, 70 Jrffemn Jlveitue, Detroit. KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale at wholesnle or retail, Theological, Lv.v, Medical, Miscellaneous, Classical and School Books: English, French and Amer ican Stationery. Ho also keeps on hand, and manufactures to order, every descrip tion of Blank Books, required by county officers and business men. They also pub lish School Books, which will be sold at eas tern prices, wholesale or retail: Davien' Arithmetic, Davies' Legcndre's Geometry, Davies' Algebra, Davies' Sur veying, Davies' Differential Colculus, Da vies' Shades and Shadows, Huntington's Geography, Smith's Geography, Printing Ink constantly on hand. Detroit, April 0, 1039. 1 HAVE YOU A COUGH? Do not neg lect it! Thousands have met prema ture death for the want of a little attention to a common cold. Have you a cough 1 Rev. Dr. Barthol omew's Expectorant Syrup, a safe medical prescription, containing no poisonous drugs, and used in an extensive practice for sevc ral years, will most positively afford relief, and save you from that awful disease pul monary consumption , which usually sweeps into the gravc?,hundrcds of the young, the old, the fair, the lovely and the gay ! Have you a cough ? lie persuaded to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Syrup to day ! ! To morrow may be too late. Have you a cough? Bartholomew's Ex pectorant Syrup is the only remedy you should take to cure you. For this plain reason: That in no one for the thousand cases where it has been used it failed to relievo. For sale at the drugstore of Comstock b Co., I Fletcher st. near Pearl, and at all respectable Drug Stores. Also at O. b D. Williams Maumee City. 1 (X7TIIE LATE MAYOR of Philadel phia has certified under seal of the city the nlnrnier nf several Divines. Physicians. and gentleman of high standing who declare positively under incir own nanus (an oi which may be seen at the Drug Store) that the Balm of Columbia is not only a certain preservative, but positively a restorative of the human hair; also a cure for Dandruff. Who shall dispute, or go bald? The only true have a splendid steel plate engraved wrapper, wiih falls of Niagara, and the name of Camstoek Co., Jveto York, J-c on it. For sale at O. b D. Williams Muumee Citi O. Si D. WILLIAMS, WILL continue the business of Mer chandising at the old stand of O. Williams b Co., where they will be ready to attend to the colls of their customers as usual. They respectfully solicit the pat ronage of their old friends, and the public in general, a continuance of which they will endeavor to merit, March 9. TrRS. MANWARING, of Jamaica, L It 1 1., has been under the hands of several physicans for a year past with an unheala- ble fever Bore on ner ancie, anu nas ueen Dart of the time quite unable to walk, and got no rolioftill she has now by tho use of two bottles ot Hay ? unimeni, oeen enure tv cured. To this fact Judge Lamberson and J. F. Jones Esq., Editor of the Long Island Farmer, and many other citizens ol i ni town will testily, liar a liniment. genuine, for sale at No. I Fletcher st.neor rearl- Also aiu. u. vv imams iuau meo City. 1 BUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE. niHE subscriber for the purpose ofafford M. ing conveniences to men of business, who are desirous to settle in thia place, offer for sale at reasonable prices, or to Pease at moderate rents, the following lote,'uponthe principal business streets in this town. 19. 211. zi: norm siae croonway: to West side of Canal street: 130 Corner of William st. 4 in block 1, north side of So phia Bt; Also t largo number of lots engi bly situated lor resioences. For information and terms apply to I. D. BEAUGRAND, Maumee City. R.DICKERSON, ) . Sandutku LA. Q.. RAWSON, Leuer 6o'",""cy- 15-tf MICHIGAN WINDOW GLASS Anr ooantitv, of all iizea, kept con stantly on hand, warranted free from breakage. For sale low, by Perrysburg, Juna 16. lltf CITY EXP BE CITY, OHIO, SATURDAY, TO THE PUBLIC. EASTMAN would still invite the at- tention of the afflicted, and the pu61ic II generally, to his Elixir of Health. lie is encouraged to do so from the in creased evidence of its efficacy as a succes ful remedial agent for many of the maladies and diseases to which the human family are subject. From eight years experience in the efficacy of this medicine, he is warranted in assuring the public that no medicine has proved so universally salutary and beneficial as a family medicine. It was devised as an assistant to the efforts of nature whose op erations are always exerted to rid the sys tem of whatever is deleterious, and tn main tain a healthy action throughout. This she would ever accomplish were she not occa sionally overpowered by counteractingcau ses, such as marsh miasmata, impure air 'colds, exposures, irrregularities, be. By tnese tne primary organs are deranged, en feebled and overpowered hence diteuse in some form is the resnlt. The Elixir was designed to assist nature in expelling from the system all morbid and deleterious matter give vigor, tone and en ergy to the digestive organs and the secre tory vessels, the prime regulators of the whole, upon the proper action of which de pend the health of the entire system. The success which has attended the ad ministration of the Elixir, proves conclusive ly that it answerBthe purpose of its design. It is adopted and has proved most signally successful in all those cases of deiungemcnt of the digestive organs indicated by loss of appetite, nausea, oppression from food, acidity, heartburn, weakness, lassitude, a sense of weariness, pains in the stomach, side shoulder or limbs costivencss dizzi ness billious habits nervous symptoms melancholy dejection of spirits disturbed sleep cold bauds and feet 6ick heudnche liver complaints jaundice &c. For Dyspepsia it has proved moro successful than any other known remedy. For feeble and delicate females, childre.) whose health has been impaired by Ague and Fever and other diseases: it proves a sovereign rcsto rstivn for that state of ill health so frequent ly met with in new and flat sections, snd bucIi as border on sluggish waters, indica ted by pule and sallow countenances, debili ty, loss of appetite, billious habits be, it is invaluable and from its powers of removing morbid matter from t he system preventing its accumulations and keeping the digestive organs in a healthy and vigorous state, is a powerful preientutive of the diseases inci dent to such countries no new settler in such sections should, as he values his health, dispense with its use. Females of from fnny to fifty years of ge, have found it a powerful asssistant to nature in the im dopeB g change which the system then un icortanton a proper termination of which edpends their subsequent health. It is also asalutary assistant in removing obstruc tions. As a common family nicditine, the Elixir is unequalled being a perfectly safe, mild yet efficacious physic itdoesliot nau seate the stomach or debiliate thuf system, but thoroughly cleanses the stomach and bowels, restores and maintains their healthy acti' ii. Itis entirely botanical in its com position and may with perfect safely be ta ken at any age, by either sex, in any condi tion of life. The proprietor is aware thai the woild abounds in patent medicines some of which are valuable and others worse than useless: and that much imposi tion is practised on the public by these me dicines. Hut from eight years experience in the effects of his Elixir, the increased de mand and reputation it has secured wher ever known the proprietor does with the most entire confidence recommend it to the afflicted as on invaluable remedial agent for such it has proved, as thousands will bear witness, many of whom had exhausted every other known remedy and despaired of relief, and now from the use of the Elixir enjoy perfect health. Testimonials from the mnBt respectable sources may be seen on the wrappers ac companying the medicine. But the most sure testimony is its use, and on this testi mony 1 depend for its perpetuity. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Drug Store of the subscriber, in Zanesvillp, where he keeps constantly on hand a gene ra! assortment of Drugs and medicines, of the best quality, among wind) are ell the valuable Family medicines. H. EASTMAN. Forsaloat the Drug Store of O. b D. Williams, M.iumee City. June 22- 1218. THE WHOLESALE STORE IX TOLEDO. TITUS, TOWN SEND b TITUS, 229 Pearl street, New-York, encouraged by the share of support their branch at Tolkdo received during the past year, will continue the establishment. Experience has proved that they were not over san guine when they claimed facilities which enabled them to sell goods in fact cheaper than any other house west of Tru-York, and they speak with confidence when they promise to offer stronger inducements to pur chasers than any other firm in the Western country. They would respectfully invite their old customers, and the trade in general, Mer chants, Contractors, Hotel Keepers tyc. to uive their stock an examination. Their as sortment will consist as usual, principally of Drt Goods and Grocrriks, with many other such articles as the wants of the coun try may require. As fresh invoices will be shipped from JYew-York weekly, through the season, they will not now attempt to give a detailed list ot their goons. Store, foot of La Grange st.. Lower ToUdo. May 10, 1839. TITUS b Co. RETAIL STORE IN TOLEDO. TITUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 229 Pearl street, New-York, will, in addi tion to their Wholesale Store, continue tho Retail Branch of their house at Toledo, under the firm of J. A. Titus b Co. Fresh supplies of goods will be received weexly through the season, and they will continue their boast of having the handsomest, cheap est, and best selected Stock ever offered in Toledo, which will consist of Dry Goons, Grocrribs, Boots and Shoes, Nails, Oil, Carpiitino be. Their goods were selected expressly for ihis store, and are of the choicest and rich est description. Terms Cash only. J. A. TITUS b Co. Corner of Summit If Locust streets Lower Toledo, May 10, 1839. I LOOKING GLASSES, China, Crock err and Glass ware, a large assort ment at low prices. E. FAIRMAN, Junsg. commercial, ouilding. JULY 6, 1839. SONG. GIts me an ey, h wlmminii eye, To meal my nr lent gliuicei A tunny eye to iptie upon Whtn pleuure In It dnncel, Give me an eye to mingle henme, When mirth anj joy have bouud me Give me en eye to mingle tenre Wlien eorrtw'a cloud are round me. Give me a cheek, a eon, toll cheek, Warm rotetbluthlng o'er it, Bohrljiht, to nuro, to HnRii like, ' I' were elnlpw to a lore It Glvea clieea to preti to mine, With calm and holy reeling, Taut lulls the toul at miltlc doet, When o'er the aeotea Healing. Give me a Hp, abatmy lip, Sweet amilra around It wreathing A dewy lip, carnation-like, Of love and londnesa hi-rathing. Give me alip tn kiaa, when all, Or Tew or none cereal me A full red lip todrpam upon, A aeraphiiptobleaame Give mo a hand, a anow-whltc hand, Tn tremble when I preen It A fairy litnd to hold in mine, A Utile hand tonlrae me. Give me a hand to klaa, and breathe O'er It my toul'a devotion A hand to hold and preat mine to, With dct-p, u feigned emotion. Give me aheart, a genlte heart, With warm airectlona beating A hfiart to nutter with dellifht, When tip wiih lip it meeting. Give me a heart to rnll my own, Tocheermy path when dreary A pure, agtriltlena comliint heart, To Jean upon tvlivn weary. Pompbii. Pompeii is not a ruin, that is not a monument of crumbling and moulder ing decay ; it is only a forsaken city. That the inhabitants had time to fly, and bear wii.n tnctn t tie greater pait of their posses sions, is sufficiently evident; but a few per ished, and they are brought to our notice in a manner that renders their fate more iinyretsivo and affecting. Ilere in this villa, hie skeleton-hands grasping coins, and jewels, and his coffee key, was found the perished mister, stricken in his flight, and a slave behind him with silver and bronze vases; then flew tho shrieking family below, lo a subter ranean passage, and there perished, slow ly, perhaps, seventeen of them, mistress, unil handmaids, and faithful servants. Hero is a sadder thing: In a little circu lar roofed scat by the wayside, a kind of traveller's resting place, or a spot where friends would walk, and sit chatting in the shade, here was found the skeleton of a woman, and an infant skeleton in her arms, safely may the antiquary write, a moth er, and two children lay by her side; pre cious ornaments were found on all. Per haps she waited for her lord she loved, or for her poor hand-maid, or perhaps the ur was to return and take her. Here ngain, under a portico, was found some miser flying with his heavy, strong wrapped hoard the guide tolls you it was a priest of leis : and here in her temple, was found other skeletons of men who stand in guard or worship her revered image; and lastly, at a prison or guard house were found skeletons fastened and secured in rocks. However, an attempt to describe Pomp eii comes not within tho compass of my plan of ability. Here we follow the anti quarian with a silent and thankful attention. We are token hy him into the ancient o- mans, their temple, i:hoils, theatres led along their streets, introduced into their houses, and shown the distribution and use of their baths, their pluces ot feasting, and that of repose. You stand before their shops, and put your hand on their littie counters of marble, one whereof has the stain of a goblet's bot tom, anil where yon lean, hundreds of men have leaned, in their times, to take a drink, perhaps of vinegar and water, a draught common among them and most grateful to the thirsty. You walk along the raised footway, and mark ill the carriage road the worn wheel track; you cross at the step ping stones and iliink of the toga; you stop at the open spots where tho streets meet and cross, and look for the damsels who came crowding with their urns to the con venient wells. The bike housi-, thewino shops, and the cook's shop, exactly similar in plan lo those I have seen in the Macho, and Djiddo, with stoves and large vessrcls of boiling and pre paring food, are all to be found in this si lent city. You pass among the columns ol many temples, you enter the hall of judg ment, and walk up between its Corinthian columns, and look with suspicion on the raised tribunal, and think about impartial decrees; you go into the theatres, und then on across a .vineyard, to tho noble amphi theatre, and then ascending to the top, gnzo out, and forget every thing but the bright beauty of tho scenery; turning to descend, you see where the civilized iuiuan sat smiling; while the Numidian lion tore the frame of his captive foe, perhaps the brave blue-eyed Daciun; or frowning upon his youngest son,'who at his first visit to the games, would look at times pale ami with an eye dimmed by a tear, but not degraded by allowing itlo fall. Scenes and Impres sions in Italy. Shakspbane's Cuuhtsiiip of Ais Hathaway. (From' As Youth ofSkaks peare. "How dost like our Anne's sing ing?' inquired John Hathaway, when his daughter had left the chamber to put the children to their beds. " Very exceedingly, I do assure you," replied the youth, with a notable sincer ity. "Humph!" exclaimed the father, as though he were thinking of something he cared not to give speech to. "Indeed shu hath a sweet throat." Nothing more was said on that head at that moment; and they again talked of country matters, till his host could not any longer contain his guest's marvellous insight into such things, and enquired how he acquired it; whereup on the other truly answered, he got it by questioning of thoso whose business it was. In good time the yeomnn's blooming daugh ter returned, and busied herself with pre parations for supper, taking care whenever she could, to have her share in the dis course, which she did with a pretty spright lincss exceedingly ogrceablo to her young admirer. Seeing hesattemptirnr to move the great table nighcr the fire, he must needs jump up, and with a graceful officious resB, seek to do it himself, the which she appeared to object to in some manner, and there was a little arguing of the matter be twixt them the father looked on with s. i;n,rT,osinir ami', m if tin could see in it something exceeding pleasant. The nd was, that the two young people carried the table together, rrmnifeitly to their extreme satisfaction. In due time the rashers were done, and with a stors of other wholesome rictuals, di... nut An a fair avhitn ninth., that Cover ed the table, and William Shakspeare was prefsad with, blunt courtesy by the Ci Whole No. 118. ther, and a more winning pursuasiveness by the daughter, to partake of the fare set before him. This be essayed to do with a notablo good will. After this, the blooming Anne brewed a goodly posset, and whilst they were enjoying it, her father called on her to sing him a song, the which she Boom ed little a very little to hesitate upon, with a sort of pretty coyness tune out of mind customary under similar circumstan ces; but after the handsome youth had pressed her with an excellent show of rhet oric, she sung a dainty ditty, then popular, concerning of "The pretty little Nightin gale," and at least one of the listeners thought it most exquisite singing. Then John Hathaway would needs have a song of his guest, to the which Iter daughter ad ded her entreotics so prettily, the youthful Shakspeare found it iinpusjible to resist, whereupon he commenced the singing nf a favorite love snug of tho limes, begining, " If I had wytt fur lo endyte." The words were of pleasant conceit which gained con siderably in admirableness by the manner ot bis singing, and the tune,by means of his rich clear voice, came upon the air, a very river of melody. Whether the yeoman liked the song could only be told by the plea sure lurking in the corners of his mouth, and shining quaintly in his half closed eye lids, which might be interpreted, he saw moro in it than the singer imagined how ever, that his daughter relished it there could be no questioning, for her smiles were full as evident as her praites. " Now friend Will, thee must be agoing," exclaimed John Hathaway, at last, in his Usu al plain countryman sort of manner. " Tis my custom to go to bed with the lamb and rise with the lurk: nnexcelleutgoodeustoin, I'll warrant so I'll e'en b.d thee a fair good night; nevertheless, I will add lo it I shall be happy tn see thee at all times; and if 1 be not at home, perchance Anne will he as happy to see thee its myself." He said this with a look of humor that shone through all the staidness of his aspect, And shaking his visiter heartily by the hand, ho opened the door for his exit. His daughter denied not a word of what her father had said. In deed her glances, as she bade the youth good night, as plainly said "come ngain," us ever was expressed hy a pair of bright eyes since the world began. An Arkansas Deacon. In one of the oldest settled towns uf Arkansas, lived, some years since a good natured old joker j named Sipplcs, something of a drinker, very profane, addicted to nothing 6ave loafing and story-telling emphatically a hard case," take him all round. For years he had been known by the name of" The Dea con'' and from beii g constantly addressed hy that title, it was said that he had so far forgotton ttic name he starteu with in early life, as not to know it when he heard it, sin gular as it was. One evening he had been indulging freely in his fuvorite recreations for drinking and story-telling at the village tavern." Ten o' clock came and with It went all the tavern loungers, some to their homes, and some to bed. None were left savo old Sipples, the h tr keeper and a stranger, a preacher who hud jiislanivcd and who had heard no part of the previous conversation. The arranger was a "down e.isl pre tetter ou n visit to Arkansas in quest of a congregation. He had hardly got Bunted before the bar-keeper, who was anxious to close the house, addres sed Sipples with "come, Deacon, aint you about ready to start?" Tho preacher heard this, and supposed at once that he had luckily found the very man who could give him all the information he required. Hitching his chair along side of Sipples, and giving him a mock and patron izing look, he commenced with " How d'ye do, Deacon!" " Pretty fair, I thank you, how are you?" " I am as well as could be expected, much obliged to you. Deacon, how does the cause of religion flourish in this neigh borhood?" "About titer s mc, I believe, I don't see much difference." " 1 lave you any settled preacher here now" "No, we h tv'ut. The preacher was dis missed about six months ago." " He was, was ho." Wei! don't you find a difference since lie left?" ' I don't notice nny great, change." " Hut don't you rind your duties heavier don't you liud it hard getting along?" " Well, it docB come pretty considerable d d tough, thill's a fact, and you'll find it devilish bird scratching to get along yourself, I reckon, by the lint! you've been here a long as I have." The pre icher was shocked. He saw t iat lie had woke up the wrong deacon at once. Sipples knew and c ired just as much about religion as he did about the Government of the Tango Islands or the atTairs of Fiance, and after taking his ' night cap' in the shape of a whiskey toddy, started for homo, leav ing the preacher in astonishment. The lat ter had supposed he should find the same kind of deacons in Arkansas he left in Con necticut, and wem to bed that night fully determined, the next time he accosted a stranger with that title, lo find out, in the first place, whether he was of the right sort. JV. O. Picayune. A Fablb. From the side of a verdunt mountain there flu wed forth a little rivulet. Its voice w:ts scarcely heard among the rustling of the leaves and grass around, and its shallow and narrow stream might be overlooked by the traveller. This brook al though small, was inspired with a proud spirit, and murmured agiinst the decree of Providence which placed it in a lot so lowly.. " I wish I were a cloud to roll all day through the heavens, painted so beautifully as t!to8c lovely shapes are colored, and nev er descending again In showers; or at least I wish I was a river, performing some use ful duty in the world. Shame orr my weak wave and unregarded bubbling! I might as well have never been, as to be puny, in significant, and useless." When the brook hud thus complained, a beautiful flower that bent over i:s bosom, re plied: "Thou art greatly in the error, brook. Puny and insignificant thou trmy est be, but useless thou art not, for I owe half my beauty, porhnps my life, to thy re freshing waters. The plants adjacent to thee art) trreener and richer than the others. The Cteatoa has given to thea a duty, wuich, though' Irumble, thou must not ueg- leet. Besides, who knows what may be thy future destiny? Flow onr I beseech thee!"" The brook heard Vat rebuke, and danced along its way morn cheerfully. On and on it went growing broader and broader. By and by other rivulets poured their crystal waters into il, and its deepening bosom, in which already began to- appear the fairy creatures of the wave, darting about joyfully and glistning in the sun. As its channel, grew wider and wider, and yet other branch es came gliding into it, it rolled in a mean dering course through a teeming country,, freshening .whatever it touched, and giving:, the whole scene a new character and beau.- 'y- As it morcd on now in majesty ' pride, the sound of its gently hearing billows formed itself into the following words. "At, the outset of life, however humble we may seem, thero may be in store for us great and unexpected opportunities of doing good and) being great. In the hope of these, we should1 ever pass on without despair or doubt, true-, ting that perseverance will bring its own reward. How little I dreamed when I first spiang on my course, for what purpose I wosje destined! What happy beings were teowe their bliss to me! What lofty trees, what, velvet meadows, golden harvests, were to had my career! iet not tho meek and lowr ly despair Heavens will supply them, with noble inducements to virtue." "v -ia A BRAVB AMD OKNEROUS ACT. We rS informed by an eye witness, that late or Friday evening, just as one of the Fulton terry boats was leaving the dock, a man who was hastening to get on board, and who, from the darkness of the hour, . warn unaware of the distance at which the boat had left the dock, rushed forward and sank; in the gloomy waters, which being much) agitated by the paddle wheels, rendered hist situation almost hopeless. In his lost ex hausted struggle, however, he was seen by a brave and generous man,. Major Hopftins of the custom-house, who was a passenger on board, who instantly leaped overboard at the imminent peril of his own life, to, save that of a fellow-creature. He bronght him from beneath the water, and supported him by adroit but desperate efforts, until sx rope could be thrown, but whilst tbe stran ger was lifted up, hie own head was kept under water for a long time by the involun tary struggles of the person whom he had saved, and he very nearly fell a victim to his own noblo effort. Both, however, were; happily saved, although in the last extreme; of exhaustion. Mao York JVcw Era. Our cotemporary is not misinformed lit this matter, but his informant did not tell him all the story. The rescued stangor, when about stepping into a coach to ride home, extended his hand to the Major, for the purpose, as the latter supposed, of "a friendly grasp" befure they parted. The Major grasped the preferred hand, with hie usual fervor, but when their hands parted., he found the stranger had deposited in his palm a roll of bank notes. The blood mounted to the face of the Major till ther l ores of it almost oozed with the crimson), life, and thrusting back the notes to hie debtor for life, he exclaimed:- "Sir, I did not run the risk of leaving my wife a widow- anil my children fatherless, for the sake of gam!'' The effect upon all who witnessed tne occurrence was strongly marked by their comments JV. T. Sun. Humanr Sportikg. Captain Harris, fa his "Narrative of an expeditiotii nto South em Africa," gives a long and animated ac count of slaughter committed on a herd of' elephants. We pass, however, the details of his useless cruelty, to extract the follow ing beautiful incident: "Not an elephant was to be seen (observes our author) on tho ground, that was yesterday teeming withv them, but on reaching the glen, which had been the scone of our exploits during the early part of the action, a calf, about three tnd a half feet high,- walked forth from, Dush and saluted us with mournful piping notes. We had observed the unhappy lit tle wretch, hovering about its mother alter sue fell, and having probably beon unable to overtake the here, it had passed s dreary night in the wood. Entwining its little pro boscis about our legs, the sagacious crea ture, after demonstrating its delight at our arrival by a thousand ungainly antics, ac companied the party to the body of its dam. The conduct of the quaint little calf now be came quite arl'ectiig, and elicit the sympi ihy of every one. It ran around its moth er's corpse with demonstrations of grief, pi ping sorrowfully, and vainly atttempting to raise her with its tiny trunk. I confess that I felt compunctions in committing murder the day before, and now half resolved" and then Captain Harris wiped the tear from ins eye, loaded his rifle, and went on with his goodly work, It appears that the young elephant voluntarily accompanied tbe party tn tho wagons, where,, notwithstanding all. the care bestowed on it, it died in a few dayB. Two gentlemen noted for their fondness of exaggeration were discoursing the fare at their different hotels. Oue observed that at his hotel he had tea bo strong it was ne cessary to confi .8 it in an iron vessel. "At mine," said the other, "it is made so weak it has not strength enough to run out of the teapot." If half tho pains that are expended in? teaching young' ladies to play well, sing well, and dance well, were employed in teaching them to talk well, men would have companions instead of playthings, and might learn lo be domestic. Hari Currency. "Musket balls of ar full bore" were a legal tender in Mussachu-- j setts in 1056, "current for a farthing I apiece, provided that no man be compelled i to take above l2d at a tyme of them." In ! 1680 the town of Hingham. paid its taxes in milk-patls.. To the Lounging Members of the Human Family! A Business Matter. Call on a business man in business hours, only on bu siness; transact your business, and go about your business, in order to give him time to finish his business. Cut this paragraph out and read it every day, after you have said your morning prayers. Then make up your minds to bother the editor of a daily paper, until after twelve o'clock at noon AVu Era. Lossters Chbwino Tobacco. Lobsters cannot luarn to chew tobacco, any how they can fix it. A ship laden with the vile weed was recently wrecked on the Isle of Ang lesca,. and the tobacco was washed among the crevices of the rocks, and the lobsters ihat dwelt there took to cAfwing-it. The next morning the beach was strewed with the unhappy victims of indiscretion, so sick that they were utiobhr to crawl. ,. Thtes wfco bave become sickened by essayn g to be come tobacco chewers, will know now to feel for these unfortunate lobsters. , Duki.lino in Japan. 'The manner of duelling in Japan is singular, and, to onr European prejudices,, may appear absurd and barbarous. When two men of honor quarrel in that country, the party who conceives himselfinjured, rips open his own ent rails with a long knife, and presenting: the instrument to His adversary,, invites him to follow the example. No Japanese gen tleman can decline such an invitation; for if he does not instantly plunge tbe knife in to his bowels, he is dishonored for I'fe.