Newspaper Page Text
2 HUNTED AMD l I'll LI HIIRO EVKRY IATURDA BY REED & HOSMEK. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MAUMEE CITY. MAUMEE CITY SINUHANCE CO. Commercial Buildings. MUTUAL INSURANCE OH-TCE, At the Jefferson House,---Win. Kingsbury ' - Agent. - : 1SS5). AMUKICAN TKANSPOItTATION f:o. MERCHANDIZE, Passengers, be. transported with despatch, via fail 7oad Line, Steam Purges, on the Hudson ifivor, Mohawk and Hudson JIM Joad to I Shenoctadv, mid by first class line boats to Hook b Job Printers, Maumeo Express j-Bull'Hlo, Slcain-boats and vessels on the CUSIOA1 HOUSE OFFlUET Canal street. . STATJ3 LANTrOTFIUETTT , Eric street. REED b HOSMEK, IT YE XP IRE Volume HI. --No. SO. MAUMEK CITY, OHIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST 1 7, 1839. Whole No. 194. SIDNEY L. ROOD, Buokscllrr, Publisher, Stationer and Bin der, 70 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. Oilice, Wolcolt street. DANIEL F. COOK, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law, S. ill. i UlHNtji, . . Attornics & Counsellors nt Low. JN. ItATHUUA. Attorney uiid Counsellor at Law. " HKlN 11 Y llEEl)7' " Attorney and Counsellor at Law, - NATHAN ItATHU UN, Justice ot the Peace. , HORATIO CONANT, Justico of the Peace. m. WILLIAM -ST. CLAIK, Physiciun b Surgeon. Erie street. ,. Justus rnvmiiT,. . Physician and Surgeon, T tiT sH IA Z A H IT, ' .' ' Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Water street. - ' lakes,- American Transportutution Line, Ohio Canal.. r , ' , For Freight or Passage apply In . . U.V Parker, H. Niics b Co. I Corner of Hudson Wm. Jl. Knox, Quay st. Albany, L. Iltiro b Co., Schcncc.tudi, : II. Wrights b Co.,. Jiochesier. . Cnrpeiitor b Myers, To ledo. . . Atwator& Union, j,',-fo .-Clark Trohiuson, J . ; .' Snni'l. P. Carter, Cleveland,. ' S. Hazard, Maumee City. fitrniijr fc Mcfeynolds, Detroit. -.' ' ' '. G;. H. Hubbard b Co. Chicago. July' 13. 15 S.IUTil, HOWE 04. CO. . -Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Water street. FuUSV 1 11 & MACK, Forwarding and Commission ' Merchants, Water street. -: ' Forwarding mil- Commission Merchant, Wator street. - 1130. TIlANSi'OUTATION. BUFFALO LINE, Erie Cnml. TIIADDKUS JOV & CO., Prcwi'l.'tnra lONNEUTEU with steam freight bouts KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale at wholesale or retail, Theological, Law, Medical, Miscellaneous, Classical and A'chool Hooks: English, French and Amer ican Stationery. Ho also keeps on hand, and manufactures to order, ovcry descrip tion of Blank Books, required by county officers and husiness men. They also pub lish School Books, which will be Bold at eas tern prices, wholesale or retail: Davies' Arithmetic, Davies'-Logondro's Geometry, Davies' Algebra, Davies' Sur-, ycyinjr, Duvies' Differential Calculus, Da vies' Shades and. Shadows, Huntington's Geography, Smith's Geography, ', .... Printing Ink constantly on hand. Detroit, April 0, liiSO. .. 1, '" A VE YOU A COUGH 'Do not neg lect it! Thousands havo met prema ture death for the want of a little attention to a common cold. .. llavo you a cough !--Rev. Dr. Harthol omevv's Expectorant Syrup, a Bafe medical presoriition, containing no poisonous druge, tii id used in an extensive nrncticc for seve ral years, will most positively afford relief, tU and vessels on Aake E.-ie. save you tioiii .that awlul disease pul- The Proprietors and A -rents of this line, '.'mm consjiiijitKui ,wiueii wntuiy eweeps will contract for the transportation nftJoods.!",";0 V,0.P.rav?' '"'""reiiH o t ne young, uie or Produce ut fair rates,, and pledge tliein- E.FAiitMAN. , Dry Good and V.iriety Store, Coniniercial v , UuiJOi.ngs.' -. . W. WIS'.V ELL,. . . C'j. Pealdls in Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tin ware anil Cutlery, Erie Btreet, ' "SPENOEll b MOOltE, " Dealers in Ury Goods, Grotorics and '' Crockery, Erie street. ' EL1SI1A MACK, . Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries' and . Crockery, Front street. 0."b" "W." RUJjTaIvD 3uI Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, be. be Erio street. selves to those who may entrust Property to their euro fur . transportation, that the same shall be forwarded with care and des patch; and that any damage that may oc cur to property shipped by the nhuvo line, which the Proprietors may bo- liabl-j lor, shall bo adjusted in the most prompt an. liberul maimer. AUTllnuiSKI) Aflfi.NTS. ' -. C irpenter b Alyers, Toledo. Ilira.n Joy, No. 18 South-street, ,V. Y. Thaddens Joy b Co., Albany. Joy b Webster, Buff do. Richard Winslow bCo., Cleveland. Hull ft .S'liepard, .Matsil m. I'rie.-t &. Piige, Utile Pa ls, ,V. I'. ' Hainuel Adams b Co.', Drcsdm. . -.' It. Comsfock b Co., Columbia. ' , ' M. B. Jijssb Co!, Portsmouth., July U). . 15. old, the .lair, the lovely and thegav , Hivo you a ..cough J -Ho persuallcd to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Syrup to day ! ! To morrow may be too laic. llavo yon a cough? liartlioloniow's Ex pectorant Syriip. is the only remedy you should take to cure you. ; For tiiis nluin reason: That in'no ruin fortho thousand cases. where it has been used it failed to relieve. '':...' For sale nt the. drug store of Comstock b Co., Fletcher st. near Pearl, and at all respectable Drug .'-tores. - Also at O. bD.. Wdliuins Mt.umce City. " '. 1 G. II. N ITCH IE b CO. Dealers in Fancy ana Staple Dry Goods, - Hotel liuildihgs. , -JT. b 1)7 Wl LL1 AMS7 " Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardwire, Crock cry, itc. Erie street. ' . ELI K1TTS, . Dealer in Drugs, Medicines be. ' Erio street. IRA WHITE, Dry Goods, Hooks be. Woleott street. CLARK b FARGO. " Wholesale ami Retail dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Commercial ituildings. "rATs-rxTDrvviLLiAMsv-- Groceries and Provisions. 11. HASTINGS, .. Groceries and Provisions. ' ' wuoDwTrrDiroNT- Doalcrs in Groceries and Provisiions, Erie street. J. WOLCOl'T. . DJiler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provi sions, Stoves, Iron b". AVolcott street. - ALLEN b GUIDONS, Groceries and Provisions, Erio street.- - . II. K. STEELE. - ,. , Dealer in Groceries and Provisions.' Erie street.- - . FORSYTH b HULL, -Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery and Hard wiro. corner of Front an I C in int. s trcets r"lO PHYSICIANS AND PATIENTS .L The Blind Piles, said to ho incura ble by-extornai applications. Solomon 1 Tays warrants the contrary. Uis Liniment will euro .Wind Piles. Facts are more stubborn than theories, Ho solicits till respectable Physicians to try it upon their patients. It will do them no harm, an it is known that physicians who had the honesty to make trie trial, have candidly admitted that it, has succeeded in every case they have known. Then why not use it? It is the lecipc ol one of their most respectable members, How deceusrd. Why refuse to use it? Ilecause it is sold as a proprietory medicine.? Is this a sufficient excuse for suffering their patients to linger in distress? We think not. Physicians shall bo convinced that there is no humbug or quackery about this article- Why then not alleviate human suffering? If they wont try it before, let them after all other prescriptions fail. Physicians are respectfully requested to do' themselves and patients the justice fo use thcarticli It shall he taken trout the bottle, and done up as tlieir" prescription, it mey ocsire l,ettlicm apply tire Comstock R Co.. at the Drug Store, No. 2 Fh-tcher street near Pearl. New York, and ol most respectable drug gists throughout tins country. Also a'. 0. Williams b Co., Maumeo City 1 ' , SOLOMON HAYES. . flyi'IIE LATE MAYOR nfPhiladel-' phiu has certified under seal of the city the character . of several Divines', Physicians, and gentleman of high standihg who declare positively under their owft hands (all of which may he neon at tlie Urng More) that the liulin' of Columbia is not only a certain preservative, but. positively a restorative of the human hair; also a cure lor linndiull. Whoshull dispute, or go bald? .The. only true have a tplcudid steel plate engraved wrapper, wi' Jails oj Aiagarn. and the name uf C'mnsliwk ij- Co.. Arm lorA'ij-e on it. Fur sale at 0. b D. Williams Maumee Citi O. & D. WILLIAMS, - . ILL continue the business of Mer- i'llhanilisinr' at the old stand of 0. Williamb Co., where they will bo ready to attend to the calls of their customers as usual. They respectfully solicit the .pat ronage of tlieir old friends, and the public in general, a continuance of which they will endeavor to merit. " March 9. -.. LATHAM T. TKW, Cofcr b Tin Manufacturer on Woleott at the late store of 'P. W. Crow cll. s CHARLES A. LAM I), ' Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer rear of Commercial Buildings. " - JEFFERSON HOUSE, Robert Gowor, Erie street. MIAMI HOTEL, By George Kirkland, near the lo-ver steam v boat lending; - "" . -CENTRAL HOUSE, Elijah Clark, Erie street.'," I'EItKYSBURG. SPINK b HOSMER,. . . Attornies and Counsellors at Law.' 11ENNETT b CAMPIIELL, Attornies and Counsellors nt Law. COFF1NBERRY b STETSON, Attornics and Counsellors at Law. ... EAGLE HOTEL, '.Tosoph Crops, Louisiana Avenue. . - HOLLISTER b CO.' Forwarding and ColnniisBion .Merchants, , DOAN & EARL, . - Frowarding and Com-nission Merchants. v GILBERT BEXCII. ';... ;. Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries be. bp ;' CURTIS b KRIDLER, -'? . Boot, Shoe, b Leather Store, opposite the ' - Temperance House. '' - ' . ,- C. -T. WOODRUFF, ... Tin and Copper Manufactory TOLEDO.- ' . DANIEL O. MORTON,-!, - . Attorney, Counsellor and' Solicitor., . C, F. b J. G. ABBOTT, ' ; -Attornies and Counsellors at Law, and , - ' Solicitors in C ancery. ' ':' PALMER, BUSH b CO. Forwarding and Commission' Merchants, foot of Erie and Kalamazoo rail rood. . TITUS b Co. Wholesale Dealers in Dry Gooda.'Grocories, ' Hardware be. be La Grange strcot. J. A, TITUS b Co. , Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, Groceries be, corner of Smrnit and Locust ' " ' 1 '- streets,- . . . : CARPENTER, b MYERS, -Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Foot of Erie b Kalamazoo railroad. - R AMERICAN HOTEL. N. Lawton, Summit streot. TOLEDO RECESS, ,..,, By John L. Snaith, next ('oar lo the Toledo LO HENCE, Ai.-a. Skit. 3S.I)!?. A peiuleniau of the highest standing in this town, who h is- been dreadfully alllictcd with tho Blind Piles for the-last 20 years, called upon mo and trcely cpntofiocu to me. his situation. Afterdescribing 1 1 i.e severity of the complaint; he remarked ho had not been so well for 20 years past as he was a that moment. He has used one bollle..only of Hay's Liniment. To use his own words he said f'.tho whole human family, who were thus nuTicted, ought to'be made ac quainted with this medicine." ' . . Signed, . .; R. L, BLISS., . The originalletter may be seen where the article is sold, No. 1 Fletcher street New York. And. at nearly all the Apothecaries in North America, . Also at O. Se D Will liams Manmce City. ;. 1 - . TO PRINTERS. ; , , FOR SALE. A font of stnall Pico . pfoboiit two hundred pounds, near ly new and complete, with Italic and ca ses, atthis office.' " ' : ' " " ' rilOTHEINCRF.DULOUS. New York . i Sept. 2Sth," 18:iP. I have been entire ly bald during 13 years, and have now, Dy the use of the genuine Balm ofColuiiibia my lead covered with ;fiiie-liair; I shall be happy t- .convince the most incredulous, who will take the trouble to call, ot my house. I havO bought the article of Ciimetock b Co. 8 Fletcher st. For sale atO. & D, Will iams Maumee City, V-;" ;;'". . 1 ' - - J P.SCIIMIDLtNG, ', - ' . A.. . ' AMERICAN HOTEL. Summit tlreel, near the lower .steamboat '- '.landing, Toledo - . RN. LAWTON takes this opportunity , to inform the public that he .has taken the above splendid establishment, and fitted it up in good style for the accommodation or- all who may layer mm witn tneir cus tom. He intends to try the, experiment ot keenino- (lie best ol every thing, and tnus meriting a substantial reward from tho res ident and travelling public. h -. . : Marchj 18 1880,. jj-- , - aotr . NO MISTAKE, - - . DR. ST. CLAnt would give notice to the peoploof Maumeft Cityantf vicini ty, that he has disposed Of his interest in the store of O. Williams b Co., with the full intention of pursuing the science and practice of Medicine, Therefore hopes to merit a reasonablcshare of the public pat- MRS. M.ANWARING, of Jamaica, , I., has been under the hands" of several physicans for a year past with an'iinhcala-1 hie Fever Sore on her ancle, and has been nnrt of tho time quite unable to walk, and gotuo relief till she has now by the une of two bottles of Hay s Liniment, been entire ty cured. Tu this fact Judge Lnmherson and J. F. Jones Esq., Editor of the Long Island Farmer, and many other citizens of that town will testify. Hay s L-nimfiiit genuine, for sale nt'No. 2 Fletcher st. near Pearl- Also at 0. b D. Williams Mau- inne City.. '.,;' ' 1 IJUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE." rPJlHEsubscnbcr for the purpose ofafford JL ' ing conveniences to men of business, who are desirous to settle in this place, otter for sale at reasonable prices, orto loose at moderate rents, the following lots, upon the principal business Etreetsin this town. 19, - 2(1, . 21; north side Broadway:. 7c1 West side of. Canal street; 130 Corner of WiHioni st.-4 in, block 1, north side ot So phia st;-Also, a largo number of lots eligibly-situated for residences. ... , .' . , Fur information and terms apply to .. . .1. D.BEAUGRAND,.Wiiimct City. .. : . . ., . ir.-tf . - ronnge. - Marcli 3, IB-'"). 40lf s TOVES! STOVES!! Just recoived, a lot of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, by jiily 28 O. b l). WILLIAMS. .' REMOVAL. - -CPENCEIl & MOORE hsve removed to " the stare formerly occupied by Messrs. Morehouse and Brownlee corner of Conant and Erie street. ';,,'-'.' ' ; Maumeo City, May 17th 1830. . 7. ' SPERM Oil and Candlos, rtiould and dipped tallow Candles, in any quantity, by,; . ALLEN & GIBBON'S. , may -4.1 -v . f,,,- J 1 Y virtue of a writ ofvendi. expo, issued but of the court of common pleas, in and for tho county of Lucas, to me -directed and delivered, I have taken and shall expose to saloat the door, ot .tho court housu in lo ledo, 6n. Saturday,' the 31st day of August next at one" o clock P. M.the following ues cribed property to wit: the undivided half ol a certain tract or In nil beginning at a stone, bearing south 53 degree, east, 1 chain 24 links from the south-east corner, of a stone shop formerly occupied by . ilhaui llow- ser, llionco' north 71- ilogrocs .'o-minutes, east, 3 chains 7 link 0-13ths of a .link to a stone, thenco south 33 degrees 30 minutes east, 9 chains 5ifl I links to a stake, thence south N; 71 degrees 30 minutes west, .3 chains 9-l:'th links tii a post, thence north thirty-three degreos and thirty minutes West 3 chains and 30J links-jo the ploco of be ginning, taken at the suit of Levi Vinton against Charles C, P. Hunt, Executor. - C G. SIIAW,-4.-r(.,-,'' ; By F.'-E. KiRTtM'iJpM('y.- V" July 20. ; ';. . - " .; ,iet6f . "' T Y virtuo of a writ of tendi. expo, issued out of the court of common pleas, in and for tho county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I hove taken and shall expose to sale at the door of the court house in To' ledo, on Saturday, tha '24th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M. the following des cribed property to wit: LoJ number !1S, in Waterville town plot, ot the suit of Daniel W. Guullev, against Lyman Dudley. ",'. . ,', . .. . C. G. .SlIAW,,,icri(;. ;; By F. E. Kirtland, deputy. . - -., -.'' -.July 20.. . .. ' ; ;." . lfltlif. A LOT of choice Wine end Liquors on , consignment, low for Cash, by v. ' CARPEXTEKtt MYERS..'. ' June 29. -- - ' - - ' . . ' liUTTEi, 20 firkins, bv'the keg only. E. F AIRMAN, June 8. good article AIRMAN, Commercial buildings. " TO THE PUBLIC. H EASTMAN would still invite the ot- tention of the afflicted, and the public generally, to his Elixir of Health. He is encouraged to do so from tho in creased evidence of its efficacy as o succes ful remedial agent for many of the maladies and diseases to which the human family are subject. From eight years experience in the efficacy of this medicine, he is warranted in assuring the public that no medicine lias proved so universally salutary and beneficial as a family medicine. It wos devised as an assistant to the efforts of nature whose op erations are always exorted to rid the svs lem of whatever is deleterious, and to main tain a healthy action throughout. Thissho would evor accomplish were she not oern. sionally overpowered by countoroctingcau scs, sued as mo roll niiusmuta, impure air cuius, exposures, irrrogularities, &. By these the primary organs are deranged, en feebled and overpowered hence disease in some form is the result. .- Tho Elixir was designed to assist nature in expelling from the system all morbid and deleterious matter. give vigor, tone and en ergy to the digestive organs and the secre tory vessels, tho prime regulators of the whole, upon tho proper action ol which de pend the health of 'the entire system. - The success which has attended the ad ministration of the Elixir, proves conclusive ly that it answers the urpote of its design. It is adopted and has proved most signally successful in all those cases of derangement of the digestive organs indicated by loss of nppetito, Hansen, oppression from food, ncidity, hourfburn, ' weakness, lassitude, a sense of weariness, pains in the stomach, side shoulder or limbs costiveness dizzi ness billions habits nervous symptoms melancholy dejection of spirits disturbed sleep cold hands and feet sick headache liver complaints jaundice A;c, ' Fi Dyspepsia it has proved "more successful than any other known remedy. For feeble and delicate lemnlcs, childro.l whore health has been impaired by Ague and Fever and other diseases: it proves a sovereign resto rative for that state.of ill health su frequent ly met w itn m new and Hat sections, and such as border on sluggish waters, iiulico ten uy pale and suliow countenances, ilebili ly, loss ot appetite, billions habits be., it is invaluable and front its powers of removing morbid matter from I he system preventing its accumulations and keeping tho digestive organs in a healthy and vigorous state, is a powerful preventotive of the diseases inci dent lo such countries no new settler in such sections should, as he values his health, dispense with its use. . Females id' from fony lo fifty years of ago, have found it a powerful usssistant to nature -in the im dopos g chai-ge which the system then uu leortanton a proper termination ot which edpemls their subsequent health. It is also asalulary assistant in removing obstruc tions. As a common family medicine, the Elixir is unequalled being- a perfectly safe, mild yet efficacious phys icit docs not nau seate the stomach or dcbiliate tha system, but thoroughly cleanses the stmnach and bowels, restores and maintains their healthy acti'-n. It is entirely botanical in its com positition and may with perfect safely bo ta ken at any age, by either 6cx, ill any condi tion of life. The proprietor is aware that tho woi Id abounds in patent mei'.icincs some of which aru valuable and others worse than useless: and that much imposi tion is practised on the public by thee me dicines. But from eight years experience in the effects of his Elixir, tho increased de mand and reputation it has secured wher ever known the proprietor docs with the most entire confidence recommend it to the nfllicled as an invaluable .remedial agent for such it has proved, as thousands will bear witness, many of whom hod exhausted evorv other known remedy and desnairod -if relief, and now from the use of the Elixir enjoy perfect health. Testimonials from the most respectable sources may be seen on tho wrappers ac companying the medicine. But the moM. sure testimony is its iup, and on this testi mony I depend for its perpetuity. For sale, wholesale and retail, at the Drug Store of the subscriber, in Zanesville, where he keeps constantly on hand a gene ral assortment of Drugs" and medicines; of tlie best quality, among wlucli ore ell the valuable i'litnily medicines. . ' . ' . . . II. EASTMAN. ' For sale at the 'Drug Store of O. b I). Williams,' Muumee City. ,:, ' Jutio-32 - 1 : lsftS. MAUMEE CITY EXPRESS. SATURDAY', AUGUST, 17, 1839. AttKANSAS TAVBON RATKS. If One eil- quires the price of ad-nnor in Arkon.os, he is thus informed by the obliging host:' " Four bittc for a common dinner of bacon greens bread and meat six bitts, if wo add' chicken "fixins" and one dollai, if you have " flower doings." Antkiuities. A few years since, some I laborers having occasion to dig in the large I mound between Louisville and Portland. discovered, about three feet under the sur face, soveral graves, about thirty inches in length. Slobs of slate v. ore laid upon the bottom of the groves, two pieces of tiimlar malorialconstitiited the sides and flagstones of shite the lid dr.topof a rough sarcopha gus, in one oi mcse graves were round General Dearborn, in his letters to the Hoston Courier, calls Buffalo and Chicago "tho two grand termini of canal navigation from the ocean to the Mississippi.". Ho has probably forgotten that Maumeo will soon be the terminating point of three times as many miles of canal as either the places he has mentioned. British India, besides clothing her cntii Neoro Si-smor- The following is a per. feet extract from a negro sermon lately ' preached in this state: ,V. Y. Atlas Bredren and Sisters! Let de white peo. pie snter what dey pleas bout genimen obj ' color, or nigger as dey making Yun call urn. We be de regular lam ob God, which he mean, when he mention bout de separationing da sheep from de goat putting de sheep on, de right and scarterationing de foat on da lebt, wid de wicked white man da devil. :' Else why, bredrcn and siBtere, do wt poor bused nigger hab all de wool of the sheep,, and de white man ebrj bit ob de hair ob ds goat! Else why de white man fraid to mar. ry de lubby colored lassie, thinking hint children hob not de hair ob do goat for d devil side, nor de wool for de Urn ob God side: but hab to land off alone by demtelf ' whero boff side laff urn to enless torment .1,.:. I... .i i i I. car a dozen human sku Is, and at least a ! , " , . ' "-.i, uB, Z , L . j I, . i c i . it ..i . , do enpturo saith shall bo separationed ds ' ,U.l5lier' "ru ',ul t,co h: nlso sheep habin b air on delcbt wid dcir fudc the bones of persons, but these lost crum- uli-il into ashes nt tlio touch. . This is altogether a sit gulnr discovery. The gentleman who affords this information is probably the eldest resident in Louis ville, and says he well recollects whun this mound was covered by a growth of tho heaviest "poplar. '('heso - remains must have been deposited in tho- narrow cell more than twocentiiricssiiicc. Thoro was a modi-, of burial among the Choctaw and other tribes, which would lead us to believe tiiat these ore Indian remains, deposited ac cording lo the enstom. When a warrior do debil! Gamtzim and Pkteb tub GnRAT. In 17(12, Peter the Great having made the sev. oral ineffectual attempts on Noteburg, a S ve lish fortress, colled Schlushe!hurg,sent Prince Galitzin, colonel of the guard, at the head of a select crops, to take it by storm. ' The officer having, by means of rafts, lan. ' ded his soldiers close to the furtificatioq which advanced almost lo the edge of the water, they were roceivod witli such intre - idity by tho garrison, ond exposed to such o dreadful carnage, that Peter, conceived the raises from ,. l,lrn,l u I f "i j'!'''01' tlie Cl'ucl,'w8 .'"stead of being j assault to baimpraclicable, sent immediate fifty millons of pounds for exportation to Great Britain and Chhia. Efforts ore now making to introduce the cultivation of , the best American varieties, with a fair prospect of success, -.' . A terrible whirlwind visited the city and county of New Haven, Connecticut, on the fifst inst., which did groat -damage, in un. roofing dwellings, demolishing out buildings and tearing up trees and plantations. Its widt h was about sixty rods, ond the length of its course 17 miles. No . lives, were lost. ' " " Capt. Maryolt's new work upon this country has appeared, Tho papers speak of it as an amusing melange, full of ridicu lously funny stories, and containing all the bou mots that appeared ill the papers during time the captain waB in the United Stales. A man in England, by the name of .Hid oy,- lias lately undertaken to w-alk K'Oli miles in 1000 successive half hours. II bos previously accomplished tho feat of walking- H50 miles in 1000 successive hours. Largo bets are pending on bis suc cess. - uumitted to the frame w is suspended in the open air until itzin, however, refused to obey; "Tell my the ll-.'sii dropped from his bones, ond the : sovereign," said he "that I om no longer squaws.kept vig.l over his remains until "the j his subject having thrown myself under The du.-t returned to du-t," Soveral skeletons i protection of a power superior to him." were , ueu oeposiiuu in on.) grave, i- mm Then turning to his troops, he animated - Prni.ic Eurc.tTioN In England, by the statistical tables for 1833, it is shown that of 2-V',fl4 criminals, 88 per cent are entirely uneducated. What a testimony in favor oi' the education of the lower classes. THE WHOLESALE STORE IN .. - - TOLEDO. nnlTUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 220 JL Pearl street,- New-York; encou,-aged by the share of support their iiuakcii at Tolkuo received during the past yoar, will continue the establishment. Experience has proved that they wero not over san guine When they claimed facilities which enabled' them In sell goods in fact cheaper than any other house west of .Wis- York, and they speak with confidence when they promise to offer stronger inducement' to pur chasers than 'uvy other Jirm in the Western country. " .V --v.: .1 ' They. would respectfully invito their old customers, and the - trade in general, Mer 'chanls, Contractor's, Hotel Keepers give their stock an examination, .Their as sortment will consist as usual, principally of Drt Goons and Gbocrriks, with many other such urticles as the wants uf the coun try may require. i .. ., As tresl invoices will be snipped Ironi .Veto-Fort weekly, through tlie season, they wilt not now attempt to give a detailed lint of tlieir goods. .. , ...... , Store Jool oj I, a Urange St., Lower loir do. May 10, 1839. - TITUS b Co. CASTER OIL of a superior quality, by tho bottle'or gallon, for sale by June IS. '.' - ' ; v E. KITTS. . ' NOTICE. ' " T 11AE subscribers having relinquished the JL- Forwarding business in favor of Mes srs. Smith, Howe b Co.,- all consignments mado to our care will be tanen by that firm tot us. .' . .FORSYTH It MACK. . Juna.J, -v '-..-,- '.' v ';' 9 '. RETAIL STORE IN TOLEDO. TITUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 220 Peorl street, NoW-York, will, in addi tion to their Wholesale Store, continue the Rrtaii. Branch of tlieir liouso at Toledo, under the firm of J. A. Titus bCo. ; Fresh supplies of goods will ho received weealy through tho season, and thev will continue their boost of having the handsomest, cheap est, and .best selected Stock ever offered in Toledo, which will consist of Dot Goons, Grocrrirs, Boots and Siioks, Nails, Oil, Carprtino bc. ' Their goods were selected expressly for this store, and are of the choicest and rich est description. Terms Cash only. ' ' J. A. TITUS b Co. Corner of Summit & Locust streets Lower Toledo. May ID, 18H9. LOOKING GLASSES, China, Crock ery and Glass . ware, a large assort ment at low prices. " : E. FA1RMAN -Junes, u , Commercial buildings . Mr. Prentiss, ofMississijipi, was, at the lost dates, on "a 'visit to New Orleans. . Ik- bus consented to servo as United States Senator, if elected. - ..- ' There is not a single luwyor in Railway, K. J.J. U. Tunes. Tliat is to say that they are all married. If it is true that there is no lawyer in Rail way, the town must be in a raw pl.ico as well as a Raw way. The Pic. says his graud-duddy's tumbler held a quart. .V. O. Tim's. Then there is a man about tho Cincin nati Sun office, who can tukd it eight times full ; that is, if he is the Peck wo take him to be. . . . From the Cheltenham Onxetle. " TRYING TO PLEASE EVERV IIODY. . HINTS TO BDITOnS. One reaiter cries, your atmln'i loo urave, Tuo nnieli niorutlly yon.lliive, . Tuo much about religion;- ' . Glm me the witch and winurcl tntea, . ' Of atip HtiotJ sh-l Willi ilna and acalca, Altd leultierti like n pigeon. . I love lo rend, another cries, - , . Thorn, niointtroua ttuttiiotiatilc Ilea - - . In ullier words, those novels, Composed ofklnss, and priests, anil lordi, , - Ol border wars, and Gothic hordes , . That itsed to live In hovels. '. Nn, no, crlta one, we've hud enough , orsnch coiirouiided love-sick sltitl', . ... Tocrazellielitircreatlonj .. . ' Give iih soiuo recent foreign new,, . Or llussia, Turks, Ihe Poles or Jews, v. Oriiuy otnornntiou. - ,T . " , The man ofdull sclHdiistic lore '. . woulil like lo see atlutu more , ; '- - .' Of first rule scraps of latin i Tlie jrocer lain would lenrn llif prlco Ol' tea and sugar, fiuit and rice j 7 ' . Tho draper, silk and sutlu 1 . . . -Another cries, I want more run,', . A wtlty nnecdotoor pun,- . . ' , A Mm, or riddle i . Some wish lor parliumeiunry news, . ' ., ' And some, perhajw, or wiser views, t Would rather hear a flddle. The critic, too,of classic skill. Mum dip lllgall his eander quill '. ' '. And scrawl ugainst Ihc paper Ot'Hll the literary fools, ., Hied la our colleges snd schoold, . . He cuts Hie greatest caper. J A nollter cries, ! want lo see A Jumbled up variety, Variety In alt things , A miscellaneous hodgc podge print, Composed (I only give the hint,) Of multifarious small thing. ' J -' 1 want some marriago news, saya mtss, It constitutes my highest bliss . , To hear of weddings plonty r . ' .' , ' For in time orgeiiaral rain None sutTer from a drought, 'tia plain, ' Atleast not one In twenty." : . . : 1 wont to hear of deaths, says one, Of people totally undono '., . .. .' . . - Jly losses, fire or lever ) . Another answers, full as wise, I'd ratherhave the lallatid rise -'., . Of racoon skins and beaver. . . :.- . Skime algnlfy secret wish f' For now and then a favorite disk . ' . . Of pollllos to suit them , But bare we rest at perfucteaae, For should the swear the moon was cheese, We never could confute them Or grave or bumorous, wild or Une, "Lofty or low, 'tis all the same, . . , '1 . Too haughty or too bumble y ..... ;' Bo brother editors, pursue 'J " : The path that seems the best to you, . And lei the grumblers gramtde. ' '- the fact tiiat many heads wero found in this fravo at tho mound, wo prcsumo tney must have been buried there by the dusky maid ens of the forest in thu ohlun time, in obe dience to the custom of tho people. L iuis ri. (Ky.) Giz. .- Hiuu op tub 'Buuu.vtoTu. In all fhe remains of the gigantic Mastodon, which have been found in ill's continent, there lias not been obtained a single perfect specimen of the. head...... This, it lias been supposed, j was occasioned by the comparative tti.nucss and weakness id' I be upper p trtot'the skull. From this circumstance no opiuiun could be properly formed of the shape of the head of this extinct ouiui.-l. Tins desideratum with the curious and scientific, has been found. Mr. A-Kotch, tho enterprising proprietor ot tlie St. Louts Afuseiim, gives notice Hi the Bulletin of that city, ol the 22-.I of June, that the bones of the M is odon, with its en tire head, have recently been exhumed, in Missouri, about 22 miles south of St. Louis, and arc now in his possession, at his Mnso urn,. In his description uf his head he says : - "Toe outside formajon and peculiar con struction of I he upper part of the head is different from any quadruped in Natural History that I am. acquainted with. It is composed of small cells about tlircoquarturs of an inch square, and about three inches deep, coveruil by o thin cranium; attached to the upper j tw is a snout which projects about la inches over the lower jaw, and which lias never been described before, "The position of tho tusks in the head, has been a subject of discussion amongst, naturalists, and they have been placed in the same manner ns those of the Elephant. It gives me-pleasure tu state, tfiat I can now settle this question fur in the head 1 have discovered, 1 louudatttsk lirmly uuplunted in tlu 8i"l;et, and had it conveyed with 1'ieat care to my Museum, but owing- to the ignorance ond carelessness of a laborer, in carrying it up stairs it was broken off, but its position can be proved by a number of gentlemen of the .highest respectability. I ha tuks are not situated in thesamo posi tion as those ot the Elephant, or yet the Aiorse, as was supposed uy some, mey diver-re outwards from tho head with tlio conve.vity forward, ami thu point turning backward in the saiuo plane with tho head, one measured ten feet one inch, the base lo the tip, following the out-ide of the cur vature, and two feet in circumferonce near the socket. Tim other tusk measures only nine feet part of. tlie root is wanting. When placed ill the head in tho oriirinal po sition, i he distance from tip to tip measures sxteeul'eet. 1 may odd, til it it required two stout men to carry the largest tusk, and two yoke of oxen to carry the head and tusks from tho place of disinterment to the Museum." - What must have been the siao nTthis tre mendous .annual? And what r volutions must this carlh hove undergone since he Irode upon our western plains! Sa'igaino . them by his voice and example, and leading i hem to the attack sealed the walls, and took the fortress. Peter was so struck with this exploit, that upon his next interview with Goltizin, he said to him, "Ask what you will, except Moscow and Catharine."" The prince, with a magnanimity which reflect the highv est honor upon his character, instantly re, quested the pardon of his ancient rival, prince Itepnin, who had been degraded, by reier, irom t le runii ot a Jlarshal to that or a common sol lier, - Ho obtained his request ond with if, the confidence of his sovereign, the esteem of Prince Repnin, and the applause of the pub lic. Few circumstances can give mors, pleasure lo a generous mind than the con templation of'such exalted traits of a great and noble spirit jandour pleasure is heighten cd, w hen we behold tho descendants ot such persons enjoying all tho honors, as well as virtues of tlieir ancestors. The following anecdote is related of Hon. ry Clay, illustrating the power of his elo. quence upon tho minds of tho Jury: "Some years since an orphan girl of Cincinnati, applied to Mr. Clay to advocito her claim to a very large amount of proper ty in that city. The title was an old one, and as is usual in such cases, was strongly opposed by those who had long held the possession. During the address to the jury by tlw opposing counsel, Mr. Clay was en. giged in deep thought upon his client's case, well knowing that an immense effort would be required to counteract tho preju dice which the jury, in common with others, might have to her cause. After an argu. inent upon tho legal points involved in the) case, Mr. Clay commenced an appeal to tho passions of sympathy of the jury. He touch, cd upou the circumstances of the parties) his client wjs a noor ornlian pirl. and tha defendants were rich, and m istly able to sustain defeat. Having enlarged upon his topic, and others of a similar nature, he closed by the following tremendous and thrilling appeal : " Gentlemen of the Jury, Cod Almighty by his just ond sacred law, and by the conscience within your breasts, conies here into Court, and demands tha protection of the orphan's right at the hands of an impartial jury," Tliis appeal had its desired effect. The jury without leaving the box gave a verdict in tho orphans favor, which at once raised her from poverty to a large fortune. A Y. Jjui: of Com. A Yankee survevituz London from tho cu. pola of St, Paul's ona cloudy day, could see but few of the immense number of houses, Ho thought, however, that it must be larger than it looked, and exclaimed, " Artcr all, it much be a desperate sizable place, including the outskirts and water privileges; for it looks tube very thick-settled just along here, round the merlin' house1" Anoth Wifk Wantbd. A " down easier" advertises for a wife in something like the following manner: "Any gal what's gut a cow, n good feather bod with comfort. The New Orleans Picavuuo tolls a rood ! f , , p, . , . WV tory (says the Boston I'osl ) of a backwoods I "'" ,"Ba" ,""u u """"tuiius nu,. lit of July dinner, I " . ' .',. ,, , . , I , ,i U. - ' writlnrv n Ruin I hill ilnv. nriilrpeaml In . Lbunczer's chat) about loattend a fourth i..i.i.... .,fl i :.. i.; .,i.;i;,; wriuiiif a ,t . , i ,1... ..... .....1 , .,.,,.,' aim ai,ica ill uiu iruca ut uium J have a toast ready ' col ami dried' for the - "k smcjiuio u.o nog pen. I'T- ' ,',l"!1. ':y ...r".i,"! OmuK, TnUBcueRivier." is UU UUV. Ill III IKO U UUiJl.T UJUIt UItT I'llUlilUt lull 1 . ... , . n , ., 1 r ,, i ojjiitn noil est comotibus by water craft, to write, t... land st, ,t away car fu ly ... , water in the channel ot ms p ck t. 1 o t o d nn r ho went, and was b ,, d8 offltean,bo(lts8ffI.ounj eveotu illy railed upon for a sentiment. He n,,,,..-,,. ,nL ,,,,, ,, u "niiii, with lunch .iliguity commenced: ; , . - ' , ,. .,, i , :.. : .i,. -,'' giving nis right., ,lht! ohjo Hiver WM ,., -0II0 half ill give yuu, cenllo- ,., , , ,, ,, . ',. Hem he was w ' , , , ' ,,.i i.,.f r. . dy instuuter. No matter what his chargo may be got him, at all hazards. Ohio a osi! :-n t if.U he .'I En hail. I a fi lorish. ' 1 -vill gi men, 'the American Eagle. brought to a fill! stop. "Tlio American Elgin," said lie the third timo, giving hisi. toil, iiauu it uouriso; out it. was no iro: inn n, ,,.;,,. hir.l, or rather the cream of tho toast, had j ' . ' ; - tlo vvti from his uieuiory. His embarrassment S.i Iden showers often make sorry work increased. '- Will giye yon," said ho "the ! with ki(1 ei.,pors anj muslins. Ladies nev American Eagle, at the same tune running ; (,r ,,ok ieifa I)0ctical th, whon under fu, Ins hand over and into his vest pocket hunt- K,0lhvny in thunder shower, with a stiff ing for Ins toast, " I he Aniencan l-.agle, , nr,r,n,,tcr playing all sorts of fantostis continued he giving too pocket, ot his pan- j tlic., wilh osnmcr frocks and corded talootis a sllinl tr suorcb. ' Ho was now in a ; tltirta . jt grievcs ,ls rig,t muc), t0 see old tremendous flurry. 1 he. American La-! Boreas take such liberties with the laes, . !le," lie shouted, his hands flying from one I pocket to the another in a frenzy; but ho Captain Marryatt, Bpeaking of his visit could neither find Ins toast in his pockets to Lowell, says t " As young ladies are as. nor words to finish it in his mind. Wrought i Bembled here from every State in the Union, up, finally to the highest pitch of despair, it was a fair criterion of American beauty, he burst out with'- D,i the America i; , and it must bo acknowledged that American I've lost it." . . I women are the pretl iest in the whole world. Francis I, of France was the first mon arch who introduced Indies at his Court. barber's shop, and after a grand He said, in a Btyle of true gallantry, that gor, desired to be tliavetl, 1 n nar-i a drawing room without ladies wos like the WnnTTtNo a Razor. A young fop who had just begun to shave for board, stepped into swai b--r went through the u ual movements, and tlin sprig jum.iud up witli a nourish, ex claiming ' ,-' .- . Maw foine,fallow, what'syour chawge?" "Oh no charge," was the reply. No charge! how's that!" Why we are always thankful when we can get soft calf-skiu to whet our razors on!" , .. ' . . ' - year without the spring, or rather like the sprmgwithontflowwrs. .V. O. Tiinfs. 1 An old lady telling that one of her sons had a singular propensity to kill rats, was told, that accounted for his being so V'uniL laiiiinous! - . '! What, sir, have mv client did! Noth. ing sir nothing. But there stand the man Uflmt knv. A.A ll,o M,;nliiAr- Him ft were. books, I ,jr) tlat wil j, aj tne ferocity of a bloodhound Good Advice. Read rood seek out good companions, attend good Kllti a ,,inee and pursued his victim. miN.iU a. .A uru:.. :nl.. H n councils, and vote the Whia ticket." The last part of tho advice, says the Na tional Intelligencer is unrecessary. Who- A man in Near York, who was quarrel, mr with his wifo, became exasperated, and soever follows the first port will adopt the bit off her trader Up! its- mutt have betn. last as a matter of course, ., ' partial to cherijs.-.Gin, Rep. 1 ?'