Newspaper Page Text
7 MM w miNTID AMD PUBLISHED EVERT SATURDAY I """"""""""B!!ig!!Bagggga"MM""M'giBB!8!iBB"i BY REED & HOSMER. BUSINESS DIRECTORY. MAUMEE CITY. MAUMRE CITY SINURANCE CO. Commercial Buildings. MUTUAL, INSURANCE Ol't'lCE, ' At the JefTorBon House, Win. Kingsbury Agent. custom HoTsiToWicE: ' Canal street. STATE LAND Ot'J'lCE, Erio street. - REED fa iloSMlilt, Book It Job Printers, Maurace Express Office, Wolcott street. DANIEL F. COOK, Attorney n ml Counsellor at Law. o, iM. t UUlNli, Attnrnies & Counsellors nt Law. N. RAT1IBUN. Attorney and Counsellor at Law, HENRY -REED, Attorney and Counsellor at Law. NATHAN UATIIUUN, Justico of the Peace. HORATIO CON AWT, Justico of the Peace. DR. WILLIAM ST. CLAIR, Physician fa Surgeon. Erio street. JUSTUS I) WIGHT, Physician and Surgeon, G. S. HAZARD, Forwarding and Commission Merchant, Water street. SMITH, HOWE At. CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, ' Water street. . FORSYTH lit. MACK; Forwarding and Commission Merchants. , Water 6treet. J. WOLCOTT. : " Forwarding ind Commission Merchant, Water street. E. FA1RMAN, Dry Good and Variety Store, Commercial Buildings. W. WISWELL, Dealers in Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tin ware and Cutlery ) Rrie street, SPENCER fa MOORE, Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries and Crockery, Erie street. ELISI1A MACK, Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries and Crockery, Frontstreet. G. fa W0RIC1I;VIIDSO.7" Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, fac. See. Erio street. G. II. NITCHIE fa CO. Dealers in Funny anil Staple Dry Goods, ; Hotel liuildings. .. ' oTbi)"rw i ll i a m Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock ery, tee. Erie street. , ELI K1TTS, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines fac. Erie street. IRA WHITE, Dry Goods, Hooks 84c. Wolcott stroet. CLARK fa FARGO. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Commercial Buildings. C, A. fa A. D71VILLIAMS Groceries and Provisions. It. HASTINGS, Groceries and Provisions. WOODWARD fa S0N7 Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Erie street. J. WOLUOIT. Doaler in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provi sions, Stoves, Iron fac. Wolcott street. ALLEN b GIBBONS, Groceries and Provisions, Erio street. H. K. STEELE. Dcalor in Groceries and Provisions. Erie street. FORSYTH b HULL, Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery and Hard ware.corner of l'"ront and C mint s trects LATHAM T. TEW, Coper fa Tin Manufacturer on Wolcott at the late state of T. W. Ci well t , CHARLES A. LAMB, . Cabinot Furniture Manufacturer rear of : - Commercial Buildings. JEFFERSON HOUSE, Robert Gowor, Erie street. MIAMI HOTEL, By George Kirkland, near the lower steam ... ... boat landing. CENTRAL HOUSE, Elijah Clark, Erie street. PEItUYSBUItG. . " SPINK b HOSMER, -Attornies and Counsellors at Law. r BENNETT fa CAMPBELL, . Attornies and Counsellors at Law. COJTINBERKY b STETSON, Attornies and Counsellors at Law. 1 EAGLE HOTEL, Joseph Crops, Louisiana Avenue. HOLLISTER b CO. Forwardine and Commission Merchants. V : DOAN & EARL, .. ,-, Frowardiriff and Commission Merchants .-' GILBERT BE CH. "' Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries be, be CURTIS fa KR1DLER, Boot, Shoe, b Leather Store, opposite the 1 emporance House. C. T. WOODRUFF, Tin and Copper Manufactory ' TOLEDO. DANIEL O. MORTON, Attorney, Counsellor and Solicitor.' C. F. b .1. G." ABBOTT. 1 Attornies and Counsellors at Law, and Solicitors in C ancery. , . PALMER, BUSH b CO. -Forwarding and Commission Merchants, foot of Erie and Kalamazoo rail road. . TITUS b Co. Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware be. be La Grange street. ' ' : ' J. A.TITUS b Co. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, v Groceries be, corner of Smmit and Locust " ' . streets. -L CARPENTER, b MYERS, Forwarding and Commission Merchantsl root ot tine H Kalamazoo Tailrood. ' AMERICAN HOTEL... . R. N. Lawton, Summit street. . .TOLEDO RECESS, By John L. Bmith, next t'oor to the Toledo .: Hous9. '. . MAUMEE Volume II I. -IN o. 31. 183U. AMFHTCAN TIlANSl'OUTATION CO. MERCHANDIZE, Passengers, be. transported with despatch, via .Rail Hoad Line, Steam Barges, on the Hudson River, Mohawk and Hudson Rail fioad to Slienectady, and by first class line boats to Buffalo, Steam-boats and vessels on the lakes, American Transportation Line, Ohio Canal. For Freight or Passage apply to II. Niles b Co. ? Corner of Hudson d Win. II. Knox, Quay Albany. L. Iluro b Co., Schenectady. ' . H. Wrights b Co., Rochester. Carpontcr b Myers, Toledo. Atwaterfe Jcuden, ) Buff l Clark i?obinson, , Sam'l. P. Carter, Cleveland. G. S. Hazard, Maumec City. Strong b Mcfteynnlds,- Detroit. G. S. Hubbard b Co. Chicago. July 13. "15. 1S89. TRANSPORTATION. BUFFALO LINE, Erie Canal. THADDEUS JOV St CO., Proprietor! CONNECTED Willi steam freight boats anil vessels on take Erie. Tlin Pi'ntirlnlnrn nllrl AlTpnts nf lids llnp. will contract for the transportation ot'Goods nrPrnrlurn nt fiiir r.ntps. nml nlodtre theni- selves to those who may entrust Property to their care for transportation, that the same shall bo forwarded with care and des patch; and that any duningo that may oc cur to property shipped by the above line, which Iho Proprietors may be liahlo for, shall be adjusted in the most prompt an. liberal manner. , AuTiinmsp.D AriEKTi. Carpenter b Myers, Toledo. Hira.ii Joy, No. 18 South-street, JV. Y. Thaildens Joy b Co., Albany. Joy b Webster, Buffalo. Richard Winslow fa Co., Cleveland. Hull & Shepari!, Massilun. Priest & Puge, I.ilile Falls, JV. Y. Samuel Adams b Co., Dresden. D. Comstock b Co., Columbus. M. B. ilossfa Co., Portsmouth. July 13; 15. TO PHYSICIANS AND PATllSiVJ'S The Blind Piles, said to bo incura ble by oxtcrnalapplicntions. Solomon Hays warrants the contrary. Ills Liinimeiit win cure Blind Piles. Facts are more stubborn ban theories, Ho solicits all respectable Physicians to try it upon their patients. It will do them no harm, and itis known that physicians who had the honesty to make toe trial, have candidly odinittcd that it has succeeded in every eae they have known. Then why not use it? It is the recipe ol one of their most respectable members, now deceased. Why rcfuEetouseit. 1 Because it is sold as a proprietory medicine 1 Is this a sufficient excuse for suffering their patients to linger in distress? We think not. Physicians shall be convinced that there is no humbug or quackery about this article- Why then not alleviate human suffering? If they wont try it before, let them after all other prescriptions fail. Physicians are respectfully requested to do themselves and patients the justice to use the article. It shall be token from the bottle, and done up as their prescription, if they Desire. Let them annlv Hie UomstocK & IO., at the Wlrug Store, No. 2 Fletcherstreet near Pearl, Now york, anil ot mosc rnspeciauie urug- srists throusrhnut this country. Also at O. Williams b Co., Maumoo City 1 SOLOMON HAYES. FLORENCE, Ai.a. Sbpt. 28,118.A trcntlcman of tho highest standing in thistown, who Ins been dreadfully afflicted with the Blind Piles for the last 20 years, called upon me and freely confessed to me his situation. 'After describing the severity of tho complaint, he remarked he had not been so well for 20 years past as he was a', that moment. Ho has used one bottle only of Hay's Liniment. Tousohisown words he said "tho wnoie numan iamuy, wno were thus afflicted, ought to be made ac quainted with this medicine.", Signed, It. L.J5LISS. The originalletter may be seen where the article is sold, No. 2 Fletcher street New York. And at nearly all the Apothecaries in North America. Also at O. & D Will liains Mauince City. 1 . TO PRINTERS. FOR SALE. A font of small Pica of about two hundred pounds, near- now and complete, with Italic and ca s , atthis office. ' ' mO THE INCREDULOUS. New York JL Sent. 28th, 1838. I have been entire ly b.ild during 13 years, and have now, by the uso of the genuine BalmofColumbiamy mad covered with fine hair. I shall be happy tn cohvince the most incredulous, who will take the trouble to call at niv house, I have bought the article of Comstock b Co. a Fletcher st. t or sale at u. N u. vv in iatnsMaumee City. - ' 1 : J P. SCHMIDLING,. 47 Attorney st - ' AMERICAN HOTEL. v Summit street, near the lower steamboat landing, 7'otcdo. . . RN. LAWTON takes this opportunity . to inform the public that he has taken the above splendid establishment, and fitted ituD in crood stylo Tor tho accommodation nf all who mav favor him with their cus tom. He intends to try the experiment of kcepjng the best ot every thing, nno tnus meriting a substantial reward from the res ident and travelling public. . March, 10 1830. " 50tf . NO MISTAKE. DR. ST. CLAIR would give'notice to the people of Mauniee City and vicini ty, that he has-disposed of his interest in the store of O. Williams b Co.,- with the full intention of pursuing the science, and practice of Medicine.- Therefore hopes to merit a reasonableshare of the public pat ronage. ' ; ' -: March 5,' 1833. - -- ' 40tf . s TOVES! STOVES!! Just received, ot of Cooking and Parlor Stoves, by july 28 O. b D. WILLIAMS. - REMOVAL. ; t SPENCER & MOORE have removed to the store formerly occupied by Messrs. Morehouse and Brownie corner of Conant and Erieeireet. " ' . ' Moumee City, May 17th 1839. 7. OtPERM Oil and handles,' mould and O dipped tallow Candles, in any quantity. by - ALLEN & GIBBONS. mar 4. MAUMEE CITY, OHIO, SATURDAY, AUGUST, 24 1839. SIDNEY L. ROOD. Bookseller, Publisher, Stationer and Bin der, 70 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. KEEPS constantly on hand and for sale nt wholesale or retail, Theological, Law, Medical, Miscellaneous, Classical and School HookB: English, French Mid Amer ican Stationery. He also keeps on hand, and manufactures to order, every descrip tion of Blank Books, required by county officers and business men. They also pub lish School Books, which will be sold at eas tern prices, wholesale or retail: Davies' Arithmetic, Davies' Legendro's Geometry, Davies' Algebra, Davies' Sur veying, Davies' Differential Calculus, Da vies' Shades and Shadows, Huntington's Geography, Smith's Geography, Printing Ink constantly on hand. Detroit, April 0, U39. t HAVE YOU A COUGH? Do not neg lect it! Thousands have met proton ture death for tho want of alittlo attention to a common cold. Have you a cough 1 Rev. Dr. Barthol omew's Expectorant Syrup, a safe medicul prescription, containing no poisonousdrugs, and used in an extensive practice for seve ral years, will most positively afford relief, and save you from that awful disease pul monary consumption , which, usually sweeps into the grave,hiindreds of the young, the old, the fair, tho lovely and the gov! Have you a cough? Be persuaded to purchase a bottle of this Expectorant Syrup to day ! ! To morrow may be too late. Have you a cough? Bartholomew's Ex pectorant Syrup is tho only remedy you should take to cure you. For this plain reason: That in no one for the thousand cases whore it has been used it failed to relievo. . For sale at the drugstore of Comstock b Co., i Fletcher st. near Pearl, and at nil respectable Drug Stores. Also at 0. b D. Williams Mauuiee City. . 1 (LTHE LATE MAYOR of Philadel phia has certilicd under seal of the city the character of several Divines, Physicinns, and gentleman of high standihg who declare positively under their own hands (all of which may be seen at the Drug Store) that the Balm of Columbia is not only a certain preservative, but positively a restorative of the human hair; also a cure for Dandruff. Who shall dispute, or go bald? The only true have a splendid steel plate engraved wrapper, with falls of Niagara, and the name of Comstock (J Co.. New York, d'c on it. For sale at 0. b D. Williams Maumec Citi O. & l. WILLIAMS, WILL continue the business of Mor chandising at the old stand of O. Williams b Co., where they will be ready to attend to the calls of their customers as usual. They rcBpectfullyr solicit the pat ronage of their old friends, and tho public in general, a continuance of which they willendenvorto merit. March 0. TUTRS. MANWARING, of Jamaico, L ,1J. I., has been under the hands of several iilivficnns for a year post with an unhenla ble Fever Sore on her ancle, and has been part of the time quite unable to walk, and gotno rolieftill she hns now by the use of two bottles of Hoy s Liniment, been entire ty cured. To this fact Judge Lamberson and J. F. Jones Esq., Editor of the Long Island Farmer, and many other citizens of that town will testify. Hay's Liniineit, ircnuinc, for sale at No. 2 Fletcher st.ncor Pearl- Also at O. b D. Williams Mau- mee City. .1 BUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE. rHlIIE subscriber for the purpose ofafford JL ing conveniences to men of business, who are desirous to settle in this place, offer for sale at reasonable prices?. or to lenseat moderate rents, the following lots, upon the principal business streets in this town. 19, 20, 21: north side Broadway: 78 West side of Canal street; 130 Corner of William st. 4 in block 1, north side ot So phia st; Also a largo number of lots eiigi bly situated for residences. For information and terms apply to I. D. BEAUGRAND, Muumee. City. ' R. DICKERSON, ) , . o,,7. LA. Q. RAWSON, ' 15-tf B1 Y virtue of a writ ot'vendi. expo, issued out of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I hove token and shall expose to sale at the door ol the court house in To ledo, on Saturday, tho Slst day of August next at one o'clock P. M. the following des cribed property to wit: the undivided half ot a certain tract ot land beginning at a stone, bearing south 53 degree east, 1 chain 24 links from the south-east corner of a stone Bhop formerly occupied by William How ser, thence north 71 degrees Ho minutes, east, 3 chains 7 link 9-13ths of a link to a stone, thence south 33 degrees 30 minutes east, 3 chains 36 i links to a stake, thence south N. 71 degrees 30 minutes west, 3 chains 70-l.Jth links to a post, thence north thirty-three degrees ond thirty minutes west 3 chains and 30 links to the place ot be ginning, taken at the suit of Levi Vinton against Charles U. 1'. Hunt, bxocntor. : ' C. G. SHAW, sheriff. By F. K. KiR.Ti.AitD, deputy. July 20. - . . j .iotef. Y virtue of a writ afvendi.cxpo. issued out of the court of common pleas, in and for the county of Lucas, tn me directed and delivered, I have taken and shall expose to sale at the door of the court house in To ledo, on Saturday, tha 24th day of August next, at one o'clock P. M. the following des cribed property to wit: Lol number HJ, in Waterville town plot, at the suit of Daniel W. Gantlcv, against Lyrnnn Dudley. ' C. G. SHAW, sheriff. By F. E. Kirtland, deputy. ' July 20 ' -. ; lOISt- .' A LOT of choice Wine and Liquors on consignment, low for Cash, by- ' CARPENTER Sr MYERS. . June 20.- 1 ;: : B UTTEK, 20 firkins, a good article by the keg onlv. E. r AIRMAN, June 8. .-. Commercial buildings. -RASTER OIL of a superior quality, by J the bottle or gallon, lor sale by --June 15, E. KITTS. : NOTICE.. TAE subscribers having relinquished the Forwardintr business in favor of Mes srs. Smith, Howe b Co., all consignments made to our care will be tmren by that firm for us. . . FORSYTH b MACK. 1 Jun 1. ' ' ' 9 IT Y EXP BE H. EASTMAN would still invitethe at- tcntion nf the afflicted, and the public generally, to his Elixir of Health. He is encouraged to do so from the in creased evidence of its efficacy as a succes ful remedial agent for ninny of the maladies and diseases to which the human family are subject. From eight years experience in the efficacy of this medicine, he is warranted in assuring the public that no medicine has proved so universally salutary and beneficial as a family medicine. It was devised as an assistant to the efforts of nature whose op orations nre always exerted to rid the sys tem or Whatever is deleterious, and tn main tain a healthy action throughout. This she would ever accomplish were she not occa sionally overpowered by counteroctingcau scs, such as marsh miasmata, impure air colds, exposures, irrregularities, be. By these the primary organs are deranged, en feebled and overpowered hence disease in some form Is the result. The Elixir was designed to assist nature in expelling from the system all morbid and deleterious matter give vigor, tone and en ergy to the digestive organs and tho secre tory vessels, the prime regulators of the whole, upon the proper action of which de pend the health of the entire system. The success which lias attended the ad ministration of the Elixir, proves conclusive ly that it answers the purpose of its design. It is adopted and has proved most signally successful in all those cases of deiangement of the digestive organs indicated by loss of appetite, nausea, oppression from food, acidity, heartburn, weakness, lassitude, a sense of weariness, pains in the stomach, side shoulder or limbs costiveness dizzi nessbillions habits nervous symptoms melancholy dejection of spirits disturbed sleep cold hands and feet sick headache liver complaints jaundice 6;c. For Dyspepsia it has proved more successful than any other known remedy. For feeble and dulicule females, childre.i whose health has been unpaired by Ague and Fever and other diseases: it proves a sovereign resto rative for I hat state of ill health so frequent ly met with in new and flat sections, and such as border on sluggish waters, indica ted by pale and sallow countenances, debili ty, loss of appetite, billions habits be, it is invaluable and from its powers of removing morbid matter fromlhe syBtcm preventing its accumulations and keeping tho digestive organs in a healthy and vigorous state, is n powerful pruentntive of the diseases inci dent to such countries no new settler in such sections should, as he values his health, dispense with its use. females ot from fony to til'ty years of age, have found it a powerful asssistant to nature in the im dopes g change which the system then un tcorlanton a proper termination of which edpends their subsequent health. It is also asalutary assistant in removing obstruc tions. As a common family mediiinc, the Elixir is unequalledbeing a perfectly safe, mild yet efficacious phys icit does not nau seate the stomach or debiliate the system hut thoroughly cleanses the stomach und bowe ls, restores and maintains their healthy action. Itis entirely botanical in its com position and may with perfect safety be ta ken at any age. by either sex, in any condi tion ol hie. The proprietor is aware thai the woild abounds in patent medicines some of which are valuable and others worse than useless: and that much imposi tion is practised on the public by these me dicines. But from eight years experience in the effects of his Elixir, the increased de mand and reputation it has secured wher ever known the proprietor does with, the most entire confidence recommend it to the afflicted as an invaluable remedial agent for such it has proved, as thousands will bear witness, many ot whom Ind exhausted every other known remedy and despaired nf relief, and now from the use of the Elixir enjoy perfect health. Testimonials from the most respectable sources may be seen on the wrappers ac companying the medicine. But the most sure testimony is: its use, and on this testi mony I denend for its perpetuity. For Bale, wholesale and retail, at the Drug Store ot the subscriber, in .anesviiie, where he keens constantly on hand a gene ra! assortment of Drugs and medicines, of the best quality, among which are all the valuable Family medicines. H. EASTMAN. For sale at the Drug Store of O. b D. Williams, Maumee City. June 22- I2t8. . THE WHOLESALE STORE IN . TOLEDO. TITUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 22!) Pearl street, New-York, encouraged by the Bhare of support their iiranch at Tolkoo received during the past, year, will continue the establishment. Experience has proved that they wore not over san guine when they claimed facilities' which enabled them to sell goods in fncl cheaper than any other house west of .Yew- York, and they speak with confidence when they promise to offer stronger inducements to pur chasers than any other firm in the Western country. They would respectfully invite their old customers, and the trade in general, .Mer chants, Contractors, Hotel Keepers dc. to give their stock an examination. Their as-, sortment will consist. as usual, principally of Dry Goons and Grocbriks, with many other such articles as the wants of the coun try may require. " . As frcs'i -invoices will be shipped from JVew-York weekly, through the Seoson, they will not now attempt to give a detailed list of their goods. Store fool of La Grange si.. Lower Toledo. May 10, 1839. TITUS b Co. RETAIL STORE IN TOLEDO- " TITUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 229 Pearl street, New-York, will, in addi tion to their Wholesale-Store, continue tho Retail Branch of their House at Toledo, under the firm of J. A. Titus bCb. Fresh supplies of goods will be received weeitly through the season, and they will continue their boast of having the handsomest, cheap est, and best selected Slock ever offered in' Toledo, which will consist of Dry GooDSj Grocrries, Boots ad Shoes, Nails, Oil, Carpeting be. ' Their, goods were selected expressly for this store, nnd are of the choicest and rich est description. 'Herms Cash only. ' . . ' : 4 J. A. TITUS b Co.... . .-" Coiner of Summit' Sf Locust strtett Lower Toledo, May 10, 139. , LOOKING GLASSES, China, Crock ery and Glass ware, a large assort ment at low prices. ' " "E. FA1RM AN Juno 8. Commercial building ; MAUMEF CITY EXPRESS. SATURDAY, AUGUST, 24, Ifi39. Tremendous affair at Huron dlleadkul row, but ho livrs lost. We understand that a teirible public ebulli tion occuirefl at Huron, a few days ago, which resulted in tearing down the stairs that led from the surface of the vulgar earth up to the attic from which emanates the Huron Commercial Advertiser. We are advised that the editor is now obliged to mount his airy height by means of a lad der. There are intimations that the editor of the Cleveland Herald is acquainted with the facts in the case. Do tell us, Mr. Har ps, why Mr. Gray has been harrasscd in this manner. The Cleveland Herald states that the millers of that place are paying one dollar per pushel for nov wheat. The general im pression seems to be that that will be the average price of the crop, along the lake. A fight is soid to have taken place be tween the parties of the Sioux and Chippe wa Indians, that resulted in the killing of about fifty of the former and on hundred and fifty of the latter. The Sioux were the aggressotp. It is stated in the Cleveland Herald, that wheot is now sent from Wheeling to the lakes, by the way of the river and canal. Rather a long route, and not the most di rect in the world. ToponiiAPHr. The editor of the Nation al Intelligencer in noticing an article from our paper places the location of our town in Indiana. Heaven send him one good rous ing shake of the ague just to jog his memo ry! 1 his is the second time he has done that thing; the next time, we will send him a bottle of our concentrated quintessence. The Detroit Free Press, talks of having us cupped, to pet the fever and ague out of our sys'em. If we had thirty odd thousand dollars a year in treasury pap. as he does, and did'nt get fatter on't than he does, they might put their cupping aparatus over our mouth if they pleased. O show, man! Cup thostote! Cup the state. The Governor's in his cups already. Woman Umph! a ticklish subject. Cin. Sun. Please to Male your rrnsnns, Sir Pun.for this slander on female risibilities. Have you been gallivantin, promisens like, around among tho sex, tipping them droll leers from the corner of your left eye, and poking your elbow under their short ribs, to make this discovery? Shame onyou, man! Keep such things to yourself. Don't you feel streaked, now? How many boxed ears did the discovery cost yon, heh? Business for an Official. The private secretary of Governor Mason, has been de tailed from the Governor's family, to edit tho Monroe Times. Wery considerate in Mr. Mason. Wanted, a smnll quantity of feathers in payment for subscriptions due this office. Ohio City Trans. Tnr already on hand, we suppose. Ifnu mee Erprsrs. Certainly sir, and feathers toft. Are you in want of a coat? O. City Trans. Thank you for nothing, Mr. Transcript. You had better keep your old clothes unti' you get new ones, or you may be obliged to appear in borrowed feathers. PONG TO ZOE. . nr noRATio sates esq. When yon wo llic lake wvm glisten Ait Hie moonllglilpoum above them Wltrn to tlielr it ft sotinila you listen Ab tho zi-pliyrs gently move them, Deem yon not Ihnt lovaand tluty Trompt them thus to apeak and shine? Pile to Zoe'a heart anil tienuty ! Ilirlr homage bo Is mine. When tha morn Inn hlrila are singing- In their sweet retiring wililness When Ihe evening breeze is flinging Odors where it walka In mildness Know that every gentle Itsper Leaves ita gifts at 7.oe's shrine; Ilinls and zephyrs evor whisper - Love and duly just like mine. When the n-inta or flowers are rarest, As the spring or autumn flushes - Whrn iho sky nnd stars nre Ihlrest And thefountain clearest gushes Fruits and flowers hove incense for you - Sky and stars light up your slirtno, ' A nd tho fountain streama adore yoa With a' passion Just like mine. I' have seen yon smiio so warmly On these tok'ons of devotion Waves and winds thnt soed so calmly, You have answered with emotion. - Birds, and Irults nnd flowers hsve rendered . ' Colored worship at youshrino) And your heart to all Ihcy tendered' Was awake why not to miner Buflnto. . . h: a. THE HEN. Was once a hen of wit not smalt, (Ih fact twaa most amazing.) And opt al laying ejrs withal, ' Who, when she'd done, wouldserenm and bawl As if the house were biasing; A turkey cock, ofague nature, Felt thereat Indignation ; 'Twas quite Improper, lie was sure,. He would no more the thing endure;: v; Bo anr cogitation, lie to llle lady straight repaired; And tlms his business he declsred: . " Madam, pray whata the matter, That always when yoa'Te lain an egg;,. ' . Too make so great a clatter! , I wish yond do the thing in quiet, - . Do be advised by me and try it!" -.' Advised ny you!"' the lady cried; And tossed her head In proper prater "And'whatdo you know, now I pray,, . Of the fluhlous-of the present dayf. . You creature, ignorant and low! However, if you want to know,. This Is the reason why I do Its . -; 1 lay my. egg, and thetnerlew 111" . Whole Wo. 1 25. WHIG CONVENTION OF LUCAS COUNTV. At a Convention of delegates from the several townships of Lucas county, holden at Toledo, on Wednesday the 14th day of August, inst. Horace Wait Esq. of Mau mee City, was called to the chair, and George S. Hazard appointed secretary." On calling the names of the townships, the following persons presented themselves as delegates from their several townships. Springfield Messrs. Hamilton, Woodi Divine, Kimball 4. Wing Dodge, Scott, Mills 3. Woyneafield Messrs. Gower, ForByth, Mack, Scott, Clarke, Knaggs, Reed, Haz ard, Allen, Mathews, Wait, Coin, Boynton, Howe 14. Clinton S. Mcintosh 1. Swan Creek J. Emery 1. Amboy Messrs. Wood, Borry, Wilcox 3. Roynlton Messrs. Knowles,Parcber 2. York D. Doolittle 1. Waterville Messrs. Hungeiford, Piny, Barker, Robins 4. On motion, a committee of one from each township was appointed by the chuir to ex amine the credentials of persons presenting themselves for scats in the convention : ' After retiring for consultation, the com mittee matlo the loilowmg report: " We find the following persons (contained in the list above) to be regular appointed by dele gates to this convention. In regard to the persons who present thcmselve as delegates from the townships of Waterville, York and Royalton, we recommend that they be admitted to scats, and submit the following statement made and signed by themselves as explanatory of the reasons why they have presented no credentials to your committee. ' Wo the undersigned, delegates from the townships of York, Waterville and Royal ton to attend a county convention at Tole do on this 14th inst. having been deprived of the papers by which we were accredited to said convention by having submitted them for an especial purpose to the examination ofllezekiah D. Mason, an individual pro fessing to be chairman of an adjourned County Convention, the authority of wlncl wo do not recognize, nor tho right of the said Mason to hold his scatnsclnirmanin the meeting to which we are delegated, do here by declare that we have demanded the said credentials from Mr. Mason, who ha8 wrongfully and peremptorily refused to re deliver them to us. (Signed,) David Doo little, Lyman Parcher, Daniel Knowles, Ol iver Pray. U. Barker, David Robbins, Jonathan Hungerford. On motion, the report of the committee was accepted and the delegates from Wa terville, York and Royalton were admitted to seats. On motion, Resolved that a committee be appointed by the chair, to nominate candi dates for the county officers, to be suppor ted at the ensuing election, and also dele gates to attend the Senatorial and Repre sentative conventions. The chair having named ono from each township the committee retired, and after consultation, retured w.tli the following nominations, For Sheriff F. E. Kirtland of Waynec ficld. For Commissioner, David Hobartof York. For Coroner, Hiram Humphreys of Port Lawrence. For Auditor, Jonathan Wood of Amboy. For Treasurer, Daniel McIJuin of Port Lawrence. For Surveyor, S. Wescoat of Sylvania. For Pros. Atty., C. F. Abbott of Port Lawrence; The committee also further reported the names of the following persons as delegates to the district Conventions; - David Robbins, Jonathan Wood, Luther Dodge, Robert Howard, Daniel Knowles, A. Hamilton, Samuel Btrret, Elisha Mack, F. E. Kirtland, James Thresher,, Hiiain Humphreys, Eli6ha Williams, Oscar White J. II. Forh, John Pray, J. W. Scott, Al. R. Wait, Robert Gower, Gen. D. White, H. Reed Jr., Junes Howe, Wm. Kingsbury, John Allen, W. Wiswell, Horace Waito On- motion, the report of the committee a accented 8 On motion, tho delegation weie empow- orcd to fill all vacancies Unit may occur in the delegation1. Oil motion of Mr. Scott, Resolved,. That tho following persons be appointed to aot as central committee for the ensuing year: A. T. Tuttle, M. H.- Dlu-iels, General D. White, H. Reed, Jr. . M. Young, John Pray, A. II. Mead, James Thresher, Elisha Williams, J. W. Scott, Jus. Howe, R A.. Forsyth, Oscar White.. On motion of H. Reed Jr. Resolved, that tho conduct of Huzekiah D. Mason and Charles M. Dorr in usurping the seatsof chairman and secretary to a convention tb which they were not called by the voice of its members:, in attempting; to give this convention the color of an adjourned body after an express agreement Unit it was nut to be so considered;, and under that as sumption, in fraudulently retaining the cre dentials of some of the members of this body, is entitled to our condemnation and. to that of all honest men.- . ' ' ". Oh motion, Resolveo That the proceed ings of this meeting be- published in the Whig papers of this and Wood counties. ' On motion of Mr.- Howe, Resolved, that the delegates from the several townships be requested' to hand to the Secretary, the names of suitable persons to act as Commit tees of vigilance in their townships. Convention then adi.- jonrned. " ' . 1 comwittkes or' VIOlLAneB. - " Waynesfield Oscar : White, Jamet Howe, E. Mack, B. D. Coffin,' IL Reed Jr. M. IC Waite. Wing W. D. Herrick, L. Dodjje, T) Mills. Amboy T, C. Berry, Abm."- Wiloox,. B. Poorman. Royalton Wm. Thompson, V. Wins low, S. Campcton. Springfield H. Holloway, - S.' Divine. T. Dejoin. Clinton E. Williams, A. Lamb. Waterville E. M. Dyer, OV Pray, Ai Eldridge. " - Swan-Creek S. Barrstt,: J. . Threshes Thos. Gleoson. . HORACE WAIT, Chairman- G. 8. HAZARD, Secretary. - Poetry. The following contains s sprinkling of the sublime not to be snsezodVJ at: , . . Old Uncle Sam! Old Uncle Ssmt-: What an ass yoiOve got to ami ' For you've so long been plundered and rided 1 It's a wonder you arnt long ago dled'ed. From the New Urieatls Plcayunev ' AN ARKANSAS JUS ITCE", .. Tim Wat they Ladi.b out thr LawW New Countrm s. A particular friend or' ours at Batcsville has furnished us with the' groundwork of the following account, show ing up the tuanncr in which they do things: in the back part of tho " Ranunsack" coun try. In one of the b ick counties lives a " big" man" named Vowels, a red hot democrat,, and not over bounded with honesty. Kichv in lands and tenements, meaner than "gar broth," and regardless what means he uses' to attain his ends, Vowels has always agang" of slinks or strikers about him men who" will do any thing and swear to any thing hff bids them, A short time Bince he obtaineuT: a commission for one of those tools B "Jacktaek" of the Peace, or rather Justice) of the Peace. The fellow's name war Blumpy, an ignorant dolt, as destitute of conscience as a crying hyena after a sever, day fast. On receiving his appointment with tl.e governors name and seal to- it,, lilunpy swelled up wiMi pride at onee, felt, himself wonderfully elated and started !. his way home rejoicing. Arrived there he commenced strutting;' and cutting a dignified swell about and: across his cabin. " Whut has got into you Blumpy?" asked, his wife. " Don't bother me," said Blumpy.' " What are yon galivanting about in that' high-fululing Btylo for?" continued his wife. "I'm a made mail" was the mysterious-, nnewer. " Something has made you crazy, Blum ny." "Crazy! Look here," said the husband,. showing the commission, "look here, Mrs' Biumpy see this I knew that keeping that horse Champion would bi ing me out. I ami now Justic e of the Peace, and will be in th Legislalure next year, sure. Had'ut we better put another story on tho house, Sal ly?" continued the fellow, swelling like frog and blowing like a porpoise. " In course we had. Maint I strut toe Blumpy?" "Certainly catch Hold here," said her husband, offering his arm. They were now hard et it, strutting and "amplifying" about the room. The children were astonished at the mad pranks of their parents, and thought they had found a gold mine. 'Mammy," said one of them, " maint I strut, too, with you and dad?" "Set down, you rascal you," said Mrs.. Blumpy. "Nobody is in office here, but your dad and me," at the same time knock ing the liltlc Blumpy over with a chunk Some days aftor this, and when Blumpy had cooled off a little, the "old man" wss called upon to make his first appearanoeas a justice, nnd try a case. Rigging himself" out in his Sunday-go-to-the-tavcrn suit lid was upon the spot in season. The case was one in which his friend and patron vs engoged Vowels vs. Datem. It was au open account his master had made out against Datem for sundry goods, wares and merchandise, to which the latter demurred.. Vowels oponed the argument on his own account in a violent strain. Turning to Da tem, the defendant, he commenced with "D n you, do you dispute my accountr You tuon! pay my bill, eh? Mr. Blumpy,. your honor, that rascal came to my house and made jost as free as though it was his'n,. d n linn. He found my orib open, and he marvelled into the corn. He cat my reaV tongue, (bicou.) His wife flaunts in my calico, m pullils, (daughters) dance in my p unells, he drinks my ball face, I whiskey)' like a horse, and now he disputes the bill,, the rascal. Eat. Blumpy, take your seat on that horse block, try him and give bin 'gossV Blumpy took his scat with all the mock. dignity ol the Bhtun duko in the " Honey Moon." Not o particle of proof had been adduced in favor of his patron'B claim, but that did not in the least alter his decision,, which was as follows;: " Secinrf asiiow my friend Vowel's crib I 'lls been open to uatem, the aeionaant, mat ''10 P'a'ntl" 8 calicoes has been worn by D.itcm's wife, his prunells danced all to snm8il by i)atcm', pits, and his ball-face" On motion the swilled down by the delcuuant himself, in. course he has got to p:ty for them and fork over my fees into the bargain. Them's thr court's sentiments." Judgment accordingly rendered against Datein, and he was obliged to foot the whole bill.. ' Goon Experiments have shown that Mo rns Multii'aulis leaves make very good: greens. We are glad to hear they are gootjt for any thing. ' Lawman's IIistort op Mioiiioas is ther title ol'a new work which has lately made its appearance from thu press of Detroit. The pneket Bhip Independence, from N Y- for Liverpool, carries out about 30,000 i sovereigns equal to $140,000. Gin. Sun, ' . . ISdenrukr Daily, lo.ig an eminani teacn- er of youth in the oily of Boston, died at hi residence, at Lynn Mineral Springs, on Sunt- day morning, of the lockjnw. Complimentary. The Baltimore Chron icle states that "the fast anchored isle nev-t ergave birth to a more unmitigated black guard" than Captain Marryatt. A Royal Gift. Lord Anikland has late ly been prc-ented, by Runject Singh, with, twenty fair Circassians, beautiful as Houris. Who woulfut i ravel in Persia , . Reuabkablb. The New Orleans Pica yune records it as a remarkable circum stance, that three loaded d ays were teen at once in the streets of that city, few ' days since. Butiness must be brisk-