.' CxO? :
THE Bteainboat GEN; WAYNE. Amos
I'batt, master, will make a pleasure
excursion lo the Upper Lakes, leaving Por
rysburg and Maumee City at half past six
o'clock A. M. on the thirteenth day of An
gust, touching at all the porta on Lake Erie
and Huron, and at Mackinac, giving timolo
view the Inlands on ake Michigan. Also,
touching at Green Bay, Milwaukie, Rucino
South Port, Chicago, Michigan City, New
Huff-ilo, St. Josephs, Grand River, and at
I'ort Sheldon, if the weather will permit.
The Gen. Wayno is 400 tom burthen,
and is fitted up with state rooms tor 85 pas
sengers, .and Berths in the Gentlemen's
Cabin, which gives accommodation for near
200 cabin passengers. She nan throe stee
rage cabins, for deck passengers, and her
accommodations aro equal, if not superior,
to any (mat that is running in the Upper
.Lake trade.
A band of music is engaged for the trip,
and fare will be at the low price of $25 from
Maumeo to Chicago and back to Maumee
. For freight or passage, apply to the oap
tain on bonril, or to
Mnumee City, August 3, 1881). I3t2
Mnumee City, Monroe, Cleveland, $
' Canada.
rpIIE sloainaNEWREaitV, I.
X T. Phgatt, Mister, will run tho re
mainder of the season as fallows, to wit:
i-eaves Maumeo City for Cleveland,
touching at Porrysburg, Toledo,. Miiuhnt
" tan, Monroe, Sandusky, Huron and Mack
iiiver, every Monday and Wednesday, at 2
o'clock P. M. precisely.
.caves Cleveland for Maumee City,
touching at Hlack idiver, Huron, if.-indusky,
Manhattan, Toledo and Porrysburg, every
Thursday and Saturday, at 13 o'clock M.
ieaves Cleveland for Port Stanley, U. C.
touching at Port Burwell, every Thursday at
6 o'clock P. M. '
Zeaves Port Stanley for Cleveland, touch
ing at Port Burwell, every Friday, at 0 o'
clock, r. in.
For freight or passage, apply to the cap.
tain on boord, or to "
J. WOI.COIT, Maumee. City.
IIOLLISTER fa Co., Pen y .burg.
PEASE, ALLEN fa Co., Cleveland.
JOHN B03TWICK Esq., Port Stanley.
JOHN RVHWELL Esq., Port Bunnell.
July 27. 18U
Washinp-ton T. Beobeo ot. al. )
vs. ' In partition
John I1,, limit et. at. J ,
By virtue of an order in this cafe issuing
from tho court of common pleas, within and
fiir tho county of Lucas and state of Ohio,
to me directed and delivered, I shall expose
to public sale al tho door of the court house
in Toledo, on Saturday, tho 14th day of Sep
tember noxt at one o'clock P.M. the follow
ing described property to wit: Water lot No.
II, in Hunt and Doaiigrand's addition to
Mauinee City.
C. G. SHAW, Sheriff.
By F. E. Kiiitland, Deputy.
August 10, 1881). 1910
Washington T Hcebeeot. al.
Milton St. John Si Sinclair f InPat'-'i"1
Tousy, J
lly virtue of an order in tliis caso issuing
from the court of common plons, within and
for the county of Lucas and slate of Ohio,
to me directed and delivered, I shall expose
to public sale at the door of tho court, house
in Toledo, on Saturday, the 141 h day of Sep
tember next at one o'clock P. M the follow
ing described property to wit: Lot No. 10,
in Block No. 89, in Hunts addition to Matr
mee City.
C. G.SHAW. Sheriff.
By F. E. KmTr.AND, Depntyt
August 10, 1IJS9. . 1919
SHERIFFS SALE. By virtue of a de
cretal order issuing from the court of com
mon pleas for the county of Henry, Ohio,
to me directed and delivered, I shall expose
to public auction at the door of tho court
house, in Napoleon, in said county, on Satur
day the tilst, day of August next between
the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock
P. M, tho following lands and tenoments
situated in said county, to wit: The north
west fractional west half of Miction No. 3, in
township No. 5, north of range No. 8, east,,
containing ninety acres and 25-100 of an
acre, to satisfy a decree in Chancery in fa
vor of John Bossart vs.Simeon Brown.
. ... , A. OBAIG,. Sheriff..
July22d, 1830.- - , 17t5 .
E KITTS, on Erie, two doors below
Conant street, has just " received
a general assortment of Paints, Oils,
Glass, Druok, Mhdicinks and Gn,ocBiiiKS,i
which ho offers for sale, and solicits a share
of patronage, --
His medicines will be-always prepared
with the greatest care, and the public are
assured that no cars shall be wanting, to
have every article which may be ordered
from his store, put up in tho nicest manner,
and without mistakes. Ho will endeavor
to supply physicians and surgeons with ar
ticles in their line on as reasonable terms as
can be dono elsewhere, and warrant I hem to
be of a good quality. They, and the pub
; lie generally, are respectfully invited to
Call. :; v - ' ...
Maumee City, June 13th, 1839.' 11
MW Rumskt fa Howard offer, at New
ork prices, at their old, stand, No. 134
Main St., directly opposite tho City Bank,
and two doors above the Mansion House,
ono of the largest and best stocks of Leath
er ever offered in tho Western'Country, to
wit: ' . '
20,000 sides Spanish and slaughter Sole
- Leather, '- . -,. ,-. ..
' 4,0T0 " Upper, 1 ) ' -v.
3,000 " Harncsi, ; ... . ' '
. 3,000 Kib, . .,.. .- ,
400 dozen Calf Skins,
;.A!so, Skirting, Seating, Patent, Cullar,
Bug, Top, and Kussctl, Uridle, Horse and
B ind Leather. '
- Morocco's seal colored Linings, alum
Pressed, and vwhit.o. do., fancy Morocco,
Chamois skins, Sheep, Goat, and Deer bind
ings, French Calf skins, Philadelphia do.
. Bnltimoro ak sole Leather, .Thread and
Silk Of all kinds, Lnets, Shoe Findings, Tan
ners and Currier's Tools, Pegu, Lampblack
&c. Sec. . .
' Also, a large quantity of Currier's Oil, ot
the best .qitallity,- Wnanieh Hidest Africun
and Patnado. on hand. ,. As we manufacture
the principal part-ol our IjBatlicr .wo are en-
ableif to sell at Aim York Prices, - i
, Western Dealers going East, would do
well to call and take prices. -" f ' - '
. ' WANTED. 5,000 Slaughter JSdes Tor
which Cash will he paid. - -t .
' Uuffulo, Aug. 3. ' " ' - J8m6.''
) Coi
Court of Common
Daniel Brunnor and
Henry Zeller,
Samuel A. Sargent.
The said Sam
uel A. Saro-Gnr. in
f hereby notified,
J that on the 20th
day of July, 1830, tho said Daniol Brunner fa
Henry Zeller, liled in the court of common
pleas ot said county, a Dill in Chancery , pray,
inp- that tho equitable interest of the said
defendant ill certain lands situate in said
county, for which he holds a conveyance
bond from the said complainant, to wit: a
port of theN.W. qr. of sec. 15, in T. 4, N.
11. 4. E., containing sixty acres; also a part
of the east frac. of the N, E. qr. of sec. 15,
in T. 4. N.R. 4. E., containing thirty acres;
also, the mills and water power on tho same,
be subjected to sale to pay the nmount due
on four several notes given by defendant to
the complainints, tosecuro u part of iho pur
chase money of said lands, amounting in tho
aggregate to twelve thousand live hundred
dollars; also,' two other notes given by the
defendant to t!ic complainants, amounting in
me aggregate to tiiirty six hundred and
twenty-fho dollars; and the said defendant,
is further notified, thai, unless he appear,
plend, answerer demur to the said bill, with
in sixty days after the next term of said
court, the comphinunls, at the term next af
tor tho expiration of said sixty days, will ap
ply to said court to take tho matters of said
bill ns confessed, and to decide thereon ac
cordingly. CWriNiiUKV U SKMANS,
Sols, for Complainants.
July 20, 18S0. ' . . 1710.
Williams Cuunty, ss. ( Pleas.
Michael Colwell, v. ) m ciianokhv.
Andrew Mangim, ( THE said An
drew Mnugan, is hereby notified, that on
the lltli day of May, 1SDII, the said Michael
Colwell, filed in the Court of Common Pleas
of said county, a Bill in Chancery, the ob
ject and prayer of which Bill is, that certain
lecrtM ot conveyance, which wcro obtained
by fraud and covin, by tho defendant from
the complainant, for the following premises
situated in said county and State, to wit:
In lot No. 50, in the town of Defiance, also
in lots No. 32, 40, 41, 4", 4!), 08, f0, 83,
83, 110, 87, 00, 08, 09, 102, 103, 101, 105,
110, 117. 11H, 10!), IST, 13H, 13N, P, II, 4-J,
and 4,1, in the village of Detroit, and also in
lots No.. 38, 89, 99, and 100, in the village
of Brnnrrsburg, be cancelled, set acide,
and held for nought, and that said defend
ant be ordered ond decreed to re-convey 6aid
premises to said complainant, free and
clear from all incumbrances, and be perpetu
ally enjoined from setting up any pretence
orclaimto the same, either in luw or equi
ty. And the said Andrew M.ingan, is fur
ther notified, that unless he appear, plead,
answer, or demur to the said bill, within six
ty days after the next term of said Court,
the Complainant, at the term next after the
expiration ol'said sixty days, will apply to
said Court to take the matters of said Bill as
confessed, and to doeido thereon according
Sols, for Complainants.
. Dated July 20, 1839. ' 1710.
SHERIFF'S S.QLE.y virtue of 2
writs of vemli. expo, to me directed and deli
vered, issued from the court of common pleas
lor Henry county, Uluo, J shall expose to
public auction at the door of the court house,
in Napoleon, in said Cuunty, on Saturday
the 81st. day of August next between the
hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 o clock P. 1
the following lands and tenements situated
in said countv, to wit: The south west
quarter of section No. 27, in township N
0, north of range No. (i, east, taken as the
property ot Ouorgo Stout to satisfy 2 exe
cutions in favor of John Glass.
A. CRAIG, Slwriff-.
.Tillv 22d. 1839? 17t5
SHERIFF'S SALE. By virtue of an
execution to me directed and del vered issu
ed out of the court of common pleas for the
county of Henry, Ohio, I shall expose to pub
lic auction at the door ot the court house, in
Nupoleon, in said county, on Saturday, the
31st day of August next between the hours
of 10 o'clock A,. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the
following lauds and tenements, to wit: In
lot No. 14, on the recorded town plat of Na
poleon in said county, taken in execution
as the property of George Stout at the sut
of Amos Andrews against said Stout.
t ... A. CRMG, Sheriff.
July 22.1, 1830. ' l7tj
Qnt "ii!,er of a newTi lume oftlieNEVV
if YOllK MIKItoIt was Imutil on llir 2'Mh ol' June,
IS.'19, nnnlKiniiti! a iinrtriut of l'roitiier M. Wetniore, en
graved ly I'lirher, from a atiiutliis: by Iniiimi. nml n vl
llutlti litlelwge. Thriut will ln ullcceeileil liy lliur cosily
nml niafrntaii..nt eiiKrnvings on MeH. by tho beat nrtUlM,
flcritfuieil nml eiicntvoil Irom nrijinnl uniiitltiga exnreABly
lor I lie work t.tcliln!s on wood, ity aiuium, jninison.
nml oiliora, will alito embelliHli tbc forthcoming volume;
lieuhleH liny pleccR ol'niru. bonntillil, ami popular muaic,
arrniifieij for the Pinnoforle, Clijltar, Harp, etc.
No volume of tho New-York Mirror waa ever hegiin
unrtcr audi litvornhie niiapicea aa the present. Foe the
Inst few moitllia our tmUacriplion Hat hna increnacil with
a nipiilily nltogtahcr uiiexanuilei) In the history of thla
perioiliciil. Our frienila arc more hiimeroua, our resour
ces more nintile. ami our exertions to rciulvr the Mirror
one of lite innt Interesting nml valunblo repositories Of
literature alia uie lino arts, anall uo aa wyiaggtng al
ever.. - .
Our old correapondenta will continue to furnish origi
nal papers on a great variety of subject! Interesting to
the general rea.lcr : and new writers liavo been engaged
for special purprscs. A I home wo have a list of nearly
two nun Ired contributors, embracing most of tlio talent
and genlita of America, and we have established a par
maucnt correspon fence abroad. Mr. Cox will write
from London Mr. Fav from Berlin and an American
gentleman, who holds a high rank In the estimation of
ins tuuulrymen ns a graceiui anu easy writer, will nr.
nish ua with occasional sketches from Paris.
' In the course of the volume, fifty pieces of popular
music will be published seleotud by Messrs. tierkeley,
Horn, Itllse!l Knight etc.
Six superb Engravings (including the two Issue 1 with
tlie first number.) will be given, .engrave I by Uauforth,
Parker, eto. from original deslgue and portraits by Weir,
toman. Chapman, eto.
A number of curtona etchings on wood will also be
Mib'ishrd In the present Volume, engraved by Adams,
Anderson, Johnson, etc from originnl leslgns
Whde we shall never forgot that the Now-Vork Mir
ror la purely. an American work, we shall not, on that
account, excude interesting extracts Irom English j.-ur-
..r L... A ...n u, nniin.,.. n. tr.,Hl...l,,.. 1
Iromlhe French, German and other European luuguagea. I
Nothina shall be left undone to render tbia work. In
lliArnrv nliMrHCIAr. lis ennrnvlliaa. iu niUHiC and its J
typography, equal ll uot auporior, to any penouicui 01
tne any.
A number of literary novelties, curious historicatle-
amla, American reminlacencea nnd Indian traditions-;
ore already In preparation, iiiuoeu, every sunjeci-witu-in
the range nf literature or Iho Alio ana is embraced in
its plan; and tt has received the commendation of the
preaa throughout tho United Stales and Great Britain,
a refilled ana elegant repository 01 ine oouea lenres,
III catering for the general teste, we shall never omit
to act aside a duo proportion of space hir the eaperinl
amiiacment and edification- of ottrlatr nnd genlto eoun
trywomen, in the sunshine of whose favor the Mirror
has so long nourished as a llivorile jonrnnl
We presume the reader will admit, that a wosk em
brnolna: an immense variety of choice matter, most ofll
expressly written for Its columns containing superior
engravings on steel wltn copious selections 01 exquisite
musfo, bcautilullr printed altogether forming nu iin-
meiiMe volomo of Ibur hundrctl nnd alxleen imperlaU
-Jara per annum, afforded nt a price unsurpassed In cheap.
4icss by ate perioilical ever published in any country. '
in issuing mis nrst number ot a new volume, we lel
confident thai while we continue to merit, we shall con
tinue to receive the liberal support, which we take rhts
occasion lo acknowledge; and wocnmiiiencea new vul-
ume wltn renewed apint, ami a steady determination to
render the Mirror all that its Jitoat ardeot ft-fenda could
wish - -
(;okditiohs Tho Mtrror'Ia published every ftntnr
day, nt No. 1, Barelay-treel, next duor to tiroadway.
It is elegantly prtnM In the extra suner-roval ouarto
flirm, with brevier, nilnion, and nonpareil tvne-. Tlie
terms are Fivb Hollars per annum, payable, in ail ca
ses, tn wivanee. It la lorwarded hy theearlieal mails to
subscribers residing nut of the city of New-York. Com
munications, post paitt, must be addressed lo the editor
No subscriptions received for n leas perlrd- than one
yenr. "New subscribers may benupplied from the beg In
ning of the present volume. . ,
()(( bushels White Beans, lor sale by
"tnay . ALLEN to GIBBONS.T
Tub Statu of Ohio,
Williams County ss.
VlEflCHANDISE, Forwarded to West
ern New-York, Ohio, Michigan, In
dianoJillinois. Missouri and Kentucky, by a
daily line of Steam boats on Lake Erie.
Barker, Woodward to Co. Trov. ,
H. Petrie, Rochester.
M. Kingman to Co. Buffalo.
Winch, Wyman to Co. Ctcvcland.
Carpenter to Myeis, Toledo.
Gray, Gallagher fa Co. Detroit.
P. 8. Veeder, St. Joseph, Mich.
Konzie, Hunter fa Co. Chicago.
A. Jtixup.. Agent, 19 Coenlies Slip,
N. Y.
July 13. 5. -
A PI'LES, 50 barrels of Applos on con-
. oignmcnt by
June 20.
TTIDES. Wanted, Calf and Butt" Hides
XX by O. fc D. WILLIAMS,
Ii i virtue of a writ of vendi expo, issu
cd out of the Court uf Common Pleas,
within and for the county of Wood, and
Slate of Ohio, to me directed and delivered,
I shall expose to public sale on Saturday,
the 1 1th d iv of September, A. D. 1339. at
the door of the Court House in Toledo, Lu
cas County, Ohio, between the hours of 10
o'clock A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M.. of said
day, the following pieces of land situatod in
said County of Lucas, and known as ti e
East i ol the N, E. i of .Sect. 27, in town
ship 2, of the Ttvelvo niilo square Reserve,
at the font of the rapids of the Miami River
of Lake Erie, except two acres on the N.
E, corner of said land. Also 20 acres inclu
ded in a triangle in the S. E. corner of
Hect. 22, in the above mentioned Town
ship, together with five acres from the N,
E. end of E. J of 8. E. i of the last men
tioned section mken at the suit of Christ
ian Swarts, vs. Smith A. Towner.
Gk G. SHAW, Sheriff,
By F. E. Kihtlani), Deputy.
Aug., 10, A. D. 1839- , I9t5.
OTICE is hereby given, that at my in-
day issued by Amos Cole, Esq. a Justice of
tlio Pence, in and for riot liock township.
Henry county, against the goods, chattels,
lights, money, and effects of J. Christrian
Uussoa, an absent debtor.
By his agent, M. SHERMAN.
Flat Rock, July 22, 1889. 17t5f
fTUlE subscribers are ready to receive, on
- commission, all kinds of Merchandize,
Provisions, Groceries sc. Ur. I hey will
use every exertion to ellect quick sales, and
the owners may depend on prompt returns.
Juno 22. ,12.
("ODFI.SII at wholesale, by
J june 15. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
-A ( III1DS. St. Croix Sugar,
X vl 20 Sacks Coffee,
5 Minis. N. Orleans Sugar.
20 Chests Young Hyson Tea,
10 do. Imperial . for solo low for
June 29.
11 ESS RS. Acker and Kanady, of Mau
'' nieo City, have made an assignment lo
the subscriber of all their copartnership pro
perty and effects, for the benefit of the cre
ditors of tho same, who will present their
claims under oath or affirmation to the sub
scriber within six mon'hs. All persons in
debted to said firm are required to make
immediate payment to the subscriber at his
ohVe in the. Commercial tiuilJings.
lfi THOMAS CLARK. Assignee.
Muiimoe City, July 20th, A. I). Ift29,
TV! OTICE is hereby given that at my in
1' stance a writ of attachment was this
day issued by Samuel Barrett Esq., a Jus
ticeof the Pence, within and for the town,
shin of Swan Creek, and ccunty of iucas
against the. goods, chattels, property and
effects of Charles li. ftlanwaring. an uo
sent debtor. AUTIIER UoDGB.
July 10, 1839. 10t8.
NOTICE At my instance an attach
ment was this day issued, hy H. Co
nant, a justice of the peace of Waynesficld
township, in Lucas County, against tho pro
nertv and eflects of Henry Richards, a lion
resident of said county.' Dated this first
day of July, A. D. 1839.
July 20. lJi5.
T Y virtue of a writ of vendi. expo.
AS. nut nf tho court of common pleas,
nnd ful' the count v of Lucas, to tno directed
and delivered, I have taken and rihall expose
to sale at tlie doo' of the court house in To
ledo, on Saturdn j', the 24th day of August
next, at one o'clock P. M. the following des
cribed property to wit: Lot number 34 m
Hunts addition to Mnumee, taken nt the suit
of Peter Fisk, against Benainh Hanson. .
C.G, SHAW, sheriff.-
By P. E. Kirtlasd, deputy.
July 30. . " ' l"t.rt
BY virtucof a writ of ndi. expo, issued
out of the court of common pleas, in
and for the county of Lucas, to nie directed
and delivered, I have taken and shall expose
to sale at the door of the court lyiuse in To
ledo, on Saturday ,'the 24th day of August
noxt. at one o'clock P. M, the following des
cribed property to wit: the west half of'
the north-west quarter ot section i, in town
number 7. north of rafttre 9, east, containing
80 acres, be the same more or loss, taken at
, . ftr if .1 , Tl
Ihm Rint nf K isha Muck for tl C US0 Ol iNtO
jcl tJuntleV, affliilist Josiall Cro'Csey and
m. T , .
1 llOmaB J UOUUins.
C. G. SHAW, sheriff.
By F. E. KinTi.AHD, deputy.
July 20. ... ... ,, latstr I
BY vii tuo of a writ vffendi. expo, issued
out of the court of Coiiinion Picas, in
and for the county of Lucas, to mo'direc
ted and delivered I have tolien ond shall
expose to sale at the door of the court
house in Tuledo, on Saturday, the 25th
day of August next, at one o'clock P.
M. the following described propci-jy to wits
the south half of the north west quarter of
section 33, in town number 8, ill the 0th
range, taken at- the suit fit" S. A. ti'JJ H.
aro-ent against William Hotiser. ,
' . . C. G. .SHAW.iAerrJ.
'ByF. E. KiaTLAHD, deputy.- . .
uly 20. , ' . .:. rettf. ;
A T my instance an attachment was ie
J sued by N. Rathbun, a Justice of the
Peace of Waynesficld township, tucaaeonn-'
tv,apainst the proporty and effeots ofJo.
soph Cook, an absconding debtor. " -.,
A . . . ,w- JiATU'AN BWSEtL, .
By his next friend CYRUS NORTON,
July 15, 1839. .- Ht5
OHIO flour for sale by .
... C.-A to A., d; Wir,IAMS.
July iy?
Forwarding and Commisiion Merchant,
Dealer in Salt, Produce, Lumber, .
Staves Stc- . ,
AND Agent for the following transpor
tation lines, , ,
Troy b Erie,
New York and Ohio
American Transportation Co.
Western Transportation, .
Albany and Michigan, ) six day
Troy and Michigan, J linei.
The above lines are of the first stan
ding, and ship daily from New York by tow
boats, and from Buffalo by sieum boats
without, delay.
A II goods marked and consigned to ' Care
of G. S. Hazard" will meet with prompt
attention. ..
MaumeeCity, June 8.
pOLGATES superior New "York soap
L wiiuiusmu, uut'np, uy
june 15. Af.LEJV b GIBBONS.
TT Y DR IO DAT E of Potash, Iodine and
XA Tincture of Iodine, for sale by
June 15. . E. K1TTS.
OFFATT'S Life Pills and Phoenix
.Bitters, for sale by E. KI I TS.
June 15. .
SUGAR by the hhd. or bbl. a superior a
june 15.
Gi EI1MAN SILVER Tea and Table
T sonons, do. Fork and Butter Knives,
June 15 by G. U W. KIUIlAK.uUi.
COLOGNE, Lavender and Rose Water,
June 15.
MACCASSAIt and Hears Oils, by
June 15.
SHEETINGS, Shirting, Wicking, Wad
ding and Hutting, by
June 15 G. & W. RICHARDSON.
P PER Hangings and Bordering, by
June 15.
DRY and Ground Lead, Turpentine and
Varnish, also, a variety of other paints
and Colours for sale very low, as we are
about to relinquish this part of our business,
June 15.
OCYTHES and snaitho, sickles, Hoes,
l3 shovels, scythe stones and ritlos, by
June 15 G. to W. RICHARIJSON.
OG, Trace and Halter Chains, by
June 1
1JOWDER, Bhot, Lead, Perc ission Caps
and Pills, by
June 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON.
A FEW demands of too long standing
which we wish to exchange fur Cash
or Barter, bv
June 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON.
HAVING obtained license as auction
eer for the County of Lucas, for which
bonds to a large amount are lodged with the
County clerk, the subscriber is now ready
lo make sales at auction, of Real Estate,
Merchandise, Household furniture, Horses,
Cat tle, Wagons, Farming stock and imple
ments nf husbandry, toe, He needs but
the invitation, to prepare for, and make
sules in any part of Lucas County .Terms
will be on an ecoiiomicuj scale. For refer
ence see bonds in the possession nf the
County clerk. WM. 11. WOODWARD.
Maumee City, June 22, 1839. 12,
HHE subscribers will pay the highest
prit in Cash or Goods for any quantity
of Pot and 1'earl Ashes.
July 13 15.
HANDSOME assortment or paper
hanging; handsome summer prints
new patterns; summer jeans, a full assort
menu SO boxes fresh Lemons; nlolaBse
sperm candles and oil; pepper sauce; loaf
sugar; Champaign first rate crown and
eagle brnnd. .
Now Goods aro weekly arriving and for
sole cheap ot ' tlTUS & Co'e.
Lon cr Toledo, Juno 15.
AN assortment of Cotton ond silk Velvets,
by G. to W. RICHARDSON. ,
June 15.
BROAD Cloths, as cheap by tlio piece
or single yard, as they can bo purchas
ed at the West India Goods and Grocery
June 15 G. & W. RICHARDSON.
I J ICE, Teas. Coffee, Sugor, Chocoluto
' toe. &c, by
June 15 G. fc W, RICHARDSON. -
"(UT glass and common Tumblers by
the dozen, by
Jue 15 G. to W.
t" ALAHATUS by the barrel, by'
june 15. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
OUT I S and screws, Latches, Handles,
l.'ilea of nil kinds, bv "
June 15 G. toW. RICHARDSON.
HAIR, Tooth, Shoe, Clothes, Whisker,
Paint and While Wash and Flesh
Brushes, by G,
June 15.
riOTTON "and silkr
Plain and Pink
k Kid and Ilosskin Gloves, by ;.
Juno 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON.
GREAT variety of thin Goods I'o
- Juno 15 G. & W,
AND Boxes 'and sand, Wood and sil
ver Pencils, steel Pens toe., by v
lune 15 G. to W, RICHARDSON.
CiORDAGEofalmostnllei7.es, hy
' " G. .to W, RICHARDSON
June 1.1- ,
Bugs, by
Laces and Edgings, Work
June 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON.
ROUGIIT nnd Cm Nails, by
June 15.
"IEN, Pocket, shoe ami Butcher Knives,
X and Knives ann trans, uy
Juno 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON.'
WANTED. Green and Dry Hides,
' Tallow and Beenwax, hy
TOSTONand Cleveland Crackera by the
baircl, by
may 25 C. A. k A. D. WILLIAMS.
RUM, Brandy, Gin and Whiskey, by the
barrel or gallon, by
may 25 C. A. to A. D. WILLIAMS.
CANDIES, by the box or lb. by
May 25.
(i ANISTER and Keg Powder, Lead and
V EllOt, 0y
ma, 25 C. A. to A. D. WILLIAMS.
MOLASSES, Sugar, Tea and Coffee,
Soap and Candles by
may 25 C. A. & A. D. WILLIAMS.
CAVENDISH. Plug and psper Tobacco,
by C. A. to A. D. WILLIAMS.
May 25. ,
PORK, just received, and for sale by
nny 25 ALLEN to GIBBONS.
TTHISKEY, just received and for sale
v v by ALLEN to GIBBONS.
may 25.
PURE SPIRITS, constantly on hand,
and for sale by
may 35. ALLEN & GIBBONS.
ALCOHOL, on hand, and for sale by
may 25. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
DOMESTIC LIQUORS, just received
and for sale by
may 25. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
1839 CLARK & FARGO, 1839
Wholesale Grocers oV Commission Mer
chants, Commercial Buildings.
RE now roceivinrf and offer for sale
a rreneral assortment of Groceries
and Provisions, and solicit tho patrnnope of
country merchants and dealer. They
will also sell at retail to accommodate nur-
chasers. Maumee Citv, mav 25. f!6
GROUND PEPPER and spice, supe
rior articles, for sale by
may 85. CLARK to FARGO.
TAR, Rosin and Pitch, for sale by
mny 25. . CLARK to FARGO.
OOD Measures for sole by
may 25. CLARK to FARGO.
fi AltDEN SEEDS, for sale at
sale and retail, by
may 25 CLARK to FARGO.
ITTINES, Maderia, Port, Champaign
If K
Muscat, for sale by
may 25
PATENT PAILS, for sale by
may 15 CLARK to FARGO.
'1U-:aS by the chest 1 chest to 4 Cad
et r- ..i. i...
may 25 CLARK to FARGO.
ClOD FISH nnd Mackerel, for sale at
J tvhnleanla hir CI. 4 HUT A V A R fjfl
may 25
STONE Ware, for sale by
may 25 CLARK to FARGO.
EAD to Shot, for sale by
i may 25 CLARK to FARGO.
LEATHER, Sole Upper to Calf skins
for sale at wholesale by
may 25 CLARK & FARGO.
IJORK and Butter, for sale bv
may 25. CLRK to FARGO.
rriEA to COFFEE, at wholesale, by
X mny 25 CLARK to FARGO-
BLASTING, Rifle to
der for sale by
Percussion Puw
may 25
T AMP OIL, lull and winter strained
X-i at w
vholesale by
may 25
OBACCO, CigarB toSnuff at wholesale
by may 25 CLARK to FARGO.
QPEIIM CANDLES for sale by
kJ may 25
FLOUR, for sale by
mny 25. CLARK to FARGO.
HALF ton nf Nuts, Almonds, Filbert
Brazil to Maderia, for sale by
may 25. CLARK to FARGO.
(Tft BB. Whiekev for sale by
"Uinuy25. CLARK to F
"1S7RAPP1NG paper to Twine for sale by
T T may ot.
SUGAR to MOLASSES fur sale at
wholesale by CLARK to FARGO,
may 25.
OOAP to CANDLES for sale at wholo
C5 sale by
. may 25.
SPOONS. Plated and German silver tea
and table spoons, for sale by
G. H. NITUHIE to Co.
Juno 1, - - Commercial Buildings.
BROADCLOTHS', Cassimcres and Do
mestic fulled cloths, on Consignment at
wholesalo by.- CLARK to FARGO.
June I, lsbO.
T" EPPER, Spice, Ginger, Cassia,
, Nut-
X megs Hops und Cloves at wholesale by
may 25.
MUSTARD & Pepper Sauce for sale
by moy 25 CLARK &, PARGO.
LINEN and cloth table spreads, for sale
by. . G.H. NITCHIE to Co.
June 1, . Commercial Buildings.
"IHINA, Crockery and Glass Ware.
Large and general assortment
1 Commercial Buildings.
. - E. F AIRMAN, Agent.
June ,1. - . IB
fORN UltOOMS. 40 dozen, just ro.
J ceived on consignment
lor sale cheap
by the doaea or single, by
Juno 8.
vies Arithmetic.
100 Davics first lessons in algebra.
100 ' Bourdon.
100 - " . .egendre. - . ,
175 " -.. Calculus,. j , .
75 " Analytical geometry,
75 '". Descriptive . do.
100 . " ' Surveying.'
J- " ' bhde and Shadows, just
received and for sale by
S. L. ROOD. '
70 Jeff, avenue.
Detroit june 29..
OILS of Origanum, Lemon,. Cinnamon
Peppermint, Wintergreen, Spruce
Hemlock, Uerganiot, Savin, Thyme, Al
monds, "Lavender, Anise, TanBy, Juniper
and Rosemary, for sale by E. KITTA'.
June 18V " . " '
SUPEldl' lNE FLOUR for sale by
G. H. NITCHIE to Co.
'.'.'uneli , . Commercial Building.
mOBACCO. No. 1 Cavendish, plug
js nne cut ana smoking, for sale by
t G. H. NITCHIE b Co.
Juno 1, - Commercial Building.a
RICE, for sale by
June I,
Commercial Buildings.
IRON. English and Swedes barassorted
shoe shapes, nail rods toe. for sale by
G. H. NITCHIE to Co.
June 1, Commercial Buildings.
CNUFF. Maccaboy and Scotch, for salr
y U. H. NITCIHE to Co
June 1,
Commercial Buildingr
SULLIVAN'S Liniment, a superior ar
tirdfl fne itta. kn,l.a. i
, oviwj fueuuiu-
usm ate, ior sale oy
G. H. NITCHIE to Co.
June 1, Commercial Buildings
BROGANS, a superior article, just re
coived and for sale low, by -
June 1, Commercial Buildings
fi LOVES. Silk, kid, fur topp'd buck
vJT skin and woolen. Also, men and bova
uucKSKtu units ior saie oy
... ...... . . ' '
U. II. IN ixc 111 11 to Co,
Juno 1, Commercial Buildings
rtiUh difficulties between the United
States and Great Britain resuectinn-it,.
ar . 1. c .. I . n .
wortit eastern iiounuary question having
ueuu iui uiu present. Btnicauiy adjusted.
The subscribers would respectfully in
form the citizens of Maumee City and vicini
ty, that they are now receiving their
Spring and Summer Stock of Goods, con-
sisting to pun ui iry uoous, ana uroceries,
Crockery, Glass, China and Hord Ware,
Hoots and Shoes, Paints, Oils and Dye
Stuffs which wearepreporcd to sell for cash
or produce on as reasonable terms as can be
found in this section of the country at
wholesale or retail.
MaumeeeCity, May 17, 1839.
LEMONS by the box, or at rptoil, by
May IS, 18:)9.
BOSTON CrackeiB the genuine article
by the barrel orlessquantity, by
May 18, 1039.
BOO l'S, Shoes and Slippers ofall kinds
and prices,'., to W. RICHARDSON.
May 18, 18U0.
JOI.E LEATHER, Kip and Binding
skins bv
May 18, 1839.
LOAF, Brown Havana, Muscovado and
Maple Sugars by the barrel or pound,
May 18, 1839.
IMPERIAL, Old and Young Hyson, Hy
son Skin and Black Teas, by
May 18, 1839.
RAISINS, rrunes, Tamarinds, to dried
Currents for sale by
may 25
fTROUT. Mackerel, and Herring, by the
X barrel, box or pound for sale by
may 4.
FOR SALE. A good High Pressure
Steam Engine 15 horser power, with
Doners, j? or lurtner particulars npply to
march 23. JAMES WOLCOTT.
QjT. CROIX Sugar, lump and loaf su-
i7 gar and molasspp, tor sale by
may 4. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
PEPPER, pimento, cassia, cloves, nut
megs, and ginger, for sale by
may 4. ALLEN to GIBBONS.
COFFEE, tea, sugar, by
may 4.
t i auz- corn Brooms, for sale by
XJ' may 4.
CPICE, cinamon, cloves, nutmegs, pep.
ner. irinirnr. mnstnrd nnd nenner sauce.
for sale by
U. 11. INI TUtllK K lyU,
June 1,
Commercial Bnildinrfs,
Afc. pound tonic mixture, a speed v, certain
and warranted cure for fever and ague, in
termittantand rnmittant fevers, for sale by
G. H. NITCHIE to Co.
June 1, Commercial Buildings,
ROCKERY of all kinds, a splendid as-
sortment, for ealelow. by
g. 11. NrrciiiE k Co.
June I, ' Commercial Buildings.
T ROADCLOTHS, cassuneres, eattt-
J3 nets, mn!eskin9, Hunter's and Rus
sell conls, Glcnrock and Kentucky jeans
toe, for sale by
G." II. NITCHIE to Co,
June 1, Commercial Buildings.
UNLOP3 celebrated Blacking, for
sale by G. H. NITCHIE to "Co.
Juno h Commercial Buildings.
"LOTHING,8uch as coats, jackets, vests
pants., cotton and flannel shirts, flannel,
draws toe, for sale by
.Time 1 Commercial Buildings.
NAILS, wrought and cut, for sale by
June I, Commercial Buildings.
COP, starch, sperm and tallow candles
J for sale by
Juno 1,
Commercial Buildings.
KNIVES to FORKS, pocket, knives,
razors, scissors and lnncets, for stile
G. H. NITCHIE to Co.
June 1,
Commercial Buildings.
TTOSIEJY, silk, woolen and. cotton
XX lor sale by
June 1
Commercial Building.
CiAPS. Nutria,
' fur sale by G.
. June t,
fur and hair seal caps
H. N1TCHI . to CO.
Commercial Buildings.
RAISINS. Bunch, Muscatel, Smyrna
and Keg, for sale by
June ' ' Commercial Buildings.
EA and Cofiie, for sale low by
jnn 5
' - Brick Hotel.
OOTS. Men and boys thick boots,
lor sale low. or ...
- - ,U. II. NITCHIE fa CO.
June f, ' Commercial Buildings.
SALiERATUS, for tale by ,
'Juno . 1, Commercial B uilding
tillEVELY, er tho Man of Houor, iady
.ytton Bulwer, for sale bra .
Detroit june t9.
70 Jeff, avenue.
Forwarding and Commission Merchants
Dealers in Produce, Lumber and Salt,
Maumet City Ohio. - -.j.
Palmer Bush to Co. v
Carpenter k Co. Toledo.
Griffith, Stsndart to Co. ) " 'r
Pease to Allen, V Cleveland.'.
G. C. Davies 4t Co.
Gelston to Evans, )
M. Kingman to Co. ( Buffalo.- ' ' .
Hunter, Palmer to Co. ' '
Hullister, to Boalt, Sandusky City
uajry Kjuy .
road st. )
iv. j, vance water, iuu uroaust.
1 . r. Waters 125
Barnard Card to Prnsser.
Gray, Gallagher to Co. i n ,
Pease Chester & Co. Detro
March 30. 53.'
HAMS to SHOULDEftS. Anne lof
of Hams and Shoulders for sale bv
May 4. J. WOLCOTT.
ALL persons indebted to tho firm of
O. Williams to Co., or to D. St. Clair
are requested to call forthwith and make
immediate settlement, os they are deti-rmin-fd
to hnvetheir books closed. They hope):
this call will not be neglected,
nov. 15. S3
Office over J. Wolcott's Store, Wolcolt:
street, Maumee City.
BUTTER and Lard by the barrel or fir
kin, for sale by
may 4- -
of well saved venison hams fn primer-
order, for sale by J. WOLCOTT.
April ST. 411.
slant ly on hand and for sale by
nov 17. 33 "
4 LL persons indebted to E. Alack by
Xjl Note or Account must call and settle"
immediately to save cost, E. MACK.
Maumee City, Feb. 12, 1H39, 40tf
IvKY GOODS, Groceries, Hardware
JL Stone and Crockery ware, for sale by-
July 0.
lALi by thu bbl. or in small unanliticsu
O by
U. 61 V. WlLiJLlAMS.,.
July 28
fTlIN to COPPER Manufactory carried
on, Tin ware at Wholesale and Retail..
july 28. O. to D. WILLIAMS.
OA Ann ,ect P'ne Lumber, for sale by
OV, UUU j js O. to 1). WILLIAMS.
RAGS! RAGSU-Wanted good and clean
rags,byj28 O. to D. WILLIAMS.
rriO LET.A good Store Room, one
X door west of the Central House, also
several upporrooms, suitable for offices and,
shops &c. apply toO. to D.WILLIAMS..
Attorneys and Counsellors at Law, No. 3,.
Liw Buildings, Perrysburg.
Henry Bennett,. )
Samuel B. Campbell. 44tf
OUGAR and Molasses for sale by
June 1;
C ti narcial Bjildings .
CULPIIA1E of Quinine, for sale by
June 15. E. KITTS.
soda, for sale by
June 15.
Bicarbonate of"
I3RINCIPE, Havana, and common Ss
I. gars, tor sale by
may 4.
AS the person if known who took our
spy glass from the Store he had bet
tor return it perhaps and save himself from-'
exposure. .. to W. RICHARDSON.
April 6, 1839.. ltf.
LEATHER. Sole and upper lcathcar
a good article, for sale by
nov.. 17. 33 O. to D. WILLIAMS.
MOLASSES, sugar, tea and coffee, for'
sale by O. to D. WILLIAMS.
nov 17,
UPl'.RFINE Flour constantly on hand
nov. 3.
SPIRIT.? of Turpentine, for sale by
June 15. E. KITTS
SEVERAL sett ono horse Harness. Gon
tleincn and Ladies Saddles, a lane as
sortment at low prices.
June 8.- Commercial buildings.
SELLING cheap fur Cash only, Fall:
and Winter Goods,- a general aaaort-
uuient, st received and for sale by
nov, '7. 33- V. ic V. WILLIAMS.
OPIUM, Sulphate of Morphine, Lauda
num, Black-drop and Puregoric. for
sale by E. KITTS.
June. 15,
GREGORY'S and Lee's Pills, for saltr
Juue 15. by E. KITTS.
JVrl l'KIC, Sulphuric and Aluriatic Acids'-
XI-for sale by ti. h.l llHi
June 15,4te
SWAI.Vl'S Voimifuge, forsaleby
June 15. E. K1TTS.
On jEWe Street, near the corner of Conant.
THE citize ns of Maumee City, and the
adjacent country, are respectfully in--
formed, that the subscribers intend keep
ing a fulLeupply of Provisions, Grocor-
es, Liquors tic. 1 liey solicit a share or
patronage, and will endeavor to keep 01
hand, ol economical pricct, a full supply of
what may be called comfortable. Please
call as above., WOODWARD to SON, -
June 22". . 12.
DRIED APPLES bv the barrel, by
iune 15 A I.LEN to GIBBONS.
CJ FELLING Books, Anthmeticks, Bibles,
5 Geography's, Paper, Ink, Quills dee., by
June 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON. 7
aUININE, Lees Pills, sod-and seid
litz Powders, and Opodeldoc, by
June 15 G. to W. RICHARDSON". .
JUST received, a choice lot of hams and
for sale by
' C. A.to"A,D. VVItilAMS.
July IS.