Newspaper Page Text
'if',. 1 89. CARPENTER & MYERS. FoBWAEDINO AMD COMMISSION MeRCHAHTS, . Toltdo Ohio. , DEALERS in Grain, Flour, Produce, Salt, Plaster, &c. Refer to Joy fc Webster ) B , M. Kingman & Co. J B. Winslow & Co. ) Cleveland. Winch, Wyinan & Co. ( J. L. Whiting tiUo. 1 DelnUi Gray, Gallagher u Co. Hitchcock U Co. Michigan City, Ind. , T. Joy U. Co. Albany. to.Y. Urithth, Tioy. " Hiram Joy, Robinson, Grandin h Co. New- Tork. Kelley &. Lawrence, A. Rinire. They are authorised to contract for the transportation of Merchandize, Flour and Produce, both to and frum New Yorl, at the lowest rates by steamboat, or vessel, on the lake, and by the most responsible linos. May 45, 1839. 8tf. DANIEL. F. COOK Attorney and Counsellor at Law, office over Justice Conant's Detroitstreet. Maumee City, Sept. 1. 22tf ASTRAL LAMPS A new, cheap and beautiful article, for snle by W. WISWEI.L, June 9 Commercial Buildings. s POONS German silver Tea and Ta ble .Snoons, a beautiful article, cheaper and equally handsome with silver, for sale by JV. HISWELL, TEA KETTLES Shectiron Tea Kit tleB, a new article, for sole by W. WISWELL, N. KATIIBUN. BEGS leave to inform his friends and the public, that he has resumed the Profession of the Law, has opened an office oppositethe brick store of Smith it. Crow ell, on Wolcott street, in -Maumce city, where he intends to practice as an At torney, Counsellor, nnd Solicitor, in all the courts of Law and Equity in the state of Ohio. His Justices OfKco is kept inthe Bame building, and is open at, all proper hours. Acknowledgements of all kind of instru ments taken, and allkinds of conveyancing done here with neatness and despatch. Oct. 7. 27tf -'' MIAMI HOTEL OPEN." THIS commodious establishment is now open for the reception of tra vellers. Beinz close to the main steam boat landing in Maumee and where the travel to and from Michigan can be most conveniently accomodated, people wishing to take passage in a steam boot down the lake or to Detroit, or to bo landed near a public house, wil! find this better sit uated for their convenience than any other in the place. In point of size, plan and arrangement, the Miami Hotel is unrivallod on the Maumce river. April 20 3tf CAVENDISH, plug, and line cut tobac co, l'or sale by jnay 4. ALLEN' U. GIBBONS. CLEVELAND Crackers constantly on hand by the barrel, for sale by may 4. ALLEN fc GIBBONS BRANDY, Rum and Gin, by the pipe, barrel or gallon, for sale by may 4. ALLEN fa GUIDONS. BEESWAX, we will pay tlie higuesl market price in Cash or Goods, for any quantity of Beeswax delivered at our Store from thia time until spring. -- Nov. 14. G. to W. RICHARDSON. FARMS TO RENT. Several first irate Farms for rent, if applied for soon. Likewise a quantityof unimproved lands. '..'..- JOHN E. HUNT. , Maumee city, Aprils, 1837 2tf CABINET TRIMMINGS Mahoga ny, rose-wood and maple Knobs, by the gross, dozen or sett, for sale by ' - . C. A.LAMB, Nov. 3. rear of Commercial block. FRENCH BED POSTS.--150 setis French bed posts, for sale cheap, by C. A. LAMB, Nov. 3. rear of Commercial block. 7 A aotts Table Legs, for sale by U C. A. LAMB, Nov. 3. rear of Commercial block. " pifii p T VP1I Til I P'l' rm-t tHN w,l , ,,! !?,, ir,t J in the unner ward of Maumee City For location and command of a good business, there is, perhaps, no better loca - ' !. '. . I inn in , hn mti. .A Inn ni he. ,n nnnnnntmn witn, or without the Tavern, a good More House and Stable For terms, apply to James Kinney, on the premises, or to WM. HT.CLAItl. , Feb. 9. 45tf II OLLOW WARE fac., stove pipe, sheet iron, for sole by nov. 17. 33 O. fa D. WILLIAMS. CARPENTER'S TOOL8 By the- set or single, for sale by ; . . W. HI SHELL. . June 9. . - DRUGS, Medicines, Paints and Dye Stffus.for sale by 1 - O. fa D. WILLIAMS. T) AGS, clean linen rags wanted in pay- jLt ment tor paper. May 4,1839. SABBATH School Books in large or small quantities, will be furnished to Sabbath Schools at a small advance from cost. :.! E. FAIKMAN, , ' June 8. Commercial buildings. : ; -IMPROVED STUCK. ' DUBHAH BUM, NB1.80JI. (TjHOSE wishing to improve their stock of cattle by a crop with the improved Durham Blood can have an opportunity on application to the subscriber at the Beubee Form, about six miles from Maumce City The Pedigree of the Bull Nelson, is un questionable, and can be seen on application to , II. KELLOGG. July 13. . ; . - 15tf. T ADIES HATS, PARASOLS fac JLJ Just receiveda Qne assortment of ele gant Tuscan Hats, from, 9s to 13, Par asols, . French Muslin, Prints, "Ijices, to gether with many other keautiful articles - lor the ladies. Commercial Buildings. 4 , E. FAIRMAN. ' - June 8, 1839. .i 18 WANTED in exchange for Good Pork, butter, lard, oats, corn, lean potatoes, tallow be. by ,;'s ,.-t BC-V.9. ALLEN favGIEBOiNS. MAUMEE CITY & FORT WAYNE LINE OF STAGES. THROUGH IN TWO DAIS. THE subscribe would inform the public that they have set in operation, a line of stages between Maumce City and Fort Wayne, to continue during the season. A stage will leave both of said places every other day, commencing on Monday, May 6th, at 7 o'clock A. M. and meeting at Defiance. Beats in the above line nny be taken a the Jefferson and Central Houso in Mau mce CUy. . R. GOWEfER' prpt"" Maumce City, April 27. 4'.f. REMOVAL. LATHAM T. TEW, takes this method of informing the inhabitants of Mau mee City and its vicinity, that he hns taken the store formerly occupied by T. W. Oro wfcll, on Wolcott street, whero ho will keep coiistuntly on hand, Copper, Tin and Sheet Iron ware at wholesale and retail, onus good terms as cnn bo bought at anv other establishment of the kind. He will make any article in the Copper line that may be called for; such as .Steam pipes, Stils and Worms, Hatters kettles. Wash do. Varnish do. Ohio do. and Tea kettles end Wash Ba sons he. Cupper house pumps constantly on hand. Persons will do well to call and examine before purchasing elsewhere LATHAM T. TEW. 7tf. May 18. NEW ESTABLISHMENT. ("1 A. fa A. D. Williams, take this op portuiiity to inform the public that they have entered into a co partnership for the purooec of carrying on a general Grocery and Provision business. They have taken the corner store beluw the Miami Hotel, where they have received and are daily receiving supplies in tlieir line, which they will sell as low, nnd on as good terms as any of their neighbors. Tavern keepers and small dealers ore re quested to call and examine their stock and prices. U. A. wiIjI.ja.vk. A. D. WILLIAM. Maumce City, May 14, l3. 7.- TOLEDO HUCliSS, NEXT DOoa TO TUB TOLKDd HOUSE, IS this day opened under the superinten dence of the subscriber, who will spare no pains to give satisfaction to all who may favor him with their custom. His Table will be spread with every deli cacy that an epicure can desire, and his TVincs and Liquors will recommend them selves as being o'. the very best quality. JOHN L. SMITH. Toledo, April 9, 18:t9. - 3m6 CAMIIEL M. YOUNG Attorney and Counsellor at Law, Maumce city, Lu cas county. Ohio. May 1 1, 1838, . , . Off t) A quarter casks Wines, assorted; 2 quarter casks superior old Port, fur sale by A u uiuuuiH may 4. ' If 7" Vt kinds of Michigan money, will be received tor Goods at low prices. E. FAIRMAN, June 8. Commercial buildings. 11 by the box, bag or pound, for sale by mny 4. AUlji'.iN t A' all kinds and prices, for sale by U. A. XjAMJI, Nov. 3. reor ol Coniinereiiil block NEW GOODS. ' AS CHEAP AS THIS CHBAPEST. riHE subscribers respectfully inform t'le -- citizens of Watorville, Maumee ( i y, and vicinity, that they have just received, and now offer for sale at the store lately oc cupied by Messrs Earl, Brothers, in Water ville, a new and splendid assortment ol Goods, consisting of English and American Dry Goods, V. I. Goods and Groceries, Crockery, Glass ond Hard Ware, Liquors. White Lead, Oils, Drugs, Nails Sc., winch they will sell as cheap as articles of the same quality can be purchased on the Mau mee fiver, ana no mistake. Tavern keepers and others will do well to call and examine the quality and prices ol our choice selection of .iquors, Groceries 4c. before purchasing plsewhore. FROST fa BUTTEKFIEZ.D. Walerville, June 30th, 1S30. II virtue ot a writ ol vcnai. ixpo. is- toed out of the court of Common Pleas, in and for the couuly of Lucas, to me directed and delivered, I have taken and 6iul Cxi,oso to sale at the door of the Conn I 'on86 in Toledo;- on Saturday, the 24lh ' Y oirtugusi nexi,. at one o ciock r. M, I Lho Mbwmg described property to wil:- 11,8 80ul" ms quarter of the north west , 1,uurtor f section Si, contain 40 acres, be ; t ia omi ih.irn nr Uaa anil I in nrit-,!. Lull t ...-. ... w. v ... .... ...u ii.ri ... .iuii of the north oust quarter of the north wesl quarter of saine section 24, containing 21 acres, in town 2, in the U. 5. 13 miles a luare Reserve, at the foot of the rapids, .ol the Miami of luke Erie, tuken oPthc suit ot Daniel W. Gantley, against Patrick Park. and Samuel Devign. " ". -. . " C. G. SH AW, henjf. ' By F. E. Kibtland, Deputy. ; -t . July 2P. , . -lfitSf, li Y virtue of a writ of vendi. expo, issued out of the court of Cominons Pleas, in and tor the county ol Lucas, to me di rected and delivered,, I hove taken and shall expose to snle at the door of the Court House, in I oledo, on Saturday, sMth day of August next, at one o clock r. Al., the ful lowing described property to wit: Tin east half of the south west quarter of section 4 in town 1, in tho V, S. 12 mile square Reserve, at the foot of the rapids of the Miami of lake Lne taken at the suit of Simonton ond Hight, against Daniel Strayer ana &uwara noen. ' . ' C. G. SHAW, iheriff.: By F. E. Kirtlakd, Deputy. July 20. ' . ; - ' lGtS.f - FY virtue of swrit of vendi. expn.Ae. " sued out of the court of Common Pleas, in and tor the county ot .Lucas, to me di rected and delivered , I have taken and shall expose to sale at the door of tho4 Court House, in Toledo, on Saturday, S till day of August next, at one' o'clock P.M., tho following described property to wit : Lot No. 28, in Hunt and Beaugrands addi tion to Maumee token at the suit of .Amof Stow, against Oscar White. " - C. G. SHAW, therif. '.By F. Ei -KirtIiand,' Deputy. July 20. . ; mH- JALICOES, ginghams, muslins, meri- nos, Circassians, bombazines, bleached and brown linens; book, swiss. m and jackonet muslins; fancy colored ami h in black silks; white and pinkcrapes,lae' . ud J gincs, footings, sinertings, floss, cottuu uud linen threaiifac, for sale by - ' ' , G, H. N1TCUIE & Co. . June 1, . . Cornmetcial Buildings MAUMEE CITY HARDWARE STORE. WWISWELL respectfully inform the . inhabitants of this city and vi cinity that they havo arrived from Now Vork with, and are now opening at the Com mercial Buildings, a largo and general as sortment of Hardware, hollww-ware, tin ware ind Cutlery. Their stock, amongoth er articles, consists of the following: Bar, band, and hoop Iron ; English blister, American and cast Steel; English, Russia and American sheet Iron: trace, hulter ond jack Chains; Blacksmiths' vices ond anvils; shovels and tonrs: scales: Sad and Tai lors' irons; mill, cross-cut, slitting-wuod, circular, fret-hand, key-hole, uacKanu com pass Saws patent and iron weights, sauco and frying pans, tea-kettles, augurs, bel lows, be lows-pipe,crndleand grass scythes, sand poper, cnfl'oe mills, crow-bars, ham mers, bilts and stocks, wire, brass kettles; escutcheon, Norfolk, knob, American and brass Door-latches; sickles; dinner, tea, and cow-bells, brushes, candlersticks, butts and screws, combs, brads, sparables, tucltB, wrought and cut Nails, Locks nnd bolts of all kinds and Bizesv facets and molasses gates; Carpenters' rules, squares, bevels, $c, hat and cloak plus; powder flasks, percussion locks, pills and caps; compass es; tin trunks, glass Innthorns, astral and nurse lamps, dust pans: ever pointed pen cil cases; razor strops; sugar nippers, spir it lovels, bed and clothes cords; snuffers and trnys, German silver nnd iron tablo and lea-spoons; wallers; carriage wrenches: steelyards, hoes, trowels, wallle-irons, bench-screws, sheet lead, sheet-copper, cooking-stoves and furniture. Cutlery Table and Carving Knives nnd forks, steels, jack and pen knives of a supe rior quality, broad axes, adze, planus and irons; drawing? knives, fleams, scizznrs, shears, and superfine razors, fac, together with many other articles too numerous to mention. The articles have been selected with great enre, and can bo afforded cheap tor cash. The public are respectfully in vited locallnnd examine. Maumee City, June D, 1838. : lotf JEFFERSON HOUSE. Emu UTKKET, Maumue Citv.Ohio. Til ME subscriber respectfully informs I the public that he has leased this el igible establislnncnt, and put it in com plete order fur the reception of boarders, travellers and visitors. It is a beautiful situation, in the most pleasant partof said citr, and the subscriber flatters himself that his attention to the accommodation and comforts of his guests will ensure to him aliucrn! share of public patronage. The furniture of the House is new, and the apartments arc in good order. Tho stable is large and commodious, and will be attended by careful servants. ROBERT COWER, apriiai. 5!itf A CASE IN POINT I had unfortu nately lost nearly nil my hair from tho top ol my head, when I commenced the use of the Balm of Columbia and, have, hy the use of one bottle, had my head covered with a nne growth ot Hair. There can bo no mistake in the matter, as any of my friends can see by calling on me. I had also be came quite gray, but had the gray hairs plucked out, and it has grown in as the Balm says, ot the natural color. II any body doubts these facts, let them call upon me and see. I bought the Balm ol Comstock & Co., 2 Fletcher street. 1 A. RINGE No. 19 Cnenties Slip, Agent of Detroit Linn. New York, Nov. 9 1833. Sold by O. Williams fa Co. Maumee City. TVrOTICE. All those indebted to the subscriber, either hy Bond or Note, ire requested to call and liquidate, or renew the same; and all those having BookaccountsunBettled, are requested to call and adjust tin same without delay, and give their notes, if they cannot make it convenient to pay the money. Those who disregard this call will not be long er indulged. , JOHN E. HUNT. Maumee city, April 8, 18:17. 2tf HAVING, brown and white bar Soap KJ by the box or pound, tor snle bv moy 4. ALLEN fa GIBBONS. COFFINBURY & STETSON, attorneys and counsellors at law, HAVE formed a professional connec tion for Wood county. Their office s in A. L. Fowler's new building, Louisia na Avenue, rerrysburg, where calls will al all times bo promptly attended to. A. CoFFINBUat, ' I. Stbtsou ' . Mnrch2.' 48 SPINK & HOSMER," - HAVING formed a co-partnership in the Law Business, tender their ser vices to the public. Their office is at the old stand of Spink fa Coffinberry, in Perys- burg, where one or both of them may al ways be consulted on all business entrust ed to them. .-. Ono of the partners .wi attend the courts in the different counties comprising this Judicial circuit. . JOHN C. SPINK, ., HEZEKIAH L. HOSMER. JVrysbtirg, Dec. 22. , , . , , .38tf a BILLIARD KOOM. TJILLIAltD ROOM, kept by T; P. Sut JL ton, at tho room over J. L, Smithi recess, Upper Toledo. Ball Alley, at the old steamboat Hotel, uuwer loicao. Aept Dy - -- . , - r 'i p SUTTON. Mayl8, 1839.,, -.V :' -V " ' 7tf. CHEAPER THAN EVER. TN consequence of the disaster which oc- JL curred on. the S3d inst. during the gale, the subscribers, having part of tlieir slock very slightly damaged,' will offer them at considerable reduction' from their former prices. , ., G. II. NITCIHE fa Co, '.-.M-iy S., ,-,,. ..-, .--V ('.'.,..-. OTEEL. -HiiBsian , Genna n, Swedes ond kJUast, by G. H. NITCH1E fa Co. .June 1,. -" Commercial Building. HPOMATO PiUs for ealeby"-' "J - " June . E. KITT.f. MOLASSES by the barrel, bv june 15 ALLEN fa GIBBONS. RIO, Havana and t. Domingo Coffee, by june 15. ALLEN fa GIBBONS. A LARGE assortment of Liquors of eve; a ttpaprintillt. nVinan l.w : june 15. ALLENk GIBBONS "IVTOTICE. All persons bavin? ooen an. 1 counts with me, are requested to call ami seme. " - V. A. WILLIAMS. May 18.V '' ''.,-- , o. 4 OMBS of ev?ry variety, by '-'June 15 G. fa W. RICIIAR dson: A CONSTANT supply of the genuine Rowands Tonic Mixture, and Pills r . 1. . . . lur uio uurj ur tile r ever H atrno. on l,nn and at wholes". and retail, by july 18 -, , O, fa D. WILLIAMS. ' BALDNESS. A BEAUTIFUL head of hair is the grand cstornunient belonging to the human frame. How strangely the loss of it chan ges the countenance, and prematurely brings on the appearance of old ago, which causes many to lecoil at being uncovered, and sometimes even shun society to avoid the jests and sneers of their acquaintance ; 'he romaindcr of their lives is cons?quent- ly spent in retirement. In short, not even I the loss of property fills the generous thinking youth with that heavy sinking gloom as does the loss of his huir. To avert all theso unpleasant circumstances, OLDRIGE'SBALM OF COLUMBIA stops the hair from falling off on the first applica tion, and a few bottlcB restores it again. It likewise produces eyebrows and whisk ers ; prevents the hair from turning grav, makes it curl beautifully, and frees it from scurf. Numerous certificates of the first respectability in suppoit of the virtues of Oldrige's Balm are shown by the proprietor. iieou the lollowing: ROHERT WHARTON, Esq., late May or of Philadelphia, has certified, as mov be seen below, to the high character of the tollowing gentlemen : The undersigned does hereby certify that we have used the Balm of Columbia discovered by J. Oldridge, and have found it highly serviceable, not only as a prevent ive against the falling offof hair, but also, certain restorative. WM. THATCHER, Sou., MothodislMinilcr,in St. GeorgochorT-, JOHN P. 1NGLIH, 331 Arch st. JOHN I). THOMAS, M. I). lfirfRacest. JOHN S. FIJRKY.IOI Spruce et. HUGH MeCURDY, 2-13 South 7th et. JOIINI GARD, Jr. 123 Arch st. It will certainly raise its virtues in the estimation of the public, when It is known that three of the above signers are more than 50 years ul'agc, unci the others not less than 30. From the Mayor. ' Commonwealth of l'enwujlvznia, City of Philadelphia, t, ROBERT WHARTON, Mayor of said city of 1 h lauelplna, do hereby certi fy that I am well acquainted with J. P. Iii- glis, John S. r urey, and Hugh McLurdy, whose names are signed to the above cer tificate, and they are gentlemen of charac ter and respectability, and as such full cred it should be given to the said certificate. In witness whereof, I have hereunto set my hand, and caused the senl of the L. S. city to be affixed this sixth day of IJecemner, Sic. ROBERT WHARTON. Mayor. J CAUTION. Observe that each bottle of the genuine Balm has a splendid engra ved wrapper, on which is represented the lollsot Niagara, the agent s nuine, fac. .To Editors, fan. Allcountry papers who will insert the above once a week 6 months, and send one number-to the agents, shal be entitled to one dozen of Balm. Sold wholesale and retail hy COM STOCK fa Co., Sole agents for America, 2 Fletcher st., near Maiden Lane, one door below Pearl st. New York; and by one or more druggists m nearly every town in the Union. For sule at every Druggist store in this city. 23yl CHEAP CASH STORE. - Maumee City. TUVj suDRcriDcr nos received a large stock of Staple and Fancy Dry Goods, ready made clothing; china, crockery rnd glass wnre. The stock embraces a large assortment of extra superfine, fine and com mon cloths, cassinieres, heavy woolens nnd sntinotts of nil colors and qualities; rich quilted siK end oilier ve6tings; silk nnd tnhby velvets; plain nnd figured inerinocs; Circassians; French boiubazme; challeys; mouslin de laine, a beautiful and fashion able article for ladies dresseB; rich silk and other dress handkerchiefs; capes, collars, cuffs, laces, wrought inserlingB, belts, rib bons, fur enpes, shawls fine assortment; French English and American prints: silks of various quolitics and colors; extra fine and common linen cambric; pocket hand kerchiefs; satin dmnaBk mautiilas,-together witn ninny omer now ond Denutitul articles for the ladies. Domestic shoeting, shirt ing drills, checks, ticks, kerseys, yarn, wick, wadding, batting, fustians, beulops, and a large assortment of tailors trim mings; ready made clothing; fine and common coats; over coats; cloaks, vests, pantaloons, jnckets fac. cheap. Chino, crockery and glass ware. - Books and sta tionary; sabbath school books, and tracts, in large and small quantities. . E. FAIRMAN, nov. 17. 33 Commercial Buildings. rrUIE HUMAN HAIR, Where the hoi JL is observed to bo growing thin," nothr iug can be more preposterous than the use of oils, grease or any futty matter. Their applications can only be recommended through the grossest ignorance, as they hasten the lull of the hair by increasing the relaxation of the skin. When there is a harsh, dry or contracted skin, and wheio the small blood vessels which carry nourish ment to the bulb are obstructed, then the oils, fac, may bo good as they tend to relax tneskin: but alone, they are of no avuiln There must be a -stimulus, to rouse the vos. sels from tlieir torpor, and quicken the cur rent of the bloodiEriiui. from,. Clire hngh's, Treatise on the hair. , . - The Balm of Columbia is the only prepar ation that can hove that effect, being en tirely free from any oily substance. 1 BY virtue-of a writ of vendi. expo, is-rued out of the court of Common Pleas, iii and for the county of Lucas, to me direc ted and delivered,, I nave -taken and shall expose lo sale at the door of the Court. House, in Toledo, oir Saturday, 24th of August next, at one o'clock F. M., the fid lowing described property to wit: -Lot number in, block number I, in Wolcotts ad dition to Maumee City, token at the suit of Henry ISawyer, against David Hancock. ; r " -A - C. G. SHAW, -sherit ' , By F. E.- KiRTiAND, Deputy. ' ' July 20. (, , .-; lfit5t T Y virtlieof two writs of vendi. exrto. ; issued out Df the court of Common l'leos, in and ;or7 the .county of Lucas, to me directed and-' delivered, I have -token ond shall expose to sols st the door of the Court House, in Toledo, oh Saturday, 24th of August next, at: "no o'clock P. M. the following- described property to wit:- the south half of the south east quarter of sec tion twenty five in towr seven, north o, range nine, in the district of Delaware, ' in the slate of Ohio, containing 80 acres be the same more or leis. ' r- ., ' C. G. .SliAW, rteriff. -By F. E. KhiTland, Deputy. -. Juiyso. - , . iat5f. WINDOW. SASH, 8 hy 10 and .11 by 15, large lot on hand, will be sold to suit purchasers. , ' E. FAIRMAN, - June 8. ... 'w. Commercial buildings. WARRANTEE DEEDS, Mortgage Deeds, with a general assortment of Justices Blankn, at, Uiis ofB.ce. 0JTlie article published below, concern ing the new and popular doctrine advanced by the illustrious Goelicke of Germany, cannot fail of exciting a deep and thrilling merest throughout our country. 3 ' yi ramlalea from lite t.crnwn.j LOUIS OFFON UOELICKE, OP OKIIMANY, THE GREATEST OF HUMAN BEN EFACTORS. Citizens of North and South America, To Louis Okkon Goemckk, M. D., of Germany, Europe, belongs the imperiehablo honor ot adding a nkw and mEcious doc thine to the Science of Medicine a doc trine which, though vehemently opposed by many of tho faculty, (of which he is a val uable member,) he proves to bo as well foun ded in truth as any doctrine of Holy Writ a doctrine, upon lho verity of M hich are sus pended the lives of millions of our race, und which he boldly challenges his opposers to refute, viz: Consumption is a disease, always occasioned by a disordered state of Vis Vita; lor Life Principle) of the, human body; (Sjofttn secretly lurking in the system for years before there is the least complaint oj the. LuvgsJj ond which may be as cer- lamty, mongii not so qmcKly, cured, at a common cold or a simple headache. A n in valuably precious doctrine this, ns it imparts an important lesson to the apparently heal thy of both sexes, teaching them that this insidious foe may be an unobserved inmate of their ', cluyey houses'1 even while they imagine themselves secure from its attacks, teaching them that THE GREAT SE CRET IN THE ART OF PRESERV ING HEALTH IS TO PLUCK OUT THE DISEASE -Willi E IN THE BLADE, AND NOT WAIT TILL THE FULL GROWN EAR. . This illustrious benefactor of man is also .entitled to your .-unfeigned gratitude, and the gratitude of o world, for the invention ofliisMATCHLIlSd SANATIVE, whose healing fiat may just claim for it such a ti tle, since it hns so signally triumphed ever our great common enemy irUOASU SIP- TION, both in the first und Inst stages, a medicine which has thoroughly tilled tho vacuum in the Materia Hledica, ond thereby proved itself the OyCoNqi'Eiioit of Piitsi- ciansI) a medicine, lor which all man kind will have abundant cause to bless the beneficent, hund of a kind Providence, a medicine, whose wondrous virtues have been so glowingly portrayed even by some of our clergy, in their pastoral visit to the sick chamber; by which means they often become the happy instruments of changing despondency ito hope, sickness into health, and sadness ol friends into joyfulnese. GuEI.ICKE'S , MATCHLESS SANATIVE, a medicine of more value to man than tl vast mines of Austria, or even the united treasures of ourglobe, a medicine, which is obtained equally from the vegetable, ani mul and mineral kingdoms, and thus posses ses a three-fold power, a medicine, which, though designed as a remedy for consumption solely, is possessed of a mys terious influence over many diseases of the human system, a medicine, which begins lo be valued by Physicians, who are duily witnessing its astonishing cures of many whom they had resigned to, the grasp of tin; INSATIABLE URAVE. DOSE of the Sanative, for adults, one drop; lor children, a half drop; and for in fants, a quarter drop: the direci ions explain jng the maimer of taking a half ora quarter drop. Pkicf Three and one-third n'x dollars' ($2,50) per half ounchv . A German coin, valued 75 cents. T - - 1 Ri A certifiiiato from three of Hie MEDI CAL PROFESSION, in Germany, in Eu- . ' rope. We, the undersigned practitioners of med icine in Germany are well aware that, by our course, we may forfeit the friendship of some ot thetacuhy, butnotof its benevolent members, who are uninfluenced by selfish motives. Though we shall refrain from an expression of our opinion, either of the soundness or unsoundness of Dr. Goelicke's ueu doctrine, we are happy to say that we deem his Sanative too valuable not to hi! gen erally Known lor wnat our eyeB uehold and our ears hear, we must believe. " - - We hereby state, that when Or. Louis Of fon Goelicke first came beloro the German public, as the pretended discoverer of a new doctrine and a new medicine, we held him in tue highest contempt, believing and openly pronouncing him to be a base impostor and prince of quueks. But, on hearing- so much said about the Sanative, against it and for it, we were induced, from motives of curi osity merely to -make trial of its reputed virtues upon a number of our most hopeless patients; and we now deem it our boiinden duty (even at tho expense of our self inter-. esi) puoupiy io acKnovvieuge it ctlicaey in curing not only the consurtiption, but other feorful maladies, which we have heretofore believed to be incurable. Our contempt lor tho discoverer of this medicine was at once Bvyallowed up in our utter astonishment ot these- unexpected results; and, as amends for our abuse of him, we do frankly confess to tho wo,rld, that we believe hima philan thropist, who doos honor lo the profession, to oiircountry, which gave him birth. . . s The adoption of this medicine into smhe of our European hospitals is a sufficient guaranty' that it performs all it' promises. It needed not our" testimony, tor wherever it is used it is its own best witness." '" .-" . vHERMN ETMULLF.R, M. D. -:. , WALTER. VAN GAL'LT, M D. . ADOLPHUS WERNER, M. D. . Germany; December Id, 18:10.. -' .r ,;.? GREAT EXCITEMENT IN. BOSTON! Trembling anvmg the - Medical , Faculty! VVE learn that the distinguished .Dr. T " Watson, 276 Washington street, 9m!. Dr. S. C. Hevvett, the celohrated,Bonoset tor, 207 Washington v street, (two. of the most skilful practitioners in Boston, having witnessed me nappy enects ot Uoelick 1 Matchlese Sanative in.several cases which have come under their observation, have gi ven the general Agont of this great modern medicine, permission to refer to them through the public journalsv - It is with pleasure, we notice such acts of disinterest ed benevolence; and this noble generosity of Dr's H. ond W. bespeaks their genuine (juoooviiropy. -., - . -. We understand,' Dr. Watson U of. 'the opinion, tint as the Sanative ha Created such a tremendous excitement anvmg the Me dical Faculty, it mast be something extra ordinary and far fnporioi to the common nostrums of the dayand thero cannot bo a doubt, but when the virtues of ihis grail specific shall be duly appreciated by Physi cians, they will frankly acknowledge it to bo the must valuable addition which has been made to the Matoria Medica since the days of Hippocrates. - ' , . .- . : ' - f C. C. P. HUNT, Agent. -. Post Office, Maumet City iiMl$, 1630. 11. MORE PUBLIC OPINION. rPHE following deservedly favorable no- -'tice of "BRISTOL'S EXTRACT OF SARSAPARILLA" is tnken from the New Yorker of the 3d inst -D.BvJf.Jour- (j-Sarsaparilla. Although decidededly averse to puffing ony of the quack remedies of the day, yet we are induced to notice a medicine of a different character ot the in stance of a friend who has UBed it with de cided success in his family. We allude to Bailey's Compound Extract oSarbapa riila, which is extensively manufactured in Buffalo, by C. C. Bristol, Druggist. We do this the more readily, as it is warmly re commended by many able medical men at the West, and, as wo ore assured by all the physicians 111 Bufhilo, who state that they use it in their practice and with decided success in chronic discuses and other affec tions arising from on impure state of the blood. This is a convincing proof of its ef ficacy, as tho medical faculty, it is well known, arc decidedly opposed to all quack remedies. - . The following is copied from the Now York Gazette, one of the oldest nnd must respectable daily papers in the Union. (VV-Wc apprehend that it would bo dif ficult to hunt up a better hater of humbugs than ourselves, or to lind any disposed 10 look with more contempt upon quackery 0 all sortB, but we verily believe that we ough to speak favninhlo of a preparation which has gained great celebrity at the West, ond which comes recommended hy the united certificates of all the le ding members of the regular medical profession at Bullalo, forti fied by the testimony of a very groat num ber of lho most respectable men in the wes tern country, who have tested its practical excellence. We allude to " Bailey's Fluid Extract of Sausaparilla." Mr. C. C. Bristol of Jin fl'u lo, is the preparer and pro prietor of the article, and proposes, we be lieve, to establish an ngency for its Bale in this city, and there is no reason to doubt, that the character it will bring with it and its own virtues will render it popular. From tho Geneva Gazette, of Oct, 17. .. We would call attention to the ndveitise- mei t in our columns to day of the Extract of Sarapaiulla, from tho Laboratory of Mr. J. L. Bristol, ot Bullalo. Perhaps there is no preparation of the day which enjoys so enviable a reputation as a remedial agent as this. At the west its success has been 1 1 11 Don lulcit , and wherever introduced, we believe it has given the 111 out perfect satis faction, - . ' . -: -We have been shown this day a Litho graph, by Steele fa Peck, of a most remark able cure of an obstinate cutaneous eruption, where the whole body was covered with large fulsome ulcers, nnd even the tonsils of the throat enlen away; and by the use of only six bullies ot tho Sarsaparilla the pa tient was entirely restored to health. Tho certificates may be seen at Mr. Kel ly's Drug Store,' where the article may be hud in any quantity. . (pJ-Uuctor Rogers, of Geneva College, Prof, of Surgery, in a Lecture before that class, spoke ot the Harsaparilla ill the high est terms. In chronic inrlamations ho re commended it in the strongest manner, and he said he had used it with the happiest sue cess; ulso, in renovating tl.e system from the cad ejfects-of calomel, rnd ho spoke ot the manner ol its acting: that it had a spe cific tendency to the skin, and that this was used so successfully 111 certain diseases ol the skin. ' From Dr. R. G. Snow, Mr. C. C. Bristol: - '. ' Dear Sir For the last three or four years I have used in my proctice, "Bailey's Ex tract of Sarsnparilla," (prepared by your: self,i ond almost, invariably, with the most murked benefit to my patients. 1 have pre scribed it mostly in chronic diseases of the skin and alimentary organs, and nlso affec tions arising from an impure state of the blood.' I can cheerfully rpconimend it to the public as n snle and elhcucious remedy in the ubove diseases. R. G.SNOW.M.D. - Buffalo, August l.r), 18H8. - ' ' We have witnessed the good effects ot liaiiey s Uicmico.1 (Jompound f luid Extract of Sarsaparilln, manufactured by . C C. Bristol, of this city, and can cheerfully re-. commend it to the, public as being a very valuable preparation for purifying the blood. ISuttalo, June, 1830 Oliver G. Steclo Thomas J. Nevii Pierre A. Barker , . Calvin F. S. Thomas Charles Faxon P. W. Sawin . Wm. G. Miller :. M. Codwallader Horatio Gates , T. Lewinski Goo, C. Hooker. Thos. G. Perkins N. Harrow " ; Wm. J . Miller , -" W. L. Carpenter G. B. Crandall -,-Chas. C. Haddock Geo. E. Hayes B. Thomson -' ."..Jos. Fuxon : - 1 . -- Isaac F, Moltby - James Reilley Roswell Chapin A. Al. Clapp A. Larzclere, Yp. Mn. Philip Dorsheimer ' fljPurchasers w ill be careful to observe that the genuine preparation bears the sig nature of C. C. Bristol on the directions ae companying it.s() ' ; " Sold in this city by L. S. Reynolds, Wm. Williams fa Co., R. Rollister fa Co., A. Reynolds, Jr., J. A. Cowing fa Co.', and C. C.Bristol. In Detroit ,' by Chdpin fa Owen;-" Ann Arbour, by Ward & Jewett; Cleveland, Sanford fa Lolt; Erie, J. S. Cnr- tcr and K. U. MurJburt; Toledo, (;. G. Mc knight; Conuenut, S. .f; Fenton; Pitts burgh, B. A. FnhneBtock; Rochester, J. faJ.D. Hawks; Cauandaigua, O. E. Sib ley; Geneva, L, Kelly fa Co,; Auburn, Ab bott fa FoEgate; Maumee City, O. fa D. Williams.. ; ... Buffalo, April 27 1039. " 0m4 OLDRf DOE'S B ALM OF COLUMBIA ,FOR THE HAIR. Its positive qual ities are, as follows.:-, . -." ,-Ist For infante, keeping the head free, from scurf and causing a luxuriant growth jf hair. .V- , , ., .- .:,,-.- -i; v.i -, 2d For ladies after child-birth, restor ing the skin to its natural strength and firm ness, and preventing the falling, out of the hair.- ,, : ';.- '.. ;,''-. ' 3d Forany "norson recovering from any debility, the same effect iB produced. . ;.' . 4th -If used in infancy till a good growth is started, it moy be preserved by attention to the jatest period of lite. ' .' v-',,-tr - btti It trees the , head from dandruff. strengthens the roots, imports health and vigor to the circulation, and prevents the hair from changing eolor or getting groy. Cth It causes the hair to curl beautifully when done up in it over night. "'-,. ftVNo ladies' toilet should over be mode without it. ': " - . 7th Children who have bv anv means contracted vermin in the head, are imme diately .and perfectly cured, of tliem by its use, . It is infallible. . ' -, ',. " , Fur nearly all ' respectable drug gists. None genuine without a splendid steel plate engraved wrapper. .' Apply to Comstock fa Co., 2 Fletcher street, New York.v Also, at 0. Wiliams fa Co., Mau mee City. - , . "( . ;-..'.; , . :'y WANTED old copper, brass,.pcwter nnd lone- m- exchange for copper, tin and shectiron w're. - - Y J ;l - r LATHAM T, TEW. Alaumce, Oct. 7, , '. 30tf : ' PILES, &C. JlT AEMORRIIOIDS. -Nocurenopayl! Price $t. Hay's Liniment. No fic tion. This extraordinary chemical compo sition, the result of science and the inven tion of a celebrated medical man, the intro duction of which to the public was invested with tho solemnity of a death-bed bequest, has since gained a reputation unparalleled, fully sustaining the correctness of the la mented Dr. Gridley's last confession, that " he dared not die. without giving to pos terity the benefit of his knowledge on this subject," and he therefore bequeathed to Ins friend and attendant, Holomon Hays, the secret of his discovery. It is now used in the principal hospitals. and the private practice jnour country, first and most certainly for the cure of the Piles, nnd nlso so extensively and effectually as to bafile credulity, unless where its effects are witnessed. Externally in the following complninta : For Dropsy Creating extraordinary ab sorption at once. All Swellings Reducing tliem in a few hours.. 1 llheumatism Acute or Chronic, giving quick ease. , - - Sore Throat BycancerB,ulcersor Colds. ' Croup, and Whooping Cough Exter nally, nnd over the chCBt. Mil liruisvs, sprains ana Burnt Curing n a few hours. Sores and Ulcers Whether fresh or Ion? standing, and fever sores. t operations upon adults and children in reducing rheumatic swellings, and loos ening coughs and tightness of the chest by relaxation ui me pans, nos Deen surprising beyond conception. The common remark of those who have used it in the jPiYcs, is "It nets like a charm." THE PILES. The price ffl is refund-' ed to ony person who will use a bottla o ' Hay's Liniment for the Piles, and return the bottle without being cured. These ore the positive orders of the proprietor to lho Agents; and out of many thousands sold, not one has been unsuccessful. We might insert certificates to any lengl't, but prefer that those who sell the article, should exhibit Use original to pur chasers. CAUTION.-None con be genuine witj out a splendid engraved wrapper, on whi is my nume, nnd also that oj the Agents? SOLOMON HAYS. ' TO EDITORS,- fac. All country pa .pers who will insert the above 6 months,' and send one number to the agents shall be entitled to one dozen of the Liniment. ' Sold wholesale and retail by COM STOCK'fa Co., Sole Agents, 2 Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane, one door below Pearl st. New York, and by ono druggist in every town in the Union. , For sale at ey- . cry DrupgiBt store in this city. .. r-'ept. 7.- .-. . . S3yl . HEADACHE. DR. E. SPOIIN, a German physician ot much note, having devoted his attention for some years to the cure and removal of tho causes of NERVOUS AND SICK HEADACHE, has the satisfaction lo make known that he has a remedy which hy removing the couses cures effect ally ai.d permanently this distressing com plaint. There are many families who have considered Sick Headache a constitutional incurable family complaint. Dr. S. assures hem that they are mistaken, ond laboring under distress which they might not only alleviate, but actually eradicate by the use of this remedy. It is the result of scientific research, and is entirely of a different character from ad vertised patent modicincs, and is not un pleasant to the taste. HEADACHE, SICK OR NERVOUS. The extraordinary reputatiin that Dr. Spohn's remedy for this distressing com plaint is every day goining. is certainly a matter of much astonishment. That so much suffering . should have existed for ages without any discovery of an effectuol preventative or cure, is truly a subject f much regret, but Dr. S. now assures thb public that such a remedy has been invented as will convince tho most credulous. The principles upon which, is at actre simple and plain. It is an admitted fact this com plaint, whether called Sick Headache, or Nervous Hcadoche arises prmarily from the stomach those who think they havo the Nervous Headache may rest assured thai this organ, the stomach, is the first cause, that the system has been vitiated or debil itated, through the stomach, and that only through the some channel must they expect a rest oration of the natural and healthy functions of the system. . This object, Dr. Spohn's remedy is eminently calculated to attain. . The truth of Hub position cannot bQ controverted, and the sooner sufforcrs with the hendoche become convinced of it, the sooner will their sufferings end in restoration of heolth. Dr. Spohn pledges his professional reputation on this fact. The remedy may be had of apothecaries generally throught out the U. 8. ' . ." COMSTOCK fa Co., wholesale druggists 2 Fletcher street, near Maiden Lane, ono door below Pearl street, N. Y., general agents for America. 1 ' - . ' ' E- SI,HN. M. D. : fX?" For salo it every Druggists' in this city. - . . . , Maumee City, Sept. 5, 1838. 23y NAPOLEON AND HIS TIMES -A LA'ABRI, or tho Tent Pitched, bv M p win:- ' 1 l r r... 1 -Detroit june 29, fllio, ll'l PUIB UV S. L. ROOD. 70 Jeflerson Avenue.- fHE WOiKS of Joseph Addison, com-"- plete. "'.'.. , .- t - . . .. : Cobb's Miniature lexicon. " Dryden's complete works. " " ' Mackenzie's " ' ' -Woddingtnn's Church History. ' " Ambon's Horace. r .- ? ' , r ."''n-tessoiis, fae.,jii6t received and forsale by , - S. L. ROOD. Detroit june 20. ' . . - 70 Jeff, tv MAUMEE CITY EXPRESS.',, TKHMS oraUIlSCRIPTION-' Two Po'lars nnd liny cents per annum, lo be n&id in 3,iuiheenrlofiheyeBr. ...... . ' To BlllnrriliflM Wlm linvn Ihttir nani tn ia. .- doora, My cenia in advance from the nbov lerms. ,. - ".! katbs of adVkhtfsino, , s One dnpar per iqtmre for the Unit tbreeimertloiii,nd ' twenty 0v ccnta lor every eubii)eiit inaertioa. liEOAL A ovBnTimNo. One dollar and ilfty centi per aquiirn for (lie ill it three Inaertiont, and thirty eiiiht ceuu Br each HuUcyuent Iniertion. - " YEAHI.V APVERT1SINO.' i One qijsre per nnn.,. .....,,., tin no " ri Quarter column do le'oo : !nr :::::: :iM ; Advertlsomeati not acronipnnied with wrliirn III 'IS for" "J,vc"!"tmeI" ' 1" urtl Nollcei by -awxlallom, buff prlfo. ' , ' JOB PRINTING . , 1 innNTo - " H. Tot,, Ey. Kwf B. Ami, IMndn,.. P. Biai,., Mmctou, A.. UvlL, tcey.. 1