Newspaper Page Text
1.05 w BY REED & HOSMEB. T IT A TT T TPV IT nr n .H "4 TT Wrrm TVT Trr M -wr- -TTTv -w -wrm s- ' ' -i BUSINESS DIRETCORY. MAUMEE CITY. MAUMEE CITY INSURANCE CO. Commercial Buildings. MUTUAL INSURANCE OFFICE, At the Jefferson House, Wm. Kingsbury Agent. CUSTOM HOUSE OFFICE. Canal street. STATE LAND OFFICE, Erie street. - REED fo HOSMER, - Hook b Job Printers, Maumee Express v Office, Wolcott street. DANIEL F. COOK, Attorney and Counsellor nt Law. o. ,M. AOliiNti, Attorney it, Counsellor at Law. "NTrathbun. Attorney and Counsellor at Law. HENRY REED, Attorney and Counsellor at Law . NATHAN RATII11UN, Justice ol tne rence. . HORATIO CON ANT, Justico or the l'eace. DR. WILLIAM ST. CLAIR, Physician U Surgeon. Erie street. JJMi'UfJ I) WIGHT, 'hysician "an J Bu rg?Wololt street. G. S. II VZ ARU, orwarding and Commission Merchant Water street. sruiTu. iiiiwk & t:o. 'orwarding and Commission Merchants, w aier street.. . pnn s VT HitM ACK. i'orwarding and Commission Merchants. ... 1 i wrn"iitT. 'orwarding ind Commission Merchant, 3 -.- vv ator street. 1? 17 A til MAN. Dry Good and Variety Store, Commercial DUIIUingS iv wikyvEi.l. Oealer in Hardware, Hollow-ware, Tin ware and Cutlery, nine street "SPENCER fc MOORE, i)ealers"in Dry Goods, Groceries and UrocKery, line mruei. "iXt I a II A Tii A CVK . Dealer in Dry Goods Groceries and (JrocKery, rronistreei. n t, w mnii AnnsoN. Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, fie. &tc. 1'irie street. rs h NlTPHIP. fa. CO. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, noiei uuuuinps. rt n WILLIAMS. !)rv Goods, Groceries, Hardware, Crock- ery, occ. cne street. ELI KITTS, Dealer in Drugs, Medicines tie. Erie street. IRA WHITE. Dry Goods, Hooks be. Wolcott street CLARK ft FARGO. Wholesale and Retail dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Cnm. ercial Buildings. "C. A. fc A. D. WILLIAMS, Groceries and Provisions. R. HASTINGS. Groceries and Provisions. wnnnwAiin r. son. Dealers in Groceries and Provisions, Erie street. T WOLCOTT. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries, Provi ions. Stoves. Iron ate. wolcott Btrce- ALLEN Ji GIBBONS. Groceries and Provisions. Erie street. "It. k STEELE Dealer in Groceries and Provisions. Erie street. D. C. FORSYTH Co. Dealers in Dry Goods, Crockery and Hard re. corner ot rront ann sonant strrets. . LATHAM T. TEW, rv.rtor i Tin Mnmifnetnrer. Wolcott street at the late store of T. W. Crowcll. CHARLES A. LAMB, Cabinet Furniture Manufacturer rear of Commercial Buildings. ' JEFFERSON HOUSE, Robert Gowor, Erie street. MUMI HOTEL, By George Kirkland, near the lower steam' noar, lanmnir. CENTRAL HOUSE, Eliiah Clark. Erie street. PEBHYSBURG. SPINK h HOSMKR, Attornies and Counsellors nt Law. BENNETT fa CAMPBELL, -Attornies and Counsellors at I nw.' , OOFFINBERRY St STETSON,--Attornies and Counsellors at Law. EAGLE HOTEL. Joseph Creps. Louisiana Avenue. - HOLL1STER U CO. "Forwarding and Commission Merchants, DO AN & EARL, Frowardine and Commission Merchants, v ; GILBERT BEACH. Dealer in Dry Goods, Groceries Uc. be CURTIS b KRIDLER, iloot, Shoe, b Leather Store, opposite the .' temperance House. C D. WOODRUFF, Tin and Copper Manufactory. TOLEDO. DANIEL O. MORTON, , . : Attorney, Counsellor and Solicitor. C. F. b ). G. ABBOTT, . ' Attornies and Counsellors at Law, and Solicitors in Chancery. - ' ..PALMER. BUSH b CO. Forwarding and Commission Merchants, Toot of Erie and Kalamazoo rail roadi , , , . - TITUS b Co. -Wholesale Dealers in Dry Goods, Groceries, Hardware be. be La Grange street. J. A. TITUS b Co. Dealers in Fancy and Staple Dry Goods, jSroceries be, corner of Suimit and Locust - streets. ' CARPENTER b MYERS. Forwarding and Commission Merchants , ot or fcne b Kalamazoo railroad. AMERICAN HOTEL.' R. N. Lawton, Summit street. TOI.EBO Rrcrw.Ha ' ' By John L. Smith, next door to- the .Toled 4AOUSS. ' --: MAUMEE Volume III.-No. 99. 1839. AMERICAN TRANSPORTATION CO. T "EHCHANDIZE, Passengers, be ItJ. transported with despatch, via .Rail Road Line, Steam Barges, on the Hudson River, Mohawk and Hudson Jiail .Road to Shencctady, and by first class line boats to Buffalo, Steam-boats and vessels on the lakes, American 1 ransportatation Line, Ohio Canal. For Freight or Passage apply lo Darker, l1'1'' II. Niles b Co. $ Corner of Hudson i)- Wm. 13. Knox, Qiiray Albany. I, . Hiiro b Co., Schenectady. II. Wrights b Co,, Rochester. Carpenter b Myers, Toledo. Atwater & linden, ) , , Clark Aobinson, Bva' Som'l. P. Carter, Cleveland. G. S. Hazard, Manmee City. Strong b Mc Reynolds, Detroit. G. S. Hubbard b Co. Chicago. July 13. 15. 1839. TRANSPORTATION. -BUFFALO LINE, Erie Canal. HlAtl)EU8 JOY & CO., Proprietors -ttlNNM TKI) will, Hti-nm t'roiirht limilu KJ and vessels on Lake Erin. The Proprietors and Agents of this line, w ill contract tor the transportation of Goods or Produce at fair rates, and pledge them selves to those who may entrust Property to their cure for transportation, that the same shall be forwarded with care and des patch; and that any damage that may oc cur to property shipped by the above line, which the Proprietors may be liable for, shall bo adjusted in the most prompt an. liberal manner. AuTiiomsKO AonnTs. Carpenter b Myers, Toledo. Hiran Joy, No. 18 South-street, JV. Y. Tliaddeus Joy b Co., Albany. Joy b Webster, Buffalo. Richard Winslow bCo., Cleveland. Hull & Shepard, Jtlanilnn. Priest & Page, Utile Falls, A". Y. Samuel Adams bCo., Dresden. B. Comstock b Co., Columbus. M. B. jRossb Co., Portsmouth. July 13. 15. BUSINESS LOTS TO LEASE. THlIIE subscriber for the purpose ofaflbrd JL ing conveniences tomonof business, whnnrp desi rniis to Bettlc in this Dlace. offer forBalo at reasonable prices, orto leasoat moderate rents, tne loiiowing iois, upon me principal business streets in this town. 19, 20, 21; north side Broudway; 78 West side of Canal street; 130 Corner of William Vt. 4 in block 1, north side of So phia st; Also a largonumberof lotseiigi- biy situatpu tor resiuenccs. For information and terms apply to I. D. BEAUGRAN 1), Manmee City. R. DICKERSON, J Lower Sandutkv LA. Q. RAWSON, ( Lmv" a"a"""J . I5-tf L THE WHOLESALE STORE IN TOLEDO. TITUS, TOWN SEND b TITUS, 220 Pearl street, New-York, encouraged by the share of support their branch at Tolkdo received during the past year, will continue the establishment. Experience has nroved that thev were not over san guine when they claimed facilities which enabled them to sell goods in fact cheaper than any other house west of Ntw-York, and thoy speak with confidence when they promise to offer stronger inducements to pur chasers man any omerjirm in me rr mem country. r They would respectfully invite their old customers, and the trade in general, Mer chants, Contractors, Hotel Keepers dV. to n-ive their stock an examination. Their as sortment will consist as usual, principally of Dry Goods and Groceries, with many other such articles as tho wants of the coun try may reauire. As fresh invoices will be shipped from JTev-York wceklv, through the season, they will not now attempt to cive a detailed list of their goods. Store fool of La Urange St., Lower loicao, May 10, 183U. J1IU3 N w. RETAIL STORE IN TOLEDO. mlTUS, TOWNSEND b TITUS, 229 I Pearl street, New-York, will, in addi tion to their Wholcsulo Store, continue the IIhtail Branch of their house atloledn, under the firm of J. A. Titus b Co. Fresh supplies of goods will be received weeRly through the season, and they will continue their b.ast of having the handsomest, cheap est, and bist selectt d Stuck ever offrred in Toledo, which will consist of Dry Goods, Ghhcrries, Boots and Shoes, Nails, Oil, Carpi.tino be. Their goods were selected expressly for this store, and are nt the cluncest and rich est description. Terms C"sh only. J. A. ,.l 11U1 K UO. Corner of Summit A Locust streets Lower Toledo, May 10, 18:(9. AMERICAN HOTEL., Summit street, near the tower steamboat landing, Toledo. , RN. LAWTON takes this opportunity to inform the public that he has taken the above splendid establishment, and fitted it up in good style for tho accommodation of all who may favor him with their cus tom. He intends to try the experiment of keeping the best of every thing, and thus meriting a substantial reward from the res ident and travelling public. March, 16 1839 , , 50tf - NO MISTAKE. DR. ST. CLAIR would give notice to the people of Maumee City and vicini ty, that he has disposed of his interest in the store of O. Williams b Co., with tho full intention of pursuing the science and practice of Medioine. Therefore hopes to merit a reasonableshare of the public pat ronage. - ' ' ' ' March 5, 18S9. 49tf SPERM Oil, and Candles, mould and dipped tallow Candles, in any quantity, by , ., ALLEN & GIBBONS, may' 4.- ' ; - - ' ' REMOVAL. SPENCER & MOORE have removed to the store formerly occupied by Messrs. MorehouBeand Brownlee corner of Conant and Erie street. -'" - ; ' " Maumee City, May 17th 1889. " 7. . TO PRINTERS. ' . " FOR SALE. A font of small Piea of about two hundred pounds, near j now and complete, with Italic and ca- at this office. TBUFFALO LEATHER STORE. MW Rohskt b Howard offer, at New York prices, at their old stand, No. 134 Main St., directly opposite the City Bank, and two doors above the Mansion House, one ot the largest and nest stocks ol Lemh er ever offered in the Western Country, to wit: 20,000 sides Spanish and slaughter Sole l.eatner, 4,000 " Upper, 3,000 Harness, 3,000 " Kib, 400 dozen Calf'Skins. Also, Skirting, Seating, Patent, Collar, Bag, Top, and Kussett, Bridle, Horse and Band Leather. .' Morocco's seal colored Linings, alum dressed, and white do., fancy Morocco, Chnniois skins. Sheep, Goat, and Deer bind ings, French Calf skins, Philadelphia do. Baltimore Oak sole Leather, Thread and Silk ol'cll kinds, Lists, Shoe Findings, Tan ners and Currier's Tools, Pegs, Lampblack be. Arc. Also, a laree quantity of Currier's Oil. of the best qualtity, Spanish Hides, African nil Pntnado. on hand. As we inaiiulactiire the principal part of our Leather we are en abled to sell lit JVfW York Prices. Western Dealers going East, would do well to cill and take prices. . WAN TED. B.000 Slaughter Wides for which Cash will he paid. Buffalo, Aug. 3. lmti. Ih39. DETROIT LINE illERCIIANDIWE. Forwarded to West l'B nm IMou'.Ynrk. Ohio. Michigan. In diana, Illinois. Missouri and Kentucky, by a daily line of Steam boats on Lake Erie. Kejercncei. Burker, Woodward b Co. Troy. H. Petrie, Rochester. M. Kingman b Co. Buffalo. Winch, Wyninn b Co. Cleveland. Carpenter b Myers, Toledo. Gray, Gallagher b Co. Detroit. P. S Vecdcr, St. Joseph, Jlich. Kcnzie, llnntcr b Co. Chicago. A. Rinuis, Agent, 19 Coenlies Slip, jv.-r. July 13. 15. NEW DRUG STORE. E KITTS, on Eric, two doors below . Conant street, has just received a n-cncral assortment of Paints, Oils, Glass, Droos, Medicines and Grocrriksj which he oilers tor sale, and solicits a share of patronnge. ., Ilia medicines will bo always prepared with the greatest care, and the public are assured that ns enre shall be wanting, to have every article which may be ordered from his store, put up in the nicest manner, and without mistakes. He will endeavor to supply physicians and surgeons with ar ticles in their line on as reasonable terms as can bo done elsewhere, and warrant I hem to he of a good quality. They , and the pub lic eenerelly, "8 respectfully invited to call. Maumee City, Juno 13lh, 1839. 1 1 SIDNEY L. ROOD, Bookseller, Publisher, Stationer and Bin der. 70 Jefferson Avenue, Detroit. KEEPS constantly on hand and tor sale at wholesale or retail, Theological, Law, Mndicai, Miscellaneous, Classical and School Books: English, French and Amer ican Stationery. He also keeps on hand, and manufactures to order, every descrip tion of Blank Books, required by county officers and business men. They also pub lish School Books, which will be sold at eas tern prices, wholesale or retail: Davies Arithmetic, Davics Legcnilrc s Geometry, Davies' Algebra, Davies' Sur veying, Davies' Differential Calculus, Da vies' Shades and Shadows, Huntington's Geography, Smith's Geography, Printing Ink constantly on hand. Detroit, April 6, 1839. 1 ASSIGNEES NOTICE. HI ESSI1S. Acker and Kanadv, of Mau- mee City, hive made an assignment to the subscriber of all their copartnership pro perty and eilccts, tor the beneht ot the ere ditors of the same, who will present their claims under oath or atlirmation to the sub scriber within six mon' lis. All perfons in debtodtosaid firm are required to mnkc immediate payment to the subscriber at his olhce in the (Oinmerciol Hull, lings. 10 THOMAS CT.ARK, Assignee. Maumco City, July 20th, A. D. 139, HIDES & CALF SKINS THE subscribers will pay tho highest price in Cash or Goods, for Hides or Calfskins. G. b W. ICARDSON. July 8th lW'O. TORK. 511 bh niw-s, one Hug b prime J. pork a first rate article torsaln by G. 8. HAZARD August, 15 M USTARD & Pepper Sauce for sale by may 23 CLARK & PAKUU. COMMISSION STORE. rpHE subscribers are ready to receive, on commission, all kinds of Merchandize, Provisions, Groceries be. be. They will use every exorlion to effect quick sales, and the owner may nepend on prompt reiurns, ' . WOODWARD & SON. June 22. - 1. rURE SPIRITS, constantly on hand, X and for sale by may 85. ALLEN & GIBBONS. ALCOHOL, on hand, and for sale by innv 2o. ALLEN b GIBBONS. D QMESTIC LIQUORS, just receivcp and for sale by may 25. ALLEN b GIBBONS, -t f IIHDS. St. Croix Sugar, J.U 20 Sacks Coffee, ' , 5 Hhds. N, Orleans Sugar. -' 90 Chests Younir HvsonTea. 10 do. . Imperial, for sale low for Cash,by CARPENTEll MlKtiS. June 20. OHIO flour for sale by C. A. b A. D. WItilAMS. July 18, 15 200 bushels White Beans, for sale by may 4. ALLF.N b GIBBONS. . LOT of choice Wine and Litjiiora on consignment, low tor i,asn,Dy CARPENTER St JUYERS, June 29. " rODFISH at wholesale, by june 15. - ALLEN b GIBBONS. "R APP1 NG paper b Twine for sale by may 20- Li,AnK f AKbU. CITY EXPIRE MAWMEE CITY, OHIO, SATURDAY, OCTOBEK 19, 1839. REASONS FOR RISIBILITY. BT I. M. riTZOEBALD. " Why do yoa laufh io much?" Sweet cost I'm happy whea I can, I'm merry while 1 may, For llft'a at moat a narrow apan, At beat a winter'a day. If care could make a aunbeam wear A brighter, warmer hue, The evening alar ahine out more ft Ir, The bine aky look more blue, Then I ahould grow a graver man But alnce 'tie not the way. Sweet cox! I'm happy when I can, And merry while I may. If aigha could make uaain the leaa, Ferchnnce 1 were not gtad If mourning were the aage'a dreaa, My garb ahould atill he aad But alnce the nngela' winga are white, And evrn the young aalnta amlle Since virtue weara a brow of light, . And vice a robe of guile Since laughter ia not under ban, N' r goodncta clad In grry, Sweet cot! I'm happy when I can, -'- And merry while I may! I've aeen a huhip dance a reel, . And anlnner flutand prayi A knave at top nf fnrlune'a wheel, And a good man caat away. Wine have laeeli yourgrave oneaquan" Mlulil set our fleeta afloat ; But I never heard a hearty laugh From out a villain'! throat And I never knew a mirthful man Make aad a young maid a day So cox! I'm happy when 1 can, And merry while I may. From the Baltimore Bun. AN EVEN SWAP. There is a timo in the trado of those moulders of ccntilitv, yclept tailors, which they technically denominate "cucumber time.'' During'this period, which extends from the latter end of July to the end ol August, business is at a complete stand, and scarcely a stitch is taken, unless it ue to " bushel" the unmentionables or some un fortunate bachelor, who has neglectud the ndaje that "a stitch in lime saves nine. It v, as upon one ot these luie nays, mm a merchant tailor in a certain business street in this city, was standing listlessly behind his counter, clinpinc into shreds and patch es a piece of list with a pair of shears that were rusted with long disuse, ue tnoiigui of heavy outstanding bills and incoming notes, he called to mind the busy hours he had snentin takinir the dimensions of the sapling sprigs of fashion, and padding them into shape according to Gimtor: ho looked at his dusty shelvesandcastaneyeathisold goose, and avowed that the first customer that applied, ho would bargain witn upon his own terms. The vow was scarcely re- orded bv the commissioner ot such deeds, when a man entered the store, and the wor thy proprietor rejoiced that his vow bad been heard. Look here," said the person, a man of no largo dimensions, but with a roiruith twinkle in his eye, "I want a suit of clothes; these I have on are rather shabby, but I have got no money to pny lor a new suit. Will you take tho payout in tradel" "In any way that will suit you sir. May I inquire what business you are n?" "I am a olanler," was the the reply, "and have deposited n large crop in the city, which yields me a handsome income, and is insured by a bank that covers it. I will, however, give you a nouse thai i n warrant will last vou longer th in you live, if you'll give moa suit of the best black cloth." " I'm extremely hnppy to take your mea sure sir. You shall have as many suits as i you can wear for a year." The cloth w as selected, the measure taken, and the tai lor rubbed his hands with joy at having ob tained so good a bargain. The clothes were to be completed by the next day, and the 'juurs' the 'back and stay crook' and the 'boss,' were as busy as nailors. All night they worked, and a rapidly flew their stitches that the friction of the silk almost sot tho cloth on fire, and the needles waxed so warm that their fingers were nearly burnt into blisters. At day break the suit was finished, and it was a rig out fit for an emperor, About ten o'clock the little man popped in. He looked around with a quick glance, bjspyin the toggery he nad ordered he had approached and felt it in a buemesB kind of a manner. ' vVlmt's this?' said he, ' wool dyed? made in fashionable style! Eli!' ' Yes s'r, latest fashion best quality fit you like a glove.' 'Let's try it on.' No sooner said than done. The clothes were on him, and as he surveyed his im-. proved appearance in the glass, he gave a nod of approval to the skilful manufacturer of gentlemen. ' That'll do, what's the b'll?' ' Fifty dollars, sir, on the account. You will please give me a bill of sale of the house you speak of, and I will give you a receipt for the amount and sign an agreement to furnish you with any amountofclothingdu ring a year.' 'Oh, the house. Very well. How tall are you? Let's see. Five feet six. Well, I'tji a sexton, and any time you choose to call, or any of your friends brine you to my plantation", Til dig so cool and comfortable a grave for you that you will sleep like an Kgyptian mummy." The tai lor stood aghast. 'Is that the trado we bar tered for?'. 'Certainly. You'll want my services some of these days, and I want yours now. You, can have your pay as soon ns you like, and the sooner the better, for I hate to be in debt, and should like to discharge the obligation. Business is dull just now, so if you can come soon, I'll have time to accommodate you in the best man lier.' This was a denonment little expect ed. The tailor was p-lad to eet rid of his cute customer by taking his own word for the payment, and swears ne will never ao another job on trade. - - Whii-krv, Bhbkchis, am Razors. Some one who nas been fnriirshing to tne N. York Star, some sketches of the life and character of C'apt. Barclay, the celebrated pedestrian and sportsman in general, speak ing of his present occupation, says, he now lives wholly at Wry, and is the head of a whiskey distillery, from which the Queen's tablo is suDiilicd. The Glem-Wry distille ry has the appointment of "Purveyor of Whiskey to her Majesty, th uuoon,' just one firm in London bus " Breeches ma ker to her Majesty," and another ia " Razor maker to the Queen Dowager." , Respect roa the Memort orJusoE Bu st.. A meeting of the Typographical Fra ternity, and all persons connected with the press in this citiy.wae .held at Moody's Washington HoUuVSoelh Pearl street, last evening, tor the purpose ot making arrange ments for a suitable mark of respect to tne memory of (he lata latneuted Jkibb Buel, Esq, 4. Sim, y. .. , - . '., ,': Rbmarkablk Instance op Longevity. In the year 1809, there were living on the banks of the Redbank Creek, in the ad joining county of Armstrong, a man named Ezekiel Mathews, and his wife, both of whom had passed their hundredth year. Mr. Mathews' age whb 102; his wife about one year younger. They both retained their mental and physical faculties to a re-' markable degree. The old gentleman em ployed himself in reading and walking about, and the old lady in twirling herfu voriie spinning wheel. How much longer they survived our informant does not know. Within less than three miles of the spot occupied by this aged couple, there lived another pair, then fur advanced in years, but who continued in life and companionship until 1837, when their candles went out within three weeks of each other. Their nnmcs wrre Henry and Catharine Nulff. Mr. Nulff's age, at the time of his death, was 105 years; Mrs. Nulff's 103. They nad been man and wife tor 80 yearB; and had suoported themselves wilh Hit labor ot their own hands, until within one year of their decease. I heir 6ons and daughters were aged people, and they saw their de scendants of the fifth feneration. We know of no instance of longevity in moueru times so remarKab:e as these; and wo think it questionable whether a man and wifo, both centenarians, could be found in the world. Yet here were two such cou ples almost in sight of the smoke of each other's cottages. Pittsburg Advocate. Tim Methodists Tiima Cestknart. The inethodietsout number, by some 2110, (100, any other denomination of christians; I heir aggregate number being nearly 700, 000, and are increasing and spreading with a rapidity almont Incredible. In Texas even they number a thousand members, of whom over half are collected into cbsses, and regularly organized. Their centenary celebration commences this month; and we notice one paper, in leferniig to it rays, that three hundred thousand voices will res pond to Hie cull in England; in the United States and Canada, seven hundred and fifiy thousand more. Ireland will furnish twen ty-seven thousand celebraters, and the for- eiirn missions of the European continent, Western and Southern Africa, Ceylon, the Indins. hast and West, South American, British America, Texas, Oregon, and the Isles of many seas their quotas, each and all. A. Y. Sun. Fali.iko Staiis. During the nights of the 9th and lflth of August, the heavens were bestrewed with littlo falling stars of extra ordinary brightness. Mr. Foster counted above G00. It is not a little singular that tho peasants of Franconia, Saxony, nave be lieved, for ages past, that St. Lawrence weeps tears of fire, which fill from the sky every year on his fete the 10th of Auiust. This ancient popular German tradition, on observation, has been found wiihin these few years to be a fact, which engages the attention of astronomers. The inhabitants of Brussels can bear witness 1 1 1 t on the night of the tenth of this year, St, Law rence shed abundance of tears. Brussels paper. A gentleman whose house was repairing, went one day to see how the job was get ting on, and observing a quantity of nails lying about, said to the carpenter, Vhy don't you take care of these nail! they'll certainly be lost,.' 'No,' replied the car penter, 'you'll find them in the bill. C'l'n. Buckeye. A gentleman of our city, owns or owned a negro woman in whom the process of ab sorption of the coloring matter which tinges the skin of the African black, lias been go ing on for years. The removal of the co loring matter is however imperfect and ir regular; it lakes place in patches, giving to portions of her arms and legs a pure white appearance, which contrast unnaturally and disagreeably with the jetty hue of the sur rounding surface. We presume the slave in question will never become entirely white but the case is curious, as being illustra tive of the mode in which nature performs this singular freak viz: by absorption of the black pigment from which the skin of the negro derives its color. JV. O. Bee. Post Notes. As the probable course ot our city hanks, in relation to an issue of dralts or notes, payable alter (late, appears to be exciting some discussion at the present time, we have taken occasion to converse with some of tho officers of those institu tions, and are assured that they have no such measures in contemplation. They are satisfied that it could result in no possible benefit to tho community or themselves. Cin. Gaz. Gallantiiy. A young chap from 'the bush, a short, time since, thought he must show his gallantry b take his dulcinea to the city ot notions, whither he had never been. As he was passings, restaurateur he espied some bucks drinking of soda. So in step's Sam, with Ins lady, and says; " Less have some of that ere," Kish sis her went the soda, which soon found its way to tho stomach of the beau, all full of elfervesence as it was. Setting the glass on the stand, the Imck turned round to his deer, (who had modes'.Iy retired a pace,) and said, bb he wiped his mouth with his coat sieve. " 1 II tell ye what it is, Sul that ore soddy is darn'd good why don't you buy some." Oiu Pure sperm oil, whether summer, fall or winter strained, invariably burns well if the temperature is not colder than at the time it was pressed. There are no poor sperm whales. All the oil procured from them burns well, and without fouling tho wick. When people,, find the wicks of thetr lamps "guinntcd up," as the phrase is, they may he sure they hive been imposed upon by black fish oil, which is not worth more thau fifty cents per gallon. .V. Y.Star. , Departure or the Africans. The Hartford Courant says that the blue-s ta ken on board of th; Amlstad, who have been in that jail for tho last two weeks, left on Saturday Morning for New Haven, with the exception of Cinques, the leader. . He took a seat w ith a driver ol the New Haven stage in tho af ternoon. . ' Hisdeh trbasobb. A man in Brigham, Mass., in digging for wood chucks, unearth ed a metal kettle, containing near three pecks, by measure, of old coin, of various denominations, about one tliird of which was gold, and the remainder silver. The vessof was so completely decomposed, ns to be of no strength and barely to retain its form. We do not understand whether tho exact a mount of money has bean ascertained. - , . ,v; -' " Whole No. 133. A fhw facts aboot Loxdon. London is the laro-ent and riM,2t ji,u in iUa H,Ai.r a . j , nuitu, occupying a surface of thirty-two square . i. :t.i.. r 1 .. uniur, Miienijr piuilieu Willi UOtlSes, IMOBtlV three, four and five stories high; it contain ed in 1831 a population of one million four hundred and seventy one thousand nine hundred and for.y-one. It consists of Lon don city, Westminster city, Finsbury, Ma rylcbone, Tower Hamlets, Southwark, and Lambeth districts. In 1831 there entered Ihe ports of London th.ce thousand seven hundred and eighty-six British ships, one thousand two hundred and eighty foreign ships; two thousand six hundred and sixty nine were registered as belonging to it in 1832, wilh thirty-two thousand seven hund red and eighty-six seamen. The London Dock covers twenty acres. Tho two West India Docks cover fifty-one acres. St. Katharine's Docks cover twenty-four acres. ineinnre (fenerany live uionsand vessels and three thousand boats on the river, em ploying eight thousand watermen and four thousand laborers. London pays one third of tho window duty in England. The number of houses assessed are about one hundred and twenty thousand, ruted at upwards of five millions sterling; about one third nre not usHpasp.t. Tli l,,,,,. i ...uao i ciliui ;s probably seven millions, including taverns, hotels, and public houses. The retailers of opinio uno uecr are upwards ot ten thou sand, ivhilo llip ripfilrra in t I,a ff .. l.p are somewhere about a fourth of this num ber. Niiir.bering all the courts, streets, lanes, squares, places and rowB, they amount to Umvurds offl. tlimiKnnrl nm! nn nnn..,,n of their extreme points, no individual could pass inrougn tliem in the space ol one whole e.u , There is now livin?in Lvnn a ceiitleman. Mr. Noih Pike, who is the father of twen ty-three children. He mt had two wives, of whom one is living. By the first wife he lind twelve children, by the second eleven. There are eleven sons and twelve daugh ters, most of whom are living. The sons are large and robust. One son weighs two hundred and twenty, anil two others over two hundred each. Mr. Pike was born in 1774, married when he was twentv. and his yourgest child is five y. ars of age. The town, to its great credit, does not im pose any taxes upon him, concluilino;, we suppose, thai he has contributed his share to the prosperity ol the slate. Bos. Trae. An experiment has been made in Scot-j dud, showing the practicability of towins; canul bouts by means of locnmolivcs. The hrst trial was made on the Frith and Clyde Canal, on the banks of which a railway had been lain, wnen a large passenger boat con- taininr ninety passengers wilh their bag gaijo was orawn uy tneir engine through the i''t at the rate of seventeen miles an hour. I he experiment was repeated several times in the course of the day with equal success at each tune, several havy vo-sels, with ma U, were taken in tow afterwards, and cir rn'd ulong at a rale varying from three to five miles per hour. The engine employed being intended only tor a slow trade wiib not made to go at a greater speed than eighteen inilep per hour, but it was supposed by persons who witnessed the experiments that with proper locomotive boats canals they could ho cnused lo move with a velocity equalling that attained on the best railroads. Oi'i and Yaw! A Frenchman and a German had one sausage between ihein for suppor. The question was hoiv it should be divided. "Let us cut it in two," said the Frenchman. " Hither, replied the Ger man, " Icteijch of us take an end between our teeth, and at a given signal, pull for our portion. "Agreed! exclaimed the other. The sausage was seized, and each fixed his teeth in the end that was nearest to him. 'Are you ready?' growled Mynheer. "Oui!" replied Monsieur, through his clenched teeth; "are you?" "Yaw!" ejaculated the German, giving the signal, and dropping but!; jaw and sausage in the necessary open ejaculation of the word. Thus the sausage fell wholly to monsieur's lot. . Yanker. We giory in this name there is a " mngic in it." With the word Yank ee is associated all that is nublo and brave, ami daring: all that is energetic, industri ous and enterprising all that is inventive, notional and acquiring: all that is intellec tual, moral and religious. There is no American, that will disown the 'name of Yankee. It is an appellation given him by the pcoplo of foreign clinics. It is dis tinctive, and tells "nt once and in a wav not to be mistaken," that he is nf the An-irlo-Saxun race, and a citizen of the great est and most glorious republic in the uni verse JV. Y. Atlas. A Clergyman was once accosted by a Doctor, a professed deist, who asked him 'it' ho followed preaching to save souls!' ' Yes.' ' If he ever saw a soull' 'No.! 'If ho ever heard a soull 'No.' ' If lie ever tasted a soul?' ' No.' ' If he ever smelt a soul!' 'No.' 'If ho ever felt a soull' 'Yes. 'Well,' said the Doctor, 1 there are four of tho five senses against one, upon the question whether there be a soul.' The Clergyman then asked 'if ho were a doctor of modicine ' ' Yes.' If he ever saw a pain!' 'No.' 'If he ever heard a pain?' 'No.' 'If he ever tasted a pain?' 'No' 'If he ever smelt a pain?' 'No.' 'If he ever felt a Bam?1 ' Yes.' 'Well then,' said the clergyman, 'there are also tour senses against one, upon the vucstinu whether there be a pain; and yet sir, you know that there is a pain, and I know that them is a sou!.'. A living Flamingo, has been presented to the Alexandria Museum oy a merchant. This remarkable bird, which is the Pheni coptur upon which the old Roman epicures used to feed, is of red color, with black quills, and ia familiar wilh the topics. It migrates to the Southern States, though rarely, and very seldom to the Middle Slates. The body of the 1' 'lautingo is smaller than that of the Stork, but from the extreme length of the legs and neck, the full grown bird stands over five feet in height. A Printer's Epitaph. An opulent prin ter of London,- who had long been a compositor, requested ofhis executor to have the following epitaph inscribed on his tombstone alter his death: , No more ahall copy bad perplex my brain,, No more aball type amall laea my ftye-balla amis, No more ahall prooTa foul page create me Iroubleef By errore, tranapoaltiona, onte nndduubles, Nomore lo over-ran ehaH 1 begin, No more be driving out or taking lot' ... ThaaubborDpraaunan'lrowlt--lalw mayscoff,, . ' Revised, eorttMla:a.a1ly work'd oSV . . K Rrht A. - - . : . , . - , , " '- "fc auction sass t at Brooklyn, last week, a wash-hand stand,, and contents, was knocked1 down M eighteen shillings. The buyer, ou examining his' nrrhnA. CnnnA in . nmM,. - .' r " . - uiuvng pax'. eel of rubbish, a roll of bank notes amounting;,' ,n aa mm , . , . . ... biiu uouojoons worm 9i,uuu.' ' The Surrogate took possession of the mo- 4 '- ney in behalf of the estate to which th" stand belongs, bu t the finder intends to test huclaimito the money, JV. T. Express.- The New Yorkor tails an anecdote of -famous punster in Boston by the name or Sigourney. Ashe wis expiring in the pre sence of his doctor, a servant entered and called the physician out, saying in alow voice. "A man has fallen down in the ' well." Sigourney overhearing the appal, hng information, and painfully lifting Dp his- '? head inquired with a scarce audible whis per, . " I say, doctor, did be kick tlvav bucket." JV. Y. Alias.- .. . , . The British Queen took out sixty pat. ' sengers no sub'treasurers among them,.' The postage on letters she look, amounted! to about 83000. She took a little short of" $80,000 in specie, which, with her othef freight; gave her a freight list of lliirtee hundred pounds. Nine American vessels, supposed to mr fishormen, were cast away on Prince Ed wards Island, in the gale of the 13th, and they a'l perished. The gale was very se vere all along the Nora Scotia and New Brunswick coast, and a large number of vessels, many of them American wes ashore. Mr. Dunlap, a distinguished artist aft?-. Vork, and also an aothnr. HipH nn the nnth. u!t. He wrote a History of the American" amge, a uisiory ot the Arts ot Design in ' the United States, and several other, vo lumes. As it should be. At a court of general! sessions held in Delaware county, (New York,) last week, an individual was convic ted of an attempt to bribe a voter in the vil- lageof Delhi, at the general election las fall, and a fine of $1 50 was imposed. A barrer-oik transaction A barber ffK Philadelphia, last week, treated his friends to coach rides at his wife's funeral, and th next day sent to each of them his bill fcr- their several excursions to the barrmg: ground. Beautiful appearance Tho front f the new Exchange in New York will pre sent a range of 18 granite columns thirty two feet eight inches long, each formed of a single block, olid weighing severally thi-ty-three totfs. An Eccentric 1'htsioian: A poor wo man went to an eminent but eccentric sur geon, to inquire what was the proper treat ment of some bodily wound. ' Put on a cat aplasm,' was the answer.. ' But, doctor, it'sn for a child.' ' Then put on a kittenplasm,."' A country eirl attending a Quaker mee- ting was asked by a friend how- she liked it.. 'Like it, why I seo no' sense in sitting for hours without saying a word, it is enough, to kill the d 1.!' 'Yea, my dear.' renhei lie, 'that is just what we want.' " No one would take vou to be what ver nre," said an old fashion gentleman a day" or two ago, to a dandy who had morn hair man Drams. " Why? ' was the' immediate reply. "Because they can't, see your ears.'" ' If Tin not at home from the party to night at ten o'clock, said a husband to his better and bigger half, 'don't wait for me.r ' That I won't,' roplied the lady signifieant ly, ' I'll come for you.' The gentleman re turned at ten o'clock precisely. Wo regret to learn from Danbirry, Con necticut, the death at that place of the Hon, J Bubi. of this State, in the sixty Becond year of his ge.. Judge Burl is ex tenaivcly known for his efforts in the cause of agriculture. At the time of his decease,, he was on his way to New Haven to de liver an address before the Agricultural Society JV. Y. Gmr. ,A stop is to be put to the completion of" the Charleston and Cincinnati railroad be yond Columbia fur the present. An appeal is to be bo made to the States interested to come up to the work. Flour. About 21100 barrels have lateTf heen shipped from New York for England, The tendency is so-decidedly downward, that holders had rather run the risk of m shipment than keep it on hand. A Good Onk. "My dear, what shall we? name our babe," said Mi.. Smith to Mriv Sniith, the other day.. " Why, huz, I've settled on Peter."' " Peter! Good Lord, I never knew a man with the simple name of Peter who could earn his salt." Claremonl Eagle. . The many chambered brass canneny made by Cochrane for the Pacha of Egypt,, is stated to have cost from 01 .500 to $2,000; and to bring the invention to perfection cost Mr. C. about $10,000. Counterfeit half eagles are in circulation at tlte west. The counterfeits are larger than the real coin, but require vigilance to be detected., , A uard head. The Portland Adverti ser states that the other day a lad fell from a 'truck' in that that town, and though that wlutel passed over his head, his life is not in dangorr The truck weighed over 1150 pounds. The Rev. Mr. Pierpont, of Boston, hast been dismissed from his church principally on account of his strongly advocating the ' fifteen gatlon law. ' A number of deaths have recently ocenr" red from eating toad stools in mistake fer muahroone. a- Tho Board of Aldermen of St. Louis Imvef passed an ordinance raising the price, of li-' cenaes for selling liquor by tho small quan tity to (I500.. When sent to the Mayor for his signature,' he returned; it with- bis) . vote. M " A Match for a Kbntockv G rAtir. There is a woman in Alabama ao tall that a person has to be introduced to her twicer before lio can get acquainted.- ., ., Z 4LI A.;-. The Journal of Commerce states tilt ffiet brg New Grenada from Cartbagena, 8, A , has brought $12,031 in specie ' . j Lkgoetts Library. We see it stated) V, that the library of the late WnvLeggetty valued at $7,000 has been purchased by Mr, , Forrest. . ' ' '- iV. i K. r - Hard Times, The Eastern girle com plain that the young men ace so poor down"'' r there that they ean t even pay their tddrtr e; ' ' ' . - An Iron Steam Boat; on the Erleson prin ' ciple, intended as a few-host for the canal, has arrived at New Orleans, from Liverpool, 1