OCR Interpretation

Maumee City express. [volume] (Maumee City, Ohio) 1838-184?, May 23, 1840, Image 3

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A Goon Juki. There ii t bill before the
Massachusetts Legislature legalizing the
marriage of blacks end whitei. A member
aide the following remarks upon it:
I ahall rote in favor of thia bill, a imply be
eauae I do nut wiah to aee a law on the statute-book
regulating a mere matter of ttute,
for such I consider to be the whole quea
tion of intermarriage between persons of
different colore. It it purely a matter of
taste, ard if my friend from Nantucket
wiehee to marry a black, blue or green
wife, I am content that he should have full
liberty to indulge hie preference for either
color. All I request of him in. that when I
happen to pay him a- friendly viait at the
aland, he will not ask me to kilt hit milk
and molanet ch Idren!
Akothbr Boltbr. The Locos in Ten
nessee are particularly unfortunate in the
framing nf their electoral ticket. They put
namea on tho lint, but they won't "stay
put." Geo. W. Rice, a locofocccandidate
for elector, backed off a few Jays since;
ana now, den. Carroll, another elector, af
ter perambulating the State and playing the
wiu a ip as ne uiougiii has
withdrawn from th list. It must look ra
ther squally In Tennessee for-the Van
jacKs. JYorm Bend. .
It is said that the recent cold snap has
... . ot tho peach trees in
n-iimy, aim mat in consequence there
will be a great scarcity of peaches this year.
JV. Y. JWa: . ... ,
A lawyer once pleaded with great ability
the cause of hia client fur. near an hour.
. When he had done, his antagonist, with a
" superfluous aneer, said he did not under
' stand a word the other snid ho neatly re
plied, ' I believe so, sir, I waa spea'kjng
law.- -.-
A LAD from It lo 14 years nf ogo,' to
to do errands be, for a small family.
Apply at tins office.
THE Members and Friends nf the Meth
odist Episcopal Church, are hereby no
tified, Dial the Church in this Station. will be
educated to the worshin ol Almighty God,
on the first Sabbith in Juno. Rev. .T. 8.
Chaplin, former principal of Norwalk .Se
minary, will be present sun oftViate on that
day. . ' O. -BURGESS.
MaumeeCity. Miy 1(1, 1840,
npHE copartnership heretofore existing
js. miner me nmi ot Alien u liibhons, is
tint day dissolved, by mutual consent, all
persons having uiiseuled'itccounts with said
firm are respectfully requested to call and
settle the same with John C. Allen, (nt the
old stand) who is - authorized to settle the
same. -JOHN C. ALLEN,
The business will be continued at the old
stand, where I hall be happy to accommo
date my old customers and the community
generally with any articles in my line of
Business, on terms that cannot tail to please,
. ions C. ALLEN.
Maumee City, May 23, 1840. 813.
A THIEF broke into the grocery utore
of the subscriber on Wednesday night
(20th iiift.) and alctrscted fiom hia money-drawer,
about 40. 1 ffi.'i bill on the
bank of Cleipland, 1 $i bill on the Bank of
Uallipolis, IS bill on '.he Urbana Hanking
Co., and 1 $5 bill on the Bank of Granville;
the remainder uf which, was in small bills.
For the apprehension of the thief and the
recovery of the money, will pay a reward
of Fifty Dollars!
., C. A. WILLIAMS. .
1 Miurr.ee City, May 23 1,18 to.
ONE Ton first rate Butter, for pale by
May JS. 1810. 8. "
A LOT of Brooms, price 13 per doz.i
JTX Tor sale hy v. a. SMITH
May 13, 1840
1 840.
THIS Company have increased their fa
cilities for the speedy transmission of
Merchandise on the Erie Canal and Lakes,
and aro now fully prepared to forward goods
to their point of destination without delay
mr.d upon the most advantageous terms. ' ;
For freight apply to -: '
D. P. Parker. ) 104 Broad Street
P. Grandon, :" " J , JV. w fork. V
H. Niles St Co." Albany
'." P. E. Parsons St Co. Biiff.ilo.
-., G. 8. Hazard, . Maimer City. --
Maumee City, May IS, J 040. 7.
1 fafsfs POUNDS Venison Hams, for
' sale cheap, by
May 16.
.. - -: NOTICE - -. . .
IS hereby given, thai Jonathan H,. Jerome,
guardian oI'Lat. B. Famsworth, Ralph
- Farnsworth, and Ara. Farnsworth, at the
M irch lerm of our court of common pious,
within and for the County of Lucas and
State of Ohio, filed with the clerk of said
court a statement of bis accounts with such
wards, together with the vouchers in sup
- .port thereof, ar.d that said Jonathan 'HV Je
rome will apply iothe next courtof comirfon.
mn for a t ttlemeqt of said accounts with
japid wards. ' " '' '"''.'
. flts. JAMKS MYERS, Citric. .-
7A BAKRHL8 WHISKEy, Hamiiloni
v Brand, just received and 6 sale by -.
;;-'Atrilta '- f-:'-'
.nx nPCI.S - PORK,
in good order,
iust received and for sale, eheap for
cah, by
. n a u a1.
1 tn BARRELS Ohio Flour, lost
. JICVceiedby
Mae 2, 1840.
fa BRRELS first Quality "Harsison
OU Mess Pork," for sale by v.-.
May , 1840. , B SMITH.
, r k.. .mnkad Hams and Shoulders, for
ale by - D. B. SMITH.
May 2, 1840. . . i
h m iihin nisss. 5b boxes 7 by 9 for
ale by
D. B.
May 2, 1(40.
5 ;
X 50 Bushels Dried fruit, by
May2. ;fj D. II.
IflfsA POUNDS LARD, for sale by
: - Dissolution.
THE copartnership' heretofore exiating
under the firm of G. St W. Richard
son, is thia day diaaolved by mutual eon
sent, and all persons having unsettled ac
counts with us, are respectfully but ear
notly requeated to call and adjuat the same
within thirty day's from thia date, or w4
shall call upon them in a manner not to be
misunderstood. One or both of us, will be
found at the old aland, ready to attend the
settlement of all demands, Sic.
The busineaa will be continued hereaf
ter under the firm of
. Mauinee City, May 2, l40. 5 "
TIIE Subscribers would respectfully in
form the citizens of this City and Vi
cinity, that they are now receiving a large
assortment of Goods, hich they are dis
posed to sell at prices to correspond with
the times, for cosh or ready nav of some
kind, an I thankful fur the liberal share of
patronage bestowed on tho late firm, they
will endeavor to merit a continuance of the
At our establishment can among other
thiols be found the following goorla. .,
Dry Goods, W. I, Goods and Groceries,
(of all kmds with the execution of lienors!
Crockery, Glass, Stone, Hard and Hollow
Ware, Hoots and Shoes, (a full assortment)
iron, nans, BtO'M etc., allot which and tin
prices, those wishing to purchase are re
ucsted to call anil exam ne.
Successors to G. St W. Richardson,
Mays, 1840. 4
CARPENTERS St Joiners Tools, such
as House St Ship Joiners Brood-Axes
do " do do Adzes. P un
of almost all kinds, Saws, Hammers,
Squares, Scratch Awls, Drawinir Knikeo.
chissels, Angers, Hilts' Gouges, bo. all of
wnicn win De sold much lower than they
I I -
uavn uRcn icirmeriy i -r catii By
ways 1840.' KICNAK-USUIN St Co.
ANY persons wishing Goods not adver
tised will nlcase call and we will in-
lorm whether we have tliem or no.
May 2 140.. RICIlAh'DSON St Co,
Lorn Shelled An in
le Ear, . . ,
1500 do Oats.
100 do : live by
1040. .
CJOAP.OIL, SPERM k Tallow Candles
May J! 1840.
-OFFE, Tea. Sucar Penner, Snice, Sal
J a; rat uf, Cocoa, Chuckolate, Nutmeira'
cassn, cioves 6tc. oy ' ' .-
May 2 1840. .'. RICHARDSON St Co
4 SMALL assortment of Saddlery
JT. anch ns 11 imes, Buckles, I ressets, Pad
Screws, Water-works, Cockeyes. Trace
p Halter Chains, Bridles, Martingales, St
Halters, WKDiiing Stn. by '
May 1840. RICHARDSON St Co.
POWER, Shot, Lead Flints, Percusaiun
Caps ic Pills, Shot Belts St Powder
Horns by RICHARDSON It Cu,
May. 1840. , , ..
PORK,, Flour, Beans, Corn, Oats and
Potatoes, by . . .'
. May 2, 1840. ' . .
SOLE and Harness Leaiher, Cow Hide,
Kip and Call Skins, White and Color
ed Liniul do. Pegs, awls, tacks and
May 2, 1840. . - t
GLASS, Nails, Grindstones, Scythe do.
and Hides, Shoemaker Rubbine
Stones by RICHARDSON St CO. ,
way 2, 1840i .r. . . - - -
SHEETING, Shirtings, Wadding Wick
ing, Batting Stc, by "
SVVIlDIi, Kuglisli and Russia Iron, Cast,
German and Bli-itered Steel Nail Rods,
May I. 1840.
CROCKERY, Glass, Eirthen and Stone
Wuir, a good assortment hy . :
May J. ... . RICHARDSON St CO.
A FULL isaortment of Shelf Hard
. Ware, by RICHARDSON St CO.
May 2, 1840.
THE best assortment, of : Boots and
Shoes that can he found in this City,
by' - , . RICHARDSON St CO.
May 2. 1840.
CALICOHS, Ginghams, Linseye checks
p.aids and stripes, by
May 2. -.- .. RICHARDSON St CO.
WE have, throe Umbrelln'e lent, and as
it rains quite nlten, should like to
have them returned, one of them is a very
large green, silk, with the owners name en
graved on the handle. ' r .. j .
- U.' St W .
May 2, 1840 , -. " : '
i nn non p,NE shingles, juBt
1 WWUU received and for sale, by "
. . D. B. SMITH.
' Ariril 1B 1840. ' : 3. ' '
n BARRELS f deinocratic'; Brandy,
I V IO hncnU . - Gin.
For sale by -- 4 D. B SMITH.
April 18,-1840. ... .r. .. .. 3. t
A LOT of White Beans, anUalot iruu
are not to ltkUr,'' are off red ery low,
Aprd 18, 1840.
' 3..
Crt BARRELS CIDER, "bufh hard and
Ov soft," and designed expreit'y for Tip-
oecanoe Clubs, just received and tor sale,
low. iy . . : D. B. SMITH.
MaumeeCity, April 11. .,.
Oft BARREL APPLES for sale by
& . .-. a a, smith.
MaumeeCity, April 11. -.' .-';
WI'IRITS of Turpentine, forsaleby.
June 15. . E. KIT V
1 flfi BARRELS WHISKEY, just re
eeived by D. B. SMITH.
Miumee City, April 11.
.: . . . PANY. . ;
A LL persona indebted to the Maumee
f Clt Insurance Company, are request.
ed to make immediate payment lo the sub
scribers who ara authorised to close up the
affaire of the Institution. ' Or. or both the
assignees may be, at all times, found at the
office of Young and Waito in Maumee City.
ELISHA MACK, -. l jtilrna
Nov U, "- -' W
Court of Common
Lucas County,
March Term,
' A. 1).
Elisha Msr-k.
In Chancery.
Robert A. Forsyth and
IN pursuance of
an- order ol said
Court, the said De
fendant, is hereby
William Houser.
notified, that the Coinplainanta have filed
in said Court their Bill in Chancery against
him, the object and prayer of which is. to
foreclose a certain mortgage made by the
Defendant to the Complainants upon the
following Lands and Tenements, situated
in said County of Lucan, and known as the
South-part of the. N. W. i of frac. sec. No.
S3, in Township 8 north, and range .No. 9.
and the West i of the S, W. i of same
Section, to secure the payment of two notes
also made by the Defendant to said Com
plainants, and to obtain an order for the sale
uf said premises to satisfy said notes.
And the said Defendant is further noti
fied that, unless he appears, and pleads, an
swers or demurs to said Bill within aixty
days after the next term of said Court, the
Complains nto will apnlv to said Court, at
the term next succeeding the expiration of
saiu sixty nays, to take the several matters
and things in said Bill contained for confes
sed and to decree thereon accordingly.
Sol's, tor Complainants.
Doted April 11, 1841). 6w2 -
State or On
n, ) Court of
""'M Pleas, Mar,
Va. D. MO:
Lucas County,
March Term,
Archibald Mercer, ) In Chancery.
y. . ' IN pursuance of an
Henry Tyler. " order of said Court, the
Defendant ia hereby notified that the Com
plainant has filed in said Court hia Rill in
Chancery, the object and prayer of which
is to foreclose a certain mortgage made and
executed by tho Defendant to Noyes Bil
lings ai.d William W. Billings upon the
following Lands and Tenements, situated
in said County of Lucas.' and known as In
Lot No. 107, in Hunt and Beaugrand's ad
dition lo Maumee, for securing the pay
ment of three notes made bv Caleb S. Hen
derson to said N. and William W. Billings,
which said mortgaga.nnd notes have, fur a
valuable consideration, been assumed and
endorsed to the Complainant, anu to obtain
anordertor the snleol.said premises, and
an application of the proceeds. of such sale
to tne payment or said notes.
And the said Defendant is further notified
that, unices he annears and Dleads. answers
or (lemurs to sain ijill,withiu sixty days from
the next term of said Court, the Complain
ant will apply to said Court, at. the term
next after- the expiration of said sixty days,
to take the several matters in said Bill con
tained for confessed, and to decree thereon
accordingly. YOUNG St WA1TE,
hoi's, for Complainant.
Dated April 11, 1840. . 6w2
State or On
,. J Cou
" " S A. D.
Court nf Common
Lucas County
March Term,
The State of Ohio for the 1 In Chancery.
use of the County Fund I IN pursuance
Commissioners of Lucas of an ordur nf
County " leaid Court, the
vs. (said Ilemnrt
Willard J. Daniels, . I Walbridge and
Henian Walbridge and I Henry Wal
Henry Walbridee. J bridge, non re
sident Defendants, are hereby notified, that
a Bill in Chancery has been filed against
them and soul Daniels, in said Court, by
said State of Ohio, tho object and prayer ol
winch is to foreclnre the equities ot the said
Defendants in and to the following descri
be! Lands, situated in ssid County of Lucas,
to wtt: one undivided half of the E. 1 oflhc
S. W. i of See. 80, in Township 9, S. of
Range 7 b., containing 97 35-100 acre!,
and the. N. W. J of the 8. E. of section
SO in the same Township and Range, mort
gaged by said Daniels to the said State of I
Ohio to secure the payment ot seven hun
dred dollars, according to the condition nt
a certain Bond in raid Mortgage Deed more
fully described, and to obtain an' order for
the sale of said mortiraired premises, and
an application of the proceeds of such sale
to tho payment of aiid'sum of money in
said Bond mentioned.
And the said Heman Walbridge and Hen
ry Walbridge are further notified that, un
less they appear and plead, answer or de
mur to said Bill within sixty days from the
next term of said Couit, the Complainant
will makeapplitation at the term next after
the expiration of said sixty days, to have
the several 'matters and things in said Dill
mentioned taken for confessed, and a de
cree made thereon accordingly.
-, , YOUNG St WalllS,
Sol's, for Complainants.
. Dated April 11, 1840. . ; v
Court of Common
Pleas, March Term,
A.D. 1840. " v
S " In Chancery.
IN pursuance of an
order of said Court,
State or Ohio, f
Lucas County, sr. I
. j
Robert A. Forsyth.
" vs.
Theophilus- Short.
the said Defendant is hereby notified, that
Hill in Chancery has been hied airainst
him in said Court by the Complainant, the
object and prayer of which is to foreclose a
certain mortgage made by the Defendant
to the Comi.lainant, upon the following
Lands situated in said County of Lucas, and
known as In Lot No. 5:1, in the . Town o
Providence, to secure the payment of a note
also mado and executed by the Defendant
to the Complainant,, and to obtain ah order
for the sale of said premises, and an appli
cation of the , proceeds of such sale ' to the
payment of said note. .
And the said Defendant is further noti
fied that, unless he appears and pleads, an
swers or demurs to said Bill within sixty days
from the next term of said Court, the Com
plainant will apply to said Court at the term
next aftei" the expiration of said sixty ditys,.
tn take the said several matters and things
in said Bill for confessed and to decree
thereon accordingly." " ;
' - YOUNG" & WAITE. ;
h v'-. : Sol's, far Complainant.'
Dated April 11, 1840.- " 8w2 :
. - NOTICE. .
The inhabitants of the county ef Lucas,
in the state Ohio are hereby notified, por
suant to the provisions of the act entitled
An act establishing Seats of Justice,"
passed February 3d. 1340. .- That the Cum
missionera appointed to Review and re-locate
the Seat of Justice in Lucas County,
will assemble together for that purpose at
Maumee City, in Mid county, on the ltiib
day ol May next. ' -
April 25, 1840.
TV1FLE n Wasting powder, bar lead
MX and shot, by -
dec. 28. :- - D. C, FORSYTH It Co.
Statu or Onto
Tickings, by
Dot. ...
Shirtings, Drillings and
Court of Common
Pleas, March Term,
A. D. 1840.
In Chancery.
IN pursuance cl
an order of the Court
of Common Fleas, in
. vs.
Elisha C. Sacket,
Alexander Sacket ec
Edward Sacket. -
and lor Lucas Coun
ty, in the State of Ohio, at the March Term
thereof, 1840. the aud Elisha C. Sacket.
Alexander Sacket aud Edward Sacket are
hereby notified, that James Wolcott filed in
said Court his Bill in Chancory agaiast them,
the substance of which is that on or about
the 24th day of June, 1838,. the said Wol
cott executed a Contract in writing under
bar) uilh Pl.'-I,. n fit. ..!,.. u ir .
x.iiona v. uiinui, ui oacseiB n ar
bor, in the State of New York, to sell to
him Lota No. 4 and 8, situated in the Coun
ty of Lucas, in the Stale of Ohio, as laid
"own on Wolcott's plat in his addition to
Miami City, for the sum of twelve hun
dred dollars to be paid in thrco equal annual
payments, with annual interest; but that
tne said Contract having been lost or des
troyed by accident, he cannot state the pre
cise terms thereof; that a counterpart of
said Contract woa delivered to Edwsrd
Jacket, also of Sackets Harbor, in the State
ntiNew rurk, end ia now in possession of one
of the Deiepdmits, that said Defendants all
have or claim to h ve some interest in said
Contract, and to said two lots of Land men
tioned in it; that the whole amount of the
purchase money, principal and intorest has
become due, and is unpaid, except two
hundred and fifty dollars paid by Alexander
Socket, and that Defendants have wholly
refuted to pay the ballance due unsaid Con
tract. The prayer of said liill is, thot De
fendants may be compelled to appear before
this Honorable Court at the next teim there
of, then and there to answer under their
corporal oath, each and every of the char
ges contained in said Bill, and particularly
wucuirr gmu vvoicou uiu execute a con
tract with Elisha C. Socket, as sot forth in
said Bill, and if Defendants are able to dis
close the terms and condlions of the same ;
whether Defendants have any, and what
rights and interests in said Contract, and to
the said two lots of Land mentioned there
in; that an account may be taken of the
amount due to said Wolcott ill naif Cont rai l,
and that on final hearing the Defendants,
or such of them s may be founil liable may
be decreed to pay said Wolcott the amount
which shall be found due on said Contract.
or in delimit thereof, that tlio rights and
equities of the said Defendants in said Con
tract, and in and to said two lots of Land
mentioned therein may be sold as on exe
cution at Law.
And the Defendants are further notified
tht unless they appear and plead, answer
or demur to saiil Bill within sixty days of
ter the next term of snid Court, the said
Complainant at the term next nfler the ex
piratinn of said sixty days will apply to
said court to lane tne matters of said Hill
as confessed, and to decree thereon accor
dingly. N. KATIIBUN,
Sol . for Complainant. '
Maumee City, Match 8, 1840. 6w2
State or Ohio,
no, ) ,
Couit of Common
Lucas County
Pleas, March Term,
A. D. 1840.
John E. Hunt,
Ip Chancery.
IN oursuance of an
Daniel M. Wilson. ) orderof said Court the
Defendant in this case will take notice, that
a Bill in Chancery has been iled against him
in said Court, setting forth that a certain
contract was made and entered into between
the parties-, on prahouwfie 11th doy of Ju
ly, 1836, in which 'he Defendant agreed to
purcnase trom tlie Comploinont, the follow
ing nieces of Land situated in soid County
of Lucas, and known as the N. E. J of sec.
30, in Township One, of the Twelve Mile
Square Reserve, containing 100 acres, less
40 acres before sold to John Pro v. also.
Tract 38 in said Reserve containing 135
acres anu anntuer i,ot ol Land adjoining
the Town of Waterville, and commencing
at Main Street 2) rods S. of the S. W. cor
ner of Lot 49 in said Town, thence running
Easterly parallel to the tine of said Lot 40,
to the Maumee River, thenco S. up the Ri
ver to the line between River Tracts 3Zand
38, thence W.on said line 20 rods to Hie pub
lic highway, thence North Easterly to the
places ot beginning, containing, as is sup
posed, one aero and fifteen rods, reserving
one rod on the eait side foi a highway
and to pay him therefor the sum of $10,000
according to the conditions of a certain Bond
made and executed by the Complainant to
the Defendant at tho time of said contract.
But the Complainant avers in his said Bill
that said Delendant has not paid the said
purchase money according to the conditions
of said contract, but that a large amount
thereof still remains due and unpaid, to wit:
the amount of three certain drafts in said
Bill and contract more fully described.
Complainant therefore prays that the De
fendant may be compelled specifically to
perform his part of said agreement, and'to
pay to the Complainant the amount now due
upon said purchase money, and in-default
thereof that all the interest of said Defen
dant in and to said premises may be sold and
the proceeds applied to the payment of such
amount of the purchase money, as may be
fuund to be due as afo'esaid.
And the Defendant will further take no
tice that unless he appears, pleads, answers
or demure to said Bill, within sixty days
from the next term of this Court, the Com
plainant will apply to said Court, at the
term next after the expiration of said sixty
days, tp 'oke all the several matters and
things in said Bill contained for. confessed
and decree thereon accordingly. -
' ' Sol's, for Complainants. -Dated
April 11, 1840. " 6w2
rpHE undersigned will Rent for one or
A more years. Lot No. Ninoty-one (91,)
situated on the B g Island, in Lucas coon-
ty, Ohio Appliconts will please come re-
commended for their responsibility by Mess.
Hunt, Fortyth and Hollnter.
April 25. 1840. 3w4
St.' Croix Rum, Port. Madeira and
Malaaa. Wines) Pure Spirits and Alcohol;
Loaf. Lumnand Brown Suirars; Rio, Cuba,
Havana and bt. JJomingo Cotliej Toung
Hvson Tea, at wholesale, as cheap or cheap
er than they can be bought on the river.
Ca.lnnflsev- fit uiuuuna. .
Oct. 26, 1839.
-g fr BBLS. Meas Pork, for sole cheop
1UU forcaehhy
Toledo, Feb. 8, 1840. ' 45tf
-T.(1THS. Casaimeres, Satlnette, Buffa-
J lo and Pilot Cloths, Moleskins and
Fustians, for sale very low by .
Dec. 28. ' ' ' ' "" '
Cj ALT--400 barrels salt in first rata or
"der, ia offered for sale low, by
dee. 28. . D. B. 8MITH.
State or Ohio,
Lucas County, si.
Jamea Wolcolt, ,
roawAS-Dino and commission merchant,
Dealer in Orocerie; Produce, Lumber and
Salt Maumee CVy, O
lSwing, Walker Ac Co., Peru la.
Sherman St Wilson, ) , . .
Taylor, Freeman St Co Ft- WaHnt a'
John Hollister, ? D , n
J. W. Smith, Pfry.burg, O. .
Jesse Smith St Co., ) , , , n
Richard Winslow, Cleveland, O.
Gelston St Evans, 1
M. Kingman St Co. Buffalo, JV. Y.
H. II. Treat, . ) .
Ilarnard, Card 4c Co ,
A. Riniro,
Aiie York.
Maumee City, March 21.
fTllIE Subscribers office in the Commer-
X cial Block, is open on all business
hours for the purchase and sale of City and
Country Real Property. Deeds, Mortgages
and Contracts drawn with neatness and dis
patch, and Maps, Plates and Diagrams
drawn tin reasonable terms, and also Sur
veying done when necessary, preparatory to
selling or conveying conds.
Thomas Clark,
F. E. Kirtland.
RBreu to
George Parkman,
St. John St Tousbv,
II shop St Swift.
.Yea York.
.1. H. Biionson,
P. S. Stkwart.
Jefferton County
) JVeis York.
I Bridgeport
Cleveland, O.
Qiunr, 111.
Fori Wayne.
J. SlIKRMAH. jr.
W. T. Brkbbe.,
Moorr Morton & Co,
Shkrman $ Nelson.
Nov u.
ALE Br Master Commissionku in
Chancrrt. Bv virtue of a decretal
order issued out of the Court of Common
Pleas in nnd for the county of Lucas and
Stale of Ohio, to me directed and delivered,
I shall expose to sale st Public Auction, at
the door of the Court House in Toledo, in
said county, on Saturday the thirtieth doy
of May next,.betwecn the hours of 10 o'clock
A. M. and 4 o'clock P. M. the following
lands, tenements and appurtenances situated
in said county, to wit: The cast half of the
south east quarter of section Io. fl, Town
ship No. 3, in the Twelve Mile Square Re
serve, at the Rapids of the Maumee of Lake
Erie, containing one hundred and twenty
ocroB, the equal undivided half of said land
was conveyed, being the whole of Bennett's
interest, to be sold together with the pri
vileges and appurtenances thereunto belong
ing lo satisfy adecrce in Chancery in favor o
Mary G. Morse,Arthur Buries, Levi Beards
ly, Jeremiah E. Carv, Trustees and Ad
ministrators of-the Estate of Jas0. Morse,
deceased, versus, limy Bennett.
Matter Commiiiiouer in Chancery.
Dated, April 24, 1840. 6w4
Chancbrt. By virtue nf a decretal or
der issued out of the Court of Common Ploos
in and for the Coun.y of Lucas and State of
mio, to me directed ami delivered, 1 shall
expose to sale at Public Auction, at the door
of the Court House in Toledo, in said coun
ty, on Saturday tho thirtieth. day of May
next, between the hours ol 10 o'clock A. 1.
and 4 o'clock P. M. the following lands, ten
ements and . appurtenances situated in said
county to wit: The undivided moiety of
the south west quarter ol the south east
quarter ot section number 6 Township IV o.
3, twelve mile square reserve, Maumee Ra
pids, tcntaining forty acres.
Also the undivided moiety of the east
half of the south east quarter of section 6,
in Township No. 3, in tho twelve mile
square reserve nf the Maumee Rapids, con
taining eighty acres, toge'her with the
privileges and appurtenances thereunto be
longing, to satisfy a decree in Chap-pry in
favor of Oliver A. Morse, vursus Hei.ry
Matter Comminioner in Chancery.
Dated, April 24, 1840. 6w4
BY virtue ot a decretal order issued out
of the Court of Common Pleas, in and
irthe oounty of Lucas and state of Ohio,
.o me directed and delivered, I shall expose
.o sale at public auction, at the dour of the
Court House in'Tnledo, in said county on
Saturday, the sixth day of June next, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4
o'clock P. M. tho following described lands
aud tenements, to wit: One undivided one
third part of the following piece or parcel
of land to wit: the north east quarter of
section nuniber four, and the north east
quarter of. the north west quarter of said
seclion-and number, in township nuniber 3,
in twelve mile square reserve at the loot ot
tho Ranids ofMiami of Lake Erie, contain
ing two hundred and one acres, and twenty-six
one hundredths of an acre of land, to
satisfy a decree inchancery in favor of Na
than Rath bun, versus Ebenezar Jessup, Jr.
' ' . Matter Comminioner in Chancery.
Dated April 27th, 1840. - 6
ALL persons having claims against Uri
Scribner St Co. are hereby notified, to
present thtir chums at my office in Napole
on, ocortrfliug to Um prowaiunn nf the Stat
ute in such case made and provided.
John Powf.li., Commissioner ot Insol
vents, of Honry Coumy, Ohio.
Napoleon, April ?7lh, A. 11. 1840. ots
The State or Ohio, Lucas County, ss
Samuel M. Youne, and 1 BY virtue of an.
Michael Ireland,; Ad- nrderissuinffirom
nuniBtrators of the the Court oi corn
Estate of Oliver Ri-1 mon Pleas, in said
chardson, deceased. ,'Cuunty, in the
vs. I above entl'd cause,
The Heirs at Law of I the Subscribers
anid Estate. I will expose lo pu
blic sale at the Central House, in Maumee
City, on Wednesday the 13th of May next,
kat ween the hours ot 10 o clock, A. t. and
a P. M. of said day. the followine describ
ed Real Estate, to wit: The N. W. J of
the N. W. 1 of Section No, 17, in Town
ship No. 3, of the U. S. Reserve, of 12
miles square, at lite root ol tne Itapius oi
the-Miami of Lake Erie, containing 40 acre
more or less. - ,
Dated April 11, 1840. --. w2
rtf- BBLS. Superfine Flour, of the
."II II I mnt annroved brands, for sale
cheap (or the Notea of the Michigan Banka.
' - CARPENTER, k Co.
Toledo, Fab. 8, 1840 45tf
:',. 1840.
Forwarding, Commission- and Produce
Merchant, Perryilnirg, Ohio.
rpHE subscriber will continue the Shio-
-- ping and Forwarding-business at the
old stand heretofore occupied by J. Hollis
ter St Co., and having assumed all the ship
ping interest previously belonging to that
company, will be prepared at the opening
ot navigation to receive and forward all
goods consigned to him with despatch.
The Capts. of the Steam Boats and vessels
in which he ia interested will give the pre
ference at Buffalo and other ports on the
Lake, to goods consiiriied to him leavinff
no room for the delay of goods which are
thus consigned and affording greater facili
ties to Western Mediants than any other
oouse on tne itiver.
he solicits consignments of all kinds of pro
luce Stc, on which liberal advancea will be
made if required.' Constant and personal
oitcntion Will be given at all business hours
and his whole time will be devoted to his
business. He will keep on hand and for
sale Pork, Flour, Whiskey, Iron of all de
scriptions, Nails, spikes, steel, window sash
and glass of all sizes, tar, pitch, oakum,
salt, lumber, shovels, spades Stc. at whole
Sale and retail, Salt will be sold at first
cost at the works adding transportation,
storage and commission. - "
, Refcrencei. . ..''
Tt 3 ft I
I I wflr hi; 'veto iwk.
jaaronro, iara Gt rrosser. -. -
Bronson St Crocker, Omega, JV. Y.
William Hollister,
Gelston St Evans,
Jesse Smith, St .Co.
i?uao, JV. Y.
I Cleveland, O. '
Ransom McNair St Co.
Gray, Gallagher dt Co., Detroit. -
H.miltoEnTaberStco. Forl WV
Strong fc Miller, ) 1jimtmt
Munoa, WcClery St uabt, 0.-r-. -.
Ewing, Walker At Co. Peru, Ind.
P. Evans, Defiance, Ohio. ,
Feb. 15. '- .:. ,' 4Btf. :
rHE subscribers have, just received a
- Jurire and general assortment of Goods
suitable for the present and com'ng season.
Anionrr which may be found a 'ame assort
ment of merinoshawls; Chenil, robroyand
fancy do.; mnuslin de laincs; plain and fig
ured silks; silk velvets, bombazines and sa
tins; ribbons nnd artificial flowers; FrcncJi
collars and linen handkerchiefs; lacesi edg
ings and insertiiigs ; gloves and hosiery, a
large assortment; stocks, bosoms and col
lars; Italian cravats, pongee handkerchiefs;
v reucli and English merino's; Englisn and
American calicoes; broadclotliB and casBi-
mercs; pilot and beaver cloths; sattinets
and lulled cloths; plain and twilled flannels;
linseys and canton flannels; rose and horse
blankets; socks and stockings; buck mittens
and gloves; English mole skins and fustians;
cotton sheetings and shirtings, a large lot,
at all prices ; cotton yarn, wickingand bat
ting; blue and brown drillings.
Carprtino, ruga and mats ; carpet bags
and valic8. ' -
Hats and caps, a great variety; boots
and shoes of all kinds ; paper hangings.
School books and stationary.
China, glass, earthen and stone ware. "
Hardware. Cordage, tuba and pails;
AmeB's shovels, spades and axes; bake pans,
tea kettles and iron chains; wrought nails
ond hinrns; cut nails of .all sizes..-
Dry Grocerics of all kinds; cod fish.
sounds ami tongues.
All of which will be sold nt great bar
gains for Caih or country produce. All in
want of Goods are respectfully requested to
all and examine our stock before purcha
sing. iSl'EWCER fit MUUKtS.
Nov. 2. Sltt
- f( barrels first rate one Hog Pork, :
1 JJ 50 ,, . Prime and
S000 lb. Lard, for sale very low, by
U. C. r ORSYI ll St Co.
Dec. 28. . " ;
TRY GOODS, Groceries.
mJ and Crockery of all kinds, for sale
cheap, by
Dec. is.
EER. 10 barrels Cleveland Beer, for
sale by D. B. SMITH.
oct. 19.
WANTED. Bank of river JJaisin
notes at a discount, in exchange for
Goods or current funds.
pov. 2.- Sltf DANIEL COOK.
NUTRIA, Coney, Muskrot, Cloth and
Canadian Caps.
oct. 26. G. St W. RICHARDSON.
TE A, coffee, loaf, lump and brown sugar
pepper, spice, cloves, nutmegs, indigo
ginger, cassia, starch ond saloratns, by
dec. 28. 1). C.FURSVTH Si.Co.
Office at his dwelling, opposite the resi
dence of Ira White, Wqlcott-street, Mau
mee City.
1 Kf barrels Salt, on hand and for sale
1 JJ chean. hv
Dec. 28. D. C. FORSYTH St Co.
HARDWARE, from a cambric needle,
to a sheet anchor, by -- .
dec. 28. D. C. FORSYTH St Co.
SWISS Jaconpt, book and moll muslins
by D. C. FORSYTH St Co.
dec. 28.
PLAIN and figured bobbinetts, laces, in
sertiiigs, footings Rnd edinps, bv .
dec. 23. D. C. FORSYTH St Co.'
BUCKSKIN gloves and mittens, gentle
men's super buck do. and ladiea super
suuei H. S. do., by . -
dec. 88. D. C. FORSYTH At Co.
RED wood, logwood, camwood, madder,
nicaragua, copperas, allum, saltpetre,
epsotn and glauber salts, by . '
dec. 28. v. c. runs i lit tt co..
soda, foreale by
June 15.
and Bicarbonate
-STTICKING, Wadding,
Batting, and
T r
cotton Yarn by
Dec. 28.
SULPHATE of Quinine, for sale hy
June 15. . - E. KITTS.
RED, White and Green Flannela alse,
Red, Blue and White cotton Flanuels,
tor sale by
Doc. 28.
TRISH and Table Linen, Cottou and
Russia Diarjer. Scotch Sheetinir and
Napkins, by r
. - D. C. FORSYTH & Co,
Dec. 21.
Dealer in Produce, Halt, Lumber, ttt.
THE subscriber will continue the above
business nt bis former stand, and at alt
'times devote himself to the loterest of those
who may entrust him with thsir business. "
Assuring those who make consignments to
be forwarded either, east or west, that no
unnecessary delay shall occur by lake or
land, and to those who consign property
for sale th it they may rely on the highest .
market price and prompt returns. ;
His arrangements with (alt manufactur
ers are such as will enable him to sell the
article at anytiraeand inany quantity at the
lowest price.
Being agent for tho principal forwarding;
lines on the Erie canal and lake,' he will ev- '
er be ready to render such information to
Merchants going east as will enable them '
to secure the transportation of goods with.
despatch and on resonable terms.
All who may favor him with consign
ments, will please mark their package! '
"care of G. S. Hazard." ... - .
t asrsassoas. y
McCurdy, AJdrich St Co.,Ex- V ' . . .
.change place, , ).- ".-
R. Putnam, Coenties slip, . V JY. York .
Noah Cook, Broad street, .
D. 1', Parker " . - J
P. L. Parsons & Co. ' 1 --
Kinne. Peabodv It Co.. Bufi
Coit, Kinibrely (t Co.
n. w msiow & co., cf vriana, u. ; ' . :
Barber & Barney, Sandutky, O. '
Hamilton, Taber St Co., ) '
J. W. Townlcy St Co. 5- Fori Wayne la.
F. Compnret," . J .
G. A. Fate, Huntington, la.
Strong ond Miller, , .,, . . .
P. Poilard, Loganeport. ,r
Maumee City, March 7. .. 49
State or Ohio.
S Court of Common
Pleas, March Term,
A.D. 1840.
Lucas County, ss.
James Wolcott;
in Chancery.
IN pursuance
of an order of
vs. ' ,
Theodore T. Woodruff,
Jonah Woodruff, -Chauncey
D Woodruff, St
Charles T. Woodruff.
f said Co0rt,The-
odore i. Wood
ruff, - Jonah
Woodruff, ond .Charles T
Woodruff, are
hereby notified that James Wolcott of Mau
mee City, in the said County of Lucas, and -State
of Ohio, filed in ihe Court of Com
mon Pleas of said County, at their Mvrch
Term, A. D. 1040. A Bill in Chancery a-t
gainst the said Theodore T. Woodruff, .
Jonah Woodruff, Charles T. Woodruff, and .
one Chauncey D.Woodruff, which charges
that on the "first day ot December, A. D.
1833, theaoid Defendants entered into four
Contracts in writing with said Wolcott for
the purchase of certain Lots of Land on the
said Wolcott's Plat of his addition to Mia- '
mi City, and that the time in which tho
said Lots were to he paid for has expired,
and that r.a part of the purchase money has
been paid.
The prayer of said Bill is, that the said
Defendants may be decreed to pay the a- '
mount of purchase money, together-with
the interest, which appears to be due on
each of said Contracts, and that in default
of the i r bo doing within the timo fixed upon
by the Court, that the said property may be
sold to satisfy the .same, and that the ba
lance of said purchase money remaining .
unpaid, after such sale, may stand as oa
Judgment at Law. And the said Theodore
T. Woodruff, Jonah Woodruff and Charles
T. Woodruff aro further notified, that un
less they appear and plead, answer or de
mur to the said Bill, within sixty days after
the next term, the said Jamea Wolcott, at
thfe next term after the expiration of said
sixty days will apply to said Court to taka
the matters of the Bill as .confessed, and to
decree thereon accordingly. .
" . Sol's, for Complainant..
Dated March 27, 1840. - 6w2 .
BY virtue of a writ of 3 plurius vendi.
expo, to me directed, issued from the
Court of Common Pleas, in and for the
county of Lucas, and State of Ohio, I shall
exoose to Bale at the door of the Court
House in Toledo on Saturday, May 80, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and
4 P. M., the following property to wit:
Lot No. 35, in Waterville Town Plat,
Taken at the suit of Daniel W. Gantly.
against Lyman Dudley.
c. c. csiiAVV, isnenjf.
April 20, 1840. ' ' 4tds
BY virtue of a writ of 2 plurius vendi.
expo, to me directed, issued from the
Court of Common Ploa, in nnri for the
county of Lucas, and state of Ohio. I sjmll -expose
to sale at the door of the Court
House in Toledo, on Saturday, May 80, be
tween the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4
P. M tho following property to wit: Lot
No. 84. in Hunts addition to Maumee,
Taken at the Buit of Peter Fisk, against .
Burcegale Hauaur. -.- .
, C. u. isriAW, ancrijj.
April 24, 1840. 4tds. .
T Y virtue ot a writ ot 2 plurius
JJ i
exno. to me directed issued from tho
court of Common Pleas, in and for the coun j
ty of Lucas, and state of Ohio. I have ta
ken and shall exnose to sale nt the door of
Court Houee, in Toledo, cn Saturday, May
80, between the hours of 10 o'clock A. M.
and 4 o'clock P. M.the following proper
ty to wil: the south cast quarter ot the n.
w. quarter of sec. 22, in Tp. 2, in the Ui S.
12 mile square Reserve at the toot oi tne
Rapids of the Miami of Lako Erie, contain
iuir 40 acres, Taken at the suit of Jamea
. . : C. G. SHAW, Sheriff.
April 20, 1840. : 4tds.
BY virtue uf a writ of 3 plurius vendi
exno. to me directed, issued from the
Court of Common Pleas, in and for the coun
ty of Lucas, and state of Ulno. J shall ex
pose to sale at the door of the Court House
in Toledo, on Saturday, May SO, between
the hours of 10 o'clock A. M. and 4 P. M.,
the following property to wit: the w. half
of the n. w. quarter of sec. 1, in town No.
7, north of range 93, containing 80 aciet,
taken at the suit of E. Mack, -use of D. .W.
Gantlcy, gaianst Josiab. Cressy and Tuoma
J. Dobbins. i ,
. C. G. SHAW, Sheriff
April 20, 1840. v . 4tds,
NOTICE. . ..
rrtO the owneis of ground or land abuU
L ling on or near to, Canal Street, Wol
colt Street, Detroit Street, Corey Street,
and Water Street. -
The City Council of Maumee City nave,
passed an Ordinance to construct a Hide
walk on the margin of said streets, arid to
levy and assess a discriminating tax on tho
grounds and lands on and near said streets,
in proportion to the benefit received from,
aid aide-walks.
C. Matthews, Recorder, , , ,
Maumee City, April 17, 1840., k : .
::: Af""-' - r ......

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