Hurrah for the Family Provision
TH. McKNIGHT respectfully announces to the
citizens of Perrysburg that he has opened a full
stock of GROCERIES & PROVISIONS in Clark's
brick building, next door to E. Graham & Co. s,
where may be found a good assortment of Provis
ions, Produce and Groceries. His motto is Small
Profits and Quirk Sales. Everything in his line
will always be found, and at the lowest possible pri
ces. By strict attention to business he respectfully
solicits a liberal share of patronage.
The following articles comprize part of his stock :
Choice Young Hyson Teas at 3, 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8s. per lb.
Sugar ; Havana & New Orleans Molasses ;
Cider Vinegar, Nuts of all kinds,
"Rio Coffee. Candies do
Ground Coffee. Rice, Good assortm't Stoneware
Crushed & Pulv. Sucrars, Baking Powders,
do Spices of all kinds,
do Tubs, Pails, Br.ooms,
Mops & Bed-cords,
Green Apples,
Cigars & Tobaccos,
Fresh Cluster Raisins,
Fresh Butter,
Saleratus & Starch,
Powder. Lead, Shot, Caps
Hard Bread, Dried Beef, Good assortment common
Hamburg & W.R. cheese, Crockery,
Mackerel, Codfish, Nails, Glass, &c. &c.
All of which will be sold very toxo for Cash or pro
duce. J- H. McKNIGHT.
Nov. 28, lS53.--3Sm3
St. Croix
New Orleans
Mould Candles,
Sterine do
Star do
Bar Soap,
Winsor do
Fancy do
Sugar Crackers,
Common do
Attorney at Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Land Agent.
&c. &c. Othee in tne court nouse, rerrjsuuiy, u
HTunnfiir-tiirprs of all kinds of Paper and Blank
Books. Springfield, Ohio.
WM. M. KOHL & CO.,
Importers & Dealers in Perfumery and Fancy Goods
. .i t irAjinB
also, ail tne genuine ramuy ukuiuuw.
N. E. corner 4th & Vine streets, Cincinnati, O.
3EIJ-A11 orders promptly attended to.
nVT M CAMjAIID respectfully informs the
Ll merchants and citizens generally oi ferry
bure and its vicimtv, that he has opened a
aver J. A. Hall's store, where he will at all times
Hnrinr business hours' be readv to cut and manu
faoture CLOTHING in the latest and best style. All
orders given will be accomplished with promptitude
and economy. '
N. B. Cutting done for the Trade, and warranted
to fit when properly made up. au.'iyj
and now offered to the trade at the very lowest
terms, a complete assortment of Saddlery Hardware
direct from the manufactory.
good assortment of Joiners and Carpenters' Tools
rarrnntirt of the best aiialitv.
Also Well-tops and Chains, at prices equal
Toledo and Buffalo. J & W HOOU,
Perrysburg, May 19, 1853. No 1 Front-st
A VARIETY of beautiful and ornamental Time
JA. Pieces at Juuous.
A LARGE assortment of WALL and WINDOW
PAPER, choice patterns, at ixju
CEINE and Wool TWINE, and other Cordage
at liOOirs
cheap and brilliant light," at IIOOD's.
FRENCH, German and Yankee NOTIONS,
EDAR POSTS. 3,000 Cedar Posts, single
posts or in logs, at IIOOD'S.
COARSE SALT and Fine Salt, in bags, at
KECEIVED and for sale, 100 bbls superfine Lake
Wood Mills Flour. B. F. HOLL1STER &
WE have on handalarge lot of Cradles, Scythes,
Snaths, Hay Knives, Bush Scythes, etc., which
vre will sell at manufacturer's prices.
"RECEIVED and for fale,
JLV 20 dozens Wood Pails ;
5 do Tub ;
50 nests wooden Bowls.
1012; 1014.
RECEIVED on consignment and for sale,
20 Bbls. Molasses, 25 bbls. N. (). Sugar.
The price of this paper is SI. 50 in ad
vance. If payment be delayed six months,
25 cents will be added ; if it be delayed till
the end of the year, 50 cents additional will
be charged, invariably.
A BEAUTIFUL FARM of 80 acres, within 8
miles of Perrysburg, and 4 of "NVatcrville, is now
for sale on reasonable terms. It is in a good situa
tion, and well supplied with timber. If not sold by
the first of March, it will then be to let. For further
particulars, apply to Mr. James J food, Perrysburg,
or to J. W. Eraser, Hull Prairie, "Wood county, O.
Jan. 2, 1854. 43m3
sec. 8 " 80 "
" 9 " 80 "
7 .. 40 .
' " 7 " 40 "
" ) " 80 '
"10 " 80 "
"11 " 80 "
" 15 320 '
15 " 100 "
" 20 " .'V-'O '
' 20 " 100 "
" 21 " 320 "
" 21 " i;o "
21 " 80 "
" 22 " 320 "
" 22 " KiO '
" 22 " 80 "
" 23 " KiO
" 29 " 320
" 29 ' 80 "
" 23 " 320 "
" 15 " 320 "
21 " (i40 "
Farming Tenuis for Sale.
THE undersigned offers for sale, in quantities to
suit purchasers, the following described lands,
in Lake township. Wood county, Ohio, viz :
Section One, containing 040 acres
North i of northeast qr of i
East J of northwest i of
Northeast i of southeast 1 of
Southwest i of southeast i of
North J of southeast i ot
East 4 of southeast of
North i of southeast of
East half of
Southwest quarter of
East half of
Southwest quarter of
rsorth halt ot
Southeast quarter of
rs orth $ ot southwest ot
North half of
Southwest quarter of
V est J ot southeast t ot
Northwest quarter of
North half of
North J of southeast i of
East half of
In Plain township, viz
East half of
Also, fractional section 30, n tractional township
number 8 north, of range 12, containing 14 acres.
All of these Lands are of superior quality, having
been selected nearly twenty years ago for agricultu
ral purposes. The' title is derived by patents from
the United States Government, and is unquestiona
ble. Those in the town of Plain, consist ot prairie
and oak openings ; and those in the town of Lake,
of woodland, generally neavy timoereu, consisting
of oak, ash, white-wood, elm, beech, maple, and
other varieties. In the immediate vicinity ot 1'er-
rysburg and Toledo, they are all of them near or in
tersected by important "lines of Railroad, running
east, west and south ; and as the whole surrounding
region is becoming rapidly improved, they present
desirable investments for those wishing to purchase
for the purpose of improvement.
Apply to the subscriber at the weaaen nouse,
Cleveland, or to his agent, Samuel P. Ely, at Roch
ester, N. Y. Information respecting the lands may
also be had of Hon. N. Allen, at Toledo.
Cleveland, Dec. 2G, 1853.-m2 H. B. ELY.
Another Instalment of
jVew Goods !
ED. PECK Ac CO. are this dav receiving
. directly from New York via N. Y.& E. R.R.,
an elegant and extensive stock of
Consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods,
such as Cloths, Casimeres, Jeans, Sheetings, Shirt
ings, Drills, Prints, Ginghams, Lawns, DeLaincs,
Berages, Silk Tissues, Cambrics, Laces, Edgings,
&c. &c. A go u variety of Dress Trimmings and
Velvet Ribbons. Hats, Caps, Bonnets and Trim
mings, of the latest styles and CHEAP.
Ready made Clothing in any quantity and at all
Also, a complete stock of Groceries, Hardware,
Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints
and Oils.
All the above Goods, and others too numerous to
mention, will be sold to suit purchasers.
Come and see U3 1
July 9. 1353.
OIIAWLS! We have this dav received bv ex
O press a splendid assortment of fall and winter
anawis, comprising a variety oi sivies oi mu
Square and Long SHAWLS. Those in want 'f
good shawl, will do well to examine these before
purchasing. Oct 3 E. D. PECK & CO.
Ground Plaster.
f)A BBLS. Ground Plaster this dav received and
) and for sale by E D PECK & Co.
April 30, lSr.3
SHINGLES 50,000 good Pine Shinnies, for sale
by apI30J E D PECK & Co.
PA AArtPINE SHINGLES, this day rece'd
OU,UUU and for sale by E.D. PECK & Co.
NOTICE. The firm of Spink & Murray having
been dissolved by the death of John C. Spink,
it is necessary that all accounts with the late firm
should be closed up. JAMES MURRAY.
Nov. 7, 1853.
From the Newspaper .Advertising Agency of
8. M. Pettengill & Co.,
122 Nassau-st.,N. York, and 10 State-st., Boston.
Morse's Compound Syrup of
THIS is a purely vegetable compound, scientifi
cally prepared from the best roots and herbs of
the Materia Medica, and has gained an unrivalled
reputation for the following effects, viz : Regulating
and strengthening the Liver and Digestive Organs,
and cleansing the Stomach and Bowels, and thu.s
cubing nil billious diseases, LiverComplnints.Dys-
iiepsia, Indigestion, Costiveness, Piles, Headache,
'ever and Ague, Jaundice, Nausea, Loss of Appe
tite, &c, and causing the fond to nourish and support
every part, PURIFYING the BLOOD,mu thus
curing all Humors, Cutaneous Eruptions, Scrofula,
Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Scald Head, Canker, Pim
ples on the face, Blothes, Fleers, Tumors, Mercurial
Diseases, Cancers, &c; Regulating the secretory
organs, and by enabling them to perform their pro
per functions, preventing and curing many painful
and dangerous diseases ; Strengthening and quieting
the Nervous System, thus allaying Nervous Irritation,
and curing all diseases of the nerves, as Hysteria,
Neuralgia, Cramps, &.
It is Unrivalled in the Cure of all Female Com
plaints, as weakness, general debility, irregularity,
obstructions, swelling of the feet, limbs, joints, &c,
caused by weakness; Also, Lung and Throat Com
plaints, as Colds, Coughs, Asthma, Consumption, &o,
also, Drojisy.
Having made use of the Compound Svrup of Yel
low Dock Root, prepared by C. MORSE & CO..
either ourselves, or in our families, and finding it to
be a very salutary and effectual preparation, we do
most cheerfully recommend it to the public as a very
valuable medicine.
E. Bourne, Esq., Cashier National Bank, Provi
dence, R. I.; A. W. Spencer, Esq., Cash. Lime Rock
Bank do do do.; Rev Win Phillips, Rev .1. 15 Rich
mond, C. S. Jones, editor Providence Gen. Advt.;
Wm Field. M. W. O. M., Cyrus Fisher, M. E. 11. P.,
James Hutchinson, G. S. Dea, V. J. Bates, Dr. Ben
Colbv, and one hundred others of the most respect
able families of Providence.
This certifies that I have for a number of years
been acquainted with the composition nnd mode of
manufacture of Mousk's CoMrorxn Syium' of Yr.n
low Dock Root. I have also been acquainted with
its modus operandi in disease, and can say that in all
respects it is admirably calculated to remedy that
class of diseases for which it is designed. It is es
pecially valuable in Indigestion and all its attendant
symptoms; it excites to healthy action the Liver,
removes torpor and inactivity of this organ, and stim
ulates healthy action in all the system. As a depu
rator or purifier of the blood it has nosuperior.
I) win Holm i:s, M. D.
Frovidenee, R. T., Jan. 4, KT3.
Prepared bv C. Moitsi: & Co.. 4 If! Broad
way, N. Y., and sold by PECK & ROBERTSON.
Perrysburg, and by Druggists and othersthroughout
this and other countries. 12vl
fTMIE TOLEDO HLADi: has been enlarged
JL to the size of the lahijlst P.wur.sonthe Lakes.
Hereafter special exertions will be made to make it
authoritative on subjects of commerce, the markets,
and the news of the day. It daily publishes the la
test Telegraphic news, and usually contains the
markets of Buffalo and N-w York of the day it is
Connected with the office, isa IIIXDERV. am
ply supplied with hands and machinery, which will
promptly execute any work demanded by the wants
ot the country.
Subscriptions and work lor the Bindery received
at this office.
IN 1823.
THIS office has now transacted business for more
than a quarter of a centurv, during which peri
od it has taken more than 100,000 Risks! and
insured real and personal property against loss by
Fire nnd Water to the value of more than two iipn-
Pitr.P MILLIONS OF DOLLARS in the Western
Several thousand lo-ses have been incurred upon
the above risks, all of which have been adjusted at
the General Aeencv Office at Cincinnati, nnd paid
with the utmost promptitude according to the con-
ditions of the policy, as may be seen by the receipts
of the several claimants on file.
The undersigned has been furnished with blank
policies, signed by the officers of the Company ; al
so with blank renewal receipts, for continuing poli
cies already issued, and on hand, and he is duly au
thorized nnd prepared, as agent of said company, to
make insurances for any period of time, not less than
one month nor greater than seven years, upon build
ings and their contents, occupied asdwellings. stores,
warehouses, hotels, churches, banks, court houses,
colleges, &c, &c, and their contents against Fire,
or the Perils of Navigation. Also, on Dry
Goods, Groceries. Manufacturers' Goods, Produce,
Household Furniture, Live Stock, and every other
description of Merchandize and Personal Property,
shipped or to be shipped per good vessels or steam
boats on most of the navigable waters.
For further information respecting rates of pre
mium, &c, applv to the undersigned. .
J. A. HALL, Agent for Perrysburg
and Wood county.
tcr, will expect this duty at my hands
CI PEIIIIIIV is constantly enlarging his busi
Jm uessand improving his facilities for doing good
work, and respectfully solicits an enlarged public
patronage. His customers will generally find him
prompt, attentive to business, and anxious to accom
modate those w ho pay for their work. He is pre
pared to make to order, Wagons for Farmers and
Teamsters, Buggies of the most approved and taste
ful styles; Pleasure Carriages of all kinds; Carts,
Drays, Timber Wheels, &c, &c. His work w ill be
made of the best materials, in a good substantial
manner, and on reasonable terms.
Ho keeps constantlv on'hand for snle. LUMBER
Farmers, Look Horo !
I le manufactures Ball A- Post's CU LT1VATOK,
a new article patented April (ith, lXi2, to which ho
would call the attention of agriculturists. As a ln
bor saving machine, it is capable of doing double
the amount of work of any ordinary Cultivator.
This implement has two long shares, one on each
side, constructed of steel, and fastened on the mould
boards in such a manner as to move the entire sur
face of the ground, thereby cutting all roots and
weeds that come in contact with the shares which
mnv be graduated by the clevy to run from two to
six inches in depth.
The three small plows attached to the shares an
swer the same purpose of the common tooth culti
vator, iuiil in addition to the shares and plows, is a
metallic blade rake attached to the rear of the Cul
tivator, width serves to cut and break up the s d
and hard lumps, leaving the earth in a tine and pul
verized condition. The effectiveness of this cultiva
tor renders second hoeing unnecessary, which is a
saving of time ami labor.
Mr. Perrin also manufactures a larger sized ma
chine, constructed upon the same principle as the
above, but with larger shares, nnd containing tw n
small plows in addition to the corn cultivator, which
is designed to put in grain, and w orking upon sum
mer fallows. They are light, and of durable con
struction, readily handled ami of easy draught.
llus t.i i.TlVATOK obtained the first premium at
the Ohio State Fair, heid at Cleveland in Sept., 16"2.
Shop on Front-st., Perrysburg. Ohio. 1 Jtf
prn ou.n or kci.kctic physician.
JA 1 hereby give notiee to the people of Perrysburg
and elsewhere that I nm now fullv prepared to treat
persons afflicted with diseases of'anv kind, and all
such are respectfully invited to comes and be cured.
My mode of removing disease is bv the use of
Vegetable Medicines,
Selectedfrom all the best made use of bv physicians,
always acting in unison w ith the powers of life, and
which do not leave the system in a shattered and de
bilitated condition, such'as generally follows the us
of Mercury and mineral medicine's. From manv
years experience in the use of Vegetable Renu di,
1 feel justified in saving that every form of disease
can be entirely cured by the use of my medicine, for
thousands of people arc annually cured of every kind
of disease by the use of these medicines. I am alvo
assisted by the advice of many eminent Eclectic ph
siciansiu the I'nitcd States. "
Among the many diseases w hich I have cured and
am prepared to cureng.iin.aiethe following: Fever
and Ague, Bilious. Typhus, and febrile diseases of
every tvpe; diseases of the Moniach and bowels;
intiainmation and debility of the Liver anil Lungs ;
Rheumatism of all kimLs; White Swelling ; Scrofu
la; all kinds of Old Sores ; old 1 leers and Old Sore
Legs. Come and converse w ith those that I have
cured, and they will tell you that three dollars has
cured them w ith me w hen forty dollars elsew here
did not. Sore Eyes, Asthma, all diseases of the
throat, mouth and head; pain in the side ; weakness
in the back ; Dropsy ; breaking nut. on the surface ;
humors in the blood; Piles; Venereal diseascscured
in a few days ; all diseases of Children, and particu
larly all diseases of Women; those weaknesses so
common to them can be removed : and other dis
eases too numerous to mention, both general and
local, will be cured in the shortest possible time.
Come and sec, and put away your prejudices and l e
If any rensons be asked for the decided stand I
take on this subject, they enn be given. In the first
place, so many of the inhabitants of the world as are
acquainted with me, cither personally or bv cIiiiimc-
Sccond. inv
conscience, winch I cannot with any degree of pro
priety resist, is night and day exciting me forward bv
every allurement ot happiness to emlinrk in this glo
' rimis cause, and by every degree of unhappiness if 1
taint-nearicoiy snrinK duck into apathy after heing
so long as L years usjiilt every menus in my power,
both in and out. of the profession, to stir us some able
hand to undertake this, of all reforms, the most nec
essary. And third, my God, whom I incline to servn
with all my heart, soul, strength and mind, savs in
Exodus, " Thou shalt not '." hence, if I suffer
any false system to oppress the human family, and
countenance the same, ond do not lift up my voice
against it, He will rank me as a murderer, nnd pun
ish me accordingly, see the 27th and L'Sth chapters of
Deuteronomy. Read also the 25th chapter of Mat
thew, where every one of us is called upon not to link.
our talents, be they ever so few or weak ; nnd hence
I contend, that if I possess only one talent ns a qual
ification to eradicate only one error of medical prac
tice, or establish only one truth of medical thenrv.
and do not make proper use of that talent, I on us
culpable as if I hail five talents rolled in a napkin.
My office is on Front street, opposite Houston's
store. Also, Botanic Medicines for sale.
Perrysburg, June 13, 1853. HmC