Newspaper Page Text
THE PERRYSBURG JOURNAL.' 63 "PAPER HANGINGS. We are just receiv L ing our spring stock of Taper Hangings, such as Wall Paper, Boudf.hs, Window Paper, and I Fun; Boahd Prints, Which comprises the largest assortment ever opened in this market, and which we otter ut wholesale and retail, at the lowest possible March 27 3tf 1. 11. NYE &i CO. HI DEW, 1112121 I'ELT, &c. r I'M IK only place to get the money for Hides, jreen X or dry. Sheep-skins, Beeswax and Feathers, is at, BROWN ii HUNT'S, who at all times are ready1 t pay tin; highust price in Money. So briny thein ri:;ht, along. I'hev have for sale everv description of Stoves, Ktovc Pijie & Tin Ware. Give them a call, and if they cannot suit, you, i no need of trying elsewhere. Store corner ',r.Ht Si Louisiana Avenue. oetL'4 there' Front TIMEN! Watch, Big o AHEAD OF THE 'fry At the Sign of the VU-'Jiti St.' MM IT hTKI'F.T, TOM-IK). Hi.NUY T. COOK respectfully informs his ten thousand personal friends, and the good people .f Tol -il'i, Maiiiin'o City, Pom .-burg, and all the country round, that ho has opened the most com plete and splendid stock ever offered in the city, and n receiving daily additions from the European and Eastern manufacturers of CLUCKS, WATCHES AND JEWELRY. It would be ouite useless to attempt an enumera tion of the brilliant artitdes his show cases now eon- tun ; nut ladies auu gent u men win please ta.i una ': his splendid (.old and Silver Watches, ff vcrv variety, quality and pattern, at. prices rang ing front 'I'm to (';' I lundred and Fifty Hollars. KITERB COLD I'OB CHAIN, the large-1 and richest a-.swrtment ever seen here, at from ''( iv to Fi'tt I)nrs. HI'.A IT GOLD Gl'ARD CIIA1XS, or unequalled ticauty, weight and timsu, at troni Tuelce to Forty-fire o'ur.i. MAiiMi K i:r Pins axdUixcs, of tlie l itest st We:, and at the lowest prices. Si i'LUioH Pi:s and Pockkt Kmvcs, of elegant patterns and finished workmanship, the finest lot in tow n. Pi ain.O(ta;on and Beai tifl'l I Clocks, of the best manufacture, at Two and a llilf to Fif teen Dollars. With a countless variety of RlNCS, Eak Drops, CYkp Pins, Bkoooiiks. CiOI.Ii PhNClLS, Conn Pkns, Watch Skals. Biu-.vsrriNs, Studs, &c. And everything else ever seen or heard U 11 of in jewelry establishment. Prii es lon er than the lowest. rtftpecial care given by the best workmen in the country to rkpaiking watciik.s ami jewelry. and all work warranted. Z-if Don't for "it th Sign vf the Big W'nlrh, Summit street, between Jefferson and Mad inn streets. finrjOvl) II. T. COOK. lUOk HINDEKY, Cuss's Bum ping, Sum mit KTKLLT, 1 OLLDO, OlUO. P. W. PIPER would respectfully inform the citizens of Toledo and surrounding country, that he 14 now prepared to do all work iu his line, with dks- rATCI! ANI IN STYI.K NOT TO BE SURPASSED. Blank Rooks for lia7iha, Insurance Companies, Forwarders, County Officers, tj-c, a-ade at the shortest notice. "Magazines and Old Books bound to pattern. N. B. One of Town's Patknt Pahino MACiu.vr.s, :r paging Blank Books, is in operation at this es tablishment. Ruling of nil kinds done to order. Toledo, March 20. ls'.L 2yl Orders for Bindinir left at this ofllee will i very trifling expense. OAAVYEU, IN'EIl01iE A: Co., O PUBLISHERS. BOOKSELLERS AND STATION EES, Blade Buildinc, Toledo, Ohio. Sawyer, lugersofl Co. keep constantly on hand, tho publications of the American Tract Society, American S. S. Union, of Newman & Ivison, and Carter & Brothers, A'etc York ; of Phillips, Sanip on& Co., of Uoston ; of Moore & Anderson, and W. B. Smith & Co., CinciuniUi ; and the beautiful Presentation Books of E. 11. Butler, J'liiudephiii nil of which are offered to the trade, the clergy and the public, at Publishers' retail prices, and at a tri lling adanceon wholesale rates. Tract Society's Almanacs at Society's prices. i School liooks at Wholesale Sawyer, Inulusoi.l & Co. otter to the ti-nde, a slight advance on publishers' wholesale rate: promptly forwarded and the work returned here, MeGuttev's and Sanders's Readers and Spellers Ray's, Thompson's, Smith's and Stoddard's A rich metics. Pinneo's, Smith's and Bullion's Grammars. Smith's and Oluey's Geographies. Ray's ami Tower's Algebra. Comstock's Philosophy. Gray's Chemistry. Young's Citizen's Manual. St. John's Geology, Smith's Illustrated Astronomy. Mayhew's Book-keeping. Guernsey's, Wilson's and Goodrich's History the United States. Ackerman's Natural History. ScoU's Bible entire in three volumes, for $6.50. mh302tf SAWYER, 1NGERSOLL (a CO, ile, s-- "VfOTICE is hereby given that an application xN will be made to the Wood county commission ers, at their June session, 1854, to lay out a county road, as follows : Beginning at the Crom road, in Weston township, between sections 22 and 23, thence north between sections 14 and 15, 10 and 11, 2 and ;$, tonocr FIntFman's saw mill; thence on the most practicable route to the river road. April 2 l.s.Yl. 8w4 j I f CARDIAN'S SALE. By virtue of an order JJ of s;ile to me directed, from the court of com mon pleas of Wood county, Ohio, I will offer for hale at the door of the court house in Perrysburg, in said county, tho following described land, to wit: Road tract No. 71, (seventy-four,') in township No. li, of rang:? No. 12, of the Maumee and W estern Ue:;erve Koad Lands, on Mouday, the 2!)t it day of I Mav next, between the hours of one and tv.o p. m. JANE II. WOOD. GnardLn of pril 28, 1854. Hw 5, I. IX George J. Wood. irt G1 Wood County Commo ( Vacation after Sprin i. 14. i Pleas, g term, Homer li vs. George 11. Stevens 1EOILGE II. S'lEYENS will take notice that Homer Hart ha.? tiled a petition against him in tlii court of common pleas of Wood county, Ohio, asking judgment against him for one hundred and forty dollars and eighty-four cents, with interest on cixteen dollars since the first day of September, 18"3, and that on the order of the judge of said court an order of uttacl.rn.3nt has issued in said cause, which ha been served and returned. Tho said (ieorge 11. Stevens is therefore notified that unless he plead or answer said petition by the 1st day of July, A. D. l.'Cii, said Homer Hart will, on the Oth day of Oc tober, A. 1). 1S"1, or as soon thereafter as said court shall be in session, ask a judgment in his favor for the above amount. J AMES MURRAY. April 22. K".--7w(l$3 Att'y of Plaintiff. II a be TiilW AXl) CIIKAP GOODS. a. & J. POWERS VE just returned from New York and are now opening at the old stand ot Geoiie Powers, ini 1' font street. A large ;i ml well selected assortment of Manle ami Fancy Dry Goods, Consist inj in part of Wool atid Cotton Coods of kinds; Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and Shoes, School Books and Stationery, Nails, Class, Shovels. Soades, Chains, &c; Hats, Caps, Bonnets. Ueady Made Clothing in tine, a complete variety of articles usually found in a retail store, and which will be offered at unusually low prices for Cask I roduce. All persons desirous ot purchasing Ooods, will find it to their advantage to call and examine our stock before purchasing elsewhere We wish it to be distinctly understood that cash or merchantable produce, we will not be un dersatd. by any other establishment in the place dooils ot the same quality. We will at all time pay the highest market price in Cash for Wheat (rass See 1. I'orU. iVc, and will also receive m ex change for Coods, Produce of almost every kind, cask will not be refused, but received with joyful hearts und pleasant locks. November 1, lSij'J. GEO. POWERS, 42tf JOHN POWERS. Stand From Under ! riMIOSE indebted to the subscribers are most respectfully invited to walk up and pay The paper can be found at our office for a short time, where thev can be paid without nnv additional charges. " BROWN & HUNT. And GEO. W. BROWN & CO. Perrysburg. Feb. 27, 1S')4. Waterville, Maumee City and Perrysburg jiakeei; WOIlttS. "MIE subscriber having established the Marble busines iu Waterville and Maumee City, the inhabitants of these places, and vicinities, to him a call and examine his large stock of MAUBLE. Mv Marble is from Rutland and Dorsett, Yt., North Adams, Mass. My stock consists of 3,000 T : i at at.1 so that any can have a chance to make a selection. M v prices will be one-tourth to one-third less ' the peoi le have been in the habit of paving in section of country. My" terms will bo cash, or good notes on a reasonaoie time. M v shop at Waterville, is just north of the School house, near the canal ; and at Maumee City, Broadway, between the Pearl Mills and the Maumee Woolen Factory in Mr. McNeese's Cloth Office. Those who wUh for Grave Stones or Monuments, now is your time. So give me a call if vou do purchase. GIDEON MYERS. Waterville i Maumee City, Jan. 3, 1S54. 4Syl of MASTER'S SALE. BY" virtue of an order to me directed and deliver ed, from the court of common pleas of Wood county, Ohio, I will offer for sale at the door of court "house in Perrysburg, Wood county, on atj 1,-ith day of May, 13,54, between the hours of o'clock a. m. and 2 p. in., the following described I land, to wit : Out-lot number two hundred and fifty- ! :.,i,.tu.nn(n.,..i..,., WnA .rvcil, IIUW fturujt "l tug lunuui t :t 1 ti uii , , county ; taken as the property of E. N. Knight, tho suit of Samuel Jackson, aduiinistrator of Henry Friezner, deoeased. S. SPINK, April 10. lSo4.--fiwSJl.SS Special Master. ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given at my instance an order of attachment was day issued by E. Huntington, a justice of the of Perrysburg township, Wood county, Ohio, against the goods, chattels, rights, credits, moneys, stocks interests in stocks, and effects, of Josep'h Baylor, non-resident of the county, tor the sum of $14. March 27, 1854. 4 w3$i LOUIS NELIS. MORSE'S Syfup of Yellow Dock, a remedy for disordered BOWELS and BLOOD, iust received. See adv't. PECK & ROBERTSON. School Teachers. THE board of School Examineis of Wood coun ty will hold their first spring session for the ex amination of teachers, at the court house in Perrys burg, on the first Tuesday of April next, at 9 o'clock a. m., and on the first Tuesday of each month there after, until further notice. B"y order of the board. J. II. NEWTON, Clerk. Perrysburg, March 15, 1854. 2w3 STRAYED, on the 30th of April last, from the Big Island. Maumee river, nearly opposite Per rysburg, A SMALL SORREL MAKE, five years old, about thirteen hands high, with flowing tail, and a white stripe in her forehead. Any person return ing the mare, or giving information where she may be found, to Mr. 11. F. Hollistf.r, Perrysburg, or to J. P. CLARK, Detroit, will be liberally rewarded. Detroit, Dec. 1st, JSi:j.--47tr all or for in and up. BOOKS FOR THE MILLION! WING made my fall purchases of BOOKS AND STATlONEilY, I am now receiv ing, and am prepared to supply the citizens of Per- Durir and JNortliwestern Ohio, with a large and well selected assortment of Historical, Biographical, Poetical, Theolo gical, Practical, Classical, and School Hooks in general ; Also, Bibles, Prayer books, Annuals, Gift books. Toys, (f-c. A large assortment of FANCY AND PLAIN STATIONERY, Gold Pens made expressly for the Crystal Palace Exhibition, and in tine, almost everything that a good Book Store ought to keep, which 1 will sell for cash or exchange for rags, at v holesale or retail, as cheap as can be bought this side ot ew York City. Clergymen, ieachers, and Associations purchas ing Libraries, supplied at a liberal discount. Maumee City, Oct. 17, 1S"3. P. C. HOLT. R. A. CROSS, A, nicuiuaiici' aiiujewcier, &::. sj& Would most respectfully invitethe citizens or jiuumee City, Perrysburg, Watervilleand vicin ity to call and examine, betore purchasingelsewhere, his FRESH SUPPLY Of JEY JEWELRY, just received trom Uoston the best assortment ever brought into this market consisting of Ladies and Gents' Fine Gold Breast Pins; Gents' Diamond Scarf Pins; Gents' Diamond Rings ; Ladies' supe rior Cult Pins; Ladies llubv, Emerald, Fearl, and Garnet Rings; Fine Gold Lockets ; Ear-rings of all kinds and qualities ; beautiful alva coral Bracelets ; tine Gold Bracelets with settings; Ladies' Gold Chains; Gents' extra fine Gold Vest Chains, new style ; Silver and Gold Pencils; Cornelian Rings; Watches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Watch Kevs, to gether with a general assortment of every variety of goods in his line. Cash buyers will find this a very desirable stock, and I would also say that I can and will sell jewelry ten percent, cheaper than Toledo merchants. Maumee City, Oct. 17. Iv. A. CROSS. asks give and feet, than this on not WAGON MAKING. THOSE persons wishing to have good stout, du rable Wagons made, would do well to call on J. W. LANG, on Louisiana Avenue, nearly oppo site D. Ross's tavern. He is ready to make to order all kinds of vehicles, and to finish them in superior Stjle' LUMBER WAGONS, for Farmers and Teamsters, will be kept on hand or made to order. Carts and Drays, as stout as they can be made, on short notice. Timber Wheels and Trucks, that it would be hard to break. Sleighs and Cutters, that will run as fast as you wish to ride with a good horse before them. BLACKSM1THING, in all its branches, will be carried on in connection with tho establishment. S"Call on the subscriber and satisfy yourselves that this is the place to get your work done well and cheap. J.W.LANG. January 23, 18"4. 4Cm3 the the 10 wuu at that this peace or a Wood Common Pleas Elijah Huntington ) vs. Vacation or the Spring J erm. Lucy Roirers al. j T3UTLER ROGERS, Henry Rogers, George Ro- Jlj gers, Luev Rogers, Jane E. ueinlen, John liein leu, Rowena Vr. Widman, and Alexander P. Wid man, will take notice, that the plaintiff has filed petition in the court pt common pleas of ood coun ty, Ohio, setting forth in substance that one Eftjah N . Knight and Henry Zeigler entered into a contract for the purchase of tract number eleven fill of the Maumee and Western Reserve road lands in said Wood county ; that Henry Zeigler sold and assigned his interest in said contract to one Ichabod Rogers, who has since died, leaving Lucy Rogers, his admin istratrix, and the other defendants, his heirs at law that Elijah N. Knight sold out and assigned his in terest in said contract to Elijah Huntington, who has tendered to the said Lucy Rogers, administratrix of Ichabcd Rogers, deceased, the full amount re maining due on said contract, and demanded a deed for said tract of land. Plaintiff asks a decree tho conveyance of said tract of land, as required the said contract ; und defendants are notified that, unless they answer or demur by the 20th day of May, A. D. 1854, said petition will, at the term of court next thereafter, be taken as confessed, and a decree rendered accordingly. JAMES MURRAY, March 20, 1854. 2w6$4.W Att'y of P'trT. New 1854. Store. THE subscriber having purchased the entire stock and taken the stand occupied by M. KEY, jr. and ROSS & KEY, respectfully solicit the patron age of the late firm and the public generally. For further particulars please call on the subscriber, at the old stand of Ross & Key, where you will find a GENERA L ASS OR TMENT OF G O ODS, warranted to give satisfaction, and offered for sale on the most reasonable terms, jan 23-4otf A. JL THOMPSON. Having disposed of my entire stock of goods to A. M. Thompson, I would cheerfully recommend Mr. T. to the patronage of my old customers and the public generally. Marshall Key, jb. Jan. 23, 18'4. The llritish Quarterlies, and Blackwood's Magazine LEONARD SCOTT & CO., New York, contin ue to re-publish the following British periodi cals, viz : The London Quarterly Review (Conservative.) The Edinburgh Review (Whig.) The North British Review (Free Church.) I he YV KSTMiNSTER Ueview (Liberal.) liLACKWOOD S EDINBURGH MAGAZINE (lory.) ine present critical state ot I-.uropean artaira will render these publications unusually interesting du ring the year lo4. J hey WLll occupy a middle ;round between the hastily written news-items. crude speculations, and flying rumors of the daily journal, and the ponderous tcme of the future historian, written atter the living interest and excite ment of the great political events of the time Bhall have passed away. It is to these periodicals that readers must look tor the only really intelligible and reliable history of current events, and as such, ia addition to the'r well established literary, scientific, and theological character, we urge them upon the consideration of the reading public. Arrangements are in progress for the receipt of early sheets from the British publishers, by which we shall be able to place all our reprints in the hands of subscribers about as soon as they can be furnished with the foreign copies. Although this will involve a very large outlay on our part, we shall continue to furnish the Periodicals at the same low rates as heretofore, viz : Per ann. For, any one of the four Reviews $3.00 For any two of the four Reviews 5.00 For any three of the four Reviews 7.00 For all four of the Reviews 8.00 For Blackwood's Magazine 3.00 For Blackwood and three Reviews 9.00 For Blackwood and the four Reviews 10.00 Payments to be made in all cases in advance. Mo ney current in the state where issued will be receiv ed at par. Clubbing. A discount of 25 per cent, from the above prices will be allowed to clubs ordering four or more copies of any one or more of the above works. Thus: tour copies of Blackwood, or of one Review, will be sent to one address for 49; four copies of the four Reviews and Blackwood for 230 ; and so on. Postage, In all the principal cities and town. these works will be delivered, through agents, free of postage. W hen sent by man, the postage to any part of the United States w ill be but 34 cent a year for Blackwood, and but 12 cents a year for eacn or the reviews. Remittances and communications should alwava be addressed, post-paid, to the publishers, LiOJN AKJJ SCOTT i CO., , 64 Gold street, New York. N. B. L. S. & Co. have recently published, and have now for sale, the " Farmer's Guide," by Hen ry Stephens, of Edinburgh, and Prof. Norton, of x aie uouege, mew naven, complete in j voia. royal octavo, containing 1000 pages, 14 steel and COO wood engravings. Price in muslin binding, $6. iZThis work is not the old " Book of the Farm," lately resuscitated and thrown upon the market. a ; for by TO PRINTERS. A new edition of the Spe cimen Book of Brice's New Y'ork Ttps Foundry will be published in September, 1853, and will be given to those proprietors of printing offices who will send for it, or it will be forwarded to them by mail on receipt, iu advance, of fifty cents for the postage. In it are exhibited many article never befor shown ; there have been added to the Foundry new varieties of Roman types from Nine-line Pica U Pearl, various imitations of writing, a great number of fancy fonts, Borders both plain and illuminated, labor-sa ing Rules, and a complete foundry of Ger mans. The types now manufactured are cast from a new combination of metal of great durability, and are usually Kept on nana in targe quantities, ivei-j fancy font is sold by weight, and at the printed pri ces, which are from 10 to 25 per cent, less than tho of some other foundries. All other printing mate rials are furnished at manufacturers' prices, either tor cash or credit. Printers wishing to. open recounts with me, or whose dealings have been long suspended, are re quested to accompany their orders with city refer ences to prevent delay. ... Printers of newspapers who choose to publish this advertisement, including this note, three times before the first of August, 1854, and send me one of the pa pers, will be paid for it in type, when they purchase five times the amount of their bill from me, of mj own manufactures, selected from my specimens. 1 GEORGE BRUCE, 31 Chambers-street, New York, . v