Newspaper Page Text
THE PERRYSBURG JOURNAL. 191 Court of Common Please Wood County James S. Wadsworth vs. diaries James Murray. 'IM1E defendant, Carles James Murray, will take J. notice that the plaintiff", James S. "W adsworth, hast filed Ids petition in the court of common pleas of the county of Wood nod Htate of Ohio, the ob ject and prayer of which is, to obtain from said court an order authorizing and empowering him, rhe said plaintiff, to convey to the several persons named in the petition filed in tins cause, or their heirs or assigns, certain real estate, situate within said county of Wood, and in said petition particu larly described : said real estate having heretofore been sold by said plaintiff us trustee, holding the legal ti.le thereof with power of sale, to the said .several persons therein named; and that unless the said petition be answered by the ;!th day of Sep teinbe next, the plaintiff will ask the court to grant rlie oi-dcr prayed for bv default. FITCH & McBAIN, Tills Attys. Toledo, Aug. ID, 1S.11. $3.25 T1T('H NOTICE. Notice is hereby given, to Peter Earnest, non-rcsidenr of Wood county, Ohio, that an application has been made to the trus tee of Montgomery township to locate a ditch, on Wednesday, September 27th, commencing about K rods north of the southeast corner of the north half of the northeast quarter of section 2i, No. 4 north, f ranue 12 a"t. running north-westerly anil west erly to the Portage river. Zr.lil'LON 15. CURTIS, adding peeyek. August 1!, 1S51. 21wli:lpd(is.due fP() Perry Hoof, Ephraini Allen. Samuel "Wilson, L Peru. Beach, David F. Dodtre, '. W. and C. J. Morse,.!. B. Thompson, Allen Mc Cahan, Yander Yolgens, Harry llickox, Crissis Trother. Loren Clarke. Jenkins & Treadwell, An tfionv Haines, and Whiteoinb 1 laskins, or the own ers of the following described lands, situate in Plain find Middleton townships, "Wood county, Ohio: i 2 PART. ft- 3 " X i 1'" ." it North East tjuarter. in 5 11 North East (Quarter. in 5 .! Nortli West, North East. lit .' 3 East North West. 1' C 34 Undivided two-thirds South West. in (J 34 ' one-third do l' (i 34 K. N. E., less 10 acres oft'Bouth end. in f! :ii S. end E. N. K. ID acres. in (i 27 West South East. JU i 27 E. S. W.aud N. W. S. W. J(i (i 27 South West North East. W (i 27 South East North West. ;o ti '-'7 North West North East. in C, 22 East North West. li ; 22 North West North West. Id 22 West South West. in 0 22 South West North West. You are hereby informed that an application will lc made to the trustees of the tuwnships of Middle 4: and Plain, in paid county, for the, purpose of liavitig a ditch loraied, surveyed, cut and opened, commencing nt the nortli line of John Jewel's land, where the old Findlay road crosses the same, in Plain township, in said county, thence northward along said road through sections 11, ID and 11, in said tovrushi; ; thence northwardly along said road, in Middleton township, in said county, through sec tions :M, 27 and 22, to where said road crosses the Koinh lm" of fractional section 15, commonly known :is l lenrv Bernthiscl's farm. Tliat said ditch will affect the above described lands, anil an effort will be made to suliject the same, or the owners thereof, to the expense f cutting and opening said ditch. The trustees will meet at the residence of R. C. f'omstock, in Plain township, on the 23d day of September, vvl, tor the purpose ot making tne ne cessary examination and locating said ditch, accord ing to the statute in such case made and provided. JOHN COEN. AugnstlG,l?5l. W. M. & E. COEN, A. CONDIT, etui., -21wG.fS.3l Applicants. TOTICK. There will be no criminal session of J. 1 the Probate Court for Wood County, Ohio, until the first Mondav in September next. ASliEK COOK, Probate Judge. July 22,1 S.j4.-.'0wa "NTOTICE. There w ill bo tin summer term of 1 the Court of Common Tlea of Wood County. All persons, therefore, who have been summoned to be in attendance at said term of Court, w ill take notice that their attendance is dispensed with. Ap peals from Justices of the Peace, perfected before the 24th day of July, inst., must be filed in the 'lerk's office of said Court by the 25th day of July, Inst., otherwise the appeals ure not good. Next term, October 2d. Bv order of Hon. E. W. Hall. L. O. SIMMONS, Clerk. Perrvsburg, July 8, 154. 18w2 ATTACHMENT. Notice is hereby given that at my instance an order of attachment was this day issued by E. Huntington, a Justice of the Peace tf Perrysburg township, Wood county, Ohio, against the goods, chattels, stocks or interest in stocks, rights, credits, moneys and effects of Warren S. Sampson, an obsent debtor, for the sum of $7.04, A. M. THOMPSON: June 12, 1854. 17w3 Jarvis SpaIbrd's Estate. rpiIE undersigned gives due notice that be has A been duly uppointed and qualified as adminis trator of the estute of Jarvis Spafford, deceased. KBENEZEll GRAHAM. Sept. 9, 1854.--24w3 Mechanics, Inventors and Manufacturers. 4&V7n 1X CASH I'KIZES. Volume Ten of f$J I J the " Scientific American" commen ces on the Kith of September. It is chiefly devoted to the advancement of the interests of Mechanics, 1 nvcntoi s, .Manufacturers and Fanners, and is edit ed by men practically skilled in the arts and scienc es. Probably no other journal of fhe same charac ter is so extensively circulated, or so generally es teemed for its practical ability. Nearly nil the val uable patents, which issue weekly from the patent office, are illustrated with engravings, and the claims of all the patents are published regularly in its col umns as they are issued, thus making it a perfect Scientific and Mechanical Encyclopedia of inform ation upon tho subjects of Mechanical Improve ments, CheifUVtry, Engineering, and the Sciences generally. It is published weekly in quarto t'orm suitable tor binding, and each volnme contains 41(j pages of reading matter, several hundred engra vings, with a full and complete index. Its circula tion on the last volume exceeded 23,000 copiej per week, and the practical receipts in one volume are worth to any family much more than the subscrip tion price. The following (lush Prizes are offered bv the pub lishers for the 11 largest lists of subscribers sent in by the 1st of January, 1S55: $100 will be jfiven for the largest list ; $70 for the second ; 07) for the third ; 55 fur the fourth ; $5o for the fifth ; $45 for the sixth ; $40 for the seventh; $35 for the eighth : $30 for the ninth ; $25 for the tenth ; $'20 for the eleventh ; $15 f or the twelfth; $10 for the thirteenth; and $5 for the fourteenth. The cash will be paid to the order of the successful competi tor immediately after the 1st of January, 18-35. Tr.itMs. One copy one year 2; one copv six months 1; five copies six "months 4; ten copies six months $; ten copies twelve months $15; fif teen copies twelve months $22 ; twenty copies twelve months $2S in advance. No number of subscriptions above twentv cm be taken at less than $1.40 each. , Names can bo sent in at different times and from different post offices. Southern and western money taken for subscrip tions. Letters should be directed, post-paid, to Muxx & Co. VJA Pulton street, New York. Me ssrs. Munn & Co. ure extensively engaged in procuring patents for new inventions, and will ad vise in ventors, without charge, in regard to the nov elty of their improvements. nniiij viiimticAN slave code, in JL TIIF.OKY ANJ l'UACTK'K Its distinctive features, shown by its Statutes, Judicial Decisions, .... i in., .a . : ,',... n . uuu uiuMrauve i ucis, ay vHJiam uooueu, au thor of " The Democracy of Christianity," " Slave ry and Anti-Slavery," &c. New York : American and 1'oreign Anti-Slavery Society, 48 Beekman-st. The work vwll contain above "400 pages, 12mo., neatly bound in cloth, and will be sold for csvsh at 75 cents single copy, U per dozen, and $45 per 100. Also, in paper covers, at a deduction of 10 cents per copy on the above prices. Orders maybe forwarded to Lewis Tappan, 48 Beckmau street, New York. Ex rit.u ror a Lettkii from Hon. William Jay to tiii; AiJTiioit. " Your analysis of the slave laws is very able, and your exhibition of their practical application by the southern courts, evinces great and careful research. Your book is as impregnable ingauiMTiie cnarge oi exaggeration as iucfia s tie l ometry, since, like that, it consists of propositions jand demonstrations. The book is not onlv true, but It IS uiiijuextiujiatily true. CONTENTS. PisELiMiXAKY Chattku Parti. The relation of Master and Slave. CiiAf. 1. Slave Ownership; 2. Slave Traffic; 3. Seizure of Slave property for debt; 4. Inheritance of Slave property; o. Uses of Slave property; G. Slaves can possess nothing ; 7. Slaves cannot mar ry; 8. Slaves cannot constitute families; 9. Unlim ited power of slaveholders ; 10. Labor of Slaves ; 11. Food, clothing and dwellings of Slaves: 12. Coerced labor without wages ; 13. Punishments of Slaves by owner or hirer ; 14. Ot laws concerning the murder and killing of Slaves ; 15. Of the dele gated power of overseers; 1G. Of the protection of siave property trom damage ot assaults trom other persons than" their owners; 17. Facts illustrating the kind and degree of protection extended to slaves; 18. Fugitives from slavery; If). The Slave cannot sue his Master ; 20. No power of self-redemption or change of masters ; 21. The relation hereditary and perpetual ; 22. Kights to education, religious liberty, conscience ; 23. Origin of the relation and its subjects. Part 11. Relation of the Slave to Society and to Civil Government. Chap. 1 . Of the grounds and nature of the slave's civil condition ; 2. No access to the Judiciary, and no honest provision for testing the claims of the en slaved to l reedom; 3. Rejection of Testimony of Slaves and Free Colored Persons ; 4. Subjection to all white persons ; f. Penal las against Slaves : G. Education prohibited; 7. Free social worship and religious instruction prohibited ; 8. Legislative, Judiciul and Constitutional obstructions to Emanci pation. Part III. Kelation of the Slave Code to the Lib erties of the Free. Chap. 1. Liberties of the Free people of coloV, 2. Liberties of the White People of the slavehold ing States ; 3. Liberties of the White People of the non-slareholding States. Concluding Chapter. NOTICE. The undersigned has been appointed administrator onlthe estate of Ilermia Irwin, deceased, and qualified as such. All persons hav ing claims against said deceased will present them duly authenticated and all indebted will make im mediate payment. JOHN WEBB. August 12, 1Sj4. 20w3 NOTICE. The undersigned has been appointed administrator on the estate of George Schuler, leceased, and qualified as such. All persons hav ing claims against said deceased will present them uufy authenticated and all indebted will make im mediate payment. JOHN WEBB. August 12, 1854. 20W3 . JOSEPH TOLMAN. FAHlllONAliLE HATTER, Toledo, Ohio. T AM now in receipt of a full assortment of spring JL styles, as tollows : Beeli & Co.'s Moleskin and Beaver ; Genin's Moleskin ; Leary & Co.'s Moleskin ; llso, CAPS, Cloth, Silk and Glazed ; and a full assortment of Soft and Kossuth HATS, Fur and Word. All who find it troublesome to wear a new hat can have one fitted perfectly to the head by our CONFORM A TE UR, which is the most perfect machine for that purpose ever made. mh 27 3tf WANTED ! ! ! 100,000 Subscribers to the leading Magazines of the NO HUMBUG NO LOTTERY BUT THE MOST GRAND PROGRAMME OF PRES ENTS EVER OFFERED TO THE PUBLIC. Read and decide for Yourself! Tfl OOO "NVi11 be Preaented to ),,e IIun- fP I Jijj.J dred Thousand Subscribers to Harper's Magazine, Godey's Lady's Book, Graham's Magazine, Putnam's Monthly, Gleason's Drawing Room Companion, or the Democratic Review. The regular subscription price to either of these popular .Magazines is ltiree dollars per vear, w inch, it sent to the undersigned, will secure to the sender either of theattnve Magazines for one year, commencing on the first day of January, 1S55, and if fortunate, one of the following PRESENTS, ranging from $;j,000 to s 1. The Presents will be as follows, to wit : 1. A Cash present of $5,000 2. " - 4,000 3. " - 3,000 4. " - 2,000 5. ' - 1,000 U. - 500 7, 5 Presents of $100 each, 9 500 8. 20 " 50 1,000 V. 40 " 25 " 1,000 10. 30 " of Piano Fortes $300 each, 9,000 11. JdD ot (jold batches 100 " 10.000 12. 200 ' 50 10,000 13. 5D0 " of Gold Rings, 5 " 2,500 14. 500 " " 3 " 1,500 U. 1000 " Gold Pens and cases, 5 " 5,000 10. 1000 Gold Pencils, 3 3,000 17. 1000 ' Gold Pens, 1 1,000 15. 10000" Gold Rings, 1 10,000 19. 1000 Silver Pencils, 1 1,000 15,401 Presents, amounting to $70,000 The person who orders either nf ttA lnv Mnr- azines from us subjects himself to no risk whatever ! as the full value of his money, $3.00, is received in the Magazine alone, and is entitled and will receive, upon receipt ot tne money (sent at our risk) to a numbered ticket to be used at the distribution of Presents, which we are now confident will tike place as eany as tne nrst nay ot January next. The Pre sents will be put into the hands of a responsible Committee appointed by the subscribers themselves after the tickets have all been disposed of. The undersigned would impress upon persons de sirous of embarking in this truly Magnificent and Wonderful Enterprise the necessity of sending on their orders at onee, in order that we mav perfect our arrangements and bring the Enterprise to a speedy and happy termination, n3 we shall have the distribution take place at as early a day as possible. The Magazines will be promptly mailed to any ad dress desired from the publication offices. Again ice w out d say, send in your orders early, designating which of the Magazines are ordered. It may seem rather incredulous that we should undertake to supply the Magazines at the regular subscription price and still afford to make so many valuable Presents ; but we would remind the reader ot the old adage, that Union is Strength,' there fore by combining the strength of One Hundred Thousand subscribers to the popular Monthlies of the day, and making a special contract with the Publishers for a large number of their publications, we are enabled to do what we propose. This is the secret of our Enterprise. Do you think well of the project ? Will you give us your order ? As soon as the Presents are awarded, holders of Tickets will be promptly notified what Presents they jiro entitled to, when they should immediately inform the undersigned how they will have them forwarded. All orders should be plainly addressed WILLIAMS & SPR AGUE, Fultonville, Montgomery Co., N. Y. N. 15. In order that there may be no error in mailing tickets from us, we would suggest the pro-, priety of persons who may favor us with their or ders, that they send a pre-paid envelope with their address plainly written upon it. W. & B. DIt. J. BLECIIER, . RESIDENT DENTIST. Office over J. Augustus Hall'sstore. All work warranted. dec5-39tf IHSSOllltimi nf i. r I MIL partnership heretofore existing hpt-i I V consent C ! t,,i8 uolyed by mutual Perry'sburg, March 20, 1854. JKA1IAM- subscriWinnf "I'ter be conducted bv the subscriber, at the old stand, where you will find a very superior selection of J u a Spring and Summer Goods, Cheaper than ever for Cash. My stock embraces every variety of Dress Goods and I rimming; also numerous pieces varv ng i,, price trom a Gd to $7 per yard. Boots and Shoes tor men, women and children, for Spring and Sum mer wear : Summer CWha O,.;oi.i : . : , -""'ic in quality anil price for men and boys. Our liormels mL be surpassed either for beauty or style ; and our Ribons -.v. j.i tu equip tnem with. I have also everv viiriotv r ti-j e , - aiiiuiii e, lor eitner tanners, mechanics, or household use. In short, evervtl had here either cheap Goods.7,rpy Goods, or good Goods. And if you only call, that is sufficient war- ' " ' al"1 e ery time vou buy, the richer you get I So, spare not the dimes elsewhere, for they will turn into shillings here. If vou don't be lieve it. try the experiment. E. GR 411 VM i errysuurg, May 12, 1854. 10 BOOKS FOR THE MILLION! ing, and am prepared to supply the citizens of Per ?lnlT, ai,d, SorthwesteJ,n Ohio, with a large ar.d well selected iwj.irkn.f,,, e Historical, Biographical, Poetical, Theolo-, xucttcut, Classical, and, School Books in general; Also, Bibles, Prayer books, Annuals, Gift books. Toys, tjre. -r. A hirge assortment of FA1NC1 AND PT.ATNT ST J-nnAir-nv Gold Pens made expressly for the Crystal Palace Exhibition, and in fine, almost everything that a -ood Book Store ought to keep, which I will sell for ca-h or exolinivra f,,r ....i...i i . '"o-"! inueaaie or retan, as cheau as can be bought this side of New York City. Clergymen, Teachers, and Associations purchas ing Libraries, supplied at a liberal discount Maumee City, Oct. 17, 1853. P. C. HOLT. X 11. A. CROSS, r&'l?t?,,imakC1' aMd Jeweler, SHrS.- mostrespectfullyinvirethe citizens ?Ln n 9 V' P.err-sIju'. Watervilleand vicin- his 1HESH SUPPLY OF NEW JEWELRY fust f'iI".,li-to.n-t,'e assortment' Gent ' V 7r i 75 "-W of Ladies and Gents iine Gold Breast Pins; Gents' Diamond Scarf Pins ; Gents' Diamond Kings ; Ladies' June nor Cuff Pins; Ladies' Ruby, Emerald, Pearl, and GarnetRings ; Fine Gold Lockets ; Ear-rin-s of a kinds and qualities ; beautiful alva coral Bracelets hne Gold Bracelets with settings; Ladies' Go Chains; Gents' extra fine Gold Vest Chains Tnew style ; Silver and Gold Pencils; CorneMan iliW b atches, Clocks, Gold and Silver Watch Key gether with a general assortment of every variety of goods m his line. J 'nciy or Cash buyers will find this a very desirable stock and I would also say that I can and will sell jewelry ten per cent cheaper than Toledo merchants Maumee City, Oct. 17. R.a CR() Tt 9 & MOWING MACHINES. torbiish s improved Reaping and Mowing Ma chines, manufactured in Buftakfbv the America,, Reaping and Mowing Machine Company. 1 he subscriber is authorized to sell theabove Ma chines, at the manufacturers' prices, adding trans, nortationonly. One of the above Machines hal been put m working order and can be examined bv calling on 1MYID L.YDD ' Price of Mower and Reaper combined, $ " of Mower alone, T. Perrysburg, June 15, 1S54. 15wG CJCHOOL TEACHERS There will be a O meeting of the Board of School Examiners for Vood coun y at the court house in Perrysburg, on the second 1 uesday of September, 1S54, at 9 oVIock A. M., tor the examination of teachers Sept.2.1854.-23w2J'II-KEWT;N'C,erk- SHERIFF'S SALE. Leonard W hitmure vs. Chas. -. Jenisou impl'd with B . vmer. I virtue of a writ of vendi to me directed, from ii- r t',urt of C0Elmn pleas of Wood county, Ohio, I will oiler for. sale at the door of the court house m Perrysburg, on the 2d day of October next between tho hour ,,f i-t ing real estate, to wit : The equal undivided one- ..wui , uret iraci io. eigmv-nve, ot tne United States reserve of 12 nules square at the foot of the rapids of the Miami of Lake Erie, containing l;k acres, excepting 25 acres belonging to Luther Whit more, it being on tho east side, running parallel expthiglots Nos. 10, 11 and 12. A . John Elpkk, Coronen and Acting SheiW' 'James Murbay, Att'y. 1 Sept. 2, 1854.23w52J3 .