Republican Nominations.
Tor Judge of the Supreme Court,
For Member of the Board of Public "Works,
Attorney nt Law, Solicitor in Chancery, Land Agent,
tic. &c. Office in the court house, Perrysburg, O.
Manufacturers of ull kinds of Taper and Blank
Books. Springfield, Ohio.
WM. M. KOHL & CO.,
I mporters & Dealers in Perfumery andFancy Goods
also, ull the genuine Family Medicines.
N. E. corner 4th & Vine streets, Cincinnati, O.
All orders promptly attended to.
CHURCH, HAYES Ac Co., Wholesale Deal
KJ ersin Foreign & Domestic Dry Goods, Beady
Madi: Clotiiinh, Groceries, Boots and Stioes,
Sikaw Goons, Iuon, Nails, Glass, Glass Ware,
and Pittsburg Manufactures in general.
JjrPartioular attention paid to orders.
Morris Block No. 4, Toledo, Ohio.
"VJ" II. CALLARD respectfully informs the
merchants and citizens generally of Perrys
burg and its vieinitv, that he has opened a
ver 3. A. Hall's store, where he will at all times
Cduring business hours) be ready to cut and manu
facture CLOTHING in the latest and best style. All
orders given will be accomplished with promptitude
and economy.
N. B. Cutting done for the Trade, and warranted
to tit when properly made up. au22ly
O AD D LER Y HARDWARE. J ust received
lO and now ottered to the trade at the very lowest
terms, a complete assortment of Saddlery Hardware
direct from the manufactory.
good assortment of Joiners and Carpenters' Tools,
warranted of the best quality.
Also Well-tops and Chains, at prices equal to
Toledo and Buffalo. J & W HOOD,
Perrysburg, May 19, 18o3. No 1 FromVst.
Q AWS, 11 and 12 inch Mully and Sash ; also,
KJ plain and hook toothed Cross-cut, at
SAWYERS. A Gumming Machine for
sale. Also, baws gummea.at tiijju a.
June 21, 1S54.
VARIETY of beautiful and ornamental Time
Jr. Pieces at HOOD's.
LARGE assortment of WALL and WINDOW
PAPER, choice patterns, at HOOD's.
CJCEINE and Wool TWINE, ahd other Cordage
at HOOD's.
D cheap and brilliant light," at HOOD's.
IiRENCH, German and Yankee NOTIONS, at
i1 HOOD's.
1EDAR POSTS.3.000 Cedar Posts, single
KJ posts or in logs, at HOOD S.
(tO A US 13 SALT and Fine Salt, in bags, at
O LE D O NURS ERY. We are now offering
JL for sale a Large Stock of Fruit Trees, con
sisting of Apple,
Pear and Cherry, both Standard and Dwarf,
Peach, Plum,
Apricot, Nectarine,
Quince, Raspberry,
Goosoberry, Currrant,
Strawberry, Pie Plant,
Asparagus, &c. &C.&C.
Also, a very full and complete stock of
Ornamental Trees, Shrubs and Plants,
consisting in part of nearly all of the choice ever
okeens and deciduous trees and shruus.
the classes of hoses, the finest sorts strong bloom
ing plants, cnoicB vines and creepers, Honey
suckle, Grecian Silk Vine., Ivy, tec; Pwonias.
such as Verbenas, Petunias, Dahlias, Carnations,
Fuchsias, Geraniums, Exotic Plants. &c. itc. Also,
Tlf Green and Hot House Plants.
All orders, whether on the ground or by mail,
'accompanied by cash or satisfactory reference, when
from strangers, will receive prompt and careful at
tention. With our present large and fine stock
are determined to do our share towards supplying
the wants of the W est.
We furnish, gratuitously, our descriptive Cata
logue. Those who may order it by mail should en
close two postage stamps to prepay postage.
3TTo the people of Wood and adjoining coun-
ties we offer renewed inducements to plant orchards
oi choice fruit.
Toledo, March 20, 1854. 4m3
The price of this paper is $1.50 in ad
vance. If payment be delayed six months,
25 cents will be added ; if it be delayed till
the end of the year, 50 cents additional will
be charged, invariably.
HAVE just returned from New York and are now
opening at the old stand of George Powers,
cm Front street,
A large and well selected assortment of
Staple and Fancy Dry t Joods,
Consisting in part ot wool and Cotton Goods of all!
Groceries, Hardware, Crockery, Boots and!
Shoes, School Books and Stationery, Nails, Glass,!
Shovels, Spades, Chains, &c; Hats, Caps, Bonnets,
Beady Made Clothing in fine, a complete variety
of articles usually found in a retail store, and which
will be offered at unusual! v low viriees fnr (?a&h nr
Produce. All persons desirous of purchasing Goods,
will find it to their advantage to call and examine;
our stock before purchasing elsewhere. j
"We wish it to be distinctly understood that for;
cash or merchantable produce, we wilt not be un-
dersold by any other establishment in the place in!
(ioods or tho same Quality. We will at all times!
pay the highest market price in Cash for Wheat, i
Grass Seed. Pork, &c, and will also receive in ex-
change for Goods, Produce of almost every kind, and!
cash will not be refused, but received with iovful
hearts and pleasant looks. November 1, 1853.
42tf lLL rjvwi.:Rs.
Another Instalment or
New Goods !
TV D. PECK & CO. are this day receiving
I, directly from New York via N. Y. '& E. R. R..
an elegant and extensive stock of
Consisting of a general assortment of Dry Goods,
such as Cloths. Casimeres. Jeans. Sheetings. Shirt
ings, Drills, Prints, Gintrhams. Lawns. DeLaines.
Berages.Silk Tissues, Cambrics, Laces. Edgings.
&c. &c. A good variety of Dress Trimmings and '
fiats, waps, jjonnets ana j. rim-
Velvet Ribbons.
mings, of the latest styles and CHEAP.
1 .3 - J - m iL: " . i , . 1 1
iveuuy luduo wuumig ill any quantity aim at ail
Also, a complete stock of Groceries, Hardware.
Crockery, Boots and Shoes, Iron, Nails, Glass, Paints
and Oils.
All the above Goods, and others too numerous to
mention, will be sold to suit purchasers.
Come and see us 2
July 9,1853.
SHAWLS! We have this day received by ex
press a splendid assortment of fall and winter
Shawls, comprising a variety of styles of the
Square and Long SHAWLS. Those in want of a
good shawl, will do well to examine these before
purchasing. Oct 3 E. D. PECK & CO.
Ground Plaster.
BBLS. Ground Plaster this day received and
and for sale by E D PECK & Co.
April 30. 1853
HINGLES 50,000 good Pine Shingles, for sale
E D PECK & Co.
K ( PINE SHINGLES, this day rece'd
0J))JJ and for sale by E. T. PECK & Co.
LOUGHS. Geo. W. Brown & Co. are ma-
king, and have ready for sale, either at
Nos. 1, 3 and 4 of Long's Right and Left Hand
Ploughs, of a little the latest improvement out.
These Ploughs are manufactured by us, made of the
best materials, and warranted to give entire satis
faction. Farmers and others wishing Ploughs, will
do well to call at Brown & Hunt's Tin Shop and
look. mh27-3tf
Stand From Under !
THOSE indebted to the subscribers are most re
respectfully invited to walk up and pay up.
The papers can be found at our office for a short
time, where they can be paid without any additional
charges. BROWN & HUNT.
Perrysburg, Feb. 27, 1S54.
THE only place to get the money for Hides, green
or dry. Sheep-skins, Beeswax and Feathers, is
at BROWN & HUNT'S, who atall times are ready
to pay the highest price in Money. So bring thein
right along.
They have for sale every description of
Stoves, Stove Pipe &; Tin Ware.
Give them a call, and if they cannot suit you, there
is no need of trying elsewhere. Store corner Front
street St Louisiana Avenue. oct24J
New 1 854. Store .
THE subscriber having purchased the entire stork
and taken the stand occupied by M. KEY, jr.
and HOSS & KEY, respectfully solicits the patron
age of tho late linn and the public generally. For
further particulars please call on the subscriber, at
tho old stand of Boss & Key, where you will find a
warranted to give satisfaction, and ottered for sale
on the most reasonable terms.
j.in23-4Gtf A. M. THOMPSON.
la in? disposed of my entire stock of goods to
A. M. '.Thompson, I would cheerfully recommend
Mr. T. to tho patronage of my old customers and
the public generally. Marshall Key, jr.
Jan. 23, 18.rl.
IjlI'jGIl IIATNUIIXiiS. e are just rceeiv
kinds; J- ing our spring stock of Paper Hangings, such as
Wall Pater,
"Window Paper, and
Fire Board Prints,
"Which comprises the largest assortment ever opened
in this market, and which we offer at wholesale and
retail, at the lowest possible rates.
Murch 27 .'3tf D. H. NYE Si CO.
tiii'tii tw tiii, TMirui
(?2v v- t 7) i r , t
(lAt tk6 6lSn f thc lhS alch,
S&iS3 . SUMMIT street, Toledo.
"LTliNRY T. COOK respectfully informs his ten
X-L thousand personal friends, and the good people
of Toledo, Mautnee City, Perrysburg, and all the
country round, that he has opened the most coin
plete and splendid stock ever ottered in the city, and
is receiving daily additions from the best European
and liastern manufacturers of
It would be quite useless to attempt an enumera
tion of the brilliant articles his show cases now con
tain ; but ladies and gentlemen will please call and
see bis splendid
Cold and Silver Watches,
of every variety, quality and pattern, at prices rang
ing from Ten to One Hundred and Fifty Dollar.
tho largest and richest assortment ever seen here, at
from Twelve to Fifty Dollars.
f Unequalled beautv. weight and finish, at from
i i rnycrt iyar.
Magnificent Diamond Pins and Rings, of the
latest styles, and at the lowest prices.
t l'perior Pen and Pocket Knives, of elegant
patterns and finished workmanship, the finest lot in
Plain, Octagon and Beautiful Inlaid Clocks,
of the best manufacture, at Two and a Half to Fif
teen Dollars. With a countless variety of
Locrets, Gold Pencils,
Rinus, Gold Pens,
Ear Drops, Watch Seals,
Cuff Pins, Breastpins,
Brooches, Studs, iVc,
And everything else ever seen or heard tell of in a
jewelry establishment. Prices lov er than the lev est.
5E!rSpecial care given by tho best workmen in
the country to kepaiimnu watches and jewelrv,
and all work warranted.
Don't fur get the place Sign of the llig
Watch, Summit street, between Jefferson and Mad
ison streets. mr20yl H.T.COOK.
BO OK UIHDERY, Bliss's Building, Sum
mit street, Toledo, Ohio.
P. IV. PIPER would respectfully inform the
citizens of Toledo and surrounding country, that he
is now prepared to do all work in his line, with des
patch and in btvlk not to u-k surpassed. Blank
Books for
Ilank,. hwmmt Ow.pmte. Forwarder
County Officers, frc.
made nit the shortest notice.
-2rM agazines and Old Books bound to pattern.
N.B. One of Town's Patent PacixoMaciiines,
for paging Blank Books, is in operation at this es
tablishment. Ruling of all kinds done to order.
Toledo, March 20, 1S54. 2yl
Waterville, Maumee CAly and Perrysburg
THE subscriber having established the Marble
buiiiness in Waterville and Maumee City, asks
the inhabitants of these places, and vicinities, to give
him a calland examine his large stock of MARBLE.
My Marble is from Rutland and Dorsett. Vt.,and
North Adam3, Mass. My stock consists of 3,000 feet,
so that any can have a chance to make a selection.
My prices will be one-fourth to one-third less than
the people have been in the habit of paying in this
section of country. My terms will be cash, or good
notes on a reasonable time.
My shop at Waterville, is just north of the School
house, near tho canal; and at Maumee City, on
Broadway, between the Pearl Mills and the Maumee
Wooleu Factory in Mr. McNeese's Cloth Office.
Those who wisl for Grave Stones or Monuments,
now is your time. So give me a call if you do not
purchase. GIDEON MYERS.
Waterville Si Maumee City, Jan. 3, l&rA. 18yl
For Sale,
A HOUSE & LOT in Bowling Green; also, an
excellent little Farm of a mile west of Bowl
ing Green, of 60 acres, 40 improved, with young
orchard, Stc, situated on a good road. For terms,
price, &o inquire at this office. S. CLARK.
C1 PERRIN is constantly enlarging his buri
J nessand improving his facUitiesfnrduiiig go l
work, and respectfully solicits an enlarged publir
patronage. His customers will generally find him
prompt, attentive to business, and anxious to acc lu
niodate those who pay for their work. He is r -pared
to make to order, Wagons for Farmer ai d
Teamsters, Buggies of the most approved and taste
ful styles; Pleasure Carriages of ull kinds; Cam,
Drays, Timber Wheels, &c. &c. His work vill I
made of the best materials, in a good Mibstantiii I
inimrer, hik! on reasonable terms.
He keeps constantly on hand for sale, . I'MHI'R
Farmers, Look Here!
He manufactures Halt W CI Il'l VATOIt.
a new article patented April (ith, 1,V to vl.b h In
would call the attention of agriculturists. An n la
borsaving machine, it is capable of doing iiuM"
the amount of work of any ordinary Cultiat( r.-
This implement has tvvo'long shares, one ti eatb
side, constructed of steel, and fastened on thc mould
boards in such a manner as to move thc entire -face
of the ground, thereby cutting all roots hA
weeds that come in contact with the tbuies vl ii l;
may be graduated by the clevy to run from two to
six inches in depth.
The three small plows attached to the shures nt -swerthu
same purpose of thc common tooth ctJti -vator,
und in addition to the shares und plowi-. ii- a
metallic blade rake attached to the rear of the Cul
tivator, which serves to cut and break up thcsi!
ana Hard lumps, leaving the earth in a tine mid pul
verized condition. '1 he etleetiveness of this cultiva
tor renders second hoeing unnecessary, which is a
saving of time and labor.
Mr. Perrin also manufactures a larger sized irn
cbine. constructed upon the same principle as tit
above, but with larger shares, and containing tw..
small plows in addition to the corn cultivator, w hi b
is designed to put in grain, and working ujm.ii sum
mer fallows. They are light, and of durable ru
strurtion. readily handled and nf easy draught.
This Cultivator obtained the first premium nt
the hio State Fair, heid at 'leveland in Se pt. . 1 :.'
Shop on l-ront-st., Perrysburg, Ohio. 11 tf
A Book fur every Father, Mother, Son inn!
just ITHI.ISHKI". and now ready for sai k,
By . M. Rutison, at the Quern City PuldishmQ
House, No. 1 lf Main street. Cincinnati. Ohio,
General Agent for the western and south
ern states.
'I he People's Mrdicnl Lighthouse.
ON the I ses ami Diseases of the Lung. Ilmrt.
Liver, Stomach. Kidnejs, Womb and Blood ; a
key to the causes, prevention, remedies and cure of
pulmonary and other kinds of Consumption, AMfc
ma. Bronchitis, Heart Diseases, Dyspepsia Liu r
Comidaint, Ague and Fever. Baldness, DenfncM.
Blindness, Spinal Curvatures. Headaches, Catjrrl ,
Costiveness,l)iarrhna. Dvsenterv ;
Diseases ,
.M.wuiJAoi. uuidi: : on earlv marriai'ti irmurli f
Piles and Fistula, Miscarriage," F
Cancers and Tumors. Falling of W
Makki.uu: G
ni'Mia iir..ntiu.t ,i. ......... :. ... - .t
......, .,.,,...,. (.cci aiiun, prevention ci coi,i c'
tion, impressions on tho female organs and on tin
unborn child, art of procreating the sexes at will, ami
how to render childbirth easy and safe, and retain
....... ,-vaitiy uun elasticity Ol Ix.it ll
body and mind to a ripe old age, by Harmon K.
Root, A. M.. M. D., author ..f a scries of hctun h
on health, and inventor of the infallible lung barom
eter. Illustrated with t T rare, interesting and use
ful engravings. This work, containing 4712 )rgt
octavo pages, in clear type, and elegantly bound.--Price
2. jir-This book will be sei.t'by mail to
any part of the world, on the reception of $1', bv
letter (jxist paid.)
Agents wanted to sell this work throughout th
Td-ire,, Mr"M "
The people's Medical Lighthouse 1-4 ft rimiititit
guide to the preservation of health and the cure of
every kind of disease, and will be found of inestima
ble value by every individual and family to whom it
comes. It contains the long and varied experiei e
of the author in tho practice of his profession, so ar
ranged and written as to be plain to every person,
and easy of comprehension. The jargon of medical
terms, behind which .many physicians seek to lii.U?
their ignorance, is discarded ; so that in verity it is u
Lighthouse of Medicine for tho universal people.
The book has received the highest recommenda
tions from the clergy and press'in various parts of
the eastern and middle states.
N. B. Editors of pa jicrs in the w estern and south
ern states, giving the above advertisement including
this notice, four or more insertions, and sending cop
ies of the papers containing the same, sliull have a
copy of the Medicul Lighthouse, muiled to theirad
druss, free of postage. H. M. RULISON,
April 28, 1854. 8 w4 llij Main-st., Cin. O.
riMIE TOLEDO IILADE has been enlarged
X to the size of the largest dailies on the Lakes.
Hereafter special exertions will be made to make it
authoritative on subjects of commerce, the markets,
and the news of the day. It daily publishes the la
test Telegraphic news, and usually contains th
markets of Buffalo and New York of the day it U
Connected with the office, is a BINDERY, om
ply supplied with hand9 and machinery, which will
promptly execute any work demanded by the want
of the country.
Subscriptions and work for the Bindery received
at this office.