110 THE PEIUIYSBURG JOURNAL. Hull Prairie Outlet. NOTICE is hereby given that the Trustees of Middleton township, in Wood county, Ohio,' will meet at tins house of A. 11. Rudolf, in huh! township, on Monday, t!ie yd day of September; next, at ID o'clock a. .m., to view and locate a ditch, iW it water course, to commence at the center of feetiwu 3'J, in fractional township G, range 10, and; ran thence nwrth n the west side of it county road: nil said line, to the north line of section 24, in said, township mid range, on the Miltouville road, so1 b illed, and apportion the making tlie same upon the' ttivncr of 'the following described hinds, set uppo-j site to the names of the supposed owners, In such' portions as shall be deemed just mid rilit accord-1 i.igto the benefits derived by the making said ditch, to wit: JC.l.a-c. rnrtof. 1). M. Mettord, 10 0 33 w u vv Amos Wilkliam, 10 G 3G s e ii vr ?ulver Blue, U G 3iJ u e u w Henry Botsdorf, 10 li ;t!i swne Julius C. Ilulibell, 10 G 33 u w n e Timothy Baker, 10 (1 35 cue Francis Meaglv, 10 (! L'li eg James A. Spafford.lO G 2G n e Francis Meagly, 10 (i 25 w s r Ozin (Jalpin, 10 G 25 e a w Thomas B. Welsh, 10 G 25 s w 8 e Wooster Fa v. 10 (i 25 n w 8 e 10 U 25 n w 1 & vv J it e f 240 Acre. so; 4oj 40 40 io 80 80 ftO 80 - 4o 40 w n w s s w ,t s vv s e u e n e n ' s w & n w s e w i n e & s e n e e si w e n e e s e 80 12o 40! 120 80 SO 8o A. li. Rudolf, John Tavlor, 10 6 21 Teck & Robertson, 10 0 24 Luke K. Robertson, 10 ( 24 John Rider. 10 i 21 Johu Jo'nnson, 10 0 21 Oliver B. lirown, 10 (i 24 Jatncs A. Spalt'ord, 10 G 2'i Peck Si Robertson, 10 (i 2J And trom thence said ditch to bo extended west on the south side of suhrMUtonville road, to the west idc of the Hull Prairie road; and thence cm the most suitable ground for water course to empty into the Foot run, so ealled, wr iuto u trull v on Da-1 vid Creps's firm, as may be determined by Maid trustees to be the most suitable outlet, uud appor tion the making the saiua upon the owners of the lands above described, and also upon the owners of tne following described lands, m sucli portions as shall he deem id just aud right according to the! benefits derived front the making tke saiuo, from; Hie point where it starts on the said .Miltoaville road to the final outlet, to wit: ll.T.Sec. Part of. Acre. Henry Crook, 10 0 K$ w pt fraction JM.40 John Johnson, 10 l-'J w J ept fraction 5l.(i. Luke F. Robertson, 10 G 13 e .J e pt fraction 5 !.(' William Uarbee, 1 i4frao w of II. P. road t.abnel lout, 10 (i 15 JIanry Rerntliisel, 10 G 15 Loriu Clark, 10 (i 22 MThiteomb Unkiii,10 ti 22 I,eander llintnaii, 10 G 22 Anthony Haines, 10 G 22 Jenkins&TreadwelllO ( 22 AtneliiM Robertson, 10 G 2'f AVm. H. Wetmore. 10 ?.t Jadison(i WetinorelO 0 2'J OsmoudM Wetmore 10 li ay Frankliu A Wetmore 10 G 25 Digby, Pit kiriug & Davison, 10 0 2G Joseph Barnes, 10 G 2G Nelson Robertson, 10 G 2G Wm. If. Kwiug, 10 G 2( M. (i. Wetmore, 10 G 2li ). M. Wetmore, 10 ', 2(J F. A. Wetmore, 10 G 2(i Teter Uoweu, It G 27 Lorin Clark, 10 G 27 Crisses Trotter, 10 (i 27 John Hoaland, 10 G 27 Leander Ilininan, 10 li 27 Moore & Beardsley.10 (J 27 Alien M.Mclvahan.lO 0 27 Sebastiiin Kebele, 10 G 27 W.B.VaudervsdgerslO G 27 Kdgar B. Camp, 10 27 AVm. & J. C.Be tch.K) G 31 v e fraction vy fractioa w s e ' S VV 4 3 VV U W e s e n w n w n e i e i u w w s e e s vy & w n e w s w w n w e n w n w ijr w n e w s w w s e e .J n e s w s e a w w i ti e s w e u e . n vv n e s e n w w n w 8 vv n e b vv s v w s e n e n vv e s vv & n w e s e s w i s w 88.87 87.2o 80 120 80 40 210 - 80 JGo 80 80 80 I GO sin 8) 80 20 40 2o 80 40 4o SO 40 40 80 40: 120 HO1 Kio; C. W. & C. I. MoorelO G 3le n e less s nt e i n e 70 Daniel Jewell, 10 G 31 s e e j e n e 10 iearge Rapp, 10 G 34 w u e 80 Mortis Rumpe, 10 G 31 n e n w 40 John Apel, 10 ( 31 s o n w & w s c 120 Willard V. Way, 10 G 31 w n w 80 Bzekiel Wilson, 10 G 31 ese 80 John Coen, Peter Krb, 10 (i 35 Timothy li iker, io G 35 L unius Chapman., 10 6 35 ll3iiry Swigart, 10 G 35 James Johuaon, 10 G 35 Lydia Thomas, 10 G 35 Clark&nramnn.U.S.R.l yi 10 G 35n e n w s e n w A w s e 80 Win. Bui-bee, " 1 05 Batrick Mclsaae, M 1 ,J5 H?nrv Sarvis, " 1 y.i Sophia Mclsa ie. " J 3tt Andrew Pargillis. " 1 3d vv w u vv w u e ese es w n vv s vv 8 W 8 W 8 half s w qr ese vv s e ,v s vv s e & e 8 St. HO 80 80 40i 40 820 IGOj 80 80: 80' 1G0 A. R. RFDOLK, (1 ioiin ridi:r. L- Hill l'j':l''l. .1 ill v , 1 155 liiwh inmittee. Middle Ditch. i j ' NOTICi". is hereby given that the Trustees of Perrysbui'gand Middleton townships, in Wood I county, Ohio, will meet nt the house of Richard Carter, on Tuesday, the 4th day of September next, at 10 o'clock a. M., to view and locate a ditch for a watercourse, to commence on the Willow Prairie ; road, at the south cast comer of the N. W. quarter ; of section 3G, in township 1, in the U. S. Reserve of 12 miles square, and rim thence north, on the west ! side of a county mad running north to the south line of section 14 in the same township ; thence east the south line of said section 24, SO rods to the ! middle of said south lino ; thence north through the ' iiiuMJe ot satil section 2 Ion the jlneot the aforesaid count v road, to the most suitable outlet into the Maumce river, without discharging the water into (ir assy creek, and apportion the making said ditch upon the owners of the following described lands set opposite to tl,o names of the supposed owners, in such portions a shall be deemed just and right according to the benefits to be derived by the ma- I j king said ditch, to wit Ji.T.Sec. Jennings & Burns, U.S.R. 4 John A- RoUentsou, " 4 Avery Tracy, " 4 Isaac Rutts," " 1 Wm.& J.C.lJcax-h, " 1 Seth Rruce, " 1 J. & W. Dunapaee, " 1 Mites W Plaine, M 1 Ileum- If awlev, l Tkoii'iM M. Rev, " 1 Part of.- Acres. 18 IS iy l-t M iy iy vi Win. Russell, : I Mary Spaft'ord, " 1 13 Daniel F. Cook, " 1 14 same "1 11 Owen Williams, ' " 1 14 Win. &J.C. Beach, " 1 23 (Jeorge Sch'npel. " 1 23 Andrew Schippel, " 1 23 Benedict Schollar, " 1 23 Barbara Fackclman " 1 23 John Oilman, " 1 2:'. Silas Drull, "1 21 WUHani Ford, " 1 21 Susaiiuafell.St.John " 1 21 Samuel Russell, i M 1 2i Win. I. Jackson, ' 1 24 Catharine Sarks, " 1 24 Amedius ltuppe, " 1 21 Anthony AVeaver, " 1 24 Amedius Rappe, " 1 24 (ialusha Chan, " 1 25 John Byrnes. " 1 25 Satnuef Bridges, " 1 25 Adam Huffman, " 1 25 Nicholas Worthing, " 1 25 (Jeorge Schult, Joseph Cots, " 1 25 I'M ward llotchkiss, " I 25 Samuel Quiniby, " 1 25 Samuel Bridges, " 1 2G Flias Braman, " 1 2G Sebastian Shipped, " 1 2G Andrew Shipped, " 1 2G .lob B. Hoag, " 1 Pntrick Mclsaac, " 1 35 William H. lowing, " 1 35 RollaH. Chubb, " 1 3(j Richard Carter, " 1 3 Henry Sarvis, " 1 3(i JohnTavlor, " I 0 WJ1 WM n w n vv 8 w n w w s vv uud j e J 8 w J s e & e J s vv uud 1 e I s e s vv n e w J 9 e n e w n vv w s w 13und J e J a e lexs 20 a s w corner 13und i e i n e less 20 a s w corner e n vv & n w n e 40 4o 80 40 1G0 40 GO 80 80 und J e s e und l-G e i s c und i e j s e u e n e s e e s c 8 w s e s J n w 1 s e t n J n vv a c J n w e i s vv w pt n e c n e - . w s e e 8 e II M' 8 IV w hf s w s vv c hf s w 8 vv w hf s e e hf s w pr . w hf s w ipr w jr it w qr e hf vv hf n w p w n e w n c cue e s e vv s e e qr n e w .j n e n tt e s e n e w ii e w n e e ii vv n w n w s w xi vv 30 3o 120 2G.G0 13.yy 4o 1G0 4oj 40 40 20 20 1GO 80 SO SO 80 80 40 20 20 SO 80 80 4o 40 80 So so; SO! 80 40 120; 4o 4o so SO; FOUD, H. JACKSON, t Committee. Hull Prairie. Julv 21. 1855. 10wG So 40 40 Pcrryshiirpf Prices Current. j ; ; I 1 Miiom, ; r lour, .ih,.vw ; nye, . W CMr.ntj',"x',(i;, V'lt!,'wii('i:i,,J.;. la"e?d- St 5?1.0O; limothy. $1.50(3.00; Clover, tu.imi ..0 ; I otatoes ; Apples green 50((1.0O; .Imed, $L2owl..iO ; Peaches, dried, $1.00(1.25; Beans, $l.2(f l0 ; Butter, iyt)i; Lggs, 100 12 ; leeswax ff to ; l eathers. 31(' 44 t Fresh Pork. lw.lt; Mess do., 5.1o.OO(vrl.).00; Prime, --$8.00 ; Hums, 8gl0 ; Shoulders, G(,(8', Sides, (i(f G ; Fish, pickerel, $(.00rtr.7.o0; white titw. $5.50((G.0o ; Mungles, white wood. $l.oo; pine, $3.5oi4.(k0; Lumber, common $8.00OTlO.OO; puie, $12.00r. lo.OO; do. dressed, $18.00,20.00; Staves, flour barrel, $3.503.75; tight barrel, $5.50frG.0O; Lard, 8v,10 ; "Wool, 25((J30 ; Ilav, $8.00(10.00;: Wood.$l.2"W1.50; Onions, 50m.V; JJngs,4ft44. i ; j ! ROCK ROSE, an invaluable remedy for all dis- the Liver, Scrofulous and Bilious com-iter plaints. Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Cutaneous Erup-; with wonderful etticlonoy in vvrifyins th-blood, giving tuue and eliistlchy totlus system, thereby inspiring energy and power to throw olf those uu- planus, imiigesuon, iiyspepsia, uutaneous trup-j thms, Salt Rheum, Erysipelas, Coughs, Headache, Canker and Nursing Sore Mouth, Rheumatic and, Bronchial Affections, and Oneral Debility. It acts uierous diseases incident tu flu's cltuiute. Ill qH'irt 1 1 . t.Ie at $Iiu1i. I'I" Civ A' HAtWLTON. 21 f Plank Road Ditch. Irpni" under.-dgned, a committee appointed lv a X meeting of resident land owners interested' ih a more perfect ilmitinge of the Inhda liereiiinft'r 'dest-ribed, held at the house of K. Strickland, iii Perryshdrg township, on the 1 1 1 It day of July, 'p,r, in accordance with a resolution of snil tnettir.tr) hereby give notice thnt the trustees of Perrvtdmig and Middleton townships, in Wood count, Ohio, will meet at the house of said ft. Strickland, on Wednesday, the 5th day of September next, at lo o'clock a.m., to view the west ditch of the Pcrrvs oti burg and l'indlav Plank Rood, from tlie south line of the north lmlf of section 25, in fractional tuvvn- iship (, range JO, in Middleton townsdiin. to the north line of section 18, in tominhin 4. V. S. 11. of 12 miles square, in Peirvtdmrg towmhip.mid rmi.-e the same to be made three feet deep on an average, : with a un:form grade on the bottom, and ten feet j wide on top, mid apportion suid work upon the owners of the following described lands, iu nit U j portions as shall lie deemed just and riht aivoitl- g to tlie benefits to be derived from the deepening ami widening ot saol ditch. 1 he rt kpectiTe pnireU of laud are set opponife to the Humes of the mpu sod owners, to wit : Jos. T. Corv, V.S.R. 4 17 18 18 18 18 18 David I.iold. Ann C. Ktdieitson, Jennings & Burns, John A. Rtdicitson, Avery Tracy, James Jlall' Williavn Crook. James M.Whvt". Michael Diebert. Caleb Arner, Maine Sidnev I)aveniort, Svlvunus Jefferson, Kphraim Pollock, (ialusha Chase. Willard V. Way. James T. Skinner, Willard V. Way, James T. Skinner, Sylvanus Jetfersou, James, Henrv and John Hood, 11 F.dward Hotchkiss, 1 1 Part of. vv hf s w t hf ii e n w u e s w n e n e n w s e ii w e hf iwtteiir Acrr. Ml 12o 4 4o 4 0 24 t' e hf n w A w hf nilC" ! J'J 10 20 20 20 lli) 25 ;; 'M 31 31 31 13 18 e hf u c M e lif s w 8" w s e M e t s e ho w it s w So e hf vv n w qr . 40 iv hf w hf n w qr 411 iv hf a ii e qr 4o e lit 8 e qr ho e n c 8 e s e Mi n w qr Kill w hf w qr mi e lif s vv SO w fraction e fraction Matthew Rose, Willard Y.Way Si Allen Pardee, Addison Smith, Adam lleil, Henry Crook, Lorenzo Borden, Rolla II. Chubb, A. R. Rudolf. Henj. Johnson, II. Kin-. 143.5 108.114 11 G VJ w it n w fiucl''7.4S 19 It) H 24 s w frac v n vv w n e n w e s w qr s e qr e hf s e qr e hf n e or 200.70 so M 40 4 So so 11 G 3on hf n pt w fr n w qr 4 1 1 G 30s hf n lit w f r n ir 45 ! F.dward McOlvnn, 11 (i 30 n hf 8 'G-25W frtir f Jaines Strain, " II G 3(1 s hf s 1G-25 w fr or Sn Cha's S. (Jrosvenor.l 1 G 30 e hf n w qr 80 Robert Cor win, 11 G ;to vvhfneqr So lil'.NKVUOni),) JAMl'S BALL, Committee. W. V. WAY, 3 Perrtftnirg, Julv 21, 18.15. 10wG ' i i 1) ITCH NOT1CK. The non-resident and iin- tion .'!G, the whole of sections 25, 24, and fractional section 13, of town (i north, of range 10eii.t; also, the west three-fourths of sections 0 and 25; the cast one-fourth of sections .'5 and 2(i ; the vv hole of ! sections 24 and 13, all in ovn tuie f the l'nited 'States Reserve of Twelve Miles Square, in Wood county, Ohio, are notified that a petition has been ' presented to the trustees of Middleton und Perrvs- ! 1 1 1 1 11 F Kiirii:litrc 4 i 1 n f tyiA meu.dntr in a countv road at the center of section 3fi. I town G. range 10, thence north on ihe quarter line untii it C(,mes to a ooull(y roaat the south line of , j,.,, 24 tow, rune 10 the,1Le 1H,Hherlv along iJie v,est line of Ba'id county road, varving i wi,h"t)ie 'ogsln said rot.d until it intersects Fw mgrs eneeki i,rRecti.Ki V town 1, V. S. It.; thence dow i. ; .ni(1 t.reek to ti)ie Ust line of said section 13 ; and . ttlat sa;a trmHe-es will meet on :d dav f SeT.tember, ,tt tlP bse ttf A. R. Rudolf, in Middleton townsiil.ito wiev iisd lay out the same, and that tlieT ,villadj(mrn from dav to dav until the same is completed. ALMKRF.N BROWN rtnt., Jly 20, 1855. 10wC$3.G5 rctitioncrs. DITCH KOTICK. To the non-resident land holders ofhe south half of section 4, town 5 north, ranee 12 east: iiorriilialf of section U : north ; west quarter of section l0.ivd fJhesortith west quar easesof of seetioii.t. TIia imihIam of Freedom ton n. ship will meet at the house of James l'tnibet on itot., tor tlie purpose ot ngat t he Webster town- shin line hetweii sections 4 and !). thence east on or near ha snc4ion Jine between sections 4 and !f , and 3 and lOto the run near the quarter section .corner 'bet ween sections 3 and 10, and toappoi tion l each land owner his jiroportion of said ditch. ship will meet at the house of Jam the 12th day of September iiot, for laving out a tiitch, beginning Jrt the ' sh'ii line between sections 4 and l), Mam rjKiiito.NtJts. ; Jiily2818.3.ljHi:2..'.0